• Scenario for a New Year's performance for high school students with competitions. A funny New Year's scenario with a modern twist for high school students. Background music: "Iowa Smile"


    New Year 2016

    New Year's party scenario for high school students.

    The holiday begins with song Alina Grose - New Year

    (The presenters exit to the music of fanfare)


    Hello, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to today's celebration.

    Leading 2 .

    It's winter outside - the time of the most short days and the most long nights. But we love this time of year. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.

    Presenter 1.

    It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished wishes come true, and the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe me? I am sure that you will be able to verify this if you become a participant in our New Year's celebration.

    Leading 2.

    With the arrival of white Januarys
    We are all becoming “wiser” -
    We are waiting for gifts and a lot of happiness.
    And we believe that heaven
    Miracles are in store for us all...

    Musical background: "Iowa Smile"

    Baba Yaga. (Runs out with headphones on, dances, hums a song) Smile... Smile... Ugh!.. I'm so attached... No, what kind of songs are they now? There used to be songs! They have bloomed... for a long time... chrysanthemums in the garden...(Runs out to the music of Kikimora. Dances)Kikimora: Hello, Yaga, am I not late?Baba Yaga. : Will you be late? Always the first one to come to the table.Kikimora: And I'm disciplined!Baba Yaga. : Well, yes, well, yes, we know how disciplined you are... the first to convince, the first to convince, so as not to wash the dishes.(A plane flies in from behind the scenes.)Baba Yaga. : Wow, this is a friend.Kikimora: Come on, come on, read, I love the passion of other people’s letters!

    (looks at the letter)Baba Yaga. : what a letter, what a letter, you are an illiterate swamp. This is eSeMeSka! From Leshy.

    (reads) Sy-ko-ra bu-doo. Le-shiy. Guests are gathering! (Rubs his hands, at this time another SMS arrives)

    Issho alone! (Is reading)

    Pe-rya-du-small. Le-shiy.Kikimora. Why is he doing this, huh? He won't come, will he?Baba Yaga. Who really knows. Kikimora: Somewhat fickle.(The SMS plane arrives again)Baba Yaga. Well, Kasya... well, Kasya... (reads) “Again, I'm thinking again. Will." Ugh, then I will, then I will...(To the music of Muckle Jackson, Leshy appears moonwalking and rubs his hands)Goblin: Did I really play you?Kikimora: And I was already upset, I thought again, Yaga and I would celebrate the New Year together...Goblin: And I’m right there! Now the three of us will while away the holiday!Baba Yaga. That's it, what to while away. No entertainment. Kikimora: And it’s true, even if Ivan Tsarevich got carried away.

    We could really show off!Goblin: Yes, we would really have fun!Baba Yaga. Now you won't be amused! Have you forgotten that you made peace with Santa Claus? We don’t bully, and in return he will send us gifts for the New Year.Goblin: What do we care about his gifts, sweets and nuts, ugh, disgusting.Kikimora: I love candy...Baba Yaga. I had no choice, otherwise would I have entered into an agreement with Moroz! We'll have to help him!Goblin : Yes, now you’re bored. Don't scare anyone, don't chase anyone.

    Kikimora: Eh, still - no one! Come on, Yaga, get your apple on a platter, let’s see what’s going on in the world.Baba Yaga: Darkness! The saucer is so yesterday! I have another thing! (Takes out a small suitcase. Opens: on the lid, with reverse side- screen, on the bottom - keyboard) Wow! Goblin: Wow! This is the equipment...Baba Yaga . It's called a suitcase! Now, now, we’ll find out all the news! (It turns on, the audience cannot see the screen, Guglovna appears on the side of the stage, she is the image on the screen transferred to the stage).Baba Yaga : Well, Google, tell me the news! Otherwise it’s time for us to hit the road!Guglovna : In some kingdom, in some state

    A fairy tale in a new way: _______________8-class

    (Call signs of the mobile phone sound)

    Ved 2 : ( talking on his cell phone ): Yes, we are waiting, we are waiting! No, we don't miss you. Well, what would New Year be without you? You better hurry up! (turns off the phone): D. Frost and the Snow Maiden are very close.

    Ved 1 : Well, you told them that we are looking forward to seeing them?

    Game competitions_________________________________

    (a phonogram sounds - phonlights processing the music “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and a loud knock is heard).

    D. Moroz : Good evening, good people!

    Hello everyone, friends!

    I see that I am very welcome here,

    And I see smiles.

    I love someone who is cheerful

    I'm Grandfather Frost!

    If someone hangs his nose,

    Let him raise his nose higher!

    I wish you success

    Happiness, joy and laughter!

    Happy New Year to you, friends! Where is the Snow Maiden? It’s time to start the holiday and receive gifts, but she’s not there yet. Let's call her all together.

    (Call in chorus: “Snow Maiden!”)

    What weak organisms you have! Is this really a scream? Let's try again.

    (Everyone shouts even louder: “Snow Maiden!”)

    Oh, why are you yelling like that? I hear someone approaching, probably the Snow Maiden is coming.

    Music sounds, Baba Yaga and her retinue appear.

    Baba Yaga.

    There are so many people in the hall,

    A glorious holiday will be here.

    They sent me a telegram

    That they are really waiting for me here

    Well, here I come! And you greet Granny-Yagusya more friendly and clap loudly!

    It’s not for nothing that I’m called Baba Yaga,

    I always joke and laugh at everyone.

    Kikimora :We know the secret of how to have fun living:

    Goblin: Sing, dance, don’t worry about anything!

    Father Frost . And you, Yagusya, how did you get here, do you want to ruin our whole holiday?! Who called you?!

    Baba Yaga . Darkness! Are you completely behind the times, old, or do you have sclerosis? Your Snow Maiden and I are old friends. She couldn’t come, she had personal, heartfelt matters there.(winks at his entourage ), so she asked me to replace her. Or are you against it?! Do you need helpers or can you handle it yourself?

    Father Frost . Replace the Snow Maiden with Baba Yaga? This really... Doesn't fit into any sled. Okay, stay, you will help me, but on the condition that you will not do any mischief. Deal?

    Baba Yaga. Deal! (They shake hands.)

    New Year's greetings____9th grade____grade

    Father Frost . Well done, you made Grandfather happy!

    And I'll show you a trick,

    I'll put everything in order.

    I went to the store

    I bought gifts for everyone.

    Here.(Takes a dumbbell out of the bag.)

    Baba Yaga . So this is a dumbbell! Do such gifts exist?

    Father Frost . There are all kinds.

    Baba Yaga. Oh, you have some gifts...

    Father Frost . The most normal ones. Look how many people there are who want it.(Shouts.) New Year's dumbbell! The more you lift...

    Baba Yaga . The faster you'll fall!

    Father Frost . You will become an athlete. You, Yagusya, don’t understand anything, but who understands that this is the best? New Year's competition, he will come up and start squeezing it out. Hey, come on over, don’t be shy, lift the dumbbell and get a gift!

    A competition is being held _____________________

    New Year's greetings______8th grade

    Father Frost . Well done, you made Grandfather happy!

    The goblin and the kikimora come in while the music is playing, playing tag and fooling around

    Father Frost: What is that noise in the forest? What is it, are you acting up again?Goblin: No way, Morozushka, everything is decorously noble!Baba Yaga: You offend, Moroz, we behave ourselves decently!Father Frost: Why are you making noise then? Play games quickly!

    A GAME ____________

    Baba Yaga . And now - a prize to the studio!

    The goblin and the kikimora agree: To the studio!

    Father Frost: You guys just fell from the moon. Have you read the script? There it is written in white and black: “Santa Claus enters, congratulates, holds a competition,” but nothing is said about the fact that he gives gifts. Got it?

    Baba Yaga . This cannot be! Take a closer look at your script. By the way, where is the script? Let's watch.

    Baba Yaga . While Santa Claus is busy looking for a script

    New Year's greetings___________________11th grade

    (Santa Claus takes the script out of the bag.) Found it! Found!

    Father Frost (is reading). So, after congratulating Santa Claus, the children dance around the Christmas tree.

    Baba Yaga . It's the same in children's scenarios children dance in a round dance, and in our...

    Father Frost . Where is ours?

    Baba Yaga. You should have had it.

    Father Frost . I dropped it somewhere. (Looking for scripts). What to do now, what to do?

    Baba Yaga . Oh, you lost the document! We'll have to improvise. Our kids are not that small, so they are not supposed to dance in circles! Do you know the songs? Start singing!

    Artistic room____________class

    Father Frost.

    Oh-ho-ho, how tired I am

    He sang and danced well.

    And now I'll rest

    I’ll sit here by the Christmas tree.

    And I’ll wait for the Snow Maiden.

    Baba Yaga . You, Santa Claus, sit down, and the guys and I will hold some fun competitions!

    Contest __________________________________

    Father Frost: Well, our holiday is in full swing! Only my granddaughter lingered somewhere, apparently, everything is preening. (Everyone is calling the Snow Maiden, music is heard)Snow Maiden's exit

    Snow Maiden : How many people do you know around you?

    How many of my friends are here!

    I feel good here, like at home,

    Among the gray Christmas trees!

    All my friends have gathered.

    In the New Year's winter hour.

    We haven't met for a whole year

    I miss you.

    Snow Maiden: Oh, grandpa, am I late? Did you miss something interesting?Father Frost: Yes, today a whole fairy tale played out, just in time for the New Year!Snow Maiden: Grandfather, isn’t it time for us to congratulate everyone?Father Frost: It's time, granddaughter, it's time! Happy New Year!Snow Maiden:
    The Earth is spinning, one more turnThe next one, and here it is,No delays, exactly on time,New Year is coming!


    The clock will strike twelve times,The arrows will outline a circle.And at this long-awaited hourWill light up around

    Father Frost:

    Smiles of loved ones and friends,
    The glasses will ring,
    And a Christmas tree with hundreds of lights
    Decorate your outfit!

    Baba Yaga .
    Happy second of the first of January,
    Under the snowy round dance,
    Giving new hopes,
    New Year will burst in!

    Health, joy and happiness

    We wish you a Happy New Year!


    So that there is no anxiety, no misfortune

    There was no guard at the gate.

    Snow Maiden:

    So that the sun shines tenderly,

    Everything that the heart expects came true,

    And just to make it gratifying

    All your life, like this year!

    Father Frost: Dear friends! People say:

    “The best song that has not yet been sung. The best city that has not yet been built best year, which has not yet lived! So may the New Year 2016 bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true!

    Together: Happy New Year!

    Good day! Celebrating the New Year in high school should be non-trivial and fun. After all, children studying in grades 9-11 are unlikely to believe in Santa Claus anymore, so you should approach the preparation of the script with great responsibility. Be sure to include modern jokes and outdoor games with prizes. And then all the schoolchildren will be satisfied with the evening. Here is one example of possible holiday behavior for such an audience.

    Choose scenarios, competitions, fairy tales, funny parties or modern funny scenarios! And also scripts for Father Santa Claus! And it’s just funny in the year of the pig. I have everything for you, just click on the highlighted word you need.

    New Year's Eve scenario for students in grades 9-11 “A round the world trip on New Year's Eve”


    1. Form for the presenter.

    2. Balloons.

    3. Pacifiers - 6 pcs.

    4. Prizes for competition winners.

    5. Prizes for the lottery.

    6. Bananas - 2 pcs.

    7. Eye patches - 2 pcs.

    8. Toilet paper - 2 rolls.

    9. Costume of old man Hottabych.

    10. Surprise gift bags.

    11. Cards with the names of heroes literary works.

    12. Lottotron.

    13. Phonograms.

    Progress of the evening

    The hall is festively decorated with garlands of lights, streamers, rain and openwork snowflakes. The DJ stand is designed to resemble the captain's bridge, where the steering wheel is installed and the ship's bell is suspended. The hosts' costumes may contain elements of a sailor's uniform (visor cap, cap or sailor collar).

    Leading. Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you in this cozy room.

    How long have we waited for this most romantic, mysterious and fabulous holiday. They waited and prepared for it: the cooks heatedly discussed the menu, the waiters polished the already shining cutlery, the artists rehearsed day and night! The ladies probably spent half the day in front of the mirror, and the men... men today are more elegant and fit than ever!

    And now the New Year tree winks welcomingly at all of us, it sparkles Have a good mood, like serpentine ribbons, fly from one to another, and this is already the beginning of our New Year's Eve!

    We wish you a pleasant stay and will try to make this magical evening memorable for a long time!

    Leading. December has passed in the bustle of the New Year, and a magical night is approaching. It’s December on the calendar, and the festive mood doesn’t leave us even for a minute. And rightly so, because everything is just beginning!

    Leading. Today you and I have a unique opportunity to go on a New Year's cruise to exotic countries, and now is the time to give all of you surprise gift bags that will be very useful to you throughout our entire trip!

    So, full speed ahead!

    The ship's bell and the rumble of the sailing ship sound.

    Background music is playing. The assistant distributes surprise gift bags containing 2 sets of sparklers, New Year's whistles, 5 crackers and 2 packages of streamers.

    Leading. The coming year brings a lot of unknowns and unknowns for all of us. On New Year's Eve everything always comes true, everything will always happen. So, make a wish - and it will certainly come true on this magical night!

