• Sodalite stone: a frozen piece of heaven in jewelry and magic. Products and decorations made of stone and its application. stone care


    The sodalite stone has been known since ancient times, but has attracted the attention of scientists only recently. Being a fairly rare mineral, it has remarkable strength and is able to absorb all negative energy freeing its owner from it.

    Starting in 1810, sodalite as a stone was first identified as a separate group of minerals by the chemist Thomas Thomson, after his experiments with the impact of various chemicals on the stone.

    Until that time, it was considered one of the varieties of lapis lazuli, and now it is impossible to single out the stories associated with the origin of sodalite from myths and legends. However, during excavations, archaeologists discovered sodalite in the jewelry of the ancient Egyptians, but it is not known whether any significance was attached to it.

    A processed mineral was also found in the dwellings and sculptures of the Incas. Mosaics and decorations for temples were made from it, from crushed sodalite of blue color paint was made, but the detailed knowledge of the mineral was lost.

    magical properties

    Blue sodalites have the strongest magical properties. They are used in meditation, as they have the ability to save their owner from negative thoughts, customize his search for the meaning of life and truth. They heal from mental and psychological ailments, absorb experiences and unpleasant thoughts, stimulate creativity and develop the potential of the individual.

    It has a beneficial effect on both men and women, creating harmony and tranquility around them. Helps to focus and succeed in all endeavors. Protects its owner from black magic, envy and anger of others, gives internal strength to fight negativity.

    If sodalite loses color and becomes dull, then this means that it is losing magical properties stone, and for his owner, he did everything he could. It cannot be cleaned, but it is not recommended to throw it away, it is better to bury it in the ground.

    Medicinal properties

    Blue and blue representatives of sodalites are considered truly protectors and help in the treatment of diseases caused by radioactive exposure, neutralizing the unpleasant consequences. In addition, it is widely used for:

    • relieve inflammation of the thyroid gland;
    • lowering blood pressure;
    • treatment of eye diseases;
    • of cardio-vascular system;
    • relieves insomnia and nightmares;
    • normalizes the work of the endocrine and lymphatic systems;
    • normalizes metabolism.

    The healing properties of sodalite are associated with a complex chemical formula and the presence in its composition of compounds that can enter into reactions.

    Video on the topic: Sodalite and its secrets

    Zodiac signs

    Sodalites are suitable for all signs, but a special connection is established with Taurus and Sagittarius. This will be the perfect combination, as they are the ones who are prone to sudden mood swings and outbursts of aggression. He will help them calm down, find strength in themselves and overcome the difficulties that arise in their path.

    But it also interacts well with other signs and can help them gain courage, strengthen their will, purposefully go towards achieving their goal both in the personal sphere and in the profession, it develops the mind and prudence. Those who paid close attention to him should not think about who this stone suits, he himself has already chosen his owner.

    Its influence is especially strong on Thursday and Friday. It is on these days that it is best to have a mineral with you. It is not recommended to wear it permanently to any sign, as it will quickly lose the bulk of its magical abilities.

    Mining sites

    Sodalite is a rock-forming stone and is actively mined in almost all countries of the world. The deposits developed in the USA, Brazil, Africa, Bolivia, Russia, Canada, India, Norway are of jewelry value. It is in these states that sodalites of blue, blue and Pink colour.

    Chemical formula of the stone

    Like most of the group of silicates, sodalite has in its properties the ability to ion-exchange reactions, therefore its approximate formula is Na8Cl2. Under the influence of substances accompanying it rocks, metals and other chemical elements, it is able to change. Sometimes there is water in it, but this needs to be checked.
    Under the influence of acids, it decomposes, which is how they differ from other stones. With a slight concentration of acetic acid, sodalite placed in it can change its color and turn the solution blue.

    Physical properties of stone

    Its hardness on the Mohs scale is 5.5-6. Density - 2.29 g / cm3. It has a pronounced glassy luster. Sodalite has the property of remaining transparent or translucent even after it has been processed.

    Usually the color of sodalite refers to the blue color scheme, but other colors are also found in nature: colorless, gray, with white patches, with a yellowish tint, purple, green, pink to crimson.

    Minerals of red shades are called hackmanites and they have an interesting ability. When exposed to atmospheric air, they turn black. However, after heating in sodium vapor and subsequently subjecting them to X-rays, they return to their color.

    types of fakes. How to distinguish?

