• Making an autumn crown. "Crown for Autumn." Master class on making a headdress for the “Autumn” costume


    Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. Despite the chilly weather and rain, autumn is filled with a wonderful atmosphere, a huge abundance of colors and tart smells. The colorful forest and frosty air stir our soul. With bated breath we greet and see off every sunny day. It's quiet time family evenings, comfort and warm hugs. We also associate this time with the autumn ball. This is one of the most anticipated holidays for schoolchildren. It provides an excellent opportunity to showcase your talents and beautiful outfits, welcome autumn in kindergartens by holding matinees. For our little fidgets, this is the beginning of a creative journey. They prepare diligently: they learn poems and songs, act out skits, thereby trying on various images for themselves. And parents have the responsibility to create suitable suit and a selection of necessary accessories. Crown on autumn Ball It will be a wonderful addition to any look for both girls and boys.

    Let's look at the stages

    Before you start work, decide what material you will make it from. A paper crown is made very easily and quickly. You will need to print a suitable template from the Internet and, after choosing the color of the product, cut out the sketch. Glue the edges, decorate with various things, and you're done.

    But these are children, they are in a constant rhythm. One awkward move and your work will be irreparably ruined. Paper is good, but its main drawback is that it wrinkles easily and tears quickly.

    Cardboard is another matter, because it is dense and reliable. You can already be calm about your creation. And another advantage of a crown made of cardboard is that it will not bend under the abundance of decorations. So don’t be stingy and feel free to create.

    • Cut a rectangle of the required width according to the volume of your child’s head. If you don't have desired color cardboard, you can cover it with paper of the required shade;
    • attach the leaves in any order, in any way that suits you;
    • To prevent the leaves from shrinking, after drying, cover them with large transparent tape.

    Real autumn leaves will serve as an excellent decoration. For a girl, you can fill the leaves with glitter hairspray.

    Don't be discouraged if you don't have the required attribute on hand. They can be cut out of colored paper, and they will be no worse than the real thing. Look in the pictures for more details.

    One important advice: Involve your child in a craft and do it together. This will help him develop accuracy and thriftiness with things. It’s also just fun and interesting, and this day will remain in children’s memory for a long time.

    Leaf decoration

    To make this product, take your baby and go for a walk in the park. Well, here you have a rich, colorful carpet of leaves, but we only need maple ones. Try to collect the brightest and most beautiful ones. If you wish, you can add a couple of green leaves, it will turn out very original.

    So, you came home with a colorful bouquet. Place it on the table, taking one leaf at a time, begin to weave a crown. We think many of you wove flower wreaths as children, or at least have an idea about it; it’s almost the same principle.

    First remove the thickening on the stems, then carefully bend a small part of the leaf and pierce it in two places with the adjacent stem. It feels like you are sewing, but instead of a needle you have stems. When doing these steps, rely on this photo.

    Option from whatman paper

    To make such a head decoration with your own hands, follow these steps:

    • take whatman paper and draw a maple leaf on it;
    • cut out the sketch and the same one from the fabric. The fabric should be autumn shades;
    • then cut out a rectangle from these two materials that will correspond to the volume of the head;
    • connect the two main parts with fabric cutouts;
    • All that remains is to decorate. For this you can use sparkles and gold braid.

    Even an adult can try on such a crown; it will look trendy and will last for several years. If desired, you can replace one large sheet with three small ones. The principle of operation is the same, only the stencil is different.

    From felt

    Another simple one quick way- This is a crown made of felt. Felt is an indispensable material in creativity. It is easy to work with, it is not whimsical and is the same from all sides. Your product will look original and luxurious. Another plus is that you can insert an elastic band or ribbon here. This will allow you to conveniently attach the crown to your child’s head.

    All decorations will also be made of felt. To make your leaves look natural, sew their outline and veins with threads.

    Video on the topic of the article

    Here are videos that will be interesting for studying this topic:

    It has become traditional in kindergartens to hold matinees dedicated to the arrival of Autumn. The kids are diligently preparing for the holiday, learning numbers and making crafts. Parents are not left out either. They have the task of coming up with, and, most importantly, making a costume for their son or daughter. A crown, which is perfect for an autumn ball made from real leaves or paper, can successfully complement the outfit.

