• First class lover. Little secrets of great female seduction


    Every woman wants to find that “magic pill” that will allow her to find out all the secrets of her ideal lover. But, unfortunately, such tablets have not yet been invented. Therefore, you have to learn everything from your own experience and from books. But we will try, nevertheless, to collect all the advice of psychologists and find out: how to become ideal lover y?

    There's an age for everything

    It is very important to understand that opportunities depend on your age. A young girl does not need to know for sure where a man’s “buttons” are located, by pressing which she will make him fall in love with her for the rest of his days. And absolutely adult woman There is no need to pretend to be inexperienced innocence, as this will be completely out of place.

    Perhaps the best option was and remains - to be yourself. Of course, not without tricks. But still.

    What men really want

    In fact, be that as it may, a man always wants to see him next to him throughout his life. a real woman who can become his wife and mother to his children. And no matter how passionate and crazy his mistress is in bed, if these qualities (in his opinion) are not in her, then nothing can be done about it.

    It is really important for men that their home is always comfortable. The concept of “comfort” includes not only a clean floor and a delicious hot dinner. Coziness is both mutual understanding and comfort. Today there are a huge number of jokes about the fact that women often “stress” men with constant questions, jealousy, and inexplicable and stupid tricks. So, the latter is something they definitely don’t need.

    Every man wants to feel supported and be sure that he will be understood and not betrayed. It is extremely important for them that a woman respects them. The man is the head, the woman is the neck. No male representative will tolerate attempts to change him for long. If he is already an adult and accomplished, then he will demand to be accepted for who he is. No? Most likely, you will face the fact that he will simply disappear from your life.

    It is very important for the woman herself to assess in time whether she can be with a particular man and accept him like that. If not, and an irresistible desire arises to “break” him, then it is better not to start a relationship at all. With this approach they will not lead to anything serious.

    In an already established relationship, the level of trust matters for any man. It just so happens that you can’t always get revelations from your beloved. The stronger sex is not inclined to tell everything, especially if they do not want to appear weak in front of a woman. If you have any questions, please wait. the right moment and ask them. Patience is important here. But it’s absolutely not worth reading messages on his phone, asking about what he had about every acquaintance.

    It is very important for any man to succeed. If he has not yet done everything he strived for, then he needs sincere support from a woman, and not criticism and reproaches regarding his actions. It often happens that, having not achieved sufficient success and having chosen a woman “not up to his level,” at the moment he realizes the difference between the partners, he leaves. No man can be with someone who is stronger and more independent than him in everything. You need to remember that no matter what you are, the main thing for your chosen one is to feel that he is a protector.

    At the same time, sitting on a man’s neck is also not a good idea. Anyone would like to see someone nearby who is developing and revealing her own potential. Yes, he is a breadwinner. Yes, she is the keeper of the hearth. But not a stupid fool with pouting lips. These, as a rule, become a temporary option, an intermediate point. No one has denied the presence of intelligence.

    Rules for the ideal lover

    1. The ideal lover is good during night conversations, in the kitchen and, of course, in bed. We'll talk about the bed a little later. In the meantime, let’s look at what, outside of this intimate space, a woman needs to focus on in order to become an ideal lover.
    2. A man needs more than just sex. Sometimes he just needs to talk. If you do not match his level of intelligence and cannot carry on a conversation, say too much nonsense, then he will desire you less. Clever woman always makes me more excited! But not the one who constantly shows that she is smarter. And the one who knows the measure of everything and does not emphasize her own superiority over a man.
    1. Share his interests. The ideal lover knows exactly about her man’s hobbies, supports him and, in her free moments, reads literature about his favorite football team, the latest political news or historical facts from the First World War.
    2. For every person, his personal space is important. Men attach great importance to their own freedom and really do not want it to be limited. So don't be clingy or try to control your partner. This will only irritate him! If you're really interested, just ask him over dinner about his day. What a man deems necessary, he will tell
    3. The ideal lover is a mystery. If you tell your partner everything, you will push him away. It is important for him that every time he discovers something new in you. And under no circumstances tell him about your past relationships. It’s better to carefully avoid answering such questions or lie with a naive smile that it’s your first. Well, maximum - the second.
    4. Copy your partner's gestures and facial expressions. Of course, in moderation! It has long been known that this the right way to win over any person. Especially a partner.
    5. Have good taste. It is very important to dress beautifully without going overboard and according to your age. In fact, men pay attention to how a woman is dressed. And the more aesthetically pleasing and attractive her image, the more attractive she is.
    6. There is no need to constantly put a man before a choice, forcing him to do what only you want. This will only make him angrier and move away from you.
    7. And, of course, there is no need to pressure your lover to say three cherished words. He will do it exactly when he considers it necessary. As Carlson told Baby: “Patience! Just patience!”
    8. There is no commercialism. This only scares men away. They don't want to be used. Yes, it is important for them to take care of the woman. But this concern should not go beyond any reasonable boundaries.
    9. And, of course, next to the ideal lover, her partner feels like a real knight. He clearly sees that her eyes glow with happiness even in pitch darkness, which makes his desire to do something for her stronger.

