• Educational sensory games colored sticks. Sensory development of younger preschoolers through didactic games


    Maria Dmitrieva

    The educational manual is addressed to parents of children.

    In this album I demonstrate manuals made from non-standard materials for gaming activities. children aimed at their development sensory standards. You can make my manuals yourself at home, because many families used to have a wonderful tradition of making toys do it yourself from unnecessary things.

    Didactic manual"Locomotive"

    For the development of children's imagination, the formation of visual-motor coordination based on actions with objects, I propose to make didactic manual"Locomotive". It attracts attention with its brightness and interesting content.

    Target: consolidation of knowledge of color, size; development of hand motor skills.

    Description of preparation benefits:

    The manual consists of a box with glued trains, an airplane, the sun and clouds made of self-adhesive film; in the center of the images there is a hole into which bottle necks of different sizes and colors are glued. The caps are screwed onto the necks, the task children pick up the lid desired color and screw it to the neck.

    Didactic manual"Finger dry pool"

    Dry pool - used for simultaneous active stimulation on various points of the hands, fingers, and palms.

    Target: sensorimotor development , formation of basic sensory standards: shape, size, material, weight, sound; fostering perseverance and patience in work; relieving emotional stress.

    Description of preparation benefits:

    We fill the Kinder Surprise capsules with various fillings (rice, peas, beans, cover them with thermal film for easter eggs, put them in a small deep Plastic container, hide toys at the bottom from a kinder surprise.

    Ask your child to look for different things in the dry pool. small items or toys. By plunging as deeply as possible into the filler, the child’s hands are massaged, the fingers become more sensitive, and their movements become coordinated.

    Didactic game"Hedgehog"

    Target: - develop attention, fine motor skills fingers, cognitive activity; the ability to accept an imaginary game situation;

    Learn to distinguish four colors (red, yellow, green, blue); choose "clothespin - thorn" according to the color of the hedgehog.

    Description of preparation benefits:

    cut out 4 hedgehogs from cardboard (red, yellow, green, blue) and attach clothespins by color.

    Publications on the topic:

    Material prepared by: Eroshova Tatyana Mikhailovna teacher second junior group. d/s "Firefly". Sensory education directed.

    Game "Motalochki". Goal: development of fine motor skills, logical thinking, visual, tactile memory, creative imagination, elementary.

    "Entertaining tricks" Purpose: To develop children's ideas about primary colors. Objectives: To promote the development of the ability to group chips.

    These didactic games will help kindergarten teachers and teachers primary school for individual and group work. Game No. 1.

    Preschool childhood is a period of assimilation of moral norms and social behavior. To raise children culturally it is necessary to use.

    Sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about external properties objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell and taste. The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood is difficult to overestimate. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the functioning of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us.

    Sensory development games for younger children preschool age have the goal of developing fine motor skills of the fingers, which in turn leads to improvement intellectual development, speech development. Sensory development, on the one hand, forms the foundation of the general mental development the child, on the other hand, has independent significance, since full perception is necessary for the child’s successful education in kindergarten, at school, and for many types of work activities.

    Card index of didactic games on sensory education for young children (2-3 years old)

    "Assemble a pyramid"

    Goal: to develop the child’s orientation in contrasting sizes of objects.

    Materials: pyramid of 4 – 5 rings.

    Methodical techniques: the pyramid is assembled from a large one, consisting of 8 - 10 rings. For children of this age, such a pyramid is assembled through one ring, i.e., the difference in the size of the rings here is more contrasting.

    “Folding a matryoshka doll with two inserts”

    Goal: continue to teach simple actions with objects of different sizes.

    Didactic material: a set of three nesting dolls (for each child and adult).

    Methodical techniques: showing actions and comparing the sizes of different objects are accompanied by the words: open, close, small, large, smaller, larger, this, not that.

    "Close the windows"

    Goal: to teach children to correlate objects by shape and color at the same time.

    Didactic material: 4 houses of different colors, with geometric shapes (windows) cut out in them.

    Methodical techniques: close the windows in the houses with figures.

    "Find the same one"

    Didactic material: three balls, three cubes of the same color and size.

    Methodological techniques: the teacher invites children, while playing, to find objects of the same shape

    "Let's dress the doll"

    Goal: matching paired objects of the same color to a sample.

    Didactic material: mittens in red and blue colors.

    Methodological techniques: the teacher invites the children to put mittens on the doll. Places 4 mittens in front of the children (2 red and 2 of blue color). He puts a red mitten on one hand and offers the children to put it on the other. If the children have completed the task, the game is repeated using blue mittens.

    "Wonderful bag"

    Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about shapes (cube, ball, brick).

    Didactic material: a bag with objects of different shapes.

    Methodical techniques: identify objects by touch.

    "Put it in boxes"

    Purpose: to fix children's attention to the color properties of objects.

    Didactic material: multi-colored boxes, yellow and green figurines.

    Methodological techniques: the teacher invites the children to match a yellow figurine to a box of the same color.

    “Match the lid to the box”

    Goal: selection of items according to the sample.

    Didactic material: boxes of different shapes (round, quadrangular, rectangular, triangular) and corresponding lids.

    Methodological techniques: the teacher, holding the child’s hand, traces the shape of the box’s opening with his finger. Then he shows the object, accompanying the action with a word. In front of the children, he lowers the object into the corresponding hole. After that, he offers the children this task.

    "Colored sticks"

    Goal: to fix children's attention on the color properties of toys, to form the simplest techniques for establishing the identity and color differences of homogeneous objects.

    Didactic material: sticks of red, yellow, green, blue, white, black (10 of each color).

    Methodological techniques: first, the teacher distributes the sticks himself, then invites one of the children to take any stick, see where the sticks of the same color are, and put them together, then do the same with a stick of a different color.

    "Colored balls"

    Goal: continue to strengthen the ability to group homogeneous objects by color.

    Didactic material: colorful balls, baskets.

    Methodological techniques: the teacher groups the first two pairs himself, placing balls of the same color (red) in one basket, and balls of a different color (yellow) in another basket, then involves the children in the grouping.

    "Ribbons for dolls"

    Goal: continue to teach how to fix attention on the size of objects and form the simplest techniques for establishing identity and color differences.

    Didactic material: a box with ribbons of various lengths and colors, large and small dolls.

    Methodical techniques: you need to dress up the dolls: for a large doll - a large bow, for a small doll - small bow. For a large doll in a blue dress, we will choose a large blue bow, and for a small doll in a red dress, we will choose a small red bow (perform together with the children). Then the children choose on their own.

    “Let’s tie a string to the ball”

    Goal: grouping objects by color.

    Didactic material: multi-colored circles (ovals), sticks of the same colors.

