• Lesson notes in kindergarten for different age groups lesson plan (junior, middle, senior group) on the topic. Lesson notes in kindergarten for different age groups lesson plan (junior, middle, senior group) on the topic of Go


    LLC "Stolichny" The educational center»

    Lesson plan in kindergarten

    according to the school preparation program

    children 5-7 years old ( GBOU school No. 2107 , preschool department, Kindergarten . Russia, Central Federal District, Moscow, Preschool department "On Vasnetsova")

    on the topic " »

    Developed by: Alieva Dilara Abbas kyzy

    student of professional retraining courses"Education of preschool children"

    Checked by: Yanchenko O.M.

    Moscow, 2018

    Lesson topic : “Introduction to geometric shapes.”

    the date of the : 22.01.2018

    Lesson type: integrated.

    Lesson technology: collaborative learning, person-centered approach, health-preserving, information and communication.

    The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for students to perceive various geometric shapes and highlight distinctive features each of them;

    Develop naming skills geometric figures, distinguish them from each other according to the selected characteristics;

    Strengthen the ability to compare groups of objects (the concepts of more, less, the same);

    Develop mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison.

    Tasks: cultivate interest in the subject of mathematics, respect for one’s friends; developing skills to organize one’s own workplace; complete the task following the instructions given by the teacher; work with educational information.

    Planned educational results: Children will learn to easily complete tasks related to geometric shapes.

    Basic terms and concepts: geometric shapes, rectangle, circle, square, triangle.

    Equipment: a set of geometric shapes for the teacher and each child, a set subject pictures, presentation, computer, projector, workbooks “Mathematical steps” by S.I. Volkova.

    Lesson plan:

      Organizing time -1 minute.

      Updating students' knowledge –6 minutes :

      1. Review of basic concepts – 3 minutes

        Oral counting – 3 minutes

      Lesson topic message. Introduction to new material –5 minutes.

      Physical education minute –2 minutes.

      Consolidation and repetition of what has been learned –22 minutes :

    Solving the equation - 5 minutes

    Independent work(solving equations) followed by testing – 12 minutes

    Solving a problem using an equation - 5 minutes

      Summarizing -5 minutes.

      Homework -2 minutes.

      Reflection – 2 minutes.

    During the classes


    Hello guys, have a seat. How did you feel when you came to class today? What color would you paint it with?

    I hope that you will not get bored during the lesson, and that your mood will improve! Let's get to work!

    2.Repetition of the covered material.

    Guys, look, a squirrel came to visit us and brought with her her supplies: nuts and mushrooms. She asks us to help her put the supplies into bags: which supplies are more - in the blue bag, which ones are less - in the red bag. Shall we help her? (Yes)

    Guys, what supplies does the squirrel have more? Which ones are smaller? Place into bags.

    Well done, you helped the squirrel and completed the task!

    Our next task is on the board. Who can help me formulate it? (you need to find out which items are more and which are less)

    That's right, well done. What are more pears or apples? Less of what? How many more pears are there than apples? How many fewer apples are there than pears?

    What can you say about the number of plums and apples? (as many plums as apples)

    3.Acquaintance with new material.

    Guys, today we will get acquainted with unusual figures, which in mathematics are called geometric. Does anyone already know what these figures are?

    The first figure is a circle. (teacher demonstrates a circle from a set of figures). Show me the same figure from your set. What is the name of the figure that you are all showing me now?

    Look closely at your circles, what can you say about this figure? (a circle has no corners)

    Look carefully around you: what objects look like a circle?

    The next shape is a rectangle. (teacher demonstrates a rectangle from a set of shapes). Show me the same figure from your set. What is the name of the figure that you are all showing me now?

    Look closely at your rectangles, what can you tell about this shape? How many corners does a rectangle have? How many sides?

    Another figure is a square. (teacher demonstrates a square from a set of figures). Show me the same figure from your set. What is the name of the figure that you are all showing me now?

    Look closely at your squares, what can you tell about this figure? How many corners does a square have? How many sides? Take a square in one hand and a rectangle in the other. Compare them: how are they similar and how are they different?

    Look carefully around you: what objects look like a rectangle?

    The next figure is a triangle. (the teacher demonstrates a triangle from a set of figures). Show me the same figure from your set. What is the name of the figure that you are all showing me now?

    Look closely at your triangles, what can you tell about this figure? How many angles does a triangle have? How many sides?

    Look carefully around you: what objects look like a triangle? (familiarity with the oval is done in a similar way)

    4. Physical exercise.

    Hammer, Hammer, Hamster

    Striped barrel

    Khomka gets up early

    Washes your neck, rubs your back

    Khomka sweeps the hut and goes out to exercise

    One two three four five

    Khomka wants to become strong.

    5.Primary consolidation.

    Now I will tell you riddles about geometric shapes, and you must guess them. (Each riddle is accompanied by a slide from the presentation with the desired geometric figure.)

    1) I have no corners
    And I look like a saucer
    On the plate and on the lid,
    On the ring, on the wheel.
    Who am I, friends? (circle)

    2) Three peaks are visible here

    Three corners, three sides, -

    Well, perhaps that’s enough!

    What do you see? (triangle)

    3) I am neither an oval nor a circle,
    I am a friend to the triangle
    I am the brother of the rectangle,
    After all, my name is...

    4) What will we see now?
    All my angles are right
    There are four sides
    But they are not all equal.
    I'm a quadrilateral
    Which? ...(rectangle)

    5)Work in a workbook.

    And now, guys, let’s open our workbooks on the page where you have a bookmark. Look at the picture at the top of the page, what kind of figures are shown here? (children take turns naming already familiar geometric shapes)

    Well done, let's complete the next task. Who already knows what needs to be done? (you need to color the shapes)

    True, but they need to not just be colored, but colored so that all the circles are the same color, all the squares are a different color, and the triangles are a third color. What color will we paint the circles? Squares? Triangles? (we choose together with the children)

    Assignment for students to reflect on their activities:

    Guys, our lesson is coming to an end, you all worked very hard today. Tell me, what figures did we meet today? How does each shape differ from all the others (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)?

    What's your mood now? What colors would you use to paint it?

    Forms of control and evaluation of lesson results:

    At the end of the lesson, I suggest you choose a statement that suits you - an assessment and draw a smiley face corresponding to it in the margins of your notebook.

    The lesson is useful! All clear! There's just one thing that's a little unclear.

    You still have to work hard!

    Yes! It's still hard to study!

    Homework information: distribute workbooks with interesting problems on the topic “geometric shapes”.

    List of used literature :

      Mathematics in kindergarten. 5-6 years. Workbook. (FSES)/Novikov.

      Shcherbakova E.I. Methods of teaching mathematics in kindergarten. – M.: Academy, 2010.

      Kangina N.N. Mathematics in kindergarten. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2011

    Self-analysis of the lesson

    Subject: " Introduction to geometric shapes »

    Preschool teacher

    educational institution

    Aliyeva Dilara Abbas kyzy

    Purpose of the lesson:

      Educational: introduce the basic shapes, such as: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, show the differences and similarities between a rectangle and a square; learn to build figures.

      Educational: develop spatial skills, logical thinking, attention, memory.

      Educational: cultivate interest in the subject, cultivate a culture of behavior during frontal and individual work, and work in pairs.

    The lesson is aimed at the formation and development of educational skills, at achieving personal results:


    Compose tasks using diagrams and drawings;

    Write solutions to problems using expressions.


    Promote the formation of a motivational basis educational activities, positive attitude towards the lesson, interest in the material being studied;

    Work on self-esteem and adequate understanding of the reasons for success/failure in educational activities;

    Promote the expression of independence in different types activities;

    Work on understanding responsibility for a common cause.

    Metasubject : contribute to the formation of UUD


    Express your thoughts in accordance with the communication situation;

    Work collectively and in pairs;

    Listen and understand the speech of others.

    Accept and maintain the subject task, follow the teacher’s instructions;

    Evaluate the correctness of actions performed at the level of adequate assessment.


    Distinguish new from already known with the help of a teacher;

    Choose the most effective method solutions;

    Perform actions according to a given algorithm;

    Be able to navigate your knowledge system.

    During the preparation, the requirements of the program were taken into account: integration of areas, age characteristics children, decisioneducational and educational tasks in unity, taking into account the provisions on leading activities and changing types of activities, creating a relaxed atmosphere, implementing interaction with the leading role of an adult. The room was sufficiently ventilated, lit,selected Demonstration size requiredmaterial .

    Any process of cognition begins with an impulse that encourages action. Motivation is needed to encourage the child to start an activity. With this in mind, I carefully thought through each stage of the lesson, composed assignments, selected questions, and used various techniques to activate children.

    I maintained the order and discipline of students in the lesson with the help of skillful organization, interesting material And high degree correctness. She constantly welcomed the children’s activity and encouraged independence. A calm tone and the ability to control friendly relationships allowed all children to feel comfortable in the lesson.

    High performance throughout the lesson was ensured by changing types of activities, various forms organization of work (frontal, individual, work in pairs), as well as the use of health-saving technologies (physical education). This contributed to the creation of a positive psychological atmosphere and a situation of success in the classroom.

    Study time in the lesson was used effectively, the planned volume of the lesson was completed. The intensity of the lesson was optimal taking into account physical and psychological characteristics children.

    The final stage was summing up and reflection. When assessing the work of students, we used blank emoticons specially developed for this stage, on which the children themselves reflected their mood at the beginning and end of the lesson.

    Throughout the lessontried create a favorable psychological climate, observe the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact. And despite some difficulties (children’s choral responses, insufficiently clear sound pronunciation), I think that the intention of the lesson was realized and the tasks I set were completed.

    The lesson achieved its goal.

    Future prospects

      Continue to teach the children to work in groups, in pairs.

      Teach children to express their thoughts.

      Get precise and correct answers from the kids.

