• Preparing for yellow peeling at home. What changes to expect on your face? How to do yellow peeling at home


    Cosmetic procedures can be quite painful. Otherwise, their effectiveness suffers. But retinoic yellow peeling- this is an exception to the rule. This procedure effectively rejuvenates the skin, while it is safe and non-traumatic!

    Representatives of the fair sex want to look young and beautiful. But when age takes its toll, ordinary makeup no longer helps to hide or correct the beginning changes in appearance.

    More effective measures are needed, for example, retinoic peeling, which is becoming increasingly popular. This procedure is one of the most effective, but at the same time safe and painless types of removal of the stratum corneum for the purpose of rejuvenation.

    But before you use it, you need to study all the nuances and features, find out the indications and contraindications, and become familiar with the required preparation and subsequent care.

    What is retinoic peeling

    First of all, you need to understand what peeling is? This cosmetic procedure also called exfoliation. It involves exfoliation or removal of the superficial stratum corneum of the skin.

    As a result appearance the skin improves, as healthy and young cells appear on its surface. All types of exfoliation can be divided into several groups, depending on the method of exposure to the skin:

    • mechanical;
    • chemical;
    • enzymatic;
    • laser;
    • ultrasonic;
    • and others - less popular and rarely carried out - biological, radio wave.

    Peeling also differs in degree and depth of impact:

    • surface
      Only the stratum corneum is removed;
    • median
      the effect is aimed at the epidermis and capillary dermis;
    • deep
      The procedure affects almost all layers of the skin.

    Retinoic peeling procedure

    Peeling using retinoic acid is a type of chemical, superficial-medium exfoliation. This procedure owes its name to the main substance - retinoic acid. One of its characteristic features is the coloration of the skin yellow. Therefore, another name is very often found - retinoic yellow peeling, and a little less often - retinol peeling.

    Unlike other similar procedures, this peeling does not cause damage. upper layers epidermis. But, despite this, it effectively affects the appearance and resists age-related changes skin, eliminates hyperpigmentation, is effective method combating various dermatological problems.

    The chemical composition of the components during retinoic peeling is not limited only to the acid of the same name. Ascorbic, phytic and other types of acids can be used here. All of them play a supporting role and complement the impact of the main component.

    This type of exfoliation is used for various parts of the body. Most often it is the skin of the face, neck and décolleté area. The procedure for the eyelids and hands is no less in demand.

    Who needs retinoic acid peeling?

    Retinoic exfoliation is intended exclusively for adults, mature skin. The use of a special exfoliating mask based on this acid is recommended for women 35-50 years old. In this case, the frequency of the procedure should not be more than 3-5 sessions, and the regularity of courses should not be more than once every 6 months.

    Ladies under 35 years of age can also use the procedure. But only if they have problems such as excessive pigmentation, acne scars, severe acne, early signs aging. The final decision, even in this case, must be made together with a doctor or professional cosmetologist.

    • the appearance of facial wrinkles;
    • presence of increased pigmentation;
    • aging, dull skin;
    • scars and acne;
    • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
    • keratoses are a metabolic disorder.

    Is this peeling safe?

    Any exfoliation is a very delicate process. But peeling with retinoic acid does little to no damage to the skin and does not cause scarring or scarring. This procedure is considered one of the safest and has virtually no side effects or complications. Such conclusions come from both clinical studies and reviews from women themselves who have tried this rejuvenating technique on themselves.

    Possible complications

    Do not forget that retinoic acid is still chemical drug . That's why side effects cannot be completely excluded. But after retinoic peeling they are extremely rare, and the degree of manifestation is minimal.

    The most common complication from such exfoliation - peeling skin. It is not advisable to speed up this process; it is better to wait until the exfoliation is complete naturally, only moisturizing the skin in a timely manner. Peeling may cause temporary darkening of the skin. This will pass when the recovery process is complete.

    Another complication is the formation of edema and local inflammatory reactions. They occur in women with thin skin. It is most common in the area near the eyes and neck. Swelling appears 1-3 days after the cosmetic procedure, and disappears within a day.

    Do not forget that the skin after the procedure is especially sensitive to any irritants. Temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, and mechanical stress can harm the skin. Ideally, it is better to eliminate these influencing factors during recovery.

    Features of the effects of retinoic acid

    As you already know, the main component here is retinoic acid. It has a pronounced yellow color, as many representatives of the fair half of humanity know. In terms of the degree of impact on the skin, this component is close to vitamin A. It awakens cells and stimulates their active division.

    The procedure enhances the recovery process, activates the production of such important skin materials as elastin and collagen, and cleanses the surface layers of the skin from impurities. Retinoids improve metabolic processes, restore blood circulation under the skin, and help retain moisture.

    Thus, this procedure and its main chemical component rejuvenates the skin, restores cells, activates metabolic processes, has a bactericidal effect, and effectively eliminates increased pigmentation.

    Is it possible to perform the procedure at home?

    The mild effect and gentle composition of the components enable women to do retinoic peeling at home. It is necessary to use only ready-made products and formulations. Before using them, be sure to read the instructions and user recommendations.

    Retinoic exfoliation kits may contain other components. For example, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, etc. The procedure technique is the same as in the salon. Proper preparatory and post-peeling care is also necessary here.

    Any experiments with peeling are contraindicated, especially if you are using the technique for the first time. The possibility of allergies must be taken into account, so you should strictly adhere to the recommendations specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, burns or other skin damage may occur, which cannot be cured at home.

