• How to look beautiful and stylish every day. How to be beautiful every day: six rules. Health, friendliness and tranquility


    Many have learned from their own experience that the power of positive thinking is great. Positive thinking allows you to achieve success in any endeavor, even the most unpromising. Why doesn't everyone have positive thinking, since it is a direct path to success?

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    There are times when a person is hit by a series of problems and a dark streak comes in life. It feels as if the whole world has rebelled against him. How to get out of a streak of failures and start enjoying life again?

    There are more than seven billion people on Earth. They are all unique and differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in their set of psychological traits. There is a category of people who easily communicate with strangers, easily fit into unfamiliar companies and know how to please almost anyone. Such people are more successful in their personal lives and careers than others. Many people want to become just such people, a sort of “life of the party.” Today we will talk about what to do to please people and become a more successful person.

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    Can not imagine modern man who is not subject to stress. Accordingly, each of us experiences such situations every day at work, at home, on the road; some sufferers even experience stress several times a day. And there are people who constantly live in a stressful state and don’t even know it.

    Life is a strange and complex thing that can throw up several dozen troubles in one day. However, it is worth remembering: any trouble is a lesson that will definitely come in handy sometime in the future. If a person is an honest student, then he will remember the lecture the first time. If the lesson was unclear, life will confront you with it again and again. And many people take this literally, making their lives more difficult! But sometimes you shouldn’t tolerate certain things, looking for life lessons in them! What specific situations should be stopped?

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    Anyone who is engaged in self-development knows that he cannot do without a feeling of discomfort. Quite often, people confuse discomfort with a bad streak in life and begin to complain, or even worse, try to avoid change. But as experience shows, only by going beyond comfort can we find and gain all the benefits we need.

    Who among us does not dream of being the most beautiful? Catch the admiring glances of men, accept sincere compliments, and look at your reflection in the mirror with a feeling of complete satisfaction, and even joy.

    But reality can be much harsher than our dreams.

    Think about it, how often are you dissatisfied with your appearance? Meanwhile, solving this problem is perhaps much easier than you think, without resorting to the services of cosmetologists, stylists and plastic surgeons.

    You may not be beautiful...

    ...but well-groomed - of course!

    Look around how little there really is in the world beautiful people! Beautiful one the most natural, ideal beauty. There are only a few of these...
    But there are many people who have a special attractiveness and charm that is unique to them. They are not perfect, they are all different, but there is something about them that attracts like a magnet. This is charm, a kind of charisma! The desire to please people.

    I want you to understand that there is no point in wanting to be like a model or some super beauty. After all, you are a thousand times better, you just need to reveal your potential!

    But there's another one little secret success - you should always be well-groomed. Being well-groomed has enormous power, it is your highlight, your attractiveness.

    What prevents us from looking well-groomed?

    Just let’s not talk now about the lack of money for expensive cosmetics, clothes, and stylists. They are not at all necessary to be well-groomed. Such excuses are just harmful stereotypes ingrained in your brain.

    Let's get rid of them now!

    So, what is stopping us from looking well-groomed? And everything is as simple as shelling pears – it’s just plain laziness!

    Do you doubt it? Do not believe?

    What does a well-groomed girl look like?

    A well-groomed girl can be seen from afar. She may not be at all distinguished by her natural beauty, but there is something about her... Some kind of special harmony, gloss. She is always flawless - silky hair that you want to touch, tender velvet leather, bright radiant eyes, special style, making her a truly unique personality. She's flawless.

    I think now you understand what a well-groomed girl looks like, the next step is to understand how to become one.

    How to always look well-groomed?

    It is naive to believe that now I will give you a magic pill, and you will immediately become so well-groomed, well-groomed, beautiful, beautiful, and the guys will be stacked at your feet, and the princes will take off their hats.

    Being well-groomed is a whole science. This is daily work. I repeat, you need to work every day. 1-3 hours a day. Is it a lot or a little? It depends…

    I foresee your protests regarding the acute shortage of time.

    Everyone always misses him.

    The problem is that we spend a lot of time on trifles. Such precious time, which could be very useful to us for more important matters...

    For this I have developed a small step by step instructions, which will tell you how to always look well-groomed.

