• Exercises for the development of the emotional sphere of children. Game "Expression of Emotions"


    Card index of games for development emotional sphere children.

    Exercise “Mimic gymnastics”

    Target: develop children's ability to portray emotions (joy, surprise, grief, anger, fear) using facial expressions and gestures.

    Tasks on cards:

    Smile like a cheerful Pinocchio.

    To be afraid, like a grandmother, into whose house a wolf came.

    Get angry like an angry wolf.

    Be sad like Thumbelina when you see the Swallow underground.

    Riddle game "Masks"

    Target: develop the ability to determine emotional condition using schematic images, describe the facial expressions of others when depicting emotions.


    For one child, the teacher puts on a mask with a mood (the child does not know what kind of mask it is). The rest of the children talk about the peculiarities of the position of the eyebrows, mouth, and eyes.

    Game "Theater".

    Target: develop the ability to recognize the emotional manifestations of other people by facial expressions and understand their emotional state and the state of others.


    The child depicts some kind of mood with the help of facial expressions, but at the same time part of his face will be hidden (covers the upper or lower part of his face with a sheet of paper.) The rest must guess what mood was imagined.

    Game "Guess the emotion by touch."

    Target: develop the ability to identify basic emotions (joy, grief, anger, fear, surprise) from facial expressions and convey them; develop tactile sensations.


    The teacher gives the signal: “Joy - freeze.” Children depict joy on their faces, carefully touch their eyebrows, mouth, and eyes with their fingers.

    Game "Expression of Emotions"

    Target: Develop the ability to express surprise, delight, fear, joy, sadness through facial expressions. Strengthen your knowledge of Russian folk tales. Arouse positive emotions in children.


    The teacher reads an excerpt from the Russian fairy tale “Baba Yaga”:

    “Baba Yaga rushed into the hut, saw that the girl had left, and let’s beat the cat and scold him why he didn’t scratch out the girl’s eyes.”

    Children express pity

    Excerpt from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”:

    “Alyonushka tied him with a silk belt and took him with her, but she herself was crying, crying bitterly...”

    Children express sadness (sadness).

    The teacher reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”:

    “And they ran home, and then the father and mother came and brought gifts.”

    Children express joy with their facial expressions.

    Excerpt from the fairy tale “The Snake Princess”:

    “The Cossack looked around, looked - a haystack was burning, and in the fire a red maiden stood and said in a loud voice: - Cossack, a kind person! Deliver me from death."

    Children express surprise.

    The teacher reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Turnip”:

    “They pulled and pulled, they pulled out the turnip.”

    The children express delight.

    Excerpt from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”:

    “The kids opened the door, the wolf rushed into the hut...”

    Children express fear.

    Excerpt from Russian folk tale"Tereshechka":

    “The old man came out, saw Tereshechka, brought him to the old woman - a hug ensued! »

    Children express joy.

    An excerpt from the Russian folk tale “Ryaba Hen”:

    “The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. Grandfather and grandmother are crying."

    Children express sadness with facial expressions.

    At the end of the game, mark those children who were more emotional.

    Game "Fourth wheel"

    Target: development of attention, perception, memory, recognition of various emotions.


    The teacher presents the children with four pictograms of emotional states. The child must highlight one condition that does not fit with the others:

    Joy, good nature, responsiveness, greed;

    Sadness, resentment, guilt, joy;

    Hard work, laziness, greed, envy;

    Greed, anger, envy, responsiveness.

    In another version of the game, the teacher reads out the tasks without relying on picture material.

    Sad, upset, happy, sad;

    Rejoices, has fun, delights, gets angry;

    Joy, fun, happiness, anger;

    An exercise in acting out stories.

    Target: development of expressive movements, the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and adequately express one’s own.


    “Now I’ll tell you a few stories, and we’ll try to act them out like real actors.”

    Story 1 “Good mood”

    “Mom sent her son to the store: “Please buy cookies and sweets,” she said, “we’ll drink tea and go to the zoo.” The boy took the money from his mother and skipped to the store. He was in a very good mood."

    Expressive movements: gait - fast step, sometimes skipping, smiling.

    Story 2 “Umka”.

    “Once upon a time there lived a friendly bear family: daddy bear, mommy bear and their little bear son Umka. Every evening mom and dad put Umka to bed. The bear hugged him tenderly and sang a lullaby with a smile, swaying to the beat of the melody. Dad stood nearby andsmiled, and then began to sing along with my mother’s melody.”

    Expressive movements: smile, smooth swaying.

    Exercise “Kind Animal”

    Target: relieving psychomuscular tension, teaching children to understand the feelings of others, empathy, unity children's group.


    The teacher says in a quiet, mysterious voice: “Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! Now let's breathe together! When you inhale, take a step forward, and when you exhale, take a step back. Now, as you inhale, take two steps forward, and as you exhale, take 2 steps back. Inhale – 2 steps forward. Exhale – take two steps back. This is how the animal not only breathes, its large beating beats just as clearly and evenly. kind heart. Knock - step forward, knock - step back, etc. we all take the breath and heartbeat of this animal for ourselves.”

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov

    Moldabekova S.K., Koverchik K.V.


    A manual for educators / Moldabekova S.K., Koverchik K.V.

    Approved at a meeting of the department " Educational Technologies» KSU named after. Sh.Sh. Ualikhanov dated March 27, 2012, protocol No. 8.


    Emotions and feelings reflect a person’s direct experience of the vital meaning of objects and phenomena of reality. Feelings accompany all types of human activity and behavior

    Shaping emotionally volitional sphere is one of the most important conditions for the development of a child’s personality, whose experience is continuously enriched. The development of the emotional sphere is facilitated by family, school, and all the life that surrounds and constantly influences the child. The emotional-volitional sphere is recognized as the primary form of mental life, the “central link” in mental development personalities

    In preschool age, emotions play a big role in the development of the child: they help to perceive reality and respond to it. Manifested in behavior, they inform the adult about what the child likes, angers or upsets him. The development of emotions and feelings is facilitated by all types of child activities, as well as communication with adults and peers.

    The main purpose of these classes, games and exercises is to familiarize children with various types emotions, teach them to manage their emotions and set children up for positive emotions.


    The purpose of these classes:

    Introduce children to the basic emotions: interest, joy, surprise, sadness, anger, fear, shame, disgust, contempt;

    Learn to recognize the emotional manifestations of other people by various signs (facial expressions, pantomime, intonation, etc.);

    Give the concept of dividing emotions into positive and negative;

    Enrich and activate children's vocabulary with words denoting various emotions, feelings, moods, and their shades.

    During the classes, the following educational tasks were solved:

    Teach to recognize the difference between feelings and actions (there are no bad feelings, there are bad actions);

    Contribute to the enrichment of the child’s emotional sphere;

    Promote the open expression of emotions and feelings in various socially acceptable ways (verbal, physical, creative, etc.);

    Respond to existing negative emotions(fear, anger, and others) preventing complete personal development child.

    Lesson No. 1.

    Topic: “Journey to the Land of Moods”

    Goals: - teach children to distinguish between basic emotions: joy, anger, sadness, calm, pain, indifference;

    - develop the ability to convey various emotional states using facial expressions and gestures;

    - develop creative imagination and fantasy.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator: Hello, guys! Today we will go on a journey to the magical land of moods. But before we go there, let's remember and say hello with different emotions.

    Game: “Different moods” (sad, surprised, calm, happy)

    We go on a trip and take a good mood with us. But what will we take on our journey? Let's go on the clouds (the children agree with pleasure). During the flight, they come across different clouds, and they examine them.

    We arrived in the land of moods, and we were greeted by the inhabitants of a magical land (the children looked at them and determined the moods of the inhabitants).

    Look closely at the people of the country. What's their mood? What do you think happened to the inhabitants of the magical land? (children speak out). Let's write a short fairy tale about them.

    Game “Write a fairy tale” (the teacher starts the fairy tale, then the children take turns continuing the fairy tale, adding their own sentence). At the end, the children give a good mood to the residents of the country and move on.

    Game: “Funny gnomes” (laying out the faces of the gnomes, the children reason how they guessed the moods of the gnomes based on their colors). In gratitude, the gnomes play a game with the children: “This is how we do it.”

    When we are sad, we do this.

    When we are surprised, we do this.

    When we're scared, that's who we are.

    When we are angry, we are already different.

    When we rejoice, we do this.

    The children say goodbye to the gnomes and move on through the magical land.

    On the way they meet a music box.

    Game: “Children must guess the mood of the box by the melody” (there is crying, angry exclamations, cheerful laughter).

    Well done, you guessed everything correctly. What mood will you take with you to kindergarten? (Children's answers) Children sit on the clouds and go home.

    Our journey to the magical land of Moods has ended, and we are returning to the group in a good mood.

    Lesson No. 2

    Subject:"Joy; good mood".

    Goals:- instilling peacefulness and friendly behavior in children; correction of the emotional-volitional sphere;

    Reveal the essence of the concept “Joy”;

    Formation of friendly behavior in children; develop emotional voluntariness, facial expressions, gestures inherent in the emotion “Joy”;

    Teach constructive ways to manage your own behavior and relieve tension.

    Materials:multi-colored flags; balloons with the image of a cheerful face; bright, funny jewelry, headbands, bows, hairpins; two sheets of whatman paper depicting the outline of a man without a face; markers; color pencils; cards with fig. "emotions".

    Progress of the lesson:

    Educator:The day has come. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other and think: “It’s so good that we are here together today. We are calm and kind, friendly and affectionate.” Take a deep breath and with a sigh, forget yesterday’s grievances, anger, and anxiety. Exhale the freshness and beauty of white snow, the warmth of the sun's rays. I wish you Have a good mood and take care of each other for the whole day. Today our activity will be fun, joyful, we will joke and laugh. And the topic of our lesson today will be: “Joy.”

    Diagnosis of children's mood: Using multi-colored flags ( bright hues- joyful, kind, cheerful mood, dark colors- gloomy, angry, gloomy, bad mood) children choose a color that matches their mood.

    Game “Greeting”.During the game, children greet each other different ways(noses, elbows, heels, etc.) to fast, cheerful music.

    Conversation with children about joy.Children listen to a musical excerpt of a cheerful piece, after which they answer the psychologist’s questions and independently reason about what “joy” is.

    What kind of music is playing now?
    – What do you think about when you listen to this music?
    – How do you feel?
    – What do you want to do with this kind of music?
    – What do you think “joy” is?

    Training game: “Guess and show your mood”:Children move to the music in a circle around the facial pictures laid out on the floor; when the music ends, each child takes the card next to which he stopped. Looks at the picture, determines the type of emotion depicted in it and shows it. (The game is played 2-3 times).

