• Neglect as an object of social work with graphs. Technologies of social work with street children. Reasons for the spread of neglect among children and adolescents


    Currently, in Russia, as well as throughout the world, various forms of assistance to street children are actively being developed and used in practice. Among the main ones, the following can be identified: social work on the street, mobile help centers, day care centers (departments), short-term residential centers (departments), social apartments (hotels) and social shelters for children and adolescents. These forms of assistance are listed in order of increasing “threshold of accessibility”, from the most “low threshold” social work on the street (“outreach”) to “high-threshold” residential programs such as a social apartment or a social shelter. The height of the accessibility threshold depends not only on the regulations and other documents regulating the work of a social service or institution, but also on the actual practice and perception of this threshold by minors. 34

    Services for minors:

    “Low threshold”: street social service (“outreach”); mobile help point; day center (department) for socio-psychological assistance. “High threshold”: social shelter; social apartment.

    Street social service (outreach work) - (from English. outreach– external achievement) is a way of establishing and maintaining contact between social service specialists and the target group potentially interested in the services provided.

    Outreach work is carried out directly at the location of the target group and is an active method of social work. The technology of outreach work involves social service specialists searching for their potential clients, as well as transferring the provision of some services (consulting, information, prevention, risk behavior reduction) from institutions “to the street”, closer to representatives of the most vulnerable groups. At the same time, to establish relationships with clients on the street, specialists are required to have an unbiased attitude towards children and adolescents, realistic expectations from clients regarding their compliance with the meeting schedule, the veracity of the information provided, etc. The method of street social outreach service has now become widespread in NPOs providing assistance to various target groups (commercial sex workers, drug users, people without a fixed place of residence, etc.)

    Types of assistance provided within the framework of street outreach service: primary socio-psychological diagnosis; crisis counseling; provision of basic necessities (socks, hygiene items, etc.); referral and support for assistance to other services, institutions and organizations; motivational counseling; counseling on risk reduction and prevention of risky behavior; interdisciplinary case management limited to street work.

    One of the types of outreach work is a mobile help point, in which the street service is equipped with vehicles (bus or minibus), which allows expanding the range of services provided. Thus, on the bus it is possible to conduct individual counseling, in-depth interviews with clients, provide first aid, and, if appropriate equipment and personnel are available, conduct rapid testing for HIV, hepatitis and other infections. In addition, a mobile help point allows clients to be transported to receive help at various services and organizations (for example, day care centers for social assistance to adolescents, the AIDS Center and other medical institutions, a short-term residential unit), which under other conditions are not used by minors.

    The next stage of “low-threshold” assistance to homeless and neglected minors after street outreach work is the Day Center for Social and Psychological Assistance. For example, this form social assistance, is widespread in St. Petersburg, where in addition to the Doctors of the World - USA and Doctors for Children organizations, similar centers are supported by other NGOs (Children's Crisis Center, Humanitarian Action, Innovation Center, etc.)

    Clients can come to such a center without an appointment, without presenting any documents, with guarantees of anonymity and confidentiality, unless this is contrary to the law. The main goal of the Daytime Center for Social Assistance for Teenagers is to provide primary socio-psychological and first pre-medical aid, social and legal consultation; assistance in obtaining or restoring lost documents; individual and family psychological counseling; assistance in further rehabilitation, adaptation and life arrangement of minors, restoration of family ties; career guidance, assistance in obtaining vocational education and employment; organizing and conducting leisure activities with homeless and neglected minors. In addition, the Center's activities are also aimed at providing assistance to the families of these children and adolescents where possible. The Center for Social Assistance for Teenagers also carries out activities to prevent homelessness and neglect, prevent the use of psychoactive substances, prevent HIV, etc.

    Social shelter for children refers to a “high threshold” help service. Together with the social rehabilitation center for minors and the center for assistance to children without parental care, it belongs to institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation 35 . The main activities of these institutions are: prevention of neglect of minors, assistance in eliminating difficult situations in the child’s family; providing minors with temporary residence on full state support until the optimal forms of life arrangement are determined and implemented jointly with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities; ensuring the availability and timeliness of qualified social, legal, psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to minors on the basis of individual social rehabilitation programs. 36

    The operating methodology of social shelters for children is well established based on many years of experience, and the operating procedure is regulated in detail by federal law, as well as government and departmental regulations 37 .

    A social apartment is a form of rehabilitation work in which minors in difficult life situations or socially dangerous situations are provided with temporary housing in conditions as close as possible to home ones, with the simultaneous implementation of individual social rehabilitation programs and the provision of legal, psychological and pedagogical assistance. The purpose of a social apartment is the socio-psychological rehabilitation and adaptation of minors, their return to blood family, or preparation for independent living and assistance in resolving housing issues. A social apartment is a form of rehabilitation for adolescents, an alternative to the existing system of social shelters for children. In a social apartment designed for 5–10 teenagers, they are given a certain degree of freedom, at the same time with very specific requirements for self-organization and self-service, mandatory continuation of studies or employment, participation in the social life of the apartment, etc. Creation of social apartments (hotels) for minors are provided for by the Concept for the development of the social protection system of the population of St. Petersburg for 2006–2010. 38

    The threshold for access to social apartment services is the highest of all the above forms of assistance to neglected and homeless minors.

    One of the forms of social assistance is the active development of a network of “helplines” on issues of child neglect, which can be called either by a child who finds himself in a difficult life situation or by an adult who has discovered that street children who allegedly left the street have settled in attics and basements his home. For example, on the basis of the Moscow educational and methodological center “Childhood” there is a public reception for pupils of orphanages and boarding schools, teachers, educators and specialists. 39 Here they provide advisory assistance on protecting the rights and interests of orphans and children left without parental care. In the field of primary prevention of child neglect, the city center “Street Children” operates, whose specialists do a lot of work with the families of street children or those children who are about to join the army of little tramps. There are already several thousand such “street” social workers in Moscow. 40

    Providing assistance to street and neglected children is the main task of street social work. They work with children who have, to varying degrees, lost social ties with family and school and are involved in the street environment .

