• What should a modern kindergarten teacher be like? What should a kindergarten teacher be like?


    Conference: Modern kindergarten

    Organization: MBDOU Kindergarten No. 186

    Locality: Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa

    “They say that a heroine is a mother if she has five children. They say you will be awarded a medal if you raise seven children. What can you call a teacher, If she has five times five? A bunch of nice, noisy kids, Naughty girls and boys. What should you call the teacher? Seven times three times the heroine-mother

    In modern society there are big changes, landmarks change, accents are rearranged. These changes also affected the system preschool education. The work of preschool educational institutions is based on the use of new curricula and variable programs. At the present stage of development of preschool education, in accordance with federal state educational standards, the goal is changing educational work– instead of a set of knowledge (knowledge, abilities, skills), it is proposed to form new qualities of the child (physical, personal, intellectual).

    Demands for educators are also increasing. A teacher is not only a profession, it is a vocation, which not every person is marked by, this vocation must be earned, earned through your work, your talent, your desire to constantly change, transform, improve.

    We live now, and not in some other time, so the teachers of our team reconsidered their life positions, developed new pedagogical thinking, and took the position of a child in their pedagogical activities.

    Factors in the development of a child’s positive emotions in kindergarten are:

    - The teacher, his behavior, speech, professional competence.

    A neatly dressed teacher who is friendly, speaks in a calm tone, and professionally and competently organizes communication with the child evokes a feeling of trust in the child.

    “For a modern child, a modern teacher!” - the slogan of today!

    - And who is a “modern educator”?! Does a person who lives by his profession, in which he achieves significant success, receive the predicted result? A creative person who strives to find himself?...

    Let us note the unique aspects of the profession:

      The teacher must know and be able to do a lot. The task ahead is not a simple one - to teach a child to perceive and understand everything beautiful in the world; nature, music, poetry.

      The teacher must be able to: sew, craft, play and sing with children. And he needs to read a lot. He must have a good knowledge of children's fiction.

      The teacher not only organizes the work children's group in general, but personal relationships between children. The appearance of the teacher plays an important role in raising children. Pleasant appearance and gentle demeanor attract not only children, but also make a good impression on parents.

      The teacher faces a difficult task - being an adult who develops and teaches a child to understand and feel Child's world, combine rigor and kindness, respect for little man and demandingness.. Therefore, educators need patience and flexibility of thinking in order to individually and accurately apply the knowledge of pedagogy and psychology. Main method in the learning, development and upbringing of children is a game. Wise educators prohibit little and play a lot. After all, children live in play. The teacher’s skill lies in the fact that he knows when to support a timid child, “assigning him as a wolf,” and to teach an aggressive child empathy, “making him a kid.”

      Having noticed the child’s abilities, the educator must not only support the weak shoots of future endeavors, but also convince the parents of the need to develop the child. Here he cannot do without observation, good memory and tact.

    The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher.
    Educators need to master modern educational technologies, with the help of which it is possible to implement the requirements of the new federal government educational standards. These are well-known technologies of problem dialogue, game pedagogical technologies, productive reading technologies, activity technologies, as well as ICT technologies. I admit that the computer is new powerful tool for intellectual and creative development children, but it is necessary to remember: he should only complement the teacher, and not replace him.

    We must not forget that we are called upon not only to teach the child, but also to keep him healthy. Consequently, the task of raising modern children should be to create a system of work that provides conditions for reducing hyperactivity, relieving anxiety, developing strong-willed qualities, concentration, concentration, maintaining and strengthening the physical health of the child

    Practice shows that the presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of children’s further education at school; it is much more important for us to teach a child already in kindergarten to obtain and apply it independently. This is the activity approach that underlies state educational standards. By teaching activities in the educational sense, we make learning motivated, we teach the child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it, we help children develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem - this is the task of a modern educator. By preparing children for school, we form in the preschooler the qualities necessary to master educational activities, - curiosity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness, creative self-expression of the child.

    We choose the forms of work independently, depending on the number of students, on the equipment of the group, on the experience and creative approach of the teacher. So, in the morning hours, when the pupils are cheerful and full of energy, I provide for the most labor-intensive activities: conversations, observations, looking at albums, didactic games, work assignments. When the children get tired I turn it on role-playing games, outdoor games, reading fiction. Alternating different kinds activities of children during the day, ensuring their variety and balance while maintaining the leading role of play; in order to strengthen the health of preschoolers, I pay great attention to physical activity.

