• What values ​​underlie family traditions? Family and family values


    Traditions, on the contrary, are always based on the value of family, which determines the meaning of traditional behavior. Therefore, the tradition does not provide detailed regulation of the action; it does not have a specific “link” to a specific situation. For example, the tradition of hospitality, which many modern families adhere to, is embodied in different ways: some focus on food, while for others the main thing is communication with the guest, the need to find emotional support in him or provide him with such, and the table is set according to the principle “The richer you are, the happier you are.”

    Due to the above differences that exist between traditions and customs, scientists emphasize their disparity in family education child. Customs form mainly simple habits - stereotypically repeated actions, which are characterized by a certain degree of automatism (for example, the custom of a lullaby, the custom of wishing good morning, bon appetit, a wonderful custom of rural residents is to greet any person, including strangers).

    Customs, being mass simple habits, regulate those social relations, which are already firmly established, repeating from generation to generation. But in new, changing situations, customs as a means of education are not effective enough. Another thing is traditions, which are distinguished by greater dynamism due to the fact that they respond more quickly to the demands of modern life than customs. The developmental potential of traditions is much higher, since they form complex habits and contribute to the formation of a certain direction of the child’s behavior, within the framework of which he is free to choose ways of performing a specific act. Complex habits provide the opportunity to improvise behavior. Representing massive complex habits, traditions guide the child’s behavior not only in established relationships, but also in those new options that arise unexpectedly and differ from the situations that were in his experience. If, for example, a child is brought up in the traditions of humane treatment of others, then he not only shows compassion, respect, and kindness in communicating with family members, but also feels in his heart the misfortune of other people (“Why is the boy crying? Let’s help him!”), and animals. (“Poor cat - she’s homeless, give her my milk”), literary heroes (“Carlson is not the Kid’s friend at all: The Kid gets hurt all the time because of Carlson”).

    Thus, traditions and customs are two channels of socialization of a child, and traditions function on the basis of customs. Family traditions are multifunctional, specific, and emotionally rich, so against their background social development the child progresses more successfully.

    Traditions and customs reflect the ethnic, cultural, religious characteristics of the family, and the professional affiliation of its members. Tradition is always based on some idea, value, norm, or family experience. As multifunctional are the norms and values ​​of each specific family, so are the traditions varied in their educational essence. Depending on the values ​​and family norms that are implemented in a particular tradition, we can talk about creative and destructive, constructive and non-constructive, stereotypical and non-stereotypical, true and imaginary traditions.

    In one family, for example, the tradition of celebrating a child’s birthday is implemented in children's party with congratulations, wishes, gifts, fun games, singing, dancing, the joyful memory of which will remain forever long years not only for the hero of the occasion, but also for everyone present. And in another family, a child’s birthday is the occasion for another adult feast with copious libations, drunken showdowns, during which the child, his holiday, his need for joy are completely forgotten. Such “celebration” will leave the child with bitterness and resentment towards those closest to him for a long time. In the first example, tradition is the basis of present and future joys, it encourages goodness, stimulates elements of creativity; in the second, it is the cause of many of today’s and tomorrow’s troubles and upheavals of the child, clear evidence of the gap between him and his parents, through the prism of which all the world seems hostile and cruel.

    Enriching the content of family traditions contributes to the full organization of the life of the family as a social institution, ensures an increase in mutual understanding between its members, especially between parents and children, and helps improve the process home education. Despite the hustle and bustle of modern life, many families have preserved the tradition of family meals, which make up for the lack of constant live contacts between family members, confirm its integrity and the interest of everyone in the family. Current news is exchanged, family matters are discussed that concern all or any of the family members. The tradition of family meals, while maintaining its value, is a kind of symbol of nepotism.

