• Dress for a Hollywood themed party. Oscar Party Script


    Invitations have been sent out, outfits have been selected, the house sparkles with decorations and the famous path shimmers purple, awaiting the first guest... The Hollywood-style party is about to gain momentum. All that remains is to take care of adequately entertaining the guests who have received star status for the evening.

    And how to organize a treat, choose music, provide a fun pastime and memorable photo and video chronicles, and all this in Hollywood style, read in this article.

    The party starts with the red carpet

    Guests should get into a special atmosphere even before the holiday itself begins: this is why we decorated the house and laid out a red carpet in front of the entrance. The action will begin as soon as the first step is taken.

    Make sure there are photographers capturing this stellar moment!

    The presenter or “extras” portraying correspondents can address the guests walking along the path with a mini-interview, which will lift their spirits and help them feel like a “star.”

    Questions could be:

    • Which designer created your incredible outfit?
    • To which stylist do we owe the happiness of seeing your amazing hairstyle?
    • Can you share your emotions before the upcoming event?
    • What role would you like to play?
    • If it's not a secret, what fee did you receive for your last film?

    The meeting of guests will be even more fun and larger-scale if the hosts-fans create a cheerful stir, expressing admiration by shouting and applauding, asking for an autograph, trying to take a photo with the “star”.

    Professional actors can be hired online or offered to students to earn money; teenagers (for example, children of the party hosts) can also play this role.

    If the meeting scene is filmed, the guests will then be very pleased and interested to receive a “film” about themselves at a wonderful holiday as a gift. And many more shots will be added to this film during the celebration!

    Refreshment at the ceremony. Tables, buffet or...?

    Noisy and rich feasts are not accepted in the world of cinema. Movie stars who are constantly concerned about their figure will not sit at a table with plates filled with roasts and side dishes. At holiday parties in the “land of dreams” it is generally not customary to focus on food, because people gather for communication, fun, and general inspiration.

    Most often, refreshments at such celebrations are organized in a format where people take light snacks from the waiters’ trays, complementing them with ice-cold champagne, also picked up on the go, or punch poured from a common bowl. For such an organization, one or two waiters or waitresses are needed who will monitor the fullness of the glasses and the availability of snacks. Catering companies that supply snacks to parties usually offer staffing services.

    If this format does not quite appeal to you, you can organize a more familiar buffet. Set up a table with dishes that you can eat neatly and quickly, using a minimum of cutlery.

    A candy bar designed in appropriate colors (red, white, gold, black) would be appropriate. If you use disposable tableware, you can choose the appropriate one in online stores or decorate it, for example, paper cups application in the form of a film strip.

    On the other hand, we do not strive to completely imitate Hollywood, but only want to immerse ourselves in this atmosphere for a while, embodying our ideas of chic and glamor. Therefore, no one will accuse you of being “untrustworthy” if you want to seat guests at small tables or one large one. Let the tablecloth be plain, in one of the main colors of the holiday.

    Use crisp white napkins in rings, glasses with tall stems, and ice buckets to cool drinks. Decorate the tables with vases with scarlet roses, decorated with pearls and lush feathers. You can sprinkle some pink petals and shiny tinsel on the tablecloth between the cutlery.

    At each utensil, place a clipboard (a mini rack with a clip) with the guest's name on it, or place a beautifully designed index card on the plate.

    Planning the menu

    • Hollywood menu should be light, delicious and varied: cupcakes, canapés, mini-burgers, various cuts.
    • Seafood will always come in handy - lobsters, king prawns, oysters.
    • If you want to treat your guests to something more substantial, you can cook a grilled steak.
    • An interesting dish, easy to prepare, but quite worthy of a star table - a potato baked whole in foil, to which a spoonful of caviar is added before serving: this is how the experienced chef Wolfgang Puck treated the audience at the banquet dedicated to the recent Oscars.
    • Dessert should also be sophisticated, for example, strawberries with whipped cream are often associated with chic; tiny meringues or macaroons can be beautifully decorated for serving.
    • The “stars” are also not averse to treating themselves to donuts soaked in brandy, pistachio pancakes with strawberry mousse, and coffee sorbet (these are dishes from the latest Hollywood menu).

    What to fill glasses with?

    Drinks should have sonorous and “status” names: in Hollywood they drink mostly cocktails.

    They don’t have to be alcoholic, but the most traditional ones should be placed on the table, demonstrating knowledge of the realities of the International Bartenders Association (yes, yes, there is such a thing!):

    • “Bloody Mary” – tomato juice and vodka;
    • “Mojito” – white rum, mint, sugar, soda water, and in the non-alcoholic version, lime juice mixed with water is used instead of rum;
    • “Blue Lagoon” – Bacardi rum, blue liqueur, pineapple and lemon juice, sugar syrup;
    • “Cosmopolitan” – vodka, Cointreau liqueur, cranberry and lemon juice;
    • “Margarita” – tequila, lime, Cointreau.

    The latest hit from the star bartenders is the “Hissing of the Golden Goose” cocktail, invented especially for the Oscar ceremony: it contains passion fruit juice, whiskey, cream and sugar, and is served in gilded eggshells.

    It will be more interesting if the treat is themed: for example, fruits and vegetables are cut into the shape of stars, cookies are baked in the shape of an Oscar figurine, and His Majesty’s cake has no limits to your imagination at all!

    music and dancing

    The music for an Oscar-themed party should provide guests with a clear connection to the world of dream merchants. The most best choice There will be old jazz - compositions by Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Emma Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, Frank Sinatra.

    soft melody and evening dresses provoke guests to perform classic waltz, foxtrot, quickstep... The competition for the best dancing couple can become another pearl of the evening.

    An unmistakable option for musical accompaniment of competitions and feasts will also be soundtracks to your favorite Hollywood films.

    In many films, dance plays a significant role in the plot or is even the plot itself - remember “Saturday Night Fever,” after which Travolta woke up famous, or “Dirty Dancing,” which brought Pat Swayze not only an Oscar, but also a Grammy, and Golden Globe. By playing music from these films on the dance floor, you will ensure your guests are in a fiery mood.