    Methodical techniques: find a stick of the same color next to the red circle.

    “Stringing rings of decreasing size onto a rod.”

    Goal: continue to teach simple actions with objects (removing and stringing rings), enrich the visual and tactile experience of children. Didactic material: conical pyramid of five rings

    Methodical techniques: on the table, all the rings are laid out in increasing order to the right of the pyramid. Then the pyramid is assembled in the appropriate order. The adult explains: “Here is the largest ring, here is a smaller one, this is even smaller, and here is the smallest.” Having covered the pyramid with the top, he invites the children to run their hands along the surface from top to bottom so that they feel that the pyramid is expanding downwards: all the rings are in place. The pyramid is assembled correctly.

    "Pushing objects of different shapes into corresponding holes"

    Goal: to teach children to compare objects by shape.

    Didactic material: a box with holes of different shapes, the size of the holes in the box corresponds to the size of the cube and ball. It is important that the ball cannot fit into the hole for the cube, and the cube cannot fit into the round hole.

    Methodological techniques: the teacher shows the children a box with holes, drawing their attention to the shape of the holes. By circling the round hole with his hand, the adult explains to the children that there is such a window; by circling the square hole, he says that there is also such a window. Then the teacher invites the children to place one ball at a time into the appropriate window.

    "Funny Truck"

    Goal: to form an idea of ​​the shape and size of objects.

    Didactic material: various geometric colored shapes (circles, squares, large and small rectangles).

    Methodological techniques: the teacher shows how to build a truck from figures.

    “Placement of round inserts of different sizes in the corresponding holes”

    Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to compare objects by size.

    Didactic material: inserts with large and small holes.

    Methodical techniques: first, the child is offered an insert to cover the large holes; after the baby places the insert in the appropriate slot, he is given a small insert for the small hole.

    Games with clothespins


    Goal: learn to identify and name primary colors, and select the desired color based on a sample.

    Didactic material: circle yellow color, clothespins in two colors.


    Goal: to teach children to make choices by size and word; alternate in color and size.

    Didactic material: planar images of a hedgehog and a Christmas tree, clothespins in green, white, black colors.

    "Men of Color"

    Goal: to teach children to design according to a model, to name the main colors and shapes, to promote friendliness in children.

    Didactic material: geometric shapes and clothespins.

    "Funny Clothespins"

    Goal: to teach children to correctly take and open a clothespin, find its location by color.

    Didactic material: a transparent container with colored stripes glued along the edge, a set of colored clothespins.

    "Find a suitable patch"

    Goal: learn to find identical geometric shapes (planar and volumetric).

    Didactic material: geometric shapes.

    Methodological techniques: the teacher distributes stencils geometric shapes. Children select a shape that matches the shape from the set and insert it into the slot.

    Games for sensory development for children of primary preschool age (3-4 years old)

    "Decorate the butterfly"

    Teach children to group objects by color. To consolidate knowledge about the geometric figure of a circle, about the concepts of many - one, large - small. Develop fine motor skills.
    Butterflies of different colors, cut out of cardboard, circles of different sizes and colors.
    Progress of the game:
    The teacher shows the children butterflies and says that they have come to visit them. He says that the butterflies brought mugs of different colors with them and want the children to decorate their wings. The teacher offers to help the butterflies. First, he asks each child to choose mugs of one color from the four offered. At the same time, he invites one or the other child to choose mugs of the color they like. After all the children have chosen, the teacher gives them silhouettes of butterflies and invites them to decorate them.
    At the end of the game, the teacher praises all the children for decorating the butterflies and making them even more beautiful.

    "Mend the bunnies' clothes"

    Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech. Strengthen the ability to recognize geometric shapes and name them (circle, square, triangle). Develop fine motor skills, color perception, attention.
    Silhouettes of clothes, geometric shapes cut out of cardboard.
    Progress of the game:
    A hare appears with a basket and cries.
    Educator: Why are you crying, little bunny?
    Bunny: I bought gifts for my bunnies - shorts and skirts. While I was walking through the forest, I touched a bush and they tore. (Shows cardboard shorts and skirts).
    Educator: Don’t cry, bunny, we will help you. Children, let's pick up patches and patch up the holes. What do the holes in skirts and shorts look like?
    Children: triangle, square and circle.
    Educator: Correct.
    The hare places her shorts and skirts on “stumps” (tables), on which patches are laid out in advance. Children come to the tables and complete the task. The teacher asks each child what color patch he put on and what geometric figure it resembles.
    Hare: Thank you very much children!

    "Big and small balls."

    Purpose: To teach to distinguish between color and size (large - small); develop a sense of rhythm; pronounce words rhythmically.
    Game task. Pick up balls for dolls.
    Game rule. Choose the right balls by color and size.
    Progress of the game. The teacher gives balls of different colors (blue, green, red, yellow) and different sizes (large and small) to look at. Shows how they jump rhythmically and says: Jump and jump,
    Everybody jump and jump
    Sleep our ball
    Not used to it.
    The teacher brings out two dolls - a large and a small one - and says: “ big doll Olya is looking for a ball for herself. Little doll Ira also wants to play with the ball.” Invites the children to pick up balls for the dolls. Children select balls of the required size (for a large doll - a large ball, for a small doll - a small ball). Doll Olya is capricious: she needs a yellow ball, like her skirt. Doll Ira is also angry: she needs a red ball, like her bow. The teacher invites the children to calm the dolls: pick them the right balls.

    "Hide the mouse"

    Continue to introduce children to the six primary colors and teach them to distinguish them. Develop reaction speed, attention, thinking. Strengthen knowledge about animals.
    Demonstration: pieces of paper of six colors (20 - 15), in the middle a white square (8-8), on which a mouse is drawn (mouse house), squares of the same six colors - doors (10x10), a large cardboard toy - a cat, a soft mouse.
    Handout: this material is smaller in size - 10x8 colored sheets, 5x5 white squares on them, colored squares.
    Progress of the game:
    Look, guys, what a little guest we have today. Who is this, right, a mouse? How small, fluffy, and gray she is. Pet her. Children take turns petting the mouse.
    - Do you know where the mouse lives? In a mink. Who is the mouse hiding from? From a cat. Look if there is a cat somewhere, otherwise our mouse is afraid. Can we help the mice hide in the hole? Now we will play with you the game “Hide the Mouse”.
    First, we will learn to play it together. I have Mouse houses. I arrange three houses on the demonstration board, next to them I place six squares of six colors. You see mice peeking out the window.
    To hide the mouse, you need to close the window with a door - a square of the same color as the house, otherwise the cat will come and see where the window is, open it and eat the mouse.
    I call three children in turn and ask them to close three windows in turn, I find out whether all the windows are well closed.
    If someone has made a mistake, I call the child to correct it. I take out the previously hidden cat, which goes to “catch mice.”
    “I’ll go and find where the mouse lives here. Children, have you seen the mouse? The cat leaves without finding the mouse. The children are given one piece of paper - a “mouse house” (I give those sitting next to each one a piece of paper of different colors) and six squares of all colors. “Now hide your mice while the cat sleeps. From the squares that lie on your plates, choose a square of the same color as your mouse’s house.”
    When all the children have completed the task, the cat “goes hunting” again. I walk at a stealthy pace with a cat in my arms, walk through the rows and see whose mouse is poorly hidden. At the same time, I give opportunity to children who have made mistakes. Correct the situation before the cat gets closer to them. If the mistake is not corrected, the cat takes the piece of paper with the mouse from the child.
    Everyone played well today, everyone hid their mice, only some of the guys made mistakes (I indicate exactly what mistakes were made). Next time they will definitely hide the mice well.

