• The child has concave nails. What to do? The most common symptoms of nail onychodystrophy in children


    The condition of the hands always attracts attention. But you can often find uneven fingernails, the reason for this phenomenon is the presence of a disease, a lack of vitamins, an unsuccessful visit nail salon, congenital pathology. Therefore, it is worth knowing the different types of deformities of the toenails, hands, causes and treatment.

    Because of negative impact External and internal factors cause deformation or changes in the nails. Nail deformity – a pathology in which a modification of their appearance, structure and shape occurs. The nail plate is normally smooth with a matte-shiny surface, the shape is convex with smooth edges.

    Crooked nails imply excessive concavity (convexity), grooves, spots, ribbed surface and increased fragility, the presence of horizontal and vertical waves on the nails. Which is more likely not a defect, but a disease.

    Deformation of fingernails, causes:

    • infection of fungal etiology;
    • skin diseases;
    • injury or improper care behind the cuticle;
    • lack of iron, calcium, vitamins A, B1, C, D, H;
    • lack of water and increased waste content;
    • internal diseases (gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, joints);
    • exposure to chemicals;
    • taking antibiotics and undergoing chemotherapy;
    • pinching, bruise of the nail bed.

    Deformation factors are acquired in nature, and congenital - a defect of the ectoderm. The pathology consists of a failure at the stage of formation of the nail bed and plate even during intrauterine development fetus

    Uneven nails thumbs hands are easier to notice, because they are larger and the pathology is noticeable much faster. Therefore, if you find any defect on your fingernails or toenails, you should immediately contact a medical facility.


    Everyone has experienced a fingernail or toenail injury at some point. Expressed in a slight abrasion, pinching, falling of a heavy (sharp) object, improper cutting, wearing tight shoes.

    Symptoms of a nail injury:

    1. Soreness and swelling.
    2. Hemorrhage, cyanosis, blackening of the plate.
    3. Falling out of the bed.
    4. Minor blood loss.

    Types of injuries:

    1. Injury. The most common type of fingernail injury. Symptoms are expressed in hemorrhage under the plate, resulting in cyanosis and blackening. Soon it may fall out of the bed, since the injury provoked a malnutrition of the nail and death occurred. After a while, it grows in its place new nail, outwardly it seems uneven, wavy and rough, but later it takes on a healthy appearance. However, if the trauma is chronic, it will remain deformed forever.
    2. Broken. The second most popular type of injury. The danger is represented by a break located at the site of the nail bed. Such an injury is painful, causes severe discomfort to the person, and is accompanied by the formation of a hematoma and infection.
    3. A cut. It usually occurs during a visit to a nail salon, when the nail technician is inexperienced or uses non-specialized tools. It is possible to get a cut during cooking, during construction and other work. If a person does not comply with the rules of personal hygiene of hands and feet, and the master does not properly sterilize instruments, then an infection or the development of an inflammatory process may occur.
    4. Squeezing. Occurs after purchasing narrow or inappropriately sized shoes, leading to ingrown or detached nails.

    If any injury is detected, first aid should be provided immediately, and in severe cases, go to the hospital.


    The primary symptomatology of psoriasis is considered to be a structural change in the nail, and the lesion occurs simultaneously on both the hands and feet. The cause of psoriasis activation may be:

    • stress and depression;
    • dry, cold climate;
    • skin trauma;
    • taking antibiotics.

    Symptoms of psoriasis include:

    • formation of dents;
    • color change (from yellow to brown);
    • peeling and itching near adjacent skin;
    • plate detachment.

    Psoriasis on the nails can easily be confused with the manifestation of fungal diseases. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist after the test results are obtained.

    Poor nutrition

    Following a strict diet, frequent consumption of fast-food, abuse of alcohol, tobacco products, lack of a routine medical examination over time leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, nails, hair and general condition. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to adhere to proper nutrition, consume your daily water intake, exercise and be outdoors more often.


    The deformation caused by the influence of fungi is called mycosis. In total, there are more than 20 types of fungi, but the development of the disease occurs in several stages.

    Nail fungus manifests itself as:

    • waviness of the plate;
    • thickening;
    • increased fragility;
    • change in color (yellowness) and shape.

    Each subspecies of fungus has certain symptoms, but they all love damp places (cheap shoes, bathrooms, baths, swimming pools).

    Weakened immunity

    A decrease in the body's protective functions occurs due to poor nutrition, lack of nutrients, infectious diseases, stress and antibiotics. The body is then vulnerable to viruses and fungal pathogens. Due to reduced immunity, fingernails react with the appearance of:

    • tuberosity;
    • waviness;
    • fragility and subtlety.

    Drinking alcoholic beverages, drugs, smoking and environmental pollution lead to weakened immunity. Therefore, the risk of developing a fungal disease increases significantly.

    Consequence of manicure, extensions or improper polishing

    Deformation nail plate on the hands often occurs due to poor-quality manicure. During this process, the master can grind too deeply, touching the layer responsible for the growth rate and thickness of the plate. Create high pressure when removing the cuticle, leading to injury.

    Nowadays, hardware manicure, nail extensions and permanent gel polish are in fashion. All of them, if the execution technology is not followed, inevitably lead to thinness and future lumpiness.

    The main causes of tuberosity:

    • poor quality of the products and compositions used;
    • inexperience of the master;
    • deep grinding;
    • use of acetone.

    Sterilization of instruments also plays an important role. Neglecting this rule risks spreading the infection from one person to another.

    Anemia, dystrophy, other internal causes

    The main precursor to the development of the disease is considered to be curvature and increased fragility of the nails. The main factor in the occurrence of anemia is low hemoglobin levels. As a result, the body experiences a lack of oxygen, affecting the functioning of all internal organs and systems. In addition to internal failures, there are external causes of anemia:

    • installation of an ectopic device;
    • smoking;
    • lack of animal products in the diet (vegetarians, raw foodists);
    • constant adherence to a strict diet.

    But still, only a doctor can determine the exact causes of development.

    Possible nail diseases

    In addition to diseases of fungal etiology, the following diseases of hand nails are distinguished.

    Name of the diseaseCausesSymptoms on nails
    Scleronychiadisruption endocrine system become transparent or turn yellow, harden, and peel off over time
    Onychogryphosisfrostbite, bruiseThe color changes from yellow to black, and over time the edge bends or twists into a spiral.
    Onyhauxisdiabetes, elephantiasis, varicose veins, vascular atherosclerosisproliferation of the subungual cornea, inflammation of the nail fold, usually affects 1-2 fingers
    Leukonychiadeficiency of vitamins and protein, gastrointestinal diseases, stress, depression, heart disease, kidney disease, skin diseasewhite spots and stripes appear
    Onychodystrophymycoses, skin diseases, trauma, vitamin deficiencythe color changes to yellow, its thickness increases significantly, growth slows down, furrows appear
    Onycholysistrauma, skin diseases, antibiotics, dysbacteriosisthe color changes from yellow to brown, fragility increases, and over time, complete or partial peeling from the bed occurs

    Exposure to household chemicals

    Nail deformity When working with chemicals, it appears as lumpy. Therefore, you should adhere to the following precautions:

    • use gloves;
    • After finishing working with chemicals, wash your hands under running water.

