• What does the fetus look like at 38 weeks of pregnancy? What is the normal weight of a baby (38 weeks of pregnancy)


    At 38 weeks of pregnancy, many women are puzzled by packing things for the maternity hospital, trying to learn as much as possible about how childbirth takes place and what they can expect.

    The expectant mother still has two weeks until the due date indicated on the exchange card. In fact, labor can begin at any time. Understanding this makes a woman restless and very vulnerable. We will talk in more detail about what happens to the baby and his mother at 38 weeks in this article.

    How many months is this?

    Over a long period of pregnancy, even the expectant mother herself becomes somewhat lost in calculating the due date. She gets used to the fact that the countdown is carried out according to obstetric standards and cannot immediately remember how many months it is in a regular calendar.

    Let us remind you that obstetric term- this is the actual period of existence of the fetus plus two weeks.

    The calculation is thus based on the first day of menstruation preceding conception.

    38 obstetric weeks means that the baby has been around for exactly 36 weeks. The 38th week in calendar terms is exactly 8 months plus 2 weeks. The gestation period for a baby has already lasted 266 days.

    Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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    How did the baby turn out?

    The baby is ready for birth at 38 weeks. It is fully formed recent months he “recovered”, gained weight and now, like his mother, is waiting for the mother’s body to give the “go-ahead” that he can begin his journey into this outside world.

    Dimensions and weight of the fetus

    The estimated weight of the fetus is determined by ultrasound using mathematical formulas embedded in the scanning device program. On average, at 38 weeks the weight of babies is about 3 kilograms with a wide range of fluctuations.

    There are babies who already weigh 3800 grams, and there are smaller babies whose body weight barely reaches 2800 grams.

    Boys weigh slightly more than girls. At this stage, hereditary appearance traits already appear: if mom and dad are large, the baby weighs more, if the parents are thin and short, then the child will not be able to boast of being overweight.. This is also an average value, since there are children whose height at 38 weeks is 56 centimeters, and there are babies who have grown to only 48 centimeters from the back of their heads to their heels.

    An ultrasound scan at this time will show the following fetometric indicators:

    • biparental head size on average - 94 mm;
    • fronto-occipital size - 118 mm;
    • femur length - 75 mm;
    • diameter chest- 101 mm.

    The baby, if it is not yet about to be born, will continue to grow, albeit at a slower pace than it was in previous weeks.

    Nervous system

    During this period, the active development of the nervous system continues. It will not end even after childbirth, because the nervous system is the only system of the human body, the formation of which continues even after birth. prenatal period. Nothing new happens in the structure of the brain and spinal cord - physiologically their formation is complete, but every day new neural connections and new neuromuscular impulses arise.

    Already, the baby has more than 70 automatic reflex movements that are provided by nature for survival. It is best for the baby to still have sucking, grasping and swallowing reflexes.

    He will demonstrate them immediately after birth.

    Also, by this age, the child has learned to control his limbs: now his arms and legs do not move or throw up chaotically, but are completely controlled by the brain.

    The baby is quite emotional. He distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar sounds, can be scared, experience joy, peace, worry and worry with your mother. Controlling your emotions at this time is of great importance for a woman.


    The rate of movements at 38 obstetric weeks remains exactly the same as before - The expectant mother must record at least 10 movements of the baby within 12 hours. However, many women note that babies become more “lazy”, clumsy, and the number of movements subjectively decreases.

    Indeed, the baby no longer has the opportunity to move as quickly and vigorously as before, because he occupies almost the entire space of the uterus, free space There is practically no room for “maneuvers”.

    This week, women are also complaining about painful movements of their son or daughter. There is nothing unusual in this either - the quantity amniotic fluid decreases, along with them the natural “shock absorber” disappears, and now, when moving, the baby comes into direct contact with the walls of the uterus, which sometimes causes not the most pleasant sensations in women.

    The absence of movements for 4-5 hours or active, painful, sharp movements that practically do not subside for 2-3 hours are grounds for an urgent unscheduled visit to the doctor.

    It is through movements that the child can tell his mother that not everything is all right with him - there is not enough oxygen, the umbilical cord has become entangled, etc.

    Organs and systems

    The main event of the 38th week of pregnancy is the completion of the process of accumulation of surfactant in the baby’s lungs - a special substance that prevents the alveoli from gluing together. Thanks to the surfactant, the baby will be able to take his first full breath and exhale, and the lungs will not stick together.

    The remaining organs and systems are completely ready to work autonomously outside the mother’s body. The heart pumps blood, it still beats faster than mom’s, but this is completely normal.

    Vessels can narrow and expand, adapting to the characteristics of blood flow. The small stomach works smoothly, because the baby swallows up to 300 ml of amniotic fluid per day.

    A supply of the first stool is deposited in the intestines - rich green original meconium.

    Meconium will come out on the first day after the baby is born, thereby starting the work of the intestines in new conditions. The baby's kidneys and his bladder work like clockwork - every hour and a half the baby pees. The liver, spleen, pancreas and gallbladder.

    Sense organs

    The baby's senses at 38 weeks are well developed. The baby can hear, he listens with pleasure to everything that is available to him. He knows the voices of mom and dad and recognizes them from the mass of other voices, is wary of unfamiliar voices, sharp sounds, unpleasant in timbre and volume, for example, the slamming of a door.

    The baby can show his dissatisfaction with what he hears in different ways. It all depends on the character of the baby, which he is already able to show. Some are frightened by extraneous sounds and become quiet, instinctively trying to “hide”, others are quite actively indignant, expressing their emotions with active movements.

    The baby cannot see yet. More precisely, he cannot see the way we see. But he perfectly distinguishes between light and dark, day and night, general contours, and he will “hone” the clarity and focus of vision in the first months after birth. Many babies at this stage have their own daily routine, when they sleep and are awake. Usually, by the 38th week, expectant mothers know their baby’s routine quite well.

    Smells still remain inaccessible, because the baby does not breathe through his nose yet, but his taste buds work perfectly. He can distinguish the taste of amniotic fluid well: if the mother has eaten sweets, he begins to swallow them more actively, and if there is garlic, then less actively, while he makes grimaces of disgust just like an adult.

    A baby’s sense of touch at 38 weeks is a solid “A”. In the first days after birth, the tactile way of understanding the world will be the main thing for the baby - skin-to-skin contact with the mother, to whom he has become accustomed for 9 months, will give him a feeling of security and peace even in incomprehensible and frightening situations.

    Metabolism and immunity

    The baby's metabolism proceeds quite quickly, his metabolic processes are rapid. At 38 weeks, the placenta remains the main organ that nourishes and provides everything necessary. She has not yet begun to actively age.

    The degree of maturity of the placenta is usually the third, but there are women whose “baby place” remains at the borderline 2-3 degrees of maturity.

    Through the uterine vessels, the baby through the placenta receives with the mother's blood all the substances necessary for its growth and development, vitamins and minerals, oxygen, and back through the uterine vessels into the mother's blood - metabolic products: carbon dioxide and toxins. They will have to be “utilized” by the pregnant woman’s kidneys and liver.

    The baby's immune system is formed, it works, but the immune system is still very weak. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the mother transmits to the baby with her blood a certain amount of antibodies, which form the so-called innate maternal immunity, but this protection will only be enough for the first few months, then the baby’s own immunity will begin to “learn” from diseases and vaccinations.