    How to become an ideal lover in bed?

    In order to attract your man you need to get true pleasure in bed. This factor depends on how strong emotions your partner evokes in you and how much you love yourself.

    For sex to be truly good for both of you, you need to learn to enjoy the process. Don't obsess over what kind of underwear you're wearing. Has your man ever said: “You know, you’re wearing such ugly underwear. Let's leave this matter for another time!"? Hardly. The same goes for yours excess weight, an ugly scar and other internal complexes. The better you treat yourself, the more your man will desire you.

    And you certainly don’t need to fake an orgasm. Better ask him to try something new in bed that turns you on. It is just as important for men to be sincere in sex as it is for women. They really want to be absolutely sure that their woman got real pleasure and is not pretending.

    Another important point is embarrassment. You definitely need to get rid of it. Don’t be shy to be the first to make contact, create moments of foreplay and even pester and flirt. You may think this is unnecessary. Perhaps in relationships outside of bed - yes. But in the space of sheets and blankets this is still welcome.

    In general, complexes put a lot of pressure on a woman and prevent both of them from receiving pleasure. We need to get rid of them. If you want to love yourself and stop worrying about your figure when you change your posture, then love yourself for who you are. But don’t stop taking care of your appearance. Go to the gym, get a manicure and pedicure, moisturizing and cleansing masks, intimate haircut. Perhaps your man will not refuse you if you forget to shave your legs and do your hair. But what better image, the stronger the desire.

    Having managed to love yourself, you should not forget about the desires of your partner. The ideal lover knows exactly what he wants. Moreover, it is not always possible to figure this out through practice. Sometimes you just have to ask and get an answer. Men never hide their secret fantasies and preferences if they know that his girlfriend will support most of the ideas.

    By the way, scientists have proven that the more often a woman praises her man and showers him with compliments, the better their relationship in bed. And sex itself happens more often. Tell him that today he is simply magnificent in his blue suit and, of course, praise how he was in bed. Tell us often what you liked most and in what moments your partner excited you the most. He will definitely take this into account!

    Do you love a married man and don’t want to lose him? Are you thinking about the role of a mistress and thinking about how to arrange everything in your common life? Read some tips on what the ideal lover really is married man.

    She's beautiful. Well-groomed, beautiful and passionate. The ideal mistress of a married man is beautiful woman which evokes admiration in other men. As a rule, such a lover is far from a gray mouse, she has no major flaws in appearance, monitors the condition of her skin and body, and often visits beauty salons to get her hair done, manicures or spa treatments. In a word, such girls, especially if a man helps them financially, are immediately visible to the naked eye. Why are all mistresses beautiful? Yes, because men in curlers and a dressing gown have seen enough of their wives and are looking for romance on the sidelines, but for some reason they cannot leave their wives (either they have children together, or they have a business, etc.).

    How to become the ideal lover for a married man

    She doesn't bother me with her calls. If a woman agrees to be the mistress of a married man, she must follow many rules so that their relationship is not discovered. This means that she doesn’t call when her husband is at home, doesn’t write letters or SMS messages, doesn’t post in social networks photos with your loved one. In short, he takes maximum action to protect his relationship. Indeed, in the modern world, relationships “ mistress - married man“They still look disapprovingly.

