• How to open a sewing business from scratch: income, costs. Sewing business: what needs to be included in the business plan


    The sewing business can be a promising and profitable business for many people. It will be interesting and useful for them to read this article, in which we will describe in detail the business plan for clothing production. The future entrepreneur will only have to decide on the direction of activity, the scale of production and the sales market.

    Starting investments: from 1,000,000 rubles The number of employees: from 20
    Planned income per month: from 600,000 rubles Market competition: high
    Approximate monthly expenses: from 450,000 rubles Payback: from 1 year

    Primary activity

    IN modern conditions functioning, the Russian clothing production market is actively developing. Most people earn a moderate income and cannot purchase high-quality, expensive clothing and other textile products from famous world brands. In such a situation, most of the population is forced to buy inexpensive, low-quality goods from foreign manufacturers. This circumstance gave a new impetus to the development of domestic production.

    Garment production is focused on tailoring different clothes, as well as household items. By choosing the right “own” direction of activity and competently approaching the implementation of a business idea, this business can bring a decent profit. To do this, it is very important to first conduct a market analysis and determine the needs of potential customers.

    The clothing market can be characterized as a market of monopolistic competition. Here, each participant differs from its numerous competitors in some way (design, assortment, etc.).

    1. Current activities:
    2. Manufacturing of children's clothing. Parents rarely save on their children and buy them things quite often.
    3. Clothing with reflective elements.
    4. Production of leather, fur and suede products. The price of such products, as a rule, is significantly higher than their cost.
    5. Sewing suits for business meetings and special events.
    6. Manufacturing of outerwear: jackets, windbreakers, coats, etc.
    7. Production of clothing for sports, dancing, workwear, etc.
    8. Making clothes to order.

    Traditionally, the most popular areas are clothing for all ages and bed linen. Here the competition is the highest, but this does not mean that the road to these markets is closed to a young entrepreneur. In this case, it is important to evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of competitors and, based on the information received, correctly build your own business concept. The entrepreneur will be required to monitor fashion trends and consumer wishes. He'll have to find golden mean in the ratio of the price of the product and its quality characteristics.

    Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

    Now we will take a closer look at where to start and how to open a sewing workshop.

    When you have decided to open a sewing workshop from scratch and have decided on the future concept, you need to solve current organizational and production problems. A detailed business plan with calculations will help with this. It allows the entrepreneur not to lose sight of the important aspects of organizing a business and to indicate the sequence of further actions. Sample business projects can be downloaded for free on the Internet.

    Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

    Sewing production is a commercial type of business activity that must be officially registered. An entrepreneur faces the question of registering a business in the form of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The entrepreneur himself will have to solve this problem. When making a decision, it is necessary to take into account: the scale of the production being created, the budget, the number of founders, the entrepreneur’s goals for the future, etc. Entity Most often it is formalized in the legal form of an LLC (for small and medium-sized businesses).

    Registration procedure individual somewhat simpler than legal. You need to prepare fewer documents and also pay a lower state fee. At the same time, the difference in material costs is insignificant, and this parameter should not be made decisive. The process of registering a company will take about two months.

    When choosing activity codes according to OKVED, an entrepreneur should pay attention to the numbers:

    • 14.11 – Making clothes from leather;
    • 14.12 – Manufacturing of workwear;
    • 14.13 – Making other outerwear;
    • 14.14 – Making underwear;
    • 14.20 – Manufacturing of fur products;
    • 14.3 – Making knitted and knitwear clothes;
    • 13.9 – Manufacturing of other textile products.

    After registering the company and registering it with the tax authority, you will need to order a stamp and open a bank account. After preparing the sewing workshop, it is necessary to notify the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor, SES and GPN. These authorities issue permission to work. They carry out a mandatory inspection of the building for its compliance with current standards and regulations.

    Stage 2 - search for premises

    Organizing the work of a sewing workshop involves renting suitable premises. Its size directly depends on the specifics of the chosen direction, production volume and number of workers. It is recommended to find a workshop with an area of ​​70 square meters to sew 100 finished products per day. If you plan to expand production in the future, you should immediately rent a more spacious workshop. It is advisable to choose a room that does not require major repairs and meets all standards.

    There are quite clear requirements for the main production area. There should be about seven square meters per employee.

    It is possible to achieve cost savings on rent by choosing the area where production will be located. There is no need to locate premises in the city center. The main thing is that workers can get to the workshop, there is electricity, heat, water, ventilation, etc. The enterprise can be located in the industrial zone of the city.

    Another option for locating a small company would be to rent an office. In this case, staff are hired to sew to order at home. Transportation costs will be quite high, since you will first need to distribute the work to seamstresses, and then pick up the finished product.

    Necessary premises for classical production:

    • cutting room;
    • sewing workshop;
    • ironing area;
    • staff lounge;
    • stock;
    • bathroom

    Stage 3 - purchase and installation of necessary equipment

    It is better to equip a small sewing workshop with universal machines. They are able to perform greatest number operations and allow you to quickly re-adjust the production process in the event of a change in the product range. The set of necessary equipment depends on the chosen direction of activity and the ambitions of the entrepreneur. For a small workshop, it is enough to purchase seven sewing machines (about 200,000 rubles).

    In addition, you may need (RUB):

    • computer-aided product design system: 100,000;
    • cutting and laying equipment: 30,000;
    • button semi-automatic: 20,000;
    • overcasting machine: 15,000;
    • Embroidery Machine: 50 000;
    • loop machine: 15,000;
    • ironing table: 70,000;
    • washing machine: 30 00;
    • furniture (including chairs, tables, etc.): 40,000;
    • equipment for wet and heat treatment, etc.: 30,000.

