• The role of parents in environmental education in preschools. Interaction between preschool and family on the issue of environmental education for older preschoolers




    Chapter 1. Environmental education of preschool children in a modern preschool educational institution

    1 Goals and objectives of environmental education for preschool children

    2 Classes as the main form of organizing environmental education in preschool educational institutions

    Chapter 2. Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families

    1 Forms of interaction

    2 Methodology of interaction with family

    Chapter 3. Practical part

    1 Ascertaining experiment

    2 Formative experiment

    3 Control experiment




    Relevance.The problem of the relationship between man and nature is not new; it has always existed. But now, at the present time, the environmental problem of interaction between man and nature, as well as the interaction of human society on the environment, has become very acute and has assumed enormous proportions. The planet can only be saved by human activity carried out on the basis of a deep understanding of the laws of nature, taking into account numerous interactions in natural communities, and the awareness that man is just a part of nature. This means that the environmental problem arises today not only as a problem of preserving the environment from pollution and other negative impacts of human economic activity on Earth. It grows into the problem of preventing the spontaneous impact of people on nature, into a conscious, purposeful, systematically developing interaction with it. Such interaction is feasible if each person has a sufficient level of ecological culture, environmental consciousness, the formation of which begins in childhood and continues throughout life.

    In the context of an impending environmental disaster, environmental education and the education of people of all ages and professions are of great importance.

    The preschool institution today is called upon to show persistence in educating the new generation, which has a special vision of the world as an object of its constant care. The formation of environmental consciousness is the most important task of a preschool institution at the present time. The current environmental situation is such that it is no longer possible to do without radical and comprehensive changes in almost all aspects public life.

    And environmental education must begin from preschool age, since at this time acquired knowledge can later be transformed into strong beliefs.

    Preschool age is an important stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature and the surrounding world. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, an emotional and value-based attitude to the environment develops, and the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual are formed, which are manifested in the child’s interactions with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to develop environmental knowledge, norms and rules for interacting with nature, develop empathy for it, and be active in solving some environmental problems.

    Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is no coincidence that teachers are faced with the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers.

    Purpose of the study- consider the problem of environmental education and education of preschool children.

    Research objectives:

    Determine the goals and objectives of environmental education for preschool children.

    Analyze classes as the main form of organizing environmental education in preschool educational institutions.

    To study the experience of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on environmental education for preschool children.

    Object of study- the process of environmental education of preschool children.

    Subject of study- problems of environmental education and training in preschool educational institutions.

    Hypothesis- as a basis thesis It is assumed that the effectiveness of environmental education of preschool children is achieved through the interaction of the family and the preschool educational institution.

    Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

    Theoretical basis This work was based on the works of such authors as: Nikolaeva S.N., Kolomin N.V., Golitsyn N.S. and others.

    Chapter 1. Environmental education of preschool children in a modern preschool educational institution

    1.1 Goals and objectives of environmental education for preschoolers

    The intrinsic value of preschool childhood is obvious: the first seven years in a child’s life are a period of rapid growth and intensive development, a period of continuous improvement of physical and mental capabilities, the beginning of personality formation.

    During this period, the foundations for interaction with nature are laid; with the help of adults, the child begins to recognize it as a common value for all people.

    The formulation of goals and objectives largely determines the content of education. As rightly noted by the well-known specialist in the field of environmental education I.D. Zverev, until now “there is no unambiguous and acceptable definition of the main goal of environmental education.” This issue is especially relevant for environmental education of preschool children as a new direction (including the education of children, parents, and teachers). I.D. Zverev proposes to consider environmental education as “a continuous process of training, education and personal development, aimed at forming a system of knowledge and skills, value orientations, moral, ethical and aesthetic relations that ensure the individual’s environmental responsibility for the condition and improvement of the socio-natural environment.” He emphasizes that the pedagogical tasks of environmental education relate to: learning (mastering knowledge about the relationship between nature, society and man; developing practical skills to solve environmental problems); education (value orientations, motives, needs, habits of active environmental protection); development (ability to analyze environmental situations; evaluate the aesthetic state of the environment).

    G.A. Yagodin has repeatedly pointed out the ideological nature of environmental education, since it “should develop the individual’s worldview to a level at which he is able to accept and share responsibility for solving issues vital for his population and all biodiversity in general.” He emphasizes that environmental education is the education of a person, a citizen of the Universe, capable of living safely and happily in the future world, without undermining the foundations of the development and life of the next generations of people. From these positions, this author has identified a number of tasks in the field of environmental education, among which, in our opinion, the following are acceptable for preschoolers: developing ethics in relation to the environment, educating citizens who understand the connections of humanity with the entire environment.

    Along with the term “ecological education,” the term “ecological culture” is actively used in literature (including preschool literature). In some cases it is used as a synonym for the first expression, in others the formation of an environmental culture is considered as the ultimate goal of environmental education. It seems to me that V.A.’s definition is very successful and understandable. Yasvina: “Ecological culture is the ability of people to use their environmental knowledge and skills in practical activities.” People who have not developed an environmental culture may have the necessary knowledge, but not apply it in their everyday life.

    In preschool pedagogy, there is also no consensus yet on the goals, objectives and terminology of environmental education. Unlike other stages of the system of continuous environmental education, authors of programs and manuals for preschoolers most often use the terms “environmental education” and “ecological culture.” The term “environmental education” has come into use among preschool teachers only in recent years and is usually used as a synonym for environmental education. This situation is explained by a number of reasons. In the previous period, the term “preschool education” was used in relation to preschoolers, implying both the education and upbringing of the child. Accordingly, the term “ecological education” arose. At the same time, in the system of continuous environmental education, as already noted, the term “environmental education” is used as an integral concept, including upbringing, training, and development. In recent years, the expressions “preschool education”, “educational space of a kindergarten”, “educational programs” have appeared in preschool pedagogy, and kindergartens themselves have been officially renamed preschool educational institutions. In this regard, and also due to the fact that the preschool level is an integral part of the system of continuous environmental education, it seems to me possible to use the term “environmental education of preschoolers.” At the same time, at different levels of the system of continuous environmental education, upbringing and training can play different roles (for example, for preschoolers, upbringing is more important than training). In addition to these terms, in the literature you can also find the expressions “education in the field of the environment”, “education for sustainable development”. As a rule, these terms are more often used in foreign countries, they are broader than environmental education.

    The authors of programs and manuals offer a variety of formulations of the goals and objectives of environmental education for preschool children: “education of the principles of environmental culture” (S.N. Nikolaeva), “formation of a certain level of conscious attitude, expressed in behavior, attitude towards nature, people, oneself, place in life "(N.A. Solomonova), fostering a responsible attitude towards nature (A.V. Koroleva), instilling in a child the need to preserve and improve nature, developing his creative potential (N.E. Orlikhina), "forming in children an appropriate the problem of consciousness" (G. Filippova). E.F. Terentyeva suggests that “ecological education of preschoolers can be considered as a process of developing conscious correct attitude to the surrounding nature." S.N. Nikolaeva believes that the formation of the principles of ecological culture is “the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature in all its diversity, towards the people who protect and create material and spiritual values ​​on the basis of its wealth.” The point of view of T.V. is somewhat different from the formulations of these authors. Potapova. This author lists a whole range of goals for a child’s education in the field of the environment, among which he indicates the development of the child’s confidence in relation to his environment; basic knowledge about the differences between living and inanimate nature and ideas about the role of human mental and physical labor in the transformation of living and inanimate nature; basic skills of non-destructive communication with wild nature and creations of the mind and hands of man; formation of values, foundations for subsequent training in human rights and ethical responsibility. In the collective work under the leadership of the same author, the goal of the program is to prepare children for the necessary full life in the 21st century, environmentally conscious perception of the phenomena of the surrounding world and environmentally literate behavior in it.

    So, we have found that the authors most often understand the formation of environmental culture, environmental awareness, motivation for certain behavior, caring attitude and love for nature as the goals and objectives of environmental education.

    Thus, environmental education of preschoolers is understood as a continuous process of training, education and development of the child, aimed at the formation of his environmental culture, which is manifested in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, the environment, a responsible attitude towards one’s health and the state of the environment, and compliance with certain moral norms, in a system of value orientations. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of interrelated tasks in the field of education, upbringing and development of the child:

    · formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge accessible to the understanding of a preschool child (primarily as a means of developing a consciously correct attitude towards nature);

    · development of cognitive interest in the natural world;

    · formation of initial skills and habits of environmentally literate behavior that is safe for nature and for the child himself;

    · nurturing a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the environment in general; developing a sense of empathy for natural objects;

    · developing skills and abilities to observe natural objects and phenomena;

    · formation of an initial system of value orientations (perception of oneself as a part of nature, the relationship between man and nature, the intrinsic value and diversity of meanings of nature, the value of communication with nature);

    · mastering basic norms of behavior in relation to nature, developing skills for rational environmental management in everyday life;

    · developing the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it (care for living objects), as well as skills in basic environmental activities in the immediate environment;

    · the formation of basic skills to foresee the consequences of some of their actions in relation to the environment.

    1.2 Classes as the main form of organizing environmental education in preschool educational institutions

    Systematic training in the classroom is an important means of educational work with preschool children.

    Over the course of several decades of the twentieth century. all leading researchers and practitioners of preschool education, following A.P. Usova, paid great attention classes as the leading form of frontal education for children.

    Modern preschool pedagogy also attaches great importance to classes: undoubtedly, they have a positive impact on children, contribute to their intensive intellectual and personal development, and systematically prepare them for school. Currently, the improvement of classes continues in various aspects: the content of training is expanding and becoming more complex, forms of integration of different types of activities are being sought, ways of introducing play into the learning process, and new (non-traditional) forms of organizing children are being searched. Increasingly, one can observe a transition from frontal classes with the entire group of children to classes with subgroups and small groups. This trend ensures the quality of education: an individual approach to children, taking into account the characteristics of their progress in acquiring knowledge and practical skills.

    Another important trend is visible - the construction of lesson systems in each area that preschoolers are introduced to. A chain of gradually more complex activities, organically connected with the activities of everyday life, is the optimal way to provide the necessary intellectual and personal development preschoolers.

    In the environmental education of children, classes perform a very specific and very important function: the sensory ideas children receive on a daily basis can be qualitatively transformed - expanded, deepened, combined, systematized.

    Let's consider the main types of environmental classes, which are fundamentally different from each other in didactic tasks, logic of construction, process of organization and implementation - classes of primary familiarization, in-depth cognitive, generalizing and complex types.

    Primary-introductory classes. During the preschool period, a significant proportion of initial environmental information about various aspects of natural life and human activity is transmitted to children in classes of primary orientation type. Most often, these classes are devoted to introducing children to species of animals, plants, their living conditions and habitats, which are not represented in the immediate natural environment and cannot be known through observations.

    The main component of such classes are various demonstration and teaching aids, which allow children to form clear and correct ideas. The topics of the classes can be domestic and wild animals, inhabitants of the forest and the north, the tundra and hot countries, the pond and the sea, as well as the activities of people on an agricultural farm, in forestry, in the field of environmental management and nature conservation. In classes of this type, children get acquainted with the appearance animals and plants, learn to recognize them, learn about their habitat, adaptability to it, seasonal life, and various behavioral features.

    Children learn in such classes through looking at pictures and talking. Often their components also include reading children's literature, looking at illustrations, viewing a filmstrip or slides, and the teacher's story. In all variants of this type of activity, the verbal method of environmental education acquires paramount importance - the success and the quality of children’s perception of new images presented visually depends on the understanding of the connection of events, the connection of objects, the thoughtful and planned word of the teacher organizes the content of classes, ensures a successful learning outcome,

    Primary orientation classes with older preschoolers are much more difficult than classes in other age groups. With them, you can look at pictures of nature that are far from their experience, go beyond the depicted plot, look at several pictures at the same time - this is facilitated by some of the children’s already established experience and the range of ideas they have.

    The pictures help to form ideas about the forest ecosystem, its inhabitants, and the adaptability of forest animals to life in this ecosystem. For example, preschoolers can be shown how a squirrel moves through trees in the forest (i.e., how the structure of its legs is adapted to move in this environment), what it eats in the warm and cold seasons, how it eats food (i.e., how it is adapted she is in a given environment in the area of ​​nutrition), how and where she makes her nest, when and how she breeds offspring, how she protects herself from enemies, how her coat changes during molting, and what adaptive function this process performs in her life. By simultaneously showing pictures of the life of a squirrel in the autumn-winter and spring-summer periods, preschoolers can thus be presented with a panorama of events in different seasons, showing the adaptability of a typical forest animal to seasonally changing living conditions. With the help of these same pictures, you can demonstrate the growth and development of baby squirrels, the mother’s care for them, their gradual maturation, preparation for adulthood and independent life.

    Pictures, slides, and videos can be invaluable in introducing children to ecosystems that are inaccessible to their direct perception - the sea, the desert, the Arctic. Visualization, combined with the teacher’s emotional explanations, broadens children’s horizons and forms new images about nature.

    During initial orientation classes with children, you can examine living objects of nature, but only if they ended up in kindergarten by accident and settled for a short time. For example, one of the parents brought a hedgehog in the spring, the teacher decided to take it to the forest (from where, apparently, it was taken), but first show it to the children. In this case, all groups conduct classes in which they observe the hedgehog, feed it, do simple experiments to show how it moves, how it curls up, how it hisses and jumps, demonstrate its camouflage coloring, etc. And then older preschoolers carry out an action, do good deed - they take the hedgehog into the forest. If the hedgehog lives in kindergarten for a long time, then cycles of observations are planned to get to know him, which will help children gradually accumulate knowledge.

    In the middle of the lesson, the teacher plans a physical education session or a change of activity: a conversation with the children, a conversation, which is the leading component of the lesson, tires them out - relaxation in movement is necessary.

    Classes of in-depth cognitive type. The content of classes, which can be called in-depth cognitive, is aimed at identifying and showing children the connection between plants, animals and the external environment that they need. The topics of such classes are determined by a number of specific dependencies, which, as research and practice in kindergartens have shown, are understandable and assimilated by older preschoolers. These are classes dedicated to familiarizing children with the dependence of the life and growth of plants on environmental factors, for example, the growth of vegetable crops, garden plants, their seasonal changes, etc. These are classes to familiarize children with the adaptability of animals to their environment, for example, the camouflage coloring of animals, ways of their movement, protection from enemies.

    An in-depth cognitive lesson is the final link of one or another local system of working with children. IN senior group- a conversation about autumn at the end of November after three weeks (one week in each autumn month) of systematic observations and keeping a calendar, or a conversation about wintering birds in March, at the end of winter feeding of birds after regular observations of them.

    Very effective different types experimental work aimed at developing ideas about the camouflage coloration of animals.

    Classes of in-depth cognitive type actively contribute to the mental education of preschoolers. Children learn the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, reason logically, and draw conclusions. All this ensures intensive development of the preschooler's thinking.

    General lessons. In a generalization class, the teacher sets the goal of identifying a number of significant features (essential and characteristic) for a group of familiar objects and, on their basis, forms a generalized representation.

    What could be the content of generalized ideas formed in preschool age? Teaching practice shows that generalizations should be based on specific, different knowledge systematically acquired by children throughout preschool age, as well as obtained in the process of repeated observations of objects in nature. An analysis of kindergarten education programs and teaching aids for introducing nature allows us to conclude that these include knowledge about the diversity of flora and fauna, the natural characteristics of plant growth and development, and seasonal phenomena in nature.

    In older preschool age, all specific activities can be summarized and generalized. There is an opportunity to show preschoolers the unity of forms in living nature. The content of generalized ideas can be naturally changing phenomena: the growth and development of plants, seasonal changes in nature. For a number of years, children have been watching how indoor plants, vegetables in the garden, and flowers in the flowerbed grow. Accumulates a large number of bright, varied performances. Based on them, one can form a generalized idea that a plant develops from a seed, it grows, blooms, and forms new seeds. For its growth, certain conditions are needed: light, warmth, moisture, good soil.

    In a similar way, generalized ideas about the seasons (seasons) are formed. For example, children in the preparatory group can form an idea of ​​autumn based on three groups of signs: changes in inanimate nature (the day is shortened, it becomes colder, it rains more often, cold winds blow); changes in the plant world (the leaves on the trees change color and fall off, the grasses turn yellow and wither); changes in the living world (insects disappear, migratory birds fly south, animals prepare for winter). Over the years, children have accumulated specific knowledge about what happens to nature in the fall. In older preschool age, it is important to realize that transformations occur gradually. That is why the generalized idea of ​​autumn among preschoolers was formed not only on the basis of its characteristic features, but also on their variability.

    The formation of generalized ideas occurs when using the verbal method of working with children. The conversation with them is carried out in a strictly defined sequence of questions, answers, conclusions - this is an algorithm for the formation of generalized knowledge.

    Generalizing classes allow you to intensively develop children's intelligence - the ability to compare, contrast, analyze, and draw conclusions.

    Complex classes. Complex classes within the framework of one topic solve different problems of children's development and are based on different types of activities. These classes can be carried out in all age groups, but they are especially useful with older preschoolers.

    Complex classes are widely used in preschool education in various areas of children's education. In the field of environmental education, comprehensive classes can be used in different age groups. For example, at the end of autumn, a game session is usually held with children of the senior group, during which an idea of autumn season. A comprehensive lesson on this topic may consist of several parts and include various activities.

    The first part of the lesson solves cognitive problems and develops intellectual abilities preschoolers. The teacher clarifies and generalizes children's ideas about autumn, highlighting its characteristic features. An important role in this process is played by the nature calendar, which the children and the teacher kept for one week each month.

    The second part of the lesson involves other program tasks and a different type of activity for preschoolers. For the lesson, a special small exhibition on the theme of autumn is organized: several reproductions of famous artists, artistic photography, which can depict pictures of nature, gifts of autumn, 1-2 modern landscapes, still lifes in painting and graphics. Viewing an exhibition, experiencing beauty is another type of activity that carries with it the solution of aesthetic problems.

    The third part of the lesson is children's artistic creativity, a manual activity in which they themselves become artists and perform the work at their own discretion and desire. This could be drawing a landscape, a bouquet autumn flowers in a vase, and an applique of mushrooms in grass or a basket or fruit on a dish. These could be crafts from natural material. The pedagogical tasks are again different - the development of children's creative abilities, their artistic and manual skills.

    Such a complex lesson, if properly organized, can extend beyond the scope of a regular lesson in time - changing activities will not cause fatigue and boredom. Moreover, at his own discretion, the teacher can use recorded music at the appropriate moment and make a fun physical education session. Complex classes can be organized on a variety of topics. For example, a lesson about vegetables may include a conversation based on the painting “Harvesting vegetables in the garden”, acting out a poem by Y. Tuvim translated by S. Mikhalkov “Vegetables”, drawing or applique of fruits; The lesson “We grow up healthy, we take care of our health” is a conversation between Aibolit and children about health, how to preserve it, how to maintain a favorable environment, and physical exercise or a hardening procedure, and collective preparation of a green supplement for lunch from grown onions, garlic, parsley.

    Complex classes are the creative work of the teacher; they can be organized in different, interesting ways. They effectively and comprehensively develop the child’s personality, and the combination various types activity contributes to an easier and faster formation of attitude towards the content of the lesson.

    2. Interaction between preschool educational institution and family

    2.1 Forms of interaction

    Working with parents on environmental education of preschool children is one of the components of the work of a preschool institution. Only by relying on the family, only by joint efforts can we solve our main task - raising a person with a capital P, an environmentally literate person.

    When working with parents on environmental education of children, it is necessary to use all available forms of interaction with the family. But all these forms must be based on a pedagogy of cooperation. Work should be carried out in two directions:

    · teacher - parent;

    · teacher - child - parent.

    Before planning your work, you need to understand who you will be working with (educational level of parents, psychological condition family, its microclimate). This means that it is important to carry out work in a differentiated manner, uniting parents into subgroups.

    The need for an individual approach is also determined by the following. Traditional forms of work, designed for a large number of people, do not always achieve the goals that we set for ourselves.

    When choosing forms of communication with parents, we must remember: we should abandon edification, we must involve parents in solving important problems, finding common correct answers. For example, when organizing a parent meeting on the topic “Tasks of environmental education,” the teacher can conduct a preliminary survey of parents to find out their understanding of the problems associated with environmental education (Annex 1).The parent meeting can begin with KVN between a team of children and parents, then, after the children leave, analyze this event together with the parents and draw conclusions:

    · the fundamentals of environmental education are aimed at developing a responsible attitude towards the environment;

    · One preschool institution cannot do anything without the help of the family: it is well known that 80% of a child’s character traits are formed in the family.