    "How to look well-groomed"

    Step 1 – Find time for yourself

    In order to be well-groomed and beautiful, you need to take care of your appearance every day. Don't waste your day on trifles. Moreover, it doesn’t take much time to become well-groomed.

    Set aside 45 minutes for your beauty in the morning and 1.5 hours in the evening on weekdays. And on the weekend, devote 3-4 hours to your appearance.

    This will be quite enough.

    Step 2 – Start your morning right!

    Well-groomed girl sets the alarm clock in advance right time. She wakes up with a smile and does exercises to be cheerful, beautiful and total energy the whole coming day. Much has been said about a glass of water on an empty stomach and a proper breakfast - this is very important for maintaining health and attractiveness as you age.

    Step 3 – sports must be! (And they should also be a joy)

    It will probably be unnecessary to talk about the importance of physical activity. However, not every one of us is able to overcome laziness and go to the nearest fitness center and gym.

    Meanwhile, you have a great chance to save your time and money, and even get a great figure. And I mean this quite seriously.

    Now on the Internet you can download a lot of the most different videos lessons.

    For girls with poor athletic training who love gentle stretching exercises, bodyflex is ideal. I recommend downloading “Bodyflex with Marina Korpan”, because today her system has no equal on the RuNet.
    For lovers of active fitness, the course “ Beautiful figure in 30 days with Jillian Michaels." I recently found this course on the Internet and really liked it. As Gillian herself says: “It’s simple and effective!”

    No need to buy CDs! All of these lessons can be downloaded online for free. If you don’t find it, write to me and I’ll share my notes.

    Step 4 – Face and body care

    Your beauty arsenal should always include makeup remover, face toner, body cream and, of course, perfume!

    Don't forget to take care of your appearance every day.

    Don't go to bed without thoroughly cleansing your face first.

    After taking a bath, always apply cream to your body, because it is not only good for the skin, but also incredibly pleasant! Do cosmetic procedures at home with simple ingredients. There are such recipes on our website.

    Pamper yourself more often. And never forget what a well-groomed girl should look like and what she shouldn’t look like!

    Your hair also requires attention and care. Let it be not only shampoo and conditioner, but also masks once a week, and self-massage of the head with each wash. It would seem like little things that don’t take up much time, but they will make your hair truly royal. Then you will understand what well-groomed hair is, radiating health and natural strength.

    And try to use a hairdryer as little as possible. His hair splits and breaks.

    Don't forget about your hands: they should always be in order. Beautiful, neat nails, manicure that matches well with your clothes.

    Don't go outside without a drop of your favorite perfume and light, natural makeup. The aroma of perfume should be slightly perceptible. If you go to important meeting, it is better not to use perfume, the interlocutor may not like the aroma and the meeting will not be successful.

    Speaking of makeup...

    Step 5- Flawless Makeup

    Makeup is a must! And it should be natural. I spoke in more detail about natural makeup in the article ““.

    Learning how to apply makeup is not difficult, it's all a matter of practice. And don’t listen to those who say that a girl should be without makeup. Ladies should be liked by the men around you, and then your loved one will appreciate you and be afraid of losing you.

    However, remember that for special occasions there should be special, brighter and more noticeable makeup.

    How to do nude makeup for summer period you can watch in this video:

    Step 6-Shape and perfect your style

    Do you have your own style? No? You're wrong! Each person has his own style, it’s just that for some it’s, well... lame, let’s put it that way.
    And all because we often buy things impulsively: we like it or don’t like it, without thinking about our image as a whole.

    When buying a new item for your wardrobe, think about what you will wear it with and how you will look. An important detail in a woman's wardrobe is shoes. The suit may not be expensive, but the shoes (boots) should be beautiful and of high quality. It is better to save up money for expensive and good shoes than to buy cheap ones. Such shoes will raise self-esteem and will not injure your feet.

    Look closely at other people on the street, on TV. Find your style and stick to it. And you don't need a lot of money for this. The video in this article will help you understand how to choose and combine clothes and how to look expensive without spending a lot of money.

    By the way, don’t forget that makeup is also an important part your style. And it should always match your clothes and then you will create a harmonious image.

    I think that the most best style for a girl – lightness and femininity. Love skirts and dresses, bright fabrics. Don’t be lazy to experiment with accessories and jewelry, because they are what give our image a special charm and charm.

