• How to beautifully wrap flowers with your own hands using various materials. How to wrap gift indoor plants


    And this is not surprising. They are probably not only in the bachelor's apartment. Such a gift is especially dear to those who grow indoor flowers. These living room decorations perform several functions: they purify the air, create comfort, and bring pleasure and joy. So why not pamper your loved ones with a beautiful flower.

    Before you give such a gift, you should remember:

    1.Don't give houseplants people who don't like to look after them. Your gift will end up in the trash after some time. And the recipient will not appreciate your efforts.

    2. Never give flowers in plastic pots.

    3. It’s better to give the plant you dream about.

    4. Try to give plants that an amateur gardener does not yet have.

    5. Give plants that will take root in a given room. For example, flowers that love a lot of sun will not take root well in a northern apartment.

    6. The gift must fit harmoniously into the interior. You should not place large branched plants in a small apartment.

    7. Do not give those plants that are not liked in this house, or those with allergies.

    A gift, even if it is a plant, must be beautifully packaged. Plants are sold in unattractive pots. Flower shops must have beautiful paper or decorative baskets that can be used as packaging. But beautiful and inexpensive packaging is not difficult to make with your own hands. To do this you will need paper or fabric, ribbon or cord. And if you want something special, then look at examples of gift packaging for indoor plants.

    Burlap is simple and easy to use and always looks great. Burlap can be replaced with canvas, which can be complemented with a simple embroidered motif.

    Good Old Days Florist

    To decorate a flower pot, fold decorative scrap paper according to the pattern in the bottom photo. Tie a rope to which you attach an ATS, a postcard or a beautiful card with congratulations.

    Martha Stewart

    Packing from ordinary paper bag. Cut it out as shown in the photo below, glue the handles together or staple them together. Complete the basket with paper flowers and butterflies.

    Martha Stewart

    Turn the box into a flower package: paint it with metallic paint, sprinkle it with glitter or cover it with decorative paper.


    It seems that the cyclamen is planted in a small tub. It can also be made from newspaper tubes or wooden twigs; tie them together with wire or twine.


    Wicker baskets. Make them from vines, newspaper tubes or from a clothesline.


    Even an ordinary glass or small vase can be turned into an original plant pot. Add sand and pebbles in layers, plant a flower - the gift arrangement is ready.


    Succulents and cacti look beautiful in aquariums, flasks, and bottles. How to make a terrarium with your own hands, read the corresponding article. Such a gift will definitely be appreciated.


    To get such a basket, make a frame of branches using glue, lay moss inside. It is better to present such a basket on a transparent tray.


    Decor from crepe paper light and beautiful. Cut a strip of paper a little higher flower pot. Paint the edge with liquid paint more bright color. Stretch the edges of the strip. Wrap it around the pot and tie a ribbon.

    Martha Stewart

    Decorative design flower pots in the form of a fence and a bird house.



    The best handmade and decorating ideas to implement with your own hands

    Among popular gifts– flowers planted in containers. When choosing this option, many people wonder how to give a flower pot in an original way.

    Everyone wants their offering to be special. Ideas on how to pack and give fresh flowers can be original and different. Here are a few of them.

    What plants do not give

    If you decide to give flowers, then get ready for a large number conventions. There are many rules when it comes to gifting vegetation. The most famous of them:

    • The number of flowers or branches should be odd.
    • Artificial plants cannot be given in vases or containers. They are brought only to funerals and graves.
    • You cannot give those that bloom yellow - they bring separation.
    • Do not choose varieties that are too delicate (they may simply not be grown) or those that require complex care.
    • They do not give gifts to ficuses (they say they suck energy), cacti (a hint of cruelty, cynicism), hoyas (another name is “widow’s tears”), palm trees, creeping ones, ivies and vines.
    • For weddings and family anniversaries do not give red or burgundy bouquets - this is a wish for a break in relations.
    • When choosing a gift, think about where it can be placed. For small rooms it is not advisable to choose large specimens.

      When giving a living gift, not only the gift itself is important, but also the gift container for the flowers. An organic, original combination of container and plant will make the offering brighter and help express a wish.

      Be sure to figure out how to decorate a flower pot for a gift, find a suitable greeting, buy or order a postcard.

