• Classes on moral education in elementary schools. Coursework: Spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren. List of used literature


    Moral education is the most important aspect of the formation and development of a child’s personality and involves the formation of his relationships

    • to parents
    • to the team
    • to others
    • to society
    • to the Motherland
    • attitudes towards work
    • to your loved ones
    • to yourself

    The moral formation of a person begins at birth. IN preschool age Children develop initial moral feelings and ideas, basic skills of moral behavior. The teacher is faced with the task of carrying out this work systematically and purposefully.

    Primary school age is characterized by increased susceptibility to external influences, belief in the truth of everything that is taught and said, in the unconditionality and necessity of moral standards; he is distinguished by uncompromising moral demands on others and spontaneity in behavior. These features are the key to the learning and educational ability of younger schoolchildren.

    The moral education of a junior schoolchild occurs, first of all, in the learning process - the main activity at school.

    Teaching a child only with a superficial approach may seem like a purely individual matter. In fact, a lesson is a place for various collective actions and experiences, the accumulation of experience in moral relationships. From an educational point of view, all subjects studied at school are equally important.

    But in educational terms, moral lessons are of particular importance.

    Moral lessons are a new direction in the content of school education. In my lessons I use educational and methodological kit, which includes:

    • book for reading “The ABC of Morality”, author E.P. Kozlov and others.
    • workbook
    • methodological manual for teachers.
    1. Rules of behavior at school
    2. How to be neat
    3. Rules of politeness
    4. How to be hardworking
    5. Basic moral beliefs
    6. Communication with others
    7. School etiquette
    8. Culture of behavior

    The process of moral education presupposes the continuity of certain general provisions that run as a single thread through all classes, all lessons and, one way or another, reveal the content of these lessons. At the same time, the content is not just repeated, but also enriched with new features, a new level of generalization and connections with other phenomena of reality.

    I try to select material for lessons taking into account both its positive and negative impact on the child’s consciousness. But at the same time I try not to retreat from folk tradition that good conquers evil. Already in the first grade, the main focus is on familiarizing children with the rules of a culture of behavior:

    • in class - in the cafeteria
    • during recess - in the library
    • in the locker room - in a public place

    We start with the rules of politeness that children show in a limited number of situations that are well known to them, with forms of politeness that are also limited (for example, “magic words”), with a number of actions (stand up when greeting, answering, etc.).

    Gradually, the course moves from individual rules of behavior to generalized provisions, including a number of rules that unite their stable implementation by each individual, into moral qualities, and later into a group of interrelated qualities: (for example, a group of qualities associated with the predominance of volitional qualities (decisiveness) or with emotions ( impatience). The combination of qualities can be associated with the place, circumstances in which certain qualities are manifested (content and form of behavior).

    Children are gradually led to the idea that it is the rules of moral behavior that determine relationships with other people.

    If the rules are followed, then the relations between people are good and friendly, but if they are not followed, then the relations are unfavorable.

    From class to class, the transition to self-awareness, self-study, and self-education intensifies. Gradually, step by step, the basis for creating the “Image-I” is created.

    Compliance with the rules is an indicator by which one can judge the upbringing of children. When constructing moral lessons, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of younger schoolchildren:

    • emotionality
    • predominance of visual-figurative thinking
    • specificity

    Therefore, moral lessons often go beyond their traditional framework and are conducted in a wide variety of forms:

    ethical conversations (the main form of work)

    • role-playing games
    • matinees
    • small group work
    • staging
    • competitions
    • reading conferences
    • quizzes, etc.

    Of course, the main form of work in the classroom is ethical conversation. Collective discussion of issues important for children, as it were, unites them in a common opinion, joint acceptance and approval of certain norms. Conversations help clarify moral ideas, enrich and evaluate children’s existing experience, acquire knowledge “for future use” for new experiences, and prepare them for action and choice of behavior in new conditions.

    Discussions in class on the following topics were very interesting:

    • Friends of Moidodyr
    • What is mutual aid
    • What is justice
    • We must be selfless
    • good and evil
    • and others

    At the end of the lesson, the guys usually receive homework:

    • draw a picture
    • read a book
    • perform any creative work you wish.

    If the guys, at first, did not complete all the tasks, then, of course, they did not receive any reprimands, the main thing is that we made sure to mark those who brought the work. As a result of the work, we came to the conclusion that we need a lesson-report on homework. And we began to conduct such lessons once every quarter. The guys performed their creative work there. There were practically no students left in the class who did not do their homework. And time after time, the children’s work and performances became more and more interesting.

    I would like to talk about other forms of work where children can apply their acquired knowledge. Let's look at some of them.

    4th grade. Section: School etiquette. Topic: How to celebrate and celebrate the holiday.

    This lesson was held for us as a lesson-holiday “My mother is the most, the most...”

    Target: It is necessary for the child to understand that a holiday only becomes a holiday if you are looking forward to it, preparing for it, inviting friends and family to share the fun with you.

    In preparation for this lesson, we sent out an invitation to all mothers to the holiday with a request to tell something interesting about their hobby, favorite activity. The children themselves wrote essays about their mothers, made greeting cards, and decorated the classroom for the arrival of guests. At the festival, mothers presented their talents:

    • told how to decorate beautifully festive table,
    • read poems of their own composition,
    • presented their handicrafts (knitting, embroidery, sewing, modeling)
    • some parents brought their drawings and photographs and talked about the history of these works,
    • We also had a miracle - culinary specialists with their own national dishes.

    We are very lucky that one mother works at our school as a chemistry teacher. And we all went to her office to get acquainted not only with her, but also with the wonders of chemistry. Irina Nikolaevna demonstrated experiments to the children:

    • "eruption"
    • “growing a large snake,” which appeared when a mixture of substances was burned. The guys seemed to have been in a wonderland.

    There were also mothers who could not attend the holiday themselves, then the children showed miracles of ingenuity. We listened to a cassette recording of a song by Ozemblovsky's mother Leni. Demin Maxim brought a video of him and his mother dancing together (Maxim has been practicing ballroom dancing for several years).

    Delight, surprise and pride shone in the children’s eyes throughout the entire holiday.

    We also did not forget those mothers who, unfortunately, did not take our idea very seriously, did not come to the holiday themselves and did not prepare anything. We gave the floor to all these guys, and they read their essays, which had been prepared in advance. At the end of the holiday, our mothers received certificates and awards: Skillful hands”, “Sounding voice”, “Miracles in a sieve”, “Gardener-magician”, “Cool” poet”, “Best dancer”, etc.

    Each child presented their mother with a gold medal (chocolate). And the teacher received a medal in the category “Coolest Mom.”

    Another lesson in 4th grade was no less interesting. Section: How to be hardworking. Topic: Why a person becomes better when he works

    This lesson took the form of defending a project: “What a beauty this hat is.”

    Target: show the importance of work for the development of a person’s abilities and his relationships with other people.

    The class was divided into two groups (participants – girls and jury – boys). All the girls prepared and presented their hats, told how they made them, what they used, what image they wanted to convey, and selected music for the demonstration.

    The boys were on our jury, they chose the best works, tried to motivate their choice, and be fair. I must say that the jury was on top. No one was left unattended. The guys came up with as many nominations as there were participants in the project:

    • “The most elegant hat”
    • “The most poetic hat”
    • “The most exotic hat”
    • “The most ethereal hat”
    • “The most businesslike hat”
    • “The most feminine hat”, etc.

    I would like to tell you about a lesson in 3rd grade. Section: Culture of behavior. Topic: The word heals, the word also hurts.

    Target: Show children the meaning of words in communication and human relationships, explaining that a word can also be an action.

    In this lesson, all the children made a “politeness” flower from colored paper. On each petal they wrote “polite” words. The whole class then split into four teams and each team chose one of the flower petals. The children had a task: to prepare a mini-re-enactment in which they would hide their “polite” word, and the other teams would have to guess this word.

    Scenes for dramatization can be like this:

    • the student is late for class, he needs to enter the lesson
    • the guys are having lunch in the canteen, they need to thank the cook
    • the student is sick, a friend comes to visit him, he needs to cheer up his friend, etc.

    A few words about work in 3rd grade. Section: Behavior at school. Topic: A common cause is everyone's concern.

    Target: Mutual assistance is needed to carry out common tasks.

    In our school there is a museum of military glory of the 17th Infantry Division of the People's Militia. Our class was tasked with restoring an album reflecting the heroic journey of the 17th Infantry Division.

    To complete this task:

    1. the guys distributed all the work among themselves
    2. thought through its implementation in time
    3. carried out work to collect additional material
    4. completed the overall task
    5. summed up (what was done, how)

    To complete this task, the children visited the school museum several times, met with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and activists of our museum. The result of the guys’ work – the restored album – is kept in a place of honor in the museum.

    In continuation of military-patriotic education, I would like to say about work in the 4th grade. Section: School etiquette. Topic: Gifts for celebrations and holidays.

    Target: attitude towards the gifts you give and receive. Learn to give something that makes you happy. Learn how to give gifts correctly.

    At labor and fine arts lessons, children prepared gifts for “Defender of the Fatherland Day” - drawings, postcards, appliqués.

    The children brought their crafts to the morality lesson, and we discussed with them why it would be much more pleasant for parents (fathers) to receive a gift that they made with their own hands rather than bought in a store.

    The guys divided into groups and acted out skits on how to give a gift and how to receive it.

    During the same lesson, work took place in groups to make a gift for the Council of War Veterans. From the figurines and blanks prepared in advance, the guys completed a collage work on a military theme.

    No less interesting is work that uses the continuity of generations.

    Last year I graduated children from elementary school to 5th grade. The guys learned a lot in our moral lessons and learned a lot. And now they can become my assistants.

    1st class. Section: Communication with others. Topic: Your older comrades.

    This is a holiday activity called “Initiation as a disciple.” Fifth graders, together with first graders, selected poems for our lesson. We helped the kids learn the student oath and checked them. We prepared joint sketches and drawings.

    “We are in big and small business
    Let's share joy with a friend,
    I will not sacrifice friendship
    I swear to this too!”

    are repeated very often in our class.

    The fifth grade is moving forward and mastering new moral standards, while the first graders are only at the very beginning of their journey. But many new interesting discoveries await both of them in moral lessons.

    It is at an early age and precisely in the primary grades, when children bare their souls, open their hearts, that we need to study development of the child's soul. I think that if teach children the noble truths from the very beginning, it will clear their hearts of doubts and will put them on the right path in life. These are activities during which the child’s soul and heart are nourished with all the best, highest spiritual images.



    (MOU "Secondary School No. 2")

    Infinity sky

    Compiled by: Mazhaeva T. N.

    primary school teacher


    Lesson topic: Infinity of the sky.

    The purpose of the lesson: - using the example of the sky, let children understand what treasures are hidden in man (kindness, purity, generosity, love, friendship);

    To develop human moral qualities through nature.

    Literary series:

    V. Soloukhin “Living on Earth.”

    Visual range:

    Poster theme;

    - A.I. Kuindzhi "Moonlit Night on the Dnieper"

    B. Kustodiev “Maslenitsa”,

    V. Kandinsky “Winter Landscape”,

    R. Kent “Eskimo in Kayak”,

    T. Manizer “Sunset in the Indian Ocean.”

    Aivazovsky "Storm in the North Sea"

    Signac "Harbor in Marseille"

    Rylov "In the blue expanse"

    Savrasov “Country Road”,

    Large drawing depicting a starry sky;

    Drawings "Treasures of the Sky".

    Musical series:- Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata".

    During the classes.

    I. Introduction. Emotional mood for the lesson.

    Reading to the music of V. Soloukhin’s poem “Live on Earth.”

    Live on earth, strive for heaven with your soul -

    This is a rare destiny for a person.

    I'm lying in the grass in the middle of a forest clearing,

    Birch trees rise high

    And it seems that they are all a little

    Up there, they leaned towards each other

    And they close a tent over me.

    But the sky is clear and blue

    Between the green birches

    Barely rustling sheets.

    I see there, then a slow bird,

    Those clouds are white as sugar.

    The whiteness sparkles under the summer sun,

    And next to the whiteness there is even blue,

    More tempting, sweeter depth.

    To live on earth, to reach into infinity -

    This is man's joyful lot.

    I'm lying in the grass

    Or on the sand in the desert,

    Or on a rock, on a stone cliff,

    Or on the pebbles, where the seashore is,

    With my arms outstretched, I look up at the stars.

    There is no purer moment in life...

    O depth of universal peace,

    When you all melted into the starry sky,

    And myself, like the sky, has lost its boundaries,

    And everything floats and spins quietly.

    Otherwise, you're flying up with your arms outstretched.

    Otherwise you fall for a long time.

    And sweet

    And there is no end to the flight (or fall).

    And there is no end to either life or you...

    Live on earth, strive for heaven with your soul...

    Why strive? Throw down your birches

    Fly into the tempting blue.

    Buy a ticket quickly. From the airfield

    Wings will now lift you into the sky.

    Here is your blue. Here are the stars. Enjoy.

    There's a cloud. You saw him from the ground.

    It burned, sparkled, sparkled.

    It swam like a swan across the sky.

    We fly through it calmly.

    Fog, water. But in general it’s a nuisance:

    It always swings stronger in the clouds.

    I look down, through the window, at the ground.

    The forest is like moss.

    The river in the forest is like a thread.

    \In the middle of the clearing there is a point -

    Little man!

    Perhaps he lies with his arms outstretched,

    And looks up.

    And it seems beautiful

    Blue is tempting for him.

    I want to go there. I want to get to the ground quickly!

    Wait. Now let's go higher.

    For ten thousand. You haven't been there yet.

    Let me go!

    You dreamed it yourself. You were thirsty. You wanted!

    Live on earth. Soul strives for the sky

    This is man's sweet destiny.

    I'm very glad to see you guys.

    I think that you probably guessed what we will talk about today?

    That's right, about the sky. The topic of our lesson today:

    Infinity of the sky.

    Guys, do you like to look at the sky?

    II. Relaxation. Beethovin's "Moonlight Sonata" is playing.

    - Let's close our eyes and imagine ourselves looking into the endless sky.

    Open your eyes. Please tell us how you saw the sky?

    III. New material.

    1. Conversation on the painting by A.I. Kuindzhi “Moonlit Night on the Dnieper”.

    Kuindzhi also loved to look at the sky. Let's see what kind of sky the artist saw.

    Music by Beethovin "Moonlight Sonata".

    « What it is? Picture or reality. In a gold frame or open window We saw this month, these clouds, this dark distance, these trembling lights of sad villages and these shimmers of light, this silvery reflection of the month in the streams of the Dnieper, skirting the distance, this poetic, quiet, majestic night.”

    An extraordinary exhibition of one painting was opened in St. Petersburg - “Night on the Dnieper” by A.I. Kuindzhi. The public literally burst into the hall where the picture was.

    The first spectators were shocked by the effect of moonlight. The picturesque effect was truly amazing. Some even looked behind the canvas, looking for a light source secretly hidden behind the sky.

    Connoisseurs and art lovers from thousands of miles away, across oceans and continents, made pilgrimages to this unparalleled canvas in Russia.

    What feelings do you experience when you look at this picture?

    What do you experience on a moonlit night?

    2. R Working with the statements of great people about heaven.

    “It makes no sense to say that the sky is outside of us, it is inside... and the person who perceives

    the sky is its container, the sky itself and the angel.”

    Aivankhov: “Spiritual life is your connection with heaven.”

    3. Conversation about the treasures of heaven.

    On the board there is a large poster of the starry endless sky.

    - Guys, what do you think are the treasures of heaven? Please list them.(Stars, moon, snow, rain, cloud, sun, rainbow, northern lights, comets, planets, lightning, clouds, meteor shower, etc.)

    What treasures of heaven do you like and why?

    I attach drawings depicting treasures of the sky to a poster of the starry sky.

    Now complete the sentence:

    1. If there were no stars in the sky, then...
    2. If it never rained, then...
    3. If the sun had not shone in the sky, then...
    4. If it didn't snow in winter, then...
    1. A conversation about the treasures of the human soul.