    Celebrity entertainment: competitions and games for an Oscar-themed party

    Of course, the culmination of the holiday will be the ceremony of presenting an Oscar or another “award” invented by the owner of the holiday. But, of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to this. Keep guests busy interesting competitions, dedicated to the theme of cinema, is most appropriate in the period after the treat, when the first hunger, including emotional, has already been satisfied.

    If you decide to have fun non-stop, look at the ones that can be adapted for a party.

    Of course, any traditional competition can be adapted to the world of cinema, for example, the game of darts can be tied to the film about Robin Hood, and the bursting of balloons can be associated with “Ghostbusters”. But sometimes you want more originality and uniqueness.

    We offer you several types of competitions for different groups of guests - an intellectual audience who is eager to show off their erudition, or reckless youth, for whom the main thing is to have fun.

    Competitions for smart people and smart girls

    Such competitions are good not only for a special audience, but also for some moments of the holiday, when you want to dilute the fun time with calmer moments.

    • Anagrams. Invite guests to unravel the encrypted title of the film, in which the letters are mixed up. You can choose a set of letters placed in an envelope, from which you need to put together a name according to the principle of the Scrabble game, or present “abracadabra” on a card. Examples of tasks: “Tseto eyntryk” (“ Godfather"), "Kishler padisnos" ("Schindler's List"), "Mtsyr you like her" ("The Dark Knight"). And smile, and rack your brains, and show yourself as savvy in films!
    • Sound memory. Turn on musical themes from various Hollywood films, and guests must correctly name which film this music is from.
    • Guess by the picture. The drawing hints at the title of a Hollywood film, and guests will have to voice it. For example, a broken nutcracker is a “Die Hard”, a nest over which it hovers kite or an airplane – “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, sheep with their mouths tied – “The Silence of the Lambs”. This game can be played the other way around - invite guests to draw the title of the film, so that other guests can decipher their masterpieces. In this case, take care of paper, felt-tip pens, and convenient drawing tablets.
    • "Douvillog". This is Hollywood in reverse! Guests will have to guess the name of the film, in which all words are replaced by antonyms. It can be very fun, for example: “Slender Pit” - “Brokeback Mountain”, “Toddler with a Penny” - “Million Dollar Baby”, “Darkness of a Small Village” - “Lights” big city" etc.
    • Whole look. This is what they say about completely transformed actors. For this competition, guests need to split into two teams, and the props will be several portraits of Hollywood stars, printed and cut into fragments. For each team, mix clips of the faces of two different actors. The task is to put the images together without confusing anything. Who can do it faster?
    • Hollywood quiz. For real experts, you can ask interesting questions related to the Oscars and the world of Hollywood. For each correct answer, a mini-prize is awarded, and the person who gets the maximum number of correct answers can qualify for an Oscar in the “Smartest!” category.

    Examples of questions:

    • At what film awards ceremony was the word "Oscar" first used? (at 6).
    • How long is the actual ceremony red carpet? (150 m).
    • What is the name of the cinema where the Oscars are traditionally presented? (“Dolby”)
    • The head of which American film studio established this prestigious film award? (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio, it was its director Louis Barth Mayer).
    • For what role did an African-American woman win an Oscar for the first time? (Hattie McDaniel for her role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind).
    • How many years passed between the release of the first and second Terminators? (7).
    • How many parts of "Terminator" were there? (5)
    • For which film did Gwyneth Paltrow, who burst into tears during the ceremony, win an Oscar? ("Shakespeare in Love")
    • Name the film that won an Oscar in 5 main categories at once (there were 2: “It Happened One Night” with Clark Gable and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”).
    • Star Nicolas Cage is the nephew of which famous director? (Francis Ford Coppola, Cage is a pseudonym).
    • Why was boxer Muhammad Ali the only one of all the actors on the Walk of Fame who left his autographed star not on the sidewalk, but on the wall of the cinema? (He did not want the prophet's name to be trampled underfoot.)
    • How many sequels did the film “Rambo, First Blood” have (3. There are 4 films in the series).

    If the party is dedicated to one film, then you can select questions that relate to this film or the actors involved in it.

    Fun and exciting games

    And these competitions and entertainment are useful for creating a cheerful mood; for them you don’t need to shine with erudition, but it won’t hurt to loosen up and be creative!

    1.Attention, filming!

    Prepare simple props: hats, scarves, mustaches and beards, glasses, horns, ears, clown nose, wigs, etc. Put everything in big box: from it, each participant will take one or more elements at random.

    Give participants cards with the “role text” - a famous line from a Hollywood movie, for example:

    • “Bond. James Bond" (Bond);
    • "Hasta la vista, baby" (Terminator 2);
    • "Let the force be with you!" ("Star Wars");
    • “Everyone has their own shortcomings” (“Only girls in jazz”);
    • “I’m not bad, I’m just painted that way” (“Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”)

    And then announce the start of filming of various scenes of the film, choosing actors at random. Since the phrases and props are distributed randomly, it will turn out very funny, just don’t forget to film!

    For example: “A scene is being filmed: lovers walk through the courtyard, talking.” He: “Houston, we have a problem.” She: “I love the smell of napalm in the morning”... The scenes can be different: “The robbers are talking in a whisper”, “The victim is begging for mercy”, “A conversation is heard outside the window”...

    In this competition, it is important to select a creative presenter-director.

    2. Funny voice acting

    Place on the table various devices for producing sound: rustling paper, a comb (sweep with your fingernail), a balloon (creaks), a glass of water and a stick (rings), a straw (you can gurgle in a glass of water), etc. A competition is announced for the best one, but a budget sound engineer!

    Each applicant approaches the “remote panel” and, having pulled out a task on a card, tries to voice out:

    • wolf howl in the night forest;
    • the steps of a wounded man on snow crust;
    • barnyard;
    • cat playing with balloon, which suddenly bursts;
    • the climax of the battle;
    • morning Paris.

    3. “I don’t recognize you in makeup!”

