• “Primroses” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic. Summary of direct educational activities on the topic: “Primroses Summary of a lesson on ecology for children of the senior group


    Ministry of Education and Science

    Republic of Tatarstan

    Executive Committee Education Department

    Sarmanovsky municipal district

    « Spring, primroses »

    (synopsis directly educational activities on cognition, communication and artistic creativity in the older group)

    MBDOU-Jalilsky kindergarten №5

    “Fairy tale” of a combined type

    Educator: Zainullina. G.Sh.

    Organization of integrated direct educational activities (main area “Cognition”) in the senior group “Spring, primroses”.

    Type of direct educational activity: integrated.

    Integrated educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Music”.

    Form of activity: joint activities of adults and children.

    Activities: communicative, educational, reading, gaming, research.

    Software tasks: Educational:
    Clarify and systematize children’s ideas about spring changes in nature.

    1. Activate children’s vocabulary with concepts from the topic of the lesson.
    2. Develop coherent speech: the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly for others, and to use grammatical structures correctly.

    3.Cultivate interest in learning about the world around us.
    1. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards peers’ answers.
    2. Contribute to the formation of children’s interest in nature.

    Vocabulary work: spring - red, drops, ice drift, flood, streams, making nests, thawed patches, waking up from hibernation.

    Form of conduct : conversation

    Preliminary work with children: observing children in nature, reading fiction, looking at illustrations.Materials and equipment : multimedia projector,

    landscape paper, watercolor or gouache, brushes, threads.

    Technical support: multimedia, laptop, screen.

    Interaction with specialists: music support, technical support.

    Progress of direct educational activities.

    Educator : - Hello, guests! It was no coincidence that our conversation began with this word. Saying “hello” according to custom, we wish each other health, goodness, and prosperity. Now guys, guess the riddle:

    I have quite a lot to do -

    I open my buds
    In green leaves
    I dress the trees
    I water the crops
    Full of movement
    My name is …

    Children : - Spring.

    Educator : - That's right, spring has been coming to us for a long time through winter blizzards, cold winds and snowdrifts. Now we will talk about spring. What is she like?

    Children : - Cheerful, red, kind, sunny... etc.

    Educator : - Why is spring called red?

    Children : - Because she is beautiful and everyone is happy with her.

    Educator : - Will you tell me the spring months? What is the name of the first month of spring?

    Children's answers: March.

    Educator : And the guys will tell you how many more brothers our brother of the month of spring has?

    Children's answers : There are three of them in total, their names are March, April, May.

    Educator : Well done guys, right.

    Educator : - Spring is a celebration of the awakening of nature. All people, animals, plants expect joy and warmth from spring.

    Educator : Sit down comfortably. Since you and I will talk about spring, about nature. I will show you the arrival of spring on the screen, and you will say what you see.

    Slides about spring.

    What's happening to nature?

    Children :

    - Slide No. 1The sun is high, shining brightly, the days are getting longer, the nights are getting shorter.

    Slide No.2. The snow is melting, thawed patches are appearing. Icicles hang, droplets ring.

    Slide No.3.Bubbling streams run. The river is breaking up from ice.

    Slide No.4. The first messengers of spring, birds (starlings, rooks) arrive

    Rooks migratory birds, but they winter not in hot countries, but not far from their native places. They are not afraid of frost. Rooks fly over in search of food. Please listen to how they sing (rook singing)

    Starlings -their feathers are black with a purple tint, the starling’s beak is powerful, and there is a black crest on its head.(starling singing)

    Educator : Guys, do you like to travel? Now we will go on a short trip to the spring forest. Let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest: the forest is the home of animals and birds, we are guests of the forest. You cannot make noise in the forest, leave garbage, break tree branches, or pick armfuls of flowers. And then the forest will greet us like a hospitable host: it will delight us with wildflowers, juicy berries, and the joyful chirping of birds. You should not make noise near bird nests: the bird may get scared, fly away and not return to the nest, and its chicks will die of hunger.

    So, close your eyes. Relaxation, birdsong. Open your eyes, look guys, and now we find ourselves in the spring forest.

    Educator : Let us see what is happening further in our forest.

    Slide No.5. Bears and hedgehogs wake up in the den.

    Slide No.6. Not only animals wake up. But plants. The buds swell and the first grass appears.

    Slide No.7. What else, besides young leaves, will decorate the forest?

    Children: Flowers.

    Educator: That's right, the first spring flowers. When do the first flowers appear in the forest?

    Children: As soon as the snow melts and the first thawed patches appear.

    Educator: Well done! The very first flowers are called primroses. What primroses are you familiar with?

    Children : Snowdrops, forest violets, lilies of the valley.

    Listen to the riddle guys, what spring flower is it talking about?

    1.From under a snow cap

    The stalk sprouted alive,

    And a tender flower blossomed,

    Well, of course, then... (snowdrop).

    Educator: Yes, the first one spring Flower in our forest these are snowdrops.

    Forest glades are of extraordinary beauty in the spring, when snowdrops bloom.

    2.White lanterns

    On a green leg

    I met in the spring

    On the forest path….(lilies of the valley). Quite a bit of time will pass. and blue snowdrops will be replaced by another one of our favorite forest flowers - lilies of the valley.

    Educator: Let's guys play the game “Find the odd one out.”

    Children's answers:

    Educator : Well done guys! Let's take a little rest.

    Fiz m i n u t k a. Flowers

    (The children sat down, imitating unopened flower buds).

    One, two, three, the flowers have grown

    (slowly rise, raise their arms up and open their palms with fingers spread, imitating flowers).

    They reached up to the sun - high:

    (stretch on tiptoes, look up).

    They felt nice and warm!

    The breeze flew by, the stems shook

    (run on their toes in a circle, smoothly wave their arms).

    Swung to the left, bent low

    (lean to the left, lean forward).

    Swung to the right, bent low

    (lean to the right, lean forward).

    Breeze, run away, don’t break the flowers

    (they shake a finger with their right hand, then with their left hand),

    Let them bloom, grow,

    (clap hands)

    Bringing joy to children

    (nod their head, smile).

    Educator : Bloom, forest flowers. Delight us with your beauty! And we will cherish your joy, beauty and kindness in our memory. And now you and I will becomereal artists, and we ourselves will depict spring flowers and give drawings to our mothers and grandmothers. But you and I will draw in an unusual way!

    Educator : We have ordinary drawing and there is an unusual one, the so-called unconventional drawing. Guys, please tell me what we know unconventional methods drawing?

    Children's answers: Drawing with fingers, palm, etc.

    Educator : Right. And today I want to show you new way drawing.

    Today we will draw spring flowers using threads. Look guys, first I’ll show you how we’ll do all this, and then you’ll just do it.

    And while you are drawing, I suggest you listen to music.

    Practical work.

    Exercise: complete the drawing "Spring Flower".

    Educator :- Well done! What time of year were we talking about today? What new have you learned? What flowers did we depict on the leaves?

    Educator: - Our lesson is over, thank you all, goodbye.

    ( Children go to the group)

    Control preschool education Almetyevsky
    municipal district

    Abstract complex lesson
    to get to know the environment
    as part of the "Ecoleader" competition
    on the topic: “Primroses - the harbingers of spring”
    (older – preparatory group)

    MBDOU No. 30 “Snow Maiden”
    Araksina M.N.


    Program content: To consolidate children's ideas about the first flowers of spring growing in our region, the ability to describe natural phenomena based on their own observations.
    Expand children's horizons and promote the development of cognitive abilities.
    Continue to introduce children to the Red Book.
    Strengthen the ability to draw with signets.
    To cultivate a sense of beauty in the child’s soul; respect for nature.
    Vocabulary work: loose, primrose, adonis.
    Preliminary work: continue studying the pages of the Red Book; looking at paintings, illustrations about primroses, observing while walking; reading fiction, memorizing poetry, guessing riddles; solving crosswords and puzzles.
    Materials: Red book, audio recording, sheet of paper, palette, gouache, signets, paintings of primroses, crossword puzzle, dandelion flower (made of paper).