    We are modern educators, making preschool childhood diverse. This has become the norm for us. We give children the opportunity to realize their individuality. In this case, everyone will not walk in formation, not in step, but at their own pace. It is simply impossible to do otherwise. We understand that children have come to us - why children, who should remain why children. We can talk about different opinions to the assessment of the Federal State Educational Standard, but for us, educators, the main criterion is the satisfaction of the parents. If a child is well-fed and healthy, if he goes to kindergarten with pleasure, if there are activities organized there that attract him, and he tells his parents about something new every day, then this is the highest mark of a professional educator.

    IN professional activity teachers of our preschool educational institution harmoniously combine and integrate traditional forms of interaction with innovative ones.

    We pay special attention to the implementation of educational educational activities based on active interaction with society and family. In my opinion, it is necessary to widely and en masse involve parents, create conditions for the formation family values, rapprochement and unity, fostering a sense of tolerance, active cultural and sports leisure. Organize holidays where parents, along with their children, perform various creative tasks.

    In our work we plan such forms of work as

      family diagnosis;

      pedagogical education of parents, exchange of experience;

      joint creativity of children and adults;

      joint events with social institutions;

      individual work with parents.

      information communication (e-mail, social network)

    We involve parents in participating in the implementation of the program, in creating conditions for the full and timely development of the child in preschool age, so as not to miss the most important period in the development of his personality. Parents of our students are active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates them, and not just outside observers.

    In my opinion, modern society no longer requires a teacher-performer, but a teacher-researcher, proactive, widely educated, therefore the teachers of our preschool educational institution are trying to creatively, unconventionally, present the material in a new way, organize it in an interesting way pedagogical work, provide children preschool age an opportunity to express yourself as a creative person.

    So, a modern educator must have the following list of personal and professional qualities

    - clear vision modern tasks education;

    - value attitude towards the child, culture, creativity;

    - support the process of personal development of children, their self-development;

    - demonstrate a humane pedagogical position;

    - maintain physical and spiritual development children;

    - be able to carry out pedagogical activities to introduce modern technologies for raising and teaching children;

    - ability for self-education and personal growth.

    Despite the fact that the official profession of “preschool teacher” appeared relatively recently, it is no secret that teachers themselves, like education itself, have always existed. Of course, with the development of preschool education, this profession also developed and was supplemented by a set of necessary qualities and requirements, rules and abilities, skills and other features. At the same time, the essence of the profession remained unchanged.

    The main task of the teacher-educator has always been to organize interesting and useful, safe and accessible work for children in groups. A preschool teacher is not called upon to replace a child’s parents; on the contrary, he must work with parents together, exerting influence and feasible influence on the formation of preschool-age children.

    IN modern world The role of the educator is greater than ever before. Parents often spend too much time at work, so the preschool teacher takes the leading role in organizing the educational process.

    A teacher is a guide to preschool children into the world of knowledge, the world of fantasy, and the world of active activity. It is he who influences the formation of the child’s character; under his influence, the personality of each child is formed. This is why it is so important that the teacher is a professional in his field, and that working with children is his true calling.

    What should a teacher-educator do?

    Considering the enormous responsibility placed on educators who are responsible for children receiving preschool education, a teacher working in a preschool institution must have certain responsibilities. A list of what a teacher working with preschool children should do can be found in one of the following documents:

    • Employment contract. The contract concluded between the applicant for a particular vacancy in a kindergarten and the employer stipulates all working conditions. This includes the responsibilities of the teacher, what he should do in the workplace;
    • Job description (collective agreement). This document, which is part of the charter of each individual institution, also reflects the main provisions regarding the working conditions of preschool employees. If employment contract is individual, then job description applies to all teachers of a particular institution;
    • State norms, rules and standards. This may include SanPin standards and other sanitary and epidemiological rules, advice and recommendations, as well as federal legislation relating to the issues of raising children in institutions.

    First of all, on the basis of these regulatory documents, the teacher carries out his work duties. At the same time, educational standards are constantly changing and supplemented, and therefore the responsibilities of a teacher in various preschool institutions may vary slightly.

