• What does combination skin look like and what causes it? How to correctly determine your facial skin type at home: test. Combination or mixed skin type, oily, dry and normal


    Combination skin seems to be a mystery to most women. There is some kind of universal injustice inherent in the fact that someone has to take doubly careful, and even different, care of their skin. But what can you do, owners of mixed skin type just need to understand the intricacies of caring for it.

    So let's start with definitions.

    A skin type is called combination when some parts of your face are dry (most often the cheeks, maybe the chin), while the central part of the face (nose, its wings, areas near it on both sides, chin and forehead - the so-called T-zone ) oily, very often with large enlarged pores. Dry skin gives you a greasy shine and pimples, dry skin gives you irritation and wrinkles.

    Why is this happening?

    Sometimes it's just genetics, sometimes it's the owner normal skin They can “earn” a combination skin type by using aggressive and inappropriate products. Hormonal changes also, not least of all, change the nature of the sebaceous glands, making the skin oilier T-zone.

    This skin type is most often found in teenagers and young women. And after 30 it transforms into a normal type.

    Whatever the reason, you will have to take care of such skin in a special way.

    How to choose care products?

    It is important to use products to cleanse and moisturize the skin that will not worsen the situation. For example, you shouldn’t hope that cheap mass-market cosmetics “for combination skin” will bring you any benefit.

    In this case, it is better to use cosmetics for different skin types on different areas, no matter how inconvenient it may be. In the lines professional cosmetics The chance of finding a quality product for combination skin is much higher.

    How to take care of your combination skin

    1. To cleanse, use soft foaming cleansers. Avoid soap and funds based on it.
    2. Tone using a special lotion or tonic for combination skin with normal PH, while dry areas need to be treated once, and oily areas - twice.
    3. Don't forget about dry skin! Often, owners of mixed skin type begin to care for it as if it were oily - after all, the T-shaped zone with its oily sheen and acne is much more noticeable. Don't forget to apply nourishing creams to the area around your eyes, cheeks, cheekbones and neck to protect your skin from premature aging.
    4. If the differences between skin areas are insignificant, you can safely buy products for combination skin; if the skin differs greatly, you need to have 2 care sets(for dry and oily skin).
    5. Few times a week cleanse your skin from keratinized particles using a scrub. Only on dry areas, gently wipe once, and on oily areas you can massage with a scrub for several minutes.

    Combination skin washes

    It is recommended to wash your face only with warm water, not cold or hot. If possible, you need to soften the water or use useful ingredients such as oatmeal or Ayurvedic ubtan powder for washing.

    Washing with oatmeal

    Oat flour- simply a storehouse of microelements, it helps to normalize the balance of the skin, cleanse and tone it. To improve the appearance of combination skin, use oatmeal to wash your face morning and evening (or at least in the evening).

    To do this, dilute a few tablespoons of oatmeal in water (or herbal infusion- no alcohol, just herbs brewed with water). Apply to face and gently work into skin, then rinse.

    EFFECT: You will see the result immediately - the pores are cleaned and closed, the skin becomes velvety and whitens.

    Washing with UBTAN

    Ubtan is a special Ayurvedic mixture that is widely used in cosmetology. The base is chickpea powder, spices and herbs. There are quite a lot of ubtan recipes; ready-made mixtures can be bought in special stores that sell Indian cosmetics.

    But you can prepare the powder yourself by selecting all the necessary ingredients. If you find chickpea flour and the main ingredients - turmeric, sandalwood, nutmeg, then you don’t have to look for Indian herbs, since getting them here is quite problematic. You can also add our herbs to the mixture - such as parsley, St. John's wort, licorice root, calendula, flax seed, thyme, plantain, dill, sage, oregano, lemon balm, mint.

    The more herbs you have in your ubtan, the better. All herbs need to be ground into a fine powder, mixed with flour and seasonings (by the way, you can add the above-mentioned oatmeal).

    The mixture should be homogeneous, like flour. It is diluted with water or milk and used for washing. You can also add less water and apply a thicker paste as a mask.

    EFFECT: Such a powerful cocktail of medicinal herbs and spices normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, nourishes the skin with vitamins and microelements, disinfects, soothes and moisturizes the skin. Ubtan is traditionally used in India before celebrations (for example, a wedding) to quickly tidy up the skin and make it radiantly healthy.

