• What is the weight of the fetus at 21 weeks. What research needs to be done? What a woman can and cannot do during pregnancy


    You've crossed the pregnancy equator, now you'll be counting down the weeks until you give birth. You are now five months pregnant, and you are already accustomed to the regular movements of the baby in your stomach. The pace of the child’s development is slowing down a little, now every week the baby will gain a couple of centimeters in weight. It is gradually becoming more and more difficult for you to carry your already clearly protruding tummy. It's time to gradually think about buying a dowry for your baby, especially since you most likely know his gender - whether he is a boy or a girl.

    Changes in the body at 21 weeks

    The 21st week of pregnancy is the sixth obstetric month, its first week, or the fifth calendar month of pregnancy, a quiet time for the expectant mother. A woman's body is gradually changing, becoming more rounded and feminine. A woman develops an additional placental circulatory circle that nourishes the placenta and fetus, and quite a lot of blood passes through this circle every minute. The uterus enlarges and the abdomen grows, causing the fundus of the uterus to rise quite high, rising above the navel. By increasing body weight and blood volume to about a third of non-pregnant volumes, the myocardial mass in the heart increases to pump more blood.

    Gradually, due to the growing belly, it becomes uncomfortable for a woman to sleep, which can cause insomnia and drowsiness in daytime. The uterus puts pressure on the abdominal organs and, due to them, on the diaphragm, causing shortness of breath on exertion, and also causes heaviness in the abdomen. The number of trips to the toilet may increase due to increased pressure from the uterus on bladder. It is worth limiting the amount of liquid at night, emptying your bladder right before bed - this will give you the opportunity to get up to the toilet less often. The breasts gradually become fuller and colostrum, a thick yellowish liquid, may periodically be released from the nipples. There is no need to squeeze it out, just maintain body hygiene.

    Fetal development: weight, size and gender

    By this age, the child has reached 300-350 g, and from this age his height is determined from the top to the heels - now it is approximately 27 cm. Now the baby spends a lot of time in motion, training all the muscles of the body and strengthening the skeleton. Now the baby is actively accumulating subcutaneous tissue. fat that gives his body more and more roundness from week to week. The skin gradually smoothes out, brightens, acquiring an increasingly natural color due to fat. The baby's eyelashes and eyebrows are forming and he can blink his eyes. Inside the gums, the rudiments of a milk bite form, hairs form on the head and lanugo along the body.

    The internal organs of the fetus are actively involved in the work, although they have just completed their formation and are still imperfect. The pancreas and thyroid gland, pituitary gland, gonads and adrenal glands actively secrete hormones, and the spleen works, removing waste cells from the blood. Now the nervous system is actively forming, the child forms periods of activity with movements and pushes, as well as periods of rest with full sleep. The baby’s digestive system is already so well developed that the child swallows amniotic fluid and digests it due to the action of hydrochloric acid and enzymes, forming the first portions of meconium (original feces), the liquid is absorbed, and the epidermal cells from amniotic fluid are digested. The taste buds of the tongue are developed; it distinguishes the taste of amniotic fluid depending on the mother’s diet, so be careful about what you eat. If you eat a lot of sweets, your baby will have a sweet tooth. The bone marrow produces white blood cells to protect against infections, and the kidneys filter up to half a milliliter of blood per minute to form urine. The baby urinates in the amniotic fluid, which is renewed several times a day.

    Now the baby is actively moving in his mother’s tummy, he still has enough space for active movements, he turns over many times a day. From inside the uterus, he sends signals to his mother when he is happy or unhappy. You can talk to the baby and stroke the tummy, calming the baby in your moments of rest.

    Feelings of the expectant mother

    You've reached the halfway point of pregnancy, now the countdown to delivery begins. During this period there are no very disturbing sensations; usually women feel good, despite their actively growing belly. From time to time, discomfort may occur due to the growth of the uterus and changes in the body. Now the woman already clearly feels fetal movements, which occur frequently and can be active or barely noticeable, depending on the baby’s mood. There may be periods of activity and quiet while the baby sleeps.

    The body may experience periodic pulling sensations in the lower abdomen due to expansion of the pelvic bones and sprained ligaments; during this period, hemorrhoids may worsen due to increased pressure in the veins of the rectum, which causes bleeding from the anus. Due to a change in the center of gravity, back pain occurs, which is solved by wearing a bandage.

    You may notice an increase in vaginal discharge, this is the effect of sex hormones, and the first colostrum may also appear from the nipples. Periodically, the uterus can contract painlessly for a short time; these are training contractions that are not dangerous for the mother and fetus; they prepare the uterus for further childbirth. They should not be regular and painful, without any bleeding on the underwear.

    Unpleasant sensations during this period may include increased appetite, heartburn and bloating, and constipation. You may also be concerned about shortness of breath with minor exertion, frequent trips to the toilet at night, and swelling in the legs, especially after prolonged walking or standing. Now you are gaining weight quickly and actively, up to 350 g per week or even a little more, while your hair and nails are also growing faster and more actively, sweating increases and your leg size will become slightly larger, stretch marks may appear on your chest, stomach and hips. It is important to properly care for your skin; now it has become more sensitive and tender, and may become oilier and prone to pimples. You need to shower twice a day and take proper care of your skin.

    Condition of the uterus

    At this stage, your stomach already clearly reflects your position; even movements of the fetus and changes in its position may become noticeable, it is especially pleasant to see this for dads who are trying to guess by the protruding areas of the fetal arm or leg. Now you can roughly determine how the baby is positioned in the stomach. At active movements During the baby's life, the uterus can stretch, but at the same time it should not become toned.

    The size of the uterus has reached a significant size, and it is actively squeezing internal organs, which manifests itself in unpleasant symptoms of breathing and digestion. Sometimes it is difficult to take deep breaths, and constipation often occurs. At the 21st week, the uterus stands 1 cm above the navel, and reaches 21 cm from the level of the pubis. At this time, the uterus can occasionally contract, making training movements.

    Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)

    At this time, a second screening ultrasound is usually performed (it is carried out at 20-24 weeks of pregnancy) in order to identify gross malformations and problems with the placenta and amniotic fluid. Also, ultrasound determines the size of the fetus and the estimated weight; at this time, you can clarify the sex of the child and see it on the monitor screen in full height. In the future, the child will grow up and will be visible only in parts.

    During the study, the doctor will measure the main indicators of fetal development:

    • distance between temporal bones (BDP),
    • fronto-occipital size,
    • abdominal circumference,
    • head circumference,
    • length of the humerus, thigh, tibia and forearm.

    Based on these indicators, the correspondence of fetal development to the gestational age and its development are determined, whether there are any deviations. The fetal heartbeat, its motor activity, as well as the condition of the walls of the uterus, the placenta attachment site, and its condition are assessed. The doctor checks the condition and amount of amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord and the number of vessels in it - there should be three of them - a vein and two arteries. At this time, it is possible to perform a 3D ultrasound, which will show the child in a three-dimensional image, in which all parts of the body and internal organs of the fetus will be clearly visible. If you record the fetus in real time, it will be a 4D ultrasound procedure, and this video can be saved as a memory.

    Discharge from the genital tract

    During this period, the discharge may become more abundant, but its character should not change - it should be transparent or whitish discharge, almost odorless, of uniform consistency. If the vaginal discharge becomes yellow, white, greenish or gray, acquires an odor or a heterogeneous consistency, you should consult a doctor and do a smear. Also a cause for concern should be discharge that is cheesy, foamy, purulent, with a rotten or fishy odor, or a sharp sour odor. Itching of the vagina and perineum may occur, which also requires treatment with the participation of a doctor.

    Can be dangerous bloody issues– they may indicate placental abruption or any pregnancy pathologies, call immediately ambulance. Brown discharge due to lower back pain or cramping pain in the lower abdomen is dangerous. Sometimes blood on underwear leads to the development of hemorrhoids.

    What tests to take

    At 21 weeks, the results of the “triple” test, carried out as part of pregnancy screening, are usually obtained. A study of hCG, free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein levels is being carried out. In addition, in conjunction with them, an assessment is also carried out of the data obtained from an ultrasound scan performed at the same time. Only all indicators together can give an idea of ​​the increased risk of abnormalities in fetal development, while it is also important to assess the woman’s age and weight, her heredity and health status, many external factors. Result this test is issued as the probability of developing problems - the threshold value is 1:350 and below. If a woman has a result of 1:250 or more, this is considered high risk and the woman is referred for additional examinations. Such screening results do not make diagnoses, so there is no need to worry; most likely, further examination will not reveal anything dangerous.

    Also, when visiting a doctor, you will have blood and urine tests, weight and blood pressure measurements.

    Low placentation at 21 weeks

    During the second planned ultrasound, the doctor determines the position of the placenta and the distance of its edge from the internal os of the cervix. If the placenta is located low, below 70 mm from the edge of the uterine os, it is actively monitored and control ultrasounds are performed at 28 weeks to clarify the position of the placenta. Low placentation is dangerous due to disruption of uteroplacental blood flow, placental abruption and other complications. Therefore, in this situation, a gentle regimen is prescribed, and a ban on sex and active physical activity may be imposed.

    Abdominal and lower back pain

    Due to the growth of the abdomen, painful sensations in the back and abdomen may periodically occur. Usually these are periodic pulling sensations that disappear when changing body position, discomfort in the navel area. They do not last long, are not regular and occur mainly on the sides of the abdomen; more often women note that the right side hurts. However, it is worth remembering that pain in the right side can also occur with diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and intestines, therefore, if the pain is constant or occurs frequently, it is worth it.

    Pain in the lower back with cramping pain in the lower abdomen can be dangerous; they can indicate premature birth, placental abruption, which threatens the life of the mother and child. If such pain occurs, call an ambulance immediately, especially if it is accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge.

    Back pain or cramps in the calf muscles may also occur during prolonged standing or walking, under stress due to a change in the center of gravity and calcium deficiency in the bones. You need to avoid long shopping trips and wearing comfortable shoes, lifting weights and carrying bags of groceries - in your position, you can carry no more than 2 kg in each hand. Wearing a properly selected maternity bandage in the form of a belt or panties with an elastic band will help alleviate the condition.

    Colds and runny nose

    During this period, the child’s own immune system is actively functioning, and most viruses and microbes are not afraid of him. However, a cold is undesirable in this fate - many drugs for treatment are prohibited, and fever and symptoms of a viral or microbial infection can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Thus, many cough medications, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, and even cold sprays are prohibited during pregnancy. A runny nose leads to impaired breathing and fetal hypoxia, a cough, especially dry and intrusive, leads to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and uterine tone.

    If your temperature rises, runny nose or cough occurs, call a doctor immediately and go to bed. If you have a high fever, you can take paracetamol or Nurofen, but aspirin or combination drugs in powders are prohibited.

    Mom's diet and weight

    When carrying a baby, a mother needs all the nutrients for its full growth and development, as well as maintaining her own health. Therefore, special attention should be paid to nutrition. At 21 weeks, a woman's appetite is active, and care must be taken not to gain too much weight. Your meals should be fractional, in small portions, but often - at least five to six times a day. Every day you should consume proteins, carbohydrates and very little fat, but there should be a lot of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and iron. Reduce the amount of salt in your diet to avoid excessive fluid retention in the body, and sugar to reduce the number of calories consumed.

    To cope with constipation, you need to eat enough fiber - whole grain cereals, vegetables and fruits, and drink plenty of fluids. Need to pay attention great attention dairy and fermented milk products, as they contain a lot of calcium. During this period, it is worth giving up highly allergenic foods so as not to provoke the development of allergies in the baby in the future, since his immune system is already active.

    Now your weight gain is 300-350 g per week, and on average the weight gain from the beginning of pregnancy is about 6-7 kg. At the same time, plump women should gain the least amount, while women who were thin before pregnancy can afford to gain more than normal. Large weight gains may indicate the presence of edema and fluid retention in the body; a doctor's advice is needed. Your doctor may also recommend that you take calcium, iodine, iron, or multivitamin supplements.