    It's unlikely that the girls did before the party beautiful make-up, will want to participate in a competition where they will have to put on makeup. But you can suggest “making up” portraits of famous actors and actresses using colored felt-tip pens.

    Print out more photos of famous actors (several copies of each photo).

    You can ask the “make-up artists” to create an image for each movie character for a comedy, horror film, science fiction film, etc. There will be something to see!

    4. Talent casting

    If the invitation indicated that the participant could prepare any act for the competition, then it’s time to organize this competition. Support the talent with loud applause.

    5. Best outfit

    It’s not for nothing that the guests tried to comply with the dress code! Organize a fashion show with a demonstration of the stars’ outfits; you can ask the audience to write on pieces of paper the name of the image they liked and present the “audience award.”

    Oscar in various categories

    The highlight of the evening will be the awards ceremony. The presenter with the treasured envelope will appear on an impromptu stage to present figurines, ribbons over the shoulder or special diplomas to the winners in various categories.

    It’s better that no one is left without recognition, so think over the list of nominations and applicants for them in advance. In addition to “Best Dress” and “Most Spectacular Dance”, as well as those mentioned in the competitions “Talent Casting Winner”, “Best Make-up Artist”, “Great Sound Engineer” and “Most Clever”, these can be the following nominations:

    • the funniest toast;
    • the most charming smile;
    • the most loving couple;
    • best partner, etc.

    Cover photo and more

    A themed party must be captured in a photo, and even more so a Hollywood party, because all our guests are, by definition, stars!

    Of course, it is worth inviting a professional photographer to such a celebration, or better yet several, to capture the most unexpected and unique moments: the first step on the red carpet, winning a competition, presenting a treasured statuette, etc. Such photos should be taken for each guest.

    And a photo shoot can become another component of the festive action, especially when the evening is already coming to an end: a calm and pleasant activity will help the participants, without leaving the festive mood, little by little “move” back to reality. If the room is decorated in accordance with the recommendations given in the previous article, then almost any corner of it will serve as an excellent backdrop for photography.

    But you can go the extra mile and focus the guests’ attention on several specially selected photo zones.

    Grand finale

    After the apotheosis of the evening - the Oscar (or author's award) ceremony - you cannot immediately “lead” guests away from the bright world of Hollywood. A photo session would be just right, the element of which could be an invitation to participate in the creation of the Walk of Fame.

    It all depends on the plan of the holiday organizer. The easiest way is to hand out pre-made templates of Hollywood stars to your guests, ask them to trace their palm and sign it, then attach it to the chosen surface - rolled out fabric, paper, carpet, etc.

    It’s more difficult, but more interesting, to make a special container for each guest (square or in the shape of a star), into which plaster will be poured before the ceremony, and each VIP will put his or her palm print (don’t forget to offer the guests rubber gloves!). Additionally, you can provide sets of stamps to decorate the surface: stars, letters, decorative elements.

    If the liquid plaster idea seems too complicated for you, you can purchase ready-made kits for impressions, such as for children's hands.

    And you can end the holiday with bright fireworks - why not the Hollywood fireworks?

    A party that immerses us in the world of dream makers will be invariably popular and interesting for people of all ages. different ages and hobbies. After all, much of what we sometimes miss in life - incredible adventures, passionate confessions, mysteries and travel - we find in films!

    Video of Oscar-style celebrations for a snack

    The style of the world of cinema is suitable for a variety of holidays.

    Can you imagine what a graduation party looks like if it's Oscar-style? Watch and be inspired.

    Here's a wonderful one children's party. Although the action takes place abroad and in the video it sounds only English speech, but the video is catchy and some ideas may be useful to you. Pay attention to the karaoke rooms and the work of the animator!

    And finally, birthday in Hollywood style.

    March 9, 2017

    Luxury, glamor, bright emotions and cool photos - all this is an Oscar-style party.

    In order to organize such an event, there are two ways:

    • Order a party from professionals - a special company for organizing holidays.
    • Organize the entire evening yourself. This option is more time-consuming, but more affordable financially, because here everything can be done based on your capabilities and wishes.

    It’s the second option that we’ll focus on and reveal all the subtleties of how to easily and quickly organize a chic Oscar-themed party.

    1. Ceremonial invitations

    It's no secret that personalized invitations are sent out to the main film awards ceremony. Therefore, a few weeks before the party, it also makes sense to send out invitations to your guests. It should be taken into account that they should arouse interest and delight by their very appearance, as well as by their appearance match the style of the evening.

    The color scheme of invitations can be different, but still, you should give preference to gold and red colors. After all, they are the ones who are primarily associated with the ceremony itself.

    It would be appropriate to use an image of a golden Oscar statuette, the words “HOLLYWOOD” and a red ribbon on the invitations. The shape of postcards can be very different:

    The invitation card must indicate the date and time of the event, as well as the location where the event will take place. Don't forget to clarify what dress code is expected.

    2. Room design, decorations

    The success of the holiday largely depends on how the room in which everything will take place is decorated. Therefore, it is worth making a little effort to decorate it adequately.

    First of all, need a red carpet, along which guests will enter the hall for the celebration. It is desirable that it be monochromatic. If you don’t find one, then you can always attach a piece of red fabric to a runner of any color according to its size. The best and inexpensive option is to buy several meters of red carpet.

    To emphasize the importance of your guests, you can install small gilded posts, which are tied together with a red ribbon. If there is nothing to make the posts from, then you can safely use ordinary thick cardboard from boxes of household appliances. We cut out the posts, cover them with gold foil and attach them to the wall. Then it's up to the red ribbon and the desired effect is achieved.

    Gold foil can be yours best friend when decorating the room for an Oscar-themed party. You can make stars of different sizes from it and decorate walls and even the backs of chairs with them. Also hang posters of Hollywood stars and the word “HOLLYWOOD” in large letters on the walls.

    Don't forget about the famous golden statuette. Her images can be used to decorate the walls of the room. Just don’t overdo it, because showiness is the exact opposite of the sophistication of the ceremony.