    Leading. Well, the hands on the clock are inexorably running forward and there is very little left until the New Year, and in order to meet it “fully armed”, I suggest everyone to carefully prepare for this. So, I invite you to take part in the New Year's quiz! The person who answers correctly receives a token.

    — Gift collection of Santa Claus (Bag.)

    — A prop that allows Santa Claus to fight off wolves. (Staff.)

    — Cold in the ocean. (Iceberg.)

    - Underroof lollipop. (Icicle.)

    — A place where fish, big and small, are caught. (Ice hole.)

    — Sheepskin coat, which figure skaters have in three layers. (Sheepskin coat.)

    - An object artistic creativity Santa Claus. (Window.)

    - Nickname of Santa Claus. (Red nose.)

    - What did winter salt in a birch tub? (Snowballs.)

    - Why did the man cut down our Christmas tree? (Under the very spine.)

    - How far do 3 white horses take you? (Into the ringing snow.)

    Leading. Well done to those who answered the questions correctly. I congratulate you! You became part of the New Year's win-win lottery. And for those who did not give a single correct answer, I ask you not to be upset, because you will still have the opportunity to become the winner of the competition, but this will happen later. And now... we are starting the New Year's lottery, and I ask everyone who has tokens to be more attentive!

    A musical theme plays. There is a lottery.

    Mask for your carnival,

    So that no one finds out.

    It will help you become more beautiful

    And he can make you laugh,

    Useful even in cold weather

    This wonderful red nose!

    You got an interesting prize,

    Christmas ball, elegant!

    On New Year's Eve, to be more beautiful,

    Decorate yourself with blue tinsel.

    I'll give you today

    New Year's bell.

    A complicated trinket -

    New Year's cracker!

    You get them -

    From Bengal lights!

    So that happiness, without wandering,

    It's come to you for the New Year,

    Light this candle

    And put it on the window!

    Just to everyone's surprise

    Here's the decoration:

    And it sparkles and sparkles,

    Let it hang on the Christmas tree!

    You are incredibly lucky

    Get a nice prize

    He spins and curls,

    It's called Serpentine!

    So that you don't get sick in winter,

    And they bloomed and became beautiful,

    It contains a vitamin -

    Get a tangerine!

    This rain is not real

    It's not wet, but shiny!

    He is not a woman, not a man,

    He's called a snowman!

    Cool toy for you -

    Fir cone!

    Receive a modest gift -

    This wonderful calendar!

    So that the paths lead into the New Year,

    We present you with confetti!

    Leading. Thanks to everyone who participated in our New Year's lottery! Our trip around the world continues.

    The ship's whistle sounds.

    Leading. So, dear friends, you and I did not notice how we arrived in the land of the rising sun - Japan. In this country, the New Year is celebrated like this: they have fun for a whole week. And everyone must fly their own kite into the sky.

    And I suggest you launch a dragon.

    The game "Dragon" is played.

    2 teams are recruited, 10-15 people in each. Then the participants of each team line up in a column, behind each other’s heads, with their hands placed on the waist (or shoulders) of the person in front. The first number of the column is the “head” of the dragon. The last one is the “tail”. The goal of the game is to catch someone else’s dragon “tail” with your “head”. In other words, the first number of one column must catch the last number of another column. The dragon cannot be disengaged. A dragon is considered defeated if its tail is caught or if it falls apart.

    The presenter announces the concert number.

    Leading. Everyone knows that in different countries Various trees are decorated for the New Year: in Africa - a palm tree, in Japan - sakura, in Russia - a spruce.

    And now I would like to know if you know everything about our Russian beauty - the Christmas tree.

    There is a blitz quiz.

    1. Christmas tree homeland. (Forest.)

    2. What color are the gingerbread cookies and cones growing on the Christmas tree at home? (Pink and gold.)

    3. The process ending with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting.)

    4. An ancient, but timeless dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance.)

    5. Performer of songs for the Christmas tree. (Blizzard.)

    6. A person trotting past the Christmas tree, gray in all respects. (Wolf.)

    7. Christmas tree snow insulation. (Snowball.)

    8. Christmas decorations, which causes significant damage to the home budget not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

    9. A peasant’s anti-Christmas tree weapon. (Axe.)

    10. What quality of the New Year tree makes it similar to each a real woman. (The desire to dress up.)

    Leading. Dear friends! There is very little left until the new year, and I propose to leave everything bad and unpleasant in the old year. May we have as many good and joyful events next year as there are lights on our New Year's garland!

    Leading. May the coming year bring you all a lot of new and interesting things, and may it be in your power to make sure that your most cherished desires come true this year!

    Dance block.

    Leading. All December we live in anticipation of a miracle. We are waiting, preparing, hoping. Always remain a little childish, and then the doors will open fairy tale will always be open to you.

    I suggest you send a telegram to the main character of the holiday - Santa Claus! And maybe he’ll come visit us!

    The text of the telegram is almost ready, but I need your help: name the adjectives, what is Santa Claus like in New Year's Eve.

    The guests are a comic telegram Santa Claus. The compiled text is read out to the guests.

    Telegram for Santa Claus

    Father Frost! All _____ guests are looking forward to your ____ arrival! New Year is the most holiday of the year. In ______ mood we will sing songs for you, dance _____ dances, play ____ games! Finally _____ new year is coming!

    I don't want to talk about studying. But we promise that we will work and get only good grades.

    So come quickly, open your ___ bag and give us ___ gifts.

    With respect to you _____ ladies and ___ men!

    Leading. In the meantime, our telegram is sent to Santa Claus, I invite everyone to the dance program.

    Dance block.

    Dear friends!

    Let's celebrate the New Year

    Cheerful, kind look!

    It's good that we are now

    Everyone is gathered here!

    Lovely smiles from the heart

    There is nothing more beautiful

    Santa Claus has come to us, friends!

    And with it there is fun and happiness!

    Game program of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

    Dance program.

    The ship's whistle sounds.

    Leading. So, dear friends, our journey continues and we arrive in India. This mysterious country, full of secrets and amazing wonders. In India, the new year begins on the vernal equinox. And today we are greeted by the kind Old Man Hottabych, known to everyone since childhood.

    Oriental music sounds, Old Man Hottabych comes out and greets all the guests.

    A quiz is held, Hottabych presents prizes.

    1. What are the names of the heroes of S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.)

    2. To whom was this song sung: “Bay-bayushki, oink-oink, calm down, I say!” (To the stupid mouse.)

    3. In which fairy tale do nightingales not sing for pigs? (“Telephone” by K. Chukovsky.)

    4. The pigs meowed: “Meow-meow!”, and who grunted? (Kitties.)

    5. Who wrote the lines: “A son will grow up to be a pig, if the son is a pig”? (V. Mayakovsky.)

    6. In which fairy tale does G.-H. Andersen sang a song about Augustine? ("Swineherd".)

    7. Who says the following words: “Oh, you’re disgusting, oh, you’re dirty, unwashed pig!” (Moidodyr.)

    8. In what fairy tale do the piglets sing: “You are a pig and I am a pig, we are all brother pigs”? ("Cat house".)

    9. A kid with a pigish character. (Pig.)

    10. Pig linebacker. (Fang.)

    11. Pig layer. (Salo.)

    12. Pig bath. (Puddle.)

    13. Brutal piglet. (Boar.)

    14. An event that increases piggishness. (Farrow.)

    15. Prominent part of a pig's face. (Piglet.)

    16. One of the popular TV presenters of the evening program. (Piggy.)

    Dance block.

    The ship's whistle sounds.

    Leading. Well then, dear friends! Time flies inexorably forward, and you and I arrive in the next country, the most romantic and fabulous. And this country is France!

    Paris, Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower. These names are simply breathtaking. And this is the most suitable place for all lovers.

    Are there any lovers in our hall?

    The audience responds.

    Leading. And now is the time to look into our surprise packages and find cards with the names of heroes of literary works and simply famous personalities.

    Each of you now has such a card, and now for literally 5 minutes we will try to create new pairs. The couple I call goes to the center of the hall and performs the dance that will sound to them.

    A dance competition is held in pairs.

    The couple is the winner dance competition- receives prizes. Firecrackers sound from every table in her honor.

    The ship's whistle sounds.

    Leading. So, dear friends, we are arriving in the next country. This is Africa. You know, in one of the tribes, in Kenya, on New Year's Day, when tribesmen meet, they spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, it’s a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit at each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in the African way.

    There is a competition with pacifiers. That one wins. Whoever spits out the pacifier furthest than others.

    Leading. Well, well, we have identified 3 winners (boys), who will now go to the hall and choose a lady.

    The game “Feed Blind” is played with three pairs. The female participants are blindfolded, and they, in turn, try to feed their man a banana. The winning couple receives prizes. Firecrackers sound from every table in her honor.

    Leading. Papuans do not have the right to eat pig meat, since they consider it a member of their family, and yet they kill it for meat. What way out of this situation was found? (They killed their neighbors’ pigs, and then ate this meat with a clear conscience.)

    A ritual dance around a palm tree occupies an important place in their New Year's customs. Let's try to do this too.

    A ritual dance is performed around an improvised palm tree.

    Leading. And in Africa, on New Year’s Eve, they choose the strongest man of the tribe.

    The game “Pop the Ball” is played. Each participant, on command, inflates the balloon until it bursts. The winner is the one whose balloon bursts first. Fanfare sounds in honor of himself strong man tribe.

    Leading. I’m going to celebrate the New Year at a party, but at home it’s still better, we’re returning home to Russia.

    It sounds like "Lady".

    What would Russian New Year be without a snowman? Let's try to build a snowman!

    There is a competition for the best snowman from toilet paper. 2 pairs of participants are called. Ladies “make” a snowman out of their boyfriend, that is, they wrap him in toilet paper. When holding this competition, it is important to remember that the main thing is not speed, but quality!

    The winning couple of the competition receives prizes. Firecrackers sound.

    Dance block.

    Leading. Dear friends! People say: “The best song that has not yet been sung, the best city that has not yet been built, the best year that has not yet been lived.” So may the new year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

    Dance block with sparklers.

    Leading. Dear friends! I have a feeling that all the funniest, smartest, beautiful people, and, taking this opportunity, I would like to reward those who have especially distinguished themselves!

    So, we are starting the awards in the following categories:

    — “Best Dancer”;

    — “Wasp waist”;

    — “Courage of the city shore”;

    — “Miss Surprise”;

    - “My years are my wealth”;

    - “The most fun”;

    - “Beauty is a terrible force.”

    Leading. We thank everyone who traveled with us today! After all, we not only celebrated the New Year, but also made many new friends, and this, as we know, is a good omen!

    Happy New Year again, friends! See you again!

    New Year's themed songs are played. The guests leave the hall.

    New Year's scenario for high school students

    Scenario for a holiday for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This script is a literary composition that will help every child see the role of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better!

    Presenter 1. Good evening to everyone present in this room!

    Presenter 2. Hello dear guests!

    Presenter 1. Hello everyone who came to this hall, and even those who were late for the ball. We congratulate everyone, we invite everyone to let only laughter sound in this hall!

    Presenter 2. Happy New Year, with new happiness, we congratulate you again. It's time for us to start a fun holiday and a wonderful evening.

    Presenter 1. Listen! As if in a magical dream, lights will shine in the school today, music will sound here and laughter will be a festive evening for everyone today.

    Presenter 2. Those who love laughter, those who know how to joke, let them come to this hall. We invite everyone, we invite everyone to the New Year's carnival.

    Presenter 1. Festive, cheerful, healing smiles full on every face. Winter, joyful, exciting, it is not repeated twice.

    Presenter 2. Listen, listen to the highest order: it’s time to have fun, it’s time for us to rejoice. To the one who fulfills these instructions, all dreams will now come true.

    Presenter 1. We congratulate you on the New Year, we wish you all happiness, so that you can live this year both sadly and without troubles, so that you work willingly and have fun on the holiday. And success to you in your business, smiles on everyone’s lips.

    Presenter 2. This is our opening speech, we started everything off beautifully, but now we ask everyone that there is noise and laughter in the hall, that you meet the artists and sincerely applaud them. We haven’t slept for several nights and have prepared a fairy tale for you, don’t blame me, it’s somehow out of tune, because this fairy tale is in a new way.

    Presenter 1. We ask you, don't sleep! Hang around in the hall and whistle! They are already sitting on the needles under the tree fairy-tale heroes, we will invite them to this hall for a festive carnival.

    Presenter 2. Listen, it's time for us to shut up and begin our fairy tale! And so, a wonderful fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf is shown to us by the honored artists of our school, 9th grade students

    (Fairy tale)

    Presenter 1. We thank 9th grade for their fairy tale. our festive New Year's program continues. Therefore, more jokes, more laughter are allowed here, everyone dance, have fun, because the time has come for this.

    Presenter 2. Today we have fun, we are celebrating the New Year, and we warmly welcome everyone who came to us.

    Presenter 1. Surprises await everyone in the new year, in the year of _____! The 11th graders will soon be finishing school, they have only troubles... don’t worry, certificates will be issued in June!

    Presenter 2. It will be difficult for you to enter college in the year ___! Your efforts are completely useless, I want to give advice politely: many good, bright changes await you in the new year, so work, don’t be lazy, and the good luck bell will ring!

