• Can pregnant women have a back massage? Massage of different parts of the body during pregnancy: what types are there, can pregnant women do it and how to massage correctly


    Massage during pregnancy is important for maintaining physiological and emotional health expectant mother. A pleasant mechanical effect on various areas activates the metabolism. During the procedure, endophrins are released - hormones of happiness and natural analgesics.

    The expected effect is possible with proper massage technique and knowledge of the peculiarities of the processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman.

    Is it possible to have a massage during pregnancy?

    Massage is beneficial not only for the expectant mother, but also for the fetus. Complex impact on various zones:

    • improves blood circulation, prevents the development of oxygen starvation of the unborn baby;
    • eliminates pain;
    • removes;
    • increases overall vitality.

    The doctor must decide on the need for the procedure, taking into account the actual condition of the woman and the duration of pregnancy.

    To facilitate the body’s adaptation to new conditions, you can perform self-massage: lightly stroking the abdomen, feet, hands, chest, and temporal area.

    Starting from the 4th month of pregnancy, gynecologists advise taking a course of one of the acceptable types of massage or a combined procedure.

    General massage: what you need to know so as not to harm

    General massage is also called basic or classic. It must be carried out by a specialist. This is a universal type of mechanical action that solves a wide range of problems:

    • prevention and treatment of diseases caused by weakening immune system pregnant women;
    • strengthening muscles and musculoskeletal system;
    • relieving emotional stress, strengthening the nervous system.

    information The difference between basic massage and other techniques is the intensity and duration of the effect. Traditional techniques - rubbing, kneading and stroking - cover several zones.

    Conducted according to the classic massage lines, following several rules:

    • Pressing and deep touches and harsh muscle work are prohibited;
    • You can’t massage your stomach;
    • with great care you should massage the area of ​​the lower back, sacrum, and wrists: impacts on these areas can provoke contraction of the muscles of the uterus.

    important In the 1st trimester, general massage is prohibited.

    In the 2nd trimester, the procedure is carried out once a week, the duration of the session varies from 10 to 25 minutes.

    Starting from the 3rd trimester, massage can be done daily, the time is increased to 40 minutes.

    Head massage

    Massaging the head during pregnancy is aimed at stimulating blood circulation and has two goals:

    • strengthen the hair follicle, prevent or stop thinning and hair loss - processes caused by general hormonal changes.
    • eliminate headache.

    You can use a brush from natural material. Massage the head in a circular motion from the temples to the crown, then to the forehead and back of the head.

    Severe headaches can be relieved by acupressure, but it should be done without strong pressure. Use your fingertips to gently massage your temples and the area between your eyebrows. Massage is allowed starting from the 1st trimester and can be done independently. The procedure is safe for the fetus.

    important Head massage is contraindicated for high blood pressure, skin diseases, trauma to the skull and soft tissues. The use of a laser comb is prohibited.

    Face massage

    Changes in the body affect the appearance of a pregnant woman and often cause negative emotions. Facial massage refers to cosmetic procedures. It is very important for improving the mood of the expectant mother.

    From the course you can expect:

    • increasing skin elasticity;
    • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
    • eliminating swelling;
    • returns healthy color skin.

    This species is completely safe for the fetus. Sessions can be carried out daily from the first weeks of pregnancy, strictly along massage lines.

    information It is only important to remember about the increased sensitivity of the skin during the gestational period.

    Neck massage

    Muscular-tonic spasm in the cervical region, which often occurs during pregnancy, disrupts blood circulation and is considered one of the main causes of headaches and back pain. A massage of the collar area will help to cope with the problem.

    It should be performed by a professional massage therapist. The session lasts from 3 to 10 minutes.

    information It begins with lightly rubbing the muscles of the cervical and occipital region to warm up. The area is massaged from top to bottom, taking special care when affecting the anterior section and the area of ​​the carotid arteries.

    important It is forbidden to press on pulsating vessels. Anti-cellulite massage is contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy. Light stroking will not help, but intense impact on problem areas will increase blood flow and increase muscle tone.