    Progress of the lesson
    Educator: Guys. I'm asking a riddle, and can you guess what time of year it talks about?
    She comes with affection
    and with my fairy tale
    Waves a magic wand -
    A snowdrop is blooming in the forest
    Children: Spring
    Educator: Tell us about spring, about its signs.
    Children: The sun in spring is warm, gentle, affectionate, bright. The sky is clear, blue with white clouds, azure, light.
    Educator: Guys, what do you think happens in early spring?
    Children: The snow becomes damp, dirty, loose, grainy, dark, spongy, it melts in the sun and turns into streams.
    Children: migratory birds arrive: rooks, starlings, swallows, swifts, cranes, wild swans, wild geese, wild ducks.
    Educator: With the arrival of spring, nature awakens. You've heard a wonderful saying about spring. And now I propose to listen to T. Tyutyunnikov’s wonderful musical spring fantasy “From what music was born.”
    Music is playing.
    Educator: Tell us what you imagined when you listened to music.
    Children: Starling, who sits near the birdhouse and sings his songs.
    Children: How the grass turns green in a thawed patch.
    Children: How the first leaves appear on tree branches.
    Children: How icicles drip.
    Children: The first spring flowers appear in the forest.
    Educator: And where else do the first spring flowers bloom?
    Children: In the meadow, in the gardens.
    Educator: Guys, what is another name for flowers that bloom in early spring?
    Children: Primroses.
    Educator: And what primrose opens spring, the very first one to bloom?
    There is even a riddle about him:
    The first to crawl out of the mud, thawed patch,
    He is not afraid of frost
    Even if it's small.
    Educator: And now, I propose to solve a crossword puzzle, and we will find out what other primroses you know, and we will find the key word.
    I will ask riddles, and you will guess.
    The bumblebee is very happy with the flower,
    Ah, honey aroma!
    And the flowers are beautiful -
    Pink, blue
    - lungwort.
    Educator: That's right, Guys, where does lungwort grow?
    Children: In the forest
    So what is this flower?
    Children: Lesnoy.
    Educator: Next riddle.
    Primrose, primrose,
    There is no better word in the world, There is no better flower in the world,
    It's all on fire yellow color,
    Its petals are beautiful
    Golden and playful
    Its stem is very long.
    And as beautiful as leaves!
    Children: Primrose.
    Educator: Where does primrose grow?
    Children: In the forest. This is a forest flower.
    Educator: Primrose also grows in the garden.
    Educator: Well done. Next riddle
    This is a pink flower
    He's handsome, he's tall,
    Unfortunately, it doesn't smell
    And of course, not flammable.
    Children: Adonis.
    Educator: Correct. What flower is this?
    Meadow because it grows in a meadow.
    Educator: The last riddle
    Breaking through the snow
    Amazing sprout
    The very first, the most tender,
    The most velvet flower!
    Children: Snowdrop.
    Educator: Well done, that’s right. Where does the snowdrop grow?
    Children: In the forest, it’s forest.
    Educator: Who wants to read the key word?
    Children: Iris.
    Educator: What is this Iris?
    Children: Also a flower.
    Educator: Where does it grow, when?
    Children: In the garden.
    Educator: So what kind of flower?
    Children: Garden. It blooms in early spring. He is also a primrose.
    Educator: Guys, why are these flowers called primroses?
    Children: Because they bloom first, in early spring, in thawed areas.
    Crossword solution
    M e d u n i c a
    P r i m u l a
    g o r i c v e t
    p o d s n e g n i k
    Educator: Now listen to another riddle and guess what flower it says about?
    He was a yellow flower
    It became white, like a snowball.
    A girl and a boy blow and it flies around
    Children: Dandelion.
    Educator: What can you compare a dandelion to?
    Let's play:
    Children: Dandelion is yellow, like the sun, sunflower.
    Children: Dandelion is round, like a ball, orange
    Children: Dandelion is soft, like fluff, cotton wool,
    Children: Dandelion becomes white, like a cloud, chalk, or snow.
    Children: Dandelion has fluffy fur like snow
    Children: Dandelion is light, like a feather, haze, cobweb.
    Educator: It turns out what an unusual flower the dandelion is.

    Physical education minute. O.V. Uzorova
    Flowers grow in the meadow
    Unprecedented beauty.
    /Stretching – arms to the sides/
    Flowers reach for the sun
    Stretch with them too.
    /Stretching – arms up/
    The wind blows sometimes
    It's just not a problem,
    /Children wave their hands, imitate the wind/
    Flowers bend down
    The petals drop.
    And then they get up again,
    And they still bloom.
    Educator: Guys, you know a lot of flowers, you probably love them very much?
    Educator: And for what?
    Children: Because they are beautiful, they decorate a person’s home, they are useful.
    Educator: What else are flowers useful for?
    Children: They still have seeds. Birds feed on their seeds.
    Children: Flowers are medicinal, people use them for treatment.
    Children: Perfume is made from flowers.
    Educator: Who can’t live without flowers?
    Children: Insects.
    Educator: Why?
    Children: Because insects feed on pollen, and bees collect nectar from flowers.
    Educator: Do you like to give flowers?
    Children: Yes.
    Educator: When and to whom?
    Children: For holidays for mothers and grandmothers, teachers.
    Educator: Guys, what should I do? We should pick flowers to give a gift, but we shouldn’t, because we destroy the beauty and the flowers may disappear.
    Children: Flowers for bouquets are specially grown in gardens, greenhouses, all year round.
    Educator: They pick a lot of flowers. Some flowers are on the verge of extinction. Guys, what do you know about the Red Book?
    Children: Scientists created the Red Book and entered into it the names of rare and endangered plants and animals.
    /The teacher brings out and shows the Red Book/.
    Educator: Guys, what types of primroses are listed in the Red Book?
    Children: mother and stepmother, snowdrop, lungwort, violet, dream grass, anemone, buttercup, dandelion, lily of the valley.
    /Display of illustrations depicting primroses/
    Educator: Guys, why is this book called Red?
    Children: The book is called Red because red is the color of danger.
    He seems to be saying: “Careful! These representatives of nature may disappear from planet Earth, and our home will be empty!”
    Educator: Guys, what can you and I do to save them?
    Children: We shouldn't collect large bouquets, there is no need to pick flowers or trample them. We must admire them.
    Child: Poem.
    Don't pick the flowers, don't pick them -
    Let the earth be elegant,
    Instead of bouquets, give
    Cornflowers, forget-me-nots
    And chamomile fields!
    Educator: Guys, let us also create a Red Book in our group.
    I propose to draw lilies of the valley and enter them in our Red Book. We paint leaves with brushes, you are familiar with this. We draw flowers with signets. We take a stick, dip it in water, then in paint. We draw as if we were putting dots. Children draw.
    Display of drawings.
    Educator: Well done Guys! With your help, there are now even more lilies of the valley.
    Child: Poem
    So that the flowers bloom in the forest,
    All spring and summer
    We won't collect
    Their large bouquets
    Let's protect nature, preschoolers!
    We must not forget about her for a minute.
    After all, flowers, forests, fields and rivers.
    This is all for us forever!
    Educator: Our lesson is over. All the guys were engaged, well done!
    Say goodbye to guests.

    1. Shayakhova R.K. "Nature and Child". Environmental education program for preschool children. Kazan: RIC “School”, 2002.
    2. Kudryakova I.G. Development of the intellect of preschoolers using the theory of solving inventive problems when familiarizing themselves with the world around them. Educational and methodological publication.
    3. Vostrukhina T.N. We introduce children aged 5 - 7 years old to the world around them - I.: T.Ts. Sphere 2011.
    4. Gorkova L.G. Lesson scenarios for environmental education preschoolers. I.: VAKO, 2011.

    Natalia Dementieva
    Summary of GCD in preparatory group"Primroses"

    Target: organize educational activities for children aimed at developing children’s cognitive interest in nature in the process of becoming familiar with primroses.


    Introduce children to primroses: snowdrop, scilla, crocuses, coltsfoot, lungwort, primrose;

    Consolidate knowledge about primroses: snowdrops, scilla, crocuses, coltsfoot, lungwort, primrose;

    Contribute to the enrichment and activation of vocabulary on the topic of the lesson;

    Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.

    Demo material: an envelope with a picture of a sad flower, signs “Do not pick flowers”, “Do not trample flowers”, “Do not light a fire in the forest”.

    Equipment: projector, screen for viewing presentations « Primroses» .

    Vocabulary enrichment: Galanthus, scilla, crocus, coltsfoot, lungwort, primrose.

    Progress of the lesson

    1. Motivational and organizational stage

    Educator: Guys, we received a letter today (we open it, and there is a picture of a sad flower).

    Why do you think the flower is sad?

    Want to know what's in the letter?

    “Guys, spring has begun and flowers have blossomed in the forest. primroses. But people are tearing up the first flowers are trampled, and this makes us flowers very sad. And signature primroses».

    Let's help primroses?

    How can we help primroses? What do we need to do for this? (Do not pick flowers, do not trample flowers).