    Guys, are there any among earthly treasures that can be called heavenly?

    What are these treasures?

    (Good character, bright soul, high thoughts, love, friendship, etc.)

    What does heaven and the human soul have in common?

    What feelings does heaven give rise to in the human soul?

    5. Slide – show. Conversation about the color of the sky.

    Please tell me what color is the sky?

    Indeed, the sky is always a different color.

    What determines the color of the sky?

    1. WEATHER

    The color of the sky depends on the clouds, whether it is snowing or raining.

    Slide: Aivazovsky “The Ninth Wave”.

    The artist masterfully depicted the transition from calm to storm. Notice how the color of the sky changes: at first it is calm, light lilac, and when moving to a storm it becomes dark, menacing, almost black. The color of the sea changes along with the color of the sky. The connection between sky and sea can be seen in the following slides.

    Slide: Signac “Harbor in Marseille”

    Slide: To Monet “Rocks at Belle-Ile”


    The morning sky is different from the sunset one, it is pink and bright, and in the evening it is, of course, different from the night sky.

    1. SEASON

    Summer, autumn, winter and spring skies.

    Slide: A. Kuindzhi “Night on the Dnieper”

    Slide: B. Kustodiev “Maslenitsa”

    Slide: V. Kandinsky “Winter Landscape”

    The color of the sky affects our mood.

    Slide: Rylov “In the Blue Expanse” - the skybright blue, sunny - the mood is cheerful, joyful.

    Slide: Savrasov “Country Road” - the sky is dull gray, damp - the mood is dreary, sad.

    Slide: Aivazovsky “Storm in the North Sea” - the sky is dark gray - a restless mood, a feeling of an impending thunderstorm, fear.

    Slide: Nesterov “In the Mountains”

    Slide: N. Roerich “Arrows of heaven, spears of earth”

    Why did the artist choose this color?

    Slide: Vasnetsov “Three Princesses of the Underground Kingdom.”

    C The light enhances the unreality and mystery of what is happening.

    Let your soul paint little present sky.

    V. Discussion. Exhibition of works.

    VI. Lesson summary.

    I would like to wish you:“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But lay up treasures in heaven... for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

    I want your hearts to reach for the sky, where your treasures are.

    VII. Reflection.


    Municipal institution "Management

    education administration of the Municipal

    education of the urban district "Usinsk"

    Municipal educational institution

    "Secondary school No. 2"

    (MOU "Secondary School No. 2")

    Mother's heart

    Lesson on spiritual and moral education of children

    Compiled by: Mazhaeva T. N.

    primary school teacher


    Lesson topic: Mother's heart

    The purpose of the lesson : to cultivate love and reverence for mother and woman;


    - continue to cultivate the qualities of love: tenderness, a feeling of affection, kindness towards a mother, a woman;

    - cultivate refinement of feelings;

    - develop imagination.

    Literary series: - Maikov “Mother”;

    1. V. Sukhomlinsky “The Legend of Mother’s Love”;
    2. Proverbs about mother's love;
    3. A. Platonov “Bezruchka”;
    4. V. Sukhomlinsky “Mother’s Wings”;
    5. V. Wackenroder “Wonderful Image”;
    6. Fairy tale "Grief of the Mother of the World."

    Visual range:

    Slide: Rafael Santi “Sistine Madonna”;

    Slides by N.K. Roerich: “Mother of the World”;

    "Holder of the World";

    "Queen of Heaven";

    "Star of the Morning"; "The Works of Madonna".

    Card words;

    Topic – poster;

    Tables: “The Facets of Love”;

    "Mother's Love";

    "Treasures of a mother's heart."

    Signal cards in three colors;

    Children's drawings. Portraits of mothers.

    Musical series:

    Schubert "Ave Maria"

    Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata"

    During the classes
    1. Introduction.

    Today we will continue talking about love.

    Love is such a big, warm word, it hugs you with its warm, gentle arms the whole world.

    Love is tenderness, it is joy, it is pity, it is sadness, it is the desire to help, to save, the ability to give, to share, to understand the world around you with your heart.

    What can love be compared to? (with the sun)

    The sun gives its light, warmth, life to everyone on earth, and to everyone equally, regardless of whether the person is good or evil.

    Just as the sun has many rays, so love has many facets.

    Guys, tell me the facets of love.


    To peace to animals

    To man to life

    To mother to nature

    To the Motherland

    Love for man, for nature, for animals, for the Motherland, for the mother. And all this Love.

    Reading poetic lines to music.

    Who guessed what the topic of our lesson today is!

    Mother's love

    Mom... The closest, the most dear person who is with you all your life. Let's hear your stories about your mother.

    II. Homework

    One by one, the children show their flower, which their mother looks like, and tell about her

    Thank you for your stories, I feel how much you love your mother.

    I feel your love in my heart, it is born from love for your mother.

    III. New material.

    1. Conversation about mother's love

    Guys, this is the sun of your mother’s love for you. Please list what a mother's love can be like?


    Sacrificial huge

    Magically patient

    Forgiving, selfless

    Tender heartfelt

    As the lesson progresses, we will write on the rays what a mother’s love can be.

    Listen to one legend about Mother's love

    2. Reading “The Legend of Mother’s Love” by V. Sukhomlinsky

    (“Textbook of Goodness” p. 90)

    So, what was a mother's love for her son?




    For the sake of the life of her child, a mother is always ready for a feat. She can sacrifice her peace, health, happiness, for the sake of the happiness of her children. In our lives there are examples of tragic cases when a mother gave her life for the life of a child.

    Now listen to the tale about the Goose.

    5. Reading the fairy tale “Mother’s Wings” by V. Sukhomlinsky

    Why was the wounded mother still happy?

    6. Creative task"Treasures of a Mother's Heart"

    There is a big heart on the board, and small hearts next to it.

    This is a mother's heart. And these little hearts are treasures that are kept in the mother’s heart.

    Please list on each heart the treasures that live in a mother’s heart.

    For example :



    hard work










    Children come to the board and attach their hearts, naming the treasures.

    7. Conversation

    - The concept of mother is combined with other concepts:


    Why are nature and earth compared to mother? What do they have in common?

    Not only poets and writers, but also artists in their paintings reflect maternal love and the image of a mother in their works.

    8. Slide program:

    Showing Raphael’s slide “The Sistine Madonna” to the music of Schubert “Ave Maria” and reading an excerpt from W. Wackenroder “Wonderful Evening”

    The image of a mother, a woman in the paintings of artists.

    What do you feel when looking at this picture?

    Do you think Mary knows what will happen to her son? Does she realize this?

    What feeling is imbued with the mother's face?

    Mary's face is permeated with slight sorrow, or better yet, quiet sadness. Her eyes are downcast. The baby calmly and thoughtfully looks into the distance, as if looking into his future and now, surprised and trustingly accepting it.

    Don’t you get the feeling that Mary, on the one hand, is tenderly holding her son, and on the other hand, she is holding him out to the world, as if she is already preparing to part with what was sent to her by God.

    We will look at the image of the heavenly Mother, the image of the Blessed Virgin by Raphael Santi.

    I want to show you one more image. This is the Mother of the World.

    9. Display of a reproduction of the painting “Mother of the World” by N.K. Roerich

    Why is the Mother of the World covered with the upper part of her face?

    Reading the fairy tale “Grief to the Mother of the World” (textbook of Good from 88-89)

    10. Conversation about the Mother of the World

    The coming era of the Mother of the World is still the era of women. Wars will stop because a woman carries within herself affection and tenderness. Women will save the world. Every woman and girl should feel that there is a piece of the Mother of the World in her. What kind of girls should they become? (kind, gentle, affectionate)

    And boys and men should learn affection and kindness from women, and not be rude and impolite.

    IV. Drawing. Practical part.

    Close your eyes and imagine a bouquet of love that you would like to give to your mother.

    What flowers will your bouquet consist of?

    Maybe fiery red poppies with black embers inside them;

    Or maybe from the most ordinary blue forget-me-nots that look like a clear blue lake;

    Blush - pink carnations;

    From white daisies;

    Lilac bells;

    Or wonderful roses; Rose is the queen of flowers, she has been loved, worshiped, and sung since time immemorial.

    Maybe you can give your mom a bouquet

    1. lilies of the valley, fragrant in their purity;
    2. a bouquet of cornflowers in rye;
    3. bird cherry fragrant inflorescence;
    4. water lily;
    5. blue snowdrop;
    6. dandelion full of life, sun.

    V. Discussion. Exhibition of works

    You gave wonderful flowers of love to your mothers.

    VI. Bottom line

    Our lesson ends. Today you will come home and look at your mother very carefully, kiss her tenderly, tenderly, stroke her golden hands.

    You don’t have to tell her anything, she’ll understand everything anyway. Feel the warmth of your heart. Let the eyes of your heart be washed with tears of gratitude to your mother for existing.

    VII. Reflection.

    Children choose a circle based on the color that matches their mood and compare it with their mood before the start of the lesson. Always stay in a good mood. The lesson is over. Goodbye.


    Municipal institution "Management

    education administration of the Municipal

    education of the urban district "Usinsk"

    Municipal educational institution

    "Secondary school No. 2"

    (MOU "Secondary School No. 2")

    Our friends are trees

    lesson notes

    on spiritual and moral education of children

    Mazhaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna,

    primary school teacher


    LESSON TOPIC: Our friends are trees.

    THE PURPOSE OF THE LESSON : Revealing the spiritual qualities of a child.


    1. Using examples from the plant kingdom (namely, the image of a tree), let children understand what treasures are inherent in man (kindness, purity, tenderness, generosity, courage, compassion, cordiality);
    2. develop human spiritual qualities through nature.

    LITERARY SERIES:St. John of Damascus

    MUSICAL SERIES: Vivaldi, "The Magic of the Forest"


    1. slide program:
    1. Ostroukhov "First Greens"
    2. A. Venitsianov “At the harvest. Summer",
    3. N. Roerich “Himalayas”, “Good Herbs”,
    4. N. Ge “Sunset on the sea in Livorno”,
    5. A. Kuindzhi “Night on the Dnieper”,
    6. Van Gogh "Starry Night"
    7. A. Rylov “In the blue expanse”
    1. Paintings depicting trees: birch, oak, willow, rowan, linden, maple,
      pine, aspen, spruce.
    2. Word cards
    3. Tables. Tree of Life, “Negative and Positive Qualities”
    4. Poster theme.
    5. Exhibition name
    6. A big tree.



    Hello, my dear friends!

    I'm glad to see you!

    My name is Tatyana Nikolaevna. But my mother calls me
    birch tree

    Why do you think?

    I agree with you. But in my heart there lives a rowan.

    Why I consider myself a mountain ash, you will understand after living with
    lesson for me.

    Do you yourself want to perform a small miracle: discover a tree that will live in your heart?

    Then I invite you all to the amazing and mysterious world of living nature, full of secrets and mysteries, where our best friends live - trees.


    Show slides to Vivaldi music and read poetry

    I bless you

    St. John of Damascus

    I bless you forests,

    Valleys, fields, mountains, waters,

    I bless freedom

    And blue skies!

    And I bless my staff

    And this poor sum

    And the steppe from edge to edge,

    And the light of the sun, and the darkness of the night.

    And a lonely path

    Which way, beggar, am I going,

    And in the field every blade of grass

    And every star in the sky.


    And one artist once decided to draw Komi Parma. “What is a forest?” - he thought.

    Help the artist! What would you advise him to draw?

    Yes, he did just that. I picked up brushes and paints and began to paint. I drew a birch tree, spruce, pine, and willow. Can there really be a forest made up of only trees? (This can't be)

    I drew beautiful bushes next to the trees, and many bright flowers among the green grass.

    I didn’t forget to draw mushrooms and insects. Bright butterflies and colorful beetles appeared on flowers, on tree leaves, and on the grass.

    Music "Magic of the Forest"

    A forest cannot exist without birds. And cheerful birds appeared on the tree branches. I also drew a toad, a lizard, and a frog.

    This is a real forest! He will live because there is everything here: mushrooms, flowers, and animals. This is a forest! And in a real forest, thousands and thousands of inhabitants are hiding so that they are completely impossible to see. And there live in it thousands of secrets that very few people can unravel.

    What kind of person do you think these secrets will be revealed to?

    I agree with you guys. The secrets of the forest can only be unraveled by a person with a loving heart, who feels like an inseparable part of nature.


    Each of you guys have different personalities.

    Do you think trees have character?

    Let's find together the most characteristic words, qualities that accurately convey the appearance, character, and mood of each tree.

    And let’s take the most common tree in our northern region - birch.

    What is the character of birch and why?

    On the desk




    gentle majestic weeping

    pure solemn sad

    modest sad




    generous mighty

    strong solid

    Birch: tender, pure, white-trunked, curly, cheerful, modest, shy, thin.

    What reminds you of the tenderness of the birch tree? (flexible soft branches
    people were reminded of tenderness)

    About cleanliness? (snow-white dress)

    The other most common Komi-Parma tree is spruce.What is her character and why?

    Spruce: strict, solemn, majestic.

    What is the character of a willow tree? And why?

    Willow: weeping, sad, sad (bended by the river, as if the beautiful maiden was pining for her betrothed or the little mermaids had turned into weeping willows and were grieving for their underwater home)

    What can you tell me about mountain ash?

    Rowan: thin, curly, generous. Rowan gives its vitamin and berry wealth to everyone: people, animals, and birds.

    The king of the forest is the oak. Describe his character, mood, appearance.

    Oak: tall, stocky, strong, mighty, robust, omnipotent, majestic, solid.

    Well done boys. I really liked your answers. You accurately conveyed the character, appearance, and mood of the tree.


    Guys, what can trees teach us?

    Rowan - generosity;

    Oak - courage, fortitude, firmness;

    Birch - tenderness, purity;

    Ivushka - compassion.

    You see, guys, every tree has a character, a mood, and even a piece of wisdom hidden. Thus, we compare a person to a tree.


    What do you think, let's imagine if we can imagine our large, diverse world in the form of a tree.

    If we imagine that our entire common home, our world, is a tree, then we are people populating this earth, who will we imagine ourselves to be on this tree of life? (Fruits, flowers, leaves of this tree).

    Guys, look, we, people living on planet Earth, are all so different, with different characters, with different nationalities, religions, different colors
    skin, how can we all get along together in our common home, so that our home prospers, is bright and beautiful, like this tree?

    (We must be tolerant of each other, love each other, be able to sympathize, accept other people's pain as our own and serve people, live for the sake of other people, and not for ourselves).

    Guys, but, unfortunately, our world is imperfect and evil exists next to good. And man is not an ideal creature of nature, and there are people who have negative character traits.

    What quality of soul would you advise to cultivate in a person in whose heart lives

    sadness joy

    evil kindness

    rudeness tenderness

    cowardice courage

    stinginess generosity

    ugly search for beauty


    And if every person places these qualities in his heart, then there will be peace, joy, and happiness on our Earth.


    A large tree without leaves appears on the board.

    And so, we presented the “tree of peace”, and now let’s decorate the “tree of life” of your class. And what it will be depends on you.

    And let's decorate it with our hearts. In your heart, draw the tree you have chosen as your friend. Get to work. I wish you creative success.


    I see how your class tree has blossomed, become elegant, festive, and beautiful. I see your kind hearts and your friends - trees.

    Guys, who drew the birch tree? Why did you choose it?

    I see that many guys have an oak tree in their hearts. Why did you draw it?

    Ivushka won the hearts of the children. Why did you draw the willow tree?

    And this is my heart. And the mountain ash lives in it. Can you guess why I chose mountain ash?

    I appreciate generosity and kindness in people.

    Guys, do you want the tree of your class to always be as joyful and blooming as you should be? (what qualities will live on the rays of your heart).


    How can we name our exhibition?

    (“The Tree in the Heart of Man,” “The Heart of Our Class”)

    Our lesson ends. I want to wish you that love will always live in your hearts, love for the world, love for each other, for nature and for our friends the trees.

