• Conspiracy to make a husband want a wife: passionate desire throughout his life. Raising a husband! What to do so that your husband never yells at you


    05.07.2018 10:21:16

    We continue the series of articles about

    "A woman's greatest misfortune is the man in her life"
    Maria Nurovskaya

    "Hello, Oksana.
    Thank you very much for your wonderful newspaper. Special thanks for the topic “Culture of Neorania”. Of course, I knew before that it was better not to shout, but to calmly come to an agreement, but when emotions take over, you stop controlling yourself.

    After reading your articles, I began to control my emotions and words. First, I set a goal, what I want to achieve from my man, think through the conversation - and then I begin to act. And, what is most interesting, everything works out without difficulties, quarrels and showdowns.

    My man began to strive to build warm trusting relationship. He gained confidence. Yesterday he even arranged for me at home romantic dinner, it was very pleasant and unexpected. Although this has never happened before, and we have been together for about a year. During dinner, he proposed to me to marry him. Thank you so much again!!!"


    Now the most important thing is to root and consolidate this habit in your life. And then one day a harmful thought may creep into your head: they say, since I’m so diligent and cultured that I didn’t yell at my husband for six months, now because he didn’t take out the trash can, I can start a scandal!

    That's all! We can say that all the six-month work on the beautiful in a feminine way down the drain. The main thing is to be vigilant!

    What to do so that your husband never yells

    Neorania culture is very beneficial when it comes to raising a husband.

    Using this culture, a woman will notice within a month or two how relations in her family will warm up and how scandals will cease. She will note that her husband began to fulfill her requests - even those that he had always ignored before.

    But still, a woman is offended that she is so tactful and delicate, never yells at her husband - but he still allows himself to break down and shout at her.

    How can a smart wife train her husband not to raise his voice to her anymore?

    This can be done very gently, without any ultimatums or threats, using only friendly conversation.

    To begin with, the woman herself observes the Culture of Non-Orania for three to four months. After the allotted time, when you can proudly note that you have instilled in yourself this wonderful habit of behaving like a lady, you can begin to carry out cultural awareness work with your husband.

    Your husband should know and see your merits in person, so you need to talk to him about it. And, of course, talk closely.

    Let's start with the fact that all conversations should be carried out when the man is calm and well-fed - that is, completely satisfied with life. This is important to emphasize. Many women do not attach importance to such important little things and start conversations with their husbands when he is in a bad mood or tired. And if the husband refuses to talk in this state, they begin to consider him a “stupid egoist.” Yes, yes, this, unfortunately, happens quite often.

    So, the husband came home from work, rested, calmed down and had dinner. You gave him a couple of compliments about how he is good husband or father, so that he can be in a friendly mood.

    Noting that he is in a pleasant mood, you can start a conversation:

    - Dear, I want to ask you something about male psychology. Have you noticed that I have completely stopped yelling or grumbling at you, and for three months I have been using the tactic of not yelling?

    - Yes, but what's the matter?

    - The thing is that I decided: if I’m angry or very dissatisfied with you, there’s still no point in yelling at you. If you are really wrong about something, then by yelling and ruining your mood, I will only make the situation worse. After all, in a bad mood you are no longer able to do anything useful. Right? How do you think?

    And now you need to carefully listen to your husband’s opinion about how really important and useful it is to never yell at him and always behave tactfully and delicately with him. Of course, it is important to agree with him in everything - he is such a smart man!

    And then, when one day he loses his temper and yells at you, you will first remain silent and not yell back. Well, at most you will be offended, which is quite natural.

    When you calm down and come to a peaceful state of mind, you can start a conversation on the topic “why it makes no sense to yell at you.” You just need to remember one important detail: in order for your husband to accept your words and even begin to agree, you need to talk to him calmly and respectfully, without reproaching him or trying to suppress him!

    That is, it is important to control your communication style. You need to talk to your husband not like a guilty child who has to be taught good manners, but like an adult, serious and thinking person who has the right to his opinion.

    IN otherwise, trying to “run into” your husband or force him to do everything “as I said” - you will achieve the completely opposite result.

    Because you need to treat a person only the way you want him to treat you...

    So, in a gentle and respectful manner, you start the conversation:

    “Darling, I completely agree, sometimes I really behave incorrectly, and it makes you very angry and irritated. I understand why you yell at me. You don’t do this to humiliate or insult me, but so that I I began to behave differently. You do this to make me better.

    But you understand that by yelling at me, you ruin my mood.

    I perceive your screams as an insult, for me it’s the same as if you hit me. I am also hurt and offended, I suffer from this. And you are perfectly capable of understanding me, because if I yelled at you, you would feel the same way. Right?