    Well, now you know how to look well-groomed, it’s just a matter of small things...

    So gradually, step by step, you will get closer to your ideal. I just ask you, start right now, without delaying until better times!

    After all, every path begins with such a small but incredibly important step towards your true beauty...

    You just need to love yourself with all your heart, and then you won’t ask desperate questions into the void: “how to look well-groomed?”, “how to become a well-groomed woman?”, “how to become well-groomed at 13,14,15,25,50 years old? " You will just be her - beautiful and well-groomed girl! And let your feminine hobby be love and self-care.

    Marina Ignatieva

    Reading time: 12 minutes

    A A

    A person who looks presentable, successful and well-groomed always inspires favor and trust. The image of respectability contributes to the rapid establishment of contacts, the emergence of understanding, the location of the opposite sex, etc.

    And to look like this, you don’t have to be the daughter of an oil tycoon - you just need to know a few secrets for creating your own expensive and stylish look.

    12 lessons on creating an “expensive” look – style lessons for every day

    Of course, when you have money, everything is easier. You can contact a stylist who will help you create an image, undergo a course of procedures in a beauty salon, choose expensive clothes in a fashion boutique, etc.

    Alas, most of our citizens cannot afford such expenses.

    But this is not a reason to give up, because there are many ways to look expensive without investing a lot of money.

    The most important style lessons for your look:

    1. White and black. When choosing your outfit for the day, stick to one color of clothing – neutral. “All in white” or “all in black.” Playing with fabric textures will add sophistication. And, of course, take care of your hair - it should look like you just left the salon.
    2. Monochrome. An option for those who do not like monotony in their image. We choose a wardrobe in monochrome colors. We take one color as a basis, and then tastefully (!) “layer” other elements of clothing in shades of the chosen color. The emphasis is on the texture of the fabrics. For example, suede and knitwear, wool and leather, or silk and denim.
    3. Clothes to order. There is no need to go to the studio. A talented seamstress can be found in your city and outside the studio. We draw an exclusive sketch (to the best of our ability) ourselves, and then give it to the seamstress and wait for the masterpiece. This method will help to dilute your wardrobe not with the same type of “market” items, but with stylish and fashionable ones that no one else will have.
    4. Timeless style. It is not necessary to “run” behind seasonal trends, the best choice– a classic that always remains timeless. This option allows you to look expensive and makes it easier to create your own fashionable look. For example, we put on dark branded jeans and a beautiful T-shirt with a “V” neckline. Add to the image the right shoes and accessories.
    5. The final accent. IN in this case it's about the details that complete the look. Just putting on a fashionable set of clothes is not enough; you must add, for example, a stylish hat, trench coat or raincoat. A small but important nuance, which, moreover, can be removed at any time.
    6. Gold. Let's not get carried away jewelry. Main secret The jewelry part of the image is small, but expensive. There is no need to hang a whole box of diamonds, chains and rings on yourself - one expensive bracelet or chain with a pendant is enough. In the absence of funds for gold, we choose high-quality branded jewelry (not market jewelry!). However, designer silver is always in trend! Cheaper, more accessible and also effective.
    7. "Geometric" bags. Any woman knows that one of the most important items in an outfit is high-quality expensive bag, which must necessarily match your ensemble. Don’t skimp on bags - don’t take them on benches near your house, “where it’s cheaper.” If your salary does not allow it, it is better to take 1-2 handbags, but expensive and universal ones. That is, suitable for any image. It is better to choose models made of smooth leather, preferably - geometric shape. And, of course, with a minimum of details.
    8. Light print. Not intrusive, bright and large-scale, but light, emphasizing your style. For example, vertical or horizontal stripes.
    9. Your individual style. No decorations? Don't have a closet packed tightly with a mountain of expensive items? No problem! We create a harmonious image from what we have. The main task is to create your own unique style, adding a few catchy details. For example, fashionable hat, scarf, wide belt, gloves, etc.
    10. Updating your old wardrobe! Today there are a lot of ways to give old things a second life: make beautiful ones out of old trousers fashionable shorts, renew knocked-down shoe toes with rhinestones, decorate old worn jeans with embroidery, beads or other decor, sew a lot of fashionable pockets on worn shirts, etc. A little imagination, one “magic” basket with needlework - and voila! New fashionable image I'm ready now!
    11. Spectacular hairstyle. Even beautiful, but simply flowing hair is far from a sign of an “expensive” look. Your hair should look like you just jumped out of the beauty salon 5 minutes ago and ran on to business. Start every day with styling. Look online for hairstyles that suit you and that you can do yourself. Don't forget about hair care! A “dear” woman’s hair is always in great condition and shiny healthy shine, beautifully laid out.
    12. Cosmetics. One of the ways to emphasize the advantages and, as you know, hide the imperfections of the skin. You need to use cosmetics only in compliance with this rule and, of course, to a minimum, and not in “3 layers of plaster.”

