• How to get rid of fear? How to get rid of fear: understand its causes, choose a method, act. Is it possible to cope with fears without professionals?


    How to get rid of fear is a question that concerns many who feel the influence of all kinds of phobias and negative mental states associated with them. The article describes the methods, techniques and techniques that help to overcome fears.

    When dwelling on the peculiarities of the psychology of phobias, it is necessary to focus on the factors that distinguish them from fears as ordinary emotional manifestations of a person:

    • intensity: in phobias it is significant in magnitude (from increased emotional agitation to all-consuming horror) and is tied to specific thoughts, circumstances and objects;
    • sustainability: phobias are permanent and do not go away spontaneously;
    • unreasonableness: phobias are characterized by groundless, groundless experiences and anxieties at the level of expectations;
    • life restrictions: fear is surmountable and a person can do without everyday restrictions; with phobias, an individual necessarily has a tendency not to be a participant in certain events and situations.

    Phobias have a pronounced biopsychosocial nature. It is the joint causes - from the point of view of biological, psychological and social foundations, determine the emergence and existence of phobias.

    Influence and role

    When describing the experiences of a phobia, it should be said that it is not the individual who controls his condition (fear), but on the contrary - fear controls the person’s personality.

    All behavioral manifestations, every action or decision of a person become dependent on the phobia:

    1. The individual suffers from obsessive thoughts that traumatize him mental condition. When encountering an object of fear, emotions with extremely negative manifestations are experienced, including thoughts of death or a feeling of loss of the ability to think rationally.
    2. The instinct of self-preservation takes on hypertrophied forms - danger is seen where there really is none, as a result, a person is even inclined to fall into a stupor - a special physical and mental state of the body when external stimuli do not produce the proper response.
    3. The harmful effect of fear on a person is that it can transform - fear changes its form, but retains its general image. It's like a well-recognized melody - we identify it, even if we hear it performed out of tune. So is a phobia - even small details that are associated with it can knock a person out of the usual flow of life.

    How to get rid of fear

    Methods, techniques and technologies that help reduce the paralyzing and discouraging effect of phobias help to get rid of fear and anxiety.

    Experts in the field of overcoming phobias insist that a person who has been “taught” to be afraid (due to social influence, psychological trauma in childhood and later life) must also systematically and persistently “learn not to be afraid.”


    The most common methods of releasing fears are as follows:

    1. Overcoming fear with constant action, single and sequential steps. We are talking about gradually working on the phobia, which contributes to “getting used to” the fear. If a person has a fear of heights and is terrified at the mere thought of air travel, it is necessary to adapt to the height: any minimal step will help - go up to the 6th floor and carefully look out the window (following safety rules, of course!). By gradually increasing this “load”, the individual will be able to change his reaction to height.
    2. Reducing the “value” of the object of fear. In the mind of a person with a phobia, there is an excessive significance of the object of anxiety and worry. This state of affairs forces us to spend a lot moral forces where it shouldn't be done. A thorough, detailed (in detail) analysis of the subject of fear and an attempt to simplify your attitude towards it as much as possible will help you gain confidence.
    3. Spontaneity in actions, decisions and deeds. A person’s uncertainty is facilitated by preliminary experiences: the situation has not yet arrived, but the individual has already experienced a range of negative feelings about the negative development of events, expectations of experiencing fear again. You should not first replay upcoming actions in your head - this only arouses anxiety and fear; it is more important to have an outline of thoughts, but not to succumb to thoughts “how scary it will be,” but to act arbitrarily and instinctively, only reacting to the situation here and now.
    4. A striking example from life- the best guide to getting rid of fear. The example of behavior of a confident and experienced person in similar exciting circumstances helps to overcome your inner fear, anxiety and fear. Here the internal limitation (barrier of uncertainty) - the motivator of fear - is removed. It turns out that in such situations you can behave easily, naturally and confidently, without any fear. Here the overcoming of formed complexes, patterns and stereotypes of behavior of a person with a phobia occurs.
    5. Relaxation– both physical and mental. The feeling of panic, characteristic of many phobias, concerns not only mental properties, but also relates to physiology. Muscle tightness causes a person to shrink mentally. When the body relaxes, the mind also relaxes. This dependence also works in the opposite direction. The best option– avoid tension in the body, remain relatively relaxed. Then a person’s mental capabilities will also allow him to fight fears.
    6. Method of Understanding. It assumes the ability to analyze and realize one’s own pros and cons that exist within each person when assessing a situation or life in general. We are talking about the actual fear of acting if there is no deep confidence that the individual really needs it. It is important to understand what motivates or displeases a person more - the fear of experiencing fear again or the fear of not being able to cope with it if you resist. Weighing the positives and negatives will allow you to make informed decisions.
    7. Method of knowing yourself. By studying one's own capabilities and limitations, a person finds support in himself. Such objectivity allows one to overcome suspiciousness and unreasonable self-esteem and makes it possible to resist groundless fears.