    That's why I don't yell at you.

    And, besides, you see how long my mood deteriorates after your screams. Then I don’t really want to do anything anymore. I lose the desire to be a good wife and mother. Maybe you should learn not to yell at me? After all, there is no benefit from this anyway. It would be much more pleasant for me if you simply said in a calm manner when I behave incorrectly and why you don’t like it. And I will try to become better. My mood won’t deteriorate, my energy won’t burn out from stress, and I’ll actually have the motivation to become better.”

    With a man with a calm temperament, this method can work great right away. Your husband will generally stop raising his voice at you.

    If you are lucky enough to have a choleric husband with an explosive character, you will have to have this conversation several times. Ultimately, common sense will return to the husband, and he will begin to restrain his violent temperament.

    If this doesn't help

    If common sense still doesn’t come, there is one very simple way.

    Think about it: your husband would never allow himself to yell at the traffic police officer who stopped his car. Never, even if the traffic police officer behaved completely badly (demanded bribes, for example, or said various unpleasant things). Your husband would simply restrain himself as best he could, tolerate his antics and even try to speak politely. Why? Because otherwise he could face serious problems.

    Your husband would never allow himself to yell at his boss or business partner. Why? Because otherwise he would be in trouble.

    Even the most choleric choleric has the ability to reason sensibly in certain life situations. Because it's important to him!

    This means that you need to make it so important for him NOT TO YELL AT YOU.

    Let's say you're talking to your husband about his screaming, and he explains that he just can't help it, he doesn't have enough strength, conviction, or something else.

    Then you can ask what could convince him. After all, if he continues in the same spirit, one day your nerves will give in and you will demand a divorce. In principle, the husband is afraid of this, but cannot comprehend it with his mind.

    He may offer, for example, a fairly large fine. Traffic police officers fine you, so why don’t you have the right? :) After all, it’s much better to just fine your husband instead of yelling back at him.

    If fines do not work, mopping the floor or doing laundry can work great. I shouted once and went to wash the dishes. I shouted twice - I'll have to wash the floors. Your peace of mind and salvation from divorce are at stake. You understand - this is a serious matter!

    It’s really much easier for a woman not to yell at her husband. Her psyche is several times more perfect than a man’s psyche.

    When she becomes a mother, she has to wake up several times a night to feed and take the baby out to pee. And she does it completely calmly. Men are not capable of this; their psyche is not so flexible.

    Therefore, it is possible to teach a husband to behave tactfully with his wife only by using a smart approach to his weak and inflexible psyche.

    Let's draw a conclusion. What have we come to?

    Yes, you can raise your husband. You can teach him not to raise his voice at you. And you can even train him to do something for you. But this is only realistic if you know how to educate YOURSELF so that your character becomes more flexible and more perfect.

    Well, about how to make a husband want to help his wife, take care of her, do what SHE needs. For example, serving coats, bringing groceries from the store, cooking dinner, babysitting, and asking your wife out on dates. And so that he does such things without additional requests and persuasion.

    We'll talk about this in the article.

    Success stories

    How to return an errant husband and his love!

    In today's success story, our cadet will not just brag about how she got her husband back, but will show you how specific examples, HOW and WHAT she did for this.

    "...The task seems to be simple, because I am a sociable person, but it took me as long as 7 months. I started out not bad, I went to a theater club and met there the head of the sales department of one large company, we communicate with with him to this day, they have become good friends.

    She asked a colleague to introduce her to an unmarried friend. I went on a date with him, he was late, and while I was waiting, I met another young man. He turned out to be a fairly successful entrepreneur.

    From respectable men V mall I saw a deputy of our city council, recognized him from the election campaign, came up and introduced myself. He invited me for coffee, and it turned out that he was supporting small businesses in our city and was ready to help develop the business.

    Went to a restaurant with a friend. A man came up to us to meet us, talked to him, but his girlfriends ignored him. He left, and after a while the waitress came and said that a man had already paid for our table. Nice...

    All my new acquaintances began to court me, and then my husband, who had gone on a spree, returned, full of remorse and newfound love for me. At that time, I had not lived with him for two months (having tried all your advice on returning a husband who had been on a spree and having completed an eight-week course, I decided to use the removal method)..."

    That's right, the method works great if the husband has long forgotten that his wife has value. As soon as you show her to your man in the form of a mass of suitors, he immediately strives to regain such a precious woman :).

    "...After my husband returned, I became pregnant in the first week of reconciliation. This is a real miracle, because this was preceded by 5 years of unsuccessful attempts and treatment.

    At my friend’s wedding, one of the guests liked me, and he actively courted me, despite the fact that my husband was nearby. I used your advice, added fuel to the fire, made eyes. And then I told my husband that this guest has completely lost his conscience, he flirts with me so shamelessly, as soon as you turn away...