    An interesting idea is to dress all the children in the group in autumn crowns. The good idea is that the production of hats can be put on stream, since crowns for boys and girls are no different.

    The work begins with choosing the material for the headdress. By making a crown out of cardboard, you will provide it with sufficient strength and be able to easily attach the decor. Of course, it would be nice to decorate the item for the holiday with autumn leaves, but often the outfit is made in a hurry. It's OK. Leaves made of paper and painted with colored gouache appearance very reminiscent of the real ones.

    And another important note - make the crown with your child. This way you will instill in him a love for things made with your own hands.

    Assembling a bright crown for the autumn ball: manufacturing principle

    The crown is made in several steps.

    1. A strip is cut out of cardboard or thick paper to the size of the child’s head. If you take cardboard white, it is covered with colored paper - yellow, gold, red.
    2. Leaves are glued onto the base. Or you can secure the leaves with a stapler.
    3. The final step (optional) is to cover the crown with transparent tape so that the dry leaves do not crumble.
    4. Additionally, the headdress is decorated with cones, rowan branches and other autumn paraphernalia.

    The rule is simple - the brighter the leaves, the better. You can collect leaves in the nearest park; the crown of maple leaves, which have an easily recognizable shape, looks most impressive.

    So, let's collect everyone's autumn leaves possible colors– red, burgundy, yellow, orange. You can also include a couple of green leaves for variety.

    To make it easy to attach the decorations for the crown to the base, remove the thickenings on their stems.

    Thus, the desired length of the product is obtained. Finally, the last sheet is connected to the first. The autumn crown is ready!

    It is not always possible to prepare the autumn herbarium on time, but this is not a reason to refuse to participate in the holiday. The outfit can also be prepared using improvised materials.

    To do something so modest and enough simple crown you will need:

    • whatman;
    • thick cardboard;
    • fabric and braid in autumn shades;
    • needle, scissors, thread;
    • PVA glue;
    • brilliant decor - sparkles, beads, sequins.

    The headdress is completed in several simple steps.

    1. A maple leaf is drawn on a piece of Whatman paper.
    2. Having cut out the template blank, a similar sheet is cut out of the fabric.
    3. A rectangle is cut out of cardboard; the length of the rectangle should correspond to the circumference of the child’s head. A similar rectangle is cut out of fabric.
    4. The rectangular base and autumn leaf are attached to the fabric parts.
    5. The final stage is decorating the headdress with gold braid and sparkles. You can use sequins in the form of leaves. This will be very relevant!

    Such a crown can be worn not only by a child participating in the holiday. It is also suitable for an adult. Thanks to the thick cardboard, the crown will last for several years.

    Instead of one large leaf, many small autumn leaves are often made. The leaves are cut out of colored paper. If you use white sheets, they must be painted. A great idea is to use leaves from the herbarium as a stencil.

    Let's look at simple options for making an autumn crown

    Previously given classic options making a headdress for a holiday in kindergarten. They can be slightly modified.

    For example, abandon the traditional crown and make a headband in autumn colors. This decoration looks exquisite and will surely appeal to the little fashionista.

    A felt crown is quickly made and looks impressive. Another advantage is that by sewing in an elastic band, you can adjust the size of the crown to fit the child’s head. This way it won't fall off when moving. The leaves of this headdress are also made of felt. To give them a natural look, the veins are stitched with thick threads.

    Video selection on the topic of the article

    Nothing should limit the imagination of the needlewoman, so crowns can be used to make various techniques. More more ideas for creativity for the autumn ball you will find in the proposed video.

    Crown made of paper, beads, autumn leaves masters quickly. From the article you will learn what icing is and how to make a sweet tiara from cake mastic.

    DIY beaded crown

    Choose any of the options presented and go for it. See how easy it is to make a princess crown.

    Here's what you'll need to get started:

    • 2 types of wire: a thick section for the base and a thin one, on which we will string decorative elements;
    • pliers;
    • beads;
    • pearls;
    • beads.
    Measure the larger wire across the head and cut off the excess with pliers. Make a circle out of it and secure it with thin wire. Bend the second piece of thick wire into waves.

    Attach it with thin wire to the base. This is the kind of princess or queen crown you should get at this stage.

    Next, string beads onto a thin wire. Attach these decorations to the base by placing a pearl or large bead inside.