    How to become an ideal lover photo

    She does not arrange scenes of jealousy and scandals. A smart mistress must understand that if the husband has not left his wife, then he will not leave her in a year or five. Therefore, a smart mistress does not arrange scenes of jealousy for a man, or any scandals about why you don’t leave your wife. She must understand that such a relationship suits the man and if the mistress does not want to lose the man, then it is simply better to remain silent about such things. Well, and, of course, the mistress will not reproach the man with everyday problems, such as why you didn’t nail a nail or didn’t wash the dishes.

    How to become the perfect lover video

    She is sexy and self-sufficient. Already the combination of the two words “self-sufficient” and “sexy” makes a woman the most desirable in this world. As a rule, mistresses hone their skills in seduction and sexual life, and know how to satisfy a man. Also, such women have more time for self-development and learn languages, travel a lot and achieve professional heights in their careers. This mixture of capabilities and skills makes an ideal mistress, because all men want to talk after sex and with “dummies” who know only manicures and varieties of cosmetics, they will be bored and such relationships will not last long.

    She does not experience psychological stress. What is meant? A mistress in front of her lover does not behave as if she is deeply depressed, she does not pout at any scandal (unless it is a moment of seduction) and, most importantly, she does not ask her lover about his wife. Because with this approach, a man will think more and more about the one who sleeps next to him in the same bed every evening - about his wife, and simply psychologically then will not be able to leave her. Talk about anything - be capricious, fool around, be unpredictable and joke - these are your main trump cards!

    Women at all times have been tormented by the question of how to become a super ideal lover for their husband, because this is the golden key to a man’s heart. A mistress is a representative of the fairer sex who has regular intimate relations with a man. This word most often means a lady to whom her unfaithful husband runs. Less often they mean a wife with whom she is very good in bed.

    According to statistics, half of the male population have mistresses. It has been proven that they do this not only to satisfy sexual needs. There are many reasons and circumstances leading to this lifestyle.

    Why does a man have a mistress?

    There are many factors that provoke the appearance of a “third wheel” in the relationship of two partners:

    1. The spouse is not satisfied with the quantity and quality of sex with his wife.
    2. The husband is looking for new sensations both in intimacy and in relationships.
    3. Proves male usefulness.
    4. Tries to match friends, colleagues, status.
    5. A man is looking for understanding and support.
    6. Wants admiration and respect.
    7. I stopped loving my wife.
    8. Runs away from control and reproaches.
    9. He habitually lives for his own pleasure (in a word, a womanizer).

    When a woman is in love, she tries to attract the attention of her chosen one by any means. She wants to be the best, the most beautiful and the most tender for him. Changes in the appearance and behavior.

    After taking the fortress, the fairer sex relaxes, thinking that the trophy will not go anywhere. As a rule, they devote less and less time to their beloved. This is the most common female mistake.

    After all, it has long been no secret that men, in principle, are polygamous creatures. They are looking for something new, everyday life and routine depress them. Suddenly on the way you meet a well-groomed lady who is always ready for sex and doesn’t demand anything. It's a rare man who can resist such temptation.

    Therefore, sexologists strongly recommend that wives sometimes radically change their appearance and behavior in order to intrigue their man. Special attention you need to pay attention to your behavior with your gentleman, both in bed and outside of it. After all, to maintain a relationship with your loved one, it’s worth working hard.

    Watch your appearance

    Try to devote a little time every day to maintain attractiveness:

    • Hands. Get manicures and pedicures regularly. Sometimes you can use bright, provocative colors. You should also pay attention to the skin on your hands, which requires care.
    • Hair. It is known that most men love ladies with long, well-groomed hair. You need to stick to variety: do your hair, let your hair down, use jewelry. Experimenting with color also gives positive results.
    • Cloth. It is important to watch your style. The best option- choose things that emphasize femininity and figure dignity. If possible, it is recommended to wear high-heeled shoes. Sport style very comfortable, but not attractive with male point vision.
    • Stop appearing in front of your chosen one in an unsightly manner. It has been proven that a woman in an old robe and curlers repels most men. And if you also make a face mask with them using sour cream or cucumbers... This can completely frighten you. Therefore, it is better to spare your partner from such spectacles.

    It is important to be charming and attractive, regardless of the surrounding circumstances. A man should admire his chosen one, and not be annoyed by her sloppy appearance.