    During the massage, the expectant mother should not hold her breath. It is important to monitor your well-being. Dizziness and nausea are a signal to immediately stop the session.

    Back massage

    Aching pain is caused by increased stress on the spine and the active production of a special hormone - relaxin. It increases the mobility of the hip joints and ligaments of the spinal column, as if “spreading” them apart. This is how the body prepares for the upcoming birth.

    The massage is aimed at removing pain syndrome. With certain skills, it can be done at home. Deep muscle work and any impact on the spinal column are prohibited. To achieve the desired effect, stroking movements and gentle rubbing in the direction from the lower back to the shoulder blades are sufficient.

    A special place is occupied by lumbar massage. During pregnancy, it is better to entrust this type of manipulation to a doctor.

    important The procedure is prohibited in the early stages.

    From the 2nd trimester, the muscles of the lumbar zone can be massaged daily. Light pressure and rubbing are allowed. The session should not last more than 3 minutes.

    Foot massage

    Foot massage is effective for swelling, fatigue, pain, and spasms of the calf muscles. This is one of the types that require increased responsibility: with an unprofessional approach, the procedure can provoke spontaneous abortion.

    In the 1st trimester, only light stroking is indicated.

    From the 2nd trimester you can conduct a full daily session. Its duration is 15–20 minutes. The massage begins with the foot, rubbing the entire surface with gentle movements, without focusing on individual points. Then they move on to stroking, lightly rubbing and patting the legs and thighs in the direction of the lymph flow (from bottom to top).

    important Do not massage the inner surfaces of the thigh and lower third of the leg. This zone contains a high concentration of biologically active points, some of which can provoke uterine contractions.

    Foot massage is strictly prohibited if you have varicose veins and large quantity spider veins! The enlarged uterus compresses the veins, weakening the outflow of blood. The procedure may make the problem worse.

    Breast massage

    Doctors advise performing this type of massage for one purpose: to prepare the breasts for feeding the baby.

    Sessions can begin no earlier than the 35th week of pregnancy, provided that the woman is healthy and there is no threat of premature birth.

    important Active rubbing and pressing movements are prohibited. Stroking clockwise and counterclockwise, as well as from the base of the breast to the nipple, without affecting the latter, are useful. Mechanical action on the nipples activates uterine contractions.

    Nipples are massaged under the supervision of a doctor strictly according to medical indications: for elimination physiological characteristics that may interfere breastfeeding baby (eg, inverted nipple).

    Abdominal massage

    The abdomen throughout gestation is the most vulnerable area. No matter how great the desire of the expectant mother to have a massage session to prevent stretch marks, the idea should be abandoned due to the high risk of miscarriage.

    information From the first weeks of pregnancy, only gentle stroking of the belly in a clockwise direction is beneficial. Psychologists advise speaking kindly to the future baby.

    Perineal massage

    Doctors have been arguing about the benefits and harms of perineal massage for many years. There is no consensus.

    It is believed that this type of exposure can only be carried out in late stages of pregnancy in preparation for labor.

    Supporters note positive aspects:

    • massage helps prevent perineal tears;
    • increases muscle elasticity;
    • relieves fear and pain immediately before birth.

    Opponents raise equally reasonable objections:

    • mechanical impact can cause myometrial spasm and associated premature birth;
    • vaginal massage is fraught with infection;
    • an unpleasant procedure does not contribute to improvement emotional state future mother.

    information The massage technique involves stretching the vagina, previously lubricated, to the sides and downwards. vegetable oil. Consultation with a doctor is strictly required!

    Massage against stretch marks

    Stretch marks during pregnancy usually occur on mammary glands, buttocks and abdomen due to microdamage caused by thinning skin.

    It is better to deal with the defect after the birth of the child. A rush of blood to problem areas during a massage can eliminate the problem, but also cause irreparable harm. The high-risk area is the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

    You can massage your buttocks and outer thighs with light circular movements.