    In order for the skin to receive all the necessary microelements and vitamins, cosmetologists recommend caring for it with natural vegetable oils. For combination skin the most Almond oil, grape seed oil, and jojoba oil are suitable. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to regular vegetable (olive) oil.

    For combination skin - use essential oils mint, rosemary, geranium to tone the skin; and oils ylang-ylang, rose, bergamot, tea tree- to soothe the skin.

    The best masks for combination skin



    • 1 tsp. olive oil
    • 1 tsp honey
    • 2 drops vitamin E in oil
    • 1 crumb of black bread
    • half a glass of milk


    Heat the milk and pour the warm bread over it. Knead and add the remaining ingredients, apply the resulting mass evenly to the skin of the face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. It is recommended to do the procedure 1-2 times a week.



    • 1 tbsp. l honey
    • 1 tbsp. water
    • 2 tbsp. l. rice flour
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of dried sage leaves

    Ways to easily determine your skin type. Tips for caring for dry, combination and oily skin.

    The beauty and well-groomed facial skin determine a person’s attractiveness in the eyes of others. Any woman strives to become more beautiful, which means she needs to determine her skin type in order to properly care for it. There are dry, normal, oily and mixed type s skin.

    How to understand what type of facial skin: test

    Let us immediately note that skin type can be determined by visual signs, and no complex research is needed for this. Enough simple test with a mirror, which will be given below.

    In addition, there are some indirect signs to help you make the right choice:

    • Most women between the ages of 25 and 45 have combination skin. There is no severe peeling or acne. On the nose and cheeks there is no a large number of blackheads appear in these areas a few hours after washing greasy shine
    • Normal skin with a healthy pink blush and no visible defects usually occurs only in children under 10 years old, if you have such skin as an adult, you are lucky
    • IN adolescence 80% of boys and girls have oily skin and are prone to acne
    • After 40 years, everyone’s skin, without exception, becomes drier and therefore requires more nutrients.
    • In addition to genetic predisposition, the condition of the skin is also influenced by the external environment: in winter, due to frost, it is drier than in summer. The same can be said about trips to the sea: if you are sunburned and your skin is peeling, then you need to take care of it as if it were dry, regardless of what type of skin you naturally have

    Test 1: With a mirror or napkin

    To carry out this test, you need to wash your face with water and a special foam or gel for washing. After this, we do not apply any cosmetics to the skin and wait three hours. After this time, we carry out a test: take a clean mirror and apply it to different parts of the face.

    If any visible mark remains on the mirror, then the skin in this area is oily; if not, then it is normal or dry. Instead of a mirror, you can also use napkins if there are stains on the paper - your skin is oily.

    Test 2: Determine skin type by visual signs

    Does your skin have enlarged pores?

    1. Yes, they are visible to the naked eye on all parts of the face
    2. Yes, but only on the nose and a little on the cheeks near the wings of the nose
    3. Without a magnifying mirror, I can't see the pores on my face.

    What does your skin feel like?

    1. It appears thick and uneven, reminiscent of an orange peel
    2. It's a little rough on the nose, where there are blackheads
    3. The skin is absolutely smooth and seems very thin

    If you didn't apply any cosmetics at night, how did you feel in the morning?

    1. I want to wash my face to remove accumulated dirt.
    2. Normal sensations, I don't feel anything special
    3. I would like to quickly apply some cream

    How well does loose powder stay on your skin?

    1. The oily shine appears again within an hour
    2. An hour after application I need to “powder my nose”
    3. Loose powder will last well for at least half a day

    How quickly do you “burn” in the sun?

    1. I can handle sun exposure better than everyone else
    2. About as fast as other people
    3. My skin immediately turns red and begins to peel the very next day.

    Do you have areas of dry skin on your body that are prone to flaking?

    1. The skin on my elbows and feet sometimes peels
    2. I constantly feel peeling in some problem areas, sometimes I have a strong desire to apply cream all over my body

    If option 1 suits you as the answer to most questions, then you have oily skin; if option 2 is more common, then combined; if option 3 dominates in your answers, then your skin is dry.

    Combination or mixed skin type

    On and near the nose there are enlarged pores that are prone to inflammation, and on the forehead and cheekbones the skin is dry, this type is called mixed or combined. Facial care in such cases is a little problematic, since different areas need to be cared for differently, simultaneously using products for both oily and dry skin.