    In this period intimacy may be prohibited only if there is a threat of miscarriage, cervical pathologies or low placentation. In all other cases intimate life continues without any restrictions, but with the choice of optimal positions and depth of penetration. It is worth giving up positions with pressure on the stomach or rough intercourse, now your intimate relationships should be filled with tenderness and affection. Pleasant emotions and the release of pleasure hormones will suit the child only for the benefit, during orgasm the blood supply to the uterus and fetus increases. Therefore, you can have sex as much as you want - now sensuality is increased, and the sensations can be completely new and vibrant.

    Congratulations, you are already at 21 weeks pregnancy development, which means that the fifth month of waiting for a miracle is coming to an end. There is not much time left before giving birth. Think about it, maybe it’s worth enrolling in special courses to prepare for childbirth.

    Half of your journey is already over, but there is still no feeling of fatigue, shortness of breath and insomnia have not yet bothered you. However, overly sensitive to changes in their physical condition women feel some discomfort. Back pain may occur when sitting in one position for a long time or being in an uncomfortable position.

    Your uterus is located 1 centimeter above the navel, it is already compressing the woman’s internal organs. Your baby is already tumbling and kicking. Even by appearance you can determine which side of the tummy it is currently on. Fetus at 21 weeks of pregnancy.

    By the end of the 21st week of pregnancy, the fetus has typically reached approximately half the height it will have at birth. At the same time, it weighs little - only 360 grams.

    The 21st week of pregnancy will be marked by development and improvement digestive system baby The baby's systematic swallowing of amniotic fluid leads to the fact that he trains both the lungs and the esophagus. At this time, the mother can already influence the formation taste preferences baby.

    The child’s endocrine system is already actively working, and 21 weeks of pregnancy V active work The pancreas also turns on. Children are often active at night. Your gentle tummy rubs and lullaby will help your baby fall asleep. Children are already reacting to their mother’s voice and her mood.

    Since a woman already constantly feels her baby in her stomach, she feels more and more like a mommy. Start talking to your child, this is very important and necessary. A calm, gentle, affectionate tone of speech addressed to a child will allow him to feel your love.

    In the twenty-first week of pregnancy, intimate life presents its own surprises. There is a need to adapt to your new forms. If you are not in danger of miscarriage, do not give up intimacy with your husband. Special attention requires proper organization your nutrition. If you have a strong appetite, we advise you to take control of it and create a nutrition plan. Remember excess weight can cause you great trouble during pregnancy.

    Of course, it is difficult to control your appetite. But at 21 weeks of pregnancy, you cannot give yourself any concessions. Excess chocolates, pastries and sweet soda will trigger an irreversible process of weight gain.

    Accustom yourself to a diet, and it will allow you to stay in shape until childbirth. The following meal plan would be rational: a good hearty breakfast + a lighter second breakfast + a full lunch with not very large portions + a healthy afternoon snack + a light dinner.

    There will be a break in the tests at the twenty-first week of pregnancy.

    At 21 weeks of pregnancy, no tests or ultrasounds are prescribed. However, if your examination schedule is disrupted, then a second scheduled ultrasound may fall at this time. If you are at risk of pregnancy, you undergo tests and examinations according to an individual schedule.

    At the 21st week of pregnancy, you can admire the forms of the expectant mother. You have high, plump breasts and a small, neat tummy. Healthy skin, hair and nails. You will notice a lot of admiring glances from men

    However, some women are concerned dark spots. Don't worry modern cosmetical tools can easily hide this defect. Pregnancy will soon be over and you will forget about all these difficulties.

    The baby is able to move around inside the placenta, but is not yet able to open its eyes. At week 21, the baby's growth rate begins to slow down. However, there is still quite a lot of space for the baby inside the uterus, and he moves there as he pleases. Extra worries about the child’s position there are useless. He will move and turn over in the womb many more times until it comes to childbirth.

    Weight, height and dimensions of the baby

    Your child already weighs approximately 300-310 g. His height from the crown to the coccyx is approximately 18 cm. However, starting from this week, we will no longer talk about the parietal-coccygeal length of the embryo, now we will indicate the growth of the fetus from the crown to the heels.

    By the way, now this value is about 26-27 cm. At the moment, the baby has already reached half of its height before birth. That is, if the size of the fetus at the twenty-first week of pregnancy is approximately 26 cm, then it will be born with a height of 52 cm.

    News of the intrauterine world

    • Digestive system. A child's digestive system is developing rapidly. The baby has already learned to swallow amniotic fluid, which contains dead skin cells. During digestion in a child useful material are absorbed, and the remnants of dead skin, since they are hard, go into the intestines. By the way, we note that alcohol and nicotine are also absorbed by the baby’s body if the mother abuses it. Already now the baby is able to drink about 500 ml of surrounding water per day. This helps increase the amount of nutrients in his body;
    • Taste preferences are formed. Taste buds begin to appear on the tongue, so the baby becomes able to distinguish tastes. By the way, the taste of amniotic fluid directly depends on the mother’s diet. By eating a varied and balanced diet, you can influence the formation of correct taste preferences The child has;
    • The immune system. Leukocytes and platelets begin to be produced. Operation immune system is being improved. Antibodies are already transferred from the mother to the fetus. They will protect him from infections that his mother suffered during her life. This is called passive immunity;
    • Endocrine system. All the baby’s organs begin to work endocrine system– adrenal glands, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland, pancreas and parathyroid gland. Their task is to produce hormones necessary for the growth and development of the unborn child;
    • Vestibular apparatus. Fetal development at 21 weeks of gestation also includes the beginning of the vestibular apparatus, which allows the baby to determine the position of its body in space.

    Fetal activity and movements

    Sometimes a baby may not sleep at night, but play in his mother’s tummy, thereby preventing his mother from falling asleep. While he has plenty of room for activity, you can already determine in which part of the abdomen he is now frolicking.

    At 20 weeks, a baby can already distinguish sounds and voices, and also understands the mother’s mood.

    If he is really pushing in his tummy, try singing him a song or a lullaby, he will hear you and calm down. Even if you don’t know the gender of your baby yet, just address him kindly and stroke his belly! The baby feels your warmth!