    Presenter 1. Happy New Year, tenth grade! happiness to you! warmth in the house! good deeds to you, good friends and the best ratings, may you be healthy, strong, courageous, hardworking.

    Presenter 2. Helmet best congratulations We are in ninth grade! Let love warm your heart, all your life, everywhere, everywhere! may hope not fade away in you, people always respect you!

    Presenter 1. Let the beauty of girls not fade. Let fate bloom luxuriously! Let love be like the sunshine for plants in a field!

    Presenter 2. We wish our teachers that there is mutual understanding, so that the seeds of science germinate in a high harvest!

    Presenter 1. We wish you to start new things in the new year, and such that your persistent deeds will thunder!

    Presenter 2. Let life in the country become both stable and prosperous, so that everyone can live the life given to us by God with dignity! Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness! Happy New Year, the singing voices of our school greet you

    Presenter 1. It's time to call those without whom there is no New Year. I think everyone has guessed who we are talking about? Therefore, all together, let’s call together: “Santa Claus! Snow Maiden"

    (Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall)

    Snow Maiden: Good evening, dear friends! Happy New Year! With new happiness! Let me congratulate you and sincerely wish you the best in the world!

    Father Frost :
    God grant, in good time,
    May goodness dwell in you!
    To have a lot of things
    May your life bloom.
    We sow, we weed, we sow.
    Happy New Year!

    Snow Maiden :
    May it be a new year to every school
    Will bring enough good
    Full of sun, full of laughter
    For everyone's joy and pleasure.
    Please accept my congratulations
    And best wishes:
    Live in health for everyone -
    Both big and small!

    Father Frost :
    May your dreams come true
    Everything this year
    May fate smile on you
    At every step!
    To happiness and health
    From now on your time has gone!
    Happy New Year!

    Presenter 2. Well, Father Frost and Snow Maiden are here. You can move on to entertainment.

    Presenter 1. Oh, I caught a snowflake, I need to make a wish.

    Presenter 2. Which one?

    Presenter 1: Listen! All my life I dreamed of attending a real ball, well, at least for 5 minutes, so that there would be real beauties, princes and a “waltz”.

    Presenter 2. On New Year's Eve all wishes come true, so there will be a waltz for you.

    (Waltz dance from students of ___ class)

    Presenter 1. So, how did you like this evening?

    Presenter 2. Seems ok! but I want something super fun.

    Presenter 1. Then it's time to move on to games, competitions and entertainment.

    (Games, competitions and entertainment are held)

    Funny scenario for high school students: “Baba Yaga. New Year's reboot"

    A variety of miracles happen on New Year's Day. It’s not for nothing that this time is called magical and amazing. In preparing for a school or New Year's holiday, creativity and a creative approach are important. It is important that the holiday scenario is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time at the New Year's, school lights. Spending time 40-50 minutes. Designed only for high school students.

    Baba Yaga, Stylist, Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Kikimora, Leshy, Blonde, Presenter, Presenter.

    On stage is the scenery of Baba Yaga's hut. The Presenter and the Presenter appear.

    The New Year is rushing towards us, rushing,
    A miracle will happen soon
    It's time for magic soon
    It's time to make a wish!
    It's time to prepare poems for us,
    And light fires everywhere,
    Wear bright clothes,
    A glorious holiday is ahead!

    Exactly, exactly, get ready,
    Get ready, try your best
    Soon the tree will light up,
    The holiday is knocking on the door!

    Dear friends, we are glad to see you today at our holiday. As you know, New Year is a time of change and magic.

    Change is always good. Everyone strives for them, even fairy-tale heroes.

    Who are you talking about now?

    Haven't you heard? Baba Yaga has now decided to change her appearance. Here everyone around you already knows, and only you don’t know.

    You're lying! This cannot be!

    Maybe, maybe! We bet your wish that by the end of the evening, Baba Yaga will become a beauty!

    Oh, we bet! Get ready, I’ll make such a wish for you! I’ll just look for an idea on the Internet and come up with an idea!

    Let's go, I'll help you find it! And at the same time I will make sure that the desire is decent!

    (The presenters leave. Baba Yaga appears on the stage, all in rags, holding a mirror in her hands)

    Baba Yaga:
    Soon, soon New Year,
    The whole country was waiting for him,
    Soon, soon he will come,
    Even I got ready!
    I need to pick out a dress
    Makeup, hairdo,
    I need to tidy up the house
    And make salads!
    Maybe dye your hair
    Or maybe curl them,
    Maybe fix my eyebrows,
    And curl your eyelashes!
    I don’t know what to do
    I haven't put on makeup for a long time
    I'll conjure a stylist,
    What an idea! It's decided!

    (Makes a symbolic gesture with his hands, the Stylist appears in the hall. Enters, burying his face in the magazine)

    Now, now my princess, I will show you the latest news! You will fall with delight! Look, darling, what a color, what a wow! (looks up).Oh, where am I? What actually happened? My little bubba, where are you? What bad taste all around, what horror!

    Baba Yaga:
    Well, why immediately horror? So, a little unkempt.

    What bad manners! What a dress, what hair, what an image!

    (The chorus of the song “Well, why are you so scary”)

    Baba Yaga:
    Yes, I’m absolutely beautiful! Wow, really a pro, appreciated my most fashionable dress. Like?

    Like? Yes, you can use it to scare children on Halloween!

    Baba Yaga:
    So, what do you think I’m doing?

    What about the hair? And those nails! And anyway, where is my Bead? Her image is not finished!

    Baba Yaga:
    In general, barber, stop wailing! Come quickly, make me beautiful! Run!

    How rude. What if I refuse?

    Baba Yaga:
    I'll eat you or turn you into a toad!

    But, I have everything by appointment!

    Baba Yaga:
    Oh, that's enough already! Turn me into a beauty!

    Well, okay, I persuaded you! Say what you want?

    Baba Yaga:
    I want, I want, I want, I don’t know, for it to be nice!

    (The stylist takes two photographs out of his pocket, one of a girl with hair done and makeup, the other of a monster from a horror movie)

    Alas, it is impossible to explain what “cute” is, you have to see it for yourself. It's not too late to refuse, then there will be no turning back. Choose this picture (shows the option with a monster), I can’t help you, choose this picture (shows version with makeup), you will find yourself in a fairy tale. Remember, darling, I only offer you perfection!

    Baba Yaga:
    What to choose here? Paint me! New Year is coming!

    (The stylist begins to allegedly put Baba Yaga in order. Leshy and Kikimora appear on the stage)

    Hey old lady, we came here to drink some tea with toadstools. Put on the kettle! So, I didn’t understand something, what’s going on here?

    Why did you suddenly think of this?

    Baba Yaga:
    Leave me alone! I decided to be beautiful and find myself a groom. Why am I still alone, and alone? And I want to celebrate the New Year as a human being, transformed, so to speak!

    Leshun, did you hear? She's getting married! Oh, I can't! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

    The bride is elderly!

    But you are laughing in vain! Dear, you need to refresh your skin, tidy up your hair, in general, a complete upgrade! But you, darling, could use a manicure, a new dress and makeup, otherwise you look terrible!

    I am the queen of the swamps
    I know a lot about scaring,
    And I'm beautiful, I'm irresistible
    I visit the salon every year!

    And I've been beautiful since birth,
    I'm beautiful, no doubt about it,
    So brutal, strong,
    And fashionable myself, I will give advice!

    Are you on the waiting list?

    (Kikimora and Leshy unanimously “Yes.” The stylist takes out a tablet)

    So, can I receive you in 2019, and then only early in the morning, make an appointment?

    Are you kidding me? Now come on! I also want to celebrate the New Year beautiful!

    And I!

    OK then. Just guess a couple of riddles, and then I will decide who will be first and who will come in 2019!

    (Several riddles are read, or instead, some fun competition can be held, in which the audience can take part. The stylist chooses the winner. The clicking of heels is heard. A Blonde appears with curlers on her head, with a phone in her hands and in a hairdresser's robe)

    My little bead! I didn't understand! What's the matter? Where are you even lost? Why should I look for you using GPS?

    Well, my dear, they promised to eat me here.

    So what! I would eat it, then go back and finish it! It’s a few hours before the New Year, and I still have to remember where I need to go.

    Lady, in line, here, by the way, everyone wants to be beautiful!

    Wow, not beautiful.

    Baba Yaga:
    Hey, don't stop the maestro from creating! Otherwise I’ll turn everyone into toads!

    Oh, I don't mind, green is trendy, I'll be fashionable!

    You will be croaking, not fashionable!

    (A knock is heard. A disheveled Snow Maiden flies into the hut with Santa Claus)

    Snow Maiden :
    We made our way through the wind, through the snow,
    And my braids are a little disheveled,
    The makeup ran lightly,
    I need to be beautiful urgently, now!
    I have to dance in circles in an hour,
    Sing songs, dance and joke,
    Come on, stylist, make me look beautiful,
    Or I might even deprive you of the gift!

    Wow! There's a queue here, by the way! So, let's get in line like everyone else!

    Snow Maiden :
    By the way, I am the granddaughter of Santa Claus!

    And why, my dad is the president, but who’s bragging!

    Father Frost :
    They're waiting for care, kids,
    It's high time for us to go,
    Be good, I beg you
    Comb her braid!

    Baba Yaga:
    Look, what a slow-witted guy, they told me to get in line! I actually rented it first!

    Father Frost :
    Yaga, are you planning to ruin the holiday again?

    Baba Yaga:
    I don’t want to spoil anything, I just want to be beautiful and get married! I might want to be kind, but you keep getting in the way!

    Snow Maiden :
    So be kind! Let me through! I have a Christmas tree, kids!

    Baba Yaga:
    And my happiness is at stake!

    Father Frost :
    Well, be a man, Yaga! I’ve already prepared New Year’s greetings! I want to get home quickly, I have a fur coat, Olivier, jellied meat there! And my granddaughter will have a cake!

    Oh, I parked, I parked, I don’t remember where I parked!

    (Everyone begins to animatedly argue and gesticulate. The curtain falls. The presenters appear)

    Presenter (rubbing hands):
    Are you ready to fulfill my New Year's whim, honestly won?

    Are you ready to do mine if you lose?

    But this was funny. Where am I and where will I lose?

    Leading (supposedly casting a spell):
    Now, immediately, appear before us,
    A beauty, so well-groomed,
    She who was the soul of evil and reptiles,
    The one that was called the Bone Leg!

    (The curtain rises. A girl stands on the stage in beautiful dress, with makeup and hairstyle)

    Who let a stranger into the hall? Girl, clear the stage, we have an important argument here!

    Stop! Why did you attack? Girl, who are you?

    Young woman:
    My name is Yagulechka, my Stylist came up with the name for me and chose the dress too.

    Invented? What was your name before?

    Young woman:
    Baba Yaga, but that's in the past. Now I'm kind and beautiful!

    You must be evil and scary!

    Young woman:
    Why was I angry and scary before, but because I didn’t have a Stylist!

    I command you, loser, to fulfill my cherished desire!

    (Make a wish corresponding to the theme. The presenter can also assign fun competition from the Pozdravok website. And while the Presenter is performing, other heroes appear on stage, dressed in beautiful outfits)

    The New Year is already rushing towards us,
    Soon everything will happen to us,
    One has only to wish
    And accept your gift!

    (After this, everyone sings together the Disco Accident song “The New Year is rushing towards us”)

    The evening is drawing to a close
    The holiday is knocking on our doors,
    I want to pay tribute to him
    Let the lights come on everywhere!

    I suggest, we are friends,
    Light up a beautiful Christmas tree!
    Together, come on, one, two, three,
    Christmas tree, come on, burn!

    A funny New Year's scenario with a modern twist for high school students. Captive Santa Claus

    The presenters take the stage. This is a girl and a boy evening dress and a strict formal suit.

    Host: Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you all to this fabulous hall!

    Presenter: Today is a special day, because very soon we will all be celebrating an incredibly beautiful, magical and beloved holiday. Of course, it's New Year!

    Host: Let's spend it in such a way that you can still remember it whole year, but there’s no shame in posting it on YouTube.

    Presenter: Yes, such adventures await you and me that the video recording of the holiday will gain a lot of views. And we will all become real Internet stars!

    Host: I suggest we start the fun. To do this, you need to light the Christmas tree. One of the high school students comes onto the stage with a canister and matches.

    High school student: What needs to be lit here? This is us now easily.

    Presenter: No, no, you misunderstood. We need the Christmas tree to shine with bright lights. And this requires real magic.

    Host: Well, or at least a garland and an outlet of suitable power. Let's call the school electrician and physics teacher, I think they can help us. Come on guys, three or four electrician, electrician!

    Presenter: Don’t forget that the New Year is a time of miracles, so we need fairy-tale characters. Guys, let's call Santa Claus!

    The presenters and guests present at the holiday begin to call Santa Claus. The song of the group “Disco Accident” “New Year’s” plays, and Baba Yaga comes on stage in a rocker bandana and leather jacket. A Santa Claus suit will be draped over her shoulders. In her hands she carries a large red bag and a staff.

    Baba Yaga: Hello, my killer whales! I am cheerful, oh, that is, cheerful Santa Claus, I brought you gifts, we will light up together - celebrate a nasty holiday. You haven’t decided what to give your brother for New Year yet - we will be happy to advise you.