    Pros of retinoic peeling

    Retinoic acid peels have many benefits:

    • Gentle impact, minimal trauma and risk of complications. This allows it to be used even by women with sensitive skin and those who are afraid of pain.
    • High efficiency. It has been proven that the effect of rejuvenation and healing from two sessions is equal to 10 similar procedures using glycolic acids s.
    • Elimination of increased pigmentation. According to reviews, this particular procedure is the most effective in the fight against hyperpigmentation.
    • Short recovery period. Complete rehabilitation takes place on the 4th day, and sometimes even on the second.
    • Can be done at any time of the year. This peeling can be done even in summer, provided that you do not have a tan. So, if desired, a woman can rejuvenate before going on vacation.

    Pre-peeling preparation

    Before you do, For example, retinoic facial peeling, you need to be well prepared for the procedure. Ideally, you should examine the skin, conduct a diagnosis, and collect information about the condition and previous problems with the skin.

    The specialist’s task is to determine whether medications with retinol have been previously taken or not. If so, how did they affect the skin, was there any allergic reactions. Also, some past diseases may cause increased sensitivity to the drug. This helps decide on the most appropriate procedure. For example, this could be a course with a gradual increase in the concentration of the main drug.

    It is better to start direct preparation 2-4 weeks before the start of the course. To do this, as a rule, it is recommended to carry out superficial peeling procedures at home, for example with lactic acid, and apply special cosmetic preparations containing retinol. Their main goal is to weaken the intercellular connection of the skin, prepare for the use of this drug, and eliminate subsequent inflammatory processes. Immediately before yellow peeling, the face or affected area is treated with a light solution of glycolic acid.

    Indications and contraindications for use

    Retinoic peeling of the face and other areas of the body is indicated for:

    • age-related aging and photoaging of the skin;
    • the appearance of facial wrinkles;
    • increased skin pigmentation;
    • acne, hyperkeratosis, problems with collagen production, proper moisture, skin elasticity.

    Contraindications to the use of yellow peeling:

    • various allergies;
    • liver diseases, past hepatitis;
    • skin photosensitivity;
    • the presence of warts, viral infections, eczema, dermatitis;
    • taking incompatible medications;
    • planning for replenishment of the family, pregnancy itself and the lactation period.

    How is the procedure performed?

    Retinoic peeling at home is carried out according to the same scheme as in the salon. You need to use special formulations with a retinol concentration of 5-10%. Before the procedure itself, the contents are squeezed into a container and mixed with a spatula. The resulting homogeneous mass is applied in several layers to the skin of the face, hands or neck.

    The components harden within 10-25 minutes. Next, there are two possible implementation options. The mask can be removed after 30 minutes or left for several hours - up to 7-12. In the latter case, you need to wash off the mask at home. This option is less aggressive, more gentle, since the acid has a lower concentration and affects the skin gradually.

    After the yellow mask is washed off, special creams are applied, including sunscreen. Now comes the time for post-peeling care.

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    Care after retinoic peeling

    After a retinoic peel, proper recovery is necessary. During intense peeling, you need to moisturize the skin, you can use special masks with bactericidal effect. During the first weeks after yellow exfoliation, it is better to avoid other cosmetic procedures, for example, curling, hair coloring, or using any products with retinoids.

    For washing during recovery, it is best to use oil-free products. When swelling occurs, you can make skin balms or use aerosols based on deuterium water.

    To preserve youth and beauty, it is not necessary to use the services of plastic surgeons or dangerous cosmetic procedures. You can always choose the optimal solution, for example, retinoic peeling, which combines an excellent rejuvenation and healing effect with a safe effect on the skin. skin.

    What is retinoic peeling: video

    In this video review you can learn about this procedure, how it is carried out, as well as the subtleties and secrets of its implementation.

    Retinoic peeling is a common salon procedure. It belongs to the class of chemicals and includes retinoic acid. Its shade, associated with juicy citruses, gave another name to the medicinal composition - “yellow peeling”.

    It is popular among young women - in their opinion, it helps improve the condition of the surface of the dermis and has a rejuvenating and antiage effect. Is it really? What it is? It should be sorted out.

    The essence of the procedure

    Retinoic peeling is a salon (in some cases, home) procedure, during which a cosmetologist places a mask of . Because of its bright shade, it is also called yellow peeling.

    Retinoic acid is a synthetic analogue of retinol, and therefore has similar properties. The price of the procedure is quite affordable and varies between 2000-5000 thousand rubles.

    In Yekaterinburg, the average cost is 3,200 rubles.

    Each session contributes to:

    • collagen production;
    • hydration and production of natural hyaluronic acid;
    • improving blood circulation in capillaries;
    • cellular nutrition;
    • elimination of pigmentation, acne;
    • reduction of atypical dermal cells.

    The effect is clearly visible in the “before” and “after” photos: the skin becomes smooth, even and radiant.

    The use of an acid mask helps reduce age spots and lighten the surface of the epidermis, so it is recommended after the consequences of unsuccessful tanning.

    Types of retinoic peeling

    IN modern world retinoic peeling is divided into:

    1. One-day. All manipulations are carried out in one day. The peeling mask must be removed from the face after 12 hours.
    2. Two days. In this case, the face is treated for two days in a row. The specialist applies the product several times, and before each application he rinses off the mixture. The last peeling remains on the face and is not washed off. You need to remove it yourself at home after 2 hours. But the next day you should go for a repeat procedure.

    It’s not always possible to devote 2 days to visiting a salon. In this case, it is recommended to lean towards the first option. But you need to remember that as a result you will have to walk around with a yellow-tinged face long time.

    Difference from retinol peeling

    In their action, both options for renewing the epidermis are similar: they rejuvenate the skin, as the surface layer is renewed, remove post-acne, and launch natural regeneration processes.

    The differences between them are very conditional and lie in the composition.

    Both options are more suitable for problem or age-related types. Young girls should pay attention to salicylic peels.