    Main characteristics modern system preschool education – its dynamism. In the process of developing individual and group lessons, we are constantly introducing innovative technologies, providing greater interactivity and involvement of preschoolers themselves when working with children. More and more new educational standards are appearing that regulate the work of educators with children. All these requirements relate mainly to four levels of development:

    • Personal and communicative. When working with children, it is important to pay attention to their personal qualities. It is important to teach him to communicate with other children in the group, to find mutual language and dissipate;
    • Cognitive-speech. This component is especially important in early preschool age, when the child’s speech and understanding of the world in general are not yet fully formed. At this stage of development, the teacher should communicate more with children, showing the world on visual objects and phenomena. It is important to speak clearly and clearly, without resorting to childish vocabulary;
    • Aesthetic. The sense of beauty must be developed from childhood. The teacher should not forget about the cultural and moral education of his students. In the process of communicating with children, it is important to emphasize the spiritual aspects of life, showing children by personal example the importance of cultural speech, neat appearance, and respect for others;
    • Physical. Physical development in preschoolers is far from the last place. Educators should take this into account when planning group activities and daily activities with children.

    It is important to take into account all these levels of development when working with children, both in a group and in individual lessons.

    In order to ensure the quality of the educational process, the Ministry of Education has introduced such a concept as professional suitability, or professional competence of a teacher. This very competence is manifested in the teacher’s ability to conduct educational activities on the territory of the institution, in the ability to find a common language with his students, and to influence them in the process of learning and communication.

    According to the latest edition of the professional standard for a teacher, the teacher, in addition to the above rules and recommendations, must meet the following requirements:

    • The teacher must be well acquainted with the main age characteristics of the children with whom he will work. This is necessary in order to ensure an appropriate atmosphere in the group of children, and to make communication between children with the teacher and among themselves simpler and more relaxed;
    • A preschool teacher should be well acquainted with the characteristics and general patterns of development of preschool children;
    • Must be able to plan and organize the main types of activities of preschoolers: play and object-manipulative, group and individual;
    • The teacher needs to high level possess theoretical knowledge relating to the physical, spiritual and intellectual development children of different ages, to establish closer contacts with children;
    • The teacher must maintain constant contact with all children in the group so as not to lose anyone and respond to non-standard situations in a timely manner;
    • Ability to plan various events both within the group and at the level kindergarten or cities;
    • The teacher is responsible for providing a comfortable and safe environment for children in the group, maintaining communication with them throughout the day and the entire period of the child’s stay in the preschool institution;
    • Must maintain constant contact with the parents of children under his care;
    • Must have computer skills to successfully organize his teaching activities.

    The list of skills and abilities that a teacher must have can be continued endlessly. The above list provides a rough idea of ​​what a teacher should be like, namely his professional side. An equally significant role is played by the personal qualities of the teacher, which we will discuss below.

    Personality of a teacher: what qualities do you need to have?

    Without a doubt, the teacher must be a professional in his field. To successfully work with children, he simply needs to have a number of practical skills, a large theoretical base and knowledge of his field. At the same time, theory and education alone are not enough.

    In addition to the skills and abilities that are important for a teacher, he must have the leadership qualities necessary to work with preschool children. In addition to these, it is also important to have other character traits that are no less important for working with children. Among them are the following:

    • Empathy. Each teacher should be not only a serious and intelligent adult, but also a sensitive friend for each of the children in his group. He must be able to sympathize, empathize and understand his charges. It is important to be able to notice even the most minor changes in a child’s behavior in order to early stages prevent conflict and help the child cope with his feelings;
    • Tact. A sense of tact should be an integral character trait of any teacher and educator. In everything, a teacher’s work should reflect a sense of proportion, the ability to keep emotions within oneself and accept right decisions, depending on the development of the situation. The teacher needs to be able to use humor and sternness, laughter and tears in a timely manner, in order to thereby have a positive influence on children;
    • Optimism. All teachers are optimists, otherwise there is no point in working with preschool children. Teachers believe in the children entrusted to them. It is important to maintain this belief in the child himself, creating a friendly atmosphere of kindness and acceptance in the group. It is better to replace complaints about children to parents and ill will with a good sense of humor, cheerfulness and a desire to inspire children;
    • Authority. The teacher is the most important authority, after parents, in the eyes of preschool children. In order to maintain this authority, it is also important to gain the trust of parents by maintaining constant contact with them. Only complete dedication to the work performed will help the teacher maintain his authority and influence on children;
    • Ethics and culture. The teacher is simply obliged to behave correctly. He needs to build right relationship both with children and their parents, as well as with other preschool employees educational institution involved in raising children. This is the only way to gain the trust of the children and their parents;
    • Professionalism. This quality, perhaps, can be called one of the most important in the personality of a teacher. All the work of a teacher should be based on a calling and desire to develop. If you don’t love children and what you do, there is no point in continuing to work in the field of preschool education.