    Presenter: Something tells me that you are no grandfather. Look at you! Where are you going? good wizard, speak quickly. Otherwise we will find justice for you in no time.

    Baba Yaga: No! I am that same wizard, I just met with Santa yesterday, celebrated the holiday, so I look bad. Guys, do any of you believe that I am real? One of the guys sitting in the hall will definitely jokingly shout that he really believes in this.

    Baba Yaga: Come on stage as soon as possible, my yacht! I'll give you a gift. You will be alone, sitting well-fed among these idiots! Hands a schoolboy a bunch of mice and lizards. Such terrifying toys can be bought at any souvenir or children's goods store.

    Baba Yaga: I see, are you not happy with something, my dear? Ali didn't like the gift. So I’ll tell you how you can make a delicious soup from these delights. By the way, there is no shame in serving it on the festive table for guests. Take a large cauldron, add salt to taste, two packs of bay leaves, the same amount of black pepper...

    Host: So, let's stop this circus. You, grandma, better become an administrator of one of the social networks and run a culinary public there. There will probably be a lot of subscribers. Presenter: That's it, don't talk to us about it. Where's grandpa going? Nobody here believes you! Baba Yaga: And I have evidence. Now my granddaughter will come too. They call her Snow Maiden. A kikimora in a green wig, dressed in a Snow Maiden costume, enters the hall.

    Host: What's wrong with your granddaughter's hair? And she doesn’t somehow look like the Snow Maiden.

    Baba Yaga: All this is a damned subculture. My yacht has become a punk. She’s the one without the mohawk now, otherwise she’ll come out, it used to be in an open field, and the birds are all out of fear and fly south ahead of time, and some even fall with their paws up. The bear didn’t touch her either, but the hares and squirrels said that when he ran away, he crossed himself three times with his right paw.

    Presenter: Well, if you continue to claim that you are real, let's light the Christmas tree. Santa Claus can do this.

    Baba Yaga: One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree. He knocks with his staff, but nothing happens.

    Kikimora: Let me try. One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree! Nothing comes out, the batteries are probably dead. Come on, crank up the damn thing. One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree!

    Presenter: Okay, stop this farce. Let's do it! Let's call the guys from the audience to help and decide everything in a fair fight. If they defeat you, you will tell us where grandfather and the gifts went, and if you do, you will celebrate the New Year with us.

    Baba Yaga and Kikimora, of course, lose and funny fall to the floor. Kikimora: It’s all because of you, you old hag, I told you, stop eating fly agaric stew three times a day, otherwise at this rate Koschey will seem like a handsome prince to you.

    Baba Yaga: Okay, okay. Let's tell you where your beloved wizard is. But we will also have our own conditions.

    Presenter: Which ones, I wonder – a VIP-class stupa and three million dried toads?

    Kikimora: No. You will have to answer all our questions correctly. Do you agree to take part in the quiz? Then we’ll tell you how to save the holiday.

    Baba Yaga and Kikimora take turns asking questions:

    Kikimora and I had a dog, and so it was tied to a rope, the length of which was as much as eight meters. Once she managed to walk as much as three hundred meters. How did this happen? (The rope was not tied to anything other than the dog). What is heavier: a kilogram of pine needles that remain after you throw away a Christmas tree or a kilogram of lead? (Both have the same weight). What is the main difference between Father Frost and Santa Claus? (The main difference is not in clothes and appearance, one is a Russian fairy-tale character, the other is American). Two birch trees grow in a snowy field, each with seventeen cones. How many cones are there on two birch trees? (Cones do not grow on birch trees).

    Baba Yaga: Well, you answered the questions, now we can give you the wizard. Both villainesses go off stage and bring Santa Claus into the hall. He sits on a chair, tied to it with tinsel. A fairy-tale character has a lump sticking out in his mouth. The presenters untie the old man.

    Santa Claus: Oh, you forest evil spirits. What were you thinking! Give me my staff immediately and return my fur coat! Because you decided to ruin the children's holiday, I will freeze you. Icy cold, snow whirlwinds, hurry here. Santa Claus hits the floor with his staff and both villainesses freeze in place. Presenter: They played a cruel joke on you, grandfather. But today is not an ordinary day, but a magical one, maybe we will free them, but we will make them promise that they will not behave badly again. Do you agree, dear guests?

    Santa Claus: Well, okay, granddaughter, have it your way. It’s just that I’ve become old, I have no memory at all, I enchanted them, but I don’t remember how to get everything back. Now... Melt, melt and don't freeze in the future. No, it doesn't work. Freeze, freeze wolf's tail. That's not it either. This seems to be from a completely different opera.

    Presenter: What should we do now? Maybe someone knows this spell, otherwise the chimes are about to start ringing, and our uninvited guests are still in a stupor.

    Santa Claus: My granddaughter knows the spell, but she went to the beauty salon in the morning and still hasn’t returned. Let's all call her together. The presenters and the whole hall loudly call the Snow Maiden. A modern melody sounds and the granddaughter of Santa Claus enters the hall. For this role you should select pretty girl model appearance.

    Snow Maiden: What happened to you again, grandfather? So I was late for the spa, sat in line for three hours at the hairdresser, and almost got into a fight with Cinderella. And the nail art master wanted to charge me double the price in honor of the holiday.

    Host: Oh times, oh morals! Your grandfather was kidnapped by forest villains, we freed him and the boys, and now he froze them and forgot how to unfreeze them.

    Snow Maiden: Well, you in general. Well, grandfather, you surprise me. What about calling your foreign partner, with whom you exchanged so much experience yesterday that you barely made it home? He takes his phone out of his pocket and pokes the buttons. Ale, hey, Santa, how dou doo? Oh, so you understand Russian? Great, so you went for a walk yesterday! How can we unfreeze two villains? I got it. Thank you! Smack! Listen, grandfather, Santa says that you need to hit them with his staff three times. Santa Claus: Oh, right, but I always forget how this spell works. He approaches the villains and hits them on the head with his staff. After this, Baba Yaga and Kikimora thaw out.

    Baba Yaga: Forgive us, grandfather, it’s just that no one loves us, so we decided to celebrate the New Year in good company at least once. Kikimora: Yes, she lies everything. We are just against the backdrop of a beautiful Christmas tree fashionable clothes They wanted to take a selfie, but they couldn’t light it up.

    Santa Claus: Well, okay, the joke is on you. One, two, three, light up the Christmas tree! He hits the floor with his staff and at this time the Christmas tree lights up with multi-colored lights! Baba Yaga and Kikimora take out the phone and run to her to do fashion photos. They make funny faces and pose.

    Host: This wonderful moment has come. Very soon, Christmas trees will light up in millions of homes across the country. People will cut salads, open champagne and celebrate this magical and most beloved holiday! Presenter: We wish you all to celebrate this holiday in the circle of truly close and most beloved people. And most importantly - be happy!

    Scenario of the New Year's holiday for high school students “Forest evil spirits and the New Year”

    Scene 1.

    Baba Yaga, Koschey, Kika, Mora are sad.

    Koschey, Baba Yaga, Kika, Mora appear on the stage with sad faces

    Koschey: Well, it’s boring, but it looks like it’s New Year’s Day!

    Kika: Don't say that, Koscheyushka! Even some!

    Mora: All the animals of our forest are having fun, the Christmas tree is decorated, there are a lot of gifts, they are dancing, waiting for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden! And we?

    Baba Yaga: And we sit there like incompetents... Well, that’s why when everyone sees us, they run in all directions. Are we really that scary???

    (Yaga takes the mirror, looks into it and gets scared herself)

    Kika: Maybe we can bang them? (scratching his fists) Shall we take the gifts, Shall we take the Snow Maiden and Frost to our place? A?

    Koschey: No! This is not an option! Let's not spoil the holiday, we'll come up with something ourselves!

    Baba Yaga: Yes, we stayed too long in the forest. Maybe we can get out among people?

    Mora: What kind of people are you like? What are you saying, mother! Eh, they'll come up with that too. Did you forget, last time you went to the pharmacy to get some medicine, they were so scared of you that the whole queue dispersed, they gave you, instead of pills, foundation creams, yes lipstick. Mind you! Everything was given for free. Does this mean anything to you? Have you been looking at yourself in the lake for a long time!?

    Baba Yaga: And what? Last time it was very cold, and I didn’t even wear makeup. And this time I’ll plaster myself so beautifully and comb my hair so beautifully that I’ll look like a beautiful Madama, look, I’m Madama!

    Kika + Mora: This is not real!

    Baba Yaga: What are you doing? Compared to you, I am the Queen.

    Kika: Yep, the Trash Can Queen.

    Baba Yaga: Yes, I’ll arrange it for you now!

    Suitable closer friend to friend. Koschey stands between them.

    Koschey: Girls, don't quarrel. You better look at me. I generally athletic build- not a gram excess weight, just muscles. And one more thing – I love girls very much!

    Baba Yaga + Kika + Mora: Well, then sing!

    Koschey:Sings with Baba Yaga and Kikimora. (I'll go to town...)

    I'll go to the city

    with a view of the surf

    Where the sands sing

    falsetto under your foot

    And into the green wave

    I'll dive straight from the shore

    in depth

    I will break and trample

    your phone

    Blame for my problems

    only him

    The day and night are ringing

    he's killing me

    I'm running from him

    cursing everything in the world

    And I love girls

    I'll put them together

    Along the surf line

    I'll take you with me

    Along the surf line

    I'll take you with me

    With a wild cry

    I'll rush along the shore

    Someone will say

    crazy, so be it

    I want to relax

    I jump on one leg

    If someone stops

    I'm sorry

    I'm lying on the beach

    and I look into the sky

    Seagulls are fat

    the flying is just creepy

    And I'm so skinny

    the surf will carry me away

    I'd rather be in the sand

    I'll bury my head

    And I love girls

    I'll put them together

    Along the surf line

    I'll take you with me

    And I love girls

    I'll put them together

    Along the surf line

    I'll take you with me

    Along the surf line

    I'll take you with me


    Baba Yaga: I don’t even know what we should do!

    Kika + Mora: We want a holiday too!!

    Scene 2.

    Baba Yaga's daughter wants to be the Snow Maiden.

    (Baba Yaga’s daughter comes on stage, screams, falls silent, starts crying again, falls silent, screams again)

    Baba Yaga: Oh, oh, daughter, what is it? Who offended the little one? Whom to turn into a rotten toadstool? Whom to grind into tooth powder?

    Baba Yaga's daughter: They don’t take me as the Snow Maiden to the School Christmas tree. I’m already this way and that way... And they say “ugly.”

    Baba Yaga: Isn't she pretty? Look at yourself - you’re stately and smart - smart. Just wait, I have a hairdresser I know - Leshy. He says “every girl is beautiful, you just need to emphasize this beauty.” He will touch up your paint, which will scrape it off unnecessarily. You will be no worse than any other fool.

    Baba Yaga's daughter: Snow Maidens, not Fools. And I don't need your hairdressers. They wash their hair and cut it. Braids are braided. Ugh, what disgusting, and they also have colognes, Eau de Toilette... Yes, I’d rather drown myself in kerosene than go to such a hairdresser.

    Baba Yaga: Calmly! Don't drive the wave. Leshy knows his job. He only works with natural materials. Resin yes fir cones, a little spring water and you're fine - just like a little figure.

    Baba Yaga's daughter: Yes, not a Figurine, but a Snow-gu-ro-chka. And Snegurochka was already discharged. She comes with Santa Claus - his granddaughter.

    Baba Yaga: Well, you can dress up as the Snow Queen. Do you want me to conjure up an outfit for you?

    Baba Yaga's daughter: What are you, mom? You don't worry about my health! Look, what did you think of - an outfit Snow Queen. That's so many kilograms of icicles and ice cubes! And a kokoshnik made from pieces of a broken mirror is a direct threat to the safety of life.

    Baba Yaga: Oh, I didn't think so. Oh, I almost ruined my precious child... Well, I have one more remedy.

    Baba Yaga's daughter: Which?

    Baba Yaga: Are you smart?

    Baba Yaga's daughter: Smart girl.

    Baba Yaga: Do you like to dress up?

    Baba Yaga's daughter: I love.

    Baba Yaga: So you will be a fairy. And you can do a little magic. You will conjure them a gift. You know how everyone will love you.

    Baba Yaga's daughter: Hooray! Hooray! If I’m a fairy, I’ll conjure a wart for everyone, they’ll know how to offend me. Mom move your hands, wave your wand more actively.

    Baba Yaga: Now, now, daughter, I’ll just gather the ingredients... I’m casting a spell, daughter. ( He begins to wave his arms - to cast magic).

    Baba Yaga's daughter: Oh, beware of my beauty! You asked for it!

    Scene 3.

    The goblin asks for money.

    Leshy runs in. Turns to Kika.

    Goblin: Great, Kishunya, don’t you have any money?

    Kika: Money? Where?

    Goblin: Maura, what about you? I really need it, any will suit me, borrow it, borrow it...

    Mora: Why do you need money? What do you miss in the forest?

    Goblin: I want a computer with eight cores, or even better, fourteen - they say there are good toys that go on it...

    Kika: Who told you that?

    Goblin: Yes, two mushroom pickers, I helped them get lost, while everyone was wandering about computers and computers.