    It is best to cover tables with red or white tablecloths. If the room allows, then you can make not one common table, but several small ones, designed for 2-4 people. Tables should be beautifully set. The presence of fresh flowers on them is welcome.

    Don't forget about white starched napkins, neatly rolled and fastened with a gold ring, which can also be made from gold foil. Stylish cards with the names of the guests next to each plate will look beautiful and in style for the evening.

    It would be a good idea to organize a photo zone. To do this, place a banner with the name of the party and the corresponding symbols on one of the walls. Such a banner can be ordered from a printing company, or you can print it at home on A-4 sheets and carefully glue it together.

    3. Costumes and images

    The third essential condition for a great party is the presence of chic costumes. For such a celebration, only evening dresses are suitable.

    The fair sex can appear at the event, both long and short evening dress. The color scheme can be very different. The most important rule here is that the dress should be individual and luxurious. By the way, sequins, rhinestones and beads can add luxury to outfits.

    Dresses with a deep neckline and rather revealing slits would be appropriate for such a party. The length of the outfit can be either mini or maxi.

    Availability beautiful jewelry and accessories will only add the necessary chic, so you can safely wear earrings, necklaces, pendants and bracelets inlaid with stones that shimmer magnificently even in artificial light. All this wealth will go perfectly with high gloves and a beautiful clutch. High heel- this is an almost unbreakable rule for such a party. A small hat or an interesting hair clip will completely complement the look.

    With men the situation is even simpler. They will look great in a tuxedo and a white shirt, if, of course, you can get a tuxedo. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter, because beautiful suit in combination with a tie or bowtie it also looks chic. The color of the outfit can be white, black or dark blue. Although lately the star factory has been surprising with its color scheme.

    4. Banquet menu

    What's a holiday without a banquet? But just for an Oscar ceremony style party, a table littered with bowls of Olivier, jellied meat and a huge amount of fatty food is not suitable. Dishes and drinks must correspond to the overall theme of the holiday. Food should be light and tasty. It’s good if there are delicacies on the table. But if this is not possible, you can get by with ordinary dishes, but just decorate them in the spirit of a movie party.

    It is advisable to place all snacks on dishes in portions. Canapés, tartlets, mini pizzas, various cuts of meat, cheese and fish will look good. Guests will appreciate the availability of holiday menu sashimi, baked rolls, sushi and various seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid). There should be a lot of fruit on the tables. In general, you can do everything in the form of a buffet table.

    Without sweets - nowhere. Small cupcakes will look original. They may have very different tastes, but one thing should unite them - this is the theme of the movie. All sweet treats are decorated to match the party theme.

    The choice of drinks must be taken with extreme caution. Since the Oscar ceremony is extremely far from drinking, you should not abuse strong alcohol. The simplest and most affordable drink of the evening will be champagne, which will add chic and luxury to the holiday. It is best served in glasses on tall legs: this will help emphasize the sophistication and elegance of the celebration. If you are ready for more complex preparations, then it is worth learning how to make some of the most popular cocktails. After all, they are the highlight of many Hollywood parties.

    For reference : at the 89th ceremony in 2017, red wine and champagne were served at the very beginning, and already during the banquet, whiskey, vodka and cocktails with rum were served for lovers of stronger drinks.

    And remember, at an Oscars party there is no place for disposable tableware, which is more suitable for fast food than the red carpet.

    5. Party scenario

    To prevent guests from getting bored, it is imperative to think of an interesting entertainment program followed by the presentation of gold statuettes. By the way, you can buy souvenir figurines, or you can make them yourself from chocolate and wrap them in the usual gold foil.

    If you want to fully enjoy the competitions with your guests, then it makes sense to hire a professional host. But if you enjoy hosting the holiday, then you hold the cards.

    For example, you can announce to guests that today the award ceremony will be held in an unusual format - that is, the winners in the nominations will be determined in real time (during competitions).

    It is best to choose competitions that are as original as possible and, of course, related to the film industry.

    Competition "Best Editing of All Time"

    From 2 to 5 people can participate in this competition. To carry it out, you need to find and print in advance a series of plot drawings that tell a story. There should be such sets according to the number of participants. You will also need scissors and several rolls of tape.

    Before the start of the competition, the pictures are thoroughly mixed so that the chronology of the story is broken, and are given to the competitors. They need to reconstruct the story by arranging and gluing the pictures in the right order. The competition is held for a limited time. Whoever is the first to correctly and accurately “edit” the proposed story becomes the proud owner of the title “Best Editing of All Time.”

    How funnier story in the pictures you choose, the more interesting it will turn out.

    Competition "Difficulties of Translation"

    As you know, Oscar nominees are representatives from different parts of our planet. And not all of them are fluent in foreign languages. Therefore, when translating film titles, various incidents often result. Therefore, guests are invited to decipher the names of famous films, which are presented in the form of inversions (antonyms).

    For example:
    "Secondary reflex" ("Basic instinct")
    "Sultry King" ("Snow Queen")
    "A Day at the Club" ("Night at the Museum")
    "Forward to the Past" ("Back to the Future")
    "Glass Leg" - ("Diamond Arm")
    "Cat's Liver" ("Heart of a Dog")

    The one who unravels the most gets the “Best Expert in Foreign Translation” award.

    Competition "Most Chatty Actor"

    No special preparations are needed here. You will need several glasses of water (according to the number of participants), a list of tongue twisters, and the participants themselves.

    As you know, actors have a very well developed articulatory apparatus, so that their speech is understandable under any circumstances. Therefore, the essence of the competition is that the participants must read the tongue twister that they got by lot, so that those present guess it. It would seem that what is so complicated here and why is water needed? But, as you already guessed, they will have to read the tongue twisters with water in their mouths. Even if no one can guess a single tongue twister, it will still be fun. And to raise the level of fun and protect the participants’ outfits from various surprises, you can put bibs on them.

    If the winner or winners are determined, they will receive the “Monster of the Conversational Genre” award.

