• What to give for a porcelain wedding (20 years). Twenty wedding years What do they give for a 20th wedding anniversary?


    20 years life together- this is a huge path that the couple walked holding hands. Note porcelain wedding accepted in a narrow family circle, but friends and acquaintances are still concerned about the choice perfect gift. Everything about the best presents This article will tell you about the wedding and the main anniversary traditions.

    Basic traditions of a porcelain wedding

    The 20th anniversary is a holiday revered at all times. Why did rather fragile porcelain become its symbol? The thing is that in the Middle Ages, porcelain dishes were considered incredibly valuable and cost a lot. This material perfectly reflects the essence of the holiday: the valuable and long-lasting relationship between spouses is incredibly fragile, so they should be especially carefully protected.

    The 20th wedding anniversary should be celebrated in a special way. What traditions of this holiday exist?

    Of course, the 20th wedding anniversary can be the reason for a wild party, but traditionally this holiday is celebrated in a narrow family circle. This celebration symbolizes love and connection between partners, so extra faces will be inappropriate here.

    What to give a husband and wife for their twentieth wedding anniversary?

    What to give your loved one on such a significant and unforgettable day? This difficult question spouses begin to wonder long before the holiday. Here is a list of the most popular gifts for your beloved wife:

    Usually men settle on beautiful porcelain items that fit perfectly into the theme of the holiday. If such souvenirs do not seem valuable enough, then you can safely present your beloved with white gold jewelry. Such a gift will definitely bring good luck, and will also cause real delight in the lady.

    Beautiful set underwear snow-white color is the ideal way to compliment your beloved wife and add fire to your relationship. You can also give preference to an expensive silk scarf or a beautiful blouse.

    To my husband

    Women can also gift their significant other with items of clothing. For example, you can choose a beautiful white tie or a great suit in which a man will look like he’s dressed to the nines.

    Another gift option for your beloved husband is a beautiful and unusual porcelain ashtray. You can present your spouse with personalized dishes or an unusual decorative figurine that will bring good luck to the house.

    Many ladies try to please their lovers with jewelry. What do wealthy wives give their husbands? Usually their choice falls on expensive gold watches with engraving. This watch can be engraved with the initials of the spouses and the infinity sign.

    Gifts from friends for a porcelain wedding

    Close people usually try to make friends unusual gifts, which will not only please them, but will also be remembered. What to give for a porcelain wedding, taking into account the nuances of the holiday?

    Of course, the present can be a little more modest. For example, a woman can be presented with a bouquet of 20 white roses, and a man can be presented with 20 good cigars. The present may seem modest, but it hints at the very essence of the holiday, allowing it to please both husband and wife.

    You can even stop at cash gift, but in this case you need to present it creatively, with beautiful postcard and a very unusual wish.

    Gifts from children for a porcelain wedding

    Usually the main ones actors In addition to the spouses themselves, their children also celebrate this holiday. By the time they reach their 20th anniversary, they have already grown up, which means they have a decent amount of responsibility for a good gift. What can you give your parents for their wedding anniversary?

    Usually children try to make their parents not only significant, but also extremely touching gift. So, with imagination, even a banal gift with porcelain can be played out in a new way. For example, you can decorate plates with your own hands, depicting portraits of spouses or comic congratulations on them.

    You can also pay attention to more colorful gifts for a porcelain wedding, for example, various certificates. You can present your parents with a certificate for a joint horseback riding trip or a themed photo shoot. Thus, the gift will definitely be remembered due to the vivid emotions that it delivered.

    If there is no money for a suitable gift, then you can write to the parents touching congratulations in verse, beautifully decorated on a pillow or engraved on a porcelain figurine. Such a congratulation, expressing the depth of the children’s feelings towards their parents, will be more touching and meaningful than any gift, even the most expensive. The main thing here is not to mess around and come up with a poem yourself, reflecting your real thoughts in it.

    Congratulations to parents from children on a porcelain wedding - video

    Congratulations on a porcelain wedding in verse and prose

    Congratulations on the 20th wedding anniversary are usually heard every now and then during the feast, but they are rarely remembered and turn out to be sincere. What verse is sure to make everyone around pay attention to the speaker?

