• The mission is possible: master the best recipes for nourishing hand masks. Nourishing hand masks at home


    External attractiveness depends on many factors. And in order to look beautiful and well-groomed, every woman has to spend a lot of strength and energy. But sometimes conventional means is not enough for care. So a huge number of women are faced with the problem of excessive dry skin. Sometimes this problem is provoked by some disturbances occurring in the body, but in some cases it is caused by completely natural factors: not enough balanced diet, working with aggressive substances, high dry air, etc. Let's talk about how to prepare masks for dry hands at home.

    The most useful masks for the skin of hands at home can be prepared from almost anything. For example, oatmeal and oatmeal.


    Boil it and cool it a little. Drain the water if necessary. Mix the porridge with vegetable oil in the amount of one teaspoon. Dip your hands into this mixture and let it sit for a quarter of an hour. It is best to carry out this procedure before bedtime.

    Sour cream

    An ordinary one can be a real find for women who care about their appearance. Squeeze the juice from one lemon into a glass of full-fat sour cream, and also add an egg yolk to it. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and soak gauze in it. Place it on your hands, place cellophane and a warm towel on top. Leave the compress for a quarter of an hour, carefully remove the remaining mixture with a cotton pad.

    You can also combine three tablespoons of full-fat sour cream with a tablespoon of honey. Mix this mixture well and apply it to your hands for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

    Honey and olive oil

    Honey compress is very effective in treating excessive dry hands. To prepare it, mix a glass with a glass of honey. Heat this mixture in a water bath, add a teaspoon to it salicylic acid. Apply the warm mixture to your hands, place plastic and a towel on top. Let stand for twenty minutes. Remove the remaining mask with a cotton pad moistened with lemon juice.

    Egg-banana mask

    To cope with dry hand skin, you need to prepare one yolk. Whisk it with a teaspoon of olive oil, add a couple of tablespoons of pulp to the mixture. Lubricate your hands with the prepared mixture, put on gloves (polyethylene) or regular bags, securing them with rubber bands. Soak your hands in warm water for ten minutes.

    Bananas can also be used to prepare another mask. Mash the overripe fruit, add to it a tablespoon of softened butter and a tablespoon of liquid honey. Mix well and rub into the skin of your hands. After a quarter of an hour, rinse off the mask with warm water.


    If dry hands are accompanied by cracking of the skin, prepare a mask based on. Cut the ripe fruit into halves, remove the pit and remove the peel. Mash the avocado with a fork until smooth, add a couple of tablespoons of honey and three tablespoons of regular yogurt (without any additives). Apply the mixture to your hands in an even layer, wrap them in plastic and cover with a towel. After twenty minutes, wash your hands with warm water and blot the moisture with a soft towel.

    Wonderful spa mask

    This mask for dry hands at home is no less easy to prepare than any other. This product has a truly amazing effect. For this purpose, you need to mix a tablespoon of sugar or salt, the same amount of honey, olive oil and a fairly rich cream (nutritive or baby).

    Mix all the ingredients and apply them to the skin in a fairly thick layer. Put regular bags or gloves on your hands. After fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.

    Potatoes with sour cream

    To soften, nourish and moisturize the skin of your hands, you can prepare a mask based on. Boil a couple of tubers until tender, mash them with a masher. Add sour cream or milk to the finished mask and stir until smooth. Apply the mixture to your hands until it cools completely. Rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

    By the way, the broth left over from boiling potatoes will also help moisturize your hands. Cool it a little and simply dip your brushes into it for a quarter of an hour to twenty minutes.

    Glycerin mask

    To prepare such an effective moisturizing and softening mask you need to prepare half a liter of warm water. Pour into it a tablespoon and the same amount ammonia. Keep your hands in this bath for a quarter of an hour. Dry your hands without washing off the mask.


    An ordinary one can be an excellent basis for a nourishing and moisturizing mask. Rub fresh vegetable on a fine grater, mix with a tablespoon of sour cream or a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the mask to your hands for twenty minutes. Afterwards, rinse your hands with warm water.