    Competition "Makeup of Planet Dream"

    To carry it out you will need several sheets of whatman paper, a dozen markers of different colors and thick blindfolds.

    Before the competition begins, guests are invited to compete in creating the most unexpected fantasy makeup. When the participants are identified, each of them will be led to a sheet of Whatman paper attached to the wall, given several markers and asked to present makeup that would suit the king of the planet Dream. When the participants say they are ready, the presenter informs them that a good makeup artist will be able to apply makeup with their eyes closed. After which the contestants' eyes are blindfolded, and the countdown begins. The competition takes about 3 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the bandages are removed and a vote is taken by audience applause. Whoever gets the most applause will receive the title of “Best Make-up Artist of the Evening”.

    Other competitions

    Also, during the party, guests can be invited to solve movie riddles, answer quiz questions about cinema, create a live poster for a famous film from the guests present, dance a fiery dance to the soundtrack from a movie (Pulp Fiction, for example) and much more.

    A movie party can be held for any occasion and for any age group. Each team will include experts in old and new cinema, so participation in games and competitions on film themes will be lively. We offer you one of the movie-themed party concepts. You can use the main ideas of our script or come up with your own using just some of our tips. We hope the script inspires you.

    Possible names for the party: “Oscar Party”, “Hollywood Party”, “Movie Party”, “Movie Party” or “Movie Party”. Invitations to a party can be issued in the form of a cinema ticket, a mini-poster for various films, a cinematic cracker, a glass of popcorn, etc. In general, the field for creativity is huge. By signing invitations, you can invite people simply to a movie party or to a pompous film awards ceremony. It is worth specifying the dress code: “Hollywood style.”

    Movie party: creating the ambiance

    How to decorate a movie party? Use everything related to the theme of the movie. Glasses of popcorn, cinematic crackers, garlands of paper stars, electric garlands, including LED ones, old reels of film, old video cassettes strung on a rope, Balloons in the shape of stars. Posters for films, as well as Hollywood, Bollywood and Mosfilm inscriptions would be appropriate. You can lay a red carpet from the entrance to the tables, if possible. Red drapes and tablecloths will also help create the right atmosphere.

    Movie party: progress of the event

    After the guests have gathered, the host introduces them to the purpose of the event. The goal is to present film awards to the best of the best. Then various games and competitions are held. After each entertainment, the best participant or winner is awarded a film award in one category or another. The awards can be presented by the presenter or a specially appointed person.

    The awards are funny. The winners can be awarded figurines, bottles with special labels, a red ribbon a la graduate or a paper diploma. After the award is presented, the presenter asks to congratulate the winner with thunderous applause.

    Nominations and awards

    1. Nomination "Best Screenwriter"


    The competition can be held in one of the convenient forms: 1. quotes are read to all participants at once - the answer is given by the one who raised his hand first; 2. Several people are called to participate, the quotes are read out to them in random order, one by one - if the participant could not recognize the film from the quote, the opportunity to answer passes to another.

    After the competition, it is determined who gave the most correct answers. This participant (or participants) is awarded a film award in the “Best Screenwriter” category. The presenter explains that a screenwriter can also be called the one who writes the scripts and the one who knows them well.

    Selecting quotes for this competition will not be difficult: use the website Quotes.info.

    2. Nomination “Best Make-up Artist”

    For this entertainment, you need to prepare the props in advance. You need to take photographs of the faces of famous film actors and cut out fragments. It is desirable that these are iconic parts of the face by which you can recognize a person: for example, Angelina Jolie’s lips, Gerard Depardieu’s nose, Johnny Depp’s goatee, Kristen Stewart’s chin, Marilyn Monroe’s arched eyebrows, Julia Roberts’ smile, etc. To confuse players, it is worth adding fragments of faces from photographs of the party participants themselves.


    There is a saying (by the way, also from the film): “I don’t recognize you in makeup.” Indeed, make-up artists sometimes try so hard that Hollywood children do not recognize their parents and cry bitterly.

    Fortunately, many stars have raisins, prunes and other dried fruits in their faces, by which any observant person can easily identify these stars. How observant are you?

    The competition is held in one of the convenient forms (individual in turn or group according to the scheme “who raised their hand first”): the presenter shows the participants a fragment of a face, and they must name the star. The most interesting thing will begin when the host begins to show fragments of the faces of the party participants.

    Whoever ultimately gives the most correct answers in this competition will be awarded the “Best Makeup Artist” film award by the presenter, justifying the award something like this:

    “The best make-up artist is not only the one who does make-up best, but also the one who recognizes anyone in make-up.”

    3. Nomination “Best Costume Design”

    We offer two entertainment options that will help determine the winner in this category. Choose the one that suits your company best.

    First option. Representatives of the fair sex participate - alone or in pairs. Participants are given a piece of fabric with a set of pins and are asked to make a costume without thread and needle. You need to beautifully wrap, drape or tie the fabric on yourself or your partner.

    When the costumes are ready, a fashion show is held to the applause of the audience. All participants, of course, need to be given prizes, but there can only be one winner in a category (or two if they participate in pairs).

    The winner can be selected according to any criterion, which is announced only after the show. Possible criteria: “more naked body”, “shortest outfit”, “most unusual outfit”, etc. Based on this criterion, the winner is determined together with the audience, who receives a film award in the “Best Costume Design” category.

    Instead of fabric and pins, participants can be given newspapers, scissors and tape - paper outfits turn out to be very fun.

    Second option. M+F couples participate in the competition. A woman holds a spool of long tape or roll in her hand toilet paper. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and begins to “dress” his lady, that is, wrap her with this ribbon without touching her with his hands. Prize for best design a suit can be given to the man who can do it faster, or to the one who has a more successful outfit.

    4. Nomination "Best Trick"

    The nomination is announced and everyone is invited to participate. Let everyone who wants to demonstrate their talent. The tricks can be very different: maybe someone will show a masterful juggle, someone will do a somersault, someone will head the ball for a long time, and someone will eat 20 sausages in a minute. In general, who cares what. Each trickster should be given a prize, and the prize for the best trick can be given to the one chosen by the majority.