    Loving your own body

    Sexologists are unanimous in the statement that if a person does not love himself, then others cannot love him. If a woman is embarrassed about her body, then what kind of pleasure from sex, for example, can we talk about? Studying special techniques will help cope with such a complex.

    Use expensive perfume

    When choosing perfume, we recommend taking into account not only your preferences, but also the taste of your chosen one. After all, who are they intended for? Males remember the smell of a perfume they like for a very long time. Many experts believe that odors can support long-term sexual relationships.

    Wearing sexy lingerie

    The well-known truth that men love with their eyes does not require proof. The more often a lady shows herself dressed in lace lingerie, the more varied it will be sex life. Women who wear beautiful panties and bras feel much more confident and sexy. Men lose their heads over such seductresses.

    Delicious cooking

    It has been proven that you don’t need to stand at the stove all day to satisfy all the culinary preferences of your loved one. One well-cooked dish is enough. The main thing is to put your tender feelings into it. As a rule, men enjoy having dinner at home after a hard day at work. It’s so nice when they wait and greet you with open arms.

    Be able to listen

    Every person needs to speak out from time to time, this is especially true female. But it is no less important for men to speak out. If a lady always listens with pleasure to her chosen one, supporting the conversation with words of admiration and sincere interest, then the likelihood of finding another interlocutor will be almost zero.

    Don't reproach

    The average married man receives an average of 3-4 reproaches a day. Not everyone can bear such a load. Men withdraw, try to be at home less often, and use alcohol. It is recommended to replace reproaches with constructive criticism, or even better not to use them at all.

    Don't refuse sex

    Even if there is a quarrel, you don’t have to talk, but it is recommended not to reject sex. Many women use this technique as punishment for the guilty chosen one. This deprives him of emotional and physical release, which sets him even more against himself. Both partners suffer from this method of revenge. After all, often after intimacy It’s easier to ask for forgiveness and make peace.


    Men feel complete, needed and loved when women admire them. Only sincere expression of feelings will give positive result. You need to find qualities in your loved one that are truly worthy of admiration. After all, they exist in every person.

    The following male virtues need attention most of all: physical strength, reliability, sex skills, knowledge of cars or football, achievements in work or sports. You need to admire specifically, paying attention to details.

    Expressing yourself in bed:

      Don't hold back your emotions: moan, scream, sigh. Men find this very exciting because they can give their partner so much pleasure.

      Talk about your feelings and desires. Almost all gentlemen like to hear comments from a woman about how well he does it. Or a request about exactly how she wants to have sex.

      Practice sex in the morning. The stronger sex prefers morning sex. It acts as an exercise: improves mood and blood circulation.

      Experiment. If you constantly eat your favorite dish, then you won’t have long to wait for it to move into the category of “that makes you sick.” The same thing happens in sex. It is recommended to change the place, poses, time and apply attributes. Usage role playing games will also bring variety to intimate life.

      Take up the running. Men sometimes want to relax and do nothing, just have fun. They recommend pampering your chosen ones with sexual activity.

    And yet, how to become an ideal lover? The most important thing is to enjoy sex and try to give maximum pleasure to your partner. Every loving woman can feel a man and predict his desires!

    Sexologists say that ladies sometimes just need to be a courtesan for their loved one. After all, this will diversify your intimate life and stir up your partner’s interest. Men sometimes want quick sex without any foreplay, much less persuasion. But because of love and respect for their other half, they often cannot say about their desire. And they turn to other women to receive such services...

    This is interesting:

    • In ancient times, a mistress was a woman who fell in love or was in love with.
    • Peter I called his mistresses “metresses” (an outdated word).
    • The most famous mistress was recognized as the Marquise de Pompadour. She spent about 5 years in the bedroom of King Louis XV and influenced the public life of France for 20 years.

    Every girl wants to know the secret - how to become a good lover for her man. If she knows this secret, she will be able to conquer any man she loves and get almost everything she wants from him. So how do you become a better lover?

    1. Good lover should know and understand what her man wants. After making love, you can talk, support each other, or just fool around a little more in bed.

    2. Don't be complex! There is no ideal body or character. There is no need to refuse sex only if you are unhappy with something. Any man in love wants to see all of you and it doesn’t matter to him that you have a few extra pounds or folds on your stomach.

