• Stone therapy - massage with stones: essence and benefits. Stone therapy - hot stone massage. Stone therapy stones


    Stability and metabolic processes. With this procedure you can not only help a person relax, but also heal him. However, it is very important to adhere to the correct technique and use special monolithic structures.

    Essence, types, benefits

    The use of this technique is to influence human muscles or to relax them and stimulate natural processes.

    Finding inner harmony is facilitated by the opening and purification of psychoenergetic centers in the so-called “subtle bodies” - thanks to the positive effect on the body. It is believed that any individual stone has a special structure and composition. Although these are inanimate objects, they have memory, can read negativity and direct all the good that is hidden in them to people.

    Various techniques for this procedure have appeared in different countries however, it is the Thai method that has gained the widest popularity.

    Did you know?Ancient people gave special significance the stones that surrounded them. That is why the first tools, amulets, and later houses were made from these natural formations. When the first civilizations began to emerge, stones were also used in medicine. Oriental physicians were the first to practice hot stone massage, using selected elements that not only medicinal properties, but also some sacred meaning. Used back in the days of the Roman Empire, this method has gained new life in 1993 thanks to the American masseuse Mary Nelson.

    The following types of stone massage are distinguished, each of which brings its own benefits to the human body:

    1. Hot stone massage. This type of stone therapy is traditional and involves exposure to heated elements. This therapy helps to relax muscles, relieve energy tension, eliminate spasms and activate blood circulation.
    2. Contrast massage using not only hot, but also cold elements. This procedure helps stimulate metabolic processes and has a good effect on the condition, it strengthens muscle tone and helps get rid of swelling.
    3. Massage for which it is used gems. It is also called intuitive, since the master himself chooses the material and optimal movements for each individual person. This type of stone massage helps to normalize a person’s energy state, gives and.

    The above methods are also conventionally divided into the following groups:

    • classical;
    • modeling;
    • energy;

    Indications and contraindications

    Although this technique It is quite widely used to relieve tension in almost every SPA salon; there are both indications and contraindications for the use of stone therapy.

    • people with ;
    • to activate metabolic processes and optimize body weight;
    • if there are problems with the energy field;
    • to get rid of insomnia;
    • for the purpose of relieving muscle spasms and discomfort;
    • to draw out toxins from upper layers skin and restore its natural elasticity;
    • those who need physiological rehabilitation of the body, treatment of muscles and joints without inflammation;
    • for the purpose of normalization
    • people who are tormented
    • to activate blood circulation in different parts bodies.

    To ensure that stone therapy does not have the opposite effect on the body and does not harm the client, it is necessary to take into account contraindications to the use of this technique. You can't do a stone massage:

    • those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system;
    • women;
    • on those parts of the body where the skin is damaged;
    • in the presence of dermatological diseases;
    • people with pathologies of the nervous system;
    • if a person has complications due to .

    Stones for the procedure

    The technique of performing stone massage presupposes, first of all, the presence of special, correctly selected stones. In this type of therapy, elements of different origin are used: smooth sea or chipped untreated, with a diameter of 5-10 cm. As a rule, marble or basalt is used in salons.

    Important!Before you start placing elements on the client’s body, you need to check whether the temperature of the stones is suitable for him. This can be done by placing one of the elements on the knee: if this does not cause discomfort, you can start the procedure.

    Basalt can be heated to a maximum temperature that is comfortable for the client. This stone is a dark gray mineral of volcanic origin. It turns black when wet.

    As for marble, it is white in color and, when cooled in cold water, is used for contrast massage.

    Also used for stone massage are agate, amazonite, and chalcedony. These are precious stones that are often used specifically for facial massage. They are selected by the master, depending on their energy properties.

    How to prepare

    In order for the stone massage technique to produce the desired effect and meet the client’s expectations, it is important to create an atmosphere conducive to achieving complete relaxation: turn on meditative or nature sounds, provide soft, dim lighting in the room where the procedure is performed, which, moreover, should be filled with pleasant, light, relaxing aromas .

    Then you need to prepare (heat or cool) the stones and place them on a towel. Before you start doing a stone massage, you need to apply prepared ones to the client’s body, depending on the purpose of the procedure (relaxation, toning or healing of any disease).

    At the relaxation stage, elements with different temperatures are laid out lengthwise. Often these are 16 cold marble stones and 54 hot basalt stones. In summer, it is recommended to heat the basalt using sunlight. When this is not possible, use hot water or special heaters so that the temperature of the elements reaches about 40°C. Cool the marble to 10-25°C.

    Impact zones

    Larger stones are used for healing than for a relaxing massage. In addition to basalt and marble, sandstone and granite are used here. The genitourinary system is facilitated by the location of stones in the sacral area. It can also help relieve childhood bedwetting.

