• How to recognize a karmic connection. Karmic love: signs. Karmic relationships. Karmic horoscope


    It happens that a man and a woman meet for the first time, begin to communicate, and they are left with the feeling that they have known each other for many years - they finish each other’s sentences, understand each other perfectly. This often happens if there is a karmic connection between them, which arises when in a past life they had emotional outbursts or some debts remained, that is, they were unable to resolve some situations, so they hung in the air. Fate, having arranged a meeting for them, gives them a chance to get rid of traces of the past, parting forever, or, conversely, to get closer.

    How can you understand whether an acquaintance is accidental or predetermined by fate? You can turn to clairvoyants, tell fortunes on cards or runes, and also make astrological forecast. And there is another method that is easy to use at home - numerological. To do this, it is necessary to subtract 22 from the birthday number of the man and woman (a dual number that can both attract and repel, this is how karmic relationships develop). For example, a man was born on May 8, 1972 (his birthday number: 8+5+1+9+7+2=32), and a woman was born on September 2, 1979 (her birthday number: 2+9+1+9+ 7+9=37). Add these two numbers: 32+37=69; and subtract 22, bringing it to a number less than or equal to 22: 69-22-22-22=3. The number of this pair is 3.

    Calculate karmic relationships by date of birth:

    Date of birth of one partner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November 1920 1 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 19 46 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1 971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 96 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

    Date of birth of the other partner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November 1920 21 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 19 46 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1 971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 96 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

    The meaning of numbers in numerology

    Such karmic relationships will be quite complex, since the partners will constantly compete for the right to be a leader. To maintain such an alliance, it is important to adhere to the golden mean.

    Such relationships can hardly be called karmic, since here love is more important. Tenderness and mutual understanding reign in the union, which is usually not inherent in a karmic marriage. Spouses often live to see their golden wedding.

    If we call this marriage karmic, then there is only one caveat: the partners have karma - to always live in love. Their union rests on three pillars - trust, romance and mutual respect. The main thing is that no outsider should interfere in their harmonious relationship.

    In these karmic relationships there is complete patriarchy. They constantly swear, and in a raised voice, reminiscent of an Italian family, which, most likely, has some truth; perhaps in a past life they lived in Italy and were passionate and zealous spouses.

    Such a marriage can be considered uniquely karmic, because it is in it that such patterns are observed as: one of the partners is more than seven years older than the other or same-sex partners. One of the spouses will be a mentor, the other will be a student.

    A strong relationship, which is usually not inherent in a karmic marriage, therefore such a union can be called strong and durable, where respect and mutual understanding reign, but not love. This suits both of them.

    This union is more business than love, so it’s not even worth talking about karmic relationships. In such a marriage, both will be happy, since they can completely trust each other without fear of being deceived.

    The spouses each live their own separate lives, which is unacceptable for karmic relationships, so such a union will fall apart very quickly.

    In such a union, financial relations are more important, which are unacceptable for a karmic marriage, so it is not worth talking about. Partners in such a union are usually happy, unless there is a third person nearby - a child, parents or other relatives.

    A karmic marriage in which everyone pulls the blanket on themselves, which is why they suffer a lot, but such partners cannot separate. Even if they decide to break up, fate will bring them together again.

    These karmic relationships will be difficult for the fair half - the spouse will constantly move to the left, but it will not be possible to change anything. Most likely, in a past life he was abandoned by his beloved for another man. This is a kind of revenge on a woman for past grievances.

    Unfavorable karmic relationships that cannot be ended now, so the marriage will be short and very difficult.

    Karmic relationships will be short but memorable. Eat Great chance that the spouses will soon separate, but will forever maintain friendship.

    This is an insincere karmic relationship - deception, blackmail and betrayal of both partners. Most likely, you won’t be able to finish them in this life if you don’t start working on yourself and your vices. In order not to torment each other, it is better to break up immediately.

    Sexual attraction, colossal passion, but nothing more - partners will not be able to create a family. Even if the couple decides to marry, it will be very short, since karmically they should not be together.