    Condition of the expectant mother at 21 weeks

    You are still in excellent shape, so unbearable fatigue and shortness of breath when walking up the stairs may not be a problem for you yet. By the 21st week of pregnancy, your initial weight has increased by about 4-6 kg.

    The child begins to grow adipose tissue. So try to be especially careful about what you consume. You can discuss the diet menu for pregnant women with your doctor. Take the vitamins prescribed by your doctor, eat cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables. This all contributes to the proper development of the baby, and also helps the body cope with the load placed on it during this wonderful period.

    After all, carrying a healthy baby is a difficult test for every mother.

    Symptoms and features of pregnancy

    Associated symptoms at 21 weeks of pregnancy the following may occur:

    • Breast enlargement and the appearance of colostrum. During pregnancy, the breasts become slightly larger in preparation for the upcoming lactation period. The nipples stand out even more and become sensitive. Gaining more than normal weight can lead to stretch marks on your chest in the future. For most pregnant women, at the 21st week of pregnancy, small drops of colostrum may begin to be released from the nipples when pressed. Colostrum is a yellowish, thick liquid that is the prototype of breast milk. The release of colostrum can begin either at 20-22 weeks or immediately before birth. In both cases, this is not considered a pathology. At copious discharge You can put breast pads or special napkins in your bra or underwear to prevent discharge from staining your underwear and clothes;
    • Increased size of the uterus. What happens to the uterus at 21 weeks of pregnancy? The uterus is already located approximately 1 cm above the navel, and the height of its bottom from the pubis reaches approximately 21 cm;
    • Discharge. Vaginal discharge during pregnancy should not be much different from normal. They can only become a little more abundant (this is due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on the mucous membrane). Normal discharge at healthy woman during pregnancy - translucent or gray-white with a sour odor. If you notice flaky, purulent, cheesy, or strong-smelling discharge, this may indicate a pathology. Watery or bloody discharge accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back can lead to miscarriage! Call an ambulance as quickly as possible to avoid harm to the baby;
    • Increased hair and nail growth. Due to hormonal changes occurring in a woman’s body, hair and nails may begin to grow faster. The most unpleasant thing about this is that hairs often grow especially actively in undesirable places.

    Anxiety and well-being of a pregnant woman

    Usually twenty first obstetric week pregnancy is considered a quiet period. However, all kinds of pain can make it more difficult for a woman to cope with it. Barely noticeable pain in the uterus may be Braxton Hicks contractions, but don't worry, they pose no threat to the baby or you.

    Want something interesting?

    A pregnant woman may also be concerned about:

    • Heartburn. Some expectant mothers may experience discomfort from heartburn. The reason for its appearance is that the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach. It lifts the stomach upward, which leads to the reflux of acidic contents into the esophagus, thereby causing discomfort. To avoid it, experts advise not to eat fried, sour, pickled and smoked foods. You should also avoid sour fruits and drinks, and carbonated water. It is advisable not to bend over immediately after eating. Before going to bed, to save yourself from heartburn, you can put another pillow under your head. If relief does not occur, be sure to tell your doctor;
    • Dyspnea. The uterus, constantly increasing in size and volume, begins to compress the internal organs, lifting the diaphragm. Therefore, a pregnant woman may periodically experience shortness of breath. To cope with this unpleasant feeling, doctors recommend starting to master breathing techniques. The ability to breathe correctly will be very useful, especially during childbirth;
    • Constipation and bloating. Bloating and constipation often accompany a woman throughout pregnancy. This happens because almost all of a woman’s internal organs are under pressure from the weight of the uterus and child. To get rid of constipation, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits that contain fiber;
    • Painful sensations. At this time, sitting for a long time in one position can be fraught with pain in the back and lower back. To get rid of them, you can try simply changing your position. Learn to listen to your body and relax. Excess weight during pregnancy can cause pain in your leg joints, back, and muscles. Under pressure from the uterus, pain and discomfort may appear in the navel area. But if there is a cramping pain or a pronounced stretching pain in the lumbar region, then this should not be ignored! To promptly diagnose increased uterine tone, consult a doctor as soon as possible;
    • Sleep disorders. Firstly, a fetus at 21 weeks of pregnancy can interfere with sleep at night due to excessive activity in the tummy. Secondly, the lack of proper sleep may be due to the strong pressure of the uterus on the bladder. That is why the expectant mother has to wake up many times during the night to go to the toilet. Thirdly, due to changes in the size of your tummy, it is not easy to immediately get used to sleeping on your side (especially if you previously preferred to sleep on your stomach or back). Therefore, you need to choose the optimal comfortable sleeping position for yourself. Several pillows, or special pillows for pregnant women, can help with this. A bagel-shaped pillow is a very good thing: it is comfortable to sleep with during pregnancy, and after childbirth it can be used to feed the baby. And don’t forget to ventilate the room before going to bed and during the day.

    Your rapidly growing belly

    When the belly begins to grow, many expectant mothers feel that the skin on the sides begins to itch. This sure sign her stretching. Using a moisturizer or lotion can help relieve symptoms. There are also special creams for pregnant women against stretch marks on the body.

    If the itching does not go away, you should visit a doctor. Additional testing may be needed to determine the cause of the discomfort.

    Photos of bellies at the twenty-first week:

    Tests and ultrasound at 21 weeks

    No special medical examinations will be required at this time. Your gynecologist can only give you directions for a urine test and general analysis blood.

    An ultrasound scan at the twenty-first week of pregnancy is prescribed by the doctor you are seeing. You will finally be able to see your baby and, if he allows you, consider whose birth you can expect soon - an heir or an heiress. In addition, you can already agree with the doctor and take the first photo of the baby, revealing the chronicle of his life, as, for example, the mothers of these little ones did:

    What dangers should you watch out for?

    Premature labor can often begin at this stage. It is important for every expectant mother to know the accompanying symptoms in order to be able to behave correctly in such a situation. Signs premature birth:

    • bloody discharge from the genital tract;
    • severe pain when urinating;
    • acute or continuous vomiting;
    • frequent loose stools;
    • sudden leakage of copious watery fluid from the vagina;
    • severe pain in the lower back;
    • sharp or lingering pain in the back or lower abdomen.