    Of course, this is far from full list qualities necessary for every teacher. These also include patience, endurance, initiative, a creative approach to work, and others. Among other things, the teacher’s ability to adapt to the children and from time to time be on the same wavelength with them will be important. The ability to draw, sing and make crafts together with children will also not be superfluous in the work of a teacher.

    A teacher cannot do without professional training. For the successful organization of the educational process, it is important for the teacher to master everything in a timely manner modern technologies and programs. He must develop comprehensively, mastering new programs for interaction with children and their parents.

    The teacher needs to keep up with the times, every day follow fashion and what may be interesting to children. The guys pay special attention to the appearance of their leader: clothes, hairstyle, smile. It is especially important for children to have a modern teacher, fashionable and “cool”, who understands and finds time for everyone.

    Charm, charm, pleasant appearance and a constant smile - this is what will help you win the hearts of children and will have the strongest influence on them.

    The profession of a teacher has been known since ancient times. Today this is one of the most necessary and significant professions, because busy parents cannot always devote a sufficient amount of time to their child, and even more so to develop important skills in him and prepare him for school. It is the teacher who will teach your little one independence, rules of behavior, and the knowledge necessary for a preschooler. What is his ideal portrait? About what qualities of a teacher will contribute to his effective and successful professional activities in preschool children's institution(DOW) - in our article.

    Pedagogy is my calling

    Preschool teacher is a calling

    A teacher in a children's educational institution is not even a profession, but a real calling, and also daily hard work. To become a teacher for a long time and seriously, you need to feel that pedagogy is the work of your whole life, and work conscientiously, passing on to children the best that is in you, giving your whole soul.

    Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an internationally recognized ideologist of humanistic pedagogy, emphasized that he is a real teacher whose activities are aimed at educating a humane personality.

    According to V. Sukhomlinsky, a real educator should:

    • loving children is the most important thing
    • to care about them
    • respect the personality of each child and believe in him
    • know the soul of every baby and understand it
    • be sensitive to the spiritual world of the child, his nature
    • protect and develop feelings self-esteem baby
    • become a true friend to every child.

    If the qualities of the teacher correspond to these humanistic principles of pedagogy, he will be able to raise the child to be an attentive, noble, kind, intellectually developed, patriotic, not indifferent to the problems of others, cultural, responsible, honest, tactful, sensitive, hardworking person.

    Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher

    Responsibilities preschool teacher are indicated in a number of regulatory documents, such as an employment (collective) agreement, a teacher’s job description, rules and regulations of the sanitary and epidemiological station, etc. These documents regulate the activities of a preschool teacher.

    Now preschool education is developing taking into account the intensive introduction of innovations in pedagogical process. Therefore, new ones are currently being introduced into the activities of the educator, modern requirements. The work of a preschool teacher should be based on four components:

    • communicative and personal development of the child
    • cognitive-speech
    • artistic and aesthetic
    • physical.

    The pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the child. Therefore, the teacher must be professionally competent.

    “The level of professionalism of a teacher is determined by professional competence - the ability to conduct teaching activities efficiently and effectively based on job responsibilities, scientific education and value attitude towards pedagogy as a type of activity.”

    The competence of a preschool teacher is determined by the fact that he has the necessary attitudes, values, corresponding personal characteristics, theoretical knowledge, and professional qualities to carry out pedagogical activities, which must be constantly improved through self-education.