    How do you know what it is primroses(Children's answers)

    And what primroses grow in our forests (Children's answers)

    Do you want to know (Children's answers)

    Educator: Primroses invite us to visit and want you to learn some rules that will help primroses.

    Show presentation « Primroses»

    Educator: As soon as the melted snow runs down from the hillocks in ringing rivulets, black and brown thawed patches appear and immediately appear primroses. Primroses- these are amazing plants that have adapted to bloom when there is no foliage on the trees in the forest, and every warm ray of sunlight reaches the very ground.

    Spring sunny day

    In a forgotten city park,

    In the dense hazel bushes

    Three snowdrops woke up.

    Revealed your modest

    Buds of tender blue

    And they whispered timidly:

    “Tell me, were they waiting for us here?”

    L. Terekhova

    They will break through the dead wood

    Sprouts of dreams

    Pearl snowdrops –

    Milky flowers.

    Al. Savostyanov, "Pearl Snowdrops"

    Educator: The snowdrop appears directly from under the snow, which is why it was given such a name. But only Galanthus is a real snowdrop. This first of spring flowers, which blossoms into warm days February. Its flowers are milky white bells. And the name comes from the Latin word Galanthus - milk flower, reflecting its most delicate White color. Snowdrops begin to bloom during warm winters and early spring already in February. The snowdrop blooms only during the day, and when the sun goes down and it gets cool, the flower drops closer to the snow. In the morning, the snowdrop flower opens again and a magnificent aroma is felt.

    There's a crackling sound in the forest underfoot,

    And the dead wood crunches.

    We are looking for a flower of spring,


    Educator: At the beginning of April, in deciduous forests, under the trees you can find one of the cutest spring plants, blue scilla. Scilla is sometimes called blue snowdrop, because of its external resemblance to the latter, and also because it appears as soon as the snow melts. In fact, these are different plants. These blue or dark blue flowers are also not afraid of spring frosts. According to popular prophecy, this flower arose from pieces of the sky that fell to the ground. The Latin name for go is "scylla", which translated means sea onion, probably because its color resembles the blue of the sea. Many peoples believe that this flower heals the sick. It is considered a flower of cheerful mood. He appears as one of first. Its stem is thin and fragile, and the flower itself evokes tender and touching feelings. This flower is a scilla.

    Spring is walking across the earth,

    The snow in the snowdrifts melts quickly,

    New grass is growing

    The crocus will bloom again.

    Crocus small flower,

    Like stars son,

    It will open its petals,

    The spring snow will wash them away.

    He sneezes with his little yellow nose,

    The smell will attract bees.

    Crocus first of the flowers,

    That is ready to bloom in the spring,

    Pulls leaves from the ground,

    It does not wither in the cold.

    Anna Kulagina-Fursina

    Educator: And this spring flower is called crocus. Crocuses begin to bloom in early spring. Bright low crocus flowers appear along with the first warmth of spring. Crocuses bloom for a short time, only 5-7 days. There are types of crocuses that prefer to bloom in the fall.

    A clearing of crocuses, the most beautiful creatures,

    The most delicate flowers, heralds of spring,

    That artist decorated the creation,

    Your soulful, spring canvases.

    Educator: Guess the riddle, what kind of flower is this?

    Warmed by a golden ray

    The sun's portrait has grown!

    But the yellow flower

    Temporarily no leaves


    Yellow eye from underground

    They are the first to give us.

    What is the correct name for them?

    If the earth is like a mother to them?


    Educator: What do you know about coltsfoot? Why do you think the flower has this name? (Children's answers)


    In April firstborn flowers

    There were flowers blooming on the lawns everywhere.

    The stems are raised towards the sun

    Yellow flowers from the ground.

    Petals look like rays

    By evening they will clench their fists.

    In the morning the sun will rise in the sky,

    Little Flower will unclench his fist.

    Little suns of the Earth

    People called it a mother-and-stepmother.

    Educator: In cloudy, rainy weather, the coltsfoot flowers close. They also close at night. In the morning, during the sunny season, the coltsfoot baskets open again. Grows on roadsides and in forests. The upper side of the leaf is smooth and cool ( "stepmother"). The lower one, whitish with numerous hairs, is soft and warm - respectively, "mother". It is a medicinal plant.

    This nickname is not for nothing,

    At a beautiful flower

    A drop of juicy nectar,

    And fragrant and sweet,

    cure a cold

    Lungwort will help you.

    If you go to the forest, don’t forget

    He will bow to the lungwort.

    E. Kozhevnikov.

    Lungwort, spring spring!

    Blue sky sister.

    How tender are your leaves!

    How sweet your flowers are!

    Educator: Lungwort is a forest flower. Lungwort grows in deciduous and mixed forests - among bushes at the edge. It blooms in early spring in April and May in bare forests. They call it that because it contains a lot of nectar, which bees and other insects feed on. The flowers are small, beautiful, pinkish-red at first, then become violet-blue. Lungwort is a medicinal plant.

    A little hello first lark

    A clear bell rang out from the sky,

    It's the earliest primrose

    A golden diaper flashed.

    Adam Mickiewicz

    Educator: This flower is primrose. Primroses are popularly called “lambs” - young leaves, wavy, look like the backs of lambs; and also “keys” - flowers are collected in an inflorescence, reminiscent of a bunch of keys. Primrose grows in forests, on dry edges. Medicinal plant.

    Educator: Let's repeat the names primroses with whom we met. Each flower has a number. I make a riddle, and you say the number and name of the flower.

    The snow has not all melted yet,

    The sand has warmed up a little,

    And it has already blossomed

    Yellow small flower.

    I'm wondering what color it is -

    Dandelion or not?

    If he is, then it’s very strange

    Why does it bloom so early? (Coltsfoot)

    The first to get out of the earth

    On a thawed patch.

    He is not afraid of frost

    Even if it's small. (Snowdrop)

    What flowers are similar to snowdrops, but only they are blue? (scilla)

    We'll go to the woods and find a flower there

    Sweet name, blue light

    What kind of flower is this? (Lungwort)

    How handsome and mischievous.

    It grows and crawls out of the snow.

    He is very brave, he is from the forest.

    How did he endure the cold?

    I began to freeze under the snow,

    From the sun to the sun - to catch the ray

    spring primrose, the key to spring,

    Don't you have golden dreams? (Primrose)

    8 slide, 9 slide, 10 slide

    Di "What's extra?" Look at the slide and tell me which flower is the odd one out and why? (2 slides)

    Slide 8 – extra rose – garden flower

    Slide 9 - extra bell - summer flower

    Educator: So you met primroses that grow in our forests. But how can people help flowers? (Children's answers)

    Educator: I have hint signs, what rules do you think they represent?

    Displaying signs “Do not pick flowers”, “Do not trample flowers”, “Do not light a fire in the forest”.

    Educator: “If I pick a flower, If you pick a flower, If All: both me and you, If we pick the flowers, all the meadows will be empty, And there will be no beauty!”

    Dynamic pause.

    Physical education minute "Snowdrop"

    In a forest thawed area,

    The little flower is sleeping (squatting)

    I woke up and stretched (stand up, stretch)

    And substituted the petals (hands on waist, turns to the sides)

    Under the sun's rays.

    Educator: Guys. Do you want to try making your own bouquet? primroses(Children's answers)

    What do you think they can be made from? (Children's answers)

    We will make flowers out of paper. Display of finished bouquets

    If the flowers are yellow, what flowers do they look like? (coltsfoot and primrose, and blue and pink? (for lungwort, blue and white? (snowdrops, scillas)

    Choose the one colored paper, which you will need to make flowers.

    The teacher shows how to make a bush.

    Then the children cut out and paste the flowers on their own.

    What are you doing primrose?

    3. Reflective stage

    Educator: What flowers did you make? How else can they be called in one word? (primroses)

    Are you satisfied with your job? What was difficult? (Children's answers)

    Who will you show your flower to? Can you teach others how to make flowers like this?

    Who will you give the flower to? (Children's answers)

    Are you interested in learning about others? primroses, which are growing in Russia and other countries? Where can I find out? (In encyclopedias)

    I found it very interesting with you.