    This is such a cute queen crown.

    If you don’t have beads, but have other materials, you can quickly make a decoration for a girl’s head.

    For this we use the following:
    • various beads with large hole diameters;
    • cleaning tubes - 5 pcs.;
    • wire cutters
    Having prepared everything you need, roll 2 tubes together, giving them a round shape.

    Now you need to cut the remaining 3 tubes as follows:
    • the first - in half;
    • the second - into 3 identical parts;
    • from thirds - cut off 2/3 of its length.

    Fold each piece in half and secure them to the crown as shown in the photo. In this case, the longest tube will be in the center.

    String beads onto the decoration and the princess crown is ready.

    How to make a keychain with your own hands?

    If you need a crown for a girl but want to practice making a small piece of jewelry, then start by making a keychain. This thing will also certainly come in handy. You will be able to take out your keys and admire the keychain, which will be made in a single copy.

    Here is a list of what you need for this craft:

    • beads of three colors;
    • fishing line;
    • wire;
    • pliers or round nose pliers.

    Before purchasing beads, check to see if they have a hole large enough to allow 2 turns of wire to pass through them without obstruction.

    Cut the wire to the required length and string 18 red beads onto it. Then pass the end through their holes and tighten the loop.

    Place another 18 beads of the same color on this wire, also pass its free end through their holes, as a result, you will get a figure eight like this.

    Place one circle of these small beads on top of another. Tie them together with the ends of the wire, trim off the excess edge.

    On the remaining one, string 7 white beads, then one red one, then again 7 white beads. Fold this piece over to the opposite side of the ring and secure it.

    Now, to the place where one red bead is located at the top, tie 2 more identical pieces of wire crosswise. Since it is bent in half, you will get 4 more fragments of the crown, string 7 white beads onto each of them, and secure with wire.

    Wind another piece of wire to the top of the crown and place 12 blue beads on it. If it's a keychain, then thread the key ring through first and then secure the wire.

    Here's how to make a crown so that it can become a small decoration or also a keychain.

    Read how to literally make a brilliant head decoration in half an hour.

    Paper crown - master class

    It's amazing how this simple material It turned out to be such an elegant product. Of course, in addition to this basics, you will need something else, namely:
    • gold wrapping paper;
    • necklace made of artificial pearls;
    • glue;
    • decorative large stones in the shape of hearts, diamonds and small ones;
    • glue gun;
    • scissors;
    • and, of course, thick white cardboard for the base.
    Cut a strip of cardboard of such a height that it will be ready product. Place it on the child’s head, measure, trim off the excess.

    You can first measure the child's head with a flexible measuring tape, and then transfer the measurement to cardboard. Cut with an allowance so that the edges can be joined and glued.

    But don't seal them yet. Place the cardboard blank on the work surface, apply a design that will be inside the crown and on top of it. Cut along these lines. If you want your work to be perfectly neat, then first apply the design to the template, then attach it to the cardboard and cut it out.

    The same template will help you create the desired golden curls. wrapping paper. Lubricate it from the inside with glue, attach it to the cardboard blank, and connect it. Glue the 2 parts of the crown together and at the back.

    Now apply melted silicone from a hot glue gun to the bottom edge of the crown and place the bead necklace on this spot. If you don't have one, then use individual beads, gluing them at the same distance.

    A glue gun will also help to attach large and small pebbles. When the work dries, you can put it on the head of a girl or boy. After all, this product can be created not only for a young lady. The king's crown is also made for the holiday.

    The templates below will help you make the top cutouts on your headdress so that they are neat and even.

    Choose the shapes that you like best and make a template based on them.

    Jewelry made from mastic

    Housewives know that this sweet mass helps to decorate confectionery products so that they turn into works of culinary art.

    At first glance, it seems that making such a cake is very difficult, but it is not so. The cakes are baked from biscuit dough in round shape. If you don't have one, a frying pan will do suitable size, intended for cooking in the oven. You can even bake it in a slow cooker, in a bowl.

    Then the sponge cake is cooled slightly, removed from the mold, and cut into 3-4 layers with a sharp long knife. When they have cooled completely, lubricate butter cream, put in the refrigerator. You can buy mastic or make it yourself from marshmallow candies or powdered sugar. Food coloring will help achieve the desired shade.