    Game “Hide the Mouse” second option

    Goal: To learn to determine the names of various geometric shapes, to correlate slots and liners by shape and size.
    For this game you need silhouettes of houses made of cardboard. There are mice painted in the windows of the houses. The windows on the houses are of different shapes: round, oval, square, triangular. You will also need covers for the windows (figures of the same shape and size as the windows in the houses). There should be one set of such houses and lids for each child. The teacher shows the children in which houses the mice have settled.
    - They are looking out the windows now. Everyone’s windows are different: round, oval, square, triangular. The mice close these windows only at night, when they go to bed or when they see a cat nearby. Imagine that night has come and the mice need to close the windows. Take the lids and close the windows so that the shape of the window matches the shape of the lid, that is, so that the windows are tightly closed. (The teacher helps the children choose the right covers for the windows.)
    - Okay, now it’s morning, the windows need to be opened.
    The day has come.
    Suddenly, look who appeared (the teacher takes out a toy cat)?! You need to quickly hide the poor mice so that the cat doesn't eat them!
    The kids are closing the windows of the houses again, but now they are trying to do it as quickly as possible.
    - The cat left because it didn’t find a single mouse. You can open the windows of the houses and let the mice admire the evening dawn. But then night comes again, the mice go to bed, you need to close the windows.

    Games with clothespins

    primary goal didactic games with clothespins - development of fine motor skills in children younger age.
    Also, these games are aimed at developing the ability to compare and combine objects based on color.
    In addition, games with clothespins contribute to the development of a sense of one’s own movements and the formation of a positive attitude towards working together with an adult. They stimulate children's speech activity.
    Progress of the game:
    Adult: Guess the riddle.
    I'm swimming under the bridge
    And I wag my tail.
    Children: This is a fish. Adult: (shows a picture of a fish). That's right, it's a fish. Look at the picture and show where the fish’s eye is?
    Children show their little eyes
    Adult: Where is her mouth?
    Children show the mouth of a fish in the picture.
    Adult: Where is her tail and fins?
    Children show tail and fins.
    Adult: Now let's make the fish ourselves.
    Children need to choose clothespins that match the color and add a tail and fins to each fish.
    Adult: Guess who this is:
    On the back there are needles, long, prickly.
    And he curls up into a ball - no head, no legs.
    Children: This is a hedgehog. Adult: (shows a picture of a hedgehog). That's right, it's a hedgehog. Show me where his eyes, nose, ears are?
    Children show.
    Adult: Let's help our hedgehog find the needles.
    An adult gives the child a hedgehog cut out of colored cardboard, on which eyes, ears, and a nose are drawn, but there are no needles. Children attach clothespins to the back of the hedgehog.
    Adult: (stroking the hedgehog on his new needles). Oh! What a prickly hedgehog has become!
    Here's a new mystery.
    The prickly, green one was cut down with an axe.
    A beautiful, green one was brought to our house.
    Children. This is a Christmas tree.
    Adult: Yes, it’s a Christmas tree, but it’s crying. She lost all her needles. Don't cry, don't cry, Christmas tree! We will help you.
    An adult distributes triangles cut out of green cardboard to the children. Children choose green clothespins from the box and “return” its needles to the tree.
    Adult: (stroking the Christmas tree). Oh! The Christmas tree has pins and needles!
    Adult: Where is the sun? It has lost its rays. What color are the rays of the sun?
    Children. Yellow.
    Adult: That's right. Let's help the sun. Sun, look out, yellow, shine.


    Learn to group objects by color.
    Establish identities and differences in color of homogeneous objects.
    Learn to understand the words “color”, “this”, “not like this”, “different”.
    Progress of the lesson:
    Educator: Children want to go for a walk? Let's go for a walk to the music. We arrive “to the clearing”. Oh, where are we?
    How did you guess? Right.
    Grass, trees, flowers grow in the forest. These are not just flowers, but houses for butterflies.
    Now, I will give each of you a cardboard butterfly toy. Music is playing. Children, let's “fly” with our butterflies. And now the butterflies are tired. Let's put butterflies in our houses. Be careful! Each butterfly must sit on its own house. They imprisoned me.
    The game helps in game form learn or reinforce learned colors.
    You can repeat this with leaves of different colors.

    Lacing game

    The game guide is aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hand, refinement of finger movements, concentration, and promotes the development of eye accuracy, coordination and sequence of actions.
    It is a good way to prepare the hand for writing, trains perseverance, and often such a game calms the child.
    In this game, the development of imagination is also not forgotten: “embroidering” conventional contours in association with real objects is the basis for the development of abstract thinking, generalizations of properties, “seeing the essence of an object.”
    I develop manual dexterity
    I play with lacing.
    I train logic
    And fine motor skills!

    "Traffic Light", "Bear"

    Encourage the child to engage in independent activities; form a color representation, develop the skill of screwing caps.
    Develop fine motor skills, sensory skills, and coherent speech.
    Enrich your vocabulary.
    You can use the following exercises with corks - children untwist and twist corks from plastic bottles to their necks.
    To fix the color, screw multi-colored corks to matching necks.

    Match cups to saucers

    Teach children to distinguish colors and use color names in speech. Develop fine motor skills and attention.
    Set of cloth, saucers and cup in different colors.
    Progress of the game:
    The saucers were first brought to the store. The sellers put them on the shelves. They put these saucers on the top shelf (shows)
    Which? (Children's answers).
    On the bottom - like this. What color are they? (Children's answers). Are the saucers on the top shelf and the ones on the bottom the same color? (Children's answers).
    Then the cups arrived. Let's help sellers choose the right cups for the saucers. They should be the same color as the saucers.
    The teacher places flat cardboard cups on the table. He instructs the child to match the cups to the saucers.
    Approves the actions of the child, who, after looking carefully at the saucers, selects all the necessary cups. He asks what color they are.


    strengthening and development of fine motor skills, visual-motor coordination; distinguishing objects by shape, color and material; development of perseverance
    buttons of various sizes and colors; beads of different shapes, sizes, materials; wire, fishing line, thin thread.
    The presenter invites the child to make beads. You can suggest making beads according to the sample, and choosing buttons according to shape and color. Perhaps the child himself can offer his own version of making beads. After this, the child begins to create beads.