    If you feel any of these symptoms, call an ambulance immediately!

    The female body is unique in nature, so all physical sensations in the twenty-first week of pregnancy are also unique.

    Hormonal changes continue during this period, and completely new sensations are added to them; a sharp change in mood is observed.

    Our useful tips this week will be:

    1. Don't worry if you gain a little more weight than normal. But still try to watch your appetite, eat less flour and forget about the existence of semi-finished products and fast food;
    2. To take a little break and relax, you can write a list of things you need to care for your newborn. Start taking a closer look at the assortment of socks, caps, and rompers. This is very inspiring!;
    3. Sports activities are welcome. If sport has been a big part of your life? place of honor and before conceiving a child, you can reduce the load and continue to exercise. But consultation with your doctor and instructor is required! And if the desire to play sports appeared after conception, then it would be best to start with light stretching exercises and strengthening the back muscles. You can choose for yourself, for example, yoga for pregnant women, fitness or visiting the pool;
    4. You can already get in line to attend special courses for pregnant women!;
    5. Extract as many positive emotions as possible from everything that happens in your life. You have increased sensitivity now, so worries and stress are completely unnecessary. Be more happy and go for walks more often fresh air! Don't be afraid to pamper yourself!

    More positive! Appreciate every new day, because it brings you closer to a long-awaited event - the birth of a baby!

    This material is for informational purposes only; before using the information provided, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.

    21 obstetric weeks is the 19th week from conception - embryonic period pregnancy, as well as 21 weeks from the beginning of the last menstruation. It's time to determine the gender of the unborn baby and possibly make arrangements about it!

    Child sizes

    What happens to the child

    There is enough space in the uterus for the fetus to make free movements in its “house”: it bends its arms and legs, swims from the wall of the uterus to its opposite wall.

    All organs and systems have already been formed; in the future they will only mature. The digestive system functions almost fully. The baby swallows amniotic fluid, from which sugar and water are separated in the stomach, and the remains move through the intestines to the rectum. The development of taste buds on the tongue occurs and soon the child will be able to distinguish the four main tastes.

    Almost all of the baby’s endocrine organs fully perform their function. Hormones are produced by the thyroid, pancreas, sex glands, pituitary gland, and adrenal glands. At week 21, the spleen begins to function. Antibodies begin to flow from the mother to the baby, which will protect him from infections. This is the so-called passive immunity.

    The baby spends most of his time sleeping - up to 20 hours a day. It is interesting that, unlike adults, the child dreams most of this time. Scientists do not know what the dreams of an unborn child are like!

    What does a child look like?

    At the twenty-first week of pregnancy, the fetus no longer looks red - its skin thickens and acquires flesh color. The baby gains weight due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, it takes on a more rounded appearance, the skin becomes smooth and loses its transparency.

    The baby still looks thin compared to a newborn. At twenty-one weeks of gestation, he is very similar to an adult, but with a very large head. Very soon the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue will begin to quickly increase and his limbs will become plumper, constrictions will appear on the arms and legs. Eyebrows and eyelashes are fully formed on the face, the baby blinks regularly. The vellus hair on the head continues to grow.

    From this week, the baby will begin to grow actively, gaining weight precisely due to stored fats and further muscle development. He now weighs approximately 360 grams, is 260–275 mm long, and has a heartbeat of 120–160 beats/min.

    Fetal development

    • The internal organs of the fetus finish their formation by 21 weeks, but they are not yet debugged.

    • Almost all endocrine glands already perform their functions: the pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal glands and gonads.

    • This week the fetus develops a vestibular apparatus. Its purpose is to determine the position of the body in space.

    • The spleen is activated.

    • The central nervous system (CNS) is improved and the child is awake during the period of activity and rests during the period of sleep.

    • The digestive system is so developed that the baby can swallow amniotic fluid, and the stomach, in turn, separates water and sugar from it and passes it all the way to the rectum.

    • Taste buds on the child’s tongue develop; very soon the baby will be able to distinguish between sweet and salty, bitter and sour. (Attention: the taste of amniotic fluid has a direct connection with the mother’s nutrition. If the mother is fond of sweets, then the fluid will be sweet, and the baby will grow up with a sweet tooth).

    • Leukocytes are formed, which are responsible for protecting the baby from infections.

    • The kidneys are already able to pass up to 0.5 ml of filtered fluid, which is excreted in the form of urine.

    • All “extra” elements begin to accumulate in the colon, turning into meconium.

    • The lanugo continues to grow on the baby's head.

    Good to know
    An additional circle of blood circulation appears - the placental one, through which the placenta can pass up to 0.5 ml of blood every minute

    What happens in a woman's body

    The uterus increases in size, the height of its fundus is located 1–2 cm above the navel. It increasingly pushes aside the internal organs: the intestines become even more “lazy”, the lungs rise upward and slight shortness of breath may already appear.

    These days you will probably feel quite comfortable. Indeed, the current period may be the most enjoyable of your entire pregnancy. Your belly is not yet big enough to make life too difficult for you, and the ailments that often accompany pregnancy, such as nausea, frequent urination and fatigue, are mostly behind you. Try to relax and get the most out of your condition while you can.

    The current period can safely be called the peak of narcissism for the expectant mother. You look great and you probably enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror often. Little things like skin pigmentation, a growing belly and a missing waist should not upset you. Women at this stage are pleased with the state of beautiful silky hair, velvety skin and large, plump breasts.

    Previously, the baby’s movements were very weak, but now you will fully feel how he changes position, somersaults and touches the walls of the uterus. Now all his movements are meaningful. If the baby's movements have become very active, then gently stroke the belly with your hands, sing a song or talk to him.

    It is believed that at 21 weeks of pregnancy the baby already makes approximately 200 movements per day. True, the vast majority of them are not felt by the expectant mother, recording only about 15 movements of the baby per day.

    Your chest has noticeably plumped up. The size has increased. It is possible that colostrum has begun to be released.