    Game “Dress Up”:Children are encouraged to play as a way to improve their mood: children dress each other up with funny decorations (bows, wigs, hairpins, etc.) and look at themselves in the mirror.

    Game “Artists”:On the outline of a man depicted on a full sheet of whatman paper, children collectively depict a cheerful, joyful mood, using paints, colored pencils, and felt-tip pens.

    Relaxation exercise “Fun Cake”:Children, using psycho-gymnastics, pronounce and show the plot of the poem:

    If for some reason it became
    Suddenly someone is very sad,
    And you don’t know what to do
    To cheer him up,
    Take a glass of laughs,
    Loud laughter from the baskets,
    A spoonful of loose laughter
    And a little giggle.
    Stir them up with joy,
    Roll out into subtle humor,
    Cover everything in jokes,
    Bake in hot jokes.
    Who will try a piece -
    He will definitely want to laugh!

    Children “treat” guests with a baked cake.

    Repeated diagnostics of children's moods.

    To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the teacher gives the children Balloons with images of funny faces.

    Lesson No. 3

    Subject:"It's fun to walk together..."

    Target:Formation of positive character traits in children, as well as moral behavior and good attitude towards others;

    Forming the ability to manage one’s own emotions;

    Strengthening emotional stability, improving mood;

    Forming the ability to collaborate creative activity;

    Development of self-awareness; ways of behavior in relationships with other people.

    Equipment and materials:colored boxes of 5 colors (red, yellow, blue, green, black) with a hole for lowering geometric shapes. Geometric figures (squares with a side of 2 cm, triangles with a side of 2 cm according to the number of participants), Whatman paper, colored wax crayons, glue, pencils, paper, tape recorder.

    Progress of the lesson:The melody of the song “It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together” sounds. The teacher gives each child 1 white square.

    Educator:Guys, close your eyes and mentally imagine in what mood you came to today’s lesson and what color your mood is. Open your eyes.

    Now drop the square into the box whose color best suits your mood.(On the table there are bright colored boxes with holes for lowering figures. Having completed the task, the children take their places).

    Greeting: All participants greet each other, giving their smiles.

    Warm-up: Exercise to relieve emotional stress: “Friendly guys”

    Educator:Hello children! I'm very glad to see you! How active and cheerful you are today. Show how you can twirl and make noise in class. Let's imagine together how we spin, swing our legs, turn our heads,(participants depict the task together with the teacher).

    And now we laugh! We laugh even louder. Well done!

    And once again, all together.

    We swing our legs, arms, turn our heads and laugh merrily, we have a lot of fun.

    Well done!

    They clapped their hands. They shook their hands. Let's clap our hands! Well done!

    Exercise: Brainstorming

    Educator:asks participants to remember words that correspond to the word “friendship”. A discussion is held about the correspondence of the words proposed by the children. Conclusions are written on the board.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Exercise “Friendship” (diagnostic)

    The teacher gives all participants paper circles with a diameter of 15-20 cm cut out of paper, colored wax crayons and invites them to draw any drawing on the theme “friendship” within 5 minutes.

    After the end of the lesson, the teacher places a sheet of Whatman paper on the floor in the center and invites participants to place and attach their drawings on the Whatman paper in any place they like.

    Instructions:Walk around the picture sheet and carefully examine the drawings. If you really want to finish drawing something in the circles of other participants, try to negotiate with them about it; With the consent of the authors, add whatever you want. Be careful about other people's drawings; Paint the remaining free space of the sheet with patterns, icons, etc.

    While performing this task, quiet, light music is played.

    Time to complete the task is 2 – 3 minutes.

    Exercise “Complete the sentence.”

    Participants are asked to complete the sentences:

    -“A true friend is the one...”

    - “Friends are always...”

    - “You can be friends with me because...” and others.

    Children read out the sentences.

    Exercise “Write a story about friendship.”

    The guys attach the resulting picture-canvas to the board.

    Then each participant shares his impressions of working together, shows his own drawings, talks about the plot, feelings, and says kind words.

    Farewell ritual:

    Educatorinvites the guys to wish each other a good mood.

    Educator:Guys, close your eyes and mentally imagine in what mood you are leaving class and what color it is. Open your eyes.

    Now drop the triangle into the box whose color best suits your mood. (On the table there are bright colored boxes with holes for lowering figures)

    Lesson No. 4

    Subject: « Emotions of pleasure and joy »

    Target: Development of techniques for expressive movements of emotions of pleasure and joy. Memory development. Relieving mental stress. Calming and organizing excited children.

    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Friendship relay. Exercise "Current". I will convey my friendship to you, and it will pass from me to Sasha, from Sasha to Ilya, etc., and finally returns to me again. I feel like there is more friendship as each of you added a piece of your friendship.

    2. Looking at illustrations depicting children in a joyful mood.

    3. Sketches for the expression of pleasure and joy.

    Sketch "Meeting with a friend". Sketch "New doll". Sketch "After the Rain".

    Our loved ones also experience this feeling in certain situations:

    “For a mother, joy is when...”;

    “For a teacher, joy is when...”

    4. Game "Remember the order". Goal: Development of memory and observation skills.

    Children line up one after another in no particular order. The driver, looking at the children, must turn away and list who is behind whom, then someone else becomes the driver.

    Game "Who did what?" A game “Who did what?”

    Four players stand next to each other. To cheerful music, they take turns doing various movements and repeating them four times. The fifth child must remember what they did and reproduce those movements.

    Lesson No. 5.

    Topic: "Emotions of anger. How to cope with anger."

    Target: Develop the ability to distinguish a person’s emotional world by facial expressions, gestures, and pantomime. Practice regulating your emotional state.

    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Reading excerpts from the work of K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, where the author describes the anger of the Washbasin and the Crocodile.

    Examination of illustrations depicting angry Washbasin and Crocodile.

    2. Sketches for the expression of anger. Sketch "King Borovik is not in a good mood."

    King Borovik was walking

    Straight through the forest.

    He shook his fist

    And tapped his heel

    King Borovik was not in a good mood:

    The king was bitten by flies.

    (children perform the appropriate movements).

    3. Conversation with children (diagnosis of anxiety).

    Have you ever been angry in your life?

    What were you angry about?

    When you are angry about something, what do you want to do?

    (We analyze the ability of children to constructively solve difficult situations, consciously manage your emotions and behavior).

    4. We offer ways to help you “release the evil dragon” and cope with your feelings: stomp your feet.

    We explain to children: in order to get rid of anger, it is necessary physical exercise. This gives a release of energy to those bad feelings and thoughts that have gripped the person.

    5. "Inflate" balloon anger"

    All the anger can be placed in a balloon. Having tied it, imagine how this ball disappears into the sky.

    Lesson No. 6.

    Topic: "The emotion of fear."

    Target: Correction, development of the emotional sphere of the psyche. Development of sensation memory. Relieving psychomuscular tension.

    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Exercise “Find a pair.”

    Goal: Set the mood for joint activities and communication. Creating a positive mood.

    Children walk scattered around the hall and, at the leader’s signal, stop and find a mate. Then they exchange smiles and handshakes or pat each other on the shoulder.

    2. Reading a story (regarding fear)

    An excerpt from Nosov’s story “The Hat”.

    We select a fear pictogram from those prepared in advance.

    Help children understand that feelings of fear are normal and even necessary in some situations.

    Therapeutic effect- the child understands that his feelings are accepted by others.

    3. Sketches for the expression of fear “The little fox is afraid”, “Lost”, “The dog barks and grabs the heel”.

    Sketch “The Little Fox is Afraid”

    The little fox sees his mother on the other side of the stream, but does not dare to enter the water. The water is so cold, and it’s deep here.

    Expressive movements: place your foot forward on your toes, then return your foot to its place. Repeat this movement several times. For greater expressiveness, you can imitate shaking imaginary droplets of water from your feet.

    Sketch “The dog barks and grabs the heel.”

    The child is walking. A dog walks past him on a leash. She barks at the child and tries, by pulling on the leash, to reach his legs with her muzzle. The child shrinks in fear.

    4. Exercise “Adult name”, “I can”: Children imagine themselves as adults. They walk like adults and say hello like adults. “Hello, my name is Sergey Ivanovich Bolshakov.” They tell you what they can do.

    5. Relaxation exercise “Rag Doll and Soldier”.

    Instructions. Stand up and position yourself so that around each of you there is free place. Fully straighten up and stand tall, like soldiers. Freeze in this position, as if you are stiff and not moving, something like this... (Teacher demonstration) Now lean forward and spread your arms so that they dangle like rags. Become as soft and flexible as a rag doll. (Teacher demonstration). Bend your knees slightly and feel how your bones become soft and your joints become very mobile.

    Lesson No. 7.

    Topic: “Emotion of pleasure”

    Target: Correction and development of the emotional sphere of the psyche. Memory development Creating a cheerful mood, healthy emotional arousal. Relieving mental stress.

    Progress of the lesson:

    1. Exercise “Kind animal”.

    Goal: To encourage children to work together.

    Participants stand in a circle and join hands. The presenter says in a quiet voice: “We are one big animal. Let's listen to how it breathes. Everyone listens to their breathing and the breathing of their neighbors. Now let's listen together. Inhale - everyone takes a step forward, exhale - take a step back. This is how the animal not only breathes, its big, kind heart beats just as smoothly. Knocking is a step forward, knocking is a step back, etc.”

    2. Reading an excerpt from A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” (about amazing miracles on the island of Prince Guidon).

    Why did all these miracles surprise and attract people so much?

    3. Looking at illustrations and pictograms with emotions of surprise. Sketches for the expression of surprise.

    Sketch "Surprise".

    Facial expressions: mouth open, eyebrows and upper eyelids raised.

    Study " Round eyes".

    4. Exercise "Mirror".

    Invite children to look in the mirror, imagine that something fabulous is reflected there, and be surprised.

    Pay attention to the fact that each person is surprised in his own way, but despite the differences, there is always something similar in the expressions of surprise.

    Invite them to remember when the children were surprised by something.

    5. Game for the development of motor-auditory memory.

    Game “Repeat after me.”

    The presenter invites the children to repeat the rhythmic pattern (clap their hands).

    Game "Remember the movement." Children repeat the movements of the teacher’s arms and legs. Having remembered the order, repeat them in reverse order.

    Game: “Remember your place.”

    Children stand in a circle or in different corners of the room. Everyone must remember their place. Everyone runs away to the cheerful music, and when the music ends, everyone must return to their place.

