• Gender characteristics of the development of children of senior preschool age in physical education. Methodological development “Gender development and education of children of primary preschool age in a kindergarten



    SUBJECT:“Gender approach in the upbringing and development of older children preschool age»

    1. Introduction
    2. Chapter 1. Features of gender education of preschool children
    3. Chapter 2. Education and development of children 5-7 years old based on the gender characteristics of boys and girls
    4. Chapter 3. Organization of a gender approach to children in different types x children's activities
    5. Chapter 4. Identification of the level of formation of gender-role relationships in older preschoolers
    6. Chapter 5. The effectiveness of work on the use of a gender approach in the education and development of older preschoolers
    9. Applications
    10. Appendix 1. Forward planning on conducting educational activities with children of senior preschool age on the formation of gender identity
    11. Appendix 2. List of gender games for boys and girls of senior preschool age
    12. Appendix 3. Card index of didactic games of gender orientation
    13. Appendix 4. Consultations for parents
    14. Appendix 5. Consultations for teachers


    Federal State educational standard preschool education guide us, teachers preschool organizations on a gender approach in raising children.
    Gender education is the formation in children of ideas about real men and women, and this is necessary for the normal and effective socialization of the individual. Under the influence of educators and parents, a preschooler must learn the gender role, or gender model of behavior that a person adheres to in order to be defined as a woman or a man.
    A gender approach in education is an individual approach to a child’s manifestation of his identity, which in the future gives a person greater freedom of choice and self-realization, helps to be flexible enough and be able to use different behavioral possibilities.
    The relevance of gender education at the moment is enormous, because The direction of the gender education program also takes into account the fact that modern society is categorically against men and women having only a set of advantages based on their gender. Gender education in preschool education encourages that we all want boys to demonstrate not only unbending will and muscles. We also want boys and men to show kindness depending on the situation, to be gentle, sensitive, and able to demonstrate care towards other people. And women would be able to express themselves, build a career, but at the same time not lose their femininity.
    Different-sex education in preschool educational institutions is largely based on the individual characteristics of a particular child and depends on the examples of behavior of women and men with whom little man constantly encounters in the family. Many parents point to this educational moment and believe that nothing more needs to be done. Children will automatically copy their gender role anyway. The problem is that it is often difficult for modern children to educate themselves, because, for example, dad is rarely at home, and mom is associated with two genders at once. Or the sample with dad is not available at all. The real way out of this sad situation is targeted gender education.
    Target: identify the conditions for the full upbringing and development of children of senior preschool age, taking into account the gender approach.
    Hypothesis– it was assumed that the organization of a gender approach in the upbringing and development of children of senior preschool age will make it possible to have a positive impact on personal development child.
    The object of the study is the organization of a gender approach in the education and development of children of senior preschool age.
    The subject of the study is the peculiarities of organizing a gender approach in the upbringing and development of children of senior preschool age.
    1. Analyze scientific and theoretical literature on the gender approach in the upbringing and development of children of senior preschool age.
    2. Conduct entrance diagnostics to identify the gender of students and their parents.
    3. Draw up a targeted thematically-perspective plan for the work of a gender approach in the upbringing and development of children of senior preschool age in preschools and at home.
    4. Education and development of children of senior preschool age, taking into account a gender approach.
    5. Conduct a final diagnosis to identify the gender identity of students and their parents.

    Chapter 3. Organization of a gender approach to children in different types of children's activities