    Without special knowledge, it is quite difficult to distinguish sodalite from a fake, especially if more cheap stones from this group. More often, he himself is given out as lapis lazuli, which has a more expensive cost. To check, you need special equipment and knowledge in the field of mineralogy.

    At home, you can try the following methods:

    • if plastic is given out as sodalite or a mineral, then a slight heating on the flame of a match is enough and the fake will definitely begin to melt and burn, nothing will happen to sodalite, and carbon deposits can be easily removed with a damp cloth;
    • carefully examine it in ultraviolet light, it has some fluorescence and this glow cannot be overlooked;
      it is enough to dip dyed quartz into water and within a day the water will become cloudy, a genuine copy will not change the color of the liquid.

    Unfortunately, the most difficult question remains how to distinguish it from glass, but only a professional is capable of this. Among the most reliable means of verification is chemical reaction. Sodalite, unlike lapis lazuli and other minerals, dissolves completely in acids.

    However, you should not get carried away with checking the heating, since more high temperatures can completely discolor within a few minutes of sodalite stone. These properties are inherent in most members of the group.


    When choosing a stone, it is better to listen to your inner voice and trust your feelings, then there will definitely not be a mistake. Natural sodalite has no contraindications and is able to make any sign of the zodiac happy, and the world around them is better and more beautiful.

    The beauty of sodalite attracts the attention of even an inexperienced person. And it is not surprising, because this semi-precious stone is so similar to the vast sky stretching above the earth. The heavenly expanse has always been associated in the minds of people as something sublime, spiritual, eternal. The happy owners of sodalite experience the same feelings.

    The highlight of the stone is its history. The fact is that, despite the found jewelry made by the ancient civilizations of the Incas and Aztecs, official references to sodalite have been found since the 19th century. However, this is rather a positive thing, since the natural reserves of the mineral are very modest, and thanks to such a “time hole”, humanity has access to untouched deposits of stone.

    Medicinal properties

    The list of diseases that the stone helps to cope with is constantly expanding. Today, sodalite is used to improve the activity of almost all organs and systems of the human body:
    1. normalization of pressure (arterial, blood, intracranial);
    2. regulation of the cardiovascular system;
    3. treatment of the liver, kidneys, Bladder;
    4. normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, pancreas;
    5. getting rid of obesity, loss of appetite;
    6. prevention of diseases of the organs of vision;
    7. regulation of the endocrine and lymphatic systems;
    8. treatment of the consequences of radioactive radiation;
    9. establishing mental balance.

    Help in the treatment of a particular disease can correct use stone. Let's give some examples.

    With visual impairment, you need to look at the stone every day for at least 5 minutes in the morning and evening. For this, sodalite blue or blue color.

    If you need to relieve stress or improve sleep, you need to wear beads or a bracelet from this breed without removing it throughout the day. In this case, the psychology of color plays an important role, because it is a well-known fact that shades of blue have calming, relaxing properties.

    magical properties

    The magical properties of the stone help the development and accumulation supernatural abilities person. That is why it is so often used by mediums and magicians, especially in meditation and various rituals.

    This stone is as rare as it is changeable. The ability to change its color under the influence of the environment in minerals is not very common. Sodalite stone is one of them.

    The history of sodalite is unusual. The ancient Incas used it for jewelry, decorating buildings, and making paint that gave a stunning deep blue effect when painted. The stone was also known to the Egyptians. But in Europe for a long time it was confused with lapis lazuli. Only in the 19th century, after a series of studies, he received an individual name, and his composition was established.

    The honor of identifying the mineral belongs to the Scottish chemist Thomas Thomson. It was he who gave him the name, using the Latin word sodium - sodium and the Greek - lithos- stone. The Finnish geologist Viktor Gakman also studied sodalite, he was lucky to discover a new variety of the mineral, named after him.

    The gem is formed in lava flows after its eruption. The formation temperature is from 500 to 900 degrees at a pressure of about 3 atmospheres. It is usually found near extinct volcanoes, so deposits are scattered almost all over the globe.

    • Kola Peninsula and northern Karelia.
    • Cherry mountains in the Urals.
    • Neighborhoods of Baikal.
    • Tuva, Eastern Sayan, Kuznetsk Alatau.
    • Ukraine, Armenia, Central Asia.
    • Greenland.
    • Region of the Carpathian mountains.
    • In Italy, near Vesuvius.
    • South West Africa.
    • North and South America, including Canada and the USA.
    • India, Burma, Korea.