    Egg and honey mask

    To prepare this mixture you need to prepare one fresh egg yolk. Mix it with a tablespoon of honey and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Stir until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to your hands for twenty minutes, then rinse off the mask with warm water.

    In fact, homemade masks are great for dry skin. And you can easily prepare them yourself.

    Additional Information

    There are recipes for moisturizing the skin of the hands that came to us from our ancestors. They contain various medicinal herbs. These hand masks are quite easy to prepare at home.

    Raspberry infusion and burdock infusion at home. An excellent effect is obtained by using fresh burdock leaf in combination with raspberries. Cut the burdock into smaller pieces and brew with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, strain.
    At the same time, brew half a glass of raspberries with one glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and strain.
    Mix both resulting infusions, soak a piece of natural fabric in them and apply as an applique on your hands for a quarter of an hour.

    Raspberries and parsley for dry skin on the face and hands. Healers also advise moisturizing and nourishing the skin of your hands using parsley. Brew a bunch of such a plant with one glass of boiling water for half an hour. Crush twenty grams of raspberries in an enamel bowl until pureed. Mix both products, soak gauze in the mixture and apply it to dry skin of your hands.

    Skin moisturizing herbs. More specialists traditional medicine For dry skin on hands, it is recommended to prepare creams based on medicinal plants. So you can mix equal parts of calendula, plantain and string. Brew a tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water. After five to seven hours, strain. Grind fifty grams of butter with a teaspoon of quality honey. Pour a teaspoon of herbal infusion there. Stir the cream. The nourishing hand mask you prepare at home should be stored in the refrigerator.

    More herbs that are good for the skin of your hands. You can also mix equal parts of dandelion, calendula, plantain and nettle. Brew a tablespoon of this mixture with one glass of just boiled water. Leave for an hour. Next, heat a spoonful of honey in a water bath, add a couple of tablespoons of herbal infusion, a couple of teaspoons castor oil, as well as fifty grams of lard (pork, goose or chicken). Stir in a water bath until smooth, pour into jars and cool.

    Aloe leaves for skin. To eliminate excessive dryness of your hands, you can use ordinary aloe, which can be found on the windowsills of many apartments. Do not water the plant for three days, then cut off the bottom leaf. Place it in the refrigerator for three to five days, then squeeze the juice out of it and use it to lubricate dry hands.

    Mother and stepmother for skin. The use of coltsfoot leaves also gives an excellent effect. Grind fresh leaves in a meat grinder, mix the resulting mass with a small amount milk. Apply the mixture to dry hands for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

    Hand bath for dry skin at home. To moisturize the skin of your hands, you can also prepare a bath based on medicinal herbs. To do this, mix equal parts of plantain, chamomile, sage and celery. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a liter of water, bring to a boil and leave for ten minutes to infuse. Soak your hands in the warm broth for a quarter of an hour, then wipe them dry and lubricate them thick cream.

    Dry hands are a fairly common problem, but homemade masks and traditional medicine will help you forget about it for a long time.

    Hand masks are an important element of dry skin care. After all, beautiful and well-groomed hands are what characterizes a real woman who pays attention to her appearance. Hands always reveal a person’s age, so you need to pay maximum attention to caring for them.

    It is clear that hands are not only visible, but also constantly involved in some kind of manipulation, therefore they are exposed to heat and cold, chemical detergents and tap water with a high content of alkalis. All this leads to loss of skin elasticity, and even the appearance allergic reactions. We want to tell you about which hand masks for dry hands at home will restore softness and silkiness to your skin.

    Hand masks: nuances of use

    To your appearance, including condition skin, influence not only external factors, but also . Do you want to look good? Learn to react less to a lot of stimuli. It's hard, but possible.

    So, hand masks at home do not guarantee a quick effect. A noticeable result is only possible with regular use of emollients. If you do them occasionally and according to your mood, there will be little use.