    Olga Byzova
    Lesson notes for the first junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Repetition of the fairy tale "Kolobok"

    Lesson notes for junior group 1 according to Federal State Educational Standards

    Educational area: "Speech development"

    Kind of activity: "Communicative"

    Chapter: "Coherent speech"

    Subject: Repeating a fairy tale« Kolobok» . D/exercise “Who eats what?”

    Target: improve the ability to listen and understand an adult; remind fairy tale; create desire tell her together with the teacher.

    Tasks: teach children retell a familiar tale, develop children's speech and fine motor skills hands and orientation in space; improve the ability to understand and answer adult questions; to cultivate a kind and caring attitude, emotional responsiveness to the surrounding world, to educate friendly relations between children.

    Equipment: drawings - illustrations for fairy tale« Kolobok» , set of theater masks fairy tale,toys: grandfather, grandmother, bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox.

    Individual work: learn finger gymnastics with Matvey "Kids"

    1. Organizational moment

    Where, where are our hands,

    Where are our pens? (They hid their hands behind their backs)

    Where are our pens?

    Our hands are gone. (Turns left-right)

    Here. Here are our pens (Show hands)

    Here are our pens.

    Our hands are dancing, dancing,

    Our hands are dancing. (Children extend their hands, showing them)

    2. Motivational – orientation stage

    Came to us today fairy tale. I don’t know if you know her or not, let’s see now.

    3. Search stage

    Grandmothers and mothers bake you delicious pies and buns. The teacher takes out attributes from the box fairy tales and the children must guess.

    Here are our heroes fairy tales, which we must remember. What is this fairy tale? (Kolobok) .

    4. Practical stage

    Now we will remember finger game "Kids".

    FINGER GAME "Kids"

    One two three four five!

    Strong, friendly,

    Everyone is so necessary. Raise your right hand (left) hands up, fingers spread wide. Bend them one by one into a fist, starting with the big one.

    Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. One day the old man says:

    Bake it for me, old woman, bun, I really want to eat something.

    What should I bake it with? I don’t have any flour?

    And you scrape the barn, mark the bottom of the barrel, you look, and you scrape up flour for bun.

    The old woman went, scraped around the barn, swept the bottom of the tree and scraped up some flour.

    I kneaded the dough with sour cream and cooked it bun, fried it in oil and put it on the window to cool.

    Kolobok lay down, lay down, took it and rolled - from the window to the rubble, from the rubble - to the grass, from the grass - to the path, and along the path - straight into the forest.

    Rolling bun on the way,a hare meets him:

    - Kolobok, bun, I will eat you!

    Don't eat me, hare, I'll sing you a song:

    I bun, bun,

    Scraping around the barn,

    By the end of the day it's swept away,

    Mixed with sour cream,

    Put in the oven

    It's cold at the window.

    I left my grandfather

    I left my grandmother

    I'll be leaving you, hare!

    And he rolled down the road - only the hare saw him! Rolling bun, rolling, and towards him a gray wolf:…

    As the children name the characters, the teacher takes out the corresponding figures and offers the children together tell the end of the tale: « And the fox says:

    You sing well, but I can’t hear well. Kolobok, bun, sit on my toe and sing one more time.

    Kolobokjumped up on the fox's nose and sang louder: I bun, bun,

    Scraping around the barn,

    By the end of the day it's swept away,

    Mixed with sour cream,

    Put in the oven

    It's cold at the window.

    I left my grandfather

    I left my grandmother

    I left the hare

    I left the wolf

    Left the bear

    From you, fox...

    I didn’t have time to finish singing, his fox "am"- and ate it!

    At the end fairy tales the teacher asks what the fox did with kolobok? (outwitted and ate).

    What was it like bun? (choral and individual answers).

    What kind of fox?

    Well done! Remembered fairy tale.

    You've been sitting a little too long. Let's turn into cats.

    PHYSMINUTE "Bunny"

    The movements are performed as the poem progresses.

    It's cold for the bunny to sit, I need to warm my little paws. Paws up, paws down. Pull yourself up on your toes, put your paws on the side, hop, hop, hop on your toes. And then squat down, so that your paws don’t freeze. The bunny is good at jumping, he jumped ten times.

    5. Reflective-evaluative stage

    Guys, what fairy tale Did we remember today? ( fairy tale"Turnip")

    What kind of turnip do we have? (Sweet, big)

    What color is the turnip? (Yellow)

    The teacher invites the children to play for themselves fairy tale. The teacher gives them masks and distributes roles between the children. Then the children change roles. Others are watching.

    Publications on the topic:

    Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development in the first junior group (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard) Visual activity Topic: Matryoshka Goal: continue our acquaintance with the folk toy matryoshka; development of creative abilities;

    Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second junior group “Spring has come” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Goal: To summarize children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature in spring, about the life of wild animals and birds. Program objectives: Educational.

    Summary of educational activities for speech development in the first junior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard "Kolobok" Goal: To promote the development of speech as a means of communication Educational area “Cognitive development” Continue work on enrichment.

    Summary of educational activities in the first junior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Abstract educational activities in the first junior group in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Topic: "Introduction to geometric shapes: circle, square."

    Summary of the GCD lesson in mathematics in the Teremok secondary group, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard Self-analysis of organized educational activities - Lesson.

    Abstract of the educational activity “Rowan Sprig” in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (drawing in the younger group) The main general education program of the MBDOU-kindergarten "Beryozka". (comprehensive program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa,.

    Open lesson on the surrounding world in the middle group “Animals of the middle zone”

    Formation of a holistic picture of the world

    Subject : "Animals of the Middle Zone".

    Goals : To consolidate the idea of ​​​​the wild animals of our forests: appearance, habits, nutrition, their characteristics, adaptation to living conditions. To consolidate knowledge of the names of baby animals, also in the plural.

    Tasks: Develop speech and thinking. Cultivate interest and desire to learn more about wild animals.

    Equipment demonstration: pictures of animals of the middle zone, illustrations of the series"Guess whose tail", magnetic board, phonogram"magic music". Progress of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to go into the forest. Music sounds, the teacher says words : How beautiful the Russian forest is. It is full - full of miracles!

    What do you know about animals(they have 4 legs, a tail, and a body covered with fur).

    The teacher offers to solve riddles and find out who lives in the fairy-tale forest.

    Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter?

    I walk around in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest. In the forest on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts

    Fluffy tail, golden fur, lives in the forest, and steals chickens in the village.

    A ball of fluff, a long ear, jumps smartly, loves carrots.

    Under the pines, under the fir trees, lies a bag of needles.

    Who, having forgotten his worries, Sleeps in his den?

    After each guess, the teacher puts a picture of an animal on the board. Each animal has its own home.

    Didactic game"Who lives where?"

    Where does the bear live? ...in a den, a fox...in a hole, a hare...under a bush, a squirrel...in a hollow, and the wolf's house is called...a den.

    Poem :

    A fox in a deep forest has a hole - a safe home. Snowstorms in winter are not scary for a squirrel in a hollow near a spruce tree. Under the bushes, a prickly hedgehog rakes leaves into a pile. The clubfoot sleeps in the den, and he sucks his paw until spring. Everyone has their own home, everyone is warm and comfortable in it. It’s cozy for everyone, both mothers and their babies. Who creates comfort, what are these mothers' names?

    What is the name of the fox's cub - (fox cub, (many-fox cubs, mother fox cub - fox. Bear cub - (bear cub, Mother bear cub - she-bear. Hedgehog cub - hedgehog, mother of the hedgehog - hedgehog, many - hedgehogs. Wolf cub - wolf cub, many wolf cubs, wolf cub's mother is a wolf. Baby squirrel is a squirrel, many squirrel cubs, squirrel's mother is a squirrel.

    Each animal has its own character, its own characteristics and its own appearance. Yes, you probably know this well yourself.

    Game exercise: “Name the signs of animals”: Fox- (cunning, red, fluffy). Hare- (cowardly, long-eared, changes his coat in winter). Bear- (brown, club-footed, clumsy, hibernates in winter). Wolf- (angry, gray, toothy). Hedgehog- (prickly).

    Now tell me guys, can you say that about people? Angry like...a wolf. Cowardly like...a hare. Cunning like….a fox. Clubfoot like... a bear. Toothy like...a wolf. Jumping like... a squirrel.

    Physical education minute: Let's relax together. Let's carry out"Animal exercise".

    One - squat, two - jump. This is a rabbit exercise.

    And when the fox cubs wake up, they like to stretch for a long time. Be sure to yawn and wag your tail.

    And the wolf cubs arch their backs and jump slightly.

    Well, the clubfoot bear is spread wide paws : first one, then both together mark time for a long time.

    And for those who don’t have enough exercise, we start all over again.

    Didactic game on pictures: "Guess whose tail".

    Name: fox- (fox); in a hare - (hare); in a wolf - (wolfish); in a bear - (bearish).

    Questions : What fairy tales do you know where the main characters are animals?"Masha and the Bear", "Fox with a rolling pin", "The Wolf and the Fox" , "Zayushkina's hut".

    Who can tell me, guys, how wild animals differ from domestic ones? (wild animals live in the forest, and domestic animals live in houses where people take care of them). Wild animals have to fend for themselves and get their own food.

    Let's feed the animals. Who will we give honey to? -to the bear. Carrot for the hare. A mushroom for a hedgehog, a fish for a fox, a nut for a squirrel. Meat for the wolf.

    Who were we talking about?

    On the table in front of you is a picture to color. Who is depicted on it? Let's color the animals. See if you have chosen the right color for your animal?


    Sculpting lesson notes

    “Gifts for a squirrel” in the second junior group

    Summary of a modeling lesson in the second junior group on the topic: “Gifts for a squirrel”


    To instill in children an interest in modeling.

    We continue to master the skills of dividing plasticine into two parts, rolling it with straight and circular movements, flattening the plasticine between the palms, and attaching one part to the other.