    You should use a nourishing and softening agent after working with chemicals.

    Slagging in the body and lack of moisture

    The primary symptom of intoxication and increased levels of waste is lumpiness. With a lack of moisture, they become thinner, quickly break and often flake off. To prevent this condition, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat properly, exercise, and completely cleanse your body of toxins.

    Deformation of the plates on the legs due to shoes

    The right choice of shoes eliminates many problems. So, you should adhere to 3 main rules: naturalness, comfort, correct size.

    Neglect of at least one of these rules leads to deformation of the nail on the big toe, ring or little finger. And the artificiality of the materials from which shoes are made directly leads to increased moisture inside and the creation of optimal conditions for fungal infection.

    Possible consequences:

    • ingrowth;
    • deformation;
    • fungal infection.

    If you follow 3 basic rules when choosing shoes, you can reduce the risk of nail plate pathology.

    How to fix crooked nails

    Those who have encountered a similar problem are wondering how to fix crooked nails? There are ways to solve the problem and are presented:

    • drug therapy;
    • laser;
    • traditional medicine.

    The laser therapy procedure is absolutely painless and is used when other methods are ineffective.

    Therapeutic varnishes for restoring nail structure

    In cosmetology there are many medicinal products, helping to restore and strengthen fingernails, even replacing the base layer of varnish. The most effective among them are:

    1. “8 in1 Healthy Nails – Restoration Formula” from Evelline.
    2. “Regenerating conditioner” from Lambre.
    3. “Good results” from Avon.
    4. “Strengthening conditioner for soft nails” from Lambre.
    5. “Maestro” from L’etoile.
    6. “Super Duper” by Essie.

    The action of any of them is purely individual. Therefore, it is often worth trying several products until you get the desired result.

    Preparations and vitamins for nail growth

    Since pathology of fingernails and toenails is often a consequence of a lack of vitamins and minerals, it is advisable for a doctor to prescribe a course to replenish them. The most popular are:


    1. "Evonia".
    2. “Migliorin.”
    3. "Solgar"
    4. "Maxi-Hair".
    5. "Sheviton".
    6. “Revalid”.
    7. “Aevit-Active”.
    8. "Limoni"
    9. “Unipharm Vitrum” and others.

    Any of the above complexes is used not only to restore and strengthen fingernails, but to improve skin and hair.

    Ointments, creams and oils to strengthen nails

    To strengthen nails on the hands and feet, baths, creams, oils and masks are used. You can prepare them yourself; the recipes are quite simple.

    “BB cream” from Orly

    Creams and oils can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk or cosmetics store, prices vary. The most effective among them:

    1. “BB cream” from Orly.
    2. OPI Nail Envy Original.
    3. Essie Help Me Grow.
    4. “Miracle Cure” by Sally Hansen.
    5. “Famous Names” by IBX.
    6. “Organic Cocoa Hand Cream” from Planeta Organica.

    You can prepare ointments and masks yourself. The recipe is as follows:

    1. Wax based mask. It is necessary to use only natural wax, which should be melted and then dip your fingernails into it. After waxing, they must be immersed in water to form a characteristic film and left overnight.
    2. Ointment based on spruce and butter. To prepare, you will need 300 g of spruce branches and butter. The ingredients must be placed in layers in glass containers. Then wrap it in foil and put it in the oven for 5-6 hours. The heat should be minimal; after cooking, the mixture must be strained and stored in the refrigerator. Apply once daily to affected areas for 30 days.

    This is a small part of the recipes, but if you take this issue seriously and take the initiative, you can prepare an individual composition.

    Differences between a healthy nail and a diseased one

    Fine healthy nail on the arms and legs has smooth edges and shape, there are no furrows, waves, spots or delaminations on its surface. There should be no change in color, thickness or ingrowth into the skin. Crooked fingernails are a sign that organ dysfunction is occurring in the body or serious diseases are present. Naturally, only a specialist can determine the cause after passing the necessary tests.

    Folk remedies and recipes

    Many people ask: “What should I do if my fingernails and toenails are deformed and look sick?” In the bins traditional medicine There are recipes for almost all diseases. But all of them treat deformation only as a result of fungal infection or lack of vitamins.

    So the recipes look like this:

    1. Apply kombucha to the nail, treat with onion juice or spread with tar soap.
    2. Horseradish compress. Horseradish root needs to be crushed to a porridge state. You should steam your hands, trim your nails and apply a compress until the morning.
    3. Garlic compress. You will need to mix 2 g of salt, 1 liter of water and chopped garlic. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas.

    Also in folk medicine there are methods such as:

    • soak your feet in a solution with wine vinegar for 30 minutes;
    • chop mint, add salt and apply the resulting porridge between your toes;
    • mix vinegar (70%) and vegetable oil in equal proportions, lubricate the affected areas with the mixture.

    The use of traditional medicine is dangerous and can only worsen the condition.

    Recipes for healthy baths

    You can use baths to prevent and treat nail deformation. And it’s quite easy to prepare them yourself:

    1. With salt (sea). To prepare, you will need 500 ml of water and 4 g of salt, which must be dissolved. Hands must be immersed in a bath with the resulting solution for 20 minutes. Then apply nutritious cream or oil.
    2. With iodine and table salt. To prepare, you will need 200 ml of water, 4 g of salt and 3 drops of iodine. All ingredients are mixed and nails are immersed in the prepared solution for 15 minutes.
    3. With honey, vegetable or olive oil, and lemon juice. Honey and oil are mixed in a water bath, followed by the addition of lemon juice. Some also add iodine and vitamin A. The resulting mixture is applied to the nails for half an hour.

    Using baths at least once every 7 days will significantly reduce the risk of deformation, restore, strengthen and enrich nails with beneficial vitamins.

    Treatment at home

    The resulting deformation of the nails due to deep grinding, interactions with chemicals, injuries, it is allowed to correct the situation yourself.

    If waves or roughness appear on the plate, then it is enough to sand it with a file and cover the surface with a nourishing varnish. If, due to the impact household chemicals, then you should avoid direct contact with the skin of your hands and wait until a new one grows. Shallow sanding and the use of nourishing, restoring varnish or oil will also help at this time.

    When deformation occurs due to a lack of nutrients in the diet, then the doctor may prescribe special vitamin complexes and diet. It is based on foods rich in Ca, A, C, D, H, and B vitamins.

    The diet should contain:

    • seafood;
    • dairy products;
    • non-fatty meats;
    • porridge;
    • fruits;
    • vegetables;
    • olive oil;
    • nuts and dried fruits.