    Exercise "Giraffe".

    Goal: Relieving emotional stress, stimulating the imagination.

    Sitting on chairs:

    a) Take a breath and relax.

    b) Place your chin on your neck to the right, then to the left - 3 times.

    c) Head tilts.

    d) Raise your shoulders, lower them - 3 times. Then raise each shoulder several times.

    e) Sit up straight and comfortable again. Feel how your neck lengthens and how it relaxes.

    Games for the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of preschool children.


    1. Educational:

    A) introduce basic emotions: joy, surprise, sadness, anger, fear, shame;

    B) learn to recognize the emotional manifestations of other people by various signs (facial expressions, pantomime, intonation)

    C) enrich and activate children’s vocabulary with words denoting various emotions, feelings, moods and their shades.

    2. Educational:

    A) contribute to the enrichment of the child’s emotional sphere;

    B) promote the open expression of emotions and feelings in various socially acceptable ways (verbal, physical, creative);

    C) correct existing negative emotions (fear, anger, etc.) that impede the child’s full personal development.

    Game No. 1: “Flower and Sunshine.”

    This game is aimed at relaxation and stabilization of the emotional state. Children squat down and clasp their hands around their knees. The teacher begins to tell a story about a flower and the sun, and the children perform expressive movements that illustrate the story. You can turn on calm, quiet music in the background.

    Deep in the ground lived a seed. One day, a warm ray of sunlight fell on the ground and warmed him up (Children squat with their heads down and clasping their knees with their hands).

    A small sprout emerged from the seed. He slowly grew and straightened up under the gentle rays of the sun. His first hatched green leaf. Gradually he straightened out and reached towards the sun (Children gradually straighten up and stand up, raising their heads and hands).

    Following the leaf, a bud appeared on the sprout and one fine day blossomed into beautiful flower(Children straighten up full height, slightly tilt their head back and spread their arms to the sides).

    The flower basked in the warm spring sun, exposing each of its petals to its rays and turning its head after the sun (Children slowly turn after the sun, half-closing their eyes, smiling and enjoying the sun).

    Game No. 2. “Pictograms”

    Material: 2 sets of cards, one whole, the other cut.

    a) determine from the pictogram what kind of person is: cheerful or sad, angry or kind, etc.;

    b) according to the second set of pictograms (cut): the cut templates are mixed together, children are asked to find and assemble the templates;

    c) game in pairs: each participant has his own set of pictograms. One participant takes the pictogram and, without showing it to the other, names the mood that is depicted on it. The second must find the picture conceived by his partner. After this, the 2 selected pictures are compared. If there is a discrepancy, you can ask the children to explain why they chose this or that pictogram to determine their mood.

    Game No. 3. “Training emotions”

    Ask your child to frown - like:

    Autumn cloud,

    Angry man

    Evil sorceress.

    Smile like:

    Cat in the sun

    The sun itself

    Like Pinocchio,

    Like a sly fox

    Like a joyful child

    It was as if I had seen a miracle.

    Poked like:

    The child whose ice cream was taken away

    Two sheep on the bridge

    Game No. 4. "Stubborn lambs"

    This game requires two or more participants. Children are divided into pairs. The presenter (adult) says: “Early in the morning, two sheep met on the bridge.” Children spread their legs wide, lean forward and rest their foreheads and palms against each other. The player's task is to stay in place while forcing the opponent to move. At the same time, you can bleat like lambs. This game allows you to channel your child's energy into the right direction, throw out aggression and relieve muscle and emotional tension. But the leader must ensure that the “lambs” do not overdo it and harm each other.

    Game No. 5. "I don't want to"

    This game was developed by teacher L.I. Petrova. It will help you throw out aggression and relieve muscle and emotional tension. In addition, it allows children to relax and develop a sense of humor. In addition, it is safer than the previous game. It is very simple to play: the presenter recites poems and accompanies his movements, the children’s task is to repeat them.

    I got up early today
    I didn't get enough sleep, I'm tired!
    Mom invites you to the bath,
    Makes you wash your face!
    My lips pouted
    And a tear shines in my eyes.
    All day now I have to listen to:
    - Don’t take it, put it down, you can’t!
    I stomp my feet, I pound my hands...
    I don't want to, I don't want to!
    Then dad came out of the bedroom:
    - Why such a scandal?
    Why, dear child,
    Have you become unwilling?
    And I stomp my feet, I pound my hands...
    I don't want to, I don't want to!
    Dad listened and was silent,
    And then he said this:
    - Let's stomp together,
    And knock and shout.
    Dad and I beat up, and beat up some more...
    So tired! Stopped...

    Reached out
    Reached again
    Showed with hands
    Let's wash ourselves
    Head down, pouting
    Wiping away the “tears”
    Stomp your foot
    They shook a finger

    We stomp our feet, hit our knees with our hands
    We walk slowly, with long steps
    We throw up our hands in surprise
    Reaching out to other children
    Let's throw up our hands again
    We stomp our feet, hit our knees with our hands
    We stomp our feet, hit our knees with our hands
    We stomp our feet, hit our knees with our hands
    They exhaled noisily and stopped

    Game No. 6. “Guess the emotion”

    A schematic representation of emotions is laid out face down on the table. Children take turns taking any card without showing it to the others. The child’s task is to recognize the emotion, mood according to the scheme and depict it using facial expressions, pantomimes, and vocal intonations.

    At first, an adult can suggest possible situations to the child, but we must strive to ensure that the child himself comes up with (remembers) the situation in which the emotion arises.

    The rest of the children - the audience - must guess what emotion the child is experiencing, portraying, what is happening in his skit.

    Game No. 7. “How are you feeling today?”

    He must choose the one that is most similar to his mood, the mood of his mother, father, friend, cat, etc.

    Game No. 8. “Classification of feelings”

    Material: cards with different shades moods.

    Sort the cards according to the following criteria:

    Which ones do you like?

    Which ones don't you like?

    Then name the emotions depicted on the cards and talk. Why did he arrange them like that?

    Game No. 9. “Meeting of Emotions”

    Use cards divided into 2 groups and ask to imagine how different emotions meet: the one that you like, and the one that is unpleasant.

    The presenter portrays the “good” one, the child “bad”. Then they take cards from the opposite pile and change. Explain: what facial expression will be when two emotions meet, how they can be reconciled.

    Game number 10. “Damaged phone”

    All participants in the game, except 2, close their eyes (“sleep”). The presenter silently shows the first participant (he is the one who does not close his eyes) some emotion with the help of facial expressions and/or pantomimes. The first participant, having “awakened” the second player, conveys the emotion he saw, as he understood it, also without words. Next, the second participant “wakes up” the third and conveys to him his version of what he saw. And so on until the last participant in the game.

    The presenter asks all participants in the game, from the last to the first, about what emotion they think was shown to them. This way you can find the link where the information was distorted, or make sure that the “telephone” was completely working.

    Questions for discussion:

      “By what signs did you identify this particular emotion?”;

      “What do you think prevented you from understanding her correctly?”;

      “Was it difficult for you to understand the other participant?”;

      “How did you feel when you faked the emotion?”

    Game No. 11. “Drawing the mood”

    This task is very multifaceted in its goals and methods of implementation. Here are some task options:

      Drawing on the topic: “My mood now.”

      Everyone draws the emotion they want. After completing the task, the children discuss what mood the author tried to convey.

      Each child draws a card with a particular emotion that he must portray.

    Drawings can be plot-based (“draw Barmaley, from whom all the toys ran away, or a situation from your life when you were very surprised”), or abstract, when the mood is conveyed through color, the nature of the lines (smooth or angular, sweeping or small, wide or thin, etc.), composition of various elements. The latter (“abstract drawings”) are more conducive to the response of negative emotions (fear, tension), the development of imagination, and self-expression.

    Game No. 12. "Associations»

    One child names some animal, and the other - any emotion (for example: “elephant” and “joy”). The third child should walk around the room as an animal experiencing this feeling walks.

    Game No. 13.

    The child names any number from 1 to 7. Another child depicts the feeling that corresponds to the named number.

    Material: cards with numbers written on one side and names of emotions on the other.

    1. Fear. 2. Surprise. 3. sadness. 4. Joy. 5. Interest. 6. Anger. 7. Wine.

    Exercises aimed at training the emotional and volitional sphere of preschool children.

    Exercise No. 1. “Conveying emotion”

    Procedure for performing the exercise: “Now, together with this ball, we will convey some emotion to anyone standing in the circle, depicting it with the help of hands, posture, tempo, and facial expression. The one who receives the “emotion” will try to guess and say what kind of emotion he received.”

    During the exercise, we made sure that all children received a ball - an emotion - at least once.

    Exercise No. 2. “Sound - emotion”

    Goal: to train children to express their emotions without words, in the form of intonations.

    Procedure for performing the exercise: We name various emotions, and the children show how often they experience these emotions. In order to show this, you need to buzz. If you rarely experience emotions, you should hum quietly, if more often, then louder, if very often, then loudly.

    When discussing the exercise, you can ask next questions: What do you think are the emotions you and I experience most often? How did you want to buzz when different emotions were named - in the same way, or some emotions - with their own intonation? We can talk about the fact that it is easier to accept “pleasant” emotions in yourself and others than “unpleasant” ones. Draw the attention of children and talk about the intonation features of expressing various feelings and emotions.

    Exercise No. 3. “Flower of feelings”

    Procedure for performing the exercise: You and I already know a lot of emotions and feelings. Think about what emotions you experienced today. Children are offered multi-colored “petals” - whatever color they want. Then everyone names their emotions and places a petal in the center of the circle. Thus, a flower of feelings and emotions of the entire group is obtained.

    Exercise No. 4. “Paper snowballs”

    The purpose of the exercise: to teach children to express their aggressive emotions through play, provides an opportunity to relieve emotional tension in the group or to emotionally engage tired or apathetic children in their work. The order of the exercise: the group is divided into two teams. Each participant makes a dense “snowball” from newspaper or paper. The two teams line up opposite each other, about 4 meters apart. A line is drawn between the teams dividing the teams. At the teacher’s command, the players begin to throw balls towards the opponent’s side. The players of each team try to throw the balls that are on their side to the opponent’s side as quickly as possible. Players are only on their territory up to the divided line. When they hear the command “stop”, the players stop throwing balls. The team whose side has fewer goals wins.

    Exercise No. 5. “Laughing is allowed”

    Purpose of the exercise: To calm an excited group and create a focused and joyful mood.