    If you buy cosmetics for normal skin, then most likely it will not give a good result in any area, especially since good cosmetic brands have such universal remedies very little. So, what should be in the owner’s cosmetic bag? combined type skin?

    1. A gentle foam cleanser that does not dry out the skin
    2. Lotion, toner or any other remedy for blackheads, which after washing should be applied only to problem areas
    3. A lightweight moisturizer that can be applied all over the face
    4. A sun protection product with an SPF factor of at least 25. If you have a moisturizer with such filters, then you don’t need to buy a separate sunscreen
    5. A nourishing night cream that is applied to those areas of the face where the skin is dry. For areas with oily skin, you can apply a lighter moisturizer at night.
    6. Eye cream

    Regular cream is also suitable for the area around the eyes, provided that you use it very, very carefully. Conversely, eye cream can, in principle, be used for the entire face.

    Normal facial skin type

    Normal facial skin differs from combination skin only in that there is no pronounced contrast between oily and dry areas. This skin looks great, has an even blush and healthy shine. However, good skin also needs to be looked after. First of all, it needs hydration.

    IMPORTANT: Moisturizer should be applied immediately after washing, only lightly patting your face with a towel.

    The fact is that moisturizers themselves contain little moisture. But after washing, a layer of water molecules remains on the skin, and the cream can create a greasy film that will help retain this water.

    Oily skin type

    Those with oily skin are distressed by the greasy shine, enlarged pores and tendency to acne. However, oily skin has a huge advantage - it later develops wrinkles and other age-related changes, so if you have it this way by nature, then you have a lot of chances to look young and attractive for a long time.

    Oily skin needs cleansing, but taking precautions is very important. After all, if you choose too aggressive products that dry out the skin, you can achieve the opposite effect: the body will react to the fact that the skin is dry and damaged, and the sebaceous glands will begin to work even more actively.

    • Even if you have oily skin, you should not wash your face with regular soap, which dries it out too much. It’s better to take a special gel or foam
    • You should also not use products that contain alcohol or rub your face. wet wipes with alcohol
    • If you have acne and are using it for it special means, it’s better to apply them pointwise, there is no need to try to apply them to the entire face for prevention

    Oily skin, more than other skin, needs scrubs and peels. Old keratinized cells are mixed with the secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands, and a dense, oily film is formed on the surface. As a result, the ducts become clogged and pimples and blackheads appear. To prevent this from happening, at home you can use a scrub purchased in a store or a homemade scrub made from coffee grounds twice a week.

    • Coffee grounds can be used in pure form or mixed with honey, it is simply applied to the face and rubbed over the skin with massage movements, after which the paste is washed off with plenty of water.
    • To make enlarged pores less noticeable, masks containing white clay are ideal.
    • Oily skin, like any other, needs hydration. Therefore, after washing your face in the morning, be sure to apply it on it too. daily cream, albeit very light, designed specifically for this skin type
    • Sun protection is also required. But for oily skin, you can choose products with a lower level of protection. Those that say SPF 15 or SPF 20 usually do the job quite well.

    Dry facial skin type characteristics

    On dry skin, pores are not visible, it seems very thin, and capillaries are often visible through it. It feels smooth or slightly rough to the touch due to flaky areas.

    Dry skin, unfortunately, is very sensitive to environmental influences, and if it is not properly cared for, fine lines and wrinkles may appear early on. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that dry skin receives enough nutrients, to use a rich anti-frost cream in winter and good sunscreen in summer.

    Ultraviolet - main enemy any skin, especially dry skin. Owners of this skin type are better off not going out at all without sunscreen, in summer the SPF should be at least 30.

    Ultraviolet is the number one enemy for dry skin

    How to determine whether your skin type is cold or warm: test

    Girls who belong to a cold color type wear clothes and cosmetics in cold shades, while those who have a warm color type, on the contrary, will suit warm colors. There are several ways to help determine which color type you have.

    1. Color test: pink or peach

    You will need two sheets of colored paper: one in a cool pink shade, the second in a warm peach shade. Bring them one by one to your face and evaluate which one complements your appearance more favorably. If it's pink, you have a cool color type, if it's peach, you have a warm color type.

    2. Test with different shades of white

    Find two things in your wardrobe: one dazzling white, the second also white, but a little pastel with a milky or yellowish tint. Which color suits you best? If it's pastel, then you have a warm skin type.