    It is unlikely that most women have extra money to visit salons and take special care for their hand skin. After all, as practice shows, homemade masks are no worse than salon ones, since they consist exclusively of natural ingredients and act quite gently.

    Make hand masks at home for dry skin at least 2 times a week. First, carefully study the ingredients of the mask, and if necessary, perform an allergy test and only then begin treatment procedures.

    Before the procedure, it is advisable to prepare: wash your hands thoroughly and massage the skin well, dispersing the blood. Apply the mask starting from your fingertips and making circular movements. Your main goal is to cover the skin completely.

    The level of neglect and dryness of the skin on the hands can vary. If you are acting for preventive purposes, then it is enough to start with a half-hour session. If the skin of your hands is severely damaged, get ready to keep the mask on for 3 to 10 hours, while creating a greenhouse effect with the help of polyethylene. For getting maximum effect On top of the cellophane, insulate your hands with cotton gloves.

    When wrapping your hands with polyethylene, make sure that it is tightly fixed around the wrist and does not allow cool air to enter. You can wash off the mask with regular warm water, but if you use a decoction of calendula, chamomile or lavender for this purpose, the effect will be more pronounced and healing.

    Hand masks at home: hit recipes

    What will you get as a result of application? natural masks for hands? Healing, hydration, regeneration, restoration of softness and elasticity of the skin. In addition to regular masks, you can nourish your hands with your favorite cream or take additional nourishing baths. Now let's talk about the most effective hand masks.


    2 tsp. lemon juice should be thoroughly ground with 2 grated potatoes, boiled in their jackets. Apply the warm mixture to the skin of your hands, wrap it in cellophane and insulate it with gloves to create a greenhouse effect. The mask must be left on for 15 minutes and then washed off with water or herbal decoction. This mask perfectly moisturizes dry skin on your hands.


    This mask helps the skin regain its former tenderness and minimizes the appearance of wrinkles. Take 2 tbsp. l. natural honey(preferably liquid), add a couple of drops of lemon juice, 1 yolk and 25 g. olive or almond oil. Mix thoroughly and apply to brushes. Warm your hands with cotton gloves. Ideally, make this hand mask at night and wash it off with warm water in the morning.


    Promotes rejuvenation of aging skin, eliminates excessive dryness of hands. Make a healing mixture by mixing 1 tsp. oatmeal ground into flour, 1 tbsp. l. and 1 loose yolk. Distribute the mixture over the skin, warm your hands with gloves, and keep for several hours.


    Potatoes ideally soften and nourish the skin of the hands, so this mask is suitable for everyone without exception. Do mashed potatoes with milk without salt. The consistency should be semi-liquid, but not runny. Apply the mask to your skin for 3 hours, wrapping your hands in plastic and gloves.


    Heat half a glass of cow's milk, crumble a couple of slices of white milk into it wheat bread and stir the mixture until pureed. The mask is applied to the hands for 15 minutes, insulated with gloves.

    For very dry hands, it is recommended to mix honey and vegetable oil, and then apply to the skin of your hands for at least 3 hours. After the mask is removed, hands are additionally lubricated with Shea butter or a rich moisturizing and nourishing cream containing vitamin E.

    Hand masks after 60 years at home

    In addition to traditional components, rejuvenating hand masks contain the following additional ingredients:

    1. Chopped greens.
    2. Wax.
    3. Peach and almond oil.
    4. Shea Butter.
    5. Butter.
    6. Gelatin (which is also actively used as a)
    7. Dairy products etc.


    Hand masks with glycerin at home are famous for their pronounced moisturizing effect, after which the skin becomes unusually soft, and the number of wrinkles on it is noticeably reduced. To prepare the product take:

    • 1 tsp. wheat or oat flour;
    • 1 tsp. liquid honey;
    • 2 tsp. water;
    • 1 tsp. glycerin (sold at the pharmacy).