    The street social work program has the goal of helping street children find an alternative to life on the street, supporting them, strengthening their position by providing them with information and opportunities to make informed decisions. Street social workers do the following:

      collect information about the child in order to draw up an individual rehabilitation program;

      establish collaborative relationships with communities street children (in common parlance - parties) to monitor the situation, constantly inform about the possibilities of social support and - very important - for urgent assistance in emergency cases;

      offer various services to street children;

      carry out a mediating role between a street child and society: family, social welfare institutions, police, municipal authorities, etc.

    They consider their main task to be to assist in the formation of motivation among neglected and street children to return to their families and to take an active position in deciding their own fate.

    Stages of street social work:

    Stage 1. The work begins with collecting information about places where street children may be. In addition to those places where many people see them: metro stations, markets, train stations - these can also be railway stations, vegetable warehouses, basements and attics of houses, etc. Often, street social workers are approached with information by enthusiastic social activists, former street children, transport police, etc. Having received information, the workers go on a raid.

    Stage 2. The purpose of the raid is to get to know the child. For this purpose, references to mutual acquaintances from among street children, employees of mobile social services or shelters are very good; mention of charity canteens or medical centers helps. Conversation is the main method. And during the conversation, you need to gain trust, provide information about possible help and find out who he is and what brought him to the street.

    The social worker records his work as follows:

      makes a daily list of all children with whom he came into contact while going outside;

      creates and updates individual files for children;

      keeps a diary of street visits and activities.

    Stage 3. Having established trusting relationships with children, street social workers offer them the following services:

      “social consultations”, i.e. conversations that help the child better understand himself and the environment;

      information services: where to get medical help, how to maintain sexual safety, how to reduce the risk of drug use, etc.;

      assistance in obtaining medical services, services in the field of education and vocational training, in preparing the necessary documents, etc.;

      giving the child the right to choose a place to leave the street: home, school, shelter, day center;

    work with motivation to leave the street. Stage 4. The social worker discusses in detail with the child the possibility of choosing his own future. One of the most important aspects

    Social work is to lead the child to use social services, first of all, a day center. In cases where it is clear that the child spends the night at home more often, that contact with the family has not been lost, it is necessary to fill the child’s life with positive content through day centers, teenage clubs, sports sections, and most importantly, return children to school life. Day care unit is intended to provide psychological, medical and social support to children who have not lost contact with their parents. The child spends part of the day in the day care unit, returning home in the evening. Day care means that the child attends his/her own school, although training sessions can be organized if necessary. While in day care, the child prepares homework, receives lunch and an afternoon snack, and participates in one of the clubs or sports section

    . The child receives medical and educational assistance. During this time, the social service is trying to solve the family’s social problems. A psychologist works with the child and family members. If necessary, a doctor and a narcologist work with the child and family members. A prerequisite is that children comply with the rules and regime of the day care department.

    When working with street children, you need to be consistent and persistent. It happens that children do not want to communicate and may turn around and leave. But next time they might come up for help themselves. After all, street children have been deceived many times in their lives. It is very important that the child understands and remembers that in critical situations, if he wants, they will come to his aid. 41 Another unit that provides assistance to neglected and homeless children is the Nochlezhka, which is designed for a safe overnight stay for children and adolescents, living on the street, providing them with sanitary services (bathing, washing clothes, the opportunity to receive medical care, minimal hot meals, clean clothes, shoes, hygiene items. Stay in the shelter is limited to evening and night time for 1-2 months. During this time, the child must be motivated to change his social status - the desire to go to a shelter or return to his family. Level of medical care - sanitary and hygienic measures, treatment of lice and scabies, treatment of wounds, burns, pyoderma, preventive administration of vitamins, microelements and nutritional supplements, hospitalization for emergency reasons.

    Thus, the main forms of providing assistance to neglected and street children are carried out by both government agencies and public associations.

    Ministry of Education and Science
    Russian Federation
    Pacific State University
    Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

    Department: Social work and Psychology
    Specialty: social work

    Coursework in the discipline
    Social work theory
    On the topic: Technology of social work with homeless and neglected children and adolescents.

    Completed by: student of group SR – 81
    Ovchinnikova I.F.
    Checked by: Belova E.A.