    Massage against stretch marks can be successfully replaced by walking, breathing exercises, swimming (with an instructor, after consultation with a doctor).

    Anticellulite massage

    Change hormonal levels, metabolic disorders during pregnancy are the main causes of cellulite. For many women, the problem disappears on its own after childbirth.

    important Anti-cellulite massage is contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy. Massage in early pregnancy. Light stroking will not help, but intense impact on problem areas will increase blood flow and increase muscle tone.

    It is better to replace an unsafe procedure with special gymnastics for pregnant women.

    Vacuum massage

    It is one of the types of anti-cellulite massage. Stimulating blood circulation and lymph movement with silicone or rubber caps can lead to the opposite result: the appearance of stretch marks, spider veins, and varicose veins.

    information The risk of bleeding and pathological termination of pregnancy is very high. Prohibited for any period of time.

    Cupping massage

    It is considered a medicinal species. Prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia, colds. Among the wide range of contraindications, pregnancy comes first.

    The procedure may provoke:

    • internal bleeding with pathology of fetal development;
    • fragility of blood vessels and the appearance of “stars”;

    Massage in early pregnancy

    Doctors do not recommend massage in the 1st trimester. Hormonal disbalance, characteristic of this period, is the main cause of spontaneous abortion. Any mechanical impact can become an impetus for the development of pathology.

    In the early stages you can:

    • self-massage (light stroking of the abdomen, outer thighs, arms, buttocks);
    • head massage to relieve pain symptoms (gentle effect on the temporal and frontal region);
    • cosmetic facial massage.

    information During toxicosis, you should avoid using aromatic massage oils.

    Rules for massage for pregnant women

    Massage during pregnancy differs from traditional massage and requires compliance with a number of rules:

    • the expectant mother should take a comfortable position (usually on her side or sitting), if necessary, place a pillow under her legs and stomach;
    • the session time should not exceed 40 minutes;
    • You cannot use special devices; all mechanical effects must be carried out by hand;
    • the use of aromatic oils is useful (in the absence of allergies and irritating factors); safe for pregnant women are: lemon, cedar, rosewood, sandalwood, neroli, tea tree oils. The tone of the uterus is increased by: sage, lavender, and wormwood oils.

    information When prescribing a massage, it is necessary to take into account the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother. If for any reason a woman does not want to visit a massage room, there is no need to insist: the procedure will not bring the desired benefit.

    Contraindications to massage during pregnancy

    The reason for refusing a massage should be any pathological course pregnancy:

    • toxicosis;
    • threat of interruption at any time;
    • gestosis;
    • severe swelling;
    • severe hypotension;
    • malposition;
    • chronic hypoxia of the unborn child.

    The procedure cannot be carried out during colds and exacerbations. chronic diseases.

    The impact on “abortion zones” that stimulate uterine contraction is especially dangerous:

    • the sacrum and the coccyx connected to it;
    • heels and calcaneal tendon (“Achilles”);
    • base thumbs hands

    The decision on the advisability of any type of massage is made by the doctor.

    Pregnancy – happy and at the same time difficult period in a girl’s life, because, in addition to physical inconveniences, she has to experience a lot of worries about the baby’s health.

    Is it possible to give pregnant women a back massage at this time? It is not only possible, but also necessary, because, in addition to a noticeable improvement in the general condition, this procedure puts you in a peaceful mood, calms you down, and removes you from depression.

    But massage for pregnant women has its own subtleties and features that cannot be neglected.

    Features of massage at different stages of pregnancy

    The procedure can be performed both in the early stages of pregnancy and in later stages, but it is important to remember that any amateur activity for pregnant women at home can have sad and irreversible consequences (miscarriages, bleeding, vertebral displacement).

    A set of massage movements in the 1st semester is carried out in a hospital setting by a specialist who shows how and which areas can be massaged. The lumbar area, as a rule, is included in the general back massage and is performed at its final stage.

