• How to stay beautiful and attractive at home? Learn to look beautiful every day



    Every day your body dies 432 billion cells, which are replaced with new ones. This is the key to regenerating your body and eternal youth. Thanks to this feature human body You can regain your health, get rid of pain and get more energy if you follow the right advice.

    432 billion is the approximate number that scientists have calculated. Cells are so small and there are so many of them in your body ( 60-100 trillion) that no one has ever been able to count them with high accuracy. Our body is constantly being updated, but we simply don’t notice it.

    Body renewal

    Here are some examples that prove that your body is always renewing itself:

    The cells of our digestive system from the stomach to the large intestine are replaced every 5 minutes.

    The liver is completely renewed every 5 months.

    A new layer of skin cells appears every 4 weeks.

    The heart is renewed every 6-9 months.

    The liver can restore up to 25 percent your fabric.

    New research shows that even brain cells are able to regenerate.

    Thus, it turns out that every year we have the opportunity to have completely new updated body, if we want. We can heal our body and get new healthy cells every day. However, we still have an important task ahead of us: how to make new cells appear healthier than old ones.

    The quality of new cells depends on raw materials, that is, food, which is the building material of cells. If you receive proper nutrition, new cells will be stronger and healthier. This is regeneration.

    If your body is poorly nourished, not receiving the necessary substances, cells will suffer and be born weak and sick. This is degeneration.

    Scientists believe that about 30 percent Our health is determined by genetics. However 70 percent completely depends on us and our choice. The environment in which we live also plays a big role.

    5 factors of rapid aging

    1) Processed food- this is dead food with a lot of calories and almost no useful substances. All processed foods lack the enzymes our bodies need to digest food.

    They put a strain on our body, especially the liver, chemicals, which are added by manufacturers to extend shelf life and improve taste. Moreover, it has been proven that if the diet contains a large number of processed food is increases the risk of depression.

    2) Sugar often call "white death" for many reasons. First of all, it negatively affects the immune system.

    Just 1 teaspoon sugar suppresses action immune system for 2 hours. Sugar depletes calcium reserves in the body. After this we wonder why we suffer from osteoporosis so often! Sugar overloads the pancreas with work, creating the so-called effect "roller coaster".

    When our blood sugar levels rise, we feel great, but when our blood sugar levels drop, we become lethargic and tired. Sugar is also addictive as we all know. There are no vitamins or minerals in this product, but only calories that increase fat stores.

    3) Alcohol toxic to the liver, it depletes the supply of B vitamins, suppresses the nervous system and interferes with the regeneration of blood cells.

    The neural connections between brain cells are affected by the effects of alcohol, which interferes with free passage of signals between them, so the brain’s processing of information is delayed.

    Alcoholics have serious problems with remembering information, their brain is seriously damaged due to the effects of alcohol. You don't have to drink alcohol to be cheerful and stupid.

    4) Caffeine It is highly addictive, negatively affects the adrenal glands and nervous system, and causes emotional fatigue.

    How diuretic, caffeine dehydrates the body, reduces calcium, magnesium and phosphorus reserves. It may increase blood pressure in some people.

    Caffeine is a substance that can be found not only in coffee. Particularly large reserves of it are contained in such popular drinks as Coca Cola and others. In a can of Cola about 35 mg caffeine, as well as a huge amount of sugar.

    5) Rancid oil can be found in fried foods, especially fast food outlets, as well as in bakery products. This product creates free radicals that damage cell membranes, enzymes and DNA.

    They apply harm digestive system and liver, increase cholesterol levels. One tablespoon of these fats and oils contains 120 kcal.

    You can read more about bad eating habits and their consequences.

    How to prolong youth?

    1) Fresh vegetables Rich in vitamins and minerals, they are excellent sources of phytochemicals that protect our bodies from disease and aging. They help regenerate cells. Eat more foods like spinach, broccoli, lettuce, asparagus, cabbage and carrots.

    2) Eat fresh fruits, which are rich in vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. These substances protect our body. Fruits such as: lemons, apples, bananas, mangoes and watermelons. Each fruit has its own special beneficial properties.

    3) Eat whole grains, such as brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, millet, quinoa. These are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and protein.

    4) Drink more clean water. Water is very important for good digestion, fluid circulation in the body and healthy joints.