    The mechanism for gender education of preschool children is personality-oriented technologies: means, methods, forms.
    The means cover folk games, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, lullabies, etc. Together, they contribute to the mastery of gender role experience, values, meaning, and behavior. In other words, they determine the development of moral and volitional qualities that are characteristic of both boys and girls.
    Methods include cognitive and developmental ethical conversations, specially organized problem situations, game and real dialogues, theatrical, simulation, plot-based role-playing games, dramatizations, plot-shaped, symbolic, modeling vital situations, schemes, competitive games, competitions, quiz tournaments.
    The form of organization is playful, intellectual-cognitive, reflective, experimental, problem-searching, etc. activities. The holistic process of gender-role education is a system that is built according to a certain logic.
    I have been using a gender approach in the upbringing of preschool children for three years, starting with the middle group of the Municipal Budget Educational Institution of the Krasnodar Municipal Educational Institution “Center - Kindergarten No. 23”.
    I started my work at the beginning school year with middle school children.
    The work began with the creation of a subject-spatial environment in the group. The subject-spatial environment not only provides different types of activity for preschoolers (physical, play, mental, etc.), but also is the basis for independent activity, taking into account gender characteristics. The role of an adult in in this case is to open up the full range of environmental opportunities for boys and girls and direct their efforts to use individual elements of it, taking into account gender and individual characteristics and the needs of each child. In the design of the middle and now senior groups, I use the simplest markers of gender differences. In the toilet room, drawings of a boy and a girl were placed on the toilet doors, indicating who should use which toilet, and the same was done above the sinks. The play area uses tags for boys and girls. In groups, different spaces are allocated for play activities for boys and girls, where toys are selected taking into account gender, but places for joint activities are also organized. Joint activities are aimed at providing children with knowledge about representatives of the two opposite sexes, professional activity men and women, family life and moral and ethical culture. The gender approach is reflected in my group when organizing various types of work activities.
    I tried to enrich the children with knowledge, held conversations using illustrations, fiction, and thought through problematic situations with ethical content. It was very interesting didactic games: “Who likes to do what?”, “What to whom?”, “I’m growing”, “What do we have in common, how are we different?”, “I’m like this because...”, “Who should I be?”, “Dress the boy, dress the girl."
    In preschool age, the main activity is play. In a role-playing game, children learn gender behavior; the child takes on a role and acts in accordance with the accepted role. In the game you can see how noticeably different boys and girls are. Girls prefer games on family and everyday topics, while boys are noisy and full of movement. IN middle group conditions were created for the games “Military”, “Sailors”, “Chauffeurs”, “Builders”, etc. For girls there is a “Beauty Salon” and a “Doll Corner” with all the necessary accessories.
    When raising boys and girls together, it is very important pedagogical task We consider overcoming the disunity between them and organizing joint games, during which children could act together, but in accordance with gender characteristics. The boys take over male roles, and girls are feminine. Boys and girls enjoy playing role-playing games “Family”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “School”, “Hospital”, “Shop”, “Waiting for Guests”.
    Folk games are advanced in terms of playing the most diverse aspects of life. He helped us in their selection musical director. I use the games “In the forge”, “Look, in our workshop”, “In the dark forest”, “The Princess-Royal Princess”, “Mother had twelve daughters”, “We were in the round dance!”, “ Golden Gate", "Swallows and Hawks".
    Constructive activity is one of the favorite activities of both boys and girls. And boys especially love to work with construction sets. There are many different designers in the group, and senior group Construction sets with small parts were purchased. Many different mosaics were purchased for the girls.
    The introduction of gender technologies in the group occurs through folk games, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, and maternal folklore.
    Fairy tales - strong remedy nurturing love for one's neighbor. They reflect not only the requirements of folk morality, but also provide examples of moral behavior. Russians are accessible and close to older children folk tales“Tiny Khavroshechka”, “Morozko”, “The Needlewoman and the Sloth”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Ivan the Tsarevich”, “The Frog Princess”, “Koshey the Immortal”, “Finist the Clear Falcon”, “Porridge” from an axe", "Ilya Muromets" and others. Fairy tales teach boys and girls obedience, love for their native land and people, they teach them to honor their parents, to be kind and fair.
    Proverbs and sayings are a kind of moral code, a set of rules of behavior. Used throughout the day. For example: “The whole family is together, so the soul is in the same place”, “My son, but he has his own mind”, “For a good owner, the day is short”, “The braid is girlish beauty“,” “Without courage, you cannot take a fortress,” “The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly,” etc. I have created a card index.
    I willingly use game modeling and situation forecasting in the educational process. Forecasting involves presenting children with situations in which they need to predict their actions. Method used problematic situation“Before you do anything, think: who are you - a boy or a girl? How should a boy (girl) behave to avoid trouble?”
    For example: Tanya and Katya did not share the stroller.
    - What can happen if no one gives in?
    - How to correct this situation?
    Modeling - each situation includes a problem and a series of actions where the child is given the right to choose.
    For example: It’s Christina’s birthday. You: - give her your drawing; - congratulate her; - don’t pay attention;