    Literature and resources (illustrations):

    1. Literary - riddles, poetry: "On a sunny spring day" L. Terekhova, "Coltsfoot" Antosych, "If I pick a flower" T. Sobakin, "Pearl Snowdrops" A. Savostyanov, "Crocus" V. Pavlova, "Crocus is a small flower." poems for children by Anna Kulagina-Fursina, poems by E. Kozhevnikov;

    Lesson in the preparatory group “Walk through the spring forest. Primroses"

    Kovalchuk Valentina Nikolaevna. Educator. Kindergarten No. 90. city ​​of Tyumen.
    Description: This development may be of interest to both kindergarten teachers and teachers. primary classes when introducing children to the natural world.
    Target: Development of cognitive interest in native nature.
    I picked a flower and it withered.
    I caught a moth -
    And he died in my palm.
    And then I realized
    What to touch beauty
    You can only do it with your heart.
    Pavol Orsag Gvezdoslav, Slovak poet.
    Expand and systematize knowledge about primroses.
    Expand preschoolers’ understanding of changes in nature in spring.
    Cultivate a respectful attitude towards nature.
    Learn to see the beauty of spring nature.
    Learn to notice the beauty of spring nature through music, painting, poetry.

    Progress of the lesson

    Samuel Marshak
    April! April!
    Drops are ringing in the yard.
    Streams run through the fields,
    There are puddles on the roads.
    The ants will come out soon
    After the winter cold.
    A bear sneaks through
    Through thick dead wood.
    The birds began to sing songs
    And the snowdrop blossomed.
    Tales of Primroses
    When the snow begins to melt in the fields and forests, the first spring flowers appear. Often all the very first flowers are called snowdrops. But a real snowdrop looks like this:

    Snowdrops are the first flowers to appear after the winter cold, and they grow in all regions of Russia except the far north.
    In many countries around the world, April 19 is celebrated as Snowdrop Day. It was established in England in 1984. The flowering period of snowdrops depends on the climatic zone of their growth. The British call it a snow drop or a snow earring, the Germans call it a snow bell, the Czechs call it a snowflake.
    There is a legend that once upon a time there lived a brother and a sister. Their house stood at the very edge of the forest. They were left without a father and mother early on and were forced to take care of themselves. Spring was coming. One day, when the brother once again went hunting, the sister took two buckets and went into the forest further from the house to collect more snow to wash the floors in the house. Yes, she wandered quite far from home. At that time, the old goblin was driving around his forest possessions, he saw a girl, and he liked her so much that he wanted to have such a mistress in his house. He grabbed her and took her to his den. The girl was scared, but quickly realized - she pulled a string of beads from her neck. freshwater pearls and began throwing beads, marking the road. Seeing how the beads disappeared without a trace in the snow, the girl cried bitterly.
    But the sun, seeing this, shone even brighter and in the place where the pearls fell, the snow melted and the first spring flowers grew - snow-white snowdrops. They led the brother to the den of the devil. The goblin squealed with anger and took off running.
    And the brother and sister returned to their home and began to live happily.
    Physical education minute
    Educator: Sit down, put your hands on your head.
    Flowers of unprecedented beauty grow in the spring forest. (Children stand up).
    Flowers are reaching out to the sun, and you too can reach out to them. (Children stand on their toes, raising their arms up).
    The wind blows sometimes, but that's not a problem. (Children lean left and right with their hands raised up).
    The flowers bend down and open their petals. (Children continue the exercise, then spread their arms to the sides.)
    Dream - grass or lumbago
    Dream - grass or lumbago - is a very mysterious plant of the Buttercup family. In the Tyumen region, yellowing lumbago is growing.

    There is a legend about the dream - the grass - that one day, when one of the archangels decided to deal with the evil spirits once and for all, they decided to hide from him behind a shot - the grass. The Archangel threw a thunder arrow and shot through that grass from top to bottom. Since then, all evil spirits have avoided the shot twelve miles away. And an old herbalist says that the one who carries lumbago - grass with him, “the devil runs away from that person, keep the goods in the house, and build mansions - put them at an angle, you will live harmoniously.”
    Fresh leaves of dream herbs are poisonous. But the dried leaves are endowed with medicinal properties.
    Forest anemone
    Wood anemone (genus Anemone) of the Ranunculaceae family is a delicate, elegant flower. Flowers are 3-7 cm in diameter.

    Anemone is the closest relative of Adonis and belongs to the same Buttercup family.
    The legend of Aphrodite's love for the beautiful Adonis
    Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, for the sake of her beloved Adonis, the son of the king of Cyprus, abandoned life on Olympus.
    Adonis devoted most of his time to hunting. Aphrodite warned him not to hunt boars and bears, otherwise disaster might happen.
    But one day Adonis got carried away in chasing a boar, but in the end he himself became a victim of a wounded boar. With a huge tusk, the boar inflicted a mortal wound on Adonis.
    Aphrodite, having found the body of Adonis and trying to revive him, shed many tears. from which beautiful anemones grew.

    Zeus, the greatest and most powerful god on Olympus, was greatly moved and commanded his brother Hades, the ruler of the underworld, where the shadows of mortal dead people reside, to release Adonis to earth every year for six months. Adonis returned to earth every year at the very beginning of spring, personifying the spring awakening and revitalization of nature.
    In early spring, anemones bloom as a symbol of the transience of life and the fleeting nature of love.
    At the slightest breath of wind, the large white petals of anemones begin to flutter, like a loving heart at the sight of its beloved.
    White anemones help relieve eye fatigue if you look at them for a long time.
    Adonis spring
    Spring Adonis (spring adonis, steamed grass, black grass, Montenegrin, starodobka, goldenflower, hairy grass, swimming grass) of the Ranunculaceae family. In April-May, bright yellow flowers bloom, reaching a diameter of 4-8 cm.
    Adonis vernatum is a valuable medicinal plant.

    Where does adonis grow?
    And what color is it?
    Is it really on fire?
    What does the name say?
    And they fly to the light
    Butterfly and moth?
    Or a midge is rushing
    From him, like from a fire?
    Adonis in bright light
    Does it warm or not?
    Or does it sting like nettles?
    Is it smelly? He is beautiful?
    What flower does it look like?
    Maybe the hedgehog knows this?
    Maybe the groundhog will tell us,
    Where does this flower grow?
    Or yellow-cheeked?
    He climbed into the wilderness of the forest.
    Or a red fox
    Having studied the forests?
    Who of them will give the answer -
    What is adonis?
    Adonis of the Volga

    Adonis Volga in the Tyumen region lives only in the south of the Tyumen region - on the island of lake. Tavolzhan, Sladkovsky district, where the Tavolzhansky nature reserve has now been created.
    Goose onion

    Yellow goose onion from the Liliaceae family grows in the south of the Tyumen region.
    Once upon a time, a lot of goose onions grew in the meadows and forest clearings. In those days, almost no one picked these flowers, and only flocks of wild geese descended on these meadows and fields, returning from warm countries to nibble on the early spring shoots of wild onions. That's why these flowers were called goose onions.
    Spicy salads are prepared from goose onions. Goose onions are also used in folk medicine.
    Lungwort, one of the first spring flowers, delights us with its beauty throughout May.

    There is a legend. That one day the goddess Flora, examining the flowers, became interested in the lungwort, and she was embarrassed in response to the attention shown to her and blushed. Then the goddess Flora announced that now her flowers would always be as changeable.
    The lungwort inflorescence consists of bell-shaped flowers forming an umbrella.
    Lungwort flowers may initially be white, pink, or purple. These are the most fragrant flowers, they have the most nectar, which attracts bees, bumblebees and butterflies. But then they age a little and become blue, purple and there is almost no nectar left in them.
    Lungwort is a medicinal plant.
    You can also eat lungwort by using young root leaves in salads.
    Calypso bulbous

    Calypso from the Orchidaceae family. It received its scientific name from the name of a lovely nymph from ancient Greek mythology who committed suicide because of her love for Odysseus.
    The most favorable habitats for Calypso are coniferous, less often mixed forests, wetlands and areas along the banks of lakes and rivers. Calypso prefers solitude, but is found in groups of no more than 10-15 plants.
    In September, Calypso produces one dark green leaf that overwinters. The spring flowers of the plant can withstand any frost. At the end of flowering, the leaves also wither.
    Finger gymnastics
    Our delicate flowers are opening their petals.
    (Slowly spread your hands to the sides.)
    The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway.
    (Move your fingers while blowing on them.)
    Our delicate flowers cover their petals,
    (Slowly close your hands into a “bud”).
    They quietly fall asleep, shaking their heads.
    (Slowly swing your closed hands into a “bud” left and right).
    Puzzles (presentation slide show)
    On thawed forest patches -
    Snow drops are flowers.
    We woke up before everyone else
    They reached for the sun.
    Unusual yellowish flower -
    Looks like a tulip.
    Fluffy stem and leaves -
    A big difference from him.
    (Son-grass or yellowing lumbago)
    Single snow-white flower,
    With a yellow center full of pollen.
    Famous among bees
    Although it is poisonous.
    (Forest anemone)
    The plant is beautiful
    Although it is poisonous.
    Yellow flower,
    A leaf like dill.
    They call it black grass.
    Blooms in spring
    Heals many diseases.
    (Adonis spring)
    I grow wild in the forest and meadow.
    There the birds love to pinch me,
    Returning from warm countries,
    Sitting down in the meadow to rest.
    (Goose onion)
    Bright umbrella of flowers
    Attracts with its aroma and beauty.
    These changeable flowers
    They can cure a cough.
    I am from the Orchid family,
    There are no places dearer to me than
    In coniferous forests, near lakes and rivers.
    I will spend my lonely life there.
    (Calypso bulbous)
    Listening to music and viewing slides
    Educator: And now we will listen to the music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons” - “April. “Snowdrop” and watch wonderful spring landscapes by Russian artists.
    A.N. Maikov
    Blue clean
    Snowdrop: flower,
    And next to it is draughty
    The last snowball.
    Last tears
    About the grief of the past
    And the first dreams
    About other happiness...