    But in most deposits, the mineral is contained in the form of granular masses and is not suitable for jewelry processing. Large specimens of it are used for facing and in stone-cutting. The geography of precious crystals is much narrower: India, Burma, Canada, Southwest Africa, Maine in the USA.

    Colors and appearance plus the cost of the stone

    This stone has many faces, the palette of its colors is diverse and depends on the impurities included in the mineral and the percentage of the main elements.

    Varieties with their own names:

    • Alomit. This name was a trademark of the Canadian Sodalites from Ontario, also known as the "Blue Princes". Now all blue and blue sodalites are called so, regardless of the place of production. Alomits have a peculiarity - in each deposit, and sometimes in each of its sections, the shades of gems are individual. At their disposal - the whole palette of blue and blue. White streaks are inclusions of calcite. Alomites can have different degrees of transparency.
    • Molybdosalite. It has a yellowish or light green color and a small, slightly more than 2%, admixture of molybdenum oxide. It is found only in the igneous ejecta of Vesuvius.
    • Hackmanite. Bright crimson or pink color, which very quickly turns into whitish-gray. This property is called photochromism. It manifests itself under the action of sunlight, and is explained by the presence of sulfur in the composition of the mineral. Natural stone, mined and split, is able to change color in just a few minutes. He can acquire it again after a long exposure in the dark or treatment with X-rays or ultraviolet, but with short length waves.

    Photochromism is inherent in more than one hackmanite, but in such a slowed down form only it and several other minerals have it, but in them it is expressed to a weak degree. This phenomenon is called tenebrescence. Hakmanite was first found in Greenland, and there scientists encountered its amazing properties.

    Features of the mineral (video)

    Hakmanites from different deposits also behave differently. If the Greenland and Canadian brighten in the light, then the Burmese and Afghan are light in the dark, while in the sun they acquire a bright pink, purple and red color.

    After heating, and sometimes even a long stay in the hot southern sun, the stone permanently loses its color and turns blue.

    According to the generally accepted classification of A.E. Fersman, sodalite belongs to semiprecious ornamental stones first order. The price for it depends not only on the cost of the stone itself, but also on the work of the master, who turned the raw piece of gem into jewel. Crystal druze with sodalite, which can decorate any mineralogical collection, costs about $25.

    The price for 1 carat of jewelry items is very different:

    • from 1.5 dollars - for opaque stones,
    • up to 124 dollars - for transparent ones, which are quite rare.

    Gallery: Sodalite (45 photos)

    Basic properties

    They are determined by the complex chemical composition and antiquity of igneous rocks.


    • Due to the complexity and variability of the quantitative composition, only an approximate chemical formula of the mineral can be given: Na86Cl2
    • Percentage composition (in%): Na 2 O- 25.60; Al 2 O 3 - 31.60; SiO 2 - 37.14; Cl - 7.31.

    The numbers reflect the quantitative composition of oxides and chlorine and are a variable value, they depend on the type of sodalite. The composition of the mineral may also include oxides of potassium, calcium, molybdenum, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur. Sometimes there are microscopic impurities of other metals with a total of up to 14.

    Based on the formula, rare mineral can be attributed to chlorine-containing sodium aluminosilicate. Like other framework aluminosilicates, it belongs to feldspathoids.

    Physical properties of sodalite:

    • mineral color - pink, white, blue, blue, gray, green;
    • shine - oily, glassy;
    • line - white;
    • hardness - from 5.5 to 6;
    • transparency - translucent, transparent;
    • density - 2.29 g / cm3.

    The syngony is cubic. The crystals consist of an aluminosilicate frame, chlorine and sodium ions are located in its cavities. In UV rays, the stone is able to fluoresce in an orange-red color.


    Sodalite is a fairly ancient mineral; during its existence, it has accumulated many healing and magical properties. What health problems can this stone help with?

    • Throat diseases.
    • Diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, pancreas, kidneys and bladder.
    • Resolves some benign tumors.
    • Treats hypertension.

    For greater effect, stone products should be worn as close as possible to the organ that they want to help.