    “Place the pieces in their places!”

    Introduce flat geometric shapes - square, circle, triangle, oval, rectangle. Learn to select necessary forms using different methods.
    Flat geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles). Montessori insert frame.
    Take the figures out of the recesses and play with them: “Here are funny colorful figures. It's a circle, it rolls - like that! And this is a square. It can be installed. And now the figures are jumping (dancing).” Then invite the children to place the figures “in their beds”: “Evening has come. It's time for the figures to rest. Let's put them in their beds to sleep."
    Give the children one figurine each and ask them to take turns finding a place for each of them. When the kids have laid out the figures, sum up the game: “Now all the figures have found their beds and are resting.” Then show and name all the figures again, without requiring the children to repeat. This game can be repeated many times, changing its plot each time.

    “Find a window for the figurine”

    Teach children to correlate the shape of parts with the shape of the hole.
    The game is played with the participation of 3-4 children. The teacher lays out geometric shapes on the table and hands out cards with embossed figures to the children. The teacher suggests looking at the cards and circling the office windows with your fingers.
    - Which figure is suitable for your window?
    If the child chooses the wrong figure, give him the opportunity to make sure that it is not suitable and offer to choose the next one. When the child finds the right one, you should praise him, demonstrate to the other players that the window has closed, and invite him to open and close the window several times on his own. Then next child selects a figure for his window.

    Game "Magic bag"

    Goal: To learn to determine the name of the smell of an object, to establish the relationship between the object and its smell; work on the ability to determine the name of an object, relying on the sense of smell, that is, the perception of smell.
    Place in a bag made from any opaque fabric various items having a certain odor. These should be items that always smell the same (for example, lemon, apple, orange, flowers with a characteristic smell: geranium, lilac, rose; paint, fish, etc.). All these objects should be placed in separate boxes with holes to exclude the possibility of other (for example, tactile) perception of these objects. You can also blindfold each child and ask, “What is this?” while holding scented soap, baby cream, or a bottle of perfume in front of them. For the correct answer, rub your child’s hands with cream, perfume, or give him a flower that he correctly identified.

    Game “Name the properties of materials”

    Goal: To learn to determine the names of various properties of a material, to establish relationships between the material and its sensation.
    Demonstration material for the game: samples of materials that feel different to the touch (smooth tiles, plastic, linoleum, velvet, terry cloth, fur, flannel) glued to cardboard.
    Before playing, introduce children to different materials that feel different to the touch. To do this, you need to prepare a couple of samples of materials that clearly differ in feel. It can be smooth tiles, plastic, linoleum, velvet, terry cloth, fur, flannel. Glue the samples onto square sheets of cardboard. Let each child play with the squares and feel them. Talk to your children about various properties materials: hard or soft, smooth or rough... When children remember their sensations arising from tactile perception various types surfaces, mix the squares and give each child one sample. Will they be able to find a match for this sample? Of course, children will be able to navigate not only with the help of tactile sensations, but also with the help of vision. But at the initial stage this will not hurt, as children will be able to gain confidence in their abilities.
    Then you can complicate the task. Let the children try to pick “doubles” blindly. IN in this case they will navigate based entirely on tactile perception. When giving this task, ask the children to name the properties of materials: hard, soft, smooth, rough.

    “Lay out the ornament”

    Goal: to teach the child to identify the spatial arrangement of geometric shapes, to reproduce exactly the same arrangement when laying out the ornament.
    Material: 5 geometric shapes cut out of colored paper, 5 each (25 pieces in total), cards with ornaments.
    “Look at the ornaments in front of us. Think and name the figures you see here. Now try to make the same ornament from the cut out geometric shapes.”
    Then the next card is offered. The task remains the same. The game is over when the child has laid out all the ornaments shown on the card.

    Game "Assemble a toy"

    Goal: Work on the ability to differentiate various geometric shapes, relying on tactile and visual sensations, that is, develop tactile and visual perception.
    For this game, you need to make a silhouette of some toy (a hare, a bear or a doll) from plywood, foam rubber or cardboard, cut out the eyes, nose, mouth so that these parts can then be put in place. The inserts can be painted in appropriate colors. Children must independently find a place for each of the cut out parts and insert them into the slots for the missing eyes, mouth and nose. Gradually add new geometric shapes that are more difficult to distinguish (you can, for example, cut out patterns on a doll’s dress or on the clothes of toy animals). Let the children insert the cut out pieces into the holes.

    Game "Picture of Shapes"

    This game requires sets of geometric shapes of different shapes (circles, triangles and squares) and two sizes (large and small) for each child: a total of 12 or 24 shapes (2 or 4 of each type). These figures can be made from cardboard or thin plastic. The teacher needs the same figures bigger size for fixing them on the flannelgraph.
    This game is aimed at developing imagination and creativity children. At the beginning of the game, the teacher shows the children on a flannelgraph what kind of drawings can be obtained if certain figures are placed next to each other. The teacher demonstrates to the children the method and procedure for constructing simple structures. After that, he invites the children to use their figures to create other drawings that they come up with themselves. The picture on the flannelgraph is removed so that children do not copy the finished image.

    Game "Alternating flags"

    Goal: To work on the ability to differentiate geometric figures of different shapes and sizes, relying on tactile and visual sensations, that is, to develop tactile and visual perception.
    For this game you need to prepare 4 - 5 triangular and rectangular flags for each child and the same number of flags covered with reverse side velvet paper to attach them to the flannelgraph for the teacher. Flags for children can be made from cardboard. The teacher says that the streets are decorated with flags during the holidays, but they are not hung haphazardly, but in the form of a garland, where flags of different shapes alternate. For example, like this (an adult attaches flags to a flannelgraph so that rectangular flags alternate with triangular ones). The teacher asks you to tell him which flag needs to be attached now: rectangular or triangular, and now, etc. After the children have thoroughly mastered the order of alternating flags, the teacher invites the preschoolers to make the same garland themselves from the flags that are on their tables. While the children are working, the teacher approaches each child and, if necessary, helps him place the flags correctly.

