• Aging of facial skin in women: causes, stages and effective methods to prevent age-related changes. What ages a woman: signs that make a woman older


    After 30 years, you look the way you deserve, people say. But this is only partly true. Different skin types age differently.

    First age signs some girls notice it on their face as early as 18 years old, but in reality we begin to age much later. The appearance of facial wrinkles and age spots, which sometimes “spoil” young skin, has nothing to do with the aging process of the body. All of the above are the result of insufficient skin care, but not signs of age.

    Real age-related changes appear on the face only after 30 years, when cell renewal processes in the body slow down, microcirculation is disrupted and metabolism decreases. But at this time it is still too early to talk about skin withering - an indispensable stage of its aging, although the status of the skin is still changing. In the language of cosmetology, a woman’s skin after 30 years is called mature. Nevertheless, there is no need to be upset.

    Photo: 123RF/lenetstan

    The skin is a hormone-dependent organ, and at the age of 30-35 years, all vital hormones are still produced in sufficient quantities. This means that if you care for her correctly, taking into account not only her type and individual characteristics, but also the type of aging - you can achieve amazing results.

    How to take care of your skin after 30 years

    If you evaluate the skin condition of women at this age, you can see that it will be completely different. Some representatives of the fair sex will look 20 years old, as if biological age has no influence on them. Others can be given “all 35” - pronounced wrinkles, decreased skin turgor, a swollen oval of the face. Does this mean that the first ladies took better care of their skin and their skincare products were more effective?

    Not really. U different women Not only the skin type (normal, dry, oily, combination) and its condition (sensitive, dehydrated), but also the type of facial aging differ. Only by taking into account all the factors can you stay young and beautiful longer. There are three important secrets for this:

    1. The main secrets of maintaining youthful skin.
    2. Professional cosmetics.

    Secrets of youthful skin: 5anti-age tips

    If you want to see your skin healthy and beautiful for as long as possible, don’t believe in miraculous properties cosmetics. The skin is a reflection of the changes that occur inside the body, which means its care must be comprehensive. A portion of cream in the morning and evening is not enough, you must lead healthy image life!

    Get yourself a good night's sleep

    The skin of 30-year-old women reacts sharply to stress, so lack of sleep is immediately reflected on the face. Skin covering it becomes dull, gray, the eyelid area turns red, and if you also drank coffee or alcohol in the evening, swelling appears. Sleep is the best cure for stress, including for your face!

    Photo: 123RF/Lightwave Stock Media

    Get busysports

    The results of an interesting study were published by specialists from McMaster University in Ontario. They gathered two groups of like-minded people from 20 to 84 years old. The first group played sports three times a week, while the second group did not practice intense exercise. A skin biopsy showed that in elderly people from the first group, the qualitative characteristics of the deep layers of the skin corresponded to young skin! While the second one is based on biological age. Something to think about, isn't it?

    Eat right

    Trite? But it's effective! We can talk for a long time about the dangers of fast food, but it’s better not to eat it. Eliminate or at least limit store-bought sausages, semi-finished products, as well as chebureks and pies from the tray - your skin condition will immediately improve. And if you also start drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day, your skin will visually become brighter and fresher, and optimally hydrated from the inside.

    Use the funds withSPF all year round

    After 25-30 years, the risk of pigmentation, which is difficult to correct, increases. To prevent this problem, apply sun filter cream to the skin of your face, neck, décolleté and hands. The minimum SPF value is 30.

    Photo: 123RF/WavebreakMediaLtd

    Plan anti-aging care

    After 30 years, a woman should switch to anti-aging cosmetics. Regular moisturizer and simple cleansing morning and evening are no longer enough. To keep your skin velvety, fresh and youthful, you will have to expand your cosmetic arsenal. An anti-aging cream with a moisturizing effect, a nourishing cream (evening), tonic lotions, moisturizing and restoring masks and serums should settle on your dressing table.

    9 the best components anti-aging cosmetics:
    - hyaluronic acid;
    - peptides;
    - AHA acids;
    - retinoids;
    - vitamins A, C and E;
    - seaweed;
    - collagen.

    How different skin types age

    Tired aging type: moderate dry to normal skin

    Stellar example: Kim Basinger, Julia Roberts.