    To relieve or prevent weak heart pain and treatment of angina pectoris the stones are placed on the outer edge of the left collarbone or on the left shoulder, then covered with a terry towel.

    Is it possible to do it yourself?

    Of course, getting stones for this technique and heating them from home is not a difficult task. However, it is impossible to perform a stone massage in its traditional sense on your own, since such therapy involves complete relaxation, which cannot be achieved if you independently control all processes (heating, setting stones, rubbing, etc.).

    Having definitely consulted with a specialist, you can simply massage individual areas of the body with hot stones yourself, but without the right atmosphere, the necessary relaxation and feeling, this will no longer be called stone therapy.

    Did you know?Eastern doctors believe that strong uncontrolled emotions can cause complex diseases. For example, intense joy can negatively affect the condition of the heart, anger can harm the liver, and grief can cause lung damage, etc. You can control these emotions in order to avoid illnesses by massaging your fingers: the little finger, when you feel fear; thumb when you are worried about something; index - when you are sad; nameless - to tame anger; middle - when you are offended, vulnerable or very happy.

    Thus, when correct technique performing stone therapy is effective means fight not only against fatigue but also against various diseases. To maximize the effect of such a procedure, it is important to create an atmosphere of calm and balance, to relax the person with the help of aromas, music, oils and a preparatory hand massage.

    Performing the stone massage technique on your own is extremely difficult, since in this way it is impossible to achieve relaxation and complete distraction from the hustle and bustle and all the problems.

    Stone therapy - massage using smooth basalt stones. Knowledge of the benefits of this method of healing human body originated 2000 years ago in India. Today this pleasant procedure attracts everyone more people opportunity for rest, relaxation and recovery.

    Healing stones: from the origins of antiquity to the present day

    In ancient times, the inhabitants of India, Central America and Tibet were confident that the energy of the birth of the Earth was concentrated inside the stones. Origins were used for treatment because they contain the power of the elements of nature: water, earth, air and fire. Methods of using stones to treat people from many diseases were known to shamans who possessed secret knowledge.

    In the practice of Eastern medicine, it is believed that by massaging with stones, one can achieve the opening of the chakras to fill the body with energy. Stone-polar therapy is also based on a similar principle.

    IN modern world Stone therapy became widespread in 1993 thanks to Mary Nelson, a massage therapist who began using heated stones to relieve muscle pain. Today, stone therapy is available in many SPA and massage parlors; it is performed with stones of different temperatures.

    What is special about stone therapy?

    Smooth, flattened stones are used for massage. Their quantity: for hot therapy - 40-50 black stones (their temperature is about 50 degrees), and for cold therapy - 18-20 white stones (cooled from 0 to +10 degrees and one at room temperature). Stone therapy stones must have a porous structure, be flat, smooth to slide comfortably over the body and retain heat for a long time. Slightly porous surface contributes to deep cleaning skin and removal of toxins. For general massage, a perfectly smooth surface is used.

    The following types of stones can be used:

    • rhinestone;
    • basalt;
    • jade;
    • marble;
    • rose quartz

    You can purchase stones in the form of a set and offers to buy them in specialized stores “Green Elf”, Axiom Cosmetologi, “Mega Spa”.

    What are the benefits of massage?

    Stone therapy is a general strengthening procedure; when using it, the following results are felt:

    • metabolism becomes stable;
    • lymph flow and blood circulation are stimulated;
    • beneficial effect on the nervous system and nervous tension;
    • thanks to the use of oils, the skin becomes elastic and soft;
    • Relieves muscle pain, fatigue in the spine, heaviness in the legs.

    To use a massage method such as stone therapy, basalt stones different temperatures alternate with each other. Hot ones warm up the body, relaxing muscles and relieving spasms. Application cold stones during the procedure does not cause negative emotions, because the body, with the help of the massage therapist’s actions, is prepared for the effects of low temperature. Stone therapy invigorates and tones muscles.

    Indications for stone therapy

    • Insomnia, depression.
    • Muscle pain.
    • Excess weight, metabolic disorders.
    • Chronic fatigue.
    • Diseases of the pancreas, cholelithiasis, problems with the digestive system.
    • Diseases Bladder.

    Massage with stones can also be successfully used for stress and for prevention. colds(regular stone therapy helps improve immunity).


    Despite the many positive aspects inherent in the use of massage, there are a number of contraindications to its use:

    • skin diseases;
    • pregnancy;
    • presence of bruises, fractures, wounds;
    • hypertension.