    Skin type cold warm

    If your skin type is closer to cold, then these will suit you foundations light shades. Most likely, you naturally have a soft pink blush on your cheeks, and this can be emphasized with decorative cosmetics cool pink color.

    Warm cool skin type

    If your skin color is warm, choose peach-colored foundations and powders. Blush should also be warm golden tones. Girls with this type skin will suit fashion makeup in bronze tones.

    VIDEO: How to determine your skin type?

    – mixed skin type, combining oily skin in the T-zone and dry or normal skin in the cheek area. Combination skin has an uneven structure and heterogeneous coloring: in dry areas it is prone to peeling and early formation of wrinkles, and in oily areas it is prone to the appearance of enlarged pores, comedones, inflammation, and acne. To care combination skin It is necessary to approach differently, using different sets of cosmetics for oily and dry/normal skin. Except daily home care, combination skin requires professional cosmetic procedures.

    General information

    Combination (mixed) skin is characterized by alternating areas of oily skin (on the forehead, nose and chin) and dry or normal skin in the temples and cheeks. It is believed that combination skin is the most common skin type, occurring in 80% of teenagers, 40% of young people under 25 and 15% of people mature age. In most cases, over the years, combination skin acquires the characteristics of normal skin. To understand what type of skin you have (dry, oily, normal, combination), just do a simple test: 2-3 hours after washing, you need to blot your face paper napkin. If there is a greasy trace left on the napkin from the T-shaped zone, and the napkin remains dry in the cheek area, then you have a mixed skin type.

    Causes of combination skin

    Throughout life, the condition and type of skin changes. Typically, problem skin first appears during puberty. As a person gets older, in most cases the skin becomes drier: oily shine and acne decrease or disappear, but signs of aging appear - wrinkles, sagging, rosacea, pigment spots, etc.

    Combination skin type is most often caused by hereditary factors. The T-shaped zone of the face is concentrated greatest number sebaceous glands, active work which is accompanied by the release of excess sebum, forming an oily film. A kind of “stimulus” for increasing skin secretion is periods of hormonal changes in the body (puberty, pregnancy), stress, unbalanced nutrition with a predominance of fatty and carbohydrate foods in the diet, gastrointestinal disorders, bad habits. Combination skin problems are exacerbated by the wrong choice of cosmetics, improper care taking care of your skin, using low quality cosmetics.

    Characteristics of combination skin

    Combination skin has characteristics various types skin. So, in the T-zone, the skin has an oily sheen, enlarged pores, comedones, areas of inflammation, and acne. Normal skin in the area of ​​the temples, cheeks and neck is characterized by healthy looking, uniform color and smooth structure. If the skin in these areas is dry, it is prone to peeling, irritation, early appearance facial wrinkles around the eyes and near the lips. In this case, superficial vascular plexuses - spider veins - are visible through the thinned epidermis. Due to the alternation of areas on the face with different activity of the sebaceous glands and cosmetic defects The skin tone may be uneven, the structure may be uneven.

    During the summer months, combination skin appears oilier than usual, and in the winter it is more prone to irritation and flaking. pH level mixed skin ranges from 3 in dry areas to 6 in oily areas. Around the age of 35, combination skin most often approaches the normal type.

    Features of care for combination skin

    Different areas of combination skin should receive special care based on their specific needs. When caring for combination skin, it is important to eliminate excessive sebaceous secretions and at the same time avoid drying out the skin. Those with combination skin are not recommended to overindulge in foods that are too oily, spicy, fried, caffeine, etc. It is advisable to enrich your diet fresh vegetables and fruits, drink enough clean water. When choosing decorative cosmetics For mixed skin, preference should be given to foundation water-based, creamy blush, dry powder and shadows.

    For daily care of different areas of the skin, you can use separate cosmetics intended for oily and dry or normal skin. However, this is quite troublesome and not always convenient. Therefore, the modern market offers special lines of cosmetics adapted for combination skin. Daily facial care should include the stages of cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

    It is recommended to use foams or gels to wash your face in the morning and evening. The main requirement for cleansers for combination skin is non-comedogenic, that is, they should not contain components such as coconut, almond or Peach oil, isostearic or oleic alcohol, butyl stearate, lanolin, etc. At the same time, herbal extracts and fruit acids are welcome in the formulas of cleansers. The product is applied to the face in a thin layer and then distributed over the skin with massage movements. Rinse off the cleansing gel with cool water. Washing with hot water and toilet soap is strictly contraindicated, as this can cause excessive activity of the sebaceous glands in oily areas and excessive dryness on sensitive ones. Once a week should be done deep cleansing combination skin using a scrub. Cleansing film masks and peelings with fruit acids Can only be used on oily skin areas.

