• Manifestation of aggression in children. Aggressive child - what should parents do? How to correct aggressive behavior in children


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    The emergence of an aggressive state in a child sometimes occurs for no apparent reason. Getting a baby out of it can sometimes be quite difficult. Hostile children also need affection and attention, just like any other. If a child behaves aggressively, this signals a need for help from adults. After all, this style of behavior serves as a manifestation of internal discomfort.

    The word “aggression” is translated from Latin as attack and implies a behavioral style in relation to the surrounding world with the manifestation of hostility and destruction. Aggressiveness is a character trait that can be determined by innate temperament, the way of upbringing and communication in the family.

    Mechanisms of aggressive behavior

    The aggressive behavioral style of a son or daughter towards their parents cannot but offend and stun them. You need to understand that such a reaction to your attempts to establish contact indicates the perception of the world around you, not necessarily your family. A completely different factor can make you angry, cause negative emotions and irritation, and you just happened to have it.

    Shouts and complaints have positive side. After all, your child does not hold a negative attitude inside himself, but splashes it out, at least such contact occurs. An aggressive statement is still better than closed silence.

    Causes of childhood aggression

    The most widespread factor is peer relationships in kindergarten, school building or in the yard. The strongest outbreaks of aggression are observed in adolescence. This occurs from approximately 12 to 17 years of age. A child goes through puberty and develops into an adult. Self-affirmation in the team and receiving approval from loved ones comes to the fore. This is the time when friends and company become more important to a teenager than parents.

    The process of self-affirmation is not always smooth and calm. The presence of complexes, financial complications, problems within the team provokes failures in the development of the child as an individual. Dissatisfaction with yourself and the world around you begins to appear. This state of affairs is difficult to tolerate at this sensitive age and can be accompanied by hysterics and aggressive behavior.

    There are cases of unconscious negative attitude of the child towards everything that happens by the parents themselves. If a child returns from kindergarten upset because a toy was not shared with him, then most mothers and fathers instruct him not to share with the children either. It would be much easier to invite your child to come to an agreement with his peers. Teaching your child to compromise is very important. This will help him in the future.

    The most common causes of aggressive behavior in children:

    1. Predominant parenting style by parents, such as overprotectiveness or indifferent attitude.

    2. Scenes of violence on television screens, which increase the aggressiveness of viewers.

    3. Socio-economic instability in society.

    4. Individual characteristics the character of the child, the type of his temperament.

    5. Social and cultural level of the family.

    6. Constant manifestations of aggression on the part of parents, whom the child imitates.

    7. Demonstration of indifference to the baby, creating in him a feeling of insecurity, danger and hostility towards him on the part of people around him.

    8. Humiliated conditions of the child, the cause of which are relatives, educators and teachers.

    9. Aggressive peers who show by their example that this type of behavior provides many advantages in life.

    The main bursts of aggression come during puberty. The child’s desire for leadership and lack of recognition by classmates, as well as dissatisfaction with his status among peers become factors causing this style of behavior. The prerequisites for such an internal state are formed in preschool age. The main thing here is to notice a dangerous trend in time and prevent its development. Children who are prone to aggression have a distinctive feature from most of their peers not only external behavior, but also characteristics of the internal state.

    Forms of expression of aggressive behavior

    An aggressive behavioral style has various shapes, but children are characterized to a greater extent by two forms, which are the verbal and physical mode. Each type is divided into direct and indirect.

    Direct verbal aggression consists of insults and teasing. These are traditional methods of children to humiliate an opponent. The indirect form is aimed at conveying accusations and threats to peers through various statements. This may include complaints, demonstrative raising of the voice, as well as various kinds of fantasies with a hostile attitude.

    Physical aggression in indirect form is aimed at causing material damage through actions of a physical nature. It may involve damaging someone else's property or destroying the work of other children. The direct type involves threats and fights. Children here have a whole arsenal of influence methods. Attacking another child may involve biting, scratching, hair pulling, and the use of sticks and rocks as weapons.

    Aggression can spill out on parents and other people who surround the child, on animals and on oneself in the physical and spiritual sense. This may be a passion for games with hostile content.

    Why are boys more likely to show aggression?

    Scientists often wonder whether male aggressiveness is determined by biological characteristics. Research shows that boys are more prone to hostility than girls. This trend continues into adulthood. Predisposition to this form of behavior has not been identified at the genetic level medical workers, nor scientists who study biology.

    Psychologists believe that this tendency is influenced by cultural educational customs. The model of behavior in society that parents offer to their son differs significantly from that recommended to their daughter.

    IN male stereotype aggression is not only not reproached, but is also encouraged. After the first year of life, differences in the behavior of boys and girls appear under the influence of the parental and social educational process. From a tender age, little men are taught to deal with an offender and be able to fight back. Girls, on the contrary, are scolded for showing excessive activity and assertiveness, and are not allowed to develop leadership qualities.

    Sociologists note that women are more interested in experiences than men. Nature has an equal attitude towards the emotions of other people in both sexes. In our cultural traditions, the ability to empathize is reserved for women.

    If we compare children's toys, it turns out that for boys they are aimed at destruction (weapons), and for girls they are aimed at creation (housekeeping kits, kitchen items). Thanks to the dolls and soft toys The weaker sex has been focused on feelings and emotions since childhood. Technology and designers teach the stronger sex to reach their goals. Role-playing games girls in daughters and mothers, a store, a hospital allow you to rehearse different social roles. Boys are given combat games based on competition.