    The teacher must have certain professional competencies

    The professional competencies and responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher include:

    • knowledge of the specifics of the preschool education system, as well as the peculiarities of organizing educational work for preschoolers of different ages
    • knowledge and understanding of the patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood
    • knowledge of the peculiarities of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age
    • the ability to organize the types of activities necessary for preschool age (play and object-manipulative), thereby ensuring the development of children
    • ability to organize joint and independent activities of preschool children
    • knowledge of theory and mastery of pedagogical methods of cognitive, personal and physical development children
    • ability to plan, implement and analyze pedagogical and educational work with preschoolers in accordance with the standard of preschool education
    • ability to plan and adjust pedagogical tasks(independently, as well as in collaboration with a psychologist and other specialists) in accordance with the results of monitoring the development of children, taking into account individual characteristics every preschooler
    • ability to follow the recommendations of a psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist and other specialists in working with preschoolers who have difficulty mastering the curriculum, as well as children with special needs
    • the ability to create a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment that ensures the safety of life of preschool children, maintaining and strengthening their health and emotional well-being during their stay in preschool educational institutions
    • mastery of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical monitoring, thanks to which it becomes possible to track the results of preschoolers mastering the curriculum, the level of formation of their necessary qualities necessary for subsequent education in primary school
    • knowledge of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical consultation of parents of preschool children
    • the ability to build proper interaction with parents to solve pedagogical problems
    • the ability to plan, implement and evaluate their teaching activities with children of early and preschool age.

    Personal characteristics

    A good teacher should be kind and patient

    What personal qualities should be inherent in a good teacher of a children's educational institution? Let's look at them:

    1. Kindness and patience. And also justice, mercy, understanding and most importantly - love for children. These qualities, which determine a person’s humanistic orientation, are fundamental for a teacher.
    2. High moral qualities. If the teacher himself does not possess the qualities that he teaches to children, then how will he teach them? A preschool teacher must monitor his actions, be honest with himself and the children, be responsible for his words, be open to children, and treat them with respect.
    3. Organizational skills. The ability to plan, carry out everything consistently and clearly, and approach teaching activities in a comprehensive manner are qualities that will ensure the successful work of a preschool teacher.
    4. Hard work. Working with children takes a lot of energy, but it is important to work with joy. If you love your profession with all your heart, it will be a pleasure to work.
    5. Positive attitude. Children who are brought up in an atmosphere of goodwill and calm develop faster, grow self-confident, sociable, and emotionally open.
    6. Ability to be creative. In kindergarten, you have to come up with a lot to make the upbringing and education of children as interesting as possible for them. It’s good when the teacher can do this easily.

    Without a creative component, the work of a teacher will not be effective

    "Advice. It is very important to respect the child's personality. This means being able to communicate with him, listening and understanding his needs, not getting irritated by disobedience, finding ways of tactful and persistent pedagogical influence, seeing the best in the child.”

    The list of necessary personal qualities of a preschool teacher can be continued. In addition, the teacher must have a number of professional knowledge, skills and abilities that are important for the successful conduct of educational activities in a children's educational institution.

    Professional excellence

    It is a fact that teaching activities in kindergarten requires a lot of patience. Some believe that only someone who has innate special abilities can become a teacher, but this is a very controversial issue. The special knowledge, professional skills and abilities needed by the teacher can be acquired and developed.

    Education does not consist of annoying teachings and endless lectures: with their monotony, they will only cause boredom and melancholy in preschoolers. The professional skill of a preschool teacher is manifested in the understanding that the most effective are not only verbal methods of education, but to a much greater extent good and moral actions: helping others, showing empathy and mercy, etc. Therefore, the teacher needs to develop his pedagogical experience in being able to It is easy to organize such activities for children.

    To teach children, the teacher must have deep knowledge in various areas

    The teacher must have in-depth knowledge of:

    • pedagogy
    • developmental psychology
    • basic life safety and first aid
    • ethics and aesthetics
    • principles and content of the organization of preschool education.

    The preschool teacher must:

    • know and be able to apply methods of teaching and developing children
    • be able to organize and activate cognitive activity brought up.

    Among professionally important qualities of a teacher experts highlight:

    • possession modern techniques and technologies in the field of education and upbringing of children
    • broad erudition
    • pedagogical intuition
    • high level of intelligence
    • highly developed moral culture.

    Criteria for assessing the work of a teacher

    How to evaluate the work of a teacher? Look how he builds his communication with children.

    Let's pay attention to the personal side of communication. If the teacher behaves intelligently, calmly, respectfully towards the children, pays attention to each of them, knows how to listen and help - then before you is someone who selflessly loves his job. They say about such people - “he is in the right place.” And even if he does not yet have much pedagogical experience, then, thanks to his love for the profession and children, he will undoubtedly acquire it.