    The first type of aging affects those with normal to moderately dry skin, sometimes with increased sensitivity. They usually have an asthenic (thin) or normosthenic physique, and their face is oval or diamond-shaped. In the morning, the skin looks beautiful, pleases with freshness and blush, and in the evening it takes on a tired look, as if nature “throws on” 3-5 years. The main reason for the changes is the disruption of microcirculation in the deep layers.

    Main features:

    • Dull complexion, acquires an earthy tint with age.
    • Decreased skin turgor and muscle tone.
    • Drooping of the corners of the eyes and mouth.
    • Manifestation of the pattern of the nasolabial triangle and tear trough.
    • Visual loss of volume.

    What to do?

    First of all, you should take care of proper rest as effective means reducing skin stress. When choosing cosmetics, give preference to ingredients that improve complexion and stimulate collagen synthesis. These are products with vitamin C, antioxidants and AHA acids.

    Be sure to practice self-massage of the face. A procedure carried out in accordance with all the rules will improve the movement of blood in the lymph and tissues and will noticeably refresh you. And don't forget about salon care- lymphatic drainage procedures will be useful - classic manual massage, myolifting, vacuum lymphatic drainage. Once a year recommended chemical peels, improving the condition of the skin and stimulating collagen synthesis.

    Deformation type of aging: oily and combination skin

    Stellar example: Svetlana Kryuchkova, Sophia Loren.


    It is not difficult to recognize a woman on the street who is prone to this type of facial aging - this is approximately 60 percent of our compatriots. This is how the “heavy” grow old full faces. The skin of beautiful ladies is most often combination or oily, porous, often with rosacea and increased sensitivity to cosmetic care. The defining symptom of the deformation type is sagging tissue, as the name suggests - the eyelids become bag-like, the circumference of the face “floats”, the cheeks droop. The reasons for the unpleasant changes are excess subcutaneous fat and decreased skin turgor.

    Main features:

    • The appearance of swelling.
    • The appearance of "jowls" double chin.
    • Bags under the eyes.
    • Spider veins (rosacea).
    • The cheeks hang over the nasolabial fold.
    • The oval of the face is lost.

    What to do?

    With this type of facial aging, the most important thing is prevention. Unfortunately, with age-related changes - sagging skin of the upper eyelids and cheeks, the appearance of fatty hernias, etc. - Only surgical intervention is effective. Therefore, it is so important to start thoughtful skin care on time to prevent imperfections. Experts have shown procedures that can restore muscle tone and thereby tighten the skin. This is a sculptural massage, myostimulation, a course of modeling masks. At home, you can pamper your skin with alginate and paraffin masks, rely on anti-rosacea creams and serums, and also use skincare cosmetics that improve microcirculation in the layers of the skin. Creams containing seaweed, vitamins K, P and C are useful.

    Fine wrinkled aging type: normal, dry sensitive skin

    Stellar example: Andie MacDowell, Audrey Hepburn.


    The beautiful half of humanity with this type of aging has normal or dry sensitive skin. Since such skin is quite thin and light, with age it does not stretch under the influence of gravity, but retains its shape. But there is also bad news! It is covered first with small and then deep wrinkles. Over time, the face loses its beautiful porcelain glow - the skin requires moisture and protection. In order for it to remain bright and fresh longer, it literally needs greenhouse conditions.

    Main features:

    • Constant feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin.
    • Acute reaction to cold and heat.
    • Expression wrinkles appear in the forehead area.
    • Folds are noticeable on the upper and lower eyelids.
    • Clearly visible " crow's feet"and wrinkles around the lips.
    • Pigment “blots” appear.

    What to do?

    The “golden rule” of caring for such skin is protection. In the cold season, before going outside, you should apply a protective nourishing cream, and in the warm season, a product with solar filters. At the first sign of rashes and irritation, you will need an antiallergic drug. In addition to all of the above, in daily care there should be a cream based hyaluronic acid- an iconic skin moisturizer, with soothing ingredients and phytoestrogens.

    If you are not afraid of injections and are ready for injection techniques, try mesotherapy sessions (injection of hyaluronic acid-based cocktails and gels under the skin). Among other techniques, skin condition can be improved by massages on top nourishing cream and a course of restorative masks.

    Combined aging: all skin types

    Stellar example— Irina Alferova, Brigitte Bardot.

    One of the most complex types, which is characterized by all the above characteristics. Briefly but succinctly, the aging process can be described as “all at once.” The face takes on a gloomy expression, swelling occurs and wrinkles appear. At the age of 30, it is difficult to recognize it, since aging occurs like a tired face, after which other signs appear. However, if you have a normal physique, but have a tendency to be overweight, keep in mind that you are at risk.