    Table of contents


      Modern scientific research conducted in the social sphere identifies crisis situations in many areas of people’s lives that affect their consciousness and behavior. Changes taking place in the political, economic and social spheres, spiritual and moral difficulties of our lives have become a significant factor destabilizing traditional family relationships. A serious social danger is that the negative consequences of such changes affect children, as the most vulnerable category of the population. Every year the number of families unable to adequately provide for the maintenance and upbringing of children increases. This leads to disruption of their physical and mental health, giving impetus to the development of so-called social diseases, including neglect and homelessness.
      When characterizing the scale of the problem, it is necessary to pay attention to the difference in the concepts of “street” and “neglected” children. Street children are those who do not have a specific place of residence and (or) place of stay.
      Such children make up no more than 1/10 of the number of neglected children, which include all children whose behavior is not controlled due to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of duties for upbringing, training, maintenance by parents or legal representatives or officials.
      The relevance of the problem of homelessness is reinforced by the statistics of recent years, which indicate a negative trend in the growth of the number of street children that has persisted in Russia. In 2001, official reporting documents noted that 720 thousand children in the country were left without parental care. In the same year, more than 1 million 400 thousand teenagers were brought to the police for various offenses: 300 thousand of them were under 13 years old, 295 thousand had not studied anywhere, and 45 thousand were illiterate. Representatives of law enforcement agencies note that street children account for 10% of all crimes, including murders, robberies, and robberies. In 2002, when, on the instructions of the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin launched a large-scale action to “finally solve the problem of homelessness in Russia”; data on the number of street children began to be provided. According to various sources, the total number of street children in our country, in some cases, ranged from two to three million, in others - from one and a half to two million. This uncertainty in calculating the number of street children is explained by many reasons, in particular, difficulties in identifying and recording them. According to data approved by the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2005, there were two and a half million street children. According to statistics, now in every major city in Russia there are from 20 to 45 thousand street children and adolescents.
      Child neglect and homelessness give rise to trends that are dangerous for the younger generation and society as a whole: massive violations of children's rights, an increase in early alcoholism and drug addiction among adolescents, leading to an increase in the number of crimes committed by minors (2.8 times over the past five years), an increase in the number of sexually transmitted diseases, high rates of pregnancy and childbirth among teenage girls, rejuvenation of crime: every third criminal act is committed by children aged 8-14 years, etc.
      Socially dangerous acts associated with the use of street children in activities that can cause significant harm to their mental, spiritual and moral development. Many of these events are obscene or overtly sexual in nature and violate the spiritual and moral norms of society.
      Child homelessness is an acute and large-scale socially dangerous phenomenon for the security of the country and the region. There is a need to improve the efficiency of all government structures responsible for solving the problems of street children, implementing measures to protect and restore the rights and legitimate interests of children, identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, i.e. providing real assistance to a child who finds himself in a socially dangerous situation.
      Goal of the work– consider the specifics of providing assistance to homeless and neglected minors.
      Object of work: child homelessness and neglect.
      Subject of work: the problem of child homelessness and neglect in the Russian Federation and ways to resolve it.
      The nature of the topic and its relevance led to the consideration of the following tasks:
      1) Give a general description of homelessness, consider homelessness as a social problem.
      2) Consider the causes of child homelessness and neglect.
      3) Consider the legal framework in the field of social protection of homeless and neglected children.
      4) Reveal the role of institutions, problem solvers street and neglected children.
      4) Consider the technology of work in the activities of the Juvenile Affairs Unit.
      5) Consider the problem of homelessness and neglect of children in the Khabarovsk Territory.

    I. Child homelessness as a social problem.

    1.1 Causes of child homelessness and neglect.
      One of the main reasons for child neglect is the crisis of families: the growth
    poverty, deterioration of living conditions and destruction of moral values ​​and educational potential of families.
    As a result of the increased mortality of men at young ages, divorce and out-of-wedlock births, the number of single-parent families with fewer opportunities to support and raise children is increasing. Today, every seventh Russian child is raised in a single-parent family. The educational potential of families has weakened, their moral foundations are being destroyed, and fundamental human values ​​are being lost. The number of children suffering from parental cruelty, psychological, physical and sexual violence is increasing. Young children who have been left without supervision or food for a long time are placed in hospitals. The number of children from families in which parents have lost the ability to feed and clothe their children, give them education and upbringing is growing. Due to drunkenness, drug addiction, the immoral lifestyle of their parents, refusal to support and educate, left to their own devices, children abandon their studies, devote their free time to the street, dysfunctional company, and aimless pastime. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, more than 90 thousand children run away from home every year due to mistreatment by their parents. About a thousand a month disappear without a trace.
    In a number of cases, the homelessness of children is a consequence of the pedagogical helplessness of parents, their distorted understanding of the boundaries of children’s independence, lack of control over their pastime, adults’ preoccupation only with the problem of satisfying natural and material needs, a violation of mutual understanding and trust between children and parents. The source of weakening attention to children is situations of divorce, which not only traumatize the child’s psyche, but also often cause discord with parents; mutual dissatisfaction between adults and children, the latter’s desire for autonomy; desire to reduce contact with family to a minimum.
    Teenagers may run away from home under the influence of their friends. In such cases, it is necessary not only to stop the teenager’s wandering lifestyle, but also to make it attractive for him to stay in the family, the student body of a public organization.
    Teenagers can also leave their homeland due to excessive control and authoritarian behavior of their parents. Added to this is the desire to travel. Sometimes children with increased behavioral activity run away from home. This is due to the fact that their great liveliness and restlessness cause negative reactions from adults and often lead to conflict. In addition, vagrancy opens up full scope for the manifestation of their activity and initiative.
    Those who do not make it in the row remain the longest in the escape educational subjects teenagers. Shy, reserved schoolchildren decide to leave home, usually under the influence of older and more experienced friends.
    The socialization of children is often adversely affected by the media, which openly and covertly promote sexual permissiveness, pornography, violence, crime, and drug addiction. The repertoires of children's theaters and films, as well as the policy of publishing books for children, have changed. The worst examples of foreign morality and culture are often cultivated among children and youth.
    The most important factor in homelessness is the growing number of refugee and internally displaced families whose living conditions are extremely unsatisfactory. Many of them do not have permanent housing and the necessary sources of livelihood. It is not known for certain how many children were left without parents in Chechnya and other “hot spots”, how many children ran away from mining villages and “hungry villages” or from orphanages, correctional and other institutions.
    The reasons for child homelessness may be different, but the result is common - children are forced to live for months and years at train stations and in basements, without proper nutrition and without receiving care. Children often end up in a criminal environment, live and are raised according to its laws.
    IN last years A noticeable number of homeless teenagers have appeared in Russia. They are often kidnapped by members of criminal organizations and used for slave labor in agricultural production, in spontaneous markets, and are involved in child prostitution and drug addiction, which increases the likelihood of the spread of AIDS. Another danger is hooliganism, petty theft, robbery and extortion caused by the need to have a piece of bread.
    Currently, the most important educational institution is the family, because it represents the environment for human development. In the family, important processes of the formation of morality and civil self-awareness and self-determination of the individual, his spiritual culture, arise and proceed intensively. Therefore, it is the family that, first of all, should give children a feeling of goodness, teach them hard work, the ability to properly build their relationships with people, because through the example of their parents, children prepare for future motherhood and fatherhood.
    In public policy, it is necessary to turn to the socially unprotected family, to help prevent its complete death and the inevitable rejection of the child from it. The more state, public, and charitable institutions take active, rather than formal, participation in this, the more real are the chances of reducing the ranks of homeless and neglected children.