    Kika: I won’t lend you money, you’ll get over it! Collect lost cell phones from mushroom pickers. (shows mobile)

    Goblin: If you don’t borrow it, then I won’t tell you how New Year's party organize in the forest...

    Kika + Mora: Leshunya, you are our sliver! (fondling towards Leshy)

    Goblin: Come on, I know one trick, you can order a holiday home, the company guarantees it. I have a newspaper here with a phone number.

    Mora: Well, then call, don’t procrastinate - there’s not much time left until the New Year, and you also need to put on makeup and rouge - in general, you need to get ready.

    Scene 4.

    The Witchers and the New Russian.

    Goblin: Hello! Company “New Year for your money”? We need a cool party to unwind. Yeah, I get it... Your agent will be here now.

    New Russian: Hi all! What problems? Who here wants to have a great New Year?

    Koschey: Instant service! This is super class!

    New Russian: Time is money. What are the problems, elders?

    Baba Yaga: What modern things can you offer us? We haven't hung out here for a long time. We need a cool party.

    New Russian: No problems! Let's decide on the cash, our company will provide everything you want for your money. The minimum cost is two chests of gold and other material assets.

    All: How many?!

    Baba Yaga: Did you copy the price from the ceiling, or was it just something you saw in your eyes?

    New Russian: If you want, order, if you don’t want, pay a penalty.

    Goblin: Where does the money come from? There is no money at all!!!

    New Russian: What about property?

    Baba Yaga(shows broom) Personal transport only.

    New Russian: Confiscated!

    Baba Yaga: (waves) What else! Well, get out of here!

    The new Russian runs away.

    With screams, squeals, screams, “Come on, let me go, otherwise it will get worse!” The vizier drags the reluctant Snow Maiden.

    Kika + Mora: H was that it?

    Goblin: I don't know yet. I'll go and find out the news on the forest Internet.

    Baba Yaga: How is this?

    Goblin: What are magpies for? They know everything...

    9th grade performs.

    Scene 6.

    Witchers and Internet news.

    Baba Yaga's daughter: Leshy, why are you so puzzled? What does the forest Internet say? What about the Snow Maiden?

    Goblin: Yes, she's fine. She knows how to stand up for herself, and she even took Krol, the symbol of the year, with her.

    Baba Yaga: Housekeeping girl! So what's the problem?

    Leshy (scratching the back of his head): It turns out there are two symbols of the year! Rabbit and Hare!

    Koshey: Well, that's good! Two is always better than one! And we’ll eat too much at the New Year’s table!

    Goblin: What are you doing?! There is so much going on in the world, and you are all about food and food, but not the horse’s feed!

    Koshey: How do you know?

    Goblin: Our Baba Yaga is advanced. She has a satellite dish and a TV. That's what I saw.

    Baba Yaga: Exactly, let's go, let's see the details!

    8th grade performing

    Scene 8.

    The Snow King kidnapped Father Frost.

    (The Snow King flies out with a roar to the music and drags Santa Claus)

    Father Frost: Well, Icicle King, you will catch my eye again!

    Snow King: Keep quiet, Grandfather! The kids won't see you again! Oh guys, hey! (screams and waves to everyone else).

    (Leave the stage)

    Kika + Mora: What was it?

    Baba Yaga's daughter: Yes, the Snow King probably took someone prisoner again. That's where the fantasy lies. Lights up to the fullest!

    Koschey: Girls, and there, it seemed like there was Frost, Santa Claus.

    Baba Yaga: Come on?

    Kika: No! Now Santa Claus is at children's matinees.

    Baba Yaga's daughter: Here! People are having fun, and here we are!!!

    Baba Yaga: Oh, nightmare, what should we do, if someone came!

    Scene 9.

    A wonderful nanny and mother.

    (Music sounds on stage and Vika, the Wonderful Nanny, comes out. She dances and preens herself. Having examined the outfits of Kikimora and Yaga, she stands next to them. And Kika, Mora and Yaga look at her)

    Vika: Go crazy!

    Baba Yaga: Who are you?

    Vika: Who am I? Who-who? Santa Claus in a coat. Vika I am! Yes, but what? They did not expect?

    Kika: Oh, dear mother, she’s so pretty!

    Mora: Glamor - MOORE, MOORE!

    Vika: That's it, by the way, mom! Where did she go, she was following me!

    (Vika examines the clothes of Baba Yaga’s Daughter) Aha! Glamorous!

    Koschey: Why did you come?

    Vika: A? Shaw? A! I am this, this...

    (Behind the curtain you can hear the roll call “Donya, Donya”)

    Vika: Oh mom!

    (Vicky’s mom comes out out of breath)

    Vicky's mom: Vikow, where did you go, I was following you and got lost!

    Vika: Mother…

    Vicky's mom: Not my mother! What is this?! Who is this Donya?

    Maura (points with hand): Kika, Mora, Baba Koryaga, oh, that is, Skruga, oh, Yaga, Leshy, Baba Yaga's daughter! And Koschey, our Rimbaud.

    Vicky's mom: Donya, look what a man! Right for you!

    Vika: Mother…

    Vicky's mom: Not my mother! We, good people, are looking for Santa Claus! There was a New Year's party at the school, and bam - there was no Santa Claus. Don’t know where it went? You did not see?

    Kika + Mora: We saw it!

    Vika: Come on? Where?

    (Kika, Mora, Baba Yaga, Koschey, Leshy and Baba Yaga’s Daughter shake their heads!)

    Vicky's mom: Shaw, won't you tell me?

    Kika: What will we get for this information?

    Vicky's mom: Will you have some marmalade?

    Together: No!!

    Vika: Well, what do you want?

    Baba Yaga: We want you to take us to your holiday!

    Vicky's mom: So that is all? Yes of course, just tell us where they are?

    Koschey: Okay, we will help you! Let's go!

    Vika: Oh, just let's hurry up. Otherwise I still need to find one person before the New Year!

    Scene 10.

    Gypsy fortune telling.

    (music plays, Baba Yaga starts dancing)

    Gypsy: Let's guess! Let's guess!

    Baba Yaga: Eh, guess, come on, guess!

    (Kika and Mora calm Baba Yaga)

    Kika: What are you talking about, these are gypsies! Provocateurs, Scam!

    Mora: They'll strip you and you won't notice!

    Baba Yaga's daughter:(hides in fear behind Baba Yaga) Oh, Mom!

    Gypsy: Come on, young people! Why should you tell your fortune?

    Baba Yaga: Oh, it was, it wasn’t. Guess! For love! (Everyone gasps)

    Gypsy: Give me some money.

    Kika: We have no money. Yeah, I told you it was a provocation!

    Mora: We won't guess.

    Baba Yaga's daughter: Mommy, please! Tell me your fortune, gypsy girl!

    Baba Yaga: We will! We will! (addresses his daughter) What happened, daughter?

    Baba Yaga's daughter:( shows a photo of Leshy,sings the song “And I like him” with a gypsy woman ).

    They tell me

    he is short

    They tell me

    he's dressed too simply

    They tell me

    believe that this guy

    You're not a match

    not a couple at all

    And I like him

    like it like it

    And for me in the world

    there is no better friend

    And I like him

    like it like it

    And that's all I can do

    say back

    And I like him

    like it like it

    And for me in the world

    there is no better friend

    And I like him

    like it like it

    And that's all I can do

    say back

    He will explain himself

    I don't dare in love

    And only

    how a girl blushes

    They tell me

    your choice is not the best

    Listen to us

    listen to us

    And I like him

    like it like it

    And for me in the world

    there is no better friend

    And I like him

    like it like it

    And that's all I can do

    say back

    Confess to you

    I don't understand myself

    Why about him

    so often I sigh

    And why should I only

    the sun is shining

    At his window

    at his window

    And I like him

    like it like it

    And for me in the world

    there is no better friend

    And I like him

    like it like it

    And that's all I can do

    say back

    And I like him

    like it like it

    And for me in the world

    there is no better friend

    And I like him

    like it like it

    And that's all I can do

    say back

    Gypsy: Well, what are we going to guess or what?

    Baba Yaga: For personal transport! I'm giving it away!

    Gypsy:(Gypsy woman examines the broom) Mmm... good, good! Will do! Come on! (Takes out cards and starts guessing) Mmm, love, happiness, health!

    Baba Yaga: All?!

    Gypsy: What did you want? A broom is not expensive!

    Baba Yaga: Yes I am for you!

    Vika:(Vika detains Baba Yaga) Baba Yaga, we will need her again, she will come in handy! So, dark-skinned girl, come on, quickly go home! I gave away the old lady's jalopy! Look, what are you thinking, they take away the last things from the old people! Otherwise, I’ll call Kosha, he’ll deal with you quickly!! Koschey!

    Gypsy: Tuft?

    Vika: Yes!

    (The gypsy gave the broom)

    Vicky's mom: We will forgive you if you tell us the way to the Snow King!

    Gypsy: I know I know!

    Vicky's mom: Will you show me?

    Gypsy: Let's go - let's go!

    Scene 11.

    Vika and Vika's mother dream about their neighbor Mikhail.

    (Everyone leaves except Vicky and Mom)

    Vika: Well, Mom, how do you like me? How did these people tremble? Eh...

    Vicky's mom: Yes, you are absolutely smart. All about me! If only our neighbor Mikhailo would look at you. Once upon a time he was very partial to you...

    Vika: By the way, about Mikhailo, I haven’t seen him for a long time! He is so (dreamy) extraordinary, they say he lives somewhere in the North and works as the Snow King.

    Mom Vicki: Listen, Donya! It's New Year's Eve soon, but somehow I'm not in the mood! Let's at least spice it up with some ditties!

    Vika: Oh really, mom, come on!

    New Year's ditties

    Oh you, Grandfather Frost, White beard,

    Look at me

    What a young girl!

    On New Year's Day this is life -

    Don't plow, don't toil.

    Two weeks off -

    Sleep and eat up!

    I danced and danced

    And, dancing, she lost her way.

    Santa Claus is so good

    I fell in love with him!

    I stung, I stung barley,

    I switched to buckwheat.

    Lo and behold - a merry New Year

    Rolling towards!

    Santa Claus is so handsome

    I fell in love with him.

    If I were an icicle,

    I would break for him!

    I bought it for New Year's

    I have chicken carcasses.

    And then I composed

    New little ditties!

    I'll put you in a row

    Ninety Christmas trees

    Just don't pass by

    Santa Claus, my dear!

    Santa Claus, don't yawn,

    And get the gifts.

    If you want to fight

    Let's fight!

    I'll gird Santa Claus

    With your red sash.

    He will ride on reindeer

    And I’ll follow on foot!

    I'll dress up as the Snow Maiden

    And I’ll sit in the tarantass.

    I'll be driving around the village

    Show off to good people!

    I danced under the Christmas tree

    And she stomped her feet,

    I picked gingerbread cookies from the branches

    And I ate the candy!

    I stood at the window

    And she looked at the ceiling.

    Santa Claus brought a gift,

    And the kitten was dragged away!

    I remember my childhood

    And this is what I think:

    How long is it for Santa Claus?

    Are all the debts listed?!

    Santa Claus, take the bag,

    Untie the strings.

    And get it for us quickly

    Fashionable new things!

    We'll jump like rabbits

    Stomp like bears.

    Let them rejoice too

    Downstairs neighbors!

    Scene 12.

    Snow King and Santa Claus.

    On stage, Santa Claus is sitting, bored, and the Snow King

    Father Frost: Icicle, that is, the Snow King! You see, I have things to do, things to do. Children all over Russia are waiting for me.

    Snow King: No problem, they'll wait! We were waiting for an economic crisis, and here we are!

    Father Frost: King, what do you want from me, tell me?!

    Snow King:

    I'll explain! So, you are in captivity until January 2! I always celebrate the New Year alone! I'm tired of it! I want with someone!

    Santa Claus: T do you need company? So that it doesn't get boring?

    Snow King: Well, yes, what did you think?

    Father Frost: This changes things completely (he sits closer). And I thought - why did you steal me from the school Christmas tree - drag me away...

    Snow King: I don't even have anyone to tell my life story to.

    Father Frost: What are you talking about? Well, come on, tell me, maybe it will become easier for the New Year!

    (The Snow King and Santa Claus sing the song “Virgin-Virgin-Virgin...”)

    First beauty

    lived in the city

    Very unapproachable

    there was a girl

    I didn't play pranks at school

    and kept a diary

    Rarely went out

    to the sea for a picnic

    There was a boy living nearby

    petty bully

    Cleaned on the porch

    stolen revolver

    Carefree as always

    sits at the gate

    Tells a fairy tale

    will sing a song


    my girl

    If only I knew

    how I love you

    Probably right away

    would come running to me


    my girl

    If only I knew

    how I love you

    Probably right away

    would come running to me

    The girl is beautiful

    in a blue dress

    Go out onto the porch

    let's sit together

    So he sang and hoarse

    Windshield wipers for the boy

    sewed crime

    Girl worrying

    sat on the ledge

    And with a terrible cry

    rushed down

    So we connected

    young hearts

    That's how mom found out

    my father


    my girl

    If only I knew

    how I love you

    Probably right away

    would come running to me


    my girl

    If only I knew

    how I love you

    Probably right away

    would come running to me

    Scene 13.


    (You can hear Mom and Vika singing. The song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

    Gypsy: I said we’ll find them, here we go!