    The diet is selected based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

    Masks for lumpy nails

    The most effective against lumpy spots are masks based on olive oil. But the following types of masks are also used:

    • 4 g gelatin;
    • 100 ml water;
    • 2 g almond oil;
    • 4 ml lemon oil.

    Gelatin must be dissolved in water in a water bath, then add the remaining ingredients. The mass should harden, then it is ready to be applied to the nails for 20 minutes.

    The second version of the mask includes rich baby cream and hot red pepper. The ingredients must be mixed 1:1 and applied to the required areas of the hands for no more than 10 minutes. The recipe has contraindications; if there are cuts or inflammations on the skin, then use is strictly prohibited.

    Hand care with olive oil is simple but very effective. It is enough to apply a mask, scrub, oil in pure form or make hand baths, repeat the procedure twice a week and the appearance of your nails will improve significantly. If you take pure olive oil, you should warm it up, apply it to your hands and put cotton gloves on top. It is better to carry out the procedure at night.

    But to prepare the mask you will need:

    • 100 ml olive oil;
    • 100 ml castor oil;
    • 4 ml honey;
    • 100 g chopped walnuts.

    All ingredients are mixed and applied to hands for half an hour. Cotton gloves are put on over the top and the procedure is repeated twice a week.

    Also equally effective is wrapping with olive oil and a few drops of iodine.

    Nail deformity in children

    Many children are diagnosed with spoon-shaped nail deformities and may exhibit pigmentation, spots, lines and grooves. This pathology usually does not require treatment; they gradually acquire a normal and healthy appearance without intervention. The danger is fungal infections of the toenails of a child.


    By following measures to prevent deformation, you can significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence. To do this, it is enough to refuse bad habits If you have a thin nail plate, avoid the extension procedure, wear gloves when in contact with chemicals, and take care of the cuticle. It is worth adhering to a rational and proper diet with a high content of nutrients.

    Prevention and treatment lumpy nails You can do it yourself, but it is recommended to consult a doctor first.

    Thus, careful attitude towards one’s own health and timely response to clinical manifestations reduce the risk of developing any disease. Even pathology of the fingernails, which is not so serious at first glance, can be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

    Koilonychia in children under 10 years of age is considered normal. Parents of newborn babies and preschoolers should not worry too much about this if concave nails The child’s hair did not change color, did not flake or become stained. We will tell you in our article how to determine that you need to see a doctor and get treatment and why the concavity appears.

    From this article you will learn

    Features of the structure of nails

    Babies are born with thin, transparent nail plates on their fingers. Sometimes they are so long that they have to be cut in the maternity hospital so that the baby does not injure himself. Keratin plates in newborns are not at all similar to the nails of adults. They will acquire a normal appearance after some time.

    By appearance nails in a baby, you can determine the lack of vitamins and features of intrauterine development. Normally, infant fingernails and toenails have a pink tint, a smooth surface, and do not peel off.

    The keratin plate changes gradually. It is fully formed and roughens on the hands by the age of 4, on the feet by 10. This difference in the time of development of nails is explained by the weakness of the plates on the feet, frequent injuries, wearing shoes and peculiarities of care.

    Toenails up to 10 years of age can be concave, grow convexly and incorrectly - all these external defects in childhood are considered the norm. Most often, the little toe and big toe are affected, as they are the weakest elements of the foot. It is these fingers that need careful care and attention the most.

    There is no need to treat koilonychia in a child. If the defect does not disappear in adolescence and adulthood, then we are talking about autoimmune pathologies leading to tissue damage and the development of inflammation. In this case, it is necessary to carry out additional diagnostics, perceiving the curved nail as a sign and symptom of a more serious disease.

    Main reasons

    Toenails bend due to the following internal malfunctions in the body and external factors:

    • Deficiency of calcium, iron, minerals, other vitamins.
    • Unbalanced diet. This factor manifests itself especially often in diathesis and allergic children. Parents have to exclude a lot of generally healthy foods from the menu because of negative reactions to them in a particular child.
    • Circulatory and metabolic disorders. Tissues are deficient in nutrients.
    • Incorrectly chosen, tight shoes. The toes become compressed, the feet sweat, and the tissues of the epidermis and keratin plate become deformed.
    • Injuries. Outdoor games and kicking a ball bend the nail, causing it to weaken and split.
    • Incorrect manicure and pedicure. The baby requires special care. Mothers should learn so as not to damage the plate, not to disturb the direction of its growth, and to avoid bending. The nails on the toes are cut in a straight line, on the hands - in the form of a smile.
    • Fungus. possible in the pool, when wearing someone else's shoes or socks, through plants and soil. In children, the fungus causes sweaty feet and poor hygiene. That is, mothers forget to wash their children’s feet after a walk, before going to bed at night, and force them to put on warm slippers and boots in hot weather.
    • Anatomical feature. If the child’s relatives have the same problem without the presence of other diseases, when concavity becomes an alarming symptom, then we are talking about inheritance of an unusual shape of the nails. There is no need to treat or diagnose this factor.

    Treatment methods

    A dermatologist and therapist are involved in the treatment and diagnosis of the causes of concavity of children's nails. Contact for medical care for such symptoms, it is necessary after the child reaches 10 years of age. If the nails bent earlier, at one or two years old, and the plate is covered with spots, the cuticle is inflamed, and there is pus under the nail, then, of course, there is no need to wait for the baby to grow up. The cause of the defects lies in infection and other pathologies.

    Treatment begins with an examination. The doctor is obliged to exclude the fungal nature of the plate defect and check for the presence of autoimmune abnormalities. After receiving the results of a blood test, scrapings, immunogram, the appropriate drug treatment or maintenance therapy.

    Treatment with drugs

    It is prescribed only by a doctor; you cannot treat fungus, impaired protective functions and other pathologies on your own.

    1. To saturate the body with microelements and minerals to a sufficient extent, you will need to drink vitamin complexes. The duration of treatment is at least a month.
    2. Antifungal medications. Ointments, tablets, in extreme cases antibiotics. For children over 2 years old, Exoderil (cream), Terbizil, Mikozan are allowed. Pharmacies sell special antifungal varnishes; they can also be used from an early age.