    Taking into account the differences in the development of motor functions of boys and girls, we implement a differentiated approach to them in the process of physical education. The peculiarity of this differentiation is that girls and boys are not isolated from each other, but in the process organized activities physical qualities develop that are considered to be purely feminine or masculine. In such classes we use the following methodological techniques to take into account the gender characteristics of preschool children:
    Differences in the selection of exercises only for boys or only for girls (boys work on a rope or do push-ups, and girls with ribbons or a hoop);
    Differences in dosage (boys do 10 push-ups, and girls 5);
    Differences in learning complex motor movements (distance throwing is easier for boys and vice versa, jumping rope is easier for girls);
    Distribution of roles in outdoor games (boys are bears, and girls are bees);
    Differences in the assessment of activities (for boys it is important what is assessed in their activities, and for girls it is important who evaluates them and how)
    Focusing children's attention on men's and women's sports.
    My group is working to equip sports corners in groups in accordance with the needs of boys and girls. I try to take into account their interests as much as possible.
    Music is one of the means of shaping gender-role behavior in children. On music lessons work on gender education can be traced in various types musical activity. When learning dances (waltz, polka, square dance), boys master the skills of a leading partner; for girls, we focus on grace, elegance, and softness of movements. In musical-rhythmic movements we use a differentiated approach: boys learn movements that require masculine strength, dexterity (riders, brave soldiers), while girls are dominated by smoothness and softness of movements (round dances, exercises with flowers, ribbons, balls).
    Songs and games about boys and girls help develop a child’s understanding of his or her gender. Invaluable assistance in solving the problems of raising children taking into account their gender characteristics is provided by folklore(rhymes, nursery rhymes, teasers, sayings, folk games). The mastery of traditional personality traits: masculinity in boys and femininity in girls is also helped by such means of influence as artistic expression (fairy tales, epics, poems, stories), and elements of men's and women's costumes. We use all this most fully during theatricalization.
    Organization of cognitive activity, using primarily: visual stimuli for boys and auditory stimuli for girls; more detailed explanation creative tasks for girls and indicating only the principle of their implementation for boys; development of girls’ spatial skills, intensification of their work with constructors in joint activities with boys.
    In productive activities there is also a gender aspect. My children, both in the middle and senior groups, draw their family; from these drawings you can determine who is the boss in the family. What are the roles of mom and dad in the family? The children also painted portraits of their mothers. On all holidays, children make gifts for moms, dads, grandparents. And on Valentine's Day, one boy gave a “Valentine” to a girl. Children really love applique, girls love to cut out flowers, and boys love to cut out boats.
    To implement the tasks of gender education of children, I developed thematic planning by sections:
    1. “Man and woman - what are they like? »
    Objectives: to form ideas about the role and employment of men and women in the family, about their relationships; talk about male and female professions, about characteristic character traits.
    2. “I am a boy, a future man.
    I am a girl, a future woman."
    Goals: to form the prerequisites for masculinity and femininity, a correct understanding of future female and male roles.
    3. "Little knights and little princesses."
    Objectives: To promote understanding of the differences between boys and girls - how to appearance, so in character and behavior; cultivate a culture of communication.
    Methods and techniques for the formation of gender ideas in preschoolers are: conversations (thematic about the family, about professions - male and female); with boys, with girls, in fiction); games (verbal: “Wishes”, “Polite words”; didactic: “Professions. Associations”, “Fun Garage”, “Pack a Suitcase”, “Half to Half”; mobile: “Centipede”, “Carousel”; exercise games : “Action-schemes”, “Who lives in your heart”; role-playing: “Polyclinic”, “Family”, “Cafe”); organization of joint activities ( cognitive activity, communication, physics culture, artistic creativity, music, holidays and entertainment).
    Within project activities An educational and creative project was implemented: “boys and girls”. The goal of the project is to create conditions for the natural development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions and in the family, taking into account gender concepts. The results of the project were musical festivals, creative works children “Dad’s Portrait” and “Portrait of My Mother”, “Bouquet for Mommy”, photo exhibition.
    Attention is paid to the work of parents on this issue: An information corner on gender education has been created, where guidelines“Boys and girls”, moving folders “ Future woman, or how to properly raise a girl” and “The future man, or how to properly raise a boy,” advice to parents “How to raise a son and daughter,” “Children’s games are a serious matter.”
    Joint events are held with parents, holidays “Come on, Dad! "My mom is the best." The main goal of all joint activities is to give parents knowledge of raising their own child, to interest them in the problems of gender education, and to encourage them to reconsider their educational position.
    To determine the effectiveness of the work, a diagnosis of the level of knowledge and ideas on all tasks of gender development of children was carried out, which showed that the level of development of girls is higher than that of boys. Children's horizons have expanded, the amount of knowledge about the content of the social roles of men and women has increased; The culture of children's behavior and communication has grown, boys have become more attentive towards girls, and girls have become more friendly towards boys.
    In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that whatever seeds we sow in the child’s mind today, these will be the same seeds they will bear in the future.


