• Funny birthday greetings to Aunt in Prose. Beautiful congratulations to your aunt in prose


    Beloved aunt! Let me remind you of your age today, but only because today is your birthday! And also because every year you become younger and dearer to me! Our feeling of love is growing between us every day, it cannot be stopped, and I’m not going to do that! Our family threads will never break, you are like a second mother to me, like elder sister, as an example to follow! I wish you never to be sad about age, because time has no power over happy people! I wish you not to keep track of time and not look at the calendar! Just enjoy my love and enjoy life! Don't worry about your passport details, just don't look at this document! You are rejuvenated by your smile and positive attitude, and move forward in life along this course!

    Dear aunt! Congratulations on your holiday of youth, Happy Birthday! I wish you a positive, festive, sunny, bright, colorful mood, not only today, but every day! More joyful moments, pleasant surprises, unexpected gifts of fate, happy occasions, second chances, good news, useful meetings, advantageous offers, acquisitions, shopping, travel, exciting activities, have an interesting time with close friends! I wish you to greet every morning with a smile, faith and hope for the best! May your dreams have wings! May your plans, ideas and ideas come true! Let fate pamper you, and let the road of life spread like a silk tablecloth! And don’t forget, you have a nephew whose love for you is greater than the Universe! I hug you tightly, kiss you tenderly, I wish you only the most beautiful things!

    Aunt! From all the parts and corners of my heart where the feeling of love for you lurks, let me congratulate you on your birthday and express sincere wishes! Of course, we wish you, first of all, brilliant health, stable, financial well-being, success in all areas of life, real, beautiful, mutual love and crystal clear friendship, and necessarily a peaceful sky above your family’s head! Let positive, kind and congenial people surround you in your life, and let every new day, from the very morning, begin to sparkle for you with rainbow colors! We wish you feminine, complete happiness, warm, family relations and harmony in the soul! Achieving your goals and fulfilling your desires! New, useful meetings and interesting, life discoveries! Happy holiday, auntie! Smile at life, and life will definitely smile back at you!

    A glorious holiday has come to our family today! Birthday of my beloved, dear aunt! This day is always long-awaited and desired! This wonderful date brings with it a sea of ​​positivity, an ocean of joy, an endless sky of happiness! The whole family sincerely congratulates you, aunt, on the upcoming holiday of your soul! We wish you eternal youth, restless optimism, the desire to keep up with the times, keep up with the youth, try, start, do, create, create and never think about old age! Let your age stop and the clock hands freeze for you! We wish that at any time of the year your mood will be spring, the rays of the sun will play on your soul, and the fire of love for life will burn in your heart! We wish you to remain as sparkling with happiness, maintain your energy, vigor and positive attitude! Dance, have fun, have fun and enjoy the holiday!

    Dear aunt! Congratulations, our doll! We wish you fulfillment of all your desires and many, many positive emotions, new victories in life, new interesting steps in family life! Be a good example for others and a reliable support for your family! We want you to be well and never be sad! Good mood, new achievements and positive results! You are our best! Always be happy, smile, laugh carefree, loudly and cheerfully! This is the best music for our family! Don’t you dare think about bad things, don’t let negativity into your mind, be sure that without a doubt you will always succeed! After all, you are so smart, wise, diligent, purposeful, hardworking, honest, kind and sympathetic! And for such people, everything goes exactly according to plan, without deviations from what was planned!

    On this day, an extraordinary person was born, in fact, who united us all here! My dear, beloved and dear aunt! My little blood, my soul mate, my idol, my ideal, the heroine of our time, the perfection of a woman, mother, friend, aunt, sister and just a person! A multifaceted personality capable of succeeding in any activity thanks to his diligence and perseverance! It would seem that there is nothing to surprise us with, but every time she manages to reveal herself from some completely new amazing side! This talent of hers delights and fascinates, makes you be like her in everything, enchants and attracts like a magnet! This is her uniqueness, sophistication, hard work, talent, brightness, energy, femininity, fearlessness, wit, wisdom, support, cheerfulness, optimism, friendliness, sincerity, warmth, kindness, tenderness, love, happiness! Don't change your character, aunt!