    Additional Treatments

    To correct the current situation with nails, parents need to try to correct shortcomings in the care and life support of the baby. Analyze the possible causes of concave nails in a young child. If you find something similar to your case, take the following measures:

    • Buy boots a size larger or loose fit. Pay attention to the material for sandals and sneakers. For summer, buy shoes made of breathable fabric, with open toes and open toes. Do not wear 3 pairs of socks under boots or felt boots. This restricts the movement of the foot, injures the nails and provokes sweating.
    • Adjust the children's menu. Add fruits to your diet (especially kiwi, apples, bananas, they have a lot of iron), and dairy products. Prepare fish dishes 2-3 times a week, and good meat daily.
    • Do not wash your child’s hands and feet often with soap or shower gels. Cosmetical tools dry the skin and nail plate. Make do with clean water or buy special baby bath products.
    • Lubricate your nails with creams and oils. Buy liquid vitamin E, baby cream, apricot oil. Use any product several times a day, lubricating your fingers and toes.
    • Maintain good hygiene standards. Teach your baby to wash his feet after a walk, several times a day in hot weather, and before bed. Do not wear warm wool socks if your feet sweat excessively.
    • Take herbal baths. Calendula and chamomile strengthen the nail bed and keratin layer. Carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week, for 15-20 minutes.
    • Strengthen your nails with salt. Sea salt should be added to the water when bathing, or to a container for foot baths. For 10 liters of liquid - 3 tablespoons of sea or ordinary salt + 3 drops of iodine.
    • Get your pedicure done on time. If the nails grow too long, then they have to curl and break when rubbing against shoes. Trim them regularly if you notice that the plate has gone beyond the edges of the cuticle by 2-3 mm.
    • Change your pedicure tools. Buy special scissors and forceps, disinfect them before first use.
    • Remove ingrown toenails promptly. In advanced cases, surgical treatment will be required. Subsequently, parents need to monitor the injured finger and learn how to properly do a pedicure so that the nails do not grow ingrown.

    Hair, nails, skin are the mirror of the body. Their condition can tell a lot about the health of an adult and a child. Pay attention to body cues and don’t miss warning signs. This will help to diagnose pathology in time and cure diseases. A false alarm in this case will not be superfluous.

    IMPORTANT! *When copying article materials, be sure to include an active link to the original

    These tiny nails are scary to touch - let alone clean or cut! But it is simply necessary to take care of them to avoid possible problems.

    What is the norm?

    It is considered normal for a baby to be born with toenails and even a slight manicure. The shape and quality of nails depend on hereditary factors and the individual situation, but they should be pinkish in color, have a smooth surface and a natural shine. Rapid growth of nails small child- the norm, they need to be cut every 4 days.

    Why do my child’s nails peel?

    Such phenomena can occur for several reasons, for example:

    • Tight shoes;
    • The child bites his nails;
    • Lack of minerals and vitamins;
    • Neuroses;
    • Disruptions in daily routine, overwork;
    • Nail fungus;
    • In the body - metabolic disorders, anemia, etc.
    If you notice peeling nails on your baby, you need to determine the cause. And if parents are able to cope with tight shoes and lack of vitamins themselves, then last reasons on the list require you to see a doctor.

    What products improve the condition of peeling nails?

    Foods containing calcium and iron have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails: broccoli, green apples, dairy products. You can take it as prescribed by your doctor.

    Why do children have thin and concave nails?

    With the birth of a child, the formation of the keratin plate of the nail does not stop: on the hands it develops up to 4 years, and on the feet - up to 10. That is why the baby’s nails can be thin and concave in the first years - in medicine this phenomenon is called koilonychia. Koilonychia in preschool children is normal and does not require treatment. It’s another matter if the plate suddenly changes color, begins to peel, or spots appear on it - in this case you need to consult a doctor.

    How to understand that there is fungus on the nail?

    Fungus on a child's nail - it is called onychomycosis - is quite difficult to notice at the initial stage, but there are some signs:

    • The nail plate changes appearance;
    • Redness or swelling of the fingertips;
    • Nails peel or crumble;
    • Grooves appear on the plate;
    • The plate is thickened;
    • There is a flour coating on the plate.
    Nail fungus is an insidious disease. It seems not so noticeable, but it will affect the nail until it completely destroys it. That is why, if you find the above signs, you need to contact a dermatologist.

    What to do if the nail is ingrown?

    An ingrown toenail, or onychocryptosis, is most often observed in the big toe. This happens due to improper nail trimming, injuries and bruises, genetic predispositions, nail diseases, as well as incorrectly selected shoes or club feet, a child. There is pain, swelling, redness. If you do nothing, a purulent wound will form.

    If you find such problems in your baby at the initial stage, then try to soften the skin (make a bath), then slightly lift the edges and trim off the ingrown ends. Then treat with an antiseptic, and place sterile cotton wool or a bandage under the edge of the plate. If this doesn't help, consult your doctor. Today, to solve this problem, depending on the severity of the disease, various ointments and creams are used; laser or surgery may be prescribed.

    How to cut your nails correctly to prevent them from growing in?

    On your hands, you need to cut your nails in the shape of a crescent, and on your feet, in a straight line.

    Is a blue nail caused by a bruise scary?

    This common problem, because children run, fall, hit. As a result, the nail turns blue or black, and may even come off completely. If a nail bruise is accompanied by the growth of a hematoma, the nail rises, becomes deformed, or separates, you should consult a doctor. If it is just a stain, then you should disinfect it, apply a cold object to the nail, and after the pain subsides, wrap your finger tightly with a sterile bandage.

    If a child's nail color has changed, thickening and peeling of the nail plates occurs - this is suspicious for fungal nail infection. For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to determine exactly which type of fungus is causing the problem.

    Last consultation

    Leila asks:

    Hello. I’m very worried, my baby’s fingernails have become wavy, what could this be and how can I deal with it. Thank you for your reply


    It is impossible to diagnose a disease or disorder leading to nail problems in a child in absentia. Possible causes include hereditary and congenital diseases, nail injuries, hypo- and avitaminosis, gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders, skin diseases, including fungal infections. To determine the actual cause and method of combating it, you need to visit a doctor. Contact a pediatric dermatologist for an in-person appointment.

    Sasha asks:

    An infant (11 days old) had a hangnail on his finger that became inflamed and began to fester, and the phalanx turned red. They squeezed out the pus, dripped it with peroxide and covered it with brilliant green. What can and should be done? And how serious is this?

    Answers Markov Igor Semenovich:

    Nothing - just wait until everything heals. This is a manifestation of the child's infection Staphylococcus aureus. If something like this happens again, it will be necessary to carry out bacterial cultures (throat, nose, feces, urine) and immunize the child with staphylococcal toxoid (subcutaneous injections according to a certain scheme).

    Yaroslav asks:

    The child's nail began to move away from the skin. How to find out that it is not a fungus, but some other one nail problems in children?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Good afternoon, Yaroslava! Mycoses (fungal diseases) of nails in children can manifest themselves with various symptoms. These include peeling, redness and itching of the adjacent skin, as well as changes in the color and structure (the nail plate begins to peel, crumble, etc.) of the nails. However, these are only the most common and frequent symptoms that may indicate the presence of onychomycosis (the general name for fungal nail infections). Moreover, the causes of such a disease may be different kinds microscopic fungi that cause corresponding pathologies - rubromycosis, epidermophytosis, favus, microsporia, etc. Therefore, it is not possible to independently diagnose such a nail problem in a child. An appointment with a specialist - a pediatric dermatologist - will greatly facilitate this task and speed up not only the identification of the true cause, but also the prescription of an optimal set of treatment measures. Diagnosis in such cases, as a rule, includes not only an external examination, but also additional paraclinical studies: clinical blood tests, urine tests, as well as direct analysis (scraping) of the nail plates for verification and identification of fungal spores. In addition, if you suspect a mycotic infection of the nails in children, it is highly advisable to study the state of the child’s immune system (analysis of a detailed immunogram). Be healthy!