    Fear that arises outside the instinct of self-preservation is considered far-fetched and pathological, giving rise to depression and stress.

    Several technical techniques will allow you to avoid such far-fetchedness:

    • turning off negative thinking– involves overcoming a fixation on the negative: the “switch” technique – mentally imagining obsessive fear in the form of a switch and abruptly turning it off with a jerk downwards (once it’s gone, the main thing is to imagine it clearly and in detail);
    • an easy way to avoid fear– breathing: “inhale courage and exhale fear”, the technique is based on the dependence of the physiological manifestations of fear (rapid heartbeat, intermittent breathing, sweating) on ​​rationally organized calming breathing (inhale – light hold – exhale, twice the inhalation time);

    • action in response to anxiety and excitement: in the case when a person undertakes to do something that he is afraid of, a special energetic force– drive, it is under its influence that a person can realize himself on the path of overcoming fear (an individual is afraid of an audience - one must undertake to speak in front of it at every opportunity);
    • we drive out like like: fear can be frightened by oneself - the technique is based on the fact that a person independently causes physiological reactions accompanying fear (rapid breathing, increased heart rate), thereby destroying the holistic image of the fear reaction, emotions are more conscious and controlled;
    • play a role: a person’s subconscious attitudes regarding fear can be overcome by playing the role of a confident person - the shoulders are straightened, the “emperor posture” is assumed, the chin is raised high, a smile is on the lips; If you hold this physiological state in yourself for a few seconds, the brain will respond to the actions of the body and the fear will go away.

    Consolidating success

    It is possible to overcome fear quickly and forever only by constantly working on yourself and your personality. It is important to constantly work on your own self-esteem:

    1. Every single victory is recorded – even small and seemingly insignificant ones.
    2. The causes of failures are analyzed and, based on the results of the analysis, a scenario for achieving success is drawn up.
    3. The creation of self-support will significantly affect the situation in the fight against phobias. This may be faith in science and explanations of all its phenomena. Or faith in higher powers that will not leave you and will always help you. The main thing is confidence in a positive outcome and hope for a favorable result while making the most of your own capabilities.
    4. Focus on positive emotions. Love for a loved one helps - a lot is overcome for the sake of it. Smiling from the heart and complimenting others will also allow you to feel positive in return.

    Video: 3 ways to get rid of fear

    You know well what fear is - it is your longtime companion. He has been with you since childhood. Fear of the dark, chilling a child's soul. Fear of losing parents, fear of death. It's so scary to know from childhood that death exists and you have to die. Excruciatingly scary...

    Fear... You don't know how, when and why it took over your consciousness. Since then your life has become painful. You can't free your mind from negative thoughts, fear follows you everywhere. He lives in you, in your head. He is always with you. You would like more than anything to forget about him, but you don’t know how to get rid of the feeling of fear and anxiety for yourself or someone close to you, how to get rid of the constant panic fear in anticipation of something terrible. You are tense, tormented, exhausted...

    And those nightmarish obsessive thoughts that create pictures in your imagination that scare you more than anything else? From these thoughts, cold sweat appears on your body, you are ready to lose consciousness. It's better to die than think about it. But thought is material, you remember this and are ready to kill yourself so that your terrible thoughts do not materialize, so that this nightmare from your head does not bring real harm to anyone. You resist these thoughts with all the strength of your consciousness, conduct meditations to get rid of fear - no, you won’t think about it, you won’t allow yourself! But from this you only enter colossal tension, unpleasant, painful - even your body begins to ache from this mental intensity. And your terrible obsessive thoughts - they creep into your consciousness with even greater force. How to get rid of bad obsessive thoughts and fears? After all, there must be some way, it can’t be that there isn’t!

    How to get rid of fear of people, men, the dark, dogs... Fear comes in all forms

    You know well what fear is - it is your longtime companion. He has been with you since childhood. Fear of the dark, chilling a child's soul. Fear of losing parents, fear of death. It's so scary to know from childhood that death exists and you have to die. Excruciatingly scary. You're so used to fear that it feels like it's part of you. Therefore, you have no idea how you can get rid of inner fear and uncertainty forever.

    But what is happening now is unbearable! You can't live like that...

    Yes, fear has always been with you, it only changed its appearance. Or didn't change it. The main thing for him is to live in your head under any pretext. You may be afraid of heights, water, snakes, insects, dogs - he doesn’t care by and large. You may seem funny to other people when you are afraid of germs in your public transport. And it’s not funny for you - there are so many diseases in the world that you can get infected with! And be sick for a long time, and die painfully... You don’t know how to get rid of worries and fears in life, so you follow their lead. Don’t touch the handrails on the minibus; carry antibacterial wipes with you. You wash your hands a thousand times a day.