      Possible delivery options

      When choosing a living present, its combination with the personality of the hero (heroes) of the occasion is taken into account.

      For a wedding

      You can give an orchid (any one except yellow), for example, white, pink or cream. If you transplant a green pet into a stylish container, you will get an original wedding anniversary present.

      For example, for the first anniversary - a container with polka dots ( chintz wedding), for the 5th anniversary - wooden, etc. Voice your wishes when purchasing a gift to the seller, and let a store specialist handle the replanting and packaging. So the gift will delight the heroes of the occasion for several years.

      Among other original wedding gifts, choose a flower in a container stylized as a children's pot. Find words for a wedding gift. A children's pot, they say, serves as a pot for a plant for now, but make it so that it is needed for other purposes.

      For woman

      It is better for ladies to choose flowering specimens or those that have decorative beautiful foliage. For young girls, choose a container in an avant-garde style; begonias, violets, cyclamens, and spathiphyllums will suit them.

      For businesswomen, choose expensive ceramic or glass flowerpots and large types of greenery: dracaenas, scheffleras, and flowering ones - orchids, fuchsias, begonias.

      For romantic natures, you need to look for original “home” style ceramics and delicate violets, cyclamen, calathea, arrowroot, euonymus, and azaleas.

      Among unusual solutions container - a baking pot. You can transplant a shoot of a homemade plant that the birthday girl likes into it.

      This gift will show that the hero of the occasion is important to the giver, and her needs are not indifferent to him. A store-bought copy is also placed in such an original container.

      For a man

      Men are given large specimens: cordilines, dracaenas, araucarias, fatsias. When choosing how to decorate a flower pot as a gift with such a present, they opt for large classic ceramic containers or widely recognized plastic ones for ceramics.

      If the recipient adheres fashion trends, you can buy white or colored plastic original form. Pack them in gift paper It's not completely necessary, just wrapping is enough.

      Poems or beautiful words?

      Do not forget that a gift is not only an object, but also a wish that was expressed. Before giving a flower pot as a gift, try to choose a text that will best match the style of the selected plant.

      It is very good if it is written in beautiful postcard(buy them or order them) and is included with the pot.

      It is also important to pronounce this wish. To do this, you should learn it by heart and voice it with a sweet smile.

      How to pack an offering

      An important point is how to properly pack a flower pot. It should be beautiful, presentable, and safety is also important. The issue of safety especially comes first in the cold season, but it is also important in hot weather.

      There are several packaging rules:

    • The packaging should not break the leaves and shoots of the plant.
    • If you have to expose your gift to temperature changes, it is better to wrap it entirely in transparent cellophane.
    • The wrapper is designed to hide the shortcomings of the container or the flower itself, and to focus attention on its advantages.
    • If the container itself is a decoration, you can only hang a bright ribbon with curls or roses on its rim.
    • Attach a card with basic rules for caring for your gift.
    • If you plan to give the purchased plant as a gift along with a store container, it should be beautifully packaged. You can make simple packaging for the container yourself.

      For this you will need colored paper(one or two types). Before packing a flower pot in gift paper, you need to cut out a circle from it, the diameter of which will be equal to twice the height of the pot + the width of the bottom.

      Then place the container in the center and carefully lift the paper. If two sheets are used, first place the thin sheet and then the thick sheet and only then place the container.

      Carefully lift the paper so that it wraps around the container, carefully straightening the folds, tie it with decorative braid, and bend the edge of the top sheet. The gift is ready.

      How to pack flowers in a pot?

      Fresh flowers are a sign of attention and respect. They don’t have to be cut; a beautiful potted plant can also be an effective gift. This gift would be appropriate for any occasion. However, to make the gift look more stylish and original, you need to pack the flowers in pots in beautiful paper or a box. In this article you will learn how to do it yourself at home.

      Flowers in bouquets quickly wither and deteriorate, unlike a plant in a pot, which will delight the eye for a long time. If you decide to give such a nice gift, be sure to pay due attention to its design. You can pack a pot of flowers different ways, let's look at the most original ones.

      The easiest way is to buy or make your own box suitable size made of thick paper or cardboard. If you take a colored or decorative sheet, the packaging will look more festive and presentable.