    If you now do not an ordinary, but a three-dimensional ultrasound, you can see a cute, plump baby. His forms acquired beautiful rounded outlines, not a trace remained of his former thinness due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, this process has continued for the last several months.

    The baby’s skin is no longer wrinkled and red, the subcutaneous fat has “distanced” the network of blood vessels from the skin, and now the baby has a pink skin color. Only the child’s heels and palms remained wrinkled.

    A layer of thick white vernix no longer covers the baby's body; it is preserved only in natural folds - on the bends of the limbs and in the groin. This lubricant now performs a protective function - it protects the folds from rubbing.

    Maternal hormones, especially estrogens, which are actively produced before childbirth and provide the body with the necessary preparation for this more than responsible process, affect the child mainly only externally.

    In babies of both sexes, the mammary glands become enlarged and the genitals become slightly swollen- scrotum in boys and labia in girls. This will pass quickly after the baby is born.

    Many babies already now, at 38 obstetric weeks, have thick and funny hair, others have significantly less hair on their heads. This is an individual trait, and both are considered normal.

    The child's hair and nails continue to grow. At week 38, there is not a hint of the fluff that covered his body during pregnancy. Lanugo disappears, the skin becomes smooth and clean.

    The baby's facial features are fully formed, well-developed facial muscles enable the baby to make a wide variety of faces and grimaces.

    Very soon the mother will be able to see them with her own eyes, since the habit of grimacing in a dream among infants persists during the first few months of independent life.

    How does mom feel?

    The feelings of the expectant mother at 38 weeks cannot be called pleasant. The uterus has grown so much that it occupies the entire abdominal cavity, and the baby inside it occupies the entire uterine cavity. As a result, a woman feels bloated and awkward; a large belly makes it difficult to lead a normal lifestyle, move, and do everyday activities. The uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm, making it difficult for the woman to breathe.

    Under the influence of hormones, the mood “dances”- calmness gives way to tears in a split second, the woman feels vulnerable, vulnerable. Fear of the upcoming birth also adds anxiety and stress.

    Many women are experiencing problems this week. night sleep , they are tormented by insomnia. During the day, the future one constantly wants to sleep, she feels weak, and sometimes has no appetite. Towards the evening, drowsiness gives way to anxiety, and everything repeats again, because you still can’t fall asleep fully.

    Weighing at 38 obstetric weeks may show weight loss, this should not be scary- large-scale hormonal changes occur in the body. If earlier pregnancy was “guided” by progesterone, which caused increased appetite and low fever early stages, then now everything in the body is “run” by estrogens, whose task is to prepare the woman for childbirth. These sex hormones help remove excess fluid from the body, resulting in weight loss.

    Also, a woman’s body weight is affected by the aging and thinning placenta, which becomes lighter, and the amount of amniotic fluid, which noticeably decreases.

    The breasts of a pregnant woman at this stage are beautiful, full; many, when touching the nipples, release thick colostrum, which a few days after birth will turn into full-fledged breast milk.

    If there is no colostrum, there is no need to worry, this is also a variant of the norm, and it will definitely appear, but after childbirth.


    For a woman at 38 weeks, it is often easier to answer the question of where she doesn’t have pain than to describe all her painful sensations- there are too many of them, and they are quite diverse.

    Expectant mothers at this stage often complain of headaches of varying intensity. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. Often, headaches are caused by increased blood pressure.

    A woman prone to hypertension must monitor her blood pressure levels by measuring it twice a day in both arms. If the pressure rises, you should call ambulance.

    Headaches in pregnant women later are often psychogenic in nature - experiences, fears, and excitement cannot pass without leaving a trace. The frequency and intensity of headaches is also affected by the general condition - with insomnia, for example, headaches in daytime- a completely understandable phenomenon.

    Often, expectant mothers at this stage of pregnancy are worried about their breasts - the nipples hurt and itch. There is nothing unusual in this, it’s just how the breasts prepare for breastfeeding.

    The uterus, which has become so large that it barely fits in the abdominal cavity, shifts the center of gravity, resulting in pain in the lower back, back, and tailbone at 38 weeks.

    Pain in the groin area pubic bone associated with the action of the hormone relaxin. The pelvic bones soften, the ligaments become more elastic. This should make it easier for the child to pass through the birth canal. The softening process with simultaneous load on the bones and ligaments from the heavy and large uterus is associated with pain in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis.

    If the pain is moderate and does not hinder movement, you just need to be patient a little - after childbirth everything will return to its place. If the pain in the perineum is sharp and unremitting, if it prevents you from walking, climbing stairs, standing and turning over in bed, you should inform your doctor about this in order to rule out symphysitis - a pathological divergence of the symphysis pubis.

    Almost all women at 38 weeks have lower back pain, and uterine tone is observed from time to time, on the right and left side of the lower abdomen pain appears as during menstruation. These are training contractions that quickly pass if you take a horizontal position and have a good rest.

    Pain when the fetus moves is sometimes combined with a sensation of electric shock; women often characterize it with the expression “shooting in the groin.” This unusual sensation can occur when the baby puts pressure on the nerve nodes.

    Often, at 38 weeks, your teeth suddenly begin to hurt.

    During pregnancy, the baby took a large amount of calcium from the mother’s blood, so the tooth enamel could be damaged.

    Under the influence of hormones that are released before childbirth, gums may begin to bleed. Dental treatment during this period is not advisable.. But if the pain is severe, then it is better to visit a dentist and treat the problem tooth. Modern methods Pain relief in dentistry is allowed even for pregnant women.


    Normally, the amount of discharge at 38 weeks may increase slightly, but it should remain transparent or light-colored, without any blood or changes in color or odor. Panty liner- an excellent indicator of the condition of the reproductive organs, because it is very convenient to track changes in the nature of the discharge.

    If the discharge becomes pink, brown, spotting, or if there is mucus in it, this may indicate a plug is coming out. If the plug comes off completely, it looks like a clot of mucus with blood streaks. If the plug comes off in parts, which is also considered normal, then a mucous pinkish daub will be observed for several days. Sometimes the plug comes off completely unnoticed when a woman empties her bladder or along with the release of amniotic fluid.

    A plug is a collection of mucus that blocks the entrance to the cervical canal, located in the cervix. Such protection was required throughout pregnancy, starting from the first hours, in order to avoid penetration through the cervical canal into the uterine cavity. foreign bodies, viruses, bacteria.

    When the cervix is ​​ready for childbirth, the internal and then the external os begins to gradually open. At the stage of expansion of the internal pharynx, the plug is no longer necessary and it comes off.

    Greenish and dirty-gray discharge with a fishy unpleasant odor at 38 weeks is not considered normal, a sign imminent birth neither are they. Rather, such discharge may indicate the presence of infection in the genital tract. The infection must be treated before delivery. If this is not done, the woman will be sent to the observation department of the maternity hospital, and during childbirth there will be a high probability of infection of the fetus.

    White, curdled discharge, with the smell of yeast, sour milk, may indicate that thrush has begun. This is a common occurrence in late pregnancy.

    Thrush develops against the background of poor hygiene and/or due to changes in hormonal levels.