    During pregnancy, it is difficult for a girl to walk and stand for a long time. The back muscles experience enormous stress when the 2nd and 3rd semesters of pregnancy begin.

    A heavy belly pulls the body down and in order to keep the back straight, the woman is forced to arch her lower back. Strong muscle tension is created in the neck, shoulder, and lumbar muscles.

    These areas are massaged systematically, starting from the neck, then moving to the shoulder, subscapular and lumbar areas.

    Hand movements when massaging the back are light, smooth, rhythmic. The massage therapist's palms should be warm so that the patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure.

    In the 1st trimester, active acupressure and pressure with fingertips in the lumbar and sacral areas can provoke a miscarriage, so only light stroking movements are allowed in these areas.

    The psyche of women during pregnancy (especially when the 2nd and 3rd trimester begins) is quite unstable, and tactile sensations aggravated.

    In a confidential, inviting environment, tangible benefits will be obtained from the massage, but if the patient experiences mental discomfort and tension, even a professional massage therapist will be powerless to help her with back pain.


    What are the benefits of massage during pregnancy? This:

    • Increased blood circulation.
    • Normalization of metabolism.
    • Strengthening the immune system.
    • Relief from pain.
    • Feeling of lightness and cheerfulness.
    • Calming and relaxing effect.
    • Elimination of stagnation in soft tissues, getting rid of puffiness.

    It’s great when a massage completes a set of special (stretching and strengthening muscles) exercises that were mastered under the supervision of a trainer.

    Execution technique

    You cannot massage when the patient is in a belly-down position. In addition to the fact that the weight of the body affects the fetus, hand movements will increase pressure on the uterine area - the consequences of such manipulations can be sad.

    The procedure is performed with the woman lying on her side or sitting. It is very comfortable to sit on a chair, facing the back and resting your hands on it.

    1. Light, smooth, rubbing movements are performed in the collar area, shoulder, and subscapularis. Then manipulations occur in the paravertebral zone, in the lumbar.
    2. As a result of these actions, the back muscles relax and warm up. Acupressure will enhance the beneficial effects and relieve muscle spasms. The specialist finds trigger points (tense areas, touching which causes pain) and acts on them.
    3. At the final stage of the massage, light, stroking movements are again performed on all areas of the back.

    Used during the procedure fat cream or oil that does not cause skin irritation or allergies in the girl. Some of the movements that will be mastered under the supervision of a specialist in the 1st trimester can be used independently at home in subsequent stages.

    Since ancient times, massage has been considered one of the safest and effective methods both for the treatment of many diseases and for their prevention. Each country has its own tradition of massage - from the usual kneading with hands to massage with heated stones or impact only on biologically active points. But, along with the healing effect, you can also get a negative one, which is possible if the patient has any contraindications. Harm can also be caused by inept and incorrect actions, especially if the massage is performed by a person without proper education. In this regard, a number of questions arise. Can pregnant women have a massage? If yes, then for what period can it be done? What type of massage is most beneficial? Who should do this massage?

    Who should do the massage and how?