    5) Physical exercise. Good dream. Fresh air . If your body begins to function normally, you will subconsciously stop being drawn to various unhealthy things that upset the balance in the body.

    It is also important not to forget about mobility. If the body does not move properly, it accumulates a lot of toxic substances that cause disease and illness.

    All you need to do is maintain the right conditions for your body, and the body itself will begin to recover and will remain young and beautiful longer.

    A healthy body can heal itself and rid itself of various problems, if it gets everything it needs. Anxiety, stress, fears and nerves will also not contribute to the regeneration process, so it is also important to monitor your state of mind.

    You may notice that helping your body stay young isn't really worth it. big money. The secret is that it's Almost everyone can afford it, the main thing is desire.

    The stylish and magnificent Coco Chanel said: “Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply stupid.” Perhaps the irresistible Coco should not have been so categorical, but her main idea contains a significant grain of truth. A woman, in a sense, has power over time: even if her appearance is far from ideal, she is able to present herself in such a way that men will turn around after her, whether she is 20, 40 or 60. But how to always become beautiful and well-groomed?

    Maybe for this you need to have some special qualities given at birth by Mother Nature? If you asked yourself the question: “How to become beautiful - where to start?”, then you can listen to our advice.

    Basic secrets of charm

    Actually, any lady who has thought about how to become very beautiful and well-groomed, how to look attractive, knows the answer deep down. The first thing she needs to do is love herself. But this feeling should not be dominated by pity, but by the beloved’s demands on himself.

    Handsome and well-groomed appearance means that the woman is doing well. No matter what happens in her life, she is always optimistic. The motto of such a lady could be the words inscribed on Solomon’s ring: “This too shall pass.” Surely you know such women - they are in your circle.

    Look closely at their faces: you will not see melancholy and sadness, a look “inward”, you will not hear endless condemnation of other people’s actions. Such a lady is always self-confident, majestically calm, her eyes easily light up with curiosity, and a light half-smile is always ready to play on her lips. She firmly believes that there are many good things ahead in life, and often the attraction of pleasant surprises depends on us. How to become a beautiful lady - like your colleague Natalya Petrovna, after whom men still look with interest, although she has passed her fifth decade? Pay attention to your posture and gait. If you:

    • - stand and sit slouched;
    • - shuffle your feet, as if dragging them with difficulty along the ground;
    • - on the contrary, you walk with too energetic sweeping steps, like a participant in a military parade;
    • - walk with your eyes downcast, like a modest girl from the century before last -

    Of course, you will have to practice a little.

    Your task: to look both confident and a little mysterious. Absolute completeness and at the same time a certain understatement - these are your trump cards. Smooth, soft movements, straight “royal” posture will complement the image ideal woman- the dreams of every man.

    Close attention to the skin

    Once you have mastered the main commandment - to fall in love with yourself so that others understand that you are worthy of love - it is time to move on to the next section: “How to look well-groomed every day.” Beauty begins with small things - therefore, the main rule of a true beauty is: “Start and end every day with facial skin care procedures.” How to be beautiful if your skin betrays:

    • - age;
    • — youthful (in the sense of girlish) problems;
    • — living among constant stress?

    Agree, this is not easy. Therefore, you should first visit a cosmetologist so that a specialist can assess the condition of your skin and give recommendations on how to bring it into ideal shape.

    For young girls, it’s enough to cope with acne or greasy shine and regularly moisturize your skin. An older lady should know: the main condition for excellent appearance and preservation of youthful skin for as long as possible is regular cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. After 30 years, you will need anti-aging programs aimed at eliminating the first wrinkles and maintaining a fresh complexion. After 40 years, you may need anti-aging procedures, “beauty injections”, or a facelift if the oval of your face is not as clear as before.

    How to look beautiful if visiting beauty salons is still an unaffordable luxury for you? You need to determine your skin type and start regularly caring for yourself at home. Moisturizing and nourishing masks, creams and masks for wrinkles, gels for moisturizing the delicate skin of the eyelids - today in the world of cosmetics there are all the products that help a woman remain beautiful regardless of age.

    Let's say a word about the beauty of hair

    French women, who are for us a real standard of beauty and elegance, pay especially close attention to hair care. They are credited with the statement: “Clean hair is already a hairstyle!” A completely fair statement, only it can be “deepened and expanded”: become gorgeous girl you can if you start regularly caring for your hair, which, if you let it down over your shoulders, will cause the admiration of others.