    Distinctive featureRetinolRetinoic
    Active ingredientRetinol (vitamin A)Retinoic acid (isotretionine)
    CompoundWith one active ingredient, but can be supplemented with vitamin C or other acidsComplex, in addition to isotretionine, the active ingredients are phytic and azelaic acids, a vitamin complex, etc.

    Indications and contraindications

    Yellow peeling, according to cosmetologists, is a salon procedure for mature skin. Therefore, young girls are not recommended to undergo the renewal procedure, so as not to disrupt the natural regeneration processes.

    It is indicated for women aged 30 to 50 with specific problems.


    • Noticeable pigmentation in different parts of the face;
    • Post-acne and pockmarks from acne;
    • First or obvious signs aging, appearance of shallow wrinkles;
    • Keratosis and other dermatological diseases (except severe acne);
    • due to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

    This treatment also has contraindications. It is not recommended to do this in specific cases.


    1. After radiation or chemotherapy;
    2. In case of individual intolerance to the components of the mask and medications Analgin and Aspirin;
    3. Pregnancy and lactation;
    4. Acne in the active stage;
    5. After others;
    6. For herpes infection, which manifests itself in characteristic warts on the face.

    Benefits of retinoic peeling

    After using retinoic peeling, you can observe the following positive changes:

    1. The skin is rejuvenated. The procedure provokes increased regeneration and improves the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Retinoic peeling also creates protection against negative influence external factors.
    2. The dermis is healed. With the help of peeling, you can get rid of such annoying problems as acne, acne and other skin pathologies.
    3. Improves facial skin protection. After peeling, the barrier functions of the dermis become better, acne is eliminated, and wounds heal well.
    4. The complexion changes for the better.
    5. Protection against the appearance of tumors is created. The fact is that vitamin A has a negative effect on cancer cells.

    Even if rehabilitation after the procedure is completed, the rejuvenating effect does not stop, since the cells continue to intensively renew themselves for another 3-4 months.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

    What are the advantages of retinoic peeling?

    1. Safety: unlike others and, it has a gentle effect on the epidermis.
    2. In addition, it is superficial in nature and does not affect the deeper layers of the skin, which means there will be fewer side effects.
    3. Efficiency. The acid included in the composition is similar in its effect to vitamin A, which comprehensively renews the epidermis.
    4. In terms of effectiveness, 1 renewal procedure with retinoic acid is equal to 10-12 sessions of using glycolic acid. The result lasts up to 6 months.
    5. Short recovery period– 1-2 days.

    At the first session, many women are afraid of subsequent swelling, exfoliation of dead cells and redness. This effect is natural and disappears in 1-2 days. You can reduce flaking by using a moisturizer. medicinal cream, which will be prescribed by a cosmetologist.

    Of course, it is impossible to disagree about the obvious advantages of the procedure. But it also has some disadvantages:

    • It is not always convenient to do such peeling, since you have to walk with the mask applied for a long period;
    • To achieve an excellent effect, you should prepare for the procedure;
    • after applying the mixture, itching may be felt;
    • after such rejuvenation and recovery, you cannot immediately go to the beach or go to the sea, although peeling is allowed in the summer.

    What should be the preparation?

    Yellow peeling is a procedure that requires mandatory preparation. To obtain maximum effect from her, you need to follow simple rules for 2-4 weeks:

    1. Go for examinations that will help eliminate contraindications. The doctor must also conduct a test to determine the presence or absence of an allergy to the composition.
    2. Before the procedure, it is worth softening the dermis. To do this, use daily special cosmetics, which includes . It is better to first consult with a cosmetologist who will suggest the necessary creams.
    3. If the skin is too dry, then it is recommended to initially go to.
    4. If herpes appears frequently, then you should first take special medications that protect against this disease.
    5. Retinoic peeling is not performed if there is a fresh tan, so avoid sunbathing and solarium long before the procedure.

    Carrying out the procedure (step by step)

    Retinoic peeling is applied in the following sequence:

    1. Makeup is removed and the face is cleansed.
    2. The doctor begins to apply the product. The mixture itself is yellow in color.
    3. Then it all depends on what type of peeling is chosen and what product is used. If the procedure is one-day, then the person goes home, and after a certain time removes the mixture from the face. During a two-day session, the cosmetologist applies the composition more than once, and the patient comes to the salon on the second day.

    After what time you need to wash off the product, it is better to ask your doctor again so as not to harm yourself. The fact is that the instructions for different drugs may differ.

    Salon retinoic peeling “Arcadia” (Russia)

    "Arcadia" is a line of domestically produced professional cosmetics for both surface and deep cleansing and skin renewal.

    The St. Petersburg laboratory of the same name is developing products for cosmetology and salons.

    Dry skin cleansing with professional Arcadia cosmetics is more like a long-term mask, but with glycolic acid and beta-carotene in the composition, which promote skin renewal.

    The products themselves are quite liquid; they are applied evenly to the face and neck and left for 20 minutes to several hours.

    After using the Arcadia gluconic-amber peeling, the composition is removed as a hardened film with particles of the dead layer within half an hour.

    After completing the procedure, soothing moisturizing creams from professional cosmetics lines with high SPF are applied to the face.

    Additionally, the doctor prescribes a day and night care cream. It is not recommended to sunbathe for 2 weeks after the session.

    After the procedure, choose skin care products containing vitamin A, hyaluronic acid or Dead Sea minerals - they perfectly renew dermal cells.