    At the end of the evening, the guest confessed his love and told his husband that he had received a real treasure! After that, my husband literally carried it in his arms for several weeks..."

    The herd instinct works great, and if someone tells a husband that his wife is a real treasure, he will immediately believe it. And he will start to carry it in his arms :).

    Pay attention to how our cadet did everything competently, causing exactly “Healthy jealousy” in her husband.

    "...Thank you Oksana for your wonderful course, your books and newsletters. I believe that every woman should read these materials! There is so much truth written in them in a simple language accessible to everyone.

    I discovered you a year ago. And this would not be just a year - there has never been such a breakthrough in the development of my personality. Of course, perfection still takes practice and practice. I reread your books 6-7 times, first in order to comprehend everything that was written, and now I am rereading them in order to refresh my memory and apply these common truths in life.

    Now I am pregnant, I really hope that I will have a daughter, and I will be able to pass on to her my knowledge and ideas about the world of relationships. It is noteworthy that I became pregnant during the period when I started taking your course. Before that, there were five years of fruitless attempts - apparently God did not give the child, because I had nothing to give him. “Me now” and “Me a year ago” are two different people.

    Thank you again, Oksana, for your work!!!"


    If you want to return a man, or his love for you. If you want to become a VALUABLE and DEAR woman for him. If you want him to carry you in his arms -

    And together with us every day you will develop new and useful qualities in yourself!

    In the life of every couple, maybe within life together an unpleasant situation arises in the form of adultery. According to statistics, men cheat more often. And naturally, many women ask the question: “What needs to be done to prevent my husband from cheating.”

    First of all, when solving a problem male infidelity it is necessary to determine why such an event took place. There are several main reasons male infidelity. The most important thing is the polygamy of men, who simply by nature cannot have one woman. They are males and need to win new females.

    How to stop your husband from cheating

    If infidelity is only a manifestation of a natural essence. A woman should reconsider herself, which means working on her own image; maybe it’s worth thinking about changing her hairstyle, updating her wardrobe, changing her attitude towards her husband, so that he doesn’t even have the thought of looking towards other representatives of the fair sex.

    The next reason, which also often leads to a husband’s infidelity, is the emergence of a feeling of discomfort for a man in the family. This may be due to the lack of the required amount of attention to the husband from the wife. The reasons for this may be hidden in the fatigue of a woman who “pulls” all home life, the problem may also be the poor health of the spouse. A man is more “thick-skinned” and is not always ready to understand a woman; for him such problems are petty. And a woman should show wisdom and patience in order to try not to lead the matter to a scandal. What should you do to prevent your husband from cheating when he begins to feel discomfort? Just try to give him the right feeling of comfort and coziness.

    A man is small crybaby, which requires increased attention. A woman, if she is wise enough, will be able to understand this and adjust in such a way as to satisfy her husband, but at the same time not infringe on herself.

    Another reason that almost always causes a relationship to break is real love or seeming so. If a man meets a woman whom he loves, then most likely he will decide to leave the family. What should I do to prevent my husband from cheating? Just try to let him go. Let him try to live with his new chosen one. The new passion seems ideal to him until the start of joint farming.

    Love spell to keep your husband from cheating and being faithful

    After all, there are no ideal people. And in every new woman there will be shortcomings that may ultimately lead to another betrayal. Exists folk wisdom what's the most the best way To return a person is to give him complete freedom of action. It is likely that the flared passion will cool down very soon, and the new mistress will actually turn out to be not as necessary as she seemed when she was exclusively in the status of a mistress.

    Along with psychological ways how to prevent your husband from cheating, have recently appeared magical methods solutions to this women's problem. Very often, a woman who wants to save her family and simply loves her husband is ready to take any measures in order to prevent his infidelity. Often, love spells and conspiracies are used in parallel with psychological and behavioral methods.

    A conspiracy to prevent your husband from cheating

    It has multiple forms, among which there are very simple ones in the form of spells about water or a candle, while most of the common and popular spells do not require a woman to turn to fortune-tellers or psychics. In most cases, it is enough to simply learn the words of the conspiracy against your husband’s infidelity and, following a certain sequence of actions using the objects required in the ritual, pronounce these words.

    In addition to conspiracies, there is a love spell to prevent a husband from cheating, the purpose of which is not just to prevent cheating, but to perform a certain ritual of actions to attract the husband’s attention exclusively to his wife. After performing a love spell, the husband will stop not only looking in the direction of other women, but even noticing them. Since love spells are considered more complex magical manipulations, their execution may require various items, sometimes seeming strange, for example, dry branches or multi-colored woolen threads. When casting a love spell, a specific spell is also cast.