    Thus, in my experience, I have shown that children are given a unique opportunity to acquire gender-oriented knowledge by introducing them to the role of boys and girls in society, instilling moral qualities inherent in masculinity and female. Through familiarity with the names of the professions of parents, male and female names, names of men's items and women's clothing, tools needed by people of different professions, familiarity with the names family ties, reading works of fiction aimed at girls and boys, children develop coherent speech, enrich and develop their vocabulary. This knowledge helps the child understand his gender identity, determine his place in modern society.
    We develop in children the ability to show care for and attention to children of the opposite sex, and the ability to distinguish between the emotional states of peers of the opposite sex, including those that are polar to our own. Children learn to play a variety of social roles (mother, father, hairdresser, cook, etc.) in accordance with gender. In the process of socialization, children develop the ability to relate themselves to family members in accordance with their gender.
    To summarize, we can say with confidence that the influence of the gender approach on the upbringing, development and training of preschool children is very great. At the same time, children develop:
    1. gender-oriented behavior;
    2. skills of gender identity and gender socialization of preschoolers;
    3. moral qualities accepted in society;
    4. communication and speech skills develop;
    5. thinking, memory, imagination develop.
    Based on the results of our practical activities on the use of a gender approach in the upbringing and development of children aged 5-7 years, we can conclude that this problem is decided not only in the classroom, but also in Everyday life, and depends on the methods, means and techniques of influencing children. Increasing the level of children's knowledge about gender-appropriate behavior patterns is possible if a systematic approach is used, sectional and circle forms of work, and various innovative methods and techniques are used. Using new technologies in organizing work on gender role education for older preschoolers, positive results can be achieved.
    The problem of gender socialization is one of the most relevant in the general context of the main directions of educational work. The specificity of the process of gender socialization of a child makes it possible to consider work on sex education as legitimate already at preschool age and requires continuation at other stages of the child’s development. The organization of gender role education should be carried out in the aspect of a holistic pedagogical system, which does not allow underestimation of any of its components. Work on gender role education requires highly qualified training of teachers and pedagogical education of parents.
    The organization of children's lives in kindergarten, taking into account gender differences, was of great interest to the children. They were involved in various types of activities with great pleasure and took on appropriate roles.
    As a result of the work, the children's horizons expanded, their interest in close people and their relationships increased, and it became common to show attention and politeness towards each other.
    Ideas about the difference between the sexes have become broader: some have pigtails, dresses and skirts, a gentle and affectionate voice, others like to play football, do not wear jewelry, “speak in a deep voice” and love to run. I want to be friends with a girl who is gentle, cheerful, smart, beautiful, and best friend He will make a boy who is brave, hardworking, protective and imaginative.
    I will continue this work in preparatory group. In the future, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, I plan to carry out work on the formation of integrative personality traits of pupils, taking into account the gender approach.
    We are planning to prepare and hold a holiday - a competition for little princes and princesses, where the emphasis will be on the best male and female qualities.
    I would like to hope that in due time these children will grow up to be real defenders and keepers of comfort.
    I will continue to work with parents on gender education issues. I am planning to organize a family club. This form of work is very effective in forming parent-child relationships and in cultivating positive habits.
    The period of preschool childhood is the period during which teachers and parents must understand the child and help him discover the unique opportunities that are given to him by gender, if we want to raise men and women, and not asexual beings who have lost the advantages of their gender.
    I think our joint work will help the children in my group become real people.