    An entrepreneur can buy used equipment rather than new equipment. This will significantly reduce investment costs for organizing a business, since professional equipment for such production is quite expensive. It is also important not to forget about such little things as scissors, cutting knives, pins, needles, etc. A businessman should also consider supply channels for fabric, threads, buttons, zippers and other accessories.

    Stage 4 - selection of employees

    The quality of products directly depends on the qualifications, experience and motivation of the main workers. How the equipment is set up determines whether there will be downtime and failures during the production process. Recruitment should be done Special attention.

    A small-scale sewing production should be supported by approximately 25 workers. They can be divided into two brigades.

    First brigade:

    • foreman;
    • seamstresses (7 people);
    • specialists in wet and heat treatment (2 people).

    Second brigade:

    • cutter (2 people);
    • design technologist;
    • mechanic;
    • storekeeper;
    • accountant.

    If the monthly plan is fulfilled, a percentage of the profit can be added to the salary to motivate employees.

    Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

    In a competitive environment, it is important to pursue a competent marketing policy. In this business, you can’t spare money on advertising. It will be good if an entrepreneur decides to create his own website. On it you can present the range of products offered, prices, information about the company (goals, mission, etc.), contact information for buyers/partners.

    • advertisements in print publications and local media;
    • direct calls to potential partners;
    • advertising banners in public transport, leaflets, business cards, etc.

    When deciding on a sales issue, you need to proceed from the general format of the business idea being implemented and the concept of the enterprise. The search for clients should begin long before the enterprise begins work. At first, it is recommended to produce small quantities of goods, and as demand grows, scale the business and enter new markets. The reputation of the created production will largely depend on the quality of the produced goods.

    The company's website can be designed as an online store. This may be relevant, since nowadays more and more people make purchases on the Internet. You can sell your goods through your own or other people’s stores, market points, etc. If you produce clothing for special purposes, then it would be logical to establish contacts with the enterprises that purchase it.

    Financial plan

    How to organize a small business with minimal investment Money?

    Let's consider the starting costs (rub.):

    1. Register a company: 10,000.
    2. Rent premises (until production starts): 50,000.
    3. Renovate the premises: 30,000.
    4. Purchase equipment, transport it, install and set up: 500,000.
    5. Marketing costs: 30,000.
    6. Other costs: 100,000.

    Monthly costs include (RUB):

    1. Purchase of consumables: 50,000.
    2. Staff salaries (with accruals): 300,000.
    3. Premises rental: 25,000.
    4. Utility bills: 15,000.
    5. Marketing costs: 20,000.
    6. Additional costs: 30,000.

    On average, a sewing workshop pays for itself in no earlier than a year. The profitability of this business is quite high and amounts to about 50 percent. The threshold for entering this field of activity is not very high and starts from 1,000,000 rubles. The average annual turnover of a small workshop reaches seven million rubles.

    Possible risks

    Any business faces a number of factors that can affect its profitability and ability to achieve its goals.

    Let's look at the key ones:

    1. Poorly thought out product sales strategy.
    2. Changes in fashion and consumer preferences.
    3. High competition.
    4. Low quality consumables.
    5. Low qualification of workers.
    6. Poorly adjusted equipment, which leads to production failures.

    It would seem that due to large-scale supplies of clothing for every “taste and color” from China, open trade channels with Europe and America, sewing studios should have become obsolete due to the lack of demand for services. But no, the demand for tailor work, on the contrary, has increased sharply, and this business has become quite popular. Just look on the Internet and check the statistics for the request “ready-made business plan for a clothing tailoring and repair shop,” and everything will become clear.

    We will examine in more detail the reason for this dynamic growth in the popularity of sewing services in this business plan, which, without pretending to be exceptionally complete, can serve as an excellent guide when drawing up your own action plan when organizing a sewing business, or after a little adaptation - serve ready-made instructions to create a business.

    We warn you that all the calculations given are relevant for the second half of 2016 for Moscow and the central regions of Russia. In other areas, the indicators given in the business plan differ significantly from the real ones.


    This project is a business plan for a tailoring studio with a payback period of 7-9 months.

    Project goals:

    1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
    2. Organization of obtaining a stable profit
    3. Satisfying the consumer market by providing services for custom tailoring, clothing repair, restoration and alteration of items to a different size.

    Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

    Form of doing business: IP

    Total cost of the project: 100 - 250 thousand rubles

    Payback period: from 4 to 6 months

    Interest rate included in calculations: 25% per annum

    The total interest payments will be: 8,334 – 31,250 rubles

    The investor's income will be: 8,334 – 31,250 rubles

    Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of project implementation.

    Main stages of the project implementation

    The start of the project implementation is immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receipt of loan funds.