    More TOP 3 products for yellow peeling

    In addition to Arcadia cosmetics, there are other peeling products. Here are the 3 most popular manufacturers of such products:

    1. Mediderma. The manufacturer produces nano-cosmetics, which are often used by cosmetologists in salons. It has proven itself well and has been in demand for many years. Retises Forte Cream is used for retinoic peeling. It is easy to use, the drug will be especially useful in the fight against wrinkles. The composition contains not only retinol, but also lactic acid and other additional components. The company also produces Retises CT, which will help get rid of less pronounced defects. In addition, you can find excellent cosmetics from this manufacturer designed for post-peeling care.
    2. Cosmoteros Professionel. This company has released a medium peeling. Only physicians are authorized to use this product.
    3. Menu & Moy System. This manufacturer offered a wonderful product that gained enormous popularity and became a leader among similar products. The drug not only removes the stratum corneum, but also provokes the launch of intracellular processes.

    Question answer

    Retinoic peeling is a gentle method of rejuvenation and elimination of defects, so it can be used by young people starting from 20 years of age. But it’s better to think about this procedure a little later.

    Often a person will be able to evaluate the positive effect within 2-5 days. During recovery, you should use moisturizers, protect your skin from the sun, and use sunscreen cosmetics.

    Retinoic peeling at home

    The professional procedure at home is carried out in several stages. You should buy one of the following products at the pharmacy - Perfeitopeel Block Age Peel Cream, Neobio Fresh Skin, Compliment Easy Peel, PCA Skin - this professional cosmetics to renew the dermis.

    1. Preparation. 2 weeks before the session, do not use exfoliants, do not visit the bathhouse or sauna, and do not sunbathe.
    2. They do make-up removal, thoroughly cleansing the epidermis of residues decorative cosmetics and pollution. A softening solution of glycolic acid is applied to its surface, then a light yellow peeling composition is applied. Action time: 45 minutes.
    3. A neutralizing solution is applied to the face without removing the layer of active product. You need to know the recipe at home, since the peeling has a different composition than the salon one: mix water and salt in a 2:1 ratio. Apply a mixture of soda and water over the mask, which is not recommended to be washed off for 6-7 hours.

      During the action of the retinoic composition with a neutralizer applied on top, a slight burning sensation of the epidermis may occur. This is completely normal and is not an allergic reaction.

    4. The final stage of the procedure: wash the face with warm water, apply any moisturizer or nutritious cream. Cosmetologists recommend using any cream for sensitive skin in this case, for example, Algoane Crème Haute Tolerance.
    5. Recovery stage. The skin begins to get rid of dead cells, so not only peeling of the surface layer may occur, but also its detachment. A side effect of peeling is hyperemia - local redness of the epidermis, which disappears within a day. Full recovery occurs after 5-7 days: it becomes silky, soft, smooth, completely renewed.

    Post-peeling care

    There is no long recovery period required after retinoic peeling. This is its great advantage. You will need to endure the redness and peeling for a little while.

    But still, you should not forget about basic care. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the time it takes to wash off the product at home. It is important to follow the doctor's instructions.

    When will it pass right time, it is worth removing the product using neutral soap. At first there will be tightness, redness, discomfort, but do not worry, as these consequences quickly pass.

    In some cases, after peeling, unpleasant consequences such as swelling and chills appear. The skin also begins to actively peel off, this will take about a week.

    After the procedure it is prohibited:

    • go to the sauna, gym, swimming pool;
    • drink alcohol, eat too spicy food;
    • sunbathing;
    • dye your hair;
    • smear Foundation on the face, use a scrub, peel off the skin.

    Unfortunately, as we age, our skin loses its regenerative abilities. But cosmetology offers more and more new methods for caring for the body and face.
    One of them is yellow peeling, thanks to which you can fight aging, pigmentation, as well as some skin diseases.

    Staying young and beautiful with healthy, glowing skin is a woman’s natural desire. With the development of cosmetology, achieving this goal is becoming increasingly easier. One of the most popular products in this area is chemical peeling, especially yellow peeling, which has its origins in Hollywood.

    What is yellow peeling

    Yellow peeling is a cosmetic procedure characterized fast recovery and an effective result of renewal and rejuvenation of the skin. Refers to the superficial-medium chemical peels. Used for the skin of the face, neck, décolleté and hands. During the procedure, the substance on the skin, thanks to the active component of vitamin A, acquires a yellow color, hence the corresponding name.

    Types of yellow peeling

    • Yellow Peel peeling – superficial with a medium effect. The composition includes synthetically obtained retinoic acid (yellow retinoic peeling). Most often performed by specialists in beauty salons.
    • Peeling Retises CT Yellow Peel – soft, gentle, purely superficial. It is based on natural retinol (yellow retinol peeling), which is extracted from an extract of the Urukum bush that grows on the banks of the Amazon.

    You can use Yellow Peel once a month. Suitable for sensitive skin and can even be applied to the eyelids.

    Composition of yellow peeling

    Composition ingredients:

    • natural retinol or retinoic acid (main active elements);
    • ascorbic (citric), kojic, azelaic and phytic acids (strengthen the effect of the main element).

    Properties of retinoic acid

    In nature, retinoic acid can be found in plant and animal resources. It forms connections with nuclear receptors, through which the activity of epidermal and dermal cells is stimulated.

    In its effect on the skin, this acid is similar to vitamin A, which activates cell division and regeneration.

    In addition, retinoic yellow peeling:

    • activates dermal blood circulation;
    • stimulates collagen synthesis;
    • cleanses;
    • restores a comfortable level of humidity.

    Most often, peelings with a concentrated content of retinoic acid are used to avoid its accumulation in tissues.