    Schoolgirls are engaged in dancing, music, and drawing. Parents of schoolchildren prefer to send them to sports clubs, trying to raise a “real man.” Do not forget that a sports competition or match is a form of aggression that has a civilized appearance and is subject to established rules. In some sports this is very clearly indicated, in others it is not so noticeable. The point of any sports tournament is to defeat your opponent.

    Overprotection and indifference as factors contributing to hostility

    When children suddenly become angry, parents worry that they paid little attention to their son or daughter. Sometimes they turn out to be right. Love and care have two extremes, which equally bring negative results.

    The first scenario involves perceiving one’s offspring as the “navel of the Universe.” The child grows up with the knowledge that mom and dad live only for him. This is conveyed to others, and the child begins to perceive increased attention and fulfillment of all whims as the norm. IN kindergarten or school institution a similar attitude towards oneself will be required from classmates, educators and teachers. Unjustified hopes will be a big blow for the little egoist. This is fraught with conflict with the outside world, discontent, resentment, and aggressive behavior.

    If parents do not pay enough attention to the child, communication is limited, and they do not show interest in his affairs, successes, and achievements, then this ends in conflicts with the child. Mom and dad may work from morning to night and be very tired, but they cannot ignore the baby’s attempts to get closer. If a child has become aggressive, then he is simply trying to attract the attention of his relatives. Throwing toys may seem like the most the right option solving the problem. Children often internalize resentment because their pride does not allow them to ask their parents to give them more attention and love. As a rule, they feel the hopelessness of the situation. This serves as an impetus for scandals and hysterics.

    Features of working with aggressive children

    The task of adults is to teach children how to properly direct and express their emotions. An aggressive child may behave with restraint in the school community, but within the family, irritation will manifest itself by throwing tantrums, rudeness, scandals, and fights with siblings. This display of anger will not bring him proper relief. Instead, an aggressive child will feel guilty towards loved ones. In this case, an increase in tension is possible, followed by a breakdown of a more violent and prolonged nature.

    The main thing in working with aggressive children is the ability to teach them to get rid of irritation that has accumulated. There are many opportunities to use the accumulated energy for completely peaceful purposes. For children who are very active and prone to aggressive behavior, it is necessary to create conditions to satisfy their need for movement. You can give these guys a job that interests them. A good alternative could be classes in sports sections

    , trips to various competitions, organization of hikes.

    Children who are in an angry state should be offered special methods so that they have the opportunity not to suppress anger, but to express it. The most common ways to let children's irritation go free:

    1. Allow your child to stay in the room alone and speak out to the person who made him angry. 2. Tearing newspapers, crumpling paper, kicking and punching a pillow that is specially designated for this purpose, hitting a ball and tin can

    , writing on a piece of paper all the offensive words that the offender so wants to say will help release anger without harming anyone. 3. Advise your offspring at the moment severe irritation

    count to ten before responding with rudeness or physical force.

    4. Listening to loud music, singing and screaming along with it helps to cope with anger.

    5. Create an outlet for anger through creativity. An aggressive child can simply draw what worries him at the moment.

    Rules for communicating with children

    Controlling a child's temper tantrums is problematic. It is especially difficult for parents to cope with adolescent aggression during puberty. But if you learn to calmly communicate with your offspring without raising your voice and without mutual insults, then many problems can be avoided.

    1. Try not to yell at your child, raise your voice or insult him. Control yourself. You need to talk calmly, listening carefully to your child. If you feel that you can’t stand it now and will break down, take a break in your communication and calm down. Approach all issues with a clear head and a cool head.

    2. Don’t just ask your son or daughter about their affairs, but also tell them about yourself, your feelings and experiences. If a child sees your sincere interest in communication, he will immediately make contact. Common phrases like “how are you?” and “did you eat at school?” will not find a response in his heart.

    3. You cannot compare your offspring out loud with other children, much less discuss this with someone in his presence. A child in adolescence constantly compares himself with others, wants to be like someone, but not himself. Don't let this kind of denial of your identity go too far. Comparing him unfavorably to other kids hurts. The teenager will become more vulnerable and aggressive. He will be haunted by the fear that someone else might find out about his problems and complexes.

    4. Always keep your promises.

    5. When giving advice or telling a cautionary tale, keep it brief. At this age, it is simply impossible to focus your attention for a long time and with interest. The instruction should be concise and preferably with a sense of humor. There is no need to impose advice. The child will simply ignore such a presentation. Prompt the solution to the problem as if by chance. Then the teenager will have the opinion that he came to this conclusion on his own, without outside help.

    6. Keep swearing for mistakes to a minimum. You need to earn your child's trust. It must be taught that mistakes and failures happen in the life of every person. There's nothing terrible about it. You just need to draw certain conclusions from your mistakes and try not to make them again.

    7. Try to hide your negative attitude towards the teenager’s search for himself by changing his appearance. Changing hair color and length is even worse.

    8. Try to ensure that your family does not serve as an example of aggression for your child. If you tend to resolve disputes by shouting and scandals, then a hostile state may become a distinctive feature of your offspring. Try to be a worthy example to him.