    This is important: golden rules well-groomed woman include the mandatory use of healing and shiny hair products and recommend using a hot air dryer as little as possible. Nourish and pamper them with masks, usma oil and burdock oil with red pepper.

    In addition, it is necessary to trim split ends, and also dye your hair in the most suitable shade for you. Last wish refers to women whose hair is already gray. Gray locks have never made anyone look younger, and therefore it is worth making it a rule to immediately refresh the color as soon as “your” hair begins to grow back.

    One more note for those who are thinking about the problem of how to become gorgeous woman: There is no need to grow your hair if you are over 35-40 years old. The older a woman is, the shorter her hair should be - this rule was not invented yesterday, and yet it still works. Look at the daguerreotypes and portraits of ladies of “Balzac’s age” and older, captured by artists of, say, the beginning of the last century: those who simply wear their hair in a bun look either their age or older. But these women had no choice: this hairstyle was recommended to them by fashion and public opinion. But today we have a choice! Maybe to become a beauty, it’s enough to use it?

    Neat marigolds

    How to look expensive and stylish if you have unkempt hands? None holiday dress, no magical makeup will save the situation in the case when a lady neglects nail care. So, it’s decided: we always get a manicure (and not just before an upcoming corporate event).

    Behind nail plates need to be careful: trim on time ( short nails better to file), giving them desired shape, polish for shine and coat protective equipment to maintain strength.

    Make it a rule to choose a specific evening during the week that you will devote to hand baths, removing cuticles with cream, polishing your nails and applying polish. There is no need to make an appointment at a beauty salon: you will find everything you need for caring procedures at home. It is advisable that your nails are always covered with varnish of not too flashy colors. Do not forget to apply a fixative on top, otherwise the varnish will quickly crack and lose its appearance. Great option for everyday life French manicure and all its varieties.

    Makeup: basic rules for applying it

    Thinking about how to become a beauty, women sometimes begin to pay too much attention to makeup, believing that it is “the whole point.” However, make-up that is too flashy, bright or playful beyond your years can spoil the impression, instead of giving you additional charm. Don’t forget that when applying makeup to your face, you need to focus on one thing: your lips or eyes, otherwise it won’t look beautiful, but just bright.

    The procedure should begin by cleansing the skin with tonic. Then we wipe the skin with milk and again add a little tonic. After – moisturizer. Pay attention to the area around the eyes: the skin there is very thin, and it begins to lack moisture early on.

    Next you need to apply Foundation, trying to match the shade with the color of the neck. Carefully apply the shadows (remembering general rule: warm shades are more suitable for summer, cold ones for winter). We emphasize the contour of the eyelid with a pencil or eyeliner.

    If you have Blue eyes– peach ones will look good, gray shades shadows For brown ones, brown and purple are suitable. For green ones - blue, gray, purple.

    We'll go over the eyelashes with mascara, after lightly powdering them (to give volume). Apply a drop of blush (focusing on the shape of the face), and then the finishing touch: lipstick. To make your lips appear fuller, you can draw more along the edges. dark lipstick, and in the center – light. Another secret: add a little glitter to the very center.

    Makeup for every day should look as natural as possible. Its main task is to refresh the face.

    Get ready to exercise!

    How to become attractive to men if your tummy sag slightly, your arms have become flabby, your back is always bent tiredly because weak muscles do not allow you to maintain your posture for a long time?

    Of course, a slim, toned figure makes the task easier. But where to start exercising so that exercise always brings pleasure and gradually becomes a habit that doesn’t make you want to quit? Start with the easiest thing, with what is always available: brisk walking. Take advantage of any opportunities that allow you to walk. At the same time, learn to walk smoothly, with cat-like grace, and not with huge steps.

    Then you can add morning exercises to your “daily diet,” including exercises for the arms and abs. It must turn into a need, without which the body feels uncomfortable. Therefore, you should not study too actively: do what you have time for. But - every day, including weekends, relaxing Friday and hated Monday.

    In general, in winter you can add cross-country skiing and ice skating, and in summer you can add swimming in the river at your dacha. Just don’t miss any opportunity to let your body move!