    The main stages of the implementation of this project, the conditions and deadlines for their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

    Project stagesConditions for their implementationTime frame for implementation of stages
    start of the project 1 month
    obtaining borrowed fundsavailability of the appropriate package of documents1-30 days
    entry into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, tax and administrative registrationIP education1-30 days
    purchase of premises, paperwork 1 month
    purchase and installation of equipmentgetting a loan1 month
    hiring employees 1 month
    conducting a marketing campaign all the time

    General characteristics of the project (description of the company and services provided)

    Business premises

    The search for suitable premises must meet the following factors:

    • Location in a residential area of ​​the city, or in a large mall. The advantage of the latter option is the high traffic of such establishments. In addition, when people purchase clothes, they want to put them on immediately, but often minor “adjustments” are needed for a specific figure, for example, hemming the length of, for example, jeans or trousers. But this location imposes some restrictions on the specifics of the studio, namely, the provision of minor repairs and tailoring of things. It is unlikely that a shopping center will order custom tailoring. In addition, the cost of rent in a shopping center is significantly higher than in a separate building.
    • The first or ground floor of a building. Any stairs are potential obstacles for clients, so the location of the studio on floors above the first means a possible loss of visitors;
    • Entrance location from a busy street;
    • Availability of several parking spaces;
    • Possibility of mounting signs of the required size;
    • Area of ​​at least 20 sq. meters with the possibility of dividing into 3 main zones: a work room, a fitting room, and a room for receiving clients. After achieving certain business results, the area of ​​the premises can be increased;
    • If it is possible to open an atelier next to existing clothing stores or fabric stores, or shoe repair shops, this will be a definite plus.
    • The premises must comply with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and State Fire Service, which will determine its readiness for work and draw up a conclusion report.

    Decoration of the studio premises

    An important condition for the comfort of clients in the studio is the visual perception of the interior. What do regular sewing studios look like? Clients' belongings, piles of scraps, pieces of fabric, spare parts for sewing machines, etc., were carelessly laid out everywhere. What client would want to come back here again?

    It’s another matter if a small cosmetic renovation is carried out in the room, mirrors are hung on the walls, a TV is hung, upholstered furniture is placed, fashion magazines are placed on the coffee tables. You can install a cooler, equip a small stand with recommendations on how to choose the right clothes so that they emphasize or, on the contrary, hide the outlines of the figure.

    It's little things like these that make up positive impression the client about the image of the studio, and it will be possible to say with confidence that if the need arises, the person will no longer doubt where to go to resolve his issue.


    The number of staff will directly depend on the number of clients, so in the first six months of operation of the studio, the staff will consist of:

    • 1 all-round cutter, capable of cutting both outerwear and light clothing, for both men and women;
    • 2 seamstresses, who also take turns performing the duties of a cleaner;
    • Director-administrator (his role can be performed personally by the owner of the studio at the stage of business formation), accepting orders, fashion designer, marketing director, etc.

    The main criteria for selecting personnel are sufficient qualifications, experience, responsibility, and integrity. Remuneration for sewing studio staff is often based on the “rate + percentage of the order amount” scheme (usually 15-30%).

    In the employment contract, special attention should be paid to the clause of financial responsibility of employees. Often clients bring expensive items to the studio for repair, or material for sewing, and if the order is damaged, the employee must be fully responsible for his mistakes.

    Business registration

    As a type of business activity, it will be possible to register an individual entrepreneur or register an LLC.

    OKVED codes for opening an atelier:

    • 93.5 – Providing other personal services to the public (this will act as the main code);
    • 18.2 – Sewing clothes from textile materials and clothing accessories;
    • 18.21 – Sewing workwear;
    • 18.22 – Sewing outerwear;
    • 18.24 – Sewing other clothes and accessories;
    • 52.74 – repair of household products, as well as items for personal use, not included in other groups.

    The possible choice of tax system is represented by the 2 most optimal modes: simplified tax system and UTII. If desired, you can combine these two types of taxation.

    To submit to Rospotrebnadzor, agreements must be concluded with the relevant services for:

    • Removal of household waste;
    • Carrying out sanitary and epidemiological procedures in the studio premises at a certain time interval;

    Each employee must have a personal medical record with an up-to-date mark on passing a hygiene test according to the sanitary minimum. Internal logs of disinfectants, movement of household waste, etc. may also be required for verification.

    This business does not require significant investments and pays off relatively quickly, but these factors do not at all relieve those who want to start a business from the need to draw up a business plan for a clothing tailoring and repair shop.

    The economic crisis that struck the country in 2014 “cleared” the market for the provision of sewing services from “random” people and unscrupulous entrepreneurs, and currently the level of competition for small businesses in the clothing industry is relatively low.

    Marketing Plan

    Today, the state of the consumer market for sewing services is experiencing some difficulties in attracting clientele on the one hand, and the possibility of a potential rise on the other. People have become more selective in their spending, motivating this by a decrease in income against the backdrop of a general increase in prices, but they also try to use things that in this case wear clothes to the end, i.e. repair it rather than buy a new one.

    Statistics for the last 3 incomplete years (since the introduction of sanctions against Russia) show that over the past period of time the ratio of closed sewing studios to opened ones is approximately 5:2. Fundamental changes have also emerged in the specifics of services. If before 2014, ordering clothing tailoring was very popular, now the demand for clothing repair has increased. The exception is famous fashion houses and famous couturiers.

    Opening a sewing studio from scratch itself requires minimal expenses. An economy class establishment serving clients with low and middle incomes can begin operating at 7-10 square meters. meters of space, armed with a couple of old sewing machines. As it “promotes”, the studio “grows” with a client base, popularity, acquires new equipment, and increases its staff.

    The main advantage in competition Sewing studios have now become professionalized by their staff. If a few years earlier some workshops could refuse complex orders, or carry them out not as well as the customer would like, now, in tough economic conditions, the number of “hack workers” has been eliminated, and the remaining fashion designers compete with each other in the art of tailoring .