    The principle of influence on the body

    Stone therapy is based on thermotherapy and reflexology in combination with the principles of physiotherapeutic action. When using stones, blood flow increases, cell function is activated, and waste and toxins are removed through the pores of the skin. During a massage session lasting from 45 minutes to one and a half hours, all tissues are enriched with oxygen. A lasting effect from the procedures is achieved after several sessions, their number depends on individual characteristics body.

    Stages of therapy

    • Preliminary body preparation. Relaxing oil rubs. The environment should be as peaceful as possible.
    • Placement of stones of different sizes (hot or cold, depending on the type of therapy) on different parts of the body in accordance with certain points.
    • Massage with stones. It starts with the feet and ends with a facial massage.

    After stone therapy, you need peace and rest for some time to feel the overall harmony. It is ideal to drink a cup of aromatic herbal tea.

    using stones

    • Classic stone massage. Stones of different temperatures are alternated or only warm ones are used. Effect: muscle relaxation, improvement of local blood circulation, acceleration of metabolism, emotional relaxation.
    • Full body modeling massage consists of several restorative procedures, including stone therapy. At the same time it is used acupressure. It has an anti-stress effect.

    • Corrective chocolate cream massage. To saturate the skin with minerals, at the beginning of the procedure you need to take a mineral bath with a hydromassage effect. This is followed by a stone massage using hot and cold stones. This effect contributes to weight loss and the formation of a slender silhouette. The skin is then treated with a scrub containing Dead Sea salts and minerals, which improves blood microcirculation and has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect. This is followed by a full body wrap using basalt crystals and medicinal plant extracts. This procedure smoothes the skin and helps eliminate toxins.
    • Body massage with crystals is rejuvenating. An original technique is used using semi-precious aventurine stones of a special shape. Effect: relaxation, reduction of body volume.
    • Rejuvenating facial massage with crystals. Facial skin lifting is achieved by sliding specially selected smooth stones along special lines and points.

    SPA salons in Moscow

    Consider the list of beauty salons where professional stone therapy is provided (Moscow):

    • “La Grand Spa” is located at: Bolshoi Tishinsky Lane, 10, building 1.
    • Spa salon "Macau" on the street. Marshala Rybalko, 3, near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. Opening hours: from 10 to 22.
    • Beauty salon Evita studio of beauty is located on the street. Petrozavodskoy, 22, apt. 1. Open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
    • Beauty salon "Gallery No. 1" on 5/13. (Smolenskaya metro station).
    • Beauty salon “La Titus” at the address: Sevastopolsky Prospekt, 2. Metro station “Nagatinskaya”, “Tulskaya”. Open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
    • The RAI beauty studio can be found at the address: Sokolnichesky Val, 15. Metro stations: “Krasnoselskaya”, “Sokolniki”. Opening hours: from 10 to 21.

    Average prices in salons (stone therapy lasting 60 minutes): from 2700 to 3500 rubles. It is possible to massage individual areas, for example the face (price is about 800 rubles), feet (about 500 rubles). The average cost of an anti-cellulite stone massage is 5,000 rubles.

    Combination of stone therapy with other procedures

    Stow therapy methods can be used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. The combination with such types of reflexology as hirudotherapy, massage, acupuncture, vacuum massage. The aesthetic effect can be enhanced with various wraps: chocolate, blue clay, seaweed or honey.

    The undeniable advantage of stone therapy is that it uses only natural materials: stones, essential oils, aromas. This procedure is as comfortable and painless as possible, brings the body a feeling of relaxation and provides a surge of strength.

    Stone therapy- This is a method of treatment and massage with stones. The history of using stones for healing goes back thousands of years. Since ancient times, the energy of stones has attracted people. People created stone sculptures and carved their faces and the faces of the gods on them. Mysterious stone sculptures inhabit Easter Island, remember the Sphinxes, the Pyramids of Egypt, Mount Rushmore in the USA, where American presidents are depicted. People carry stones in their pockets for protection from the evil eye and for good luck, and they carve stones as amulets for healing, wealth and improving relationships. In the tradition of the Sioux Indians, there is a custom in which a boy preparing to become a man lies down on a hard stone and places smooth stones between his toes. It is believed that this teaches him to know the difference between soft and hard, feminine and masculine, which is the beginning of learning what makes up the balance of life. In China, the use of hot stones to relax tired muscles dates back to before the Chang Dynasty (2000-1500 BC). The Chinese used stones 2000 years before the invention of acupuncture and call stone therapy “the mother of acupuncture.” The Mayan Indians used stones for predictions and fortune telling: they told the stones about the diseases of their patients and asked them for advice on what treatment was best to use. American Indians believe that stones are endowed with consciousness and call them the “stone clan” of people.

    Currently stone therapy is an independent direction of the cosmetology business that arose in the mid-90s of the last century in the United States of America and quickly gained official recognition among beauty salons, medical and SPA centers around the world. This method has an officially confirmed patent specifically for health centers.