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    Murtazina Lyubov Alexandrovna

    By “gender” we usually understand the social sex of a person, which is formed in the process of educating the individual. Gender indicates social status personality and its socio-psychological characteristics, which are associated with a person’s gender and arise in the process of interaction with other individuals within a certain culture. The concept of gender also includes psychological, cultural and social differences between women (girls) and men (boys).

    Cognitive or gender identity (I know that I am a man/woman)

    Emotional or gender identity (I feel like a man/woman)

    Behavioral or gender roles and specific behavior (I behave like a man/woman).

    There are 3 types of gender types (see table 1):

    Masculinity is an expression of preference for instrumental styles of activity, energy, assertiveness, the ability to make significant but short-term effort;

    Femininity is a commitment to activities related to communication, perception of nuances, subtlety of feelings, the ability to maintain activity that does not require significant effort for a long time;

    Androgyny is the manifestation of masculine and feminine traits at the same time.

    Table 1. Classification of gender types

    Gender type

    Characteristics of men

    Characteristics of women


    Energetic, freedom-loving, ambitious, not too sensitive

    They have a strong will and can compete with men


    Value human relationships and are sensitive

    Tender, caring, faithful


    Combine sensitivity and productivity

    Can solve men's problems by using feminine products(communication skills, flexibility)

    Gender types of parents are also manifested in children (see Table 2)

    .Table 2. Characteristics of children by gender types

    Masculine children

    Feminine children

    Androgynous children

    Undifferentiated children

    Focused on achieving individual high results

    They like to take leadership positions

    Have a competitive style of behavior

    Can't tolerate objections

    In relationships with other children they tend to be authoritarian

    Show caution, lack initiative and lack independence

    They are characterized by subordinate, dependent behavior and do not strive for leadership.

    Great need for expressions of support, belief in their capabilities and strengths

    Do not interact with masculine children

    Limit your research space

    Have difficulty communicating (boys)

    Show high social activity, communicate well and interact with adults and children of any gender

    Independent, persistent, achieve high results

    Overcome difficulties independently

    Masculine qualities are constructive (helping, protecting)


    Avoid contacts, have low real achievements

    They reject both feminine and masculine styles of behavior and have no gender role guidelines

    Peer rejection is common

    Currently, the problem of gender education of children has become very relevant. Among the reasons are the following:

    Unification of the sexes, feminization of men and masculinization of women;

    A dulled sense of gender identity;

    Increase in inappropriate behavior among young people;

    Increasing problems associated with loneliness and instability of marital relationships.

    The relevance of gender education is also determined by the fact that domestic pedagogy mainly focus primarily on psychological and age characteristics child, although many teachers have already begun to take into account the difference in psycho-physiological characteristics, intellectual abilities and ways of perception, needs and social behavior of children of different sexes. System preschool education is highly fiminized, and at home a significant part of families grow up in single-parent families. This situation is very Negative influence, especially for boys.

    However, it is during the preschool period that the gender role is determined and accepted. At the age of 2-3 years, children begin to realize their gender and identify themselves. In the period from 4 to 7 years, gender stability is developed. It becomes clear to kids that gender is a constant phenomenon, that boys grow into men, and girls grow into women. An understanding comes that belonging to one gender or another does not change depending on the personal wishes of the child or the situation.

    Gender education is a complex process that manifests itself in any type of activity. The basis of the gender approach is differentiation by gender, taking into account the socio-biological characteristics of children in the educational process. With a gender approach in the organization educational activities preschoolers through the selection of forms, content, pace, methods and volumes of education are created best conditions for children to acquire knowledge.

    A differentiated approach to teaching girls and boys is associated with the following features:

    1. Differences in brain function and structure

    The brains of boys and girls develop in different terms, in different sequences and even at different tempos. In girls, the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for rational and logical thinking and speech, is formed earlier. In boys, the left hemisphere of the brain develops more slowly, so the figurative-sensual sphere dominates until a certain age.

    2. Different temperaments

    Boys tend to have more volatile moods and are more difficult to calm down. Girls tend to be more emotionally stable.

    Boys are characterized by mobility, they grow more resilient, show negative emotions brighter. Girls are more susceptible to emotional state surrounding people, speech appears earlier.

    Boys love to play together, and they also like to compete with each other and start fights. Girls tend, especially after 2 years, to play in small groups; intimacy of the situation, alienation, and cooperation are important for them.

    Gender education is manifested in any process in kindergarten.

    Educational process

    During the learning process, it is important to take into account that girls and boys perceive information differently. If auditory perception is important for girls, then for boys it is preferable to use visual means based on visual perception.

    Lesson on visual arts should be carried out in such a way that every child, regardless of gender, can express what is emotionally significant or interesting to him. When learning in modeling, applique or drawing classes, you should remember that the movements of the hand of boys in their development lag behind the hands of girls by 1.5 years.

    When assessing the results of children’s activities and their behavior, it should be remembered that intonation and the form of its assessment are important for girls. Positive evaluation in the presence of other children or parents is very meaningful for girls. At the same time, it is important for boys to evaluate that he has achieved a result. Every new skill or result that the boy managed to achieve has a positive effect on his personal growth, allows him to be proud of himself and try to achieve new goals. However, it is common for boys to improve this skill when they achieve a certain result, which leads to drawing or designing the same thing. This requires understanding on the part of the teacher.