    Main features:

    • Formation of wrinkles.
    • Decreased skin elasticity.
    • Pronounced nasolabial folds.
    • The sagging of the cheeks is noticeable.
    • The brow ridges are lowered.
    • The oval of the face gradually loses its clarity.

    What to do?

    Because the mixed type Aging involves consistent changes in appearance, each problem should be addressed separately. When wrinkles appear, you can correct them with injection techniques (based on botulinum toxin), loss of skin turgor - with modeling massage or lymphatic drainage hardware procedures.

    Anti-aging products, contrast procedures, and washing with ice cubes are good for home care. A program to prevent hyperpigmentation should be a mandatory component of care. Train yourself to consult a cosmetologist at least once a year to track the changes that have occurred and select the right ones. cosmetics.

    Be healthy and beautiful!

    What does a woman's age reveal? The main signs of aging and how to deal with them

    As long as a woman has existed, she has been concerned about the issue of preserving youth and beauty. And most women, after passing a certain age, begin to carefully hide the number in their passport. The reality is that it is impossible to turn back time! But it is entirely within your power to slow down the aging process without resorting to plastic surgery.

    Cosmetologists have identified a number of markers that others use to read information about a woman’s true age. By neutralizing at least one of them, you can significantly adjust your appearance. A Taken measures in combination - will give truly fantastic results! The fight for youth should begin when the first bells ring: expression lines, dryness, and swelling under the eyes appear.

    Hollywood stars have a whole arsenal of achievements at their disposal modern cosmetology, which is quite possible for you to use. “So Simple!” suggests figuring out how celebrities effectively combat obvious signs of aging.

    1. Nasolabial folds- a natural trace of time, which sometimes appears on the face by the age of 25. Those whose skin is prone to dryness and does not receive sufficient nutrition and hydration are susceptible to their early appearance. At the initial stage, fortunately, good cosmetic products, but only salon procedures can correct fairly deep folds: bioreinforcement - a procedure that creates a frame under the skin using a gel, biorevitalization and fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

    2. Circles and dark circles under the eyes

    The skin of the eyes is subjected to enormous stress because it is too thin and delicate, devoid of sebaceous secretions. You laugh, cry, squint from the sun, make faces... All this is not in the best possible way affects the condition of the skin around the eyes. Add to this irregular sleep, alcoholic libations on holidays, eye strain at the computer, and you will get noticeable shadows on the eyelids without the help of decorative cosmetics. Experts recommend fighting bruises with products that strengthen the vascular network and stimulate blood circulation in the skin, but bags and swelling will be removed by products that promote lymphatic drainage: products with caffeine, blueberry, plantain, arnica extracts. Tea compresses and rubbing with ice cubes will refresh the skin. The salon will offer you Thermage, Fraxel, peeling and mesotherapy.

    3. Oval face

    A clear, toned oval face is synonymous with youth. The manifestation of this sign of skin aging depends on many factors: the presence of bad habits in a woman, excess weight, heredity, poor posture. Already by the age of 30, in some cases, you can notice slight sagging of the skin around the jaw and chin, and by the age of 40, the contours of the face float in 80% of women. For ladies who frequently drink alcohol, their faces lose their shape much faster! As a preventive measure, do facial exercises every day and get a massage once a week. Cosmetologists advise starting myostimulation and microcurrent procedures from the age of 25–30. Well, if things are really bad, they use means to break down fat, reinforcement, and strengthening with threads.

    4. Neck

    Most girls do not pay attention to their neck in time. When the problem has already manifested itself, it becomes much more difficult to deal with it. The most important thing in caring for the skin of your neck is to control your posture! Sleep on a small elastic pillow that follows the contours of your neck or on an anatomical cushion. From the age of 25, start regularly doing peelings and masks for the skin of your neck. Cosmetology procedures: lifting, Fraxel, light fillers, plasma lifting.

    5. Hands

    Hands - business card women! Tireless workers, female hands are most often exposed to harmful mechanical and chemical influences. Wear rubber gloves when washing dishes, cleaning, or gardening. Do it regularly oil wraps, masks, use creams. Start taking care of your hand skin from an early age!

    All women are terrified of losing their youth, despite the fact that some of them vehemently deny it. From her youth, a girl strives to take care of her skin, but old age still creeps up unnoticed. How do women age, what are the first “bells” and how to slow down this sad process?