    By the way, about diseases. Who can tell me how to get rid of the fear of getting sick? Sometimes you feel like you're sick. This has happened often in your life. You carefully monitor your body, your health... And suddenly you see that something has changed. You look for information about this on the Internet and find confirmation: yes, you are sick. Seriously. Looks like your song is over. How terrible it is to get sick in such early age! You are only 20 (30, 40, 50...). Become disabled, lose your health, and even worse - die after a difficult struggle for life. And how afraid you are of pain, torment, of everything that has to be experienced - you are afraid to the point of pain in your heart. To tears. You can't sleep at night, you're so afraid.

    You have already prepared for the worst, bought everything you need to take with you to the hospital and... the doctors did not confirm your diagnosis. They didn't find anything. You can’t believe it and go to other doctors! But even there they tell you that you are completely healthy! You cry with happiness, because you won’t die or become disabled! But... what was that? Hypochondria is one of the faces of your old friend FEAR. I would like to understand how to get rid of the fear of illness and pain, and what diseases there are - how to get rid of all fears...

    A painful question: how to get rid of fears and complexes?

    No matter what happens in your life, fear always makes its own adjustments. Even wonderful events are overshadowed by fear. For example, you are afraid of losing something. Something or someone.

    If you are in love, and even mutually, and even happy, this happiness does not last long. Fear drags into your consciousness the thought that your loved one may stop loving you, abandon you, or cheat on you with someone else. Your fear helpfully paints pictures in your imagination, painful pictures of betrayal. There she (he) is with someone else, and it seems to you that her (his) behavior is actually suspicious. She (he) pays little attention to you, at least less than before. Stopped loving (fell out of love)? You are tormented by jealousy, suspicion, and fear of abandonment. You throw up scenes of jealousy, sort things out, and your beloved (beloved) looks at you with round eyes in surprise and says that you have no reason to be jealous.

    You see that you yourself, with your own hands, are gradually destroying your wonderful relationship, making it painful and painful. You are destroying your great love. And it’s always like this: first you don’t know how to get rid of the fear of approach, then - how to get rid of the fear of betrayal, and there is no end to this... Fear always guides you, lives with you, screams at you, makes you hysterical, is jealous of you...

    Fear prevents you from living. It brings suffering to you and your loved ones. Get rid of fear! Make him leave your consciousness forever. Because it's possible.

    System-vector psychology. How to get rid of fear and phobias

    So, what is the technique for getting rid of fear?

    Systemic psychoanalysis by Yuri Burlan helps to get rid of fears guaranteed and forever. Many people have already used this method and received excellent and lasting results, getting rid of a variety of bad conditions, including phobias, obsessive fears, and panic attacks.

    How it works?

    System-vector psychology- is the science of vectors, innate desires and mental properties for their implementation, which are indicated on the human body erogenous zones. If a person is not aware of his true, innate desires, he will not realize them. Then the vectors (that is, the psychic hidden in the unconscious) are not filled, and the person experiences bad states.

    You can try systemic psychoanalysis in action completely free of charge at the introductory online lectures “System-vector psychology”. To register for the training, go to.

    Proofreader: Galina Rzhannikova

    The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

    Man is an undeniably intelligent creature, clearly aware of his own actions, but certain reactions of his body cannot be controlled, or considerable effort must be expended to achieve this. In particular, in moments of panic, when by force of circumstances a person finds himself in a frighteningly difficult situation, his actions are often devoid of logic - harmless things become a source of negative emotions, the body trembles and weakens, control over thought processes is lost, as, indeed, over any emotions.

    As a result, you have to think about how to cope with the phobia and pacify the uncontrollable fear. Some fears are harmless, others can turn into an unbearable burden because they become a hindrance. social life, communication, labor activity, do not allow you to enjoy pleasant little things. The fight against phobias in an advanced form is quite difficult, but quite real - clinics and psychological centers are created for this purpose.

    Phobias cannot be ignored, but must be treated correctly

    Before you think about how to get rid of a phobia, you need to be sure of its presence - first you need to distinguish such phenomena from the fear of certain events and things inherent in any person. There are four factors that help recognize uncontrollable fear:

    1. Significant intensity attached to certain objects, thoughts or circumstances.
    2. Stability, since the nature of the phenomenon under consideration is constant, it does not go away on its own.
    3. Unreasonableness is when uncontrollable fear arises without basis as a result of certain expectations.
    4. Life restrictions - ordinary fear can be overcome, but an uncontrolled reaction forces a person to avoid participating in certain events and situations with all his might.

    A number of signs indicate that treatment of fears and phobias is required:

    1. Exaggerated fear, panic at the sight of a certain object or in the event of a special situation.
    2. Uncontrollable trembling, rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, dry mouth, possible feeling of nausea and dizziness.
    3. There is mental retardation and the impossibility of constructing a logically verified action plan.
    4. An uncontrollable desire appears to run away as far as possible, to hide securely.
    5. After what you have seen or experienced, you feel weak, have nightmares and become paranoid.