    Bottom line
    Educator: Why don't we pick flowers in the forest?
    Educator: When you see primroses in the forest, do not pick them. They are listed in the Red Book. All primroses can be grown in your garden. There are many varieties bred by gardeners.

    MKU DO "Dom" children's creativity» Novopavlovsk
    Compiled by:
    Pristinskaya O.V.

    expand and deepen ecological culture children;
    create conditions that encourage children to treat with attention and care
    nature, to all living things;
    involvement in environmental work.
    summarize children’s knowledge about spring, spring months, primroses;
    foster respect for the environment, the need
    treat the components of inanimate nature rationally, form
    culture of behavior in nature;
    instill a love for nature, a desire to take care of it, to take care of one’s own
    to form in children a cognitive interest in the world around us
    teach children to be responsible for their actions.
    projector, presentation “Take care of primroses”, exhibition of student drawings
    “Primroses”, photo exhibition “Primroses”, poster “Take care of flowers!”,
    audio file “Don’t pick flowers.”
    Progress of the event
    Presenter (teacher):
    If the snow is melting everywhere,
    The day is getting longer
    If everything turns green
    And a stream rings in the fields,
    If the wind gets warmer,
    If the birds can't sleep,
    If the sun shines brighter,
    This means spring has come to us.
    I am spring - red!
    I wake the earth from sleep,
    I fill my kidneys with juice,
    I grow flowers in the fields,
    I drive the ice away from the river,
    I make the sunrise bright.
    Everywhere: in the field and in the forest,

    I bring joy to people.
    Spring has a cheerful start -
    March is on the threshold.
    The drops are ringing merrily -
    April is already rushing towards us.
    May is quickly catching up with them,
    He greets everyone with flowers.
    Full of light and joy
    All three months of spring.
    In March the sun comes alive
    And gives the warmth of the rays.
    The snow will slowly melt
    And spring will come soon.
    The spring wind blew across the fields,
    The willows blossomed behind the pond.
    There is a small snowdrop near the path
    It lit up with a blue light.
    Swayed weak and flexible,
    Surprisedly enjoying everything.
    And in response with a friendly smile
    The sun leans towards him.
    Let's walk slowly through the meadow
    And “Hello!” let's say, every flower.
    We need to bend over the flowers
    Not for tearing or trampling,
    And to see their kind faces
    And show them a kind face.
    Presenter (teacher):
    Snowdrop peeked out
    In the twilight of the forest -
    Little scout
    Sent in the spring.
    Let it still be above the forest
    The snows rule,

    Let them lie under the snow
    Sleepy meadows.
    Let on the sleeping river
    The ice is motionless -
    Once a scout came
    And spring will come!
    I won’t pick a snowdrop:
    He is alone in the entire clearing.
    Let it grow, show off,
    Admiring the clear day.
    In April the buds swell
    And the quiet sound of drops is heard.
    The trees are branching out,
    She shook the spruce with herbs.
    The sun rose early.
    Look how good it is all around,
    We go out into the clearing
    Let's sing a funny song.
    There are curly birches here
    And green bushes
    Teenage squirrels jumping
    And flowers grow everywhere.
    Flowers (in chorus):
    We, flowers, and our share
    Grow, bloom in an open field,
    All details about us
    We'll tell you now.
    April's firstborn flowers
    There were flowers blooming on the lawns everywhere.
    The stems are raised towards the sun
    Yellow flowers from the ground.
    Petals look like rays
    By evening they will clench their fists.

    In the morning the sun will rise in the sky,
    Little Flower will unclench his fist.
    He just raised his head to the sun -
    He himself looked like the sun.
    Little suns of the Earth
    People called her a stepmother.
    Presenter (teacher):
    This flower can be seen everywhere: on river banks, near fences, on hills.
    The flowers of this plant are similar to dandelion, but much smaller and bloom
    earlier. But most importantly, coltsfoot flowers bloom earlier, before
    before the leaves bloom. Why is this plant given such a strange
    Name? Here's why: the lower part of its leaf is covered with tender,
    fluffy hairs, it seems soft and warm to the touch - this is the mother. A
    the upper one, on the contrary, is hard and cold. This is the stepmother. So they called it: mother
    On the lawn, where the bushes are,
    Bright yellow flowers
    Woke up with the sun,
    They reached out sweetly.
    The mosquitoes were surprised:
    No flowers, just balloons
    Tender, fluffy,
    Light silver.
    The breeze ran past
    The wind shook the balls,
    And flies behind the row
    Parachute squad.
    Presenter (teacher):
    Dandelion is an amazing flower. The sun will rise in the east -
    The dandelion looks east. Approaching sunset - the dandelion does not come down
    from a sunset glance. And so on all his life until he turns gray. And he will turn grey,
    fluffs up and sends fluffs into the wind - parachutes. And under each
    hangs the seed. Parachutes with seeds will fly, they will see a nice clearing,
    will descend, the grain will hide in some hollow and lie there until
    Dandelion golden
    He was handsome, young,

    Wasn't afraid of anyone
    Even the wind itself!
    Dandelion golden
    He grew old and gray-haired.
    And as soon as I turned gray,
    He flew away with the wind.
    There are many birds in the sky in May,
    The warmth warmed everything around.
    Flowers and leaves came out of the buds,
    Suddenly there was a smell of beauty.
    Presenter (teacher):
    The next gift of spring is a flower, about which ancient Rus' folded
    legend. The sea princess Volkhova fell in love with the young man Sadko, but he gave his
    heart to the darling of fields and forests, Lyubava. Saddened Volkhova went out to
    shore to once again listen to the songs of the wonderful Sadko, but he was not there
    shore. Volkhova began to cry and where the princess’s tears fell, they grew
    delicate silver lilies of the valley are a symbol of purity, sadness and love.
    Lily of the valley:
    Lily of the valley was born on a May day.
    And the forest protects him,
    It seems to me: his ass,
    It will ring quietly.
    And the meadow will hear this ringing,
    And birds and flowers around.
    Lungwort, lungwort! –
    May Day sister
    Blue pink miracle,
    Where did you come from?
    - I was saturated with the earth,
    Melted snow water,
    Just don't tear me apart!
    Admire, look
    On green leaves,
    For little ones - for flowers.
    And you can smell it too,
    Just be very careful!
    Can you feel how sweet I smell? –
    At least it's not chocolate.