    It is also advisable to treat the symptoms of thrush before giving birth. To sanitize the genital tract, use Hexicon solution and suppositories and the drug Terzhinan. Another medicine may be recommended, it all depends on the reasons for the appearance of atypical discharge, so the choice of remedy is the doctor’s task.

    The appearance of discharge that resembles colorless, odorless water may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. A rapid outpouring of water is difficult to confuse with anything; it is usually leakage that raises questions. In doubtful cases, a pharmacy test for amniotic fluid and an examination by a gynecologist will help determine it. Watery discharge is a reason to consult a doctor.


    At 38 weeks, the expectant mother may experience a dramatic change in appetite. If you previously wanted to eat all the time, now you may experience complete indifference to food, and, conversely, your appetite may “erupt.” But It is better for a woman to avoid heavy lunches and dinners, because at this stage, digestive problems are very common.

    The grown uterus compresses the intestinal loops, as a result of which the expectant mother suffers from diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and these unpleasant symptoms can alternate, replacing each other.

    The intestinal loops are shifted back, compressed, peristalsis is disrupted, and gas formation increases. You can often come across complaints like “I go to the toilet in a big way with tears in my eyes.” Defecation at this stage really causes a lot of trouble.. Diarrhea is no less painful than constipation. When a woman has loose stools, she may experience symptoms of dehydration.

    The stomach is also pressed down from below. Because of this, it hurts and there is heartburn. Many pregnant women believe that the baby's hair grows at this time. In fact, the causes of heartburn lie in mechanical compression of the stomach, which results in the reflux of gastric juice in the opposite direction - into the esophagus. Due to the fact that the gallbladder is compressed, the outflow of bile is obstructed, for this reason the woman suffers from belching, she feels nauseous, and she may even experience vomiting with bile impurities.

    Meals at the 38th week of pregnancy should be fractional, not plentiful, and portions should be small. You should avoid fatty and salty foods, large quantities meat, fish and dairy products, giving preference to vegetable dishes, fruits, and light, thin porridges.

    This will help relieve constipation, ease digestion, and reduce heartburn and nausea.

    Possible problems


    A dangerous and unpredictable complication of late pregnancy is gestosis. The death of every third full-term baby in the last weeks of pregnancy is associated with it. 15% of maternal deaths at the very end of pregnancy and during childbirth are also associated with the development of gestosis.

    Late gestosis manifests itself as swelling of the legs, arms, and face. Often such swelling is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, worsening general well-being, detection of protein in urine.

    Swelling is not always noticeable to the naked eye; sometimes it is internal in nature and associated with the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, so it is not always possible to notice the symptoms of gestosis. But an experienced doctor will be able to navigate.

    If gestosis is detected at 38 weeks, the woman is hospitalized and, as a rule, they decide on the issue of delivery, so as not to risk the health of the mother and fetus.

    Fetal presentation

    Chances are that the child who occupies incorrect position in the uterus, it will change to the correct one - cephalic, at 38 weeks there is practically no. The baby is too big, and the uterus is too crowded for the baby to turn over, although this sometimes happens.

    A control ultrasound for pelvic or transverse presentation is usually carried out at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, and if the baby still remains in a sitting position or lies across the uterus, then at 38-39 weeks a planned C-section.

    Most babies at this stage have a head position in relation to the exit from the uterus, that is The baby's head is pressed tightly against the pelvic outlet. This position is ideal for natural childbirth.

    At this stage, the woman herself can feel the pressure of the fetal head - these sensations are not the most pleasant, they occur sporadically. With pressure from the head, the woman begins to feel a strong urge to urinate.

    Placenta, amniotic fluid

    « Children's place" still performs its functions, but does not do it as well as before. The placenta began to age. Her thickness at 38 weeks ranges from 27.5 mm to 45.5 mm, with an average of 34.07 mm. The amount of amniotic fluid also becomes less. Normal the range of amniotic fluid index for a given period is 65-269 mm, on average - 132 mm.

    If the amount of water decreases, if it is contaminated with meconium, which is visible on ultrasound as turbidity and suspension in the water, immediate delivery will be indicated, since such signs indicate fetal hypoxia and a number of other pathologies.

    Childbirth or cesarean section will also be planned if the placenta is thinned, if foreign inclusions are found in it, as well as if the uteroplacental blood flow is disrupted.


    An unpleasant and very painful condition in which blood flow in the hemorrhoidal veins is disrupted occurs in seven out of ten women in the later stages. This is due to the pressure of the uterus on the lower veins, which leads to a violation of the pressure inside the vessels.

    Outdoor or internal hemorrhoids, accompanied by prolapse of nodes or occurring without prolapse, with or without anal bleeding - there are many types of illness in pregnant women.

    If symptoms appear - itching and pain in the anal area, defecation problems, constipation, bleeding during defecation, pain in the anus when walking and sitting, a woman should definitely consult a doctor.

    Today there are many medications, which can quickly relieve pain and inflammation in the rectum and stop bleeding. It is advisable to do this before the birth.


    Many pregnant women at 38 weeks complain of pain when urinating, frequent urination in small portions. This phenomenon in itself may be due to the pressure of the uterus on the bladder, but the appearance of cutting acute pain cannot be ignored.

    The causes of cystitis at such a long stage of pregnancy can be associated both with physiology and with a cold, with a decrease in immunity, in which the mucous membranes of the bladder become especially susceptible to infections.

    The fact of cystitis at the 38th obstetric week must be reported to the attending physician.. He will prescribe an additional urine test, including a Nechiporenko test and bacterial culture. This is important to exclude the infectious nature of the phenomenon. Canephron helps relieve symptoms.

    Harbingers of childbirth

    There is still time before the expected date of birth, but women at this stage are already waiting for possible “precursors”, because the onset of labor this week is not at all uncommon, and only about 7% of babies are born on the expected date of birth.

    During a twin pregnancy, labor can begin any minute; during a singleton pregnancy, this probability is lower, but it also occurs.

    Women who give birth for the first time are at a loss, because the signs of labor beginning are unfamiliar to them, and multiparous women do not always have time to orient themselves, since each birth differs from the previous ones, including in the nature of the initial symptoms.

    Let's look at what signs and symptoms you should go to the maternity hospital for.

    Signs in primiparas

    The most discussed symptom is abdominal prolapse. Indeed, in a woman who is about to give birth, her stomach drops down as the baby takes the “starting” position, pressing its head against the pelvic outlet. However, in first-time mothers, such a sign cannot be considered reliable, since the tummy of expectant mothers drops long before the date of birth. If it's 38 weeks, the belly may already be drooping, or may drop from day to day.

    More reliable sign approaching labor are considered false (training) contractions. For women who are preparing to become mothers for the first time, they can begin approximately 5-7 days before birth, sometimes a little earlier. Training labor activity is an individual trait, and there is no single standard here.

    Medicine is still not very clear about the reasons and purpose of false contractions, and therefore the version of “training” the body before the upcoming real test was chosen as the basis. They manifest themselves as a nagging, aching pain on the left and right side of the lower abdomen, as during menstruation, at the same time it noticeably pulls the lower back and slightly “presses” on the rectum.

    Such contractions do not have a specific time duration, frequency, or rhythm. If a woman feels that the uterus has become toned (pregnant women often call this condition a sign of “the stomach is turning to stone”), or nagging pain appears, you should lie down and rest a little.