    Despite the fact that psychiatrists say that a complete logical explanation of fear is impossible, this statement can be disputed, since there are many methods to get rid of a phobia, which requires understanding the root cause of its occurrence. There are many types of fears - a person can be afraid of spiders, sharp objects, water, open spaces and other things. However, there are also the most common causes of uncontrollable fear, these include:

    1. Fear of closed spaces – claustrophobia. The phenomenon may be accompanied by a strong rapid heartbeat, painful sensations in the chest and dizziness.
    2. If you have a fear of heights you talk about acrophobia, in this state a person experiences a real panic attack and is unable to think normally.
    3. At social phobia a person experiences panic when it is necessary to perform public actions. In general, about 13% of the planet's inhabitants suffer from this type of pathology.
    4. At zoophobia a person is afraid of certain animals, and the phenomenon can be a consequence of negative communication experiences or transmitted from other people.

    Because of acrophobia, a person behaves inappropriately when he is at a height

    The danger of the condition and the possibilities of modern therapy

    Now let's talk about whether treatment for phobias is required, how necessary professional intervention is and how to get rid of phobias and fears on your own.
    Considering that panic states, even those that do not occur too often, have a negative impact on the quality of life, it is necessary to ask the question of how to cure a phobia, especially since today there are many techniques that allow you to cope with this condition. The effectiveness of therapy is high both in the case of professional intervention and in self-treatment, subject to the basic rule - there must be a willingness to analyze the underlying factors that provoked the development of fear and a sincere desire to eliminate it from own life. When approaching the problem, specialists use a specific scheme on how to get rid of phobias, fear and panic states:

    1. First stage– a clear definition of the phenomenon that causes fear and worsens physical condition.
    2. Second phase– work with the very cause of fear, while professionals at this stage use hypnosis and psychotherapy techniques. Conducting special sessions helps the patient to realize and accept his fears, and allows him not to lose constructive thinking in the event of a critical situation.
    3. Third stage how to treat phobias - controlling fears in practice and the ability to accept right decisions without the desire to escape from reality.

    It should be noted that when deciding how to treat phobias in adults, a specialist can use pharmaceutical drugs that help relieve nervous tension and reduce the occurrence of panic attacks. However, such drugs are quite dangerous to health, their use is fraught with the risk of developing pharmacological dependence, and therefore it is undesirable to get carried away with them.

    Getting rid of the problem yourself

    When considering how to deal with phobias and fears on your own, the most common opinion is that treatment should be handled exclusively by a professional. However, this approach is incorrect - in the case when the patient is determined to have a successful outcome and believes in himself, it is possible not only to reduce the manifestations of panic fears, but also to completely get rid of them.

    Phobias need to be treated by a psychotherapist

    In many ways, an independent approach to how to deal with fears and phobias resembles the approach of a professional psychotherapist, excluding the technique of hypnosis. First of all, you need to ask yourself what exactly is the source of panic fear - not justified fear, but a feeling that cannot be controlled. After all, fear in the usual sense is a natural instinct of self-preservation characteristic of any living creature.

    After determining the source of the problem, you should master the basic method that will allow you to treat phobias and fears yourself. We are talking about desensitization, which is the ability to relax precisely at the moment when panic begins to manifest itself. Now about how to use it - first you need to completely relax and realize your fear by determining the answers to two important questions. How bad and scary is it really? Is it possible that the victim is exaggerating the danger?

    When looking at phobias and how to deal with them on your own special attention deserves relaxation. The desired position is horizontal, after which the auto-training session begins. To achieve the desired effect, a voice recording can be used, turned on if necessary. This kind of sessions needs to be carried out not only during panic attacks, but also in a calm state, when there is no source of fear, which in the future will allow you to more quickly achieve the required state.

    Very important aspect is correct breathing, which helps restore psychological balance and reduce heart rate and pulse rate. During the relaxation process, it is recommended to listen to your own breathing, while fully surrendering to the physical sensations, which will speed up the procedure and achieve a more complete effect.

    To summarize the above, we can distinguish six stages on how to deal with phobias on your own:

    • analysis of the source of unreasonable fear;
    • awareness of fear and its acceptance;
    • a gradual decrease in the strength of the manifested fear;
    • the ability to relax in a critical situation;
    • restoration of breathing;
    • restoration of psychological balance through auto-training.

    Effective techniques to combat pathology

    There are special techniques that allow you to cope with far-fetched pathological fear.