    Unique techniques stone massages were not just born as brilliant ideas individuals (for example, Mrs. Sonia Alexandra, founder and president of the company TH.Stone, the exclusive distributor of the educational method of which is the MegaSPA School), who used their own knowledge and intuition, but are also based on vast practical and theoretical experience. And, with all due respect to the wisdom of our ancestors, we are talking not so much about experience coming from the depths of centuries, but about modern research professionals - specialists in physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and reflexology. Modern techniques Stone therapy may outwardly resemble the ritual of the Arizona Indians or the monks of Tibet, but their “internal” medical content was compiled by a team of doctors with extensive practical experience in their fields.

    Thus, combining the ancient practice of mineral and crystal healing with the modern level of medical knowledge in the field of physiotherapy. From a clinical point of view, stone therapy is a combination various types massage with warm and cold stones.

    Currently, depending on the technique of working with stones and the temperatures used, stone therapy is divided into several techniques: the use of only hot stones in massage, only cold stones and contrast stone therapy when one procedure involves alternating or simultaneous exposure to warm and cold stones. At the same time, basalt stones are heated to 45-55° C, and marble stones are cooled to 10-0° C. In addition to full-fledged completed methods stone therapy, when the massage in the procedure is carried out only with stones and about 40 basalt and 20 marble stones are needed for work, there are various combined methods of massage with stones and hands using from 2 to 10 stones. Depending on the time of year, day, age, indications, contraindications, as well as the wishes of the client, the correct individual procedure is formed and a whole variety of stone therapy procedures is formed: from calming, eliminating tension and stress, to stimulating, causing a surge of strength, energy and vigor.

    Stone therapy- a unique procedure, which has no analogues. Compared to other thermal treatments (showers, baths, saunas, wraps), stone therapy has undeniable advantages:

    • the ability to achieve local dosed heating or cooling allows you to solve specific problems in individual areas of the body;
    • the absence of general heating or cooling and normal air humidity during the procedure can reduce the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and therefore expand the range of age clients;
    • Stone therapy using hot and cold stones is the only method of contrast exposure that does not require complex equipment, showers, baths, special disinfection and a large area for installation of equipment.

    In addition, stone massage is currently the only method that combines 5 the most important aspects:

    • reflex effect on the body by pressing on biologically active points in a certain sequence,
    • deep thermal effect: heating or cooling,
    • mechanical kneading of tissues,
    • deep vibration massage - when tapping a stone on a stone,
    • direct impact of the energy of the stone itself.

    Stone therapy extends far beyond the physical influence of classical massage, affects the deep mechanisms of relaxation and health, and restores energy potential the body and sets up a positive attitude towards the “Body-Mind-Soul” philosophy.


    Used in stone therapy Various types stones, most often: basalt, marble, jadeite and sea.

    Basalts are the most common volcanic rocks, formed during volcanic eruptions and subsequent sedimentary activity. Black and gray stones represent stillness, sleep, and rest. Basalt slowly releases heat, helping to soften tissues, relax muscles, and warm cold areas of the body. Basalt can be used both on specific problem areas and on large areas of the body.

    Marble is a metamorphic rock formed in the depths of the earth from sedimentary rock of limestone. Marble can be used both to stimulate blood circulation, tonify, relieve excessive body heat, and at certain points to cool an area of ​​the body and/or reduce inflammation.

    The stone is an ideal thermal tool for massage. Contrast compresses are not accompanied by massage movements. Metal and glass massage objects change temperature too quickly. Wooden sticks difficult to disinfect. Polyethylene cryobags are not convenient for performing complex massage movements, are not durable, are not convenient for disinfection, are made of synthetic materials. Ice melts quickly, slides easily, and can injure tissue when applied with strong pressure. Semiprecious stones must be disinfected with care, as they may change color when exposed to certain chemicals. Thus, simple rocks have all the necessary properties for stone therapy. Stones are capable of deeply cooling and warming tissues; they can be smooth or rough, have different shapes and size, which allows them to perform a wide variety of movements on any part of the body. The stones are created by nature, are durable in use, are easily disinfected, look aesthetically pleasing and decorate any procedure.


    From a medical point of view, stone therapy is a method of thermotherapy. A person's ability to perceive cold and heat is called temperature sensitivity. This perception occurs through receptors - special sensitive formations, the endings of nerve fibers that register changes in the surrounding tissues and transmit these irritations in the form of impulses to the brain. There are approximately 25 thousand heat and 300 thousand cold receptors. In human skin, cold receptors are located in the epidermis, and thermal receptors are located in the upper and middle layers of the dermis. Thermoreceptors are sensitive only to temperature stimuli; they change their firing frequency when the ambient temperature changes. When receiving excessive heat or being excessively cooled, the body tries to maintain the constancy of its environment and turns on thermoregulation mechanisms - a set of physiological and biochemical processes that ensure the constancy of the human body temperature. The autonomic nervous system directly implements chemical and physical thermoregulation, which controls the processes of respiration, blood circulation, lymph flow, the work of the endocrine glands, and innervates the smooth muscles of all organs.