    Teach how to use plasticine correctly: sculpt on a board and do not scatter the material.

    Material: plasticine, boards, pictures of a squirrel with mushrooms and nuts, squirrel.

    Progress of the lesson:

    I invite the children to take their places at the tables.

    Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees?

    And flies up into the oak trees

    Who hides nuts in a hollow,

    Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

    Children's answers

    Q: “Children, a squirrel came to visit us. The squirrel really loves mushrooms and nuts. Look how beautiful my nuts and mushrooms are.”

    Children look at the pictures.

    Q: “Today we are making mushrooms and nuts from plasticine for the squirrel and treating it. Look how I will sculpt a mushroom. I take a lump of plasticine and divide it into two parts. From one part I will sculpt a leg with straight movements of my palms, and from the other parts of the cap with circular movements of the palms, then you need to flatten the round lump between the palms and connect the cap and stem.” The teacher conducts a demonstration.

    Q: “Guys, I remind you that you only need to sculpt over a board, do not stain the table and clothes with plasticine, you need to sit up straight. You can start working.

    The teacher provides an individual approach and helps with advice.


    A squirrel sits on a cart

    She distributes nuts.

    To my little fox sister,

    To the titmouse sparrow,

    Bear Thick-fifted

    And the mustachioed bunny.

    Now, guys, let’s make another favorite treat for our squirrel.

    I'm a fluffy squirrel

    I live in a dense forest,

    In a hollow on an old oak tree,

    I'm gnawing nuts.

    Q: Look how big and round the nuts are.

    Children look at nuts.

    Q: You need to tear off a piece from a piece of plasticine and, using circular movements of your palms, mold a round nut, then tear off a piece and sculpt a large, round nut, etc. etc. Guys, prepare your palms and show me with circular movements how you will sculpt a nut. We will put the nuts in plates.

    Q: “Look at the nuts and mushrooms you made for our guest - round, big, you tried very hard, well done, the squirrel is happy.”


    Summary of an open lesson in mathematics

    V preparatory group

    "Fun mathematics with Pinocchio"

    Open lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group “Fun mathematics with Pinocchio”

    Target : Generalization of acquired knowledge in mathematics.

    Educational objectives :

    Exercise children in counting forward and backward within 10,

    Improve children's ability to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems, addition and subtraction within 10,

    To consolidate the ability to identify a condition or question in a task, - to consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week,

    To consolidate a series of numbers within 20, - to consolidate the ability to distinguish and correctly name geometric shapes, - to consolidate the skills of composing a whole from different parts, - consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square.

    Developmental tasks:

    Develop imagination, logical thinking, ingenuity, attention, visual memory,

    Promote the formation of mental operations. Educational tasks :

    Cultivate interest in mathematical knowledge,

    Develop the ability to understand learning task, do it yourself. - Cultivate friendly relations, the desire to help a friend.

    Demo material:

    envelopes with letters, envelopes with tasks, boards for the bridge with numbers from 1; to 10; fabric stream, spruce with cones, daisies, numbers, mathematical signs, geometric shapes.

    Handouts: sheets of paper with large squares, simple pencils, portraits of Pinocchio, coloring books.

    Methodical techniques:

    Gaming ( surprise moment, finger gymnastics, physical minute,

    Verbal (reading letters, questions, conversation, logical tasks,

    Visual (demonstration material,

    Lesson analysis, encouragement.

    Progress of the lesson

    Children enter the group.

    Educator. Guys, we have guests today, let's go with them

    Let's say hello.

    (Children greet guests)

    Educator. Guys, what are your mood today?

    Children. Good, joyful, cheerful.

    Educator. Let's hold hands and pass each other good mood. All the children gathered in a circle.

    I am your friend and you are my friend.

    Let's hold hands tighter

    And let's smile at each other!

    Amazing! Look at your faces, they are shining with joy and warmth, I hope that we will have this mood throughout the day.

    Educator. Guys, today when I came to kindergarten, I saw this letter on the table.(Letter No. 1) . Want to know who wrote it? Children. Yes. Educator. Well, then guess the riddle. My father has a strange boy, unusual, wooden. On land and under water, Looking for a golden key, Sticking his long nose everywhere, Who is it? Buratino's children. Educator. Right. Let's read what Pinocchio wrote to us.(The teacher reads the letters)Hello, dear guys! Buratino writes to you. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat locked me in the closet because I didn’t want to study and didn’t listen to Malvina. They said that they would not let me out until I solved their tasks and found the Golden Key. And since I was a bad student, I can’t solve the problems myself. I ask you, dear guys, help me, please! Your Pinocchio.

    Educator. Well. Guys! Shall we help Pinocchio? Children. Yes, Educator. Then we need to hit the road. A fascinating world of mathematics awaits us. And we will go along the path.(Walk along the path).

    (It sounds like fun music. Children walk along the path and find the 1st envelope with the task). Educator. And here is the envelope with the first task.(The teacher reads the assignment in the envelope)Educator. The task is called"Crossing" . To cross the river you need to assemble a bridge from planks. But the boards are not simple, but with riddles, if you guess them, you will be able to assemble a bridge. Complete the task. Children. Yes.

    Mathematical riddles. 1. Sister with a sly nose

    The account will be opened. (Unit) . 2. Grandma Anya has a grandson Seryozha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Bobik. How many grandchildren does grandma have?(One) . 3. And my brother, Seryozha, Mathematician and draftsman - On Baba Shura’s table, Drawing all sorts of things.(Shapes) . 4. Someone at night an old chair

    Turned it upside down.

    And now in our apartment,

    He became a number. (Four) . 5. What looks like a ring - Without beginning and end.(Zero) . 6. The cunning brothers live in a difficult book. There are ten of them, but these brothers will count everything in the world.(Numbers) . 7. Every toddler knows : The addition sign is.(Plus) . 8. In Latin this word is"less" means, And for us this sign of the number subtracts.(Minus) . 9. She has nothing : There are no eyes, no hands, no nose, She consists of everything. From the condition with the question.(Task) . 10. I completed it with great diligence.(Tasks) . Educator. Well, have you assembled the bridge? Children. Yes. Educator. Guys, look, there are also numbers on the boards. Count the numbers in order(counting out loud) . Now count backwards(counting out loud) . How many planks are there in total?(10) Educator. Well done guys, you have put together a good, strong bridge. The first task was completed. You can cross the river(cross the bridge).

    Educator. We move further along the path, and the path is winding.(Walk like a snake, between objects). (Sounds "fun" music, children walk along the path and find the 2nd envelope). Educator. Guys, look at the envelope with task No. 2.

    Educator. Exercise"Solve the problem" There were 6 cones hanging on the tree, 2 cones fell. How many cones are left on the tree? Guys, what parts does the task consist of? Children. The task consists of two parts: condition and question. Educator. What is a condition? Children. What we know. Educator. What is a question? Children. This is what you need to find out. Educator. Let's repeat the task and separate what we know from what we don't know. What do we know? Children. 6 cones hung on the tree, 2 fell. This is the condition of the problem. Educator. What don't we know? How many cones are left after 2 fell? This is a matter of task.(The teacher removes 2 cones). Educator. How to solve the problem? Children. 6-2=4. Educator. Did the cones become larger or smaller after 2 more fell? Children. There are fewer cones. Educator. How many fewer cones have there become? Children. There are two fewer cones. Educator. How many cones are left on the tree? Children. 4 cones left on the tree. Educator. Well done. Listen, is it possible to solve this problem? 3 daisies bloomed on the lawn, and 2 more bloomed overnight. It became very beautiful.(The teacher lays out daisies on the board). Children. No. Educator. Why? Children. This is not a task, but a story. No question. Educator. What can you find out? Children. How many daisies are there on the lawn? Educator. We have created a task. Let's repeat it, what do we know? Children. 3 daisies bloomed on the lawn, and 2 more bloomed overnight. This is the condition of the problem. Educator. What don't we know? How many daisies were there after 2 more blossomed? This is a matter of task. Educator. How to solve the problem? Children. 3+2=5(children make up a solution to the problem on the board). Educator. Are there more or fewer daisies after 2 more bloomed? Children. There are more daisies. Educator. How many more daisies have there become? Children. There are two more daisies. Educator. How many daisies are there on the lawn? Children. 5 daisies on the lawn. Educator. Well done guys, you completed another task. But before we move on and help Pinocchio, let’s take a little rest. Do you agree? Children. Yes"Physical minute".

    Let's work, guys.

    Now let's all charge up!

    We will all stand together now,

    We'll rest at the rest stop.

    Turn left, turn right,

    Bend over, rise up.

    Hands up and hands to the side,

    And jump and jump on the spot!

    And now we're skipping,

    Well done, guys!

    Let's slow down, children, step,

    And stand still! Like this!

    And now we will sit together,

    We still need to work. Educator. Well, did you rest?(The teacher finds the envelope). Educator. Guys, look at the envelope with task No. 3, it’s called“Think first, then answer!”it is very complex and requires your attention. Are you ready to answer? Children. Yes.(The teacher reads the task, the children answer)

    1. What day of the week is it today? 2. How many days are there in a week?(7)

    3. What is the name of the fifth day of the week?(Friday)

    4. How many working days are there in a week?(5) 5. How many days off are there in a week?(2) 6. Which number is greater than 13 or 14, 17 or 18. 12 or 15? 7. Which number is less than 11 or 13, 10 or 16, 15 or 18? 8. How many fingers are there on one hand?(5) 9. How many fingers are there on two hands?(10) 10. How many suns are there in the sky?(1)

    11. How many paws do two dogs have?(8)

    12. How many ears do two cats have?(4) . Educator. You guys are great and you coped with this task! Let's move further along the path, but be careful, there are bumps on the path, you need to step over them. (Sounds"cheerful" music, children walk along the path and find an envelope with task No. 4) Teacher, The task is called"Geometric figures". Guys, the geometric shapes fell and scattered into different parts, you need to assemble the geometric shapes from these parts.