    Breathing exercises help fight phobias

    Let's look at the most effective ways to get rid of a phobia yourself using the following techniques:

    1. Turning off negative thinking, which allows you to cope with fixation on negative aspects, suggests using the “electric switch” technique. Your own fear is represented in the form of a relay that turns off with one jerk downwards - you should imagine this process as clearly as possible in all the details.
    2. You get rid of fear with the help of breathing - inhaling gives courage to the body, exhaling eliminates panic. In this case, after inhalation there is a slight delay, but exhalation should take twice as long as inhalation.
    3. It is necessary to do exactly what causes panic - in this case, a “drive” arises, a special energy that can help to realize oneself. If, for example, a person has social phobia and fear of public speaking, it should be done at every opportunity.
    4. The principle of “knocking out wedge with wedge” suggests using a technique based on the independent invocation of physiological reactions corresponding to the phobia - rapid heartbeat and intermittent breathing. This approach destroys the integrity of the fear response, resulting in the possibility of awareness and taking control of emotions.
    5. The technique of “playing a theatrical role” allows you to overcome subconscious attitudes - you need to portray a confident person, deliberately straightening your shoulders, taking on an imperial posture with your chin held high. A slight smile is also necessary - it is enough to stay in this state for just a few seconds so that the brain can respond to the body’s reactions and eliminate fear.

    Consolidating the effect obtained

    In order to prevent the panic state from returning, constant work on your own personality and self-esteem will be required.

    Focusing on the positive is the best prevention of phobias

    For this, there is also a certain scheme of actions that should be followed in order to get the maximum positive effect:

    • all victories, even the most insignificant ones, must be recorded;
    • failures are carefully analyzed in order to be able to write the next script that will be aimed at success;
    • it is necessary to create your own support by building support in the form of faith in science or in higher powers - the main goal is to gain confidence in a successful outcome when using your own capabilities to the maximum;
    • a person should be focused on the positive; one can rely on the love of loved ones, a friendly attitude towards others and the perception of a reciprocal disposition.

    How to get rid of fear is a question that worries every person from time to time.

    After all, it’s no secret that everyone has their own phobias, and this is quite natural.

    But what to do if fear turns into an obsession and does not allow you to lead a normal existence?

    Before finding an answer to a tormenting problem, it is worth understanding the reasons for the appearance of an overwhelming feeling of panic.

    Fears: reasons

    Among the many causes of panic attacks, there are four main ones:

    Attachment to things and people;


    Mental trauma of childhood;


    A person who is deeply attached to a loved one may be susceptible to fears about the loss of a loved one. Therefore, jealousy is nothing more than fear of loss. In this case, the person is not able to identify himself with the individual, since he is completely in psychological dependence from another person.

    Often an individual falls under the “power” of material things: money, expensive car, property. A person begins to be haunted by obsessive phobias that he can lose all this at any moment. It is common for all people to sometimes experience fear about loss. loved one or very expensive things. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine when the line of reasonable fear ends and the disease begins. If an individual is constantly haunted by obsessive, panicky thoughts, then the help of a psychologist may be needed. A specialist will help you understand yourself, identify the main source of the phobia and select individual methods that will help you get rid of fear.

    Uncertainty, like dependence on people and circumstances, is a person’s worst enemy. Lack of self-confidence, a feeling of internal failure, inability to change anything in your life for the better gives rise to the most destructive phobia.

    Fear paralyzes, slows down, destroys from the inside. The individual finds himself in a vicious circle from which, as it seems to him, it is impossible to escape. This reason must and can be fought, but only if there is craving get rid of fears.

    Self-doubt has its roots in childhood. A child deprived of the attention of loved ones and love most often grows up timid, downtrodden and unsure of his own abilities. In adult life such an individual is regularly plagued by panic attacks. He is deprived of that internal energy, which was signed by his peers, surrounded by care and warmth.

    Mental traumas of childhood have the same etiology as uncertainty, and therefore are closely related to it. A child who was regularly shouted at or physically punished as a child grows up to be an incorrectly formed personality with many complexes.

    Another reason that creates fear in a person and is not related to childhood experiences is illness. Often people suffering chronic diseases, are worried about their lives. They begin to suffer from panic attacks over the fact that they could lose their life at any moment. Such fear can and should be treated, since in most cases it is unfounded.

    How to get rid of fear: what types of fear can you overcome on your own?

    There isn't one universal remedy or a specific answer to the question of how to get rid of fear. Everything is purely individual and depends largely on the person himself: whether he is ready to face his phobias and begin to fight them.

    Overcoming anxiety is a large-scale, hard work on yourself. If an individual does not find the strength to cope with his own fears on his own, no specialist will help him. Success depends 99% on your own efforts and only 1% on the treating psychologist who will help you understand and direct your thoughts into the right direction.

    Therefore, you can cope with many types of fear on your own. It happens that a person does not want to apply for medical care, but is determined to get rid of his own phobias. Our mini-guide and many videos on this topic, which abound on the Internet, can help him with this.

    How to get rid of fear: what types of fear can only be treated by specialists

    Unfortunately, a person is not always able to cope with panic attacks on their own. First of all, this applies to those phobias that are associated with deep psychological trauma from childhood.

    In this case, it may be necessary not only psychological help, but also hypnotherapy. The result will largely depend on the qualifications of the specialist and his total experience in this area. Only experienced psychologist is able to “reach out” to the patient and give multifaceted answers to the question of how to get rid of fear.