    5. Nomination “Best Film Musician”

    Volunteers are invited - music lovers who love and know music well. Any number of people can participate. They take turns playing different soundtracks in random order. The participant needs to remember the name of the film from the soundtrack.

    If he could not recognize the melody that sounded to him or did not remember the name of the film, the right to answer passes along the chain to the next one. One point is given for each correctly named movie. Whoever scores the most points is awarded the “Best Film Musician” award.

    6. Nomination "Best Actors"

    M+F couples participate. There can be as many pairs as you like. The task of each pair is to choose a famous film, and then invent and show "living poster" for this film. This competition is similar to the good old “Living Picture” entertainment. Each couple can use any three items found at the party location or borrowed from other party guests.

    The couple tells the title of their movie to the presenter or writes it down on a card with their names and gives it to the presenter. Next, the couples take turns going onto the improvised stage and silently showing the “live poster”. The rest of the participants guess which movie this live picture belongs to. If you guessed right quickly, it means the couple made a successful poster.

    At the end of the game, two awards are awarded: “Best Actor” and “Best Actress”. You can choose the best actors by audience voting or give awards to the couple whose film was guessed the fastest.

    7. Nomination “Best Visual Effects”

    This nomination is a joke. The name of the nomination is kept silent until the awards are presented. Girls and young women who are braver are invited. The presenter explains that the participants need to demonstrate the ability to repeat dance movements, which is important for any actress. The girls stand in one line opposite the audience.

    The “dance instructor” (preferably a guy) will show them the moves, and the girls should try to repeat them. The music turns on, and the instructor begins to demonstrate various awkward movements to the girls - the stupider and funnier the better. After a couple of minutes of bullying, the music stops, and the presenter announces that all participants deserve to be winners in the “Best Visual Effects” category.

    Continuation of the party

    After handing out the prizes, you can continue having fun. For example, hold an impromptu theater and film it, because after all, this is a “cinema” party in the Hollywood (or Mosfilm) style. Let this little film remain as a memory of this party. You will find the texts of impromptu theaters in our scripts: in (Japanese impromptu theater) and in (impromptu “One evening in the life of a macho”).

    You can also carry out entertainment-auction . It is necessary to purchase not very expensive gifts at approximately the same price, each of which will be associated with a famous film. An analogy can be drawn with the plot of a film or its title. For example, a pack of salted nuts can be associated with the movie “Die Hard” by name, and a compass can be associated with “Titanic” by theme.

    Having collected the presents, you need to attach a card to each of them with the name of the film with which it is associated. The auction is conducted like this: the presenter takes out a present, demonstrates it (but does not show the card with the title) and asks to guess the film. Whoever raises his hand first is the one who answers. If you didn’t guess right and named the wrong movie, the presenter invites others to answer and sees who raised their hand first this time. The present goes to the one who ultimately answers correctly.

    Example items for auction:
    1. Bandana (Pirates of the Caribbean)
    2. Deck of cards with a joker (“The Dark Knight”)
    3. Nut cracker (“Die Hard”)
    4. Electronic thermometer (“Doctor House”)
    5. Electronic desk clock (“Time” with Justin Timberlake)
    6. A jar of Japanese mustard (“Wasabi”)
    7. Japanese fan (“Memoirs of a Geisha”)
    8. Electronic cigarette (“Tourist” with Depp and Jolie)
    9. Book “Kama Sutra” (“Hipsters”)
    10. Punching bag (“Million Dollar Baby”)

    Based on Soviet films:
    Figurine with two doves (“Love and Doves”)
    Children's umbrella (“Mary Poppins, goodbye”)
    Stole or scarf with tiger print (“Striped flight”)
    Keychain for car keys("Watch out for the car")
    A dish for aspic with a picture of fish (“The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”)
    Book “Guide to Moscow” (“I walk around Moscow”)
    Several valid lottery tickets("The Diamond Arm")
    Gift book with recipes for potato dishes (“Girls”)

    Guests can exchange the gifts they receive with each other if they wish, so that everyone is happy.

    Guests will most likely be interested and funny fortune telling based on movie titles .

    It is simple, but original and very interesting way predict fate for the next year or the next month. The prophecy is directly the name of the film, series or cartoon. Not a plot, but only a phrase. Let guests be more sophisticated in their interpretations.

    Fortune telling can be done in the form of a draw (papers with names are drawn from a common “cauldron”) or by distributing fortune cookies. Before reading the title given to him, the guest must say: “Next year/month awaits me...”.

    For example: “Next year I’m expecting... a game of thrones.” This can be interpreted in any way - for example, as a struggle for a position or as a dispute over the role of head of the family.

    Appropriate movie titles

    Foreign films

    • Armageddon
    • Big jackpot
    • Smell of a woman
    • Chicken Run
    • Taming of the Shrew
    • Groundhog Day
    • Monsters corporation
    • Deal with the devil
    • Midnight in Paris
    • A Nightmare on Elm Street
    • Sky over Berlin
    • Money Train
    • Sex and the City
    • Key to all doors
    • Third wheel
    • Meeting the parents
    • Fatal attraction
    • Best friend's wedding
    • Indecent proposal
    • The Forty Year Old Virgin
    • 12 angry men
    • The Wedding Planner
    • Friends with Benefits
    • Blonde in law

    Soviet and Russian films

    • Love affair at work
    • Love and pigeons
    • Zigzag of luck
    • 8 first dates
    • Long road in the dunes
    • Girl with no address
    • Love is a carrot
    • White Sun of the Desert
    • Big change

    We wish you great fun!

    Young people who follow fashion, the latest movies and the lives of stars, can choose Hollywood style to organize their own wedding. A wedding in Hollywood style will be distinguished by glamor and chic, so you need to think through all the necessary organizational aspects in detail.

    It is important for future newlyweds to choose the right venue for the celebration, decorate it in accordance with the theme and find stylish outfits for themselves.