    The 20th wedding anniversary is a very serious date, and therefore carelessness in thinking through a gift or congratulations can greatly offend the spouses. It’s great if a person writes holiday lines on his own, caring about the sincerity of what is said, and not about the beauty of the rhyme.

    You can present such a congratulation in an original way using a theatrical scene or engraving. By imprinting a poem on a porcelain figurine, a person will ensure that his gift will always be in sight, reminding him of the holiday itself. You can also embroider such words on a pillow or blanket, highlighting your creative abilities.

    It is absolutely not necessary to give preference to poetry, because sometimes works in prose even sound sincere. But in a prosaic congratulation you shouldn’t stray too far from the topic.

    When reading, prose lines should take no more than two minutes, otherwise everything said will escape attention, making the speaker’s words boring and uninteresting.

    Even if writing a congratulation yourself causes a lot of problems, you shouldn’t be upset. A person can always take a poem from the Internet as a basis, slightly reworking it in accordance with his own taste and nuances of the holiday. In this case, even in other people’s lines you will feel sincerity. It is also worth designing a postcard for such touching lines in a special way. It’s great if a person makes it with his own hands, because then the heroes of the occasion will want to put it in the most visible place.

    20 years. The spouses, having lived in a legal marriage for exactly this period, celebrate an anniversary called a porcelain wedding. Such an unusual name was not invented in vain. After all, the couple’s relationship over all these years lived together ceases to be fragile and becomes stronger. And real porcelain is famous for precisely these qualities.

    Usually, relatives and friends do not have a question about what they can give for their 20th wedding anniversary - of course, porcelain. Only now, having come to the store for a gift and seeing a lot of various items, it is quite possible to get confused from such a huge selection.

    Perhaps your parents will not be delighted with your souvenir or your spouse will not like the cups with a beautiful design you bought.

    When choosing a gift for your 20th wedding anniversary, you should approach it with all responsibility. After all, such a number of years lived side by side is quite a long journey traveled by the spouses side by side.

    And in our article we will try to tell you everything about the best gifts for the anniversary and the main traditions.

    Porcelain wedding traditions

    Twenty years of marriage - an important event in the life of every couple. Why did fragile porcelain become its symbol? Let's try to figure this out.

    In the Middle Ages, porcelain dishes were incredibly valuable and were quite expensive. This material was ideal for reflecting the whole essence of the holiday, because long-lasting relationships between spouses are incredibly fragile and that is why they should be carefully protected.

    After all, this celebration is a symbol of love and connection between spouses and therefore extra people will be inappropriate here.

    What gift options exist for celebrating a porcelain wedding?

    Traditional gifts

    Your friends or relatives are planning their 20th wedding anniversary, and you have received an invitation to the celebration?

    Of course, in such a situation, the first question that comes to mind is: “What to give for a porcelain wedding?” And the most popular answer to this question is porcelain or dishes.

    • An original vase with drawings or patterns.

    Such a gift can be presented to your spouse or relatives, adding to it a large bouquet fresh flowers and wishes of happiness.

    • Unusual porcelain figurines with a hint of mutual understanding in the family.

    Such a figurine can be made, for example, in the form of a couple in love or a pair of swans, or maybe even a humorous image of spouses. A similar gift for a wedding anniversary is appropriate for friends, former classmates, and close relatives. You can give one figurine for two or choose different ones for each spouse, based on their interests.

    • Money in a beautiful envelope

    One of the most practical and always needed gifts. However, according to the rules of etiquette, you should not give money to spouses who are older than you.

    • Expensive collectible alcohol
    • Household appliances or kitchen utensils

    Of course, it’s worth purchasing something that the spouses don’t already have.

    • Bed sheets.

    The choice in stores is very large, so when purchasing, be guided by your imagination and financial capabilities.

    • Blankets and bedspreads

    The main rule when choosing such a gift is to know all the nuances of the spouses’ interior, so as not to give, for example, a red blanket to a blue-hued bedroom.