    Exist traditional and non-traditional forms of communication between a teacher and parents of preschool children, the essence of which is to enrich them with pedagogical knowledge. Traditional forms are divided into collective, individual and visual information.

    TO collective forms include parent meetings, conferences, round tables, etc. Group parent meetings are an effective form of work for educators with a group of parents, a form of organized familiarization with the tasks, content and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family. The meeting is prepared in advance, the announcement is posted 3-5 days in advance.

    TO individualforms include pedagogical conversations with parents. Conversations between the teacher and parents - the most accessible and widespread form of establishing a connection between a teacher and a family, his systematic communication with the child’s father and mother, and with other family members. A conversation can be used in working with parents as an independent form and in combination with other forms: a conversation when visiting a family, at a parent’s meeting, consultation.

    The purpose of a pedagogical conversation is to exchange opinions on a particular issue of education and achieve a common point of view on these issues, providing parents with timely assistance. The active participation of both the teacher and parents in the conversation is an essential feature of this form, which allows for an effective influence on parents. Conversations can arise spontaneously on the initiative of both parents and teachers.

    A separate group consists visual information methods. They introduce parents to the conditions, tasks, content and methods of raising children, help overcome superficial judgments about the role of kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. These include video clips of the organization of various types of activities, regime moments, classes; photographs, exhibitions of children's work, stands, screens, sliding folders. Currently, they are especially popular among both teachers and parents. non-traditionalforms of communication with parents. They are built according to the type of television and entertainment programs, games and are aimed at establishing informal contacts with parents and attracting their attention to the kindergarten. Parents get to know their child better because they see him in a different, new environment and become closer to teachers. Thus, parents are involved in preparing matinees, writing scripts, and participating in competitions. You can organize an exhibition of joint works of parents and children. “Open Days” are especially popular, during which parents can visit any group. When holding Round Tables, the principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented. Communication takes place in a relaxed manner, discussing current problems, taking into account the wishes of parents, and using methods to activate them.

    On the positive side of such forms is that a ready-made point of view is not imposed on the participants, they are forced to think and look for their own way out of the current situation. Such forms of work provide an opportunity to demonstrate to parents what knowledge their children have about nature and to show that this knowledge is necessary for forming the foundations of an environmental culture.

    So, the interaction between the family and the preschool institution occurs in various forms ah, acceptable for both teachers and parents. The results of such interaction depend on the activity of both parties.

    2.2 Methodology for working with families

    One of the main tasks of environmental education for preschoolers is the continuity of the process. This task cannot be achieved only in kindergarten; close cooperation with the family is necessary.

    Environmental education of parents is a very important, and at the same time, difficult area of ​​pedagogical activity. Preschool workers have the advantage that teachers have the opportunity to meet with parents every day and collaborate in personal contact.

    The family, as an environment for personal development, has a huge influence on the formation of the foundations of a person’s ecological worldview. And no matter how hard teachers try to instill environmental culture skills, it is impossible to do this without interaction with the family.

    To identify parental ideas and expectations from environmental education, it is advisable to conduct a survey. A survey of students’ families will allow the teaching staff not only to see the parents’ ideas about the functions of the teaching staff, but also to identify their educational needs and aspirations.

    It is also useful at the end of each interaction to improve the efficiency of interaction. school year conduct a survey of parents, which will clarify the level of satisfaction with the interaction between the family and the kindergarten, and receive feedback and suggestions from parents.

    The most relevant and in demand area of ​​interaction today is parent counseling. It is individual in nature and is carried out in the form of conversations and consultations. It is possible to develop a system that will include certain content, methods and forms of work, as well as creating conditions for constant communication of children with natural objects:

    · promote environmental knowledge among parents and involve them in joint activities.

    · conduct joint activities in which parents would show special interest.

    Develop one form of visual propaganda - a leaflet that succinctly describes the rules of behavior in nature. To make this form effective, you can organize a leaflet competition on the topic “Take care of nature,” where the parents themselves are the participants in the competition.

    · Another form of work is environmental newspapers. Newspapers can contain interesting facts from the life of plants, animals, and natural phenomena, in which you can offer homework in the form of puzzles, crosswords, quizzes, and descriptions of experiments. Homework may include: drawings, crafts made from natural and waste materials. Thereby arousing the interest of both parents and children.

    · To show parents' interest in information, post pages about the day spent in kindergarten. Where they talked about the behavior of children in nature, their reasoning and conclusions made by them after observations in nature. Educators can give recommendations to parents on how to pay attention to relevant literature, parents would ask questions or ask for advice.

    · group parent meetings held with the organization of tea drinking and children's performances. Such meetings will provide an opportunity for free communication, discussion of various issues and the development of common approaches to raising children.

    · organize parents for active participation in natural activities: making posters by parents and children.

    Cooperation between a kindergarten and a family is impossible without knowledge of the peculiarities of raising children in a family. Acquaintance with the traditions of family education is carried out through the “We and Our Children” living rooms.

    Ecological - developmental environment at home should include:

    · a corner of wildlife, which includes a variety of indoor plants grown by the child independently or together with his parents, as well as all the means necessary to care for them.

    · corner growing , equipped with the necessary tools for independent research and practical activities of children (growing, transplanting, treating plants, monitoring their development): tools for working with soil, earth, sand, small pebbles, water, seedlings, flower and vegetable seeds or fruit seeds etc.;

    · photos on the topic nature , magazines and books about our native nature and the world in general.

    What can such a joint system of cooperation between the teaching staff of a preschool educational institution and parents give? First of all, this will contribute to instilling in children a conscious, caring attitude towards nature, people, and the surrounding world, which will form the basis of an ecological culture.

    3.Practical part

    Studying the experience of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on environmental education for preschool children

    .1 Ascertaining experiment

    preschooler teacher environmental education

    Targetascertaining experiment - to identify forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on environmental education of preschool children.

    Tasksascertaining experiment:

    1.Identify forms of interaction between the teacher and the family.

    2.To identify the attitude of parents towards the organization of environmental education in preschool educational institutions.

    .Analysis of the parent's corner.

    .Identify how environmental education is carried out in a group.


    conversation with the teacher;

    parent survey;

    methodology for diagnosing the level of formation of environmental knowledge by T. A. Serebryakova.

    Conversation with the teacher.

    The teacher was offered next questions:

    How is the pedagogical process carried out in the group?

    What forms are used in interaction with families on environmental education?

    How do parents feel about the organization of environmental education in preschool educational institutions?

    How is environmental education of parents carried out?

    In a conversation with the teacher, it turned out that during the pedagogical process the teacher is faced with the task: to show children the diversity of natural phenomena, to help them understand that all living things have needs that can be satisfied by good environmental conditions.

    The most significant method in the pedagogical process is observation. Observation as a method of working with children is carried out in the form of cycles, including a number of observations of the same object with different contents. Observation also includes such forms of work as classes, excursions, walks.

    Also an important method of environmental education is the word, its correct use in various forms of working with children.

    Particular attention is paid to classes of a complex, generalizing and in-depth cognitive type, in which children form generalized ideas about natural phenomena, an understanding of the relationships in nature, natural processes, and the perception of works of art. The construction of the conversation between the teacher and the children is of greatest importance; A clear sequence of questions is needed to help children understand cause-and-effect relationships, form conclusions, make generalizations, and transfer knowledge to a new situation.

    The main goal of the pedagogical process is: to give environmental knowledge, to teach children to be merciful, to love and take care of nature (earth, water, air, flora, fauna), in a businesslike manner, and therefore to carefully manage its wealth.

    To form the foundations of environmental culture among preschool children, a system of cooperation and interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family has been developed.

    In interaction with the family on environmental education, the educator uses and implements visual, verbal, and mixed forms of work. Verbal methods and forms - conversation, consultations, parent meetings, individual conversations with parents. Visual - design of stands, open days, design of exhibitions of children's works, recommendations for parents, etc. Mixed forms (combined) - open days, parent meetings, conferences.

    Parents are active participants in all events held at the preschool educational institution: environmental events, projects, nature excursions, entertainment, quizzes.

    One of the most effective forms working with parents means issuing leaflets that succinctly describe the rules of behavior in nature, calling for winter feeding of feathered friends, protecting the “living” spruce tree, caring for water, etc. Thematic folders and screens with environmental content are regularly produced, consultations are held such as “Walking with a child”, “Home ecology”, “Home ecology”.

    Parents show great interest in information in parent corners. The focus remains on pages about environmental events taking place at the preschool educational institution, recommendations on a healthy lifestyle, as well as homework and crossword puzzles.

    It has become traditional for parents to actively participate in environmental campaigns, and for parents and children to make posters: “Let’s protect the spruce - the beauty of our forests!”, “Save water!”

    Homework is used when working with parents. On the eve of a weekend, vacation, or family outing, children and parents are given the task of observing, then telling, conveying their impressions in a drawing, preparing natural materials, making crafts, making a herbarium, and collecting plant seeds to replenish group collections.

    Every year, a survey is conducted with parents to study their opinion about the work of our kindergarten in organizing environmental education.

    We spent parent surveychildren of the preparatory group on the topic "Environmental education of children."Questionnaire for parents in Appendix No. 1.

    10 people took part in the survey.

    The survey showed that only 50% were able to fully answer the question of what ecology is, what does it study, what does it do? They believe that ecology is a science that studies the conditions of existence of living organisms and the complete relationship between the environment and organisms. The remaining 50% gave a broader answer. Ecology is the science of environmental protection.

    This problem interests 80% of parents.

    However, only 30% support the work carried out in preschool educational institutions on environmental education of preschoolers

    This is manifested in the fact that they talked with the child about nature, acquired animals, and often go out into nature.

    Only 30% introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature.

    However, the parents did not express any suggestions or wishes.

    From the results of the survey, we can conclude that parents generally have a positive assessment of the pedagogical process of environmental education in preschool educational institutions. Parents express their interest in the problem of environmental education, which is good indicator. However, only a few parents are involved in environmental education of their children at home.

    We also conducted a survey of parents on the topic "A book in the family."Questionnaire for parents in Appendix No. 2.

    The survey showed that only 30% of families have books about nature (V. Bianki, A. Charushina).

    % of parents do not buy books for children; 20% select books based on illustrations; 10% buy by accident.

    % read books at the child’s request, 30% on their own initiative; 10% don't read at all.

    Only 10% of parents have literature on ecology for adults. They use it when communicating with the child.

    % more often know how to answer a child’s question; 60% most often do not know how to answer a child’s question; 10% do not answer questions about nature because the child is not interested.

    Thus, the book for environmental education of children is used by few parents. The teacher needs to pay attention to this and talk about the possibilities of children's literature in the development of children.

    We used the following tasks:

    Task 1. Determination of the characteristic features of representatives of the animal world (carried out individually with each child).

    Purpose: To determine the level of knowledge of the characteristic features of representatives of the animal world.

    Equipment: Three large maps: the first is divided into three parts (farm yard, forest, landscape of hot countries); the second card shows blue sky, tree branches and earth; the third card shows the sky and meadow. Animal figures: horses, cows, pigs, goats, rams, dogs; wolf, fox, bear, hare, deer, tiger, elephant, giraffe, zebra. Bird figures: dove, tit, sparrow, woodpecker, magpie, crow, bullfinch, owl. Insect figures: butterfly, bee, ladybug, dragonfly, ant, grasshopper, fly, mosquito, spider.

    Instructions for carrying out. The teacher suggests taking the first card, choosing animals from all the figures and placing them on the map, taking into account their place of residence.

    The teacher suggests taking a second card, choosing birds from the remaining figures and placing them on the card at your discretion.

    The teacher suggests taking the third card, choosing insects from the remaining pictures and placing them on the card.

    If there are any figures left on the table, you can invite the child to think again and place them in accordance with the instructions. Ask why he placed the animals on the maps.

    After the child has completed the task, the teacher asks him to choose two images of animals, three images of birds and three images of insects and then answer the following questions in accordance with the selected pictures.

    What is the name of the animal (bird, insect)?

    What can you tell us about him?

    Your attitude towards them.

    The child easily distributes representatives of the animal world by species; justifies his choice.

    Correlates fauna representatives with their habitat.

    Knows characteristic features.

    Without much difficulty, he answers the questions posed coherently and consistently.

    The child sometimes makes minor mistakes when distributing representatives of the animal world by species.

    Mainly relates fauna representatives to their habitat.

    Knows the characteristic signs, but sometimes makes inaccuracies in the answers.

    Answers the questions posed consistently, but sometimes the answers are too brief.

    Shows interest and emotionally expresses his attitude towards animals, birds and insects.

    Low level (5 - 7 points)

    The child often makes mistakes when distributing representatives of the animal world by species.

    Doesn't always give reasons for his choice.

    Does not always correlate fauna representatives with their habitat.

    It is difficult to name characteristic signs.

    It is difficult to answer the questions posed, and if he answers, it is mostly incorrect.

    Shows no interest or expresses his/her attitude towards animals, birds and insects.

    Task 2. Determination of the characteristic features of the plant world (carried out individually with each child).

    Goal: Determine the level of knowledge of the characteristic features of the plant world.

    Equipment: Indoor plants: geranium (pelargonium), tradescantia, begonia, aspidistra ( friendly family) and Sultan's balsam (light); watering can for watering indoor plants; water spray; loosening stick; cloth and tray.

    Instructions for carrying out. The teacher names five indoor plants and offers to show them.

    What conditions are necessary for the life, growth and development of indoor plants?

    How to properly care for indoor plants?

    Show how to do this correctly (using the example of one plant).

    Why do people need indoor plants?

    Do you like indoor plants and why?

    Then the teacher offers to choose from those presented (given in brackets):

    a) first trees, then shrubs (poplar, lilac, birch);

    b) deciduous and coniferous trees (spruce, oak, pine, aspen);

    c) berries and mushrooms (strawberries, boletus, boletus, strawberries);

    d) garden flowers and forest flowers (aster, snowdrop, lily of the valley, tulip).

    Performance evaluation

    High level (13 - 15 points)

    The child independently names different types of plants: trees, shrubs and flowers.

    Easily identifies groups of proposed plants.

    Intermediate level (8 - 12 points)

    The child sometimes makes minor mistakes in the names of plant species: trees, shrubs and flowers.

    Basically, he correctly identifies the groups of proposed plants; sometimes he finds it difficult to justify his choice.

    Without the help of an adult, names the conditions necessary for the life, growth and development of indoor plants.

    Tells you how to properly care for them.

    Practical skills and abilities to care for indoor plants are not sufficiently developed.

    Shows interest and emotionally expresses his attitude towards indoor plants.

    Low level (5 - 7 points)

    The child finds it difficult to name types of plants: trees, shrubs and flowers.

    He cannot always identify groups of proposed plants and cannot justify his choice.

    It is difficult to tell how to properly care for indoor plants.

    Practical skills and abilities to care for indoor plants have not been developed.

    In the process of practical activities, he constantly turns to an adult for help. Does not show interest or express his attitude towards plants.

    Task 3. Determination of the characteristic features of inanimate nature (carried out individually with each child).

    Goal: Determine the level of knowledge of the characteristic features of inanimate nature.

    Equipment: Three jars (with sand, with stones, with water).

    Instructions for carrying out. The teacher suggests determining the contents of the jar. After the child names objects of inanimate nature, he offers to answer the following questions.

    What properties of sand do you know?

    Where and for what does a person use sand?

    What properties of stones do you know?

    Where and for what do people use stones?

    What properties of water do you know?

    Where and for what does a person use water?

    Performance evaluation

    High level (13 - 15 points)

    The child can easily determine the contents of the jars.

    Names correctly distinctive characteristics objects of inanimate nature.

    Independently talks about why people use objects of inanimate nature.

    Shows creativity and imagination when answering questions.

    Intermediate level (8 - 12 points)

    The child mostly correctly determines the contents of the jars.

    Names the main distinctive characteristics of inanimate objects.

    After additional questions from the adult, he gives examples of how people use objects of inanimate nature.

    Low level (5 - 7 points)

    The child makes significant mistakes when determining the contents of the jars.

    Does not always correctly name the distinctive characteristics of inanimate objects.

    It is difficult to answer the question of what they are used for.

    Task 4. Knowledge of the seasons (conducted individually or in small subgroups).

    Goal: Determine the level of knowledge of the seasons.

    Equipment: Landscape paper, colored pencils and markers.

    Instructions for carrying out. Teacher. What time of year do you like best and why? Draw a picture depicting this time of year. Name the time of year that will come after your favorite season, say what will follow it, etc.

    Then he suggests answering the question “When does this happen?”:

    The bright sun is shining, children are swimming in the river.

    The trees are covered with snow, children are sledding down the hill.

    Leaves fall from the trees, birds fly away to warmer climes.

    Leaves are blooming on the trees and snowdrops are blooming.

    Performance evaluation

    High level (13 - 15 points)

    The child correctly names the seasons. Lists them in the required sequence.

    Knows the characteristic signs of each season.

    Shows creativity and imagination when answering the question “What time of year do you like best and why?”

    Reproduces seasonal features of a particular time of year from memory.

    Comments on his drawing.

    Intermediate level (8 - 12 points)

    The child correctly names the seasons. Sometimes it is difficult to name them in the right order.

    Basically knows the characteristic signs of each season, but sometimes makes minor mistakes.

    To the question “Which time of year do you like best and why?” answers in monosyllables.

    The figure reflects the essential features of a particular time of year.

    Expresses an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

    Low level (5 - 7 points)

    The child does not always name the seasons correctly. It is difficult to name them in the right order.

    Does not know the characteristic signs of different seasons.

    When answering the question “Which time of year do you like best and why?”, he names only the time of year.

    The drawing cannot reflect the characteristic features of a particular time of year.

    Does not express an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

    Test task to determine the ecologically correct attitude of preschool children to natural phenomena and objects

    Task 5. Ecological attitude towards the natural world (carried out individually with each child).

    Goal: To determine the level of environmentally correct attitude towards the natural world.

    Instructions for carrying out. The teacher suggests answering the following questions.

    How do you help adults care for pets (if they have them)? If the child does not have pets, ask: “If you had a cat or dog at home, how would you care for them?”

    How do you help adults care for the inhabitants of the Nature Corner in kindergarten?

    What can you and adults do to ensure that plants always grow in the kindergarten area?

    How can we help wintering birds?

    Performance evaluation

    High level (13 - 15 points)

    The child answers the questions posed in complete sentences.

    Knows how to care for pets and the inhabitants of the Nature Corner.

    Understands the relationship between human activities and the lives of animals, birds and plants.

    Easily expresses his attitude to the problem.

    Intermediate level (8 - 12 points)

    The child answers the questions posed.

    Basically knows how to care for pets and the inhabitants of the Nature Corner.

    Sometimes does not understand the relationship between human activity and the life of animals, birds and plants.

    Can express his attitude to the problem.

    Low level (5 - 7 points)

    The child finds it difficult to answer the questions asked.

    Has no idea how to care for pets and the inhabitants of the Nature Corner.

    Does not understand the relationship between human activity and the life of animals, birds and plants.

    Finds it difficult to express his attitude to the problem.

    The results of diagnosing the level of development of environmental knowledge of preschoolers are presented in Table 1.

    Table 1

    Child's name Level of development of ecological knowledge Attitude to the natural world Average score in points General level about the animal world about the plant world about inanimate nature about the seasons Score in points Level of development Score in points Level of development Score in points Level of development Score in points Level of development Score in points Development level Masha 8 S 7N9S11S9S8,8SIra 10S 8S11S13V9S10,6Sveta 6N5N8S10S7N7,2NOlya 12S13V13V12S12S12,4SGrisha 8S7N10S11S8S8,8S Ivan 9S8S13V13V9S10,4 SSasha 10С8С11С12С8С9,8С Valya 13В12С13В13В13В12,8В Olya. 6N7N7N7N6N6.6N Igor 13V11S14V14V13V13.0V Average for gr. 9.5С8.6С10.9С11.6С9.4С10.0С

    Symbols of levels: B - high, C - medium, H - low.

    Preschoolers of the preparatory group as a whole showed an average level of development of environmental knowledge and an ecologically correct attitude towards the natural world - 10.0 points.

    The level of knowledge of preschoolers about the animal world is average - 9.5 points.

    The level of knowledge about the plant world is average - 8.6

    The level of knowledge about inanimate nature and the seasons is average - 10.9.

    The level of knowledge about the seasons is average - 11.6.

    The level of environmentally correct attitude towards the natural world is average - 9.4.

    Among children, 20% have a low level of environmental knowledge, 60% have an average level; 20% - high.