    I wish you all the best. Goodbye. Our lesson is over.


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    "Secondary school No. 2"

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    Joy magic arc

    Lesson on spiritual and moral education of children

    Compiled by: Mazhaeva T. N.

    primary school teacher


    Lesson topic: Joy magic arc.

    The purpose of the lesson: Cultivating a love for nature.

    Lesson Objectives: 1 . Show an amazing and unique miracle in the image of a rainbow.

    2 . Using the example of a natural phenomenon like a rainbow, let children understand what treasures are inherent in a person (kindness, purity, generosity, beauty, tenderness, etc.)

    3 . To cultivate a moral attitude towards the world and towards oneself, through the perception of the beauty of an act, feeling, work.

    4 . Learn to notice and create beauty.

    5 . Introduce the child to human Culture, a system of universal human values.

    Literary series: E. Shim “Rainbow”; F. Tyutchev.

    Musical series: I.S. Bach, Vivaldi.

    Visual range: A. Savrasov “Rainbow”; A. Kuindzhi "Rainbow"

    Vasiliev “Wet meadow”.

    During the classes.

    I. Opening remarks.

    I am very glad to see you again in our “Goodness and Beauty” classes, where we talk about the eternal and beautiful, about kindness and love, about the wonderful beauty that is everywhere on our earth.

    II. Repetition of what has been covered. Conversation about beauty.

    - Where can you find Beauty?

    Beauty is everywhere: in nature, in art, in human relationships.

    Beauty has many facets. The beauty of man, the beauty of nature.

    Man is connected with nature. He understands its beauty and expresses it in his works of art, in his creativity: an artist in paintings, a composer in music, a poet in poetry, a needlewoman in sewing.

    What could be beautiful in a person?

    (Everything in a person should be beautiful - face, thoughts, soul and body.)

    What is true beauty in a person?

    (True beauty is the soul, pure and beautiful, and not the body.)

    What qualities characterize a person with a beautiful soul?

    (Kindness, love, sincerity, joy, mercy, compassion.)

    How is this spiritual beauty achieved?

    (The beauty of the soul is achieved by a person’s work on his perfection.)

    What feelings does beauty evoke?

    (Joy, desire for creativity - to draw, write, express beauty in something.)

    If every person understands that beauty is in the soul and tries to become better, purer and kinder, then the whole world will become more beautiful.

    The ability to find Beauty in everything is a great art. This needs to be learned. When you go to school, notice what is happening around you. Beauty is everywhere, you just have to see it.

    III. Slide is a program.

    Slide show with music

    I want to show you the beauty in art, in reproductions of paintings by artists, in works of folk art.

    While watching the slides, let everyone remember what beautiful things they saw in their lives.

    Exercise: Try to find something beautiful every day. Make it a habit. And in the next lesson, tell us what beautiful, wonderful things you saw in nature during the week.

    IV. Conversation about rain.

    Bach sounds

    It's hard to name just one. The whole world is beauty. I love looking at the stars, I love autumn forest, and in the summer - a forest clearing with flowers. And how beautiful the river is at night, there is fog above the river, a dark sky, bright stars, a moon.

    But lately I've started to love rain.

    Usually the word rain only brings up a boring image. But in fact, every word about rain contains an abyss of living images.

    There are cheerful summer rains, warm spring rains, cold autumn rains, and each has its own character.

    And it also rains drizzling,




    spores (fast, fast)

    striped (running in stripes)


    heavy rolling and finally showers (torrential)

    And it also happens warm life-givingrain. Rain is often compared to a symbol of purification and love falling on the earth.

    In summer, be sure to listen to the rain, watch nature after the rain, discover poetry of rain.

    V. New material.

    Sounds like Vivaldi's music

    Now imagine how a thunderstorm seemed to rush over the plain. Rain and wind are raging in the distance, blue clouds are full of moisture and heavy, wet branches of trees and bushes. But the sky was already glowing bright blue on the horizon, the sun came out and a “distant miracle” appeared - a rainbow.

    Visual range: A. Savrasov “Rainbow”

    Reading prose to music.

    I really love the rainbow -

    Joy wonderful arc.

    Colored gates

    It will spread over

    The earth will sparkle,

    It will sparkle - you will fall in love!

    Only the rainbow is always far, far away

    No matter how much you walk, no matter how much you hurry,

    You still won't come close,

    You can't touch it with your hand.

    That’s what I called it – “a distant miracle.”

    That's how much love for the rainbow you can feel from the writer E. Shim.

    Who guessed what the topic of our lesson is?


    Do you think the sky smiles after the rain?

    Can a rainbow be called a smile from the sky?

    Do you love rainbows?

    For what?

    What do you feel when you look at a rainbow?

    Have you ever wanted to touch her with your hand?

    Visual range: Kuindzhi "Rainbow".

    Reading a poem to music: F. Tyutcheva

    How unexpected and bright

    In the damp blue sky,

    Aerial arch erected

    In your momentary celebration!

    One end stuck into the forests,

    Gone behind the clouds for others -

    She covered half the sky

    And she became exhausted at the height.

    Oh, in this rainbow vision

    What a treat for the eyes!

    It is given to us for a moment,

    Catch him - catch him quickly!

    Look - it has already turned pale,

    Another minute or two - and then what?

    It’s gone, somehow it’ll go away completely.

    What do you breathe and live by?

    Why do you think rainbows disappear so quickly?

    Would you like there to be a rainbow in the sky forever?

    What would life be like for people and nature if a rainbow, like the sun and moon, appeared for a longer period of time?

    Physical exercise.

    VI. Game "Red, Yellow, Blue".

    - How many colors does the rainbow have? (7)

    I distribute colored circles according to the seven colors of the rainbow. To whom I gave the circles, they must run out and stand in order of the colors of the rainbow.

    K O J Z G S F


    Are there many colors of the rainbow on earth?

    The first color in the rainbow is red. Please name what on earth can be red (fire, flowers, vegetables). Whoever has the color red counts how many items of its color were named.

    Now name what on earth can be orange?






    What color is there most on earth?

    Which color is smaller?

    Why do you think there is more of this color?

    VII. Game "Gifts of the Rainbow"

    Come up with as many definitions for the word rainbow as you can. What rainbow?

    The word RAINBOW on the board

    Please list the RAINBOW GIFTS to the inhabitants of the earth.

    For example, a rainbow gives:

    Smile Spirit of creativity

    Love Delight

    Good mood Happiness

    Beautiful color palette Tenderness

    Flowers Beauty

    Joy Purity

    -What qualities of a person resemble a rainbow and explain your opinion







    VIII. Independent work. Drawing.

    Imagine that a rainbow bursts into life in your heart. Draw your heart.

    IX. Exhibition

    -What can we call our exhibition?

    "Rainbow in the Heart of Man"

    X. Homework

    -Which color of the rainbow do you like best?

    -At home, let each of you choose one of the colors of the rainbow and draw a fairy tale of your own color, for example, a green fairy tale, different shades Green colour.

    XI. Lesson summary

    -Imagine that in the soul of every person there lives a rainbow, which, if forgotten, can go out forever.

    -Tell me, what should a person be like so that the rainbow living in his soul never goes out?

    -I wish you to be kind, honest, generous, merciful, compassionate, then the rainbow in your soul will never go out.


    Municipal institution "Management

    education administration of the Municipal

    education of the urban district "Usinsk"

    Municipal educational institution

    "Secondary school No. 2"

    (MOU "Secondary School No. 2")

    Sun of the family

    Joint holiday for parents and children

    Compiled by: Mazhaeva T. N.

    primary school teacher


    Theme of the event: The sun of the family.

    Target:- reveal the meaning of the concept of “family” and its purpose;

    - cultivate love and respect for parents;

    - develop human moral qualities.

    Literary series:- proverbs;

    - poems about family;

    Visual range:- poster theme;

    - family photos;

    - word cards: love




    caring for others






    hard work



    - mood dictionary: hardworking kind kind-hearted radiant

    shining harmonious

    joyful happy

    generous unselfish

    modest fair

    purposeful beautiful

    beautiful faithful

    gentle friendly

    pure honest

    hardworking friendly

    - drawing of a large sun with rays;

    - cards with the image of: the sun, star, rainbow, spring, flowers, swans, bees, rowan, goldfish, mountains;

    - exhibition of drawings “Family Tree”; "Our Families"

    Musical series:any classical music that is in tune with poems and visuals.

    During the classes.

    1. Organizing time. Setting a learning task.

    - Hello, our dear parents, grandmothers, guys. Today we have an unusual lesson. We got together to talk about the most important and most precious thing in the world. I want to ask each of you whatWhat is the most precious thing in the world to you? (we pass the flower from hand to hand and answer this question)

    - Have you guessed what we will talk about in class today? (about family)

    - What can you compare a family with? (With the sun, rainbow, flower...)

    "Sun of the Family"

    - This is the name of the topic of our class hour.

    Slide 2.

    - Today we will try to answer the question:

    “What should family members be like in relation to each other so that the sun living in the family never goes out?

    III. New material.

    1. The spiritual basis of the family. Conversation.

    -Guys, how do you understand the word “family”?

    Are you interested in knowing what your family thinks about this? For example, siblings and parents?

    Then turn your attention to the screen. The report is...

    Video clip.

    - What does the big encyclopedic dictionary think about this?

    Slide 4.

    Family is a small group based on marriage or consanguinity,

    whose members are connected by a common life,

    mutual assistance, moral and legal responsibility.

    Slide 5.

    - Most modern families consist of spouses of their children.

    Slide 6-7.

    - A large family, including several generations of relatives.

    This is the family tree…….

    Slide 8.

    - What constitutes the spiritual basis of a family?

    - What assumptions will there be?

    - The question is not easy. There were several opinions in our class.

    - Let's try to answer it.


    Slide 9-16.

    - Let's start off with,

    1. what is soul?How to catch that elusive highest essence that lives in every person. Maybe the soul is a wondrous flower of beauty or a divine spark of spirit?Or maybe this is the tree of life?

    Two souls - female and male. Two precious trees of life. Each is full of its own light, its own unique beauty.

    1. The branches of two trees intertwine, penetrating deeper and deeper into each other. For the purpose of the meeting is to understand the essence of the other in order to become one with them, to become a family.What is the purpose of a family?A faint golden circle can be seen around the branches of the two trees of life - this is the light of the future new soul, their unborn child. So far it is barely noticeable, but this light is the meaning and continuation of their meeting.
    2. When two souls merge into one, a new lush and beautiful family tree appears
    3. The birth of a new person. caught fire little sun in the nest of a family, intertwined by the branches of two souls. Both of them, with infinite tenderness and care, embrace and cradle this light of a new soul.
    4. Growing new person, a new tree of life. Both parents leaned their branches towards the new tree. They hug him carefully and tenderly, and the golden light of their love fills the branches and roots of the new soul and becomes its light.
    5. A person grows up, and it’s like a sunny tree has risen between his parents. But they grew old and lost their splendor. There are very few branches left on the mother tree. They burned in sacrificial love. The souls of parents have fewer and fewer branches and roots left. They have fulfilled their earthly destiny, and their souls fly away to another world.
    1. Like the sun shining above the earth, the golden tree of life. And although the souls of his parents have flown far away, they remember him and pray for him from afar. And the crown of the new tree is filled with maternal and paternal roots. They gave him life and with their warmth helped the light of divine love to flare up in him.

    Slide 17

    - What is the purpose of the family? (birth of a new person)

    - What is the main quality of human relationships, in your opinion, that constitutes the spiritual basis of a family (love, care, warmth, tenderness...)

    - Only LOVE living in a family can truly make everyone happy!

    Slide 18

    2.Happy family. Working with a proverb.

    "Happy is he who is happy at home"

    says a popular proverb.

    - Guys, are you happy that you have a family?

    - Prove that family is a person’s happiness.

    - What is the happiness of a family: in children, wealth, health or anything else?

    - And our parents make us happy.


    Slide 19.(slide with a picture of beautiful nature)

    For you, my parents,

    Meadows and beauty!

    Oh, how much, how much joy,

    My family brought it for me!

    All the clouds have cleared away,

    And a ray of your goodness appeared!

    And there is nothing better in the world

    What a ray of your goodness,

    Than a ray of your warmth,

    Thank you, parents!

    Thank you my family!

    3. "Secret envelope." Homework work.

    - Each of you is preparing a “Secret Envelope” for your loved ones. In it you wrote down the kindest words, confessions and wishes to your loved ones. Before we hand over these envelopes to our parents, I think it will be very nice for them, let's listen to a few warm lines about our loved ones.

    - Thank you for the heartfelt lines.

    4. Friendly family and happy family.

    - It’s good when there is harmony in the family. When the family is friendly.

    Slide 20.

    « What is the treasure for if there is harmony in the family?

    - Which family do you think is richer: the one that has a lot of money, but there is no agreement, or the one in which there is harmony, but no money?

    - Were there any moments when there was no money, but everyone felt amazingly good and comfortable with each other?

    - In what family do people know how to truly enjoy life? (Those who live in harmony are those who can be called a friendly family)

    - Unfortunately, it also happens that trouble comes to a family. For example, someone became seriously ill, or there was an earthquake, hurricane, or flood.

    Slide 21.

    “Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.”

    - What a wise proverb.

    - Which family do you think is happier, the one that doesn’t know grief, or the one that knows how to cope with grief? (she knows how to cope with grief, where there is mutual understanding, support, care, self-sacrifice,)

    - Which family do you think will never be afraid of grief? (love and harmony)

    - What qualities should all members of this family have? (mutual understanding, mutual respect, self-sacrifice, caring for others, warmth, kindness, hard work)

    Slide 22

    5. Game “What are our families like?” Group work.

    I hand out cards to the children with pictures of: the sun, a star, a rainbow, a spring, flowers, swans, bees, rowan trees, a goldfish, a mountain.

    1 group

    - Write a few epithets that characterize a family that looks like mountains.

    - To the rainbow?

    2nd group

    -Write a few epithets that characterize a family that is like a spring?

    - For flowers?

    3 group

    - Write a few epithets that characterize a family similar to swans?

    - For bees?

    4 group

    - Write a few epithets that characterize a family that looks like a mountain ash?

    - For a goldfish?

    Checking group work.

    Slide 23-30.

    (mountains) (purposeful)

    (rainbow) (harmonious, joyful, happy, joyful...)

    (spring) (pure, honest...)

    (flowers) (beautiful, wonderful...)

    (swans) (faithful, gentle, friendly...)

    (bees) (hardworking, friendly...)

    (rowan) (generous, selfless...)

    (goldfish) (modest, fair...)

    Slide 31

    Physical education minute.

    - What do you need for life?


    - What is needed for friendship?

    - Heart!

    - What does the heart need?

    - Happiness!

    - What is needed for happiness?

    - World!

    - What do you think a family should be like to be compared to the sun?

    friendly, kind, loving, kind-hearted...)

    -Have you ever met sunny families?

    - Could you call your family “sunny”?

    Slide show(family photos of children)

    7. Lesson summary.

    Slide 32.(Sun)

    - Imagine that in every person’s family there lives a sun, which, if forgotten, can go out forever.

    - Tell me, what should family members be like towards each other so that the sun living in the family never goes out?

    Slide 33

    Should live in a sunny family





    caring for others






    hard work



    - I wish that love, care, tenderness, and warmth will always live in your family. Then the sun of your family will never go out.

    - We have prepared a concert for you, dear parents.

    - Thank you. Class hour finished. I wish everyone a good mood and invite you to tea


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    education administration of the Municipal

    education of the urban district "Usinsk"

    Municipal educational institution

    "Secondary school No. 2"

    (MOU "Secondary School No. 2")

    Flowers in human life.

    Lesson on spiritual and moral education of children

    Compiled by: Mazhaeva T. N.

    primary school teacher


    Lesson topic: Flowers in human life.

    The purpose of the lesson: revealing the child's spiritual qualities.

    Literary series: - poems about flowers;

    V. Soloukhin “Bouquet”, “Flowers”

    Visual range:1 Slide – program. A series of slides depicting various flowers.