    To be the nephew of your own aunt means to always be loved! When a smile evokes the same one in return, no matter how bad the mood is! When you are there for each other! When your heart hurts because of the tears you see! When you mentally feel each other even at a distance! When you subconsciously guess each other's desires! When you say the same phrase out loud at the same time! When you are an inexhaustible source vitality for each other! When you can't live a day without each other! When everything, absolutely everything is mutual! When there is peace, understanding and agreement in everything between you! When your view of this world is the same and directed in one direction! This is my aunt! I congratulate her on her birthday and wish her to preserve all those qualities that make her real, dear and madly loved! Universal health and boundless, feminine happiness!

    My dear auntie! Congratulations on a wonderful event for the whole family! You play an important role in the lives of each of us! You are our family! A person who cares deeply about our tears and worries! The man is incredibly clean, open, bright and good-natured! I wish you universal love, boundless luck, brilliant health, personal well-being! Remain the same wonderful auntie, take care of your family, who adores you like crazy! Be happy with life and yourself, my dear, no matter what happens! I wish you to be filled with bright emotions every hour, brilliant ideas so that good luck accompanies you, so that your family admires you, so that your friends understand, so that your children obey, so that you feel dizzy from success, and so that failures are quickly forgotten! May you always have enough money to fulfill your most cherished dreams, and self-confidence for great deeds and grandiose plans!

    Today we wish Happy Birthday to a wonderful woman, my dear aunt! Friends, I have a magnificent friend in my life, a wonderful and stunning girl who is impossible not to pay attention to! This person always leaves an impression on herself, it is impossible to forget her! Smart, beautiful, energetic, sincere, charming, strong and attractive! How cool it is that I have you! I want to always be there! Be happy, my dear! May the sun of good luck constantly shine in your life, may there be no gross insults and mistakes on your path of life, and may love the size of the Universe always live in your kind heart! We wish you success in all your undertakings and ideas, achieving great successes personally and professionally, inspiration for new achievements, good health and wonderful mood, women's happiness and gifts of fate!

    Today is my rainbow day - today my dear aunt was born! How excited we all are for this holiday! I wish you to be healthy and happy today and throughout your life! Remain the same bright person, let everything that you have planned come true today! May the sun always warm you both from the sky and in your soul! Let everything that happens around you convey to you positive, kind perceptions and feelings! May the almighty Universe fulfill all your wishes! And most importantly, so that your favorite people and faithful friends were always there! So that you are pleased and appreciated, because you are a golden man, it is impossible not to understand and not notice this! Wish material well-being! And to your whole family good health and happiness, only huge, tangible happiness on your road of life! Hug you! Thank you to this day for this man!

    My beloved aunt, my sunshine, my berry, my marmalade, my dear, happy birthday to you, my little one! How I love you, how we have all been waiting for this day! I wish you only the brightest, dear person, the most long-awaited, the most desired from all family members! You are unique! Thank you for your crazy vitality and warmth! I wish you Siberian health and Caucasian longevity! You are a very good and sympathetic person, with whom you always want to be close, with whom separation is hard to bear, with whom your heart beats in time! I wish you professional achievements, new records, understanding and respect for children, achievement of goals, dizzying luck, undying vital energy, star roles on the stage of life! Progress to you in everything that should progress! Be the happiest!

    My aunt and I have always had a close relationship. I often shared my innermost secrets with her and asked for advice. She never betrayed me to my mother, always helped and knew how to listen. Many years have passed, but our relationship has only improved. Thank you for your endless support, kindness and advice. Know that I always think about you and thank you for everything. Today I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the best. You always taught me to be happy, and now I wish you the most real feminine happiness. Let all adversity pass you by, because you deserve only the best. Know that you can always turn to me, because I also love and know how to listen to people.

    I want to wish Happy Birthday to my most beloved aunt. I won’t tell everyone how old you are turning, I’ll just say that in your heart you’re still eighteen. You are my close friend who will never let you down and will always help. I wish you to finally create your own family, give birth to beautiful babies that I will nurse. I will always help and support you, because during the most difficult periods of my life, your support helped me not to go crazy. I wish you health, love, success in everything and the fulfillment of all your desires. Today, when you blow out the candles on the cake, be sure to make that same wish. You'll see - it will definitely come true. I love you very much, aunt! Thank you for always being there.