    Diagram 1. Level of development of environmental knowledge in %

    Thus, despite the fact that the preschool educational institution is implementing a program for environmental education of children, the level of development of environmental knowledge of preschoolers will remain high.

    We believe that it is possible to increase the level of environmental knowledge of preschoolers by involving the family in the educational process.

    Environmental education of preschoolers can be considered as a process of continuous parental education aimed at developing an environmental culture for all family members. Environmental education of parents is one of the extremely important and at the same time one of the most difficult areas of work of a preschool institution. One of the primary tasks is to involve adult family members in joint work. Working with parents should be a gradual and ongoing process, and the environmental information that educators offer to parents must be personally meaningful to them.

    Adults receive environmental information at parent-teacher meetings, on joint trips with children, when familiarizing themselves with the “Ecological Passport of the Kindergarten”, while visiting environmental complexes, living areas, and the territory of the kindergarten.

    In general, work with parents can be presented as follows:

    Environmental education - provision of environmental information, its analysis; priority topics: environmentally conscious behavior in nature and at home, the connection between environmental problems and health, the ecology of the home, proper (balanced) nutrition in the family, growing environmentally friendly crops, etc.;

    Joint activities with children: participation in hikes, excursions, environmental and health holidays; doing homework, collecting collections of natural and other materials; exhibitions of works completed by children together with their parents; assistance in creating a development environment; participation in environmental campaigns, production of visual aids and toys; writing environmental fairy tales and designing books; inspection of your own home and dacha; design and research activities.

    Conclusion:The relationship between the preschool and the family should be based on cooperation and interaction, provided that the kindergarten is open inward and outward.

    The interaction between the kindergarten and the family can be carried out in different ways. It is only important to avoid formalism.

    3.2 Formative experiment

    Targetformative experiment - to select and test different forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

    Tasksformative experiment:

    1.To develop a set of measures for the interaction of preschool educational institutions with families in the environmental education of preschool children.

    Nurturing children's correct attitude towards nature and the ability to carefully handle living beings can be fully implemented in the preschool period only if the system of work in kindergarten is combined with work on the formation of social ecological ideas in family. A preschool institution that conducts systematic work on environmental education includes work with the family. In a family environment, an “atmosphere of focus” on nature is of great importance: adults’ interest in plants and animals, agricultural work, an example of positive interaction between adults and nature, purposeful education in children of the correct attitude towards living beings.

    Environmental education is a new direction in preschool pedagogy, which differs from the traditional familiarization of children with nature and environmental activities of preschool institutions. Socio-ecological ideas are sensually visual, generalized images of objects and phenomena of natural and social reality, reflecting the main types and methods of interaction between man and society with the environment.

    On modern stage the formation of social and environmental ideas is one of the main directions in overcoming the environmental problem facing the country and the entire planet. The solution to this issue in the system of lifelong education begins with preschool children.

    During preschool childhood, in the process of purposeful pedagogical impact In children, it is possible to form the beginnings of an ecological culture - social - ecological ideas, namely, a conscious - correct attitude towards the phenomena, objects of living and inanimate nature that make up their immediate environment during this period of life. Consciously - the correct attitude is developed under the condition of close contact and various forms of interaction of the child with the plants and animals available in the room, on the site of the kindergarten and in the child's home. He learns that all living things, including humans, have certain needs, which they can satisfy only in the presence of certain external conditions - a habitat suitable for a particular organism.

    Environmental education of preschool children is the knowledge of living things that are close to the child, in interaction with the environment, and on this basis the development of the correct forms of interaction with it.

    Not all people are able to penetrate deeply into the natural world and fully enjoy it.

    To open joy in their souls, they need the help of their parents at home. It is all the more necessary because the weight of the omission in the spiritual life of a child, especially in the environment of environmental education, cannot be compensated either in his youth, much less in adulthood.

    It is important to form socio-ecological ideas when the spiritual world of children is taking shape, and they are especially sensitive and receptive to beauty and nature, to the world around them. This period falls in the first ten years of a child's life.

    Therefore, the family plays a huge role in the formation of socio-ecological ideas in children, since preschoolers spend most of their time at home, in the family.

    The family, as an environment for personality formation, has a huge influence on the formation of the child’s foundations of an ecological worldview.

    The peculiarity of parents as a subject of environmental education is that they themselves have already formed a certain worldview, usually based on a consumer attitude towards the world around them.

    In addition, the interest of modern parents is mainly focused on learning rather than on the development of the child.

    Many educators note the disdainful attitude of parents towards the requirements that they place on children in a preschool institution.

    The gap between the requirements placed on a child in a preschool institution and the requirements of parents makes environmental education extremely ineffective, negatively affects the motivation of children’s actions, and creates a situation of psychological discomfort.

    Working with parents should be a gradual and continuous process.

    The most relevant in this direction, in our opinion, are the following forms of work with parents:


    Round table "Let's save our native nature."

    Holding an exhibition of children's crafts made from natural materials in the group.

    Conducting a parent meeting in the form of KVN.

    Ecology project "Animals of Planet Earth".

    Joint excursion into nature.

    Areas of work:

    improving the socio-ecological culture of parents;

    At the first stage of working with parents, it is proposed consultation for parents.

    Purpose of consultation; acquisition by parents of certain knowledge and skills; helping them resolve problematic issues.

    During the consultation, in addition to general provisions on the importance of raising a child in a family and introducing him to nature, a typical situation is considered when plant seeds are planted at the dacha.

    The consultation process shows the importance of three points; communication with living nature, observing processes in nature and creating necessary conditions for a plant to grow from a seed. Communication is talking while planting, playing.

    Observing what and how to do to plant a plant, how a plant grows from a seed, forms in a child a deep cognitive interest in the world of living nature. Labor actions are an understanding of the needs of a living plant in certain conditions, without which their life will cease.

    At the end of the consultation, it is necessary to emphasize the idea that caring for plants develops in children effective love to them, understanding the self-essence of living things (consultation is presented in Appendix No. 3).

    For consultation, a round table should be held on the topic "Let's save our native nature."

    We suggest discussing the following questions:

    Does the natural environment influence the development of society?;

    Does society have an impact on the natural environment?;

    Can morality be the result of a person’s relationship with nature?

    It is very important that the round table questions unite both educators and parents in solving problems related to the formation of social and environmental ideas in middle-aged children (the round table materials for parents are presented in Appendix No. 4).

    At the next stage of work, you should organize an exhibition of children’s crafts made from natural materials in the group.

    The theme of the exhibition: “Fairytale Animal”.

    Goal: development of creativity and imagination of children; teach how to use a variety of natural materials (cones, acorns, twigs, maple seeds, burdock, etc.) for crafts; Show children the beauty of crafts made from natural materials.

    Preliminary work with parents: holding a conversation with parents so that they do not interfere with their children’s collection of natural materials during walks, but, on the contrary, help them and actively participate in the work of making crafts.

    Preliminary work with children: explaining to children what can become a connecting material (plasticine); the children were given the task of coming up with a name for their fairy-tale animal; The children were also told that the best crafts would be rewarded with prizes, i.e. an element of competition was included.

    The children used a wide variety of natural materials. It was necessary to select the 3 best crafts, which were evaluated according to different criteria (use of a variety of natural materials, accuracy, ingenuity, etc.). These works were rewarded with prizes (paper construction sets “Without scissors and glue”).

    Thus, we have seen that the active involvement of parents in their children’s work produces positive results.

    The next form of work with parents is to conduct parent meeting in the form of KVN.

    Topic: “Nature and moral education of children of senior preschool age” (See Appendix No. 5).

    We have developed ecology project “Animals of Planet Earth”.

    An environmental project involves solving certain problems in the process of research. The scale of tasks can be different; it is determined by the timing of the project, age, and the possibilities of the content of educational programs. The project can also be considered as an addition to any general development, comprehensive and environmental programs.

    Problem: who are these strange animals?

    Goal: acquaintance with the diversity of the animal world, their connection with their habitat; formation of a consciously correct attitude towards representatives of the animal world.

    develop children's search activity: promote the definition of tasks based on the problem posed; the ability to plan the stages of your actions; justify your choice;

    expand and systematize children's knowledge about animals different countries;

    develop coherent speech, enrich children’s vocabulary;

    improve the style of partnerships.

    Project implementation:

    Cognitive activities"Animals of different countries."

    Solving problem situations:

    Why are there no tigers and lions in our forests?

    How do bears and hedgehogs winter?

    How do animals escape from their enemies?

    How to help endangered animals?

    Game activity:

    role-playing games “Zoo”, “Pet Shop”.

    didactic games “Who lives where”, “Who eats what”.

    game-dramatization based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Telephone”.

    Speech and verbal communication:

    creation of the album “Stories about Animals” (together with parents).

    compiling stories about animals and creating a book of stories.

    reading encyclopedic literature about the animal world.

    messages “Did you know...?”

    creating a piggy bank “We know them.”

    solving the crossword puzzle “Wild animals”.

    reading stories about animals by E. Charushin, V. Bianki, S. Marshak, V. Mayakovsky.

    asking riddles about animals, learning poems.

    watching videos from the “World of Wildlife” series.

    Physical development:

    leisure “The jungle is calling.”


    outdoor games.

    Productive activities:

    drawing “My favorite animal.”

    drawing based on the work of S. Marshak “Children in a Cage”.

    modeling of exotic animals.

    collage “Animals of hot countries” (origami).

    manual labor - production of the tabletop theater "Zoo" (cardboard, colored paper).

    Theatrical activities:

    table theater "Zoo".

    imitation of habits, images of animals in improvisations.


    exhibition of drawings “The World of Wild Animals”.

    book of stories about animals.

    Open lesson “Travel around our planet.”

    Working with parents:

    joint creation of the album “Stories about Animals” with children.

    participation in an exhibition of drawings.

    assistance in designing a world map (selection of pictures of animals).

    watching TV shows about animals at home.

    Staging new problem:

    Why are animals disappearing? How can I help them?

    Summary of the open lesson-presentation “Journey around our planet” in Appendix No. 6).

    At the end of our work with parents, we held another consultation for parents on the topic “Cognitive interests of your child.”Having learned from the questionnaire that many parents do not know how to answer children's questions We have developed a workshop and guide for them “How to answer children’s questions?” The contents of the consultation, workshop and memo are presented in Appendix No. 7.

    We completed a set of activities for the interaction of preschool educational institutions and families in the environmental education of senior preschoolers with a joint event with children and parents - excursion into nature with parents and children(Plan in Appendix 8).

    to form an idea of ​​the state of nature in spring;

    Thus, we used the following forms of work with parents: consultations; round table “Let's save our native nature”; holding an exhibition of children's crafts made from natural materials in the group; parent meetings in the form of KVN; ecology project “Animals of Planet Earth”; joint excursion into nature.

    - work with parents:

    acquaintance of parents with the forms and methods of working with children on the formation of socio-ecological ideas in a family environment;

    assisting parents in choosing forms and methods of working with children to form socio-ecological ideas in a family environment;

    inclusion of parents in interaction with a preschool institution in order to form socio-ecological ideas in children of middle preschool age.

    joint care of animals and plants;

    3.3 Control experiment

    Targetcontrol experiment - checking the effectiveness of the developed set of measures

    To determine the effectiveness of the work done, we used the same diagnostic material as in the ascertaining experiment.

    Questionnaire on the topic "Environmental education of children"showed that all parents (50%) were able to fully answer the question of what is ecology, what does it study, what does it do?

    This problem interests all parents (80%) of parents.

    All parents love nature, animals, birds.

    % of parents support the work carried out in preschool educational institutions on environmental education of preschoolers

    This is manifested in the fact that they talk with the child about nature, acquire animals, and often go out into nature.

    80% introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature.

    However, they believe that this should be done 100%.

    All parents need help from preschool educational institutions on this problem. All parents need the help of a teacher in telling them how to observe the weather with their children; what knowledge to give children; how to introduce rules of behavior in nature; what practical activities in nature can be done with children.

    All parents evaluate the work of the preschool educational institution on this issue positively.

    This time, the parents expressed a desire to hold environmental events together with the family more often and offered their help in organizing them.

    The comparative results of the ascertaining and control stages are reflected in Diagram 2:

    Diagram 2

    From the results of the survey, we can conclude that parents positively assess the pedagogical process of environmental education in preschool educational institutions. Parents express their interest in the problem of environmental education, which is a good indicator. After the work we did, most parents began to engage in environmental education of their children.

    Questionnaire on the topic "Book in the Family" showed that books about nature (V. Bianchi, A. Charushina. “Ecology in Pictures” by V.N. Tanasiychuk, “Wildlife. Beasts, Birds, Animals and Plants Around Us” by Terry Jennings, “Bambi” by F. Salten and etc.) 80% of families have.

    10% of parents do not buy books for children; 70% select books based on recommendations from experts.

    % read books at the child’s request, 60% on their own initiative.

    40% of parents have literature for adults on ecology. They use it when communicating with the child.

    % more often know how to answer a child’s question; 40% most often do not know how to answer a child’s question.

    Thus, the book for environmental education of children is used by most parents. Parents began to purchase for their children both books written by classics of children's literature and new educational books on ecology.

    The comparative results of the ascertaining and control stages are reflected in Diagram 3:

    The results of the control experiment are presented in table. 2

    table 2

    Results of the control experiment

    Child's name Level of development of ecological knowledge Attitude to the natural world Average score in points General level about the animal world about the plant world about inanimate nature about the seasons Score in points Level of development Score in points Level of development Score in points Level of development Score in points Level of development Score in points Level of development Masha 11С10С11С12С11С11,0С Ira 12С10С12С14В12С12,0ССveta 8С8С10С11С9С9,2СOLYA 13В14В14В14В13В13,6В Grisha 11С9С13В12С11С11,2С Ivan 12С12С1 4В14В12С12,8ССasha 13В10С12С13В11С11,8С Valya 14В13В14В15В14В14,0В Olya. 8С9С9С10С7Н8,6С Igor 14В13В14В15В14В14,0ВВ on average for the group. 11.6С10.5С12.3С13.0В11.4С11.8С

    An analysis of the diagnostic results of older preschoolers shows:

    Preschoolers of the preparatory group as a whole showed an average level of development of environmental knowledge and an ecologically correct attitude towards the natural world - 11.8 points.

    The level of knowledge of preschoolers about the animal world is average - 11.6 points.

    The level of knowledge about the plant world is average - 10.3

    The level of knowledge about inanimate nature and the seasons is average - 12.3.

    The level of knowledge about the seasons is average - 13.

    The level of environmentally correct attitude towards the natural world is average -11.4.

    Among children, 0% have a low level of environmental knowledge, 70% have an average level; 30% - high.

    We presented the results in a diagram:

    Diagram 4. Level of development of environmental knowledge in %

    Comparative results of the study of the level of development of environmental knowledge among preschool children are presented in the table:

    Table 3

    Comparative results of a study of the level of development of environmental knowledge in preschool children

    Ascertaining stageControl stageLevel of formation of environmental knowledge in Wed. by group 10 points 11.8 points. Low level of development of environmental knowledge (in %) 200 Average level of development of environmental knowledge (in %) 6070 High level of development of environmental knowledge (in %) 2030

    Thus, the level of development of environmental knowledge and environmentally correct attitude towards the natural world has increased.

    The level of development of ecological knowledge and ecologically correct attitude to the natural world among preschool children who showed low results in the ascertaining experiment increased significantly. In the control experiment, all children showed an average level of development of environmental knowledge and, with the exception of Olya, an average level of environmentally correct attitude towards the natural world.

    Thanks to the fact that we involved the family in the educational process, the level of development of environmental knowledge of preschoolers has increased. Consequently, the hypothesis of our study was confirmed that the effectiveness of environmental education of preschool children is achieved through the interaction of the family and the preschool educational institution.


    At the stage of preschool childhood, an initial sense of the surrounding world develops: the child receives emotional impressions about nature, accumulates ideas about different forms life. Thus, already during this period the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, and ecological culture are formed. But only under one condition - if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show the little person the beautiful world of nature, help the little person the beautiful world of nature, help establish relationships with him.

    When working with preschoolers on their environmental education, the preschool educational institution should work in conjunction with the family.

    Environmental education of preschoolers can be considered as a process of continuous parental education aimed at developing an environmental culture for all family members. Environmental education (enlightenment) of parents is one of the extremely important and at the same time one of the most difficult areas of work of a preschool institution. One of the primary tasks is to involve adult family members (even grandparents to a greater extent than busy dads and moms) in working together. The preschool age of a child is a period when many of them themselves strive for contact and cooperation with teachers, which is very important for environmental education. The family as an environment for the formation of personality has a huge influence on the formation of the child’s foundations of an ecological worldview. The foundation of moral education, which is inextricably linked with environmental education, is also laid in the family and specifically in early childhood. At the same time, contradictions often arise between the goals of the kindergarten team and the goals that parents set for themselves. The peculiarity of parents as an object of environmental education is that they themselves have already formed a certain worldview, usually based on a consumer attitude towards the world around them. In addition, the modern interest of parents is mainly concentrated in the field of learning, rather than child development.

    Working with parents should be a gradual and ongoing process, and the environmental information that educators offer to parents must be personally meaningful to them. In many preschool institutions I saw stands with detailed information about global environmental problems. These same facts are often presented at parent-teacher meetings. But practice has shown that this approach does not attract the attention of fathers and mothers; the catastrophism that often permeates the information causes its rejection. Direct propaganda in the form of posters and appeals has a similar effect on parents. On the other hand, original, colorfully designed mediated information may well change the parents’ point of view or at least make them think. First of all, you should pay attention to the joint activities of children and parents, since it is through activity that a person influences the world around him. In addition, it promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between a child and an adult, allows the child to feel like an “adult” (for example, during a hike or an environmental campaign), and allows the adult to better understand the child. During excursions and hikes, children and adults demonstrate qualities and skills that are not required in everyday conditions (the ability to properly make a fire or pitch a tent, behave like a team member, etc.).

    We have developed a set of activities for the interaction of preschool educational institutions and families in the environmental education of preschoolers in the preparatory group. We used the following forms of work with parents: consultations; round table “Let's save our native nature”; holding an exhibition of children's crafts made from natural materials in the group; parent meetings in the form of KVN; ecology project “Animals of Planet Earth”; joint excursion into nature.

    Our work was carried out in the following areas:

    - work with parents:

    Improving the socio-ecological culture of parents;

    acquaintance of parents with the forms and methods of working with children on the formation of socio-ecological ideas in a family environment;

    assisting parents in choosing forms and methods of working with children to form socio-ecological ideas in a family environment;

    inclusion of parents in interaction with a preschool institution in order to form socio-ecological ideas in children of middle preschool age.

    - joint activities with children:

    During joint excursions, the environment itself makes parents interested in various issues of natural history and ecology, especially since children constantly ask questions;

    participation in environmental holidays and in preparation for them;

    joint care of animals and plants;

    collecting collections of natural materials;

    exhibitions of joint drawings, models, crafts made from waste materials, photographs;

    environmental actions (cleaning the territory of a kindergarten, park, house, planting trees, decorating feeders).

    The set of measures we have developed has shown its effectiveness. Thanks to the fact that we involved the family in the educational process, the level of development of environmental knowledge of preschoolers has increased. Consequently, the hypothesis of our study was confirmed that the effectiveness of environmental education of preschool children is achieved through the interaction of the family and the preschool educational institution.

    Annex 1.

    Questionnaire for parents “Environmental education of children”

    FULL NAME___________________________________________

    Age group________________________________

    Do you know what ecology is, what it studies, what it does? ______________________________________________________________

    Are you personally interested in this problem?_____________________

    How do you feel about nature, do you like animals and birds? ______________________________________________________________

    Do you support the work carried out in preschool educational institutions on environmental education of preschoolers?_________________________

    How is it shown?

    We talked with the child about nature; set up a corner of nature in the family; purchased animals; feed the birds, get out into nature more often; conduct observations of natural objects with children; plant trees, protect nature (underline as appropriate).

    Do you introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature? ____________

    Is it necessary to do this? _________________________________________

    What do you need help from the preschool educational institution with this problem? (How to observe the weather; how to keep animals, plants; what knowledge to give; how to introduce the rules of behavior in nature; what practical activities in nature can be carried out with children...) ____________________________________________________________

    How do you evaluate the work of the preschool educational institution on this issue? ________________

    Your suggestions, wishes. ______________________________

    Appendix 2

    Questionnaire for parents “Book in the Family”

    FULL NAME____________________________________

    Age group________________________

    What books do you have at home to read to children? List them.

    Are there books about nature among them? Name them.


    How do you select books to read to children, what guides you when buying literature for children?