    (Children collect geometric shapes on the table). Educator. Well, did you manage? Tell me what shapes you got. Children. Square, triangle, circle, oval, rectangle, rhombus. Educator. What other geometric shapes do you know?(Children list all geometric shapes). Educator. Name the shapes that have no corners. Children. Circle, oval. Educator. Name a figure whose sides are all equal. Children. Square. Educator. Name a shape that has three corners. Children. Triangle.

    Educator. Well done guys, you completed the task quickly. But we haven’t found the golden key yet, so we move further along the path. (Sounds"cheerful" music, children walk along a wooden path, approach the table and find an envelope with task No. 5, the teacher reads the task). Educator. The task is called"Magic Cells". Sit at the tables. Before we start drawing in the cells, let's stretch our fingers so that they obey us. Finger gymnastics."School" .

    I'll go to school in the fall. (Children"walking" fingers on the table) I’ll find friends there.(Hands in lock) I will learn to read, count,(Bend one finger at a time)run fast and write. I will be such a scientist! But I won’t forget my kindergarten.(They threaten with the index finger of their right hand). Place the leaves in the cage in front of you. Take a pencil, place it on the red dot, and do a graphic dictation. Draw : 6 cells right, 2 up, 4 right, 5 down, 4 left, 2 up, 4 left, 1 down, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 3 up. Educator. Did everyone make it? What did we get? Children in chorus."Golden Key!"

    Educator. Well done! That's right guys. Did we help Pinocchio? Completed all the tasks and found"Golden Key". This means that Alice the fox and Basilio the cat have probably already let him go.(Knock on the door) . Educator. Guys, wait! Someone is knocking on our door! I'll go and see who's there.(The teacher brings a letter). Educator. Guys, the postman brought us a letter from Buratino. Let's read it.(Letter No. 2, teacher reads)

    Dear Guys! Thank you for your help. Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat let me go. And now I’m going to Malvina. I will listen to her and study diligently. And for you I have gifts; my portrait and coloring pages. Goodbye.(The teacher distributes gifts to the children). Educator. Guys, since we helped Pinocchio, we completed all the tasks and found"Golden Key"he was released, and now he will obey and study diligently, then our fascinating journey into the world of mathematics is over. Bottom line. Guys, tell me, did you like helping Pinocchio? What did you like most? What tasks were difficult for you? What did you and I do? Educator. Well done! I also really liked how you deftly and very quickly completed all the tasks and helped Pinocchio find"Golden Key". Thank you.


    Scenario of an open lesson on the development of elements of logical thinking in the preparatory group

    "My family"

    Summary of an open lesson on the development of elements of logical thinking in the preparatory group “My Family”

    Goals: Mastering the actions of constructing and using a graphical model of classification relationships(using the example of a family). Development ideas about the content of concepts.

    Educational objectives:

    1. Identify children’s abilities to establish generic-species relationships between concepts(family, family members).

    2. To consolidate the principles of constructing models of conceptual relationships using a classification tree(using the example of a family)for various reasons(age, gender).

    3. Continue to teach children to find common and different features of objects and draw logical conclusions.


    1. Promote the development of memory, attention, logical thinking when performing tasks.

    2. Develop children's communication skills and coherent speech.

    3. Develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions.


    1. Cultivate love and a caring attitude towards your family members, a sense of pride in your family.

    2. Cultivate responsiveness, camaraderie, listening skills, desire and ability to work in a team.

    Integration of educational areas: social-communicative, cognitive development, speech development.

    Preliminary work:

    1. Acquaintance with space, planets, globe, life on Earth.

    2. Conducting conversations on the topic"Family" .

    3. Looking at family photo albums.

    4. Conducting didactic games with children:"Call me kindly", "Who am I to you" , and games to develop logical thinking:"The Fourth Wheel" and others.

    Material and equipment:

    Magnetic board, magnets, 2 sets of chips with images of family members, chips in two colors: red and yellow according to the number of children, 2 bags, 2 large chips for tables, 2 sheets of A3 paper, pencils, mailbox, letter from Mars, large envelope , jump rope, 2 trays, hourglass.

    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Organizational moment.

    (Children with a teacher enter the group and greet the guests)

    Educator : Stand up, children, stand in a circle Stand in a circle, stand in a circle! You are my friend and I am your friend, old man true friend. Let's hold hands, look into each other's eyes, and give kind words and don't forget about the smile. After all, it is with a smile that pleasant communication begins and your mood improves. Who wants to start?

    (The children take turns telling each other pleasant words, smile)

    Educator : Well, are you in a good mood? I'm very happy. I hope it stays with you throughout the day.

    2. Introductory part.

    Educator : Guys, let's check our mailbox. Didn't we receive mail?

    (Children check the mailbox and find a letter in it)

    Educator : Wow, letter! Who is it from? But the letter is not easy, but from another planet solar system- from Mars. Do any of you know what the inhabitants of the planet Mars are called?

    Children: Martians.

    Educator : And then who are we - the inhabitants of the Earth?

    Children: Earthlings.

    Educator : Right. Let's read what the inhabitants of the planet Mars wrote to us. Do you want to know?

    (The teacher reads the letter)

    Educator : “Hello fellow earthlings! We Martians live and study in Martian schools. We would really like to know what a family is? Help us please!"

    Educator : Well, guys, let's help the Martians?

    Children: Yes!

    3. Main part.

    Educator : Guys, which of you would like to tell the Martians about your family?

    (Children answer)

    Children: Yes!

    Educator : Then let's play a game with you called"The reporter" . Who is a reporter?

    Children : Someone who interviews people.

    Educator : Listen to the rules of the game. Reporters ask questions about the family, For example : "Where is you mom work?". And the rest of the children answer them, for example So : "My mother is a seller"etc. Reporters should not leave anyone unattended and ask questions to each of the interview participants. For the game we need to select several reporters, and a little counting will help us with this"Button, onion, cross".

    (The teacher counts the children according to the words of the counting rhyme and appoints, for example, all"crosses" , jump ropes are used as microphones)

    Educator : Guys, let's take some chairs for convenience.

    (Children sit on chairs, forming a semicircle)

    (Game being played)

    Educator : Which reporter is ready to ask the question first? Any other questions for our members?

    (Game being played)

    Educator : So you told the Martians about your family. I see you all have wonderful families. Guys, for our further game, I suggest you divide into two teams.

    (The teacher brings out a tray with chips of two colors)

    Educator : Choose one of the chips : red or yellow color which one do you like best? So, everyone with red chips will stand to the right, and everyone with yellow chips will stand to the left.

    (Children are grouped by color)

    Educator : We got two teams. Guys, those on the right will be called Team Red, and those on the left will be Team Yellow. Take your seats at the tables.

    (Children sit at the table with a chip of the corresponding color)

    Educator : Look, there is a picture in front of you. Who is depicted on it?

    Children : Grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, son, daughter.

    Educator : Right. How can they be called in one word?

    Children: Family.

    Educator : That's right. Guys, I suggest each of you choose a role for yourself.

    (The teacher invites the children from each team to pull out a chip from the bag with the role of a family member indicated on it)

    Educator : Well, have you made your choice? Now, in order to get used to the role, go to this table and choose the appropriate item for yourself(attribute) . You have one minute to pick up the item and return to your seats. Time has passed.

    (The teacher turns over the hourglass)

    (Children choose attributes and sit at their tables)

    Educator: Let's guess: “Who is who?”

    (Team members take turns standing up and, without identifying themselves, show the selected item, and all other children must guess which family member is in front of them and explain their answer)

    Educator : So we introduced the Martians to family members, their hobbies and responsibilities. And in order to tell the Martians more about them, let's compare them(let's find similarities and differences). On what basis can we do this?

    (Children together with the teacher discuss all possible options)

    (In case of difficulty, the teacher invites the children to consider a specific example : dad and son - what are their similarities and differences?

    (Children answer)

    Educator : That's right, guys. So we found two signs for you comparisons : by age and gender. So, what groups can we divide family members into by age?

    Children : For adults and children.

    Educator: And by gender?

    Children : Male and female.

    Educator : Guys, how can we write about this in a letter to the Martians? After all, they only understand the language of symbols.

    (Children offer a solution to the problem)

    Educator : Of course we can diagram it(using classification tree). What symbols can we use?

    (Children offer options)

    Educator : Let's focus on the first letters of the words.

    Educator : Take everything you need.

    (The teacher distributes for each teams : sheets of paper and pencils)

    Educator : Let's distribute ourselves so that the first Red team will draw the model(to divide family members)according to the first base (by age, and the second Yellow team - according to the second(by gender) . Once again, for a minute, discuss within the teams how you will build your models, which groups you will divide into, and which family members will be in which group.

    (Discussion is underway in teams)

    Educator : Where do you think we should start?

    Children : You must enter a family designation.

    (In case of difficulties, the teacher draws a dot-circle on the magnetic board with a marker and enters the family designation with the letter"WITH" . Children are invited to do the same on their sheets)

    Educator : Now sketch out your solutions on sheets of paper and do not forget to enter the corresponding letter symbols.

    (Independent work of children in teams)

    Educator : Well, I see you've already finished. Let's see what you got.

    (The teacher places models from each team on the board)

    Educator: Is everything correct?

    (Children check whether the model of the opposing team is built correctly)

    Educator : Red team, on what basis did you divide all family members?

    Children of the first team: Adults - grandfather, grandmother, father, mother; Children - son and daughter.

    Educator : And the yellow team?

    Children of the second team: Men - grandfather, father, son; Women - grandmother, mother, daughter.

    Educator : You did a great job. Guys, let's take another look at what kind of schemes we got. Do you think the Martians will understand everything? Tell me, are there any similarities between the two models?