      Place the pot in the center of the paper square and glue the opposite ends together one by one. As a result, you will get an original basket, which can be additionally decorated with beads, ribbons, bows or stylish lace.

      Another way to pack a flower pot involves using two sheets of cardboard: one thick and the other thin. The sheets are glued together with the wrong side. Now we fold the thin sheet like a fan, and bend one corner of the thick sheet - you get an unusual bag. The packaging can be tied with bright ribbons.

      Don't be afraid to show your imagination and Creative skills, then you will get a very stylish and unusual packaging for flowers.

      The packaging of the flower pot in the form of an octagonal prism looks beautiful, stylish and elegant. To make it yourself, you need to first prepare a large sheet of decorative wrapping paper or cardboard. This material is sold at any flower kiosk.

      So, first we will make a packaging template, which should consist of 8 identical triangles. The total width of the blanks must be several centimeters larger than the flower pot. The connecting element in this design are valve strips. We transfer the drawing of the prism onto cardboard and carefully cut it out along the fold lines. All that remains is to glue the packaging and place the flower pot in it.

      Beautiful gift packaging, decorated with your own hands, will make your gift unforgettable, allow you to express your feelings and confess your love.

      Flower pot in “school” style - do it yourself

      Master class: from an ordinary flower in a pot we make an original, memorable gift for the teacher for a school celebration.

      Check out other [master classes] on self-production gifts.

      For those who are tired of bringing faceless bouquets every year on September 1 or Teacher's Day, we offer you a gift - a flower in a pot in a “school” style.

      The idea is simple, we will paint the pot: top part in the form of a ruler, and the lower one in the form of a school board with an inscription in chalk.

      To paint a pot you will need:

    • a pot with a flowerpot (we will only paint the flowerpot);
    • acrylic paints (yellow, black and white);
    • brushes;
    • glass of water,
    • palette;
    • wax crayon
    • To transplant a flower:

    • the flower itself;
    • pot;
    • drainage;
    • sand;
    • priming;
    • gloves;
    • shoulder blade;
    • glass of water.
    • For a sign that says:

      • wooden skewer;
      • 2 sheets of yellow paper 7x11 cm;
      • a piece of white paper 6x10 cm;
      • glue;
      • pencil;
      • felt-tip pen.
      • Step 1.

        Prepare a pot, yellow paint, palette, water and brush. Before work, remove the pot from the pot. It will be inconvenient to paint a flower in the pot in which it was sold; we used a plastic pot with a cache-pot specially purchased for this purpose.

        Step 2.

        Paint the upper, wider part of the pot yellow in 2 layers.

        Step 3.

        Once the yellow paint has dried, paint the bottom of the pot black. Also in 2 layers.

        Step 4.

        While the paint on the flowerpot dries, transplant the flower into a pot. Choose the soil based on the characteristics of the flower. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot.

        Step 5.

        Add some sand.

        Step 6.

        Then a layer of soil.

        Step 7

        Water the soil with water.

        Step 8

        Replant the flower in a new pot, add soil if necessary, and water again.

        Step 9

        While you were replanting the flower, the paint on the flowerpot should have completely dried. Start drawing a “ruler”. Our ruler is not real, it is more like an inch ruler, otherwise the distances between the numbers and divisions would be too small, they would be more difficult to draw, and such a ruler would not look so impressive.

        Step 10

        Mark the inscription on the pot with white wax crayon; you can simply erase it and correct it if you don’t like something.

        Step 11

        If you are completely satisfied with the “draft”, write it in white paint. Can be done in 2 layers.

        Step 12

        Write an inscription on a white piece of paper. To begin with, use a pencil, and then a felt-tip pen on top.

        Step 13

        Glue a skewer between two yellow pieces of paper, and stick a white one with an inscription on top.

        Step 14

        Insert the flower pot into the flowerpot and insert a sign with the inscription. Your DIY teacher gift is ready!

        Such a gift will not go unnoticed, will take its place in the classroom and will definitely not be thrown away.

        How to wrap gift indoor plants

        The list of the most popular gifts includes indoor flowers. And this is not surprising. They are probably not only in the bachelor's apartment. Such a gift is especially dear to those who grow indoor flowers. These living room decorations perform several functions: they purify the air, create comfort, and bring pleasure and joy. So why not pamper your loved ones with a beautiful flower.