    MBDOU Irkutsk kindergarten No. 127 "Beryozka", Irkutsk, Irkutsk region

    Semenova S.G. Sensory development younger preschoolers through didactic games // Sovushka. 2016. No. 1..2016.n1-a/ZP15120188.html (date of access: 03/19/2019).

    The world enters the lives of children gradually. First, the child learns what surrounds him at home, in kindergarten. Over time, his life experience is enriched, and daily impressions from communicating with people play a significant role in cognition.
    Preschool age is the age when sensory processes take shape and develop. That's why sensory development, in the process of sensory education, occupies the most important place during this period, since it is also the basis for mental development.
    Didactic games, which serve as the basis for understanding the world, the first stage of which is sensory experience, help to fully perceive the surrounding reality.
    According to E.G. Pilyugina, V.I. Loginova, effective management of the sensory development of children of primary preschool age is carried out in the classroom or in organized activities. The teacher, systematically planning the conduct of didactic games on sensory education, promotes effective development sensations and perceptions, which affects the child’s sensory development.
    Watching the work of my fellow teachers, I realized that in preschool organization didactic games are not always used systematically for the sensory development of children of primary preschool age in educational activities. Therefore, I set several tasks for myself, solving which I saw the influence of didactic games on the sensory development of young children in the process of educational activities.
    Sensory is a set of sensory subsystems of the body.
    The sensory system of any person includes several subsystems: visual, vestibular, auditory, proprioceptive, tactile.
    The sensory development of preschool children includes two interrelated aspects: 1) the assimilation of ideas about the various properties and relationships of objects and phenomena. 2) mastery of new perceptual actions, allowing for more complete and voluminous perception the world. Consequently, sensory development is the development of sensations and perceptions, ideas about objects, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world with the help of body subsystems: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste.
    Sensory development is carried out in the process of sensory education.
    Outstanding foreign and domestic teachers believed that sensory education, aimed at ensuring full sensory development, is one of the main aspects of preschool education.
    For sensory development, the teacher can use various possibilities:

    • V visual arts: color and shades;
    • in constructive: shape, size, spatial relationships, surface properties (smooth, fluffy, rough);
    • V musical activity: tempo, rhythm, character of music;
    • on modeling: properties of plasticine, clay (hard, soft, plastic);
    • in familiarization with the surrounding world: color, smell, sound, etc.

    Sensory development in preschool age is carried out in three directions: development of sensory organs; mastery of sensory standards; mastering perceptual actions (methods of examining objects).
    As sensory experience accumulates, the child’s range of sensory representations becomes wider. Children transfer the accumulated experience to other objects and phenomena, use it in Everyday life.
    In my work with children of primary preschool age, I relied on the following tasks:

    • develop children's perception of various types activities; creating conditions for children to become familiar with the properties of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Strengthen the ability to highlight color, shape, size as special properties objects; group homogeneous objects according to several sensory characteristics: size, shape, color;
    • enrich children’s sensory experience and the ability to record it in speech;
    • improve children’s perception by actively including all senses;
    • develop figurative ideas.

    I solved all these problems with the help of the game. It is known that the leading activity in preschool age is play. Play, being a form of practice for a child, is aimed at mastering and understanding the life around him. Big role in mental education children belongs to didactic games. These games have ready-made content and clear rules.
    Didactic games are a type of games with rules, specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and raising children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they demonstrate the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities.
    Didactic games differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the teacher. A didactic game has a certain structure: a didactic task; game task; game actions; rules of the game; result (summarizing).
    For sensory education of young children, I used the following types of didactic games:

    • Games are instructions based on children’s interest in actions with toys (objects): picking up, folding, inserting, stringing, etc. (matryoshka, pyramids, etc.).
    • Hide and search games are based on children's interest in the unexpected appearance and disappearance of objects, their search and finding.
    • Games with riddles and guessing that attract children with the unknown: “Find out”, “What is here?”, “What has changed”, “Magic bag”.
    • Plot-didactic games - depiction of life situations, in the role of adults or animals ("Let's give Masha some tea", "Let's wash the doll's dress", geese, bear, bunny, etc.).

    Using a didactic game as part of educational activities, I systematically and systematically carried out the sensory development of children. At the same time, she used the didactic game in educational activities as an independent form and as a method in one of its parts.
    In order to make my work more effective, I divided all the children into two subgroups, taking into account the level of development of each child. I also planned the following didactic games, which were aimed at:

    • to form ideas about color and shades (two shades of each color);
    • on the formation of ideas about form;
    • to form ideas about size and size;
    • to develop the ability to examine and designate the properties of real objects;
    • on the development of the eye.
    Name of the didactic game Didactic task


    Introduce children to the six colors by matching them with patterns. Dictionary: names of the six colors of the spectrum - “red”, “orange”, “yellow”, “green”, “blue”, “violet”.

    Hide the mouse

    To reinforce children's ideas about six colors.

    Choose by color
    1 option

    Choose by color
    Option 2

    Reinforce ideas about six colors. Teach children to highlight colors, distracting from other characteristics of objects (shape, size, functionality).

    Choose by color
    Option 3

    Reinforce ideas about six colors. Teach children to highlight colors, distracting from other characteristics of objects (shape, size, functionality).


    Give children the idea that color is a sign of a variety of objects and can be used to designate them. Fix the names of the colors of the spectrum.

    Let's decorate the Christmas tree

    Teach children to group shades (two shades of each of the six colors), select them according to the word denoting the color.

    What types of figures are there?
    Option 1

    Introduce children to two shapes: circle and square. Learn to examine geometric shapes (trace the contours with your finger, name them).

    What types of figures are there?
    Option 2

    Introduce children to new shapes: oval, rectangle, triangle, pairing them with already familiar ones: square - triangle, square - rectangle, circle - oval.

    Choose your figure

    Strengthen children's ideas about geometric shapes and practice naming them. Learn to select shapes according to the model. Strengthen the skill of examining geometric shapes by tracing and overlaying.

    Choose by shape
    Option 1

    Teach children to identify the shape of an object, distracting from its other features: color, size

    Choose by shape
    Option 2

    Didactic task. Teach children to group geometric shapes (squares, rectangles, triangles) by shape, distracting from color and size.

    Who needs what form?
    Option 1

    Teach children to group geometric shapes (ovals and circles) by shape, distracting from color and size.

    Who needs what form?
    Option 2

    Teach children to group geometric shapes (squares, rectangles, triangles) by shape, distracting from color and size.

    Find an object of the same shape

    Teach children to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.

    What's in the bag?

    To consolidate children's knowledge about shape, to practice correlating several objects with the same geometric pattern.

    Geometric Lotto

    Teach children to compare the shape of the depicted object with a geometric figure and select objects according to the geometric pattern.