    Thus, the use of extreme temperatures on the body surface affects through the central and peripheral autonomic nervous system the local and systemic circulation, hormonal functions, and the functioning of the respiratory and immune systems.


    Chemical thermoregulation Physical thermoregulation
    Effects of cold on the body 1 ) increase in tissue metabolism processes, intense oxidation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates with the formation of heat
    2 ) increasing the level of thyroid and adrenal hormones, increasing basal metabolism and heat production
    1 ) contraction of skin blood vessels
    2 ) decreased blood flow to the skin
    3 ) the surface of the skin gives off less heat, retaining it to the body
    Effects of heat on the body 1 ) dilation of skin blood vessels
    2 ) increased blood flow into the vessels of the skin
    3 ) increased sweating
    4 ) increased breathing and evaporation of water through the lungs, which allows the body to give off excess heat

    Hot or cold stones have local, systemic and reflex action. Hot stones transfer their heat to the tissues of the body. Heat transfer from stone occurs through conduction. The amount of conducted heat flux depends on the temperature of the stone and the thermal conductivity of the tissues. The longer the exposure to temperature, the deeper the heat penetrates, right down to the muscle tissue and joints. Heat penetration can reach 1.4 cm. With further contact with the heat source, noticeable hyperemic areas may appear on the skin. This redness of the skin is associated with vasodilation and increased blood supply to the tissue, which is an adaptation of the body to high temperature and is necessary for heat dissipation. Blood flows more intensely to the sites of inflammation, so areas of the body with inflammatory processes will be more hyperemic.

    Short-term exposure to hot stones Causes mainly local reactions:

    • dilation of peripheral blood and lymphatic vessels,
    • skin hyperemia,
    • muscle relaxation,

    Prolonged exposure to hot stones Causes mainly systemic reactions:

    • sweating and intense hyperemia,
    • increased metabolism,
    • increasing the number of red blood cells and leukocytes in the blood, increasing its bactericidal capacity,
    • relaxation of smooth muscles,
    • stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system,
    • decrease in respiratory rate and heart rate,
    • general calming effect
    • decreased excitability of the nervous system, onset of sleep,
    • a feeling of comfort and deep relaxation.

    Local exposure to cold has a greater therapeutic effect than hot, due to a two-stage action: first cooling the tissues, and then warming them, the so-called secondary blood flow. In the first stage, applying a cold stone causes the blood vessels to constrict and the blood to flow inward to the visceral organs and deeper blood vessels. If the effect lasts no more than 3-10 minutes, the second stage begins - the return of new, oxygen-enriched blood to the tissue, which causes skin hyperemia. The third stage of the effect of cold on tissue is venous stagnation, an undesirable reaction of the body to hypothermia. Reaching this stage during the stone therapy procedure is unacceptable. In children, elderly people and weakened individuals, the second stage can be short, moving from the first stage directly to the third (secondary chills).

    Short-term exposure to cold stones:

    • enhances metabolism and cellular metabolism,
    • stimulates the sympathetic nervous system,
      • peripheral skin vessels contract
      • nerve conduction decreases
      • heat loss through the skin is reduced
      • coronary vessels dilate
      • heart rate accelerates
      • breathing quickens and deepens
      • sweating decreases
      • the vessels of the bladder and kidneys contract
      • muscle tone of all sphincters increases
      • peristaltic movements and functions of the digestive system are weakened

    Prolonged exposure to cold stones(derivation):

    • activates the parasympathetic nervous system,
    • blood flows away from internal organs,
    • peripheral hyperemia is created body parts,
    • stagnation in internal organs,
    • digestive activity is restored,
    • metabolism increases,
    • blood oxygen saturation increases,
    • triggers the mechanism of non-shivering thermogenesis, while brown fat is broken down with the formation large quantity heat and free fatty acids,
    • stimulates the breakdown of glycogen in the liver.

    The therapeutic effect of cold is one of the most effective ways combating excess weight, treating and preventing human diseases, changing tissue reactivity, causing correction of the functions of the central and peripheral nervous system and homeostasis in general. Direct indications for cold treatment are: pain syndrome, edema, hyperemia, lymphostasis, local inflammatory process.