        Before you give such a gift, you should remember:

        1. Do not give indoor plants to people who do not like to care for them. Your gift will end up in the trash after some time. And the recipient will not appreciate your efforts.

        2. Never give flowers in plastic pots.

        3. It’s better to give the plant you dream about.

        4. Try to give plants that an amateur gardener does not yet have.

        5. Give plants that will take root in a given room. For example, flowers that love a lot of sun will not take root well in a northern apartment.

        6. The gift must fit harmoniously into the interior. You should not place large branched plants in a small apartment.

        7. Do not give those plants that are not liked in this house, or those with allergies.

        A gift, even if it is a plant, must be beautifully packaged. Plants are sold in unattractive pots. Flower shops always have beautiful paper or decorative baskets that can be used as packaging. But beautiful and inexpensive packaging is not difficult to make with your own hands. To do this you will need paper or fabric, ribbon or cord. And if you want something special, then look at examples of gift packaging for indoor plants.

        Burlap is simple and easy to use and always looks great. Burlap can be replaced with canvas, which can be complemented with a simple embroidered motif.

        Good Old Days Florist

        To decorate a flower pot, fold decorative scrap paper according to the pattern in the bottom photo. Tie a rope to which you attach an ATS, a postcard or a beautiful card with congratulations.

        Martha Stewart

        Packaging from a regular paper bag. Cut it out as shown in the photo below, glue the handles together or staple them together. Complete the basket with paper flowers and butterflies.

        Martha Stewart

        Turn the box into a flower package: paint it with metallic paint, sprinkle it with glitter or cover it with decorative paper.


        It seems that the cyclamen is planted in a small tub. It can also be made from newspaper tubes or wooden twigs; tie them together with wire or twine.


        Wicker baskets. Make them from wicker, newspaper tubes or clothesline.


        Even an ordinary glass or small vase can be turned into an original plant pot. Add sand and pebbles in layers, plant a flower - the gift arrangement is ready.


        Succulents and cacti look beautiful in aquariums, flasks, and bottles. How to make a terrarium with your own hands, read the corresponding article. Such a gift will definitely be appreciated.


        To get such a basket, make a frame of branches using glue, lay moss inside. It is better to present such a basket on a transparent tray.


        The decor made of crepe paper is light and beautiful. Cut a strip of paper slightly higher than the flower pot. Paint the edge with liquid paint of a brighter color. Stretch the edges of the strip. Wrap it around the pot and tie a ribbon.

        Martha Stewart

        Decorative design of flower pots in the form of a fence and a bird house.



        The best handmade and decorating ideas to implement with your own hands
        on the website "Home HAND-MADE"

        How to give flowers in a pot?

        A woman is like a delicate and uniquely beautiful flower. This is probably why the fair sex loves it so much when they are given luxurious roses, delicate chrysanthemums, and elegant tulips. Flowering plants delight the soul and decorate the interior of the apartment. But once cut, they are short-lived and quickly wither, causing a feeling of loss and bitterness. It is much better to give a flower in a pot. It will delight the woman for a long time and remind her of who presented it. But there are some nuances here.

        Although ladies are partial to flowers, not everyone likes to grow them. Perhaps the woman does not have the time, conditions or inclination for floriculture. Therefore, before presenting such a gift, you need to clarify how the lady feels about growing flowers.

        If she has such a tendency, then next question, which is worth figuring out - which flower in a pot to give to a woman. In flower shops big choice ornamental plants, including flowering ones. Here are the most popular ones.

      • Orchids are very festive and delicately bright flowers. Many women like them; caring for them is not very difficult.
      • Roses are always popular and attractive. Store-bought, they bloom long and profusely. But unfortunately, they often die after this. Roses in pots require special care and knowledge of growing conditions.
      • Begonias are unusually beautiful and spectacular indoor plants, of various types, varieties and colors. Some women even collect different varieties; a new flower will be a good gift for them.
      • When choosing which flower in a pot to give, you need to take into account the woman’s tastes and preferences. Perhaps she prefers not bright, flowering plants, but original greenery, which can enliven the interior of the apartment. Then, for example, dracaena or ficus are suitable, the variously colored leaves of which look very impressive.