    1.2 Regulatory and legal framework for social assistance to homeless and neglected children and adolescents.

      As a result of the falling standard of living, the deterioration of the socio-economic situation of the majority of Russian families, unemployment, sharply increased migration of the population, an increase in the number of dysfunctional families, the decline of moral principles led to an increase in homelessness, aggression, intolerance, crime and delinquency among children and teenagers, and the spread of drug addiction. These alarming trends indicate the need for a comprehensive solution to the problems of preventing homelessness and juvenile delinquency, protecting their rights, social rehabilitation and adaptation. Providing assistance to children, for various reasons, left without parental care, is the most important direction of the state's social policy.
      In the Russian Federation today there is a fairly extensive legal field regulating the issues of combating homelessness and neglect. On July 24, 1998, the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” was adopted in Russia. This law established the basic guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in order to create legal, socio-economic conditions for the realization of the rights and legitimate interests of the child. The law identified a special category of children in need of enhanced protection by government agencies, children in difficult life situations. Orphans, social orphans and hidden social orphans are at risk. The law provided for the need to ensure social adaptation and social rehabilitation of such children, introduced the concept of social services for children - these are organizations that carry out activities for social services for children, social support, provision of social and domestic, medical and social, psychological, pedagogical, legal services and financial assistance, social rehabilitation of children in difficult life situations. In Art. 4 of Law No. 124 specifies the goals of state policy in the interests of children, which are state support for families in order to ensure the full upbringing of children, protection of their rights, preparation for full life in society; promoting the physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual and moral development of children, instilling citizenship in them; formation of the legal basis for guaranteeing the rights of the child. In order to protect the rights of such children, appropriate social services for children who, on behalf of the competent executive authority, body local government or on the basis of a court decision in accordance with state minimum social standards of the main indicators of the quality of life of children, an individual rehabilitation program for the child is developed.
      The dominant position among the legal norms designed to protect the family is occupied by the norms of family law. The Family Code has a special sixth section, “Forms of raising children without parental care,” which states that the protection of the rights and interests of children in cases of death of parents, deprivation of their parental rights, recognition of parents as incompetent, as well as in other cases of lack of parental care entrusted to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. The guardianship and trusteeship authorities are charged with identifying, recording and selecting forms of placement for children left without parental care, as well as monitoring the conditions of their detention, upbringing and education. They are obliged, within three days from the date of receipt of the message, to conduct an examination of the child’s living conditions and ensure his protection and placement.
      Children left without parental care are subject to transfer to a family for upbringing (for adoption, under guardianship/trusteeship or to a foster family), and in the absence of such an opportunity, to the appropriate institutions for orphans or children left without parental care. The legislation, therefore, gives priority to family forms of placing children as the ones that best meet the needs of the child and create optimal conditions for his upbringing and development. Guardianship and trusteeship bodies are local government bodies, their activities are regulated by the following documents: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Family Code, and other legal acts.
      The Federal Law “On additional guarantees for the protection of orphans and children without parental care” determined general principles, maintenance and measures of state support for orphans and children left without parental care. This law uses the following concepts: orphans are persons under the age of 18 whose both or only parent has died. Children without parental care - persons under the age of 18 who were left without parental care due to their absence or deprivation of their parental rights; restricting their parental rights.
      The social support provided by this Law to orphans and children without parental care practically concerns all aspects of their lives, which is especially important in modern economic conditions, when ensuring the rights of such children is becoming increasingly difficult. Additional guarantees for social support are legislatively enshrined additional measures for social support of the rights of orphans and children left without parental care, provided in accordance with current legislation, ensured and protected by the state. The law regulates relations arising in connection with the provision and provision by government authorities of additional guarantees for social support for the rights of orphans and children without parental care.
      With the release of this Law, orphans and children without parental care received the right to free education, medical care for orphans and children without parental care, property and housing, and the right to work. So, in Art. 6 of the Law, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care have the right to receive a second vocational primary education free of charge. Until graduation, children are paid an annual allowance for the purchase of educational literature and writing materials. In Art. 7 of the Law, orphans and children without parental care are provided with free medical care and free trips to sports and recreation camps. Article 8 of the Law indicates additional guarantees of the rights to residential premises: orphans and children without parental care who had assigned residential premises retain the right to it for the entire period of their stay in an educational institution or institution social services population while in prison. Article 9 of the Law provides additional labor guarantees to orphans and children without parental care between the ages of 14 and 18: the state employment service bodies carry out career guidance work and provide diagnostics of professional suitability taking into account their health status. Those looking for work for the first time and registered with the state employment service as unemployed, orphans and children left without parental care, are paid benefits for six months in the amount of the average salary.
      The Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” dated June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ for the first time recognized the fact of the presence of neglected and street children in the country, and it was in pursuance of this law that institutions for children (social shelters) were created. An orphanage is a multifunctional institution that provides medical, social, psychological, pedagogical, and legal support to a disadvantaged child, focused on the restoration and development of his full socialization.