    Currently, we are studying traditions that have developed for centuries in domestic families, and in the post-revolutionary period, being recognized by the official ideology as outdated, petty-bourgeois, and unprincipled, they turned out to be severely deformed or completely lost. These are traditions of family reading, singing, handicrafts and other joint work and creativity, games for adults and children, epistolary culture, composing family tree, home theater, collecting flowers, leaves in herbariums, stones and other materials and creating a children's museum based on them and many others. Some of these traditions are beginning to be revived. Thus, modern families have developed an interest in their roots, which is expressed in traditions associated with an excursion into the ancestry of their family (collecting and storing family heirlooms, creating “My Pedigree” photo albums, visiting places memorable for ancestors, etc.) . Leisure traditions are becoming more diverse: traveling, Sunday trips out of town, visiting museums, home concerts, national games, sports entertainment, etc. On the other hand, such generally accepted traditions need to be enriched in content, and, consequently, in strengthening the developmental influence family traditions, as a celebration of the New Year and birthdays of family members, and, of course, first of all children. As research results show, these traditions are the most common in modern family. However, unfortunately, the main attention in them is paid to the order of actions (purchasing a Christmas tree, gifts, treats, inviting guests in a timely manner, cleaning and decorating the apartment, etc.). Much more educationally valuable is organizing the activities of children and adults, initiating the activity and creativity of children. Here, for example, is the most striking ritual moment New Year's holiday in the family - a Christmas tree, its installation, decoration. For very young children, the effect of colorfulness, unusualness, and integrity from the perception of a decorated Christmas tree is important. Therefore, they are shown a Christmas tree already decorated by adults, and then day after day they look at the toys with them, arousing emotional admiration and admiration. From 4-5 years old, children take part in installing and decorating the Christmas tree. Decorating a Christmas tree is a whole ritual of enormous complex influence on the mind, feelings, and will of a child. For him every Christmas tree decoration- an old friend with whom so many pleasant memories are associated, and now it’s time to find out her story. It turns out that Christmas tree decorations, despite their fragility, “live” in the family for quite a long time, and some become family heirlooms. The child is interested to know that the small green ball, slightly faded with time, long ago belonged to great-great-great-grandmother Alexandra, and grandfather Sasha bought a cardboard elephant with money saved from school lunches when he was in first grade, and under the tree stands Santa Claus, inside which was a gift that dad received at his first Kremlin Christmas tree celebration. And this bright red cone, so carefully wrapped in cotton wool, is Grandma Tanya’s favorite Christmas tree toy, but when dad was little, he dropped it and then glued the cracks together with special glue. Well, after such interesting family legends, how can you not be careful, careful, so as not to damage the toys, which, it turns out, are dear to your loved ones, loved by you!

    Home and family for a person are, first of all, a place where they are loved, appreciated and certainly welcome. In a monastery close to your heart, you can always find support, understanding, reassurance, and feel the care of others. It is with such criteria in mind that the foundation is built, which will be fundamental for building the further life path of the individual. But, unfortunately, this type of relationship does not always occur. In addition to good-natured, cheerful, warm-hearted families, there are also unhappy, conservative, incomplete families. And here the question arises: why is this so? Why is it that some people have a marriage, family, children who are happy and delight with their successes, while for others it’s permanent reason sorrows and disappointments?

    Family values: examples must be worthy

    In order for a union between a man and a woman to be strong, it must be based on love. Of course, any family, like a person, has its own special character and values. Just as a person determines his path in life based on subjective priorities, so the family is transformed into a complex of interconnected related and emotional relationships. Communication determines the present as well as the future

    What is the role of family values?

    Concepts such as family and family values ​​are always inextricably linked and do not exist without each other. If there is no family, then family values ​​automatically lose their meaning. No legal relationship between a man and a woman exists or has ever existed without fundamental principles. It is thanks to them that over the years the spouses have been able to maintain spiritual health, unity and integrity. Traditional family values ​​are built on care and love. Examples of wonderful relationships can be seen where both people respect each other, each bring their own to the union they created, but at the same time accept the individuality of their partner. Here two mature personalities form a single harmonious atmosphere where their children will be born and grow up.

    Family and their importance and necessity

    Sometimes the idea of ​​family values ​​is understood either primitively or in general terms. When someone raises the issue of “family values ​​and traditions in my family,” this often becomes a topic for heated discussion, and misunderstandings and criticism may even arise.

    The definition of the term “family values” can sometimes be indigestible and cumbersome. Therefore, the most acceptable for this concept can be considered the following: family values ​​are the result of successful and long-term interaction of society with generally accepted and established religious norms. Here the focus is on preserving and strengthening the institution of family. Throughout the entire period of the relationship between spouses, family values ​​are introduced and cultivated in their lives. Grandmothers try to instill them in young people, sometimes useful information You can learn about this topic from television broadcasts, they also talk about it in churches, etc.