        When choosing a gift, do not forget about its design. Nowadays flower shops can offer special beautiful original pots designed for orchids or hyacinths. It would be a good idea to decorate the pot with ribbons or wrap the gift in a beautiful wrapper.

        Along with the plant, you can also give the accessories necessary to care for it, for example, a watering can, a sprayer, or decorative ceramic figurines.

        Flowers in pots are a wonderful gift for loved ones, relatives and colleagues. They can be presented for a birthday, New Year, for a wedding anniversary. Such a gift will look especially symbolic for a housewarming party.

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    Flowers in the interior are always joy, comfort, warmth and spring mood. So I would like to invite you to make flowers in pots with your own hands, which will not need to be watered, you will just have to shake them from time to time to remove the accumulated dust. Choose any of the options: tulips or roses


    Not every housewife has the opportunity to purchase fresh indoor flowers that require daily care, attention and constant warm room temperature. Some people have to travel frequently on business trips, others are so tired after work that they no longer have time to water their indoor plants) But I want flowers), because they create beauty and give comfort to any interior. I suggest you sew flowers and not waste time watering the plants) Speaking of business trips) If you have to travel to Yekaterinburg often, I suggest using the services of a daily apartment rental company. Come in and choose an apartment from economy, standard or business offers. You have the opportunity to rent an apartment without intermediaries, which is much more profitable than staying in a hotel. All apartments in Yekaterinburg are cozy, have a convenient layout, different taste and wallet)

    So, for work you can use felt, fleece, felt or any other fabric whose edges do not fray when cut.

    Template for tulips

    The flower parts are cut out and glued together with hot glue.

    For the stem, you can use wire or wire that is wrapped with green yarn. If you have green crepe or corrugated paper, or floral tape - even better)

    We cut out the leaves from green fabric, we need 2 parts sewn together

    We simply tie the leaves to the stem

    That's all, take any clay pot and fix our tulip in it. We admire the beauty and are proud of our skillful hands)

    If you like a rose, watch how to make it

    Rose petals are formed from triangles

    Roses can be sewn from cotton fabric, as well as from satin, silk, and so on.

    Template for rose leaves

    Such a decorative cactus made of felt with bright flower can be a wonderful decoration for your table. It can also be used as a pincushion. Making a cactus in a pot requires minimal sewing skills.
    Here's what you'll need:

    • Felt material with a soft structure in dark green, black, sand colors.
    • Small pieces of felt in rich colors (bright yellow and pink) for the flower.
    • Threads in beige, black, marsh shades.
    • Needle for sewing or embroidery.
    • Scissors.
    • Simple pencil, chalk marker.
    • A piece of cardboard.
    • A small amount of holofiber.
    1. Print and cut out the cactus and pot templates.

    2. From beige felt, cut out one piece for the pot: base, bottom and rim. From black felt, cut out a circle with a diameter of approximately 8-10 cm to imitate the ground.

    3. From dark green felt, cut out 5-6 identical parts for the cactus. Make one identical flower piece from pink and yellow felt. Make a stripe for the middle of the inflorescence of any bright color.

    4. Take the wide rounded piece (the base of the pot) and connect its short edges. Sew them together with beige thread using a butt or overlap stitch.

    5. Take the bottom of the pot, sew it to the base with an overcast stitch (or over the edge).

    6. Take a narrow rounded strip and sew its short sections end to end. Then wrap this part around the top of the pot and sew along the inner contour. To do this, lay a finishing stitch in the form of a dotted line.

    7. Then join the top edges of the pot and the rim using an overlock stitch or any other stitch you desire. Straighten the pot, give it a beautiful shape.

    8. Cut a circle from cardboard the size of the bottom of the pot. It is needed for stability.

    9. Place a cardboard circle at the bottom of the pot. Check if it fits well with the bottom in size.

    10. Move the black circle towards you and pass a thread along its entire edge.

    11. Pull the thread, put holofiber inside.

    12. Tighten the thread, secure the tie with several stitches and a knot. Using your fingers, form a rounded piece with a smooth spherical surface.