    Children : Yes, I have. And in the first and second model we consistently identified two groups.

    Educator : Are there any differences?

    Children : Of course have. The selected groups have different characteristics for comparison(basis of classification).

    Educator : Guys, you are so great. And now I propose to send your model diagrams in an envelope to Mars, for study by Martian schoolchildren of our families.(Children seal the envelopes)

    Educator : Well, it's ready. All that remains is to take our letter to the post office.

    4. Summary of the lesson

    Educator : Guys, did you enjoy playing? Let's sit in a circle(on pillows) and remember what new things you learned today? What do you remember most? How many of you found it difficult to complete tasks? Who didn't have any difficulties?

    (Children analyze their activities)

    Educator : I also really enjoyed searching with you for the answer for the Martians. And I especially liked that you were very attentive, friendly - a real team, and therefore completed all the tasks so quickly and correctly. Thank you everyone and don't forget to say goodbye to our guests.


    Lesson notes for the middle group “One and many. Comparing sets and establishing correspondence between them"

    Subject : “One and many. Comparison

    sets and establishing correspondence between them"

    Tasks : Strengthen the ability to compare two groups of objects by quantity, establish equality between them, distinguish where there is one object and where there are many, learn to count from left to right, name numerals in order.

    Integration of educational regions : Communication, Physical education,

    Socialization, Cognition

    Means of implementation: A parcel containing 5 oranges, numbers from one to five, Cheburashka toys, geometric shapes

    Educator: (Organizes a surprise moment)

    The postman came to us this morning and left a parcel.

    (shows a box or box)

    What do you think is there? And who sent it? There is no return address...

    Children: (pay attention to the box, guess who the package is from and what is inside)

    Educator: Oh, look, here is a hint note:

    This cute, strange, darling

    With a nameless toy

    I was once in a store

    He was waiting for fairy tales in the window

    And he waited. Became famous.

    You, baby, listen to me:

    He has big ears, he is brown,

    Everyone in the world loves him.

    Every mongrel knows

    Friend Gena... (Cheburashka)

    Well done! (takes Cheburashka out of the box)

    Shall we teach him? But how did he get to us?

    Children: In a box with oranges

    Educator: Let's count how many oranges Cheburashka has in his box?(count to 5)

    Look, one fell, how many oranges are there?(4)

    And Cheburashka took one, how many are left in the box?(3) .

    Well done! Look at the blackboard. What do you see here?

    Children: Numbers!

    Educator: What numbers?

    Children: From one to five!

    Educator: Correct! Name the numbers along with Cheburashka.

    (the child comes out at will and, together with Cheburashka, names and shows the numbers)

    Good girl!

    (calls several children, they also name numbers)

    Well done! Now let's see how Cheburashka calls the numbers

    (counts from 5 to 1)

    Is he saying the numbers correctly?

    Children: No!

    Educator What did he do wrong?

    Children: He called the numbers backwards!

    Educator: What number should you start with?

    Children: Start with number 1!

    Educator: After 1, what is the number?

    Children: Two!

    Educator: What is the number between 3 and 5?

    Children: 4!

    Educator: What is the number between 1 and 3?

    Children: 2!

    Educator: Well done! What number does the count end with?

    Children: 5!

    Educator: Let's count everything together:

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    Physical education minute,

    Educator: And now everyone needs to stand up,

    Raise your hands slowly

    Squeeze your fingers, then unclench them

    Hands down and stand like that

    One two three four five!

    Bend over - three, four

    And jump on the spot.

    On the toe, then on the heel.

    This is how we do exercises

    Educator: Children, who was the first to come to kindergarten today?

    (child answers)

    He was alone. Then another one came, there were two of them. Then another one, there were three of them. Then another one and another one. There are a lot of children.

    Let's count how many children are in the group today?

    (child counts)

    (If there are children in the group who can name the exact number of children, for example 7, they should be praised, but not insisted that other children name this number. You can limit yourself to the concept"a lot of" )

    Educator: Shall we play with blocks?(places a box of blocks according to the number of children)

    There are so many of them!

    Take one at a time!(take)

    How many cubes do you have?

    Child: One

    Educator: What color is it? What is it made of?

    (children answer)

    Educator: How many cubes are in the box?

    Children: Not a single one!

    Educator: Put the cubes back in the box.

    How much did YOU put in? And you? How many cubes are in the box now?

    Each of you put one cube and there are a lot of them.

    What did you guys and I think today?

    Which game did you like best?

    Do you think Cheburashka learned to count to 5?

    Goodbye, Cheburashka!


    Math lesson notes

    “Reinforcing the material “one - many”

    (second junior group)

    Notes “Reinforcing objects one - many” (second junior group)

    Target : Enrichment of children’s skills and abilities into groups of subjects: one to many.


    Educational: Form and secure a group of objects, one or many.

    Developmental : To develop children's attention, visual creative thinking.

    Educational : To foster children’s interest in FEMP.

    Vocabulary work:one-many.

    Activating the dictionary: one-many.

    Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale "Turnip", looking at the illustrations.

    Means: 2 cards colors - green and red, flannelgraph with fairy tale characters, carrots(cut from colored cardboard).

    Methods: conversation, artistic expression, demonstration, explanation from the teacher, questions to children, play, physical education, encouragement.

    Form of organization: group.

    PROGRESS. Introductory part(literary word)Here is a flannelgraph, he’s happy to show you a fairy tale!

    Educator. - Guys, today we will remember the fairy tale “Turnip”.

    Main part . Grandfather planted a turnip and the turnip grew very, very big (he puts the turnip on the flannelgraph, the grandfather began to pull the turnip. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out (he puts it on the grandfather’s flannelgraph, who did the grandfather call?

    Children. -Grandmother.

    Educator. -Yes. grandmother (puts it on the flannelgraph, they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out, who did the grandmother call?

    Children. -Granddaughter

    Educator. -Yes, granddaughter (puts it on the flannelgraph, they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out, who did the granddaughter call?

    Children. - Bug!

    Educator: Yes, to a bug(puts it on the flannelgraph). They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out, who did Bug call for help?

    Children. -Cat

    Educator. -Yes, the cat (puts it on the flannelgraph, they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out, who did the cat call for help?

    Children. -Mouse!

    Educator. -Yes, a mouse (puts it on the flannelgraph, pulls and pulls and pulls out a turnip.

    Guys, we had one turnip, but many heroes pulled out the turnip. Well done, you remembered the fairy tale. Now let’s take a little rest and exercise: - the bunny went out for a walk. The bunny is good at jumping(children jumping) -He jumped many times. Suddenly, out of nowhere (the children sat down, a sly fox runs past(children covered their faces with their hands)The bunny hid in the bushes. The fox will never find him. Well done!

    And now. We will play the d/game “Treat the Bunny”.

    Children come to the table, first pick up a green card and put 1 carrot on it, then the teacher asks to take a red card and put a lot of carrots on it. After finishing the task, the teacher asks the children:

    Guys, which card with carrots should we leave for the bunny to treat?

    Children. -Red!

    Educator. - Why?

    Children. - There are a lot of carrots on it.

    Educator. - Well done, our bunny will be happy.

    Final part.

    Educator. - Guys, did you like treating the bunny with carrots?

    Children. - Yes!

    Educator. – Tell me, how many heroes pulled the turnip (one or many?

    Children. - Many heroes.

    Educator. - Thank you everyone, everyone did their best today, well done!


    Scenario for an open lesson in the junior group “Cockerel and his family.”

    Summary of an open lesson in the junior group "Cockerel and his family"

    Target: To form in children ideas about the characteristic features of the image of a cockerel, hen and chicks.

    Tasks: Expand children's understanding of poultry: hen, rooster, chickens; Continue to introduce children to folklore works that tell about the cockerel, hen, and chickens. Enrich children's vocabulary. be able to imitate the voices of birds. Form cognitive activity. Cultivate a good attitude towards “our smaller brothers”

    Progress of the lesson:

    The teacher contributes cockerel toy, covered with a cape. Educator : Guys, do you want to know who I have in my hands? Then guess the riddle: “Who gets up early, sings songs loudly, and doesn’t let the children sleep?” (children's answers). - That's right, cockerel. We examine the cockerel, highlighting its features.

    How does the cockerel sing? (children's answers)Nursery rhyme about a cockerel:Cockerel, cockerel,

    golden comb,

    Oil head,

    Silk beard,

    That you get up early

    Don't you let the kids sleep?

    Who is the cockerel calling? How do you think? (children's answers).

    The cockerel calls the hen. What does he call her? Ku-ka-re-ku! (together with the children) The teacher takes out a chicken toy. We examine the chicken, highlighting its characteristic features. Then we compare the hen and the cockerel - What kind of comb does the cockerel have?


    What about the chicken?


    What else does the cockerel have?


    Does the chicken have it?


    How does a cockerel crow?


    And the chicken? Co-co-co.

    Physical education minute

    A Rooster walked along the shore (hands folded behind his back)

    Slipped into a hole Bang! (imitate the fall of a cockerel)

    The rooster will know that from now on (we threaten with our index finger)

    You need to watch your step! (we show that you need to watch your step)

    How does the housewife call the rooster and its family to feed them? "Chick-chick-chick." - Guys, who is that squeaking there, calling the mother hen? (children's answers)

    That's right, chickens. What does the mother hen call her chicks? Ko-ko-ko! How do chickens squeak? Peep-pee-pee. Educator : Guys, let's play with you. I will be the chicken, and you will be my chickens. That's how many chickens I have. How the chickens sing their song "Pee-Pee"

    The song “The chicken went out for a walk” sounds.

    The chicken went out for a walk. A teacher walks with children

    Pinch some fresh grass. By group.

    And behind her are the boys

    Yellow chickens.

    Ko-ko, ko-ko-ko

    Don't go far. They shake their fingers at each other.

    Row with your paws

    Look for grains. They move their fingers along the floor.