    How does a woman age?

    Beautiful face after 45 it’s only in your hands.

    There are signs by which you can understand that a woman has begun to age, even if there is not a single wrinkle on her face:

    1. The woman's voice changes. Hoarseness appears and he becomes weaker.
    2. The breasts become smaller, sag and look flat.
    3. An artery protrudes in the neck area, looking at which you can even notice a pulsation.
    4. The superficial neck muscle begins to sag.
    5. The skin of the nose becomes flabby, the nostrils become wide, and the tip sags.
    6. The same story happens with the ears. The earlobes become saggy and wrinkled. Especially for those women who have been wearing heavy earrings for years.
    7. A woman gains weight due to hormonal changes, as well as a slower metabolism. Fat distribution occurs in the waist, back and shoulders.
    8. Hair begins to turn gray, fall out more actively, become dull and thin.
    9. The face is deformed due to a reduction in the volume of the cranial bones.
    10. Eyebrows, corners of lips and eyes droop.

    Signs of skin aging on the body

    • The skin becomes dry and flabby.
    • The skin of the abdomen, forearms and buttocks sags.
    • The skin becomes prone to redness, visible through it spider veins, veins bulge. This is especially noticeable on the legs and arms.
    • Skin color becomes less uniform, pigment spots appear age spots V different parts bodies.
    • From the age of 30, changes in the jawline begin. The skin begins to sag, and horizontal lines appear in the neck area, then vertical wrinkles join them.

    Important! Horizontal lines in the neck area may not always be a sign of aging in a woman. Sometimes they are a feature of the structure of the neck and appear in a person since childhood.

    Aging of female facial skin

    A woman's face begins to age at the age of 25. This is the average data. In some women, the face begins to age earlier, and in others much later. Much depends on genetic indicators (here you can pay attention to your parents), lifestyle and psychological attitude towards life.

    Video: All stages of aging of a woman’s facial skin in 5 minutes.

    From the age of 25, signs of aging are not very visible, but the skin is already undergoing a process of dehydration. This is manifested in the absence of a healthy and natural blush characteristic of young ladies. At the end of the day, the face begins to take on a tired look. During active facial expressions, small wrinkles are observed in the corners of the eyes. If the skin is dry, then so is the forehead.

    • Lips begin to age, decreasing in volume, becoming thinner and wrinkled.
    • Starting from the age of 30, the process gains momentum and accelerates. Wrinkles, which were previously barely noticeable during facial activity, are now visible and barely noticeable even in the resting state of facial expression. Wrinkles on the forehead and nasolabial folds are especially clearly visible, depending on the type of face.
    • The skin around the eyes becomes thinner and loses its elasticity. This is manifested by the appearance of dark circles around the eyes.
    • Skin cells renew themselves more slowly, causing dead epidermal cells to accumulate, creating a grayish complexion. The skin is renewed unevenly, because of this the complexion also becomes uneven.

    Starting from the age of 40, age wrinkles are added to facial wrinkles. They are located in the area of ​​the corners of the mouth and chin. A fold appears in the cervical-chin part of the face. The skin of the face changes, becomes more porous and vascular points appear on it. A vascular pattern can also be observed under the eyes.

    Deformation type of aging

    A clear example of the deformation type of facial skin aging.

    Starting at age 45, the following signs appear:

    • Against the background of hormonal changes, the oval of the face changes, the skin becomes dry and covered with new wrinkles.
    • Deformation type of aging is characteristic of oily skin face and such aging leads to the formation of very deep wrinkles and fading. A tired looking face is becoming the norm.
    • The cheeks droop, “jowls” form in the lower jaw area, and a double chin appears. In full-bodied women who have always had a double chin, it begins to sag.
    • Swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes.
    • Pronounced wrinkles appear on the lips.

    Important! With the deformation type of facial skin aging, a woman may not have deep wrinkles, but only deformation of facial contours, a tired appearance, and swelling. The following video will clearly show what signs of facial aging are found.

    Ways to combat aging facial skin

    To slow down the aging process of the skin, you need to make a deep analysis of your lifestyle.

    First of all - sleep!

    During sleep, the skin recovers from daytime exposure to light and temperature.

    You need to sleep 8 hours a day. You need to go to bed at the same time, preferably before 11 pm. The pillow and mattress should be comfortable and anatomically correct. The air in the room should be fresh during sleep.