    The order of the exercise: children are asked to sit in a wide circle. Someone alone stands in the middle and leads. His task is to choose someone from those sitting and make him speak or smile. To achieve his goal, he can try anything, but he must not touch anyone, and, of course, he himself has no right to speak. Those sitting in the circle should not turn away or close their eyes. Each person drives for no more than one minute. If during this time the driver fails to make someone laugh or make someone talk, let 1-2 more drivers try their hand at the same child. If the driver succeeds, he changes places with the one he made smile or talk.


    Creating a favorable emotional atmosphere, the ability to analyze, control and develop the emotional-volitional sphere of children is one of the main aspects during the formation of a child’s personality in kindergarten and mini-center.

    For more successful work on the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children, the teacher must use a variety of forms of classes, games and exercises.

    Preface……………………………………………………… 3

    Lessons……………………………………………………… 4-16

    Games……………………………………………………… 17-23


    For notes



    Emotions play an important role in children’s lives: they help them perceive reality and respond to it. Manifested in behavior, they inform the adult about what the child likes, angers or upsets him. As a child grows, his emotional world becomes richer and more diverse.

    In his professional activity great attention I focus on the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers.

    I bring to your attention games and game exercises, which will help the child better understand and describe his emotional state.

    "My mood"

    For this game you need to make the following pictures:

    A conversation is held with children about how our mood can be compared to various weather phenomena.

    So, the sun means a cheerful, joyful, good mood;

    the sun behind the cloud - the mood changes during the day, sometimes sad, sometimes joyful;

    cloud - sad, sad mood;

    a cloud with lightning - an evil mood;

    a cloud with droplets - a sad, dreary, offensive mood.

    "Color Mood"

    For this game I made a rainbow circle and small pictogram diagrams indicating emotions.

    A conversation is held with children about how our mood can be compared to the different colors of the rainbow. So, bright colors can denote a joyful, kind, cheerful mood; and dark ones - a sad, sad, angry mood.

    Children take turns being asked to choose the color of their mood and explain their choice.

    You can also invite children to place pictogram diagrams indicating various emotions on the desired sector of the rainbow circle, also explaining their choice.

    "Guess the emotion"

    This game will require pictogram diagrams (see above)

    They must be placed in a bag or box. Next, the child is asked to pull out one picture, look at it and try to depict the same emotion with facial expressions. The other children are trying to guess it.

    "Cut pictures"

    To play the game you need to select pictures of heroes with images of various emotional states. Next, cut them into several pieces. The children are told a story that an evil wizard has bewitched the forest inhabitants, and we need to help them.

    Children put together a picture and name the hero's emotion. Alternatively, you can put together a picture, name the emotional state of the hero and try to portray it.

    Based on my experience working in a preschool institution, I can say that children really like these games.


    Games for the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers.

    Despite its apparent simplicity, recognizing and transmitting emotions is a rather complex process that requires a certain level of development from the child.

    How better baby knows what emotions are, the more accurately he will understand the state of another person and react to it.

    How to teach a child to understand their emotions and the emotions of other people? In Game. While playing, children will learn to control their own mood, which will positively affect their relationships with the outside world.

    Submitted didactic games will help develop the emotional sphere of preschoolers, teach them to: distinguish between basic emotional states, compare the emotional sensations of both their own and others.


    Games for the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers

    Dear colleagues!

    We all know how great the role of emotions is in the life of every person, and especially preschool children. The emotional well-being of the child in the group plays a big role in my work. To strengthen the mental health of children in my group, I use games made by me.

    I offer you to view the emotional zone of the group.

    To make the sun, I used self-adhesive paper and cardboard. We play the game “Sun Greeting” in the morning (we greet the sun, the teacher, the children with a word, a compliment, a palm, a finger, a side, etc.), thereby creating a positive emotional background for further work.

    I designed the “My Mood” zone on the wall. I used mirrors, self-adhesive film, cardboard, pockets (cases for cassette tapes).

    When children come to kindergarten (group), they determine their mood by looking in the mirror, analyze it, talk about the reasons for its change, get acquainted with different emotions, and learn to master the skills of managing their emotions.

    I used postcards for the game “Petals of Wishes”. Children pull out from under magic flower petals and continue the thought started. (I love my mom.)

    "I love and I don't love"

    "I like and dislike"

    “I can and I can’t”

    “I can and I can’t”

    “I am praised and scolded for...”

    “I want...”, etc.

    This game forms a positive image of “I”, positive self-esteem, friendly relationships, the ability to listen to peers, develops thinking and speech. At the end of the game, a flower opens and a melody (musical flower) sounds.

    I made “emotional people” from cardboard and juice straws. It introduces children to different human emotions. Helps develop a better understanding of yourself and others.

    I printed out the different emotions that children use during joint discussions, thereby expanding their understanding of their own experiences (they define joy, fear).

    In the album “Our Emotions” we put clippings and photos of children and adults with different emotions.

    Emotional mittens help direct attention to the expression of your own and others' emotions. Children show how they are happy, sad, identify a cheerful fairy-tale (sad) character, hum this or that song, and receive prizes.

    I wish you creative success. Thank you for your attention.


    Card index of games for the development of the emotional sphere of children

    Game index

    on the development of the emotional sphere of children

    Emotions play an important role in children's lives, helping them perceive and respond to reality. Feelings dominate all aspects of a preschooler’s life, giving them a special coloring and expressiveness, so the emotions that he experiences are easily read on his face, in posture, gestures, and in all behavior.

    When entering kindergarten, a child finds himself in new, unusual conditions, surrounded by unfamiliar adults and children with whom he has to establish relationships. In this situation, teachers and parents need to join forces to ensure the child’s emotional comfort and develop the ability to communicate with peers.

    Game "Kindergarten"

    Two participants in the game are selected, the rest of the children are spectators. Participants are asked to role-play the following situation: parents come to pick up a child at kindergarten. The child comes out to them expressing a certain emotional state. Spectators must guess what condition the participant in the game is portraying, parents must find out what happened to their child, and the child must tell the reason for his condition.

    Game "Artists"

    Goal: develop the ability to express various emotions on paper.

    Participants in the game are presented with five cards depicting children with different emotional states and feelings. You need to choose one card and draw a story in which the selected emotional state is the main plot. At the end of the work, an exhibition of drawings is held. Children guess who the hero of the plot is, and the author of the work tells the story depicted.

    Game "Fourth wheel"

    Goal: development of attention, perception, memory, recognition of various emotions.

    The teacher presents the children with four pictograms of emotional states. The child must highlight one condition that does not fit with the others:

    Joy, good nature, responsiveness, greed;

    Sadness, resentment, guilt, joy;

    Hard work, laziness, greed, envy;

    Greed, anger, envy, responsiveness.

    In another version of the game, the teacher reads out the tasks without relying on picture material.

    Sad, upset, happy, sad;

    Rejoices, has fun, delights, gets angry;

    Joy, fun, happiness, anger;

    Game "Who - where"

    Goal: develop the ability to recognize different emotions.

    The teacher exhibits portraits of children with various expressions of emotional feelings and states. The child needs to choose those children who:

    Can be seated at the festive table;

    It is necessary to calm, to select;

    The teacher offended him;

    The child must explain his choice, naming the signs by which he understood what mood each child shown in the picture had.

    Game “What would happen if. »

    Goal: develop the ability to recognize and express various emotions.

    An adult shows the children story picture, the hero(s) of which does not have face(s). Children are asked to name which emotion they consider appropriate to this case and why. After this, the adult invites the children to change the emotion on the hero’s face. What would happen if he became cheerful (sad, angry, etc.?

    You can divide the children into groups according to the number of emotions and ask each group to role-play the situation. For example, one group invents and plays out a situation in which the characters are angry, another group invents a situation in which the characters laugh.

    Game “What happened? »

    Goal: to teach children to recognize different emotional states and develop empathy.

    The teacher exhibits portraits of children with various expressions of emotional states and feelings. Participants in the game take turns choosing any state, calling it and coming up with a reason why it arose: “Once I was very much offended because...” For example, “Once I was very offended because my friend...” »

    Game "Expression of Emotions"

    Goal: To develop the ability to express surprise, delight, fear, joy, sadness through facial expressions. Strengthen your knowledge of Russian folk tales. Arouse positive emotions in children.

    The teacher reads an excerpt from the Russian fairy tale “Baba Yaga”:

    “Baba Yaga rushed into the hut, saw that the girl had left, and let’s beat the cat and scold him why he didn’t scratch out the girl’s eyes.”

    Children express pity

    Excerpt from the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”:

    “Alyonushka tied him with a silk belt and took him with her, but she herself was crying, crying bitterly...”

    Children express sadness (sadness).

    The teacher reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”:

    “And they ran home, and then the father and mother came and brought gifts.”

    Children express joy with their facial expressions.

    Excerpt from the fairy tale “The Snake Princess”:

    “The Cossack looked around and saw that a haystack was burning, and a red maiden was standing in the fire and said in a loud voice: “Cossack, good man!” Deliver me from death."

    Children express surprise.

    The teacher reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Turnip”:

    “They pulled and pulled, they pulled out the turnip.”

    The children express delight.

    Excerpt from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”:

    “The kids opened the door, the wolf rushed into the hut...”

    Children express fear.

    An excerpt from the Russian folk tale “Tereshechka”:

    “The old man came out, saw Tereshechka, brought him to the old woman - a hug ensued! »

    Children express joy.

    An excerpt from the Russian folk tale “Ryaba Hen”:

    “The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. Grandfather and grandmother are crying."

    Children express sadness with facial expressions.

    At the end of the game, mark those children who were more emotional.

    "Little Raccoon"

    Goal: develop the ability to recognize and express various emotions.

    One child is Little Raccoon, and the rest are his reflection (“The one who lives in the river.”) They sit freely on the carpet or stand in a line. The raccoon approaches the “river” and depicts different feelings (fear, interest, joy), and the children accurately reflect them with the help of gestures and facial expressions. Then other children are chosen to play the role of the Raccoon. The game ends with the song “A smile will make everyone warmer.”

    Card index of games and exercises



    Anger is one of the most important human emotions, and at the same time one of the most unpleasant.

    Wicked, aggressive child, a brawler and a bully - a great parental disappointment, a threat to the well-being of the children's group, a “thunderstorm” in the yards, but at the same time an unfortunate creature that no one understands, does not want to caress and feel sorry for. Children's aggressiveness is a sign of internal emotional distress, a clot of negative experiences, and one of the inadequate methods of psychological defense. Therefore, our task is to help the child get rid of accumulated anger using constructive methods, i.e. we must teach the preschooler accessible ways expressing anger without causing harm to others.

    Game "Tender Paws"

    Goal: relieving tension, muscle tension, reducing aggressiveness, developing sensory perception.