    If the “teacher” does not behave with restraint, shouts, commands in an orderly tone, and does not particularly monitor the children, then such a person, alas, will not be a good role model for the child.

    From the point of view of the content side of a teacher’s professional activity, attention should be paid to whether the teacher applies new forms and approaches to organizing teaching and independent work children, group and individual lessons.

    The teacher must apply new forms and approaches to organizing children's learning and independent work, group and individual lessons

    The role of the teacher in educational process DOW is great. The teacher influences the development of the children’s personality, imparts to them the necessary knowledge and forms personal qualities. Therefore, in order to positively influence the self-development of preschoolers, the teacher himself must be a highly developed moral personality and constantly improve your professional skills.

    The profession of a teacher has been known since ancient times. Today this is one of the most necessary and significant professions, because busy parents cannot always devote a sufficient amount of time to their child, and even more so to develop important skills in him and prepare him for school. It is the teacher who will teach your little one independence, rules of behavior, and the knowledge necessary for a preschooler. What is his ideal portrait? Read our article about what qualities of a teacher will contribute to his effective and successful professional activity in a preschool institution.

    Pedagogy is my calling

    Preschool teacher is a calling

    A teacher in a children's educational institution is not even a profession, but a real calling, and also daily hard work. To become a teacher for a long time and seriously, you need to feel that pedagogy is the work of your whole life, and work conscientiously, passing on to children the best that is in you, giving your whole soul.

    Vasily Sukhomlinsky, an internationally recognized ideologist of humanistic pedagogy, emphasized that he is a real teacher whose activities are aimed at educating a humane personality.

    According to V. Sukhomlinsky, a real educator should:

    • loving children is the most important thing
    • to care about them
    • respect the personality of each child and believe in him
    • know the soul of every baby and understand it
    • be sensitive to the spiritual world of the child, his nature
    • protect and develop the baby’s self-esteem
    • become a true friend to every child.

    If the qualities of the teacher correspond to these humanistic principles of pedagogy, he will be able to raise the child to be an attentive, noble, kind, intellectually developed, patriotic, not indifferent to the problems of others, cultural, responsible, honest, tactful, sensitive, hardworking person.

    Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher

    The responsibilities of a preschool teacher are specified in a number of regulatory documents, such as an employment (collective) agreement, the teacher’s job description, rules and regulations of the sanitary and epidemiological station, etc. These documents regulate the activities of a preschool teacher.

    Now preschool education is developing taking into account the intensive introduction of innovations into the pedagogical process. Therefore, new, modern requirements are currently being put forward for the activities of the educator. The work of a preschool teacher should be based on four components:

    • communicative and personal development of the child
    • cognitive-speech
    • artistic and aesthetic
    • physical.

    The pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and the child. Therefore, the teacher must be professionally competent.

    “The level of professionalism of a teacher is determined by professional competence - the ability to conduct teaching activities efficiently and effectively on the basis of job responsibilities, scientific education and a value-based attitude towards pedagogy as a type of activity.”

    The competence of a preschool teacher is determined by the fact that he has the necessary attitudes, values, corresponding personal characteristics, theoretical knowledge, and professional qualities to carry out pedagogical activities, which must be constantly improved through self-education.

    The teacher must have certain professional competencies

    The professional competencies and responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher include:

    • knowledge of the specifics of the preschool education system, as well as the peculiarities of organizing educational work for preschoolers of different ages
    • knowledge and understanding of the patterns of child development in early and preschool childhood
    • knowledge of the peculiarities of the formation and development of children's activities in early and preschool age
    • the ability to organize the types of activities necessary for preschool age (play and object-manipulative), thereby ensuring the development of children
    • ability to organize joint and independent activities of preschool children
    • knowledge of theory and mastery of pedagogical methods of cognitive, personal and physical development of children
    • ability to plan, implement and analyze pedagogical and educational work with preschoolers in accordance with the standard of preschool education
    • the ability to plan and adjust pedagogical tasks (independently, as well as in collaboration with a psychologist and other specialists) in accordance with the results of monitoring the development of children, taking into account the individual characteristics of each preschooler
    • ability to follow the recommendations of a psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist and other specialists in working with preschoolers who have difficulty mastering the curriculum, as well as children with special needs
    • the ability to create a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment that ensures the safety of life of preschool children, maintaining and strengthening their health and emotional well-being during their stay in preschool educational institutions
    • mastery of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical monitoring, thanks to which it becomes possible to track the results of preschoolers mastering the curriculum, the level of formation of their necessary qualities necessary for subsequent education in primary school
    • knowledge of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical consultation of parents of preschool children
    • the ability to build proper interaction with parents to solve pedagogical problems
    • the ability to plan, implement and evaluate their teaching activities with children of early and preschool age.