    Stress ages you

    You need to learn to control your emotions. Nobody says they need to be suppressed. Just control it without bringing yourself to a state of agony and groundless worries.


    Do a facial massage at least once a week to improve blood circulation in the vessels.

    Facial massage can tighten the skin, accelerate the circulation of lymph and blood, and give the face radiance and a fresh look. The photo above shows the massage lines.

    Video about effective facial gymnastics, as a result of which the skin rejuvenates by 1-5 years.

    We are what we eat

    Meals should consist of natural products, not subject to long-term heat treatment. Fried food consists entirely of carcinogens that lead to aging. Baked goods and pastry cream are full of trans fats and harmful carbohydrates.

    Movement is life

    An active lifestyle speeds up metabolism, thus slowing down the deformation type of aging.

    Deep hydration and nutrition

    Regular use of clay masks or special cosmetics will improve your complexion.

    At the beginning of the aging process, the skin needs deep hydration. Then, in the midst of aging, the skin needs to be additionally nourished, stimulate blood circulation, and moisturize. Twice a week the skin needs deep cleansing. To do this, you can use various clay masks, or other means, as well as the services of beauty salons.

    Masks and facial compresses made at home using vegetables and fruits help. For irritation, a compress made from a mixture of chamomile and celandine helps well. A mask of cucumber and aloe instantly refreshes the skin.

    Medicines and vitamins

    Preparations containing Q10, vitamins C, A, and E significantly help to prolong youth not only of the face, but also of the entire body.
    You can choose a complex of vitamins aimed at improving the functioning of the nervous system, bone tissue regeneration and with the addition of vitamins for skin radiance. Today there are many manufacturers of such complexes and there is plenty to choose from.

    Anti-aging facial creams

    Technologies in the development of anti-aging facial skin creams combine knowledge in the field of gerontology, pharmacology and cosmetology. Today, a woman can get lost in the variety of such creams. Therefore, only some of them, the most effective ones, will be described here.

    Anti-aging cream Qi-Klim with vitamins for facial skin for women over 45+

    Qi-Klim is a cream with an anti-aging effect. Thanks to the phytoestrogens cimicifga, hyaluronic acid, and retinol included in its composition, the cream affects the synthesis of elastin and collagen, promoting their activity. The cream is especially indicated for women who have reached menopause.

    Mary Kay cream with free radicals for deep skin hydration.

    The cream is specially designed to deeply moisturize the face. Suitable for women aged 25-30 years. Contains an innovative antioxidant complex that helps fight free radicals. Effect: soft and moisturized skin.

    innoGIALURON serum promises to moisturize and tighten facial skin.

    Inno Gialuron serum affects the dermis and epidermis simultaneously, at the molecular level. The serum contains: folic acid; Camellia sinensis extract; hyaluronic acid; kelp and fucus extract. The action is aimed at deep hydration, improving complexion, tightening the oval, removing toxins, restoring elasticity.

    Lucerin anti-aging complex for facial skin over 45 years.

    This anti-aging cream comes with two Altai alfalfa capsules. The anti-aging complex is intended for women over 45 years old. The drug successfully fights deep wrinkles, returns elasticity and firmness to the skin. Contains tocopherol, organic acids, uronic acid, flavonoids, a complex of essential amino acids.

    Many people remember the famous Russian film “ Love affair at work", which is always in holidays shows almost every Russian channel.

    The main character of the film "Office Romance" Lyudmila Prokofyevna, played by the famous Soviet actress Alisa Freindlikh, not only became the prototype of a formidable boss, but was also associated with many women who, immersed in work, forget that they can look feminine, beautiful, stylish.

    The opposite of the boringly dressed boss is the secretary Verochka, played by Liya Akhedzhakova. The chatty secretary does not miss a single fashionable thing, she chases after new items in order to always look beautiful and “in style.”

    This example is typical for many women even now. There are women who don’t have time for themselves, and there are women who look great every day...

    These and many other factors determine female age. After all, we are as old as we look and feel.

    And yet, what makes a woman old? What signs make a woman older? And what affects a woman’s age?

    According to British scientists, a woman does not always look younger when she is slimmer. When a woman is very thin, she visually becomes older.

    For women who have crossed the barrier of forty years, thinness can cause external aging. If a woman is over forty and has round cheeks, such a lady will look younger.

    A woman's age, which is primarily reflected in her appearance, is influenced not only by her weight, but also by her physical and emotional state.