    It has also been proven that extreme cold improves metabolic processes and stimulates the immune system, which noticeably and significantly rejuvenates the body due to its own reserves.

    Therapeutic cryotherapy has the following healing mechanisms:

    • anesthesia,
    • reduction of swelling,
    • relief of inflammation,
    • relieving muscle spasms,
    • "burning" fat
    • promotion skin turgor,
    • stimulation of tissue regeneration,
    • improving the body's adaptive abilities,
    • improvement of thermoregulation,
    • stabilization of the autonomic nervous system,
    • antihypoxic effect.

    Cryotherapy is the basis of the technique using stones at negative temperatures - stone modeling massage. Stone modeling massage as a special program for figure correction and tissue toning includes segmental back massage with hot stones, massage of the hips, buttocks and others problem areas stones of high-contrast temperatures and cryomassage of the abdomen. The implementation of this technique requires special in-depth knowledge, so we have developed a lecture “Medical aspects of stone therapy”, in which we consider in detail the possible impact different temperatures on the surface of the body on the course of various chronic pathologies. We do not recommend performing stone therapy procedures for medicinal purposes in beauty salons; this lecture was created to help specialists safely adapt the stone therapy procedure to a specific chronic pathology. Stone modeling massage taught only at our school as a second level for experienced stone therapists.

    A wide range of effects from aggressive anti-cellulite stone-modeling massage to SPA programs with essential oils, warm compresses, warm stones and rhythmic tapping (which stone therapists call the music of stones) also determines broad indications for stone therapy: local muscle tension, tension headaches, slow lymphatic drainage, local fat deposits, decreased skin tone, stress and its consequences , depression, syndrome chronic fatigue, physical and emotional stress and the need for relaxation and pleasure.

    Contraindications for the use of hot stones are the same as for manual massage and physiotherapeutic procedures, accompanied by increased blood circulation. Cold stones should not be used during pregnancy, hypertension and vascular disorders, diseases of the thyroid gland, neuritis (including a history), diabetes mellitus.

    In the methodology contrast stone therapy Three main blocks can be distinguished. The first block, “introduction,” includes several different passes through a certain area using only hot stones. 2 to 5 passes are possible using 1 to 4 stones. The second block, the “main” one, is the most diverse, the most interesting and the most complex - simultaneous exposure or alternating alternation of hot and cold stones. 1 to 6 passes are possible using 2 to 6 stones. This block alone has a dozen options. The third “final” block largely depends on the duration and intensity of the second block. This can be further cooling or warming, fixation of warm or cold stones, as well as manual massage.

    We bring to your attention one of the options for the body.

    Protocol for contrast stone therapy for the body

    Like any serious technique, stone therapy has general rules carrying out:

    • initial application of stones only to large muscles,
    • using only strong pressure while moving the stones along the body, and not superficial sliding,
    • turning the stones during the massage every few seconds,
    • initial application of cold stones only as the client exhales,
    • mandatory agreement with the client on the use of cold stones in the procedure,
    • warning the client immediately before applying cold stones,
    • classic alternation of hot and cold stones in a 3:1 procedure,
    • if necessary, warming the client with hot stones after a massage with cold ones,
    • cold stones are not applied to long time to the same place, with the exception of problem areas,
    • When using cold stones, it is necessary to warm up the room in which the procedure will be performed.

    Place the stones on the massage table in 2 rows along the client's spine (the spine should be between the stones; Photo 1).

    Depending on the client's body size, vary the number of stones used (8-12). Cover the stones with a napkin and help the client lie on their back. Remove from the oven: 1 sacral stone, 3 large and 2 medium stones, 1 stone for the “third eye”, 2 large stones for the palms. Place them on the front surface of the body in a certain sequence. These stones can be hot or cold. (photo 2)

    Hot stone body massage

    1 . Left leg. Take out 1 large stone and massage the foot:
    A) apply and hold the stone on the foot for 1 minute - warm up the foot,
    b) massage the foot in a circular motion, pressing on acupuncture points, the arch of the foot, between the bones of the metatarsus. Warm up and work your fingers.

    2 . Take out 2 large stones and massage your legs:
    A) massage your leg, starting from the quadriceps muscle up to the iliac bone, and down to the ankle; (photo 3)

    b) When the stones have cooled, place the stones near the knee and Achilles tendon.

    3 . Take out 8 small toe stones. Place the stones using pointed pressure between the metatarsal bones. (photo 4)

    Wrap your feet in a towel.

    4 . Left hand. Take out 1 large stone and massage your hand:
    A) place the stone on your palm and warm it for 1 minute,
    b) carry out rubbing and kneading movements along the palm and leave the stone in the palm,
    V) perform tracing stroking movements between the metacarpal bones.