    Similar business idea:

    • restoration of pillows -

    The complexity of orders entails the need for qualified personnel. Nowadays, few craftsmen will be able to reface items, replace the lining of a coat, or eliminate frayed fur. In addition, this work requires special equipment.

    Owners of an atelier, or those responsible for marketing and working with clients, should look for customers (namely, look, and not wait for the person to come to the establishment!) not only among people “from the street” and acquaintances. Large orders for well-established studios come from various dance groups, theaters, and collectors. Uniforms and military clothing, etc. are in great demand.

    To form a consumer opinion about the studio and attract the client mass, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

    • Place advertisements in public and specialized local print media and on TV;
    • Place advertisements in secondary educational institutions that train seamstresses, dressmakers, and cutters;
    • Create your own website describing the services and prices of the studio;
    • Distribution of leaflets, flyers;
    • Periodically hold various promotions and introduce a discount system.

    Do not forget to the owner of the studio and bring to the consciousness of every employee that the best advertising is a high-quality order, it depends on this wage all employees.

    Average prices for atelier services in the Central Federal District are shown in Table No. 2:

    Sewing women's clothing Cost, rub.Repair men's clothing(jeansCost, rub.
    sewing a jacket8000-10000 Shorten (hem)
    sewing a skirt5000-6500 Shorten with "boiled"
    sewing trousers4500-6500 Sew according to the middle
    sewing dresses5000-8000 Replacing a zipper300-450
    sewing a winter coat12500-18000 Darnfrom 350
    sewing overalls8000-10000 Sew along the sides
    (step by step)
    250-300 per seam

    Production plan

    Basic equipment for a sewing studio:

    • Sewing machines for various purposes - straight stitch, hemming, knitting, furrier's (for working with hides and furs);
    • Overlock;
    • Steam generator;
    • Irons;
    • Mannequins;
    • Tailoring tools (needles, scissors, measuring tape, etc.);
    • Ironing board;
    • Patterns;
    • Cutting table;
    • Hangers;
    • Other accessories, oils for machines and other accessories;
    • Computer for storing and processing information on orders;
    • MFP for scanning, copying, and printing the necessary images and texts.

    In order to save equipment, when opening a studio, you can purchase used equipment, subsequently replacing it with a new one, and sell the old one.

    If you are one of those people who don't know how to open a sewing shop, I recommend using some of the tips below.


    If you are deciding for the first time to open your own sewing business and run your own workshop, then it is very likely that you have already thought about partners in this business. At first glance, it seems very logical: you need to invite a person with extensive and capable experience in some area.
    For example, you are a great fashion designer, and your friend has a business streak. And you invite her as a workshop manager or entrust her with attracting clients.

    Or vice versa. You are far from sewing technologies and want to profitably invest your money in a quickly profitable business. Therefore, you invite a technologist with extensive experience as a companion.

    Do you think it is much easier to open and run a sewing shop with partners than on your own? You are convinced that you will complement each other perfectly. And your future business will greatly benefit from such cooperation.
    At this stage, both you and your companions are full of energy and optimism. Believe me, my 15 years of entrepreneurial experience, the experience of my acquaintances, friends and competitors, the experience of thousands of my readers - this is a very typical situation.

    And this is precisely one of the most typical mistakes newbies!!!
    If we take the real motives for attracting partners in order to open your own workshop or studio, then it will be a powerful subconscious desire to shift part of the responsibility for your future business to someone. This is an absolutely normal motive, present in 99% of people. The real problem for new sewers walking down this slippery slope is that your companion has exactly the same or an even greater desire to relieve himself of some of the responsibility.

    After all, you want to entrust your partner with inconvenient or unusual functions? She or he subconsciously wants the same thing. That is why you are planting a mine at the very foundation of your joint business. It's only a matter of time before it explodes!
    According to statistics, 90% of newcomers who start a business with partners go broke.

    Don’t believe it or want to get into the coveted 10%? Do you have a lot of convincing arguments or positive examples from life? Then try and aggravate the risks inherent in opening each new sewing workshop. But know that my inbox is flooded with letters from people who made this mistake.
    The truth is that in your first business, you and only you must make decisions and bear full responsibility for your business.

    Yes. This is hard. Yes, it is often painful. And, besides, it eats up more of your personal time at first! But it is your sole management of the business that increases the chances of success of your sewing business by several orders of magnitude.


    Another typical situation that arises after you decide to open a sewing business:
    You have found a good room. We purchased and installed excellent modern equipment. We spent time, money and nerves, but selected qualified personnel. And they even told me off good game products of excellent quality and appearance. And those. which your friends, colleagues, companions, partners approved before sewing. And even. perhaps potential clients.

    Please note that all these people did NOT make you an advance payment, even partial, but only approved and praised your products and your enthusiasm.
    And after your warehouse is filled to the ceiling with excellent products, the brilliant idea comes to you that NOBODY BUYS ALL OF THIS!!!
    Or they buy so little that your meager revenue is not even enough to pay staff salaries. People from the workshop you opened slowly begin to scatter. And you still need to pay rent, utilities, taxes, etc. Not to mention the return on the money you invested in fabric, accessories and packaging.

    As a result, you are at a dead end. You are in a daze. You've hit a wall and don't see a way out.

    Often in this impasse, another “brilliant” idea comes up with the help of outsiders or independently. It involves taking out loans or borrowings to pay off current debts. Or for sewing new, very popular products. These new products are highly approved by people close and not so close to you, who sincerely want to help you. You yourself really hope that sales of these products will lead your business out of the dead end.
    True, this already reminds me of something, it has already been repeated once and should alert me?