    She is never in a bad mood, she is always active and sociable. She is exactly the person who is the soul of the party and comes up with more and more new options for spending leisure time. I am proud that you are my aunt! You spent a lot of time with me as a child, I often invited my girlfriends to visit, and you entertained us. And when we got older, she began to be secretive with us and give very useful tips. All my friends were always delighted with you and asked you to spend time with us more often. Today, on such a wonderful day, I want to congratulate you on your birthday and say that you are an amazing woman. I learn a lot of things from you, especially wisdom and endurance. Keep up the good work.

    My beloved aunt, I was so looking forward to this day, because I will hear your incredible stories again and be charged with inexhaustible positive energy. Unfortunately, neither you nor I have the opportunity to spend more time together, as we did in childhood. But you will still forever remain very close to me and dear person, who tolerated my antics but never told my parents. I want to wish you happiness, health, success in everything, especially in your personal life. May there always be comfort, harmony and love in your home. We all love you very much and wish you a happy birthday! Always remain as positive, energetic and cheerful as you are now. Happy holiday!

    My dear aunt, I want to sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. You and I have always had a special relationship that can be called true friendship. I remember how you and I went for a walk together when I was little, but I already knew how to talk. You weren't married then. And I constantly called you mom in front of everyone, and you got angry and said that no one would get to know you like that. I hope that you have already forgiven me for my childish prank, especially since now you are very happily married. I wish you and your family all the best because you deserve to be happy. I really love visiting your home, because you have a completely different atmosphere that I have never seen anywhere else. Happy Birthday, beloved aunt!

    I remember that in childhood and adolescence I was always very active and constantly came up with something interesting, but I was never supported in my madness. I remember how I once told my aunt about one of my incredible plans. True, now I don’t remember what it was, but it was clearly something unusual. I told everything in colors, and at the end my aunt said that she dreams of doing this herself. And so the two of us, if I’m not mistaken, went out of town. There was an organization that taught parachute jumping. The two of us jumped, but promised not to tell anyone. But in the end they couldn’t stand it; my mother cursed for a long time. My beloved aunt, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the best! Thank you for everything you have done for me! I very love you!

    I want to congratulate my beloved aunt on her birthday with all my heart! I wish you and your beautiful family unlimited happiness, great luck, success in all your endeavors, good health and love. Now you and I are separated by a long distance, but I know that you are always ready to listen to me and help. I hope you have a fun birthday because it is a special holiday that you love very much. Know that your family loves you very much and will never refuse help. You - a beautiful woman, mother, wife, sister, and most importantly, the best aunt in the world. Once again, happy birthday to you! Be the happiest, love and be loved! And may all your dreams and desires come true, especially the wish you make today.

    Loved ones always deserve the best. And even if you can’t give an expensive gift, you can warm your soul nice words. This will help big choice Happy birthday wishes to aunt from niece.

    Heartfelt wishes on this holiday

    Sometimes it’s so difficult to figure out what to write on your own. But there’s nothing wrong with using ready-made congratulations:

    1. On your birthday, beloved aunt, I want to confess to you that you are my best. You always gave me warmth and affection, for which I am very grateful. May this day bring you only positive emotions, and may life give you more pleasant and warm memories. Don't be afraid to try something new and live in such a way that you don't regret anything.
    2. Happy birthday, my dear man. I want you to always be surrounded by close people who will give care and affection, bring good news and will always surprise you. Let there be more pleasant surprises, true friends and, of course, love in life. Remember that I love you very much, and I will do everything possible to make your life brighter and more interesting.
    3. Beloved aunt, your day has come. I wish that your heart never hurts, that there is peace and comfort at home. May your career only go uphill, and may you always have an extra bill in your wallet. I know for sure that fate is favorable to you, so don’t miss what it gives you.
    4. My dear aunt, may there be more happiness in your life than water in a well. Let positive emotions overwhelm you and never be forgotten. I wish you loyal friends nearby, good health and for long years life. You deserve the best. Happy birthday.
    5. Happy birthday, aunt. Accept my sincere congratulations from my niece. Your life is already wonderful, but there is still room for improvement. May your health only become stronger over the years, your happiness unlimited, and your love eternal. Don't be afraid to try something new and make your dreams come true. After all, you deserve to have a full and colorful life.
    6. On this holiday, beloved aunt, I want to wish you to be forever young and prosper today, tomorrow, always. May there always be a beautiful landscape outside your window, may the people in your life be kind and understanding. And, of course, happiness. You deserve lasting happiness that will ignite faith in your heart for a better future. I love you, be happy on your birthday.
    7. I hasten to wish you peace in your soul, love in your heart and positive thoughts in your head. Let reliable friends surround you and give you only the best. I want you and I to be friends who only decorate each other’s life and destiny.
    8. My dear and beloved aunt. I am so happy that you are in my life, so I hasten to be one of the first to congratulate you on this holiday. You are like a second mother to me, who helps solve problems, gives wise advice and never judges. Therefore, I wish that you meet equally good people in life, that your work brings you pleasure and a lot of money. May your husband and children always protect you, and may you feel needed and loved next to them.
    9. On the day you were born, I would like to wish you health, longevity and pleasant moments with your loved ones. Never regret what happened before and keep that twinkle in your eyes that speaks of a desire for life and adventure. Live to the fullest and know that at home you are always welcome and remembered.
    10. On your birthday, quickly accept congratulations from your beloved niece. My dear aunt, quickly open the door for me. I brought you joy and many sunny days. Just believe - everything is possible and now be more cheerful.