    Ate a fat beetle

    An earthworm, stroking their belly.

    We drank some water

    Full trough. They “drink” water from their palms. - Guys, did you like our guests? - Yes

    Who visited us today? - --

    Cockerel, hen and chicks.

    It's time for our guests to go home. Let's say goodbye to them, see you again!


    Scenario for an open event in a junior group

    "Journey Through Fairy Tales"

    Summary of an open lesson in the junior group “Journey through Fairy Tales”


    Teach children to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand asked question and answer it clearly;

    Strengthen children's knowledge about the heroes of their favorite fairy tales, develop memory;

    To develop figurative, expressive, emotional skills in children

    speech using logorhythmic exercises, replenish and activate children’s vocabulary;

    To develop children’s ability to see objects that resemble a circle in their surroundings;


    To consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge about the number of objects (one, many, none, practice counting up to 3;

    Fasten the geometric shapes square and triangle;

    To develop the constructive abilities of children using modern educational technologies by B. Nikitin and V. Voskobovich;

    Form aesthetic taste, develop the communicative qualities of the individual.

    Materials and equipment: table theater "Teremok", "Three Bears", "Kolobok"; Kolobok toy, illustrations for fairy tales.

    Preliminary work: reading fairy tales and watching cartoons: “Three Bears”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Children enter the group.

    Educator: Guys, look, guests have come to our group, let's say hello to them. And to do this, we will stand in a circle and invite our guests to join us, we will show how we can say hello, what is our greeting ritual in the group. (The greeting is accompanied by movements, children stand on the carpet in a circle):

    Hello, Heaven!

    (Raise your hands up)

    Hello, Sun!

    (Make a large circle with your hands above your head)

    Hello Earth!

    (Smoothly lower your arms down)

    Hello, our big family!

    (All the guys join hands and raise them up)

    All the children gathered in a circle,

    I am your friend and you are my friend.

    (Point at yourself with both hands and then spread them apart)

    Let's hold hands together

    And let's smile at each other!

    (Hold hands and look at each other with a smile).

    Educator: Well done guys! Do you want to go on a journey through fairy tales?

    Children: Yes!

    Educator: But to get into a fairy tale, you need to be dexterous, strong, skillful and know the magic words. Let's do a little warm-up.

    Get your fingers ready.

    “Hedgehog” - (finger gymnastics, the teacher reads the text, and the children repeat):


    1. Good hedgehog, good hedgehog, children twist their fists

    He looks like a ball in front of him

    The children squeeze the hedgehog's needles and

    Very, very prickly, they unclench their fingers

    2. Hedgehog, hedgehog, weirdo, children hide their fists

    Where are you hiding my friend? behind your back

    Show me the needles, the children squeeze and

    Very, very prickly. unclench their fingers


    Now close your eyes, I will say the magic words:

    “Where are you, fairy tale, answer me, show yourself to us guys” (music sounds).

    The children open their eyes, and the teacher draws the children’s attention to the table, which stands nearby. There is a pile of brown material on it - “mink”, the teacher invites the children to see what is there? The children and the teacher come to the table.

    Educator: Children, look, it seems to me that someone is moving in the hole? (the teacher quietly puts a toy hedgehog with a bag on his hand in the “mink” and shows it to the children)

    Hedgehog: Hello!

    Children: Hello, hedgehog!

    Educator: Hedgehog, how did you end up here?

    Hedgehog: Yes, well, I heard what they were saying about me, so I decided to come out of my hole.

    Educator: Children, let's ask the hedgehog why are you so prickly?

    Children: Hedgehog, why are you so prickly?

    (At this time, turn on the disc with the song based on the poem by B. Zakhoder)

    Why are you such a prickly hedgehog?

    This is me just in case

    Do you know who my neighbors are?

    Foxes, wolves and bears!

    Educator: Hedgehog, where do your neighbors live?

    Hedgehog: They live in that fairy-tale forest over there (points to another table, where there is a forest and a house - figures from the tabletop theater)

    Educator: How do we get there?

    Hedgehog: I'll help you! You need to walk along a log, jump over a stream, walk over bumps.

    Educator: Thank you Hedgehog.

    Hedgehog: Goodbye guys!

    Children: Goodbye!

    Educator: Well, let's set off on the road.

    (Children walk along the log, jump over the “stream” path, carefully step from hummock to hummock and stop at the table)

    Educator: So we came to the forest. Let's sit down in a fairy meadow (Children sit on chairs)

    Children, look at the house.

    (The teacher points to the house)

    Educator: What is it called?

    Children: Teremok.


    Guys, guess the riddle and we will find out what kind of fairy tale it is:

    There is a painted house,

    He's so handsome

    The animals walked across the field,

    They stayed in the house to live. (Teremok)

    Look at the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”. I will give you heroes, and you try to answer my questions in their voices.

    Who, who lives in the little house? (answers from each character)

    Tell me, how many animals lived in the house at first?

    Children: none.

    Educator: How many of them became later?

    Children: a lot.

    Educator: How many frogs are there in the house?

    Children: one.

    Right. And there is one mouse, and one fox, and one bunny, but there are many of them all together. In a fairy tale there are one hero at a time, but let’s count how many mice we have

    Children: two,

    Educator: how many frogs?

    Children: three.

    How many of us are there in the group?

    Children: a lot.

    Guys, the bear destroyed the tower and almost crushed his friends. What to do? What should we do? Let's build houses for the animals now.

    (Children approach the tables).

    D/I “Fold the pattern” by B. Nikitin - “House”

    Educator: Well done, they helped the heroes of the fairy tale. Now let's move on.

    Guys, our carpet has also become magical. It turned into an airplane carpet and we will fly on it to the next fairy tale.

    (Children stand on the carpet).

    Close your eyes and say with me: “Where are you, fairy tale, answer me, show yourself to us guys” (music sounds).

    Children open their eyes.

    Open your eyes

    Let's play the game “Say the Word” and find out what kind of fairy tale this is?

    D/I “Say a word.”

    Cups three and three beds.

    There are also three chairs, look

    And the residents here really are

    Lives exactly (three).

    As you will see, it is immediately clear:

    Visiting them is (dangerous).

    Run away quickly, little sister,

    Fly out of the window like a (bird).

    She ran away! Well done!

    So, the whole fairy tale (end).

    Fedya reads syllable by syllable:

    This is a fairy tale ("The Three Bears").

    (Children's answers.)

    Well done, that’s right, this is the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. Guys, look - a letter. It is addressed to you and me. Let's read it. (The teacher opens the letter and reads): Children, trouble happened in our fairy tale, an evil sorceress flew to us, mixed up everything in the fairy tale and bewitched our forest. Help us find the heroes of the fairy tale and disenchant the forest. To do this, you need to choose three bears from these pictures of fairy tale characters and lay out the Christmas trees.

    (Children choose illustrations for a fairy tale and lay out Christmas trees)

    D/I "Geokont" by V. Voskobovich - "Herringbone"

    Well done guys, you completed this task.

    Educator: Let's rest a little now and remember the fairy tale.


    Three bears lived in a fairy tale,

    They waddled around.

    The girl ran to them,

    Run in place.

    I went into the house and saw:

    Hands are raised above the head, fingertips touching each other.

    A huge table by the window,

    The right hand is clenched into a fist, the left palm rests on the fist.

    Three chairs - wow.

    The left palm is vertical, the right fist is pressed horizontally to the palm.

    Three cups and three spoons,

    Squat down, one hand on the belt, then stand up, raise your arms up and

    touch each other with rounded fingers.

    Three beds: look.

    Masha ate and drank,

    They depict how they hold a spoon and bring it to their mouth.

    She lay down on the bed

    Hands in front of the chest, elbows bent and lying on top of each other.

    And fell asleep in a sweet dream.

    The palms are folded, the head is tilted and lies on the palms.

    What happened next?

    Hands slightly spread to the side.

    Then the bears returned,

    They walk, waddling from side to side.

    When they saw Masha, they got angry.

    Hands on the belt, making an angry face.

    Masha was very scared

    They show a frightened face.

    And she rushed home.

    Educator: Well done guys, let's move on.

    - Guys, tell me, what else can you go on a trip with?

    Children: By train, by car, by hot-air balloon, by trolleybus, etc.

    -Let's go by train. I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages, let's line up.

    The song “Steam Locomotive” by the Zheleznovs plays.

    -Close your eyes. “Where are you, fairy tale, answer me, show yourself to us guys” (music sounds).

    Children open their eyes.

    Educator: I’ll tell you a riddle now. Listen carefully, and then you will find out what kind of fairy tale we have found ourselves in.

    It is shaped like a ball.

    He was once hot.

    He jumped off the table onto the floor.

    And he left his grandmother.

    He has a ruddy side.

    He's from a fairy tale...

    Children: Kolobok.

    - Look, what is the name of the hero of the fairy tale?

    Children: Kolobok.

    - What kind of figure does the bun look like?

    Children: In a circle.

    - Guys, let's think about what other objects are similar to the circle in our group.

    D/I “Find the object”

    Children: Car wheel, steering wheel, clock, ball, plate, etc.

    Educator: Guys, do you want to play hide and seek with the kolobok?

    Children: Yes!

    The teacher hides the bun. The children are looking for him.

    Educator: Guys, look at your tables there are magic

    leaves, they need to be painted over with paint and then we will find a bun with you.

    Painting on wax.

    (Children sit at tables and paint sheets of paper on which scenes from the fairy tale “Kolobok” are drawn with a candle; a bun with the characters of the fairy tale appears on the sheets).

    Educator: Well done, you found the bun.

    And now it's time for us to return.

    Get into the circle quickly

    Hold hands tightly (music plays, children walk in a circle)

    One two three four five

    Let's go back.

    Open your eyes. Here we are again in the group. Our journey has now ended. Did you like it? What fairy tales have we visited, name them.