    Design features Hollywood is the constant shine of spotlights, ardor of feelings, glamor, luxury and chic in one bottle. Almost every girl at least once in her life wanted to visit the red carpet, sign autographs for her adoring fans, receive compliments from the most attractive men in the film industry and receive the coveted film award. All this can be organized on own wedding

    , if you apply a certain amount of imagination and perseverance.

    Wedding planner

    The main shades for organizing a Hollywood-style celebration are white and gold. To add sophistication to the design, you can also use purple, silver or emerald.

    Elena Sokolova

    Reader When decorating the newlyweds’ table, it is also better to use snow-white color and one bright shade

    , the same Hollywood wedding style should be traced throughout.

    Svetlana Reznik

    Depending on personal preferences, the bride and groom can organize a Hollywood wedding in a new or retro style. In each case, only the idea will remain common, and the design of the space and the style of outfits will differ. To understand which direction to move in, you can study old and new films, film festival recordings and photographs of actors, then a wedding in the retro Hollywood style will be as immersed as possible in that time frame.

    Main attributes

    A restaurant or banquet hall is most suitable for a Hollywood wedding. The atmosphere can be organized in this way: a red carpet along which the bride and groom will walk to their table, and on the sides there are round tables for several people.

    The surrounding space does not require large quantity decorations, it is better to leave the room in its natural state. You can only decorate the walls and ceiling with light drapery made of airy fabrics and place more bright light sources around the entire perimeter - this best attributes

    for a wedding in Hollywood style. It will be much easier for the groom to make his choice. Any suit of a classic cut - “two-piece” or “three-piece” - will suit him. If desired, a young man can choose a tailcoat if the celebration is planned to be large-scale and expensive.

    The shirt should be plain, without prints, and the shoes should be classic, matching the color of the suit. Important!

    You can complement the groom's look with a tie clip and cufflinks made of precious metals and stones. Guests can wear any formal suits and dresses, there are no restrictions in this regard. The only caveat is that girls should wear outfits that do not match the bride’s clothes in color, and they should be more modest. Color palette

    Male guests can wear any costume.

    Special holiday

    If the newlyweds prefer the atmosphere of old or retro Hollywood, then they can easily organize a wedding in this style. These topics are very similar, so there are no clear distinctions between them. When planning your wedding decoration, you need to focus on the style of the middle of the last century.

    The groom will suit a classic suit with a bow tie and suspenders; if desired, you can choose a stylized headdress. Guests' outfits should be in the same style. For women, dresses to the knee or slightly below, embroidered with beads or embroidery, are suitable. Men are better off choosing the same classic “twos” and “threes”; in this case, a wedding in the old Hollywood style will take place with the unforgettable chic of the last century.

    Oscar script

    A bride price is not typical for a Hollywood wedding, so you can immediately come to the place of the official painting with the entire wedding procession. These can be either retro cars or modern foreign cars or a limousine. Car decorations should be bright and formal, but not pretentious.

    After the official painting, the entire procession goes to the place of celebration, where the newlyweds walk along the carpet and together cut the ceremonial ribbon, signifying the transition to family life, and leave a star on the Walk of Fame. This is followed by a banquet and congratulations from the guests, each of whom congratulates the couple from the stage, as at a film awards ceremony.

    In between congratulations or right during them, you can show on the big screen a film specially created for the wedding about the newlyweds or videos from their lives. After all the congratulations, the heroes of the occasion take the floor and express gratitude for the congratulations of the guests, after which they receive an Oscar statuette.

    When official part When the holiday is over, you can arrange quizzes and competitions to entertain your guests. Since it is customary in Hollywood to present prizes and awards, you can come up with games in this style. For example, competitions could be like this:

    • Best director. A playlist with clips of lines from famous films is prepared in advance. Each entry is played in turn, and guests guess the name of the picture.
    • The best make-up artist. You need to print out photographs of famous actors or find their images in magazines, and then cut out recognizable parts of the face, for example, the smile of Julia Roberts, the eyes of Angelina Jolie, etc. Mixed in with them you can add the same details from photographs of the guests of the event themselves. Participants need to guess as many owners of body parts as possible.
    • The best designer. Participants are given pieces of fabric, newspapers, colored paper and pins. Without the help of threads, guests must create interesting model outfit At the end of the competition, the volunteers demonstrate the creations of fashion designers.

    For each victory, participants should be given prizes, for example, small movie award figurines, CDs with popular films, etc. Competitions can be held by a specially hired presenter or the newlyweds themselves. Then a Hollywood-style wedding, the script of which is impeccable, will remain in the memory of the guests and newlyweds forever.

    Newlyweds should think through the event menu in advance. Dishes can be either exotic or simply festive, but in any case they must be properly plated and served. From alcohol, it is best to choose champagne or wine. The cake can be multi-tiered or flat, but figured.

    It is better to entrust the hosting of the event to the host, since Hollywood provides a bright, memorable show. You can invite a musical group and a singer or a singer to create a lively atmosphere. If opportunities permit, you can entertain guests with a fire show, and at the end of the evening there must be fireworks.


    A glamorous Hollywood-style wedding, the design of which will require the newlyweds to spend a significant amount of time and money, will definitely bring a lot of pleasure and vivid impressions to all participants in the event. The wedding party turns out to be solemn and sweet, and this is the most important thing for young people entering family life. Photos and videos of the celebration will be long years delight the newlyweds and their guests.

    Party scenario

    Everyone knows that the place of pathos, as well as glamor in a vulgar form, is Hollywood. But most of all, Hollywood is famous for its interesting films. People are attracted not only by the script of the picture, but also by the clothes of the characters, behavior, makeup and much more. A special place is occupied by wonderful jokes used by famous heroes. We can say that without a Hollywood joke, the film loses its main zest.

    Today, themed holidays, or parties as they are called, are very popular all over the world. So, let's talk about a party that needs to be held in Hollywood style. Not long ago, the Hollywood comedy “The Hangover” shocked the whole world. It’s worth noting right away that this kind of festivities is unlikely to be imagined, but something similar is quite possible.