    1. Topic – poster;
    2. Slides – reproductions of paintings by artists:
    1. Van Gogh "Irises"
    1. Van Gogh "Sunflowers"
    1. Alexander Kuprin “Nasturtiums”
    1. M. Saryan “Flowers”.
    1. Scheme “What flowers teach us.”
    2. Card words.

    Music series:

    1. music for relaxation;

    2. P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”

    Flowers in a person's life.

    During the classes.

    1. Organizing time.
    2. introduction.

    Hello, Dear friends. I want to ask you: do you like flowers?

    Today in class we will talk about the most beautiful, tender and beautiful thing on earth - flowers. Lesson topic:

    Flowers in human life.

    They give us joy, beauty and their tenderness.

    « He who loves flowers and protects them increases his happiness and receives bliss.”

    I invite everyone to the flower ball.

    1. A slide program showing various flowers and reading poetry about them. Music. Tchaikovsky "Ball of Flowers".

    And the main guest at this ball isrose.

    Rose is the queen of flowers. She was loved, she was worshiped, she was sung from time immemorial.

    Roses are sisters of the dawn.

    Their color is the same as the color of dawn.

    Roses are opening

    Only in the first rays of dawn,

    And having opened up marvelously,

    They laugh and cry,

    Sadness and joy rocking

    In deep satin colors.

    And now another flower.

    “Look at a star, it’s not just a luminous point emitting blue, white, or pink light. In the middle it is bright yellow and golden. Ancient people noticed small light blue flowers with a yellow circle in the middle, which swayed in a light breeze, reminiscent of the color and vibrations of stars."Aster!"- they exclaimed, which translated into Russian means “star”.

    "Tears of the Virgin Mary" (about lilies of the valley).

    The Most Holy Theotokos wept quietly as she stood at the cross of her crucified Son. Her burning tears dripped in large drops onto the ground, and pure white lilies of the valley appeared at the site of their fall. What could be simpler and at the same time more beautiful than lily of the valley? A few white, porcelain-like bells on a long stem and a couple of green leaves - that’s all. These lovely white bells combine the purity and holiness of tears Holy Mother of God. Its aroma refreshes and heals the soul. And when the white flowers of the lily of the valley fell, in their place, from the very heart, fiery red drops of the Virgin Mary’s tears poured out.





    Which flower do you like best? And for what?

    IV. Conversation about flowers.

    What do you feel when you look at flowers?

    Name different epithets for the word flowers.



    Fragrant beautiful

    Beautiful light-loving

    Delicate fragrant

    Wonderful loved ones

    magical gorgeous

    Which flowers best correspond to which of these epithets?

    Can flowers be ugly?

    What do flowers give us?

    I have the qualities of a person’s soul written on the board. Please list the qualities that flowers teach us?

    What are we taught?flowers?



    kindness tenderness



    Flowers bring people not only joy and beauty. Flowers bring happiness to a person. Love for flowers is one of the best human qualities.

    What do you think is most like a flower in a person?(soul).Explain your answer.The human soul is compared to a flower. The human soul is the same flower, reaching out to light and warmth.

    What happens to a flower if you don't take care of it?

    What happens to a person’s soul if you don’t take care of it?

    How do you understand the words “care for the soul”?(Strive to do only what will bring joy and happiness to people, improve your spiritual qualities, try to understand your goal and purpose)

    “Love for each other, the desire to make other people happy, the ability to give joy - these are the necessary conditions for a happy life for any person"

    What should you do to be happy? (be in love)

    Plants also have a soul, their own living and unique life.

    Flowers also have a language with which they communicate with us.

    What qualities do you think you need to have in order to understand the language of flowers and communicate with them?

    Poets, writers, artists, composers knew this language well and wrote many beautiful works that were dedicated to flowers and nature.

    V. Slide program of reproductions of paintings by artists to the music of Tchaikovsky “Ball of Flowers”

    Looking at these reproductions, it’s as if we find ourselves in a magical meadow on a sunny summer day.

    1. G. Flegel “Still life with flowers and cacti”
    2. G. Flegel “Still life with flowers and snacks”
    3. Van Gogh "Irises"
    4. Van Gogh "Sunflowers"
    5. Alexander Kuprin “Nasturtiums”
    6. A. Kuprin “Still life. Artificial flowers and fruits on a yellow background.
    7. A. Kuprin “Flowers against the background of printed matter”
    8. Martiros Saryan “Autumn flowers and fruits”
    9. M. Saryan “Flowers”.

    Do you think the artists knew the language of flowers?

    What qualities do you think a person needs to have in order to understand the language of flowers and communicate with them? (try to be hardworking and responsible, and never forget to take care of your plants)

    VI. Conversation. Generalization.

    What do you think life on earth would be like if there were no flowers?

    What role do they play in the life of humans, insects, and nature?

    All meadow flowers, wild flowers, forest flowers, many garden flowers have a very pleasant smell.

    The smell of flowers is of great importance in nature. Scientists observed the blooming of grasses, flowers and the behavior of insects.

    Each insect (butterfly, bug, bee, bumblebee) has its own flowers, which they distinguish by smell.

    By the smell you can determine the state of the flower - whether the flower is healthy, whether it feels good in this soil, whether the flower is happy or sad.

    From suffering, flowers lose their scent.

    In ancient times they saidthat the smell is the Soul of the flower.

    Therefore, when you have to cut flowers for a bouquet, ask the flowers for forgiveness, do not cut or tear too many, and do not tear at all if you know that you will soon throw them away.

    In the sacred scriptures of religions, the symbol of a flower is often used. What do you think they mean?

    (A flower is a symbol of a person’s soul frequency.)

    There are many myths, legends, and fairy tales about flowers and herbs, in which human life is connected with flowers.

    VII. Relaxation. Music.

    Now imagine a sunny summer day. You are lying in a meadow covered with a thick carpet of herbs and flowers. You can't resist the urge to collect a bouquet of your favorite flowers.

    Reading of V. Soloukhin’s poem “Bouquet”.

    What did a bouquet of different herbs and flowers teach the poet?

    There is nothing unnecessary or ugly in the created world. Each creation created is beautiful and beautiful in its own way. This amazing diversity is where the greatest beauty lies.

    VIII. Practical work.

    And now let the magic paints and pencils help you tell the whole world how you understand the language of flowers and herbs in the following tasks.

    1. Draw your favorite bouquet.
    2. Draw the flower of your soul.

    IX. Exhibition of works. Discussion.

    Friends, if you were to see a garden in which all the plants are exactly the same in shape, color and smell, would you think it was beautiful? Of course not. Rather, dull and monotonous. A garden is beautiful to the eye and pleasing to the heart, it is a garden where flowers of all shades, shapes and smells grow next to each other.

    Now let's admire our exhibition. Are the flowers on it the same?

    pay attention tobeauty in diversity.

    X. Summary.

    So it should be among the children of men! If you meet people of a different nationality or skin color, do not distrust them, be glad to see them, let them feel your kindness.

    Think of them as the colorful roses in the beautiful garden of humanity, and rejoice in being one of them.

    Compiled by: Mazhaeva T. N.

    primary school teacher


    Lesson topic: Determination.

    The purpose of the lesson:

    2) Give the concept of determination, the purpose of life;

    4) Develop imagination.

    Literary series:- V. Vysotsky;

    1. R. Byrne;
    2. N.K. Roerich;
    3. Shchetinin;

    Visual range:1 Slide – program. Series of slides by N.K. Roerich;

    1. "Himalayas";
    2. "Tibet".
    1. Topic – poster;
    2. Drawing-poster “Tree of Wisdom”, “Planet Earth”;
    3. Card words;

    Musical series:Vivaldi

    During the classes
    1. Introduction. Music.

    Close your eyes. Imagine a clear sunny day, blue sky, the gentle sun smiling at you. You feel his warmth. You smile at him too. And now a boundless and boundless field of Love has arisen between you and the Sun. Feel it. Open your eyes. Maybe you and I will have the same amazing and wonderful moments today.

    Guys, when the sun rises, which parts of the earth see its rays first? Valleys or mountain tops?Of course the mountain tops.

    Likewise, the purest, most noble and bright people are the first to see and grasp the truth.

    We continue the conversation about the well-wishers of the human soul, about the qualities of human wisdom.

    The topic of our reflection today is quality, one of the noblest, the most important in the fate of every person.

    And what kind of quality will you understand after living with me the magical moments of touching the amazing, incomprehensible and mysterious, beautiful paintings of N.K. Roerich.

    Look carefully and think about how you see the mountains in the artist’s paintings.

    II. Slide program.

    Slide show to Vivaldi music.

    III. Conversation about mountains.

    (summarized to the topic of the lesson).

    Mountains... There seems to be no plot here and everyone sees their own, what they want to see.

    The artist seems to be telling us: mountains are living beings with their own mood and their own inner life, invisible to humans.

    How did you see the mountains in the paintings of N.K. Roerich? Choose definition words that convey not only the appearance of the mountains, but also their character and mood (solemn, majestic, pure, feeling powerful, silvery, smoky).

    Into the bustle of cities

    And into the traffic

    We are returning - there is simply nowhere to go,

    And we descend from the conquered peaks,

    Leaving your heart in the mountains, leaving your heart in the mountains,

    So leave unnecessary disputes,

    I have already proven everything to you:

    The only thing better than mountainsmountains,

    Which I haven't been to yet.

    These heartfelt and sensitive poems by our Russian bard V. Vysotsky perfectly show the greatness of the significance of mountains in human life.

    Guys, what qualities should a person have to conquer a mountain peak? (brave, purposeful, decisive, tenacity strong spirit, have willpower, a thirst for victory“Learn perseverance from stones” - wrote N.K. Roerich

    Listen to the quatrain:

    Life starts over

    For those who are emerging.

    And all that howled and screamed

    Having risen here, he will sing.

    - How do you understand the lines - “Life begins for those who emerge”?

    What kind of ascension, in your opinion, are we talking about here?

    Human life is an ascent up a mountain, to the top of the spirit.

    - As you understand"spiritual ascent"?

    -Guys, what kind of symbol can mountains be for people? (Mountains are a symbol of ascension).

    There are mountain peaks, and there are peaks of the spirit.

    To rise to the top of our spirit, what should a person set for himself from childhood? (target).

    Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

    Now name the topic of our conversation. When a person is deprived of this quality, he will achieve nothing."Purposefulness". “The purpose of life is to live for a purpose» R. Byrne.

    IV. Conversation about goals

    - Think and tell me your goal.

    This is the tree of wisdom. I will write down all my goals on the branches of the tree.

    Poster drawing “tree of wisdom”

    What do you think it is to have a high goal? (she must be noble and bring benefit, joy, happiness to everyone. Live not for herself, but for the common good)

    Only that person will rise to the pinnacle of the spirit who realizes that the purpose of life is service, service to humanity.

    Do you think your life's purpose is high?

    What qualities does the desire for a high goal develop in a person? (kindness, compassion, generosity, purity, perseverance, will to win, love)

    What do you think life on earth will be like if all people strive for high goals?

    V. Game “Chain of Good Goals”

    This is our world and your kind hands, which will make it beautiful, clean, friendly, happy.

    Let's decorate our globe with flowers. On each flower, write a good goal that will bring good to the world or your wish to the world.

    Drawing-poster “Planet Earth”

    VI. Drawing, Practical part.

    And now I invite you to play the role of artists, and turn on your imagination, drawing a picture: the mountain peak of your spirit illuminated by light rays, the mountain road along which you rush step by step towards your goal.

    VII. Bottom line

    Looking at this sky-high, endless, huge mountain world in your drawings, I want to end the lesson with the words of the wonderful teacher Shchetinin.“Apparently there are no mountains in our life, but there is one endless peak, and we go to it step by step. And what seems to us a transcendental peak is simply a ledge on a huge, infinitely high mountain of our spirit. This is our own peak. We create it ourselves, we build it ourselves, and, reaching a height, we immediately say: “Come on, let’s go further, even further, even further.”

    This is how you go - you go

    And the blue mountains are always ahead in our lives.

    Are we truly human?

    Is there a fire of dreams burning in our soul?

    If we believe, hope, love, the top of our mountains is always ahead.

    Don't forget this.


    Municipal institution "Management

    education administration of the Municipal

    education of the urban district "Usinsk"

    Municipal educational institution

    "Secondary school No. 2"

    (MOU "Secondary School No. 2")

    Miracle of love

    Lesson on spiritual and moral education of children

    Compiled by: Mazhaeva T. N.

    primary school teacher


    Lesson topic: Miracle of love.

    The purpose of the lesson:1) Continue to become familiar with the qualities of wisdom;

    2) To consolidate the meaning of the feeling of love, its greatness and significance in human life and the world around us.

    3) Foster a desire for spiritual growth;

    4) Develop imagination.

    Literary series:- proverbs;

    1. Wise thoughts about love;
    2. "The Tale of the Wind";
    3. "A Tale of Love."

    Visual range:

    1Topic – poster;

    1. Words are cards;
    2. Drawing of a large sun with rays;
    3. Drawing of a large heart with rays (temple of the Heart from the rays of Love);
    4. Fairy Love Flower;
    5. Candles;
    6. Souvenir sun;
    7. Little suns for reflection for the whole class;
    8. Card words.

    Musical series: - Vivaldi "The Seasons";

    Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata";

    Schubert "Ave Maria".

    During the classes

    1. Organizing time.

    II. Setting a learning task.

    Updating. Creating a problematic situation.

    Guys, guess what I brought you to class today? It is round, bright, radiant, necessary for everyone living on earth. (Sun)

    It was not by chance that I started talking to you about the sun, because one of the great qualities of the human soul can be compared with its power. It is just as big as the sun. It lives in our heart. We give its light to other people, nature, and the surrounding world.

    Have you guessed what we will talk about today in class? (About love)

    Guys, do you think love can work wonders?

    What is the miracle of love?

    How many opinions are there in our class?

    What question arises?

    Who is right?

    What will be the topic of our lesson?

    Miracle of love

    Today in class we will try to answer the question “What is the miracle of love?”

    III. Children's discovery of new knowledge.

    1. Game "Fairy of Love"

    - What do you love most in the world?

    - Now who gets it? magic flower fairies of Love, let him tell us about what he loves most in the world.

    2. Conversation about the heart. A force more powerful than love"

    “There is no force in the world more powerful than love” (I. Stravinsky).

    Only love creates life.

    Guys, where do you think love is born?

    The feeling of love is born in our heart, words of tenderness, affection, kindness, and warmth come from the heart.

    Love has many words, and they all come from the warmth of the heart. There are such expressions: “heartfelt warmth”, “heartfelt gratitude to you”, “a person with a kind heart”. When we feel good, joy is felt in our chest, in our heart; when we feel bad, they also say: “my heart hurts,” “cats scratch at my heart.”

    The heart is the highest part of the human soul. It is the center of love and compassion, devotion and heroism. It’s not for nothing that an evil, selfish person is called heartless.

    1. Game “Building a Temple of the Heart from Love Crystals.”

    So, love is born in the heart.

    Guys, from what lenses of love do we build the Temple of the Heart? What can a person love?

    Drawing of a large heart with rays (Temple of the Heart from the rays of Love).

    Love has many rays:love for Nature, love for the Motherland, love for the Mother, for the world, love for the Earth... and all this through knowledge,through the experience of other people and ourselves, through books, music, painting.

    A wonderful teacher, educator V.A. Sukhomlinsky told the children, addressing everyone: “We come into the world and at first we are small children in order to, when we become adults, leave our mark on Earth and live our lives as real people.. A worm lives, a chicken lives, an ox lives, but their life is as far from human life as a worm’s hole, a chicken roost and an ox’s stall are from the cabin of a spaceship.Strive to become thinkers and workers. To do this you need to learn to love. To love and give your love."