    And don't forget about perfume! Choose delicate and refined aromas - sophisticated, not cloying.

    How to look expensive and well-groomed without special expenses?

    Image, of course, does not “decide everything,” as they say. But a lot depends on the image. After all, at all times we are greeted “by our clothes” - from the business sphere to personal life.

    It is important to always be on your toes and keep your finger on the pulse!

    Here are a few more secrets for creating an image with “singing finances” in your wallet:

    • Have you bought a new inexpensive item? Add some flair to it with details. For example, dear beautiful buttons. Today, in sewing stores you can find real button masterpieces.
    • If you are on the fashionable path of a dear woman, do not use knitwear in your look. At least in public. Also pass by suede.
    • Fashion trends come to the background! An elegant classic should be your beacon. Buy yourself a blazer, a pencil skirt, a cardigan and a few more classic pieces that you can work with further, depending on the look you are creating.
    • We choose bags, belts and shoes exclusively from genuine leather. You can’t spare money for this.
    • The polyester lining of the coat can be replaced with silk.
    • Particular attention to hairstyle, makeup, choice of perfume - and, of course, to your hands. The hands of a dear woman are always well-groomed, neat, and with a beautiful, fresh manicure.
    • We don't buy things at the market. Quit this bad habit and never go back to it. At sales in fashion stores (which happen twice a year), you can buy high-quality clothes at significant discounts.
    • Don't grab everything when you go shopping. Learn to deny yourself nonsense and unnecessary rubbish so that you have enough money for worthwhile things.
    • Don't buy cheap perfumes. Don't buy perfumes that are too sweet. Don't pour half a bottle of perfume on yourself at a time. The aroma should be light and refined.
    • Get rid of bad habits, gestures and words. A dear woman will never allow herself to smoke like a locomotive in public, spit, swear, or drink more than half a glass of wine in any company. A dear woman is always cultured, polite and is a “born” diplomat.
    • When purchasing things, carefully check their quality – seams, lining, all zippers and buttons.
    • No creases on tights, holes on socks, snags or pilling on clothes , old underwear and elongated knees on trousers or sweatpants. You should always look like a queen. Even if you spend the whole day at home alone, if you take out the trash or run out to buy bread.

    Mistakes in the desire to look expensive and well-groomed - how to avoid bad taste and vulgarity?

    Everyone is familiar with the word “vulgarity”. But, unfortunately, not everyone remembers him when choosing an image for the coming day.

    This word became very popular among aristocrats after the revolution in France: this label was hung on representatives from the bourgeois class who had neither blue blood, nor knowledge and traditions, nor appropriate upbringing.

    Nowadays, the “symptoms” of vulgarity have changed somewhat, but still the essence remains the same.

    So, what not to do if you want to be an expensive woman - your potential mistakes in the image:

    • Too catchy, bright, inept makeup. We remind you once again - beauty should be natural! That is, we carefully and discreetly emphasize the advantages and no less carefully hide the shortcomings. And nothing more! Only high-quality, well-thought-out makeup can become your “weapon,” but not the war paint of a girl from the village who first got her hands on cosmetics.
    • Unnatural hair color. No green and purple, as well as red and blue “overflows”. This is “fashionable” for a girl of about 15 years old, but not for an adult “dear” woman. Tired of monotony? There are many possibilities to change your hairstyle - cutting, perming, coloring and highlighting, etc.
    • Don't overdo your manicure. Yes, nails should be well-groomed and beautiful, but not extended with a lot of sparkles, pebbles, etc. The ideal option is a stylish classic French on oval or oval nails. square shape(not triangular, not pointed!).
    • Forget about eyelash extensions and creepy drawn-in (instead of plucked) eyebrows! Be closer to the image that Mother Nature gave you.
    • Too much nudity. Open back dress – a good option to go out with a gentleman. But not for a shopping trip. You should also forget about too deep necklines, too short shorts and skirts and other things that reveal to the public what should be hidden from view.
    • Bad taste is the main enemy. If you don't know how to walk in heels and high heels– choose different shoes. Thick platforms are for teenagers. The disheveled hippie look is for teenagers. Dress with sneakers - for teenagers. Translucent blouse with a solid overweight- tasteless. A tight dress with a too skinny figure is tasteless.
    • No rhinestones or sparkles on clothes if there are too many of them. The emphasis in the image should be on one thing! If you sparkle like Christmas tree, talking about style is inappropriate. Are you wearing a bright scarf? Just stop there. No more bright details in the image. Decided to wear a sweater with a print? Choose everything else in one color, black or white.
    • Skin substitutes are a categorical taboo. Everything should be natural. Ruffles, bows, an abundance of lace - also “in the firebox”.
    • If you decide to slightly open any part of your body, adding seductiveness to your image, choose either your legs, your décolleté, or your shoulders. Opening everything at once is the height of vulgarity.
    • Be careful with red! Yes, it is winning, “expensive” and attention-grabbing. But only under certain conditions: you have an ideal figure, not too much red, the image is laconic, competent and complete.
    • Tights with large mesh , with “original patterns”, with seals in the form of “cats”, etc. are vulgar! Choose the classics!

    When creating your new expensive image, make allowances for age, body type, color type, etc.

    And find time for healthy sleep, sports, hairdressing, body care.

    If you liked our article and have any thoughts on this matter, share with us. It is very important for us to know your opinion!

    In extreme cases, ladies are embarrassed to run out to the bakery without makeup, or for many decades they get up an hour and a half before their husband wakes up to clean up the mess. Of course, everyone chooses their own lifestyle. This publication in women's magazine JustLady is not dedicated to exposing hot advocates of 24-hour make-up - it is intended for those women who want look naturally beautiful and well-groomed without makeup.

    Step one. Psychological readiness

    Anyone external change preceded by an internal process. Believing that you can look beautiful without makeup may not be so easy. The reason for this is not only prejudice - after all, one often hears the opinion that a woman cannot live without an ounce of cosmetics. look well-groomed a-priory. You need to be prepared for the “withdrawal syndrome” of makeup - if you have been applying foundation, blush, eyelashes and lips every morning for several years in a row, you may have to get used to the sight of your own face without makeup in daylight for some time. Well, meet the new you—the real you. Do not forget that during the “withdrawal syndrome” you will seem paler and more expressionless, not because it is so, but in contrast to your usual appearance “on parade”.

    In addition, tested: 2-4 weeks after quitting decorative cosmetics the color of the face and lips evens out and becomes brighter, the quality of eyebrows and eyelashes also improves.

    Step two. Work with sources

    Using decorative cosmetics, we essentially paint our face, changing its proportions and the size of its features. When you're ready to look beautiful without makeup, look at yourself through new eyes. Please pay attention Special attention shape and condition of eyebrows; It would be better to go to a beauty salon to correct them. If your eyebrows are naturally light and you are used to tinting them at the same time as your eyes, try permanent coloring. It uses gentle dyes; a specialist in the salon will help you choose the optimal shade. It looks more natural than eyebrow pencil or shadow, and, most importantly, even without makeup, a face with beautifully defined eyebrows immediately becomes noticeably more expressive and well-groomed.

    Step three. Skin is our everything

    To look well-groomed, Must have well-groomed skin. This axiom is both simple and difficult to implement. Yes, decorative cosmetics can disguise some skin defects, but not all of them and far from being ideal, we should not forget about this either.