    All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin of the hands for half an hour. During this time, relax and give yourself some attention. At the same time, apply a nourishing mask to the skin of your face and neck, close your eyes and dream about something good. Away with vanity and problems, just be yourself!

    You can mix the ingredients as you wish and experiment. Required condition– regular use and positive attitude. After 5-6 procedures, the first effects will already be noticeable, so don’t give up and go for it!

    Add delicate skin hands with a discreet manicure and feel like a lady. And remember: real woman there is no age: she is as old as she feels and looks!

    Hands are one of the most used and at the same time most vulnerable parts of the human body. They are constantly doing something with their hands; They are also affected by cold, bad water and detergents as an exposed part of the body. As a result, the skin suffers greatly and loses its natural balance: it becomes dehydrated, dries out, flakes and loses its elasticity. To avoid such consequences, the skin of your hands needs special care. You can do it at home special masks; they provide therapeutic effect and give a long-lasting effect.

    How to make a hand mask at home

    Regardless of the condition of the hands, procedures should be carried out regularly. Traditionally, masks are made 2 times a week; it is especially important to follow this schedule in cold weather. Some recipes can be used more often.

    First of all, it is worth checking whether there are any contraindications or allergies to the components of the composition. For example, hot hand masks cannot be done if there are lesions or wounds on the skin. Such manipulations are prohibited if the nails are affected by fungal infections, and the skin is affected by eczema or rash.

    To improve the effect, you need to carefully prepare for the procedure. A few minutes before applying the composition, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and massaged. The first layer of the mask is applied in a circular motion, starting from the fingertips. The second layer is applied evenly so as to completely cover the skin. If the condition requires radical measures, leave the mask on for 3 hours, after wrapping your hands in polyethylene and wearing warm gloves. The plastic film needs to be fixed on the wrist to prevent cold air from passing through.

    Usually the mask is washed off after half an hour with warm water without soap or a decoction of medicinal herbs (in particular, chamomile, lavender, calendula). After the procedure, it is not recommended to use soap and detergents, wash dishes or do laundry for 3 hours.

    Hand mask recipes

    At home, preparations are prepared that will help get rid of the main problems with your hands: using home cosmetics the skin can be moisturized, revitalized, protected from exposure low temperatures. After the masks, the skin becomes elastic and soft, the number of small cracks and wrinkles decreases; Hands retain this look for a long time. Additionally, you can make nourishing baths, and every day it is recommended to use a protective, moisturizing or nourishing cream.