    In this case, they are able to:

    • improve metabolism, as well as the activity of the lymphatic, endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
    • strengthen bones;
    • reduce appetite;
    • regulate blood sugar levels;
    • reduce anxiety, eliminate phobias and fears, reduce the number of panic attacks;
    • neutralize the action advanced level radiation and alleviate the course of diseases associated with it.


    Sodalite focuses energy at the level of the throat chakra and third eye, helping to enhance the depth of meditation. He guides the person spiritual path development, while enhancing intuition and the ability to think logically. Opening a window into the world of the subconscious, the stone will tell you how to decipher the signs and symbols bestowed by fate. AT Everyday life its magical properties will help in solving problems and choosing the right actions, will make it possible to build a successful career. Sodalite strengthens the character and will, gives the ability to focus.

    The value of the stone as a talisman and amulet

    1. Sodalite has long been used by mediums and magicians. He helped develop psychic abilities.
    2. It is also important as a talisman. A small figurine of sodalite can be made into a kind of indicator family relations. If over loving people there is a threat of a break in relations, the stone will change its color.
    3. A small gemstone talisman will help you find a way out of any situation, see all events in their true light and get rid of illusions.
    4. Sodalite beads for women are a way to become more attractive, and a ring for men is a way to wealth and success in life.
    5. Sodalite bracelet will help to tidy up emotional sphere, will relieve nightmares and unreasonable feelings of guilt.

    Meaning for the signs of the zodiac

    Sodalite is associated with the planets Jupiter and Venus. It will bring the greatest benefit to people born on the 12th day. lunar calendar. Who else is this stone suitable for? According to the sign of the zodiac, Taurus, Scorpio and Sagittarius should have it. But this does not mean that it does not suit other signs of the zodiac circle.

    • Leo and Pisces he will help to find with everyone mutual language to raise their social status.
    • Virgo and Gemini create inner harmony.
    • Aries and Cancer will give the ability to focus and develop intuition.
    • Aquarius will form a sense of responsibility, duty and justice.
    • Libra intellectual abilities will increase.
    • Capricorn sodalite will help to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws.

    The birth period of April 21 - May 21 and November 21-30 is the most favorable for wearing sodalite. Thursday and Friday are the days of the week on which its activity is maximum.

    Jewelry and other stone products

    Most often, sodalite products are used to create decor items, amulets, talismans. Pieces of jewelry value are cut (usually in the form of a cabochon) and used to make jewelry, sometimes with a high price.

    Recently, sodalite has been at the peak of popularity among jewelers. Masters such as Stefan Webster and Theo Fennel contributed greatly to this by creating original jewelry for show business stars.

    Types and characteristics

    Beautiful decorative elements are made from sodalite:

    • Eggs and figurines are elegant and will fit perfectly into any interior. For example, a figurine of an elephant made of sodalite can become a family talisman and harmonize relationships. A small figurine, only 5 cm in size with a trunk raised up, is a symbol of development. Placed on the windowsill, it will attract good luck from the outside, at the front door it will serve as protection, and in the kitchen it will neutralize the accumulation of negative energy.
    • A tree of happiness with leaves made of small pebbles will attract harmony to the house and help develop intuition. A very interesting composition of a juniper branch and creepers from pieces of blue sodalite in the form of a bonsai.
    • Stands made of slightly treated stone for small bronze sculptures help to bring out the beauty of both materials.

    No less good and jewelry:

    • Rings with sodalite is made from pebbles in the form of a cabochon or a princess. Usually, stones are set in silver or jewelry alloys based on it.
    • beads can be from gems correct round shape, or preserve the natural structure, have cabochon inserts. Sometimes they make multi-row beads from large stone chips. They look very original.
    • Pendants. Usually a large cabochon is used as a pendant, but there are also stones in the shape of a tooth or a drop. Pendants with a pendant in the form of a heart look interesting.
    • Bracelets. Here the fantasy of jewelers has no limits: various forms cuts, a combination of large and small details, inserts made of metal and other materials - everything has a right to exist.

    Ritual products: sodalite is often used to make Buddhist rosaries of 108 beads, as well as Buddha figurines.

    Store jewelry made of sodalite in a separate case. They need to be cleaned every week by rinsing under running water. To prevent the stone from aging, it is kept next to rock crystal.

    Secrets of sodalite (video)

    How to distinguish a natural mineral from a fake and lapis lazuli

    These stones have long been considered one and the same mineral. But they still have differences. Therefore, in It is important to understand how to distinguish sodalite from lapis lazuli in order to avoid fakes.