    The gynecologist who observes the woman decides on the possibility of carrying out a professional massage during pregnancy. Often this allows the expectant mother to relieve back and leg pain, improve blood circulation, reduce stress on joints, relieve fatigue and stress, relax and lift her spirits. But you should not contact massage therapists on your own, without consulting a doctor, even if you have recommendations from friends, since massage for pregnant women has a number of significant differences from regular massage. In addition, only a doctor can know about your indications and contraindications for massage.
    General contraindications that exclude or significantly limit massage during pregnancy include:
    elevated temperature
    - arterial pressure
    – any infectious diseases
    – exacerbation of chronic diseases
    - phlebeurysm
    skin diseases
    – epilepsy
    - advanced asthma
    – severe back pain
    – toxicosis and fluid retention in the body.
    In addition, your own rejection or reluctance may be a contraindication. If the touch of a stranger causes you discomfort, then it is better to refuse a massage or limit yourself to self-massage.
    The main areas affected during massage are the back, neck and shoulder girdle, legs and arms. A back and neck massage will help reduce the stress on the spinal column caused by breast and abdominal enlargement. Massage of the arms and legs improves blood circulation, improves the functioning of all systems and organs by influencing biologically active points. But such a massage should only be trusted by a specialist, since on a woman’s body there are so-called “abortion zones” - the sacrum, coccyx, Achilles tendon, heel and base thumb hands. Exposure to them can provoke disruption of the normal course of pregnancy, even spontaneous abortion. That is why it is undesirable to carry out massage in the first trimester of pregnancy, when this danger is especially high. In the short term, pregnancy and massage are compatible only in the form of self-massage, these are light strokes performed independently or by loved ones. Such a light massage will be useful throughout pregnancy; it relaxes and calms not only the mother, but also the baby.
    When performing a massage at home, you should avoid using various types of massage devices. The use of vibration massage belts, electrical and muscle stimulators is completely excluded. At any stage, even during a normal course, pregnancy and massage using technical means almost completely exclude each other. But to knead the muscles, you can use an ordinary rolling pin - without applying too much pressure, it “rolls out” the muscles. Of course, the main thing in using this method is not to exceed the permissible exposure limits.

    Where and in what position to massage?

    It is best to perform a massage during pregnancy while lying on your side or sitting in a comfortable position. The main thing is that the body position does not cause discomfort and does not interfere with relaxation. If you are performing a massage at home, you can use pillows and blankets for comfort. During the massage, nothing should distract or irritate you. If any discomfort both physical and psychological, you should immediately interrupt the massage process. Movements should be soft and smooth. Stroking, kneading and rubbing are used as massage techniques. Vibration and shock are not used for working with pregnant women.
    Currently, health centers offer many unconventional types of massage using any objects or original hand techniques. Massage is also combined with water treatments or sports exercises. If you have a desire to try one of these, contact the doctor who is observing you, he will decide on the advisability of such a massage in your case.
    If, on the contrary, you have no desire to trust your body to someone else’s hands, you can do massage during pregnancy yourself. By consulting a doctor, you can find out which movements are best to use in which case, and how to perform them correctly. Light stroking movements are indicated throughout pregnancy; deeper effects should be used with caution. To massage hard-to-reach areas of the body, it is possible and advisable to involve close people - husband and other relatives. This will increase the positive effect of the massage and strengthen the psychological connection between the family and the unborn child.

    A few more nuances

    Another frequently asked question: is it possible for pregnant women to have a belly massage? If you feel the need for this type of massage, it is better to do it yourself. By creating a good atmosphere with the help of pleasant music, you can make the massage an element of communication with your future baby. The movements should be stroking, the impact should be shallow.
    In the later stages, immediately before childbirth, certain types of massage can also be used to stimulate the woman’s body and make it possible to speed up and ease the course of labor. This procedure is carried out by a specialist. Along with correct breathing, such a massage will relieve you of stress and pain before and during childbirth. In later stages, it is possible and even necessary to massage the genitals, since it is aimed at improving muscle elasticity and can increase blood flow, i.e. prepare the muscles to avoid tears during childbirth.
    Despite the various beneficial effects that can be obtained from massage, it is necessary to remember that it is a very strong effect and should be used with caution. And to the question of whether pregnant women can have a massage, only a doctor can give the most complete and reasonable answer.

    Video. massage for pregnant women

    The ancient Egyptians and Chinese resorted to massage as a way to relieve lower back pain in pregnant women. Today, massage has not lost its therapeutic effectiveness and is often prescribed to expectant mothers. True, it is recommended for a pregnant woman special procedures, which will not harm her condition. Before contacting a massage therapist, she should consult with an obstetrician to make sure that she has no contraindications to such procedures.