    No matter how it is!!!

    Mind map: How to open a sewing shop

    Most garment workers who fall into debt traps act precisely according to this dead-end scheme.
    Why is this happening?

    Just for one simple reason. People want open your own sewing shop, I break one simple rule:

    Sales should ALWAYS be ahead of production.

    I agree, it is not so simple and requires some effort. But much safer for your sewing business.

    I give my system for properly creating a sewing workshop in a video course

    It is through this system that dozens of my clients have already launched their own sewing business.

    And you, too, can be one of them and minimize the risks that arise.

    And I sincerely hope that you will listen to the advice written here and not make disastrous mistakes at the very beginning!

    How much money does it take to open a sewing shop?

    As a rule, people who are familiar with this business go to open their own sewing production. These are technologists, tailors, clothing designers. The organization of such businesses by the spouses of successful businessmen has become a very common occurrence in Russia.

    From life observations, it is also worth telling that in the vast majority of cases, if a business is created by two people, then it falls apart very quickly. And this collapse occurs due to the division of profits. Please take this into account when you call on partners for help if you don’t find enough money in your budget to open your own business alone.

    Of course, you can create a company together with your friends and comrades, earn money, and then go your separate ways. If you are ready for such a development of events, then please do not forget about it in the future.

    In the meantime, practice shows that a small sewing workshop with a capacity of 20-50 items per day can be created for about 10 thousand dollars.
    If the plans include much larger production volumes, then larger sums should be invested. 150-200 finished garments per shift will require you to invest 150 thousand dollars. It is clear that these figures are very arbitrary and between the gap of 10 and 150 thousand dollars there are a huge number of options.

    Large volumes of products produced per shift will require you to purchase large quantity equipment. Typically, large sewing workshops have a narrow specialization. And this, in turn, requires the purchase of specialized expensive equipment.
    Among such devices will be cutting machines, automatic and semi-automatic special sewing machines, these are installations for wet-heat treatment. To accurately determine the quantity of purchase of such machines and their comfortable and safe installation in the production area, consultations with technologists are required. Take advantage of such guest experts if you don't have them on your production team. A project from such specialists can cost 1.5-2 thousand dollars.

    We give a schedule for the workshop

    If you have the desire and opportunity to open a small workshop for 8-10 workers, then you should purchase 7-8 universal-type stitching machines, a couple of overlockers, a semi-automatic buttonhole machine for sewing straight buttonholes and a semi-automatic buttonhole machine.

    A semi-automatic machine for sewing figured buttonholes with an eyelet will be needed if you plan to sew suits and other types of outerwear. By the way, used machines are quite suitable for equipping a workshop of this format.
    It may well be that you will spend 4-5 thousand dollars purchasing hardware. Keep in mind that buying new equipment costs 2-3 times more than the stated amount.

    Using in your production synthetic fabrics, which are now almost ubiquitous, you cannot do without good iron, so we recommend purchasing a special installation. The most affordable (in the range of 1.5 thousand dollars) are Polish steaming units.

    Prepare another 5 thousand dollars for the monthly purchase of fabrics and accessories. Without them, it is impossible to ensure continuous production.
    300-500 dollars, or even more, will be “taken” from you monthly by rent, and, of course, a significant part of the profit will be “taken” by the wage fund.

    To successfully run a business in the clothing industry, you should always have a certain amount of money for a rainy day. It may be needed for various “charitable” payments and unforeseen expenses.

    Do not forget that immediately after the finished product is shipped to the store, you will be charged VAT. Get ready that your mini-workshop will begin to pay for itself no sooner than in a year.

    Let's talk from technology

    Of course, volumes of specialized literature have already been written on this topic, but you must agree that you, as the future owner of production, need to know about all the technological subtleties in order to be able to assess the feasibility of investing in the purchase of this or that equipment. It is clear that the technology will entirely depend on what products you are going to sew, but the basic rules of the technological chain exist for everyone.

    The preparatory workshop is responsible for inspecting the fabric and identifying defective areas in it. Then a flooring is formed from the fabrics and cutting is done using the finished patterns. Large enterprises, as a rule, start with a rough cut using a vertical knife, and then refine the cut on tape machines.

    In order to prevent the movement of layers of fabric at the time of cutting, good cutting tables are equipped with a special air turbine. The air cushion it creates prevents displacement from occurring. Small sewing production, as a rule, use scissors, cutting two or three layers of fabric, or cutting 5-7 layers using a circular knife. The cut parts are numbered and transferred to the sewing section.

    The main ones in the sewing workshop are universal Sewing machines. In small workshops there are usually seven of them. Most technological operations are performed on them. In addition to overcasting machines, semi-automatic button and buttonhole machines will also be needed. By the way, they will be used only as needed.

    A sewing workshop with 20-30 universal machines is usually equipped with a machine for knot processing. So, among such devices there may be machines for making welted straight trouser pockets, machines for processing cuffs on men's shirts, etc.

    Do not forget that without using special equipment for wet-heat treatment and specialized presses, it is impossible to obtain a good presentation for such garments as suits and coats. Without its use, such an operation as duplication (connecting the upper fabric with the lining using glue) is impossible.

    Attracting clients for your sewing shop

    The issue of attracting customers to any clothing business is one of the key issues. No clients - no business, everything is very simple, and vice versa, when there are a lot of clients, this is already good. If there are more orders than you can currently fulfill, then you can simply choose the best, more profitable ones from these clients.