    Personal characteristics

    A good teacher should be kind and patient

    What personal qualities should be inherent in a good teacher of a children's educational institution? Let's look at them:

    1. Kindness and patience. And also justice, mercy, understanding and most importantly - love for children. These qualities, which determine a person’s humanistic orientation, are fundamental for a teacher.
    2. High moral qualities. If the teacher himself does not possess the qualities that he teaches to children, then how will he teach them? A preschool teacher must monitor his actions, be honest with himself and the children, be responsible for his words, be open to children, and treat them with respect.
    3. Organizational skills. The ability to plan, carry out everything consistently and clearly, and approach teaching activities in a comprehensive manner are qualities that will ensure the successful work of a preschool teacher.
    4. Hard work. Working with children takes a lot of energy, but it is important to work with joy. If you love your profession with all your heart, it will be a pleasure to work.
    5. Positive attitude. Children who are brought up in an atmosphere of goodwill and calm develop faster, grow self-confident, sociable, and emotionally open.
    6. Ability to be creative. In kindergarten, you have to come up with a lot to make the upbringing and education of children as interesting as possible for them. It’s good when the teacher can do this easily.

    Without a creative component, the work of a teacher will not be effective

    "Advice. It is very important to respect the child's personality. This means being able to communicate with him, listening and understanding his needs, not getting irritated by disobedience, finding ways of tactful and persistent pedagogical influence, seeing the best in the child.”

    The list of necessary personal qualities of a preschool teacher can be continued. In addition, the teacher must have a number of professional knowledge, skills and abilities that are important for the successful conduct of educational activities in a children's educational institution.

    Professional excellence

    It is a fact that teaching activities in kindergarten requires a lot of patience. Some believe that only someone who has innate special abilities can become a teacher, but this is a very controversial issue. The special knowledge, professional skills and abilities needed by the teacher can be acquired and developed.

    Education does not consist of annoying teachings and endless lectures: with their monotony, they will only cause boredom and melancholy in preschoolers. The professional skill of a preschool teacher is manifested in the understanding that the most effective are not only verbal methods of education, but to a much greater extent good and moral actions: helping others, showing empathy and mercy, etc. Therefore, the teacher needs to develop his pedagogical experience in being able to It is easy to organize such activities for children.

    To teach children, the teacher must have deep knowledge in various areas

    The teacher must have in-depth knowledge of:

    • pedagogy
    • developmental psychology
    • basic life safety and first aid
    • ethics and aesthetics
    • principles and content of the organization of preschool education.

    The preschool teacher must:

    • know and be able to apply methods of teaching and developing children
    • be able to organize and activate the cognitive activity of students.

    Among professionally important qualities of a teacher experts highlight:

    • mastery of modern methods and technologies in the field of teaching and raising children
    • broad erudition
    • pedagogical intuition
    • high level of intelligence
    • highly developed moral culture.

    Criteria for assessing the work of a teacher

    How to evaluate the work of a teacher? Look how he builds his communication with children.

    Let's pay attention to the personal side of communication. If the teacher behaves intelligently, calmly, respectfully towards the children, pays attention to each of them, knows how to listen and help - then before you is someone who selflessly loves his job. They say about such people - “he is in the right place.” And even if he does not yet have much teaching experience, then, thanks to his love for the profession and children, he will undoubtedly acquire it.

    If the “teacher” does not behave with restraint, shouts, commands in an orderly tone, and does not particularly monitor the children, then such a person, alas, will not be a good role model for the child.

    From the point of view of the content side of a teacher’s professional activity, attention should be paid to whether the teacher applies new forms and approaches to organizing children’s learning and independent work, group and individual lessons.

    The teacher must apply new forms and approaches to organizing children's learning and independent work, group and individual lessons

    The role of the teacher in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is great. The teacher influences the development of the children’s personality, imparts to them the necessary knowledge and forms personal qualities. Therefore, in order to positively influence the self-development of preschool children, the teacher himself must be a highly developed moral person and constantly improve his professional skills.