    Modern perception of family values

    Respect, faith, procreation, the sanctity of motherhood, fidelity, love - this is far from full list fundamental family values. Topic covered " Family values"may also have a deeper meaning, consisting in the fact that here marriage acts as the only correct form life together men and women. Maintaining faith and love for each other, they raise children and thus prolong the family line.

    Currently, the concept of family values ​​is interpreted differently among many peoples. It also happens that there is almost completely no freedom of choice, the possibility of a person changing his life. Divorce, for example, is contrary to traditional canons.

    A new look at old principles

    The change and development of society, new views accordingly form a new understanding of family values. Today, the moral priorities of parents and children differ significantly. The latter have an attitude towards this concept has a more progressive, but tough character. This trend is observed due to the fact that each subsequent young generation takes from the previous one only what is most necessary, introducing into it its own, currently relevant, family customs and traditions. Of course, concepts such as trust, love, mutual assistance, respect and kindness remain fundamental for the person of the 21st century. But, sadly, they are subject to pressure from the most various factors, which are caused by problems of society.

    Family starts with "We"

    According to the results, family national traditions and customs among young people are not in first or even second place. They were overtaken by education, career, relationships with friends, passions. In order to preserve traditional family values, examples for the younger generation must first of all be given from personal life experience. And even if someone did not grow up in such a prosperous environment and was not able to absorb true loving kinship, it is necessary to try, already at a conscious age, to make up for lost time and, through attitude towards one’s neighbor, try to make this world a better and brighter place. Everyone can do this, because as the world-famous classic V. Hugo said: “In the inner world of a person, kindness is the sun.”

    Everything that is mine is yours!

    In some aspects, it is necessary to delve into the topic in more detail in order to accurately determine for yourself what family values ​​are. Examples can provide a clearer picture of their importance, both collectively and individually.

    How can a husband, wife and their children be happy if their relationship is not based on such a feeling as love? said: “Love is when you share your whole life with another person.” And he was completely right: how could it be different in this case?

    We were born to love

    Love is a comprehensive and deep feeling, sometimes even masters of the pen find it difficult to convey in words what it contains and how it affects a person. Some take it for the strongest attachment to a partner, against the background of which family customs and traditions are built. Here a person tries to be with a partner close to his heart as much as possible.

    Love is such a deep and comprehensive feeling that simply cannot be accurately described in words. We can only understand that this is a strong attachment to another person, a desire to constantly be near him.

    According to E. Fromm, love is a special type of unity between people, which has ideal value in all the great philosophical and humanistic systems of both the West and the East. This feeling is the most powerful force, without which no full-fledged relationship is a priori possible. Spouses become even closer to each other when they feel the true care and support of their partner.

    What is the secret of a long and harmonious relationship?

    Living in society, every person, at least sometimes, faces severe stress, problems and various kinds of difficulties. Sometimes his dreams and hopes are crushed. It is extremely difficult, and sometimes almost impossible, to stand alone in a storm of passions. It is in such situations that help from family and friends becomes most valuable and tangible. A home where relatives and understanding people are waiting is a quiet haven where you can get support and gain strength to overcome all the future hardships of fate and move on in life with joy in your heart.

    No union is possible without mutual understanding and respect between partners. Such ideas of children about the family should be formed with early age. High level Relationships between spouses, parents and their children are achieved when each party treats the feelings, interests and aspirations of the other with respect and understanding. Here, in no case should there be an invasion or forceful interference in personal space with the aim of subjugating, breaking or “remaking”, “adjusting” them to suit yourself.

    Sincerity and honesty are the key to transparency and purity of relations between partners. This applies not only to the husband-wife scheme, but also to the parents-children scheme. For the second, in order to reveal this topic as much as possible, they even conduct Classroom hour"Family values ​​and their importance for a person." It is explained to the kids that the above qualities, when maximally expressed, are the key to another integral attribute of a happy home - trust, which is difficult to earn, but easy to instantly lose. The semantic load and power of these qualities can provide any union with a happy and long life.

    How are family values ​​taught?