    Culture of communication in the family

    Many psychology experts agree that in increasing conflict situations Between parents and their children, the inability to communicate and hear each other is to blame. Modern teenagers receive maximum information about sexuality and a minimum about ethics and psychology in family life. In addition, parents themselves simply do not know how to properly communicate with the younger generation. They are not aware of what priorities exist for children in the toddler, preschool and school years, and what concerns teenagers.

    Often a similar situation can be observed between spouses. Their interaction often comes down to sleeping, eating, and sitting near the TV. People have forgotten how to communicate. They have no time for each other or for their children. This is where all problems originate.

    Only personal example we can develop in our own child compassion, empathy, and the desire to help other people. This is the only way to win aggressive behavior.

    What parent has not encountered children's unshakable “no”, whims and hysterics, but when it goes beyond all boundaries, it comes to causing harm to themselves and others, it’s time to sound the alarm.

    Aggression in children is a negative reaction to various actions or words of others. If a child is raised incorrectly, aggression can turn from a temporary phenomenon into a permanent one and turn into a character trait.

    Absolutely all parents experience attacks of aggression in their children; whether they are one-time or regular is another matter. In the latter case, parents should be especially attentive to their baby.

    The causes of aggression in children can be different: from somatic diseases or brain diseases to improper upbringing. Also, such behavior may be the result of an age crisis.

    Let's talk about preschool children

    Aggression in children before school age manifests itself in different ways. There are two main types of aggression in children:

    External aggression is aimed at the world: people, animals and is divided into emotional and physical. In the first case, the child screams, swears, threatens his interlocutors with his fists, and in the second, the baby begins to fight, throw objects, break toys;

    Internal aggression is directed at oneself. Expressed in biting hands, tearing out hair on one's head, banging one's head against the wall.

    Both types of aggressive behavior must be taken seriously, try to find out the reasons and try to influence.

    Aggression in children 2-3 years old most often manifests itself in the desire to hit “disobedient” parents, take away a toy from a peer, and achieve what they want through hysteria and fits. This is due precisely to the child’s age-related desire to be independent and independent. In this case, the most the best way out For parents, there is a desire to help their child be more mature: to give him the right to choose: what to wear to kindergarten, what game to play, or what to eat for lunch (of course, within reasonable limits). What is important is the patience and self-control of mothers and fathers, their ability to compromise, so as not to interfere with the development of a small personality, but also not to allow them to go beyond what is permitted.

    Aggression in children 3-4 years of age is a continuation of the same proof of independence and autonomy. However, at this age, the child often does not dare to vent his anger on his parents, because they are older and have authority over him. Therefore, situations often arise when, having been offended by their parents, a child takes out his anger on children in the garden, pets, in a word, on some “safer” object. Psychologists call this behavior the phenomenon of “transfer.” If you leave this symptom unattended, the baby may grow up to be a bully and a brawler. Parents should explain to the child that he is accepted by anyone, even when he is angry, and then learn to manage your emotions, resorting to the use of active games, wooden toys, physical exercise or art therapy.

    Aggression in children 5-6 years old often becomes a unique form of communication with others, because a child at that age understands everything and can fully control his actions. There are 3 types of causes of aggression in children 5-6 years old:

    Fight for attention. First of all, the attention of parents, as well as educators and peers.

    • Resentment towards parents. There are many reasons for aggression here - unfair punishment, a broken promise, the birth of a brother or sister.
    • Diffidence. Comparing the child with other children. The phrase “why don’t you listen at all, look at...” leads the child to realize his own stupidity or uselessness, to which he reacts by expressing aggression.

    For all the reasons, there is only one way out - try to understand your child, pay more attention to him. If necessary, please contact child psychologist to establish contact with your child.

    A little about junior schoolchildren

    Aggression in children of primary school age is relevant for many parents and is actively studied by child psychologists, who have come to the conclusion that the main reasons for the aggressive behavior of a primary school child are:

    • need for independence;
    • proof of self-worth and desire to achieve success;
    • desire for leadership;
    • heightened self-esteem;
    • family relationships;
    • relationship with teachers;

    The problem of aggression in children of primary school age is quite significant for both parents and teachers. Diagnosis and correction are often carried out in educational institutions by staff or visiting psychologists by identifying overt or hidden aggression using specialized tests (most often artistic) and subsequently conducting trainings with children prone to aggressive behavior.

    Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the main guarantee good behavior child - proper upbringing, love and understanding of loved ones. However, if your beloved and neglected child continues to fight and swear with others, do not hesitate to seek the help of specialists: child neurologists and psychologists; perhaps the problem lies much deeper than it seems at first glance.

    Aggression is most often part of the normal growth and development of normal children and it often manifests itself in children younger age and in preschoolers. Babies do not yet know how to speak and express their dissatisfaction or their desires, so aggression is the only way to express them.

    Even if a child’s aggressive actions are “normal” to a certain extent, it is still necessary to respond to attacks of aggression and try to stop them. An aggressive act in an 18-month-old child will not have the same meaning as in a 4-year-old child. Interventions to prevent aggression will also vary, but are necessary to demonstrate to the child that his actions are unacceptable and that there are other ways to express his emotions, and to prevent these episodes of aggression from happening again.

    To control their aggression, children need active support from their parents. Effective measures taken in connection with aggressive behavior in young children have a positive impact on their subsequent social development and adaptation.