    If a woman does not believe in the power of love spells or conspiracies, then in case of adultery and lack of effective effect simple actions, there is a prayer so that the husband does not cheat. A bright prayer to the heavenly father is a sinless way, from the point of view of the church, to admonish a husband who has taken the wrong path. God will help protect a man from the desire to cheat, commit adultery and fornicate.

    Most often the prayer is read on the icon Holy Mother of God or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The only one important point is to read a prayer on the full moon.

    There are many ways to get your husband back or stop him from cheating again. And if a woman truly loves and wants to save her family, then she will do everything possible to prevent her husband from cheating.

    I started asking these questions when I was sixteen. And certainly not to simply “profit” at someone else’s expense. But then, in order to evoke even stronger and more obvious feelings in my man.

    I never liked bouquets of cut flowers, but passing by a flower shop, I shamelessly demanded that my future husband buy me another broom of roses. I understood that he had a modest salary and no extra money, but I also understood that it should always be on me. Let him spend it on me, let him make it a habit to please me! If there is a desire, the means will arrive in time.

    Learn to ask correctly

    If you want to teach a man to be generous, the first thing you should be able to do is ask correctly. Not everyone is capable of asking shamelessly and at the same time delicately. This works best for a spoiled child. When “their spontaneity” says the unfailing “Dad, buy it!”, it is never perceived as vulgar. The success of such a request lies in the fact that the child does not doubt the love of his parent, and is also confident that he really needs the required thing, that he deserves it. Therefore, when he asks “ beloved child“, it does not experience fear that it will be “sent”.

    In the process of such a relationship with daddy, a pleasant reflex is reinforced - “asked and received.” Thus, the child develops a fearless character, which is why they say: “Children must be pampered, then they will grow up to be real robbers.”

    In contrast to this example, most women either do not know how to ask at all, or do it, damaging their feelings self-esteem, which fundamentally contradicts our postulate that men should be treated easily and without tension.

    So why do many of you, so beautiful and smart, still not teach your men to be generous? The most popular answer: “Pride does not allow us to ask; we want to be independent of men.” But this is self-deception! In fact, when you created a couple, you already became dependent on each other. And the point here is different - that you consider yourself unworthy to “take.”

    Where did you get this disease? It's all from there! From the unforgettable family charter. Most likely, your beloved daddies were big stingy people, and you learned from childhood: ask or ask, you still won’t get anything. And if he does, it will only be with prerequisite- work it out! And this “condition” now becomes like a bone across your throat, preventing you from establishing a normal dialogue with your loved one, with a slight movement of your hand, laying out all his material values ​​in front of you.

    Then they would certainly remind you, they say, I gave you “this”, and you, so ungrateful, did not live up to my hopes, that is, “did not work.” To this day, you don’t believe in a man’s unconditional love for you, so you are forced to curry favor. And even now, when you have become an adult, the mere thought of asking a man for something makes you feel a little nauseous.

    His fifteen-year-old daughter became addicted to going to cafes with her friend. Her father didn’t like this and one day, by chance, he casually dropped the phrase in front of her: “It’s funny to look at these decorated beggars in the Vesna cafe.” They sit all evening with some kind of juice and pull, pull, pull it for three hours, until, out of pity, some sucker treats them to something more substantial.” The daughter turned out to be smart. When she became an adult, she treats men herself.

    One day Larisa's boyfriend told her a heartbreaking story about his ex-girlfriend, whom he “loved very much,” while she was “so shameless, all she did was constantly twist him into money.” We must give him his due - he never was stingy with his ex. Rings, bracelets - gold, diamonds. The story of their breakup alone is worth it: he just didn’t have enough for the diamond necklace that the “mercantile creature” ordered for her anniversary.

    Impressed by his story, Larisa decided: I will definitely prove to him that “I’m not like that.” She kept her promise to herself - her beloved, apparently sensing her monastic indifference to the material side of the relationship, gave her more than modest gifts. So she reveled in the feeling of her high morality until she was sent home in a taxi, which they did not even bother to pay for.

    After such “adventures” you join the ranks of ladies emancipated beyond the norm, for whom it is easier to take a man for support, “lowering” him to the level of a gigolo, than to interact with a normal man. Strong women, deprived of the opportunity to “take easily” from childhood, automatically reject potential patrons throughout their lives.

    However, sometimes it can be worse - unloved daughters grow up to be chronic losers and victims of despots, who also reject all potential “givers.” Outwardly, this can manifest itself like this: as soon as a man promises such a lady something “good,” she, instead of smiling approvingly and “thanking him in advance,” frowns and begins to play at being independent and incorruptible.