    If a woman is accustomed to nervous disorders, depression caused by life's troubles, a woman drinks alcohol, smokes and spends a lot of time in the sun, all this visually makes the woman older.

    What ages a woman the most: signs of external old age

    If a woman wants to look young, she must take care of her health and appearance. There are factors that increase female age. To avoid external aging, pay attention to the following...

    Take care of your hands

    If the hands are not well-groomed, and the skin of the hands is flabby, this visually adds to the female representatives extra years. Usually, unkempt hands reveal a woman’s age, even if you can’t find fault with the rest.

    Note the fullness of the forearm. If you have a problem here, you risk gaining a couple of extra years in the eyes of others. To avoid this, you should do special exercises, thanks to which you can keep your body in shape.

    If gray hair appears, take action

    Early gray hair is common. Sometimes White hair appear in individuals whose age is far from old age. The causes of early gray hair may be health problems, lack of vitamins and microelements. Also, early gray hair in a woman can appear due to constant stress, emotional breakdowns or physical exertion.

    It’s probably not worth talking about a healthy lifestyle. If early gray hair appears, in order to hide it, it is better to dye your hair in light shades. Dark color Hair usually gains a couple of years.

    Avoid sagging skin

    The skin, in particular the neck area, requires special care. The skin of the neck requires the same care as the skin of the face, because loose skin The neck is one of the most obvious signs of aging.

    Moisturize your skin, do exercises to keep your neck muscles toned, and watch your posture.

    What kind of makeup should not be done by a mature woman?

    For some reason, older women wear very bright makeup. Women who want to hide their age, on the contrary, should reduce the intensity of their makeup, choosing calmer, muted shades of makeup. Light makeup will give expressiveness to the face and emphasize natural beauty.

    Clothes can also make you age

    Clothing is one of the most important factors, which affects the external aging of a woman. Try to avoid hoodie dresses, shoulder pads, baggy blouses and jackets and shoes from the last century.

    A thin woman or a lady of Rubensian shape - if you choose the right clothes, you can appear much younger.

    Don't think that youth clothing can visually make you younger. This misconception quite often appears among mature women who want to look younger, but don’t know how.

    If you want to choose clothes that would make you look younger, consult someone else, or consult a salesperson at a store.

    Typically older women choose business style clothes. To look younger, you can combine styles, experiment with clothes, and choose interesting accessories. It can also visually make a woman older color clothes.

    Choose the right perfume

    It turns out that perfume can also age a woman. When choosing a perfume, you should feel comfortable and pleasant, and the aroma of the perfume should not bother you.

    Wrinkles are a clear sign of aging

    Wrinkles will, of course, appear, but they are easier to prevent than to get rid of. The skin is sensitive to the sun, so it is worth using special protective cosmetics and constantly moisturize and nourish the skin.

    Cellulite is one of the signs of aging

    Yes, cellulite is a problem not only for older women, but it is cellulite that makes a woman older. To prevent cellulite from occurring, you need to eat right and do exercises.

    Improper tanning adds years

    Watch your tan, because if you overdo it, you can visually add a couple of years to yourself. Tanning contributes to skin aging.

    Fatigue and a fallen look - drive them away

    A woman tormented by problems, with a dull look and a sad look, will naturally look older.

    Remember, we are only as old as we feel. Be more cheerful, brighter, don’t lose the sparkle in your eyes, and no one will attribute extra years to you.

    Choose the right hairstyle. Sometimes fashionable haircut or interesting hairstyle can make a woman much younger.

    If you are the owner long hair, don’t hide them by pinning them into strange knots and making yourself older.

    Remember, a woman looks the way she wants. Therefore, to look younger, love yourself, raise your self-esteem, and you will succeed!

    Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist, laser therapist Victoria Filimonova talks about what signs of aging appear at 30 and what procedures you need at this age.

    Thirty years is a wonderful age when you want to start doing many of the procedures that are on the cosmetic market, try all kinds of anti-aging cocktails, improve skin tone, as age-related changes are already beginning to appear.

    It is very important to remember to properly care for the skin of your face, neck and décolleté! Your daily ritual should include: makeup removal, cleansing, toning, and protection. Without proper care will not beautiful skin and the effect of glowing from within.

    Any technique has its own indications, so I propose to consider a problem that you may encounter at the age of thirty and find a way to solve it. I would like to note that the problems described below can be encountered both earlier and later than this age.