    • Beautiful picture

    All of the above gift options are usually the first to come to mind for those invited to celebrate a porcelain wedding. Such gifts are given to spouses with wishes for future happy life.

    Porcelain wedding gifts for husband and wife from each other

    Not only the guests who came to congratulate the spouses on their 20th wedding anniversary ask the question: “What to give for their 20th wedding anniversary?”, but they themselves also choose gifts for each other.

    Over these years, lived in perfect harmony, each spouse becomes aware of exactly what they can do to please their loved one.

    You can, for example, buy something that a loved one has long dreamed of: things needed for fishing or hunting, kitchen appliances, household appliances, jewelry made of precious metals, or car souvenirs for your husband.

    The main thing is that your gift for your 20th wedding anniversary should be made from the bottom of your heart and, even after dozens of years, give only warm memories of this significant event.

    What to give your parents for their 20th wedding anniversary

    Spouses who have already celebrated twenty years of marriage usually already have quite adult children. And, of course, they try to choose interesting and necessary gifts to please their beloved parents.

    Gifts from children for a porcelain wedding do not have to be expensive; you can make them yourself.

    If you do buy a ready-made gift, then it is better to choose a porcelain product, which will become a symbol of a happy life together, but if your parents want to receive a specific item as a gift, then it is worth making them happy with it.

    You can show your love and attention with a more colorful gift, for example, various gift certificates - a joint horse ride or a themed photo shoot will definitely be remembered for a long time.

    If there is no money for a suitable gift, then you can simply write nice congratulations for parents in verse, designing it in an unusual way, for example, engraving it on a porcelain figurine.

    Such a gift, expressing the depth of your feelings towards your parents, will be much more important than any gift, even the most expensive one.

    When choosing a gift, you can use the above options or come up with your own, because children know better what their parents would like to receive. And don’t forget that the name of this anniversary of marriage does not at all oblige you to purchase only porcelain souvenirs.

    You can choose any gift, the main thing is to pack it beautifully, for example, in a beautiful wrapping paper, attach a card with congratulations and do not forget about a bouquet of flowers. Any married couple will enjoy even simple attention from their children.

    Original gifts for 20th wedding anniversary

    For such a significant event as the twentieth anniversary of marriage, it is quite acceptable to present various original gifts.

    Such gifts could be:

    • Porcelain box with unusually decorated lid;
    • A trip to a sanatorium or a holiday abroad;
    • Porcelain beautiful doll;
    • A pair of mugs with names or interesting inscriptions on the theme of love;
    • A painting painted with one's own hand;
    • A porcelain figurine in the form of a couple in love, it is desirable that it bears at least a slight resemblance to the spouses;
    • A variety of crafts with the inscriptions “Twenty years of marriage”;
    • A newspaper with news about spouses celebrating the holiday on the main page;
    • Order or medal “Together for 20 years”;
    • A watch decorated with photographs of the heroes of the occasion and their children;
    • Flight in a hot air balloon.

    You can also make a collage from the photographs that the spouses have accumulated over 20 years of life, some kind of fabric souvenir, or a painting created from artificial flowers.

    You can also present a delicious large cake, of course, with an inscription like “20 years together.” Don’t forget about wishes for a future happy life - you can simply in your own words, or you can also in poetic form, the celebrants of the day will be pleased in any case.

    If you want to surprise and please the spouses even more, you can prepare a script for the celebration and familiarize some of the invited people with it in advance so that they can play along with you.

    Such a surprise will probably be remembered for many years to come. If possible, you can film the holiday and then give it to your spouse.

    There is also another very unusual tradition, which may well become some kind of unique gift for your 20th wedding anniversary.

    On the day of the holiday, guests make a variety of clay figures with their own hands during the celebration. They are then fired in a kiln and painted by hand. The idea of ​​holding a party in a pottery workshop will be very interesting!

    Fun gifts for a porcelain wedding

    Inexpensive gifts for a porcelain wedding

    The best gifts, which cost practically nothing, but are highly valued, are those made with your own hands. To make them, you only need imagination and a little diligence.