    This couple will not be happy in marriage, but they will not be able to change anything, since they are karmically dependent on each other. Improving coexistence is only possible by ignoring each other’s vices.

    In such a union there is no need to talk about a karmic connection; rather, it is a marriage of two loving hearts that will carry their feelings throughout their lives.

    Difficulties may arise in such a marriage, but they will not be of a karmic nature; there will be a conflict of characters that are very different. However, the spouses will be able to find common ground in order to live a happy family life.

    In such a couple, tender karmic relationships will reign that will last a lifetime. Many children are born in such a marriage. The spouses will live in perfect harmony, will be close in both joy and sorrow.

    Problems may arise in the family, but only in the first year life together. They will not be connected with karma, since a man and a woman are not connected with each other in such a relationship. Spouses will respect each other and value the interests and desires of their partner.

    This couple has a 100% karmic relationship - today they cannot tolerate each other, and tomorrow they will not live a minute without the voice and kiss of their partner. At the beginning of the week they make joint plans for the future, and on Sunday they go to long business trips. They argue often and violently and also loudly reconcile. They live like they're on a powder keg, but they can't change anything.

    "Like the right and left hand -
    Your soul is close to my soul.

    We are adjacent, blissfully and warmly,
    Like the right and left wing.

    But the whirlwind rises - and the abyss lies
    From the right to the left wing!

    Marina Tsvetaeva

    Numerous customer examples prompted me to write this blog.

    How often do we see examples of relationships in which there is passion, inexplicable attraction, often at first sight, a literal “kinship of souls”, but at the same time terrible conflicts, misunderstandings, lack of prospects and development, inability to be together and constant suffering.

    Participants in such relationships are regular customers (usually clients) of this site. Requests to return, hold, tie, bewitch, etc. from this opera. But is it really necessary to “tie” in such cases?

    A karmic relationship is a union of two people who were closely acquainted in a past life (husband and wife, relatives, lovers or enemies), but they still have some debts to each other (unresolved situations, emotions and feelings that have not found a way out) . In the present incarnation, fate brings these people together again to give them the opportunity to work out this karma (atone for guilt, correct mistakes, give vent to feelings, live through the situations that were given in the previous incarnation), which is usually accompanied by causing pain and negativity to the partner.

    So, for example, if in a previous incarnation a man was madly in love with you, but you left him, betrayed him, deceived him, thereby accruing negative karma, there is no doubt that this situation will repeat in subsequent incarnations.

    Any karmic relationship needs elaboration, conscious actions, more wise behavior aimed at getting out of a similar situation in a different way. The purpose of such a relationship on a spiritual level is a different choice than was made in a past life.

    The most convenient option for repaying karmic debts is love relationship, where each participant can change himself, his worldview, undergo purification and transformation.

    Such relationships are distinguished by certain signs (almost all of them interfere with love; it is not necessary to have all the signs together, but a combination of several of them can indicate a karmic connection):

      a large age difference (over 5 years - already the likelihood of a karmic connection). An age difference of 15 years or more characterizes a very strong karmic attraction. It is very difficult to break such a connection, while relationships are always very complex and either help the partner choose his true path in life, or, on the contrary, lead him astray from this path, increasing karmic debts in the future;

      speed of occurrence (love at first sight, the rapid start and development of relationships almost immediately after meeting, partners do not doubt or analyze the reasons for their actions, acting as if by inspiration, on impulses and under the influence of inexplicable forces);

      distance (different cities or even countries) or moving together after the start of a relationship;

      marriage of one of the partners, the presence of a love triangle in another form;

      complete opposite, incompatibility of characters;

      mismatch between partners' temperaments;

      different social and financial status;

      fatality (inevitability, predetermination): fate itself seems to bring people together, but the development of their relationships often follows a seemingly predetermined negative scenario;

      situations of love-hate, when partners are in a state of eternal confrontation, irritate each other and yet are unhappy apart;

      inability to have children (a sign that the relationship in this incarnation has exhausted itself);

      unforeseen situations and other obstacles (forced separation, alcoholism, drug addiction or serious illness of one of the partners).