      According to the law, the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors is a system of social, legal, pedagogical and other measures aimed at identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions contributing to neglect, homelessness, delinquency and antisocial actions of minors, carried out in conjunction with individual preventive work with minors and families in socially dangerous situations. Activities to prevent neglect and delinquency of minors are based on the principles of legality, democracy, humane treatment of minors, family support and interaction with it, an individual approach to the correction of minors while maintaining the confidentiality of information received, state support for the activities of local governments and public associations for the prevention of neglect and offenses of minors, ensuring the responsibility of officials and citizens for violation of the rights and legitimate interests of minors.
      The system for the prevention of neglect, homelessness and delinquency among minors includes the authorities of social protection of the population, education, guardianship and trusteeship, health care, youth affairs committees, employment services, internal affairs, and commissions on juvenile affairs. According to Article 9 of Law No. 120, bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, within their competence, are obliged to ensure respect for the rights and legitimate interests of minors, to protect them from all forms of discrimination, physical or mental violence, insult, abuse, sexual and other exploitation, identify minors and families in a socially dangerous situation.
      The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Federal Target Program “Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” (for 2003-2006). The implementation of this federal target program made it possible to partially reduce the severity of the problems of child neglect and social orphanhood. The result of the implementation of the Program was an increase in the number of specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation. The goal of the Program was to further comprehensively solve the problems of preventing neglect, homelessness and delinquency of minors, protecting their rights, social adaptation, improving the quality of life and health of children, conducting research on the problems and prognosis of homelessness, developing and testing new correctional and rehabilitation technologies and programs for social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, labor rehabilitation; strengthening the material and technical base of specialized institutions. Measures were taken to organize retraining of specialists in various fields working with street children and adolescent delinquents. State support for institutions for the prevention of homelessness has made it possible to expand their network, equip them with the necessary equipment and vehicles; As a result of the measures taken, the living conditions of the pupils made their social adaptation more effective. The implementation of the Program made it possible to stabilize the number of street children and adolescents at a level not exceeding the 2002 figure.
      The Federal Target Program “Orphans” was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (for 2003 – 2006). The purpose of this program was to prevent social orphanhood, create conditions for the full development of orphans and children left without parental care, and provide conditions for their integration into society, social and personal self-realization. The “Orphans” program provided for the formation of a system of state support for orphans and children left without parental care; reforming the system of providing life support, raising and educating children; resource provision of new technologies and support for regional projects.
      Based on the federal target program “orphans,” a network of services to prevent social orphanhood began to develop, and methodological support for these services was developed. A state data bank on orphans and children left without parental care was created and maintained; currently the data bank is connected by a computer network to 56 regions of the Russian Federation. Work was carried out to create a system for registering families of potential adoptive parents and educators, which resulted in a significant increase in the number of children placed for adoption, guardianship or trusteeship. A new form of placement for orphans has been developed - placing the child in foster care with citizen families.
      A system for registering orphans was introduced, criteria were developed for selecting families that can accept a child, providing psychological and pedagogical support for such families, social protection of the child in it, and improving the remuneration of adoptive parents.
      The Government of the Russian Federation has approved model provisions on specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation. In its activities, the center is guided by federal laws, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Model Regulations and its charter. The Center takes part in identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the neglect and homelessness of minors, and promotes the return of children to their families; develops and implements social rehabilitation programs for minors aimed at getting out of difficult life situations; ensures the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children.
      Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2002 No. 154 regulated the formation of the Interdepartmental Operational Headquarters to coordinate the activities of federal executive authorities aimed at combating homelessness. The interdepartmental operational headquarters was given the right to hear at its meetings on issues of work to prevent homelessness, and to inform the Commission on Minors' Affairs under the Government of the Russian Federation on a monthly basis about the progress of work to prevent homelessness and neglect of minors. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation must ensure coordination of the activities of the internal affairs bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the prompt identification in public places of homeless and neglected minors who are in a socially dangerous situation, in identifying and transporting minors to institutions of the system for the prevention of homelessness and neglect of minors, offenses at the place of their detection . The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation exercises control over the medical provision of homeless and neglected minors. Executive authorities and local governments develop and implement additional measures to address the problems of homelessness and neglect of minors, including emergency measures to identify, provide medical care and place minors in a socially dangerous situation.
      The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Plan of Priority Actions to Strengthen the Prevention of Homelessness and Neglect of Minors (for 2004 – 2005). The government decided to create a data bank on street and neglected minors, delinquents, children abusing psychoactive substances, alcohol and drugs; about families in socially dangerous situations. Proposals were prepared to strengthen the responsibility of parents (legal representatives) of minors for failure to fulfill duties for the upbringing, maintenance, and education of minors. The federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation have established “hotlines” (helplines) to quickly resolve issues of providing assistance to homeless and neglected minors. Programs have been developed for interaction between state executive authorities and public associations and religious organizations in addressing issues of preventing homelessness and neglect of minors. Work was organized to place children deprived of parental care in families. Social advertising was created promoting a healthy lifestyle, law-abiding behavior, spiritual and moral values ​​of the family, and attracting children and adolescents to work and sports.
      Based on the above, it can be argued that the state has created a regulatory framework for the prevention and combating of homelessness and neglect of minors, as well as social assistance, but the support of all departments that are responsible for the well-being and interests of children is necessary. Logistics and funding are needed to implement laws at the federal level.