    Ideas for such gifts:

    • A beautifully decorated bottle of wine or champagne;
    • Aroma candles original form, corresponding to the theme of the evening;
    • Solid perfume or soap;
    • Bouquet of flowers made from candies, soft toys or buttons.

    Gifts for a porcelain wedding that should not be given

    There are various beliefs and rules of etiquette, based on which you can make a list of gifts that you should not give on your wedding anniversary.

    Let's list some of them:

    Important tip! The main rule when choosing a gift is not to give things that you yourself do not like.

    And don’t forget the main thing, no matter what gift you choose for your spouses for a porcelain wedding - do it with all your heart!

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    20 years of marriage - a porcelain wedding. This period is considered a turning point, because The children have already grown up and the spouses are again left alone with each other. But don’t despair, this is a great reason to refresh your relationship. And for the anniversary to be a success, you need to know what to give and how to properly celebrate your marriage anniversary.

    What wedding

    20 years of marriage is called a porcelain wedding. As you know, porcelain is a beautiful, elegant, noble and at the same time fragile material. This is the relationship between spouses after 20 years of marriage - they are full of love, understanding, respect, but at the same time tender and fragile. This period is considered a turning point. Accustomed to caring for children, the couple are left alone again, as in the beginning family relations. However, in their daily routine, husband and wife forget that they can find joy in communicating with each other. Everything needs to be learned again.

    In ancient times, Chinese porcelain was highly valued. It was expensive handmade, decorated with exquisite painting. Yes and marital relations after 20 years they become priceless.

    How to celebrate

    According to tradition, the 20th wedding anniversary is celebrated in a warm family circle, in one’s own home. It’s up to you to decide who to invite to the anniversary, but it’s better to adhere to the customs associated with the celebration.

    The first and main tradition is related to the name of the wedding. It is believed that on an anniversary you need to set the table exclusively with new china. If this requirement is difficult to fulfill, try to comply with it at least partially. Ceramic can be used instead of porcelain. It is also necessary to decorate the house in a special way. You should hang a beautiful porcelain dish on the wall, decorated with ribbons, flowers and other decor. This symbol will attract good luck to the house and protect the family from bad weather.

    On a marriage anniversary, it is customary to break old porcelain dishes. Of course, not every housewife will agree to this. You can throw away broken and cracked sets. This action symbolizes getting rid of internal trash. Unresolved issues, quarrels, grievances - all this should be expressed without bitterness and anger. You should sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, ask each other for forgiveness. This is how you begin new stage life - with a clear conscience and a light heart.

    For the 20th wedding anniversary, the table should be set with porcelain dishes.

    For the 20th wedding anniversary festive table delicious treats are served, among which there should be an oriental dish. Regardless of the menu you have compiled, it is best to end the holiday with tea. For dessert, the wife can offer her own baked goods, demonstrating what kind of housewife she has become over 20 years of marriage.

    An original celebration tradition wedding anniversary– making clay figurines (most often doves) by guests. This can happen at home, where the celebration is being held, or in a pottery workshop. Suitable for work polymer clay. This is a more flexible and high-quality material that does not require painting. The sculpted figures are baked in the oven and given to the married couple. 5 years later, during the celebration of the 25th wedding anniversary, they decorate the gala table.

    Gift for husband

    If you are thinking about what to give your husband for a porcelain wedding anniversary, opt for one of the options presented:

    • porcelain ashtray;
    • ceramic watch;
    • clay piggy bank;
    • anniversary medallion made of porcelain;
    • original coffee mug.

    How many years will the gift keep its original appearance, so long will the period without quarrels and adversity last in the family.

    Gift for wife

    Choosing a gift for your wife for a porcelain wedding is also not difficult. These can be interior items:

    • wall dishes with original designs,
    • porcelain vases with holiday inscriptions,
    • mirror in porcelain frame.

    Thematic figurines will be an unusual gift for your wife:

    • porcelain heart - the personification of tenderness and love;
    • porcelain couple - bride and groom;
    • number 20 with wishes and engraving;
    • a pair of doves is a symbol of mutual understanding and peace in the family.

    The wife will appreciate porcelain dishes: tea sets of various configurations, salad bowls, coffee sets. A wonderful gift would be a dish or cup with joint photo, an elegant porcelain box or hair comb.