    Another of the most serious types of fear is social phobia, which can often only be dealt with with the help of a psychologist. Social phobes are not difficult to spot in a crowd. Since childhood, they prefer to keep to themselves. You won't find them in yard sandboxes, playing with other children. As adults, such people prefer to avoid public places and choose to work from home.

    Having noticed the first symptoms of social phobia in yourself or your child, you should immediately solve the problem, since in the future this will lead to serious consequences: the inability to communicate normally with people and fully coexist in society.

    How to get rid of fear: step-by-step instructions

    1. Visualization. Before you start fighting an invisible enemy, you need to recognize him by sight. Answer your questions honestly: what are you most afraid of? “Knowledge is power” is an undeniable paradigm. Once you've identified your core phobias, sit with them alone and imagine the worst that could happen.

    Keep imagining until you begin to feel numb to your own imagined phobias. Often visualization The best way get rid of fear.

    2. Arithmations. Good method Mental attitudes can become a way to get rid of fear. Throughout the day, week, and months, a person repeats to himself arithmations aimed at cleansing himself of internal anxieties. A simple example internal attitudes may include the following phrases: “I accept my fears and learn to manage them”; “I let go of my fear,” etc. Our subconscious is capable of working miracles. Even if the conscious mind initially resists believing your words, over time the subconscious mind takes your statements for granted and starts the process of “recovery.” It is very important to take this seriously, since arithmations are endowed with enormous power. It is also important to compose them correctly. Your settings should not contain phrases with the particle “NOT”. For example, by regularly repeating to yourself a combination such as “I am NOT afraid,” you thereby attract even greater panic and anxiety to yourself. The fact is that our subconscious is not able to recognize this particle. Thus, your inner voice hears the opposite: “I am afraid!” Therefore, incorrectly composed arithms, instead of positive results, can cause harm.

    3. Action. You can talk for a long time about how to get rid of fear, and not move a single step towards overcoming it. Brave people are not those who are not afraid of anything. These are individuals who were able to face their fear and were able to overcome it. Remember, only action conquers fear. Do what you fear most. People who adequately perceive their fear and manage to rationally coexist with it become the most successful.

    How to get rid of fear in a child

    Sometimes parents do not want to admit to themselves that they are the main reason for the development of phobias in their child.

    Children who have not received enough parental warmth, who hear eternal reproaches about wrong behavior, acquire a bunch of complexes that degenerate into fears.

    But often the cause of fear in a child can be overprotectiveness from loved ones. Babies are born devoid of any types of phobias. And only over time do adults “impose” their fears on the child. Instead of allowing your child to explore the world, his parents warn him at every step.

    The child grows up, and the deeply ingrained words: “don’t go there,” “don’t touch that,” “you can’t” take root in the individual’s subconscious. A person becomes indecisive and incapable of great achievements. It is difficult for him to understand how to get rid of his own fears.

    To prevent this from happening, there must be a presence in the child’s upbringing. golden mean.

    Hug your baby often and tell him you love him. It will not be superfluous to adolescence. The love and care of others helps children cope with internal fears better than any words.

    Parents who do not want their child to grow up deeply complexed should not set many restrictions and harshly punish for misconduct.

    Effective way In getting rid of fears in children, experts call the method of play. With the help of games, the child is given the opportunity to experience a frightening situation in a fictional reality. This approach helps the child emotionally clear himself of his phobias.

    It is very important that games aimed at overcoming fears contain both real and fictional models with an emphasis on positive side.

    Such games should inspire and motivate action. Spending time together with your child in a playful and exciting, relaxed form of communication will definitely give you positive results.

    In addition to love, care and spending time together, a child is in dire need of approval from adults. That is why you should not forget to praise your child as often as possible. This will help him grow into a full-fledged person.

    My greetings to everyone. There is probably no person who does not face the problem of fear. Let's find ways together to get rid of fear.

    What are the fears?

    Experts have identified and described more than 300 phobias. A phobia is an obsessive fear that can drive a person to a critical state. Therefore, we must get rid of them by any means.

    Phobias are divided into 8 groups, but if you look at their simplified version, the following types are highlighted:

    Children's. Numerous childhood fears also include social phobia.

    Teenage. This includes fear of space, thanatophobia, nosophobia, intimophobia (when a young man is so afraid of girls that he does not want to establish any relationships with them, not just intimate ones).

    Parental. Constant fear for the child.

    They are also divided into mental and physical, which have significant differences. With bodily fear, the body becomes covered with sweat, goosebumps, the heart begins to pound strongly, a feeling of lack of air appears, sleep and appetite are disrupted (you either don’t want to eat anything, or, on the contrary, you eat everything).

    With mental fright, worries and fears appear, mood instability, detachment from the world around you, and even a feeling of changes in your body are observed.

    Long-term anxiety can lead to various types of illnesses. It’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Therefore, it is important to avoid prolonged anxiety or any state of fear.

    Methods for getting rid of fear

    Anxiety occurs to every person, some often, some sometimes, no one is immune from this. It’s good sometimes, but what if this condition doesn’t go away? The science of psychology has developed special techniques various techniques that will help restore peace of mind.