    Not all karmic relationships are destructive in nature.

    There are cases healing karmic relationships, when the main task is to gain unity, freedom and peace. Such love can last forever without attempts to change the partner, it is distinguished by the emotional independence of partners, the ability to understand and forgive, and the introduction of new, important, meaningful things into the life of another. But such cases are quite rare. More common destructive relationships characterized by pain, suffering, tears, strong emotions. They need to be stopped wisely.

    Reasonable arguments at the very beginning of such a relationship prevent it from continuing, but blind and very strong passion, coupled with psychological dependence and the rather frequent feeling that you have already met this person and you are one with him literally paralyzes the mind. Having met a karmic partner, you are irresistibly attracted to him, feel a desire to become closer, and after a certain time, 2 scenarios are possible:

          partners continue to play the emotional role from the previous incarnation;

          partners change roles in the new incarnation. So, for example, in the past a girl did not receive reciprocity in response to her selfless and selfless love, but in a new incarnation (or later in this life, which also happens very often) a mirror situation occurs: a man loves her, but she leaves him, therefore thereby providing the opportunity to experience what it means to be abandoned without experiencing negative feelings.

    A strong mutual attraction often develops into love, and here a complete dissimilarity between the partners and discontent is revealed, and ending this relationship turns out to be almost impossible: neither quarrels, nor endless pain and tears allow them to part, as if some irresistible force keeps them together.

    Such relationships often lead to love addiction(“It’s both bad with him and impossible without him”). In its action, a karmic connection resembles a love spell. The stages of attraction - conflict - distance - new attraction constantly alternate, creating a vicious circle. A person commits illogical, unusual actions for him, but with this particular partner he cannot do otherwise.

    We must remember that strong emotions often relate to suffering, not mutual love, but breaking such relationships without working through karmic debts can result in unpredictable consequences. In the case where the relationship is destructive, the karmic lesson is to let go without guilt or regret, to stop experiencing negativity and hatred. The thirst for revenge, hatred, and other kinds of negativity will lead to the emergence of new karmic connections, and the necessary lesson will not be learned. Running away from such love is useless - such a connection will overtake you again. Karmic relationships will be repeated with this or another person until the lessons are learned and the only decision is made the right decision. The solution to the karmic knot will be the absence of claims against the partner, negative intentions and thoughts about him - you need to learn to forgive and accept the person for who he is, either by letting him go or working out karmic lessons together. As a result, you should feel a state of peace, relaxation, harmony, and satisfaction. By correctly untying a karmic knot, you can even be cured of a serious illness.

    What to do so as not to burden karma further can be written endlessly.

    At a minimum, it is necessary to get out of all conflict situations by forgiving. The stronger the unreleased negative emotions, the more likely the karmic connection will be developed. The ability to “let go” of negative emotions will ensure that further encounters with this person will not bring suffering.

    I will focus on the two most serious mistakes: 1) abortion, 2) relationships with a married man, especially if there are children in the family.

    A relationship with a married man can deprive a woman of a normal relationship with her in the future. a free man. Intrusion into the energy of a family is punished by endless tears, heartache, possible infertility, inability to start a family, problems with women's health, and also aggravates the karma of a woman’s future children, especially girls. In such relationships, love is a poison that deprives a woman of the opportunity to create her own family. Undoubtedly, a man also makes a mistake by cheating on his wife, but the karmic consequences in this case are much more serious for the woman.

    It is clear that every person wants love. For a woman, this desire is aggravated by the biological timing of the birth of children, the established public opinion about the need to get married as soon as possible, for example married friends, pressure from relatives, but this is not a reason to consider a person who is obviously unsuitable and unfree as a life partner.

    Remember that we come into the world to improve ourselves. To meet a person with whom you will live together for many years in love and harmony, to love truly and mutually, without trying to change your partner, you need to go through all karmic tests, work out lessons, correct previously made mistakes, eradicate negative qualities in yourself, learn accept and forgive. You need serious work on yourself, the ability to go through life with an open heart, love yourself and give this love. Then Happiness will definitely come and will be yours, and not stolen.