    II. Forms and methods of social work with homeless and neglected children.

    2.1 Activities of institutions solving the problems of homeless and neglected children.
      In the social protection system, specialized institutions for minors play an important role, whose tasks include targeted work on the social rehabilitation of maladjusted children.
      Today, more than a thousand specialized institutions have been built in the country, which can be divided into three types.
      The first is a social shelter, intended not so much for street children (that is, those who have a certain place of residence and family), but for street children who do not remember or do not want to remember where they lived before they found themselves on the street. The child remains in such a shelter until his identity is established, primary rehabilitation work is carried out with him, and he is handed over to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities so that they can decide on his life arrangement.
      The main task of the shelter is to provide emergency social assistance to minors who find themselves in difficult life situations. The shelter carries out its activities in cooperation with bodies and institutions of education, healthcare, internal affairs, public and other organizations. The purpose of the shelters is the social rehabilitation of street children and adolescents, that is, the organization of their temporary residence, the provision of psychological, pedagogical, medical and legal assistance and their further livelihoods. Children and adolescents are admitted to shelters at the direction of commissions on juvenile affairs, committees for family affairs and their institutions, educational, health, internal affairs, social protection authorities, at the request of employees of the shelters themselves, as well as at the personal request of minors in need of social protection .
      Most shelters are municipal institutions maintained at the expense of budgetary funds. The main difference between shelters and orphanages is that shelters are institutions for the temporary stay of children for a period of up to 6 months, during which adoptive parents, guardians or a foster family are found for the child, or work is carried out to eliminate a crisis situation in his family of origin, where he may be sent returned.

    Child homelessness - social phenomenon, in which children are separated from their families with the loss of their permanent place of residence.

    Features homelessness:

    complete cessation of communication with family, parents, relatives;

    living in places not intended for human habitation;

    obtaining a livelihood in ways not recognized in society (begging, theft);

    obedience to informal laws.

    The main reasons for homelessness:

    1. various social catastrophes (wars and socio-economic crises).
    2. large-scale social transformations affecting all aspects of the life of society as a whole and each person (social revolutions, socio-economic and socio-political transformations, political upheavals, etc.).
    3. reasons hidden in the features inside family relations and the ways of life of specific families: parental drunkenness, immoral lifestyle, large families, catastrophic poverty, cruelty towards children, etc.

    Social work with street children is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    Removing the child from a negative social environment;

    Primary social adaptation to life in a healthy social environment;

    Restoration or compensation of lost social connections;

    Returning the child to positive forms of social activity.

    The goals set largely determine the possible forms and methods

    working with street children, including:

    1. Attracting or delivering a child to shelters and rehabilitation centers.

    2. Treatment, health improvement and medical and social rehabilitation of the child.

    3. Socio-psychological rehabilitation of the child, psychodiagnostics and necessary psychocorrection.

    4. Pedagogical correction.

    5. Restoration of family ties and relationships (if possible and in the interests of the child).

    6. Transfer of the child to a specialized childcare facility, or establishing guardianship and trusteeship over him.

    Regulatory and legal framework for organizing social and preventive work with the phenomenon of neglect and homelessness. The practice of social and preventive work to solve the problem of neglect and homelessness in the region.

    In recent years, certain changes have been taking place in our country at the political, legislative, program-target and organizational-managerial levels, aimed at implementing the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    This Convention, adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, recognizes every human being as a child until they reach the age of 18, considers children as a special socio-demographic group of the population in need of a special protection system, considers necessary creation favorable conditions for survival, healthy and harmonious development each child as an individual, perceiving him as an independent subject of law. The Convention not only emphasizes the priority of the interests of the child over the interests of society, but also specifically highlights the need for special care by both the state and society for socially deprived groups of children - orphans, disabled people, refugees, street children, and delinquents.

    In the Russian Federation, in accordance with the requirements of the Convention, a number of legislative acts, Presidential decrees and Government resolutions have been adopted. In particular, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1996 No. 942 approved the National Action Plan for Children (valid until 2000), which marked the beginning of the formation of state policy in this area.

    Federal Law “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency” in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and generally recognized norms international law establishes the basics legal regulation relations arising in connection with activities to prevent neglect and juvenile delinquency.

    The system for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors provides for the activities of the following institutions and bodies: commissions for the affairs of minors and for the protection of their rights; education authorities; guardianship and trusteeship authorities; youth affairs authorities; health authorities; employment service authorities; internal affairs bodies.

    The activities of specialized social rehabilitation institutions for minors are within the competence of the social protection authorities, which was later enshrined in the Federal Law “On Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation”.

    The Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 732 dated October 3, 2002 “On the federal target program “Children of Russia”” for 2003–2006, which includes the subprograms “ Healthy child", "Gifted Children", "Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency", "Orphans" and "Disabled Children".

    The main objective of the program is the formation of an effective comprehensive system of state support for children, including diagnostic, preventive and rehabilitation measures, creating an optimal environment for the life of children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

    The goals of the subprogram “Prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency” were to strengthen the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency; creating conditions for effective rehabilitation and comprehensive development of children in difficult life situations.

    The main activities are the creation and implementation of an electronic information system for identifying and recording children who find themselves in difficult life situations; development of new technologies and forms of prevention of neglect and delinquency among minors; strengthening the material and technical base of institutions in the neglect prevention system; organizing and conducting events that promote the comprehensive development of children who find themselves in difficult life situations.

    As a result of the implementation of the subprogram, it was expected that there would be a significant reduction in the number of homeless and neglected children, minors who abuse narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, alcohol, and a reduction in the number of juvenile delinquencies; strengthening the material and technical base and expanding the network of specialized institutions for children in need of social rehabilitation (up to 1,225 units) and institutions for helping children and families (up to 2,026 units); increase in the number of minors who find themselves in difficult situation and received assistance from the state.