    13. Take out the pot. Place a ball simulating soil into the pot. If it doesn't completely fill the space of the pot, take it out and put some synthetic litter in the bottom.

    14. Place the soil in the pot and level it with your fingers so that it is evenly distributed across the top.

    15. Take the green cactus elements. Fold them in twos, sew them together in pairs with an overcast stitch.

    16. In the middle of the fastened parts, lay a vertical stitch, piercing the material right through with the needle.

    17. Then sequentially attach all the cactus parts to each other, sewing their centers together.

    18. Sew the main part of the cactus to the soil, capturing all the sections of the base.

    19. Make sure that the edges of the plant are distributed evenly over the surface of the ground (you can first pin them down with pins). Place the cactus and soil in a pot.

    20. Take parts of the inflorescence and sew them to each other in the middle.

    You can make decorations for clothes or even interior items yourself. Today we invite you to learn how to make beautiful flowers made of felt - the favorite material of many needlewomen.

    Making flowers from felt is not difficult, and it takes little time to create

    This is not difficult to do, and it takes little time to create flowers. And as a bonus, we'll look at an example of creating a felt topiary.

    What are they?

    Felt flowers are a decoration that can be used for completely different purposes. They can be various shapes or color, and have from one to five layers (and even more). Each option will look special. They can also be used to create elegant topiaries that will harmoniously complement the interior of any home.

    This is interesting: Felt is felt made from rabbit and goat hair. It is a non-woven textile fabric. Wool and synthetic fibers are often used for the base. The edges of the wool have small “notches”, which is what ensures excellent adhesion of the fibers to each other.

    Felt is often used to make various fakes

    Required tools and materials

    • Felt;
    • Glue gun or Moment glue;
    • Scissors;
    • Needle and thread;
    • Pins and pins;
    • Decorating elements (beads, stones, sequins, etc.);
    • Flower cores (can be purchased at craft stores);
    • Floss threads (for finishing edges on some products).

    Creating flowers from felt is very simple, because this material is quite pliable to work with. It is particularly dense and thick. Most often on sale are multi-colored felt sheets with a thickness of 2-2.5 millimeters and a size of 30x40 centimeters.

    Slightly less common are sheets measuring 20x30 centimeters with a thickness of 4 millimeters. You can choose any option you like or create a new one, because handmade products are always exclusive.

    Patterns and templates To create flowers from felt, you can choose absolutely different templates


    You can make voluminous flowers from such patterns

    From this template you can make a flower with many leaves

    A huge number of patterns can be found in specialized stores and online catalogues. Most often these are simple, uncomplicated shapes that even a beginner can sew. But if you wish, you can choose a more complex pattern, for example, for a multi-layered flower.

    Step-by-step instructions for making felt flowers In our article you will find several different options making flowers from felt. The master classes presented below will help beginners master various techniques

    creating beautiful jewelry.


    • Felt;
    • Scissors;
    • Needle and thread;
    • To create a rose you will need:
    • Sample.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Start at the base of the flower. Prepare a circle with a diameter of 10 centimeters. Cut out semicircular petals along the edges, gradually moving from the outer to the inner edge.
    2. Roll the center portion into a roll, thereby creating the center of the felt product.
    3. It must be secured with a pin or Moment glue. If you decide to use glue, wait until it dries completely and wrap the rest of the fabric around the resulting base. Secure the cut so that it is not visible.

    Photo gallery: Making a cute rose

    Illustration for point 1

    Illustration for point 2

    Illustration for point 2

    Illustration for point 3

    Illustration for point 3

    This is what felt roses of different colors will look like


    For work, prepare the following materials:

    • Fabric (several sheets of different colors - for the base and petals);
    • Scissors;
    • Threads to match the felt for the petals;
    • Needle;
    • Sample.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Prepare 5 templates of future petals with a diameter of 4 centimeters.
    2. Take one of the petals and fold it in half several times. You should get petals folded in a corner.
    3. Use a few stitches to attach the corners to one of the pieces.
    4. Repeat the steps on the remaining corner leaves. To make them neat, follow the direction of the stitches and petals. They should be directed in one direction.
    5. After finishing work, straighten all the petals.
    6. Sew them together.
    7. Lift the petals and attach them to the base of the violet.