    Benefits of retinoic peeling

    Benefits of using retinoic peels include:

    • Improving skin texture and rejuvenation.
      Retinoic acid normalizes metabolism in the superficial tissues of the skin, stabilizes cell membranes, protecting against the influence of free radicals, and accelerates the formation of collagen and elastin. As a result, skin aging slows down, its elasticity increases and microwrinkles are smoothed out.
    • Lightening the skin and getting rid of pigmentation.
      The lightening effect is achieved by exfoliating the top layer of the skin and blocking the synthesis of melanin, which is responsible for the occurrence of post-acne spots, freckles and some other causes of uneven skin color.
    • Increasing local skin immunity.
      The effect of retinol and its derivatives protects against pathogenic bacteria, which reduces the likelihood of purulent wounds. In addition, retinoids damage abnormal cells, which prevents cancer formation.
    • Restoration of epithelium in skin diseases.
      The influence of the active components of yellow peeling leads to rapid healing of acne and burns (sunburns too), preventing the appearance of pigmentation at the site of ulcers.

      Retinol can also be used to treat dermatitis and psoriasis.

    • the presence of deep and fine wrinkles;
    • moisture disturbance;
    • withering and photoaging of the skin;
    • the need to lighten the epidermis;
    • hyperpigmentation;
    • have acne or post-acne.

    In addition, the session can be performed to heal and refresh the skin. After all, it improves its texture, deeply cleanses and has a lifting effect.

    • Tendency to allergic reactions. Retinol increases the activity of the dermis, which may contribute to its increased response to the procedure.
    • The presence of eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and atopic skin reactions, which indicates a special sensitivity of the skin.
    • Pregnancy or its immediate planning, lactation period. Retinoids cause toxic effects on the embryo.
    • Liver failure. Also in case of previous hepatitis.
    • Tendency to photosensitivity and hyperpigmentation.
    • Use of medications that contain retinoids. It is best to consult a specialist when taking any medications.

    Preparation for the yellow peeling procedure

    It is necessary to prepare the skin before the procedure, since keratinized skin will interfere with the action of the active components.

    Pre-peeling preparation involves the following stages:

    • The skin is cleaned and thoroughly examined using a lighted magnifying glass and a Wood's lamp.
    • Together with the doctor, the type and condition of the epidermis is diagnosed. The safety of the procedure is also determined depending on past illnesses and the presence of contraindications.
    • Acid creams (with glycolic acid) are used for 2-4 weeks before the procedure. They soften the skin and facilitate the penetration of retinoids.
    • Some experts recommend resorting to mesotherapy or biorevitalization in order to prevent the active components of the substance from drying out the skin. In addition, the result will improve and the possibility of negative consequences will decrease.
    • A week before the procedure, you should avoid exfoliating products, going to the solarium, and prolonged exposure to the sun.

    Without proper preparation, the possibility of side effects increases, and effectiveness is greatly reduced.

    Yellow retinoic peeling procedure

    Before you do yellow peeling for your face, you need to clean it of dirt and makeup. Then a solution is applied to the prepared area, which includes: chitosan, resorcinol, salicylic and glycolic acid. The solution helps eliminate dead cells and prepares the skin for the application of the peeling consistency. During the action of the solution, a slight burning sensation may be felt, which is absolutely normal.

    Then the peeling composition is applied. The duration of its effect is 15 minutes – 12 hours. Afterwards it is washed off.

    Mediderma night yellow peeling is especially popular among cosmetologists.

    The consistency that is applied to a short time, wash off on the spot in the salon or clinic. If it is designed for long-term exposure (up to 12 hours), then it is washed off at home on its own. The latter type is also called “night peeling”, since it is carried out in the afternoon and washed off the next morning.

    Skin care after yellow peeling

    The skin always needs careful care, even more so after peeling. After all, the quality and consolidation of the result depends on this. For a week after the procedure, you should cleanse your skin only with neutral products.. To eliminate peeling and nourish the skin, apply Vaseline or other post-peeling ointments, gels or creams prescribed by a specialist.

    The session is repeated 1 or 2 times a year. Histological studies have confirmed that stimulation of cellular structures persists for six months after peeling.

    Yellow peeling at home

    Although the session is considered a salon session, yellow peeling can be done at home. To do this, you need to purchase a special anti-acne cream. You need to rub it onto clean, oil-free skin. Then apply an even rougher layer, leaving it on the skin. Redness, peeling, and burning may appear, so before performing the procedure at home, it is better to check the skin reaction.

    If done in the summer, do not forget about the negative effects of the sun and the use of appropriate products.

    The effect of using yellow peeling

    After yellow peeling, rejuvenation, lightening and smoothing of the skin texture are noted. Her health improves and her immune abilities improve. In addition, there is a powerful antioxidant effect.

    The use of this procedure is safe, the recovery period is painless and quite short, complications are extremely rare, and the effect is amazing.

    Video on the topic: yellow peeling

    When performing step by step instructions this procedure seems simple. But like every procedure, it has its own characteristics that guarantee success. Many of them have already been written in our article, but there are others that we have compiled in this video review.

    In most cases, it is the aftercare after a facial peel that will determine how effective the entire procedure will be. It is important not only to perform the peeling correctly, but also to perform proper post-peel care. Every woman’s skin reacts to the procedure differently, so professional cosmetologists always select restoration methods individually.

    With the proper level of knowledge, peeling can be successfully carried out even at home, but in this case it is important to know the basic rules and features of care that will effectively restore facial skin.

    The effects of mechanical or chemical peeling on the skin are practically the same. In both cases, the keratinized epidermis is affected, as a result of which the skin begins to actively regenerate. As a result, the procedure activates the dermis to produce hyaluronic acid molecules and collagen fibers. As a result, the skin is rejuvenated, and previous imperfections and hyperkeratosis will be eliminated.