    First of all, you should understand that fear is a defensive reaction of our psyche. Therefore, you won’t be able to get rid of it, you just need to find out the reasons, then it will be easier to deal with anxiety states.

    If you are visited by obsessive thoughts, then a good way to get rid of them has been developed through loud reading of poetry, prose, music or drawings. Draw on paper everything that bothers you, then tear up these drawings or burn them. Imagine that bad thoughts have gone up in smoke.

    Did not help? Then use auto-training “immersion in anxiety.” For 20 minutes, imagine all the horrors that dictate your thoughts, then try to forget about them forever.

    Another way to relieve stress yourself. One of my friends often uses this method. Sit up straight: inhale courage, determination, everything good, and exhale all worries, anxiety, bad thoughts. Imagine how they left your head, immediately get down to business with the knowledge that everything is going well. Helps a lot!

    A heartfelt conversation with a friend helps a lot. Communication is a true protector against low mood and various anxieties. Over a cup of tea, tell your friend about what’s bothering you, and you’ll feel like you’ve been reborn! Have you noticed?

    Switching to something exciting or fun is also a great distraction. Find something to do that is truly interesting to you. Believe me, you will not have time for anxious thoughts.

    Remember happy moments

    If you apply the advice of a psychologist to yourself, you can reduce the number of anxious days.

    1. Don't remember unhappy days, only those when you were happy. Try to stay in this state.
    2. Don't exaggerate the problem. The devil is not as scary as he is painted.
    3. Learn to relax. Aromatherapy, auto-training, sports.
    4. Try to accept the fact that you cannot predict everything, do not think about future problems. My friend is doing very wisely. She says: “When I have something to be upset about, then I will be upset.”
    5. Don't dramatize the situation, don't attract bad option events. Imagine a successful solution to your problem.
    6. You don't see a way out difficult situation? Try to analyze several options for solving the problem. Reach out to other people. You will see, there will definitely be a person who can “settle” your difficult situation or will turn things around so that the problem no longer seems insoluble.
    7. Run away from worries. How to overcome fear? Play sports. Due to bodily tension, the body produces a hormone of happiness.
    8. Communicate with your fear. Try to find out where it came from, you may have come up with it yourself. Drive him away or try to make friends. Don't let it take over you entirely, switch to positive emotions.
    9. Meet your fear halfway to overcome it. For example, you find it difficult to communicate with people, you feel panic before talking. Then start calling various organizations, talk to strangers, ask questions. If you are afraid of dogs, then watch them from afar. Look at the pictures depicting them: how pretty they are! Then pet a friend's dog. This is very effective method.
    10. If you are afraid of the dark, then when you are afraid, talk to yourself, call yourself by name. You can laugh at yourself, this also helps a lot.

    You are the best person

    Many people have low self-esteem, which is why they develop complexes. How to get rid of complexes? Remember that stereotypes are created by people. Most likely, they had a lot of complexes, so reveal yourself as an individual.

    • Write down in your notebook what you have achieved. Nothing? It can not be so! You will be surprised at what a full-fledged person you are.
    • Think about yourself only from a positive point of view.
    • Express your opinion, even if someone disagrees with it. You are an individual, so you have your own opinion.
    • Change your lifestyle, change your image, have affairs, fight for a better position. After your first success, your self-esteem will skyrocket.
    • Don't communicate with those who lower your self-esteem.
    • Don't compare yourself to others. You are the most wonderful person, period!

    Are you being attacked?

    Who is attacking you? Ah, it's a panic attack! Don’t worry, this condition occurs to almost every person. Suddenly you have fear sudden death or fear of illness. You feel it so clearly, it seems to you that it should happen right now. The heart begins to beat faster, and the head begins to spin, almost to the point of nausea.

    Some are frightened by the fear of life, others are afraid to even go into the subway, others begin to fear disasters, and for some it becomes difficult to swallow. But the fear of dying is especially frightening.

    When attacks of PA are repeated very often, then a person develops new phobias. Let's get rid of them without hospitals, at home.

    ethnoscience knows many ways to get rid of this scourge.

    1. Take 1 tbsp. l. oregano, pour a cup of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Before meals, drink 0.5 cups. The course of treatment is 2 months.
    2. Motherwort is an excellent stress reliever. Brew 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials with 2 cups of water, boil for 20 minutes. Drink a large spoonful daily for a month.
    3. Before going to bed, drink tea made from mint, lemon balm or linden, then you will quickly get rid of nervous tension.

    Tincture of peony, valerian or motherwort will help calm the nervous system and normalize sleep.

    Try tricks to help you beat seizures panic attack.

    1. Breathe into the bag. Take a thick bag, inhale deeply, then exhale into the bag. Then inhale from this bag. Repeat 10 times.
    2. As soon as the attack begins, rinse your face and hands with water, moisten the pulse points. Drink 1 glass of water with a pinch of sugar.
    3. Create yourself good mood, smile in front of the mirror, you will feel funny, even happy.