    A kind of kicking horse, which, due to its own “kicking”, does not allow itself to be properly fed. Well, if she is too zealous, sooner or later she will attract those who will cynically turn her into a draft horse. Independence is always good, but sometimes flaunting it is just stupid.

    I think it would be better to do this: for all the good things that a man promised to do to you, you need to look at him kindly and thank him in advance. For a woman, this is non-binding flirting, and for a man, such behavior is an excellent incentive to continue to communicate with her, and even “appease” her with something more tangible than “just words.”

    There is no need to be indifferent towards the material side of life - you need to purposefully teach your man to be “gift-giving” in the name of strengthening his own feelings.

    In fact, a “giving” man values ​​more a woman who “takes with pleasure” than one who loves him “for nothing.” The more time, money and effort is spent on a person, the further the giving side tends to go in their feelings. It's like building a house. He says: “I put my soul into it, how can I sell it!” The receiving party usually takes a “cooler” position.

    Nietzsche said it well: “Truly just people do not accept gifts. They bring everything back. That is why they disgust those who love them.”

    Demanding as a lifestyle

    So, be generous. Teach your man to be generous and give you gifts. And if he tells you: “Ask for whatever you want,” “wish” the most precious thing. Within reasonable limits, of course. If you are accustomed to cheap cosmetics and clothes, to the cheapest dishes from the menu of cheap cafes, this is also an indicator for a man.

    You will say, how can this be, we are not prostitutes to charge men for our company! We are decent women. By the way, regarding venality, one way or another, we all put ourselves up for auction. Whether we are getting a job or looking for a life partner, we always dream of being appreciated. And this is good, it means we have healthy ambition.

    In order to declare yourself as a luxury woman, it is not necessary to be beautiful, it is more important to be well-groomed. But true grooming is not one-time visits to a cosmetologist, but daily self-control, which comes from being demanding of yourself. Figuratively speaking, you can indifferently increase fat and ignore wrinkles, or you can solve these problems.

    It is useful to develop demandingness as a lifestyle not only in relation to yourself, but also in relation to your man. And you don’t have to spend a lot to create an “expensive image.” Why hang yourself with numerous shiny trinkets? Rather than create an image of “cheapness”, it is better to do without any decorations at all. You know, as noble ladies at court said: “You have to come for alms in your own carriage.”

    Your “carriage” is not only your “psychological attitude”, it is also, to some extent, your appearance. And your appearance is an indicator of what is the norm for you, and most importantly, what you are ready to accept from your man with your dear soul. If today you agree to wear cheap jewelry, you most likely will not be given diamonds.

    By and large, it all depends on the recipient, and not on the donor. Life shows that the same men with different women they act completely differently: when buying a diamond necklace for one - parallel mistress, with a clear conscience they present it with a discounted stainless steel ring. Take it as a fact, your beloved men are people like everyone else - they perfectly see where and with whom you can save a lot of money. What about justice? – you exclaim indignantly. And I will answer you that in fact, this is fair... because like always attracts like: Diamonds are only suitable for gold, but not for stainless steel!

    Twenty-year-old Masha's lover was her sixty-year-old boss, the director of the restaurant where she worked. She needed material support - he needed a vivid demonstration of his persistent masculine strength. At first, he regularly gave her gifts and gave her significant sums, but one day everything changed.
    That day they were going to the sauna, and on the way, in order to save money, she asked him to buy her shampoo and shower gel. So that you don’t spend extra money from your pocket after “entertainment” practical girl I put the wet bottles in a bag and took them home.
    It would seem that it’s time to feel sorry for Mashenka and start giving her more needles and pins. Ah, no! From that very day, “investments” in the young mistress began to come only in products and household chemicals. And to a minimum. And when the girl expressed indignation, her lover “came to his senses” and began to pay for each intimacy at the price of... a modest food package.
    It’s just that he decided that someone like Masha was enough. Why overpay above the indicated cost?

    It is important to understand that the handout you accept from him lowers you to a level from which it is already very difficult to scrape off your self-esteem. Picking up “the master’s change” is the same as finishing his dish in a cafe - all these are the habits of the poor and fools. You only need to take it big, or even sleep with him without money and without gifts and not give him anything yourself!

    Of course, everyone has their own price level. To whom more is given, more is due. It is not appropriate for an oil tycoon to give his beloved woman a lonely coffee cup on Valentine's Day, unless it is made of pure gold and encrusted with precious stones.