    Galina asks:

    My daughter is 14 years old, she takes care of her nails herself, and now she has an ingrown toenail. What should you do if children have ingrown toenails during adolescence?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Good afternoon, Galina! An ingrown toenail can be one of the results of nail care in children of any age. The basic rules of manicure are to cut your fingernails in a circle (“crescent”), while for pedicure it is recommended to cut your toenails evenly. However, the reason for the development of such a condition may not be the only one. Among these are vitamin and mineral deficiency, infectious factors (in particular, fungal infections), wearing uncomfortable shoes, traumatic injuries, etc. In such a situation, consultation with a pediatric dermatologist and surgeon is necessary. In each case, therapeutic tactics are individual; in the initial stages, conservative treatment may be recommended. However, the most radical and effective measure is the surgical method. The manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia; subsequently, in order to prevent the inflammatory process, a course of antibiotic therapy is recommended, as well as a gentle regimen (rest for a certain time interval). In solving such problems with nails in young children, a stationary regime is preferable during the postoperative recovery period (up to 5 days). However, at an older age, an outpatient treatment option is also possible if appropriate conditions are available for the child’s postoperative rehabilitation. Take care of your health!

    Darina asks:

    How to trim correctly children's nails on your arms and legs?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Good afternoon, Darina! Cutting the nails of young children is not only a cosmetic procedure, but is also extremely necessary for the safety of the child himself. A newborn baby's nail plates are quite soft. It is necessary to monitor the length of the child's nails - they should not be longer than the tips of the fingers (in this case, the child may scratch himself). Therefore, the frequency of manicure and pedicure should, of course, be individual, but on average - no less than once every 5 days. For this procedure, use special children's nail scissors with rounded ends or tweezers (it is recommended to pre-treat their edges with alcohol). It is better if such manipulation is carried out after bathing the baby (children’s nails become softer and the procedure itself takes place in a calm atmosphere). In any case, it is worth focusing on the individual characteristics of the baby and taking into account the situations in which he is most calm and peaceful (for example, after feeding). Nails of children at any age should be cut following the basic simple rules: on the hands it is recommended to cut the nails in a circle (“crescent”), on the feet – only evenly (to prevent the formation of “ingrown” nails in the future). Moreover, you should not cut children's nails too short to avoid the appearance of hangnails. Be healthy!

    Lena asks:

    A 4-year-old child noticed that his nails stopped growing. What to do to child's nails developed normally?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Good afternoon, Lena! It is believed that the condition of the nails in children reflects the overall functioning profile of the body. On the other hand, nails, like hair - derivative elements of the skin - react acutely not only to the general condition of the body, but are also susceptible to specific diseases of both metabolic and infectious nature. The latter may be due to the presence of mycosis in the baby - a fungal infection (onychomycosis). In general, given that the primary factors for normal growth and development of the body (and not only in children) are good nutrition, sleep and sufficient physical activity, it is advisable to pay attention first of all to these points. Thus, an insufficiently balanced diet can be the main cause of tissue trophic disorders, and this in turn affects the structure and appearance of the child’s nails. In some cases, the causes of such phenomena may be a deficiency or imbalance of vitamins and minerals in the body (for example, deficiency of calciferols - vitamin D). Therefore, to find out the true cause of impaired nail growth in a child, you should undergo an examination by a pediatrician as quickly as possible (to clarify the general condition of the child), as well as a pediatric dermatologist in order to exclude manifestations of mycosis of the nail plates. Be healthy!

    Elena asks:

    Hello, the child has a fungal infection of all toenails (we scraped the nail plates), we treated for 5 months: 3 months - with "exoderil", itching of the fingers began, we were switched to: "mycoseptin" in the morning, and in the evening soda baths and a drop of iodine on the nail . But it got even worse, the skin on my fingers began to peel off and my nails became deformed. I beg you, please tell me what this could be and how to treat it?!

    Answers Gudarenko Vera Yurievna:

    Hello, Elena! According to you, your child has a laboratory-confirmed fungal infection of the toenails. The cause of this disease in a child may primarily be a decrease in immunity; perhaps there are other diseases of the body. Are you seeing a pediatrician? Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules (socks are changed every day, comfortable individual shoes that do not cause increased sweating). Typically, the treatment prescribed for your child produces positive results within 2-3 months. You describe that the skin of your fingers is peeling and your nails are deformed - this could be an allergic reaction to therapeutic measures and now it is necessary to treat dermatitis with anti-inflammatory drugs. Have you repeated a microscopic examination of your nails for the presence of fungus to assess the degree of cure? (The criterion for cure of patients with onychomycosis is the disappearance clinical manifestations, complete regrowth of nails and 3 times negative tests for fungi carried out at the end of treatment, then after 2 and after another 2 months. Dispensary observation It is recommended to monitor patients with onychomycosis once every 3 months for a year). Re-visit a dermatologist in person and it is advisable to have your child examined by a pediatrician.

    Larisa asks:

    In a 10-year-old child, some of the nails began to thicken. What to do about this - how to restore the normal condition of a child’s nails?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Hello, Larisa! Nails in both adults and children are derived elements of the skin. Therefore, the appearance of nails (as well as hair and skin in general) reflects, first of all, the general condition of the body. However, there are quite specific signs that suggest the development of a specific lesion of the nail plates - in particular, onychomycosis (fungal infections of the nails). Signs of lesions of this nature may include changes in the color of the nails, the appearance of white, yellow spots, thinning/thickening of the nails, delamination, destruction of their structure, etc. However, only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the change in the condition of the child’s nails. Therefore, you should not delay contacting a pediatric dermatologist. On the other hand, an assessment of the child’s general status is extremely necessary - an examination by a pediatrician is highly desirable, as well as, if indicated, by an endocrinologist, neurologist, cardiorheumatologist, or gastroenterologist. The child's condition must be assessed comprehensively. Only this approach to solving the problem will allow us to identify the real reason– infectious fungal infection of the nails in a child or systemic diseases in the body, which served as the basis for deep metabolic disorders in the body. Take care of your health!