    Words for the dearest person

    Every person's life develops differently. Therefore, everyone has their own loved one. For example, an aunt who wants to hear congratulations from her own niece on her birthday.

    My beloved and respected aunt. For me you are the best dear person, who was able to replace his parents, and even become best friend. Therefore, on your birthday, I would like to wish you harmony in your soul, joy in your heart and peace in your life. home. Let troubles and tears pass you by, and your health only gets better every year.

    Dear aunt, you are like a mother to me. So may luck, love, patience and understanding accompany you along the path of life. It may be cold outside now, but I want eternal spring to settle in your soul, flowers to bloom and the clear sun to warm. Be happy on your birthday and other everyday days.

    Dear aunt, I want to congratulate you on the fact that your holiday has finally arrived. Wish great joy, pleasant surprises, happiness in the family and peace above your head. Let all the bad things be quickly forgotten, and let the good never leave your heart.

    My beloved aunt, today is the best day of the year - the day when you were born and illuminated our entire family with a bright light. We rarely see each other now, but as a child you were able to replace my mother, so today I wish you only happiness, prosperity and that your most cherished dream will come true this year.

    Darling, I love you very much. As a child, you took care of your own younger brother- about my father. And when I was born, then everything free time you devoted to my upbringing. Therefore, I want you to know that your happiness, joy and mischievous smile are dearer to me more than anything in the world. You will never be alone, because you are always welcome in our home. Make your dreams come true and enjoy life not only on your birthday, but every day.

    Hurry to receive congratulations from your niece, dear aunt. I congratulate you on your birthday and wish that all your plans come true and bring only joy and happiness. Stay as active, funny and sweet as you are. Get to know the world and remember that it is never too late to dream and love.

    My dear aunt, today is only your day. Let your loved ones surround you with warmth and care, make your dreams come true and always come to your aid in right time. Be feminine, kind, sweet and real, because thanks to these qualities you have become a real example for me.

    Happy birthday, our dearest and beloved aunt. Thank you for raising me and my sisters, helping me understand this world and become real people. Remain the same wonderful, sweet and attractive woman who never gives up and knows what she wants from life. And remember that we love you very much and always look forward to your visit.

    Happy birthday. I wish you vital energy, joy, happiness and God's blessing. May the Guardian Angel always protect your family and look after your children. Love and be loved, have a good day and keep all the good memories.

    Loves, and be loved, smile today and always. Know, my dear aunt, that I will be with you until the very end. I'm sorry that we quarreled earlier, that I was very proud and angry. But I dream of forgetting differences and being with you real family. Happy birthday my dear aunt.

      How do you prefer to congratulate your loved ones?

    Good and funny wishes

    A little humor and Have a good mood not prevent. Especially when you want to present congratulations from your niece to your beloved aunt on her birthday:

    1. Today I want to quickly congratulate the coolest aunt who played toys with me, didn’t sleep at night, gave advice and simply hugged me in difficult times. May life take you, my dear, in an expensive car, treat you to champagne and bring you together only with kind and loyal people. Stay as cool as you are and don’t hope that I will ever forget you.
    2. My dear aunt, today you are the center of attention. And I want to wish you money in bags, a holiday in the Maldives, good husband with a villa in the Bahamas. Let your soul always sing, and your legs and body dance in front of the whole world.
    3. Happy birthday to my one and only aunt. Catch words of congratulations from your beloved niece. I thought for a long time what to wish you. Health is banal, and you have it. Love is, of course, pleasant, but we already love you very much. Therefore, may all your endeavors be successful, may there be more reasons to laugh in life, and may all your wishes come true in a click. Happy holiday, my dear and beloved person.
    4. My dear old lady, beloved aunt and friend. I want to congratulate you on your day and wish you the best. Let champagne splash in your bathroom, but don’t get carried away with it. May eternal spring bloom in your soul, let us always be together and happy as one family.
    5. On this day, my dear aunt, forget about all your worries, put things aside and don’t rush to work. A wonderful holiday awaits you in the evening, so let it bring a lot of positive emotions, pleasant compliments, expensive gifts and good people near. Be happy, cool and motor as you always have been.

    As you can see, birthday greetings from a niece to an aunt can be very different. The main thing is that they come from the heart, please the birthday girl and remain in her memory and heart for a long time.

    Finding yourself alone with thoughts about verbal birthday greetings to a loved one, many of us are completely confused. What to say, how to say it, will these words be appropriate? There are more questions than answers, and in the end we decide not to reinvent the wheel and utter hackneyed cliched phrases. But prose would have been much more effective and interesting. Whose fault is it that someone did not make the proper effort to find them?

    One way or another, you are already standing on on the right track. In this section of our website, finding happy birthday greetings to your aunt in prose will not be difficult for you. Just a few minutes of searching, a few minutes spent choosing, and you will have in your hands the perfect greeting with which you will amaze your aunt to the core.

    Prose is one of the best ways express your emotions, the warmth of your feelings and the deepest respect in an original way. So why not take advantage of this chance and take ready congratulations we have? We see no reason for this. And you? Probably not, otherwise we wouldn’t continue reading. Well, stop beating around the bush. Your ideal birthday greetings to your aunt in prose are already waiting for you!

    My beloved aunt, happy birthday to you! With the most warm feelings I want to wish you: may your smile always shine, despite all adversity and bad weather. Let reliable and kind people accompany you through life. I wish you the most ambitious plans and limitless opportunities for their implementation. Be happy and loved, let your heart be filled with joy and warmth!

    Happy Birthday, my beloved aunt! Today, on your holiday, I wish you great luck, a happy female destiny, wonderful surprises from life, charm, charm, beauty, kindness and tenderness. May your deepest dreams and desires become a wonderful reality, and may the successes you deserve certainly come!

    My aunt is not only sincere, a kind person, but also simply beautiful woman in the prime of life, and therefore on the occasion of her birthday, I consider it my duty to wish her not only happiness and all kinds of prosperity, but also love! Big and clear, warm and durable! Let it surround you every day, helping you blossom in your beauty and charm!

    Dear aunt! The fact that you were born turned out to be a great success for the universe, but still better luck for us, your loved ones! Today is your birthday...You are an extremely cheerful person. I wish you that in the future your cheerfulness will not be the fruit of your love of life alone and the desire to see only the good in everything and in everyone, but will be given to you as an addition to the abundance of numerous life blessings that fate will bestow on you. You're very strong man. I wish for you that there will always be people who would appreciate your strength and obey it with joy. I wish you to remain as beautiful and wise as you are now. Do not doubt, we love and appreciate you very much. May everything you dreamed of in your wildest dreams come true. May luck never leave you. Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday, dear aunt! Be happy and healthy. We wish you that there are no sorrows in your life, but only joys. May yours be great kind heart warms us with his love for many, many years to come. We love you very much, because you are our second mother. And may your day be filled with flowers, gifts, smiles, pleasant surprises and your good mood. And once again - happy birthday!

    I wish happy birthday to the beautiful and smart woman- my aunt! I wish that those smiles and fun that this day will be filled with never leave you. And so that your life is like a fairy tale, but always with a happy ending.

    There are a lot of people in our family, but we can all say with one voice that our aunt is the best aunt in the world! We can only wonder how she manages everything, while remaining so beautiful and full of strength! I wish you a happy birthday and wish you never change! Although, perhaps, a mountain of sparkling happiness, like gems and pearls, will not hurt you, so that your life becomes even more interesting and prosperous!