    Being a kindergarten teacher is very, very difficult. You understand what responsibility lies with you - the future of the child, the country, the entire planet, and yours personally depends on the teacher. Do I take on too much?! Not at all... In 5-10 years, the entire adult population will be represented by our graduates. It is to them that we will go for treatment, they will build houses, pass laws, and become the people on whom the fate of the planet depends.

    You will say that the main educators are parents, but modern parents, mostly our graduates too!

    Kindergarten is a second home for children, here they spend 10-12 hours a day. The main task of the educator is to develop the child’s personality, that uniqueness that will distinguish him from others; teach how to communicate and consider others, respect yourself and others...

    But in order to develop a personality, you need to be a personality yourself.

    1) The teacher must know a lot, constantly work on himself, have special skills; constantly improve your skills, master innovative technologies, unconventional methods; know a computer, be able to use the Internet.

    2) The teacher must be a psychologist, take into account age characteristics children, find an individual approach to them, respect them. Children are open to goodness and beauty, do not tolerate injustice, and tell the truth straight to their faces!

    3) The teacher must be a creative person, be a guide for children into the world of fairy tales and fantasy, evoke delight, love, tenderness, and surprise in children. The teacher should be interesting to children - be able to sing, dance, “revive” dolls, read poetry, tell fairy tales, sew, draw, make toys from natural material, from paper, from bottles and jars, from lids and boxes and much more!

    5) The teacher must take care of the health of the children and carry out all routine activities; learn to look after your appearance, teach self-care.

    6) The teacher must be able to find a common language with parents. Every parent dreams of a kind, smart, loving teacher for all children (including his child). The teacher must pay attention to the questions and wishes of the parents, be extremely polite and patient with them (know the psychology of an adult, because parents are all so different!)

    Of course, he must be kind!

    Love children, love learning,

    Love your profession!

    What should a teacher be like?

    Of course, you must be generous.

    All of yourself without regret

    He should give it to children!

    7) What else? The teacher must be: independent, diligent, disciplined, hardworking, responsible. And also - to be charming and attractive, beautiful, neat, observe the rules of personal hygiene (after all, the teacher is a model for children); regardless of everyday troubles - always cheerful, cheerful, and have a sense of humor.

    I really like my job, and if a person loves his job, then this feeling helps to overcome all obstacles, to feel that he is “building a temple, and not just cutting down a forest.”

    A modern educator is a person who combines the traits of a psychologist, an artist, a friend, a mentor, etc. The teacher must transform himself several times throughout the day, and the more believable the master of his craft does this, the more tangible the result. The creative potential of the student depends on the creative potential of the teacher himself, so it is necessary to pay great attention development of creative imagination.

    A modern teacher is a creative worker, a master of his craft, an innovator, a leader healthy image life, who uses the latest methodological developments in his work.

    A teacher is a patriot of his homeland. The teacher is called upon to be an authority for children and their parents, and together with the family to solve the responsible tasks of education. The country trusts them with what is most precious - its future.

    The necessary qualities of a modern teacher are patience and kindness, because a teacher has to work not only with children, but also with parents. It is necessary to learn to respect parents and take their opinions into account, even if it differs from the teacher’s ideas about pedagogy.

    Communication with children is a kind of exam every time. Little wise teachers test your strength, and at the same time love you with an all-consuming love, in which you can dissolve without a trace. The secret of their pure love is simple: they are open and simple-minded.

    Working with preschoolers, I never cease to be amazed at how different, unpredictable, interesting, funny, amazingly smart they are, able to set a task for me or any adult with their reasoning, conclusions, and actions.

    The task of a modern educator is to educate a creative, communicative personality. You need to predict and evaluate your results, develop independence and initiative. Create conditions for the realization of the individual abilities of each child.

    I am proud of my profession, I am proud that when my students meet me, they smile at me with their special smile, by which I immediately recognize them, say hello, and share their news and achievements.

    The teaching profession is one of the most important and significant in life. modern society. Being a teacher is a calling. This means wanting and being able to relive childhood again and again with each child, seeing the world through his eyes, being surprised and learning with him, being invisible when the baby is busy with his own business, and indispensable when he needs help and support.

    Working as a teacher, I can say that there is no better profession than mine! It makes you forget all your sorrows and grievances and gives you a feeling of eternal youth.

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