    Be happy and loved!

    Ellen, thank you for your feedback!
    I indicated about destructive and healing (creative) ones. And it wasn’t me who attacked, but the laws of life show that a woman who invades a family is unhappy.
    Yes, love is not eternal, but family ties that cement two or more (if there are children) family members still remain and are protected from invasion by what is beyond our control. If you broke up your family, you accumulated negative karma in any case. But in a woman’s body and on her energy level, everything is too subtle, so women suffer more from such actions.
    It happens that after work, people stay together, I don’t deny this, although the percentage of such cases is extremely small.

    It’s rare who hasn’t experienced such feelings: you meet a person for the first time, you start communicating, and it seems that you’ve known him for many years. Understanding at a glance, interaction from the first days of acquaintance between people can only appear if there is a karmic connection between them.

    What is karma?

    Karma is the influence of the past on today's circumstances, the fate of a person. Surely the karmic connection arose for a reason - knowing the soul means that the souls have known each other for a long time and met in one of their past lives.

    If a karmic connection arises between a woman and a woman - in a past life they could be friends or be closely related, between a woman and a man - the connection was either family or love. Karmic partners meet in order to end past relationships in this life: to get closer or to separate completely.

    Signs of a karmic connection

    How to understand that a meeting is predetermined by fate? Signs of a karmic connection between people can be explicit and implicit. It is possible to clarify whether the souls really knew each other before, perhaps with the help of additional actions that can only be performed by people who have contact with higher powers.

    To determine the degree of connection, clairvoyance sessions are carried out, fortune telling is done using Tarot cards, runes, gypsy cards, or an astrological forecast is made.

    It is possible to recognize a karmic meeting by obvious signs– inexplicable craving for strangers
    people to each other. They met by chance, communicated little, and after parting they remember the meeting as if they had given their counterpart a part of their soul. Many years pass, but people still remember this meeting.

    In order to return the emotions they have experienced, people are ready to perform actions that are unusual for them by nature.

    If a relationship begins, the emotions in it are quite strong - both positive and negative. If you know how to recognize a karmic connection, then you will not resist the will of higher powers and will protect yourself from destructive emotions.

    Relationships can arise not only because of the meeting of souls in the past - a karmic connection is determined by the date of birth, connecting astral entities.

    New destinies

    Astral entities fill human bodies, fueled by energy. They constantly evolve, their subtle bodies become depleted after entering a person. At the moment of meeting with the karmic soul mate, a person opens up, and it is easier for the ethereal creature to penetrate inside. They can completely change a person, and loved ones will no longer recognize him.

    The following types of astral entities from living people are distinguished:

    • angels - bring positivity;
    • demons - destroy inner world, they push into actions that cause negativity, and can completely destroy a personality - if a person tries to resist degeneration, he develops mental illnesses, for example, schizophrenia.

    Astral entities also leave the bodies of dead people and go out in search of new victims.

    They can be classified:

    • demons or laurels - they are attracted by lust, greed, adultery - rough energy;
    • bastards - they force you to create conflict situations, switch to profanity.

    There are several other forms of entities with different habits - some of them choose victims depending on energy, certain habits, others are looking for a new body based on gender characteristics. For example, demons prefer to inhabit women, reptiles prefer to inhabit men.

    Sometimes sorcerers and shamans prepare essences specifically to deal with certain people- upon request. They are transported in the astral dimension.

    If a karmic meeting occurs with a person whose soul is filled with someone else’s astral essence, the relationship will cause pain to both parties, since the connection is created artificially.

    It is very likely that the energy field created without changes in the hypostasis would not have attracted the second side. However, breaking such relationships is just as difficult as true ones.

    Checking the validity of the connection

    Karmic marriage is considered one of the strongest unions. But how do you know that the relationship is true and that the essence of a person is involved in it, and not astral guests who have changed their character?

    Astrology and numerology can help with this. If for astrological predictions you need to have special knowledge and inner instinct, then you can understand the basics of numerology yourself by making calculations using special tables. Of course, only specially trained psychics and astrologers can make full-fledged predictions, but even an amateur can understand what is happening on the basis of systematic observations.