    How to dress?

    Signs of a well-groomed woman after 40 include a thoughtful wardrobe, tailored strictly to her figure. Your closet should have more things that are close in style to the timelessly elegant classics. Among them:

    • — strict sheath dresses (which, by the way, can decorate any figure);
    • - knee-length skirts;
    • - charming thin blouses;
    • - shoes with small heels;
    • - jackets and blazers.

    Don't give up jeans and denim dresses. Buy at least one pair of high boots and at least one noodle dress: together they will make a great duo. Don't get carried away with miniskirts and blouses with impressive necklines. Of course, they will attract male attention. But a little not in the sense that you would like.

    And after 40, you should be especially careful: you don’t need to show off your knees, elbows, hips and other problem areas. At this age, neckerchiefs and scarves add a special charm. You just need to learn how to tie them in many different ways.

    Finishing touch: light aroma

    Don't forget to apply your favorite scent to your skin before leaving the house. There are no special rules here: the main thing is that you should like the perfume. Don't smother yourself too much: instead of admiring others, you risk causing them to have attacks of allergic sneezing. Your task is to create a thin trail, a subtle aroma, leaving a pleasant “aftertaste”.

    So, now we know the 10 commandments of a beautiful and well-groomed woman. Here they are:

    1. - always get enough sleep, be sure to remove makeup before going to bed, and apply it according to all the rules in the morning;
    2. - have clean and well-groomed hair;
    3. - don’t forget about manicure;
    4. — care for the skin of the face and body;
    5. — bring nutrition closer to the correct one;
    6. - Attend physical exercise;
    7. - wear elegant clothes that suit your figure and age;
    8. - apply makeup close to the natural colors of the face;
    9. - regularly visit a dentist, gynecologist and, if possible, a cosmetologist;
    10. - buy (accept as gifts) only expensive perfumes!

    Appreciate yourself, keep yourself energetic and in a good mood. Let your back be straight and your gaze bold and confident. And you will soon become a real beauty that the great Coco Chanel herself would approve of.

    At any age, lovely ladies want to remain beautiful and desirable. Today we will tell you how to take care of yourself without spending a lot of money on going to beauty salons. You may not even realize that everything you need can be found in each of your homes!

    More interesting information And useful tips you can always find it on ours.

    We'll tell you about 10 little tricks that will help you take proper care of yourself without spending a lot of money.

    1. Remove puffiness and tone the skin with saline solution

    Prepare a strong solution of salt in water, dip a towel and apply it to your face for 10 minutes.

    2. If you want to add volume to your lips, go over them with a toothbrush and a little Vaseline.

    Before important meeting Apply Vaseline, almond, peach or any other oil to your lips and rub them gently with a toothbrush.

    3. Olive oil will make your skin glow

    Olive oil perfectly cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It is enough to hold your face over the steam, and then massage the skin with oil for several minutes. We recommend repeating this procedure every 5 days.

    4. Honey will save you from pimples on your face

    If a pimple suddenly pops up on your face, just apply a drop of honey to the inflamed area and wait 15 minutes, then rinse the honey with water. This method will help make inflammation less noticeable, which means it will be easier for you to disguise the problem area.

    5. If your skin is inflamed, eye drops will come to your aid.

    To quickly get rid of a pimple, apply regular eye drops to a cotton pad and leave it in the freezer for a few minutes. Apply a compress to the inflamed area. This method will help make inflammation less noticeable.

    6. Make a homemade eye cleanser

    Pour clean water and olive oil (3:1) into a glass container. Shake before use and begin removing makeup. By the way, instead of olive oil you can use coconut.

    7. Baking soda can deal with ingrown hairs

    Simple and effective recipe: add to 1 tbsp. l. water 1 tsp. soda and fine oatmeal. Mix until smooth, then apply the mixture to the skin. After 5 minutes, the composition can be washed off with hot water.

    8. Baking soda can help with dark circles under the eyes

    Stir 1 tsp in a glass of hot tea or water. baking soda. Wet a cotton pad and apply it under the eyes. After 10-15 minutes, the composition can be washed off. Don't forget to apply moisturizer to your eyelids. Soda compresses can be applied daily.