    Nina asks:

    A 2-year-old child suddenly has a nail on one finger that becomes uneven. What is the reason for changes in nails in preschool children?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Good afternoon, Nina! The main factors contributing to the appearance of changes in nails in children can be divided into nonspecific and specific. Nonspecific causes include all metabolic and trophic disorders in the body, which indirectly lead to changes in the appearance and condition of the nail plates. However, the effect of systemic factors (in particular, trophic disorders - nutritional disorders in general), as a rule, is reflected in the overall condition of the skin and its derivatives (nails, hair). Specific lesions of the nails in children include, in particular, mycotic infection - fungal diseases of the nails. But to exclude/confirm certain disorders, you should consult a pediatric dermatologist, as well as a pediatrician. This is due to the fact that making a correct diagnosis requires a comprehensive assessment of the child’s development and his current condition, as well as an analysis of previous diseases / nutritional habits, etc. In addition, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests (clinical blood tests, urine tests, it is highly desirable to assess the immune status of the body, and, of course, analysis of the material of the damaged nail plate, as well as others if necessary). Be healthy!

    Marina asks:

    What can cause white stripes to appear on nails in children?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Good afternoon, Marina! Various factors can cause the appearance of white spots and stripes on the nails of children. However, as a rule, the cause of such symptoms lies in disruptions in the functioning of internal organs, as a result of which macro-microelement and vitamin imbalances develop (i.e., not only a deficiency of certain components, but also a general violation of their relationships). Considering that everything in the body is interconnected with everything else, the causes of “breakdowns” can be very different: from disorders of neuroendocrine and immune regulation and digestion (accordingly, the causes can be diseases of the endocrine, nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract) to cardiovascular diseases, as well as anemia and dermatological disorders. In general, similar problems with nails in children can also arise due to microtraumatization of the nail plates, and the direct cause of external manifestations (white stripes, spots, etc.) is considered to be accumulations of air microbubbles between the layers of the nail plate. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the general condition of the child’s body. For this purpose, consultations not only with a pediatric dermatologist, but also with a pediatrician or family doctor will be useful. Be healthy!

    Victoria asks:

    Hello. My daughter, 14 years old, first developed redness of the nail folds on her hands. the next day, itchy blisters on the nail folds and in the spaces between the fingers and red dry spots on the face. itching worsens in the morning. It's a long way from a normal doctor, we're on vacation. What could this be?

    Answers Velichko Svetlana Solomonovna:

    Hello, Victoria.
    It’s quite difficult to say for sure what it is without seeing the rash with your own eyes. Judging by the symptoms in the area of ​​the skin of the nail folds, a beginning process is possible - paranochia (disease of the soft tissues of the nail folds.) According to the clinical picture, paranochia. characterized by redness, swelling, often infiltration and pain of the nail folds. One or more fingers may be affected.
    Also, such symptoms may indicate a possible manifestation of allergic dermatitis, skin dyshidrosis, and eczematization. Of course, you need to see the process in order to differentiate and give the correct treatment.
    As for the face, allergic (contact dermatitis) dermatitis is possible, and remember if the itching intensifies after washing. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you are on vacation, and it is possible that there was local contact with water with which the skin was previously didn't contact. Also pay attention to facial care products, for example, often new or, on the contrary, expired, they can also cause spots on the face.
    I repeat once again, you need to see the rashes in order to give a final answer.
    All the best.

    Ekaterina asks:

    Child 6 years old, started to flake child's nails, what should you pay attention to?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Good afternoon, Ekaterina! The described manifestations (flaking nails in children) may be associated with various disorders of the physiological functioning of internal organs, but we also cannot exclude the possibility of an infectious factor - fungal infections of the nail plates. Common causes that cause such symptoms include both functional (i.e. reversible) and organic (having an already formed focus) changes: diseases of the digestive, nervous, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular disorders and diseases of the blood system (more often total - anemia), general infectious diseases, as well as manifestations of dermatological diseases - fungal infections, psoriasis, eczema and others. In general, peeling nails in children are considered a sign of deep metabolic disorders at the organismal level. Based on this wide list possible reasons separation of the nail plates in children, the only correct solution is to immediately consult a pediatrician/family general practitioner, as well as a pediatric dermatologist. Take care of your health!

    Olga Pavlova asks:

    Good afternoon. My daughter’s nail shape has changed on one leg on her 2nd and 3rd toes. became concave, hemoglobin level 118 g/l, iron 21.20, body weight 43.57, we have been taking vit d since birth. We are now taking Pikovit, the shoes are comfortable, what could be causing this? I'm very worried about my dad. Thank you, the legs have also become x-shaped, the neurologist said. Is flat feet possible, is it related?

    Answers Litovchenko Viktor Ivanovich:

    The processes of nail dystrophy can affect their thickness, width, shape, consistency, which results in flat, wing-shaped, concave (spoon-shaped) nails. They can be congenital (more often) (sometimes they can be associated with disorders of the endocrine system), or acquired consequences of certain dermatoses that cause damage to the nail matrix.
    Truly concave nails may indicate a lack of iron and zinc in the diet. Because of this, they often become brittle and pale.
    Before prescribing treatment, you should carefully examine the child, paying attention to the state of the nervous and endocrine systems, and the possibility of injury to the nails. Treatment is prescribed depending on the underlying disease (if any). In all cases, vitamins and preparations containing calcium, iron, and zinc are indicated. When it comes to congenital nail anomalies, the treatment is not effective enough and to improve the appearance of the nails, it is advisable to constantly use emollient creams, and at an older age, correction of the nail plates.

    Anastasia asks:

    What to do if a 1-year-old child has an ingrown toenail, how to solve such nail problems in young children?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Good afternoon, Anastasia! The problem of ingrown nails in young children may be associated with congenital structural features of the nail plates, in which they grow into the skin fold. Consultation with a pediatric surgeon or pediatric dermatologist is necessary (to exclude local infectious (fungal) lesions). Therapeutic tactics in each case are determined individually, and conservative treatment may be recommended in the initial stages. The surgical method is considered as the most radical and, at the same time, effective. In this case, the procedure is carried out with mandatory general anesthesia (children under 5 years old). The early rehabilitation period lasts up to 5 days, during which an antibacterial course is recommended to prevent the inflammatory process, as well as a rest regimen. In any case, if a child has an ingrown toenail, a consultation with a pediatric surgeon and dermatologist is initially necessary in order to determine the optimal treatment strategy. Be healthy!

    Elizabeth asks:

    A child bites his nails, how to wean him from this habit so that child's nails Did they grow normally?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Hello, Elizaveta! There may be several reasons why children’s nails are subjected to such “tests” (the child bites his nails). One of them could be psychological condition baby. Such behavioral reactions are most often considered as a manifestation of neuroticism, namely, they indicate an unresolved internal conflict, an attempt to control spontaneous manifestations of possible aggressiveness. In general, in order to rid a child of this habit (which can also contribute to various infections), it is necessary, first of all, to find out the main reason for its occurrence. For this purpose, it is highly advisable to seek advice from a pediatrician and a child psychoneurologist and, probably, a psychologist. An examination by a pediatric dermatologist is also necessary to exclude dermatological factors (nail diseases in children), due to which a child can permanently injure the nail plates. Identifying the main cause will help determine the optimal treatment and rehabilitation tactics. Take care of your health!