    For example, marriages in which the age difference between a man and a woman are multiples of 5 are considered non-random. The strongest unions are those in which, after meeting, they learn that the difference is 15 years.

    Marriage karma is calculated by date of birth. Partners add up all the numbers in their date of birth.
    For example: 19.04. 1957. After summing up, the number 36 is obtained - something global will happen in this person’s life every 36 years.

    The age of the partner is calculated in the same way: 08/28/1962. The age of change is also 36. Marriage is karmic.

    Another pair of partners: 08/10/1965 and 07/19/1963.

    The age of change is 31 - you need to keep in mind that the ten is added completely; and 47. Even multiples do not match. The connection is not karmic, although the marriage can be successful.

    Numerology can help everyone individually understand the main character traits, find out their preferences, and outline the sphere of activity in which it is possible to achieve success.

    How karmic relationships begin

    • Karmic relationships develop in different ways, just like any relationship. Partners can communicate for a very long time, and the fact of their marriage becomes a surprise to others;
    • Huge difference in tastes and social status;
    • Marriage happens at lightning speed, and after a few years people cannot say what prompted them to it;
    • Very important sign karmic connections - moving. People, having gotten married, go to live in another place, in some way cutting off ties;
    • Childless marriage - a closed future is predetermined by karma;
    • Fatality and difficult relationships– people, according to others, need to break up. One of them is an alcoholic, drug addict, sadist and the like, he torments his other half, but she is not able to leave.

    Psychics explain difficult relationships by karma - in a past life the situation was the opposite, and currently the partner who receives constant negativity is responsible for his own sins. But not everyone agrees to suffer and periodically try to get rid of such relationships. How to break a karmic connection with a man or woman who makes life hard labor, and is it possible to do this?

    Not only spouses ask about this; sometimes friends, whom you cannot leave, cause physical and moral suffering, because you evaluate your own actions as betrayal.

    Breaking up a difficult relationship

    The possibility of a break is largely determined by the quality of the relationship.

    Karmic love is not at all synonymous with idyll to death. Typically, these are complex relationships in which one or even both parties must work through some things from their past.

    Karmic love - what is it and why does it appear?

    When from a whole crowd of people our eyes and hearts snatch out someone who seems close to us at one glance, when we immediately know that we will follow this person to the ends of the earth, this may mean that we have seen someone with whom in a past life we ​​were united by love feelings.

    When we say something like “There is some kind of magic between us” about our relationship (even if it lasted a maximum of a week), we get the impression that we have always known each other, we hear each other’s thoughts, we feel the same , we believe that we have been waiting for this meeting all our lives,” perhaps karmic love from a past life has overtaken us.

    Feelings of love are one of the strongest connections that we can carry over from past incarnations. Unfortunately, a karmic love connection is usually very complex and brings a lot of worries and suffering. This is what a specialist who deals with karmic relationships and love in particular told about.

    One of her male clients said that he fell in love with a woman after seeing her... from behind. When she turned around, he was convinced that he had always known her. The man was very involved in this relationship, he tried, and everything seemed to be going great, but... after a few months, his passion unexpectedly sent the gentleman “in retirement.” An astrologer or numerologist who deals with connections at the level of karma would probably explain that the woman left because her partner in a previous incarnation broke off his relationship with her, which is why he now has to repay a karmic debt in love. Or perhaps things were even worse...

    Why does unhappy karmic love still appear? The force of attraction, which we have no strength to cope with and which cannot be controlled, is often a punishment for the fact that many lives ago we used love magic to attract someone. Previously, magical love rituals (drying, etc.) were very successful. They deprived all who were their victims of the fundamental right given by God - free will, choice. The transformation of a person into a zombie who follows someone everywhere as if attached, unfortunately, cannot do without punishment. One of the consequences of using love magic and a situation arises when at the same time we are drawn to some person and at the same time everything pushes us away from him. Fleeting novels and one-night stands, adventures, karmic unrequited love, hopeless craving for married men may be the “gate” through which victims of love potions and magic spells return from past lives.