    When asking the question about what family values ​​and traditions are in my family, a person may encounter a number of unpleasant and previously undiscovered things. But don’t despair - everything can be fixed. Any relationship can be developed and transformed into better side. Today, interactions between close people can be divided into modern and traditional, and they sometimes conflict with each other.

    Each person has his own individual idea of ​​how to save a relationship and marriage. My parents taught me something about this issue, and I managed to understand something from my own life experience. When a young family has just formed, spouses do not always think about what it means to respect their partner’s opinion and take into account his personal space. Often they immediately begin to expect only good things from each other and believe that it is the partner who should create this good. At this stage it should be understood that responsibility for harmonious union lies with both men and women equally. Here, everyone, taking their position, according to gender, must protect and cultivate everything that can make a marriage successful and future children happy.

    You may not be ideal, but you have to try

    In any period of a relationship (it doesn’t matter if it’s a couple who have been married for many years, or a young family), it is necessary to engage in self-education and work on oneself. Some people believe that learning to control anger and irritation is impossible, but this is not so. You can learn to solve any problems peacefully, which will be the beginning of the path to mutual happiness. As a result, soon the spouses’ lives will change for the better, communication will improve or be transformed. This is how, overcoming difficulties, a real family, and family traditions become sacred and respected among all relatives.

    Children are the flowers of life

    In no case should we forget about the little ones. Children, first of all, need peace and well-being in the family, because they are the most unprotected and vulnerable family link. It is necessary to show them favor and show by your own example how important family is, explain why it is necessary to honor traditions. This will not be in vain. Forming in children a correct concept of life and ethical standards will be the key to their happy future.

    Children and teenagers are also helped to understand this topic by school institutions. Recently, family values ​​have become increasingly common, where family values ​​are the main topic of conversation. This is a big step forward, since the proper development of a child’s self-awareness will help him find his place in life.

    Bright future

    Previously, due to the presence of an information deficit and due to new imaginary values ​​​​instilled by society, for example, such as the pursuit of status, position in society, money, children had the most important and necessary components normal life moved into the background. This has become a threat to a full-fledged human society. Professional teachers rushed to the rescue and began to talk more about family values, emphasizing their importance for each individual. At the same time, this area began to be supervised at the government level due to concern for the fate of the younger generation. It is hoped that the common efforts - parents, schools, as well as government support - will bear precious fruit. After all, for almost every person, family is the main thing that makes you move forward, feel life fully and love unselfishly, sincerely.

    Family traditions generate and instill in people important values: love for the family, respect for one’s relatives, care for loved ones, a correct understanding of the family and its role in life. Non-compliance family customs and foundations can lead to a weakening of ties between its members and to the destruction of family ties. Even a unit of society in which love reigns cannot exist without certain important and pleasant customs, for example, joint leisure.

    Traditions strengthen children's sense of gratitude towards their parents and grandparents, instilling respect for the older generation. Customs give spouses a sense of inviolability and stability. family relations. L.N. Tolstoy said: “Happy is he who is happy at home.” A person living in a family that honors traditions will certainly be surrounded by care, love, warmth and tenderness. For such a person, family well-being will certainly be transferred to other areas of life.

    Family traditions different countries and peoples of the world

    Each nation has its own special traditions relating to all areas of life, and this is especially true for the family. This is due, first of all, to the fact that each people or country has its own special geography, location, climate, history, unique culture, and adheres to different religions. All these factors influence the formation of cultural and family customs. Family traditions, in turn, shape the worldview and attitude to life. Such family structures have existed for centuries, practically unchanged, passing from older family members to younger ones.

    Family cultural traditions in Russia, history and modernity

    If we turn to history, it will become obvious that there are many traditions in Rus'. For a long time, the main family custom in Russia was genealogy - in past times it was considered indecent not to know one’s family, and the expression “Ivan, who does not remember kinship” was an insult. An integral part of the family structure was the compilation of a pedigree or family tree. Also known are such traditions of the Russian people as passing on valuable things from generation to generation and naming a child in honor of one of the respected ancestors.

    In modern Russia, the importance of family customs has been somewhat lost. For example, nowadays you rarely see a family maintaining its own genealogy. Often, the memory of generations comes down to an album with photographs. But such wonderful traditions as eating together and holding joint holidays have been preserved. Family customs and traditions in the Kuban still imply Cossack life and raising children in the spirit of the Cossack family.