    Three squares

    Didactic task. Teach children to correlate three objects by size and denote their relationships with words: “large”, “small”, “medium”, “more”, “smaller”, “largest”.

    Option 1

    Strengthen ideas about the relative size of objects; give an idea of ​​the relationship in size between flat and three-dimensional objects.

    Option 2

    Didactic task. To consolidate ideas about the relationships in size between flat and three-dimensional objects. Learn to arrange four objects in descending order of size.

    Continue to teach children to establish relationships in size between flat and three-dimensional objects, to arrange objects in descending order of size.

    Let's build a ladder

    Let's assemble a pyramid

    To strengthen in children the ability to establish the relationship between several objects in size when assembling a pyramid.

    Let's make columns

    Develop the ability to select objects of the same size by eye.

    Fruit picking

    Develop an eye when selecting objects of a certain size based on a model.

    All didactic games were carried out by me in strict sequence. First, games were played aimed at developing color, then at developing the perception of shape, then at developing the perception of size, and finally at developing the eye. In the process of conducting most of the didactic games, I developed examination skills in children. This sequence is due to the fact that children must first learn color and shape, and only then size.
    To attract the attention of children, at the beginning of educational activities I used surprise moments: “Who’s that knocking on our door?”, “Look what Mashenka brought us in a magic bag!” etc.
    Children of primary preschool age get tired quickly, and so that their attention does not weaken, all explanations and didactic games were carried out in the process of substantive practical activity. In order to diversify the children’s activities, I used physical education minutes, such as: “The little gray bunny is sitting...”, “Pinocchio”, etc., finger gymnastics: "Magpie-crow", "Finger-boy, where have you been?" etc. And then she returned to solving didactic problems.
    In the process of working with children, I encouraged children to take active action with didactic material, and to consolidate skills, I resorted to repeated exercises with similar materials, which allowed children to use knowledge and experience in independent games.
    During games and educational activities, I tried to take care of the child’s good emotional well-being. Draws attention to objects and actions with them using a variety of techniques, maintains interest in educational activities through the introduction of characters (“Katya came to look at us,” “fingers want to help,” etc.).
    I consolidated all the received ideas about sensory standards with the help of productive activities.
    In art classes, I reinforced primary colors and shapes with the children. During constructive activities, all sensory ideas of children were consolidated: color, shape, size (magnitude) with direct practical activity. In addition, I used games to consolidate knowledge at one of the stages of educational activities. For example, in the water part (subject didactic games), in the main part as physical education and preparation of fine motor skills for drawing (at this stage, verbal games were carried out). In the final part I used printed board games.
    I used all of the above in classes on the sensory development of children of primary preschool age, and, accordingly, reflected it in long-term planning.

    Long-term plan for the use of didactic games in productive activities

    Name of educational activity Didactic game

    "Drawing balls"

    Didactic game "Find the ball by color"
    Goal: to reinforce the names of colors, to learn to find a ball of a certain color according to the teacher’s word (introductory part).



    Didactic game "Find objects by color and shape"
    Goal: to reinforce the names of colors, to learn to find objects of a certain color and shape according to the teacher’s word (main part).


    "Beads for Mom"

    Didactic game "Collect beads for mom"
    Goal: to learn to alternate colors in a certain sequence by stringing them on a thread: first a large green ball, then a smaller red ball (the final part) with the transition to an independent play activity.


    "The Hen and the Chicks"

    Mosaic "Hen and Chicks"
    Goal: to consolidate children’s idea that color can be a sign and is used for designation (final part) with the transition to independent play activity.



    Didactic game "Find by shape and size"
    Goal: to learn to find, according to the teacher’s word, objects similar in shape and color in the pictures.


    "Lights at Night"

    Didactic game "Fun finger pool"
    Goal: to strengthen children’s understanding of different shades colors by lightness. Vocabulary: “light”, “dark”, “lighter”, “darker” (introductory part).


    "Matryoshka Decoration"

    Didactic game "Assemble a nesting doll"
    Goal: to strengthen the ability to determine the size of objects by eye. Fold the nesting doll from small to large (main part).


    "Dandelions and the Beetle"

    Didactic game "Magic bag"
    Goal: To consolidate the ability to examine an object with closed eyes, to name it based on tactile sensations in shape and size (introductory part).

    The work also used an individual approach to children who had a low level of sensory development.
    Thus, thanks to didactic games, this group of children demonstrated the ability to identify, name and differentiate primary colors and geometric shapes; name the primary colors (white, black, red, blue, green, yellow); compare objects by size, highlight size as a significant feature that determines actions, based on examination and development of the eye.
    As a result of our joint work with children on the development of sensory abilities, I can say with confidence that didactic games should be selected based on age and psychological characteristics children; knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the didactic game must be consolidated in various types of productive activities (drawing, modeling, design, etc.) and in everyday life. This ensures the deepening and specification of pedagogical work, as well as the development of the child’s sensory culture. And, of course, the system of didactic games should be built with gradual complication so that the child can correlate new information with existing experience and knowledge. Didactic games will contribute to more effective sensory education of children only if they are purposeful and systematic.

    List of used literature:

    1. Bondarenko A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten. M.: Education, 1991. 160 p.
    2. Wenger L.A. Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers. M.: Education, 2008. 315 p.
    3. Wenger L.A. Sensory education of preschoolers // Preschool education. 2004. No. 13. P. 42-46.
    4. Deryagina L.B. Rainbow-arc: Remembering colors, developing speech and artistic taste: a guide for children, parents and educators. St. Petersburg: Litera, 2005. 32 p.
    5. From birth to school. Basic general education program preschool education/ Ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2014. 368 p.
    6. Pilyugina E.G. Baby's sensory abilities. Games for teaching colors, shapes, and sizes in younger preschoolers early age. Book for educators kindergarten and parents. M.: Educational literature, 1996. 25 p.

    In order for our children to have a happy childhood, play should occupy the main place in their lives. IN childhood the child has a need to play. And it must be satisfied not because there is time for work, an hour for fun, but because while playing, the child learns and experiences life. Early age is the most favorable time for sensory education, which provides a full perception of the world around us, which contributes to the mental, physical, and aesthetic development of children. The best way to develop and strengthen a child’s sensory skills is to turn any activity and responsibilities into a game, because... object game is the leading activity and the basis for the development of a child under 3 years of age. Consequently, the main thing at this age is the enrichment of sensory experience necessary for a full perception of the surrounding world, and, first of all, the replenishment of ideas about the properties of objects: their color, shape, size of surrounding objects, position in space, etc.

    The educational and methodological manual is addressed to kindergarten teachers, additional education teachers, as well as parents of children.