    Training contractions pass after a half-hour rest, but real contractions only intensify.

    If labor does not begin with the rupture of water, but from the appearance of contractions, you should make sure that they are not training, and as soon as it is possible to detect their cyclical nature (for example, a painful attack lasts 30 seconds and repeats every 10 minutes or more often), you should also take the things and documents collected in advance and go to the maternity hospital.

    An indirect sign indicating that labor will soon begin is considered to be the so-called “nesting instinct,” when a few days before the onset of labor, a woman begins to experience an irresistible urge to clean up, put everything in its place, once again stroke and rearrange all the diaper rompers and Be sure to move the piano in the living room so that it stands differently.

    If such an instinct has not awakened, this does not mean that childbirth is being postponed.

    Another indirect sign- appearance of loose stools. Before childbirth, the body strives to get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary as much as possible; in addition, during bowel movements, special hormones are produced - prostaglandins, which stimulate the onset of labor, having a softening effect on the cervix.

    Signs in multiparous women

    In a second pregnancy and in a third pregnancy, the symptoms may be the same, but with some important nuances. Training contractions in women who have already given birth, as a rule, begin immediately before childbirth - just a couple of days.

    The reproductive organs of the expectant mother “remember” the previous experience, and all processes of preparation for childbirth proceed much faster. So, in first-time mothers, the internal os of the cervix opens first, and only then the external one, and sometimes many hours pass between these two processes. In multiparous women, only a few minutes may pass between the opening of the internal and external os, sometimes they open almost simultaneously.

    If it is not training contractions that have begun, but real contractions, a woman who is giving birth not for the first time should not wait until the frequency of these contractions is intense, because the process may happen too quickly. It is better to immediately go to the maternity hospital in order to be under medical supervision in case of rapid rapid labor.

    Indirect symptoms of the imminent onset of the second or third birth are often the appearance of a feeling of causeless anxiety, restlessness; many expectant mothers claim that a couple of hours before giving birth they feel either hot or cold, chills, and slight dizziness.

    Analyzes and examinations

    At 38 weeks of pregnancy, a woman has a scheduled appointment with her obstetrician-gynecologist. During the appointment, the expectant mother will be weighed to determine weight gain (or weight loss), blood pressure levels will be measured, and her arms and legs will be examined for possible swelling indicating preeclampsia.

    If the pregnancy was problematic, there are certain complications, the woman will be offered an unscheduled CTG. Cardiotocography will help find out how the baby feels on the eve of birth. If doubts arise or the device produces results indicating abnormalities in the condition of the fetus, an ultrasound scan with Doppler (USDG) will be performed.

    This examination will show how the uteroplacental blood flow is carried out, whether the child has enough oxygen, nutrients, whether pathological changes in the structure of the placenta and umbilical cord entanglement.

    All women without exception are prescribed at 38 weeks general analysis urine, a clinical blood test and a test called a “coagulogram”. This laboratory test will allow us to judge the processes of hemostasis - blood clotting, which is very important on the eve of childbirth, in order to assess the possible risks of thrombosis or extensive birth hemorrhage if there are deviations in clotting factors.

    If a woman feels signs, “harbingers” of labor, the doctor in the gynecological chair, during a planned visit, will conduct a manual examination and examination of the cervix to determine its readiness for childbirth. The mature cervix is ​​smoothed out, shortened, and a slight opening may be observed - 1-2 fingers, if labor is to begin in the next day or two.

    Sex - is it possible or not?

    If a woman does not have objective problems with carrying a pregnancy and the attending physician does not prohibit it, it is possible and necessary to have sex at 38 weeks. Sexual intercourse that gives pleasure to both partners will only benefit the pregnant woman. Orgasm helps the uterine muscles become more elastic, “trains” the cervix, and promotes the release of the hormone oxytocin, which in certain quantities stimulates the onset of labor.

    Unprotected sex is doubly useful, provided that the woman’s sexual partner is completely healthy and does not have sexually transmitted infections, including hidden ones. Sperm contains prostaglandin hormones, which relax the muscles of the cervix, helping it quickly prepare for labor. Sex has a positive effect on the relationship between future parents, improves understanding in the family, gives peace and lifts the mood.

    However, it is definitely contraindicated if the mucous plug begins to come off at week 38 or if it comes off completely.

    Labor may then begin within a few days. During this time sexual contacts are undesirable, since the cervical canal is no longer protected, and any infection can penetrate directly into the uterine cavity and cause intrauterine infection of the baby.

    Childbirth at 38 weeks

    Childbirth at this stage is not considered premature; the baby is fully term and ready for independent life outside the mother’s belly. According to statistics, labor begins this week in approximately 35% of women, that is, approximately every third pregnant woman at this stage is sent to the maternity hospital.

    Natural childbirth proceeds usually, without any special features.

    In some cases, this week there is a need to stimulate the birth process. This is necessary when a woman’s water has broken and contractions have not begun, if there are indications for delivery and there are no contraindications against natural childbirth.

    Indications for delivery are considered to be signs of fetal distress - hypoxia, fetoplacental insufficiency, signs of pathologies in the mother - the appearance of symptoms of preeclampsia, for example. In other words, if the child needs to be “hurried”, if he becomes unsafe in the mother’s womb, induction of labor is prescribed.

    It is carried out with medications, mainly hormonal drugs, as well as puncture of the amniotic sac. If the situation is not critical, time is of the essence, treatment may be prescribed to ripen the immature cervix- introduction of turundas with hormonal gels, and at the same time sanitization of the birth canal. All these actions take place strictly in a hospital.

    Caesarean section at this stage is performed routinely for women who have an Rh conflict with the baby due to differences in Rh factors or blood groups, and for women carrying twins after IVF (independent childbirth in this case poses a high risk). If a repeat caesarean section is due, it may also be scheduled for this week or next.

    If the baby is in no hurry to be born, under no circumstances should you rush him from the outside. The period still allows him to stay in his mother’s tummy for at least 2-3 weeks, and therefore You should not try to induce labor using folk remedies or grandmother’s remedies., including taking horse doses castor oil, squats until you lose pulse and exhausting “walks” up the stairs to the ninth floor.

    No matter how tired mom may be during 8.5 months of pregnancy, it’s worth being patient a little longer. If the baby is not in a hurry, then it’s better for him.

    At 38 weeks, you should pack a bag that the woman will take with her to the maternity hospital.. If this has not been done before, now is the right time. It must include clothes for the woman in labor, clothes for the baby, hygiene items, disposable diapers, and special panties for women in labor. Don't forget to put it in one folder Required documents- passport, medical insurance policy, birth certificate and exchange card.

    Walking on fresh air useful and necessary for a pregnant woman.

    But This week you should walk without fanaticism, without making long “marathons” without going far from home, since labor can begin at any time.

    If you need to go somewhere further than the next block, you should take documents with you that may be needed during hospitalization in the maternity hospital (the list is above), and put the collected bag in a visible place so that family or friends can deliver it to you at the hospital at any time.

    Aching, stabbing, pulling pains that are not true contractions can be relieved with such a well-known and popular drug among expectant mothers as “No-Shpa”, but you should not exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer and your doctor.