    Traditions in Germany

    There is a stereotype that Germans are extremely pedantic. The Germans have the strictest traditions regarding the family:

    · it is customary to treat your home with the utmost care, carefully cleaning it and making it beautiful;

    · it is not customary to leave grandchildren to be raised by their grandparents - for this it is necessary to determine a sum of money for them;

    · parents in old age do not live with their children - they are looked after by nurses or they live in special boarding houses;

    · At Christmas it is customary for the whole family to gather at the parental home;

    · Germans are prudent and thrifty, so they have a tradition of saving for old age, during which they usually travel a lot around the world.

    In England

    For the British, traditions are the three pillars on which the Earth rests, so they honor them with special reverence. Who doesn't know about the notorious English custom of drinking tea? Family gatherings and discussions are always held over a cup of real Earl Gray with milk. The British are Catholics, so they especially celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving, gathering with the whole family and preparing traditional dishes. The custom of giving children a good education must be called a wonderful tradition among the British. Counts in bad taste do not send your child to study at a private boarding school or college.

    In France

    In France, it is a widespread custom to gather at a common table on Sundays, drink wine and have a meal. Among the holidays, the French like to celebrate Christmas, gathering at their parents' house. The festive banquet necessarily includes such delicacies as foie gras, salmon, seafood, Iscariot snails and fine cheeses. The traditional drink at Christmas is champagne, and the dessert is a “Christmas log.”

    In India

    India is a country of strict family customs and traditions. Indian society is divided into social castes, so they approach the issue of marriage in an extremely unusual way. The father of the family must himself choose the future groom for his daughter; she was given in marriage only to a representative of her social caste. A lavish wedding celebration is more of an obligation than a desire. The bride traditionally had to provide a dowry. Divorce and remarriage were previously prohibited in India.

    To Indian family life Buddhist traditions have a great influence. According to them, a man must:

    · Show respect for your spouse.

    · Do not change.

    · Provide for family.

    · Teach children crafts.

    · Select a suitable pair for children.

    A woman should:

    · Respect your husband.

    · To raise children.

    · Perform all household duties.

    · Don't cheat on your husband.

    · Fulfill all the wishes of your spouse.

    Tatar traditions

    Tatars are Muslims, so family structures are based on Sharia and the Koran. Among the Tatars, starting a family is considered a necessity dictated by religion. It is interesting that after marriage, the husband receives full power over his wife, and the wife is dependent on him - she does not even have the right to leave the house without the consent of her husband. Divorce among Tatars occurs extremely rarely, solely on the initiative of the husband. It is customary for the wife to raise children, but they are obliged to show complete obedience to their father.

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    You can talk a lot and for a long time about the importance of seven in society, about its role and functions. But this is not the purpose of our article at all. There are more important things that we ourselves rarely think about, but we often mention them.

    Family values ​​are a multifaceted thing - there are thousands of definitions, each of which will be correct. This is exactly the case when they say “how many people - so many opinions.” Before reading the article, think about what family values ​​mean to you personally?

    Undoubtedly, if you put together a list of all values, it will be endless. But without them, experts say, it is impossible to build a happy and friendly family, because these are not just words, these are the principles that you adhere to, your goals and objectives for the future. For a future together.

    Examples of family values

    Affiliation. It is important that every family member knows that they are important and that they make a difference. You may be a close-knit family that spends every free moment together, but this does not mean that your interests should be absolutely identical. It is important that despite any hobbies, despite unpleasant events, etc. things, the child and every family member should know that they have a place to return to, that they are believed in and expected. Joint lunches and dinners, going to the movies and zoos, or just an evening spent with family will help strengthen this feeling of unity.

    Respect. Everyone defines for themselves what respect is. Some people consider it respectful to consider all points of view when making a decision. Also, it is recognition of the thoughts, ideas and character of a family member, recognizing him for who he really is. It is very important not to cross the line of fear and respect, since in most cases one excludes the other. Achieve respect not through violence and threats, but through wise decisions, taking into account the wishes of you and your family. Respect, as a family value, is important not only at home, but also at school, at work and when communicating with other people.