    – verbal and physical activity, aimed at causing harm to one’s own health, people, animals, and external objects. Based on negative emotions, the desire to harm. Manifested by disobedience, irritability, cruelty, insults, slander, threats, refusal to communicate, acts of violence (bites, blows). Diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist. The research is carried out using the method of conversation, observation, questionnaires, surveys, projective tests. Treatment includes group and individual psychotherapy - training in ways to control emotions and safely express anger.

    General information

    Aggressive behavior is detected in children of all ages. Primarily serves as a way of expression negative emotions– irritation, anger, rage. Observing the result of such behavior, the child evaluates its usefulness. Secondarily, he demonstrates aggression with a specific goal - to get toys, food, to attract the attention of parents, to prove strength, importance, to subjugate others. The more often the desired is achieved, the more firmly aggressiveness is consolidated in behavior, becoming a quality of character. The prevalence of this phenomenon is difficult to determine, since every child displays aggression throughout his life. In boys it occurs earlier and is open in nature. In girls it manifests itself indirectly.

    Causes of aggressive behavior in children

    The causes of aggression are varied - accumulated emotional stress, the inability to express resentment in words, lack of attention from adults, the desire to get someone else's toy, to show strength to peers. Often children harm others or themselves because they feel helpless, sad, resentful, but cannot understand their own condition and do not have the communication skills to resolve the problem. The following groups of causes of aggressiveness are distinguished:

    • Family relationships. The formation of aggression is facilitated by demonstrations of cruelty, violence, disrespect, frequent conflicts in the family, and parental indifference. The child copies the behavior of the mother, the father - argues, provokes fights, openly shows anger, disobedience in order to attract attention.
    • Personal characteristics. Instability emotional state manifests itself in anger and irritation. Fear, fatigue, poor health are expressed through aggression, and feelings of guilt and low self-esteem are compensated for.
    • Features of the nervous system. Children with an unbalanced weak type of central nervous system are prone to aggression. They tolerate stress less well and are less resistant to the effects of physical and psychological discomfort.
    • Socio-biological factors. The severity of aggressiveness is determined by the child’s gender, role expectations, and social status. Boys are often instilled with the idea that a man should be able to fight, to “fight back.”
    • Situational factors. Emotional lability childhood manifests itself in outbreaks of irritation and anger when accidentally exposed to external unfavorable events. A child can be provoked by a bad school grade, the need to do homework, physical discomfort caused by hunger, or a tiring trip.


    The physiological basis of children's aggressiveness is an imbalance in the processes of excitation-inhibition of the central nervous system, the functional immaturity of individual brain structures responsible for the control of emotions and behavior. When exposed to a stimulus, excitation predominates, and the process of inhibition “lags.” The psychological basis of children's aggressiveness is a low ability for self-regulation, lack of developed communication skills, dependence on adults, and unstable self-esteem. Children's aggression is a way to relieve stress during emotional, mental stress, and poor health. Purposeful aggressive behavior is focused on getting what you want and protecting your own interests.


    Many classifications of aggressive behavior have been developed. Based on the direction of actions, a distinction is made between heteroaggression – causing harm to others, and auto-aggression – causing harm to oneself. Based on etiological characteristics, reactive aggression is distinguished, which occurs as a reaction to external factors, and spontaneous, motivated by internal impulses. The classification according to the form of manifestation is of practical importance:

    • Expressive aggression. Demonstration methods – intonation, facial expressions, gestures, postures. Diagnostically difficult option. Aggressive acts are not recognized or denied by the child.
    • Verbal aggression. It is realized through words - insults, threats, swearing. The most common option among schoolgirls.
    • Physical aggression. Damage is caused using physical force. This form is common among young children and schoolchildren (boys).

    Symptoms of aggressive behavior in children

    Basic manifestations of aggression are observed in infants up to one year old. In children aged 1-3 years, conflicts arise due to the appropriation of toys and other personal belongings. Children bite, push, fight, throw objects, spit, scream. Attempts by parents to suppress the child's reactions with punishments aggravate the situation. In preschoolers, the physical expression of aggression is observed less frequently, since speech is actively developing and its communicative function is being mastered. The need for communication is growing, but productive interaction is hampered by egocentricity, the inability to accept someone else’s point of view, and to objectively assess the interaction situation. Misunderstandings and grievances arise that give rise to verbal aggression - swearing, insults, threats.

    Younger schoolchildren have a basic level of self-control and are able to suppress aggression as a way of expressing resentment, displeasure, and fear. At the same time, they actively use it to protect their interests and defend their point of view. Beginning to be determined gender characteristics aggressiveness. Boys act openly, apply physical strength– they fight, trip them up, “click” them on the forehead. Girls choose indirect and verbal methods - ridicule, giving nicknames, gossip, ignoring, silence. Representatives of both sexes show signs of low self-esteem and depression.

    In adolescence, aggression arises as a result of hormonal changes and the accompanying emotional lability and complication of social contacts. There is a need to prove your importance, strength, and relevance. Aggression is either suppressed, replaced by productive activities, or takes extreme forms - boys and girls fight, injure opponents, and attempt suicide.


    Frequent aggressiveness, reinforced by upbringing and a dysfunctional family environment, is fixed in the child’s personality traits. TO adolescence Characterological traits are formed based on anger, bitterness, and resentment. Accentuations and psychopathy develop - personality disorders with a predominance of aggression. Risk increases social maladjustment, deviant behavior, offenses. With auto-aggression, children harm themselves and attempt suicide.