    After cleansing the skin, the toning stage begins, for which special lotions and tonics are used for combination skin. They allow you to even out the structure of the skin, reduce pores, regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, and normalize the pH of the skin. The skin toner should not contain alcohol; it is preferable that it contains anti-inflammatory ingredients: bisabolol, panthenol, etc. To moisturize combination skin, hydrogels and non-greasy texture creams with herbal extracts, vegetable oils, ceramides, hyaluronic acid. Contrasting compresses made from herbal decoctions have a good effect on the condition of combination skin. During the day in summer, it is recommended to use a spray bottle with thermal water. To the plots

    Attention! The information on the site cannot be used as a basis for making a diagnosis or starting self-medication! No website can replace a visit to a doctor. Do not self-medicate based on information on the Internet, it is dangerous!

    Caring for combination skin requires a delicate approach that will take into account the special needs of areas with different types skin.

    Caring for combination skin will help maintain the normal balance of metabolic processes and avoid these unpleasant consequences.

    By the age of 30, the characteristics of the skin under the influence various factors may change. You need to carefully monitor the needs of your skin and take care of it based on its needs.

    A face with mixed skin type seems to be divided into sections. In the T-zone, where more intense sebum secretion occurs, there is fat type skin, and on the cheeks, temples and around the eyes - dry type.

    Such capricious skin shows the negative sides of both types.

    Sensitivity, predisposition to the appearance of comedones and acne, a tendency to dryness and the formation of premature wrinkles - all this is familiar to people whose skin has a combination type.

    Skin types differ in their main properties:

    • moisture;
    • the amount of sebum secreted.

    The combined type combines areas on the face with diametrically opposed characteristics.

    As already written above, in the T-zone area - on the forehead, chin and nose - the skin will be oily, which will make it more protected from the external environment and will not allow moisture to evaporate from the surface of the skin.

    At the same time, the pores in this area of ​​the face will be enlarged and prone to the appearance of comedones and blackheads.

    The skin area in the V-zone - on the temples, on the upper and lower eyelids and on the cheeks - exhibits diametrically opposite properties: it does not produce enough sebum, which makes it more vulnerable and susceptible to negative factors.

    In addition, in these areas the skin is much drier than in the T-zone, because without sufficient lubricating the surface of the skin with lard, moisture evaporates rapidly from it.

    Thus, by the age of 30 or earlier, premature wrinkles may appear.

    Due to different properties, each skin type requires an individual approach. There are two ways to do it.

    As is known, daily care facial treatment involves several procedures:

    • cleansing;
    • nutrition;
    • hydration.

    For this, special products are used: gels, lotions and creams. Each skin type has its own cosmetic lines, the composition of which was selected according to the properties of the skin.

    The combined type is difficult to care for because it involves using two lines of cosmetics at once or searching for a neutral product, the composition of which will be useful for both dry and oily skin - in this case, cosmetics should not contain alcohol.

    Compositions containing vitamins, chamomile, nettle or rose hip extracts, and essential oils are well suited.

    With age, closer to 30 years, the properties of the skin may approach normal levels.

    Proper care will not only help eliminate imbalance problems, but also prevent skin aging and subsequently maintain its tone.

    After 30 years, cosmetics should be replaced with anti-aging ones that have a tightening effect. Since the skin may change its properties by this time, when choosing a product you will need to focus on its new needs.

    In addition to daily procedures, it is necessary to periodically care for your skin using masks and scrubs.

    At home, masks based on fresh or sour milk, black bread, bran, kefir, whey or oatmeal are used.

    Daily procedures

    It is necessary to cleanse your face twice a day: in the morning after sleep and in the evening, removing makeup and washing away the dirt that has accumulated during the day. Thus, caring procedures are carried out in complexes in the morning and evening.

    Combination face type requires thorough cleansing. However, you should not use soap. Experts recommend washing your face with decoctions based on mint, sage, chamomile or calendula.

    You can also use cosmetic milk for washing, gentle gel or tea with milk.

    After the cleansing procedure, you should apply lotion, wiping areas with oily skin with it, and then spread your face with nourishing cream.