    1. Reading a fairy tale about Love.

    “Many boys and girls lived in a large city house. Among them was a teenage girl - Little Hunchback. She was really small and really hunchbacked. Like other boys and girls, she went out into the yard to take a walk and play. Other girls also came out to play, among them were three beauties: Blue-Eyed Beauty, Blue-Eyed Beauty and Black-Eyed Beauty. Each of them was convinced that she was the most beautiful - and everyone should admire her beauty. The little hunchback, without taking her eyes off, looked at these beauties. How she wanted to give one of them her love! She approached first one, then the other, tried to play with them, but none of them paid attention to the Little Hunchback, as if she did not exist at all.

    And so the Little Hunchback fell in love with a distant twinkling star. She saw her in the evening sky and whispered to her the hot words of her love: “I want to be yours, Twinkling Star! I love you and want to be loved." And there was so much love in the heart of the Little Hunchback that this love reached out like a ray to the rays of the Twinkling Star. The little star lived unimaginably far away, it flickered with a barely noticeable spark, but the power of the Little Hunchback’s love was so great that - imagine, children, it was really like that - Little Star felt the warmth of the shining ray of love and answered: “Okay, Little Hunchback, I feel your love, I feel so good from your love and you will be mine. I am filled with your Love and send you my Love.” And then great Happiness sparkled in the girl’s eyes. In the morning, the children went out to play again, and the Little Hunchback looked into the eyes of the Blue-Eyed Beauty, the Blue-Eyed Beauty and the Black-Eyed Beauty and was horrified by the feelings of regret - cold pieces of ice were floating in their eyes.

    Little Hunchback whispered: “How unfortunate they are, these girls.”

    Guys, why did the Little Hunchback feel sorry for the beauties?

    What kind of eyes did the Little Hunchback have?

    What made the Little Hunchback so happy?

    We see how important it is not external beauty, but internal beauty.

    What is true beauty? (True beauty lies in devotion, in the desire to bring joy to another person.)

    “Love people. Love for people is your moral core, i.e. your cordial attitude towards people. Live so that your core is healthy, pure and strong.”

    “Love one another” is the commandment of Christ.

    1. Game "Candle of Love".

    Children stand in a circle. I give each person a small candle. Then I light one of the children’s candles. The child whose candle was lit must say something bright about his neighbor in the circle, and then light his candle with his candle.

    The game ends when all the candles in the circle are lit. After this, the children blow out the candles and sit down in their place.

    Guys, you and I built a temple of the Heart from rays of love. We talked about what a person can love. What is love? We will answer this question after we listen to the fairy tale.

    6. Conversation “What is love?”(Reading “Tales of the Wind”, book “Textbook of Good” p. 65)

    “There once lived a cold north wind. Wherever he appeared, he brought grief and misfortune. His breath froze trees, flowers, animals and even people.

    "Why are you so angry? – a small gray bird asked him one day. -You don't love anyone. You probably don’t even know what love is.”

    "Love? – the cold north wind was surprised. This was the first time he had heard such a strange word. - And what is it?" - he shouted, but the little gray bird had already flown away.

    “What is love?” - the wind asked the gentle forest bell, opening its petals towards the morning sun rays.

    “Ask the sun, it knows,” the bell laughed.

    "What is love?" - the wind asked the tallest pine tree, which stretched its branches towards the warmth of the sun.

    “Ask the sun, it knows,” the pine tree smiled.

    "What is love?" - the wind asked the silent mountain, which was looking into the sky and thinking about something.

    “Ask the sun, it knows,” the mountain answered quietly.

    "What is love?" - the wind finally asked the sun.

    “Love is when you forget about yourself and give all the affection of your heart to others - a flower, a tree, a mountain. They feel warm and happy because I love them.”

    So the sun said and fell silent. The cold north wind thought. For a long time he flew over the mountain, the pine tree and the delicate forest bell. And then he disappeared.

    There was no more cold and misfortune on earth. The weather was warm, sunny and calm.

    No one knew what happened to the cold wind. Only the sun knew that the wind fell in love with the mountain, the pine tree and the delicate forest bell. Only the sun knew that the wind had simply forgotten about itself.”

    - Guys, do you think the wind understands what love is?

    - Why did you decide so?

    - What is love? What does it mean?

    Loving means forgetting about yourself. Do we always love like this? Most often we think about ourselves and demand love from others.

    There are two types of love - earthly and heavenly.

    Earthly is when we love and want to be loved. There is another kind of love - when you love without demanding anything in return.

    IV. Primary consolidation.

    Game "Ode to Love"

    Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" is playing. The word is written in large letters on the boardLOVE

    Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Relax. Fill your heart with a tender, bright, warm, joyful feeling. Feel the love in your heart.

    - Guys, what do you think love is like?










    The only one



    Now, from all the words and definitions written on the board, make up an ode to love.

    Love works wonders. Thanks to love, beautiful works of art have been made - poems, poems, paintings, pieces of music.

    The composer Schubert loved one girl. He proposed to her, but the girl's father refused him. Schubert came home and wrote the music "Ave Maria". Beethoven dedicated the Moonlight Sonata to the Italian girl Juliet.

    Guys, remember the fairy tale in which love works wonders. ("The Scarlet Flower")

    V. Practical part.

    Drawing "Flowers of Love".

    Guys, remember I read you a fairy tale about Danko’s fiery heart?

    Imagine with your inner vision a flower of love in your heart.

    What is he like?

    Draw it. Imagine your inner world, the beauty of your soul, the light of your soul through this flower.

    Or draw a flower of love, and then write on its petals everyone who or what you love, what you love to do more than anything in the world.

    VI. Generalization.Exhibition of works.

    I collect flowers of love and show them to the children one by one, reading the inscriptions on the petals. From the drawings, children guess who owns this or that flower of love.

    The flowers turned out wonderful.

    How can we name our exhibition?("Flowers of Love")

    VII. Bottom line.

    Imagine that the flower of love in a person’s soul can wither. What qualities should a person have so that the light of the flower of love never goes out?


    By mercy


    With spiritual purity

    The beauty of the soul


    With joy

    What is love for every soul?(Love is true happiness for every soul)

    VIII. Reflection.

    Children choose the sun according to the color that matches their mood and compare it with their mood before the start of the lesson.

    Guys, now please raise the sun that matches your mood.

    Thank you. I wish you a good mood. And may LOVE always live in your heart.

    Summary of an extracurricular lesson on spiritual and moral education for primary schoolchildren "Friendship is a wonderful word"

    Target: developing an understanding of the value of friendship, consolidating children’s knowledge about the positive and negative qualities of a person’s character.Tasks: Educational: define the essence of the concept of “friendship”, the qualities of a true friend; Help children realize what qualities are important in friendship.Developmental: develop communication skills necessary for the formation of friendship and collectivism in a children's environment;Educational: to form moral qualities (the ability to make friends, cherish friendship) and friendly relationships in a group of peers, to cultivate collectivism and mutual assistance.Equipment: presentation, pedagogical situations, musical accompaniment, cards with proverbs about friendship, cards with fairy-tale characters, illustrations of islands, flower patterns.Progress of the lesson 1. Organized start of the lesson
    1.1. Students' mood for classes Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you.(slide 1)Guys, today we have an unusual activity. Guests have come to us, let's greet them.(Children greet guests)Our guests want to see what kind of guys you are. Let's say together: (slide 2)We are friendly!We are attentive!We are diligent!We are excellent studentsWe will succeed.Well done boys. Now you can sit quietly in your seats.2. Introductory part of the lesson Today we have an unusual and very interesting lesson, serious topic, and to find out, you need to solve the crossword puzzle. (slide 3) I will read riddles to you, and you will answer by raising your hands, but I will ask those who raise their hands correctly.1. Little girlAs tall as a fingernail.Born from a seedHer home is her flower.Who is this? (Thumbelina)2.He is cheerful, lively,And the propeller behind my back,Lifts the moodLoves sweet jamAlways makes the kid laugh.Who is this? Tell me!(Carlson)3.She is beautiful and sweet.And her name comes from the word “ash.” (Cinderella)4.She was a friend of the dwarvesAnd, of course, you are familiar with it.(Snow White)5. My father has a strange boy,Unusual, wooden,On land and under waterLooking for a golden keyHe pokes his long nose everywhere...Who is this?..(Pinocchio)6.With blue hairAnd with huge eyes."Brush your teeth! Wash your hands!"Loves to lead! (Malvina)

    Guys, what was the keyword? That's right, today our conversation is dedicated to friendship and friends. (slide 4) You and I will decide what true friendship should be and determine the laws of friendship.3. Main part of the lesson
    3.1. Conversation about friendship

    What is friendship, everyone knows?

    Maybe it’s funny to ask?

    Well, what does it mean?

    This word? So what is it?

    1 student:

    Friendship is if your friend is sick

    And he can’t come to school, -

    Visit him of your own free will,

    Bring school lessons,

    Patiently explain tasks

    Take on some of his worries.

    Give him your attention

    Days, weeks, month or year...

    2nd student:

    If your friend has something, unfortunately.

    Did or said something bad

    It must be honest, direct, without a doubt

    Tell him the truth to his face.

    Maybe he won't be able to understand everything,

    Maybe he will suddenly be offended.

    You still have to tell the truth,

    After all, that's what a best friend is for.

    3rd student:

    Friendship in joy and friendship in sorrow.

    A friend will always give his last.

    A friend is not the one who flatters, but the one who argues

    He who does not deceive will not betray.

    Well done, guys, and now I’ll give you the definition of friendship from Ozhegov’s dictionary:Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests (slide 5)Who do we consider friends? The children's answers are listened to.You say the word “friendship” and you immediately remember funny cartoon characters: this is the funny Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile, (slide 8) this is the musical Lion Cub and the wise Turtle. The world of cinema, the world of books, our world in which we live, gives us wonderful communication - communication with a friend.A friend is a favorite book that you read and you are interested in it, a friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times, a friend is a school teacher, an educator who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge, a friend is (slide 9) an old teddy bear with a torn off ear who will listen to you when you feel bad.3.2. Game “Who is friends with whom?” (slide 10) We read a lot of different fairy tales and I suggest you play the game “Who is friends with whom?” Each person has a white piece of paper on their desk that depicts fairy-tale characters. Let's remember which of these fairy-tale heroes with whom he is friends and we will connect friends with arrows.Winnie the Pooh Piglet,Baby Carlson,Cat Leopold - mice,Baba YagaLion cub - turtle,Cinderella - mice,Malvina - Pinocchio,Cinderella - miceCheburashka - crocodile GenaMalvina – PinocchioLet's see what we got. Who's the odd one out here? Why isn't anyone friends with him? Children's answers.3.3. Game "Dark and light bags" (slide 11)On my board there is a bag of good qualities, which we will fill with qualities that help us be friends. I offer you cards with words. Select the qualities you must have a true friend and attach the signs to the bag. Now let's read the remaining words. These are dark, bad qualities that we must eradicate from our lives. Let's crumple these leaves and throw them away."Light qualities" "Dark qualities"Honesty LazinessAccuracy CunningKindness DisobedienceCaring DeceitfulnessFriendliness Envy

    Politeness. Patience.

    Attentiveness Rudeness

    Anger Hatred Greed

    3.4 Role modeling.

    Each group acts out the situation.

    Story "Friends"

    One day Sasha brought an electronic game “Football” to school. Maxim immediately ran up to him and shouted: “We are friends, let’s play together!”

    Let's! – Sasha agreed. Other guys also came up, but Maxim blocked the game from them.

    I am Sasha's friend! – he said proudly. - I'll play with him.

    The next day Denis brought transformers to class. And again Maxim was the first to appear next to him.

    I am your friend! – he said again. - We'll play together.

    But then Sasha came up.

    And accept me.

    No, we won’t accept it,” said Maxim.

    Why? – Sasha was surprised. “You’re my friend, you said it yourself yesterday.”

    “That was yesterday,” Maxim explained. - Yesterday you had a game, and today he has robots. Today I am friends with Denis!

    Conclusion: you need to be friends not because it is profitable, but disinterestedly. You need to be friends because this person is close to you, his interests, views, and inner world are close.

    Story "Identical"

    There lived two inseparable first-grader friends. Both of them are small. Rosy-cheeked, fair-haired, they looked very much alike. Both mothers wore the same dresses, both studied only with straight A's.

    We are the same in everything, in everything!” the girls said proudly. But one day Sonya, that was the name of one of the girls, ran home and boasted to her mother:

    I got an A in math, but Vera only got a C. We are no longer the same...

    The mother looked at her daughter carefully. Then she said sadly:

    Yes, you've gotten worse...

    I? – Sonya was surprised. But it wasn’t me who got the C!

    Vera got a C, but she got it because she was sick... And you were happy - and this is much worse.

    Conclusion: Know how to empathize with a friend and support him.

    The story "Before the first rain"

    Tanya and Masha were very friendly and always went to school together. First Masha came for Tanya, then Tanya came for Masha. One day, when the girls were walking down the street, it started to rain heavily. Masha was in a raincoat, and Tanya was in one dress. The girls ran.

    Take off your cloak, we’ll cover ourselves together,” Tanya shouted as she ran.

    I can't, I'll get wet! – Masha answered her, bending her hooded head.

    At school the teacher said:

    How strange, Masha’s dress is dry, but yours, Tanya, is completely wet. How did this happen? After all, you walked together?

    Masha had a raincoat, and I walked in one dress,” Tanya said.

    “So you could cover yourself with a cloak,” said the teacher and, looking at Masha, shook her head. - Apparently, your friendship is until the first rain!

    Both girls blushed deeply: Masha for herself, and Tanya for Masha.

    Conclusion:it is necessary to help a friend in difficult times.

    3.5. Physical education dance “Friendship” (slide 18)And now it’s time for us to relax a little, a cheerful mouse invites us to dance.3.6. Quiz "Fairy-tale characters" (slide 19)1. One day four musicians got together and became friends. We gave concerts together, drove away robbers together, lived together without bothering... Name these musician friends. (Bremen Town Musicians: Rooster, Cat, Dog, Donkey.) (slide 20)2. Which girl rescued her friend from ice captivity? Do you respect her actions and why? (Gerda helped out her friend Kai.) (slide 21)3. This hero fell onto the bed and, clutching his head, said: “I am the sickest person in the world!” He demanded medicine. They gave it to him, and he responded: “A friend saved a friend’s life!” Who are we talking about? And what medicine was given to the patient? (Carlson. The medicine is raspberry jam.) (slide 22)4. Which two friends lay on the sand and sang a song about the sun? Name them? (Lion cub and turtle.) (slide 23)5. The girl with blue hair had many friends, but one was always there. Who is he? (Poodle Artemon.) (slide 24)Well done boys! There are a lot of books about friendship and friends. By reading them, you make friends in the form of literary heroes.3.8. Game “Collect a proverb” (slide 25)There are many proverbs about friendship. Game "Collect proverbs". You guys have heard and know that proverbs contain folk wisdom. I wanted to introduce you to them, but last night, when I was composing them, I accidentally dropped and mixed up all the words in the proverbs...Can you help me collect them?

    Friend is known in trouble.

    Life is hard without a friend.Remember friendship, but forget evil. (Hang it on the board)4. Final part of the lesson Our lesson is coming to an end. And in conclusion, we will derive the laws of friendship, which you promise to fulfill and observe.Laws of Friendship : (slide 27)Help a friend in need.
    Know how to share your joy with a friend.
    Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.
    Stop your friend if he is doing something bad.
    Know how to accept help, advice, and don’t be offended by criticism.
    Don't deceive your friend.
    Learn to admit your mistakes and make peace with your friend.
    Don't betray your friend.
    Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.
    “It’s easy to lose a friend, but it’s much harder to find one.” If you have a friend, take care of your friendship with him, value it.4.2. Reflection on “Mood Islands” Guys, look at these mood islands. You have flowers on your desks, which you must stick on the island whose name matches your mood at the moment. (Children go to the drawn islands and stick flowers according to their mood).4.3. Parting With this our lesson has come to an end and finally I want to quote you a poem.“Who believes fervently in friendship, who feels a shoulder next to you,He will never fall, he will not be lost in any trouble,And if he suddenly stumbles, a friend will help him get up,A reliable friend will always lend a hand to him in trouble.”Guys, let's thank our guests for attending our lesson.