    3. Don't think, but give your man what he wants. Fulfill his whims, caress him, be loved and attentive to him.

    4. If you are confident in your chosen one, then at the beginning of the relationship you need to give him everything, and then receive triple for it. Don’t be afraid to spoil a man, don’t think about yourself, think about the future.

    5. Be the first to take the initiative. Do not think that a man should do everything himself and first. It is not right. Think about it, maybe your loved one is quite tired today and can’t even move. Therefore, try to make pleasant surprises for him.

    6. Express your emotions in words. Tell your man how good and pleasant you feel. It is very important for your loved one to hear such words, as you only strengthen his passion and love.

    7. Don't give your man a very tough choice. They don't like it and can do rash things. Don’t test your feelings for strength, find the strength within yourself and strengthen them yourself.

    8. Experiment with your appearance:

    • Buy beautiful lingerie and wonderful accessories.
    • Meet your man in erotic lingerie that he won't be able to resist.
    • Choose a perfume with an exciting aroma that will make a man go crazy, take you in his arms and show you how much he loves you.

    9. Always keep your house clean. A man loves to come to a house where everything is in its place and smells good.

    10. Don't teach your man how to live! They don't like it and get very angry.

    11. Know how to forgive! Don't remind him of past mistakes. Forget about everything that happened before, live and enjoy life.

    How to become an ideal lover - video

    Before visiting a certified sex specialist, it took me a long time to gain courage. And it’s still somehow awkward - how can I tell a stranger about THIS? About the fact that sex with my husband has become somehow non-sexual. The love did not pass, but for some reason the desire faded, and marital responsibilities remained. But I want, like at the beginning of a relationship, to feel dizzy just from the thought that we will meet tonight. And for the pleasure of sex to be the same as they write in women's novels - it's just crazy. And so that my husband would feel so good with me that he wouldn’t even want to think about other women. It was with these “simple” requests that I crossed the threshold of the sexologist’s office.

    “I want to become an ideal lover for my husband, tell me how to be the best in bed!”

    It was a prepared phrase. I decided that it was better to come with such a desire for perfection than with complaints that everything is bad. The sexologist was not surprised, but patiently explained that my approach was wrong. Because intimate relationships are a whole world, and sex itself is not even the main thing in them. You can master the technique of intricate bed tricks - and still not become the best for your husband. Unfortunately, the life stories that I heard from my friends told about the same thing. “What, nothing can be done?” - The voice betrayed the despondency that gripped me. "Of course you can!" - I heard in response and perked up.

    Rule No. 1 - be attentive to your partner

    “It’s a little strange to hear in a sexologist’s office that my husband and I’s bed problems won’t be solved if we don’t decide on our life attitudes, upbringing, interests, aspirations. I specifically watched several very frank films - the characters practically didn’t talk there, but in the end We were happy with each other."

    Life is not a movie, and in this case too. You can learn something from such films, but a relationship with a husband is not for an hour and a half, but for life. Do not try to reduce intimacy to sexual intercourse; such a simplification is the enemy of sexual well-being.

    “I was ready for the fact that I needed to learn sex, because before I met my husband I had practically no sexual experience...”

    Many women could use an initial course in geisha school: knowledge of their body, their advantages (we often focus on shortcomings), the art of seduction, the ability to maintain a conversation, to be in the know modern problems... It happens that at a reception it turns out that people have no idea not only about intimate relationships, but simply about relationships. As Freud said, frequent changes of sexual partners maintain desire, but discolor the soul. “Gaining experience”, you can bring the technical part of intimacy to perfection, but true desire Only one person calls - your loved one. And then, at the level of intimate intimacy, spiritual intimacy first arises, and in such conditions you can learn sex with pleasure, discovering new heights of pleasure for yourself. Sexual relationships can be a sedative, a pain reliever, a pill for loneliness. But true happiness comes only when physical and spiritual attraction is united. After all, it is impossible to separate the body from the soul.

    “My husband and I are the closest people, no doubt: we almost never separate, we even work in the same office.”

    Sensuality in relationships sometimes becomes less precisely because of an excess of intimacy. Always give yourself and your partner some space - when you get too close to a person, there is no room left to get even closer. And relationships that do not develop become uninteresting. Here are ways to get to know your loved one again with some distance...