    I want to tell you a couple of secrets on how to quickly gain a lot of clients, a lot of clients, in a short period of time. So that you don’t think that this is fiction, we will act on real examples of my students (one of the express coaching programs). The people who participated in this program and reached the finals, and there were very, very many of them from the original participants, they got simply phenomenal results. They increased the number of clients 5 times. Someone received orders for 120 units in two weeks.

    Let's look at why they succeeded, and if you understand this, I think that you will also be able to repeat their success, or even surpass them. In fact, gaining a large number of clients is quite simple, but I always say that “simple” and “easy” are two completely different things. I want you to remember this now and note that it is easy to type, but I did not say that it is easy to do. All clients can be divided into two huge groups: your real clients and your potential clients. In your opinion, what is the difference between a potential client and a real client? I think everyone understands this difference perfectly.

    For a potential client, you need to overcome the barrier of the first order, and today we will talk about how to very significantly reduce this barrier in order to get not new clients, but a lot of new clients.
    Real clients are those clients who have already left money in your cash register or transferred money to your current account. We are currently interested in potential clients.

    So, attracting a large number is:
    — We are talking about potential clients.
    — Your potential customers are divided into many categories and many segments.

    Using an example, I want to show how much your clients differ according to a variety of characteristics, for example, by gender, place of residence, age, interests, marital status, income level, etc. and so on.

    There are many, many segments of these groups of clients in each sewing niche.

    How to open a business sewing children's, men's and other types of clothing? This article provides a ready-made business plan for sewing clothing production with economic calculations and tips for promoting your business from scratch.

    If you've ever heard the aphorism that says, "Looking good is good business," then you may also agree that you don't need anything extra for money. Whether you agree or not, the truth remains that those who run clothing business lines will always smile at the banks. This is due to the level of profitability that this business promises worldwide. Moreover, it also largely depends on the fact that people have always had to cover their nakedness.

    Starting a clothing business means an avalanche of consumers who will always jump on a fashion trend. There are even some people who phase out their wardrobes as soon as a new trend hits the streets. This is why those in the trade are constantly looking for ways to improve this art so that they can continue to attract masses of people. Another thing that is definitely associated with this type of business is that it needs a lot of capital.

    Without sufficient capital, you will not be able to start your clothing business. You also need experience, equipment, and experienced people who will need to be hired and paid well to produce the best clothes.

    That's not all; it will also be necessary to stay on top of trends to attract high-end consumers. This is also due to the level of competition that is registered in the industry and the need to outshine other competitors.

    Writing a business plan

    To launch a clothing line, you need a detailed business plan for sewing production from scratch. Most often, writing a business plan for the production of men's and women's clothing is simply not easy. This is due to the level of detail and technical significance that goes into its compilation. It is for this reason that consultants who are business specialists in this field offer services to get the job done. However, there are still ways you can take advantage of.

    You can use an existing ready-made sewing business plan to create your project from start to finish.


    In the business plan for clothing production, the company is recorded as a legal entity. For this purpose, one of two coordination configurations is selected: LLC or Individual Entrepreneur.

    To register an individual entrepreneur, the following set of papers is submitted to the tax authorities:

    • receipt of payment of state duty;
    • application in form P21001, confirmed by a notary;
    • when maintaining accounting records in accordance with a simple taxation concept, an application (model 26.2-1) is provided for the transition to the simplified tax system;
    • a copy of absolutely all pages of the passport.

    The provided set of papers for individual entrepreneurs in clothing production is reviewed within 5 working days. After this time, the tax office gives permission.

    In case of a positive outcome of the process, the businessman is awarded:

    • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
    • main government registration state number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP);
    • notifications proving registration of the individual with the tax authority and the territorial branch of the Pension Fund;
    • Rosstat certificate with a list of statistics codes and company data.

    At the next stage, a bank account is opened.

    If, when filling out a business plan for a clothing production business, an LLC was selected, another set of papers is submitted to the tax office.

    Documents for an LLC necessary to open its own clothing production:

    • Application on Form 11001.
    • The decision to create a legal personality (if the clothing production has a single founder) or the act of its invention (if there are a number of founders).
    • LLC Charter.
    • Copies certified by a notary.
    • Application, in accordance with form 26.2-1, about the transition to the simplified tax system (in the event that accounting is intended to be carried out in accordance with this concept).

    The tax audit takes place within 5 working days. At positive result, the businessman is awarded:

    • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
    • Registration certificate.
    • Charter
    • Certificate of registration of the LLC with the tax authority.
    • Notifications of registration of the Pension Fund of Russia and the Territorial Compulsory Insurance Fund.
    • Certificate from Rosstat with statistics codes plagiarized by the company.

    When drawing up a detailed business plan for clothing production, you need to select the appropriate OKVED codes:

    • 18.2 – sewing textile clothing and accessories;
    • 18.21 – overalls;
    • 18.22 – sewing outerwear;
    • 18.24 – outfits and devices.

    In accordance with the current legislation, in order to carry out work, they acquire permits from the State Fire Supervision Authority and Rospotrebnadzor.

    Before creation good business sewing production plan, first determine the location where it will be located.

    The dimensions of the building directly depend on the expected scale of activity. For example, for the purpose of daily sewing approximately one hundred items of clothing, you will need a workshop measuring 70 m2. In a similar way, the area of ​​the rented building is directly proportional to the number of products being embroidered.