    In this album we demonstrate manuals from non-standard materials for children’s play activities aimed at their mastering sensory standards. Application in practice as a teacher modern materials, meeting aesthetic, hygienic and pedagogical requirements, is very justified.

    Today, the assortment of stores offers a large number of various educational games. But when it comes to buying a game for young children, we often face several problems. Firstly, the bulk of games are aimed at older children. Secondly, it is not always possible to find a game with the direction you would like. Thirdly, the prices for such toys are often not affordable for everyone. But one game is not enough for kids; they need to develop in different directions. But it is quite possible to make a series of simple educational games yourself, spending very little time and money on it.

    You can make our manuals yourself at home, because many families used to have a wonderful tradition of making toys with their own hands from unnecessary things. Of course, in the old days this happened, rather, due to shortages and other objective factors. Nowadays, family crafts are a rarity, and if you allow the little one to take part in their making, the games will bring double benefits and will be even more interesting to play.

    The album contains games: “Find the same one”, “Guess the sound”, games with clothespins, games with mosaics, games with a dry pool.

    Didactic manual “Flower Glade”

    To develop children’s imagination and the formation of hand-eye coordination based on actions with objects, a didactic manual “ Flower glade" It attracts attention with its brightness and interesting content.

    Description of the manual: The manual consists of a board with glued flowers made of self-adhesive film; in the center of the flower there is a hole cut into which the necks of bottles of different sizes are glued. There are plugs screwed onto the necks.

    Examples of didactic games and tasks using the “Flower Glade” manual.

    Goal: consolidation of knowledge of size; colors; development of hand motor skills.

    “Match the center of the flower”

    “Wrap the largest center of the flower. The smallest one"

    “Wrap the red center of the flower. White"

    Didactic manual “Finger dry pool”

    Dry pool - used for simultaneous active stimulation on various points of the hands, fingers, palms; sensorimotor development, the formation of basic sensory standards: shape, size, material, weight, sound; fostering perseverance and patience in work; relieving emotional stress. It’s very simple to make: fill the Kinder Surprise capsules with various fillings (rice, peas, beans), cover them with thermal film for Easter eggs, put them in a small deep plastic container, and hide the Kinder Surprise toys at the bottom.

    Ask your baby to look for various small objects or toys in the dry pool. By plunging as deeply as possible into the filler, the child’s hands are massaged, the fingers become more sensitive, and their movements become coordinated.

    This manual can be used in music classes.

    Didactic game “Beads from salt dough”

    • strengthening and development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination;
    • developing the ability to combine colors;
    • development of concentration; development of perseverance, accuracy, children's creativity, feelings of beauty in their work and the work of other children;
    • learning how to work from a sample and create your own product.

    This benefit can be done by the child himself, with a little help from an adult. Dough modeling really helps develop a child's motor skills. After all, a baby can change the shape of an object from a spherical shape to a square or triangular one. And, taking a piece of dough in his hands, he can feel its weight, heaviness and viscosity.

    Description of the preparation of the manual:

    Prepare salty dough(mix 1 glass of “Extra” salt, 1 glass of flour, 0.5 glasses of cold water, leave for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator), form balls, make holes in them using a cocktail straw, leave until completely dry. The beads are ready!

    Didactic manual “Place the eggs in your houses”

    • develop the ability to distinguish and correctly name the 4 primary colors;
    • learn to combine a testicle with a cell, perform correlating actions (color guide);

    act purposefully, sequentially: from left to right, without skipping cells; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Description of the tutorial: Paint the cells of the egg container with the main colors and varnish them. We tie the Kinder Surprise capsules in the appropriate color.

    The result is a bright and beautiful manual.

    Children must arrange the eggs into houses according to their color.

    If possible, name the color of the eggs and the color of the houses.

    • Didactic manual “Place the pencils in cups.”
    • develop the ability to distinguish colors;

    learn to combine a pencil with a glass;

    act purposefully, sequentially: from left to right; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Description of the tutorial: Cut out rectangles and pencil shapes from ceiling tiles. We cover the rectangles to the middle with squares of self-adhesive film of different colors. We paste the pencils with the corresponding colors. Fast, beautiful, economical! Good afternoon, my dear friends and comrades! Like Chip and Dale, I, Tatyana Sukhikh, rush to the aid of everyone who needs advice from a teacher. I have already written a lot about training for children’s fingers, today I will tell you what didactic games for sensory development for 5-6 year olds exist and how to use them in practice. I hope I can inspire parents of preschoolers to take their children seriously! Don’t worry, moms and dads of younger children, that I am limiting the article to only 5-6 years old. I will definitely continue this topic for other ages. In the meantime, here are a few useful ones to console you:

    • “Sensory development of young children (1-3 years)”– excellent material for early ages for training children’s auditory, visual and tactile perception;
    • “Didactic games for preschoolers. "Me and my home." Games-activities to accompany the educational activities of children 3-5 years old: 5 games-activities with methodological support. 24 illustrated cards"– the title of the manual comprehensively characterizes its content;
    • “Sensory development of children 4-5 years old. Color. Form. Size. Didactic games and exercises for organizing joint activities of the teacher and children of middle preschool age: 16 didactic cards"– what a preschooler needs.

    I not only read materials such as the above manuals myself, but also offer them for review by parents during consultations. Once again I appeal to mothers and fathers: do not shift responsibility for the comprehensive development of your child to educators. Yes, we love your children, we try to teach the maximum in the program and even more, but in a group of 20-30 people, it is impossible to provide the required individual approach to each child.

    And don’t be afraid of the abstruse name “didactic games”. The term “didactic” simply means teaching, instructing. In pedagogy, this is a set of special methods for actively teaching children based on certain rules. Wherein program material, which a preschooler must learn, is presented in a playful form.

    In addition to the specific tasks that certain groups of didactic tools solve, for example, teaching colors, different forms subject, in parallel there is a development of speech, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, compare, debate, and mental processes are activated. In general, there is an attack on all fronts!

    Varieties of didactic fun

    It is worth noting that there is no clear classification of educational fun, but they can be divided according to different criteria.

    So, according to the tasks that can be solved through didactic fun, the following are distinguished:

    • Educational – used for better absorption and consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills;
    • Combinatorial – necessary for developing in children the ability to find the right solution to a task;
    • Analytical – expand the boundaries of consciousness and promote the ability to think outside the box, analyze and see patterns;
    • Associative - develop the ability to guess, understand hints, guess what is being discussed based on given information about the subject;
    • Contextual - sharpen the understanding of complex semantic connections between verbal forms, develop the ability to express one’s thoughts, etc.

    In principle, any didactic game carries many of the above characteristics and is suitable not only for performing one task, for example, for sensory development, but at the same time educates the child, develops important psychological qualities for life, and stimulates cognitive activity, speech, imagination.