    Play activity

    It has been noticed that the styles and content of games for boys and girls differ from each other. Boys are characterized by active, noisy games, while girls are characterized by quieter ones, on family and everyday topics. For educators, the second type of games is closer, since it is not associated with the likelihood of increased injuries and noise. As a result, future men are deprived of truly boyish games, and this has a negative impact on their development as individuals.

    It is very important for the teacher to organize children’s play activities in such a way that children, during joint games, have the opportunity to act together, in accordance with gender characteristics. At the same time, boys take on male roles, girls - female ones. Theatrical activities also help with this.

    Music classes

    Various types of musical activities can be carried out taking into account the gender characteristics of children.

    Musical-rhythmic movements take into account the gender approach as follows - boys learn elements of dance and movement that require dexterity, masculine strength (gallant soldiers, horsemen), girls learn softness and smoothness of movements (exercises with ribbons, balls, round dances).

    By learning dances (quadrille, polka, waltz), boys gain the skills of a leading partner, girls learn the graceful elements of dance.

    Playing musical instruments is organized differently - boys play drums and spoons, girls play bells and tambourines.

    Games and songs about girls and boys help develop a child's gender understanding and positive gender acceptance.

    Theatrical activities

    One of the methods of gender education is manifested in theatrical activities. Men's and women's suits, fairy tales and poems, staging performances, through the synthesis of music, artistic expression and dance, allow one to master the traditional characteristics of personality - femininity for girls and masculinity for boys. One of the manifestations of this approach is the organization of themed holidays for girls and boys.

    Physical education

    Boys and girls study together, but methodological techniques take into account gender characteristics:

    The difference in the choice of exercises is only for girls (working with ribbons) or only for boys (working on a rope)

    The difference in the duration of the lesson (girls jump for 1 minute, boys - 1.5)

    Difference in dosage (girls do the exercise 5 times, boys 10)

    Differences in teaching certain motor movements (jumping rope is easier for girls, and long-distance throwing is easier for boys; this requires different methodological approaches - the choice of preparatory exercises, auxiliary equipment, a different number of approaches)

    Difference in the choice of equipment (girls have lighter dumbbells, boys have heavier ones)

    Orientation in space (boys are characterized by far vision. For girls - near vision, based on this, boys are allocated a larger part of the room than girls)

    Differences in the requirements for the quality of execution of exercises (boys are required to have more rhythm, clarity, girls - plasticity, grace)

    In outdoor games, roles are distributed in a certain way (girls are bees, boys are bears)

    Emphasizing that there are men's and women's sports.

    Girls and boys cannot be raised the same. But there are certain values, norms of behavior and prohibitions that everyone, regardless of gender, must learn, which are important in any society: tolerance, respect for oneself and others, the ability to make choices, the ability to bear responsibility, mercy. The list goes on.

    Preschool age is a special period in a child’s life. It is during this period that the foundations of the physical, mental, moral development child, the body grows at the fastest pace. During this period, the impact of adults on children is most significant and direct. Therefore this period is very important. Every age period has its own specifics.

    From birth to three years the foundations of a child’s sexual self-awareness are laid when he begins to recognize himself as a representative of the human race and at the same time as a unique, unique personality. During this period, the child learns to control his body, strives to evaluate his capabilities, understand his feelings and emotions.

    The child begins to compare himself with the people around him, ask questions to adults, and as a result of this activity, relate himself to a certain gender, as well as distinguish the gender of other people. However, during this period, a person’s gender does not seem constant to the child, that is, he believes that gender can be changed - to be a boy, then a girl, or vice versa. This happens because differences in gender can be associated with characteristics such as clothing or hairstyle.

    In speech, the child often uses the pronouns “he” or “she”. At the same time, he rarely makes mistakes in the use of generic endings of verbs (walked - walked).

    In the period from three to four years, the child already distinguishes the gender of the people around him, but continues to associate it with such random signs as clothing or hairstyle. At this age, the child makes attempts, without the help of adults, to divide roles in games, in accordance with the gender of the participants in the game. In this regard, games are beginning to be divided into games for boys, games for girls and general games.