    • If the skin on your hands looks tired and aging, an egg and honey mask will help. To prepare, you need to mix a tablespoon of natural honey with an egg yolk and add half a tablespoon of oatmeal. The mixture should be thick, with a consistency similar to regular cream. The mask is applied with massage movements to the hands, then another even layer of the mixture is applied. After 20 minutes, the mixture should be washed off with warm water. The oat mixture can be left overnight; then you need to wear cotton mittens or household cotton gloves. When used regularly, a mask of honey and eggs will make the skin on your hands silky and smooth, and smooth out wrinkles. At home, oatmeal can be made by grinding dry small flakes in a coffee grinder or blender.
    • Mix two tablespoons of oat flour with olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice (a tablespoon) and glycerin (a teaspoon is enough). The mass should be applied for 20 minutes or half an hour, then washed off with warm water without soap. Glycerin softens the skin and protects it from dryness, while lemon juice restores damaged or weakened areas. Please note that glycerin hand mask is contraindicated for people who have problems with hemoglobin or chronic diseases blood, it is also not recommended to use this composition if the skin is damaged.
    • To soften and refresh the skin, make a honey-glycerin mask. Mix honey and glycerin in equal proportions, then add two tablespoons of boiled or still water. mineral water. Add one teaspoon of oat flour to the emulsion (wheat and rye can be used). Apply the resulting dough in an even layer to your hands and leave for half an hour, after which you wash off without soap.
    • Three tablespoons of oatmeal are ground with a spoon or crushed in a blender along with fresh blue grapes. Depending on the size of the grapes, you need up to 12 berries; the result should be a medium-thick paste. Since the grapes were crushed along with the seeds, the mask has a peeling effect. The mixture is gently applied to the skin with massage movements for a quarter of an hour. When the time is up, the peeling mask should be washed off with water at room temperature, and your hands should be lubricated with essential oils, such as olive, aloe or jojoba.
    • A teaspoon of natural honey, two teaspoons of olive, almond or lavender oil, fresh egg yolk and half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice Mix thoroughly, then apply to the skin of your hands. After an hour, it is recommended to rinse the mixture with warm water and moisturize the skin with cream. This mask can also be done at night.
    • About medicinal properties homemade cottage cheese have known for a very long time. Based on it, you can prepare a hand mask with a restorative effect. After curd therapy, the skin will stop cracking and peeling. Three tablespoons of cottage cheese are mixed with a teaspoon of olive or grapefruit oil. The mixture must be mixed thoroughly, after which you can apply the paste onto your hands in a uniform layer. After about half an hour, the mask is washed off. Instead of cottage cheese, fatty mayonnaise or whey is sometimes used. You can also leave the curd mask on for several hours, wearing gloves made of natural material.
    • Two boiled potatoes in their skins are ground with two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. You should get a puree that is quite thick in consistency. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to your hands, then put on plastic gloves or wrap with film, and warm water on top. natural fabric. The mask is washed off after two hours, and the skin is lubricated with a nourishing or baby cream.
    • Potatoes can be a good base for an overnight mask. Mashed potatoes from two potatoes are diluted with cow's milk (about 5-6 tablespoons), and the mixture is applied to your hands 30 minutes before bedtime. To fix the mixture, wrap your hands with stretch film or wear wide plastic gloves. In the morning, wash off the potato mask with warm water or an infusion of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula.
    • A mask of potatoes and honey will help make your hand skin soft and beautiful. To prepare such a mask, you need to grate one raw potato on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of honey and freshly squeezed lemon, carrot or cabbage juice. You can also add the juice of other citrus fruits, as they are rich in vitamin C. Then the mask is applied to your hands, for about 30 minutes, until the potatoes darken, and washed off.
    • Another one will be relevant in cold weather potato mask for hands. Two potatoes, boiled in their jackets, are peeled, crushed and diluted with 100 ml of green tea. The result should be a homogeneous paste. It is best to use tea without additives and make the brew strong.
    • Melon, which contains many microelements and vitamins beneficial for the skin, has a rejuvenating effect. Pounded melon pulp is mixed with a teaspoon of starch and fresh lemon juice. The melon mixture is applied for 20 minutes; After washing off the mask, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with cream.
    • To whiten and soften the skin of the hands, use the following recipe: the pulp of fresh white bread is soaked in warm milk. Then the mixture is applied to the skin and left for half an hour.
    • Well moisturizes and nourishes the skin mask from linseed oil. You need to take one tablespoon each of flaxseed oil and honey, an egg yolk and 6-8 drops of fresh lemon juice. Before applying the composition, you need to wash your hands with warm potato broth to steam the skin. A flax mask can be done at night.
    • A parsley mask has a moisturizing effect. Add half a teaspoon of fish oil and three teaspoons of low-fat homemade cottage cheese to fresh green parsley juice (a teaspoon). Then the mixture is applied to the skin, and the hands are wrapped in film or natural gloves (preferably cotton) are carefully put on. After 40 minutes, wash everything off thoroughly.
    • Making a hand mask at home is not difficult, but you should use only fresh ingredients; The composition can be stored for up to three days in the refrigerator. The quality of the mask also depends on preliminary preparation for the procedure and on regularity.

    Your hands are always visible, so it is difficult to ignore the condition of the skin on your hands and their appearance.

    Bad weather and cold winds dehydrate the skin, the cold season forces you to wash your hands frequently, which dries them out, and some types of work involve constant interaction with chemicals, which greatly damages the skin on your hands.