    Since ancient times, a man has made offerings to a woman as a sign of his adoration. Centuries have passed and... nothing has changed! Don't deprive him of the pleasure of being a generous “giver”! Awaken in a born money-grubber the desire to feel like a patron or just a “daddy.” Love for a woman, which results in big expenses for a man, only benefits him, because it forces him to be active: earn money, make a career, overcome difficulties. And if you directly tell him: “You know, I don’t need anything from you, I love you anyway and any hut of your choice will suit me,” then he remains passive and becomes bored. You don’t “charge” him, he doesn’t get his adrenaline.

    When you put yourself in the position of a loser, you only make it worse for him! He will not strive to shower you with gold and diamonds and change something in his life for this - you do not give him the motivation for this. Do you console yourself with the fact that you are so selfless, soft and fluffy? In vain.
    I’ll tell you one on this topic true story, more like a joke.

    A couple in love passes by the stadium.
    - Darling, in the name of our love I will win the Golden Cup!
    _Whether you win it or not is not that important to me. I am ready to love you without any cups!
    He didn't win the gold cup...
    A couple in love passes by the stadium again.
    - Darling, it seems that I’m losing my form; time to resume training...
    - Don't worry, I will love you even if your belly grows.
    Time passes. The guy quits sports, quits training and begins to rapidly get fat... Again they waddle past the stadium. He buys a bottle of beer and drinks it on the go.
    - How much can you drink? If you love me, you should leave me! she protests, taking the bottle from him.
    - Is it true? Do you remember when I was a budding athlete, you said that you would love me no matter who I was or what I did? In the name of our love, love me as I am. And... uh, give me my beer here!

    How to teach a man to give gifts (very concisely)

    The issue of “spending on you” is simply a matter of prioritizing. Quite a lot of things may be much more “important” to him than you: alcohol, friends, entertainment or even “girlfriends”. When it occurs to you to enter into his “plight” situation, think about this.

    1. Test the waters: borrow some significant amount of money from him and pay back. If he reminds you, draw your own conclusions.

    2. In the vocabulary of some “especially gifted” ladies, the word “buy” does not exist at all - it is replaced by the tactful word: “needed”. Men listen to the words “I want” and “need” much more; they don’t irritate them as much as “buy.”
    Work with the word proceeds according to the following scheme. From time to time, in conjunction with this “magic” word, you mention the desired thing, as if accidentally remembering it. You remind about this often, but briefly. Under no circumstances allow any whining! Moreover, he should not have the impression that these words are addressed directly to him. Remember: you simply voice your desires out loud, without asking him for anything and without being embarrassed.

    If he is not a pathological miser and has feelings for you, he will do what you need. And if he doesn’t have such an opportunity now, he’ll think about how to find it. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will give a person an impetus to development and get the desired thing from him.

    There is one important nuance in this method - men catch the word “need” mainly from women with whom relationships are already “boiling”, but are not yet “ready” to the end. That is, if all you do is look into his mouth and try to keep up with him, if you have pleased him in all the ways you already know, rest, he won’t spend too much on you. Because you are already a conquered object for him. In this case, look through my book and reconsider your belief system.

    3. Give gifts to men first, and they will definitely give back. And if not, then these are not your men.
    The greatest effect on a person is produced not by gifts “on occasion,” but by “the dictates of the soul.” If you don’t know when to give such a gift, scroll through the calendar - there is a holiday listed there for every day. There are days for trade workers, doctors and even astronauts! In addition, there are also name days - days when everyone is congratulated by Georgiev, Andreev, Alexandrov, etc. He will appreciate your attention and sense of humor. In any case, in the eyes of your man, this will add points to you. After all, you must admit, not everyone would have thought of such a thing. This is exactly the case when you can make the smallest monetary contribution, but make the maximum impression with your gift. .

    4. Let the man understand that you need money not to satisfy primary needs, but to obtain various pleasures.

    5. Even if that's not really the case. Don’t need these sickening phrases: “Put it on my phone, otherwise I’m out of money” or “Buy me a bottle of mineral water, otherwise I forgot my wallet.” The rich man does not like to give alms, he likes to spend his money tastefully. Show that you have this very taste, and he will gladly empty his pockets and “boo” with you. Don’t feel the false sense of guilt of being “the daughter of a stingy father.”

    6. Remember, spending your man’s money with or without him is an honor for any woman. You have the right to do so. Because according to the law of attraction of two hearts, you are him. By doing this, you will only become closer to each other. Show your man that spending large amounts of money on you is okay.

    7. How to show? Make it normal inside yourself. If you “understand everything, but you can’t help yourself” - break the “Cinderella” stereotype: throwing away embarrassment, quickly go to your dear daddy and treacherously empty HIS pockets. If it works out with my father, it will be much easier with other men. Thus, you will honorably return all your father’s “debts.”

    From time to time, remind yourself of an important thing: I am a gift in myself, I deserve not to be curried!