    • Lapis lazuli is completely opaque, while sodalite is a translucent mineral.
    • Lapis lazuli lacks the brilliance that the gem in question has.
    • Sodalite fluoresces under UV light.
    • Lazurite has inclusions from pyrite golden color, sodalite does not have them.

    In any case, the final verdict must be made by a specialist in precious stones.

    Nature gave us a piece of frozen firmament - sodalite. In addition to the aesthetic component, powerful healing and magical properties are attracted to it, and the ability to wear or have these stones in the house for any sign of the zodiac makes it desirable for everyone.

    A beautiful and spectacular blue mineral has been known to man since ancient times. Jewelers appreciate sodalite for its rich color palette, scientists for chemical characteristics, magicians and astrologers for miraculous properties.

    Sodalite is a stone whose properties will bring good luck to absolutely any sign of the zodiac. And although to separate class minerals, it was attributed only at the beginning of the 19th century, the stone was widely used in jewelry business and to decorate dwellings by ancient peoples.

    From the history of stone

    Crushed sodalite was used to make a blue pigment for paint

    The stone was actively mined and used long before scientists became interested in it. The ancient Egyptians made jewelry and ritual objects from it. The Incas used sodalite to make mosaics, decorate dwellings and temples, carve sculptures from it, and make blue paint from crushed mineral.

    After the conquest of Central America by the conquistadors, sodalite was forgotten for a while. For some reason, then he did not attract the attention of Europeans. On the one hand, this is good, because the natural deposits of sodalite are not so large. And the mineral deposits in America remained untouched for a long time.

    Thomas Thomson (eng. Thomas Thomson, 1773 - 1852) - an outstanding Scottish chemist, professor of chemistry, physician, doctor of medical sciences and mineralogist.

    Until the end of the 8th century, the stone was considered one of the varieties of lapis lazuli. Only after the experiments and experiments carried out by the Scottish chemist Thomas Thomson, the mineral was given a name and recognized as a separate group of minerals.

    Composition, properties, types

    In its composition, sodalite contains aluminum oxide and sodium, silicon dioxide and chlorine. It is sodium aluminosilicate.

    The transparent mineral is easily soluble in acids and has sorption properties.

    Depending on the amount of impurities and the presence of certain elements in the composition, it is customary to distinguish two types of sodalite:

    All products from sodalite, from a small pendant to a huge mosaic, are distinguished by their unique beauty and amazing colors.

    Deposits and scope of sodalite

    In nature, sodalite is extremely rare in large quantities.

    Natural deposits of sodalite are found infrequently, only in alkaline volcanic rocks. Stones, depending on the exporting country, vary in quality and composition.

    The main suppliers of sodalite are:

    • Brazil;
    • Canada;
    • Russia (Kola Peninsula);
    • Greenland;
    • Norway.

    Ornamental types of stones are mined in India and Myanmar.

    Traditionally, the color of sodalite belongs to the blue color scheme. But in nature there are other colors: shades of yellow, green and red, grayish colors.

    Sodalite belongs to semi-precious stones of the first order, therefore it is widely used in jewelry. Craftsmen make inserts for rings and pendants from this stone, encrust boxes and various things with it.

    In arts and crafts, sodalite is the basis for making mosaics and decorating objects.

    In painting, it is a source of pigment to create blue paint. Due to its natural origin, it gives the paintings a unique color.

    In addition, sodalite can act as a catalyst in various chemical reactions.

    The magical properties of sodalite stone

    The deep and rich blue color of the stone determines its magical properties. This color encourages reflection on life, the search for its meaning and truth. It is no coincidence that in the old days it was believed that wizards and magicians walk in blue clothes, that is, those who know the truth and higher powers.

    Sodalite will help in comprehending the secret meanings of life

    That is why sodalite is a constant companion of meditation. The stone will increase the level of spiritual perception, strengthen mental strength.

    A large mineral can be kept at home, and small polished items will give a feeling of calm outside the native walls. Going through the stones put in your pocket, you can calm down, get rid of feelings of anxiety in a stressful situation. For too mobile and restless children, it is recommended to purchase pendants and bracelets from this stone.

    Since ancient times, sodalite has been used for rituals aimed at healing from mental and psychological ailments. The combination of white and blue minerals works especially effectively.