    9. Banana puree will make your hair thick and shiny.

    Stir one banana, an egg and a little honey into half a glass of dark beer. Apply the thick mixture along the entire length of the hair. After a couple of hours, the mask can be washed off with warm water. To make your hair stronger and thicker, apply a banana mask weekly.

    10. Coconut oil and lavender oil for eyelash growth

    Stir 1/2 tsp. coconut oil and a few drops of lavender oil. Apply to a cotton pad and process the entire length of the eyelashes. With regular use (2 times a week), the eyelashes will become stronger and grow faster.

    To activate growth, you can also apply a mixture of lemon and castor oil to your eyelashes.

    You can trust her in this matter, especially since every woman will agree that keeping herself in great shape, staying young and beautiful is not so easy. This is really hard work, but it can give a woman a lot of pleasure and excellent results.

    Practical advice to preserve youth and beauty for women of any age:

    1. Consciously strive to look beautiful and attractive. The sincerity of such intention is the key to a beautiful appearance on long years. Until a woman makes a good commitment, not a single cosmetic product, even a very expensive one, will help. There is no need to spare time and effort to maintain beauty and youth. And we are talking not so much about actual appearance, but about the attitude towards oneself and one’s beauty. Feel beautiful, young and everyone else will see it in you.

    2. Smile often. A smile transforms any face, giving it charm. In addition, it can create a good mood for you and your surroundings.

    3. Keep your back straight. Always pay attention to your posture. The head should be slightly raised, the shoulders should be lowered and pulled back - this gives confidence and looks great!

    4. Keep your mood positive. Think about something good more often, notice your strengths, and you will look more harmonious and attractive. Most often, women don’t even know how beautiful they are! Don't downplay your attractiveness and notice it!

    5. Appreciate your own body and its daily efforts. And what difference does it make what size clothes you wear, what shape you have. The body is your faithful ally and companion, which carries out a lot of your tasks every day. Appreciate it!

    6. Make your weaknesses your strengths. Some celebrities have mastered this technique - turning a flaw into a real diamond. Try, instead of complaining about your own “shortcomings,” to love them and turn them into bright advantages and highlights.

    7. Express yourself and your individuality openly. The more open you are to the world and its beauty, the more attractive and extraordinary you will look in the eyes of other people.

    8. Play sports and keep your body in good shape. This will not only help you stay slim and fit, but will also increase the level of endorphins in your body, which will affect your mood and appearance.

    9. Be graceful. An incredible sight can be seen by watching the graceful girl for a while. Her every movement beckons and enchants, captivating the eye.

    10. Appreciate inner world. Reflect on how much you good man how much positive you bring into the world of the people around you. Your face has already been transformed and shone with inner light!

    11. Be kind. When the eyes radiate goodness, they cannot be ugly. The kinder and nobler a woman is, the more graceful and noticeable her beauty becomes to the people around her.

    12. Relax, never overexert yourself or overdo it. This also applies to sports and personal care, so as not to have the opposite effect. Self-care should bring pleasure, peace, and joy. You can't push yourself to the point of exhaustion.

    13. Eat right. Eliminate from your diet: sweets, flour and smoked foods - they age the skin and contribute to its fading. Have a lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet, eat beets daily. It perfectly cleanses the blood, which has a positive effect on appearance. Your skin will glow with health and attractiveness.

    14. Be creative and create. Creative people who do what they love with all their hearts: drawing, singing, embroidering, cooking, etc. - always look good and much younger than their age. They are simply satisfied people who do creative work with pleasure.

    15. Find beauty in everything. Celebrate the beauty of nature, people, objects of art and then your own beauty will sparkle with all its facets! By noticing beauty in everything, you will learn to see it in yourself. Your eyes will look a little differently and snatch from your appearance not only your own shortcomings, but also your charming advantages.

    16. Look at yourself with loving eyes. How do your loved ones and family look at you? Why not look at yourself through their eyes and finally see all the beauty and attractiveness.

    17. Meditate. Try to draw your own beauty from the awareness of involvement in the Divine. You are inextricably linked with the beauty around you, understand and accept your attractiveness.

    18. Eat a spoonful of flaxseed on an empty stomach. This will cleanse the body, the skin will be fresher and smoother, nails and hair will be stronger (it is forbidden to consume the seeds if there are stones in the body, consult your doctor).