    In stressful situations and insomnia, you can take light herbal remedies during this period. sedatives, for example, Valerian tablets. Other Medicines can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. If an infection is detected and antibiotics are prescribed, for example, Flemoclav Solutab, there is no need to stop taking them. Over such a long period of time, antibacterial drugs will not be able to harm the baby; they are dangerous at the stage of formation of organs and systems, but now everything in the child is already formed and functioning.

    A woman should not lead a “sofa” lifestyle, even if her stomach is large and she doesn’t want to move. It has long been noted that the more active a mother behaves before childbirth, the easier the birth process is for her and the faster the recovery after childbirth. However, you should not be overzealous. A woman now needs light physical activity and a complete absence of stressful situations.

    The expectant mother should be attentive to her own health, especially if the end of pregnancy occurs during the cold season, when there is a chance of contracting seasonal acute respiratory viral infections, influenza or other infections. These illnesses can greatly complicate the last weeks of pregnancy.

    They most likely will not harm the baby itself, but the woman’s immunity will be significantly undermined just before giving birth. In addition, when admitted to the maternity hospital with such symptoms and illnesses as a runny nose, cough, sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, etc., a woman in all cases without exception is placed not in the general ward for women in labor, but in the observational ward, where patients who were not examined, as well as those with identified infections.

    The content of the article:

    Childbirth does not always occur exactly on the date prescribed by doctors. This means that you must be prepared for important event now. Don't go out alone for a long time. Always have your phone with you and stay in touch with your family. It is advisable that you always have an exchange card, passport and insurance policy with you, and that all your loved ones know in which maternity hospital you are going to give birth. By this time, all the things necessary for the maternity hospital should have already been purchased and collected in bags.

    38 weeks pregnant - how many months?

    One obstetric month, as is known, is equal to four weeks. That is, the 38th week of expecting a baby is already nine obstetric months plus 2 weeks; you have 2 weeks left before the expected birth. The child’s age from the day of conception has reached 36 weeks, and at this time he is already completely ready for life outside the mother’s womb.

    During this period, the pregnant woman’s belly drops downwards, and the height of the uterine fundus is approximately 35 cm. The baby’s head is now in the pelvic cavity, and the position of the fetus will not change until birth. As the belly has dropped, the pressure of the uterus on some internal organs has decreased. The movements of the diaphragm are no longer difficult, and the mother’s breathing is much easier. Heartburn occurs less frequently - only in case of poor diet.
    But since the baby’s head drops, the pelvic bones are under pressure, which causes the woman to experience discomfort and pain in the symphysis pubis. Sciatica caused by compression of the femoral nerve makes itself felt from time to time. It manifests itself as pain in the sacrum and back of the leg, which extends to the knee.

    A pregnant woman's breasts increase in volume, small vessels become noticeable on them, and the circles of the nipples become more dark shade, small nodules (sebaceous glands) noticeably appear on their surface. The sensitivity of the nipples increases sharply. Touching them provokes contraction of the uterine muscles. If you press lightly on the nipple, droplets of colostrum will begin to be released from it.

    To prepare the mammary glands for breastfeeding, it is recommended to massage the nipples using a hard towel. This is necessary so that the delicate skin of the nipples becomes slightly roughened, and cracks do not form on it during feeding. In addition, stimulation of the receptors located in the nipples helps to increase the tone of the uterus, activating labor. That is, such a massage can be considered a natural way to prevent post-maturity.

    As the birth approaches, the placenta gradually ages, so the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the baby decreases. Now the diameter of the placenta is approximately 20 cm, and its weight can range from 1 to 2 kg.

    Feelings of a woman at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    The 38th week is usually associated with anxious anticipation of the upcoming birth. Often, expectant mothers feel nervous about their clumsiness and inability to perform even the easiest daily tasks. A woman irritated by this condition experiences a feeling of annoyance. Sometimes it seems to her that these inconveniences will never end. She listens carefully to her feelings, constantly waiting for contractions to begin. The pregnant woman can’t think about anything other than the birth of the baby now. The expectant mother is worried about whether natural childbirth will be easy and whether she will be born healthy child. She imagines what the long-awaited baby will look like, draws in her imagination the features of the child’s face.

    During this period, features known as “nest syndrome” appear in the behavior of many pregnant women. A woman suddenly feels a surge of strength, becomes very active and wants to make her home beautiful and cozy. This thirst for activity is caused by the action of a special substance - oxytocin. Its release in the female body occurs shortly before the onset of labor.

    Late pregnancy is characterized by training contractions. From time to time a woman feels that her stomach is turning to stone. This is how the body prepares for an early birth.

    Discharge from the genital tract at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    For the safe birth of a child, it is very important that there are no pathogens in the woman’s genital tract. Normal discharge pregnant women should not have unpleasant odor and suspicious impurities. The color of healthy discharge is milky and the consistency is uniform. In later stages, the appearance of mucus is acceptable - it is released from cervical canal. At the same time, the cervix softens and opens slightly.

    If leucorrhoea begins with inclusions of pus and a pungent odor, you should immediately go to the hospital. Doctors will conduct an examination and, if an infection is detected, prescribe a course of treatment.

    The appearance of bloody impurities is very warning sign, indicating placenta previa or abruption. Remember that even slight bleeding can increase dramatically and lead to tragedy. Therefore, if blood appears, immediately call an ambulance, even if there are no unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.

    The appearance of watery, cloudy discharge usually indicates premature rupture of water. At the same time, the water does not always drain abundantly. There are cases when they leak little by little, which indicates damage to the membranes. And because of this, the risk of infection of the fetus increases significantly. Therefore, when water leaks, a pregnant woman is usually hospitalized in the maternity ward.

    Belly at 38 weeks pregnant

    At this stage, pregnant women (especially those expecting their first baby) experience the feeling that the stomach is too low. This occurs because the uterus descends. The average abdominal circumference at 38 weeks is 95-100 cm.

    Weight of a woman at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    Weight gain during pregnancy is individual and depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body. On average, weight gain during the entire period of waiting for the baby is 10-15 kg. This is the indicator that is considered the norm. At 38 weeks, some women may experience slight weight loss.

    HCG norms at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    Sexual life at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    At such late stages, most couples try to abstain from sexual intercourse for fear of harming the baby. But many experts believe that with a successful pregnancy sex life You can not stop until the birth. You just need to take special care in the intimate area and choose the most comfortable positions for a pregnant woman (without putting pressure on the stomach). It is also very important that the partner does not have any sexually transmitted infections. One thing worth noting interesting fact: Male semen contains prostaglandins, substances that help soften the cervix, which helps dilate the cervix.

    Taking medications at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    At this time children's body has already been fully formed, and the list of acceptable medications has expanded. But this does not mean that you can self-medicate. Taking any medications is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

    Tests and examinations at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    If the pregnancy proceeds well, the woman is not prescribed virtually any tests. Just before visiting a doctor, you need to do a general urine test. During the examination, the doctor must measure the woman’s blood pressure, her weight, abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus. If these indicators are greatly increased, there is reason to suspect dangerous pathology- eclampsia.

    Ultrasound at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    At week 38, routine ultrasound is not performed. It is prescribed only for special indications. Then the specialist examines the condition of the fetus, its position in the uterus, pays attention to the presence of entanglements of the umbilical cord, the structure of the placenta and its location. Now the thickness of the placenta is less than 35 mm, and the degree of maturity is second or third. An enlarged placenta is a sign of swelling.