    Therefore, such a method of training and development as a didactic game is indispensable in organized educational activities in preschool educational institutions.

    To develop sensory sensitivity, the following types of games are usually played:

    • Fun with objects - toys and their substitutes, natural materials, improvised items (buttons, beads), food (cereals, nuts), some technical devices, etc.;
    • Tabletop-printed - dominoes, checkers, lotto, various handouts.

    Verbal fun for sensory development is used mainly in the form finger games in poems and songs.

    By the way, in order to better understand the essence and methods of sensory development, I advise you to take advantage of a special offer from UchMag: top up your personal account in the store and get the opportunity to take part in an offline webinar for free “Raising a child’s sensory culture. What is the foundation of a child’s mental development?”

    Also a great tutorial: “Game training using sensory modules. Senior and preparatory group» – here are trainings on psychological support emotional development preschoolers.

    And for parents of future first-graders it will be a good help educational book “Sensory development” from the series "Soon to school."

    As is known, the sensory development of preschool children goes in several directions: training of visual, auditory perception and tactile sensations. Didactic games as a system for implementing educational tasks can simultaneously cover all areas of the development of a child’s sensitivity.

    At 5-6 years old, children should already have a firm grasp of basic colors and some shades, geometric shapes, grasp the difference between many sounds, have a fairly varied experience of tactile sensations and know the names of these sensations.

    Therefore, our task is to consolidate and expand this knowledge by different means. It is especially important to work hard in this direction with children who have health problems. Modern techniques allow you to achieve excellent results in sensitivity training if you work hard. Below I will give examples of sensory didactic games, but for now I’ll give tips on good literature on the topic:

    • “Sensory development of children 5-6 years old. Color. Form. Size. Didactic games and exercises for organizing joint activities between the teacher and older children: 24 didactic cards";
    • “Sensory development of children 6-7 years old. Color. Form. Size. Didactic games and exercises for organizing joint activities between the teacher and older children: 24 didactic cards";
    • “Sensory development of preschool children with visual impairments in special and inclusive education. Thematic individual lessons and games"– for senior preschool age.

    I will write separately about didactic sensory fun that you can make with your own hands, but for now I’ll go through the “purchased” games.

    At about 4-5 years old, preschoolers reach the level of brain activity that allows them to play board-printed games. They, in addition to the development of speech, memory, activation of brain activity, consolidation of new knowledge and skills, play an important role in sensory, covering visual, auditory, and tactile sensibility.

    Children aged 5-6 years are able to play intellectual games, which must be used in everyday activities. Checkers, chess, backgammon, children's dominoes, lotto are great fun. They require sensitivity of the fingers, and, therefore, develop this sensation.

    The need to distinguish the shape and color of game elements trains visual sensitivity, and the need to interact with other players improves speech and the ability to catch intonation.

    We continue our review of didactic sensory fun

    As I already said, didactic games should stimulate the independent mental activity of children, so choose games of a cognitive and intellectual nature in which this can be fully demonstrated. Here are the unforgettable Rubik's cube, snake, tag, balls - we still played these, not noticing how our minds and fingers were getting stronger.

    Among the printed board games designed to train sensory function, we can highlight the following purchased ones:

    • From the cycle, select items with the same characteristics: for kids senior group Tasks to determine qualities by tactile sensations and color are suitable. For example, there are sets of patches of different textures, or even figures from various materials– glass, plastic, wood, metal, etc. Children learn to distinguish objects by touch and group them.
    • Match each other: The sets contain parts of objects that need to be identified and matched. These can be figures of vegetables, for which you need to select “tops”, halves of mushrooms, and you need to find caps, etc. A lotto option is possible, when one half of the image is printed on the cards, and the second half is printed on the table. Here there is training in identification by color and shape.
    • Find the odd one out: the principle is simple: from a group of objects, find, based on some characteristics, the one that falls out of the overall picture. Themes can be varied: vegetables, fruits, plants, clothing items, etc. Visual sensitivity is also trained here. You can complicate the games by blindfolding the child and asking him to make a choice by touch; you can also use the sense of smell and taste buds by playing with fruits.
    • Counting games: there are many of them in the form of lotto and various board games. To use their fingers, you can complicate the task by asking children to use clothespins: for example, attach a clothespin to a card with the desired answer.
    • Sets with geometric shapes: great material for learning shapes. They can also be sold in different types and with different conditions games. To strengthen tactile sensations, we need ones that require finger dexterity: pick up a figurine of the same shape into a certain hole and insert it into the hole.

    What other sensory educational games can you play with 5-6 year old children?

    • Games based on rules traffic, traffic lights, traffic signs, etc. A great way to learn new information and train sensory skills.
    • Labyrinths: lead the hero to the goal along intricate drawn paths. Popular motives for such games: a wolf and piglets or kids that need to be bred different sides so that the wolf does not eat the cubs.
    • Games with a rich logical meaning: using simple actions children comprehend the first laws of logic. The simplest option, which involves sensory input: a bag of balls of different colors. To start, put one green and one red. The child pulls out one and guesses which one is left. This is already the development of logical thinking, despite the simplicity of the game.

    Why are they good? ready-made kits didactic fun is the presence of instructions. Before inviting your child to play, make sure that you yourself understand the rules and essence of the fun.

    • Games with objects: there are large sets on sale for the development of sensory skills and with parallel training in shape, color, counting, etc.: different types fishing trips, sets for sand painting, puzzles, musical toys and noise, logical figures, sets for learning fractions, association games, tactile simulators, complex pyramids, animator puzzles, mathematical tablets and an unimaginable amount of fun.

    I would like to note that it is not enough to just buy a set for the game and expect that the child will be interested. Usually, at first glance, such fun as didactic is uninteresting. You need to make an effort and remember that this type of work with children is an excellent replacement for boring educational activities. You can, of course, drill into the child’s head the names of colors, geometric shapes, etc., but only through play will the acquisition of knowledge and skills occur in a natural way for the child.

    In addition, during such a game, in addition to training, an element of education is observed: the qualities necessary for successful studies and life in general: perseverance, patience, the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, intelligence.

    Instead of a conclusion...

    So, as you understand, the importance of didactic games for the development of not only sensory skills, but also all aspects of human capabilities, is difficult to overestimate. Spend your time and money on gifts such as educational fun. Instead of another toy car or doll, offer your baby something more interesting, but be prepared to spend your precious time having fun together with the kids. Don't play these games alone!

    Has it overloaded you? It's time to wrap things up. You know everything: share links, subscribe to news - my constant requests to you.

    Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh! Till tomorrow!

    Didactic games for sensory development 5-6 years old - learning and playing

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