    The first signs of skin fatigue are a decrease in its tone and turgor, dryness, and dehydration. The important things here are:

    Literate home care(makeup removal, cleansing, toning, nutrition/moisturizing and skin protection); Salon treatments for your skin type; Massages and self-massages of the face; A set of exercises for the face (gymnastics, face fitness); Various techniques hardware-based non-injection mesotherapy; Mesotherapy with vitamin and amino acid cocktails, biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid; Platelet-rich plasma injections (prp-therapy).

    The first facial wrinkles, such as between the eyebrows or “crow’s feet,” may also appear. Most often at this age they are dynamic (that is, they appear only when smiling or surprised), but they can also be static - observed without active facial expressions.

    In the case of dynamic ones, we try to change facial expressions and do special exercises. Only botulinum toxin injections will help cope with static ones.

    Due to improper tanning, they may already appear. dark spots and uneven skin color. What should I do?

    We are looking for whitening ingredients in cosmetics (phytic acid, kojic acid, arbutin, retinol and vitamin C) and begin to actively use them and prepare the skin for other procedures; We do chemical peels. Depending on the pigment, superficial (glycolic, retinoic) or deeper (for example, TCA peeling) are chosen; If peelings don’t help, we go for heavy artillery and do photorejuvenation or procedures with a picosecond laser.

    Very often, after 30, “nasolabial folds” begin to bother you. What to do with them?

    Don't forget about preventative methods! Gymnastics and facial massage are important here; If this is a small crease, then it is possible to reinforce it with filler based on hyaluronic acid; If this is already a deep cavity, then you need to understand the reason (sharp weight loss, anatomical feature, orthodontics). Then follows big job with the face (some need to add cheekbones, some need to add a chin and corners of the lower jaw), and some will even need thread-based techniques.

    A double chin is a common complaint with which people turn to a cosmetologist at about 30 years of age. The reasons are different - individual characteristics, architectonics, orthodontics, platysma discrepancy, structural features of the lower jaw, excess weight, uneven posture. Consultation with a surgeon and orthodontist is important.

    Therefore, the solutions will be as follows:

    We exclude what can be done without a cosmetologist (watch your posture, lose weight, change your bite); We use a set of exercises for both posture and double chin.

    The situation can be improved:

    Modeling massage of the face, neck and décolleté - the technique should be quite intense. I recommend a course of 10-20 procedures; Radio wave lifting - it perfectly warms up tissues and promotes lipolysis. I recommend a course of 5-6 procedures; Cryolipolysis - cells undergo apoptosis due to cooling. One procedure is enough; Lipolytic injections; Liposuction; Ultrasonic lifting, which can greatly help with reduced tone in this area.

    At age 30, severe swelling may occur. What should I do?

    We are looking for the cause of fluid retention in the body (excess protein, disruption of the thyroid gland, heart or kidneys, violation of the drinking regime, disturbance of sleep patterns); We try various lymphatic drainage massage techniques, acupuncture, cryostic massage, cryolift procedures, microcurrents, myostimulation.

    Due to the thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer in the eye area, dark circles. Here I can offer lipofilling using autogel (gel obtained from your plasma using a special method) or filling the area with hyaluronic acid filler. Taking into account your characteristics (skin type, its condition and facial structure), the doctor himself will decide what is right for you.

    Hernias can also occur at this age, but this is often due to genetics. Unfortunately, they can only be removed surgically.

    Acne can leave post-acne marks and scars. There is an approach to them too.

    It is important to remember that scars are dermal changes in the skin, so we can improve its condition from 30 to 70%, but it is impossible to completely get rid of the scar. Help here:

    Collagen injections; Autoplasma injections; Fractional radio wave lifting; Fractional mesotherapy; CO2 laser.

    If the vasculature is bothering you, you can remove it accessible method(photothermolysis, electrocoagulation). Remember that this is a change in the condition of the blood vessels.

    The appearance of spider veins on the face is a consequence, and the cause itself is located inside the body. Therefore, procedures for removing blood vessels must be regular - for some, once a year, and for others, once a month.

    In modern cosmetology there are a lot of methods that have their own indications and contraindications. You always need to start from what bothers you. An integrated approach to solving a particular problem is prescribed by your cosmetologist. remember, that healthy skin can only happen if the body is healthy, so don’t forget to eat right, exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle, minimize the foci of chronic inflammation and glycation. Let's get enough sleep, don't stress and enjoy life!

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