    Diagnosis of aggressive behavior in children is relevant when the frequency and severity of manifestations are excessive. The decision to see a psychiatrist or psychologist is made by parents independently or after the recommendation of teachers. The basis of the diagnostic process is the clinical conversation. The doctor listens to complaints, finds out the medical history, and additionally studies characteristics from the kindergarten and school. Objective research includes the use of special psychodiagnostic methods:

    • Questionnaires, observation. Parents and teachers are asked to answer a number of questions/statements about the characteristics of the child’s behavior. Observation is carried out according to a scheme that includes a number of criteria. The results make it possible to establish the form of aggression, its severity, and causes.
    • Personality questionnaires. Used to examine adolescents. They identify the presence of aggressiveness in the general structure of the personality and ways to compensate for it. Common methods are the Leonhard-Smishek questionnaire, the pathocharacterological diagnostic questionnaire (Lichko).
    • Drawing tests. The severity of symptoms, causes, and unconscious emotions are determined by the features of the drawings. The tests used are Non-existent animal, Cactus, Human.
    • Interpretive tests. They belong to projective methods; they reveal the unconscious, hidden experiences of the child. The examination is carried out using the Rosenzweig Frustration Reactions Test, Hand-test (hand test).

    Treatment of aggressive behavior in children

    If aggression is severe, correction by psychotherapy methods is required. The use of medications is justified when anger, impulsivity, and bitterness are symptoms of a mental disorder (psychopathy, acute psychosis). It is impossible to cure aggressiveness forever; it will arise in a child in certain life situations. The task of psychologists and psychotherapists is to help resolve personal problems, teach adequate ways to express feelings and resolve conflict situations. Common correction methods include:

    • . Presented with express methods of safe expression of aggression. The child is encouraged to throw out anger, irritation, anger without harm to others. Games with a ball, bulk materials, water, and “leaves of anger” are used.
    • Communication trainings. Group work allows the child to develop effective communication strategies, ways of expressing emotions, defending his position without harming others. Children receive feedback (reactions of participants), analyze successes and mistakes with a psychotherapist.
    • Relaxation activities. Aimed at reducing anxiety and emotional tension - factors that increase the risk of outbursts of aggressiveness. Children learn to restore deep breathing, achieve muscle relaxation, and switch attention.

    Prognosis and prevention

    Aggressive behavior of children is successfully corrected with the joint efforts of parents, teachers, and psychologists. The prognosis is favorable in most cases. To prevent the consolidation of aggression as the preferred method of interaction, it is necessary to adhere to a harmonious parenting style, demonstrate ways to resolve conflicts peacefully, treat the child with respect, and allow expressions of anger in a safe form. Don't focus on minor aggressive behavior. When discussing manifestations of aggressiveness, it is important to talk about actions, but not about personal qualities(“you acted cruelly”, not “you are cruel”).

    The aggressive behavior of a five-year-old child is expressed in the fact that he begins to break, destroy objects that come his way, and offends those around him, who often have nothing to do with his offenses. Parents usually cannot find an explanation for such actions of their children. There is always a reason that provokes a child to aggressive behavior. And finding out is the joint task of parents, teachers and psychologists.

    An aggressive child at 5 years old may be hysterical or manipulative

    If there is such a bully kid in the team, then the well-being of the children's group is jeopardized.

    Aggressive behavior of five-year-old children is expressed in the fact that they lose control, argue with elders, and behave rudely and ruthlessly with peers. Such a child will never admit to his mistakes; he will definitely justify himself and shift the blame onto other children.

    Traits such as vindictiveness, envy, wariness and suspicion are characteristic of children prone to aggression.

    Determination of aggressiveness in preschool children

    If you observe the behavior of five-year-old bullies, you will notice the following signs:

    • the child constantly tries to bully, push or call other children;
    • he likes to break or destroy things;
    • he constantly tries to provoke others, angers teachers, parents or peers in order to receive reciprocal aggression;
    • he deliberately does not fulfill the demands of adults, for example, does not go to wash his hands, does not tidy up toys, in order to be scolded. Moreover, having received a remark, he may burst into tears so that they begin to feel sorry for him. This is how an aggressive child can “release” internal tension and anxiety.

    Aggressive children often start fights

    The reasons for a child’s aggressive behavior at this age can be the family situation, temperament, socio-biological reasons, the age component, and even “personal” circumstances. Each child must be dealt with individually. But it is still possible to systematize the reasons.

    Discord in the family is one of the serious reasons that causes anger in a 5-year-old child. Frequent quarrels and family disputes provoke the child’s anger. He projects family relationships onto the environment.

    Parental quarrels are the cause of aggressiveness

    Indifference on the part of relatives is another reason for a child’s aggressive behavior. Things don't get better in an atmosphere of indifference emotional connection child and parents. At the age of five, children really need this connection.

    Lack of respect for the child. As a result, the baby is not confident in himself, begins to develop complexes and assert himself.

    As a rule, all these feelings are expressed in the manifestation of anger towards others and oneself.

    Excessive control or lack thereof also leads to aggression.

    Family reasons for aggression

    Personal reasons that cause aggression lie in the instability and instability of the child’s psycho-emotional state. The most common are the following:

    Children's aggression can be provoked certain situations. For example, a child is overtired, he is overwhelmed by impressions of what he saw or heard, he simply did not sleep well. All this can result in an outburst of anger.