    How do you read books? (At the child’s request, on his own initiative, the child reads independently)

    Do you discuss the content of what you read with your child?_______________

    Do you have literature on nature for adults at home?______________

    Do you use it when communicating with your child? _______________

    How often? In what situations?

    I don’t know how to answer the child’s question; I want to tell you something new; I don’t use it - the child is not interested (underline as appropriate)

    Appendix 3.

    Consultation for parents on the problem of introducing children to nature

    Parents come with their child to country cottage area, where a child can be occupied and captivated by an interesting activity. First of all, ask him to help you, just do it in all seriousness, without any baby talk, especially since he will really help you. If you are planting, ask him to hold the seeds prepared for planting or rake the bed, or put the seed in the prepared hole himself. At the same time, tell him about your actions, for example, you can do this: “We will put a seed in the ground and cover it with earth. When the sun shines and heats the earth, the seed will become warm and it will begin to grow, it will want to look at the sun and a green sprout will look out of the ground, like this. (In this case, you need to show some blade of grass.) If you like the sprout, it will become bigger and bigger, it can turn into such a tree (show the child one of the trees on the site) or smaller. I also want him to bring us a tasty fruit, and you will eat it.” Every time you come to your site with your child, the first thing you need to do is invite him to see if a sprout has appeared. As soon as you see a sprout appear, rejoice. When you plant seedlings rather than seeds, you also need to explain your actions to your child. If you are planting tomato seedlings, have your child bring you one stem at a time. If it breaks by accident, pick up the broken stem and say: “I think it will not live and will not bear fruit for us, it is broken, but let’s still try to plant it.”

    Plant at least one broken one along with the others. A few days later, when you and your child come back to the bed with already strong tomato stems, point to the broken stem and remind him that it was broken when planting. At the same time, do not talk to the child in a didactic tone. Next year the child needs his own garden bed to give him the opportunity to do whatever he wants on it. Under no circumstances should a child be forced or correct what he has done. You can only ask him what he would like. You can help only by asking his permission and working with him. When you sow cereals, let him throw grains onto the bed with his handle.

    This way the child will show interest in the plant world. The point is not only that he will know and feel how and what is growing. The main thing is that he will start thinking and analyzing.

    Appendix 4

    Material from a round table for parents on the topic: “Let’s save our native nature.”

    .Invite parents to discuss the following questions:

    a) Does the natural environment influence the development of society?

    b) Does society influence the natural environment?

    c) Can morality be a regulator of human relations with nature? Consider the following situations:

    a) While on a walk in the forest, five-year-old Alyosha saw a beautiful butterfly with orange wings. Mom didn’t know what it was called, but she invited her son to look at it carefully and remember its appearance. “At home we will look in the book and find out its name.”

    1.Did the mother do the right thing?

    .Should you always answer all your children's questions right away?

    .What did the mother contribute to by setting such a task?

    .Do you think it is possible to catch butterflies and other insects? What is brought up in children in this way?

    .What character traits can be developed in children by watching insects?

    2nd situation:

    Sasha, while helping his grandmother care for strawberries in the garden, became interested in how berries are made from flowers. The grandmother invited the boy to watch the formation of strawberry fruits. She drew her grandson’s attention to how the ovary appeared, how it began to grow, change in shape and color.

    These observations, directed by the grandmother, focused on the child’s knowledge of the growth and development of strawberries. Based on this knowledge, Sasha was able to explain the process of formation of currant berries and cucumber fruits from flowers. He developed a rudimentary understanding of plant growth and development, which later helped him in studying botany at school.

    1.Should young children be encouraged to observe and care for garden plants? What does this give?

    .Do you think that if a child takes part in labor activities together with adults in the vegetable garden and flower garden, will he be able to show cruelty towards plants and living people?

    .Do your children take part in caring for the plants in the garden?

    III. Concert by children “Russian Nature”.. Discuss what you saw with your parents.

    a) Do they think that such work with children will contribute to instilling a love for the nature of their native land and a desire to protect it?

    b) Is it possible to treat nature as a means of nurturing beauty in a person?

    “The most beautiful thing is nature itself. Look at it as closely as possible. First, take a flower, or a leaf, or a cobweb, or frost patterns on glass... This is a work of art by nature's greatest artist. Try to define in words what you like about them. This will force the attention to delve deeper into the observed object, consciously relate to it when evaluating it, delve deeper into its essence... Turn to the study of everything that catches your eye and that helps to develop good taste and love for the beautiful.”

    (K. Sukhomlinsky). Invite parents to think about what they can do together with their children to protect nature (specific activities in nature at the dacha, near the house, in kindergarten...).

    Appendix No. 5

    Summary of the parent meeting in the form of KVN.

    Topic: “Nature and moral education of children of senior preschool age”

    Goal: to create conditions for cooperation between parents and children, their emotional and mental rapprochement; increase the interest of parents in the environmental education of their children and ecology in general.

    Equipment: Envelopes with proverbs about nature cut into words, puzzles, two Whatman paper, markers.

    Progress of the meeting.

    Introduction. More and more often we hear and pronounce the word “ecology”. Science is complex, important and necessary. The science is relevant.

    Environmental education is a continuous process of training, education and development of a child, aimed at the formation of his environmental culture, which is manifested in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, the environment, a responsible attitude towards one’s health and the state of the environment, in compliance with certain moral standards, system of value orientations.

    As practice shows, modern preschoolers have a large amount of knowledge about nature. However, this knowledge is often formed spontaneously, under the influence of television programs, advertising, and cartoons. Only in the process of purposeful work of the kindergarten and parents can an ecological culture, ecological thinking, and environmental consciousness be formed in children.

    Our meeting today is just an attempt to look into the amazingly diverse, unsolved world of nature. An attempt to see and understand that the amazing is always nearby, you just need to be able to see and hear.

    We must instill in children a clear understanding from an early age: man is part of nature. There will be no greenery, no animals - and he will not live on Earth. And vice versa: the richer the world around, the better man will live in this world.

    A child’s knowledge of nature affects not only the area of ​​the mind, but also the area of ​​moral feelings. Therefore, while imparting knowledge to children about the animal and plant world, adults at the same time inform them of the rules of behavior in nature.

    A person who does not see the beauty of nature is worse than a blind person: he has blindness of soul. And from someone whose soul is blind, do not expect kindness or honesty, devotion or courage. Is it necessary to talk about how urgent the issue of instilling in children a caring attitude towards the world around them is?

    I would like the motto of our today’s KVN to be the words of Vadim Shefner from the poem “Man”:

    You, man, loving nature,

    At least sometimes feel sorry for her!

    On pleasure trips

    Don't trample its fields!

    Don't burn her recklessly

    And don't exhaust it to the bottom.

    And remember the simple truth:

    There are many of us, but she is alone!

    So, now I suggest you split into two teams. The first team will be called “FLOWER - SEMIFLOWER”, the second “TRANSFORMERS”.

    Y competition. Team presentation. Have the teams introduce themselves (team name, team captain, greeting).

    "Flower - seven-flowered"

    Nature's true friends!

    We are friendly, like one family!

    They came to play in KVN,

    To know more about nature!


    Each of us will protect nature,

    Our soul aches for every tree.

    We're ready to play today

    Let's all talk about nature together.

    Y competition. Warm up. "Fun quiz."

    Questions for the first team:

    What flower are we talking about?

    Parachutes over the meadow,

    Swinging on a twig. (Dandelion.)

    A tramp wandering the roads. (Plantain).

    Does a snail have teeth? (Yes, a snail has 135 rows of teeth located on its tongue. Each row contains 105, for a total of 14,175).

    In ancient Rus' this animal was called veksha. He is graceful and handsome. Its cubs are born naked, but then they sport red, fluffy outfits. The animal is very trusting. (Squirrel).

    The cub was not born, but was already given to foster care. Who is he? (Cuckoo).

    Who builds a hut in the forest without axes, without corners? (Ants).

    What can be used in the forest to brew tea? (Strawberry, raspberry, currant leaves, rose hips).

    Questions for the second team:

    What flower are we talking about?

    I'm in the field and in the garden,

    In plain sight of passers-by.

    My head is white

    It has sprouted with petals. (Chamomile).

    Flower and seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes. (Carnation).

    Which bird always carries a bag? (Pelican, pelica is a bag in Greek).

    The fruits of which shrubs are rich in vitamin C? (Blackcurrant, rosehip).

    What do you think the Red Book is?

    (Red color is a signal of alarm, impending danger, warning. This book contains animals and plants of which there are very few left on Earth, they are in danger of extinction. They must be saved: hunting for them should be prohibited, protected in nature reserves).

    Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (In penguins).

    Who has ears on their feet? (Grasshopper).

    Y competition. “Collect a proverb.”

    Teams need to make up proverbs from the given words.

    Snowdrifts in the fields - grain harvest in the bins.

    A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of grass.

    Spring is red with flowers, autumn with sheaves.

    Summer is a supply, and winter is a pick-me-up.

    Y competition. Captains competition.

    Each captain will be offered 5 puzzles. The captain who solves all the puzzles the fastest wins.

    Y competition. Musical competition.

    Teams take turns singing songs about nature. The team that sings the most songs wins.

    The first team sings songs about plants, the second - about animals.

    Contest. Live pantomime.

    Each team shows a live pantomime, the other team must guess (3 natural objects).

    Y competition. Poster competition on the theme “Planet Earth is in danger - save it.”

    Each team is invited to draw their vision, solutions to the situation, on the topic “Planet Earth is in danger - save it.”

    The jury sums up the results of the competitions. The children of the group give a small concert: they sing songs about nature and dance.

    Appendix 6

    Summary of the open lesson-presentation “Travel around our planet”

    Goal: to develop children's creative cognitive abilities in the process of solving a specially simulated problem situation.

    Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the animals of our planet; develop coherent speech; develop children's search activity: the ability to identify tasks based on the problem posed.

    Preparation for the lesson: creating a map; album “Stories about Animals”; piggy bank “We know them”; exhibition of drawings; flower - seven flowers; drawings - confusion; did. game "Who eats what."

    Progress of the lesson:

    Introduction to the problem:

    (The group includes Dunno). Educator:

    Guys, who came to visit us today? Learned? Hello, Dunno! What did you bring us?

    (Shows confusing pictures).

    Dunno: I’ve heard the names of many animals, but I don’t know what they look like, where they live and what they eat. Could you help me?

    Educates: Guys, can we help Dunno? How? (We'll talk about animals, show them in pictures, on a map, draw them).

    Game motivation.

    Educate: Then I suggest you go on a journey along our map. With the help of a flower - a seven-flowered flower - we will get to the continents. (Tears off a petal):

    Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east,

    Through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle.

    As soon as you touch the ground, we have to do it our way...

    We want to be in Africa.

    So we ended up in Africa. Who will tell you about the animals of Africa? (1-2 children come to the map and talk about the animals of Africa, using visual material).

    Then, with the help of the seven-color flower, they go to other continents and talk about the animals of these continents.

    Physical education lesson “We are hunting a lion.”

    Did. game “Who eats what” (arrange pictures depicting food with pictures depicting animals).

    Educate: Dunno, and now we invite you to visit our exhibition of drawings and look at the animals that the children drew. (Look at the exhibition, children comment).

    Dunno: Thank you guys, now I know what animals look like, I’ll draw them correctly.

    Educate: Dunno, and so that you not only know what animals look like, but also about their way of life, we suggest you take with you our album “Stories about Animals,” which the children compiled together with their parents.

    (Dunno thanks the children and leaves).

    Summary of the lesson: Do you think Dunno left us happy? Why? What new did he learn? Do you think Dunno will benefit from the knowledge he received from us? What for?

    Appendix 7

    Consultation for parents on the topic “Cognitive interests of your child”

    Soon our children will become schoolchildren. What will school life bring them? Will it be successful, joyful, or will it be overshadowed by failures and disappointments? This largely depends on how we prepare a child for school, how much we can develop in him those qualities that determine the effectiveness of learning.

    It is necessary to develop cognitive interests in preschoolers. The desire to learn new things, to find out what is unclear about the qualities, properties of objects, phenomena of reality, the desire to delve into their essence, to find the connections and relationships between them characterize developing cognitive interest. The basis of cognitive interest is active mental activity. Under its influence, the child is capable of longer and more stable concentration of attention, and shows independence in solving mental or practical problems. “Intellectually passive children” constitute the category of underachieving and undisciplined students.

    Cognitive interest is associated with memory activity. You, of course, have noticed that a preschooler remembers interesting material easier and more firmly and reproduces it faster. The condition for the emergence of cognitive interest is the establishment of a connection between existing experience and newly acquired knowledge, finding new aspects, properties, and relationships in a familiar, well-known object.

    Solid knowledge is the basis for a child’s activity. They contribute to the manifestation of a keen interest in reality. No wonder popular wisdom says: “To love is to know.”

    Don’t try to explain and tell your child about everything he sees on TV during walks. To develop a child’s interest, it is more advisable to excite him cognitive activity, stimulate the emergence of questions in him, the desire to find answers to them through observations and reflections. For example, you and your child are walking through the forest. Invite your son or daughter to determine what has changed in the forest since last visit; ask questions and come up with riddles about what he sees; remember and read lines from previously learned poems about nature.

    When introducing children to the world around them, often resort to comparison. Thanks to the comparison of objects and phenomena of reality, the child understands them more deeply, identifies new qualities and properties in them, which makes it possible to take a different look at what seemed familiar to him. So, on the street, ask your child to compare types of transport, houses, trees, etc. By encouraging a child to make comparisons, we increase his powers of observation and ensure more active and conscious assimilation of knowledge.

    The cognitive interest of a preschooler is reflected in his games, drawings, stories and other types of creative activities. Therefore, conditions should be created in the family for the development of such activities. If the activity is successful, then the child’s desire to engage in it increases, which has a beneficial effect on the development of his cognitive interest. Encourage children's activities and games, treat them favorably, and help them complete what they have started. Play together with your child.

    The child’s inquisitive thoughts and interests are manifested in his questions. They are generated by the new and unknown, by everything that causes doubt, surprise, and bewilderment in the child.

    Children's issues must be treated carefully and carefully. It is recommended to answer them in such a way as to support and deepen the child’s curiosity and cognitive interest. Brevity, clarity of the answer, accessibility to the understanding of a preschooler - this should guide an adult when answering children's questions.

    Workshop for parents:

    1.Analyze the nature of the questions your child asks?

    Are your child's interests sustainable?

    Does the child strive to expand his knowledge about a subject that interests him, using various means information (asks to read, tell; looks at illustrations; observes independently; carries out simple experiments; turns to TV shows)?

    4.How do you answer children's questions?

    Memo for parents “How to answer children's questions?”

    Treat your child's questions with respect and don't brush them off. Listen carefully to the child’s question, try to understand what interested the child in the subject or phenomenon about which he is asking.

    Give answers that are brief and understandable to a preschooler, while avoiding complex words and bookish figures of speech. The answer should not only enrich the child with new knowledge, but also encourage him to further thoughts and observations. Encourage your child’s independent thinking by answering his question with a counter question: “What do you think?” In response to your child’s question, try to involve him in observing the life around him, read a book to him, and look at the illustrations together. When answering a child’s question, influence his feelings, cultivate sensitivity, humanity, and tactfulness towards the people around him. If answers to your child’s questions require the communication of complex knowledge that is inaccessible to the understanding of a preschooler, do not be afraid to tell him: “You are still small and will not be able to understand much. You will study at school, you will learn a lot, you will be able to answer your own question.”

    Appendix 8

    Plan of an excursion into nature with parents and children


    Form an idea of ​​the state of nature in spring;

    enrich and activate the vocabulary;

    evoke joyful experiences from communicating with nature, be able to see its beauty, the desire to preserve all living things;

    develop communication skills.

    Preliminary work: daily observations on the site, excursions at different times of the year, reading stories about nature, memorizing poems, riddles, folk signs, games; compiling descriptive stories, conversations, looking at illustrations; creation of collective works on topics What autumn gave us , Take care of the forest”, “We are friends of nature”, work in a corner of nature and on a walk.

    Identification and viewing of the excursion location by the teacher.

    Preparing excursion equipment:

    Route plan;

    Garbage collection bags, gloves.

    Drinking water, wet wipes, first aid kit.

    Shovels or scoops for digging up plants - 3.

    Folding knife for cutting branches from a tree or bush - 1.

    Folders for plants - 2.

    Baskets for cones, leaves - 4.

    Progress of the event:

    1. Before going on an excursion, the teacher holds a conversation with the children at the kindergarten site.

    Educator: Guys, today we are going to have an unusual journey into the beautiful kingdom of nature. But not everyone can get there... To do this, you need to love your native land and take care of everything that surrounds us.

    Let us see with kind eyes and a sensitive heart the beauty of every flower, every leaf, every bird, every insect.

    I invite everyone to take a tour.

    Along the way, the teacher draws the children's attention to changes in nature, to the air, grass and trees. Reminds us that we need to take care of every bush, every tree. It is not for nothing that popular wisdom states: “Don’t destroy a lot of forest, plant a little forest”; “The plant is the decoration of the earth”; “Groves and forests, the whole region is beautiful.”

    Having arrived at the place, the adults and the teacher, together with the children, choose a convenient clearing and put their backpacks in one place. They are resting.

    Organizing games with parents and children.

    Game "What do we see?" Describe in one word what they see around (sky, sun, trees). You need to speak quickly and not repeat words said by others.

    Game “What is it? " Children take turns naming an object and its property: the sky is blue, the path is long, the pebble is rough, the ground is warm.

    Game "Kind Words" Emphasize that there are many kind words, they should be spoken more often to adults and children. Come up with different words for birch, poplar, hemp, grass, bird.

    Outdoor game “Migration of birds.

    Guys, let's breathe in the clean air, the bitter, pungent aroma of birch trees, listen to the silence, stand quietly and listen to nature. You know that every flower has its own song. Let's listen to them. Just remember: without love for all living things you will not be able to penetrate the secrets of nature.

    Children listen and say what they heard.

    Let's remember poems and songs about flowers, trees, riddles about spring and signs, proverbs and sayings.

    Children read poems and ask riddles.

    The teacher offers to listen to a poem about a birch tree.

    Scattered across the lawn

    A carefree, light flock,

    Like teenage girls

    White-trunk birch trees.

    They joined hands, and so -

    The round dance began to spin.

    Educator: Guys, please come to the birch tree. Hug her, tell her she's beautiful.

    Competition for children and parents “Say as many beautiful words about birch as possible.”

    Children together with their parents perform the round dance “There was a birch tree in the field.”

    The teacher asks the children to guess the riddle:

    The working people are busy all day,

    He builds a house near a stump,

    This is a house with a thousand windows (anthill).

    Invite children to look at the anthill, introduce them to the life of these hardworking and useful insects. Tell that ants destroy harmful insects, so the anthill should not be destroyed.

    Educator: When you admire nature, your soul feels good, light and joyful, you want to wish this joy to the whole world: the sun, the earth, all living things.

    Guys, let's remember together the rules of behavior in nature. I ask you to look around: maybe you will see the harm that people have caused who do not see the beauty of the world, and try to correct it.

    Children and adults collect garbage in bags and talk about what needs to be done. To save nature.

    The tour ends with tea at fresh air with the gifts of nature: tea with currant leaves, sandwiches with vegetables, fruits. Educator: Guys. I want you, when leaving here, to take with you as much good mood, health, happiness as you want, so that you can feel good, always be cheerful and never get sick. Let's say goodbye to nature, it's time for us to return.

    To remember the excursion, children collect dry twigs, beautiful stones, and leaves for the herbarium. Children express their feelings and love for nature in drawings and crafts made from natural materials.

    Additional material.

    "Nature's Friends Rules"

    Do not break trees and bushes, do not tear down plants.

    Do not knock over mushrooms, even inedible ones.

    Do not strip the patina or kill the spiders.

    Don't destroy birds' nests.

    Do not catch wild animals and birds, do not take them home.

    Don't make noise in the forest. With noise you will scare away the animals, disturb them, and you yourself will see and hear much less.

    "Our motto"

    Love and protect nature!


    Animal holes. We will never destroy birds' nests.

    Let birds and small animals live well next to us.

    Tags: Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on environmental education for preschool children Diploma in Pedagogy

    In our time, the problems of environmental education of children not only have not lost their relevance, but, on the contrary, are coming to the fore. The reason for this is the activity of man, who, by interfering with the usual cycle of nature, disrupts its ecological balance, thereby, without suspecting it, destroying an already fragile mechanism. Such environmentally illiterate, wasteful, nature-destructive human activities negatively affect us ourselves. After all, everything that a person needs for life, for his existence, is given to him by the environment. Our planet is designed in such a way that it provides all the favorable opportunities for the appearance and existence of various forms of life on it. Man, as a species of living beings, also has the opportunity to live and develop thanks to the existing conditions provided by nature. Hence the conclusion - the importance of nature in human life is paramount, fundamental, fundamental.