    What do guests give?

    A 20th wedding anniversary gift should be special. Minor children usually give celebrants clay crafts made with their own hands. These can be paired figures: cats, doves, tigers, etc. Even if the figurine is imperfect, it will become a powerful amulet and talisman.

    Guests give anything ceramic or porcelain. For example, porcelain set, teapots and coffee pots, cups and saucers.


    Wedding anniversary wishes are written down on paper and placed in a porcelain (or ceramic) vessel. It is appropriate to wish the celebrants of the day sincerity, love, mutual understanding, devotion and respect. After all the guests and the couple themselves have done this, the container is sealed. It will be possible to open it on the next anniversary date.

    As congratulations on the twentieth anniversary, you can write poems of your own composition or ready-made wishes:

    Happy porcelain wedding, my dears!
    You are happily married, at heart you are like this:
    Simple, open, very sweet,
    Reliable too, I will say, by the way.

    You have lived together for twenty years
    In love and care, having traveled all over the world.
    In the family circle you are always held up as an example,
    Among all their acquaintances they are proud and glorified.

    I wish you further idyll.
    You will be happy, I know for sure!
    Love each other both in sorrow and in happiness,
    Then bad weather will not overtake you in life!

    Twenty years... Do they live that long?
    It's a joke! The truth is only
    Today it consists of
    That you two are happy together.

    A wedding with the fragility of porcelain,
    But you will give everyone a head start,
    Your marriage is very strong,
    You are nothing without each other.

    Twenty years... I congratulate you
    And in the future I wish you
    That's how we love each other,
    Respect, protect, appreciate.

    For spouses, 20 years of marriage is a good reason to reconsider their plans and analyze what needs to be corrected in their behavior. This is not only an opportunity to celebrate a celebration noisily and cheerfully, but also to start life from scratch. No matter how large the celebration is celebrated, the main thing is that an atmosphere of love, friendship and mutual understanding reigns in it.

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    You have lived together for 20 years - what kind of wedding is it and how to celebrate it? 20 years of marriage is a porcelain wedding. The symbol of the celebration is porcelain.

    20 wedding anniversary: ​​why porcelain?

    Porcelain products arrived in modern world from medieval times - the nobility of that time highly appreciated the sophistication and nobility of the fragile material. Porcelain was considered “white gold” and was not only kept under the strictest control, but also passed down from generation to generation.

    The surviving elements of services and porcelain interior items occupy best places in museums around the world. Owners of antique collections are infinitely proud of their porcelain treasures made of expensive material. Luxurious porcelain products evoke calm and tranquility, which are ideal for quiet and cozy family evenings.

    This is how the relationship between spouses who have lived for 20 for long years with each other, are like expensive porcelain: they are fragile, but rich, thanks to their common children and, possibly, grandchildren, the events experienced over these 20 years, which have tempered the union of two people, just as porcelain is tempered in a kiln, family history, family traditions, family well-being. And only with careful attitude and delicate handling family hearth, as well as with elegant porcelain, it is possible to preserve this strong, but at the same time fragile union.

    There is another version, according to which the 20th anniversary of marriage is called “porcelain” because all the sets presented for a wedding 20 years ago either did not survive at all, or were preserved in incomplete configurations. Therefore, the 20th anniversary of marriage is an excellent occasion to update your home china or add to your collection of porcelain tableware.

    Porcelain wedding: festive traditions and customs

    Usually, wedding celebrations, celebrated on a grand scale, end with the wedding itself. Subsequent significant, memorable and anniversary dates are celebrated with a more modest composition - with family and closest friends. This tradition did not bypass the 20th anniversary of marriage.

    Of course, celebrating a porcelain wedding with pomp and mass events is not forbidden. After all, the scale of any family holiday depend on the level of family well-being. But in Russian reality, cozy home gatherings or a gala family dinner in a restaurant are more popular. Still, looking at family photo albums, memories of events and people who passed through life with the celebrants during these long 20 years give the celebration a special touching warmth and comfort.