    Progress of the game: adult picks up 6-7 small items different textures: a piece of fur, a brush, a glass bottle, beads, cotton wool, etc. All this is laid out on the table. The child is asked to bare his arm up to the elbow: the adult explains that the animal will walk along the arm and touch it with its affectionate paws. With your eyes closed, you need to guess which animal touched your hand - guess the object. Touches should be stroking and pleasant.

    Game option: the “animal” will touch the cheek, knee, palm. You can change places with your child.

    Exercise “Feisty”.

    Goal: to develop the ability to recognize various emotions through facial expressions and pantomimes.

    Children are asked to imagine that anger and anger have “possessed” one of the children and turned him into an Angry Man. Children stand in a circle, in the center of which stands Zlyuka. Everyone reads a short poem together:

    Once upon a time there lived a little boy (girl).

    The little boy (girl) was angry.

    The child playing the role of Angry must convey the appropriate emotional state with the help of facial expressions and pantomimes (pushes his eyebrows, pouts his lips, waves his arms). When repeating the exercise, all children are asked to repeat the movements and facial expressions of an angry child.

    Game "Magic bags"

    Goal: relieving children's psychological stress.

    Children are invited to put all negative emotions into the first magic bag: anger, anger, resentment, etc. You can even shout into the bag. After the children have spoken, the bag is tied and hidden. Then the children are offered a second bag, from which children can take the positive emotions they want: joy, fun, kindness, etc.

    Exercise “Finish the sentence”

    "Anger is when..."

    “I get angry when...”

    “Mom gets angry when...”

    “The teacher gets angry when...”

    “Now let’s close our eyes and find the place on the body where anger lives in you. What is this feeling? What color is it? There are glasses of water and paints in front of you, color the water the color of anger. Next, on the person’s outline, find a place where anger lives, and paint this place with the color of anger.”

    Exercise “Go away, anger, go away! »

    Goal: removing aggressiveness.

    The players lie on the carpet in a circle. There are pillows between them. Closing their eyes, they begin with all their strength to put their feet on the floor and their hands on the pillows, with a loud cry, “Go away, anger, go away! “The exercise lasts 3 minutes, then the participants, at the command of an adult, lie down in the “star” position, spreading their legs and arms wide apart, lie quietly, listening to calm music, for another 3 minutes.

    Card index of games and exercises

    Emotion of Surprise

    Surprise is the shortest emotion. Surprise comes suddenly. If you have time to think about an event and speculate about whether it surprised you or not, then you were not surprised. You cannot be surprised for long, unless the event that amazed you opens up for you with its new unexpected facets. Surprise never lasts. When you stop experiencing surprise, it often disappears as quickly as it appeared.

    Exercise “Complete the sentence.”

    “Surprise is when...”

    "I'm surprised when..."

    “Mom is surprised when...”

    “The teacher is surprised when...”

    Exercise "Mirror".

    Invite children to look in the mirror, imagine that something fabulous is reflected there, and be surprised. Draw children's attention to the fact that each person is surprised in his own way, but despite the differences, there is always something similar in the expressions of surprise. Question:

    What was common in the way you acted surprised?

    Game "Fantasy".

    Children are invited to continue the start of amazing adventures:

    An elephant came to us.

    We found ourselves on another planet.

    Suddenly all the adults disappeared.

    The wizard changed all the signs on the shops at night.

    Study Focus on Expression of Surprise

    The boy was very surprised: he saw how the magician put a cat in an empty suitcase and closed it, and when he opened the suitcase, the cat was not there. A dog jumped out of the suitcase.

    Sketch "The weather has changed."

    Children are asked to imagine how suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, the rain stopped and the bright sun came out. And it happened so quickly that even the sparrows were surprised.

    What happened to you when you imagined such unexpected changes in the weather?

    h4]]Card index of games and exercises

    Emotion Fear

    This is one of the first emotions a newborn baby experiences; associated with a feeling of danger. Already in the first months of life, the child begins to be afraid, first of sharp sounds, then of unfamiliar surroundings, of strangers. As a child grows, his fears often grow along with him. The more a child’s knowledge expands and his imagination develops, the more he notices the dangers that lie in wait for every person. The line between normal, protective fear and pathological fear is often blurred, but in any case, fears prevent the child from living. They disturb him and can cause neurotic disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of tics, obsessive movements, enuresis, stuttering, poor sleep, irritability, aggressiveness, poor contact with others, and attention deficit. This is not a complete list of unpleasant consequences that lead to unovercome childhood fear.

    Vulnerable, sensitive, and overly proud children are especially susceptible to fears. The most common fears among preschoolers are the fear of the dark, nightmares, loneliness, fairy tale hooligans, bandits, war, disasters, injections, pain, doctors.

    Adults, and first of all, parents, should help the child overcome emerging fears.

    Exercise “Dress up a horror story.”

    Goal: to give children the opportunity to work with the subject of fear.

    The teacher prepares black and white drawings of a scary character in advance: Babu Yaga. He must “dress it” using plasticine. The child selects plasticine of the color he needs, tears off a small piece and smears it inside the horror story. When the children “put on” a scary story, they tell the group about it, what this character likes and doesn’t like, who he is afraid of, who is afraid of him?

    Exercise “Complete the scary one.”

    Goal: to help children express feelings towards the subject of fear.

    The presenter prepares in advance unfinished black and white drawings of a scary character: a skeleton... He gives it to the children and asks them to finish drawing it. Then the children show the drawings and tell stories about them.

    Exercise “The ABC of Moods”.

    Goal: to teach children to find a constructive way out of a situation, to feel the emotional state of their character.

    “Look at the pictures I brought you (cat, dog, frog). They all feel a sense of fear. Think and decide which of the heroes each of you can show. At the same time, you need to say about what your hero is afraid of and what needs to be done to make his fear disappear.

    Exercise “Boyusek Competition”.

    Goal: to provide children with the opportunity to actualize their fear and talk about it.

    Children quickly pass the ball around and finish the sentence: “Children are afraid...”. Whoever cannot come up with a fear is out of the game. You can't repeat yourself. At the end, the winner of the “boysec” competition is determined.

    Exercise “Fishermen and fish”.

    Purpose: relieving psychomuscular tension and fear of touch.

    Two fish are selected. The remaining participants stand in pairs facing each other in two lines, taking each other’s hands - forming a “network”. The presenter explains to the children that a small fish accidentally got caught in the net and really wants to get out. The fish knows that this is dangerous, but freedom awaits it ahead. She must crawl on her stomach under clasped hands, which at the same time touch her back, lightly stroke, tickle. Crawling out of the net, the fish waits for its friend crawling behind it; together they join hands and become the net.

    Game "Bee in the Dark"

    Goal: correction of fear of the dark, closed spaces, heights.

    Progress of the game: the bee flew from flower to flower (children's benches, chairs, cabinets of different heights, soft modules are used). When the bee flew to the most beautiful flower with large petals, she ate nectar, drank dew and fell asleep inside the flower. A children's table or high chair is used (a stool under which a child climbs. Night fell imperceptibly, and the petals began to close (tables and chairs are covered with cloth). The bee woke up, opened her eyes and saw that it was dark all around. Then she remembered that she remained inside the flower and decided to sleep until the morning. The sun rose, morning came (the matter was removed, and the bee began to have fun again, flying from flower to flower. The game can be repeated, increasing the density of the fabric, thereby increasing the degree of darkness. The game can be played with one child or with a group. children.

    Exercise “Nurturing your fear.”

    Goal: correction of the emotion of fear.

    Children, together with the teacher, figure out how to cultivate fear in order to make the horror story good, draw balloons on it, draw a smile, or make the horror story funny. If the child is afraid of the dark, draw a candle, etc.

    Exercise "Garbage Bin".

    Goal: removing fears.

    The presenter suggests tearing the drawings of fears into small pieces and throwing them in the trash, thereby getting rid of your fears.

    Card index of games and exercises

    Emotion Joy

    A factor reflecting a child’s emotional well-being is a state of pleasure and joy. Joy is characterized as a pleasant, desirable, positive feeling. When experiencing this emotion, the child does not experience any psychological or physical discomfort, he is carefree, feels light and free, even his movements become easier, in themselves bringing him joy.

    In childhood, the emotion of joy can be caused by certain types of stimulation. Its source for the child is daily communication with close adults who show attention and care, in playful interaction with parents and peers. The emotion of joy performs an important function in the formation of a feeling of affection and mutual trust between people.

    Various exercises are used to become familiar with the emotion of joy.

    An exercise in acting out stories.

    Goal: development of expressive movements, the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and adequately express one’s own.

    “Now I’ll tell you a few stories, and we’ll try to act them out like real actors.”

    Story 1 “Good mood”

    “Mom sent her son to the store: “Please buy cookies and sweets,” she said, “we’ll drink tea and go to the zoo.” The boy took the money from his mother and skipped to the store. He was in a very good mood."

    Expressive movements: gait - fast step, sometimes skipping, smiling.

    Story 2 “Umka”.

    “Once upon a time there lived a friendly bear family: daddy bear, mommy bear and their little bear son Umka. Every evening mom and dad put Umka to bed. The bear hugged him tenderly and sang a lullaby with a smile, swaying to the beat of the melody. Dad stood nearby and smiled, and then began to sing along with mom’s melody.”

    Expressive movements: smile, smooth swaying.

    Playing with a mirror.

    “Today you and I will try to meet our smile in the mirror. Take a mirror, smile, find it in the mirror and finish the sentence one by one: “When I am happy, my smile is like...”

    Sketch “Meeting with a Friend”

    The boy had a friend. But then summer came, and they had to part. The boy remained in the city, and his friend went south with his parents. It's boring in the city without a friend. A month has passed. One day a boy is walking down the street and suddenly sees his friend getting off a trolleybus at a stop. How happy they were for each other!

    Exercise “Draw ...”

    Goal: to consolidate in children the acquired knowledge about the feeling of joy. “Let’s play a game, I’ll call one of you by name, throw him a ball and ask, for example, “... pretend to be a happy bunny.”

    The one I will name must catch the ball, pretending to be a bunny, and say the following words: “I am a bunny. I rejoice when...”

    Compiled by: Soboleva M. Yu., Sushkova V. S.


    “Games and exercises for the development of the emotional and personal sphere”

    Color therapy

    Exercise No. 1

    Goal: Correction of fears, inertia, apathy.

    Procedure: Pour red finger paint into plastic plates. To the music with the little fingers of the left hand and right hand put dots on a piece of paper. Ask your child, “What does the picture you drew look like?”