    To make the mastic stick better, grease the cake layers with butter cream not only to connect them together, but also on the top and sides of the cake. Cool it down.

    After you put the mastic on the baked goods, you need to roll it out with a silicone rolling pin so that it lays evenly and tightly on the cake, and trim off the excess at the bottom. This confectionery product has decorations made from mastic Pink colour in the shape of rhombuses. Their reverse side is moistened with water and glued to the main layer, and then decorated with sugar pearls.

    Making a magic wand from mastic is just as easy as making a crown. Such children's mastic cakes will become a bright and unforgettable moment of the holiday. Let's take a closer look at how to decorate a homemade cake in the form of a crown. There are several ways to make it.

    You can get a mastic crown like the one in the photo if you stick to this method. For it you will need:

    • plastic bottle;
    • cling film;
    • brush;
    • kandurin;
    • mastic.
    Cut off the neck and shoulders of the bottle, cover its outer sides with cling film.

    Now sprinkle the board or table with powdered sugar, roll it into thin “sausages” and immediately place them on the bottle. Place the first one as the rim of the tiara, the rest form and decorate it.

    When the plan is realized, you need to leave the crown to dry for 1-2 days, then cover it with kandurin and place it on the cake.

    Decorations from mastic on this theme can be made a little differently. For the second one you will need gold food coloring. Roll out the mastic into a triangular layer. We cut it with a knife so that the workpiece is of this shape and is even.

    Now, applying the glass, cut out identical round holes along the upper edge of the crown, and using a small stencil, cut out small circles. Decorate the crown with sugar pearls and leave it to dry well. plastic bottle or a jug.

    What are icing and molds?

    Very soon you will find out the answers to these questions and learn how to make incredible cake decorations from mastic. This is the product you will get if you use icing. For it, you need to draw a crown yourself or download your favorite image from the Internet.

    After which it is put into a transparent file, and then the real magic begins. We roll up sweet strings from white mastic and apply each fragment to the corresponding drawing in the file.

    Now you need to carefully transfer the still straight crown to a rounded surface, give it this shape and dry it for 1-2 days.

    You can leave the tiara white or cover it food paint, then you get a golden crown.

    You can get acquainted with molds - special forms right now. They will help you make a crown from mastic, which will turn out to be very elegant; a cake with such decoration will look expensive, as if it was made by great professionals.

    Here is a list of what is needed for this creative work:
    • silicone mold;
    • glass wine bottle;
    • glassine;
    • food glue;
    • mastic.
    Take the bottle and cover it with parchment paper.

    Place pieces of mastic in those mold elements that are most suitable for the crown. In this example, a mold was used to create a rose; you can take another one.

    Start laying out the elements of the tiara on glassine paper, fastening them with edible glue.

    After the crown is ready, all that remains is to cover it with kandurin using a brush and dry it.

    DIY leaf wreath

    If you are walking with your children through an autumn park or in the yard, invite them to make a crown. Such creativity will help children develop their imagination, learn to love the surrounding nature, and grow into creative people.

    You will need very few materials and equipment, here's what: You can choose maple leaves to make a princess crown for an autumn ball, by color or, conversely, take ones so that the tiara has red, yellow, and green shades.

    Place the leaves in front of you. Use scissors or pliers to cut off the thick ends.

    Secure the stem of the last leaf in the first, and the crown for the queen of the autumn ball is ready. It's time to start the holiday!

    You can also make a more magnificent head decoration.

    Here's how to make a fall maple leaf wreath. In addition to them, you will need:
    • thin willow twigs;
    • wire;
    • ribbons.

    Fold the willow branches into a ring. Secure with wire.

    This wreath of leaves is woven in the same way as of flowers - the first petiole bends around the base, then the second one is woven in, and so on.

    Autumn, with its bright colors, simply beckons you to go outside. I want to collect a bouquet beautiful leaves and late flowers and build a herbarium. But from natural gifts you can make not only a bouquet, but also a decoration. For example, the autumn crown. How to make such an unusual accessory, read below.

    Crown with rowan

    It is not difficult to build such a headdress. We will need a headband, a glue gun, flowers, rowan berries and dry leaves. If you are preparing the autumn crown in advance and want it to last for a long time, then you will have to prepare the leaves first. They need to be ironed and allowed to dry thoroughly, preferably under pressure.