    It is better to open a tailoring studio in the production area of ​​the metropolis. In this case, we are looking for a workshop on a huge site according to the optimal cost. Before signing a lease agreement, make sure that the place meets the conditions of the sanitary and epidemiological station and other supervised organizations.

    Sewing is easy to do in your own home. In this case, special equipment is introduced into the seamstress’s house for the purpose of performing tailoring work.

    The following coordination procedure emerges:

    • one sewer prepares the patterns, the other grinds them down. In this case, no rental payment is made, since there is no need for a special workshop.
    • In order for a place to meet the conditions of the State Fire Supervision, it must have a fire alarm and fire extinguishing resources (fire extinguishers).

    Business clothing line review

    The fashion industry is known as a thriving trade across the world. The apparel business, which appears to be a subset of the industry, is also growing rapidly over the years. There are various clothing labels that abound; some of them are national brands, while others are international. The fashion industry, especially the fabric business, was not as simple as it is now (many years ago). This is because the clothes were handmade at the request of individuals.

    In the 20th century, after the invention of sewing machines (industrial sewing machines), it became much easier to produce clothes by the ton. Therefore, technology is truly responsible for the widespread adoption of the industry. Garments can now go through a factory production system and still maintain good quality And standard sizes. This makes it easier for retailers to order and sell clothing at fixed prices across departments and boutiques without the stress.

    The fashion industry is a creation of the modern era. It's no surprise that fashion styles change on a regular basis and most of the time, people go back in time to reintroduce old fashions. The fashion industry is truly a fast-changing industry; fashion trends always come and go with different seasons.

    The bottom line is that successful clothing labels have a thorough understanding of the market and they know how to satisfy the needs of consumers and also persuade them to accept what they have to offer because they are always flexible and creative

    Of course, a retailer or wholesale distributor may order different kinds clothes from anywhere in the world and sell in your own country, without even visiting the factory. In fact, a clothing based business is one garment manufacturing business that is able to survive no matter what happens in the world's economy. An economic downturn or even spiking inflation does not in any way affect clothing sales; people cannot do without it.

    Since time immemorial, the fashion industry is known to be one of the largest employers of labor (directly and indirectly). Some of the leading labels in the fashion industry are outsourcing their clothing production to other areas of the world; mainly in Asia, only in an effort to cut costs.

    Some cities in the world are considered major fashion hubs; they dictate what happens in the industry. The centers are Paris, Milan, New York and London. These cities are known to host fashion exhibitions; designers who want to play on the global stage ensure that they showcase their clothing collections to enthusiasts during fashion week in any of the cities mentioned above.

    Market Trends

    Nowadays, the fashion clothing industry relies more on mass market sales to generate revenue that will support the business. The mass market caters to a wide spectrum of customers that crosses both the rich and the poor. Most of the new garment manufacturing companies that are trying to catch up with the market ensure that they produce ready-made garments using the trends set by the leading brand.

    They do what they see as a trend set by a famous fashion brand before creating their own versions of the original appearance- using cheaper fabrics and simpler production processes that can be easily carried out by machine. These companies are comfortable selling such a product at a lower price to the masses who cannot afford to buy the original, and is also often too expensive for the average person.

    Format: Word (RAR) Volume: 60 pages

    Business plan

    Reviews (22)

    What is good about a business plan for clothing production? Of course, because, having used it, you can immediately start creating for the benefit of your own enterprise. Moreover, this can be either sewing curtains or creating fashionable clothes, linen. The production of socks is characterized by a good return on investment, which will also not be difficult to organize, guided by this plan. Everything in it is thought out, calculated and laid out clearly and specifically.

    When purchasing a business plan for organizing clothing production, you don’t have to fear much competition. This direction has just begun to actively develop in our country and will definitely not lose popularity. Most consumers are interested in purchasing high-quality textile products, well-tailored bed linen and any other items and accessories. That is why there have been and will be orders from such workshops.

    The optimal business plan for creating a sewing enterprise will provide you with the opportunity to see the stages of its formation, assess the risks and prospects. Whether it will be a large garment factory with a range of services or a small atelier is up to you to decide. This largely depends on the initial capital, a well-thought-out strategy, and also on your enthusiasm and passion for the business.

    By studying the information on opening a sewing production on our website, you will immediately receive a working manual, where everything has already been thought out and calculated. You will only need to plan where your knitwear production or workshop or atelier will be located, how many people will work there. High-quality and fast tailoring is always in demand, which means your idea is simply doomed to success!

    Starting your own business in the clothing industry is not only labor-intensive, but also quite expensive. Most of the costs will be on renting suitable premises (its size depends on the scale of the business), as well as on the purchase of special equipment. Competition in this type of business is quite high; many enterprises are engaged in sewing bed linen, curtains, men's and women's clothing, knitwear, etc. When choosing sewing business options for yourself, proceed, first of all, from financial capabilities, as well as demand for a specific type of product.

    Depending on what you specialize in, the type of equipment you will need to equip your clothing industry. The main type of sewing equipment is industrial sewing machines. If you are planning to open a small sewing workshop at first, then 8-10 pieces of equipment will be enough. The larger the production volumes, the more industrial sewing machines you will need. In addition, the necessary equipment includes cutting machines, installations for wet-heat treatment, etc. And to produce specialized garments, you need to purchase additional equipment.