    The benefits of massage during pregnancy

    During gestation, a woman undergoes important changes. The hormone progesterone, which ensures the normal course of pregnancy, leads to edema in the expectant mother. The best way to remove stagnation of excess fluid during pregnancy is with medicinal lymphatic drainage massage. The benefits of such procedures for the expectant mother also include the following points:

    • it tones the blood vessels, thereby preventing the development varicose veins veins;
    • massage improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the spine, and prevents the development of osteochondrosis;
    • the skin smoothing procedure is an excellent prevention of stretch marks;
    • on recent months massaging certain areas helps relieve tension in the body, calm down, banishes insomnia;
    • Facial massage during pregnancy is allowed as a means of combating swelling, as well as a way to maintain youthful skin.

    Types of massage for pregnant women

    During pregnancy, not all types of massage are allowed, since stimulation of certain points of the body can lead to uterine tone and the onset of contractions. In the early stages, incorrect execution of the procedure can lead to miscarriage. In later stages, this can harm the health of the fetus. Do not massage the mammary glands, abdomen, especially its lower part. What kind of massage during pregnancy is not harmful? When carrying a child, the following types are allowed:

    • general massage, with the exception of the abdomen and mammary glands;
    • massaging the limbs, including the feet and hands;
    • back massage;
    • impact on the cervical-collar area;
    • massage of the face and scalp;
    • light stroking of the abdomen with vegetable oils.

    Faces and heads

    This procedure has more of a cosmetic than a therapeutic effect. Massaging the scalp is beneficial for the condition of the hair; in addition, a light massage helps relieve fatigue, emotional stress, and headaches. Such procedures should be performed with fingertips or using a special massager.

    Pregnant women can safely undergo facial massage. It is not only safe for pregnancy, but also healthy. This procedure is allowed at any time; it can be performed either by a cosmetologist or at home on your own.

    Foot and leg massage

    Active points are localized on the soles of the feet. Doctors explain why exposure to them is considered beneficial - they normalize the functioning of many organs. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the expectant mother, wanting to relieve fatigue from her legs, massages them. There is no need to intensively rub your feet; the correct thing to do is to stroke the plantar part with gentle movements.

    In the last months of pregnancy, self-massage is inconvenient, so it is better to contact a professional. An alternative to manual foot massage is walking barefoot on uneven surfaces. In the summer, it is useful to walk without shoes on grass, sand, and pebbles. In winter, the role of such a massage foot can be performed by a special rug.

    To prevent varicose veins during gestation, it is recommended to do a gentle foot massage. In the early stages, the expectant mother will be able to cope with this procedure herself. To do this, you need to stroke your legs from top to bottom. Before performing a foot massage, apply to the skin Massage Oil. In the 2nd trimester, it will be difficult for a pregnant woman to bend over, so it is more convenient for her to visit a massage room.

    Neck and collar area massage

    In the last months of bearing a child, the expectant mother often suffers from pain in the neck, shoulders, and upper spine. The causes of this pain lie in the high load on the spinal column. To relieve muscle tension, it is useful to massage the neck-collar area. The procedure must be performed by a professional.

    The right massage starts with light stroking collar area and occipital part of the neck. The direction of movement is from top to bottom. The procedure must be performed carefully, especially in the front of the neck and in the area of ​​the carotid artery. You should not put pressure on the vessels when working in this area, especially if they are pulsating. The activity of the master when treating these areas should be combined with the correct breathing of the patient.

    Back and lower back

    In the last 3 months of pregnancy, due to the production of the hormone relaxin, changes occur in the pelvis and spine. The joints and ligaments of these skeletal systems They become more elastic, causing discomfort and pain. Massage can relieve the expectant mother of these sensations or reduce the intensity of their manifestations.

    This area should be gently rubbed and stroked with your hands. It is not allowed to press hard on the muscles or affect the deep layers. The direction of movement is from bottom to top. It is best to contact a specialist for such a procedure.

    It is not prohibited to massage the sacrum on your own, stroking and rubbing this area with hands clenched into fists. However, before 35–36 weeks of pregnancy it is dangerous to contact him. IN last days When carrying a baby, this should be done carefully, carefully, without strong pressure. The skill of performing such a procedure will be useful to the expectant mother during childbirth - it will help her reduce pain during contractions.