    19. Eat a small handful of nuts daily. Your hair and nails will be beautiful, strong and healthy.

    20. Listen to your favorite music. This is physical activity, exercise, and an incredible source of positive emotions. Your soul will rejoice and, as a result, you will become even more beautiful and feel younger!

    21. Love. We’ve already talked a little about self-love, but here we’re talking about romance. Love transforms any appearance, and a girl blossoms before our eyes and becomes a real beauty. And make love more often!

    22. Choose clothes with taste and knowledge. With the help of clothes you can emphasize your individual beauty and attractiveness. If you can’t dress yourself so that you transform before your eyes, you can contact a stylist. Yes, and wear heels. God bless the man who, with the help of heels, made all women slimmer and more attractive.

    23. Hug. Give your loved ones and family strong and warm hugs and kisses that can reveal your passionate nature. Good mood It really helps girls look great!

    24. Get a good night's sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours, but everything is quite individual. But if you don't get enough sleep regularly, it will very quickly affect your appearance, not only in the form of circles under your eyes, but also in your overall appearance. A tired look does not give girls beauty and grace.

    26. Dance regularly. Dance reveals the grace, beauty and elegance of your body. Dance by yourself or with a partner, but feel all the strength and agility of your body! In addition, it is a charge of happiness and joy.

    27. Know how to apply makeup correctly. This is an indispensable skill that will transform appearance, become brighter and even more beautiful.

    28. Get pedicures and manicures regularly. Grooming in beauty comes first, and arms and legs eloquently reveal a woman’s attitude towards herself and the world around her. Take care of the condition of your arms and legs and delight the world with your beauty!

    29. To keep your feet soft and silky, moisturize them regularly.

    30. Work on your gait. A beautiful gait is an art that will make people turn around after you!

    31. Every morning, wipe your face with ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile or plantain. Skin toning and rejuvenation guaranteed!

    32. Do facial exercises (after 25 years). Knead your face with your fingertips for five minutes. Improve blood circulation, tone and condition of facial skin.

    33. To soften and cleanse the skin of the body, add 200 grams of milk or cream to the bath.

    34. For beauty and tenderness of your elbows, apply lemon slices to them for 15 minutes. The procedure must be done once a month for a long-lasting effect.

    35. Give up bad habits, lead healthy image life. Limit alcohol consumption and don't smoke. This greatly affects the condition of the skin.

    36. Drink nutritional supplements rich in pantothenic acid, zinc, calcium. Your hair will become thicker, stronger and more beautiful.

    37. Honey - excellent remedy to fight wrinkles. Make homemade masks with it.

    38. Don’t think about your age, you are only as old as you feel.

    39. Before applying the cream, do steam bath, this will enhance the effect cosmetic product.

    40. Be the center of attention. In a company, even if it is difficult for you, exude optimism and cheerfulness, be interested in people, talk to them first. This will make you a very attractive magnet in the eyes of others.

    41. May your teeth be healthy, white and straight. A beautiful, snow-white smile makes you look ten years younger.

    42. Let your own home be clean, tidy and beautiful. Clutter and dirt will never look harmonious with a beautiful, young woman. Let the house be cozy and smell nice. It can be decorated with fresh flowers and paintings.

    43. Strive to present food beautifully. For yourself and guests. Healthy food prepared with love with your own hands is the key to the health and beauty of your body and spirit.

    44. Avoid stressful situations. Twitchiness, a fussy appearance, and a frown are not very good allies of attractiveness and grace. Don’t worry about the little things, radiate calmness and optimism in every situation, and you will always look beautiful and dignified!

    45. Be confident. Confidence in one’s irresistibility, attractiveness and youth conquers cities and overseas princes. The more confident you look, the more beautiful others perceive you to be.

    46. ​​Choose your scent. Beauties are always enveloped in the light aroma of their favorite perfume.

    47. Be grateful for everything. For life and for conditions (whatever they may be now), for body and face, for a companion and for work - for everything that you take for granted. You will become completely different when you learn to be grateful to the world, your beauty will reveal itself and become softer.

    48. Protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. Avoid being in direct sunlight from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ultraviolet radiation ages the skin and dries it out, and velvet, smooth skin!

    49. Give your skin a chance to rest. Let your skin rest once a week, do not put makeup on it, you can even do without care products, just keep it clean. A fasting day will allow your skin to rest, gain strength and glow.