    Karmic connection: pain and happiness in one bottle

    Karmic love is not at all synonymous with happiness. One or both parties within the framework of this union must work out something from the past, pay off a karmic debt. Therefore, if you happened to meet a person with whom we were united right off the bat strong feeling and spiritual unity and for the sake of which we are ready to give up everything in the world, we need to maintain sanity, because it is very early to rejoice. Because if this turns out to be a connection with a karmic partner and if some obligations and tragedies from past lives arise between people, then it may turn out that in the long run they will not be able to get along with each other. Often this “magnificent”, “ideal”, “one” appears only for a single purpose - in order to punish us for the evil that we once caused him. Such couples with karmic relationships, with love from a past life, as a rule, hurt each other, break up, cheat, and then come back and... hurt each other again. Women and men feel a special attraction to each other, returning in dreams, even if it comes to a final separation. Even after a karmic connection is broken, love can remain.

    But life, fortunately, does not always write only pessimistic scenarios. Karmic love can also be happy. Here is the story of one woman. Many years ago she saw a numerology specialist. She said that she and her future husband would have a karmic union, that they had loved each other for several lives. And she explained that now her partner will pay her karmic debt. Once he was a noble man, and the heroine of this story was a simple girl. They loved each other, but he left her and married a woman from his circle. But the girl never connected her life with anyone. The specialist assured that in this incarnation karmic partner will love stronger, more honestly, more truly.

    The client did not believe in such things, but everything was confirmed. This love was special from the very first moment. When she accidentally saw this man for the first time in a friend’s apartment, she thought only one thing - that she wanted to hug him. And immediately a second thought appeared: “This will be my husband.” A week later they were already living together, a little more than a year later they got married. The woman also added that she is connected with her soulmate by some special, telepathic connection. One morning she woke up in a panic because she dreamed that he was fired from his job. There was absolutely nothing to indicate problems that could lead to this development, but he did lose his job two days later...

    Karmic connection: signs

    How to understand that this is karmic love? It feels like you have always known the person you just met. What signs will help you understand that the connection between a man and a woman is karmic in nature, and how can you check this?

    • Hypnosis: this is one of the best ways studying past lives, including love affairs.
    • Astrology: experts look at the position of the so-called Lunar nodes in the horoscopes of both partners. If they form an aspect with each other, especially conjunction or opposition, it is a karmic connection.
    • Tarot cards: the so-called heavy cards, for example, Hermit, Death, Devil, Moon, speak about affairs that are reaching out to partners from the very distant past.
    • Numerology: these specialists calculate karmic love by date of birth. After receiving the necessary information, the numerologist calculates the life path number, draws up a pyramid of fate, based on which he can determine where there are similar numbers. He can also check to whom we have such debts and who has them to us.

    Karmic love is love that gives men and women the feeling that they have known their passion all their lives, a stormy and not always prosperous relationship with a happy ending. If you understand its nature, it will be easier to accept the events that happen and not give up on the possibility of a happy personal life.

    In Indian philosophy, great importance is placed on relationships that were begun by souls in past earthly incarnations and remained unfinished.

    A karmic connection between a man and a woman occurs in cases where in a previous communication situation they already had strong emotional outbursts or had debts. The point is that if throughout life interpersonal problems have not been resolved and some situations hang in the air, fate gives you a chance another time.

    Types of relationships according to karma

    The karmic meeting of a man and a woman will not necessarily be due to love or simply positive experiences of past lives. It also happens that people strongly hated each other, plotted against each other, so now they need to work off their karmic debt.

    In past reincarnations, current partners could be work colleagues, enemies, friends, lovers. In essence, the specific details of the past are not important; all that matters is the fact that the past life experience was shared and very memorable.

    Depending on the nature of the relationships that arise, connections can be both healing and destructive.