    My flowers have bloomed
    Here in the forest for beauty.
    Presenter (teacher):
    There is a legend that the blue flowers of lungwort are the flowers of Adam, the first
    men. And the pink ones are the flowers of Eve, the first woman. Two different colors
    flowers on one plant symbolize the unity of opposites.
    There is even a riddle about this plant: What spring flower is four times
    changes its color? The answer is the lungwort flower: when it blooms, it
    turns pink, then purple, violet and blue.
    This nickname is not without reason,
    At a beautiful flower
    A drop of juicy nectar,
    And fragrant and sweet,
    cure a cold
    Lungwort will help you.
    If you go to the forest, don’t forget
    Will bow to Lungwort...
    A dewdrop fell on a tender leaf,
    In it the ruddy east shines with the sun.
    The forest violet has absorbed the dew,
    And the tenderness of the sunrise, and the beauty of the forest.
    She exudes magical nectar,
    The forests of the Moscow region are a divine gift.
    And the bumblebee, flying, feels glad
    Beautiful violet forest scent.
    And such a miracle cannot be compared with anything,
    You just need to take care and love him.
    Presenter (teacher):
    One legend tells: that one of the beautiful daughters of Atlas,
    pursued by the burning rays of the sun god, she turned to Zeus with a prayer for
    protection. And the great Thunderer hid her in a shady grove, turning her into
    flower. In Sicily, this flower was depicted on coins; among the ancient Gauls it
    was considered a symbol of modesty and innocence; it was strewn with it on the newlyweds’ bed.
    Shakespeare and Shelley admired this flower, and Goethe dreamed of having it
    native Weimer was drowned in the fragrance of this flower. Going out for a walk he
    scattered its seeds. This flower is a violet.
    Winter frosts

    The sun has driven away.
    fragile violet
    I stood up in the clearing.
    There is warmth and timidity in her,
    Immortality's breath,
    The color of the sky is blue
    and the dawn blazing.
    So fragile is the pale stem,
    The flower is timid, dim,
    But in a watercolor haze
    There are no more beautiful violets.
    Unearthly beauty
    The color lilac is enchanting,
    Bows with love
    Like a knight, the leaf is green.
    Presenter (teacher):
    The flowers we told you about are listed in the Red Book. And this means
    that every year there are fewer and fewer of them. How to be? After all
    I really want to pick a flower and bring it home. Do not do that! Such
    The flower will stay with you for no more than two hours and will wither. And in the clearing he will be
    make people happy for a long time.
    If I pick a flower,
    If YOU pick a flower...
    If EVERYTHING: both I and YOU –
    If WE pick flowers,
    They will be empty
    And trees and bushes...
    And there will be no beauty
    And there will be no kindness.
    If only me and YOU -
    If WE pick flowers...
    Flowers scream when they are picked
    Do you hear or not?
    They scream, they roar
    For the whole wide world.
    The grass weeps under the scythe
    And tender cornflower
    It was as if he quietly screamed: “Oh!”

    And the blue gaze faded.
    Wake up, people, in them for a moment
    Having recognized ourselves
    Hear the pine trees cry loudly
    And the quiet rustle of grass.
    And bring judgment on yourself
    Losses, doubts, years...
    Flowers scream when picked
    Do you hear or not!?...
    Here is a bouquet: it was thrown along with the rubbish.
    The petals die, shrinking...
    We rip it off indiscriminately
    Defenseless tight stems.
    Why did we tear them? Don't know!
    The delicate primrose quickly withers.
    It became empty and boring in the clearing:
    There are no more harbingers of spring there!
    It's very easy to destroy a living thing,
    After all, snowdrops cannot tell us:
    "Enjoy our beauty -
    We just ask you not to tear us up!”
    Don't pick wildflowers!
    Flowers decorate meadows and forests...
    But this is not only the beauty of nature -
    In them the bees find a healing gift,
    And butterflies drink sweet nectar from them.
    There’s no need, friends, there’s no point in tearing them apart,
    No need to make bouquets of them...
    The bouquets will wither...
    The flowers will die...
    And there will be no such beauty again!
    Presenter (teacher):
    Do you know how you can preserve the beauty of flowers without picking them?
    I won’t pick cornflowers
    And golden daisies.
    Better the whole clearing at once

    I'll take it to my home.
    I'll quietly grab the field,
    And in the dew there is a shining meadow.
    I'll settle them in our school,
    I'll give it to you, my friend.
    And when he gets a little sad,
    Snow will fill the whole world,
    Dandelion will smile
    The bell will ring.
    The lungwort will not wither,
    My bouquet will not go out.
    Our summer will survive
    The drawing has been for many years...
    Take care of the flowers, don’t destroy them!
    Don't tear up nature's creation!
    By caring for our Earth, we extend its life.
    Take care of primroses - if you are a HUMAN!
    Children show their drawings and a poster: “Take care of primroses!”
    In conclusion, the song “Don’t pick the flowers, don’t pick them!” sounds.
    Did you like our event?
    What do you remember most?
    What conclusions have you drawn for yourself?
    The teacher sums up the results of the drawing competition. Winner's reward ceremony.

    Summary of a lesson on ecology in the senior group “Primroses”

    Summary of a lesson on ecology for children of the senior group

    education – ecologist

    Proskura Lyudmila Anatolyevna,

    CHCHOU "Kindergarten No. 98 OJSC" "RUSSIAN RAILWAYS"


    Formation of ideas about early flowering plants of the native land.

    Promotion mental activity preschooler, development of intellectual, communication and creative abilities.


    Educational objectives:

    Introduce diversity primroses of the native land: Willow, Birch, Crocuses; features of their development, role in nature, relationship with insects.

    Teach children to distinguish and correctly name early flowering plants, highlighting their characteristic features.

    Developmental tasks:

    Contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary, develop abstract thinking, logic, coordination of movements, memory.

    Educational tasks:

    Type classes: communication of new knowledge by the teacher.

    Forms and methods:

    conversation with demonstrations,

    plastic sketch,

    drawing in a notebook.


    photo illustrations primroses: Crocuses, Birch, Willow (Willow,

    drawing "Bandaged Birch",

    felt-tip pens, drawing paper.

    Progress of the lesson.

    I. Communicating Topic and Purpose activities for children.

    Methods and techniques: installation conversation.

    Teacher: Guys, what time of year is it? (spring). How did you guess? What signs are already noticeable? Have any of you been to the forest in spring? What did you notice there in the spring? Early in the spring the snow will melt and appear from the ground on black thawed patches.? (flowers). They are called primroses. Guess why? They also have a middle name - snowdrops. Why were they called that? Today we will meet primroses. We will find out how different and beautiful they are, who they help in the forest, and whether they need our help.

    II. Communicating new knowledge.

    Diversity primroses. Biological features. Communication with insects.

    1. Willow (Willow).

    Methods and techniques

    Teacher: Imagine that in the spring you came to the forest and wanted to see primroses(most first flowers) . Where would you look for them - under your feet or above? (more often answer: "under your feet"). That's where you're wrong, first flowers appear on the branches of this tree. Did you recognize him? (photo illustration of willow is shown (willows). His name is willow (willow). Let's repeat in chorus. Willow is an amazing tree. Did you notice the leaves on it? (No). And the flowers have already gathered on the branches, as if "golden curly lambs". Similar? Every spring something happens next to the willow tree. Listen carefully to her story and remember what happens to her.

    According to N. Sladkov

    ". If you touch a willow lamb with your finger, your finger will turn yellow; if you click, golden smoke will steam away; If you smell it, it smells like honey.

    The guests are rushing to the feast.

    The bumblebee arrived - clumsy, shaggy, like a bear. He got excited, tossed and turned, and got covered in pollen. They came running ants: lean, fast, hungry. They pounced on the pollen, and their bellies swelled up like barrels. Just look, the rims on their bellies will burst. Mosquitoes arrived: legs in a handful, wings flickering, tiny helicopters.

    Some bugs are crawling around.

    The flies are buzzing. Butterflies spread their wings.

    The hornet on mica wings is striped, angry and

    hungry like a tiger. Everyone is buzzing - hurrying to the feast!

    Teacher: Who flew to the willow in the spring?

    Why did the insects fly to her? (. It's a pity insects: They just woke up from under the snow, and is at least one flower visible around them? (No) There is nothing to eat - only the willow helps out."

    Can a willow be called "canteen for insects"? what's happened "willow feast"?

    Let's sketch a willow tree in a notebook (fluffy golden lambs).

    2. Birch.

    Methods and techniques: conversation, story with demonstration, drawing in a notebook. Teacher: And the second story was told to me by this tree.

    Look out the window (birch). Did you recognize him? What kind of trunk does a birch have? What's on it? (dark stripes). Birch can breathe with them when it’s hot in summer. And in the spring something happened to her. She even drew a picture to herself (the picture is shown "Bandaged Birch").What was unusual about her? Why did the branches go down? I'll tell you now.

    According to G. Skrebitsky

    ". One day I was walking through the forest and heard the sound of an axe. And when I came out into the clearing, there was no one there anymore, only a birch tree stood in the distance. And a deep notch was made on its trunk with an ax. And what streamed out of her? (juice). I looked up at the branches and thought that they would not survive. After all, in the spring the birch tree took sap from its roots to feed whom? (branches, now where does the sap flow? (to the ground).

    Do the branches have enough strength? What will happen to them?

    This is how they appear at the birch tree "Birch's Tears".