    Problems with learning can cause violent outbursts

    Sometimes certain foods can cause aggression. For example, the level of cholesterol in the blood may decrease, as a result of which aggressiveness will increase (this is an officially proven fact by science).

    Or, for example, due to excessive consumption of chocolate, a child may experience outbursts of anger.

    Environmental conditions can also cause children to become angry. Loud noise, vibrations, stuffiness, or being in a small space can irritate your child.

    The amount of chocolate and aggression in children are interconnected

    It has been noticed that children who permanently live in areas of busy highways, near the railway, are much more irritable than those who live in residential areas.

    The type of temperament also influences the manifestation of aggression. There is one nuance here - temperament cannot be corrected. But, knowing the signs of each type of temperament, you can correct the child’s behavior.

    A melancholic child tends to experience stress from participating in competitions and from various innovations. These conditions make them feel angry, but they express their emotions passively.

    There is an opinion that the Internet and computer games contribute to aggression

    In phlegmatic people, aggression is also expressed, one might even say calmly. The balance of the nervous system allows owners of this type temperament to control yourself. External manifestations of rage are very rare in such children.

    Sanguine people tend to be peaceful and are not inclined to show aggression towards other children. A sanguine child is aggressive only when he has exhausted all possibilities for peaceful resolution of issues.

    But choleric people are prone to fits of rage from childhood. A child of this psychotype is characterized by extreme imbalance, nervousness and hot temper. More often than not, they take actions first and then think about their actions.

    At the age of five, boys show signs of aggression much more often than their peers. It is at this age that children begin to differentiate by gender. The social stereotype that a boy should be stronger, and therefore more militant, than a girl plays an important role.

    Reasons for different types of aggressiveness

    Social reasons in this age category also matter. Children at the age of 5 are observant; they assimilate the value systems that are accepted in their environment.

    So, a child from a family where people are treated depending on their status and social status, may be aggressive towards the cleaning lady, but will be restrained towards the teacher. If there is a cult of material wealth in the family, then a child at the age of 5 will take these values ​​for granted and will direct his aggression towards those who earn little, towards those children who do not have expensive toys.

    Violence against a child can cause aggression

    Forms and purposes of aggression in five-year-old children

    Aggression in children aged five can be expressed both physically and verbally. Moreover, aggressive behavior can have either a mental or emotional basis. What is the reason for the aggressiveness of five-year-old children? What do they want to achieve with their bellicose behavior?

    And the goals for children can be the following:

    • expressing your anger and hostility;
    • an attempt to show one's superiority;
    • intimidate others;
    • achieve what you want in any way;
    • an attempt to overcome any fears.

    Aggression against other children is the most common manifestation

    Modern psychologists distinguish between 2 options for the manifestation of aggression in children of this age:

    1. This is impulsive aggression, which is committed in a hysterical state, it manifests itself spontaneously and is accompanied by very high emotional stress.
    2. Predatory aggression, which, most often, is planned as a way to get what you want. For example, by deliberately breaking a toy, a child throws an aggressive tantrum in order to be bought another one.

    Moreover, psychologists note that children who are more developed at 5 years old choose the tactics of aggression according to the second option. Whereas, less developed children are more prone to impulsive aggression.

    The behavior of children from 4 to 6 years old is characterized by the manifestation of anger towards peers. During this period, children begin to realize that they are part of society, so they have contradictions and grievances, both real and far-fetched. It is these feelings that make the child attack others.

    What are the consequences of aggressive behavior?

    If a five-year-old bully constantly tries to “bully” his peers, is aggressive towards adults, treats animals with malice, is very sensitive and touchy, then this behavior must be treated with increased attention. All of these symptoms taken together may indicate a predisposition to violent acts.

    Parents should closely monitor their child and, if attacks of anger recur periodically, then they should seek help from specialist psychologists. This behavior is truly a problem that needs to be addressed.

    Fights in kindergarten - consequences of aggressiveness

    What factors can increase the aggressive behavior of a five-year-old child?

    Teachers, psychologists and parents should be very careful if

    • the child has experienced any violence;
    • he observed violence in the family or among others;
    • saw violence on television;
    • there are people in the family who use alcohol or drugs;
    • if the family is at the stage of ending the marriage;
    • in a family where there is only a mother, the parents do not have jobs and are not well off;
    • Firearms are stored in the house.

    Parents must teach their child to be patient and be able to manage emotions. The family should limit their child from negative impact environment. But it is impossible to isolate the baby. Therefore, you need to talk to the baby and teach him to cope with negative emotions.

    Hours of watching TV leads to outbursts of uncontrolled aggression

    • The risk of increasing the level of aggression in children aged 5 years arises if mutual understanding with peers is disrupted in a particular child, and the child begins to feel isolated. The result is increased aggressiveness. Parents and teachers should help the child get rid of this, try to set the child up positively and change his behavior.
    • There is another factor that stimulates aggressive behavior - shortcomings in upbringing. It happens that parents simply encourage the child to become embittered towards the world around him.
    • Depression that occurs in children is also a stimulus for anger.
    • Of course, deviations are also a factor that stimulates aggression. mental development. These are various conditions bordering on schizophrenia and paranoia.
    • Autistic and mentally retarded children are also susceptible to aggressive attacks. The behavior of such children can be aggressive due to disappointment, resentment, and inability to cope with emotions.
    • Destructive disorders can also stimulate aggressive behavior.