    Daily care for her with the right cosmetic products will soften the skin and tidy up your hands.

    Most common cause Dehydrated and cracked skin on the hands is due to a damaged outer barrier. The skin is capable of regenerating itself, but exposure to the sun, cold air, wind, dirt, and contact with chemicals gradually damage the outer protective layer of the skin, and it loses its ability to retain moisture. Damaged skin is more vulnerable to adverse external conditions and ultraviolet radiation.

    • dry air draws moisture from the skin;
    • using soap dries out;
    • working with chemicals is harmful;
    • Allergens cause deterioration of the skin.


    Wear rubber or latex gloves when working with cleaning agents and chemical irritants. Choose glove models with a cotton inner surface.

    Wash your hands properly

    Turn on warm, not hot, water so as not to dry out your hands. Use soft detergent. Avoid antibacterial soaps that are heavily scented or highly lathering. Choose soap with moisturizing ingredients.

    Use overnight masks

    Apply a thick layer of moisturizer to your hands at night, wearing cotton gloves on top. Instead of store-bought creams, you can use homemade ones. In the morning, wash the cream off your hands and evaluate the result.

    Moisturize your skin often

    Apply moisturizer after every hand washing or whenever you feel itchy or dry. Some moisturizers are not strong enough for dry skin, so pay attention to the formula of the cream. Its base should be oil. You don't have to choose an expensive cream to appreciate the benefits.

    Look for products with the following ingredients:

    • Vaseline, mineral oil, lanolin - form a thin film on the surface of the skin to protect it from external factors;
    • lactic acid, urea soften hands;
    • glycerin, dimethicone - attract water;
    • hyaluronic acid helps the skin maintain normal level moisture.

    How to care for your hands?

    Choose a mild soap, use warm water, pat your hands dry with a towel and immediately apply moisturizer.

    Basic hand skin care regimen:

    • Weekly deep cleansing using a scrub.
    • Use a hand mask 2 times a month.
    • Use moisturizing creams daily.

    They will be useful to everyone who wants to always have soft skin and quickly get rid of tightness. Perhaps some of these masks will be a salvation for your hands and in a fast way tidy up your skin before important event. Homemade mask recipes to soften the skin of your hands will save you time and money on trips to the spa.


    Wash your hands with warm water and apply the scrub. After using it, rinse your skin with warm water and apply your chosen mask.

    Homemade hand scrub

    • a quarter cup of sugar;
    • 2 teaspoons cranberry juice.

    Mix sugar with cranberry juice and rub into the skin of your hands. Additionally, you can massage your hands for a few minutes to increase blood circulation.

    Select and apply a mask

    Intensive nutrition and relief from flaking

    • egg yolk;
    • lemon juice;
    • olive oil.

    Mix all ingredients until a thick mass is obtained. Distribute it in a thick layer over the skin of your hands and leave for 15 minutes.

    Afterwards, wash your hands with warm water and apply nourishing cream.

    This homemade mask will remove flaking and make your hands velvety.

    Potato mask

    Potatoes are used in homemade masks for whitening, moisturizing the skin and anti-aging. It is great for combating dry hand skin.

    • 2-3 potatoes;
    • milk.

    Boil the potatoes and mash them with some milk. Apply the warm mixture in a thick layer to your hands and leave for a few minutes until it cools.

    Softening mask with avocado

    The exotic fruit contains healthy fats that have softening and nourishing properties.

    • ripe avocado;
    • 2 tablespoons honey;
    • 1 spoon of olive oil;
    • 2 teaspoons plain yogurt;
    • 10 drops essential oil sandalwood.

    Mix all ingredients with a mixer until smooth. Apply to hands and wear plastic gloves to enhance the effect. After 15 minutes, rinse off and enjoy the smoothness of your hands.


    If your skin is very dry and requires special attention, make a soothing and nourishing mask.

    • almond oil.