    Motorist phobia

    Many motorists, and not only women, but also men, may develop a driving phobia. To get rid of it:

    • There is no need to listen to scary stories about road accidents.
    • Before leaving, ALWAYS check that the vehicle is in good working order, especially the wheels and brakes.
    • Know the rules of driving.
    • It's good to know how to park in reverse.
    • Have front and rear view mirrors to see the situation on the road.
    • Always have gas in the tank.

    Many people are afraid to fly on an airplane. But you must remember that the proportion of airplane accidents is negligible. The most dangerous way is to get to the airport. Before departure, the aircraft undergo a strict check for serviceability, so you have nothing to fear.

    If you can’t overcome the trepidation, visit the airport before the flight to get used to the fact that everyone is flying and it’s no big deal. On the plane, take newspapers, books and something to snack with you.

    Audience Fear

    You envy people who behave so well in front of an audience. It seems to you that they are not worried at all. They are worried, and how! You too will be performing soon, but you have fear of performing.

    1. The first condition is to be confident in your abilities.
    2. Understand that the audience did not come to find a flaw in your performances.
    3. Lighten the mood with a joke, then start presenting your material. A joke really helps to establish contact with the public and overcome embarrassment.
    4. Take a deep breath of confidence and exhale your excitement, feel the solid ground under your feet.
    5. It’s a good idea to stand on stage several times when there are no spectators yet, to get used to the situation, as in the case of an airplane.

    Don't be afraid to give new life

    Many girls are afraid of pregnancy, so they do not dare to have a baby. Think, maybe your fears come from childhood or from the instructions of adults: “Make sure you don’t get pregnant!” Don't listen to horror stories about childbirth. Childbirth is a natural process, there is nothing scary about it.

    Take a different path in your thinking. If you have a child, you will never be alone. Loneliness is the worst thing! He will grow up and continue your family, and this is so wonderful!

    Bring joy to your other half

    Fear of sex can ruin a relationship, so make it a rule: giving pleasure not only to yourself, but to your partner. A man who is determined to win quickly may misfire, which in the future can grow into a big problem.

    Talk about this topic, find out what your significant other likes. A woman should be confident that sex is safe, so prepare yourself and don’t rely on your partner. In a fit of passion, he can forget about safety. Think for yourself!

    How to help your child get rid of fears

    An advertisement where they explain to a child that a dinosaur lives under the bed and protects the baby is indicative. Never scare children. Even scary tale must be with happy ending. Never lock your child in a room alone. Loneliness will only make him more afraid. Let him always feel protected by you. He must be sure that he is protected - this is the surest way to avoid childhood phobias.

    Don't voice concerns that the child will fall, cuts himself, gets knocked, develop confidence in him that he will overcome all obstacles. To do this, go hiking, walking, skating, skiing, cycling more often, teach him to be independent. Praise him more often, even for small successes, and increase his self-esteem. This will be of great use to him in adult life. But don’t overdo it; excessive praise will spoil any child.

    Ways to get rid of fears

    Like adults, a child can depict his fear on a piece of paper. Let him draw his phobia, and on back side let the sheet draw how he is not afraid of her. If the child cannot draw, then burn the drawing together with him, saying: “You see, all that remains from the evil monster is ashes, which we will simply shake off!” This technique works extremely effectively.

    You can write something funny about fear, play games. If the baby is afraid of the dark, then you can play hide and seek under the light of one night light. Or make a protective amulet for your baby, with which he will not be afraid to enter even the dark.

    Adults can resort to more complex manipulations. If the phobia lasts more than 6 months, then you need to go to a specialist. If from time to time, use meditation, relaxation techniques, aromatherapy helps a lot. Inhale the aromas of mint, eucalyptus, valerian.

    In big cities, many people have become afraid of entering the subway. Just think, how many people died from suffocation in the subway? You won't remember anything, so throw away all the scary thoughts about the subway.

    Can't get rid of bad thoughts? Write them down on paper until they begin to have clear boundaries. Then you will see that panic looks so ridiculous and senseless that it is not worth your attention. Deep breathing, described above, will help maintain peace of mind.

    1. You need to think positively. Only a positive attitude will bring a positive solution to any problems closer.
    2. Constantly repeat affirmations, for example, “I let go of my fear.” Your subconscious mind will not immediately fulfill your instructions, but over time it will do so. Just avoid saying the particle “not”. Never say "I'm not afraid." The subconscious will accept: “I’m afraid.”
    3. Do what you fear most. Action is better than inaction.
    4. Laugh at your worries, they don’t like it and... disappear.

    Remember the times when you were very afraid of something. You overcame it, which means you will overcome it now.

    • imagine that this has already happened;
    • prepare for what happens;
    • do everything to prevent unfavorable developments from happening at all.

    Fear is your enemy, get angry at it, start fighting it with sportive anger.

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