    Multiple pregnancy at 38 weeks

    Women carrying twins are usually already accomplished mothers at this stage. Indeed, according to statistics, in multiple pregnancies, labor begins 2-3 weeks earlier.
    Therefore, such women should have time to prepare in advance for their stay in the maternity hospital.

    IVF pregnancy at 38 weeks

    At 38 weeks, women who become pregnant after IVF are usually admitted to hospital. There, expectant mothers are under constant supervision, and doctors help them properly prepare for an imminent birth. Quite often, a planned caesarean section is prescribed at 38 weeks.

    Preparing for childbirth

    Things for the maternity hospital should already be collected; if your birth is to take place with a certain obstetrician-gynecologist, then you should be in constant contact with him. A pregnant woman's exchange card, passport and compulsory medical insurance policy should always be with you.

    At this time, the baby’s body is already fully prepared for independent life. Therefore, delivery that occurs at this time is not considered premature birth, it is an urgent birth.

    A full-term baby has a rounded or slightly elongated head with a circumference of about 34-35 cm. The normal sizes of the fontanelles are as follows: anterior - 2.5 - 3 cm, posterior - no more than 0.5 cm.
    The newborn has accumulated a sufficient layer of fat, and the skin has a delicate pink tint. There may still be lanugo left in some places. The ear cartilage has hardened and become elastic, and the nails have fully formed. The soles of the feet are well striated. The peripapillary circle reaches a diameter of 1 cm, the umbilical ring is located in the middle between the pubis and the xiphoid process.

    A baby born at this stage has good muscle tone and exhibits all the necessary reflexes, including sucking. Immediately after birth, the baby screams clearly and loudly. Babies born at 38 weeks do not need to stay in an incubator.

    38 week of pregnancy: video

    38th week of pregnancy: harbingers of labor in multiparous and primiparous women

    By the thirty-eighth week, a woman is most interested in the questions: will labor begin soon and what is happening to the fetus now? The state of health during this period is no longer very good: the expectant mother gets tired of the weight (after all, she has to constantly “carry around” 10-15 additional kilograms!).

    • your back aches and your lower back hurts;
    • the stomach pulls, aching pain appears in the lower abdomen;
    • tailbone hurts;
    • uterine tone is often observed (the abdomen becomes stiff);
    • False contractions (also known as training contractions) are periodically possible;
    • night sleep is disturbed and.

    And this is only part of the unpleasant phenomena that a pregnant woman experiences. Of course, you want to know what happens to the baby when labor begins, in order to get rid of unpleasant sensations and regain freedom of movement. Is it possible to give birth at -38 weeks? Doctors are sure: childbirth now poses no more dangers than just on time - that is, after 14 days.

    • 38th week of pregnancy: what happens

    38 weeks of pregnancy - how many months is it?

    If you use regular calendar method counting, you will find out that it is now the 9th month - that is, 8 months and 3 weeks have already passed. If you prefer obstetric, then the pregnancy lasts 9 months and 2 weeks. 38 obstetric week pregnancy is almost the very end of a long period of bearing a child.

    38th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and mother

    At 38 weeks of pregnancy, the baby rarely moves actively - he simply does not have enough space to make such movements. Usually he takes a position with his head down - this is how he prepares for childbirth. If the number of movements has decreased by this time, this sign can be attributed to the harbingers that appeared at the 38th week of pregnancy.

    If your child moves actively at night, then most likely he has confused day with night and your circadian rhythms do not coincide. This happens often and there is no need to do anything to correct the situation. To prevent entanglement in the umbilical cord, you can:

    A baby at 38 weeks of pregnancy normally weighs more than 3 kg, so to the expectant mother it is difficult to actively move, perform familiar actions, such as bending over, tying shoelaces, and so on. Big belly prevents me from doing all this. Pulls the lower back. Possible pain in the lower abdomen. The placenta ages and calcium-coated areas appear on it. It performs its functions poorly and becomes thinner. Child development, formation internal organs the intrauterine stage is over: according to all sensations, childbirth is approaching.

    Week 38: harbingers of labor in first-time mothers

    The fetus at 38 weeks of gestation is ready to be born. Women who do not yet have offspring begin to worry: should they go to the maternity hospital when signs such as:

    • stone belly;
    • prolapse of the abdomen;
    • frequent with severe pain;
    • mild diarrhea;
    • mucus discharge?

    During the first birth, the signs that appear at week 38 do not at all indicate that everything will begin in 3-4 days. It is possible that you will have to wait another week or two, and some are a little overbearing, giving birth to a baby at 41 weeks. All these are variants of the norm.

    Contractions, even painful but irregular ones, do not require an immediate trip to the hospital. , you can find out by drinking a no-shpa tablet and taking a warm shower. But it is more correct to first measure their regularity using the second hand of a watch. If all discomfort pass and the stomach no longer hardens, which means you don’t have to worry: the process has not yet begun. You need to go to the maternity hospital when contractions become regular or your water breaks.

    Obvious signs can be considered the breaking of water and the release of the mucus plug. Moderate oligohydramnios does not threaten the well-being of the fetus, but if there is almost no water at all, it will begin to suffer from oxygen starvation. can become dangerous - if a woman notices a constant leakage of water or if it suddenly “gushes out”, she should immediately go to the hospital. may come out all at once or in parts. There is no need to be alarmed if it contains streaks of blood. After this happens, the cervix is ​​already slightly open and accessible to infection - it won’t be long before childbirth.

    Week 38: precursors of labor in multiparous women

    In third- and multiparous women, everything happens much faster. Harbingers of a second birth appear several days, maybe even a couple of days before “day X”. Loose stools, uterine tone, copious clear, perhaps pink, discharge? Suddenly it became easier to breathe, but trips to the toilet became more frequent due to fetal pressure on the bladder? The pregnant woman's weight suddenly became less, despite the fact that eating habits remain unchanged, and the weight of the fetus remains the same, or even increases slightly? All this indicates the imminent onset of labor.

    You should not go far from home alone, and for any walks it is advisable to take your passport and insurance card, as well as directions to the chosen maternity hospital.

    Baby's weight at 38 weeks of gestation

    The weight of the unborn baby by this time is usually a little more than 3 kg. It is important to ensure that the baby does not weigh too much, because this will create additional difficulties for both him and the mother during the process of passing through the birth canal. In addition, it has been proven that children who were heavy at birth often have a tendency to become obese in the future.

    Sometimes a high fetal weight is mistakenly diagnosed due to polyhydramnios. This condition must be kept under control: it may indicate development.

    Childbirth at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    If your stomach often becomes rocky at 38 weeks of pregnancy and other signs are observed, it’s time to keep a bag with things collected for the maternity hospital ready. At 38 weeks of pregnancy, second births occur more often than first ones: the mother’s body quickly prepares to expel the fetus.

    Diarrhea at 38 weeks of pregnancy, if it is not accompanied by fever, epigastric pain and vomiting, indicates the beginning of self-cleansing of the body, seeking to get rid of everything “extra” in order to facilitate the process of giving birth to a child.

    Doctors will monitor the woman’s condition, after which they will decide whether to allow spontaneous childbirth or perform a caesarean section, for example, in the case of breech presentation or if the baby is overweight. If there is severe oligohydramnios and other problems, they will induce labor.