    • Healing Karmic Relationships given to people in a new life so that they become better and live happy life. This is a pleasant path to spiritual growth because two soul mates who understand that they need to forgive their partner and support him in everything, without trying to change the person in their own way. In this case, communication brings pleasure and you don’t want to leave even for a moment, because you still have the feeling that there is still a lot left unsaid.
    • Destructive connections at the karmic level are also aimed at personal development, and such relationships should by no means be considered in vain. Communication also begins with mutual attraction, but gradually people begin to suffer, constant shouting, conflicts, hysterics, and reproaches arise between them. I want to destroy this wall of misunderstanding, but I lack determination and willpower, so for a long time there may be nothing new in such relationships. The task of a person in such a situation is to let go of his partner without reproaches and try to make the most of the benefits and the current circumstances in order to become wiser.

    We can also say that karmic relationships between a man and a woman can be positive, aimed at accumulating the creative energy of life, and negative, which are in themselves a punishment, a cross for past mistakes. However, this characteristic of connections may not affect their content. In other words, creative relationships are a gift from fate for past virtues in early reincarnations.

    In this case, a man and a woman who knew each other before are close again. This connection is reminiscent of the desire of magnets to be one whole. But people must establish themselves in the strength of their relationships, so there is no guarantee that the love line will be smooth, because positive energy must also be managed.

    As for bad karmic connections, they occur dramatically due to your bad attitude with him in another life. You can create an ideal family with such a person this time, but there will definitely be some kind of test, a sacrifice on your part, so that you draw conclusions. Sometimes such relationships are called the basic “Debtor and Creditor” scenario.

    If you manage to cope with all the problems, then the kinship of souls will strengthen, and if not, the karmic connection will have to be broken already in this life and now forever.

    Signs of karmic relationships between a man and a woman

    Communication among people with intersecting karma begins as if from scratch. They may have completely different interests, opposing views, but by the will of fate they will end up in one place and at one time, where everything will quickly turn around. Such a beginning relationship cannot exactly be called logical, but people will feel as if they already know each other.

    Sometimes at the very start of communication there will be a love triangle. The attraction between karmically connected partners can be on a sexual level, on an emotional level, or in the context of mental kinship. It is extremely rare for all of them to appear together.

    Many people describe starting a karmic relationship as love at first sight. The sensations are reminiscent of hypnosis, the partner becomes dependent on the loved one, he does not control himself and feels sick. By the way, on a physical level this can actually manifest itself as a symptom of an illness: fever and nervous overexcitation appear. At the same time, a person wants to unconditionally believe and promise him anything.

    Many karmic relationships are associated with unusual emotions. It is impossible to remain indifferent when interacting with someone you already knew, even on a sensory level. Therefore, partners usually experience the same conditions as in previous communication scenarios. Waves of fear and resentment may roll in, jealousy or anger will awaken, and may develop real addiction from the person or the guilt complex will constantly grow.

    The main symptom of playing out the karmic scenario of a relationship is the speed of development of events. Because of the closeness of souls, such people very quickly get married or completely change their lifestyle, move to another area, breaking off past ties. In this case, it is possible that the joy of change will be followed by disappointment or even long-term depression.

    How to recognize a fateful karmic meeting with a man? First of all, a woman develops unusual sensations, it seems to her that she should remember something like that. The feeling of déjà vu appears for the reason that karma reproduces the same circumstances from past lives, so that now they are eliminated differently, so that useful experience can be learned from them. The same sensations are also true for a representative of the stronger sex, who may be overtaken by vague memories of past reincarnations.

    Karmic connections are characterized by a certain fatality and danger. On the one hand, in order to work off the karma of a past life, you need to rethink your experience, and for this, fate often changes partners’ places. Hence the emergence of the “Victim-Tyrant” scenarios or an unexpected love for addictions, a sudden illness or disability.

    Usually, such situations are based on a train of guilt complex from the past or a desire for self-flagellation. It is possible that one of the participants in the relationship will die before the other (before the age of 35), if this is necessary for understanding and learning some life lessons. In such karmic communication there is a lot of tragedy and drama, so that emotional distress and suffering become almost the norm.