    Let's start making the headdress. First of all, we glue the rowan branches. They are heavy and bulky. It will be easy to hide the rest of the flowers and leaves under them. Now we place the main accents. We will make them using large asters. They can easily be replaced with chrysanthemums or other flowers that grow in your country house or garden. When the accents are set, we begin to glue the leaves. The main thing here is not to overdo it. 3-4 large leaves and 3 small ones will be enough. The final step is gluing small dried flowers. The autumn crown is ready.

    Head decoration made of small flowers

    Such a simple and elegant decoration can serve as a crown at an autumn ball. It’s quite easy to create such an accessory with your own hands. We will need a rim again, but this time a thin, wire one. Our crown will be made from orchid flowers, barberry berries and willow branches. The picture shows a sample made from artificial flowers. You can create your headdress in the same way or decorate it with live plants. We select flowers and berries in the same color scheme. If you are making a craft from artificial material, then it will be quite easy to paint it.

    Let's start production. Glue flowers to the headband. They are large in the center and small on the sides. The remaining space needs to be filled with willow branches, to the ends of which we will tie berries with wire. The weave can be chaotic and asymmetrical. The main thing is that in the end the flowers and berries are distributed evenly.

    Crown of maple leaves

    This is a rather non-trivial way to make a headdress. Our autumn crown will consist of a cardboard rim, maple leaves and gold beads. The first step is to prepare the material. We dry the leaves and make a cardboard rim 4 cm wide. First we glue the front row of leaves. We bend the rim and secure them with a glue gun. Thus, the cardboard strip was surrounded on both sides by leaves. Next we glue the second row. Now we fix the leaves on the back side of the rim. Thus, we make the “wrong side” beautiful. The final touch is gluing the gold beads. It is advisable not to attach them along the entire perimeter of the crown; it is better to place such emphasis on the front part.

    Crown hat

    Children simply adore this headdress. It replaces summer wreaths with them. Even a child can make a crown for an autumn ball from maple leaves. We will tell you two methods for making it. The first method is similar to weaving dandelion wreaths. Only here, instead of flower stems, we will bend and add branches of leaves.

    The second method is more time-consuming. For such a crown you will have to make a cardboard base in the form of a circle. We will tie ribbons to its ends, which will make it easy to take off and put on the headdress. The maple leaves will need to be ironed and dried first. And then, using a glue gun, fix it on a paper rim. It is advisable to make the crown magnificent. Therefore, you need to glue the leaves not in one, but in at least two rows.

    Gothic crown

    This headdress looks quite intimidating. But some girls achieve exactly this effect. It’s very easy to make an autumn one in this style. We will need thick wire, branches, electrical tape, paint, chains, beads and autumn leaves. Let's start manufacturing. First, let's twist the wire into a headband. Then we wrap it with a branch. For this purpose, you can use soft and pliable willow twigs. Now, using electrical tape, we attach the branches to the crown. These can be branched branches of an apple tree or rowan tree. When everything is ready, paint our headdress black. It is advisable to use spray paint for this purpose. This will ensure that the color pigment is evenly distributed. After the crown has dried, attach chains and beads to it. You can repeat the option from our sample, where one bead is in the middle, above the forehead, and the other two are located in the area of ​​the ears, or you can come up with your own version of the decor. The final action is to string dried leaves onto the crown.

    Crown of flowers, butterfly leaves and ribbons

    This headdress resembles the one we talked about in the first paragraph. But only this version of the crown is more complex. Here we will use both live and artificial materials. How to make an autumn crown this way? Let's get started. First, let's take a wide plastic rim, it will serve as the base. We glue asters and chrysanthemums to it with hot glue. We will complement the crown with both dried golden leaves and greenery indoor plants. Grape branches will play a special role in our headdress. We glue them on the back so that they fall beautifully to the back of the head. You need to weave beads and real berries into them. Decorate finished crown you need butterflies, dragonflies and colored ribbons. And remember that such a headdress requires flashy makeup.

    In autumn, many girls make decorations from leaves. One needs this in order to do beautiful photos For social networks, others make accessories to go to a costume party, such as Halloween. Today we will tell you how to make a crown from leaves with your own hands.