    50. Be feminine. From time immemorial to feminine qualities include affection, kindness, tenderness, humility, modesty. These qualities real woman decorate and enhance female attractiveness.

    Today, I want to raise a question that worries the minds of women all over the world - how to look well-groomed, what needs to be done for this and how to be such that, looking at you, everyone you meet says: “what a well-groomed girl!”

    Not everyone can be beautiful and slim, but every woman must be well-groomed. It seems to me that every person should take care of their external and internal beauty.


    In fact, there are certain rules and you just need to adhere to them. I will not discover America for you, but will simply put together the main actions, stages, so to speak, that every girl should adhere to Everyday life, don’t forget about them and then everything will be just perfect!



    In reality, sometimes everything is down to banal simple - there are the main signs of our appearance by which anyone can distinguish well-groomed girl from a slob. As the great Coco Chanel said: “hands are business card girls, her neck is her passport, and her chest is her international passport.” It is the hands that are the first thing that catches the interlocutor’s eye. It happens:

    • when you gesture;
    • holding out or showing something;
    • during a lecture or interview when you need to point out something;
    • at the moment when you are holding the phone in your hands and the interlocutor’s gaze willy-nilly slide over your fingers;
    • or finally, when you simply extend your hand for a handshake.

    Hands are always noticeable, they are always visible and attract attention. Obviously, unkempt cuticles, dry and cracked skin, a sloppy and untidy manicure always create unpleasant first impressions of a person. If this is your goal, then you can bite your nails, cut them different lengths, do not file or moisten.

    However, if you are one of the ladies who prefers to look presentable and well-groomed (and I have no doubt that you belong to this category), then naturally you need to constantly ensure that you have neat manicure. Of course, it can be very difficult and time-consuming to constantly repaint and repaint your varnish, especially when you work a lot and want to relax after a day of work rather than deal with such things - but it is definitely worth it.

    If you can’t repaint and renew the coating in time, then there are always simple tricks, for example, touch up the chipped areas and cover with a top coat or apply glitter on top. This will refresh the manicure and hide the resulting defects.

    Make it a rule: if you urgently need to run somewhere, you don’t have enough time and your manicure is not perfect - be sure to wipe it off, moisturize your hands with cream, moisturize your cuticles and go with your nails unpainted. Believe me, your hands will look much more beautiful and well-groomed than they would with a manicure that is not the first freshness.

    It is very important to keep the skin of your nails, hands and cuticles in good condition and carry oil or some kind of moisturizer with you. Fortunately, now there is a huge mass of all kinds of hand creams in compact containers that are easy to carry with you and use anywhere as needed.

    In addition to manicure, you should also pay attention to pedicure. It doesn’t matter that it is not always visible, however, your man can see it, who will not be pleased to see unkempt nails and rough heels. In addition, this is important from a hygienic point of view, especially in summer.



    The next point, which is no less important than hands and nails, if not even more important, because any beautiful girl A dirty head, undyed roots, or unkempt hair can ruin it - after all, your hair creates your first visual portrait, which will be etched in the memory of your interlocutor even before he sees your hands. And in this sense, it is very important to ensure that your hair is always clean and tidy. If you don’t have time to wash your hair and need to run urgently, put it in a ponytail or apply dry shampoo (although many stylists recommend it as a temporary alternative to washing your hair, I would still recommend using it in extreme cases).

    If you dye your hair, it is very important to dye the roots and trim the ends in time so that the ends of the hair do not split and have better volume. There is also a misconception that in order to grow long hair. Unfortunately, it is not. If you do not regularly trim the ends of your hair, they will look untidy and dull, since the ends will be split, uneven, and stick out to the sides, which is most noticeable on undyed hair. At least once or twice every three months, trim the ends and give your hair a finished look, because no matter what its length, no matter gorgeous color they did not have - all efforts will be reduced to zero due to the ugly ends of the hair.

    External beauty and well-groomed appearance allows a woman to feel confident.
    It is also worth saying a few words about removing excess body hair. You can do this both in the salon and at home - it all depends on the abundance of your hair in places unacceptable for a woman and your skills in removing them. There are a lot of ways - from basic shaving to waxing. However, I still recommend the latter.

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