    Dear aunt! Let me congratulate you on your birthday! Honestly It seems that from year to year you are getting younger and prettier. May it continue like this forever. Let there always be those around you who truly understand you. As you know, according to some, this is happiness. Let life itself tell you what to do correctly in this or that case. I wish you to avoid losses and adversity. May the joy of creativity and inspiration visit you as often as possible. I wish you success, luck and breathtaking adventures to become your companions. Let every evening, returning to your home, you look forward to immersing yourself in an atmosphere of love and comfort. May your home always be full of material and spiritual wealth. Many years!

    Dear aunt, happy birthday to you! I would like to wish you excellent health, great mood, wonderful ideas, peace and prosperity. May your home be a full cup. May every dream come true. Beauty, kindness, warmth, tenderness, calmness and confidence in every day. Be happy!

    Happy Birthday! I wish that you always smile, there is always happiness in your home, fate only brings you good gifts, and luck always smiled! May you never cry and always remain as kind and sympathetic!

    Dear aunt! On this joyful day, I want to congratulate you on your holiday! May the bright sun always shine in your soul, may those around you bring only joy, may peace and harmony reign around you! Happiness, luck, prosperity! I am glad that I have such a wonderful aunt.

    Happy birthday, dear aunt! Be happy and healthy. We wish you that there are no sorrows in your life, but only joys. May your big, kind heart warm us with your love for many, many years to come. We love you very much, because you are our second mother. And may your day be filled with flowers, gifts, smiles, pleasant surprises and your good mood. And once again - happy birthday!

    Auntie, you are my golden one! Happy birthday! I wish you unearthly beauty and long life. Let every day be rich in bright and pleasant moments. Close people nearby, care, respect and warmth.

    Auntie, happy birthday! It's people like you who make the world more fun, interesting and kinder. I sincerely say, I am proud that you and I are relatives. You are an incredible woman and an extremely decent person. You deserve the best. May your loved ones and friends never betray you. May all the troubles of the past turn into great success for you in the future. Since my childhood, you have been for me the ideal of feminine charm and attractiveness. I really want the men around you to appreciate these virtues in you. Let crowds of fans never cease to hover around you, who will be a source of good mood for you. Love, warmth and success, dear! Happy holiday again!

    My beloved aunt! Today I will come to visit you to celebrate your birthday. May this day bring you much joy. I wish that your whole life consists of only one great happiness. May all your dreams and wishes come true, and may all your failures leave you forever. All the best to you, my beloved!

    On this happy day, I am very happy to congratulate my beloved aunt on her birthday. My dear, I want to show you how beautiful this world is when you are nearby. You illuminate him with your gentle rays of affection, kindness and warmth. With you, it always seems to me that there are no troubles or problems in the world. Always remain like this, my dear.

    I bear with great pride the most beautiful gift in the world to give it to your beloved auntie. On her birthday, I wish her nothing but the best. Love, my dear, your life so that your love will last for several more generations. Value your hands, never tire them. May all your goodness return to you a hundredfold.

    My dear, beloved aunt, I congratulate you on your birthday with all my heart. I wish you the brightest happiness, endless health and great success in life. I wish you to find your source of light, your guiding star. May there be more joy and kindness around you, and may the world give smiles more often. I wish you all the best, my precious aunt!

    My beloved aunt, happy birthday to you! With the warmest feelings I want to wish you: may your smile always shine, despite all adversity and bad weather. Let reliable and kind people accompany you through life. I wish you the most ambitious plans and limitless opportunities for their implementation. Be happy and loved, let your heart be filled with joy and warmth!

    My aunt is not only a sincere, kind person, but also simply a beautiful woman in the prime of her life, and therefore on her birthday, I consider it my duty to wish her not only happiness and all kinds of prosperity, but also love! Big and clear, warm and durable! Let it surround you every day, helping you blossom in your beauty and charm!

    My beloved aunt, I am happy to congratulate you on her birthday today! You are one person for me, and a friend who is always there, and wise woman, to whom I can turn for advice. You are the brightest and smartest person in my life. And I am grateful to you for that! Happiness to you female aunt!

    My dear, tender aunt! I want to thank you for the time you spend with me, for the wise advice you gave me, for the gentle look with which you look at me! Darling! I wish you that your life lasts long and happily!

    Happy birthday! Dear aunt, may there always be a place in your life for your cherished dreams! Stay as cheerful and kind as you are. Let them be around you bright people, which will fill life with joyful moments and support Hard time. Say “no” to all life’s adversities and boldly move forward!

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