    Game No. 2 “Red object in my palm”

    Goal: same

    Procedure: Close your eyes and prepare your palm. When there is an object in your palm, clench your fist. (The adult places a small red object on the child’s palm.) Open your eyes, but do not open your palm.

    Try to guess what's in your palm. (The child expresses his guesses). Well done! Now look at your subject. Describe what he is like. (Large or small, round, oval, smooth, rough, patterned, with a hole in the middle, etc.)

    Exercise No. 3

    Goal: same

    Procedure: Prepare pieces of velvet paper and red floss threads, wool threads the same color. Draw the outline of a flower on a piece of paper. Paste the prepared pieces to the music different materials on the outline of the drawn flower.

    Orange color.

    Exercise No. 1

    Purpose: Used to correct shyness, isolation, and stiffness.

    Procedure: Apply glue to thick cardboard, pour in millet cereal, spreading it over the entire sheet, wait until it dries. To the music finger paint Color the millet orange.

    Exercise No. 2Relaxation.

    Goal: Same

    There are two colors: red and yellow.) After everyone has cut out their butterflies, we begin to paint the orange pattern on the butterfly with our fingers. Well done! : Close your eyes and imagine yourself as a large orange butterfly. (Music turns on). Take a closer look at it. When the music ends, open your eyes and go to the table.

    You and I just imagined ourselves as orange butterflies. Now we will cut out a butterfly from a sheet of white paper.

    See how it's done. (An adult explains and shows the technology of cutting out and mixing two colors: red and yellow.) After everyone has cut out their butterflies, we begin to paint the orange pattern on the butterfly with our fingers. Well done!


    Exercise No. 1

    Purpose: used to correct hyperreactivity, develop self-control, and increase self-esteem.

    Procedure: Draw a mimosa branch on a sheet of watercolor paper. Made from velvet paper yellow color make confetti. To the music, stick confetti on the image of the branch, color the branch and leaves watercolor paint Green colour.

    Exercise No. 2

    Goal: same

    Progress: The child sticks his piece of paper on the paper. The leaf can be a head, a torso, a dress, or anything else. With colored pencils they complete everything necessary to create a self-portrait.

    If a child refuses to depict himself, then he can depict what he wants.

    Green color

    Exercise No. 1

    Purpose: used in the correction of excitability, anxiety, hyperactivity.

    Procedure: Draw bunches of grapes on a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard. Cut a small piece from a piece of green plasticine and roll it into a ball. To the music, separate pieces from the ball and smear them over the image of the berries; paint the leaves with light green watercolor paint.

    Game No. 2 “Green inhabitants of the forest”

    Goal: same

    Progress: Name the forest inhabitants - animals, birds, insects - green in color (green lizard, green snake, frog, caterpillar, butterfly, bug, grasshopper, etc.). Now each of you will turn into any green creature, and when the music starts, you will move like your heroes. That is, the butterfly will fly, the grasshoppers will jump, the snake will crawl, the frog will jump.

    Show how you will move. Fine! When the music stops, your hero should freeze in place. (The game is repeated several times).

    Exercise No. 3

    Goal: same

    Procedure: Cut green velvet paper into strips 15 cm long. To the music, stick the strips onto a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard, paint the gaps with finger paints, mixing green paint with yellow. Show children how to mix paints to achieve the desired shades and how to use a palette.


    Purpose: used to correct anxiety, aggression, and increased excitability.

    Procedure: Glue several pieces of cotton wool (clouds) onto watercolor paper.

    To the music “Sounds of Nature. Birds singing" with finger paint blue color color the sky. Show children how to mix blue and white colors to get the desired shade of blue.

    Exercise No. 2

    Goal: same

    Procedure: Prepare 10 pieces of blue floss. On a sheet of watercolor paper or cardboard, draw several wavy lines one above the other. To the music, stick the threads on the lines, trying to maintain the shape.

    On this topic:

    More details nsportal.ru

    Games and exercises to develop communication skills

    and emotional sphere of preschool children.


    This is a greeting game in which children, sitting on the carpet, dipping their toes on the carpet, depict octopuses that crawl along the floor and, meeting other octopuses, greet and greet each other.

    In this exercise, every child can feel like they are in an improvised sea. The child representing the bather stands in a circle of children representing the waves. The “waves” gently stroke the “bather” from all sides, saying, “We love you,” and every child can feel the tenderness and caress of the peculiar waves.

    "Magic Shell"

    The presenter tells the children a mysterious story about a magic shell, while describing it in all colors undersea world. Then he gives each of the children a shell, inviting them to put it to their ear and listen to what the shell wants to tell us about. And then, the presenter asks the children to tell what the shell told them about and ask the children how they provide the underwater world.

    "Undersea world"

    It is a continuation of the game “Magic Shell”, in which children are given the opportunity to draw the underwater world with their palms and fingers the way they imagine it.

    On this topic:

    Material nsportal.ru

    Adequate forms of communication with children.

    Project participants: children senior group 5-6 years.

    Expected results:

    Development of higher feelings - intellectual, aesthetic, moral.

    Formation of the highest emotional properties of the individual (the ability to sympathize, empathize, understand the feelings of others).

    Having the ability to subordinate motives and control one’s behavior.

    The desire to achieve the results of one’s activities, the development of a positive worldview.

    Manageability of emotional processes.

    IN last years active reform of the system is taking place preschool education: a growing network of alternative preschool institutions, new preschool education programs are appearing, original teaching materials. Against the background of these progressive changes, the development of the emotional sphere of the child is not always given enough attention, in contrast to his intellectual development.

    Psychologists have proven that in the process of development, changes occur in the emotional sphere of the child. His views on the world and relationships with others change. The child’s ability to recognize and control his emotions increases.

    But the emotional sphere itself does not develop qualitatively: it must be developed by creating certain conditions for this. The world of such people would be a world of soulless robots, deprived of the full range of human experiences and unable to understand either the subjective consequences of everything that happens in the outside world or the meaning of their own actions for others.”

    To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of this age when working with preschool children. Senior preschool age is characterized by teachers and psychologists as a special period in the upbringing and development of a child, since it ends preschool childhood and is a transitional stage to school education. It is during this period that the active formation of characteristics of children’s behavior and activities related to the intellectual, moral, volitional and emotional spheres that are important for subsequent learning and development occurs.

    Emotion is a complex process that has neurophysiological, neuromuscular and sensory-experiential aspects. Neurophysiological processes cause facial and somatic manifestations: breathing and heart rate, sweating, muscle tone etc. Through feedback, they are realized by a person, as a result of which emotions arise in him.

    At the neuromuscular level, emotion appears in the form of facial expressions, pantomimes, and voice.

    At the sensory level, an emotion is an experience that has direct significance for a person.

    Stimuli of emotions can be:

    Sensory information (pain, cold, hunger)

    Cognitive information (value judgment, anticipatory information about what might happen, memory, etc.)

    Neuromuscular irritants (changes in body temperature, cough, etc.)

    Emotions, as already mentioned, are the direct experience of a person’s relationship to objects and phenomena of reality. This attitude can be positive, negative and indifferent.

    An indifferent, indifferent attitude is usually not associated with any emotions. Joy is a positive emotional state associated with the ability to sufficiently fully satisfy an actual need, the accuracy of which until this moment was small or at least uncertain.

    Interest is a positive emotional state that promotes the development of skills and abilities, the acquisition of knowledge, and motivating learning. Surprise is an emotional reaction to a sudden circumstance that does not have a clearly defined positive or negative sign. A negative attitude is expressed in the emotions of dissatisfaction, grief, hatred and:

    Anger is an emotional state, negative in sign, usually occurring in the form of affect and caused by the sudden emergence of a serious obstacle to the satisfaction of a need that is extremely important for the subject. Fear is a negative emotional state that appears when a subject receives information about possible damage to his well-being in life, about a real or imaginary danger that threatens him.

    An important conclusion in the emotional development of a child is communication with people around him and play, during which the foundations of social feelings are formed. A preschool child is easily emotionally excited, but his emotions are usually unstable.

    A preschool child is at the mercy of external emotional impressions and spontaneously arising feelings. It is easy to attract him to any activity, but also easy to distract him; his feelings quickly arise and disappear just as quickly.

    He reacts vividly to what is happening, but his emotions are not stable. You often see that not even 2-3 minutes have passed after a child’s failure, and he is already smiling and enthusiastically watching what is being shown to him.

    In preschool age, higher feelings - moral, aesthetic, intellectual - begin to develop noticeably. Constant observations of children allow us to assume that most often harmonious development the child is hampered by emotional instability.

    With insufficient emotional contacts, preschoolers may experience delayed emotional development. The main goals of developing the emotional sphere of preschoolers are to teach children to understand the emotional state (their own and those around them); give an idea of ​​ways to express your own emotions (facial expressions, posture, gestures, words); improve your ability to manage your feelings and emotions. Activities with children:

    Game: “Mischievous Octopuses” Purpose: emotional development of children in the process of formation of the cognitive sphere. Develop imagination, thinking, and form a culture of communication among children using games.

    Game: “Magic Bag” Purpose: to teach children to recognize the emotion of anger in themselves and others, to express a given emotional state using various expressive means.

    Game: “Mood Cauldron” Goal: development of the emotional sphere.

    Game: “Let's Draw Anger” Purpose: the game helps to relieve the state of aggression, understand your emotional state, learn to express emotions through drawing, talk about them, and also create behavior patterns.

    Game “Live Flowers” ​​Purpose: to teach children trust to each other; development of emancipation in expressing emotions.

    Game “Mixers” Goal: to help children learn to express their emotions more freely, teach them positively, and influence the mood of other people.

    Game “Rain and Daisies” Goal: to help the child learn to express his emotions more freely, teach sensitivity, and lift the spirits of other people.

    Game “Over the bumps” Goal: reduction aggressive behavior, hyperactivity, emotional stress; development of self-regulation and group cohesion.

    Game “Like this” Goal: developing ideas about the causes of emotional states, developing the ability to express emotions verbally and non-verbally.

    Game “One, two, three - freeze the mood” Goal: developing the ability to determine the emotional states of people and express them with the help of facial expressions.

    Game “Who is happy (sad) how” Goal: to develop the ability to depict various emotional states in verbal and non-verbal ways.

    Game “Who Laughs Funniest” Goal: developing the ability to convey an emotional state of joy.

    Game “Tickle” Goal: development of emotion regulation skills.

    Game “Drawing in a Circle” Goal: development of group cohesion and joint activity skills, ability to cooperate, and development of connected speech.