    Immediately after washing, products for oily skin are applied to the entire face, then cosmetics for dry skin are additionally applied to the V-zone. The area around the eyes should be cared for using special delicate products.

    T-zone lotion may contain small amounts of alcohol. Its careful use will help narrow pores, reduce the likelihood of inflammatory processes and dry out existing rashes.

    But closer to 30 years of age, products containing alcohol must be used more carefully so as not to overdry skin. Around 30, the skin on the face, as a rule, is no longer divided according to its properties into oily type or dry type.

    Both morning and evening procedures should contain the entire range of products, but at night the T-zone area should not be lubricated with a greasy cream, and if inflammation appears on it, then it is necessary to wipe it with an antibacterial lotion or cream.

    After 30 years, you can start doing facial exercises in the morning, and a relaxing massage in the evening.

    These rules should become a habit. Within a few days, if the care products were chosen correctly, you will notice improvements.

    Application of scrubs and masks

    The use of masks also implies the use of components that are beneficial to both skin types. Otherwise, the products can be applied zonally.

    Cosmetologists believe that it is more effective to use 2 different masks at the same time, 1-2 times a week.

    The T-zone requires deep cleansing and exfoliation, while the V-zone requires intense hydration. After the mask has been left for the required time, it should be washed off and a nourishing or moisturizing cream should be applied to the skin.

    Therefore, it is especially useful for oily skin, and it can also be used to “feed” dry areas of the skin.

    To prepare, you need to mix two teaspoons of yeast with three teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide. The composition should be applied immediately after preparation.

    Leave the mask on your face for about 10-15 minutes, after which it should be removed using a cotton swab soaked in fresh warm tea.

    A soothing mask with the effect of narrowing pores is made using rose hips and lemon juice. In addition to the above effects, it has softening and nourishing effects on the skin.

    To do this you will need:

    • 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped rose hips;
    • sage leaves;
    • mint (1 tsp);
    • 0.5 lemon;
    • 300 ml of boiled water.

    Berries, sage and mint should be poured with boiling water, then kept in a water bath for 30 minutes, after which the broth should be cooled slightly and lemon juice should be added.

    The resulting warm mass should be distributed over gauze and applied to the face. For better effect The mask must be insulated with a towel.

    The mass is kept on the skin for 15 - 20 minutes, after which it must be removed from the face, washing off the residue with strong tea. The face should dry on its own, after which it should be moisturized with cream.

    From time to time it is necessary to perform a deeper cleansing of the skin. Once a week you need to cleanse your pores and remove dead skin with peeling.

    When these procedures are performed regularly, the skin looks healthier and fresher, blood begins to circulate better through the capillaries, and the pores become narrower.

    Rashes and inflammations become significantly less.

    Skin after 30 needs special stimulation. Regular exfoliation with an element of massage will help you look younger.

    To keep your skin in perfect condition, you need to take proper and regular care of it. Skin care requires significant effort, especially if we are talking about a combination or mixed type.

    Combination skin is characterized by increased sebum production in the forehead, nose and chin, the so-called T-zone (as a rule, the skin in this area has an oily sheen, enlarged pores and acne), and normal, and often dry, skin on the cheeks , prone to peeling and early appearance of signs of aging. That is why care for combination skin should be based on the use of products that combine components suitable for both skin types. IN otherwise For care, you should simultaneously use products for combination and dry or normal skin. This skin type may have an uneven shade.

    The main reason for the appearance of this type skin is a large number of sebaceous glands in the T-zone and their virtual absence in the cheek area. Excessive sebum secretion covers the skin with an oily film. The culprit of increased sebum secretion is the male hormone testosterone, which has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a rule, combination skin is characteristic of young girls and young women. After thirty years, this skin type will change, in most cases towards normal skin, since in areas of increased sebum secretion this process is normalized.

    Cleansing. The cleansing procedure has important for any skin type, and for combination skin it must be thorough. Twice a day you need to wash your face with a special gel or foam wash that matches your skin type or normal skin type. Apply the product to damp facial skin, massage lightly, focusing Special attention T-zone and wash off with cool water. It is important to know that washing with hot or warm water is not recommended for this skin type, since this causes the pores to expand and the skin in the cheek area to dry out. When washing off the product from the T-shaped zone, you can use a sponge, this will give a light peeling effect. After cleansing, the skin needs toning, which in this case should be done with a mattifying toner for combination or normal skin. If there are inflammatory processes in the T-shaped zone, you can lightly wipe it for disinfection with a eau de toilette with alcohol on a cotton pad.