    * If your husband has to speak in front of an audience - at a conference, at a meeting, at a concert, sit in the audience and try to perceive him as a professional. You'll see, you'll find him very sexy.

    * Make him a date “on someone else’s territory” - for example, rent a hotel room or ask a friend who is going on vacation for the key to the apartment. Unusual situations are exciting.

    * Go to a party or other social event together, but agree to act as if you just met. It warms up the feelings.

    Rule No. 2 - do not fall into the trap of stereotypes

    “I read somewhere that men simply need regular sex life for their health, and to prevent infidelity, I never refuse my husband, I even try to make sure we do it at least three times a week. So you can imagine, he refuses sometimes ! I don’t know what to think... What should I do?”

    Three times a week is a myth. Sexual temperament is individual; for some, once a week is enough, but sometimes you want it every day. A discrepancy between spouses on this point can be the beginning of disharmony in the relationship. It’s better not to hope that it will “go away on its own”, but to turn to a sexologist - now such moments are “evened out” by specialists without any problems.

    What is much worse in the situation described is that you “don’t know what to think.” This is already a signal that it is precisely the intimacy in your relationship that is lacking, and not in the sense of the number of sexual acts. In order to become an ideal lover for your husband, you must first of all be like-minded, sincerely interested in his life, know his characteristics - both strengths and weaknesses, his joys and problems. Of course, for complete happiness, your husband must have the same interest in you. And mechanical adherence to “sex three times a day” will not protect you from distance. Nowadays, the problem of loneliness in the family has become quite acute. People live together and don’t even know simple things about each other. For example, the request to indicate on a special map the erogenous zones of the spouse of many “heads of families” was perplexing. More than 200 married couples with a relationship experience of 3 to 15 years underwent the examination - and in almost 70 percent of cases, the erogenous zones noted by the wife and husband did not coincide. It happened that a man wrote: “My wife erogenous zones no." This indicates that marital relations turned into a cohabitation of two strangers, between whom there is a wall instead of mutual understanding. They don't see, don't hear, don't feel each other. This is what should be of concern, not the counting of sexual acts.

    “And I’m also very afraid to find out that he’s cheating on me. They say this is inevitable, because men are polygamous. Is it possible to keep him with good sex?”

    If you love a person, the theory of polygamy definitely disappears. And if the relationship is formal, then you can justify yourself with any theory - this statement is suitable for both men and women.

    Scientists conducted a large-scale study: for six months they assessed sexual health indicators in three groups of women: legally married, frequently changing partners and living in a civil marriage. It turned out that the latter had the most favorable indicators. Researchers explain this by the fact that in a civil marriage relationship there is no completeness, understatement and intrigue remain. The belief that your partner belongs to you forever is a killer. sexual desire! IN intimate relationships there should be a feeling of celebration. This is what is usually sought “on the side.” Anyone who wants to enjoy sex should not perceive it as a marital duty. This debt will not keep people together. Make sex a beautiful game, fill another person's world - make his dreams come true. The main task is for him to tell you about them, and not another woman.

    Rules of seduction

    Seduction instead of accusations:

    I don't remember the last time we had sex!

    You are such a wonderful lover! Show it to me today.

    Activity instead of waiting:

    Well, since you don't want to do anything, I won't do anything either.

    I bought Massage Oil. I know you're tired, but you'll probably be able to handle the massage.

    Be curious, but not a know-it-all:

    Good family relationships require at least three sex sessions per week. Let's start this Monday!

    What would you like to try with me?

    Appreciate, not evaluate:

    You are always so demanding!

    I love your inexhaustible imagination.

    Allow freedom of choice instead of putting pressure:

    I will now offer something, but on the condition that you also participate in it.

    I had a great idea, what do you think about this?

    “Well, I’m trying! Once I decided to ensure a passionate night of love - I bought an expensive, very beautiful underwear, a garter belt, complemented the outfit with a miniskirt and a blouse with an ample neckline. This is how I met my husband from work. But he looked at me, dressed, or rather, undressed, according to all the laws of seduction, with bewilderment and even slight melancholy. And then he asked for a long time what happened, instead of wishing right on the kitchen table... The conversation turned into a showdown (I, of course, was offended - all my efforts were in vain!), and family life I went completely wrong for almost a week. What did I do wrong?"