    Game “Emotions” Goal: development of the child’s emotional sphere. Forms of work with parents:

    Questionnaire for parents. “Describe your child’s emotional state.”

    Consultation. “If children draw monsters” References.

    1. V. A. Krutetskaya “Psychology” Moscow “Enlightenment” 1986.

    2. I. V. Dubrovina, E. E. Danilova, A. M. Prikhozhan “Psychology” Publ. Center "Raxelia" 2002.

    3. “General Psychology” edited by A. V. Petrovsky M. Enlightenment 1986.

    4. G. A. Shirokova “Handbook of a preschool psychologist” Rostov-on-Don 2008

    5. E. G. Votinova, I. V. Karneeva “Formation of emotional stability in preschool children” 2009.

    6. Magazine “Hoop” 2006.

    7. Magazine " Preschool education"2003.

    1. Training emotions (for children from 4 years old)

    Ask your child: frown

  • like an autumn cloud;
  • like an angry person;
  • like an evil sorceress;

  • smile
  • like a cat in the sun;
  • like the sun itself;
  • like Pinocchio;
  • like a sly fox;
  • like a joyful person;
  • as if he had seen a miracle;

  • get angry
  • like a child whose ice cream was taken away;
  • like two sheep on a bridge;
  • like a person who has been hit;

  • get scared
  • like a child lost in the forest;
  • like a hare who sees a wolf;
  • like a kitten at which a dog barks;

  • get tired
  • like dad after work;
  • like a man who has lifted a heavy load;
  • like an ant dragging a big fly;

  • relax
  • like a tourist taking off a heavy backpack;
  • like a child who worked hard but helped his mother;
  • like a tired warrior after a victory.
  • 2. Ring(for children from 4 years old)

    Children sit in a circle. The presenter hides the ring in his palms. The child is asked to look carefully at the neighbors’ faces and try to guess which of them received a ring from the presenter in their palms. The one who guesses becomes the leader.

    3. Dance of the Five Movements

    To perform the exercise, you need to record music at different tempos, each tempo lasting one minute.

      1. "Water flow." Smooth music, flowing, round, soft, moving one into another movement.

      2. "Crossing the thicket." Impulsive music, sharp, strong, clear, chopping movements, drumming.

      3. "Broken Doll." Unstructured music, a chaotic set of sounds, shaking, unfinished movements (like a “broken doll”).

      4. "Flight of the butterflies." Lyrical, smooth music, subtle, graceful, gentle movements.

      5. "Peace." Calm, quiet music or a set of sounds that imitate the sound of water, sea surf, sounds of the forest - standing without moving, listening to your body.
      After finishing the exercise, talk with the children about which movements they liked best, what was easy and what was difficult.

    4.Body Jazz(according to Gabriela Roth, for children from 5 years old)

    The dancers stand in a circle. Rhythmic music sounds. The presenter shows the order of the movements. At first, only movements of the head and neck in different sides, forward and backward at different rhythms. Then only the shoulders move, now together, now alternately, now forward, now back, now up, now down. Next, move the arms in the elbows, then in the hands. The next movements are with the hips, then with the knees, then with the feet. And now you need to gradually add each practiced movement in order: head + shoulders + elbows + hands + hips + knees + feet. At the end of the exercise, you should try to move all these parts of the body at the same time.

    5. Gait and mood(for children from 4 years old)

    The presenter shows the movements and asks to portray the mood: “We’ll drip like a fine and frequent rain, and now heavy big drops are falling from the sky. We’ll fly like a sparrow, and now like a seagull, like an eagle. We’ll walk like an old grandmother, we’ll jump like a cheerful clown. Let's pass like Small child who is learning to walk. Let's sneak up carefully, like a cat sneaking up on a bird. Let's feel the bumps in the swamp. Let's walk thoughtfully, like an absent-minded person. Let’s run towards mom, jump on her neck and hug her.”

    6. Fire Dance(for children 5 years old)

    The dancers squeeze tightly into a circle, raise their arms up and gradually, in time with the cheerful music, lower and raise their arms, depicting tongues of flame. The fire rhythmically sways in one direction or the other, becomes higher (they dance on tiptoes), then lower (they crouch and sway). A strong wind blows, and the fire breaks up into small sparks, which fly freely, swirl, connect with each other (hold hands) two, three, four together. Sparkles glow with joy and goodness.

    Mirror dance (for children from 5 years old)
    Participants are divided into pairs. Any music sounds. One of the pair is a mirror; he tries to repeat the dance movements of the other with the greatest accuracy. Then the children in the pair change roles.

    7. Dance of the sea waves(for children from 6 years old)

    Participants line up in one line and are divided into first and second. The leader - the "wind" - turns on calm music and "conducts" the waves. When you raise your hand, the first numbers squat, when you lower your hand, the second. The sea can be calm - hand at chest level. The waves can be small, they can be large - when the leader smoothly shows with his hand who to sit down and who to stand up. It’s even more difficult when the waves roll: they alternately rise higher and fall lower.
    Note: the beauty of the dance of sea waves largely depends on the conductor, the wind.

    8. Sketch "Pump and inflatable doll"(for children from 5 years old)

    Children are divided into pairs. One - an inflatable doll from which the air has been released - lies on the floor in a relaxed position (knees and arms bent, head down). The other one, “pumping” the doll with air using a pump, rhythmically leans forward and exhales, saying: “Ssss.” The doll slowly fills with air, straightens, hardens - it is inflated. Then the doll is “deflated” by lightly pressing on its stomach, the air gradually comes out of it with the sound: “Ssss.” She "falls" again. Children in a pair change roles.

    9. Forest(for children from 5 years old)

    Presenter: “In our forest grow a birch, a fir-tree, an oak, a weeping willow, a pine, a blade of grass, a flower, a mushroom, a berry, and bushes. Choose the plant that you like. At my command, you and I will turn into a forest.
    How does your plant react:

  • to a quiet, gentle breeze;
  • to a strong cold wind;
  • to a hurricane;
  • on a fine mushroom rain;
  • to the rain;
  • in extreme heat;
  • to the gentle sun;
  • at night;
  • per hail;
  • to frost."

    10. Sketch "Concerted Actions"(for children from 5 years old).

    Children are divided into pairs or choose one of the parents. They are asked to demonstrate paired actions:

  • sawing wood;
  • rowing in a boat;
  • rewinding threads;
  • tug of war;
  • handing over a crystal glass;
  • couple dance.

    11. "Fire-Ice"(for children from 4 years old).

    At the leader’s command: “Fire!” - children standing in a circle begin to move with all parts of their bodies.
    On command: "Ice!" - the children freeze in the position in which the team found them. The presenter alternates commands several times, changing the execution time of each.

    Sketches for muscle relaxation (according to M.I. Chistyakova)

    12. Barbell(for children 5-6 years old)

    A child lifts a “heavy barbell.” Then he throws it away, relaxing as much as possible. Resting.

    13.Icicle(for children 4 years old)

    The presenter reads poetry:
    Under our roof
    A white nail hangs
    The sun will rise,
    The nail will fall.
    (V. Seliverstov)

    When pronouncing the first and second lines, children hold their hands above their heads, and when they say the third and fourth lines, they should drop their relaxed hands and sit down.

    14. Humpty Dumpty(for children 4-5 years old)

    The presenter reads poetry:
    Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall,
    Humpty Dumpty fell in his sleep.
    (S. Marshak)

    The child turns his body left and right, his arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. In response to the words “fell in his sleep,” the child must sharply tilt his body down.

    15. Sleeping kitten(for children 3-4 years old)

    The child plays the role of a kitten, which lies down on the mat and falls asleep. The kitten's tummy rises and falls rhythmically. It is advisable to conduct this sketch to the music of R. Pauls “The day will melt, the night will come” (lullaby).

    16. Lazy people competition(for children 5-6 years old)

    The presenter reads V. Viktorov’s poem “Lazy People’s Competition”:

    Even though it's hot,
    Even though it's hot,
    All busy
    Forest people.
    Only a badger -
    Quite a lazy person -
    Sleeps sweetly
    The hole is cool.
    The couch potato is dreaming,
    It's like he's busy.
    At dawn and at sunset
    He still can't get out of bed.

    Then the children take turns pretending to be a lazy badger. They lie down on the floor (on a mat or rug) and try to relax as deeply as possible. To relax, it is advisable to use the music of D. Kabalevsky “Lazy Man”.

    17. Vacuum cleaner and dust particles (for children 6-7 years old)

    Motes of dust dance merrily in the sun's rays. The vacuum cleaner started working. The dust particles swirled around themselves and, spinning more and more slowly, settled on the floor. The vacuum cleaner collects dust particles; whoever it touches gets up and leaves.

    When a speck of dust child sits on the floor, his back and shoulders relax and bend forward - down, his arms drop, his head bows, and he seems to go completely limp.

    Games for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere

    Game “Training Emotions”

    Target: Learn to understand the emotions of others, express your own emotions and feelings.

    An adult invites a child (or a group of children) to practice expressing not only the emotions themselves, but also their shades, which may be inherent in individual people, fairy-tale heroes, animals.

    1. Joy.

    Please smile like: a cat in the sun; the sun itself; sly Fox; happy child; happy mom.

    2. Anger.

    Show how angry you were: a child whose toy was taken away; Pinocchio when Malvina punished him; two sheep on the bridge.

    3. Fright.

    Show how scared you were: the hare who saw the wolf; a kitten at which a dog barks.

    Game "Mood Lotto"

    Target. Developing the ability to understand other people’s emotions and express one’s own emotions.

    Schematic images of emotions are laid out face down on the table. The child takes one card without showing it to anyone. Then the child must recognize the emotion and depict it using facial expressions, pantomimes, and voice intonations. The rest guess the emotion depicted.

    Game “Go away, anger, go away”

    Target. Learning to express negative emotions, developing the skill of regulating the emotional state.

    The child lies down on the carpet, with pillows around him. Closing their eyes, they begin to beat their feet on the floor with all their strength, and their hands on the pillows and shout loudly: “Go away, anger, go away!”

    After three minutes, at the adult’s signal, the children lie down in the star position, with their arms and legs spread wide, and lie quietly, listening to calm music.

    Game "Continue the Phrase"

    Target. Developing the ability to express one’s own emotions.

    Children pass the ball around in a circle, while continuing the phrase, telling when and in what situation it happens like this: “I am happy when...”, “I am angry when...”, “I am upset when...”, “I am offended. when...", "I feel sad when...", etc.

    Game "Name Calling"

    Target. Discharging negative emotions in an acceptable form using verbal means.