    Instructions in step-by-step photos

    You don't need many tools to make a felt violet.

    Illustration for point 1

    Illustration for point 2

    Illustration for point 2

    Illustration for point 3

    Illustration for point 3

    Illustration for point 4

    Illustration for point 5

    Illustration for point 6

    Illustration for point 7

    This is what a felt violet will look like


    Original and beautiful flower in the form of a chrysanthemum can be used as a decoration for clothing or accessories, such as handbags.

    You will need:

    • Textile;
    • Scissors;
    • Pins;
    • Threads;
    • Thick needle.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Fold the strip of fabric in half. Secure it with sewing pins.
    2. On the fold side of the material, make equal cuts at the same distance.
    3. Sew the strip with large stitches and roll it into a roll, creating petals. Sew these layers together, thus holding the petals together.
    4. Straighten the felt and shape the flower.

    Master class on creating

    Illustration for point 1

    Illustration for point 2

    Illustration for point 3

    This is what the finished flower will look like


    To create a peony you will need to make a lot of petals. By spending a little time, you can make a very unusual and stylish flower.

    Necessary materials:

    • Felt in several colors;
    • Scissors and pins;
    • Glue "Moment";
    • Needle and thread.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Cut out rectangular parts, trim the edges of one so that their outline resembles natural shapes. You can look at photographs of live peonies. On the other hand, round them off.
    2. You should have about 20 petals of the same size and shape.
    3. Attach the rounded edge to the other petal using glue.
    4. Shape the product.
    5. Cut a strip of yellow felt. Cut it from one edge. Next, roll it into a small roll and secure it in that position with glue. This will be the middle of the peony.

    DIY pink and white peony in the photo

    Illustration for point 1

    Illustration for point 2

    Illustration for point 3

    Illustration for point 5

    This is what a finished felt peony will look like


    To make hydrangea, prepare:

    • Felt;
    • Glue "Moment";
    • Scissors.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Cut out 12 identical circles with a diameter of 2 centimeters and 1 circle with a diameter of 3 centimeters from felt.
    2. Apply glue to the middle of each finished circle and shape the petals.
    3. Take a large circle and use glue to attach 4 prepared petals to it.
    4. Next, secure the following parts to the base in the same way until completely filled.

    Photo gallery: Beautiful hydrangea in stages

    Illustration for point 1

    Illustration for point 2

    Illustration for point 3

    Illustration for point 4

    Two DIY felt hydrangeas

    Big flower

    This flower will be slightly larger than the previous proposed options, but it can also be used as a decoration for interior items or clothing.

    Necessary materials:

    • Felt;
    • Scissors;
    • Glue gun;
    • Cores for the middle of the flower (sold in handicraft stores);
    • Sample.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. First prepare the base for the felt petals.
    2. Draw 6 circles with a diameter of 12 centimeters on the fabric and cut them out.
    3. Use hot glue to secure the petals to one circle.
    4. Gradually add subsequent rows. In our example there are 4 of them.
    5. Make a core for the flower. Fold the circle twice.
    6. Then fold it in half again.
    7. Trim the ends.
    8. Lubricate the edges of the core with glue and secure it in the center of the flower base.
    9. For the middle you will need 5 circles.

    Large flower for decoration in step-by-step photos

    To make a flower, prepare scissors, pencil and felt

    Illustration for point 1

    Illustration for point 2

    Illustration for point 3

    Illustration for point 5

    Illustration for point 6

    Illustration for point 7

    Illustration for point 8

    Illustration for paragraph 9

    Illustration for paragraph 9

    The finished flower can be used as a decorative element

    Video: How to make felt flowers?


    Topiary is also called the tree of happiness. Recently, this decoration has gained incredible popularity. Topiaries are made from different materials. In our master class we will teach you how to make such a bouquet decoration from felt. Follow the suggestion below step by step instructions. Ready product will be an excellent decoration for the interior of your home.

    This is interesting: Topiar is a curly trimming of trees in order to give them interesting and unusual shapes.