    Guess what it is "Birch's Tears"? (juice). From whom

    Plastic sketch "crocuses" (children repeat the movements after the teacher)

    ". We sat down, put our heads on our knees, covered them with our palms - we "crocuses", slept all winter, in the spring the palm-shaped leaves broke through the ice-filled ground and grew (stand up, hands up); began to eat leaves - to catch the rays of the sun and drops of water (several times, clapping your hands). What do we catch - eat leaves? Finally, a flower has grown and blossomed - a head, what color? (purple, white, yellow). Shake your head - smile at the sun.

    The butterfly flew in, ate the sweet drop and seeds appeared in the flower.

    The seeds have scattered (shake your head, sway)

    And the leaves remained to work all summer - storing food in the roots (we catch the rays of the sun with our palms, drops of water and, bending down, touch the floor with our hands). Have you stocked up a lot of food?

    Autumn has come - we fell asleep (they sat down, put their heads on their knees, covered them with their palms).

    We sleep all winter. Can we sleep well? Warm under the snow? Is there enough food in the roots? Spring is coming - we woke up.” We turn into boys and girls.

    Teacher: This is how the crocus lives.

    What trick did we learn about him? What helps him survive the winter? (food reserves in roots).

    Let's sketch crocuses in a notebook.

    III. Consolidation.

    Methods and techniques: watching a video clip, conversation.

    Teacher: Today we met primroses. Name them from memory. Everything was fine in the spring forest, until one day this story happened. Let's take a look into the forest and find out what happened in the spring primroses(video fragment shown "Let's think together").

    Teacher: The forest lived its spring life. What flowers did you notice in the spring forest? (Willow, Birch, Crocus, Dream-grass, Lilies of the valley). What was the girl doing in the forest? (plucked Dream-grass, then threw away the withered bouquet).

    Why did grandma pick so many bouquets of lilies of the valley? (probably for sale).

    What will happen to the Lilies of the Valley next spring? Will they survive?

    Why does the birch tree from which the sap is taken “cry”? How can I help her? (fill the hole with clay or earth). You know, guys, in the forest in the spring, woodpeckers, tits and other birds like to feast on birch sap, but they know how to take enough sap so as not to harm the tree.

    But did this birch tree bloom? (leaves and catkins)(photo illustration shown "birch", but earrings are not simple! Look at them. Some - yellow and long - will fall to the ground in the spring when they have done their job. case: will transfer pollen to small green catkins. These little green catkins will grow all summer and only in the fall will they drop seeds that will grow into what? (new young birch trees).

    Show each one in the photo (touch it.) earrings that will fall in the fall, and which ones will grow all summer?

    Let's sketch a birch tree in a notebook step by step:

    Trunk. Stripes on the trunk (breathe, strong large branches, small branches, green young leaves, yellow catkins (lowered down, green catkins (look up).

    Methods and techniques: conversation with demonstration, plastic sketch, drawing in a notebook.

    Teacher: With which primroses have we met yet?

    Now let’s take a mental look at our feet - in the spring, a very cunning flower grows out of the ground in the forest.

    Have you seen him? (photo illustration shown "Crocus"). What colour is he? (this one is purple, there are also white and yellow ones).

    For whom do flowers grow in the forest? Who do they help? (canteen for insects). Can we tear them thoughtlessly? (you can only collect medicinal ones - a little; if we want to give someone a bouquet, then we can grow beautiful flowers in your garden or buy in a store, where they come from special flower greenhouses).

    Think about what you could say to your grandmother who was collecting lilies of the valley? (you shouldn’t pick flowers in the spring forest, because.)

    Warn everyone and tell about the beauty and importance primroses in the forest you can not only use words, but also drawings. On the next class you and I will draw these beautiful drawings primroses, let's come up with something like this for them good words, so that everyone who sees them understands how fragile and vulnerable spring flowers are and how much they need our help and protection!

    It's better primroses delight us in the forest!

    Thus, upon completion activities the child will:

    have an idea about primroses of the native land: Birch, Willow, Crocus, their environmental features and relationships with insects;

    show interest in primroses;

    strive to convey your attitude: care, empathy for early flowering plants.

    The child’s vocabulary will be enriched stock: "willow feast", "fluffy golden lambs" and you, "Birch's Tears", "birch earrings".

    Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic “Primroses”.

    Author: Tatyana Vladimirovna Shmidt, teacher. Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Kindergarten of a combined type “Yagodka” p. Alexandrovskoe” Tomsk region.
    To consolidate the idea of ​​primroses, teach them to identify them by appearance.
    Introduce the snowdrop - Galandus, consolidate the idea of ​​it appearance, through sculpting.
    Show awakening nature, connection with favorable conditions (longer days, warmth, abundance of moisture).
    Develop the ability to notice beauty, enjoy it, protect it.
    Spring costume, three-dimensional images of flowers: primrose, coltsfoot, lungwort, anemone, galandus.
    D/game “What first, what then”, for each child, 3 cards with the image of coltsfoot (in flowering sequence).
    D/game “Flower of Wishes”, a flower depicting violations of the rules of conduct in the forest and the conditions for flower growth, at the ends of the petals, pictures correcting violations.
    Plasticine, boards, rags, cardboard (by number of children).
    Preliminary work.
    Reading the stories of A. Onegov “Anemone”, “Medunitsa”, “Coltsfoot”. Reading excerpts from the book “Secrets of Beauty” by V.S. Molozhavenko.
    Memorizing poems.

    Progress of the lesson.

    1. Spring comes and asks a riddle.
    If the snow is melting everywhere,
    The day is getting longer
    If everything turns green
    And a stream rings in the fields.
    If the sun shines brighter,
    If the birds can't sleep
    If the wind gets warmer,
    So, she came to us... spring.
    2. You guys help
    Spruce up my outfit
    So that the snow melts,
    We woke up from under the snow
    Primroses from sleep.
    What are primroses? (Children's answers).
    Primroses are also called early bloomers and snowdrops.
    Explain these names (Children's answers).
    What causes the first flowers to appear? (Children's answers).
    Snowdrop flowers come to us straight from the kingdom of blizzards and snow.
    And the most interesting thing is that different places have their own snowdrops.
    Let's together list those snowdrops that grow in the Tomsk region.
    3. Finger play.
    After the snowy void Extend your arms to the sides, palms down.
    Flowers are blooming. Brush one hand up, fingers open.
    How long have you not seen Same thing, with the other hand.
    This fragile beauty! Blow on both hands, palms up.
    There are primrose flowers here, Alternately bend the fingers on one hand, then on the other.
    Coltsfoot sheets
    And the corydalis, with a crest,
    Anemone, with the breeze,
    Lungwort, with sweet juice,
    Bathing suit with a stream.
    There is a lily of the valley and a blueberry here,
    Forget-me-not and clean.
    We love all snowdrops
    We will preserve beauty.
    4. What kind of snowdrop is popularly called the golden spring? (Primrose.)
    Why was he given such a nickname? (It looks like a bunch of keys.)

    What else is it called? (Primrose, firstborn, ram, cow's tears, lambs, God's streams, goldenrod and just keys.)
    5. Guess the riddle: “He is both a stepmother and a mother, what is this flower’s name?” (Coltsfoot.)

    Why is this flower called that?
    What plant does coltsfoot look like? (Dandelion.)
    How is it different from dandelion? (Leaf shape, stem and flowering.)
    Does the flowering coltsfoot have leaves? (No.)
    6. Didactic game“What first, what then.”
    Arrange the cards in order, showing the coltsfoot flowering sequence.

    Explain why you arranged the cards in this order. Children's answers.
    7. Which snowdrop is called very sweet?
    Child: “The lungwort is blooming -
    She is the queen of flowers!
    Next to her is a primrose
    Dressed in a golden tailcoat.”

    Explain the name of the flower.
    What color are her flowers? Why does the lungwort change the color of its flowers?
    How does the lungwort protect itself from the spring cold?
    8. Look at this flower. (Show.)

    What is it called? (Anemone.)
    Why was the anemone called that? (Because its flowers on thin stems sway even from a very weak wind.)
    Is it possible to tell by the anemone whether it is clear or cloudy outside? How? (When the flowers are open, it’s clear; when they’re closed, it’s cloudy.)
    9. Physical exercise.
    On the lawn in the morning we started a game.
    I am a snowdrop, you are a bindweed,
    Join our circle.
    One two three four -
    Spread the circle wider
    And now we are streams,
    Let's run a race.
    We hurry straight to the lake,
    The lake will become big.
    Stand in a circle again -
    Let's play in the sun.
    We are cheerful rays.
    We are frisky and hot.
    10. And with the sun another flower appears, everyone calls it that - snowdrop (galanthus). (Show.)