    Sewing equipment is very expensive, so you should clearly determine how many sewing and cutting machines, WTO installations and other types of sewing equipment you will need. In addition, it is necessary to correctly design their installation, taking into account the lighting of sewing workshops. The performance of seamstresses directly depends on how comfortable the environment in the sewing workshop is. Agree, it is difficult to expect greater productivity if workers work in a poorly lit room, literally sitting on each other’s heads. Don’t forget about organizing jobs in educational sewing workshops if you plan to develop your own workforce rather than look for experienced seamstresses on the side.

    If you are opening a small workshop, then purchasing used machines would be appropriate. But pay attention to the sample contract when purchasing such equipment for a sewing workshop; the low cost of the product may be due to the fact that it was made in China or Korea. If these are ordinary universal sewing machines, it’s okay. As for sewing equipment such as a pleated machine or steam equipment for a sewing workshop, it is better to give preference to more reputable manufacturers - for example, Germany.

    Emphasize on the most important points a professional example of a business plan for opening a sewing production with ready-made calculations will help beginners and experienced businessmen organize a sewing workshop. From it you will learn what the main functions of the preparatory workshop at a clothing factory are and the features of wet-heat treatment technology in clothing production. What is the first operation of a sewing shop and why is it so important? You will also find this and other significant information in this document, which will greatly facilitate the process of creating your own business.

    Having decided to organize your own business - sewing production - you should determine sales routes in advance finished products, regardless of what you plan to specialize in - clothing for newborns, bed linen or linen knitwear. There are three main implementation options - markets, stores and your own retail network. Before opening your own sewing shop or workshop, carefully consider which of the proposed options is closer to you.

    Of course, sales through your own retail network are possible only if the businessman is planning a large-scale project - opening a garment factory. For small businesses, this option is unacceptable. In this case, entrepreneurs have to choose between clothing markets and small retail stores. Each of these options for marketing finished products has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, when working with department stores, you can set fairly high prices for your products, but you will receive money only after selling your goods. Market traders pay immediately, but they can only be attracted by low prices. They will not purchase expensive goods, as they are accustomed to setting a markup reaching up to 100%.

    Russian products light industry is in increasing demand, since domestic consumers are no longer satisfied with low-quality goods made in Turkey and China. The market is saturated with clothes, bed linen, knitwear produced by the hands of hardworking eastern brothers, but their low price does not always compensate for the lack of quality. A businessman planning to open his own sewing enterprise or factory should take this factor into account and ensure high quality manufactured products, combined with affordable prices for them.

    But first of all, when organizing a sewing workshop, you need to decide on the type of products that will be produced in your workshop. What can be made in sewing? There are the following product groups: children's and adult clothing, household products (curtains, tablecloths, bed linen, etc.), as well as workwear. The production of each group of goods has its own characteristics. As the experience of organizing such a business as clothing production, a sewing workshop shows, sewing workwear involves searching for large wholesalers. Launching mass production of everyday garments requires a large market.

    If you want your first steps in the sewing industry to be confident and taken in the right direction, when starting your own business, you must rely on a competent example of a business plan for a sewing workshop for the production and sewing of bed linen. It contains a description of all types of activities of a sewing enterprise and provides explanations for each stage of organizing a sewing workshop. This document takes into account everything down to the smallest detail. And all this to ensure that your business does not stall at the very first stages of development.

    Organizing a profitable sewing business - a workshop for sewing clothes, linen, knitwear - begins with financial investments in it, sometimes very substantial ones. It is very important to calculate in advance how much money will be required not only for the creation, but also for the initial development of your business, so that it does not stop halfway due to lack of funds.

    The amount of costs for opening your own business - a sewing production, a workshop from scratch - depends on how large-scale the event you are planning. A small sewing workshop, whose capacity will be no more than 30-50 items daily, will undoubtedly require small expenses. Renting premises for a mini-sewing workshop will not cost much, and the total cost of creating a business is unlikely to exceed 10-15 thousand dollars.

    But if your appetites are much larger, and you expect to open not just a sewing workshop, but a real factory, get ready for the fact that you will need at least 150 thousand dollars, and this may not be the end of it. Of course, you can start small with the expectation that you will subsequently constantly increase production volumes. In any case, all intermediate calculations must be made in advance, so as not to get into trouble later.

    Sewing production requires fairly spacious space, and rent for premises usually constitutes a significant cost item in the budget. Some businessmen save on this by hiring homeworkers who fulfill the production plan while working at home. But saving on renting premises is not always advisable, since in this case transportation and other costs increase. Organizing the work of teams at a sewing enterprise is much simpler, despite the high rent. Depending on the region, it can range from 0.5 to 3 dollars per 1 sq. m. m monthly. For a team of 10 seamstresses to work, an area of ​​at least 100 square meters will be required. m.

    Another significant expense item is the purchase of special equipment. The most expensive equipment is industrial sewing machines, installations for wet-heat treatment, and cutting machines. The package of documents for opening a sewing workshop must include a project that describes in detail the arrangement of equipment in the workshop, taking into account its lighting. The development of such a document usually costs about 2 thousand dollars.

    Remuneration in the sewing workshop is carried out by agreement, and the salary varies significantly depending on the experience and qualifications of the staff. You can learn more about the various costs of creating a clothing production by studying a competent business plan for a clothing factory. From it you will learn how to officially register clothing production, how to correctly draw up and maintain accounting documents in the clothing business. This document describes the target market of the clothing company and explains the work of the accounting department in the clothing company. You should not look for answers about the work of a sewing workshop on business forums, because all the information has already been collected for you by professionals in a business plan.

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