    A sodalite talisman will take over all the restless thoughts of its owner

    The Irish call sodalite the "stone of worries". This means that the talisman will take all the unpleasant and restless thoughts of its owner to itself. In order for sodalite not to lose its miraculous qualities, it needs to arrange cleansing salt baths.

    If the stone loses its magical powers, then it fades and becomes whitish. In this case, you need to say goodbye to the amulet, it will no longer be able to help. It is impossible to try to restore its magical properties with the help of water and the sun, and even more so to throw it away. It is better to bury the mineral in the ground. Perhaps, after some time, sodalite will find a new owner, who will be helped in the same way as the previous owner.

    Medicinal properties

    Sodalite is widely used in lithotherapy, relieving many ailments.

    Sodalite affects not only the signs of the zodiac, but also has healing properties. Sodalite is widely used in lithotherapy for the following purposes:

    • to normalize blood pressure;
    • to get rid of insomnia;
    • in the prevention of eye diseases;
    • to eliminate nervous tension and overexcitation;
    • in the treatment of diseases of the liver and kidneys;
    • in the treatment of respiratory diseases;
    • to reduce appetite.

    It is believed that sodalite facilitates the course of diseases caused by radiation. For medicinal purposes, products made from this stone are worn in the form of beads and bracelets.

    The magical properties of sodalite stone for zodiac signs

    The stone will have the most beneficial effect on representatives of the water element, especially on.

    Astrologers agree that sodalite is a non-aggressive mineral. This means that a representative of any zodiac sign can wear jewelry from it without harm. Therefore, if there is a feeling that this is “your” mineral, feel free to purchase it.

    The stone is patronized by Venus - the goddess of earthly love, fertility and beauty. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the most active magical properties of sodalite stone appear on the day of Venus, that is, on Friday.

    Sodalite is a neutral stone that blends harmoniously with other minerals in both color and magical properties. You can wear sodalite along with corals, malachite, varieties of quartz, rhodonite and rhodochrosite.

    Are you earning enough?

    Check if this applies to you:

    • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
    • salary is only enough for rent and food;
    • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
    • all promotions go to someone else;
    • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

    Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/sodalit-1.jpg" alt="(!LANG:blue sodalite" width="350" height="231">!} Sodalite is the stone of the Incas and Egyptians. It was among these ancient peoples that the mineral was very popular in ritual culture. But the mineral began its official path in science much later, at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Its origin is still considered a mineralogical mystery. About the amazing properties of the gem, its natural sources and magical meaning will be discussed further.

    General description and historical information about sodalite

    Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/formula-pn.png" alt="" width="47" height=" 78 "> In science, sodalite is characterized as a typical feldspathoid - a stone similar in structure to feldspar, but with a much smaller amount of silicon. The formula of sodalite is 3Na2O 3Al2O3 6SiO2 2NaCl. The main version of the origin of the mineral is igneous (magmatic) and pegmatite (vein) rocks.

    Neither Herodotus nor Pliny mention the mineral in their treatises. The first recorded information about sodalite dates back to 1811 in the writings of European naturalists. This began a more thorough study of its physical and chemical properties. At the same time, the magical properties of the stone were analyzed and the name by which the gem is known today was given.

    The term was based on the root bases of two Greek words: "soda", meaning "sodium" (the main data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/ 12/sod1-300x225.jpg" alt="(!LANG: stone sodalite before processing" width="300" height="225">!} component in the composition of the mineral) and "lit" (meaning "stone"). It happens that the gem is called hackmanite or alomit. This is not entirely accurate, because these names refer to its specific varieties.

    Physical and Chemical properties sodalite:

    1. Color. In terms of prevalence, blue, blue-green, blue stones are in the first place. In second place - yellow, gray, white. Rare in nature - red and pink nuggets.
    2. Glass luster.
    3. The structure of crystals is cubic.
    4. Heterogeneity of color: the mineral is speckled with veins of other colors and all kinds of shapes, small spots and blotches can be seen.
    5. Hardness is about 6 points on the Mohs scale.
    6. Density 2.3 g/cm³.
    7. Absorption and ability to ion-exchange reaction.
    8. Photochromism (in synthesized sodalites).

    The most spectacular, in terms of decorative properties, are blue specimens. In Fersman's gemological classification, sodalite ranks among the semi-precious ornamental gems of the first order. It is equated with such stones as jasper, rose quartz, jade, rhinestone, agate, etc.