    Vicky's mom: So that’s our neighbor – Mikhas!

    Vika: Mikhasya! And I was looking for you everywhere. Where have you been? Where did you disappear to?

    And I thought that no one needed me and left. Now I'm not alone!

    Vika: There’s more than one, look how many people they brought to you.

    Vicky's mom: Oh! Mikhasik, and Santa Claus is ours!

    Mikhas, aka the Snow King: Don't mind it! The main thing is I found you!

    Father Frost: Where is my Snow Maiden with the symbol of the year?

    Snow Maiden: Yes, here I am and the heroes of fairy tales are with me!

    Vika: Go crazy!

    Scene 14.

    Congratulations from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

    Father Frost:

    The last leaf is torn off,

    The calendar was taken from the wall.

    Snow Maiden:

    Congratulations have been waiting for a long time

    January is just outside the door.

    Father Frost:

    In the bright lights of the carnival

    His hour is coming.

    Snow Maiden:

    The clink of crystal glasses

    Celebration enters our home.

    Father Frost:

    May good luck visit you,

    Let inspiration come.

    Snow Maiden:

    May your life become brighter

    To the new coming year!

    (final song “The world is not simple...)

    The world is not simple

    not at all simple

    You can't hide in it

    from storms and thunderstorms

    You can't hide in it

    from winter blizzards

    And from separation

    from bitter separations

    But besides troubles

    uninvited troubles

    There are stars in the world

    and sunlight

    There is a home

    and the warmth of the fire

    And I have

    I have you

    Everything in life

    I've got

    Everything is joy

    every day

    Everything about

    worries and dreams

    This is all

    it's all you

    Everything in life

    I've got

    Everything is joy

    every day

    Everything I call

    your destiny

    Related connected

    only with you

    The world is not simple

    not at all simple

    But I'm not afraid

    no storms or thunderstorms

    The cold is not scary

    the heat is not scary

    If with me

    you're near me

    And do not be sad

    don't be sad in vain

    When suddenly it gets up

    trouble is on the way

    I can handle trouble

    keeping love

    After all, I have

    I have you

    Everything in life

    I've got

    Everything is joy

    every day

    Everything about

    worries and dreams

    This is all

    it's all you

    Everything in life

    I've got

    Everything is joy

    every day

    Everything I call

    your destiny

    Related connected

    only with you

    And do not be sad

    don't be sad in vain

    When suddenly it gets up

    trouble is on the way

    I can handle trouble

    keeping love

    After all, I have

    I have you

    Everything in life

    I've got

    Everything is joy

    every day

    Everything about

    worries and dreams

    This is all

    it's all you

    Everything in life

    I've got

    Everything is joy

    every day

    Everything I call

    your destiny

    Related connected

    New Year competitions for high school students

    It is not necessary to tie the New Year's holiday scenario to the symbol of 2019 - Svsinye. But at the same time, you should not use boring fairy tales and well-known competitions. Teenagers love musical cuts that make up a humorous scene.

    Competition - Mummy or New Year's gift Couples of boys and girls take part in this competition. Girls need to wear a Snow Maiden hat. At the same time, a roll of toilet paper must be placed in the hands of each participant. The girl must wrap her “gift” in the role of the guy in 2 minutes. Whoever copes with the task best wins.

    "Let's Dance" competition? Music competitions are very popular among young people. It is necessary to divide the entire class or company into two teams. IN in no particular order include music tracks on the disc. Each participant must take turns showing their dance move. In this case, the team opposite must reproduce the dance element. The team whose participant could not come up with a new movement lost.

    Competition "Napkin" 2 napkins are placed on the floor, they need to be spread out. Now each participant must walk through them. Gradually the number of napkins increases, so the one with the best stretch will win.

    Crocodile in a new way A fun competition for high school students. Two teams take part in the competition. The presenter must provide a music video for each team. Participants must prepare a speech in 5 minutes. It is necessary to show and reproduce what is sung about in the song.

    New Year's lottery

    To hold the competition, you need to prepare a hat with pieces of paper in advance. Write a riddle on a piece of paper. Don't use children's riddles. It is best to wish something fun for young people.

    For example: What can a bald person do without? The answer is a comb. This item will be a gift for the participant.

    Fruit lottery You can use another option for the win-win lottery 2019. To do this, you need to prepare a dish with pieces of various products in advance. This could be fruits, cheese, lemons and even spices. Participants are divided into pairs. I blindfold one of the team members. The second participant must feed his partner something from the plate. A blindfolded high school student must guess what he is eating. Whoever makes the most matches will win the grand prize - a bag of onions. All losers receive bananas and tangerines.

    Lottery “Gifts in a Ball” For this lottery you need to take several opaque balls and put some small change inside. This could be a whistle, keychain or chewing gum. The balloons are inflated and tied to the participants' feet. To the music, high school students must try to crush and burst their opponent's balloon. The one who has survived the ball receives the main prize - a needle.

    Games and entertainment for New Year's celebrations

    Games for high school students should be exciting and fun. Students should not be allowed to become bored, so it is best to come up with games that allow the whole class to engage.

    Game "Fun Alphabet" The presenter announces the yoke and offers to test their knowledge of the alphabet. It is necessary to start a phrase that relates to the New Year with each letter in the alphabet in order. For example: Shark congratulates everyone on the New Year, or Bom-bom, the clock is knocking, they rush to congratulate everyone on the New Year. And so on until the end of the alphabet, the most interesting thing will begin when the participants reach the letters X, Y and B.

    Game "Santa Claus" Several participants are chosen for this game. It is necessary to seat each guy at the table and put a Santa Claus hat on him. Placed at the edge of the table paper snowflake. It needs to be blown away so that it flies off the other end of the table. But the winner is not the one who blows away the snowflake first, but the very last participant. The presenter explains that the most real Grandfather Frost is the one who froze the snowflake and it stuck to the table.

    New Year's jokes for the holiday

    "Money Egg" joke It is necessary to put any banknote. In this case, two participants sit opposite each other. Whoever puts his hand on the bill the fastest wins. The banknote is given to the winner. Now the participants are blindfolded. After this, the presenter places an egg on the table instead of a banknote; whoever breaks it wins.

    Fun tournament For this fun competition you need to attach several balls to a fishing line. It should be a skirt. Such skirts are tied on the hips of girls. The music turns on, the dance partners must dance and cuddle up to the participants so that all the balloons burst.

    Fountain of emotions For the competition you need to purchase raincoats. Balloons filled with confetti, feathers and water are suspended above the ceiling. The participant is given sticks with needles attached. They must burst the balloons. Viewers will enjoy watching the participants suffer.

    Quizzes for New Year's celebrations

    Fun quiz about the New Year This quiz is conducted in question and answer format. The leader asks a question and the participants answer

    • Who entertained Elka in the forest and sang songs to her (blizzard)
    • New Year's drink for cheerful guests (champagne)
    • Frozen water sculpture (snowman)
    • A phenomenon that causes tremors in the legs and “falling” (ice)
    • New Year's Eve ball. Created for guests who love stealth (Masquerade)

    Geography quiz

    • In which country is the New Year "Water Festival"? In this country, all passers-by are sprayed with water from the balcony (Myanmar. New Year is the hottest time in this corner of the planet)
    • In which country do they feed animals and birds on New Year’s Day (in Norway. Children hang feeders outside the window and place bowls of dog food)
    • In what corner of the planet do they rejoice at broken dishes at the door (in Sweden it is customary to break a jug in front of the door, this is a sign of prosperity. Usually the owners of the house treat such guests with sweets. This is something similar to our Sowing)
    • In which country dolls appear on the streets on December 30, and on New Year's Eve they are blown up (in Mexico, a doll is a symbol of the old year, which is getting rid of)

    New Year's wall newspaper

    New Year's posters and wall newspapers will put children in the mood and make the approach of the New Year desirable. It is desirable that the wall newspaper is not boring and banal, but thematic. Teenagers love the computer games Minecraft and Tanks. You can use these drawings when compiling a wall newspaper. This year the next part of “Star Wars” will be released, you can make Princess Leia the Snow Maiden.

    Mini scenes for the New Year's holiday

    Usually skits are rehearsed in advance, but we suggest introducing an element of surprise.

    Scene "Teremok" The sketch is based on the fairy tale of the same name. For the performance, the presenter selects 10 participants. Now distributes roles. Someone will be Teremok, Fox, Mouse, Hare and Wolf. The rest of the participants are Trees.

    “A tower grew up in the middle of the forest, beautiful and large.” The participant must imitate what the presenter says. “A mouse ran and said that it would live here.” The mouse says these words and touches the Teremok. “A gray wolf is running, angry and hungry. I’m drooling and shaking from the cold.” Participant Wolf shows what the director says. “I will live here,” says the wolf and touches the Teremok. “A clubfooted bear is walking, hobbling. He also saw the house and settled in it.” This participant also concerns Teremok. “Then the lights turn on and all the residents run away when they see each other.” All participants disperse to the sides. The trees wave their arms all the time, imitating the wind.

    Sketch "Komarik"

    This is a sketch based on Chukovsky’s “The Clapping Fly.” It is written for small children, but all participants whom the presenter selects from the audience are given Spider costumes from garbage bags and a sexy fly. It is advisable to choose the most beautiful girl for the role of the fly. This tale has a new interpretation:

    A fly walked along the country road
    And I found a nickel in the dust.
    A fly went to the zucchini
    Take a walk in the area. Musicians approach her,
    Moscow region talents,
    Their guitarist is a cricket,
    And the drummer is like a bug: bald, gloomy
    And a drunk man.

    “Shall we drink some cognac, honey?
    Let’s drive away the sadness and melancholy?”

    “For me, the tavern is a joy,
    I'm always happy to party in it!
    Open the window Yegor,
    Bring Thomas the accordion, -

    I will sing and dance,
    Five kopecks to burn!
    And the mosquito is a drunkard
    I haven’t looked at it for a long time.”

    New Year's fairy tale for young people

    It's best to take an old fairy tale and remake it in a new way. For example, a fairy tale about Grandfather and Baba.

    Sample scenario for a fairy tale

    • Once upon a time there lived a Grandfather and a Baba, but they were not poor, but modern. They had everything in the house, including a Samsung vacuum cleaner and a Redmond multicooker.
    • Grandfather says to Baba: “Bake me some pies and clean the house, otherwise it’s dirty. Why did you buy a vacuum cleaner?
    • Baba replies: “So last time you repaired him so much that he stopped vacuuming, but started talking.”
    • Grandfather: “Okay, I’ll go and make a housekeeper.”
    • Grandfather brings Snow Maiden, takes out the microcircuit and attaches it to her head. Says: “the newest model of housekeeper. She bakes everything, cleans the house and dances.”
    • Snow Maiden: “my head hurts, Panadol for pain.”
    • Baba is shocked and says: “Go and get me some juice, honey.”
    • Snow Maiden: “Aren’t you going to burst, baby?”
    • Grandma opened her mouth.
    • He says to Grandfather: “What have you done, old brat, will she even do her homework?”
    • The grandfather dug around and scratched the back of his head: “I installed an advertising block for her from the TV, so now she speaks like in an advertisement.”
    • The Snow Maiden went to take out the trash and returned with a woman: “My name is Maria, I am an agent of a modeling studio, I invite your Snow Maiden to a beauty contest.”
    • The Snow Maiden left and took first place, met a cool oligarch and married him.
    • But after a while I got tired of it with its advertising.
    • The oligarch decided to simulate her kidnapping, but without ransom, so that she would be lost forever.
    • But Grandfather found out about the kidnapping and hired Vanya, a great guy.
    • He came to the bandits, and they told him: “Save us from the Snow Maiden, otherwise she’s tired of her advertising. We'll give you money."
    • Vanya picked her up and brought her home.
    • Grandfather sits and thinks what to do with her. The girl is prominent, beautiful, but a complete fool.
    • Vanya says: “Send her to school.”
    • Snegurka studied for a year, and the teachers' council met to decide what to do with her. After all, they could not teach her intelligence.
    • The head teacher says: “maybe we’ll show it to our school psychologist, let him figure it out.”
    • A man in a white coat comes out, looks, talks to the beauty and says: “It’s a serious case, we need to treat it, now I’ll put on my work suit.”
    • He leaves and returns dressed as Santa Claus. He puts the Snow Maiden on the table, covers it with a sheet and pretends to be rummaging through his head. He throws away the part and says: “That’s it, I repaired your beauty.”
    • Everyone claps, Vanya is happy, Grandfather and Baba are too.
    • Santa Claus says: “There’s no need for you, Grandfather and Baba, to engage in nonsense, to make equipment.
    • Grow turnips and don't get sick. This is the end of the fairy tale." Santa Claus gives gifts to everyone

    New Year's script for the presenter

    It is advisable to create a themed evening, but it does not have to relate to the New Year. You can remember that the symbol of 2019 is the Pig, so it’s worth playing around with everything like in the village. To do this, a fence made of branches or reeds is placed in the center of the hall. They hang jugs on the fence. The host can also wear a pig costume.

    Sample presenter script:

    “Hello, my puppies, I suggest you listen to a fairy tale about Grandfather and Baba, who loved to play around with technology and made the Snow Maiden.”