    Children: “Three Bears”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”.

    -That's right, well done! Let's say goodbye to our guests (Children say goodbye and leave).


    Summary of an open integrated lesson on speech development in the second junior group.

    "Russian folk tale"Turnip"

    Inna Starovoitova
    Summary of an open integrated lesson on speech development in the second junior group. “Russian folk tale “Turnip”

    Educator: Starovoitova Inna Georgievna

    Target: Speech development in young children.

    Tasks: Learn to retell a Russian folk tale"Turnip"

    Learn to express intonation, reproduce words and phrases from a fairy tale in the process of retelling.

    Develop children's speech activity and ability to engage in dialogue.

    Cultivate interest in fairy tales and curiosity.

    Preliminary work:

    Reading a fairy tale"Turnip"introducing children to characters, theatrical activities, acting out fairy tales"Turnip".

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: Guys, we have guests today, let’s say hello.(Children greet guests).


    Let's stand side by side in a circle,

    Let's say"Hello"each other.

    We are not too lazy to say hello;

    Everyone"Hello!"And"Good afternoon!";

    If everyone smiles -

    Good morning will begin.

    - Good morning!

    Educator: Guys, come in, sit on the chairs. I brought you a fairy tale. It's in my chest. But to open it you need to say magicwords:

    Knock - knock, chok - chok,

    Open the chest.

    It won't open, let's all say it togetherwords:

    Knock - knock, chok - chok,

    Open the chest.(Children pronounce the words together with the teacher).

    Educator: Do you hear? Is there something rustling in the chest?(Children's answers)

    (The mouse looks out.)

    Guys, what fairy tale does the mouse live in?(Turnip)

    I still have something in my chest - I take out a turnip. What fairy tale did I bring you?(Children answer “Turnip”). Oh guys, did I forget the book somewhere? How to be? Maybe you can help me tell a fairy tale?


    Who planted the turnip?

    How big is the turnip?

    Who wanted to pull out a turnip?

    Who helped him?

    1. Joint retelling of a fairy tale"Turnip"according to the mnemonic table

    2. Maybe someone wants to try to tell a fairy tale on their own?

    Well done! We told the story very well, now let's rest.

    Physical education minute.

    Grandfather in the garden

    I planted a turnip.(sit down)

    And water from a watering can

    He watered the turnips.(we rise quietly)

    Grow, grow, turnip,

    Both sweet and strong.(stretch up on toes)

    The turnip has grown

    To everyone's surprise(raised their shoulders)

    Big - very big,

    There will be enough food for everyone.(hands to the side)

    The turnip has grown

    Both sweet and strong.(stretch up on toes)

    The turnip has grown

    Both sweet and strong.(stretch up on toes)

    Productive activity.

    well good story you told and played nicely. guys, let's say thank you to our mouse for such a wonderful fairy tale. How can we thank her? Let's make gifts that will remind us.

    Application"Millet turnip"

    Well, the mouse also brought us gifts, delicious apples. Now let's go wash our hands and eat apples.


    The most important factor in the performance of the body is health. The concept of health includes not only the absence of disease, painful condition, physical defect, but also a state of complete social, physical and psychological well-being.

    “Health is a capital given to us not only by nature from birth, but also by the conditions in which we live.

    "Children's health is the wealth of the nation." This thesis does not lose its relevance at all times.”

    Maintaining and strengthening health is impossible without observing the rules of hygiene. Scientists V.I. played a major role in the development of children’s hygiene. Molchanov, G.N. Speransky, M.S. Maslov, N.M. Shchelovanov and others. Their works contain information not only on the diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases, but also on the care, nutrition, hardening and raising of healthy children. Based on the research of these scientists, preschool workers took the education of cultural and hygienic skills as a basis. In each age group, this task is carried out in accordance with child education programsgarden. Mastering a particular skill by children takes time, so the task of developing it may relate not to one, but to several years of a child’s life.

    Education and training programs in kindergarten are focused on creating an environment in kindergarten that promotes the formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

    Preschool age is an important period when the human personality is formed and a solid foundation of physical health is laid.

    Cultural and hygienic skills are developed in children from the very beginning. early age, when forming cultural and hygienic skills, there is not a simple assimilation of rules and norms of behavior, but an extremely important process of socialization and humanization of the baby.

    Instilling personal hygiene skills in children plays a vital role in protecting their health and contributes to correct behavior at home. In the process of everyday work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that following the rules of personal hygiene becomes natural for them, and hygiene skills are improved.

    Skills are the ability formed in a child to perform certain actions based on acquired knowledge.

    A skill is an automated action that is formed through repeated repetition and practice.

    Skills are strengthened as a result of repeated performance of an action, as a result of exercises in its correct execution.

    The transition of a skill into a habit is achieved by systematically repeating it under certain identical or similar conditions. Habits, unlike skills, create not only the possibility of performing one or another action, but ensure the very fact of its implementation. Habits acquired by a child remain long time and become, as they say folk wisdom, second nature. Acquired habits become stable and difficult to re-educate.

    “No matter how important skills are, we should not forget that mastering them alone does not ensure correct behavior. Adults should set an example in everything and, requiring the child to follow certain rules, they themselves always followed them, were neat, tidy in appearance, etc.”

    The purpose of the study is to study the process of formation of cultural and hygienic skills and test a system that promotes the effective use gaming methods.

    The object of study is the process of formation cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children.

    The subject of the study is the influence of the game method on the formation of personal hygiene skills in children of middle preschool age.

    Research objectives:

    - Explore theoretical basis education of cultural and hygienic skills in preschool children.

    - To identify the level of development of personal hygiene skills in preschool children in preschool settings.

    - To identify the features of developing cultural and hygienic skills in children of middle preschool age and build a system of work, determine the degree of effectiveness of the game methods used to develop personal hygiene skills.

    Research methods

    During work use different methods pedagogical research: study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical literature; Creation problem situations; experienced - pedagogical work; conversation with a child; targeted observation of children in their independent activities.

    According to the definition of the famous physiologist N.I. Shchelovanova “The daily routine in the first years of a child’s life is the correct distribution in time and the correct mutual sequence of satisfying the child’s basic physiological needs for sleep, feeding, and also in activity.”

    Education of cultural and hygienic skills is aimed at strengthening the health of the child. At the same time, it includes an important task - fostering a culture of behavior. Caring for the health of children and their physical development begins with instilling in them a love of cleanliness, neatness, and order. “One of the most important tasks of a kindergarten,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya, “is to instill in children skills that strengthen their health. From an early age, children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, eat from a separate plate, walk clean, cut their hair, shake out their clothes, not drink raw water, eat on time, sleep on time, be more fresh air and so on".

    All measures that preschool hygiene develops contribute to the normal physical and hygienic development of children and the strengthening of their health.

    Health is a broader concept, which is understood as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being - this is the definition put forward by the World Health Organization.

    The formation of cultural and hygienic skills is a long process, and therefore the same tasks can be repeated many times. The development of skills is carried out by methods of direct influence, exercise, i.e., through teaching, habituation, therefore, the education of cultural and hygienic skills must be planned in a daily routine. The outstanding teacher A.S. attached great importance to the daily routine. Makarenko. He believed that the regime is a means of education, correct mode should be marked by certainty, accuracy and not allow exceptions. Observations have shown that in those children's institutions where the daily routine is carried out in accordance with hygienic requirements and all types of activities are carried out at a high level pedagogical level indicators of children's performance and development are high.

    And most importantly, it is noticeable from the daily routine that young children are given more time for hygiene and self-care than older children, since these skills are already more developed in older children. From this it is important to emphasize that the age characteristics and individual abilities of children play an important role in the daily routine.

    Cultural and hygienic skills, their importance in the development of a child

    From the moment of birth, a child is a social being, because his care is aimed at introducing him into the world of adults, although parents and teachers do not always realize this. A blanket, pacifier, diaper and other objects are objects with which an adult introduces the baby to social world. With the help of these objects, needs are satisfied: eating with a spoon, knife, fork, sleeping in a bed, covering yourself with a blanket, etc. The child himself does not know how to satisfy a need and without the help of an adult he will not discover it or learn it on his own.

    From the first days of life, when developing cultural and hygienic skills, there is not a simple assimilation of rules and norms of behavior, but an extremely important process of socialization, humanization of the baby, and his “entry” into the world of adults. Mental development is an uneven process, its lines do not occur simultaneously, there are periods of the most rapid development of certain functions and mental qualities. These periods are called sensitive periods - the most favorable for development. For initial formation cultural and hygienic skills, the sensitive period occurs in early childhood.

    The child begins to get acquainted with the world of objects created by man; he must master objective actions, among which instrumental and correlative ones can be distinguished. The first involves mastering an object - a tool with which a person acts on another object (they cut bread with a knife, eat soup with a spoon, sew with a needle). With the help of correlating actions, objects are brought into the corresponding spatial positions: the baby closes and opens boxes, puts soap in a soap dish, hangs it by a loop on a hook, fastens buttons, laces up shoes.

    The daily routine is of great importance in the formation of cultural and hygienic skills. The daily routine is a clear routine of life during the day. By getting involved in the daily routine and performing household processes, the child masters a series of cultural and hygienic skills. These skills are one of the components of a culture of behavior in everyday life. A skill that has become a need is a habit. The skill of washing allows a child to do it deftly and quickly, and the habit of washing encourages him to do it willingly and without coercion. As cultural and hygienic skills are mastered, they are generalized, separated from the corresponding subject and transferred to a playful, imaginary situation, thereby influencing the formation of a new type of activity - games.

    In play, children reflect the relationships that develop during everyday processes. The child treats the doll the way parents treat him in appropriate situations. In the game, children imitate everyday actions (washing hands, eating food), thereby reinforcing actions with household objects (spoon, cup, etc.), and also reflect the rules that lie behind the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills: the doll’s clothes must be carefully folded , arrange the dishes on the table beautifully.