    "Pink Chrysanthemum"

    To work you will need:

    • Felt (8 sheets measuring 30 by 28 centimeters);
    • Sisal (greens);
    • Flower pots;
    • Green thread (it is better to use wool);
    • Satin ribbon 1 centimeter wide and 1 meter long;
    • Postcard;
    • A foam ball with a diameter of 10 centimeters;
    • Butterfly on the shelf;
    • Ladybug;
    • Green paper (1 sheet);
    • A stick (in our example we use a straight one, but you can also take a curved one. It is sold in a craft store);
    • Cement and sand (this depends on the size of the pot used, minimum required material- 200 grams);
    • Water;
    • Glue gun;
    • Scissors.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. First make a crown. To do this, cut the felt into strips 7 centimeters wide.
    2. Make a chrysanthemum from each strip.
    3. Cover the ball green paper. Attach the finished flowers to the foam ball using glue.
    4. Now start creating the trunk. Take a stick and cover it tightly with green wool thread.
    5. When the base is completely dry, attach the crown to it with glue.
    6. Mix a thick solution of cement and sand (1:1) in a flowerpot and place the trunk in it exactly in the center.
    7. Place a decorative butterfly nearby.
    8. Cover the top of the cement with sisal. Set the topiary base aside until the cement has completely dried.
    9. Start decorating. Take a card and punch a hole in it. String it on satin ribbon and secure under the crown of the topiary with a bow.
    10. Plant a ladybug in the grass.
    11. If you wish, you can attach a note to the flowerpot with the inscription “handmade”.

    This topiary will be a wonderful gift for your family and friends.

    Topiary of multi-colored chrysanthemums (scheme of work)

    Illustration for point 1

    Illustration for point 2

    Illustration for point 3

    Illustration for points 4-6

    Illustration for point 7

    Illustration for point 8

    Illustration for paragraph 9

    Illustration for point 10

    Illustration for paragraph 11

    Topiary with chrysanthemums will be a wonderful addition to your interior

    This topiary can be given as a gift to loved ones or friends.

    Bouquet using brads

    Necessary materials:

    • Felt (green and white);
    • Mini brads (300-400 pieces);
    • Foam ball (diameter 13 centimeters);
    • Scissors;
    • Stick;
    • Medium flower pot;
    • Paint or thread for the barrel;
    • Glue gun;
    • Wood shavings or Spanish moss.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Cut the felt into appropriate sized squares. Determine the quantity yourself.
    2. All blanks must be the same size (prepare a diagram in advance).
    3. You can cut them using scissors or a special machine.
    4. Our example uses more than 300 flowers. They can all be prepared at once or made as needed.
    5. Insert mini brads into the middle of each flower and secure them with glue.
    6. Next, insert the finished flowers into the foam base.
    7. Plant the flowers as close together as possible so that their petals point upward.
    8. We recommend alternating the process of cutting flowers and attaching them to the ball. For comfortable work, it is better to place the foam base in a flower pot.
    9. Do not leave any free space so that the crown is full and lush, without gaps.
    10. After you have completely made the crown, proceed to create the trunk. Paint the stick in desired color or wrap it around woolen threads. After the paint has dried, put on the crown and place the stick in the pot.
    11. For reliable fastening, pre-lubricate the end of the stick with glue.
    12. Start decorating the pot. Apply glue to it and cover it with moss or shavings.

    How to do it step by step

    Illustration for point 1

    Illustration for point 1

    Illustration for point 3

    Illustration for point 3

    Illustration for point 4

    Illustration for point 5

    Illustration for point 5

    Illustration for point 6

    Illustration for point 7

    Illustration for point 7

    Illustration for paragraph 9

    Illustration for paragraph 9

    Illustration for point 10

    Beautiful topiary with decorative ornaments in the middle of the flower

    Photo gallery of other options

    A felt butterfly harmoniously complements the composition

    Bright and interesting flower composition will be a great addition to your interior

    Delicate topiary in light green-pink flowers will please any girl

    A successful example of topiary decoration

    With a little effort, you can create such an amazing tree that you don't need to care for.

    Purple color is the trend of the season

    The beauty of felt is that it is very pliable and therefore easy to work with. The edges of the felt do not fray and do not require special processing. And the density of the fabric allows you to form different flowers from it, which hold their shape perfectly. We hope you will see this for yourself!

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