    It is very important that the facial peeling itself and care with the recovery procedure are carried out taking into account individual characteristics skin. Any impact on the skin in the first days after the procedure will be quite dangerous, so it is important to take care of reliable protection when going outside, as well as to minimize standard care and hygiene products. It is ideal to carry out the procedure on a Friday evening so that you can spend the weekend at home and avoid harmful effects on the skin.

    To pick up proper care for the face after peeling, you need to consider:

    • Skin type;
    • Depths of chemical or mechanical impact;
    • Indications for the procedure and dermatological features.

    There is only a small amount of universal recommendations from cosmetologists that will be relevant under any conditions. Among the main prohibitions on the first day it should be noted:

    • Do not wash your face with soap, foam or gel;
    • Massage, press and even touch the skin;
    • Apply various creams, serums, masks, etc.;
    • Stay outside for a long time (especially in summer or winter);
    • Go to the gym, solarium, sauna, swim in the pool.

    In the first three days after the procedure, it is advisable to:

    • Wash with special products (hypoallergenic foam, gels with a lightweight structure or special acidified water);
    • Use regenerating cream with panthenol and lanolin;
    • Before leaving the house, apply a protective cream with at least 35 SPF to your skin;
    • Avoid bad weather, heat or frost, rain, strong wind, etc.

    Also, in the first two weeks after peeling, you need to use products to restore the skin, avoid any aggressive contact with the skin and minimize the amount of cosmetics you use (you should also absolutely not change it).

    Post-peeling facial skin care

    Used for chemical peeling special means that contain acids. In essence, the principle of exposure is similar to a burn, the intensity of which will depend on the degree of exposure. During the recovery period, facial skin care after peeling will depend on the complexity of the exposure and consequences, although some aspects are mandatory under any conditions:

    • It is necessary to use external products for moisturizing and care;
    • Eliminate adverse consequences and factors if they occur;
    • Follow basic care recommendations and prohibitions;
    • Regulate nutrition for a general restorative effect on the skin.

    Even after a superficial chemical peel, there will be increased sensitivity on the surface of the face. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to restorative agents. Use products with natural oils, which will reduce sensitivity and avoid moisture evaporation, as well as preparations that include panthenol, vitamins and other healing components. Also, do not forget that even after a light chemical peel, it is forbidden to brush your teeth and wash your face for at least 12 hours. Cosmetologists even recommend drinking water through a straw to minimize contact with facial skin.

    Do not forget that care products should be prescribed by specialists who will take into account the characteristics of peeling, skin, reaction to the procedure and other factors.

    Milk peeling

    The use of milk in cosmetology has been used for more than a thousand years. No wonder that milk peeling is one of the most popular types of this procedure. The main active agent is lactic acid. It is absolutely natural for the body, the procedure is considered one of the easiest and most gentle. It can be performed even at home, although its peculiarity is that visible results will be noticeable only after 2-3 weeks.

    Proper recovery after a superficial peel and facial care will determine the overall effect of the entire procedure. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a pronounced effect like from more intense types of peeling, but lactic acid is perfect for moisturizing and refreshing the skin, removing acne or pimples, smoothing out facial wrinkles and generally improving skin tone.

    Almond peeling

    This is one of the types of soft and gentle peeling. It has many advantages and allows you to get quick result, which persists for a long time. The basis acid peeling and facial care is to use mandelic acid. Among the most important advantages it is worth highlighting:

    • Almond peeling can be carried out even in the summer;
    • Suitable for any skin type;
    • It has the smallest list of contraindications for the procedure.

    After the procedure, the skin will be excessively dry, so the next day you need to use creams with collagen or algae extracts. In the absence of pronounced consequences, you can also use masks with the same components.

    Facial care after yellow peeling

    Yellow or retinol (retinoic) peeling has gained enormous popularity in cosmetology. It is quite mild, rarely leads to negative complications and does not require particularly careful recovery. After yellow peeling, facial care will be minimal, so the procedure can be performed even on sensitive skin. Retinoic peeling can be used even in summer, although it is still better to carry out this procedure in late autumn or winter.

    If you correctly apply yellow facial peeling after the procedure and care, which is prescribed in the instructions and recommendations, you can get a pronounced effect that will last up to 6 months.

    It is important to note that after a retinoic peel, facial care will include standard recovery products. Enzyme masks and moisturizers are good for this. You should also refrain from visiting the sauna, swimming pool, gym and solarium for at least 7-10 days after the procedure.

    Glycolic peeling

    This procedure is a superficial type of chemical peeling. It is carried out with special glycolic acids and facial care after peeling, if all recommendations and precautions are properly followed, will be minimal. Basically, post-peeling care involves the use of regenerative creams with a moisturizing effect, which must be prescribed by a cosmetologist. Products must be selected for a specific skin type.

    You should not carry out this procedure in summer or spring, or use cosmetics 2-3 days after peeling. The only contraindications for the use of glycolic acid are: pregnancy, herpes, age restrictions (cannot be used before 15-16 years), with coupeprosis and other inflammatory processes on the skin.

    Facial care after medium peeling

    Regardless of the complexity, subsequent facial skin care will always include peeling, and its degree will depend on the impact itself. Medium peeling requires more difficult period recovery. It is also recommended that the procedure be performed by professional cosmetologists who can correctly respond to the consequences and reactions to such peeling.

    After a medium peel, facial care must take into account your skin type, although some recommendations are mandatory for everyone:

    • It is forbidden to touch the skin for the first 3-4 days after the procedure;
    • For the first 3-4 days, it is better to limit facial expressions and eat soft food that does not need to be chewed thoroughly;
    • In the first week, you need to wash your face exclusively with micellar water or gel (not alcohol-based);
    • It is preferable to consume omega fatty acids to accelerate natural skin repair;
    • It is prohibited to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat too spicy or smoked food.