    5 . Take out 2 medium to large arm stones: massage the shoulder, covering the biceps and triceps up to the deltoid muscle and down to the wrist, using a stroking and kneading motion. (photo 5)

    Then remove the stone from the “third eye”, the “pillow” stone and the top stone from the neckline.

    6 . Massage - shoulders, neck, décolleté. Take out 2 medium hot stones.
    A) at the same time, with sliding movements, move down the shoulders, up the trapezius muscle to the occipital cavity,
    b) apply and hold the stones for a minute under the occipital cavity,
    V) massage the décolleté with simultaneous circular movements,
    G) turn your head to the left, massage the edge of the stone downwards right side:

    • sternocleidomastoid muscle (photo 6)
    • the entire anterolateral region of the neck,
    • suprascapularis and trapezius muscles.

    d) Repeat step 5 on the left side.

    7 . When the stones have cooled, place them under your shoulders, neck or back of your head.

    8 . Cold stone massage - shoulders, neck, décolleté.
    A) remove 2 cold stones from the ice bin,
    b) warn the client that you will use cold stones,
    V) ask the client to inhale and, as you exhale, apply cold stones to the center of the trapezius muscle, hold, turn over and begin moving along the neck,
    G) carry out the massage according to the massage pattern “décolleté - shoulders - neck”, like hot stones.

    9 . Hot stone facial massage. (photo 7)

    If you are not sure about the temperature of the stones, touch the stone to your wrist. This will help you assess how suitable its temperature is for facial massage.
    A) do make-up removal,
    b) get 2 oval stones,
    V) perform a facial massage massage lines, simultaneous smoothing from the central line to the periphery, circular movements with light pressure on the temples, rolls, smoothing the forehead. Pass the stones along the hairline, apply the stones to the ears, massage the ears,
    G) circular movements around the eyes, nose, lips, chin.
    d) tapping on the temporomandibular joint,
    e) place damp cotton pads on your eyes and cold eye stones on them.

    10 . Remove any stones from the client's body and help the client roll over onto his stomach. Massage the back of the legs with hot and cold stones.

    11 . Hot stone massage for back and arms. Rhomboid muscle, areas along the spine, around the shoulder blade, shoulders, back of the head.
    A) get 2 medium or large stones,
    b) place the stones at the same time at the base of the neck on C7,
    V) move the stones down from both sides along the spine to the sacrum, rock, make rotational movements on the sacrum,
    G) place the stones on the rhomboid muscles, hold, turn over and work the paravertebral muscles with a sliding movement downwards,
    d) Massage the trapezius muscle from the base of the skull to the shoulder joint. Perform circular and alternating movements around the shoulder blades.
    e) use tapping on problem areas:

    • along the spine at an angle of 45° to the paraspinal muscles,
    • on the trapezius muscle,
    • on the sacrum
    • under the shoulder blades and other areas that your client may complain about.

    12 . Massage problem areas with cold stones. (photo 8)

    When you learn to work according to the classical method, you will be able to improve your professional level by supplementing the massage with your own new techniques, changing the order of stages, alternating treatment temperatures depending on the wishes and health status of the client. Good luck and success to you in mastering this interesting and promising technique!

    The article was prepared based on materials from the book Irina Goncharova And Alexandra Kundina « Encyclopedia of exotic types of massage. Volume I. Stone therapy».

    Many procedures that are used in different methods therapy, have a natural validity and a thousand-year history. And stone therapy is no exception.

    It was successfully used by ancient masters of medical art to relax the body of patients and seriously treat various ailments.

    The same thing is happening now, and those who experienced healing properties such procedures, the soul becomes forever attached to them.

    The effect of stones on the human body

    Stone therapy is a kind of massage with hot or cold stones, volcanic rocks, marble from the depths of the earth.

    How are they useful for the human body? Accumulated micro- and macroelements that penetrated their pores during the heating and cooling of volcanoes.

    During various techniques massage, which is carried out as part of stone therapy, stones and rocks release accumulated substances to the human body, promoting healing and relaxation.

    Hot stones acquire special meaning in spiritual practices. It is believed that they accumulate certain energy and information, which they subsequently exchange with the human body.

    Of course, no one can prove or disprove such assumptions, but many stone therapy patients claim that during the procedure they gain strength and their senses are heightened.

    Features of the procedure

    Stone therapy with hot stones entails the mandatory use of cold rocks at the final stage.

    This is necessary so that after relaxation the body becomes toned and saturated with energy again.

    One stone therapy procedure lasts from 45 to 90 minutes, in some cases up to 2 hours. Before the session itself, the patient’s body is covered with oils, and scented candles are lit nearby.

    The master begins work from the client’s feet and slowly moves higher - to the back and neck, strictly monitoring the diameter of the selected tools and their temperature.