    Work program for extracurricular activities in spiritual and moral areas

    Moral Lessons

    Explanatory note……………………………………………………….3

    Planned results of students mastering the extracurricular activity program “Moral Lessons”…………………………………….7

    Educational and thematic plan………………………………………………….15


    Appendix……………………………………………………………… …27

    Explanatory note

    The problem of spiritual and moral education in modern society has become special meaning. The loss of moral guidelines, the depreciation of such concepts as conscience, honor, duty, led to negative consequences in society: social orphanhood, increased crime and drug addiction among adolescents, loss of positive motivation to study.In the Concept of spiritual- moral development and the education of a Russian citizen, a modern national educational ideal has been defined. Thisa highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation .

    Work on spiritual and moral education should begin at primary school age by introducing children to moral norms and rules of behavior and the formation of moral habits. In a children's group, a child has the opportunity to test his knowledge, ideas and moral inclinations through his own experience, which ensures the transition of external moral requirements into internal ones.

    Relevance The program is determined by the fact that one of the most important tasks of education at present is the development by children of the spiritual values ​​accumulated by humanity. The level of a person’s morality is reflected in his behavior, which is controlled by his internal motivations, his own views and beliefs. The development of such views, beliefs and habits is the essence of moral education.

    Novelty program is that it is aimed at supporting the formation and development of a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia. The program ensures the implementation of one of the areas of spiritual and moral education and development: the education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness of primary schoolchildren.

    The “Moral Lessons” program is based on the “ABC of Morality” program by E. Kozlov, V. Petrova, and I. Khomyakova, and can be implemented by an elementary school teacher in collaboration with parents. It is possible to attract interested students and teachers additional education. The teacher conducts classes outside of school hours once a week. The whole class or a group of 8-10 students attend the classes.

    "Moral Lessons" must be emotional, built on involuntary attention and memory, and include game elements. Vivid visuals and electronic resources must be used. As homework You can encourage children to complete a drawing, read a book or story with their parents. It is important to acknowledge everyone who has completed their homework. In moral lessons, the student’s activity and participation in discussions of life situations are important. These are lessons of clarification, explanation and teaching. The main task of the teacher is to awaken in the child an interest in the inner world of a person, to make him think about himself and his actions, their moral essence.

    The program includes 135 lessons of 35 - 45 minutes and is designed for four years of study.

    Target programs : education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness in primary schoolchildren.

    Tasks :

      To form initial ideas about moral norms and rules of moral behavior, about ethical standards of relationships in the family, between generations, ethnic groups, bearers of different beliefs, representatives of social groups.

      To promote the assimilation of rules of behavior in an educational institution, at home, on the street, in a populated area, in in public places, Outdoors.

      Reveal the essence of moral actions, behavior and relationships between people of different ages based on mutual assistance and support.

      Teach the techniques and rules of discussion, express your opinion in a reasoned manner and listen carefully to the opinion of your interlocutor.

    Classes are conducted in the form of lessons, trainings, extracurricular activities and game programs allowing schoolchildren to gain experience in moral behavior.

    The implementation of the program involves the formation of an initial understanding of the basic values ​​of national culture in the process of conducting conversations, excursions, correspondence trips, participation in creative activity, such as theatrical performances, literary and musical compositions, art exhibitions, watching videos.

    The program is compiled on the basis of the following principles of spiritual and moral development and education:

    The principle of ideal orientation. An ideal is the highest value, the perfect state of a person, family, school community, social group, society, the highest standard of moral relations, the superlative degree of moral understanding of what should be. Ideals determine the meaning of education, what it is organized for. Ideals are preserved in traditions and serve as the main guidelines for human life, spiritual, moral and social development of the individual.

    Axiological principle . Values ​​determine the main content of the spiritual and moral development and personality education of a primary school student.The principle of following a moral example . Following example is the leading method of moral education. The content of extracurricular and extracurricular activities should be filled with examples of moral behavior. An example as a method of education allows you to expand the moral experience of a child, encourage him to internal dialogue, awaken moral reflection in him, provide the opportunity to choose when building his own system of value relations, and demonstrate to the child the real possibility of following an ideal in life.

    The principle of identification (personification). Identification is a stable identification of oneself with a significant other, the desire to be like him. At primary school age, figurative and emotional perception of reality predominates, mechanisms of imitation, empathy, and the ability to identify are developed.

    The principle of dialogic communication. In the formation of value relationships, a major role is played by the dialogical communication of a primary school student with peers, parents (legal representatives), teachers and other significant adults. The development by an individual of his own value system and the search for the meaning of life are impossible without the dialogical communication of a person with another person, a child with a significant adult.

    The principle of polysubjective education. In modern conditions, the process of development and education of the individual has a multi-subject, multi-dimensional, activity-based character. Junior schoolchild is included in different kinds social, informational, communication activity, the content of which contains different, often contradictory values ​​and worldviews.

    The principle of system-activity organization of education. Education, aimed at the spiritual and moral development of students and supported by the entire structure of school life, includes the organization of educational, extracurricular, and socially significant activities for younger schoolchildren. Integration of the content of various types of activities of students within the framework of the program of their spiritual and moral development and education is carried out on the basis of educational ideals and values.

    The listed principles determine the conceptual basis of the way of school life. This way of life in itself is formal. The teacher gives him vital, social, cultural, and moral strength.

    Planned results of mastering by students

    extracurricular activity programs “Moral Lessons”

    The education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness among younger schoolchildren as a direction of spiritual and moral development and education of students should ensure their assignment of appropriate values, the formation of knowledge, initial ideas, the experience of emotional and value comprehension of reality and social action in the context of the formation of the identity of a citizen of Russia.

    During the implementation of the “Moral Lessons” program, students will achieve educational results and effects.

    Educational results are distributed across three levels.

    First level of results - acquisition by students of social knowledge (about moral norms, socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.), a primary understanding of social reality and Everyday life. To achieve this level of results, the student’s interaction with his teachers as significant bearers of positive social knowledge and everyday experience is of particular importance.

    Second level of results - students gain experience and a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of society, a value-based attitude towards social reality as a whole. To achieve this level of results, the interaction of students with each other at the level of the class, educational institution, i.e. in a protected, friendly environment in which the child receives the first practical confirmation of acquired social knowledge and begins to appreciate it, is of particular importance.

    Third level of results - students gain initial experience of independent social action, forming socially acceptable models of behavior in younger students. Only in independent social action does a person truly become a citizen, a social activist, a free person. To achieve this level of results, the interaction of the student with representatives of various social entities outside the educational institution, in an open public environment, is of particular importance.

    With the transition from one level of results to another, educational effects increase significantly:

    ·at the first level, upbringing is close to teaching, while the subject of upbringing as a teaching is not so much scientific knowledge as knowledge about values;

    ·at the second level, education is carried out in the context of the life activities of schoolchildren and values ​​can be acquired by them in the form of individual morally oriented actions;

    ·at the third level, the necessary conditions are created for students to participate in morally oriented socially significant activities and for them to acquire elements of experience of moral behavior and life.

    The transition from one level of educational results to another must be consistent and gradual; this must be taken into account when organizing the education of socialization of younger schoolchildren.

    In the first grade, children are especially receptive to new social knowledge and strive to understand the school reality that is new to them. The teacher’s task is to support this trend, to promote the child’s achievement of the first level of results through the educational forms he uses.

    In the second and third grades, as a rule, the process of development of the children's team gains strength, the interpersonal interaction of younger schoolchildren with each other sharply intensifies, which creates a favorable situation for achieving the second level of educational results. By the fourth grade, a primary school student has a real opportunity to enter the space of social action, that is, to achieve the third level of educational results.

    Achieving three levels of educational results ensures the emergence of significant effects spiritual and moral development and education of students - formation of the foundations of Russian identity, appropriation of basic national values, development of moral self-awareness, strengthening of spiritual and socio-psychological health, positive attitude to life, trust in people and society, etc.

    by the end of 1st grade students should know:

    1. The difference between the concepts of “ethics” and “etiquette”.

    2. Rules of politeness and beautiful manners.

    3. Commandments and corresponding parables.

    Be able to:

    1. Respect yourself, believe in your strengths and creative capabilities, recognizing this right for others.

    2. Observe table etiquette and behave with dignity in public places.

    3. Adhere to the “golden rule” in communicating with others.

    4. Be friendly.

    5. Keep the commandments.

    6. Have compassion for animals, do not offend them.

    7. Stick to a daily routine, be able to organize your work at home.

    8. Be neat, keep your workplace in order, keep your books and notebooks clean.

    9. Don't forget at home school supplies, books, notebooks necessary for scheduled lessons.

    As a result of passing the program material by the end of 2nd grade students should know:

    1. Etiquette requirements for oral and written invitations and communication with guests.

    2. Commandments and rules of etiquette.

    3. About kindness and cruelty, respect for elders and arrogance reflected in fairy tales (“The Devoted Friend” by O. Wilde, “The Bag of Apples” by V. Suteev, “The Girl Who Stepped on Bread” by H. H. Andersen).

    4. Aphorisms.

    Be able to:

    1. Keep the commandments.

    2. Observe etiquette in the theater, cinema, at an exhibition, in a museum, on the street.

    3. Perform communication.

    4. Write an invitation, greet guests, entertain them, behave correctly when visiting, give and receive gifts.

    5. Perform mental exercises as one of the methods of self-control in self-education.

    As a result of passing the program material by the end of 3rd grade students should know:

    1. Previously studied commandments and aphorisms.

    2. What a well-mannered person should be.

    3. Etiquette requirements for conversation, including talking on the phone.

    4. Summary parables and fairy tales read in class to confirm their moral beliefs.

    5. Proverbs about friendship, fidelity this word, kindness, gratitude.

    6. Rules for polite refusal and disagreement. How to address different people.

    Be able to:

    1. Observe the rules of politeness and beautiful manners.

    2. In practice, apply methods of self-education and self-control.

    3. Be able to talk on the phone, following the rules of etiquette.

    4. Respect other people's opinions, even if you disagree with them.

    5. Show tact and kindness in communication.

    6. Be compassionate towards the grief of others.

    7. Do not offend animals and birds.

    8. Distinguish between good and evil, give a correct assessment of the actions of literary heroes, and be able to mentally put yourself in a similar situation.

    9. Show positive moral qualities in worthy behavior and actions.

    As a result of passing the program material by the end of 4th grade students should know:

    1. Rules of ethics and culture of speech.

    2. Requirements for manners, how correct behavior differs from gallant behavior.

    3. About the sources of our moral knowledge.

    4. About conscience as the basis of morality.

    5. Testaments of ancestors. “Teaching” by V. Monomakh.

    6. Poems about the homeland (optional).

    7. Aphorisms.

    8. About the benefits of patience, endurance, and the ability to foresee the consequences of one’s actions.

    Be able to:

      Distinguish between good and bad actions.

      Embody your ethical knowledge in everyday behavior and habits.

      Treat parents, elders, peers and juniors with respect.

      Fulfill the commandments.

      Give a correct assessment of the actions of literary heroes and peers, and be able to mentally put yourself in a similar situation.

    Students will develop universal learning actions, namely:

      Personal universal learning activities:

    The graduate will have the following skills:

    Orientation in the moral content and meaning of both one’s own actions and the actions of those around them;

    Knowledge of basic moral standards and orientation towards their implementation;

    Development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior;

    Empathy as understanding the feelings of other people and empathizing with them;

    The graduate will have the opportunity to form:

    - moral consciousness at the conventional level, the ability to solve moral dilemmas based on taking into account the positions of partners in communication, focusing on their motives and feelings, sustainable adherence to moral norms and ethical requirements in behavior;

    - empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them, expressed in actions aimed at helping and ensuring well-being.

      Regulatory universal educational activities:

    The graduate will learn:

    Accept and save learning task;

    Take into account the action guidelines highlighted by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher;

    Plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan;

    Adequately perceive suggestions and assessments of teachers, comrades, parents and other people;

    Make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made, use suggestions and assessments to create a new, more perfect result, use digital recording (fixation) of the progress and results of solving the problem, own speech in Russian, native and foreign languages;

      Cognitive universal educational activities:

    The graduate will learn:

    Search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature, encyclopedias, reference books (including electronic, digital), in the open information space, including the controlled space of the Internet;

    Construct messages in oral and written form;

    Carry out an analysis of objects highlighting essential and non-essential features;

      Communicative universal educational activities:

    The graduate will learn:

    Adequately use communicative, primarily speech, means to solve various communicative problems, construct a monologue statement, master the dialogical form of communication;

    Allow for the possibility of people having different points of view, including those that do not coincide with his own, and focus on the partner’s position in communication and interaction;

    Take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

    Formulate your own opinion and position;

    Negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;

    To assess the planned results of mastering the “Moral Lessons” program It is recommended to use the diagnostic tools included in the manual “How to Design Universal Learning Activities in Primary School: From Action to Thought.”




    Formation of moral norms and rules of behavior

    Knows basic moral norms and rules of behavior

    Diagnostics of moral education:

    Diagnosis of moral self-esteem;

    Diagnostics of ethics of behavior;

    Diagnosis of attitude to life values;

    Diagnosis of moral motivation.

    Observations from teachers and parents.

    Complies with moral standards and rules of behavior

    Methodology for studying the level of education.

    Observations from teachers and parents

    Focuses on the moral content and meaning of his own actions and the actions of those around him

    Questionnaire “Evaluate the action”

    (differentiation of conventional and moral norms,

    according to E. Turiel, modified by E.A. Kurganova and O.A. Karabanova, 2004).

    observations of teachers and parents.

    To evaluate the effectiveness of the “Moral Lessons” program in Application Diagnostic materials and test tasks for each section are provided.

    Educational and thematic plan

    1 class


    1. Introduce children to universal human moral standards.

    2. Teach the techniques and rules of discussion, respect yourself and your friend.

    3. To instill in students the desire to be a cultured person in society, to be neat, organized, and polite.


    Name of sections and topics.





    Section No. 1

    Rules of behavior at school


    Rules of conduct in class and during recess.


    Rules of behavior in public places.


    Wardrobe rules.


    Rules of behavior in the dining room.


    Rules of conduct in the library.


    Rules of conduct in the school yard.


    Section No. 2

    About being kind to people


    What is “good and evil”.


    What is “good and evil”.


    "If you are polite."


    "If you are polite."


    Good and bad deeds.


    Good and bad deeds.


    You and your friends.


    You and your friends.



    Remember about others - you are not alone in the world.


    Section No. 3

    How to become a hard worker


    "Learning is light and ignorance is darkness".



    “How to be diligent and diligent.”


    Our work in the classroom.


    Our work in the classroom.


    My work is at home every day.


    My work is at home every day.


    Section No. 4

    Rules of neatness and accuracy.


    Culture appearance.


    Appearance culture.


    Every thing has its place.


    Every thing has its place.


    Know how to value your own and other people's time.


    Section No. 5

    Rules of behavior on the street and at home.



    How to behave on the street and at home.


    Section No. 6

    School etiquette.



    How to greet people and get to know them.


    What have moral lessons taught us?


    2nd grade


    1. Introduce the rules of politeness and beautiful manners.

    2. Teach the commandments of morality, keeping promises, etiquette in the theater, cinema, at an exhibition, in a museum.

    3. Teach the rules of behavior at a birthday party.


    Name of sections and topics.





    Section No. 1

    Communication culture


    Etiquette (repetition).


    Oral and written birthday invitation.



    Meeting and entertaining guests.


    Behavior at a party.


    Behavior at a party.


    How to give gifts.


    How to give gifts.


    Section No. 2






    Keep your word.


    Keep your word.


    Section No. 3

    Friendly relations



    “Everyone needs friendship. Friendship is loyal and strong."


    Devoted friend.


    About kindness and heartlessness.


    About kindness and heartlessness.


    About respectful attitude towards elders.


    About envy and modesty.


    About envy and modesty.


    About kindness and hardness of heart.