    In order to cope with the aggressive behavior of a 5-year-old child, you need to find out the cause and stimulating factors of anger.

    Parents of those children who are prone to aggression must learn to manage the behavior of their children. Positive contact should be established with the child, and parents should praise him for good behavior.

    about the danger of punishment

    At the age of 5, a child should not be physically punished. Such punishment will not stop an aggressive child; on the contrary, the problem will worsen. If children who are prone to aggression are punished, they begin to misbehave more often, but hide their actions.

    In this case, the child’s psyche may be shaken, and he will develop a desire for violence. Children with such behavior are classified as high-risk groups. As adults, these children are at risk of developing mental illness.

    Psychologists believe that a common problem for parents is children’s quarrels with their sisters and brothers. If a child behaves this way towards his family, then with unfamiliar children, he may simply become uncontrollable.

    The task of parents is to teach a 5-year-old child the basics of social behavior and emotion management skills.

    One of the options is martial arts classes, where the child learns not only the basics of self-defense, but also learns correct behavior.

    Teachers and parents should make it clear to children that all issues can be resolved peacefully, learn to assess the situation and control their emotions.

    How to reduce a child's aggressiveness through play activities

    “Toy in the fist”: Give the child the task of closing his eyes. Let him take a toy or candy in his hand. Then the baby should firmly grasp this object in his fist. After a few seconds, you need to ask to open the handle. The surprise that the child sees in the palm of his hand will be a pleasant surprise.

    “Bag of anger”: You need to have a “bag of anger” at home. The child will “put” his aggressive emotions into this bag. If you take an ordinary ball, but instead of air, fill it with grain or sand, then a container will appear where negative aspects are hidden. This pouch is used to avoid aggression.

    “Tuh-tibi-duh.” If the child begins to get angry, then you need to invite him to walk around the room, saying the phrase: “Tuh-tibi-doh.”

    Words should be pronounced very actively, with anger. As soon as the baby starts to laugh, you need to stop saying these words.

    When you see that the child’s behavior is becoming aggressive, he is irritated, then invite him to draw his feelings or mold them from plasticine or salt dough. While working, ask your child about what he is doing and what feelings he is experiencing. These actions distract from an aggressive mood.

    Together with your child, make a small pillow “for anger.” As soon as the child begins to get irritated, ask him not to be nervous, but simply beat the pillow with his hands. The hysteria will gradually fade away.

    Playing sports is a way to relieve aggressiveness

    Make it clear that fighting and attacking others is not a solution to problems. If he is aggressive and angry, then no one will be friends with him.

    So, at 5 years old a child can behave aggressively. Factors that provoke aggression are very difficult to avoid. But parents, with the help of teachers and psychologists, must do everything to ensure that the child is irritated as little as possible.

    Children's aggression is not unreasonable. It is imperative to find out why the child’s behavior manifests itself in anger.

    Perhaps the reasons are in the family, maybe he himself is prone to such manifestations of anger due to his temperament, or perhaps he is not comfortable in a team.

    In any case, parents and teachers must find the reasons for this behavior of a 5-year-old child and help him get rid of excessive aggression.

    Aggressive behavior of a child aged 5 years
    aggressive behavior of a 5 year old child

    Sometimes the parents of a child who has started going to school or is just about to enter first grade are faced with the problem of attacks of aggression in their child. How to behave in this age crisis and what to do if he does not listen to his parents and teachers?

    Aggression in children is a negative reaction to various actions or comments of others. If a child is not brought up correctly, this reaction can develop from a temporary one into a permanent one and become a trait of his character.

    The sources of a child’s aggressive behavior can be somatic or brain diseases, as well as miseducation. Another reason for this behavior may be the age crisis.

    At this time, children begin to recognize themselves as students, and this is a new role for them. This contributes to the emergence of a new psychological quality in the child - self-esteem.

    Watch a video about the causes of crisis in children aged seven and methods for overcoming it:

    From now on this is no longer little baby, but a real adult who strives to become independent. At 6-7 years old, children lose their natural childishness, so they deliberately begin to make faces and behave unreasonably. The reason for this is that children begin to separate the inner “I” from external behavior. They are aware that their behavior can cause reactions from others. Unnatural behavior shows that it is just children's experiment, although because of such experiences of the baby, the parents are very worried and worried. Besides, It becomes difficult to put the child to bed or send him to wash, an unusual reaction appears:

    • neglect of requests;
    • thinking about why to do this;
    • negation;
    • contradictions and bickering.

    During this period, children demonstrably violate parental prohibitions. They criticize any rules that they did not set themselves, and strive to take the position of adults. The existing principles are understood by the child as a childish image that needs to be overcome.

    There are times when children begin to make various sounds: croaking, mooing, chirping, and the like. This could just be a continuation of their experiments, but this time with sounds and words. If your child does not have speech problems, then there is no reason to worry. If there are any defects or stuttering, you should consult a doctor.

    • Express your approval of your child’s independent actions, allow him to be autonomous;
    • Try to become an adviser, not a prohibitor. Support in difficult moments;
    • Talk to your child about adult topics;
    • Find out his thoughts on an issue of interest, listen to him, this is much better than criticism;
    • Let the child express his opinion, and if he is wrong, then gently correct him;
    • Allow yourself to recognize his views and express agreement - nothing threatens your authority, and your offspring’s self-esteem will be strengthened;
    • Let your child know that he is valued by you, respected and understood that if he makes a mistake, you will always be there and provide help;
    • Show your child the possibility of achieving the goal. Praise him for his success;
    • Try to give answers to all the child’s questions. Even if the questions are repeated, repeat the answer patiently.