    Replace your usual hand cream almond oil. Apply it with massaging movements and blot off excess oil. paper napkin. Additionally, enrich your cosmetic hand cream with oil, and after a few days there will be no trace of dryness left.

    Carrot-sour cream

    Carrots as a cosmetic ingredient can fight free radicals that cause skin aging, nourish and moisturize well. Olive oil and sour cream remove small cracks and peeling on the surface of the hands.

    • carrot;
    • a tablespoon of sour cream;
    • spoon of olive oil.

    Grind the carrots and add sour cream and olive oil. Apply the composition to the skin and keep for 20 minutes.

    Milk and roses

    Milk has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Lactic acid exfoliates and moisturizes, soothing the skin and maintaining its natural moisture level. Thanks to this mask, you can get rid of dry and itchy skin on your hands and lighten it slightly.

    • milk;
    • pink water.

    Mix milk with rose water and apply to your hands. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off. Use twice daily for quick results.


    • beeswax;
    • olive oil.

    All components of the mask are taken in equal proportions. Melt the wax over low heat, remove from heat and add honey and olive oil. After thoroughly stirring, apply the finished mixture to the skin of your hands and leave for 10 minutes. Repeat the mask daily or every other day until results are obtained.

    Fruit and yoghurt

    • half a cup of yogurt;
    • 3 tablespoons papaya puree;
    • lemon juice.

    Mix yogurt with papaya and add a few drops of honey and lemon juice at the end. Place the mask on your hands and leave for 10 minutes. Do it once a week.


    Oatmeal perfectly moisturizes hands and reduces dry skin.

    • a cup of chopped oatmeal;
    • ripe banana;
    • milk.

    Mash the banana and mix with oatmeal, add enough milk to get the consistency of cream. Spread the mask evenly on dry skin of your hands and leave for 15 minutes. Use once a week to prevent skin loss of moisture.


    • lemon juice;
    • tomato juice;
    • spoon of glycerin.

    Mix lemon and tomato juice in equal proportions and add a spoonful of glycerin. Keep the mask on for 5 minutes. Use it as needed whenever you feel tightness and dryness on your hands.

    From shea butter and wax for small cracks and rough skin of the hands

    • 4 tablespoons beeswax;
    • 8 tablespoons of shea butter;
    • lavender essential oil.

    Melt the wax and butter over low heat. After cooling slightly, add a few drops of lavender oil. Pour the mixture into glass jar and let cool. This cream has a long shelf life and is indispensable in cases where the skin of the hands is severely damaged and rough.

    The key to success in treating dry hand skin is regularity. Homemade mask recipes work wonders if you make them regularly. Try these simple remedies to reduce the tightness of the skin of the hands and restore their natural smoothness.

    All the proposed mask recipes really work and cope with dehydration and flaking. They are easy to prepare, effective and improve the condition of the skin on your hands.

    Even if you work with chemicals every day, are involved in the construction industry, or work requires constant contact of your hands with water, now you can restore and protect the skin of your hands, and you will feel equally comfortable both at work and at dinner in restaurant.

    Watch the video recipe super effective mask for hands:

    Nourishing masks for hands, prepared at home from sour cream, potatoes, clay, and others useful components, are especially irreplaceable and necessary for dry, aging skin. In winter, they will help get rid of flaking, and an exfoliating mask, which you will do at home every week, will return softness and tenderness to your skin.

    Important task: exfoliation

    Epidermal cells constantly die and, layering on top of each other, form a rough upper layer skin, preventing its normal breathing and renewal. As a result, the hands become rough to the touch and premature wrinkles appear on them. And if there is still not enough hydration, then excessive dryness will not keep you waiting.

    To prevent this, you need to regularly, once or even twice a week, exfoliate at home.