    Olga asks:

    From birth, a child's toenails crumble and bend inward. What could happen to children’s nails in this case?

    Answers Medical consultant of the portal “health-ua.org”:

    Good afternoon, Olga! Nails in children, as well as hair and skin in general, are a reflection of the general condition of the body. Therefore, the appearance and structure of nails often reflect the presence of metabolic and trophic disorders in the body. In turn, their primary causes may be various diseases digestive, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, etc. However, the nature of the disorders can also be of an infectious nature (for example, mycoses - fungal infections). Self-diagnosis of the causes is impossible in any case, so you should seek advice from a pediatrician, as well as a pediatric dermatologist. In addition to a clinical examination and analysis of the general development of the child, a microscopic examination of the material of the nail plates for the presence of a fungal infection is extremely necessary. If the non-infectious nature of nail damage in a child is confirmed (so-called onychodystrophy), treatment tactics will be aimed at eliminating the main cause of this condition. Take care of your health!

    How many psychological problems, what physical discomfort a person experiences when unpleasant symptoms appear! Diseases of the toenails cause external change plates and surrounding tissues, have a variety of causes and symptoms, and require a qualified approach to treatment. It is useful to understand why pathologies arise, how they manifest themselves in different diagnoses, and what methods exist to counteract the disease.

    What are toenail diseases?

    Sign good health– smooth, shiny, toenail plate with a pale pink color. Unfortunately, damage occurs at any age and is a symptom of serious problems in the body. The situation is provoked by:

    • infectious fungal infections;
    • diseases caused by disruption of the endocrine and nervous systems;
    • birth defects;
    • injuries;
    • heredity;
    • eating disorders;
    • poor quality care;
    • smoking;
    • infectious, skin diseases;
    • chemical substances;
    • avitaminosis.

    Dermatologists identify the main diseases of the toenails. One group is caused by fungal and bacterial infections. The other part includes pathologies:

    • dyschromia – change in the color of the nail plate;
    • nail ingrowth into the skin;
    • injury;
    • splitting, delamination of the surface;
    • deformation, appearance of grooves;
    • nail dystrophy;
    • formation of hematomas;
    • change in shape and size;
    • plate rejection.

    What diseases do toenails indicate?

    Experienced specialists in the appearance of nail plates can diagnose diseases and note problems that appear in the patient’s body. Pathologies are often indicated by a change in the color of the toenail. There are health problems depending on the color:

    • yellowish tint, with blue discoloration near the bed - diabetes mellitus;
    • white – liver disease;
    • Blue colour– oxygen starvation;
    • pale – evidence of anemia, impaired renal function;
    • the cause of thickening, slow growth, yellow tint is lung disease.

    Chinese doctors use toenail diagnostics for early detection of diseases:

    • thin plate, raised edges – evidence of iron deficiency;
    • cracking, brittleness – problems with the thyroid gland;
    • the disease affects the region - onychoschisis;
    • white spots – zinc deficiency, arthritis, nail bed injuries;
    • red – heart problems, hemorrhagic stroke, hypertensive crisis;
    • black – fungal infection, melanoma, soft tissue injuries;
    • brown dots– manifestation of psoriasis, protein deficiency;
    • yellow – pathologies of the lymphatic system.

    Nail fungus

    One of the serious reasons why problems arise with toenails is fungal infection. The infectious disease onychomycosis is characterized by the rapid spread of pathogenic microorganisms. In its advanced form, the pathology requires long-term treatment. The fungus multiplies rapidly in conditions high temperature and humidity. The causes of pathology on the legs are:

    • failure to maintain personal hygiene in the pool, sauna;
    • using someone else's shoes;
    • work in rooms with unfavorable conditions;
    • age-related changes;
    • diseases of the endocrine system.

    The development of a fungal infection is provoked by problems with blood circulation in the lower extremities, metabolic disorders, and hormonal imbalances. The main causative agents of infections are three types of fungi; each has its own symptoms of the disease and requires a special approach to treatment. Damage to toenails is caused by:

    • mold microorganisms;
    • candida – yeast fungi;
    • dermatophytes.

    Signs of toenail fungus

    An infection caused by pathogenic fungal microorganisms has pronounced symptoms. Signs of the disease depend on the type of pathogen, but there are general characteristics of pathological changes. These include:

    • the appearance of thickening;
    • cracking;
    • change in the color of the nail plate on the toes;
    • fragility;
    • nail splitting;
    • defeat of the surrounding skin with redness, burning, itching.

    In the early stages of the disease, the plates become dull, their shine is lost, and yellowish spots appear. With timely contact with a dermatologist, a quick cure occurs. As the fungus on the feet progresses, the following is observed:

    • change in surface color to darker - brown, black;
    • the appearance of tuberosity;
    • plane deformations;
    • redness of the cushion;
    • tissue inflammation;
    • complete destruction of the nail plate.


    It is a mistake to think that a fungal infection on the feet will go away on its own. It is unacceptable to self-medicate. Only a dermatologist, having identified the pathogen and made the correct diagnosis, can prescribe medications and a regimen of use. To combat fungal pathology on the feet, use:

    • local external medications in the form of sprays, ointments, solutions;
    • antifungal drugs for oral administration – tablets, capsules;
    • Traditional medicine recipes - baths, compresses, lotions.

    It is very important to consult a specialist when the first symptoms of nail disease appear. This will help solve the problem in short term. Dermatologists prescribe:

    • at an early stage of the disease - application of Fukortsin liquid, use of varnishes Ciclopirox, Lotseril;
    • if the lesion develops - Terbinafine ointment, Ketoconazole tablets;
    • to improve nutrition and activate blood circulation - physiotherapy;
    • in advanced cases - removal of the nail.


    This disease has a characteristic feature - a flat nail plate. Often there is a congenital pathology that cannot be cured. The disease affects all the toes at once. The causes of platonychia are:

    • heredity;
    • cardiac dysfunction;
    • pathologies of the endocrine system;
    • protein fasting;
    • liver diseases;
    • injuries;
    • skin diseases;
    • wrong manicure.

    To cure this toenail disease, you need to find out the cause of the disease and eliminate it. Symptoms other than a flat surface must be taken into account:

    • a bluish pale tint is evidence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, gastritis, iron deficiency, circulatory disorders;
    • fragility, dryness - lack of zinc, vitamins A, E, group B, use of strict diets.

    Hippocrates nails

    As this disease develops, the size of the terminal phalanx and toenails increases. Another name for the pathology is “drum fingers.” Symptoms of this disease are:

    • increased curvature of the nail bed;
    • thickening of the soft tissues of the terminal phalanges;
    • looseness of the skin at the base;
    • elasticity of the plate surface upon palpation.