    Children pass the ball around in a circle, while calling each other different non-offensive words. These can be (by agreement with the group) the names of trees, fruits, furniture, mushrooms, vegetables, etc. Each appeal must begin with the words “And you...” and be accompanied by a glance at the partner. For example: “And you are a carrot!” In the final circle, the players must say something nice to their neighbor, for example: “And you are the sun!”

    After completing the last round, it is necessary to discuss what was more pleasant to listen to and why.

    Pillow Fight Game


    Children, at the command of the leader, begin a battle - “a battle of two tribes”, “here’s to you...” or others. The players hit each other with pillows, uttering victory cries, trying to hit different parts of the body. An adult can start the game to lift the ban on aggressive actions. You should agree in advance with the children that immediately after the signal (bell, clap, etc.) the game stops.

    Game "Unusual Battle"

    Target. Reducing emotional and muscle tension.

    Children, at the command of the leader, begin an “unusual battle”. The players tear up newsprint and throw them at each other, uttering cries of victory, trying to hit different parts of the body.

    Game "Repeat the movements"

    Target: developing the ability to control one’s actions, subordinating them to the instructions of an adult.

    A child, listening to an adult, must perform movements; if he hears the name of a toy, he must clap, if the name of a dish is called, he must stomp, if he hears the name of a piece of clothing, he must sit down.

    Game “An hour of silence - an hour is possible”

    Target. Developing the ability to regulate one’s state and behavior.

    Agree with your child that sometimes, when you are tired and want to rest, there will be an hour of silence in the house. The child should behave quietly, play calmly, draw, and design. But sometimes you will have an “okay” hour, when the child is allowed to do everything: jump, scream, take mom’s outfits and dad’s instruments, hug parents, hang on them, ask questions, etc. These hours can be alternated, you can arrange them at different days, the main thing is that they become familiar in the family.

    Game "Silence"

    Target. Developing the ability to control your emotions and manage your behavior.

    The players sit in a circle and are silent; they should neither move nor talk. The driver walks in a circle, asks questions, performs ridiculous movements. Those sitting must repeat everything he does, but without laughter or words. Whoever breaks the rules drives.

    Game "YES and NO"


    When answering questions, the words “YES” and “NO” cannot be said. Any other answers can be used.

    Are you a girl? Is the salt sweet?

    Birds are flying? Do geese meow?

    Is it winter now? Is a cat a bird?

    Is the ball square? Does a fur coat keep you warm in winter?

    Do you have a nose? Are the toys alive?

    Game "Speak"

    Target. Developing the ability to control impulsive actions.

    The presenter says: “I will ask you questions, simple and complex. But it will be possible to answer them only when I give the command “Speak.” Let’s practice: “What time of year is it now?” (pauses) - Speak. What color are the curtains in our room?... Speak. What day of the week is it today? ? Speak..."


    Body Jazz (according to Gabriela Roth, for children from 5 years old)

    The dancers stand in a circle. Rhythmic music sounds. The presenter shows the order of the movements. At first, only movements of the head and neck in different directions, forward and backward in different rhythms. Then only the shoulders move, now together, now alternately, now forward, now back, now up, now down. Next, move the arms in the elbows, then in the hands. The next movements are with the hips, then with the knees, then with the feet. And now you need to gradually add each practiced movement in order: head + shoulders + elbows + hands + hips + knees + feet. At the end of the exercise, you should try to move all these parts of the body at the same time.

    Gait and mood(for children from 4 years old)

    The presenter shows the movements and asks to portray the mood: “We’ll start dripping like a fine and frequent rain, and now heavy, large drops are falling from the sky. We fly like a sparrow, and now we fly like a seagull, like an eagle. Let's walk like an old grandmother, let's jump like a cheerful clown. Let's walk along like a little child learning to walk. Let's sneak up carefully, like a cat sneaking up on a bird. Let's feel the bumps in the swamp. Let's walk thoughtfully, like an absent-minded person. Let’s run towards mom, jump on her neck and hug her.”

    Fire dance (for children 5 years old)

    The dancers squeeze tightly into a circle, raise their arms up and gradually, in time with the cheerful music, lower and raise their arms, depicting tongues of flame. The fire rhythmically sways in one direction or the other, becomes higher (they dance on tiptoes), then lower (they crouch and sway). A strong wind blows, and the fire breaks up into small sparks, which fly freely, swirl, connect with each other (hold hands) two, three, four together. Sparkles glow with joy and goodness.

    Mirror dance(for children from 5 years old)

    Participants are divided into pairs. Any music sounds. One of the pair is a mirror; he tries to repeat the dance movements of the other with the greatest accuracy. Then the children in the pair change roles.

    Dance of the sea waves(for children from 6 years old)

    Participants line up in one line and are divided into first and second. The leader - the “wind” - turns on calm music and “conducts” the waves. When you raise your hand, the first numbers squat, when you lower your hand, the second. The sea can be calm - hand at chest level. The waves can be small, they can be large - when the leader smoothly shows with his hand who to sit down and who to stand up. It’s even more difficult when the waves roll: they alternately rise higher and fall lower.

    Note: the beauty of the dance of sea waves largely depends on the conductor, the wind.

    Sketch “Pump and inflatable doll”(for children from 5 years old)

    Children are divided into pairs. One - an inflatable doll from which the air has been released - lies on the floor in a relaxed position (knees and arms bent, head down). The other one, “pumping” the doll with air using a pump, rhythmically leans forward and, as he exhales, says: “Ssss.” The doll slowly fills with air, straightens, hardens - it is inflated. Then the doll is “deflated” by lightly pressing on its stomach, the air gradually comes out of it with the sound: “Ssss.” She “falls” again. Children in a pair change roles.

    Forest (for children from 5 years old)

    Presenter: “In our forest there are birch trees, fir trees, oaks, weeping willows, pine trees, blades of grass, flowers, mushrooms, berries, and bushes. Choose your own plant that you like. At my command, you and I will turn into a forest. How does your plant react:

    - in a quiet, gentle breeze;

    – in a strong cold wind;

    - for a hurricane;

    – for a fine mushroom rain;

    - in the rain;

    – in extreme heat;

    - in the gentle sun;

    – at night;

    – per hail; for frost."

    Sketch “Concerted Actions”(for children from 5 years old).

    Children are divided into pairs or choose one of the parents. They are asked to demonstrate paired actions:

    – sawing wood;

    – rowing in a boat;

    – rewinding threads;

    – tug of war;

    – handing over a crystal glass; couple dance.

    "Fire-Ice" (for children from 4 years old).

    At the leader’s command: “Fire!” - children standing in a circle begin to move with all parts of their bodies. On command: “Ice!” - the children freeze in the position in which the team found them. The presenter alternates commands several times, changing the execution time of each.

    Barbell (for children 5-6 years old)

    A child lifts a “heavy barbell.” Then he throws it away, relaxing as much as possible. Resting.

    Icicle (for children 4 years old)

    The presenter reads poetry:

    Under our roof

    A white nail hangs

    The sun will rise,

    The nail will fall.

    (V. Seliverstov)

    When pronouncing the first and second lines, children hold their hands above their heads, and when they say the third and fourth lines, they should drop their relaxed hands and sit down.

    Humpty Dumpty (for children 4-5 years old)

    The presenter reads poetry:

    Humpty Dumpty

    Sat on the wall

    Humpty Dumpty

    Fell in his sleep.

    (S. Marshak)

    The child turns his body left and right, his arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. In response to the words “fell in his sleep,” the child needs to sharply tilt his body down.

    Sleeping kitten (for children 3-4 years old)

    The child plays the role of a kitten, which lies down on the mat and falls asleep. The kitten's tummy rises and falls rhythmically. It is advisable to conduct this sketch to the music of R. Pauls “The day will melt, the night will come” (lullaby).

    Lazy people competition (for children 5-6 years old)

    The presenter reads V. Viktorov’s poem “Lazy People’s Competition”:

    Even though it's hot,

    Even though it's hot,

    All busy

    Forest people.

    Only a badger -

    Quite a lazy person -

    Sleeps sweetly

    The hole is cool.

    The couch potato is dreaming,

    It's like he's busy.

    At dawn and at sunset

    He still can't get out of bed.

    Then the children take turns pretending to be a lazy badger. They lie down on the floor (on a mat or rug) and try to relax as deeply as possible. To relax, it is advisable to use the music of D. Kabalevsky “Lazy Man”.

    Vacuum cleaner and dust particles (for children 6-7 years old)

    Motes of dust dance merrily in a ray of sun. The vacuum cleaner started working. The dust particles swirled around themselves and, spinning more and more slowly, settled on the floor. The vacuum cleaner collects dust particles; whoever it touches gets up and leaves.

    When a speck of dust child sits on the floor, his back and shoulders relax and bend forward - down, his arms drop, his head bows, and he seems to go completely limp.

    Training emotions (for children from 4 years old)

    Ask your child to: frown

    Like an autumn cloud;

    Like an angry person;

    Like an evil sorceress;


    Like a cat in the sun;

    Like the sun itself;

    Like Pinocchio;

    Like a sly fox;

    Like a joyful person;

    It was as if he had seen a miracle;

    get angry

    Like a child whose ice cream was taken away;

    Like two sheep on a bridge;

    Like a man who has been hit;

    get scared

    Like a child lost in the forest;

    Like a hare who sees a wolf;

    Like a kitten at which a dog barks;

    get tired

    Like dad after work;

    Like a man who has lifted a heavy load;

    Like an ant dragging a big fly;


    Like a tourist taking off a heavy backpack;

    Like a child who worked hard but helped his mother;

    Like a tired warrior after a victory.

    Ring (for children from 4 years old)

    Children sit in a circle. The presenter hides the ring in his palms. The child is asked to look carefully at the neighbors’ faces and try to guess which of them received a ring from the presenter in their palms. The one who guesses becomes the leader.

    Dance of the Five Movements (according to Gabriela Roth, for children from 5 years old)

    To perform the exercise, you need to record music at different tempos, each tempo lasting one minute.

    1. "Water flow." Smooth music, flowing, round, soft, moving one into another movement.

    2. "Crossing the thicket." Impulsive music, sharp, strong, clear, chopping movements, drumming.

    3. "Broken Doll." Unstructured music, a chaotic set of sounds, shaking, unfinished movements (like a “broken doll”).

    4. "Flight of the butterflies." Lyrical, smooth music, subtle, graceful, gentle


    5. "Peace." Calm, quiet music or a set of sounds that imitate the sound of water, sea surf, sounds of the forest - standing without moving, listening to your body.

    Note, after finishing the exercise, talk to the children about which movements they liked best, what was easy and what was difficult.

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