    Actions that show him that there are other opportunities to attract attention and show strength will help reduce a child’s unstimulated aggression. To look like an adult, you don’t need to assert yourself at the expense of those who are weaker, or use bad words when irritated. The following methods for emotional release are recommended:

    1. Tear into pieces paper that you always need to have with you;
    2. Shout loudly in a special place;
    3. Play sports, run and jump;
    4. Knocking out rugs and pillows will be useful;
    5. Practice hitting the punching bag;
    6. Playing with water helps a lot (contemplation of water and its inhabitants in aquariums, fishing, throwing stones into a pond, etc.)

    During attacks of aggression in a child, parents need to be calm and restrained. You need to try to understand how your child feels. The most important thing is to love and understand your baby, give him more attention and time.

    Unconditional love - The best way fight against aggression. Moms and dads know their children very well and are able to prevent unexpected outbursts of anger. Physical aggression is easier to curb than verbal aggression. At the moment of a surge of emotions, when the child pouts his lips, squints his eyes or otherwise demonstrates his dissatisfaction, you need to try to redirect his attention to another object, activity, or simply hold him. If the aggression could not be stopped in time, it is necessary to convince the child that this should not be done, it is very bad.

    Among other things, at the age of 7 years, children begin to pay attention to their appearance and clothes. They strive to look like adults. For the first time, the child critically evaluates his behavior. During this period, shyness can very easily develop; the child is not always able to adequately evaluate the opinions of others. An incorrect assessment of what is happening can frighten a child and make him afraid of attracting attention. It may be difficult to establish contacts. But sometimes children are just naturally shy.

    A shy child is more susceptible; often those around him are unable to understand him. Moms and dads are advised to emphasize more often good qualities their children. Thus, his self-confidence needs to be nurtured. Under no circumstances should you be angry with your child for his shyness. He may feel somehow flawed, different from the rest. This may have a bad effect on the development of his character. As an adult, a person will remember his childhood resentment. A child will not become brave and decisive from constant reproaches, but he is able to withdraw from it.

    Here are three easy ways to help your child:

    1. Report how people behave.
    2. Show how people feel.
    3. Don't be negative.

    I hope I have explained the essence clearly; if additional explanations are needed, I am ready to answer your questions.

    You can find out Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion about the actions of parents by watching the following video.

    Aggression in a 7-year-old child: advice from a psychologist
    Everyone knows about the age crisis of 7 years, but not everyone knows how to behave correctly during this period. What to do if he doesn’t listen? Has a 7 year old child developed aggression? You urgently need advice from a psychologist! We will be happy to share information with you about this problem.

    Aggression in a child: preventing it from becoming a habit

    Aggression in a child: preventing it from becoming a habit

    First of all, it must be said that aggression And aggressiveness- these are different concepts. Aggression is, in other words, active form expressing the emotion of anger is a quick reaction to some kind of negative “stimulus” for the child, which can manifest itself in causing damage to a person or object. Aggressiveness is behavior that has become habitual, one might even say, a personality quality.

    Usually a child starts to fight in a situation where he cannot get his way, then different children achieve this different ways: someone whines, someone throws hysterics, someone, sulking, withdraws, this is how they “punish” adults. And someone tries to defend their desires with their fists.

    Until one year of age, a child mainly studies the world around him. In the second year of life, the child's activity increases. Now he is becoming more interested in people. As a rule, the child already begins to walk, and opportunities for research abilities increase. And therefore aggression manifests itself precisely in the sphere of learning communication and mastering the basic rules of behavior.
    The manifestation of a child’s aggression at this age is associated with the inconsistency of parents. Teaching the rules of behavior “depending on the mood” or connivance, permission to do whatever you want, leads to the fact that the child does not form the basic “don’ts”, and therefore he reacts violently when they “suddenly” appear.
    The “self-education” of parents helps a lot with this problem: follow only two rules yourself:

    1. There should be few of these “don’ts” (no more than five main ones, from the category of things that are dangerous to the life and health of the baby)
    2. These “don’ts” must always be followed, regardless of the parents’ mood.

    But what to do with the rest of the “cannots”? – Replace them with “maybe.” For example, a child enthusiastically vomits book pages, enjoying the sound and your “ability to transform objects” - give old newspaper, and say that THIS CAN be torn.
    To achieve the correct response to the word “impossible”, you need a little: patience, agreement between adults (so that it doesn’t happen: what dad prohibits, mom allows). As the child grows up, the “don’ts” are replaced by others, and this will happen less painfully.

    At three or four years old, the phenomenon of “transfer” arises, the essence of which is that the child at this age does not dare to openly pour out his anger on his mother and father (primarily because they are adults and enjoy real authority) and suffers anger and aggressiveness to another, much more harmless object.
    Children who, as they grow up, will not learn to suppress their aggressiveness and communicate with others using oral speech, often turn into real fighters. With the help of fights, children can get the things they want, but this will make them outcasts in the children's company and other children will be afraid of them. To speed up the “growing up aggression” moment (and help protect other children!), you can use tips to help your child break aggressive habits.

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