    Cultural and hygienic skills are associated not only with play. They form the basis of the first type of work activity available to a child - self-care work. Self-service is characterized by the fact that the child’s actions do not have a social motive, they are aimed at himself. “Mastering cultural and hygienic skills affects not only play and labor activity, but also on the child’s relationships with adults and peers. If he wants to show an adult what he has learned, to earn approval and support, to make it clear that he respects him, respects his demands. If he accepts and adheres to them, then he is trying to teach his peer,” G.A. believes. Uruntaeva and Yu.A. Afonkina.

    Mastering cultural and hygienic skills makes it possible to compare yourself with other children: am I better or worse at doing this? I can even teach a friend! I will help adults and little brother! Thus, by comparing oneself with others, the prerequisites are formed for the formation of self-esteem, awareness of one’s capabilities and skills, as well as prerequisites for self-control. When performing everyday processes, the baby observes, compares, analyzes, and establishes cause and effect relationships. He thinks about where the soap went, because at first there was a large piece, and after a while it became very small, why water washes away foam and dirt from his hands, how you can use a fork to split a cutlet in half, where the sugar in tea disappears, why it dried out wet scarf, etc.

    Initially, the child notices cause-and-effect relationships with the help of an adult, who, by asking questions and explaining, draws the child’s attention to them. It is important that questions and explanations addressed to the little ones are tailored to the specific situation. In this case, you should rely on the baby’s experience.

    During early childhood, such a new personal formation as the consciousness of one’s “I” takes shape. This is expressed in the fact that the baby begins to call himself in the first person: “I myself.” Behind this lies the awareness of one’s own activity, the separation of the result of one’s actions from the actions themselves. The child begins to understand that it was he who performed the action, it was he who achieved the result, he experiences pride in his achievements, strives again and again to demonstrate his activity and independence, showing others his “I”: I myself know how to wash myself, dress, put on shoes, comb my hair, I can eat myself. Let it be slowly, but on your own! Although so far he has only mastered simple steps, they give you the opportunity to feel like an adult and independent.

    Cultural and hygienic skills are aimed at the child himself. By performing sanitary and hygienic procedures, the baby becomes aware of himself. He develops an idea of ​​his own body. When dressing and washing, the child, looking at his reflection in the mirror, comes to understand some of the changes occurring in himself during the everyday process: his face went from dirty to clean, his hair went from disheveled to beautifully combed, his feet were put on boots, his hands were put on mittens. The child begins to control his appearance: he pays attention to dirty hands, notices problems in clothes, asks an adult to help put himself in order, the baby develops a need for cleanliness and neatness. That is, the actions and their components improve by themselves, change oneself, and not the object. Therefore, they form the baby’s idea of ​​his own body. When putting on shoes, the baby examines his feet, putting on gloves - his hands, tying a bow or scarf - his face. When dressing and washing, the child sees his reflection in the mirror and notices the changes occurring in him.

    Cultural and hygienic skills coincide with another line mental development- development of will.

    The baby doesn't know how to do anything yet. Therefore, any action is given with great difficulty. And you don’t always want to finish what you started, especially if nothing works out. Let the mother or teacher feed and wash your hands, because it is so difficult to hold slippery soap when it jumps out of your hands and does not obey. Mom will do it better and faster. And if adults rush to help a child at the slightest difficulty, to free him from the need to make efforts, then very quickly he will develop a passive position: “fasten”, “tie”, “put on”. Afonkina Yu.A. and Uruntaeva G.A. believe: “In order to complete an action and get a high-quality result, you need to make a strong-willed effort.

    With age, as the child masters cultural and hygienic skills, he becomes aware of the rules of behavior that determine them. And such rules begin to regulate the child’s actions and control them. That is, the child’s behavior becomes arbitrary. He restrains his immediate feelings and aspirations, subordinates his actions to a previously set goal, and can give up what he wants if required. social rule behavior.

    Thus, the development of cultural and hygienic skills is associated with the ethical development of a preschooler.”

    Educating children in personal and public hygiene skills plays a vital role in protecting their health, promotes correct behavior in everyday life, in public places. Ultimately, not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on children’s knowledge and compliance with the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior. Gradually, in the process of developing cultural and hygienic skills, the child begins to realize that compliance with the rules of behavior is determined by the norms of human relationships, and their observance shows respect for others, because it is unpleasant to look at a slob or a dirty person. The child understands that violating the rules of behavior can cause harm not only to himself, but also to another person.

    In the process of everyday work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that following the rules of personal hygiene becomes natural for them, and that hygiene skills are constantly improved with age. At the beginning, children are taught to follow basic rules: wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet, playing, walking, etc. Children of middle and senior preschool age should be more conscious of following the rules of personal hygiene; Wash your hands yourself with soap, lathering them until foam forms and wipe them dry, use an individual towel, comb, glass for rinsing your mouth, make sure that all things are kept clean. The formation of personal hygiene skills also presupposes the ability of children to always be neat, to notice problems in their clothes, and to correct them independently or with the help of adults. Hygienic education and training are inextricably linked with the education of cultural behavior. All hygiene information is instilled in children in Everyday life in the process of various types of activities and recreation, i.e. in each component of the regime you can find a favorable moment for hygienic education.

    For effective hygienic education of preschoolers, the appearance of others and adults is of great importance. We must constantly remember that children at this age are very observant and prone to imitation, so the teacher should be a role model for them.

    Conditions and methods of developing cultural and hygienic skills

    The main conditions for the successful formation of cultural and hygienic skills include a rationally organized environment, a clear daily routine and adult guidance. A rationally organized environment means the presence of a clean, sufficiently spacious room with the necessary equipment to ensure all routine elements (washing, eating, sleeping, activities and games).

    To develop cultural and hygienic skills, it is also necessary to develop general criteria for assessing individual actions, to clearly define the location of things, toys, and the order of their cleaning and storage. For babies special meaning has constancy of conditions, knowledge of the purpose and place of every thing he needs during the day. For example, the washroom should have a sufficient number of sinks of the required size, each with soap on it; sinks and towels are placed taking into account the height of children; There is a picture on the hanger above each towel. This increases children's interest in washing. The daily routine ensures daily repetition of hygiene procedures at the same time - this contributes to the gradual formation of skills and habits of a culture of behavior. Their formation occurs in games, work, activities, and in everyday life. Repeated daily, the daily routine accustoms the child’s body to a certain rhythm, ensures a change in activity, thereby protecting the children’s nervous system from overwork. Following a daily routine contributes to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, education, organization and discipline. The formation of cultural and hygienic skills is carried out under the guidance of adults - parents, educators. Therefore, complete consistency in requirements must be ensured preschool and families. Among the many classifications of methods, in preschool pedagogy a classification has been adopted, which is based on the basic forms of thinking that determine the nature of the ways in which children act in the learning process. These forms include visually effective and visually imaginative thinking. In this regard, the main methods of teaching preschoolers are visual, verbal, play and practical methods. Preparation for the formation of skills for independent self-care movements is the creation in the child of a positive attitude towards dressing, washing, and feeding. Learning some skills, for example, eating culturally, requires considerable work, since for this children must master a number of actions carried out in a certain sequence (sit correctly at the table, use eating utensils, a napkin, etc.).

    IN preschool age Children are especially prone to imitation, so the personal example of adults plays an important role in the formation of skills. “If you insist that children wash their hands before lunch, don’t forget to demand the same from yourself. Try to make your own bed, it’s not at all difficult and shameful work,” advised A.S. Makarenko.

    Both kindergarten teachers and parents should always remember this. “Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How you dress, how you talk to other people and about other people, how you are happy or sad, how you treat friends and enemies, how you laugh, read the newspaper - all this is of great importance for a child,” said A.S. Makarenko

    For preschool children, awareness of the importance of cultural and hygienic skills is of great importance; they need to be given basic knowledge about rational rules of personal hygiene, its importance for everyone and for others, and cultivate an appropriate attitude towards hygienic procedures. All this contributes to the strength and flexibility of skills, which is very important for creating lasting habits. For this purpose, you can also use variable tasks, unusual situations during games, activities, walks, etc. Children should first be asked to think and tell what and how they will do. Then monitor the children’s actions and return to their joint discussion and assessment.

    To instill cultural and hygienic skills in all age groups, demonstration, example, explanation, explanation, encouragement, conversations, and action exercises are used. Playing techniques are widely used, especially in early preschool age: didactic games, nursery rhymes, poems (“Wash cleanly - don’t be afraid of water”; “Early in the morning at dawn, little mice, and kittens, and ducklings, and bugs, and spiders wash themselves...” and etc.). N.F. Vinogradova notes: “It is also necessary to properly guide the actions of children. Before requiring the child to be independent in self-care, he is taught the actions necessary in the process of dressing, washing, and eating.”

    The show is accompanied by an explanation. Any action should be shown in such a way that individual operations are highlighted - first the most significant, and then additional ones. Operations are in progress in strict order with a small interval (no more than 5-10 seconds), otherwise a dynamic stereotype is not developed. Showing the action to kids is always accompanied by saying (“Now let’s take a towel and wipe each finger”). Then the adult acts together with the baby, performing related actions. For example, she takes his hands in hers, soaps them and places them under running water. This is how the child develops a sensorimotor image of action, as well as an image of the operations that comprise the action and the conditions in which it takes place. Gradually, the adult provides the child with greater independence, controlling the execution of operations and the result, and then only the result. When developing skills, the child learns to maintain the goal of the activity and not be distracted. You should also draw children's attention to the rationality of certain methods of action. For example, after use, a towel must first be straightened and then hung up - this way it dries better and does not fall on the floor. It is desirable that adults accompany the demonstration of actions and children’s attempts to perform them independently not only with explanations, but also with questions that direct the child’s attention to the need to act in a certain way.

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