    The fact is that erotic lingerie does not excite every man - this is another myth that has ruined many romantic evenings. Some people prefer to see their wife without any underwear at all, while others prefer to see them in “innocent” white panties. Don't think that "they are all the same." Success lies in an individual approach to your partner. What can cause a flash of passion in him is not underwear at all, but straight Talk, For example. Or watching an erotic film. Or a walk in the woods, going to the gym together. There are no standards in intimate relationships.

    Take a closer look, does your spouse have any problems that prevent you from thinking about intimate joys? Do not forget that sexual disorders can also arise as a result of diseases. Or perhaps in childhood he was taught that only women lung behavior, then all the tricks with dressing up his wife will not really excite him, but rather upset him. As you can see, the coincidence of these two worlds - the views on life of a man and a woman - is very important in sex.

    “I also thought about seductive dancing, I even signed up for a strip dance section. But I never went. You know, my tummy is so noticeable... And my breasts are small. And there’s cellulite on my hips! Well, how can I show him a striptease ?"

    Firstly, the most beautiful woman is the one who is happy with her appearance. Of course, it is necessary to take care of yourself; you should not hide behind the motto “what is natural is not ugly.” But strive not to meet standards, but to please yourself. You need to be able to enjoy life, not cultivate negativity and not focus on problems. Love yourself, and those around you will love you too.

    And secondly, sociological surveys show that men value sex appeal more than external data. Translated from English, sex-appeal means “sexual appeal.” That is, sex appeal is everything that attracts members of the opposite sex, including the timbre of the voice and the sparkle in the eyes. Everyone has their own criteria for sex appeal. And if your husband chose you, it means that cellulite did not overshadow yours. positive qualities. There is no need to be ashamed of yourself - this is the secret of sex appeal.

    Rule No. 3 - surprise and delight

    “Sometimes I think: maybe to become a superlover, you need a special talent? What if I don’t have it?”

    In fact, there are liberated people who are aware of their desires and strive to fulfill them, as well as those who let everything take its course. This also applies to sex. How would you make a career if you were embarrassed to work?! If we draw parallels further, was it the first time you succeeded, for example, in borscht? Remember how much effort it took to become a skilled cook. And admit it, failures still happen. So, in intimate relationships you also need to try and try. You can become an ideal lover only by making love. To be happy in bed, spend time on your sexual progress. Nothing will happen “by itself” - there is very little instinctive left in human sexuality. And you don’t need to think that the number of partners is proof of skill in sex. Rather, on the contrary, it is a long relationship with one partner that makes it possible to better understand and learn to give him pleasure. Time is the friend of sexuality! Be curious, try to explore all the possibilities and don't stop there. You can come up with anything with one single condition: do it not because it is “needed” or “it might help,” but because it gives you pleasure. Important point for women: only by enjoying life (and sex!) can you not lose your visual attractiveness and sex appeal over the years.

    “It seems to me that even such an extreme sport as a parachute jump cannot be as exciting for the tenth time as the first. That is, long relationship sensations inevitably become dull, is it worth wasting energy, because this cannot be changed?”

    Nature did not provide a button for a person to press after many years life together you can immediately experience the feeling of falling in love again - with all its pleasant excitement, excitement, inspiration. And the desire for sex, of course. But intimate relationships are great happiness and joy for a person, and those who underestimate them deliberately refuse longevity and prosperity. This means it’s worth looking for ways to maintain yourself in a state of love. Little things in everyday life can cancel out a lot. Don’t forget, in life together there must always remain an element of beautiful play. At home we are often “without a veil”, but we need to maintain a mystery within ourselves - this is very important in intimate relationships. Great lovers like Casanova could create the illusion of an extravaganza, a holiday - this is exactly what their main secret. Which is quite possible to borrow. Try doing something unusual. Eg...

    * Invite your husband to listen to your expressive reading instead of watching TV at night. And take an erotic novel.

    * Give him a certificate for purchase... in a sex shop.

    * Make a spouse Erotic massage. Only the real one! For such a case, buy tutorial or sign up for a massage course. If this is troublesome for you, go to a massage parlor together.

    *Take advantage modern technology. Writing exciting SMS and emails to each other is already quite banal, but you should create a page on the Internet where you will anonymously describe your intimate fantasies. And send him the link.

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