    Whatever form the celebration takes, it should end with a tea party, during which tea is served in elegant porcelain cups, and festive desserts are served on luxurious porcelain dishes. The heroes of the occasion are supposed to drink tea from old porcelain cups: at the end of the tea party, they are broken in the presence of all the guests. This tradition symbolizes that the anniversaries have entered a new stage in their relationship and are ready for the next equally impressive family achievements.

    A wonderful tradition associated with celebrating a porcelain wedding is associated with the hand-made clay figurine of each invited guest, which is subsequently presented to the hero of the occasion as holiday souvenirs. Making clay crafts is complicated by the fact that to create them you need appropriate materials and a pottery workshop, which cannot be found in every city. However, if you are puzzled by holding special events in such a non-standard way, then you can find a suitable solution.

    In addition to compliance wedding traditions, such a clay “hand made” can be a wonderful attraction for entertaining guests: after all, the figures need to not only be sculpted, but also painted by hand special paints and then fired in a kiln. Surely, such a holiday of handicrafts will be remembered not only by the anniversaries, but also by all the guests and participants holiday events.

    It's good when during everything holiday in the most visible place there will be a porcelain vessel filled with coins. After the end of the holiday, each guest is supposed to take a coin from it as a souvenir. This wedding ceremony is carried out so that generous owners can increase their well-being in the next stages of their life together.

    Porcelain wedding: gifts and souvenirs

    An indispensable attribute of the 20th anniversary of marriage are porcelain products: dishes, figurines, interior or household items, as well as pottery.

    A good gift for a family celebration can be designer porcelain dolls or a porcelain dish with a dedicatory inscription or photograph of the “newlyweds” and their family members.

    What to give a man

    Despite the rather limited selection of porcelain items, you can also choose a wonderful gift for a man for this significant date. So, as a present you can present a porcelain figurine with a memorable inscription, a representative and impressive office set with porcelain elements. A branded watch with a ceramic bracelet or extravagant porcelain cufflinks can be a good gift.

    What to give a woman

    With women's gifts, things are much simpler. IN in this case Almost everything will be appropriate from traditional porcelain products for home and everyday life to jewelry. But a very symbolic gift will be a porcelain figurine of an angel, symbolizing the fact that a woman is the guardian angel of the family. A rather unusual and memorable gift could be a certificate for attending an oriental tea ceremony, Thai massage or ikebana courses.

    Gifts for each other

    The day of the 20th anniversary of married life should not be complete without the exchange of gifts between spouses. Ideally, in addition to the main gifts, the “newlyweds” exchange symbolic offerings. So, a husband can present his wife with a pair of tea, and a wife can serve her husband breakfast in bed on a special porcelain stand.

    But in fact, the fantasies of the spouses can be limited only by the financial capabilities of the family. It will be a great happiness for someone romantic dinner or a weekend alone with each other, and for some, a vacation in warm countries or in China, not the birthplace of porcelain, may not be enough. Therefore, there are no restrictions or universal recommendations regarding what is best and most correct to give to each other for a porcelain wedding. In this case, it is very important to focus on the wishes of the spouses, take them into account when choosing a gift and try to please each other.

    Needless to say, after 20 years of marriage, spouses should understand that it is not so much the reason for giving a gift that is important, but rather the thoughts, feelings and emotions with which it is given. After all, even the most trifling trinket can become a true treasure if you give it with love and hope that more than one anniversary of family life awaits the spouses.

    To other news

    After the wedding, life seems to speed up, the years fly by one after another. In the bustle of home and work, the spouses do not notice how the 20th anniversary of their marriage comes. On the eve of this anniversary, many people have the question “20 years, what kind of wedding?”

    Twentieth anniversary of family life called a porcelain wedding and its symbol, of course, is porcelain.

    Why a porcelain wedding?

    Porcelain is a very thin, elegant and fragile material. It requires careful and reverent handling, just like married couples, after 20 years, need affection, love, and care. That is why this particular material is a symbol of this family anniversary. After all, if spouses are not attentive to each other, they will family life may crack or even break, like a porcelain set.