    But love for the Motherland, for the native land, for the native nature, for people can only be developed at a young age. Then changing the worldview, changing a person’s ideas and views on the environment is extremely difficult. That is why it is important to promptly develop the ecological consciousness of a small personality.

    In the work on environmental education and education of preschool children, one of the important components is working with the parents of the students. After all, only by relying on the family, only by joint efforts, moving in a single rhythm, will we be able to solve our main task - to raise an environmentally literate person who knows how to simply love all living things, treat them with care and want to save and preserve what Mother Nature has given him.

    Children who feel nature: the breath of plants, the aromas of flowers, the rustling of grass, the singing of birds, will no longer be able to destroy this beauty. On the contrary, they have a need to help this creation live, to love them, to communicate with them. Therefore, preschool teachers bear a huge responsibility for the environmental education of the younger generation. Our task is to show parents the need to instill an environmental culture in their children, to encourage them to contribute and, by personal example, and not in words, to demonstrate to their child correct behavior in nature.

    What does this concept of “ecological culture” mean? Ecological culture is environmental knowledge, practical skills, aesthetic experiences (empathy, compassion, interest and desire to help nature, the ability to admire its beauty).

    Goal: to show parents the need to instill an environmental culture in children, to involve parents in joint work to develop an environmental culture in preschool children.

    1. To bring to an understanding of the importance of the problem of the relationship between man and nature and the consequences of human activity in it.
    2. To expand the understanding of parents that nothing in nature disappears without a trace and it is very important to teach the child to protect nature, love it and be able to protect it.
    3. Raise the level of environmental culture and awareness of parents about the problem of waste management through information messages.
    4. To stimulate interest in creating a favorable environment for the city and neighborhood.
    5. Form child-parent relationships in the spirit of nurturing interest and environmentally friendly correct behavior in nature.
    6. Teach parents, by personal example, to treat nature with care, protect and protect it.

    Project activities can systematize the work on environmental education of children, use various forms of work, and actively involve parents. Let's talk about the forms of work with parents that I used when implementing our long-term environmental project “Ecological Trail”.

    Of course, there is no escape without traditional methods and forms of work, such as parent meetings, consultations, conversations, and conferences. But non-traditional forms are not inferior in their effectiveness, such as business games, games - excursions, various environmental events, pedagogical screens, competitions, homework, round table, work on the site, city gardening, joint activities with children. logical actions logical actions, such as education and preschool children. interests and desire logical

    When choosing a particular form of work, you should pay attention to the contingent of parents, their interests, activities, creativity and capabilities. That is, as in the work of educating preschoolers, adhere to an individual approach. Traditional forms of work are designed for a wide range of people and are not always effective and efficient. As for non-traditional forms of work, here, with the help of a differentiated approach to working with parents, the effectiveness and efficiency of work increases, provided that the teacher finds and applies sure ways interactions and work.

    It is also important to build a correct dialogue when communicating with parents. Edifications, clear instructions, conventions, frameworks, specifics - everything that our parents receive every day at work leads to the fact that a positive response can be expected only from a small proportion of parents. And we need an emotional response, a desire to help and work together in a given direction. Therefore, the strict diktat “put it in the back drawer.” Involve parents in joint activities, solving important problems and finding common right decisions, a positive attitude, a differentiated approach and a variety of forms of work will help.

    At the initial stage project activities, when working with parents, it is advisable to hold a regular parent meeting on the topic “Education of environmental culture in preschoolers.” At the same time, starting it with a game - a competition between teams of children and parents. This game will demonstrate the knowledge in the field of ecology of both teams and will make parents think about the level of their environmental culture. Then, after the children leave for another group, analyze this event with their parents, give an assessment and summarize.

    The fundamentals of environmental education are aimed at developing a careful, responsible, humane attitude towards the environment.

    Environmental education cannot be 100% dependent on a preschool institution, because for children, role models are parents who should not remain indifferent in the work on the environmental education of their children.

    After such a summing up, most parents will think about the level of their personal environmental culture, about their family values, which they instill in the child, and most importantly, they will feel the need to provide assistance and assistance to the teacher in the work on the environmental education of their children. Thus, together with parents, goals, objectives and forms of joint work on the environmental education of preschool children are set through project activities.

    Further work with parents includes both traditional and non-traditional forms of work. Let's tell you more about them.

    For example, we conduct conversations and consultations individually or in subgroups, using appropriate forms of communication and interaction. For example, with some parents it is enough to present information in an accessible way, while others should first be interested and then included. Some are afraid to open up and ask a question, others easily make contact. And if you don’t build such a differentiated system of interaction, the impact and result will be minimal.

    I also use non-traditional forms of working with parents, for example, such as the round table “Cultivating Kindness to Nature.” Depending on the technical equipment of the preschool institution, the teacher first works with the children. Children's stories about their pets are recorded on a camera or tape recorder (naturally, we focus on children who are either indifferent or cruel to animals). Then this material is viewed or listened to by parents at a round table. Next, it is advisable to divide the parents into two subgroups for further conversations (if the child is cruel to animals, the goal of the conversation with the parents is to do no harm; for parents whose children show indifference, the goal of the conversation is to interest and attract.) During the conversations, parents are given questionnaires , by filling out which they can finally be convinced of the “diagnosis” given to their child. This allows you to quickly and effectively prove to parents the need to work with their child to instill love and respect for animals. At the end of the conversation, the teacher distributes reminders to parents, advises those parents who find it difficult to choose forms of work, offers literature, and perhaps even refers them for consultation to a teacher-psychologist (When holding a round table on such a topic, it is possible to involve a teacher-psychologist).

    Another non-traditional form of working with parents is participation in environmental events. At the same time, parents are involved not only in holding events, but also actively participate in their preparation and organization. For example, as part of the work on our environmental project“Ecological trail”, we, together with our parents, organized the action “Defenders of Nature”. At home, parents and their children drew posters, made signs, leaflets, and brochures. And then they actively helped in carrying out the action, after which everyone was satisfied with the result.

    Joint excursions to parks and squares, work in the garden, games - competitions, homework, games - entertainment, seminars - workshops, round tables, greening the city, together with children creative activity All these are forms of work I used with parents to form an ecological culture in preschoolers through project activities. It is impossible to cover them all within the framework of this article. Therefore, I decided to focus on the most interesting and effective forms of working with parents, which I am happy to share with you.

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 10" "Martin"

    Compiled by: teacher, I qualification category Anikina S.A.; teacher, I qualification category Ananyeva. S.I. Chistopol 2014

    Explanatory note

    For people living in modern society, many problems. But perhaps one of the most acute and pressing is the problem of environmental conservation. We are already accustomed to conversations that the world is on the brink of an environmental catastrophe, that every day more and more species of plants and animals are disappearing on Earth; we physically suffer from air, water, soil pollution... In recent decades, people have been rapidly trying to curb nature, forgetting that we are responsible for those we have tamed. The main task of our time will not even be the study of nature as such, but its preservation. A person must change his established point of view on his place in this world. Defiant position "Human and nature" should be replaced by a more neutral, more reasonable one: "Man in Nature" .

    Today, a large number of people are environmentally ignorant. And sometimes parents themselves are an example of environmental incivility. In preschool age, the foundations of a person’s worldview and his relationship to the world around him are laid. By environmental education of children we understand, first of all, the education of humanity, i.e. kindness, a responsible attitude towards nature, and towards the people who live nearby, and towards descendants who need to leave the earth suitable for a full life. Environmental education should teach children to understand themselves and everything that happens around them. By mastering environmental knowledge, the child learns about the inextricable connection of a living organism with the external environment and adapts to certain elements of the environment. Through the knowledge of living things, the spiritualization of existence, the aesthetic perception of nature occurs, and the ethics of human interaction with the world is formed.

    Making a child feel that he is responsible for the world around him is the main task today. Forming a responsible attitude towards nature is a complex process, the success of which largely depends on the mutual activities of the family, school, system additional education, especially at the initial stages of the formation and development of a child’s ecological culture. The family is the first socio-ecological unit of society, and the moral norms of ecological culture are laid, first of all, in the family. It is the family that is called upon to transform culture as a system of material and spiritual values ​​into an individual culture of the personality and behavior of children, to develop on this basis needs, interests, motives, habits, to form social activity, decency, and a constant desire for knowledge and self-improvement. But the formation of a child’s personality in a family is a mutual process.

    Parents, raising their children, educate themselves, and children, choosing their path in life under the influence of adults, educate themselves. And for this process to have positive results, parents need to constantly update their knowledge in the pedagogical education system, where it is necessary to provide a program for environmental education of children in the family. To do this, you can organize Sunday environmental schools, courses, parent universities, communication clubs and other forms of education. By attracting children to close communication with nature, to knowledge of the world of plants and animals, we adults contribute to the active development in children of such qualities as kindness, patience, hard work and mercy. These features inherent in early age, will firmly become part of a person’s character and become his basis. Then you can be calm for nature and the younger generation.

    The goal of the program: to intensify interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on the issue of environmental education of children of senior preschool age.

    Program objectives:

    1. Organize planned work with children of senior preschool age to develop environmental knowledge and environmental attitudes towards natural phenomena and objects.
    2. Organize planned interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on environmental education.

    Creating conditions for parents to be active within the framework of the program:

    • contact between its participants, ensuring the exchange of actions and information
    • understanding by all participants of the meaning of the activity and its final result
    • the presence of a leader who organizes joint activities and distributes responsibilities in accordance with the capabilities of its participants

    The emergence and manifestation of the activity process interpersonal relationships, the nature and color of which influence the achievement of the final result.

    Diagnostic methods for identifying the level of environmental education of children of senior preschool age and the environmental culture of their parents:

    1. Methodology O.A. Solomennikova (identification of the level of environmental knowledge and ecological attitude of preschool children to the environment).
    2. Questionnaire for parents of children of senior preschool age “Ecological education of children in the family” (identification of the level of environmental culture of parents of children of senior preschool age) S.N. Nikolaeva.
    3. Questionnaire for teachers “Conditions for environmental education of preschool children” (identification of conditions for the effective organization of formative work on environmental education) S.N. Nikolaeva.

    Practical material for organizing work with children and parents.

    1. Autumn in nature.

    Theoretical part: Weather prediction based on local signs. The connection between seasonal changes in nature and changes in the height of the sun, a decrease in the height of the midday sun, a shortening of the length of the day, cooling. Changes in the color of leaves of trees and shrubs, the meaning of leaf fall. Preparing perennial herbaceous plants for winter. Purpose of the simplest meteorological instruments, ability to use them (thermometer, weather vane, barometer, gnomon).

    Practical part: Determining the weather using meteorological instruments, predicting the weather based on clouds, wind, plants, and animal behavior. Observing changes in plant life (sequence of changes in leaf color, beginning and end of leaf fall, influence of weather conditions on leaf falling). Maintaining records in "Calendar of nature and labor" . Competition for the best craft from natural material "Forest Miracle" . Collecting seeds and fruits of wild herbs, trees and shrubs. Production of herbarium and educational visual aids. Feeding wintering birds.

    2. Minerals.

    Theoretical part: Rocks and minerals found in the surrounding area, their most important properties and economic use. The influence of wind and water on destruction rocks. Soil formation. The role of water in the life of humans, plants and animals.

    Practical part: Collecting samples of local minerals. Orientation on the terrain with and without a compass.

    3. Fruit and berry plants.

    Theoretical part: Diversity of fruit and berry plants in the garden. The difference between them is in appearance. Insect pests of fruit and berry plants. Harmless methods of insect control.

    Practical part: Making a guide to fruit and berry plants (based on leaves, herbarium, fruit dummies). Making a collection of insect pests.

    4. Birds in autumn.

    Theoretical part: Getting to know the birds of your area, as well as granivorous and insectivorous birds. Food for wintering birds. The importance of winter feeding of birds.

    Practical part: Sketching flocks of birds flying away. Preparing feed for wintering birds. Making and hanging feeders. Album design with photographs and drawings of birds.

    5. Autumn work in a corner of wildlife.

    Theoretical part: The variety of indoor plants, their origin, relationship to light, temperature, air humidity and soil. Features of their appearance in connection with the conditions of natural habitats. Features of caring for indoor plants in the fall.

    Practical part: Familiarization with the appearance and names of newly appeared indoor plants. Making labels for indoor plants. Plant care: watering, loosening the soil, removing dry leaves.

    6. Winter in nature.

    Theoretical part: Signs of winter. Nature conservation issues. Relationship between seasonal phenomena and changes in sun altitude. Literary composition “Hello, guest winter” .

    Practical part: Working with waste material; with fabric. Making crafts and applications on the theme "Winter" . Determining the weather using instruments and predicting it based on local signs. Maintaining records in "Nature Calendar" . Excursion into nature to study winter phenomena.

    7. Protection and attraction of wintering birds.

    Theoretical part: Wintering birds: their benefits and attraction. Preparation and participation in the holiday "Day of Wintering Birds" .

    Practical part: Design of an environmental shield "Let's help the birds" . Promotion "Feeder" . Working with straws. Application from imagination "Firebird" .

    8. Work in a corner of wildlife in winter.

    Theoretical part: Features of keeping indoor plants in a corner of wildlife in winter. Methods for propagating indoor plants.

    Practical part: Working with waste material. Making flower pots from plastic bottles. Making an applique from a shell "Vase with Flowers" . Drawing competition "What's growing on my window" . Fabric applique "Flower Fireworks" .

    9. Plant nutrition from the soil.

    Theoretical part: Mineral and organic fertilizers, timing and methods of their application to the soil. Norms for applying mineral fertilizers per 1 m2. The effect of fertilizers on increasing plant productivity.

    Practical part: Drawing up a table of the influence of mineral and organic fertilizers on plant growth.

    10. Work in a corner of wildlife in the spring.

    Theoretical part: Familiarization with the rules of replanting, transshipment and pruning of indoor plants. Introducing different methods of propagating indoor plants.

    Practical part: Work on transshipment, replanting, fertilizing, pruning plants. Working with nylon and wire, working with straw, working with natural materials.

    11. Nature conservation.

    Theoretical part: Environmental situation today. Nature conservation laws. "Red Book of Nature" . Public organizations for nature protection. A game "These funny animals" .

    Practical part: Issuing an open letter to people "Let's save the Earth" . Drawing competition "Cleanliness will save the world" . Ecological decade. Newspaper release "Ecological assortment" .

    12. Getting to know plants and animals "Red Book" .

    Theoretical part: Introduction to plants "Red Book" . Meet the Animals "Red Book" .

    Practical part: Design "Red Book" endangered plants and animals of the Trans-Urals.

    16. Nature of Tatarstan.

    Theoretical part: Area on the map of the Motherland. Forests. Plants of the forest. Animals of the forest. Steppes and meadows. Steppe plants. Meadow plants. Steppe animals. Reservoirs of our region. Plants of ponds. Fauna of water bodies. Nature asks for help.

    Practical part: Essay competition "My native land" . Excursion to the forest. Design of environmental panels "Protect nature" . Working with natural, waste materials; paper, cloth.

    Observation cycles.

    A series of observations of a hamster.

    Observation 1. Let's make a home for the hamster.

    Goal: to establish that good conditions for a hamster, this is a spacious cage, which should have a bedding made of sand or sawdust, a house or hole for a nest, a climbing rope, a ladder, a feeder, and a ditch for the toilet.

    Observation 2. Is the hamster doing well in the new environment?

    Goal: to learn to notice how an animal behaves in a new environment; teach to understand his behavior, determine his well-being, draw conclusions (what is missing, what can be improved).

    Observation 3. What and how does a hamster eat?

    Goal: introduce hamster food, find out how he eats and what he prefers. The teacher pays attention to how the animal takes food with its paws, what pose it takes, etc.

    Observation 4. How does a hamster store supplies?

    Purpose: to show that the hamster has cheek pouches in which it can carry food into the nest. Children watch how the hamster puts food in its cheek pouches, takes it to the hole, "unloads" and returns to the feeder again.

    Observation 5. The hamster is a clean animal.

    Goal: learn to notice how a hamster washes itself, cleans its fur, and uses the toilet.

    Observation 6. How does the hamster rest?

    Goal: to find out the hamster’s resting and waking patterns during the day, in what position he sleeps, in what place.

    The teacher invites children to approach the cage at different times - before breakfast, after it, after a walk, in the evening. When discussing what we saw, it leads to the idea that hamsters usually rest during the day, become more active in the evening, and are awake at night.

    Observation 7. What is a hamster like and how is it different from a mouse?

    Goal: to clarify the external features of the hamster (round body, large head, almost no neck; small ears, beady eyes, antennae around the nose, short legs, sharp claws; body covered with soft fluffy hair reddish color; A hamster differs from a mouse in that it does not have a tail).

    Observation 8. How does a hamster move?

    Goal: clarify ways to move a hamster (can climb because it has curved claws: does not run very fast: legs are short).

    Observation 9. When is a hamster difficult to notice?

    Purpose: to clarify children’s understanding of the camouflage coloration of a hamster. Develop observation skills and the ability to correctly reflect cause-and-effect relationships in speech.

    Sand is poured onto the bottom of the cage and sheets of colored paper are placed on the sides. (red, white, brown) Children watch from afar, note when the hamster is clearly visible and when - not so much.

    Observation 10. Is the hamster afraid of attack from above?

    Goal: to teach to observe the behavior of a hamster in a situation simulating an attack on it by a bird of prey (notice his actions, name them, explain them correctly). Using pre-prepared black paper model bird of prey, the teacher stages an attack on a hamster from above (once if the hamster immediately reacts and runs into the hole, or two or three times if the reaction is not very expressive).

    A series of observations of branches in a vase.

    Observation 1.

    Purpose: to show that favorable conditions are created for cut branches. Light is not needed in the first couples. Sketch 2-3 branches in the vase, conveying the structural features.

    Observation 2, 3.

    Purpose: to detect a change in the condition of the branches, notice swollen buds, clarify their living conditions, expose them to light, add nutrients.

    Observation 4.

    Purpose: to detect changes in the condition of branches, the appearance of leaves, flowers, roots. Enjoy the beauty of blooming flowers and their aroma. Draw branches on the calendar page, depict "time strip" .

    A series of observations of aquarium fish (who lives in our


    Goal: identify all the inhabitants of the aquarium (fish, snails, plants) their names, note their overall beauty.

    A series of observations of aquarium fish (what are our fish?)

    Purpose: to clarify with children the features of the external structure (body shape, coloring, scales, features of the tail, fins), differences and similarities of fish living in an aquarium.

    A series of observations of aquarium fish. (How do fish breathe?)

    Purpose: to give children an idea that fish need air to live. They breathe air through gills. The gill covers that cover them are located on the sides of the head. They constantly open and close, this is how fish breathe.

    A series of observations of spruce.

    Observation 1. How is spruce different from other trees? Spruce trees have needles instead of leaves; they are stored for the winter. Elongated cones hang on the spruce, containing seeds. Spruce is a coniferous tree.

    Observation 2. How to distinguish between pine and larch. The pine has long needles, short cones, and is taller than spruce.

    Observation 3. How does the spruce on the site differ from a toy tree? It’s alive on the street, it has a root in the ground, sap moves along the trunk and branches, and needles change. The toy tree is small and not alive, you can play with it.

    Observation 4. How many years have you been eating? Every year, new branches appear at the top of the spruce, and from them you can count how many years the spruce has been. Spruce grows slowly.

    Observation 5. How does a broken spruce feel? It becomes ugly, but remains alive and continues to grow; such a spruce is not so slender. She needs to sympathize.

    Observation 6. Spruce is a very beautiful and useful tree. The spruce tree looks beautiful when there is frost on it. You can admire the spruce all the time. Spruce is a very useful tree that helps us be healthy.

    Cycle of observation of water and snow.

    Observation 1. What kind of water comes from the tap? In the water supply we have cold and hot water, it is transparent, clean and takes the shape of any vessel.

    Observation 2. How to get water from snow? Snow is also water, only frozen; you can get water from snow; if you heat it up, the snow will melt and you will get water. You can hold it in a hot hand. Breathe on the snowflakes.

    Observation 3. Steam is not always visible? Steam becomes noticeable when there is a lot of it. While getting ready for a walk, the teacher

    asks you to take a deep breath and exhale. Did you notice the steam? On the street, he pays attention to the steam coming from his mouth when talking and breathing.