    How to induce labor at 38 weeks pregnant

    If you need to speed up the process, for example by medical indications, the following activities may be recommended for a pregnant woman:

    • close relationship with husband;
    • self-massage of nipples;
    • active walks.

    Physical activity can trigger the onset of labor. Massaging the nipples leads to the production of oxytocin, a hormone necessary during childbirth.

    Sex at 38 weeks pregnant

    Not all married couples manage to have sex at 38 weeks. It is difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position because her growing belly gets in the way. But making love stimulates the onset of labor - semen contains substances that act as provocateurs of the process. If doctors and the woman herself think that they need to “hint” the baby that it’s time to hurry up and “free” the mother, she may be advised to have sex with her husband.

    Discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    At the thirty-eighth week, it is normal for drops of colostrum to leak from the nipples, especially with light pressure.

    There is a light, rather abundant discharge coming from the vagina. They may be yellowish or white. Yellow discharge may indicate infection, which is dangerous after the mucus plug comes out. Brown discharge is dangerous - possible. You should immediately consult a doctor if there is any bleeding, even completely painless bleeding.

    Conditions requiring consultation with a doctor

    At 38 weeks, routine ultrasounds are no longer performed. However, this study may be prescribed in case of some deviations from the norm: if observed, if there is severe nausea at 38 weeks of pregnancy and there is swelling, as well as dizziness and increased blood pressure. Usually, with this study, the fetal heart rate is simultaneously checked by performing CTG.

    All this must be done to make sure that the child and mother are not in danger. What to do if you feel dizzy, feel weak despite restricting fluid in your diet, and also feel headache? It is possible that everything that is happening indicates the development of pregnancy complications. The task of doctors is to immediately take measures to prevent preeclampsia and eclampsia. In particular, a magnesium drip may be prescribed.

    How to give birth faster in this case? Gynecologists in the maternity hospital can use medications to speed up the process in order to save the mother and fetus.

    If you notice signs just before giving birth, you should definitely call a doctor. Any cold weakens the body, and giving birth will be more difficult.

    Another reason to visit a clinic, only this time a dental one, is the appearance of toothache. You should not delay it, because suddenly developing pulpitis or gumboil that appears can significantly complicate the course of labor, negatively affecting the woman in labor.

    Delivery at 38 weeks - normal phenomenon. If you feel the moment of meeting your heir approaching, do not be alarmed: everything is going as it should, which means your body is already ready for the start of the process. The child is not in danger. The main thing during this period is to closely monitor your condition in order to go to the maternity hospital on time.

    9.5 obstetric months of pregnancy (or 8.5 normal months) have ended. Another two weeks maximum - and mommy will finally see her baby. Of course, sometimes pregnant women give birth at 42 weeks, but most births occur at 38–40 weeks. Many factors indicate the approaching birth - the produced oxytocin makes the mother thirst for activity and the desire to put the house in order before childbirth, a drooping tummy brings relief, contractions become more painful and rhythmic.

    If you feel that your body is ready for childbirth and it is about to begin, do not waste time, check again that you have packed everything for the trip to the maternity hospital, leave the future dad a list of necessary things after leaving the maternity hospital, visit a beauty salon - after all, You won't be able to get a pedicure and manicure anytime soon!

    At 38 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s weight is at least 3000g and its length exceeds 47cm. Its size and degree of organ maturity indicate that it is completely ready for childbirth. While he is still feeding through the placenta, which can weigh up to two kilograms, he is quite capable of feeding on mother’s milk if birth occurs at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

    How many months have passed? Nine and a half obstetric months have already passed (one obstetric month has 28 days, or exactly four weeks).

    What's happening?

    At 38 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is no longer growing as rapidly as before - after all, all his organs and systems are fully formed, and he is absolutely ready for independent life.

    At this time, the baby gains no more than thirty grams per day, and accordingly, the mother should not gain much weight. The main reason for weight gain during this period is swelling. Try to eat right, don’t eat too sweet or fatty foods, limit yourself to liquids - this way, the appearance of edema can be, if not prevented, then significantly reduced.

    Quite serious signs that should be immediately addressed to the maternity hospital are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, combined with severe swelling and high blood pressure. This is preeclampsia, which is extremely dangerous for both mother and baby. If you notice several of these symptoms, call an ambulance and immediately go to the maternity hospital. If you receive timely assistance, you and your baby will not be in any danger.

    Your baby is already fully formed: the lungs are ready to breathe air, the heart is able to supply the entire body with blood, the kidneys and intestines regularly remove harmful substances from the body, and the brain is mature enough for the baby to be outside the mother.

    The child loses lanugo and vernix, becomes pretty - after all, he has already accumulated sufficient fat reserves, so the baby’s body and face acquire a charming baby plumpness. Marigolds continue to grow - some babies are born with long manicure, which they can use to scratch themselves and their mother.

    During this period, the child no longer grows as actively as before, and its size does not allow too active movement in the uterus, so most of the time the baby rests, preparing for the upcoming birth.

    Photo of the baby, ultrasound

    A few photos from an ultrasound at 38 weeks of pregnancy will give you a better idea of ​​your baby at this stage.

    At the 38th week of pregnancy, the belly usually already drops (although in some pregnant women it does not drop until the very birth), and the expectant mother becomes much easier. The uterus does not put so much pressure on the stomach, which is why heartburn and nausea go away and appetite returns. The lowering of the abdomen occurs due to the fact that the baby’s head begins to descend into the pelvis before birth.

    Despite the improvement in well-being, you should not go too heavy on food - the weight gain by the end of the 38th week of pregnancy should be from 8 to 15 kg (the greater the initial weight, the greater the gain). On the contrary, smoked foods, pickles and sweets should be completely excluded from the menu, and you should consume them more often fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, lean fish and meats. Subject to proper diet nutrition you will probably be able to minimize swelling and not gain excess weight before childbirth. Each kilogram gained above the norm significantly complicates the birth process for both the mother and her baby.

    Fetal movements at 38 weeks

    By the end of pregnancy, the child gains significant weight - on average, the weight of babies born at 38 weeks of pregnancy is 3000 - 3500g. This fact does not allow the baby to move in the mother’s tummy as actively as before - after all, he is quite tightly surrounded by the uterus. By the 38th week of pregnancy, the number of movements the baby makes per day is about 10; the rest of the time he rests and gains strength before giving birth. However, you still need to monitor the movements - if it seems to you that you have not felt the baby’s kicks for too long, contact the doctors to make sure that everything is fine with the baby.

    Mom's feelings

    The last weeks of pregnancy are the most difficult for the mother: her health does not improve, fatigue accumulates, and the pregnant woman begins to suffer from swelling and frequent false contractions. Often, it seems to the expectant mother that her pregnancy lasts forever and will never end. But the proximity of the long-awaited meeting is encouraging!

    Swelling is often a real scourge for mothers. They are associated not only with compression of the ureters and bladder, but also with compression of the inferior vena cava, through which blood flows from the legs. When it is pressed by the uterus, the blood stagnates in the veins of the legs, they swell significantly and hurt. To avoid this, try to lie on your left side more often, stand less, and do not sit in one position for a long time. You should absolutely not cross your legs - this will worsen venous congestion in the legs. Limit yourself to liquids. If your legs are very tired, lie down and put them on a pillow or other elevation.