    Interests, value orientations and preferences for certain types of activities and modes of behavior characteristic of boys and girls begin to take shape. The first ideas about social roles men and women using the example of dad and mom.

    During this period, the child develops an interest in his body and in determining his gender based on physiological characteristics.

    In the period from four to six years, the formation of relationships between a boy and a girl occurs. By this age, children are already able to assign roles in games based on gender. Exceptions are made when there are not enough boys for the "men's" or girls for the "women's", this also happens when girls or boys, playing alone, are forced to fulfill both roles themselves.

    By the age of five or six, children firmly know their gender identity and realize its irreversibility and immutability.

    The division of children in communication begins: boys are friends only with boys, girls are friends only with girls. Children begin to imitate female and male characters in play activities. professional quality and skills. The stage of role-playing or sexual games begins. Children play what they saw, while imitating the relationship of their parents.

    During this period, children begin to become interested in questions about the structure and functioning of the body. By the age of five, expressed interest in the anatomical differences between the sexes disappears. They may be replaced by hobbies, ardent love, and the object of love can be any child or adult from the child’s environment.

    At this age, children begin to understand that they were once different - small and will soon change again, grow up and become big, and then adults, thus beginning the process of personal time. Children understand that not only they, but also all the people around them are changing, and in connection with this, children have questions about the childhood of their parents and grandparents.

    Children of this age are looking for a role model, which can be any adult from the child’s environment, as well as real and fantastic heroes.

    In every human society, boys and girls behave differently, and in every human society, children of different sexes are expected to behave differently and are treated differently.

    The difference is evident already from childhood. Boys strive for independence, girls for interdependence. Boys are more likely to play games in which the more people the better. Girls prefer to gather in small groups, their games are less aggressive, more complicit, they often have confidential conversations and imitate relationships between adults. Gender stereotypes behavior is already formed in childhood.

    Girls' games are more often based on near vision: girls lay out their wealth in front of them - dolls, rags, beads, buttons - and play in a limited space; a small corner is enough for them. Boys' games are more often based on distant vision: boys run after each other, throw objects and shoot at a target, using all the space around them. For boys for their full mental development In general, they require more space than girls. If the horizontal plane is not enough for them, they master the vertical one: they climb onto cabinets, run along the backs of sofas, and hang on door frames. The mastered space is reflected in different ways in children's drawings. Boys, when drawing the surroundings of their home, show more courtyards, squares, streets, and houses than girls.

    There are other fundamental differences in the psychology of boys and girls. In the subconscious of any person there are so-called archetypes - fundamental images dating back to ancient times, common to the most different nations, but different in the two sexes.

    Similar archetypal symbols appear in children's dreams and drawings. For boys, these are symbols of freedom and travel (wind, window, mountains, bridges, horizon, space flights; cars, planes, rockets, bicycles, ships); enemy symbols (dragons, robots, monsters, snakes); symbols of strength and struggle (sword, spear, bow, arrows, fortress); symbols of victory (flag, bugle, shouts of “hurray!”). And girls have a completely different system of symbols in their dreams and drawings: symbols of motherhood (dolls, brides, cribs or strollers), symbols of femininity, grace, lightness, tenderness ( air balloons, birds, princesses), symbols of the hearth and home comfort (house, table, curtains, dishes), symbols of prosperity in the house (berries, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms), symbols female beauty(flowers, bright lips, eyes, outfits).

    Within the framework of the sex-role approach, it is easy to fall into the “mistaken line of gender” and begin to view a man and a woman as two different species, having completely different essences and purposes. At the same time, research data show that there are not as many true differences between men and women as is commonly believed. The differences within each group are greater than between the two groups.

    What is "gender"? The term implies the social gender of an individual, which is created through upbringing. The concept includes psychological, cultural differences between women and men.

    Gender education of preschool children

    Awareness of one’s gender and identification with it arises between 2 and 3 years of age. Gradually, the child understands that gender is always constant and does not change over time. The approach to the sexual development of children is based on differences in external characteristics and the need to take into account socio-biological characteristics. Raising children in kindergarten and family involves a special organization. This is due to differences in the structure of the brain and its activity, as well as differences in the temperaments of girls and boys. In young female representatives, it develops earlier, so they begin to speak faster, and up to a certain age, rational and logical thinking is closer to them. Boys are subject to violent manifestations of emotions, their mood often changes. Girls prefer classes in small groups, and little men like competitions, joint, outdoor games.