    Typically, 54 hot stones and one at room temperature are used in one procedure.

    At the second stage of the massage, 18 cold stones are applied to the patient’s body - they restore muscle tone, give a feeling of flight and a surge of strength.

    At the very end of the procedure, they are placed on the active points of the back, legs and arms and left motionless for some time - after which the session can be considered over.

    What stones are needed for stone therapy?

    Stone therapy stones are divided into two types:

    1. white;
    2. black.

    The first of them is represented by marble and is used in the second part of the massage, cold.

    The second is basalt, and its masters use it first of all – hot. Sometimes jadeite is added to this pair - a semi-precious rock whose areas of influence are the autonomic and central nervous systems.

    When mined, all types of stones do not at all resemble the smooth and flat tools of modern medicine.

    Before they fall into the hands of a professional and save people from fatigue and stress, they go through several stages of processing, which end with careful grinding.

    Indications for stone therapy

    Massage with volcanic rocks has a large sphere of influence, but there are also negative aspects.

    Therefore, before going to the first session, you need to find out the indications and contraindications of stone therapy in order to be sure that such treatment is suitable or to protect yourself from possible risks.

    So, the indications of stone massage include:

    • chronic fatigue and;
    • insomnia and;
    • pain in the neck, back and lower back;
    • arthritis and arthrosis;
    • and bulimia;
    • and cellulite;
    • rehabilitation and painful scars;
    • gastrointestinal diseases;
    • metabolic and hormonal disorders.

    The list of indications is long, and stone therapy effectively copes with it by forcing blood to flow to areas of pain, saturating cells with oxygen and removing toxins.

    Due to the massage effect, fat deposits under the skin are broken down, pores are cleaned, and muscles become toned.


    But not everyone is destined to experience the lightness and upliftment of strength after stone therapy.

    There is also a list of contraindications for this treatment and includes:

    1. spinal injuries and;
    2. infectious diseases;
    3. skin damage and thrombosis;
    4. urolithiasis disease;
    5. pregnancy and feeding time;
    6. neuroses;
    7. insensitivity to temperatures.

    This list is not the ultimate truth. In some cases experienced craftsmen They get down to business even if the patient has one of these ailments, but only after they have drawn up an individual massage program.

    For example, during the procedure they will not work on certain points of the body, shorten the session time, or select different stones.


    Stone therapy has long been helping people relax, discover new reserves of strength and improve their health.

    Over the centuries, masters of massage with hot and cold stones have developed many programs and treatment techniques, so every patient can count on such therapy to help him.

    But do not forget about contraindications. To fearlessly go to stone therapy sessions, you first need to visit a doctor.

    He will set the time of the procedure, the intensity, or completely prohibit it - then you can switch to other methods of healing.

    Video: Stone therapy or stone massage

    Hot stone massage

    The stone therapy procedure involves massage using stones heated and cooled to a certain temperature. Hot stones relax muscles, while cold stones help improve blood circulation and metabolic processes. Contrast massage is especially beneficial for the body - through a quick change of cold and hot stones. The effect of the contrasting temperature of the stones has a positive effect on vascular tone, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

    The final stage of stone massage can relieve headaches and fatigue, restore metabolism and relieve stress.

    Most often, hot stones are used for massage. As a rule, stones of volcanic origin are used in hot stone massage therapy. The fact is that these breeds are able to maintain the required temperature longer, otherwise there will be no effect from the therapy.

    It is especially worth noting that stone therapy is not just heating stones and applying them to different zones. This is a whole science. In order for such a massage to have an effect, you need to know how specific stones affect certain points of the body. The specialist performing hot stone massage must be experienced.

    The stone therapy procedure should be carried out independently at home solely for relaxation purposes, but not for therapeutic purposes.

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    • More details

    Benefits of hot stone massage

    Hot stone massage helps remove toxins from the body by activating metabolic processes.

    Due to deep heating of the tissues, the blood capillaries also heat up. As a result, blood circulates faster, and toxins are washed out even from stagnant areas.

    Stone therapy sessions also promote maximum relaxation, calm you down and help you cope with stress.

    With the help of such a massage, muscles relax both in places where the stones come into contact with the body and throughout the body, including the face, due to which small wrinkles are smoothed out. Therefore, we can note another positive effect of stone therapy – cosmetic.

    Hot stone massage restores hormonal background, rejuvenates cells, and alternating massage techniques with hot and cold stones can reduce cellulite.

    Contraindications to stone therapy

    Stones, both hot and cold, actively affect our body, so this technique has not only indications, but also contraindications, which include:

    Usually the stones are heated to 40°C, but it is worth considering that for some diseases it is undesirable to heat them to more than 38°C

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