    Flexibility. The ability to accept other people’s opinions, not constantly insist on the same position. Of course, a clear life schedule wouldn’t hurt, but don’t forget that living by rules is... well, a bit boring in many ways. Therefore, do not deprive yourself of the usual joys of life - make surprises, be silly, arrange unexpected evening dinners or walks. All this will strengthen your family and teach children how to work and rest properly.

    Honesty- This is the key to any relationship, both friendly and family. No family can live without this. Without honesty, it is impossible to create the deep and lasting bonds that should be an integral part of every family. Don't scold your children for every bad thing they do, this way you can show them how good and right it is to be honest. If we tell someone something bad when he comes to us with bad news, then next time he will simply hide from us what he wanted to say and stop being honest, because he knows that he will not get it. the answer is nothing good. And this can threaten the loss of not only honesty, but also human trust.

    Forgiveness. Forgiveness is not always easy, but it is very important to be able to do it. Forgiveness is a decision, it is your choice, and not just a feeling that the person has paid enough for the offense and we are ready to have mercy. The concept of family and resentment are incompatible. Yes, of course, we can be offended by our parents or sisters and brothers for some misdeeds or offensive words. But, in no case forget that this is yours. close person, with whom all of yours is connected future life. Well, it’s impossible, it’s simply impossible to live your whole life without the closest people - it destroys a person from the inside, destroys his psyche and his peace of mind - this is my opinion, with which you may or may not agree. In fact, it is much more difficult to forgive loved ones, but this is what makes the family stronger and more friendly, it brings us closer together.

    Don’t forget that every person can make a mistake and stumble; our task is to understand and accept. Life is too short to waste it on quarrels and disagreements. It is best to talk directly and clear up any misunderstandings.

    Generosity- this is giving without thinking, “what will this mean for me, what benefit will I get?” For a family, such an approach is impossible. Thanks to this feeling, we learn compassion, we learn to think not only about ourselves and our interests, but also about the people who live next to us. Generosity does not necessarily mean giving money, it means giving loved ones your love, warmth, attention, and giving your time.

    Communication- this is also a kind of art, the lack of which can lead to omissions and misunderstandings. Small conflicts unresolved initial stage, will lead to larger ones that can no longer be hidden - and you are unlikely to be able to look at the situation calmly. Therefore, it is so important to be able to communicate and talk about your feelings and experiences, to resolve conflicts in a timely manner before they turn into a storm. Many consider this value to be the most important of all. When a person feels like they can talk openly about anything—hopes, dreams, fears, successes, or failures—it strengthens the bond.

    Responsibility. Some people have this quality to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. As children, we were taught that we need to put away toys after playing, or feed pets on time - these little things will help children in mature age be more careful and responsible. An adult, responsible person comes to work on time without unnecessary reminders or reproaches, meets deadlines and responds to requests. phone calls, in case of urgent need. If you want to instill a sense of responsibility in your household, provide each member with a list of tasks that they must complete.

    Curiosity, a quality that is more characteristic of children. Take a closer look at the child and you will definitely see these qualities in him. It is important to encourage and promote children's desire to learn new things. Ask questions, find out, read what you know little or nothing about. Curiosity will help you gradually develop critical thinking, which will be useful in different situations. And the ability to ask questions and learn about things will also help you strengthen your family ties.

    Traditions. Probably one of the most important family values, which can unite different generations of the same family. Don’t complicate things, it could be morning tea or coffee in the morning, a movie on Sunday, trips to nature or cooking lunch together - there are many options, the main thing is that such moments strengthen the unity of the family, giving everyone the opportunity to feel part of it.

    And most importantly - Love. There is simply no way without it - this is the basis on which a large foundation is built. Without debate or argument, we give her first place in any list of values, including family ones. Thanks to her, we learn to endure, forgive, talk and be honest. By loving children and our significant other, we teach children respect and love for other people.

    Family values ​​for a modern family

    First of all, it is the family itself and how to preserve it - that is what worries many of us. And marriage itself ceases to become the important unit that it used to be. Nowadays, young people more often live in civil marriages and are in no hurry to put a stamp in their passport, considering it a formality. I believe that there is no point in arguing on this topic, because each of us has the right to our own point of view and our own understanding of family life.

    An important change - career, materialism, etc. come first. Every family considers it their duty to get on their feet, realize themselves, and only then have children and build a family. Is it correct? This is probably the topic of another article, but not this one. Just think, what will all this lead to? What's next for you?