    Observation 4. Where did the water from the aquarium go? The teacher asks the children to see if the aquarium is full, if there is less water, and offers to independently explain where the water has disappeared.

    Observation 5. When does steam come out of the cup and plate of food? The teacher suggests paying attention to the food in the plates and cups.

    A series of observations of a pair of parrots.

    Observation 1. What are our parrots like?

    Purpose: Clarify external signs birds, compare them and identify differences in color and other features, pay attention to beauty.

    Observation 2. What conditions do parrots need for a normal life?

    Goal: to draw children's attention to the set of conditions that birds need - a spacious cage with spacious perches and sand on the bottom, grains and clean water.

    Observation 3. How do the parrots feel?

    Goal: to teach children to see the signs of good health of birds, jumping around the cage, pecking at food.

    Observation 4. How do birds relate to each other?

    Goal: teach children to notice the actions of birds (they look, clasp their beaks, drive them away from the perch, away from the feeder).

    Observation 5. How do birds build a nest?

    Purpose: It is proposed to independently observe what the birds will do with the house and building material.

    Observation 6. What kind of feathers does a parrot have on its body?

    Goal: to establish that the feathers are of different colors, and longer on the wings and tail, the beak and legs are without feathers.

    Observation 7. How do birds rest and sleep?

    Purpose: to show children that birds need rest, rest and sleep on a perch.

    Observation 8. How do parrots climb?

    Purpose: to show the adaptive features of parrots that allow them to climb around the cage.

    Observation 9. Why is the female not visible?

    Observation 10. Who feeds the female?

    Goal: to establish that the male parrot carries food in his beak into the nest for the female so that she sits on the eggs without getting up, which means both birds participate in raising chicks in different ways.

    A series of observations of a turtle.

    Observation 1. In what conditions does our turtle live?

    Purpose: to clarify that conditions have been created for the turtle that meet its needs (terrarium, sandy soil).

    Observation 2: How does the turtle walk?

    Goal: to show that he moves slowly, alternately moving his legs.

    Observation 3: How long do turtles live?

    Goal: to teach children to determine the age of a turtle by the scars on its shell (growth rings).

    Observation 4. How does a turtle camouflage itself?

    Goal: to clarify with children the color and shape of the turtle’s body, to show that they make it invisible against the sandy-colored background among the stones.

    Observation 5. How does a turtle dig?

    Purpose: to show that a turtle can dig up soil. She does this with her front legs.

    A series of observations of a ladybug.

    Observation 1. What kind of ladybug is it, where can it be found?

    Goal: In April, you can see a small bug in sunny places. It has a round back, convex bright coloring with black and white dots.

    Observation 2. How does a bug crawl and fly?

    Purpose: it has 6 legs, 2 wings, 2 hard elytra, with the help of its legs it runs along the leaves, the wings allow it to fly.

    Observation 3. What does a ladybug eat?

    Purpose: to give an idea that in different places it feeds on different insects, which suck the juice from the plant and cause great harm.

    Topic: Water cycle (Journey of a droplet).


    • introduce children to the water cycle, give knowledge about the formation of clouds
    • develop the ability to reason logically and draw conclusions
    • develop observation, hearing and listening skills

    Foster a careful and effective attitude towards water. Enrichment of vocabulary: cycle.

    Methods and techniques: verbal (story, question, explanation), visual - object of study; practical.

    Equipment: boiler, jars, 2 glass bottles, plastic bottle trough, tripod.

    Preliminary work: conversation with children about the importance of water in human life.

    Guys, let's travel together with the droplet. Look what we have in the bank? (Water). And in a bottle? (Ice).

    Where do you think water comes from?

    Guys, look what's on my table?

    Let's imagine that the cans of water are the sea, the bottle of ice is the sky, and the gutter is the river.

    Look, the water in the tank is boiling.

    What does boiling water turn into?

    That's right, water turns into steam. Steam is very small droplets of water. And water, just as it evaporates from a jar, evaporates from seas and lakes.

    Guys, where is the steam going?

    It consists of very small and light droplets, so it rises up. And above, in the sky, it is much colder.

    What happens to the steam when it touches a cold bottle?

    You answered correctly, guys. It turns into small droplets of water. This creates a cloud consisting of very small droplets of water. Therefore it is light and "floats" across the sky. Small droplets merge into large ones and form clouds. Large droplets are heavy, they fall to the ground and flow down rivers back into the sea.

    So we traveled with a droplet. Well done! How much do you know about water?

    Topic: Properties of wood.

    Objectives: teach children to experimentally prove their assumptions and hypotheses; carry out basic experiments, observing safety precautions; develop the ability to compare the properties of several materials, draw conclusions, and express them in phrasal speech;

    To educate: respect for objects made of wood, respect the work of people who make paper, cultivate a reverent attitude and love for nature.

    Vocabulary work: melting, fragile, sinking objects.

    Equipment: nails, sticks, plates of water, Pinocchio doll, thread, cocktail straws.

    Buratino came to visit and said that wood is the strongest, most unique of materials.

    1. There are objects in squares on the table in front of you. How can you guess what these objects are without seeing them?
    2. What's harder?

    I propose to break wooden stick, straw, nail. Wood is brittle and brittle, but iron is hard.

    3. I suggest setting fire to a nail and a wooden stick. The nail does not burn, but only heats up, and the stick burns.

    4. Drive a nail into a wooden block; a nail into an iron plate.

    5. Try to write on iron and wood, where a trace will remain. You can write on wood with many objects.

    6. I suggest putting a nail and a stick into plates of water. A nail sinks, but a stick floats - it is lighter than a nail.

    7. How can you transport a nail and a stick from one end to the other along the river?

    Children's guesses.

    8. I propose to list objects made of wood and metal. Conclusion: wood is fragile, brittle, burns, does not sink, you can write on it, you can drive a nail in; iron is hard, heats up, sinks, etc.

    Topic: Excursion to the park.

    Software tasks:

    1. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about inanimate natural phenomena (the days have become colder, the sun is less warm, the wind is strong). Mark changes in autumn (the leaves turned yellow, the grass too). Compare the weather with summer.
    2. Supplement children's knowledge about trees and shrubs. Note the characteristic features of trees and shrubs.
    3. To clarify children’s ideas about changes in the lifestyle of birds in autumn, to establish connections between the weather conditions and the lifestyle of birds (with the disappearance of insects many birds disappeared).
    4. Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn.
    5. Foster a caring attitude towards living and inanimate nature.

    Program content:

    Observations of yellowing and falling leaves. Drawing attention to the beauty of trees in autumn attire.

    Methodical techniques: artistic expression, questions, riddles, comparisons, creative tasks and exercises.

    Equipment: illustrations, birch and bird cherry branches, their leaves, branches for bouquets, feeders, bread crumbs.

    Preliminary work: memorizing poems about autumn, making feeders.

    Excursion progress:

    Before going on an excursion, you need to tell the children: “Today the weather is good, the sun is shining, it’s quiet, and we’ll go to the park to see how the trees turned out in the fall.” .

    After arriving at the park, I let you look around a little.

    Children, we have come with you to one of the beautiful corners of our park. It is especially beautiful at this time of year. Which one can you guess from my riddle:

    "The fields are empty,

    The ground gets wet

    The day is waning

    When does this happen?


    That's right, it happens in the fall. You guessed it right, it's autumn. And the ground often gets wet in late autumn. Who can tell me what time of autumn it is now? (early autumn). How did you guess that it was early? (warm, and in the late period the weather is cold).

    Children, pay attention to the beauty of trees with multi-colored leaves: “Look how beautifully the birch leaves shine in the sun (maple). Tell me what color they are. What color were the leaves on the trees in summer? (green).

    Children, look around again and tell me what they call autumn? (golden, crimson). Why is it called gold? What is this connected with? (because the leaves are yellow like gold).

    Watch leaf fall with your children: “Listen to the leaves rustling. Look how they spin as they fall from the tree." . Pay attention to the large number of fallen leaves, offer to run along the paths and listen to the rustling of dry leaves underfoot.

    Children, you didn’t notice while running (look), that she is coming to us "Lady Autumn" .

    Hello kids, do you know who I am?

    I, Lady Autumn, and it was I who made our park and all the trees on our land so beautiful.

    Who knows poems about autumn? (poetry reading).

    What is the wind like in autumn? (cold, strong, etc.).

    What about in the summer?

    Now follow me, deep into the park I will show everyone different corners of the park. Notice the variety of trees, shrubs and grasses.

    A game "Recognize the tree" :

    1. according to the description.
    2. by name.
    3. according to illustration.
    4. according to the riddle.

    Look what coniferous trees grow in our park? (answer). Please note: where the leaf was attached, a bud grew in that place.

    When does a bud appear?

    And when will it bloom?

    Why do we need leaf fall? (this is fertilizer, the leaves rot). If the leaves do not fall, the first snow may break the branches and new buds will not appear. The buds need to grow, but the leaf interferes with growth.

    Now pay attention to the sounds of the park. Listen. What do you hear? Do birds sing as loudly as in summer? Why can't you hear the birds? (They are preparing to leave).

    Where will the birds fly soon? Why do birds fly to warm regions? What birds fly south?

    Why do swallows and siskins fly away first? (because they eat insects).

    Where are the insects now?

    What birds will come to us for the winter? (bullfinches, tits).

    What animals are preparing to face winter?

    What do people do in the fall?

    Now remember about autumn, autumn phenomena, signs, riddles.

    Well done, I liked how you listened carefully to my questions and answered them correctly, with complete answers. I especially liked how they noticed all the changes in living and inanimate nature. I liked that you knew a lot of descriptions and used adjectives in speech. Well you can compare.

    Now let's return to the group, together with Mrs. Autumn, she will be visiting our group today.

    Now you can collect different leaves and bring them to the group. Back to the group. Didactic game "Children on a Branch" .

    After the excursion with the fruits and branches harvested on it or with their images in the pictures, you can conduct an exercise, distinguishing trees - a game "Children on a Branch" .

    Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up, and the naked flowers look sadly.

    "Lady Autumn" leaves: “See you, next year I’ll be back again, but now I have to go!”

    Topic: Examination of poplar branches with buds.

    Purpose: to familiarize children with the appearance of leaves from the buds. Show that favorable conditions are created for cut branches (warm room, warm water). Light is not needed at first. These conditions should affect their condition.

    Preliminary work: Observation is organized in 3 stages: they put the branches in a cool room and note that it is warmer than outside, so the branches must thaw and then they are placed in normal room conditions. Detect a change in the condition of the branches, notice swollen buds, expose to light, add nutrients. Changes: appearance of flowers, leaves, roots. Add water with nutrients. Enjoy the beauty of blooming flowers. Compare and discuss: how the leaves blossomed, what conditions were created for them at the beginning, and then; how long did it last?

    Program tasks: Teach a child to compare an observed object with already known ones; cultivate a desire to record results, observing the appearance of leaves on poplar branches; develop children's powers of observation; teach children to reason logically and draw conclusions.

    Materials: Poplar buds (shape, size, smell, location).

    Progress of the lesson:

    “I have a poplar branch in my hands” - says the teacher. Each of you has the same branches on the table. Take them in your hands. There are buds on the branches, here they are (shows). Find buds on your branches. Show them to me (I call several children). Look at the buds of the poplar, they are long and sharp (and show). Touch the kidney with your finger. It sticks to your fingers. The bud is sticky. Smell the fingers with which you touched the poplar buds: they are fragrant, that’s why your fingers smell. Look how the buds are located on the branch? At the top they are close to each other, at the bottom they are further away.

    The teacher calls several children and asks them: “What kind of bud does the poplar have? How did you know the kidney was sticky? Fragrant?

    Educator: “Now the duty officer will collect all the branches. We will put them in water and watch in a corner of nature how leaves emerge from the buds.” .

    Topic: Oil River.

    Objectives: teach children to independently conduct experiments on water purification; develop the ability to reason logically; cultivate a caring and effective attitude towards animals in the water.

    Methods and techniques: verbal (instructions, questions, explanations); practical - children performing certain actions; visual - showing the letter.

    Equipment: plastic container, plastic tube, plasticine, clothespin, jar, water, vegetable oil.

    Preliminary work: talk with children about what animals and fish breathe underwater.

    Enrichment of vocabulary: oil, tanker.

    There's a knock on the door. A telegram arrived from Neptune.

    Children, let's help Neptune.

    Children, what will happen if the aquarium with fish is tightly closed with a plastic bag. (The fish will die, since the plastic film does not allow air to pass through and the fish cannot breathe).

    Also, the oil film does not allow air to pass through, and therefore fish and other inhabitants of water bodies die.

    Pour water into the container. This is our river. Then add a little vegetable oil so that a clearly visible film forms on the surface.

    This is oil that entered the river from a tanker.

    Children are encouraged to clear oil from water without draining it through a straw. I give them the opportunity to come up with their own ways to purify water. (Scoop out the oil with a spoon, pour it over the edge, etc.).

    After the children try, I show them how to do it.

    I remove the clothespin from the straw and pour the water into a placed jar. At the moment when an oil layer appears at the hole, I quickly clamp the end of the tube with a clothespin. As a result, there will be clean water in the jar, and the oil will remain in the container.

    Children, is it possible? "drain" river?

    Was it easy to remove oil from the surface of the water? Imagine how long it takes to remove the oil film from the surface of the water. After all, the river is larger than our river. Can fish survive without air for so long? (No).

    Children, what should we write to Neptune about whether the oil film on the water is dangerous for the inhabitants of the water and why? Whoever answers correctly, I will give these fish. We answer one by one.

    Topic: Conversation about migratory birds.

    Software tasks:

    To clarify children’s ideas that in the fall many migratory birds fly to warmer climes (swallows, starlings, rooks, cuckoos, cranes, geese, ducks). Learn to recognize them from pictures, establish a connection between the disappearance of food and the flight of birds. Form a concept "migratory" , maintain interest in bird watching. Give the concept that birds do not fly away simultaneously, but in a stream. Learn to describe the appearance of birds in 2-3 sentences. Foster a caring attitude towards birds and a desire to see them again in the spring.

    Enrichment of vocabulary: migratory, flock, wedge, string, birds.

    Activation: the name of the birds.

    Preparation: illustration, poetry, riddles about birds, reading books, observing while walking, reading methodological literature, drawings, applications, excursion to the park, to the forest.

    Today we will talk about migratory birds, how birds prepare to fly away.

    What season?

    By what signs did you guess that it is autumn?

    Why can't you hear the birds? (fly away to warmer climes).

    Remember what birds you saw in the park and on the site?

    Now we need to show them in the picture (come out and show in the illustration).

    • And now we need to show the birds, but only by guessing (ask how you guessed)

    Well done, you know the birds well and found them easily.

    Now tell me, what does each of these birds eat?

    Yes, baby swallows eat mosquitoes and larvae. Starlings are insects, cranes are frogs, ducks and geese are fish.

    Is there food for the birds now?

    Where have the insects gone?

    Why can't you see the flies?

    What can we call all the birds that fly away from us to warmer climes?

    Feathered friends fly to distant foreign lands.

    Before flying to distant lands, birds gather in flocks and begin to fly from grove to grove. Birds are very brave travelers. On the way, they will find a lot of dangers, surprises, changeable weather, cold, rain, and also winds and hunger.

    You have to fly a long distance through fields, forests, seas, the flight is long and difficult. They very rarely fall to the ground. However, they can expect trouble in a temporary parking lot.

    Which birds fly away first?

    Listen to the story “We were the first to hit the road” according to Skrebitsky. (from book "With love about nature" page 35).

    So why do swifts fly away first?

    Why do swallows fly away after swifts?

    Now we'll play a game “Name the migratory birds” . You will pass the ball and name the migratory birds, and whoever doesn’t name them sits in a circle.

    Well done! You know many migratory birds.

    Material for organizing a parent meeting

    “The main means of introducing a child to nature,

    used in the family."

    Personal example of parents

    Usually adults have a good command of the culture of behavior in society, but they do not always know how to behave correctly in relation to nature. Not to mention children, who sometimes treat living objects of nature as if they were inanimate objects. Sometimes kids are delighted at the sight of a flower or a butterfly and at the same time can thoughtlessly crush an ant running along the path. Why does an emotionally responsive child have so much coldness and indifference? Isn't it from us, adults? After all, sometimes parents themselves are an example of environmental incivility: dad broke a branch and brushes away mosquitoes; sees the children swinging in the trees and turns away indifferently. What about trash left behind after a camping trip, or a fire not put out? What about poaching? What example do adults sometimes set for their children? How many plants listed in the Red Book die? (Children pick them out of ignorance, but with the tacit consent of their parents).

    According to M.P. Shilova, the example of parents serves as a social model, focusing on which the child masters the way of relating to the environment, creates an image of his own vision of the natural world and behavior in it

    A child learns a lot through imitation. The adult becomes the main role model.

    Addressing parents, A.S. Makarenko said: “Don’t think that you are raising a child only when you talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise him at every moment of your life, even when you are not at home. How you dress, how you talk to other people and about other people, how you are happy or sad, how you treat friends or enemies, how you laugh, read the newspaper - all this is of great importance for a child.” .

    The culture of your behavior will largely determine the culture of your child. Your attitude towards nature will be reflected, like in a mirror, in the behavior of your son or daughter.

    Remember this, parents!

    Preschool childhood is a period of play. Teachers and psychologists talk and write about this, everyone knows this modern parents. In childhood, play prevails over all other activities of the child. This is precisely why psychologist L.S. Vygotsky called it the leading activity of pre-school childhood.

    The game has a developmental effect on a small child. In outdoor games, coordination of movements is improved, motor skills and abilities are developed, and strength and endurance are developed. In role-playing games, a preschooler introduces himself to social world adults.

    There are also so-called didactic games that contain a specific mental task. Cut-out pictures, various board-printed and word games train children’s thinking abilities, the ability to use acquired knowledge in new situations, develop their memory and attention. Didactic games are most often joint games that require 2-3 or even more participants. All joint games develop sociability in the child, the ability to build relationships, and obey the rules established in the game.

    Play brings great joy to a child because it gives him the opportunity to be active. Preschoolers really like playing games family circle. Older brothers and sisters willingly join in. Adult family members can be direct or indirect participants in the child’s role-playing games. In all cases, there is pleasant communication and insight into the world of interests of the preschooler.

    It is known that there are games on different themes and plots. A significant place in a child’s life is occupied by games with natural content, which are built on his knowledge in this area and reflect one or another activity of people in nature. If parents actively introduce their child to nature through direct observations, work, fiction, television programs and other means, then the child’s interest in this area of ​​reality will undoubtedly be reflected in his games.

    The vivid impressions a child gets from visiting the zoo can be transformed into a game. He will start from cubes (or other way) build cages and populate them with toy animals. An adult can, as if inadvertently, become involved in a child’s play and make it deeper, more varied, and more meaningful. Seeing how the baby is passionate about the game, the adult supports it using the same method - new play actions.

    There can be many ways to develop and deepen the content of the game. It is important that adults understand that play is a serious matter: in it, the child realizes himself as a business person, shows his awareness, and is active and creative. Delicate (game) the entry of adults into the game generalizes its content and improves relationships with the child.

    A role-playing game with natural content can be developed by a preschooler after various events in his life: a visit to the circus, a trip to the south or to the village during his parents’ vacation, an acquaintance with a collective farm, an agricultural exhibition, a hippodrome, etc. In all cases, the game can be tactfully supported by adults who will find ways to deepen the child’s knowledge and interests and form the right attitude towards animals.

    Various didactic games with natural history content can be widely used in the family. In every home there are printed board games, among which may be "Zoological Lotto" , "Botanical Lotto" . From time to time, in their leisure time, adults play these games with the child in accordance with their rules. Games help you remember the names of plants and animals. In addition, with a senior pre-school student you can freely look at the lotto cards, together remember where you saw such plants, where you met such animals, talk about their characteristics and way of life.

    Children of all ages are interested in cut-out pictures, which often feature flowers, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits, and berries. Playing with cut-out pictures develops in a child endurance, patience, and perseverance in achieving goals. The preschooler trains his perception, hones his ability to analyze the details of an image and compare them. All of these are important mental and moral qualities the developing personality of the child.

    At home with preschoolers different ages You can play verbal and didactic games. They can be very different and fit well into a variety of everyday situations.

    It often happens that a mother or grandmother is busy preparing food, and the child is nearby and does not know what to do.

    “Let’s play with you,” the grandmother says to her grandson. - I will tell you delicious riddles, and you must guess them. Come on, close your eyes and open your mouth.