    To look beautiful without makeup, treat the condition of your skin with the utmost attention: 1-2 times a week, gently cleanse it with a scrub, make masks, regularly visit a cosmetologist, do not try to eliminate acne and inflammation on your own, and, most importantly, carefully dose hygiene procedures : cosmetologists are sure that you should wash your face with water no more than twice a day, and even better, do it only once, before bed, in the morning, limiting yourself to cleansing milk, lotion, or a piece of tonic ice (for example, frozen infusion of green tea, mint, chamomile).

    Day and night care are equally important: daytime products protect and maintain moisture levels, nighttime products regulate natural regeneration mechanisms.

    Step four. Transparent hint

    Conscious refusal of decorative cosmetics, of course, does not mean that you should avoid any contact with cosmetics. Dye-free products highlight natural beauty and help look more well-groomed: pay attention to the transparent colorless veil powder, mattifying the skin and giving it a light porcelain effect, transparent caring gel for eyelashes and eyebrows, making the look more open, and, of course, chapstick or transparent gloss.

    Step five. The sun – enemy or friend?

    Working for the future cannot be written off if you want to look well-groomed long years. Even when it's cloudy outside, be sure to use products that block the sun's harmful rays (UVA/UVB), and on bright days don't leave home without good sunglasses. This habit will help you avoid many problems, including unsightly and conspicuous skin pigmentation disorders, the appearance of premature wrinkles and photoaging, and various diseases skin. It is typical that sanitary blocks will not prevent your skin from benefiting from walking on the fresh air; just acquiring a light tan will be really useful.

    By the way, if you like the “sun-kissed” effect, use day care products with light pigment: they improve your complexion without clogging pores or creating a mask effect.

    Step six. Don't forget about your hair

    Gorgeous hair is an important part of your appearance well-groomed woman. If you want to look beautiful without makeup, then choose natural hair colors and hairstyles that do not require complex styling. Extreme coloring or an avant-garde haircut line may clash with the lack of cosmetics, remember this.

    If you don't have time to condition your hair... perfect order, limit yourself to washing your hair. Cleanly washed and just lying hair is always better than not quite fresh hair that they tried to revive or disguise with styling. Don’t forget to use a conditioner that makes it easier to comb, and at the end of washing, rinse your hair with cool water - this will smooth out the keratin scales and give your hair a natural shine.

    Step seven. The path to beauty is through the stomach

    Nothing helps like this look well-groomed and beautiful without makeup, like proper nutrition and sufficient fluid intake (8-10 glasses per day). A diet rich in fiber stimulates metabolism, helps the body quickly get rid of waste products, a balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provides the body with everything necessary for cell growth and repair, clean water maintains optimal fluid balance, ensuring proper circulation of blood and lymph. No stagnation means no swelling, puffiness, or oxygen deficiency. Well, good food also gives you energy and improves your mood!

    Step eight. Check out the pharmacy

    Vitamin C, B vitamins, retinol, silicon, selenium, zinc, biotin - this is not just a list of the composition of the vitamin complex, but a list of the main assistants that help look well-groomed at any time of the day or year. All these vitamins and microelements directly affect the condition of your skin, hair, nails and make you more beautiful without makeup in a matter of weeks. But! Be sure to strictly follow the recommendations for taking vitamin preparations: an overdose will not improve the effect, but will lead to unpleasant consequences.

    Step nine. Lips for kisses and smiles

    The delicate skin of the lips deserves a separate discussion. For lips to be alluring and sugary, they need attention. Make it a rule to briefly massage your lips with a toothbrush - this will improve blood circulation and remove dead particles. Careful regular peeling using a very soft product will help improve the result, and use hygienic lipstick with natural oils shea and other valuable nuts. In addition, your lips need UV protection no less than the rest of your face. And don't forget to smile!

    Step ten. Did you get enough sleep? Get some more sleep

    It is believed that women require an odd number of hours of sleep to feel normal. Each of us can test this experimentally; However, the main thing is not evenness, but sufficient rest. Only regular, good quality sleep guarantees that the nightly skin regeneration cycles will be completed and beneficial. Don’t stay up past midnight, don’t eat spicy or salty foods at night (and don’t eat at night at all), and, if possible, go to bed during the day for 30-60 minutes. This will have a beneficial effect not only on appearance, but also on the nervous system, the harmonious state of which is quite important in order to look well-groomed and beautiful without makeup.

    Olga Chern
    Women's magazine JustLady

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