    In the world of wise thoughts.


    In the world of wise thoughts.


    Section No. 4

    Understand the other


    Golden rules.


    Golden rules.



    We learn to understand the mood of another by external signs.



    About tactful and tactless behavior.



    We learn to find the good in a person, even if we don’t like him.


    In the world of wise thoughts.


    Ethics course review for the year.


    3rd grade


    1. To help younger schoolchildren understand the range of responsibilities and rules of behavior at school and at home.

    2. Teach to distinguish between good and evil, give a correct assessment of various actions, respect other people's opinions, even if you disagree with them.

    3. Reveal the essence of correct polite refusal, disagreement in communication with different people, compassion for the grief of others.


    Name of sections and topics.





    Section No. 1

    Communication culture


    Conversation etiquette.

    Appeal to different people.


    Appeal to different people.


    Polite refusal, disagreement.


    Etiquette situations.


    Etiquette situations.




    Talking on the phone.


    We play the role of an educated person.


    Section No. 2



    What does it mean to be polite?



    My strengths and weaknesses.


    Small joys matter greatly.



    About good and bad habits.


    Aphorisms about self-education.


    Section No. 3

    Universal moral standards


    Commandments: how we fulfill them.



    About compassion and hardness of heart.


    You can't lie, but what if...?


    You can't lie, but what if...?



    Is wealth always happiness?


    Hurry to do good.


    Hurry to do good.


    You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.


    Section No. 4

    How the heart can express itself.

    How can someone else understand you?


    “How can the heart express itself?”

    IN difficult situation, let's try to figure it out.

    “And we are given compassion, just as we are given grace.”

    “Think well - and your thoughts mature into good deeds.”

    Dialogues about good manners, good and evil.


    What we learned in ethics lessons.

    4th grade


    1. To acquaint children with the concept of a correct and gallant person, with the moral content of ancient myths and aphorisms.

    2. Teach techniques of self-control and self-education.

    3. Reveal the essence of moral actions, behavior and relationships between people, positive moral qualities in decent behavior.


    Name of sections and topics.





    Section No. 1

    Communication culture


    Traditions of communication in the Russian family. "Domostroy".


    Culture of communication in a modern family.


    About tolerance towards neighbors.

    About tolerance towards neighbors.


    Culture of controversy.


    Etiquette situations.


    In the world of wise thoughts.


    In the world of wise thoughts.


    Section No. 2



    "Know yourself".




    Defining a goal and drawing up a self-education plan for the week.


    How I work on myself.


    About patience.


    Think about the end of every task before you start.


    “Illuminate your mind with memory. And reconsider the whole past day.”


    Section No. 3

    Universal moral standards


    On the sources of our moral knowledge.


    Conscience is the basis of morality.


    “The stronger you are, the kinder you are.”


    “It annoys me that the word honor has been forgotten.”


    Testaments of the ancestors.


    Russians talk about love for the Motherland.

    Yours small homeland.


    "My first friend, my priceless friend."


    Aphorisms about conscience, about the homeland, about friendship.

    “Friendliness is the golden key that opens people’s hearts.”


    Section No. 4.

    Art and Morality


    Moral content of ancient myths.


    Why people loved Ilya Muromets and honored their epic heroes.


    Positive heroes in epics and fairy tales.


    Negative heroes in literary works.


    “Evil, like good, has its heroes.”


    Art and morality.


    “Here is a man. What can you say about him?


    Etiquette course review.


    Program content

    1st class (33 hours)

    Section 1: Rules of conduct at school (6h)

    Rules of conduct in class and during recess. Wardrobe rules. Rules of behavior in the dining room. Rules of conduct in the library. Rules of conduct in the school yard.

    Section 2: About treating people kindly (10h)

    What is “good and evil”. "If you are polite." Good and bad deeds. You and your friends. Remember about others - you are not alone in the world.

    Section 3: How to become a hard worker (7h)

    "Learning is light and ignorance is darkness". How to be diligent and diligent. Our work in the classroom. My work is at home every day.

    Topic 4: Rules of neatness and orderliness (5h)

    Appearance culture. Every thing has its place. Know how to value your own and other people's time.

    Section 5: Rules of behavior on the street and at home (2 hours)

    How to behave on the street and at home.

    Section 6: School etiquette (3h)

    2nd grade (34 hours)

    Section 1: Culture of communication (9h)

    Etiquette (repetition). Oral and written birthday invitation. Meeting and entertaining guests. Behavior at a party. How to give gifts.

    Section 2: Universal moral standards (4 hours)

    Commandments. Keep your word.

    Section 3: Friendships (11h)

    “Everyone needs friendship. Friendship is loyal and strong." Devoted friend. About kindness and heartlessness. About respectful attitude towards elders. About envy and modesty. About kindness and hardness of heart. In the world of wise thoughts.

    Section 4: Understand another (10h)

    Golden rules. We learn to understand the mood of another by external signs. About tactful and tactless behavior. We learn to find the good in a person, even if we don’t like him. In the world of wise thoughts. Ethics course review for the year.

    3rd grade (34 hours)

    Section 1: Culture of communication (9h)

    Conversation etiquette. Communication with different people. Polite refusal, disagreement. Etiquette situations. Aphorisms. Talking on the phone. We play the role of an educated person.

    Section 2: Self-education (7h)

    What does it mean to be polite? My strengths and weaknesses. Small joys matter greatly. About good and bad habits. Aphorisms about self-education.

    Section 3:

    Commandments: how we fulfill them. About compassion and hardness of heart. You can't lie, but what if...? Is wealth always happiness? Hurry to do good. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

    Section 4: How the heart can express itself. How can someone else understand you? (8h)

    How can the heart express itself? In a difficult situation, we will try to figure it out. And we are given sympathy, just as we are given grace. Think well - and your thoughts mature into good deeds. Dialogues about good manners, good and evil. Aphorisms. What did you learn in ethics lessons?

    4th grade (34 hours)

    Section 1: Culture of communication (9h)

    Traditions of communication in the Russian family “Domostroy”. Culture of communication in a modern family. About tolerance towards neighbors. Culture of controversy. Etiquette situations. In the world of wise thoughts.

    Section 2: Self-education (7h)

    Know yourself. Self-education. Defining a goal and drawing up a self-education plan for the week. How I work on myself. About patience. Think about the end of every task before you start. “Illuminate your mind with memory. And reconsider the whole past day.”

    Section 3: Universal moral standards (10h)

    On the sources of our moral knowledge. Conscience is the basis of morality. The stronger you are, the kinder you are. It annoys me that the word honor has been forgotten. Testaments of the ancestors. Russians talk about love for the Motherland. Your small homeland. My first friend, my priceless friend. Aphorisms about conscience, about the homeland, about friendship. Friendliness is the golden key that opens people’s hearts.

    Section 4: Art and Morality (8h)

    Moral content of ancient myths. Why people loved Ilya Muromets and honored their epic heroes. Positive heroes in epics and fairy tales. Negative heroes in literary works. Evil, like good, has its heroes. Art and morality. “Here is a man. What can you say about him? Etiquette course review.


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      Approximate basic educational program of primary general education [Text] / compiled by E.S. Savinov. - M.: Education, 2010. 204 p.

      Approximate program of education and socialization of students 9 primary general education) [Text] - M.: Education, 2009. 50 p.

      Suslov V.N. Etiquette I learn the rules of behavior. 1-4 grades. Tests and practical tasks / V.N. Suslov. - M.: Education, 2010. 68 p.

      Tislenkova I.A. Moral education: for organizers of educational work and class teachers/ I.A. Tislenkova. - M.: Education, 2008. 108 p.

      Federal state educational standard for primary general education [Text] - M.: Education, 2009. 41 p.

      Cheremisina, V.G. Spiritual and moral education of children of primary school age [Text] / comp. V.G.Cheremisina. - Kemerovo: KRIPKiPRO, 2010. - 14-36.

      Shemshurina, A.I. Ethical grammar [Text] /A.I. Shemshurina. – M.: Research Institute of Theory and Methods of Education, 1994. – 140 p.


    Test on knowledge of the rules of conduct in public places (grade 1)

    This test will show you how much you know the rules of conduct in public places, and whether you behave civilly.

    Should umbrellas, briefcases, large bags, etc. be deposited in the cloakroom (in a museum, at an exhibition)?

    1) should if they are accepted into the wardrobe

    2) you shouldn’t if they don’t bother you

    3) should

    Is it possible to touch museum exhibits with your hands?

    1) you can, if you are confident in the strength of the material from which they are made

    2) undesirable

    3) under no circumstances

    Is a noisy expression of delight acceptable in a museum or exhibition?

    1) acceptable

    2) undesirable, in any case restraint is preferable

    3) noisy behavior is acceptable everywhere

    Should you listen to the guide if his story is not interesting to you?

    1) need

    2) not necessary

    3) you should try to make it clear to the guide that his story is not exciting enough

    Do I need to come to the theater or concert in advance?

    1) not necessary

    2) need

    3) desirable, but not required

    What clothes do they wear to the movies?

    1) dressed up

    2) in sports

    3) in everyday life

    What is the best thing to wear when going to the theater?

    1) sweater and jeans

    2) light low-necked clothing

    3) smart clothes for the season

    4) preferably a pantsuit

    Is it possible to appear in the theater in a dress with an open back?

    1) yes

    2) no, the dress can only have a neckline in the front

    3) for the theater, a dress without a neckline is preferable

    Is it necessary to take off your headgear in the cinema?

    1) both boys and girls must

    2) at the discretion of the boy and girl

    3) for a boy - necessarily, for a girl - if she has updo or big hat (cap)

    4) for a girl - obligatory, for a boy only a fur hat and hat (cap, beret and knitted hat you don't have to take it off)

    Can a girl wear a headdress in the theater?

    1) no

    2) as much as you like

    3) in any, except fur hat

    4) only in a small one, which is part of an evening suit

    How do they walk down the row in front of seated spectators?

    1) with your back to those sitting, leaning forward so as not to block the stage

    facing the seated

    2) sideways to those sitting, leaning forward so as not to block the stage

    Should you apologize to those sitting in the theater or cinema when passing through the middle of the row?

    1) should

    2) should not

    3) desirable

    Should you thank those who stood up to let you into your seat in the movie theater?

    1) required

    2) desirable

    3) should not

    Is it possible to occupy both armrests of a movie theater chair?

    1) you can, if you manage to do it first

    2) desirable

    3) undesirable

    Is it possible to ask a neighbor in a row for binoculars and a program?

    1) it’s possible - there’s nothing special about it

    2) you can’t - everyone purchases the program and binoculars themselves

    3) at your discretion

    Is it possible to applaud when the curtain is not yet raised?

    1) you can

    2) it is impossible

    3) undesirable

    Is it possible to applaud when the curtain is up and the performance is about to begin?

    1) it is impossible

    2) undesirable

    3) you can - as a sign of approval of the scenery

    Is it possible to comment on the performance out loud?

    1) you can, if your neighbors are interested in it

    2) undesirable if you are not sure of the reaction of your neighbors

    3) you can’t - wait until intermission

    Is it possible to sing along with the artists at a concert or theater?

    1) you can if you have good hearing and voice

    2) preferably - to encourage the artists

    3) it is impossible

    Is it possible to eat in the lobby (besides the buffet)?

    1) you can

    2) undesirable

    3) it is impossible

    How to express your delight at a concert?

    1) loud whistling and stamping of feet

    2) shouting “bravo” and standing up

    How can you show your disapproval of the content of the play or the performance of the actors?

    1) whistle and stomp your feet

    2) immediately get up and leave the room

    3) be silent and not applaud

    Is it possible to go to the wardrobe if the curtain has not fallen?

    1) you can

    2) it is impossible

    3) allowed in extreme cases if you are in a hurry to catch a train or the last bus

    4) at your discretion

    1.Select and underline the desired answer (or write down your own option).

    Graphs. 1. Words of greeting.

    2. Farewell words.

    3. Words of apology.

    4. Words of gratitude.

    5. Words of request.






    Words on cards

    Thank you


    Thank you


    Good afternoon





    Good evening

    Please be kind

    It's a pity

    Very grateful

    Good morning

    See you

    If you don't mind

    Can you help me

    I'm glad to see you

    I'm really sorry


    You have five beautiful cards. You need to split it between you and your sister. What will you do:

    - give all the cards to your sister;

    - give her one postcard;

    - invite her to choose 1 - 2 cards herself;

    - choose cards for yourself and give the rest to your sister;

    - _________________________________________ .

    2. Write it down answers.

    2.1.You found the money that your friend lost. What would you do?

    ____________________________________________________________ .

    2.2. At home you told about this incident. What would your loved ones say:

    Mother ____________________________________ ;

    dad _____________________________________ ;

    grandmother __________________________________ ;

    grandfather __________________________________ .

    3. Choose the right answer and underline his.

    How are you most often:







    (write down another word for your condition).

    Assignments for the section “On treating people kindly.” (1 class)

    1. Choose necessary answers and underline his.

    Goodwill is:

    a kind attitude towards others, a desire to help them;

    desire and desire to provide assistance only to close relatives or a friend;

    desire and desire to help any person;

    the ability to do nothing;

    unwillingness to be kind.

    2. Finish offer:

    A friendly person is always __.

    How can you call such a person who strives to do good and wishes good to others? _________________ .

    3. Remember fairy tales where there are characters (heroes) who wish good to others.

    Name a fairy tale.

    Name good heroes.

    Name the unkind ones

    Explain why some can be called good and others unkind.

    We will show how children build their argument using the example of the fairy tale “Cinderella”.

    The fairy is kind. She pleased Cinderella with a trip to the ball.

    The stepmother and her two daughters are unkind. They (fill in the sentence) _______________

    Make drawings for fairy tales.

    4. Tell an incident from your life: who did you good and how; how you helped someone else.

    5. What children's books do you know that talk about good deeds? Name and write down names of heroes.

    6. Cross it out extra:

    wish well




    7. Paste missing letters in the boxes: d_br_desirable.

    8. Come up with it a short story in which Pinocchio is sad because he doesn’t know how to help Malvina, who is in trouble (she fell and stained her beautiful dress and scratched her leg). Particular attention should be paid to Buratino’s good deeds and words: affectionate treatment with a desire to console, real help, etc.

    9. Draw your favorite toy. Try to make her cheerful and kind.

    Tasks for the section “Rules of neatness and orderliness.” (1 class)

    1. Finish offers:

    Taking care of things is...

    We call a person thrifty who...

    2. Emphasize required answer or write it down his.

    You became a wizard for one hour and found yourself in the school library.

    What will you do?

    I will “cure” all “sick” books.

    I'll look for a comic magazine.

    ... (write down the things that you consider necessary to do).

    3.Come up with it a story about how you and your classmates came to the library to “treat” books. How did you do it? In what ways have books thanked you?

    4.1. Name it what a person has made from the things and objects around you at school.

    4.2. List professions of people who made these things and objects.

    5. Read the text and answer to the question.

    They bought Masha a new backpack. Her deskmate was also given a backpack. The children really liked their new bags and enjoyed putting their school things in and taking them out.

    By the end of the second quarter, Masha’s bag was as beautiful as at the beginning of the school year. Kostya looked at her with envy. His bag had a pitiful appearance: dirty stains, with broken and torn zippers.

    Kostya asks Masha: “Why is your bag like new, but mine is not?”

    Masha answers: “For me, a satchel is a bag for school books and things, but for you it is also a ball and a sled, you also use it during a fight.”

    What word can be used to describe Masha’s attitude towards her backpack, and what word can be used to describe Kostya’s attitude?

    6. Compare the meaning of the words: thrift is greed. How does frugality differ from greed?

    7. Compose a fairy tale about greed, come up with a name for it, write it down it, ending with a conclusion (rule).

    8. Come up with it a short story showing what sad consequences a person’s carelessness with things and books can lead to.

    If you can, do it to him illustration, i.e. drawing.

    9. Read the poem and find the basic rule contained in it.

    Things themselves do not grow.

    Getting things done requires work.