    She puts a piece of carrot in his mouth, which she chops up for soup. The grandson crunches it, smiles and, of course, immediately guesses what it is, and the grandmother, as if inadvertently, asks how he guessed. It is not difficult for a preschooler to determine the taste of carrots - all children have great experience in that. It is more difficult to identify and name its characteristic features: hard, crunchy when you eat it, sweet.

    Another time, grandma prepares a vegetable dish and offers to play a game “What does vinaigrette consist of?” . Having guessed the vegetables to taste, the grandson must sum up: say what is put in the vinaigrette.

    Similarly, your child can be asked to guess fruits and vegetables by touch. With his eyes closed, an apple, or a carrot, or an onion is placed in his hands. Having felt the object, he must guess it.

    The game trains the child's sensory abilities.

    An important feature of verbal-didactic games is the ability to develop with their help a preschooler’s speech and various thought processes. In the most different situations you can use the game "Guess by description" .

    Mom says: “I will ask you riddles - tell you about vegetables, and you must guess what they are based on their description. Listen: it grows in a garden bed, in a vegetable garden, sits in the ground for a long time; itself is round, with a tail, hard, dark-dark red in color. What is this?"

    My daughter will probably guess that these are beets. If not, then my mother suggests that they put it in borscht or vinaigrette, both of which turn the food dark red.

    In order to develop understanding not only of someone else’s speech, but also of the child’s own language, he must also be asked to come up with descriptive riddles.

    Parents can very often play word games and descriptive riddles with their children - they do not require special conditions or additional material. On the road, in line to see the doctor, on a walk and in other situations, adults offer the child to play - this is a kind of pleasant communication. The content of games can be very different, depending on the experience of children and the specific environment in which they are started. While walking in autumn forest The subject of the game is fallen leaves, mushrooms, trees. In summer there are flowers, insects, birds in the meadow, indoor plants, vegetables, fruits, etc. in the house.

    Verbal didactic games develop in preschoolers not only perception and speech, but also the ability to analyze and describe. They teach children to generalize a phenomenon, classify objects, and assign them to one category or another.

    Walking in the forest or park in the fall, an adult shows the child a fallen leaf and asks him to find the same one, then invites him to indicate the tree from which these leaves fell and name it.

    When the child can distinguish 3-4 trees, you can play with him:

    “I’ll count to three and name the tree, and you run to it as quickly as possible,” the adult says to the baby.

    - One, two, three - run to the birch tree! (baby runs), etc.

    When organizing various games, an adult must remember that the child will be active and enjoy it only if the game is based on information familiar to him.

    Creative activities of children

    One of the means of introducing children to nature is the creative activity of children. At home this is: drawing, modeling from plasticine, making homemade toys and applications from natural materials, writing fairy tales and stories on environmental topics, writing poetry.

    Parents should support their children’s enthusiasm in this matter, help with advice, teach still unknown techniques for processing natural materials, etc.

    Observations of plants and animals, walks, excursions - all this remains in the child’s memory for a long time, because brought him a lot of joyful impressions and positive emotions! And the child, coming home from a walk or from the zoo, quickly tries to display what he saw on a piece of paper, or, coming from the forest, makes mushrooms from plasticine that he liked so much!

    Parents need to encourage their children to engage in such activities, and if the child does not take the initiative, then you can prompt him, for example:

    – Olya, what did you like most in the forest today? Would you like to draw it (modeled from plasticine)?

    During their leisure time, children love to compose fairy tales and stories, because... they have a well-developed imagination. An adult can suggest a topic to the child, so that the child can create an ecological fairy tale. And gifted children, impressed by what they see, write poetry. Even if these are still imperfect poems, parents should still approve of the child and praise him. After all, the point is not in skill - this will come over the years, but in the content of the poem. Natural materials provide extraordinary scope for imagination: cones, fancy branches, roots, driftwood, straw, nuts, acorns, poplar fluff, apricot pits, bark, pebbles, shells, leaves, mosses, lichens. But this material needs to be collected and processed correctly.

    Where to start?

    During the leaf fall of golden autumn, go with the whole family for a walk in the park or forest to collect colorful leaves and various seeds. Maple seeds are flat, the guys call them "noses" , linden has spherical cones, alder has small brown cones. And if you look at the texture of the leaves, you will notice that it is different: ribbed, rough, smooth. For work you will need not only leaves and seeds, but also flower petals and cereal plants. Everything you collected during your walk needs to be prepared for work: cleared of debris; Dry leaves, flower petals and plants; Before starting work, soak the straw for two hours in water, then it will be more pliable, then cut the stem and smooth it on paper with a hot iron, obtaining a shiny straw ribbon. Flower petals can sometimes be tinted with watercolor paint, but try not to disturb the natural shape of plants, seeds, and flower petals.

    When everything is ready, get to work.

    Work will always be crowned with success. From under your skillful hands a fairy-tale world of fantastic paintings with forest men, unprecedented animals, and amazing firebirds will arise.

    Children love to make toys from natural materials.

    S.N. Nikolaeva advises parents: “Walking in the forest, children will be happy to collect cones, acorns, maple seeds, etc. All this is material for crafts. A variety of little people and animal figures can be made from cones and acorns. In this case, plasticine will become the connecting material. Individual parts can be made from paper and cardboard. Not only making crafts is valuable, but also playing with them. With the help of figures you can act out familiar fairy tales with your child. Such activities develop creative abilities of a constructive and literary nature in preschoolers.

    Children's creative activities develop preschoolers' ability to see the beauty of nature and give them a lot of joy and happy moments.

    Family tourism

    It is possible to develop in children an interest in natural phenomena, responsibility for its fate, and instill the ability of selfless admiration for the world around them only through the process of communicating with nature. To do this, parents use family tourism - tourist walks, excursions, hikes, travel of one family or several families together on cars, bicycles, skis, boats, rafts, on foot and other means of movement on land, on water, in the mountains and across the plains. , seas, rivers and lakes, in forests and protected areas far from home and in one’s own region. I would like to point out once again that the most accessible type of family tourism is walking.

    According to M.V. Lucic, walking with children provides great opportunities for exploring nature. It is very important that children experience the joy of communicating with nature. Each walk should be purposeful: children consolidate previously acquired knowledge and get acquainted with something new.

    Walks are organized along a specific route, the length of the path is determined based on the physical capabilities of all participants in the tourist walk, from the smallest to the elderly. The degree of preparedness for the hike is also taken into account. Parents can carry their baby in a special backpack.

    It is necessary to prepare for the walk in advance and take into account the interests of each of its participants. Small children are attracted to everything around them, but the child must be taught to observe changes in nature, admire, be surprised and rejoice with him, and if nature calls for help, then provide it. When organizing tourist outings, parents should determine the main goal for themselves - to teach little man observe natural phenomena. This will help him be attentive and sensitive to nature, as well as to people. How can this really be done? Nature itself will help you with this. In the central zone of Russia there are four seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Each of these natural phenomena has its own characteristics. Observing the changes occurring in nature, people noticed a certain sequence and pattern. This is how we were born folk signs that were passed down from generation to generation.

    Folk signs help a person in practical matters. They are used in determining the timing of agricultural work, predicting the weather and warning of dangers.

    Amazing encounters, riddles and discoveries await the participants of the tourist walk at every step.

    While walking, do not forget about your pets: birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, steppe turtles. On the shore, take sand and shells for the animals in your home zoo. When crushed, shells can be used as a mineral supplement for birds. In the meadows for goldfinches you can stock up horse sorrel seeds; for weavers, collect plantain, clover, and timothy. Hazelnuts and acorns are needed for white rats, mice, and squirrels. Budgerigars may be interested in the pine cones. Nettle can be used as a vitamin feed. Prepare wild berries: rowan, juniper, lingonberry, blueberry, viburnum, bird cherry. Dry them. Store each type of food in a separate jar or box.

    Many people go on berry and mushroom hikes, and if adults take children into the forest with them for the first time, then the day before they should have a conversation with them about how to behave in the forest: “When picking mushrooms and berries, be careful owners. If you pick berries, do not break the entire plant. Mushrooms can be picked or cut with a knife, but you should not scatter the forest litter so as not to damage the mycelium. Such actions will lead to the cessation of mushroom growth in this place." .

    Parents should also warn children that a fire can only be lit in a place that is safe for bushes and trees, and be sure to put it out afterwards to prevent a fire.

    Children learn a lot of new, interesting, and useful things during such walks and hikes; they receive a lot of positive emotions, and, most importantly, they develop a sense of a humane, caring attitude towards nature.


    According to N.F. Vinogradova and T.A. Kulikova, preschoolers often violate the rules of interaction with objects of living and inanimate nature, because children have not yet developed the ability to pay attention to their condition. Therefore, it is so important to form in a child a sympathetic attitude towards representatives of the plant and animal world. This can be done with the help of fiction.

    When the weather is bad outside, but the house is cozy and warm, you and your children sit down in a comfortable place near the table lamp and start reading books about animals, travel to nature, about good and evil. With what interest and how attentively do children listen to you? These are favorable moments of mutual understanding.

    When reading novels, short stories, fairy tales and poems, try to highlight joy or misfortune with intonations. This will enable children to realize the beauty of their native language. A living word and a book will pave the way to a child’s heart. After reading together, it is very important to start a conversation about what you read. Such methods make it possible to instill in children a love of books and teach them to do good on earth.

    A child really needs a book and should enter his life early. Every book read by parents not only entertains, but also educates the child. Children interpret the content of books in their own way, from the point of view of their experience. Mom read a fairy tale to her four-year-old daughter "Fox with a rolling pin" , where a cunning fox deceived his owners, ate one’s duck, another’s chicken, but the dogs punished the fox and goodness triumphed. The girl was asked the question: “Do you feel sorry for the fox?” . She answered: “I feel sorry for the fox. She wanted to be healthy, so she ate duck and chicken.” . Why did the child answer this way? Yes, because he was always praised for eating well. Morality was interpreted by the child in terms of his experience.

    In order to implement environmental education with the help of books, you need to correctly select them for your home library, taking into account the psyche of children and their worldview.

    Parents can be recommended to read the following works to their children: V. Bianchi "Sinichkin calendar" , A. Barto "We left" , S. Mikhalkov "Finch" , K. Paustovsky "Frog" , "Cat Thief" , S. Yesenin "White birch" , M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow" , "Guys and Ducklings" , M. Zoshchenko "Hunting" and etc.

    All these works develop in children a sense of love and respect for nature. In recent years, for the same purpose, special environmental fairy tales have begun to be created, which children listen to with pleasure and learn a lot of useful things for themselves.

    After reading stories, fairy tales, and poems about nature, it is necessary to talk with the child, find out what he understood and what he did not, and explain if the child does not understand something.

    Work on a personal plot

    Nowadays, many families have private plots where they plant fruit trees, berries and vegetables, grow flowers, and also raise poultry, pigs, large and small livestock, rabbits, and bees. Those parents who work together with their children on their plots and care for animals do the right thing. Children learn to cultivate the land and use garden tools correctly. And what pleasure everyone gets when they harvest the crops they have grown with their own hands.

    At first, children simply watch their parents work, the growth of plants and animals. Gradually they can be involved in work on the site5. At first, preschoolers can water plants together with adults. (at this time the adult explains how this is done), pick berries together, feed rabbits, chickens, etc. After some time, older preschoolers can be assigned to do some work on their own. The child will be very happy and proud of himself.

    Parents should explain to their children that the life of plants, the harvest they produce, depends entirely on how well people take care of them, and that only strong, healthy plants can produce a good harvest.

    It’s the same with animals, if you take good care of them, they will thank people: goats with milk, chickens with eggs, rabbits with feathers, dogs and cats with their love and friendship. And besides, we need to explain to children that caring for plants and animals brings many joyful and happy moments.

    It is very useful for the moral and environmental education of a child to plant (with his participation) tree on the garden plot. It will grow with the child. A boy or girl will watch his growth, look after him, and protect him. This will also become one of the means of instilling in a child a love for all living things.

    A garden plot provides great opportunities for introducing children to nature, developing their love and respect for it. Parents should pass on their experience of working on a personal plot to their child, teach him from an early age to take care of the land and treat it correctly. Craftsmanship must be passed on from generation to generation.

    Television, videos, slides

    Unfortunately, we have a lot of time modern man consumes the TV. Many people watch everything: foreign films of dubious quality, scenes of cruelty, violence, pornography. Children quickly learn this passive attitude towards television programs. People become nervous and aggressive both towards the people around them and towards animals and plants. Watching such programs has a particularly negative impact on the development of a child’s personality and his moral education. Therefore, parents should control their children’s viewing of television programs, select only the most necessary, useful for moral, mental and environmental education, which is very relevant in our time. Television has rich opportunities for this.

    For environmental education of children, family viewing of such television programs as "In the animal world" , "Dialogues about Animals" , "Yourself with a mustache" , "Travels of a Naturalist" , "Travelers' club" , "Scampish notes" , "My garden" and etc.

    How to teach your children and learn how to watch television programs themselves? It is important to prepare the child to perceive a particular program, and after watching it, discuss with the children what they saw and how they understood it. During the discussion, adults and children begin to think together, which contributes to rapprochement and the discovery of new facets of character.

    For environmental education of children, you can also use videos with relevant topics, and in addition, you can show slides to the children. This will give children great pleasure, because... they will be able to relive the joy of travel that the whole family took during the holidays.

    List of used literature:

    1. The world of nature and the child: Methods of environmental education of preschool children / ed. L. M. Manevtsova, P. G. Samorukova. – St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2005. - 319 p.
    2. Nikolaeva, S. N. Young ecologist: program and conditions for its implementation in kindergarten / S. N. Nikolaeva. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007. – 219 p.
    3. Nikolaev. S. N. Theory and methodology of environmental education for children - M.: Academy, 2004. - 336 p.
    4. Nikolaeva, S.N. Review of foreign and domestic programs for environmental education and upbringing of children / S.N. Nikolaev. – M.: Preschool education. - 2002. – 264 p.
    5. Moisner, G.P. It all started with ecological trail/ G.P. Moisner. – M.: Elementary school, 2005. - 333 p.
    6. Ryzhova N. A. “Our home is nature” Environmental education program for preschool children. // Preschool education 1998 No. 7. P. 26 - 34
    7. Solomennikova, O.A. Folk art in raising children. Methodical manual / Ed. T.S. Komarova. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2005. – 256 p. (co-authored with T.S. Komarova, T.A. Ratanova, G.V. Bykhovets and others; author’s personal contribution 2 pp.).
    8. Solomennikova, O.A. The joy of creativity. Introducing children aged 5-7 years to folk art. - M.: Mosaic-Sintez, - 2005. – 168 p.
    9. Solomennikova, O.A. Criteria for the development of knowledge about folk arts and crafts and criteria for the development of skills in decorative drawing and modeling. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006. - 301 p.
    10. Solomennikova, O.A. Diagnosis of the level of environmental knowledge of children before entering first grade: Pedagogical diagnosis of children before entering school. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006. - 240 p.
    11. Solomennikova, O.A. Funny plastic toys. Toolkit. M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006 – 196 p. (co-authored with Kulikova L.V.).
    12. Solomennikova, O.A. Methodological recommendations for the Education and Training Program in Kindergarten / Ed. T.S. Komarova, V.V. Herbovaya. - M.: Mosaic–Synthesis, 3rd ed., 2006. – 400 p.
    13. Solomennikova, O.A. Environmental education in kindergarten: Program and guidelines. / Ed. T.S. Komarova, V.V. Herbovaya. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2nd ed., 2006. - 104 p.
    14. Solomennikova, O.A. Education and training in the senior group of kindergarten. Program and methodological recommendations / Compiled by O.A. Solomennikova. - M.: Mosaic–Sintez, 2006. – 224 p. (Co-authored with Antonova A.V., Arapova-Piskareva N.A., Veraksa N.E. and others).


    Description of diagnostic methods

    experimental research

    Methodology “Diagnostics of the level of environmental education of children of senior preschool age”

    Block 1. Determining the level of environmental knowledge of preschoolers

    Task 1. Determining the characteristic features of representatives of the animal world .

    Target. Determine the level of knowledge of the characteristic features of representatives of the animal world.

    Equipment. Three large maps: the first is divided into three parts (farm yard, forest, landscape of hot countries); the second card shows blue sky, tree branches and earth; the third card shows the sky and meadow. Animal figures: horses, cows, pigs, goats, rams, dogs; wolf, fox, bear, hare, deer, tiger, elephant, giraffe, zebra. Bird figures: dove, tit, sparrow, woodpecker, magpie, crow, bullfinch, owl. Insect figures: butterfly, bee, ladybug, dragonfly, ant, grasshopper, fly, mosquito, spider.

    Instructions for carrying out. The teacher suggests taking the first card, choosing animals from all the figures and placing them on the map, taking into account their place of residence. The teacher suggests taking a second card, choosing birds from the remaining figures and placing them on the card at your discretion. The teacher suggests taking the third card, choosing insects from the remaining pictures and placing them on the card. If there are any figures left on the table, you can invite the child to think again and place them in accordance with the instructions. Ask why he placed the animals on the maps. After the child has completed the task, the teacher asks him to choose two images of animals, three images of birds and three images of insects and then answer the following questions in accordance with the selected pictures.

    What is the name of the animal (bird, insect)?

    What can you tell us about him?

    Your attitude towards them.

    High level (12 - 15 points)

    • The child easily distributes representatives of the animal world by species; justifies his choice.
    • Correlates fauna representatives with their habitat.
    • Knows the characteristic signs.
    • Without much difficulty, he answers the questions posed coherently and consistently.

    Average level (7-11 points)

    • The child sometimes makes minor mistakes when distributing representatives of the animal world by species.
    • Mainly relates fauna representatives to their habitat.
    • Knows the characteristic signs, but sometimes makes inaccuracies in the answers.
    • Answers the questions posed consistently, but sometimes the answers are too brief.
    • Shows interest and emotionally expresses his attitude towards animals, birds and insects.

    Low level (0 - 6 points)

    • The child often makes mistakes when distributing representatives of the animal world by species.
    • Doesn't always give reasons for his choice.
    • Does not always correlate fauna representatives with their habitat.
    • It is difficult to name characteristic signs.
    • It is difficult to answer the questions posed, and if he answers, it is mostly incorrect.
    • Shows no interest or expresses his/her attitude towards animals, birds and insects.

    Task 2. Determining the characteristic features of the plant world (carried out individually with each child).

    Target. Determine the level of knowledge of the characteristic features of the plant world.

    Equipment. Houseplants: geranium (pelargonium), tradescantia, begonia, aspidistra (friendly family) and Sultan's balsam (light); watering can for watering indoor plants; water spray; loosening stick; cloth and tray.

    Instructions for carrying out. The teacher names five indoor plants and offers to show them.

    What conditions are necessary for the life, growth and development of indoor plants?

    How to properly care for indoor plants?

    Show me how to do it correctly (using the example of one plant).

    Why do people need indoor plants?

    Do you like indoor plants and why?

    Then the teacher offers from the presented (given in parentheses) choose:

    a) first trees, then shrubs (poplar, lilac, birch);

    b) deciduous and coniferous trees (spruce, oak, pine, aspen);

    c) berries and mushrooms (strawberry, volushka, boletus, strawberry);

    d) garden flowers and forest flowers (aster, snowdrop, lily of the valley, tulip).

    Performance evaluation

    High level (12 - 15 points)

    • The child independently names different types of plants: trees, shrubs and flowers.
    • Easily identifies groups of proposed plants.

    Average level (7 - 11 points)

    • The child sometimes makes minor mistakes in the names of plant species: trees, shrubs and flowers.
    • Basically, he correctly identifies the groups of proposed plants; sometimes he finds it difficult to justify his choice.
    • Without the help of an adult, names the conditions necessary for the life, growth and development of indoor plants.
    • Tells you how to properly care for them.
    • Practical skills and abilities to care for indoor plants are not sufficiently developed.
    • Shows interest and emotionally expresses his attitude towards indoor plants.

    Low level (0- 6 points)

    • The child finds it difficult to name types of plants: trees, shrubs and flowers.
    • He cannot always identify groups of proposed plants and cannot justify his choice.
    • It is difficult to tell how to properly care for indoor plants.
    • Practical skills and abilities to care for indoor plants have not been developed.
    • In the process of practical activities, he constantly turns to an adult for help. Does not show interest or express his attitude towards plants.

    Task 3. Determining the characteristic features of inanimate nature (conducted individually with each child).

    Target. Determine the level of knowledge of the characteristic features of inanimate nature.

    Equipment. Three jars (with sand, with stones, with water).