    In the old days, it was customary to give sets as gifts for weddings. It was believed that over the 20 years of marriage, all the dishes given for the wedding had long ago broken for good luck, and it was time to replace them. This is another version of why a wedding at 20 is called a porcelain wedding.

    What you need to know about porcelain

    20 years - what is a wedding without porcelain at the celebration. We owe the appearance of porcelain to oriental craftsmen who have been producing it for more than a thousand years. The secret of its manufacture was only discovered at the beginning of the 18th century. Until this time, all information about porcelain products was kept secret.

    Today there are 2 types of porcelain:

    • soft;
    • solid.
    Porcelain dishes and figurines are the most expensive ceramic products. The presence of a table or tea set made of such material emphasizes the refined taste and elegance of the owners of the house.

    What's the best way to celebrate your 20th wedding anniversary?

    If you are in doubt whether you need to organize a celebration for twenty years of marriage, the answer is clear - of course, yes! This the anniversary should be celebrated grandly, invite relatives and friends and all those who are very close to your family and will happily come to congratulate you on your anniversary.

    Preparing for the celebration of the 20th wedding anniversary should begin with choosing the location of the banquet. The ideal option would be a restaurant or cafe with a spacious banquet hall. After choosing a banquet hall, you need to agree on the menu. Make a list of main dishes and drinks that should be served at the event.

    To create a festive atmosphere at the event you should take care of the design of the banquet hall. Also prepare invitations for your guests; they will be very pleased to receive a personalized invitation to celebrate your anniversary.

    At the celebration, the husband and wife should be the king and queen of the evening, just as they were 20 years ago on their wedding day. To do this, they need to take care of their appearance and choose the appropriate outfits.

    It would be ideal for my husband White shirt and a tuxedo, the wife needs to opt for a chic evening dress.

    It would be very reasonable to involve the toastmaster in organizing the holiday. He will help you create a script for the event and make it so interesting and fun that you and your guests will remember this day for the rest of your life.

    If you don’t want to have a noisy party in a restaurant, gather your nearest and dearest at home and have a tea ceremony. To do this, be sure to use a porcelain tea set, because what kind of wedding in 20 years of marriage, of course, is made of porcelain.

    What to choose as a gift for a couple on their twentieth wedding anniversary

    If you are thinking about what to give a married couple for their twenty-year wedding, the answer is quite obvious - porcelain items, in honor of the name of the anniversary itself.

    A traditional gift for this occasion is a porcelain tea set. But before you choose this particular gift, first ask the spouses how they will react to such a gift.

    You can also give as a gift:

    • sugar bowl;
    • ice cream bowl;
    • dessert bowl;
    • set of cups and saucers;
    • salt shakers;
    • coffee pot;
    • lemongrass
    • porcelain casket, decorated with flowers, patterns and various figures;
    • a sophisticated and elegant cup.
    All men know that no woman will refuse jewelry. You can choose an original set of earrings and a ring, which has porcelain inserts. Today, it is quite easy to find such jewelry, because jewelry stores and boutiques offer a wide range of jewelry for every taste.

    A delightful gift for your loved one would be a trip to the homeland of porcelain - China. In addition, you can organize a trip to Dresden, where the most famous porcelain factory is located. It will also be great to celebrate your family anniversary.

    Dear men, do not forget to congratulate and give your beloved women a bouquet of flowers on this special day. Lilies are ideal for such an event, as they are a symbol of fidelity and strong, happy marriage. A good addition to the bouquet would be beautiful vase made from porcelain.

    The 20th anniversary of marriage is a special celebration in the life of any family. This is a turning point event in the life of every married couple, because from this moment a new stage in their relationship begins. The children have already matured and are gradually beginning to live independently. Finally, the time has come to remember yourself, renew your former romance, start traveling and making your dreams come true.

    This family anniversary is also an indicator of how strong your feelings for each other are, which you were able to maintain and carry through the years. After all, in life, not everything always goes smoothly, and at these moments you cannot do without the support of a loved one. Take care and appreciate your relationship, treat each other with love and reverence. Don’t forget to give your warmth and smiles to your loved ones, and then your family union will be able to last until the golden age. diamond anniversary weddings

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