    Good to know

    There is no need to worry if there is no discharge from the mammary glands throughout pregnancy. This is normal and will not affect how you can feed your baby after birth.

    From this period, rapid weight gain begins and appetite increases significantly. The unborn child needs more nutrients - he gains fat mass. By 21 weeks of pregnancy, you could have gained an additional 4.5 to 6.5 kg. Although most women gain about 500g per week, it is worth noting that the gain may be slightly more one week and slightly less the next. The key is to maintain overall body weight consistently.

    A woman’s legs may swell, especially if she spends all day on her feet and drinks a lot of fluids. If the swelling is persistent, you need to tell your doctor about it.

    The volume of blood circulating in the body increases by an average of 35% relative to the norm for the average non-pregnant woman.

    Some expectant mothers may experience heartburn. It occurs because the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the stomach, displacing it upward from its usual position. This leads to the reflux of its acidic contents into the esophagus, which provokes unpleasant sensations.

    Pregnant women may notice that the skin on the sides has become very itchy. The reason is its stretching due to the growth of the tummy.

    Normal discharge now will be somewhat more liquid than before, transparent or light whitish, with a subtle sour odor.


    Your tummy has now risen just above your navel, and it is clearly visible. At this time, it is not recommended to squeeze it with tight clothes; it’s time to get a comfortable and stylish wardrobe!

    If itching occurs, try not to scratch the skin, as scratches can easily become inflamed. Buy a cream or lotion that soothes and moisturizes your skin. There are also special creams for pregnant women that help prevent the appearance of stretch marks. They can be bought at the pharmacy. If the itching persists, visit your doctor. It may be associated with liver dysfunction and additional examination will be required.

    If you have heartburn, avoid fried, heavily spiced, marinated and smoked foods. Also avoid sour fruits and drinks, and don't drink sparkling water. Try not to lean forward immediately after eating. If heartburn occurs before bed, place another pillow under your head. If you do not feel relief, consult your doctor.

    In case of prolonged constipation, hemorrhoids may appear. The solution to this problem will be special suppositories - ask your doctor for advice! Don't spend a lot of time in sitting position.

    At 21 weeks of pregnancy, you may feel cramps in your calf muscles. They can be caused by many factors: deficiency of microelements, primarily magnesium and calcium, vitamins D and B6; iron deficiency anemia is often a predisposing factor in their occurrence.

    Leg cramps in pregnant women are caused by a sudden contraction of the calf muscles located on the back of the lower leg. Cramps are accompanied by painful sensations in the muscles, and the inability to bring the pulled toe of the foot towards oneself through an effort of will. More often, this condition occurs in the evening or at night while lying down. At the cellular level, this process is associated with an increase in the excitability of muscle cells, due to which muscle contraction occurs.

    Magnesium deficiency is one of the causes of calf muscle cramps, which is associated with an increased need for this microelement during pregnancy, especially against the background of previous pathological conditions, for example, prolonged emotional stress, diseases of the digestive system. Magnesium deficiency also occurs with increased excretion of this element from the body due to vomiting, diarrhea, and diabetes. The need for magnesium during pregnancy increases due to an increase in circulating blood volume, fetal and uterine growth. After all, by the end of pregnancy her weight reaches 1 kg versus 100 g of the non-pregnant uterus. Magnesium and pyridoxine are closely related. As a rule, a deficiency of this microelement is accompanied by insufficient levels of vitamin B6 in the body.

    The highest magnesium content is observed in fresh fruit, vegetables, parsley, dill, green onions. When canning, drying, drying, the concentration of the mineral decreases slightly, but it is much less absorbed in the body. Therefore, magnesium deficiency is less common in summer than in cold periods.

    The concentration of magnesium is high in fish and seafood. Pyridoxine is found in large quantities in unrefined cereal grains, vegetables, fish, meat, milk, cattle and cod liver, and egg yolk.

    Calcium is another microelement, the insufficient content of which is a common cause of calf muscle cramps. Calcium plays a key role in protein, mineral, energy, and fat metabolism. It is necessary for the processes of transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, activity of the heart muscle, formation of bone tissue, and blood clotting. Calcium is absorbed in the body only in the presence of magnesium. During pregnancy, especially in the last trimester, the need for this macroelement increases 2-3 times, because it is involved in the formation of fetal bone tissue. Therefore, if there is insufficient intake from food, it is “washed out” from the bones. Some foods, such as those containing caffeine, and iron supplements slow down the absorption of calcium.

    Good to know

    To alleviate the condition during cramps, it helps to rub the calf muscles and massage them with your hands in the direction from the periphery to the center with kneading movements directly during an attack, as well as bringing the toes of the clamped foot towards you with your hands. After the pain subsides, you should walk around.

    For swelling of the legs - A woman needs to rest in a lying position several times a day; at these moments it is advisable to place her legs on a cushion to eliminate swelling. The expectant mother needs to give up heels and give preference to comfortable shoes with low, stable soles, so as not to provoke swelling and eliminate foot fatigue.

    Choosing a sleeping position can also be a problem. The choice is no longer great - you won’t be able to sleep on your stomach, and when you fall asleep on your back, the large uterus puts pressure on the abdominal aorta and can lead to loss of consciousness. All that remains is the position on the side, which can be improved with a special pillow for pregnant women, or several small sofa pillows.

    Take proper care of your mouth. Here are tips to help you take care of your teeth.

    • Exactly this best time to pay attention to the condition of the teeth. Don't let sensitive and bleeding gums stop you from brushing, flossing, and caring for your teeth.

    • Switch to a soft toothbrush and make regular visits to your dentist, but tell him or her that you are pregnant.

    • You are more prone to gingivitis during pregnancy, so be careful when flossing.

    • Choose toothpaste with fluoride and avoid eating sugary snacks if you can't brush your teeth between meals. Your teeth and your post-pregnancy waistline will thank you.

    At 21 weeks, a woman usually feels well, there is no threat to bearing a child, so you should not refuse sex. We must not forget that everything is good in moderation, complex positions are no longer for you, as well as deep penetrations and rough sex. And pleasant emotions will benefit the child. If you feel unwell or there is a risk of pregnancy, you should refuse sex.