    Pencil, notebook, pen,

    Desks, boards, table, window,

    Take care of your book and bag;

    Don't break, don't crumple, don't tear.

    Mobile phone skills test? (4th grade)

    Now there is a special, “mobile” cell etiquette that children must strictly observe. The test will show how good you are at cell phone etiquette.

    Are you answering phone call while studying?

    - Yes

    - No

    Is the sound on your device set to a low volume?

    - Yes

    - No

    Do you think it is inappropriate and harmful to talk on the phone while shopping?

    - Yes

    - No

    Do you have headphones for your mobile phone?

    - Yes

    - No

    Is it possible to talk to strangers?

    - Yes

    - No

    Do you tell the caller where you are?

    - Yes

    - No

    In anticipation of an important call, do you head in advance to a place that is calm for you?

    - Yes

    - No

    Do you think it’s wrong to “not hear” warnings about the need to turn off your phone in a movie theater, on an airplane, etc.?

    - Yes

    - No

    When you talk on the phone, do you look not only at your feet, but also around?

    - Yes

    - No

    As a matter of principle, you don’t start a conversation until you leave the elevator or train vestibule?

    - Yes

    - No

    - it depends

    Do you think that a mobile phone is a completely unnecessary thing on a date?

    - Yes

    - No

    - Don't know

    If you are not alone and there are strangers nearby, do you apologize and go into another room to continue the conversation or ask the caller to call you back later?

    - Yes

    - No

    - it depends

    Is a mobile phone for you: a decoration, a piece of jewelry and an element of clothing style?

    - Yes

    - No

    After you said that you can't talk now, do you make sure to turn off your phone?

    - Yes

    - No

    - it depends

    If your mobile interlocutor did not turn off the device, but upon hearing your voice, interrupted the conversation, will you not call him back immediately?

    - I won't

    - will

    Diagnosis of moral education at the end of 4th grade

    Method No. 1. Diagnosis of moral self-esteem

    Instructions. The teacher addresses the students with the following words: “Now I will read you 10 statements. Listen carefully to each of them. Think about how much you agree with it (how much it is about you). If you completely agree with the statement, rate the answer 4 points; if you agree more than you disagree, rate the answer 3 points; if you agree a little, rate the answer 2 points; If you do not agree at all, rate the answer 1 point. Opposite the question number, put the point at which you rated the statement I read.”


    I am often kind to peers and adults

    It is important for me to help a classmate when he is in trouble

    I believe that it is possible to be intemperate with some adults

    There’s probably nothing wrong with being rude to someone I don’t like.

    I believe that politeness helps me feel good around people

    I think it's okay to swear at an unfair remark addressed to me

    If someone is being teased in class, then I tease him too.

    I enjoy making people happy

    It seems to me that you need to be able to forgive people for their negative actions

    I think it's important to understand other people, even if they are wrong

    Processing the results:

    Numbers 3, 4, 6, 7 (negative questions) are processed as follows:

    An answer rated 4 points is assigned 1 unit, 3 points - 2 units, 2 points - 3 units, 1 point - 4 units.

    In other answers, the number of units is set according to the score. For example, 4 points is 4 units, 3 points is 3 units, etc.

    Interpretation of results:

    From 34 to 40 units - a high level of moral self-esteem.

    From 24 to 33 units is the average level of moral self-esteem.

    From 16 to 23 units - moral self-esteem is at a lower level


    From 10 to 15 units - a low level of moral self-esteem.

    Method No. 2. Diagnostics of ethics of behavior

    Instructions. The teacher announces to the children: “I will read you five unfinished sentences. You must think and complete each of these sentences yourself. There is no need to rewrite the first part of the sentences.”


    1. When I see one of the guys in a ridiculous situation, then I...

    2. If someone laughs at me, then I...

    3. If I want to be accepted into the game, then I...

    4. When I am constantly interrupted, I...

    5. When I don’t feel like communicating with my classmates, I...


    First question. Negative result manifests itself if the answer contains: indifference, aggression, frivolous attitude. Positive result: help, sympathy.

    Second question. Negative result: aggression, various methods of psychological suppression. Positive result: lack of reaction, withdrawal from the situation; expressing your feelings and opinions without rudeness or aggression.

    Third question. Negative result: pressure, aggression, cunning. Positive result: self-affirming behavior built on equal relationships, open position.

    Fourth question. Negative result: absence of any reaction, aggression, irritation, threat, pressure. Positive result: expressing your wishes, opinions, feelings, attitudes without aggression and


    Fifth question. Negative result: rudeness, aggression, tactlessness. Positive result: tactful, soft, clear expression of your wishes.

    Method No. 3. Diagnosis of attitude to life values

    Instructions. Imagine that you have a magic wand and a list of 10 wishes, from which you can only choose 5. The teacher writes out the list on the board in advance.

    A wish list


    To be a person who is loved.

    Have a lot of money.

    Have the most modern computer.

    Have a true friend.

    The health of my parents is important to me.

    Have the opportunity to command many.

    Have many servants and manage them.

    Have a good heart.

    Be able to sympathize and help other people.

    To have something that others will never have.


    Numbers of negative answers: 2, 3, 6, 7, 10.

    Five positive answers is a high level.

    4, 3 – average level.

    2 – below average level.

    1, 0 – low level.

    Method No. 4. Diagnosis of moral motivation

    Instructions. I will read you the 4th question. You need to choose one of the answers given to them.


    1. If someone is crying, then I:

    a) trying to help him;

    b) I think about what could happen;
    c) I don’t pay attention.

    2. I’m playing badminton with a friend, a boy about 6-7 years old comes up to us and says that he doesn’t have such a game:

    a) I will tell him not to pester;

    b) I will answer that I cannot help him;

    c) I’ll tell him to ask his parents to buy him such a game;

    d) I promise that he can come with a friend and play.

    3. If someone in the company is upset because they lost
    in Game:

    a) I won’t pay attention;

    b) I’ll say that he’s a weakling;

    c) I will explain that there is nothing to worry about;
    d) I will say that we need to learn this game better.

    4. Your classmate was offended by you, you:

    a) think about his feelings and what you can do about it

    b) be offended in return;

    c) prove to him that he is wrong.

    Processing the results:

    Positive answer key: 1-a, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a.

    4 points - high level;

    2, 3 points - average level;

    0.1 point - low level.

    Formation of spiritual and moral values ​​among younger schoolchildren

    Ivanova Antonina Viktorovna ,

    primary school teacher

    Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 19"
    city ​​of Saransk

    Currently, it has become obvious that the moral aspect has become a priority in the process of education and upbringing. The moral formation of a child begins long before school. But only at school does he encounter such a clear and detailed system of moral requirements, compliance with which is constantly and purposefully monitored. It is the school today, by necessity, that is one of the main centers of spiritual and moral development and education of children.

    “Education at school should only take place through the joint activities of adults and children, children with each other, in which the only way is the appropriation (and not just recognition) of values ​​by children. At the same time, education fundamentally cannot be localized or reduced to any one type of educational activity, but must cover and permeate all types: academic (within the boundaries of different educational disciplines) and extracurricular (artistic, communicative, sports, etc.) activities. This is exactly how the question is posed in the new Federal State Educational Standard for General Education.” The President’s message says: “The spiritual unity of the people and moral values ​​are the same important factor, as political and economic stability..."

    Spiritual and moral development of the individual is the formation of a person’s ability to evaluate and use moral norms in practice.

    How to help your child find the right path at school? We must not forget that a child at school not only reads, writes and counts, but feels, worries, reflects, evaluates himself, friends, and adults. And he must be helped, first of all, in understanding himself and his place in school life, and then the child will learn not only the outside world, but also himself. L.N. Tolstoy believed that of all the sciences that a person should know, the most important is the science of how to live, doing as little evil as possible and as much good as possible. One of the tasks of the spiritual and moral education of the school is to properly organize the child’s activities. Therefore, it is important to study the ways of organizing moral education (forms, methods and techniques).

    A huge role in the education of morality belongs to the teacher in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading. After all, we have a very powerful weapon - this is the word, artistic speech, the book. And “A book,” according to A. Herzen, “is a spiritual testament from one generation to another...” (slide)
    Faced with a book every day, we have the richest material for educating young hearts. If we turn to literary reading programs, every work of any historical period raises, first of all, moral problems. In order not to interrupt this spiritual and moral educational line, to maintain continuity in the study of various works, it is important to build a unique program for educating high moral and patriotic qualities through the study of recommended works, including in extracurricular reading lessons.

    Glorification of the best qualities of man in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess.” Soulful beauty princesses, cruelty and betrayal of the queen in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, denunciation of treachery and betrayal, condemnation of envy and greed in S. T. Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”. The warmth and responsiveness of Varyusha in the fairy tale “The Steel Ring” by K. G. Paustovsky. The theme of all-conquering kindness in the fairy tales of C. Perrault, the condemnation of callousness, soullessness and selfishness in the image of the Snow Queen in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by H. C. Andersen.

    In the primary grades, special techniques are required so that children can understand the learning task both as a general one and as relevant to them personally.

    The organization of the educational process, forms of knowledge assessment, value judgments characterizing the attitude of schoolchildren to learning and their friends, the teacher is aimed at ensuring that the strengths of each student are recognized by himself and his friends. This creates a favorable emotional condition a schoolchild in a team, which is one of the conditions for his successful spiritual and moral development. In the process of spiritual and moral education I use various types and forms of work: (slides)

    — excursions, trips, hikes related to moral themes;

    — thematic classes on moral topics;

    — organization of cycles of conversations “Lessons of Morality”;

    — theatrical performances on moral topics;

    — holidays, surprises, competitions;

    — reading conferences;

    — studying the moral heritage of your Republic;

    As part of the study of the heritage of the Mordovian people, we have developed an elective course program “History of the Native Land”, the purpose of which is – deepening and expanding students’ knowledge about the nature, history and culture of their native land.The program includes:

    content component – children’s mastery of a range of ideas and concepts about the world around them that is accessible to their age: the social structure of society, the life of the people, the history of the country, culture, the development of correct views on the facts of the country’s social life;

    emotionally stimulating component – the individual experiences a positive emotional attitude towards the acquired knowledge, pride in his people, in his native land; respect for the historical past of the native country, for the heroes of the war years, showing interest in information about one’s small Motherland, the need to broaden one’s horizons, the desire to participate in socially useful work;

    active component - implementation of emotionally felt and conscious knowledge in activities (providing assistance to adults, showing concern for the older generation, the desire to reflect the acquired knowledge in creative, search activities).

    I also use forms such as:

        quiz games;


        participation in the International Forum “Gifted Children”;

        design and research activities;

        publication of stories and poems in the newspapers “Kolokolchik” and “Diagonal”;

    creating little books on various topics: “Motherland”, “Family”, “Good Deeds”, etc.

      game forms in lessons with elements of artistic storytelling;

      theatrical lessons;

      travel lessons;

      work with proverbs and poems.

    Conduct ethical conversations, oral reflections on moral themes, role-play life situations.

    One of the most important ways of moral education, along with traditional ones, is training.

    Training is practical game situation, in which students can try to realize themselves in different roles and evaluate what is happening. Jean-Jacques Rousseau said: “True education consists not so much in rules as in exercises,” therefore training is an exercise that allows you to train spiritual qualities: kindness, responsiveness.

    So, using the “Situation” exercise, children analyze and solve problems using literary sources (for example: What should the heroes of fairy tales do - Masha and the three bears; Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf; The Wolf and the Three Little Pigs - in order to always live together?).

    The Russian language, as an academic subject, has an extremely high educational value: instilling a sense of love for the native language, understanding universal human values, and nurturing an individual with a high sense of patriotism. To achieve these goals in the content of the Russian language, you can use such material as “General information about the language”, “How our language works”, didactic material: exercises, dictations, presentations, essays, etc.

    In order to help students comprehend, realize the essence of any moral concept, it is necessary to consider it in all shades, in connection with others close and opposite to it. When going through the topics “Synonyms”, “Antonyms”, a technique is suitable that allows you to reveal the essence of a moral concept based on comparison, comparing it with others, close and opposite to it. Of course, the teacher must do this work himself, building for himself a unique series of synonyms. For example: compassion, respect, care, obedience, sensitivity, empathy, love, tenderness, cordiality, empathy, peacefulness or conscience, nobility, shame, commitment, decency, remorse, etc. However, it is hardly possible to find a person who has only positive qualities, therefore, when explaining to students the personal values ​​that are the most significant and make a person human, the negative sides should also be revealed and explained how to overcome them.

    In practice, the student must not only learn moral standards, but also realize their value through his practical experience.

    One of the effective types of lessons is a practical lesson using reproductions of world paintings, which allow you to touch on the feelings, experiences and form value judgments of students.

    Creative activities help to break down the wall of indifference, evoking positive emotions in students and stimulating the student’s passion.

    As a result of comprehensive work on the formation of moral behavior, good results were obtained. The most important thing is that the work of moral education resonates in the hearts of children, as evidenced by the work of students. The result of specially organized, purposeful work with gifted children is, as a rule, the child’s participation and victory in one or another competition, Olympiad, etc. However, it is obvious that the very process of preparing a student for any event is a kind of victory, since the child acquires additional opportunities to discover and develop his individuality, moral judgments, and his abilities.

    An example is excerpts from mini-resume texts created for participation in the International Forum “Gifted Children” in the Literary Salon “Scorch People’s Hearts with a Verb” and “Union of Young Ecologists” categories.

    Text No. 1. « My name Michael comes from the Hebrew name Michael - “equal, like God”). I am sure that in my personality there is a lot of divine, that is, bright, kind, responsible for the destinies of the people around me, parents, children, friends.

    Text No. 2. “Where are you doctor for nature?”

    There are so many sick people, so many who need help!

    But just recently I realized that not only people need to be treated, our entire planet is sick. Planet Earth urgently needs help today!!! Who, what kind of doctor, can cure the most important organism of humanity - all of nature? What medicine is needed for our planet today?

    These are difficult questions... Even my parents don't know the answers to them. And I know!!!

    I know for sure that there is only one doctor, he is a doctor, he is a healer, he is a Savior - this is a Man!!!(Yes, yes, it’s you and me!!!)

    And I came up with a universal medicine - for everything. Here is the way to use it: heal yourself inside, your soul - learn to enjoy what surrounds you (still surrounds you), don’t get angry, don’t do bad things, don’t say terrible words. Respect what surrounds you (still surrounds you). And you will see that nature can come to life. I'm sure!!! Each of us is a doctor for nature!”

    The experience of teaching shows the need to continue working on moral education with schoolchildren. It can help improve the level of educational training of students at school, ensuring the development of moral qualities of the individual.

    B. Pasternak has this line: “Oh childhood! A ladle of spiritual depth...” And the fate of entire generations often depends on what this bucket is filled with.

    All teachers should not forget that our student will be far from the image in accordance with which we raised him; his formation will depend on the environment that we create for him, and on the extent to which we can provide him with the opportunity to make his own decisions and act on them.

    “If a person is taught goodness, the result will be goodness” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).


      Apletaev, M. N. System of personality education in the learning process: monograph / M. N. Apletaev. – Omsk: Publishing House Om GPU, 1998.

      Aristotle. Works in 4 volumes – M: 1984, vol.4.

      Arkhangelsky, N.V. Moral education / N.V. Arkhangelsky. - M.: Education, 1979.

      Vasilyeva, Z.N. Moral education of students in educational activities. – M.: Education, 1978.

      Dal, V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language - M: 1979, vol. 11.

      Zhinkin, N. I. About code transitions in internal speech / N. I. Zhinkin // Questions of linguistics. – 1964. – No. 6.

      Zhinkin, N. I. Psychological foundations of the development of thinking and speech / N. I. Zhinkin // Russian language at school, 1985. No. 1.

      Ivanova, A.V., Ovchinnikova, L.V. Program for extracurricular activities “Amateur theater, holidays”, Saransk, 2010.

      Ivenina, O.V., Ivanova, A.V., Program for extracurricular activities “History of the native land”, Saransk, 2011.

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