    It is important that a family is created consciously. Only then will you be able to put such important concepts as love, freedom, faith, conscience and responsibility into a small miracle - this task is impossible outside of family and outside of love. The family develops a sense of patriotism, responsibility, compassion for loved ones, respect, and the ability to communicate with other people.

    Conflicts and omissions may arise in the family, but you need to learn to resolve them in time, without inflating small everyday problems to the size of a disaster. Do not forget to show your love and gratitude to your family members through gestures, actions and words. And don't forget to make time for your loved ones.

    The family is the crystal of society, its foundation. From what kind of family we have, what kind of people are in it moral values, family traditions, culture, the state of our entire society depends. What is this family crystal formed from? What values ​​and traditions are the most important in today's families? What do you think is the importance of family traditions and values ​​in your family? How seriously do you take a family hierarchy with a man at the head? Are noisy family dinners important to you, or does each member of your family prefer to eat alone? Let's take a closer look at family traditions and values ​​and try to preserve them at all costs.

    Family traditions are a sign of unity

    Family traditions are considered to be repeated joint actions that are understandable to others. These are rituals and ceremonies that are passed down in the family from generation to generation.

    Need I say how important traditional hierarchy is in a family? Namely, the man at the head is strong and reliable, capable of solving the problems of all family members: wife, children, and the older generation, who will come to the rescue in any difficult life situation.

    Of course, in a family there should be both “male” and “female” roles. Then the family structure is clear and extremely simple. For example, the husband earns money and solves complex issues. And the wife is engaged in raising children, keeping the house in order and self-education of the family.

    Types of family traditions

    The very first wonderful tradition of a young family is marriage. According to tradition, the bride puts on a white dress, the bride’s mother walks around the car several times in which the newlyweds will be taken to the registry office, the bride and groom are sprinkled with coins, sweets, hops, etc., and bread and salt are served. All these traditions are wonderful, they are treated with special reverence.

    Then, when the family has already been created, they begin to celebrate birthdays, New Year, pay tribute to the sad events. These are also traditions. If a child, from birth, sees how joyfully his family celebrates the birthdays of all its members, including himself, he will understand how much they value him, how happy they are that he was born.

    A family cannot exist without traditions! If there are no traditions and values ​​in a family or they are not respected, this is a direct path to its destruction. It is also bad to introduce harmful traditions, for example, drinking after work or spending the whole weekend in a nightclub.

    Family traditions in everyday life

    One way or another, there is a common way of life in the family, and it also has its own traditions and rituals.

    Family dinners are absolutely important in this regard, when all family members gather around a common table and discuss the news of the past day. These conversations “at the kitchen table” are Russian psychotherapy. They give a feeling of security and unity. If family members start eating separately, this is already a bad sign.

    How nice is it to cook food together, for example, with the whole family making a mountain of dumplings or cutting up a bowl of Olivier? “No, we are not gluttons, we just like to do everything together,” says such a family.

    A man living in a strong and happy family, sleeps better. He feels more secure and knows that he is not alone, that he will be supported at any time. He is sure that his family will forever keep his childhood photographs, his first strand of hair, his maternity hospital tag... All this evokes emotion and tenderness. And all these are family traditions and values.

    Towards prosperity!

    Compliance with family traditions and values ​​is a direct path to internal well-being, to a wonderful mental and physical condition. If there are traditions, if everything goes as usual, life flows slowly and measuredly, there is no stress in it, then the person is healthy and happy! What could be more important?!…

    The words “family traditions” usually evoke associations in people with ancient clans, large families, some strictly established rules and strange customs. In fact, family traditions are everything that people adhere to within their family, no matter what size it is. If you make it a habit to read books to your child every day before bed, and on Sunday you go out into nature with your whole family, it means that you keep and observe the traditions of your family. They can be expressed in customs, things, celebrations memorable dates and in many other ways.

    Family traditions bring all close relatives closer together, making a family a family, and not just a community of relatives by blood. In addition, family traditions and rituals allow the child to feel the stability of their way of life: “whatever the weather”, what is established will happen in your family; give him a feeling of confidence in the world around him and security; create unique childhood memories that the baby will someday tell his children about.

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