    Massage of the abdomen and perineum

    You can massage your stomach and perineum during pregnancy. In the 1st trimester it is better not to do this, but later, when the stomach begins to grow rapidly, you can gently stroke the skin in this area. The direction of movement is clockwise.

    According to doctors, it is possible to massage the perineum only in the last weeks, just before childbirth. With this procedure, the vagina is stretched, which can lead to cervical injuries and even miscarriage in the early stages. If the procedure is performed without precautions, there is a possibility of infection in the vagina.

    Before childbirth, stretching the vaginal walls increases their elasticity and helps prevent ruptures. It is also believed that perineal massage is a kind of training before childbirth, therefore it drives away the mother’s fear. Whether this is true or not, the procedure is not very pleasant, so it is rare that a woman will decide to turn to it.

    General massage

    A simple light body massage will not harm the expectant mother if it is done by a professional who knows well the technique of performing such a procedure on pregnant women. During a general massage, you need to gently rub the skin with stroking movements. This massage should begin with the legs and end with the upper back.

    Before visiting a massage room, an expectant mother should consult a doctor. In some cases, manual manipulation of the body muscles can cause a deterioration in the pregnant woman’s well-being.

    Against stretch marks and cellulite

    Any expectant mother really wants to remain beautiful after giving birth, and pregnancy often brings surprises in the form of stretch marks and cellulite. It is not possible to get rid of stretch marks that appear on the stomach or chest during pregnancy. However, a light massage with cosmetic oils or a special cream.

    You need to massage your stomach against stretch marks very carefully. It is recommended to do this in the evening, after a shower. You can gently rub your breasts with oils, without pressing on them in any way.

    Anti-cellulite massage involves a deep impact on the subcutaneous layers in the buttocks and thighs. Such procedures can harm pregnancy, so it is better to avoid them.

    Lymphatic drainage massage

    On last weeks While carrying a baby, many mothers experience swelling, so lymphatic drainage massage is often prescribed to them by an obstetrician. This procedure is carried out exclusively manually. As a rule, the woman's legs and arms are massaged. The first session of such a massage for an expectant mother should last no longer than 5 minutes. If after such a procedure the patient feels normal, after a few days the duration will increase slightly.

    At home, foot massage against swelling can be performed only after consultation with an obstetrician. Movements during this procedure should be as soft as possible.

    Features of massage in each trimester

    It is not advisable to resort to massage in the first weeks of pregnancy - it is unknown what consequences such an effect may have. The only type of massage that can be useful during this period is massaging the head to eliminate dizziness or pain.

    In the 2nd trimester, it is forbidden to lie on your stomach during a massage. During this period, you can perform massage against swelling, stroking the abdomen. As well as massage of the legs, arms and back.

    The best position for massage in the 3rd trimester is lying on your side. During this period, you can go to the massage room more often - rubbing and stroking the skin improves blood flow and helps remove stagnant processes.

    Precautionary measures

    Despite the fact that if the general condition of the mother and fetus is good, there are no prohibitions on massage, it should still be done carefully. The main thing that expectant mothers should remember:

    • Do not put too much pressure on the muscles or squeeze the skin;
    • It is better not to touch the stomach and chest, especially if the pregnancy is not going very smoothly;
    • hardware massage is also not allowed, because it affects the body more intensely than allowed;
    • the duration of the session should not exceed 30 minutes;
    • The frequency of massage is once or twice a week.

    Contraindications during pregnancy

    In some cases, massage is contraindicated for expectant mothers. It cannot be performed for such diseases.

    Pregnancy is an absolutely physiological state for the female body, but for unknown reasons, to this day many people are wary of any health procedures during this period, in particular massage. It is no secret that it is during the period of bearing a baby that the load on the back increases significantly. Therefore, most women begin to worry about the most main question: Can pregnant women have a back massage? The answer lies on the surface: this procedure has a beneficial effect on mother and child.