    To recover, it is necessary to cope with the problem that was the cause of the disease - the underlying disease. Experts believe that damage to the capillary bed of the lungs plays an important role in the formation of pathology. Symptoms of Hippocratic nails are observed in the presence of:

    • tuberculosis;
    • lung cancer;
    • leukemia;
    • pathologies of cardio-vascular system;
    • chronic lung diseases;
    • liver cirrhosis;
    • cystic fibrosis;
    • cancer of the esophagus, thyroid gland;
    • inflammatory bowel diseases.

    Transverse striation of nails

    This type of disease is characterized by the appearance of a transverse arcuate groove. It completely crosses the nail surface. The reasons for this change may be:

    • inflammatory processes;
    • infectious diseases;
    • injury to the nail folds on the feet due to poor-quality pedicure;
    • eczema;
    • neuropsychic pathologies;
    • psoriasis;
    • systemic diseases;
    • scarlet fever, measles in children.

    To cope with the manifestation of pathology, it is necessary to exclude and prevent traumatic factors. It is important to cure the diseases that cause transverse striations. The severity of the ongoing processes can be judged by the following signs:

    • superficial groove – minor traumatic impact;
    • deep damage to the plate, dividing it into two parts, disruption of the nutrition of the edge section - a serious, severe pathology;
    • the presence of several grooves means regular injury.

    Micronychia of the nail

    If a patient has short nail plates on his toes, this is a sign of the development of micronychia. This disease is often diagnosed on the hands of patients who bite their nails. The cause of changes in the legs are serious diseases. Only after completing the full course of their treatment can you get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Micronychia is a diagnostic sign and accompanies the following diseases:

    • trophoneurosis;
    • progressive scleroderma;
    • Genuine epilepsy, provoked by metabolic disorders.


    The main symptoms of this disease are the appearance of white stripes and spots on the nail surface. The disease manifests itself through the formation of small air bubbles between the layers of the plate. Causes of leukonychia:

    • injuries;
    • stress;
    • diet abuse;
    • poor quality pedicure;
    • the effect of chemicals;
    • zinc deficiency;
    • disruption of plate keratinization processes;
    • arsenic poisoning.

    To treat leukonychia on the legs, dermatologists recommend:

    • make baths with medicinal herbs, essential oils, sea ​​salt;
    • eliminate factors that injure the surface of the plates;
    • avoid frequent dieting;
    • when exposed to chemicals, use gloves;
    • change manicurist, pedicurist;
    • take vitamins and microelements.


    With this pathology, complete or partial separation of the plate from the nail bed is observed. With onycholysis, the color changes to grayish-white. The causes of the disease are:

    • fungal, bacterial infections;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis;
    • pathologies of the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
    • endocrine disorders.

    The main task in the treatment of onycholysis is to cope with the disease that provoked the disease. In parallel with this, dermatologists recommend:

    • take iron and calcium supplements;
    • take vitamin complexes;
    • apply a bandage with Sintomycin ointment to the affected area;
    • use hot baths with essential oils;
    • use limb massage.


    The disease more often affects the hands than the feet, affecting individual fingers. Onychorrhexis is characterized by the appearance of longitudinal splitting of the plate, starting from the free edge to the nail bed. Nail damage may have causes:

    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • mechanical injuries;
    • contact with chemicals - acids, alkalis;
    • infections;
    • skin pathologies.

    The main goal of treatment is to improve the nutrition of the nail plate. Doctors prescribe:

    • drugs that improve blood microcirculation;
    • physiotherapy – iontophoresis, diathermy;
    • massage;
    • hot baths with medicinal herbs, sea salt;
    • taking vitamins;
    • use of unsaturated fatty acids;
    • applications with wax, mud;
    • use of drugs that enhance immunity.

    Ingrown nail

    With the development of inflammatory and infectious processes in the tissues of the finger, puncture of the skin may occur, which results in ingrown nails. The disease is characterized by the appearance of pain, redness, swelling, and possible discharge of pus and increased temperature. The causes of the pathology are:

    • improper nail cutting;
    • tight shoes;
    • injuries;
    • fungal infection.

    To exclude the disease it is necessary:

    • remove a piece of the plate that has grown into the skin;
    • take warm baths with antibacterial agents;
    • maintain foot hygiene;
    • use comfortable, high-quality shoes without high heels;
    • do a proper pedicure;
    • fight sweaty feet;
    • cure onychomycosis;
    • in severe cases, remove part of the plate.


    A characteristic feature of the disease is thinning of the nail surfaces, changes in their shape, and the appearance of longitudinal stripes. The tissues begin to split, peel, and break. There are many reasons for this phenomenon to occur. These include:

    • psoriasis;
    • lichen planus;
    • deficiency of vitamins A, C, B;
    • lack of iron, phosphorus, chromium, calcium;
    • plate injury;
    • fungal infection;
    • damage to peripheral nerves;
    • impact chemicals;
    • alcohol intoxication;
    • influence of drugs;
    • diseases of the digestive system.

    Treatment of atrophy involves following a diet. In complex advanced cases, the plate is removed. Dermatologists prescribe:

    • drugs that reduce immunity in systemic diseases;
    • vitamin complexes with microelements;
    • sedatives;
    • polyunsaturated acids;
    • antifungal agents;
    • medicinal baths;
    • yeast.


    The main feature of this disease is the yellow coloration of the nail surface. The causes of the phenomenon can be external and internal factors. Among them:

    • liver diseases;
    • skin pathologies;
    • diabetes;
    • presence of neoplasms;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • long-term medication use;
    • weakened immune system;
    • exposure to chemicals;
    • circulatory disorders;
    • smoking;
    • low-quality varnishes.

    Treatment for chromonychia depends on the cause. Getting rid of the underlying disease that caused the disease will help cope with the internal preconditions of pathology. External reasons quickly eliminated with:

    • refusal of decorative coating;
    • taking a vitamin complex;
    • rubbing lemon juice;
    • using warm baths with sea salt and soda;
    • massage with essential oils.

    Deformation of the big toe nail

    The disease, which is characterized by changes in the nail plates on the toes, has many causes. All of them are associated with external and internal influences. The appearance of deformation is provoked by the following factors:

    • injuries, mechanical damage;
    • exposure to tight shoes;
    • improper care - pedicure with severely cut cuticles;
    • panaritium - nail beetle;
    • changes in the structure of the plate under the influence of diseases;
    • fungal infections - mycoses;
    • exposure to chemicals;
    • poor circulation in the legs.

    To eliminate deformation of the nail plates, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathology. Treatment of the disease that caused the symptoms helps to get rid of its manifestations forever. Signs of deformation are closely related to the causes of the disease:

    • stratification – lack of B vitamins, calcium, thyroid problems;
    • stripes, scallops - consequences of stress, heredity;
    • curvature – age-related changes, incorrect shoes;
    • thickening of the nail plate – fungal infection;
    • atrophy is a consequence of chronic diseases;
    • the presence of pinpoint depressions – eczema, psoriasis.

    Photo of onychorrhexis


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