    Resolution “On additional measures to strengthen the prevention of homelessness and neglect of minors” dated March 13, 2002 No. 154 approved the Plan of Priority Actions to strengthen the prevention of homelessness and neglect of minors.

    In order to strengthen measures to improve the provision of medical care to street and neglected children, an order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation “On improving the provision of medical care to street and neglected children” dated February 7, 2002 No. 47 was issued.

    Based on this order, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution “On approval of the Regulations on the implementation and financing of activities related to the transportation of minors who left their families without permission, orphanages, boarding schools, special educational and other children's institutions.”

    Thus, it can be stated that there is a process of establishing a legal and regulatory framework for social services for street children and adolescents, which will improve the level of their social well-being and expand the list of social and medical services.

    It should be taken into account that the regulatory framework for social work with this category of the population should also include laws designed to eliminate the causes of neglect, to prevent the process of deformation of the microenvironment of a minor, which is favorable for him. normal development, turning it into a microenvironment conducive to neglect.

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    In modern Russia, significant features have become a significant increase in social orphanhood, the emergence of its new characteristics, determined by the continuing deterioration of the life of the Russian family, the decline of its moral foundations and, as a consequence, a change in attitude towards children up to the complete displacement of them from the family, the neglect of a huge number of children and teenagers in all regions of the country.

    Every year the total number of children left without parental care increases by 30-40 thousand people. Most of them relate to social orphans. social work homeless

    In the 1990s, a certain system for preventing child neglect and crime was developed, and measures were taken to develop legislation in this area. The Family Code of the Russian Federation has been approved, which includes such sections as “Rights of minor children”, “ Adoptive family" In 1998, the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” came into force, which defined the social rehabilitation of a child as measures to restore the social connections and functions lost by the child, replenish the living environment, and strengthen care for him.

    The activities of specialized institutions are within the competence of social protection authorities. This provision was enshrined in the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population”, the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1995 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the approval of model regulations on specialized institutions for minors in need of rehabilitation.” In accordance with accepted standards, such institutions to help families and children have been created, such as social rehabilitation centers for minors, social shelters for children and adolescents, and territorial centers for social assistance to families and children.

    The fundamental document for solving the problems of social deviations among children is the law “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.” This law identified tasks corresponding to new methods of prevention, changed the functions of the subjects of prevention of child neglect. The main objectives of the law boil down to:

    • - implementation of measures to protect and restore the rights and legitimate interests of minors, identifying and eliminating the reasons contributing to this;
    • - organizing control over the conditions of education and training, over the pedagogical treatment of minors in the authorities for the prevention of homelessness;
    • - implementation of all possible measures to ensure that the teenager receives secondary education;
    • - refusal of punitive measures against minor children and their families; carrying out activities based on international law.

    In 2006, a program of measures to overcome social orphanhood and improve the situation of children left without parental care before 2010 was developed and approved. The program provides for solving such issues as improving the regulatory framework, supporting families in raising and educating children, social protection orphans and children left without parental care. For the first time, the introduction of a social and educational policy is provided for children from socially vulnerable families, which gives such children more guarantees for receiving an education.

    As of January 1, 2006, in the Russian Federation there were 1,162 institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation, 754 inpatient departments for minors, 430 departments for the prevention of child neglect in other institutions for social services for families and children. During 2008, social service institutions provided services to 340 thousand minors.

    Depending on what categories of children and adolescents, as well as families at social risk, specialists have to work with, their areas of activity are built in a specific system in which primary, secondary and tertiary prevention measures are implemented.

    Primary prevention and early correction of child behavior and parent-child relationships are carried out by general education institutions, leisure social and pedagogical centers, centers of psychological consultation and pedagogical rehabilitation.

    The objects of primary work are children and adolescents who have not been found to exhibit antisocial behavior, but have been in a socially dangerous situation for a long time and have problems in schooling, intellectual development, communication, have unstable social ties with family and relatives, which in the future can lead to the child running away from the family or educational institution.

    Education authorities prioritize the following tasks when working with street children and their families:

    • - keeping records of minors who systematically miss classes in secondary schools for no valid reason;
    • - creation of a psychological and pedagogical commission to identify minors with difficulties in learning, development or behavior, for further recommendation of training;
    • - providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to minors with learning problems;
    • - counseling parents, explaining to adults gender, age and individual psychological characteristics children, critical analysis of the pedagogical actions of parents or persons replacing them.

    Subjects of the rehabilitation space, carrying out their activities at the first level, set the goal of humanization of the child’s society, its harmonious development, prevention of school and social maladjustment.

    Deep social pedagogical correction behavior of the child and members of his family, as well as early rehabilitation of children with a tendency to deviation, is carried out by: Commissions for the Affairs of Minors and the Protection of Their Rights, formed by local governments, designed to identify cases of violation of the rights of minors to education, work, rest and other rights, and also inform about the shortcomings of the activities of bodies and institutions that impede the prevention of child homelessness; Guardianship and trusteeship authorities that identify minors left without parental care or in an environment that poses a threat to their health and development; Health authorities responsible for examination, observation, treatment of neglected and street children who use alcohol, narcotic drugs, intoxicants or psychotropic substances.

    The objects of secondary prevention are street children and adolescents of various ages, from preschool to adolescence. They have not yet become involved in the criminal activities that law enforcement agencies should be involved in suppressing, but, nevertheless, they social development proceeds unfavorably and is characterized by various behavioral problems of an asocial nature: addiction to alcohol, drugs, aggressiveness, selfish offenses, shirking from school, work, a tendency to vagrancy.

    Work regarding such children is aimed at developing forms of social and government influence in order to correct the behavior and social adaptation of children who are at social risk.