    Not every pregnant woman has the opportunity to attend a gym, swimming pool or “School for Expectant Mothers”. But absolutely every future mom can afford daily walking, which is also a good physical activity that tones a woman’s body. You can go for a walk in the evening, before going to bed. Walking is a reason to be alone with your husband, to talk about something important and sincere. Every evening, an expectant mother in mid-pregnancy can walk about 4 km.


    At 21 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is not that high compared to previous weeks. But still, if the pregnancy is difficult, with problems, then you need to always be stricter, following the rules that protect you and the baby.

    Isthmic-ecclesiastical insufficiency. This complication is most often inherent in women who have previously suffered abortions or traumatic births and at the same time the cervix or isthmus of the uterus was injured. As a result, during pregnancy, she is simply unable to hold the fetus, which leads to the end of the pregnancy. The most dangerous period for this disease should be considered 16–18 weeks, because it is at this time that pregnancy can be terminated. In order to save yourself from such a disastrous outcome, contact a specialist so that he can put stitches on the cervix, or prescribe the treatment necessary based on the examination results.

    Pay attention to abdominal pain. During a normal pregnancy, there should be no pain!

    Good to know

    Pain always signals that something is wrong with the body. Therefore, a woman should be extremely attentive to any painful sensations that appear not only in the abdomen, but also in other parts of the body.

    When there is a threat of miscarriage, the pain is special, it cannot be confused with anything. The pain begins in the lower back and slowly descends like a hoop into the abdominal area, while an increased tone of the uterus is noted - it becomes very hard. Brown discharge indicates that the process has gone too far; you may also stop feeling the movements of the fetus. Unfortunately, at 21 weeks the level of fetal development is still insufficient for nursing in the event of premature birth, but in literally a month, the child will be mature enough to survive extrauterinely, with the modern level of medicine. A timely visit to the gynecologist, even if nothing bothers you, is mandatory for any patient, especially if there have been gynecological problems, abortions or miscarriages in the past.

    There are a number of reasons that cause premature birth: genital tract infections, problems with the placenta, cervical insufficiency. However, doctors cannot always say what caused the baby to come out prematurely. You still need to know the signs of premature birth and how to behave when they appear.

    • uterine contractions with a frequency of 5 times per hour or more,

    • discharge of scarlet blood from the genital tract,

    • swelling or swelling of the face or hands, signs of preeclampsia,

    • pain during urination,

    • acute or prolonged abdominal pain (a sign of preeclampsia),

    • acute or continuous vomiting, diarrhea (a sign of preeclampsia),

    • sudden discharge of clear, watery fluid from the genital tract,

    • monotonous aching pain in the back (lower back),

    • strong pressure in the lower pelvis.

    Good to know
    After the 20th week, the likelihood of gestosis (a complication of the second half of pregnancy) is especially high, so you should pay attention to monitoring your well-being. If you have swelling in your legs, increased blood pressure, or frequent headaches, be sure to tell your gynecologist about it.


    This week you will most likely receive the results of your skinning tests. They will be assessed by a special program that combines the indicators of all markers (free estriol, AFP, hCG) into one image. Markers cannot be assessed separately.

    Doctors will not lose sight of the woman’s age, state of health, weight, hereditary factors, number of fetuses and much more.


    It is a mandatory examination method and is prescribed to clarify the condition of the fetus and exclude pathology.

    At 21 weeks it is probably possible to determine the sex of the baby.

    A significant lengthening of the lower limbs becomes noticeable, due to which the baby acquires a more proportional appearance.

    All internal organs are examined to exclude possible pathology in them. The fetal heart rate is assessed and physical activity, respiratory movements, the relationship of all these indicators to each other, sizes.

    An ultrasound diagnostic doctor evaluates the size of the uterus, the location of the placenta, blood circulation in it, the amount and transparency of amniotic fluid, and the condition of the cervix.

    At this time, parents can ask to take the first photo of the baby.

    Fetal dimensions during ultrasound examination at 21 weeks of gestation

    • Biparietal size - the size between the temporal bones is 46–56 mm.

    • Fronto-occipital size 60–71 mm.

    • Head circumference 165–200 mm.

    • Abdominal circumference 136–177 mm.

    • Femur 32–40 mm.

    • Humerus 29–37 mm.

    • Forearm bones 24–32 mm.

    • Tibia bones 29–37 mm.

    Possible pathologies

    When performing an ultrasound, the doctor evaluates the presence of malformations of the child: heart problems, 2 vessels in the umbilical cord instead of three, congenital cystic formations in tissues, abnormal structure of organs, and much more. In addition, the study can provide information about low attachment, detachment, premature aging placenta, presence of fetoplacental insufficiency, etc. The possibilities of ultrasound diagnostics at 21 weeks are already so great that the method allows you to determine almost any of the possible violations course of pregnancy and fetal development.

    If any sign of trouble is identified, the patient should consult a specialist; in addition, after a few weeks, she will undergo another ultrasound to monitor the dynamics.

    The content of the article:

    From the 21st week the second half of pregnancy begins. A new, very important stage of expecting a baby has arrived. By this time, the woman has become completely accustomed to her situation, has gained calm, confidence, and is already beginning to imagine herself as a caring mother. She continues to concentrate on the sensations and notes with great pleasure every movement of her child. There is not much time left before his birth, and yet so much remains to be done to prepare for important event. Many, for example, want to enroll in special courses for pregnant women.

    The expectant mother's tummy does not yet cause severe discomfort, and the woman can enjoy leisurely walks around shopping centers to pick up the things your child needs.

    21 weeks of pregnancy - how many months?

    One obstetric month is equal to four weeks. This means that the 6th month of pregnancy begins from the 21st week. An obstetric period of 21 weeks means that the fetus has reached 19 weeks of age from the moment of conception.

    The uterus continues to grow, so the pressure on the internal organs of the expectant mother increases. Now the uterus rises above the navel by 1 cm, and the height of the fundus is located at the level of 21 cm from the pubic area. Due to the pressure on the internal organs, lung function is somewhat difficult and shortness of breath is possible. There is no need to worry about this; over time, everything will return to normal.