    The total recovery period will be approximately a month, in rare cases – 6 weeks. The first 3-4 days are radical, the first 1-2 weeks must be observed general recommendations. Tips for nutrition and skin protection should be followed for 4-6 weeks.

    Care after deep chemical peeling

    In most cases, facial care after a chemical peel should be carried out under the close attention of qualified cosmetologists. This is the most aggressive and complex type of procedure, which involves the use of painkillers and antibiotics. For the first three days, any contact with the skin, anything that will cause skin mobility (including chewing food), as well as brushing your teeth are prohibited. Only after 3-4 days, when a dry crust begins to form on the skin, can you use a light-based foam that does not contain heavy particles, alcohol and other aggressive substances.

    The main care product for two weeks after the procedure is a wound healing spray. Also in some cases you can use a gel. TO ordinary means moisture can be returned only after 2-3 weeks.

    What to do if complications arise?

    There is no need to worry too much about the consequences. With the exception of severe complications, the skin's reaction will be individual and it is important to choose the right measures to ensure that care after a chemical facial peel is successful and effective.

    Standard consequences are usually eliminated in the first 5-7 days if the basic principles and care recommendations are followed. If unforeseen side effects occur, this only indicates a violation of the procedure itself or recovery.

    Proper post-peeling cleansing and facial care almost always guarantee that the results of the procedure will last for a long time, without any consequences.

    This is one of the main and most important factors, which indicates the success of the entire procedure. To eliminate dryness and take care of your face after peeling, you need to use products with hyaluronic acid and oils (jojoba, shea butter, etc.). With the proper approach, peeling can be eliminated by the 7th day.

    Another natural and obligatory consequence of the procedure is redness. With superficial peeling, it will disappear within 5-7 days, although with deep chemical exposure it can last up to 2 weeks. The main method of care is to limit factors that will cause blood flow: physical activity, strong tonics, stress, etc.

    For women with thin skin, this is a natural reaction to the procedure. To get rid of this consequence, you need to use products with powerful regenerating properties. It is also preferable to apply antioxidants and anti-edema creams to the skin of the face.

    Allergies can only occur if the cosmetologist has not previously checked the reaction to the products used. This is an individual factor that cannot be predicted without testing. To eliminate it, you need to use standard antihistamines against allergies.

    This video will help you learn about common mistakes in skin care after facial peeling:

    Treat your skin with care and after such difficult procedures as peeling, be sure to follow all the rules to restore the skin!

    Yellow peeling, which in cosmetology is called retinoic peeling, is a special procedure. It can replace modern creams, masks and other expensive products that help preserve youth for a long time. The article presents real reviews about retinoic peeling, photos before and after the procedure, as well as the stages of its implementation. This information will definitely be useful modern girls and women who want to look better.

    The essence and types of the procedure

    Retinoic peeling is a procedure aimed at removing excess skin cells using special products. Today there are three types of peeling:

    1. Deep. A serious procedure in which the drug affects both living and dead cells.
    2. Average. The components of the drug penetrate deep into the skin.
    3. Surface. Eliminates dead parts of cells.

    Peeling is called yellow because after applying the composition to the surface of the facial skin, it acquires a yellowish tint. There is no need to be afraid of such an effect, because it is only a temporary phenomenon. The procedure is called retinol or retinoic peeling in connection with the main active component of the product - retinoic acid.

    Experienced cosmetologists often call peeling a weekend procedure. It received this name due to the fact that patients will need exactly two days to recover. Experts strongly recommend going for a session on Friday so that by Monday your skin will be completely back to normal.

    Expected Result

    Most often, retinoic peeling indicates that the patient’s face looks much better after the procedure. Thanks to the retinoids included in the composition, the following changes occur:

    • wrinkles become less noticeable;
    • blood circulation improves;
    • the skin is cleansed of bacteria;
    • the humidity level is normalized;
    • a healthy glow appears.

    You can achieve these results quite easily, because a couple of sessions will be enough. The break between them should be exactly one and a half months. It is worth noting that the final result directly depends on the initial condition and characteristics of the skin.

    The peeling contains various acids, each of which has its own unique properties:

    • phytic acid is designed to fight emerging inflammatory processes;
    • Koyaeva is able to destroy dead cells and reduce melanin levels;
    • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) helps slow down the aging of the skin;
    • azelaic acid perfectly regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates dark spots and acne.

    Who needs peeling?

    The procedure is intended for those with mature skin. It is for this reason that older women most often leave reviews about retinoic peeling. Photos before and after the session make it clear that the procedure is truly effective and worthy of attention.

    As a rule, patients aged 35-50 years turn to peeling. For women younger age The procedure will be useful in the following cases:

    • overly rich and bright pigmentation;
    • many pimples and blackheads;
    • too strong activity of the sebaceous glands;
    • pronounced;
    • first destructive skin changes;
    • skin diseases.


    Due to the presence large quantity pros: people most often leave positive reviews about retinoic peeling. The before and after photos presented in the article are a good example of how incredible results can be achieved.

    The main advantages of peeling include:

    1. Safety. In its component composition, retinoic acid is similar to vitamin A. Based on this, there is no need to worry about the human body’s reaction to it. The mixture also contains some other acids that can enhance the effect of retinoic acid, which is the active ingredient.
    2. Delicate impact. Yellow peeling is rightfully considered one of the most gentle, so there are no obstacles to achieving noticeable results.
    3. Efficiency. Most specialists begin rejuvenating the skin of their patients with this procedure. In some cases, the effect of a couple of sessions is equal to 10 procedures with glycolic acid. The resulting effect lasts quite a long time - up to 4 months.
    4. Fast recovery. The face after retinoic peeling, of course, will peel and turn red, but all these problems go away very quickly. For final restoration of the skin, no more than two days are needed.