    Work with child homelessness at the third level is carried out by correctional and educational institutions, as well as specialized social rehabilitation institutions, which play a decisive role in crime prevention. These institutions take emergency measures aimed at providing assistance, rehabilitation, behavioral correction, and protecting the rights and legitimate interests of minors who find themselves in a critical situation. These may be street children who have been outside the supervision of adults for a long time: those who have left their families or educational institutions without permission, who have suffered various shapes violence and cruelty, committing illegal acts, prosecuted by law.

    Subjects involved in solving problems of homelessness at the third level implement their activities in the system of stationary and semi-stationary institutions.

    Work to solve the problems of child neglect and homelessness is impossible without stopping the original sources of vagrancy for the majority of children in dysfunctional families. The main task of measures aimed at optimizing the social situation of street children is to improve and optimize social relations in the child’s immediate environment, family, school, peer group. In this regard, territorial centers for assistance to families and children operate on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    These centers carry out control measures and social support in the process of rehabilitation of a teenager who has experience of vagrancy, criminal activity, and use of psychotropic substances. The activities of the center’s specialists are aimed at maintaining the educational functions of the family in relation to a minor and preventing negative consequences childhood disadvantage.

    The main task of the center is individual, specific work with a minor while maintaining his interpersonal connections, as well as work with the family before, during and after the minor’s rehabilitation course in specialized institutions.

    In this regard, specialists of Territorial Centers carry out their work in the following areas:

    • - traditional form of patronage and social control of families at social risk to create conditions for closer interaction;
    • - conducting thematic discussions and lectures for children and adolescents;
    • - club and circle work, the objectives of which are the rehabilitation and social adaptation of children with deviant behavior, i.e. prevention of further deviations in the behavior of a teenager;
    • - a commission of social influence, whose tasks are to identify the causes and conditions that contribute to deviant manifestations in children and adolescents, and to protect the rights of children in dysfunctional families;
    • - work on an individual map of social adaptation of adolescents, with the aim of rehabilitating a teenager in conditions of deep social deprivation;
    • - work in a day care department, with the aim of preventing homelessness and juvenile delinquency and implementing social rehabilitation programs for maladjusted children and adolescents prone to unlawful behavior at school, in the family and on the street;
    • - organizational work to improve the level of interaction between various services in the microdistrict, with the aim of preventing deviant behavior among minors.

    Social patronage is the form of the closest interaction with the family. This method of work has the goal of creating optimal conditions in the family for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, and also implies establishing contacts with maladjusted children and motivating them to engage in socially acceptable activities. The center also operates a day (evening) department for children, which operates throughout the year. In the process of the activities of the rehabilitation group, the sources and causes of social maladaptation of minors are identified, and the development of creativity children.

    Within Federal Law“On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency”, social rehabilitation centers for minors operate in the Russian Federation.

    Based on what categories of children specialists have to work with, social rehabilitation institutions identify the following main tasks: preventive work to prevent neglect and homelessness among minors; provision of free social services to minors in a socially dangerous situation; identifying the sources and causes of social maladaptation of minors; development and provision of individual programs for social rehabilitation of children and adolescents; ensuring temporary residence of street children in normal living conditions; provision of psychological, correctional and other assistance; participation together with interested departments in deciding the future fate of minors and their placement.

    Teenagers end up in shelters and centers in different ways: after raids carried out social workers in places where street children gather; they are brought by law enforcement officials, close and distant relatives, the students themselves, etc. The characteristics of the child population determine the content of activities for their socialization, the main problem of which is the restoration of a wide range of relationships between adolescents and the outside world and, above all, with the family.

    Experts identify two ways to solve this problem:

    • 1 - the child returns to the family, which is only possible if there is an appropriate situation in working with parents and children;
    • 2 - creation of family educational groups.

    According to experts, the main reason for the troubles of deviant adolescents is that their lives were extremely monotonous, they did not live through various positive life situations, and therefore did not acquire adequate social experience. To create conditions for adolescents to acquire social experience, several principles are identified:

    • - inclusion of reflection, i.e. acquiring the skills of reflexive analysis of the situation and one’s own behavior in it;
    • - non-judgmental approach to analyzing the behavior of adolescents;
    • - creating conditions for the success of adolescents in educational or other activities;
    • - convincing children of the effectiveness of the methods of action proposed to them.

    Children's labor in all its types and forms has become an organic part of the system of preventive and rehabilitation work of specialized institutions.

    Specialized institutions are educational institutions. Education for teenagers is organized on a strictly individual basis and is carried out in various options:

    • - V secondary school or vocational school;
    • - in equalization classes, in compensatory education classes, in a “home” school of specialized training, if the teenager’s ability to cognitive activity deformed.

    Individual training makes it possible to directly and more efficiently carry out pedagogical correction, taking into account psychological characteristics. Schoolchildren are given the right to choose: study in the building or directly at school, joining the small group of children who initially had an interest in school. This organization of classes makes it possible to carry out differentiated and individual work with children who especially need it.

    Support and assistance to “at-risk” children is provided in the Russian Federation through the services of relevant services: social shelters, social rehabilitation centers, territorial centers for social assistance to families and children. Social rehabilitation centers (the structure of which includes shelters) make it possible to comprehensively solve the problems of correctional and rehabilitation work, focusing it both on the child himself who finds himself in a difficult life situation, and on the environment in which he is located, including his own family

    Thus, the practice of social rehabilitation institutions abroad and in the Russian Federation shows that at present a certain system of correctional and rehabilitation work with minors in difficult life situations has developed. This system includes various government and public organizations who, within their competence, implement measures to eliminate deviant behavior among minors. However, overload of institutions, insufficient level of training of personnel capable of carrying out preventive and rehabilitation work, and lack of funds for material and technical support of rehabilitation institutions reduce the effectiveness of the actions taken.

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