    Jpg" alt="(!LANG: sodalite after processing" width="150" height="150"> Разновидности содалита. Упомянутые выше аломит и гакманит и есть главные разновидности минерала. Аломит – это кристаллы сине-зелёно-голубой гаммы. Термин употребляется в большей степени как торговое название. Аломиты имеют примечательные особенности: их рисунок не повторяется и при нагреве они розовеют. По окрасу их порой путают с лазуритом.!}

    Hakmanite - red and pinkish crystals containing atomic sulfur. They are named after Victor Hackman, a Finnish geologist. They also change when temperatures change: natural ultraviolet, with long exposure, turns them into black stones. But scientists have figured out this mystery. They learned to return the pleasant color of the gem - through immersion in hot sodium vapor with further X-ray irradiation. The remaining sodalites differ in color and do not have special names.

    Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> Place of Birth. Natural deposits of the mineral are concentrated where volcanoes once raged. In Italy at the foot of Vesuvius, in Russia on the Kola Peninsula, in Brazil, the Himalayas. Also, places in the mountains of Germany, in Greenland, the USA, Myanmar became the source of the stone.

    Areas of application of sodalite

    Stone has played an important role in the life of some peoples since ancient times. And not only as an attribute of iconic data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/sod3.jpe" alt="(!LANG:bracelet from natural sodalite" width="259" height="194">!} rituals, as in ancient Egypt. Findings during excavations-investigations of the culture of the Incas and Aztecs are mainly Jewelry and facing palace buildings. And crushed sodalite has long been used as a natural blue mineral dye - ultramarine. AT modern world crystals amazing stone used in the following areas:

    • Jewelry and decorative arts. Crystals, mostly varieties of alomit, go to all kinds of inserts in jewelry. Their usual cut is cabochon. Other gem types go for decorative crafts, chiseled sculptures and bases for them, elements of mosaics.
    • Painting. Paint based on sodolite powder is very valuable. Firstly, because of the unique shade and texture, and secondly, because of the unique shimmer of pigments of natural origin.
    • Industry, radio engineering, television, nanotechnologies. Here, the photochromic properties of the mineral have found full use.
    • Medicine and lithotherapy. The mineral has a wide range of healing abilities that deserve special attention.

    Healing properties of the gem

    The first thing that lithotherapists point to is that sodalite is beneficial for ailments caused by radiation. Alomite crystals normalize blood pressure and activity of the cardiovascular system. They are recommended to be worn by everyone who "sat down" on a diet: the blue mineral works to reduce appetite and stabilize the liver. Also, crystals of blue-green species, or rather, beads and bracelets from them, will help drive away nightmares.

    In the range of influence of the stone, there are such processes as the prevention of eye diseases, metabolism. The work of the endocrine and lymphatic systems is also subject to unique stone: it has a beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland. For tumors and inflammation of the bladder, doctors advise applying stones to the pain points. It is not worth entrusting all the health work to sodalite, the gem acts as an auxiliary means of complex effects with traditional methods.

    In Eastern medical and religious practices, sodalite is associated with the throat chakra.

    Sodalite in magic and astrology

    Sodalite, like many blue gems, is used for self-absorption and meditation sessions. Blue alomites with light veins are just perfect for this sacrament. Mediums and magicians who have studied sodalite in practice, the properties to whom the stone suits, consider it a guide to the world of supernatural possibilities. As a female talisman, the gem works for attractiveness, as a male one - for the concentration of sound thoughts, endurance.

    On a professional basis, the following groups are distinguished who are suitable for amulets made of sodalite crystals: people of science, business representatives, educational workers.

    The observations of astrologers show that blue crystals are excellent for those whose birthday falls on the twelfth lunar day.

    Jpg" alt="" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="(!LANG:Sagittarius" width="50" height="50">.jpg" alt="Scorpion" width="50" height="50"> А знак Зодиака, идеально гармонирующий с самоцветом, – это Телец. Также камень охотно делится положительными магическими силами со Стрельцом и Скорпионом.!}

    For the rest of the zodiac symbols, sodalite is either neutral or carries a positive charge.

    So it’s not worth passing by a remarkable stone, as European conquerors once did in the Andean Cordillera. Although historical neglect may have cost the mineral its life: its already rare deposits have been preserved for modern man. This should be treasured, and if used, then with the maximum return from a unique gem.

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