    Instructions for carrying out. The teacher suggests determining the contents of the jar. After the child names objects of inanimate nature, he offers to answer the following questions.

    What properties of sand do you know?

    Where and for what does a person use sand?

    What properties of stones do you know?

    Where and for what do people use stones?

    What properties of water do you know?

    Where and for what does a person use water?

    Performance evaluation

    High level (12 - 15 points)

    • The child can easily determine the contents of the jars.
    • Correctly names the distinctive characteristics of inanimate objects.
    • Independently talks about why people use objects of inanimate nature.
    • Shows creativity and imagination when answering questions.

    Average level (7 - 11 points)

    • The child mostly correctly determines the contents of the jars.
    • Names the main distinctive characteristics of inanimate objects.
    • After additional questions from the adult, he gives examples of how people use objects of inanimate nature.

    Low level (0- 6 points)

    • The child makes significant mistakes when determining the contents of the jars.
    • Does not always correctly name the distinctive characteristics of inanimate objects.
    • It is difficult to answer the question of what they are used for.

    Task 4. Knowing the seasons (conducted individually or in small subgroups).

    Target. Determine the level of knowledge of the seasons.

    Equipment. Landscape sheet of paper, colored pencils and markers.

    Instructions for carrying out. Teacher. What time of year do you like best and why? Draw a picture depicting this time of year. Name the time of year that will come after your favorite season, say what will follow it, etc.

    Then he suggests answering the question “When does this happen?”:

    The bright sun is shining, children are swimming in the river.

    The trees are covered with snow, children are sledding down the hill.

    Leaves fall from the trees, birds fly away to warmer climes.

    Leaves are blooming on the trees and snowdrops are blooming.

    Performance evaluation

    High level (12 - 15 points)

    • The child correctly names the seasons. Lists them in the required sequence.
    • Knows the characteristic signs of each season.
    • Shows creativity and imagination when answering the question “What time of year do you like best and why?”
    • Reproduces seasonal features of a particular time of year from memory.

    Municipal preschool educational institution

    combined kindergarten "Rainbow"


    Questionnaire for parents

    “How competent are you in environmental issues?”

    Do you think that there are environmental problems in our city? Which?

    In your opinion, do you have enough information about the nature of our city to answer your child’s questions?

    How often do you and your child go on outdoor trips?

    Do you think your child is familiar with the rules of behavior in nature? And you?

    What events could you propose to hold on environmental topics in a group or for the city?

    Do you think there are problems related to household waste in our city? Which?

    Questionnaires for parents

    "Environmental education in the family."

    Purpose of the survey. to identify the attitude of parents to the issues of environmental education of preschoolers in kindergarten and its actual implementation in the family.

    1. Do you have animals at home? Cat, fish, dog, hamster, etc.

    2. Are there any indoor plants? Which?

    3. Who cares for animals or plants?

    4. What does the child do: feed him, walk with him, play, water him, or do nothing? Underline or add.

    5. Do you go outdoors with your child? If yes, where?

    6. For what purpose?

    7. Where does the child usually spend the summer?

    8. How do you feel about introducing a child to nature in kindergarten?

    9. Your suggestions for organizing environmental education in kindergarten.

    Approximate topics of conversations and consultations

    with parents on environmental education.

    1. Without harming nature. Discuss the rules of behavior in nature.

    2. Let the grass bloom! Introduce herbaceous plants, talk about their benefits, and how to protect them.

    3. Bow down to the berry. Talk about berries, tell what knowledge can be given to children, rules for picking berries, and their protection.

    4. Winged doctors. Introduce birds that you can follow

    observations, what to pay attention to, what help we can provide them in winter, what food to feed them.

    5. Treasures of the forest. The role of the forest in a person’s life, what a person receives from the forest, how to behave in the forest, a person’s help to the forest.

    6. Poisonous plants. Introduce them to the rules for handling them and protecting poisonous plants.

    Approximate theme of screens

    for parents on environmental education

    1. The ABC of behavior in nature.

    2. Walks in nature.

    3. Enter nature as a friend!

    4. The charm of the eyes!

    5. Green pharmacy o indoor plants.

    6. Pick mushrooms in the forest.

    7. Let's help the winged doctors about birds.

    8. Our friends are insects.

    9. Let's protect the friends of the forest!

    10. Fire is a problem for the forest!

    11. Let's save our Christmas tree.

    12. Flowers of earthly beauty beginning.

    13. Primroses are the heralds of spring.

    14. Let's save water!

    Summary of the parent meeting “We are not enemies of nature, you take care of nature!”

    Form of conduct: round table .

    Participants: parents, teacher.


    Increasing the level of environmental competence of parents; formation of rules for environmentally correct interaction with the environment; increasing the role of the family in instilling in children a love of nature .


    Discuss with parents the problem of developing a child’s environmental culture; train parents in the skills of organizing various forms of environmental education activities with children at home; involve parents in the work of the group to develop an environmental culture among preschoolers .

    Preparing for a parent meeting.

    Prepare a questionnaire and conduct a survey of parents. Design of an exhibition of works made from waste materials “Even garbage can be beautiful!” Organize an exhibition of books, magazines, and educational games on the theme “In friendship with nature.” Invite parents to look into encyclopedias about nature. Provide comfortable clothing and shoes.

    Progress of the meeting.

    What do you mean, without grass and birds,

    And without love for the buzzing bee,

    Without cranes over the pine thicket,

    Without pretty fox faces?

    When you finally go

    O man, crown of nature, what is your end without nature?

    Fairy tales and beautiful nature are an inexhaustible source of aesthetic feelings and experiences. You cannot love nature without knowing it. The more you know, the more you understand and love. In a few years, our children will become adults. And responsibility for the life of our society, for the fate of our land will fall on their shoulders. And it depends on us adults whether they will love and take care of our nature, whether they will be able to foresee the consequences of their activities in the ecological environment.

    Preschool childhood is the initial stage of the formation of a person’s personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude towards nature, the “man-made world”, towards oneself and the people around them is formed.

    “Life today is impossible without environmental knowledge. We, people, need them like air, like a cure for a disease, the diagnosis of which is indifference to our common Home, to Nature” (V.A. Alekseev).

    Spring is an amazing time, you want to walk, travel, and it’s a time for exciting hikes. And today we will go on a “journey”. We will talk about how beautiful and amazing our nature is, about how it needs our protection, about how to teach our children to protect and care for it.

    First, a short “Hike Warm-up” is announced, and any rhythmic music sounds:

    1. “Putting on backpacks” - circular movements of the hands at the shoulder back and forth.

    2. “Let's determine the weather” - bring your hands to your forehead and turn left and right.

    3. “Collect branches for the fire” - tilt left and right.

    4. “Tie the laces on your sneakers” - tilt either to the right or to the left leg.

    5. “Jump over the bump” - jump forward, backward, left, right.

    6. “Let’s go for a hike” - walking in place and moving to the first stop.

    Stop one: “Nature Experts” (tables with cards depicting animals and birds).

    “A day spent by a child among groves and fields replaces many weeks on a school bench.” Sukhomlinsky said: “Know how to open one thing to the child in the world around him, but open it in such a way that a piece of life sparkles in front of the child with all the colors of the rainbow, always leave something unsaid so that the child wants to return again and again to what he found out".

    Parents are invited to take a card, name the animal or bird and briefly tell everything they know about it. For the best story - the title of “Nature Expert”.

    Stop two: “Spicy dish.”

    Bernard Shaw said: “I have an apple, you have an apple, let’s exchange them, everyone will still have one apple. I have a thought, you have a thought, let’s exchange them, there will be two thoughts.” To the musical accompaniment of “Little Crane,” parents are given “leaflets” with short questions on the topic of the meeting. Time is given to answer (1-3 minutes).


    “The child breaks a tree branch. Your actions?";

    “A beetle is crawling, the child wants to crush it. What will you tell him?”;

    “The child threw garbage on the street. Your actions?";

    “The child saw many beautiful flowers and ran to pick them. How to stop him so that he doesn't do this

    “A child sees a spider and says: “He is evil and harmful. We must crush him." How to explain to a child that this cannot be done” and others.

    Stop three: “They are treating us.”

    Educator: The forest is like a fairy-tale kingdom, Medicines grow all around there. In every weed, in every branch - Both medicine and pills. You just need not to be lazy, you just need to learn. Find plants in the forest that are suitable for treatment! For you, dear parents, riddles about medicinal plants. Guess them and name why these plants are taken for medicinal purposes.

    Don’t touch the plant - it burns painfully, like fire (Nettle, they wash their hair with a decoction, and it also stops bleeding).

    A traveler often wounds his legs - so there is a doctor by the road. (Plantain, treats wounds, cuts; used for stomach diseases).

    White basket, golden bottom. (Chamomile, used as a gargle for sore throat; rinse hair).

    A drop of juicy nectar is both fragrant and sweet. Will help you recover from a cold... (Lungwort)

    Somewhere in the dense forest there is a magical pharmacy. There are red pills hanging on a branch. (Rose hips, strengthens the immune system).

    Name herbaceous plants or shrubs that can be used to cure a cold (Lingonberries and cranberries - for high fever, sore throat; black currant and chamomile - for a sore throat; cloudberry - a cough remedy).

    Medicinal plants bring great benefits to people, so treat them with care: do not uproot plants, do not collect plants in one place, leave some in nature.

    Tea break.Parents are offered herbal tea made from herbs from our region. Musical background “Spring” from the cycle “The Seasons” by A. Vivaldi.

    Stop four: “Game room”. Musical accompaniment - “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. Tchaikovsky.

    You are often concerned about the appearance of lack of composure, isolation, excessive activity, and often aggressiveness and tearfulness in children. All these are signs of internal psychological and emotional tension, a consequence of some “childhood” problem that adults have not yet figured out. How to help a child in such moments? The main thing is to teach him to help himself, i.e. introduce methods of self-regulation. Parents are offered games that can be played with children at home for self-regulation and relieving psychological and emotional stress in children:

    Game "Grow into the ground": Try to press your heels very, very hard onto the ground, clench your hands into fists, clench your teeth tightly. You are a mighty, strong tree, you have strong roots, and no winds are afraid of you. This is the pose of a confident person.

    Game "You are a lion": Close your eyes, imagine Leo - the king of animals, strong, powerful, self-confident, calm and wise. He is handsome and self-possessed, proud and free. This lion's name is like yours, he has your name, your eyes, arms, legs, body. You are a lion!

    Game “Breathe and think beautifully”: When you are worried, try to breathe beautifully and calmly. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and mentally say: I am a lion - exhale, inhale, I am a bird - exhale, inhale, I am a stone - exhale, inhale, I am a flower - exhale, inhale, I am calm - exhale. You will really calm down.

    Games are played with parents.

    WINDOW – very short news:

    SOS news:

    The fire pit does not become overgrown for 5-7 years;

    The lily of the valley blooms in the 6th year, the lily of the valley - in the 8th year;

    One birch damaged by an ax is 20 liters of sap.

    Interesting news:

    to make a kilogram of honey, a bee must fly around 2 million flowers;

    snakes can sleep for 3 years in a row without eating;

    rats appeared on Earth 48 million years earlier than humans;

    the snail has about 25,000 teeth;

    The animal with the largest brain in relation to its body is the ant.

    Stop five: “Help nature”

    Educator: “What have we done to nature?

    How can we look her in the eyes now?

    Into the dark poisoned waters

    Into the death-scented skies." (A. Dementyev)

    There lived people on the planet, mothers, fathers and their children. If people throw a piece of paper, the planet will become a mess. Conversation with parents about how they relax in the forest, on the river and how they clean up the area where they rested; what you can teach children during the holidays.

    A game is offered.

    The word is a relay race. Parents should continue the statement started by the leader:

    “My child will take care of nature and take care of the world around him if I……”). At the same time, parents pass each other a daisy flower made of paper.



    “You can’t borrow forever.

    And the debt to nature must be paid,

    If only we knew the language of nature,

    Our life was probably richer...” (L. Sorokin.)

    Plan of work with parents on the formation of environmental

    culture of participants in educational relations.


    Form of conduct


    Expected result


    Diagnosing children, questioning parents.

    Parent meeting “We are not enemies of nature, you take care of nature!”

    Photo exhibition “Relaxing without harming yourself.”

    To identify the level of knowledge of children and parents on environmental issues.

    Show the importance of environmental education in preschool age.

    Intensify interaction between parents and preschool educational institutions in matters of environmental education.

    Diagnostics, questionnaires.

    Exhibition of works made from waste materials “Even trash can be beautiful.”

    Photo materials about summer holidays.

    Parents' interest in developing an environmental culture in children.

    To interest adults, to evoke an emotional response.

    Showing interest in the life of the preschool educational institution.


    Consultation for parents “NOT harming nature.”

    Exhibition of works “Gifts of Autumn”.

    Familiarizing parents with the rules of behavior in nature.

    Involve parents in joint activities with their children.


    Exhibition of children's crafts.

    Arouse interest in the work of a teacher in environmental education of children. Increasing parental competence.

    Increasing parental activity and interest in completing the task.


    Campaign “Let's help the birds!” Making feeders.

    Promotion “Snow blanket for trees”.

    Promote parent communication through discussion of the topic. To clarify and expand the ideas of children and adults about the birds of their native land.

    Introduce parents to environmental activities of children during a walk.

    Information about the birds of our native land. Making feeders.

    Get parents interested in making bird feeders together with their children. Cultivating a compassionate attitude towards birds in winter.

    Get parents interested. Invite parents to work on the kindergarten site together with their children.


    Creation of a photo album “City in Winter”.

    Environmental campaign “Save the beautiful Christmas tree!”

    Involve parents in environmental activities.

    Photos of your favorite places in your hometown.

    Holding the competition “Unusual Christmas tree!”

    Arouse interest in the formation of environmental culture among children and adults.

    Active participation of parents in the action.


    Design of the screen “New Year Celebration”.

    Consultation “Winter injuries”.

    Introduce children and parents to the traditions of New Year celebrations.

    Remind parents that winter holidays do not always bring joy. Remind about keeping children healthy.

    Introduction to safety precautions. Consultation. Making a poster.

    Increasing parental activity. Get parents interested in doing homework.

    To increase the level of knowledge of adults and children about how to behave in emergency situations.


    Seminar - workshop in the kingdom of medicinal herbs. "Phytotherapy".

    Experience exchange.

    Consultation “Parental misconceptions about frosty weather.”

    Expanding parents' ideas about the child health system. Introduce some properties of medicinal plants.

    Introduce parents to the misconceptions of adults when dressing children in winter.

    System of children's health improvement in preschool educational institutions.

    Medicinal plants are a means of healing. (Phytotherapy.)

    Increasing parental knowledge about the benefits of medicinal plants through the exchange of parental experiences.

    Increase the level of parental competence.


    Parent meeting.

    Consultation “Educating children to love nature.”

    Introduce parents to the rules of behavior in nature.

    Design of the photo exhibition “Nature is begging for help!”

    Talk about the nature of your native land, about the need to take care of nature.

    Getting to know reminder signs.

    Teach parents to take care of nature. Raise the level of consciousness of parents.


    Exhibition of works “Spring is Red”.

    “How to spend a day off with children?”

    Continue to expand parents' understanding of primroses and medicinal herbs. Teach parents and children not to pick plants listed in the Red Book.

    Help parents make family holidays with children truly exciting for their child.

    Introduce children and parents to plants listed in the Red Book. Collaborative work between children and parents on the theme “Don’t tear up the plants!” Involve parents in planting plants on the preschool site.

    Parent survey. Offer parents simple games with natural materials.

    Involve parents in making posters. Active participation of adults in the event. Purchasing planting material, planting plants on the site.

    Encourage parents to spend as much time as possible with their child.


    Meeting of the Friends of Nature club.

    Creation of the magazine “Ekomir of my family”.

    To identify the level of formation of the ecological culture of participants in educational relations.

    Summarize the work for the year.


    Photographic materials, articles from newspapers and magazines, parental experience.

    Increasing the level of parental interest and consistency between parents and educators.

    Raise the level of consciousness of parents, activate their activities together with their children.

    Summary of the meeting of the interest club “Friends of Nature”.

    Creation of the magazine “Ekomir of my family”.

    Remember the toy with mirror plates and colored glass? Turn it a little - a new pattern . And how you want to unravel the secrets of the magical colors!

    So we made our own kaleidoscope, scattered “colored pieces of glass” on the pages of joint projects with parents and children. Today we will look at them in order to then assemble our “pattern”, which will result in the creation of the magazine “Eco-World of My Family”, which, in turn, is the final stage, summing up the painstaking work on the topic “Formation of an ecological culture of participants educational process».

    Each mini project, each environmental action, which has passed over the past year is a small step on a long path towards the formation of an ecological culture, a drop in the sea of ​​life experience that shapes a person.

    The goal of all our work was to begin the formation of an ecological culture for all participants in educational relations, both children and you, dear parents. And the basis of our work was the design method, which implies joint activity with children and the inclusion of parents in the process of environmental education of preschoolers and the formation of a unified environmental educational environment “OU - the child’s family.”

    The main task of our joint work was the task of forming an environmental culture of all participants in the educational process through design activities.

    For a long time, together with you and the children, we collected everything various materials not the topic of ecology, which can be considered at the decorated stands.

    Let's remember what materials, messages, photographs you collected, what topics formed the basis of your messages. (Answers from children and parents).

    - about nature, about nutrition, about plants, about animals, about sports, about hikes and walks with parents.

    Right. And there is also such a concept - ECOLOGY. What do you think it means? (Parents' answers.)

    You're right! So, ecology is a science that appeared back in the 19th century and should help people survive, make their habitat suitable for existence, for life.

    The main directions of this science are:

    1. The study of the relationships of living organisms with the environment and with each other, that is, EVERYTHING is connected with EVERYTHING.

    2. Considers the relationship between people and nature.

    3. Studies and develops methods of nature conservation.

    What do you guys think, how can you and I help nature? (Children's answers.)

    Right! Translated from Greek, “ECOLOGY” is the science of the home. That’s why the materials you collected are dedicated to the home, the relationship between adults and children, and their activities.

    The magazine we will create today is called “My Family Eco-World”. This name includes the following concepts: (See Appendix.)

    • Tasty, healthy, beautiful. 1. How does the child eat?
    • Nature in your home. 1. What place does nature have in your home?
    • Ecological trail bii.1. Ecological local history.
    • Ecology of the soul. 1. How does he respond to contacts with nature?

    2. What does an environmentally friendly product mean?

    3. What is harmful and what is useful?

    2. How often does the family go outdoors?

    3. Nature in the spiritual life of society, communication

    with nature.

    2. Tourist skills.

    3. Each path is ecological.

    2. « “Pure soul” - what is it?

    3.Can we help nature?

    * Ecology begins with a smile.

    1. How to avoid quarrels and conflicts?

    2. Does the family have its own traditions?

    3. Do you know your roots?

    Now I suggest you divide into “editorial” groups, each of which will work on its own page. Each page has its own name.

    1. Vegetables and fruits – healthy foods.

    2. Stitches - tracks.

    3. Ears, paws and tails.

    4. Useful tips.

    Very good! We now know what materials will be included in our magazine. But please tell me why the pages are called that way? (Parents' answers.)

    Practical part.

    Dear friends, now we are starting to work directly on the magazine. The participants of each group, after consulting, will select the necessary materials and, together with the children, will begin to layout the magazine.

    (Children take an active part in the work of their parents.)

    Dear friends, the work of the editorial groups has ended and the responsible editors will now present us with their pages, tell us what photographs and notes they posted and why.

    (Speech by the executive editors and all group members.)

    After all the pages have been submitted, the entire magazine is laid out.

    And now I would like to summarize our work with you. Do you think the name of our magazine reveals the theme of all our great work to form an ecological culture among participants in educational relations?

    Prove it to us.

    (Adults draw a conclusion. Children help their parents, talk about how the topic has been covered, that the Eco-World of the family is well-being, cleanliness, health, friendship, mutual assistance and much more. Next, the children tell how they, together with their parents, collected materials about healthy and wholesome food, about the benefits of walks, about hiking in nature, about the benefits of playing sports since childhood, about animals and plants in our house.)

    Well done, guys and, of course, our dear parents! I think that together we have coped with the common task. And in conclusion I want to say the following:

    Ecology begins with smiles, and I wish

    When meeting people, smile!

    When going out into nature, smile!

    When you encounter beauty, smile!

    When playing with your four-legged friends, smile!

    And go through life with a smile!

    This concludes our club meeting. I express my deep gratitude to you for your cooperation, for your active participation in the life of the group, for your help in shaping the ecological culture of our kids, and I hope for our further close interaction.

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