    • Actors from the previous fairy tale are invited to the stage.
    • Next, the host invites the ducklings onto the stage to dance their signature dance.
    • The presenter from the audience must select several willing participants.
    • Participants dance to the music “On the Dancing Ducklings.”
    • The presenter invites the next group of young people and says: “we are in the village, and these are your favorite cats who will dance a cat dance for you.”
    • All cats must be girls. The well-known music from the movie “Moonlight” is turned on.
    • The heroine of the film danced a striptease to it. The girls are confused and dance to the music.

    The host distributes gifts and invites all the animals from the yard. These can be goats, cows and piglets. Everyone is dancing and having fun. After this, you can conduct a quiz.

    As you can see, to carry out New Year's holiday It is not necessary to purchase expensive gifts. Use these New Year's tips when creating an entertainment program for high school students. You should forget about banal and boring competitions. Young people will appreciate the non-standard approach and humor. You can end the evening with a disco with a DJ.

    In contact with

    New Year's disco scenario for high school students

    Goals and objectives: organization of leisure, New Year celebration.

    Before the evening begins, a soundtrack of modern New Year's songs is played.

    At the appointed time - a sound signal - the ringing of bells.

    Presenter 1: Good evening, dear friends!

    Presenter 2: Have a good holiday mood, smiles and fun! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday!

    Ved 1: Outside, winter is the time of the shortest days and the longest nights. After all, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.

    Ved 2: It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, our wishes come true, and the most incredible miracles are possible.

    Presenter 1: Let it be the evening of our meeting

    Warmed by ardent friendship.

    We send you our heartfelt

    New Year's holiday greetings!

    Presenter 2: Happy New Year! New Year!

    The holiday is joyful for everyone.

    Let them ring under this vault

    Songs, music and laughter!

    Presenter 1: Dear friends, today our evening program includes games, competitions, quizzes, and a fiery disco. And, of course, a meeting with Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

    Presenter 2: Yes Yes! Not only children, but also mature, respectable people are looking forward to meeting these New Year's characters.

    Presenter 1: Santa Claus has been around for about 150 years. And not a single New Year's holiday is complete without his participation.

    Presenter 2: Well, while our New Year's characters are on their way, let's hold a few competitions.

    Presenter 1: Great idea! So, to warm up, we’ll hold a New Year’s quiz.

    Ved 2 : We ask the audience to listen carefully to the questions and raise their hand when answering. For each correct answer you receive a token. Whoever collects the most tokens during our evening will receive a New Year's prize.

    1. A natural phenomenon that, without sand sprinkling, causes New Year's deaths. (Ice.)

    2. What beauty dresses up once a year? ( Christmas tree. )

    3. New Year's two-faced ball. (Masquerade.)

    4. Low-growing snowstorm. (Snow drift.)

    5. Carnival frame. (Mask.)

    6. Ice casting. (Ice rink.)

    7. The Snow Maiden's life time. (Winter.)

    8. Winter striker. (Freezing.)

    9. New Year's State Collection. (Table.)

    10 . The supporting quarter of the New Year's table. (Leg.)

    11. New Year's drink for risky guests. (Champagne.)

    12. Fish "dressed" in genuine leather And faux fur coat, - New Year's dish. (Herring.)

    13. A peasant's anti-Christmas tree weapon. (Axe.)

    14. Seasonal "sculpture" made from real natural material. (Snowman.)

    15. The result of festive excitement. (Fireworks.)

    16. Christmas tree homeland. (Forest.)
    17. Christmas tree snow insulation. (Freezing.)

    18. The process ends with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting.)

    19. An ancient but timeless dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance)

    (for correct answers, tokens are given, and the winner gets a prize)

    Ved 1: Amazing! And now we invite you to greet each other.

    Ved 2: We invite 9th grade girls to the stage. And we ask you to support us with loud applause.

    STEP (Nastya, Irina, Alina, Diana, Polina)

    Ved 1: We got to know each other better

    In such an acquaintance, friendship is the essence

    So, let's continue our evening,

    As they say: “Bon voyage!”

    (Cell phone call signs sound)

    Ved 2: (speaking on his cell phone): Yes, we are waiting, we are waiting! No, we don't miss you. Our guests have already collected a bunch of tokens. How for what? Well, what would New Year be without you? You better hurry up! (turns off the phone): D. Frost and the Snow Maiden are very close.

    Ved 1: Well, you told them that we are looking forward to seeing them, right?(the phonogram “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” plays and a loud knock is heard).

    D.Moroz: Good evening, good people!

    Snow Maiden : Let happy holiday will!

    D.Moroz: Happy New Year:

    We wish you happiness and joy!

    Snow Maiden: How many familiar faces are there?

    How many of my friends are here!

    I feel good here, like at home,

    Among the gray Christmas trees!

    D. Moroz: Even if I am already old and grey,

    And I live for many years,

    I declare to you friends,

    That I'm young today

    Snow Maiden: All my friends have gathered.

    In the New Year's winter hour.

    We haven't met for a whole year

    And we missed you.

    D. Moroz: Both Snegurochka and I - congratulations to you, friends!

    Ved 2: And now we invite you to join the fiery dance and rock with the 9th grade girls.

    Dance ARRIVA (creative group)

    A block of competitions is conducted by a creative group.

    1. THE BOLDEST Nastya

    Several young men are invited to the stage. They are given eggs. On command, participants must break an egg on their forehead. The last one to break the egg is the winner.

    2. Study with a balloon – Irina

    The game requires several balloons, which are distributed to the participants.

    Participants are given a task to create a sketch with a balloon on a specific topic:

    Man looking in the mirror;

    Declaration of love;

    Parting with a loved one;

    Chief and subordinate;

    Couples in love;

    A child in a zoo in front of a monkey cage;

    A parent scolding his poor son;

    Buyer and seller.

    3. POPPURI – DANCE – Tanya

    Participants compete in their ability to move to the beat of the proposed music.

    4. BOXERS – Alina

    Dance block.

    5. Competition “BRAID” - Diana

    Props: 2 braids (3 ribbons tied with a knot at the end).

    Team captains hold a knot and lead their teams, who hold a ribbon in their hands and, without lifting their hands, “braid” to rhythmic music. When the music stops, the presenters will check the “braids” and identify the winning team, they will be awarded prizes.A Christmas tree decoration that causes significant damage to the household budget not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

    6. THE DANCE STICKED – Irina, Diana

    All participants are divided into pairs (boy-girl). The music turns on, the couples dance. At the command of the Leader, during the dance they touch only those parts of the body that they choose (head, nose, ears, backs, arms, legs, shoulders, fingertips, etc.)

    7. “THREE” – Polina

    I'll tell you a story
    In one and a half dozen phrases.
    I'll just say the word "three"
    Take the prize immediately!

    One day we caught a pike
    We looked at what was inside.
    We saw small fish
    And not just one, but... five.

    A seasoned guy dreams
    Become an Olympic champion
    Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
    And wait for the command: “One, two... march”

    When you want to memorize poems,
    They are not crammed until late at night,
    And repeat them to yourself,
    Once, twice, or better yet... seven.

    One day the train is at the station
    I had to wait three hours.
    Well, friends, you took the prize.
    I give you a five rating

    8. SUMO – Alina

    Participants in the competition are given huge costumes and stuffed with balloons and they begin to fight, the one who has who remains wins greatest number balls.

    The winner gets a prize.

    9. Competition "THEATRAL"

    Interested competitors are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like this:

    Woman with heavy bags

    Gorilla in a cage, sparrow on the roof

    Stork on a bolt

    Chicken in the yard

    Girl in a tight skirt with high heels

    Sentinel guarding the food warehouse

    Baby just learning to walk

    Guy in front of an unknown girl

    Alla Pugacheva performing a song.

    Ved: And we invite you to the New Year's disco!

    (Competitions from classes)

    Ved 2: The most beloved games in Rus' on all holidays were games of dexterity and strength. We should definitely have a strongman competition.

    Ved 1: Time flew by quickly

    And it's time for us to part.

    Ved 2: With all our hearts, friends, we wish,

    Great, great success to you!

    Snow Maiden: It's time, friends,

    You need to say goodbye.

    Congratulations to everyone!

    Let's celebrate the New Year together

    Both adults and kids!

    Father Frost : It’s a pity that the holiday ended so quickly. See you next year!

    Ved 1: Dear friends! Our New Year's Eve celebration has come to an end.

    Ved 2: You all took a very active part in all the competitions and fun activities and had a blast at the disco.

    Ved 1 : And we hope that you will be able to maintain the mood of fun, joy, and anticipation of something unusual for the whole year.

    Ved 2: We are not saying goodbye to you, we are telling you:

    TOGETHER : Before new meeting in a year!

    The last composition sounds, in which all the characters take part.

    Felt boots.

    Theatrical performance.

    Snow Maiden (runs out). Now, now Grandfather. I'm just getting started New Year's Eve I’ll come to you too! Hello, dear friends! I was almost late! There are so many things to do, so many worries before the main and most beloved holiday - I’m simply knocked off my feet.

    Snow Maiden. I'm here, grandpa! Grandfather is also nervous. But he has another reason - he, imagine, decided to marry the Snow Woman! He spends the whole day getting dressed, getting ready, sometimes he can’t tie his sash, sometimes he can’t find his mittens...

    Santa Claus in slippers. Snow Maiden, where did the washcloths go?

    Snow Maiden. Grandfather, they are standing under the bench!

    Father Frost(leans over and looks) They are not under the bench! They are nowhere to be found!

    Snow Maiden. Grandfather, don’t worry. Your felt boots will be found. Let's better evening Let's start by congratulating the audience on the holiday!

    Father Frost. Granddaughter! What do you say? How can I open a holiday in slippers? Yes, I won’t go anywhere without felt boots! Until you find the felt boots, don’t even call! (leaves).

    Snow Maiden. Grandpa, don't be angry. I'll find your boots right now. Dear viewers, our holiday TV program opens with ____________________________________.

    Have fun watching, and I’ll go look for boots for Santa Claus.

    Snow Maiden. You know, I'm very worried. There really are no felt boots. Where could they have gone? I myself put them under the bench today, but now they are not there... But Grandfather insisted: I won’t be without felt boots holiday program carry out period. What good really won’t happen, and we will be left without a New Year. What to do? Should I call the police? And what? Let them look (dials the number) Hello! Police? Santa Claus's felt boots are missing, and we won't be able to find them without you! Please come as soon as possible! They said they would come even with a dog. Will wait.

    Policeman. Did you call the police?

    Snow Maiden. Comrade policeman was called! Our felt boots are gone! We can't find it anywhere.

    The dog goes up on stage and shakes the Snow Maiden’s hand.

    Policeman. Don't worry, citizen, we'll find you. Come on, fellow spectators, show us your legs. Mukhtar, let's sniff (looks around) Mukhtar! To me!

    Dog. I'm not going to smell anything! I can already see: there are no felt boots here.

    Policeman. How are you talking to me? Do I know who? I am a servant of the law! Come quickly to me!

    Dog. Yes please! (goes to the policeman)

    Policeman. Search!

    They walk around the hall, find Baba Yaga and bring her onto the stage.

    Baba Yaga. I won't go! Where are you taking me? Let go! Yes, I will report you to the police! What do you want from me?

    Policeman. Was it you, citizen Baba Yagavalenki, who stole it from Santa Claus?

    Baba Yaga. What kind of boots? I haven't worn them in ages! Now I dress in fashion, here. (shows) For once, like a normal pensioner, she came to watch the program - and they set a dog on me! 9dog) what hatched? Oh, don't smell me, I'm not tasty!

    Policeman. Yes, citizen. It's clear that this is a dark matter. Let's go, let's write a protocol.

    Baba Yaga. Snow Maiden, it’s not my fault!


    Snow Maiden. I'll go and see how Santa Claus is feeling. And we bring to your attention the following New Year's TV program ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________.

    Indignant Baba Yaga drags a policeman behind her

    with hands tied and gagged.

    Baba Yaga. Come here, adversary! Now I'll sort you out! Snow Maiden, where are you? Come here!

    Snow Maiden. What's happened? Oh, Baba Yaga, why did you tie up the policeman?

    Baba Yaga. Look at his feet. A? He stole his felt boots and dumped them on me!

    Snow Maiden. Baba Yaga, in my opinion these are not those felt boots.

    Baba Yaga. How are these not the same? Call Santa Claus for identification!

    Snow Maiden. Grandfather! Come here! Look, are these your boots?

    Father Frost. (comes out and examines the felt boots). No, these are not mine... (leaves)

    Baba Yaga. There was an error. (takes out the gag)

    Policeman. Do you know what citizen? You will be responsible for this. I'm on you... I'll file a case against you!

    Baba Yaga. Go, go, start it.

    (policeman leaves)

    Baba Yaga. Snow Maiden, he won’t find these boots for you. He will write a protocol until next year.

    Snow Maiden. What to do? What should Baba Yaga do?

    Baba Yaga. What to do, what to do... You have to search. Eh, they didn’t let us celebrate the holiday with people! Okay, Snow Maiden, go calm down Grandfather, and I’ll conduct the investigation myself!

    (Snow Maiden leaves)

    Baba Yaga. Mukhtar, where are you? (whistles)

    Dog.(reluctantly leaves). What do you want?