    During this period, changes in the woman’s body continue. There is a significant increase in metabolic processes. This is necessary in order to satisfy the constantly growing needs of the fetus and at the same time maintain the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the mother herself.

    The content of lipids in the blood is becoming more and more, weight gain does not stop. By this time, the woman’s uterus, placenta and liver accumulate glycogen. It breaks down, and a lot of glucose, necessary for the development of the fetus, enters the mother's blood. Glucose levels need to be monitored during this period, since the hormones produced by the female body are contra-insular. With an unbalanced diet, a woman runs the risk of developing a complication in the form of gestational diabetes mellitus.

    By the beginning of the sixth month, the blood volume of the expectant mother has already managed to grow by 35%. For this reason, the heart muscle increases its mass.

    Also at this time, a woman’s feet may increase by one size, and sometimes swelling of the legs bothers her.

    Outwardly, many women literally blossom. Their hair growth accelerates, the condition of their nails improves, and their skin appears fresh and healthy.

    Studying their bodies during pregnancy, women notice amazing changes. Primary milk, called colostrum, is already beginning to be released from the mammary glands of the expectant mother. The baby will eat this substance for the first two to three days after birth, receiving all the necessary substances from it. Colostrum will then be replaced by breast milk.

    Some phenomena during this period, unfortunately, do not please women at all. We are talking about an annoying cosmetic problem - stretch marks. They very often occur on the thighs, abdomen, chest and sides. During this period, many women begin to carefully care for their skin using expensive cosmetics. There are many widely advertised creams for stretch marks, but they do not always produce the desired effect. The fact is that the tendency to stretch marks depends on the type of skin and is inherited, and cosmetics alone can hardly help here. Try to act comprehensively, combining cosmetic procedures with consumption of unrefined vegetable oil.

    Feelings of a woman at 21 weeks of pregnancy

    By this time, expectant mothers already clearly feel the movements of the fetus. Baroreceptor structures in the uterus and fetal part of the placenta are irritated. Because of this, uteroplacental blood flow increases, and the fetus receives a large amount of oxygen and glucose. For this reason, the child shows increased activity in the morning after an overnight fast.

    Now the doctor can clearly listen to the baby's heartbeat. A pregnant woman does not feel them. But if she is thin, she can feel the umbilical cord vessels beating. They are felt as light rhythmic tremors in the same place.

    There are times when the expectant mother has pulling sensations in a stomach. They are not always associated with the threat of losing a child. They are often explained by expansion of the pelvis, tension of the uterine ligaments, and even banal constipation.

    Some women experience a lot of trouble with heartburn, one of the typical digestive symptoms at this stage of pregnancy. Heartburn is especially severe if the expectant mother spends a lot of time lying down. You can get rid of this annoying phenomenon if you adjust your diet. Food should be consumed often, but in small portions. Eliminate salty, spicy, fried and fatty foods from your diet.

    Concerning emotional background women, then at this stage it stabilizes. The mood becomes even, irritability goes away, and a feeling of calm and confidence appears. Many women feel a rush vitality and become very active.

    Vaginal discharge at 21 weeks of pregnancy

    At this stage, the norm is transparent and light discharge, which is no different from those that were more early stages. A common infection, candidiasis, can become a serious problem at this time. For women it does not pose a danger, but developing fetus can cause great harm. The fact is that the fungus can negatively affect the development of the baby’s central nervous system. So don't ignore main feature of this disease - a curdled consistency of discharge.

    Also contact your doctor immediately if your discharge changes color to gray, yellow, green, or brownish. Another reason to urgently go to the hospital is any discomfort in the vagina (itching, burning, pain).

    The appearance of blood in the discharge is considered an unfavorable sign. The situation becomes extremely dangerous if bloody discharge is accompanied by abdominal pain. Such symptoms may indicate an ongoing miscarriage. The release of large quantity liquids. It may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid and requires immediate medical consultation.

    Belly at 21 weeks pregnant

    The shape of the tummy at this time is egg-shaped. Its dimensions are estimated dynamically. Normally, the enlargement of the abdomen should be gradual. Waist sizes depend on individual characteristics women.

    Weight gain at 21 weeks of pregnancy

    At this time, weight gain of 300-500 g per week is considered normal. The total weight gain from the beginning of pregnancy is now 4-6 kg.

    HCG norms at 21 weeks of pregnancy

    Examinations and tests at 21 weeks of pregnancy

    On scheduled inspection The doctor assesses the woman’s weight, the volume of her abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus, and measures her blood pressure. As usual, a general blood test is done. It shows decreased hemoglobin and increased ESR. The woman also takes a urine test - it should not contain protein or glucose. If necessary, conduct a hormonal study.

    Ultrasound at 21 weeks of pregnancy

    If a woman has not yet undergone a screening ultrasound at 20 weeks of pregnancy, then it should be done now. Using this method, the doctor will assess the size of the fetus and determine its approximate weight and draw conclusions about its development. If your baby is positioned incorrectly now, don't worry, he still has time to roll over.

    In addition, ultrasound helps to see the condition of the placenta. Normally, it reaches 21 mm, and the degree of its maturity at this stage should be zero. The doctor will also be able to determine the volume of amniotic fluid.

    During ultrasound examination, special attention is paid to the fetal heartbeat. A frequency above 190 beats per minute may indicate oxygen starvation of the child.

    Features of multiple pregnancy at 21 weeks

    In multiple pregnancies, birth occurs earlier - at approximately 37 weeks. This means that in the 21st week more than half of the period is already behind. In addition, the woman experiences discomfort due to big belly and pressure on organs. Otherwise, multiple pregnancy proceeds without any peculiarities.

    IVF pregnancy at 21 weeks

    At this time, the doctor sends the woman for an ultrasound to assess the condition of the baby. If no abnormalities are found, the expectant mother can visit a regular antenatal clinic. However, if the doctor has any doubts, special observation is continued until 28 weeks.

    21 weeks pregnant: video

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