    What are the positive effects of back massage during pregnancy?

    1. Improving blood supply to the back muscles, joints, and ligaments.
    2. Normalization of blood flow in the uteroplacental system (especially if the massage is performed in a knee-elbow position).
    3. Relieving tension in the back.
    4. Improving the psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman.
    5. Eliminate fatigue and stress.
    6. Reducing the load on the spine.
    7. Restoration of lymph circulation.
    8. Normalization of intestinal function.
    9. Decreased uterine tone.
    10. Increased skin elasticity.
    11. Normalization of sleep and rest.
    12. Strengthening the immune system.
    13. Regulation of blood pressure.
    14. Preparing for childbirth late dates pregnancy.

    How should you do a massage?

    Before a massage, pregnant women need to create a relaxing atmosphere. The procedure should be carried out in a room with a comfortable temperature. It is important to remember that the lighting in the room should be dim and dim. You can also play relaxing music. You can also use aromatic oils, but only natural, hypoallergenic ones; it is advisable to first consult with an aromatherapist.

    What kind of massage can be done for pregnant women?

    During gestation, it is important to know how to properly massage a pregnant woman’s back:

    1. It is necessary to begin the procedure with gentle stroking of the back; the massage therapist’s palms must be warm, dry and clean.
    2. You can use the following massage techniques: kneading, stroking, rubbing.
    3. The pressure applied to the back should be light.
    4. Particular attention should be paid to the lumbar region, since 90% of pregnant women experience back pain in this area. This is due to increased load in the lower back when the center of gravity changes.
    5. The procedure should be carried out in the following positions of the pregnant woman:
      • lying on your side;
      • or sitting on a chair and leaning on a horizontal surface;
      • create emphasis on your knees and elbows. It is most preferable to use the knee-elbow position, which normalizes blood circulation in the feto-placental system, as well as improves kidney function. It is known that as the uterus grows, excess pressure occurs on the ureters and kidneys, as a result of which diseases of the urinary system worsen. For this reason, this position is the most physiological for a pregnant woman when performing a massage.

    What types of massage should you not do?

    Most main principle during pregnancy - do no harm. That is why we must remember that the following methods are prohibited:

    1. You cannot use shock or vibration techniques. Any sudden movements can lead to uterine hypertonicity.
    2. It is strictly forbidden to use hardware massage techniques ().
    3. Anti-cellulite massage cannot be performed either.
    4. Electrical stimulation of the back muscles is also prohibited during pregnancy.
    5. You should not massage the sacrum area, as this may cause an increase in the tone of the uterus. This zone is classified as an abortion zone, which means that in early dates During pregnancy, pressure in this area can even cause spontaneous abortion.


    In general, during a normal pregnancy, massage can be done at any stage. However, there are conditions in which you should refrain from performing this procedure:

    1. Severe toxicosis.
    2. Preeclampsia with unstable blood pressure, severe edema.
    3. Temperature rise above 37.5ºC.
    4. Exacerbation of various chronic diseases.
    5. Placenta previa.
    6. Bloody discharge due to premature placental abruption.
    7. Threat of premature birth.
    8. Increased uterine tone.

    Is it possible to massage pregnant women at home?

    It is advisable that the procedure be performed by a competent specialist. However, it is not prohibited to carry out this technique close and dear people. It is especially good if the massage is performed by the husband of a pregnant woman, due to which a warm connection is formed between the spouses, as well as caring for the mother and child. The main thing is to stick necessary rules, avoid sudden movements, do not massage prohibited areas (sacrum). All movements should be smooth and soft. A good helper There is a training video for massage.

    For example:

    There is no need to be afraid or avoid massage during pregnancy. On the contrary, this procedure is very favorable during this period. In addition, in addition to improving physical well-being, the woman also develops positive emotions. Thus, massage during pregnancy represents care for two organisms at the same time: mother and child.

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