    Also, due to compression of the bladder by the descending head of the fetus, the mother begins to visit the toilet even more often. Frequent awakenings due to this are aggravated by anxiety before childbirth, so at 38 weeks of pregnancy, insomnia is also a common companion of pregnant women.

    Discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy should be whitish, with a slightly sour odor. Mucous discharge streaked with blood or Pink colour- This is the release of the mucus plug before childbirth.

    Be careful - plentiful bloody issues are a sign of bleeding and require urgent hospitalization in the maternity hospital! Abundant watery discharge indicates the breaking of water and the onset of labor.

    Pain at 38 weeks of pregnancy

    Pain during this period is associated with the fact that the body is actively preparing for childbirth: the pelvic bones move apart, the ligaments and joints become more pliable, and the cervix gradually begins to open. All these processes cause pain in the lower back and abdomen. In addition, the uterus begins to contract more and more often - for now these are so-called false contractions. If this is your first pregnancy experience, then you can distinguish false contractions from real ones by changing your position or walking around - the false contractions will immediately become weaker. During the 38th week of pregnancy, the stomach feels quite often, it becomes stiff and painful. If contractions become rhythmic and become more frequent, most likely you are in labor and it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.

    Harbingers of childbirth

    The body is already completely ready for childbirth. And are you afraid to miss the moment when this very birth begins? Don’t worry, it’s quite difficult to miss your own birth, and the harbingers of labor will help you prepare for it:

    • Your stomach drops and it becomes easier for you to breathe.
    • There is slight weight loss.
    • Discharge from the genital tract is pinkish, streaked with blood, or copious and watery.
    • The uterus is constantly in good shape.
    • Periodically, the stomach turns to stone.
    • Contractions become more frequent and rhythmic.

    The appearance of precursors suggests that labor can begin at any time. Now try not to be alone, all things should be completely assembled and packed, and your husband should be in constant readiness to take you to the maternity hospital.


    Contractions at 38 weeks of pregnancy can be false, but real contractions can also begin. False contractions are not as painful; usually only the stomach hurts. They usually go away when changing position or moving. Also, between two false contractions, a woman may well fall asleep, which will not happen during real contractions.

    Real contractions are quite painful, the stomach and lower back hurt, they do not go away with a change in position. In addition, actual contractions become more frequent and rhythmic over time. As soon as your contractions start, start counting how long they last and what is the interval between them (this will help the doctor determine the expected time of birth), and also call an ambulance - it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.

    The following parameters indicate the onset of labor:

    • At least 10 contractions per hour lasting from 30 seconds to a minute.
    • Contractions are accompanied by increased discharge.
    • Your water suddenly broke in large quantities.

    If these signs appear, you should urgently go to a medical facility, although the duration of contractions before birth can be up to 10–12 hours.

    Research and analysis

    In the last weeks of pregnancy, you should visit a gynecologist every week, and also have weekly tests to ensure timely detection of serious problems (preeclampsia).

    When visiting antenatal clinic The doctor will take measurements of the circumference and abdomen and the height of the uterus, and listen to the fetal heartbeat.

    An ultrasound at 38 weeks is done only if there are any problems or malfunctions on the part of the mother or baby.

    38 week of second pregnancy

    If you already have experience going to the maternity hospital, then your second pregnancy will be easier - after all, you know everything and are ready for anything! The only thing to remember is that the second pregnancy almost always ends in childbirth at 38–39 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, by this time everything should be ready for the trip to the maternity hospital - the bags are packed and standing at the doorstep, you and your loved ones have long ago decided who will take you to the maternity hospital, and the baby’s room is ready for his arrival home.

    Usually the second birth is easier and faster than the first, although many mothers complain of more severe pain during the second birth. You should be aware that the cervix opens much faster during the second birth, so lifting heavy objects or traveling to public transport standing can lead to an unplanned onset of labor - under the weight of the fetal head, the cervix can open very quickly, and the baby can be born in literally a couple of tens of minutes. A multiparous mother in late pregnancy should take care of herself so as not to provoke labor ahead of time.

    38 weeks pregnant with twins

    Of course, it is rare that a twin pregnancy continues until 38–40 weeks of pregnancy, but there are some, and there are quite a few of them. More often multiple pregnancy ends with childbirth before the 37th week of pregnancy - this is due to the heavy load on the body of the mother of twins. If you carried your babies to this date, now they are guaranteed to be born absolutely mature and ready to meet this world!

    Twin babies born at 38 weeks of pregnancy are practically no different from other children, except for size - often twin babies have slightly less weight (from 2500g) and height (from 45cm). In terms of development, they are completely comparable to the children who lived alone in their mother’s tummy, and sometimes even ahead of them.

    Sex at 38 weeks pregnant

    Of course, sex at 38 weeks of pregnancy can be a little more traumatic than at earlier stages - especially if the cervix has already begun to dilate. If you are experiencing strong sexual attraction- you shouldn’t deny yourself pleasure, but you need to be careful during sex. Many women are advised by their doctors to have sex to stimulate labor - the surge of hormones during orgasm helps the cervix open better and contractions become more coordinated.

    Questions - answers

    I was 38 weeks pregnant - frequent urination began to bother me at night. I used to get up much less often at night. Doesn't this indicate inflammation (cystitis)?

    By the 38th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to lower its head into the small pelvis - the lungs and stomach become much easier, but the baby’s head puts pressure on the bladder much more intensely than before. In this regard, before giving birth, many mothers complain that the frequency of the urge to urinate has become such that they literally cannot leave the toilet. If during a routine visit to the antenatal clinic no changes are detected in the urine test, this means that the due date is approaching.

    After the 38th week of pregnancy has arrived, you want to sleep almost all the time. At the same time, I often get up to go to the toilet at night, don’t get enough sleep, and then during the day I want to sleep even more. I feel overwhelmed and very tired.

    Towards the end of pregnancy, many mothers feel tired and look forward to giving birth. This is normal, especially considering that due to problems with bladder and feelings of anxiety, you don’t get enough sleep. However, when visiting a antenatal clinic, it will not hurt to take urine and blood tests, examine blood glucose levels, and measure blood pressure. If after these studies the doctor does not find any pathology in you, there is no reason to worry, but you should try to rest more, walk in the fresh air before going to bed.

    Is it true that an orgasm at 38 weeks of pregnancy can trigger labor?

    It is believed that sex, and especially orgasm at 38 weeks of pregnancy, can improve the course of labor - with a surge of hormones in a woman’s body during orgasm, the cervix begins to open better, and contractions become more coordinated. There is currently no evidence that regular sex can trigger the onset of labor. Of course, if you do not have careless sex, during which the genital mucosa or amniotic sac may be injured.

    The 38th week of pregnancy is ending - it has become painful to walk, pain in the pelvis, lower back and legs is bothering me.

    Before childbirth, the pelvic bones diverge quite noticeably, which can cause moderate pain when walking in the symphysis pubis, and aching of the pelvic bones. Also, due to swelling and impaired blood flow from the legs, they quickly get tired and begin to hurt when walking. All these are normal signs of imminent labor. If the pain in the pubis is unbearable, sharply intensifies when you try to move your legs, you need to urgently go to the hospital, as this may be a sign of a rupture of the symphysis pubis.

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