    Peeling. Twice a week, combination skin needs exfoliation, which should be done using scrubs or gommages. This type of cosmetic product perfectly fights the dead layer of keratinized cells. In addition, the use of these products helps to reduce the production of sebum in the central area of ​​the face. Therefore, when using scrubs and gommages, you should pay more attention to the areas of the forehead, chin and nose (at least three minutes). But regarding the cheeks, the skin on which is already dry and sensitive, exfoliation should be done very carefully and not for long (no more than a minute). It should be noted that the most the right time evening is considered for peeling, since after such a procedure it is not recommended to go out into the air, since a huge number of microtraumas occur on the skin, which can cause infection in the air.

    The most effective scrub, prepared at home, is considered a scrub made from oatmeal or black bread, which perfectly cleanses areas of oily skin, and also softens and moisturizes normal or dry skin. The use of this scrub, in addition to significantly improving the condition of the skin, also makes it possible not to go through differentiated skin care. To prepare such a scrub, you need to mix a glass of Hercules oatmeal or lightly dried black bread crumb, minced with a tablespoon baking soda or borax, and the same amount of table salt and sour milk. This mixture can be transferred to a glass container with a lid and stored. Apply this scrub to a damp face and cleanse your face with massaging movements until the paste glides easily over the skin. After this, the scrub can be washed off.

    Steam baths. A couple of times a month for combination skin it is useful to take steam baths, best before bed. This procedure will open and cleanse the pores of impurities. For this skin type steam baths Best made with lemon or cranberry. They perfectly vitaminize and tone combination skin in its various areas. To do this, take half a lemon and half a glass of cranberries for two liters of water. The lemon must be passed through a meat grinder, the cranberries must be crushed until smooth, mixed, put this mass in a bowl and pour boiling water over it. Before making such a bath, the skin of the cheeks, eyelids and temples should be lightly lubricated with a rich cream. You need to lean over the steam, covering your head with a towel. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. After this procedure, the skin is best prepared for further deep cleansing.

    Masks for combination skin.
    Caring for any skin type would not be complete without the use of cosmetic masks. Masks are considered the most effective cosmetic products, best time for which 9-11 pm, since it is at this moment that our skin most intensively absorbs the substances applied to it. Combination skin can benefit from using natural masks, massages and compresses from medicinal herbs, wrap masks, and lifting masks. Masks must be done at least once a week.

    Recipes for masks for combination skin.

    Yeast mask.
    Mix two teaspoons of yeast with three teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (3%) until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to your face in a thin layer, lightly rub into the skin. After 10-15 minutes, the mask should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm tea infusion. You can use another recipe: mix two teaspoons of yeast with half a teaspoon linseed oil And a small amount honey Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl and place in hot water. After the first signs of fermentation appear, the mask can be applied to the skin, previously lubricated with cream, excluding the areas around the eyes and mouth. After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

    Cleansing masks.
    Mix two tablespoons of semolina with one egg white chicken egg. Apply the resulting mass to your face and rinse after 15-20 minutes.

    Mash red or black grapes in a mortar and add low-fat yogurt or kefir to this mixture. Apply the resulting mask to the face and leave for twenty minutes, and then remove with a cotton pad soaked in warm green or black tea. This mask effectively cleanses the skin and at the same time tightens pores.

    Nourishing masks.
    Take any berry puree (1 tablespoon) and grind with a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse.

    Grate medium-sized carrots on a fine grater and mix with whipped egg whites and two teaspoons of your night cream. Apply this mixture to your face and rinse after 15 minutes with warm water.

    Grind the yolk of one egg until white and mix with two teaspoons vegetable oil, half a teaspoon apple juice and with the same amount of honey or nourishing cream. All ingredients should be added gradually. The mask should be applied to damp skin twice with an interval of 5-7 minutes.

    Take two tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese, add a spoonful of warm milk or cream, salt on the tip of a knife and a spoonful of warm vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin for 15 minutes.

    Refreshing mask.
    Add egg yolk to a teaspoon of aloe juice and apply the resulting mixture to your face and neck. Apply three layers, each after three minutes. After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm water.