    On the other hand, we must never forget that until the karmic debt is repaid, the punishment for previous mistakes already applies in the present life. Therefore, couples connected to each other on such a deep level cannot have children for a long time, since procreation is possible only with complete atonement. But if at the right moment you understand where you were wrong, recognize the important and simple truths and values ​​of life, fate will definitely give you a chance to give birth to a healthy baby or adopt a child.

    If a karmic connection between a man and a woman has entered your life, the signs of such a relationship may not only be sad. In most cases, after a past life, a strong kinship of souls is felt, so the partners understand each other perfectly and see their future existence with him in harmony and happiness. In these relationships, people coincide with each other on an energetic level, their chakras work synchronously. But at the same time, life’s difficulties cannot be avoided, so the union can be called rather difficult. However, to build ideal relationship It's never easy.

    It is important to distinguish a man of destiny from a man of destiny. It is in the first case that a karmic connection is meant, and in the second case it is simply a strong influence on current life. However, a karmically destined spouse can also be fateful. Very often a situation arises when the man of destiny is already busy, because... managed to become a fateful partner for another woman. Usually this is also a manifestation of karma, so you have to accept it.

    Karmic love relationships as an example

    The most common case of karmic relationships is associated with tyranny and jealousy in the family. The unhappy wife breaks ties with her husband, and he cannot stand such betrayal and kills himself. As a result, the girl is left with a feeling of guilt, and her burden turns into next life. In it, the same man (or rather, his soul) will experience a constant feeling of fear due to the possible loss of his beloved. He must learn to trust and forgive, and if the woman wants to leave again, accept it calmly.

    Karmic connections are often transformed into unrequited sympathy from a monogamous person. There are also situations when people seem to want to be together, but cannot get along, as a result, they diverge and get back together for decades.

    Why do karmic intersexual relationships arise?

    From a spiritual point of view, the reasons for playing out different scenarios to clear karma are our past lives. In them, we too often associate ourselves with other people without thinking about the consequences. Any unfulfilled promise is imprinted on the etheric shell of the body, and then passes in the form of energy to our causal body, where it is stored in the next incarnation.

    • Scenario unrequited love in karmic relationships arises from a vow to remain with each other forever and a constant sense of duty in a former life.
    • Inability to marry karmic man caused by a former vow of celibacy (including not personal, but generic) or a love oath from other incarnations.
    • If harmful addictions enter a relationship, then a healthy person needs to get rid of his status as a victim or defender.
    • Tyranny and aggression different shapes domestic violence associated with a guilt complex or thirst for revenge.
    • A love relationship with a person who is not attractive is a consequence of old marriage promises and vows.
    • The inability to find your ideal in love is caused by past promises to find your spiritual twin or serve divine forces.

    Calculation of the fateful connection between partners

    Today, every person interested in esotericism has access to the study of karmic relationships, even in correspondence format. That is, it is not necessary to analyze your connections yourself; you can turn to the relevant sciences and specialists. For example, numerology is based on comparing the birth dates of partners.

    • Add up all the numbers in your full date of birth. If the number 10 is present as a day or month, you need to add it completely, and not split it into 1 and 0.
    • Compare the resulting values. If they are the same, it certainly couldn’t have happened without the laws of fate. Also, the relationships of those partners whose numerological numbers are multiples of each other will be karmic.

    There is an opinion that karmic relationships most often arise between people who have at least 5 and no more than 15 years of age difference. For additional diagnostics of karmic communication, runes, Tarot cards, and fortune telling according to gypsy traditions are used.

    Astrological analysis of birth dates is of great interest, since a whole compatibility horoscope is compiled. Karmic relationships are indicated by the intersection of planets at a certain angle, ties between stars, and different aspects of nodes. You can even turn to clairvoyants to look behind the curtain of your past life. But it is best to get advice from plectologists who professionally study karmic connections.

    The karmic connection between a man and a woman always aims to teach people to express their emotions and do right choice in difficult life situations.

    This is always a gift of fate for further spiritual growth and independence. According to statistics, such relationships are rarely long-lasting, much less stable. But in return, partners receive much more: they not only free each other from the burden of useless communication, but also understand that they must distinguish between feelings for a person and feelings for a particular life situation.

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