    Preparing for the session

    Before skin rejuvenation, certain preparation for retinoic peeling is required. First of all, the specialist determines the type and condition of the skin, the tendency to allergies, as well as the presence of various ailments that may interfere with peeling. Immediately after this, the client is prescribed certain creams, which must be used for several weeks in a row. Most often, these products are based on glycolic acid. Thanks to them, the skin softens, which allows retinoids to easily penetrate to a greater depth. In the absence of proper preparation, the effect of the procedure may be several times less.

    Retinol peeling requires avoiding tanning salons, using exfoliants, and long-term sun exposure. During the week before the procedure itself, you should remove yourself from all this so as not to damage the skin.

    Carrying out the procedure

    The first thing you need to do is cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics. Immediately after this, the skin is treated with a solution consisting of salicylic and glycolic acids. This helps remove dead cells. As soon as the solution begins to interact with the skin, it is cleansed. During this, the client may feel a slight burning sensation, which will go away in just 4-7 minutes.

    The next step is to apply the composition to the face. This mask can be kept on from 15 minutes to as long as 12 hours. The holding time is determined based on desired result. After this, the product is thoroughly washed off under running water, and then a protective cream is applied to the skin and evenly distributed.

    Consequences and contraindications

    Contraindications and complications of retinoic peeling are of interest to all people who decide to undergo such a procedure for the first time. IN in this case everything happens as usual: slight redness, itching, peeling and swelling appear. All this goes away quite quickly, so you will be able to enjoy the results very soon.

    Complications after the procedure can only arise if it was performed with a low-quality composition or in the absence of proper preparation. Skin irritation or inflammation may occur. If they do not go away on their own for a long time, then you should definitely contact a specialist as soon as possible.

    • recent tanning;
    • allergic reaction to vitamin C;
    • active herpes;
    • damage to the skin to which the composition must be applied;
    • severe illness;
    • individual intolerance to certain components.

    Such people can replace the retinoic procedure with a laser or they also have the opportunity to turn to diamond microdermabrasion.

    Skin care after peeling

    The rehabilitation period does not last that long, but during this time it is necessary to take proper care after retinoic peeling. As you know, during recovery you feel severe dryness and tightness of the skin. After some time, a crust appears on the surface of the face, which under no circumstances should be removed. After a few hours it will go away on its own; if it is disturbed, complications may arise. Many reviews of retinoic peeling (photos before and after are below) say that when the crust is peeled off, scars, pimples, and age spots appear, which are not as easy to get rid of as it seems at first glance. Therefore, women who have already dealt with a similar problem are strongly recommended not to touch this layer.

    During rehabilitation, it is necessary to regularly use special means. They are prescribed by the specialist who performed the procedure, because he knows all the characteristics of his patients’ skin, and can also determine which products will help restore and not worsen the condition of the skin. Going for a walk under scorching sun, you must wear a classic hat with a wide brim that will cover your face from the direct rays of the sun. In addition, you should first apply to your face sunscreen, thereby protecting yourself from the adverse effects ultraviolet rays, which pose a particular danger precisely during recovery.

    Retinoic peeling itself is a safe procedure. In isolated cases, after a session, patients experience increased acne, which can only be treated by an experienced specialist. This by-effect it doesn't just happen. The main reasons are neglect of personal hygiene or contraindications. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from such consequences, you need to properly care for your facial skin not only after each procedure, but also use regular moisturizing and cleansing creams, lotions and other cosmetics daily.

    Cost of the procedure

    For people interested in skin rejuvenation, the price of retinoic peeling becomes relevant. Today, specialists in various salons perform the procedure for only 4-6 thousand rubles per session. To the owners normal skin, which is enough for two sessions, it won’t be difficult to pay for peeling. But those who require a course of treatment consisting of 4 procedures will have to spend a considerable amount of money.

    The price of retinoic peeling is acceptable to many clients. For this money they get incredible effect, which cannot be achieved on your own.

    Peeling with retinoic ointment at home

    Conventional drugs that contain it are sold freely in pharmacies. You can buy them without a prescription. That is, buying a special ointment and using it at home will not be difficult.

    The recipe for retinoic peeling at home is quite simple. To carry out the procedure yourself, you need to stock up on the following components:

    • moisturizing cream;
    • retinoic ointment;
    • a tablespoon of water;
    • glycolic cream;
    • teaspoon of soda.

    Many people are interested in how to do retinoic peeling at home, because this procedure will be several times cheaper than in a salon. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. It is performed in several steps:

    • cleansing the face of decorative cosmetics and wiping with a paper towel;
    • applying and evenly distributing cream with glycolic acid over the surface of the face;
    • skin treatment with a retinoic agent;
    • applying a neutralizing mixture consisting of soda and water (45 minutes after the ointment);
    • after 7 hours, rinse off the composition with warm water;
    • moisturize the skin with regular cream.

    As mentioned above, a slight burning sensation may be felt on the skin during the procedure. There is no cause for concern, since such a reaction only means that the composition reacts with the skin and the beginning of the process of cleansing and rejuvenation.

    Immediately after the session, peeling begins. When performing peeling at home, it can last a little more than two days, but no more than a week. Under no circumstances should you assist natural exfoliation manually. This nuance must be taken into account, as there is a risk of damaging the skin. The best remedy To combat peeling during this period, frequent moisturizing with special products is necessary.

    In the first days after peeling, redness will appear. They can only last a day or two. The skin will completely heal and recover within a week after the session.

    You can secure a long-lasting effect by repeating the cleansing three times. That is, it is necessary to carry out the procedure once every three weeks, and then repeat the procedure again after six months.

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