    Gender child types

    Sexual differences include the following components: cognitive self-awareness, emotional identity, specific behavior. On the basis of these components, gender types are born, which are classified. Which of them the child will be closer to depends on the parents. Let's look at the characteristics of children by gender type:

    1. Masculine child. He strives for independent behavior and respects authority. More often needs to communicate with significant man. Basically, such children are focused on achieving high results in certain areas, strive for leadership, and love competition. When communicating with peers, they tend to be authoritarian and do not tolerate objections.
    2. Feminine child. Boys of this type have problems communicating with their gender. They do not show independence, initiative, are cautious and are characterized by dependent behavior. The child must be supported and have faith in his capabilities. Often does not want to communicate with the masculine type.
    3. Androgynous child. The type is highly active in communicating with children of any gender. He is independent and often achieves high results. Tries to overcome difficulties without the help of others. Masculine qualities are manifested in helping the weak and protecting them.
    4. Undifferentiated type. The child is passive, avoids contacts, and does not strive for achievements. There is no clearly defined behavior style.

    Moms and dads have the main influence on the formation of gender type. Incorrect perception of the characteristics of one's gender often arises in incomplete or

    The problem of gender education

    Let us note the following series of reasons that influence the formation wrong image same gender:

    1. Feminization of men and eviration of women.
    2. Decreased sense of gender difference.
    3. Increase in inappropriate behavior of young people.
    4. Problems in your personal life.

    Gender education of preschool children is a problem. Basically, the education system is carried out by mothers, nannies, and female educators, that is, it is extremely feminized. This situation has a particularly negative impact on the development of boys.

    Gender education for kindergarten teachers

    Work with children should be based on gender differences. Thus, in the educational process it is necessary to take into account the different perception of information in boys and girls. For the former, it is preferable to rely on visual means, and for the latter, on auditory ones. When doing creative work, you need to remember that boys’ hand movements lag behind babies by a year and a half. Small men need to be given easier work or an individual approach. When a teacher evaluates children’s activities, gender differences are also taken into account. For example, the intonation of speech, the form of assessment, the presence of people are most important for girls. For a boy, this is an assessment of the result itself, and not the method of achievement. He is also able to improve his work. Gender education for preschool children is not complete without play. Boys are characterized by active, noisy activities, and girls are characterized by quiet ones, most often role-playing on family and everyday topics. Of course, educators feel more comfortable when children engage in sedentary games, but this limits the development of the personality of little men. A good way to spend your time would be gender role-playing activities or theater games.

    Musical development

    During classes of this kind, boys need to pay attention to learning dance elements that require dexterity and strength, and girls - softness and smoothness. A gender approach to the education of children of senior preschool age takes into account training in the skills of a leading dance partner. Songs that make reference to gender differences also help to shape the desired behavior.

    Sports development

    Gender education for preschool children is also carried out in physical education classes. Exercises for girls are based on developing flexibility and coordination. For example, exercises with bands, jumping rope. For boys, the exercises take a little longer and the equipment is a little heavier. Successful gender education of children of senior preschool age is based on the fact that girls are characterized by near vision, and boys by far vision. Therefore, the latter need more space for activity. When introducing a new sport, you need to focus on its gender.

    Parental involvement in gender development

    The upbringing of preschool children in kindergarten and family should be interconnected. Parents periodically need help in ensuring the full development of their child, and here they can turn to educators. The teacher can invite moms and dads to participate in joint activities, which they can subsequently use at home. To educate parents, kindergartens install stands with written actual information on the development of children. The key to the correct formation of knowledge about gender differences is holding events with the participation of the whole family. These could be family talent competitions, getting to know parents' professions, or sports competitions. on gender education of preschool children may be announced during parent meetings. Moms and dads, as well as teachers, discuss different ways raising your children.

    Summing up

    The gender aspect is an important and urgent task in the formation of future fathers and mothers. Under the influence of social changes in modern society, traditional views on the behavior of the sexes are gradually being destroyed. The roles of men and women are often mixed, and boundaries in professional areas are blurred. More and more often, dad sits at home, and mom earns the money. Based on this, girls become aggressive, domineering, rude, and boys cannot stand up for themselves, are emotionally unstable and do not have the skills to behave with the female sex. Therefore, it is very important to instill in children knowledge about the characteristics of their gender from an early age. This implies increased demands on the parents themselves, on their behavior and lifestyle. It is necessary to pay attention to the work of teachers in kindergartens, remembering that the child spends most of the day there.

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