    Simple option

    If your child has a matinee tomorrow, and you quickly need to make him a crown of leaves for the autumn ball, then you can use this idea. The headdress is assembled from maple leaves: the decoration will be more magnificent. But if maple does not grow near your house, you can experiment with mountain ash. But remember that a crown made of birch leaves will not look so impressive.

    Many mothers collect leaves, make a crown out of them, and then are surprised that their masterpiece is deformed in the morning. There is nothing strange here, the leaves dry out and curl up, this is natural. To prevent such a problem from happening to your headdress, you need to first prepare the material. Let's get started. We heat up the iron and take a newspaper. We lay several leaves between the pages of the paper publication and close them. Iron it well. Do not turn on the steam mode under any circumstances. You want to dry the leaves, not add excess moisture to them.

    When everything is ready, we proceed to making the crown. Let's take a cardboard strip as a base. We attach the leaves to it using a stapler. You can change their inclination to make the headdress look interesting. When the work is finished, you can glue the ends of the strip together, or you can fasten them with a paper clip.

    Complex option

    Such crowns of leaves are rarely collected for matinees. Usually girls make them for a photo shoot or for a wedding. Moreover, both the bride and all her bridesmaids can wear such a headdress. To create this crown, we will not need dried leaves, we will use live ones. But it should be remembered that the lifespan of such a headdress is limited to 2-3 days. As materials for creativity, we will need fern leaves, ruscus leaves and gypsophila flowers. Let's take a beautiful one as a basis satin ribbon. A headband may well be suitable for this purpose. If you are making a crown from leaves for long-term use, then it would be prudent to sew on all the materials. But if you need to wear a hat only once, you can use a glue gun. We arrange flowers and leaves beautifully and sew them on. To extend the life of the finished product, you can store it in a container with cold water.

    Crown on the rim

    The main accent of such a headdress will be a flower. For this purpose, you can use dried flowers, as well as leaves. Such a crown will be attached to the rim, and we will not tape it all over. Therefore, you should think about purchasing an accessory to match your hair color. Let's start making a crown from leaves. Glue the flower onto the glue gun. It could be a dried flower. It is recommended to pre-prepare flowers made from maple leaves. We place everything in the center of the composition, and surround it on three sides with maple leaves. We place the same leaves, but smaller in size, a little further from our dried flowers. For variety, you should add berries to the crown. It could be rowan or lemongrass. If you think that the crown is not voluminous, add a couple more leaves. The crown is ready, now you can decorate the headband. Wrap it with matching ribbon or rope and plant a few berries on it. In our version, we shifted the entire composition to the right. You can do standard option head decoration with an accent in the middle.

    Crown with berries

    This option will be similar to the previous one. You can make a crown from autumn leaves, and also make it from leather. For such a product we will need oak and maple leaves. If you choose the second option, then you should cut out and tint the blanks. First glue the oak leaves to the rim. They set the width of the crown. Add maple leaves on top for volume. We will use berries as decoration. If you are making a crown out of natural materials, pay attention to rowan, rosehip and hawthorn. If your headdress is made of leather, then you can use large red beads as decoration. We make the center of the crown from the berries and harmoniously distribute the decor throughout the product.

    Wreath of leaves

    The ancient Greeks made such a crown from laurel. Today, the wreath is popular among girls who love to be photographed. How to make a crown of leaves, similar to an ancient Greek decoration? The most difficult thing here will be choosing the material. Laurel can only be found in the south of our country. How Alternative option It is recommended to use birch, willow or ruscus leaves. First, the material for our craft needs to be dried a little. Let's start production. Using a hot gun, glue the leaves, stick side down, to the rim. You need to glue in one direction to create a kind of ladder. If the end result seems boring to you, no one forbids you to decorate the product with berries.

    Paper leaf crown

    To make a headdress for a child for a matinee without any hassle, you can use a regular or colored paper. Not all mothers want to collect leaves and then dry them. It's much easier to turn hat making into a game. The young creature, with the help of its parents, will be able to build a crown of leaves with its own hands. First you need to make preparations. Draw leaves or circle those that you brought from the street. The next stage is coloring. If the leaves were made from colored paper, then there is no need to paint them. All that remains is to attach the result to paper strip. Big leaves glue back, small ones forward. Secure the crown with glue, tape or a paper clip.

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