    Sour fruits

    To make the house soft, but effective peeling, you can use the pulp of citrus fruits and any other sour fruits: kiwi, strawberries. Why is this so effective? Because such products do not contain abrasive particles that cleanse the skin of dead epidermal cells. As it turned out, fruit acids They cope with this task very well. Their action is based on the fact that the acid softens and dissolves the rough layer, completely eliminating it from the surface of the skin. You can use a slice of lemon to rub your hands, then wash off the acid and apply cream to your skin.


    It’s hard to imagine without oatmeal or oatmeal natural scrub for hands. Oatmeal not only acts as a good exfoliating mask, but also prevents flaking, softens and a little. To prepare the scrub, dilute the rolled oats with water and after 5-8 minutes, treat your hands with it. For greater effect, add lemon juice to the resulting mixture.

    Sugar, salt

    A good exfoliating mask can be made from salt or regular or brown sugar mixed with any of the following ingredients:

    • lemon juice;
    • kefir;
    • base oil.

    Effective nutrition and softening

    To maintain the beauty, softness and youth of your hands at home, as well as to prevent peeling, a nourishing mask made from clay, sour cream, oils, with starch, honey and other products is always useful. We present some recipes to your attention.

    Honey and sour cream

    A mask based on sour cream is simple, but powerful tool against dry skin. Every week, mix ½ tablespoon of sour cream and a dessert spoon of honey, ideally linden or acacia. Apply to your hands for 20-25 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water and lubricate the skin with cream. This mask can alternate with a mask of sour cream and lemon or banana pulp.


    Potato restorative mask, prepared at home, with milk, nourishes, works against peeling. Mash the boiled potatoes and pour a small amount of heated milk until a thick paste forms, hold in your hands for 20 minutes. You can also make a mixture of potatoes and honey at home, which is no less effective against peeling and rough hands.


    Visibly nourishes hands cosmetic oils: Olive, as always, comes first; coconut, almond and many other oils are also quite effective against flaking. Take 1 tbsp pink clay. l., add 1 tsp of warm water to it. and 1 tbsp. l. any oil. This restorative mask should act for 25 minutes.

    For flaking and dryness at home, use a mask with starch, olive oil and a decoction of medicinal chamomile. Instead of decoction, you can take marigold or calendula essential oil.

    Worthy Goal: Hydration

    Hands need to be moisturized several times a day, which is why girls always carry hand cream in their purse. And if during the day, while at work, you can only maintain moisture balance with the help of cream, then at home the choice for beneficial care for the skin of the hands is much more diverse.

    Dissolve a teaspoon of glycerin in 2 tablespoons of water, add honey, mix and apply to your hands. Clay recipes have a good moisturizing effect; here are a few options:

    • 1 tsp. pink clay + water +1 tsp. fat sour cream;
    • 1 tsp. blue clay + 4 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil + water + 1 tsp. oils;
    • 1 tbsp. l. green clay + water + 1 tsp. aloe.

    You can also use some vegetables at home. For example, grate boiled carrots on the finest grater and mix with flax or olive oil, spread on your hands for 20 minutes. A good moisturizing mask is made from raw zucchini puree with oatmeal and a small amount of sour cream. Melon pulp with starch and lemon juice is also useful.

    Essential help for aging skin

    Fading hand skin needs to be given Special attention, a nourishing mask made from sour cream, honey and aloe juice will help with this. Sour cream can be replaced with warm olive oil, and aloe juice with gel. It wouldn’t hurt to add 3-4 drops of lemon or geranium essential essence to this mixture.

    When conjuring your next culinary masterpiece in the kitchen at home, don’t forget about the most useful properties chicken egg for skin. A nourishing and regenerating mask for the skin of the hands is usually made from yolk and 1-2 complementary components, which can be selected from this list:

    • oatmeal;
    • linseed oil;
    • gelatin;
    • olive oil;
    • chamomile decoction;
    • clay.

    For example, a mask made from yolk, flaxseed oil and honey is very effective for aging skin on the hands. Whatever natural recipes If you haven’t chosen to prepare it at home, remember that a nourishing hand mask should be used every week.

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