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    Everyone wants to love and be loved - such is human nature. We look for love everywhere, try to preserve it and suffer when we lose it. To get their personal happiness, many resort to love spells, but this magic threatens with dire consequences.

    A prayer for a loved one to love is not even a request, it is a request that a person makes to higher powers in order to increase his chances of a relationship with a particular object.

    How to make requests to heaven correctly?

    A prayer for love is a message, a request with which a person turns to higher powers. The message, intention, and not the exact word order are very important here. The words of the prayer do not have to be exactly the same as they are indicated in the source. It is not at all necessary to memorize the text of the prayer; you can simply say something similar with feeling and from the heart.

    To read the prayer, you need to choose a quiet, calm place - it can be a room in an apartment or an open space in nature. The main thing is that at this moment no one inadvertently interferes with the ritual. You need to calm your mind, concentrate and bring to mind the image of the person you are in love with. Holding this image, begin to read the prayer slowly and quietly, giving meaning to each word.

    You also need to remember that Prayer won't magically solve anything.. If there is sympathy or others in the subject's heart warm feelings to the one asking, then the prayer will work, but if his heart is occupied by someone else, nothing can be done here.

    Prayer of Loving Hearts

    It happens that relationships fade away, feelings weaken, then help will come this prayer. This prayer will make your loved one treat you better, love you more and respect you more.

    “I beg you, white angels, in the name of Jesus Christ and All Saints in heaven, pray for (your name) and (name of chosen one(s)). Enlighten the servant of God (name of the chosen one) and give him my eternal and faithful love, melt the ice in his heart and endow him with a fiery, unquenchable fire. I pray, merciful ones, help create (your name) and (name of your chosen one) a strong and happy family, help (your name) and (name of your chosen one) become faithful wife and husband, mother and father of good and handsome children. Bless the union of two loving hearts and give them life together. Everything is in the power and hands of the merciful God, I humble myself before his will! Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Another option:

    “By the union of love of all the angels and apostles, O God, unite the two souls of your servants - (your name) and (name of the chosen one(s)). Endow this union with strength of spirit and humility, Your commandments. And may earthly and heavenly love unite us, through the prayers of the Mother of God and All Saints.”

    For a man to love only me

    When reading this prayer, you need to place your right palm on your heart, apply a little pressure and say:

    “Before you, God, I stand, your humble servant (your name), and I open my heart to you. I ask You, reward me with earthly love and passionate tenderness, for my heart grows hard without this love. I ask You, open the way for me to the servant of God (name of the chosen one), my beloved. May our lives be illuminated true love and light, may we gain immortality even after death. Bless and guide me, God, I trust in your mercy! Amen."

    Spell on a thing

    In addition to prayers, there are also white magic spells that will help improve relationships between spouses.

    This one's on the thing will allow you to ignite your feelings more strongly, he will make your partner think about you, not cheat, call and yearn when you are apart. This plot is applicable for both husband and wife.

    The subject for which the prayer will be read can be anything, but it is better to choose something that was in close contact with this person - comb, scarf, ring or chain, toothbrush and more.

    It is better to perform the ritual in the dark.. To do this, you need to sit in a quiet, comfortable place, light a candle and put a loved one in front of you. Look at the thing and mentally visualize your chosen one and slowly, thoughtfully say:

    “In a terrible black separation, all bridges are burned, but don’t burn them, stay close to me. Take the little thing in your hands, and immediately your world will shake, your heart will begin to beat, the earth will turn over from strong love yours to me. Your world will no longer be the same, the most beautiful maidens (husbands) will not be attractive to you, only you will be attracted to me. So come to me, love me as I love you. Forever and ever! Amen."

    Here is another conspiracy, so that the husband loves his wife more than life, wants her and is always there.

    For this ritual you will need good, not strong, red wine.. Arrange a romantic dinner for your husband, pour him some wine and say these words to him:

    “I say magic words over wine, so that the servant of God (name of the man) will desire me, the servant of God (your name), so that he will adore (name), go to bed with dreams of me and get up too, so that my body will be desired by him, so that the excitement of youth he woke up. Amen."

    To woo a girl

    Prayer to fall in love with a guy.

    “I will lie down, servant of God (your name), and get up, and pray for Your glory, and let me go from door to door, from gate to gate, to field to field, from sea to sea, so that I may find my true, my sincere , my beautiful maiden (name of the chosen one). Let me go into an open field under the bright, blue stars and I will find three roads: one the road goes to a fast river, a clean river, another road leads to a black, hot stone, a third road leads to a dreary, dark tree. I will choose the third road and follow it. And I will come to a dark tree and settle in this tree my longing for the beautiful maiden, and that tree will bloom with different and beautiful flowers. And then the maiden will wake up from her waking dream and she will understand that life is not life for her without me, a wonderful and faithful fellow. And may strong, strong bonds bind us together, and may there be no obstacles between us, no thunderstorms, no troubles, no losses. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    If you decide that your husband does not pay enough attention to you and is not jealous of members of the opposite sex, then you need to act - use a couple of tricks in order to seduce your husband and return your old love!