    Whitening masks.
    Grate a medium-sized cucumber on a fine grater and add 0.5 tsp to this mixture. boric acid. Place the bowl with the mixture in a water bath and heat it up a little. Apply the mask while warm on gauze, and then on your face for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time has passed, the skin should be wiped cucumber juice and apply nourishing cream.

    Softening mask.
    This mask, in addition to softening, gives a calming effect. In addition, it perfectly tightens pores. To prepare it, you need to take two teaspoons of chopped rose hips and sage leaves, add a teaspoon of mint. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over all this. Then place in a water bath with the lid closed for half an hour. Mix the warm infusion with lemon juice(half a lemon). Apply the herbal mixture onto a gauze napkin and apply it to the face, covering it with a towel. After 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water, and after drying, lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

    Herbal mask.
    Take any of the listed herbs (dandelion, plantain, chamomile flowers, nettle or mint) and prepare a paste from it using a mortar, adding a little water. Mix the resulting mixture with honey in equal proportions and apply to the face, after 15-20 minutes rinse with water at room temperature.

    Rejuvenating mask.
    Mix a teaspoon of fresh yeast, a tablespoon of yogurt (or sour cream), a teaspoon of baking soda, a tablespoon of warm water. The resulting mass should be applied to previously cleansed skin of the face and neck. After 15-20 minutes, rinse the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizing, non-greasy face cream or gel to the skin.

    Compresses for combination skin.
    Hot and cold compresses have a beneficial effect on combination skin. Hot compresses are applied before cleansing or masks, and cold compresses are applied after these procedures; they soothe the skin and tighten the pores. Hot compresses are applied to the entire face, and cold compresses are applied only to oily and porous areas. Alternate use of hot and cold compresses is great for combination skin. But at the same time they are applied to the entire face. Compresses have a moisturizing effect on the skin and support water balance and help improve metabolic processes in the skin.

    Compress made from a decoction of nettle and chamomile.
    Place 1 tbsp. l. nettle leaves and chamomile flowers into a glass container, pour half a liter of water, cover with a lid and place in a water bath for 15 minutes. The infusion should be strained. The compress should be applied to cleansed skin. Terry towel moisten with hot infusion, squeeze a little and apply on face for 3-5 minutes. A cold compress is done in the same way, only the exposure time will be much shorter, 20-30 seconds.

    Moisturizing (nourishing) combination skin.
    In the morning, after cleansing, the skin needs hydration and protection. Therefore, you should apply moisturizer at the same time for dry and oily skin. It is better if such a cream contains sunscreen filters, which is especially important in summer period time. Of course, this procedure takes a little longer, but after a couple of days of use the result will be obvious. First, you should apply a moisturizing cream (for oily and inflamed skin) or gel all over, and then apply a rich day cream to your cheeks. You can use one product specially designed for combination skin, but the effectiveness will be significantly lower than when using two types of creams simultaneously.

    In the evening, apply night cream to your cheeks after cleansing and toning. skin with lungs patting movements. The T-zone is supplied with fat, so there is no need to apply cream. If acne appears on your forehead, nose or chin, apply an antibacterial cream based on salicylic acid or chamomile.

    If you cannot do without decorative cosmetics, then you will have to stop using powder; preference should be given to light tinting mousses and cream-based cheek blush.

    Care for dry eyelid skin.
    Combination skin is also characterized by dry eyelid skin. This explains the earlier appearance of so-called wrinkles crow's feet". In order to slow down the process of their formation, it is necessary to use moisturizers designed specifically for the skin of the eyelids. This cream should be applied with light patting movements twice a day, morning and evening.

    To maintain youthful skin around the eyes, you can use various masks. For example, melt a mixture of a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of wheat flour and one whipped egg white in a water bath. Apply the resulting mixture to the area around the eyes and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. This mask should be done every day for a month. During this time, the skin will smooth out and wrinkles will noticeably decrease.

    You can also use this effective way: Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of chamomile (you can use dill or sage) and leave to steep for 10 minutes, covered. Then the resulting infusion must be filtered and divided into two parts. Cool one part and, on the contrary, heat the other. Alternately apply a hot or cold compress to your eyelids. It is recommended to do this procedure every other day for a month and a half. Regularity and consistency of the procedure promotes smoothness and hydration of the skin.

    The herbs are also effective for combination skin. For example, dilute plantain juice with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Wipe your face with this mixture every morning and evening. Chamomile infusion (1:10) is also useful for wiping the face during the day.

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