    The poet M. Serov wrote very well about this flower:
    “In the clearing piebald
    A flower rises.
    He has it from the snow
    Turn-down collar.
    All at once,
    Lightly against the wind.
    I stood on a thin leg,
    With a bell in hand."
    11. Almost all snowdrops are listed in the Red Book and so that there are more of these flowers, at least in our imaginary clearing, let's depict our snowdrop - Galanthus - in modeling.
    Pay attention to the structure of the stem and leaf, compare the size of the flower and leaf.

    (The teacher monitors the children’s posture and helps if necessary.)
    12. Look what a wonderful clearing we have made,

    and with your help I got dressed up.

    I hope that you will take care of the primroses and not do like one girl...
    Child:“Flower in the meadow
    I broke it while running
    I tore it off. What for
    I can't explain.
    In glass
    It stood for a day and withered.
    And how much would he
    Did you stand in the meadow?”
    Now we will find out how to behave in the forest by playing the game “Flower of Desires,” but not yours, but the flower’s desires. Desires are encrypted in pictures, and pictures of objects will tell you how to fulfill them. (Children take turns fulfilling their wishes.)

    Well done guys and remember, everything depends on you. The more careful you are with flowers, the thinner the Red Book will become.

    Program content:

    Strengthen children's understanding of primroses;

    Enrich your vocabulary(coltsfoot, lily of the valley, lungwort, snowdrop, dandelion. medicinal, protected, primroses, sprout, stem, root, seeds, flower, leaves)

    Continue teaching children to select adjectives for nouns;

    Develop phonemic awareness;

    Continue learning to identify hard and soft consonant sounds at the beginning of a word; choose words that begin with the sound “l”, “l”.

    Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

    Material and equipment:

    A sheet of whatman paper with an image of a forest clearing, a photo of flowers: primroses. Audio recording of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers", ball, willow branch, chips, piggy bank.

    Used Books:

    M.A. Vasilyeva “Program of education and training in kindergarten”

    O.S. Ushakova “Methods of speech development for preschool children”

    Preliminary work:

    GCD for familiarization with the outside world on the topic “Primroses”

    Conversations on the topic “The Red Book”, “Spring Flowers”.

    Progress of direct educational activities

    Introductory part:

    Children stand in a circle. The teacher reads a poem about spring:

    The snow is no longer the same -

    He darkened in the field,

    The ice on the lakes cracked, as if it had been split.

    The clouds are moving faster, the sky has become higher,

    The sparrow chirped more cheerfully on the roof.

    The buds are swelling with juice, and soon all the snow will melt.

    And the young green leaves will decorate the forest.

    Main part:


    What signs of spring did you hear in this poem?

    What else, besides young leaves, will decorate the forest? (flowers)

    When do the first flowers appear in the forest? (when the snow begins to melt and the ground opens, the first thawed patches appear)

    Spring is coming to us with quick steps, and the snowdrifts melt under her feet,

    Black thawed patches are visible in the fields. Apparently spring has very warm feet!

    How to call in one word the first flowers that appear in spring? (primroses)

    Do you want to go visit the primroses and see how incredibly beautiful the meadows are in the spring when the primroses bloom?

    And we will move with you with the help of magic words:

    La-la-la - I wove a wreath;
    Lo-lo-lo - the pine tree has a hollow;
    la-la-la - this is my land;
    li-li-li - we found a flower;
    lu-lu-lu - I love you all.

    First stop "Magic"

    It blooms from under the snow,

    Welcomes spring before everyone else. (Snowdrop)

    Why is this flower called a snowdrop? (the snow has not yet melted, the snowdrop is already breaking through and reaching for the sun)

    What flowers are these? Describe them.

    For every word, children put it in a piggy bank. beautiful words chips.

    Delicate, beautiful, first, fragile, extraordinary, early, spring, white, blue, purple.

    A popular saying says: “Does the first flower break the ice?” How do you understand this proverb?

    (Children explain the meaning of the proverb.)

    The snowdrop came out of the ground at dawn.

    He looked fearfully: would the children tear it?

    But the children said affectionately: “Grow up!

    We won’t touch you: everything must bloom!”

    The guys are running in a crowd on the grass,

    And the snowdrop blooms - delicate blue!

    Why can't you pick these flowers? (They are listed in the Red Book)

    Finger gymnastics:

    A tall flower has grown in a clearing (hands up)

    On a spring morning I opened the petals (palms like a boat)

    Beauty and nutrition to all petals (join the backs of your palms)

    Together they give roots underground. (Open your fingers)

    A photo of snowdrops is displayed on whatman paper.

    Let's say our magic words (Articulation gymnastics are repeated)

    second stop “Solnechnaya”


    The teacher gives a description of the coltsfoot without mentioning the name of the plant, then opens the picture, continuing the story.

    This flower grows in open places, it is the first plant that feeds bees and bumblebees with its nectar(sweet juice) . This plant produces flowers first and then leaves. It has a thin stem, which is covered with fluff in order to protect the flower from the cold. One side of the leaf is soft, warm, affectionate, like a mother; the other is smooth, cold, like a stepmother, hence the name of the flower.

    Coltsfoot. (attaches photo to Whatman paper)

    On a slope, in a meadow, barefoot in the snow, -

    The first flowers, yellow eyes.

    This is a medicinal plant, its decoction helps treat cough.

    Describe this plant: small, sunny, yellow, medicinal, useful.

    third stop “Musical”:

    "Waltz of the Flowers" by Tchaikovsky, children dancing to the music.

    fourth stop “Yellow Glade”

    Golden and young became gray in a week,

    I’ll hide a former dandelion in my pocket.

    Let's give the dandelion a few beautiful words: what is it like? (fluffy, golden, round, airy, medicinal). Dandelion decoction helps develop appetite, and a salad is also made from dandelion leaves.

    fifth stop "Game"

    D/i “How a flower grows”
    Children are asked to post pictures in the sequence of flower growth: seed – sprout from a seed – shoot – appearance of leaves – appearance of a bud – appearance of a flower – the flower has withered – formation of seeds.

    D/I “What is necessary for flowers to grow?”

    Psycho-gymnastics “Spring flowers”
    (Performed to the music of Tchaikovsky.)
    Imagine that you are small flower seeds. You were planted in the ground in a flowerbed. A warm ray of sunlight fell on the ground and warmed the seeds. Small sprouts sprouted from them, very weak, fragile, defenseless. But now the spring sun has warmed up, and small sprouts begin to grow quickly. Here is a sprout, gained strength, drilled into the ground and finally got out onto Fresh air. Your leaves have grown, the stem has become strong, you are reaching for the light, the sun. How good! A small bud appeared on the stem. It grows, swells, and finally unfurls its petals. At first the petals seem a little wrinkled, but then they straightened out, and everyone around saw a beautiful spring flower.

    sixth stop “Sladkaya”

    Dressy sisters

    Guests are greeted all day,

    They treat you with honey. (Lungwort)

    A photo of the lungwort is posted on whatman paper. Lungwort – appears in early spring. On the stem of this plant, some flowers are dark pink, others are lilac, and others are bright blue. What word does the name of this flower come from (honey). Why? (Because the flowers of this plant are filled with sweet fragrant nectar). What insects need this flower? Lungwort loves bright sunlight. By the color of a flower, bees immediately determine whether it contains honey or not. In unopened buds Pink colour quite a bit of honey. When the honey accumulates, the flower turns lilac, and when it fades, it turns blue. They drink tea from the dried leaves and stems for sore throats and coughs.

    Lungwort, what is it like? (sweet, honey, pink, blue, beautiful, fragrant, aromatic)

    eighth stop “Snow White”»

    Look how beautiful our meadow has blossomed. Children, who knows the name of the primrose, which begins with the sound “l”. (Lily of the valley)

    Name more words that begin with the sound “l”.

    (boat, skis, horse, lamp, varnish, swallow, weasel)

    Now say this sound softly (l). Name words that begin with the sound li.

    (Ice, leaf, love, face, line, forest)

    A photo of a lily of the valley is placed on whatman paper.

    Final part:

    Children, did you enjoy our trip?

    What are the names of the flowers that appear first in spring?

    Name the primroses that you know.

    Why can't you collect these flowers in bouquets?

    What is the name of the book where rare plants are written?

    Let's now count how many chips you have collected into your collection of beautiful words.

    State budgetary educational institution of Moscow, combined kindergarten No. 1117 “Squirrel”

    Summary of direct educational activities

    on speech development

    in the senior group

    "Visiting the primroses."

    (Educational field: communication, socialization)

    Conducted by: senior group teacher

    Silchenko Irina Nikolaevna

    April 2013

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