    For your husband to become jealous, you need to make your relationship more intense and your nights together unforgettable. The main thing is to wisely use the recommendations below so as not to worsen the situation!

    1. Stop being an open book for your husband, stop telling him everything he should and shouldn’t do. When communicating, hint at certain intimate details of your past, give the relationship the missing spice.
    2. Do not report on every meeting and every call, answer softly and ambiguously, but do not throw hysterics, worsening your situation.
    3. Talk on the phone in a barely audible voice, move to another room if possible, most importantly, don’t overdo it, so that your husband doesn’t rush into a showdown and start a scandal with every friend or colleague of yours.
    4. When your husband calls, try not to pick up the phone longer, let him wonder why you are busy. But at the same time, male voices should not be heard in the background, so as not to incur serious suspicion.
    5. Educate yourself, stay busy more often, come home less often, play sports, which will allow you to hone your figure, increase your self-esteem, increasing your spouse’s jealousy every day.
    6. Take care of your appearance, get a massage, health treatments, change your image, visit a cosmetologist - let your husband not forget how beautiful you are, and that it is stupid to leave you unattended for a long time.
    7. Deny your husband sex, come up with a good reason for this, but do it carefully so that your husband does not go to the left, then you will have to be jealous and cry!
    8. When returning home, buy yourself a bouquet of flowers, and at home tell them what your friend gave you and do this more often, just don’t catch the eye of your friends who might reveal your little secret.
    9. Be changeable, don’t show your ardent love all the time and depend on your husband, sometimes allow yourself to be slightly unapproachable or cold, tickle his nerves.
    10. And finally, tell your husband in a broken voice that you have someone else, and then laugh and say that it was a joke. Maybe for a few seconds, but the trick will work, and a wave of rage will cover him headlong.

    When love leaves, jealousy takes its place. She settles in the very heart. This feeling has nothing to do with love. Jealousy is destruction, and love is creation.

    If a feeling of jealousy grips anyone in the family, then expect trouble. The family will fall apart. Jealousy destroys everything in its path, sparing neither feelings, nor emotions, nor the dignity of a person.

    Why does this emotion arise that takes control of the behavior of the spouses? Certainly not because of great love.

    The girl is trying to be attractive. She doesn’t want the extra pounds to hide her beautiful figure and prevent her from leading an active, normal life.

    To achieve this, the beauty eats selectively, attends fitness, and tries to diversify free time while playing tennis or going for a bike ride. The girl is beautiful, smart, active.

    She has many friends and is the life of the party. Who wouldn't like such a creation? The guy is crazy about her. Love and respect for her leads to marriage. A young married couple is happy for a whole month, because it was truly a “honey month”. He will be remembered for his honeymoon.

    What happens after a month? The young wife does not want to change her habits. She still attends training and wants active life. Twice a week she comes home late at night, staying late at the gym.

    For the weekend, she plans to go on a picnic with friends, persuading her husband with all his might to take a trip to nature. It’s just that he’s lazy. There are so many interesting things on the computer and on TV.

    Why do we need this picnic, and even in such heat? Upon returning home, the girl talks a lot and cheerfully about her trip out of town.

    You always wanted to be with her. Not even a year has passed, and you are already walking along different paths. She is with friends, and you are watching TV. Aren't you interested in how your young wife spends her free time? What if she's no longer interested in you? You get a beer belly, and she keeps fluttering like a butterfly.

    That's right, you need to get into her phone and read SMS, and also look at calls. You need to take a look at the social network page. It was also not enough for her to receive some private gifts and emoticons. Did you find a lot of interesting things? - Well done. Now what? Now we need to draw conclusions and work on ourselves, and not play “tanks”.

    Most often, conclusions are not drawn in favor of the family. There are reproaches from the husband that his wife is attracted to athletic men and that she constantly disappears until the evening. Of course, why does she need such a simple worker with a belly who just wants to lie down or sit quietly after a hard day.

    Jealousy provoked a scandal in the young family. The husband tries to defend his pride, causing his wife to feel guilty. His love had long since passed away. He is poor and unhappy, and she is a star who would like to return to earth.

    It is stimulated by pride, low self-esteem and laziness. Love happens on its own. To keep it in the family, you need to work on yourself and on your common new home, called the family.

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