    Baba Yaga. Not for you, but for you! Well-fed, not well-mannered! Let's go look for felt boots. (pulls on the leash)

    Dog. What more! Will not go! I'm tired!

    Baba Yaga. You'll go, you'll go... You'll rest when you find felt boots. Well - fas! (screams while running away). In the meantime, dear viewers, watch the program ________________

    ___________________________________________________________________________ .

    Baba Yaga(brings out Auntie in felt boots and with a large bag). Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden! Come quickly, we found felt boots!

    Aunt: Guard, guard! Save people! They're robbing! In the middle of the day! Oh, the dog doesn't bite? Where are you taking me?

    Snow Maiden. Hello. Why are you shouting so much? Baba Yaga, where are the felt boots?

    Baba Yaga. Well, look, you see she’s got it on.

    Aunt. What. These are my boots! I went to the felting factory in Yaroslavl to pick them up!

    Baba Yaga. Let's figure it out! Snow Maiden, call Santa Claus!

    Snow Maiden. Grandpa, come here quickly.

    Father Frost. Oh, there are so many people, and I’m barefoot! What a shame...

    Snow Maiden. Grandfather, aren’t these boots yours?

    Father Frost. No, not mine again. You, my dear, forgive them. I just want to get married, but how can I do without felt boots? That's when everyone was knocked off their feet. Go ahead, they won't detain you any longer.

    Aunt.(preening) I'm not in a hurry! 9pushes Baba Yaga in the side) What a cute Dedok! He wants to get married! And marry me! I’ll give you these felt boots too! Want?

    Father Frost.No thanks! Don't want! Granddaughter, I'm going. (wants to leave)

    Aunt. (blocking the path of Santa Claus). Where? If you don't want to get married, buy something from me. Here, a sports suit, here are sneakers... (rummaging in the bag, Santa Claus runs away in panic). Hey, where are you going? And you, grandma, don’t you want to spoil yourself? And we’ll find a new one for the Dog.

    Baba Yaga. Holy, holy... Go here! We have no time!

    They run away. The aunt runs after them.

    The Janitor is taken out with a broom.

    Baba Yaga. Let's go, let's go darling!

    Street cleaner. Ass?

    Baba Yaga. Mukhtar, bark at him louder.

    Dog.(shouts in the janitor's ear) We were following you!

    Street cleaner. Lots and lots of snow...

    Baba Yaga. Why did you steal the felt boots?

    Street cleaner. Yes, yes, the frost has already frozen the river...

    Dog. Give me your felt boots, period!

    Street cleaner. Yeah, I sprinkled sand on everything...

    Baba Yaga. No, I can’t handle all this anymore.

    Street cleaner. Ass? Sweeping, honey, sweeping... (sweeps)

    Baba Yaga Snow Maiden! Father Frost! Come here!

    Snow Maiden. Oh, Grandfather, they found another felt boots!

    Baba Yaga. Look, Santa Claus, he's a thief! Otherwise everyone blames me!

    Father Frost. And these felt boots are not mine, Baba Yaga. Eh, granddaughter, you found some bad detectives.

    Baba Yaga. It's all your fault, Mukhtar! He's tired, you see! He's too lazy to smell. Well, quickly sniff Grandfather, and so that he doesn’t make any more mistakes! (the dog sniffs and grabs his nose). What again?

    Dog. My nose was frozen.

    Baba Yaga. Look, sissy! Let's go, let's go. (To the janitor) And you too, let's go.

    Street cleaner. Ass?

    Baba Yaga. It hasn't come down yet! Go-go! (takes the dog and the janitor away)

    Father Frost. That's it, granddaughter! The last time I came out here to the people in slippers. Now while the felt boots are gone, I won’t be here either.

    Snow Maiden. All hope is in Baba Yaga. Dear friends, don’t be sad. In the meantime, watch the program_______________________________________________.

    Felt boots with raised hands enter to the music,

    behind them is a triumphant Baba Yagai Dog with a pistol .

    Baba Yaga. Here they are, my dears! People are looking for them here, and they are rolling down the hill with snowflakes.

    Snow Maiden. Baba Yaga, Mukhtar, finally.

    Baba Yaga. They?

    Snow Maiden. Very similar, but I don't know for sure.

    Dog. Let Grandfather smell it!

    Baba Yaga. Yes, call Grandfather.

    Snow Maiden. He won't go. I was angry that we kept bringing the wrong felt boots.

    Baba Yaga. Are these really not his?

    Dog. These are definitely grandfather's. I guarantee.

    Baba Yaga. He guarantees... No, you have to be sure, so as not to make a mistake. How can I check them, huh?

    Snow Maiden. Grandfather's felt boots were magical. They not only spoke, they could sing too!

    Baba Yaga. Let's check it out! Hey, you runaways, can you sing?

    Felt boots. But what about

    Baba Yaga Go ahead and we'll listen.

    Valenki (singing).

    We played with the snow,

    Well, the holiday is already underway.

    Oh, probably to us from Grandfather

    It will come from Frost!

    Grandfather is tired and before lunch

    I lay down on the bench to lie down,

    And we quietly from Grandfather

    Let's run off for a walk!

    Snowflakes showered us

    Snow powder!

    At least they wouldn't scold us -

    We are good after all!

    Don't look what we have

    The mittens are too small!

    We were made to order,

    We are big boots.

    Tops - tops - tops!

    We'll even dance!

    We are not for warmth,

    We are for the surroundings! (dancing)

    Shouldn't we be singing?

    Are we stomping in vain?!

    Why in this room

    Nobody claps for us?!

    Father Frost(runs out) It's them! Moivalenki! I recognized them by their voice! And if my felt boots are found, I promise you that the New Year's disco will take place!

    Snow Maiden. Our story with felt boots, which caused so much commotion, ended happily. And I sincerely wish you that in the coming year your troubles will be resolved as happily as ours today.

    Baba Yaga. And let true friends always come to your rescue!

    Dog. May your fur be thick, your paws strong, and your sense of smell excellent.

    Father Frost. Let your hearts be filled with joy.

    All Happy New Year!

    New Year's song.

    If the windows shine brightly,

    Buy all the gifts

    Serpentine, toys, confetti,

    If the tar smells delicious

    From the green lush Christmas tree,

    This means that the New Year is on its way.

    If we are racing on a sled

    Along a snowy clearing

    Or we fly along the skating rink like an arrow,

    If the carnival spins

    And he will make us friends forever,

    So this is your holiday and mine!

    Chorus: Will come to us soon

    Happy New Year

    May he give peace to the entire planet and

    will bring happiness!

    Let the snow sparkle!

    Hello, good man!

    New Year is a wonderful holiday,

    He is a merry fellow and a prankster,

    Gives people endless happiness

    He covers everything with snow,

    He lights up Christmas trees everywhere,

    Filling hearts with joy.

    Chorus: Will come to us soon

    Happy New Year

    May he give peace to the entire planet and

    will bring happiness!

    Let the snow sparkle!

    Hello, good man!

    May everyone have good luck in the New Year!

    If children's laughter is cheerful

    Heard in palaces and schools

    And a bright star shines,

    If there are songs and dances everywhere,

    If everything around you is like in a fairy tale,

    So, the New Year is coming here!

    Chorus: New Year has come!

    This is very good!

    So we'll be together

    Until next winter!

    Let the years fly

    Never be sad!

    We still wish everyone good health!!!

    New Year's holiday for high school students.

    New Year at school.

    New Year's holiday scenario for high school students.

    Scenario for the New Year for senior schoolchildren “In search of icy freshness”


    Snow Maiden

    Father Frost



    Dance troupe or group

    The foyer is festively decorated, with a Christmas tree in the center and a podium in the right corner of the hall. The podium is like a snowball or a piece of ice. There is a small table. The Snow Maiden is sitting at the table, bored.

    Snow Maiden: Every year it’s the same... Oranges, tangerines, Christmas trees, garlands, a Christmas tree was born in the forest... nothing new. After all, everyone already knows these round dances by heart... Christmas tree, light up, and put the plug in the socket... there is nothing to be surprised...

    Santa Claus (young, perhaps also a high school or student) has been standing and listening to her whining for some time. Finally, the Snow Maiden notices him.

    Snow Maiden: Oh, who are you? Ah, I see - another one dressed up. New guy, or what?

    Father Frost: And even if I’m dressed up, and even if I’m brand new, I don’t create dampness and despondency here...

    Snow Maiden: Who's doing the divorce? You know, if you’re all so positive, come on - steer away from all this boring stuff (puts him in his place). Here's your Christmas tree, here's your microphone, here's some gifts for you, and here's your contingent... Come on... Why are you quiet?

    Father Frost: Wait a minute, don’t make noise, you’re interfering with concentration... You need to approach the issue of an interesting vacation conceptually, include, so to speak, creative thinking...

    Snow Maiden(stunned): What did you just say? Are you scoffing, yeah? You're being smart, right? Is this what I need? There are all sorts of people walking around here, you know, throwing offensive words... I don’t understand a damn thing...

    The Director appears. She's wearing a New Year's costume.

    Director: So, what’s all the noise, but there’s no fight?

    Snow Maiden: It’s a lot of honor to fight with everyone. Here he is - cool, let him work hard here, let the youth soar, but I, thank God, have already left this age.

    Director: Calm down, we’ll sort it out now. Why doesn't the Christmas tree work? What do you mean, it doesn't shine with bright lights? Come on, kids, let’s hold hands together and say to the Christmas tree: light up!

    Snow Maiden: Mary Vasilna, what kids they are, look at them.

    Director(addresses the audience): What, we won’t light the Christmas tree and dance in a circle?

    Snow Maiden: Plug it in and that’s it!

    He approaches Santa Claus and looks up.

    Director: Wow, what a Santa Claus they sent us today, he’s just too young... Let’s ask Santa Claus to turn on our Christmas tree! (Shouts, calling the audience) Santa Claus, Santa Claus...

    Father Frost(shrugs): Okay, I’ll turn it on, it’s not difficult for me. (Goes and turns on the Christmas tree)

    Director: And now the round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”! Let's take hands, let's take...

    Accordingly, no one is in a hurry to join this same round dance.

    Director(to Santa Claus, in a whisper): You, young man, would help, or something... (Moves the arrows to him) What are you actually trying to achieve, ruin the event for us?

    Father Frost: How can you spoil it if it seems to have been spoiled from the very beginning...

    Snow Maiden: Oh you...

    Father Frost: Well, you yourself said that it’s boring, that there’s nothing new...

    Director: Well, well, interesting. Who said this?

    Snow Maiden: You never know what I said, and in general - go away, who called you here in the first place?

    Father Frost: Like who? Everyone calls me now, I’m Santa Claus!

    The Snow Maiden, out of indignation, cannot find anything to answer.

    Director: That's it, stop bickering. I have a constructive suggestion...

    Snow Maiden: Mary Vasilna, and you, too, express yourself in all sorts of words here, is this contagious, or what?

    Director: Sit down! Write!

    The Snow Maiden sits down at the table and gets ready to write.

    Director: Here he is now, as a representative of the younger, so to speak, generation, and will explain what they, the young, need at this holiday. How to make it truly interesting and memorable.

    Father Frost(being inspired): Write! In order to stir up good party, you need to become a real scumbag for a while!

    Director: What?!!

    Snow Maiden: Actually a mess...

    Father Frost: Yes, you don’t understand. Not in the sense that is bad, but in the sense that is good. FROSTOBROZKI - that is, FROM FROST representatives, from the young FROST, fershteen?

    Director- Nope, not fershteen!

    Father Frost: Well, don’t you watch TV? There, in one advertisement, young people call themselves scumbags, well, in the sense that they are not cold anywhere, so they are looking for sharp, in the sense of cold, sensations. That's what they say: scumbags in search of icy freshness.

    Snow Maiden: Something familiar...

    Director: Stimorol, ah... it's some kind of chewing gum. So what's next?

    Snow Maiden: More likely already, in search of last year's snow. Snow is a problem these days.

    Director: Good idea. About last year's snow. (To Santa Claus) Well, come on, gather your scumbags.

    Father Frost. So, yes. Scumbags, they are generally distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence.

    Snow Maiden: Can I start, so to speak, by seniority, I have some questions here - they’re called “Winter Associations”.

    Quiz “Winter Associations” . Based on the results of the quiz, a company is recruited, divided into 2 teams, and the “Take the Prize” game is played. (Chair, 2 pairs of felt boots, prizes and fun music)

    Snow Maiden(asks the participants): Well, ice? No, not ice.

    Father Frost: Well, if it’s not ice, then let’s continue!

    Director: Eh, young people, how addicted you all are to advertising! Do you know, for example, that the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia sued the Pepsi company and it faces a fine of 400 to 5000 minimum wages and the removal of the video from the air... For what? According to officials, the content of the video contradicts the law on disturbing the peace of citizens at night. Maybe someone can figure out what video we are talking about?

    Roma Beast "Districts, blocks..." and "Pepsi". The one who answered is invited to the stage.

    Father Frost: It’s interesting, are there many Roma the Beast fans in the hall? And who will name his real name - Roma? (Bilyk). (The person who answered also entered the stage.)

    Competition “Voice over an advertisement” . 2 participants select 2 people for their teams. They show a video on the screen, and in 30 seconds. the team must voice it. The audience votes for one team or another. And you need to vote like this: ice is not ice.

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