    Rules and nuances

    Before you start organizing a party, you need to understand in general how theme parties are created. It is clear that anyone can invite many people to a holiday. But this will not be enough. The main thing is to create an interesting holiday atmosphere and have fun to the fullest. To do this, you need to understand how to organize a holiday.

    So, the most important rules of any party:

    Choose the right atmosphere for the holiday;

    Indoor decorations;

    Guest attire;

    Total number of invited persons;

    Dishes, musical accompaniment;

    Caring for the integrity of the premises where the holiday will be organized.

    If you pay attention to the points, then fulfilling them is not so difficult. Therefore, having completed them exactly, we can say that it will be possible to conduct an interesting and unforgettable holiday.

    Guest clothing

    If you decide to have a party in Hollywood style. Then you definitely need to worry about outfits. Everything must comply with strict rules.

    The main thing is that the clothes correspond to a particular holiday. A formal suit is the best option for any man on a holiday. For women it is recommended to choose Nice dress. When creating invitation cards, you need to indicate these points to each guest.


    At an event held in Hollywood style, evening dresses, tuxedos and formal suits, expensive hats, accessories, costume jewelry, jewelry, bags from famous brands and so on.

    The main thing is pretentiousness and surprise

    In order for guests to remember the holiday for a long time, you need to create the appropriate mood. In addition, you need to intrigue the guests in advance so that they count day after day when the Hollywood-style party will begin. That’s why invitations should be the most unusual.

    You should not invite guests by phone call, by reposting in in social networks, as well as SMS messages. You definitely need to prepare invitations. To do this, you don’t need to go to the store to order special Hollywood-style postcards. You can make a postcard with your own hands. Agree, it will not be expensive and beautiful. The main thing is that the postcard is unusual, colorful, and attractive. When making postcards, you can use your imagination. The more unusual the better. Be sure to sign in your own hand.

    Mysterious and mysterious party

    In order for all guests to have the opportunity to prepare, they must be informed in advance that the party will be in Hollywood style. Oddly enough, parties of this type are also held in Hollywood. Although you may not have the budget of the stars, it’s never too late to try. Those who never try to accomplish anything will never have success. You just need to try. You need to make the most of the available opportunities.

    You shouldn’t specifically prohibit your guests from wearing certain clothes to your Hollywood-style party. After all, who can forbid stars to wear this or that thing? That’s why you need to make your guests feel like rich and famous stars. This is the only way to create an unusual atmosphere where every guest will be special and invited. This is the only way to enjoy all the delights that are available to Hollywood stars.

    When we see a lady who clearly stands out among all the people with her bright clothes and makeup, we call her glamorous. You should definitely tell your guests that the party will be for glamorous people. Be sure to take care to take into account the competition for the most best outfit. Guests' clothing should be as varied as possible. Poisonous and variegated shades are welcome. You need to attract attention. To make the holiday even more pompous, you need to apply a wide variety of makeup.

    For an ordinary Hollywood party, there are also certain rules. Many of us have seen enough of American films that show how companies have fun, destroy apartments and houses in a fit of passion. Of course, you can choose this outcome of events. However, first of all, you need to worry about your neighbors, as well as your property, which is real and not “Hollywood”. The safety of the event should be in the foreground.The guests themselves should look neat, but not very strict, so that it does not turn out to be a simple corporate party. A neat suit won't hurt anyone. That's all the subtleties of the holiday style. The simplest examples are considered.

    Holiday decorations

    If possible, the room where the party will be held should be decorated accordingly. You shouldn’t completely rebuild your apartment or house just for one day. Take advantage of what you have. Plus we add some decorations. At official events, it is customary to lay down red palaces. You don't have to do this at home. However, something similar can be figured out. Souvenirs and bright objects can add luxury and wealth. If you choose a glamorous party, then you need to use as many colors as possible. Of course, dim lighting will also play a role.

    In order to maximize the holiday atmosphere, you can invite a photographer who will meet and photograph friends, just like the paparazzi do at a party in Hollywood. Plus it will be fun and funny.

    Let's have fun and have fun

    The main thing is not only to make a plan for the holiday. It is much more important to carry out everything at the highest level. You immediately need to think through a convenient holiday program. Here is one example.

    First, all guests are welcomed. You should definitely thank them for coming to your house.

    There is no way to do without numerous competitions:

      You can choose the so-called holiday princess or princess. To do this, you need to hear the opinions of the other guests through voting. Of course, you need a crown.

      To make it interesting, you need to find a double of a Hollywood star at the holiday. In order to cope with this competition, you need to vote and don’t forget about gifts.

      The smile of a Hollywood star. Young people take part here. You choose the brightest smile on a competitive basis.

      In order to determine who got the best nice outfit, a vote needs to be held. Get your prizes ready!

      Another competition - repeat the trick. Find out a simple trick from any Hollywood movie in advance, and then invite one or more guests to repeat it.

    This is just the minimum that can be offered. The person himself determines what games to entertain guests with. We show all our imagination. A special place is occupied by the musical decoration of the holiday. It is not necessary to take tracks from the most famous films. All music that is fun and interesting can be used at a party.

    Dishes and alcohol

    Perhaps this is the most important point holiday. You can always pay attention to the fact that guests do not sit at tables in Hollywood. They can stand in groups, in pairs, drinking champagne or glasses of wine. There are not many dishes on the table, as at other holidays. Simple snacks and simple dishes are suitable. Cocktails are a must.

    Sometimes people simply invite culinary experts who know what dishes to prepare for a Hollywood-style party. In addition, the waiters will constantly monitor the state of the table. You can prepare cocktails yourself. It is not at all necessary to use the same recipes that are used Hollywood stars. You definitely need to come up with interesting names. The composition of the cocktail is not so important.

    After the holiday is over, you need to take care of your home. We check that everything remains in place, that all objects and people are safe and sound. But if the house is turned upside down, it means that the party has taken place. Although, this may not happen. It is quite enough to make do with civilized methods.


    We can only say one thing: every item that will be in the room where the Hollywood party will be held must meet the requirements of the holiday and style. More luxury and wealth - that's all.

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