• How to care for your eyes and skin around the eyes: the golden secrets of Ayurveda. Eyelid skin care


    Eyes are a reflection of our soul. With a glance you can conquer, attract attention or even “kill”, of course, in in a good way this word. Therefore, we should take care of our eyes responsibly.

    Moreover, when it comes to the skin of the eyelids: thin and delicate, it is most susceptible early appearance Wrinkles and flabbiness that we hate so much.

    The eyelids are perhaps the only part of our body that we should start taking care of from a fairly early age, because it is important not to miss the moment when it will be difficult to fix something. After all, we all want to prolong our youth as much as possible. more years stay young, beautiful, and, most importantly, healthy.

    Features of eyelid care

    You can take care of your eyelid skin starting from a young age. From the age of 20, a girl should already think about what kind of eyelid skin care it will suit her.

    Often this choice depends on your skin type. In general, drier skin is prone to the early appearance of wrinkles. She is often subtle and vulnerable. At the same time, fatty people deserve a more careful selection of a care complex.

    In any case, caring for your eyelids is important for any type of skin, and, please note, procedures should be carried out every day. You may ask, what does this eyelid skin care mean?

    This means that every day in your schedule there should be procedures for toning the skin, cleansing it and nourishing it. For eyelid care you need to use different lotions, special eye creams and semi-professional preparations.

    But in the collection of home recipes, of course, there are also a couple for maintaining fresh and healthy eyelid skin. One of the most classic recipes is to put two cucumber rings on your eyes for about 15 minutes.

    Cucumbers invigorate the skin, refresh it, and relieve puffiness. You can also make a compress: rub raw potatoes and apply to the eyelids, the effect will be no worse than from cucumber rings.

    An equally classic recipe is to put a couple of brewed tea bags over your eyes. Tea will help relieve fatigue, tension, and moisturize the skin.

    Various essential oils perfectly care for the delicate skin of the eyelids. Cosmetologists recommend using rosehip oil, avocado or macadamia oil when caring for the delicate area.

    Pictured is macadamia

    Homemade or cosmetic ice containing essential oils will also help to invigorate the skin. Cosmetic stores sell ready-made mask-glasses for gentle care of the area around the eyes.

    When carrying out any procedure, be careful to ensure that no substance gets into your eyes, and act carefully.

    Don't forget to massage your eyelid skin. For example, when applying cream to your eyelids, try not to rub it in, but apply it lightly, as if lightly massaging along the massage lines. Use a gentle tapping technique.

    Apply the cream to the eyelids using patting movements with your fingers.

    They need to start under the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose and move in a circle. You can tap a little harder at the outer corners of the eyes, where the skin is most susceptible to wrinkles.

    There is also a set of exercises for eyelid lifting. For example, first you need to close your eyes tightly and hold it for 25-30 seconds, then open your eyes, raise your eyebrows as high as possible and also fix them for half a minute. You can also actively blink for 30 seconds with your eyes open.

    Age-related care for eyelids

    At any age, there are nuances in the struggle for beautiful and radiant delicate eyelid skin. Even eyelid skin care products are divided into age categories.

    This area of ​​the face reacts fastest to changes in age, so it is important not to miss the moment when you need to take care of the skin of the eyelids. So, the interval is between 20 and 30.

    At this age, our skin is still quite fresh, elastic, yes, but the influence external factors can spoil the skin very quickly: bright sun, street dust, dry air, severe frosts, proper nutrition, bad habits, low-quality cosmetics, excessive use of cosmetics, various diseases and much more.

    At this age it is already worth applying light emulsions or gels for eyelid skin care. While this will be enough, do not overdo it with cosmetics, there is no need to get ahead of the time.

    There is no need to use creams that are not appropriate for your age; do not apply to your eyelids the same cream that was originally intended for your hands or even just for the whole body. Remember, the skin of the eyelids is very sensitive.

    At 30-40 years old, during this period of time, the skin of the eyelids begins to lose elastin and collagen. These proteins are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, and as a result, wrinkles may appear.

    What to do? During this period of our lives, it is still possible to maintain beautiful skin. Daily hydration, nutrition, and lifting must be present.

    For this purpose, the beauty industry has invented special serums and masks; moreover, new beauty products in this direction appear regularly.

    Small wrinkles can be smoothed out by visiting a beauty salon. In general, cosmetologists note that it is difficult to give universal recommendations for women from 30 to 40 years old, because the condition of the skin during this age period can be different. It is worth visiting a cosmetologist who will recommend a set of measures.

    Eyelid care after 40 requires a more careful approach. Here problems such as dry skin appear, they are already appearing deep wrinkles, elasticity is lost.

    In addition, in the period from 40 to 50 years, the process of withering and aging accelerates, which means you should not miss a minute. The emphasis should be on. But care for aging skin should be multi-level.

    You can’t limit yourself to just lifting or moisturizing, everything should be in combination. Don't forget about rubbing with ice cubes and essential oils in the morning.

    Apply cream appropriate for your age, again, remember the massage. Take more frequent walks around fresh air, stop smoking and switch to healthy eating, drink more water.

    At this age, in addition to sagging, swelling, edema, bruises under the eyes, and drooping eyelids occur. IN eyelid care after 50 years, it is necessary to include daily application of moisturizing creams, cleansing with light cosmetics, and the skin needs to be provided with nutrition.

    It is worth paying attention to drugs that are responsible for regeneration. At the age of over 50, we should already be talking about comprehensive care, that is, not only for the skin of the eyelids, but also for the entire face.

    At this age, masks should remain on the skin for a little more than 20 minutes so that the skin can be saturated with beneficial substances. When choosing a scrub, pay attention to the most loyal and less aggressive ones, so as not to damage your face. It is advisable to wash off masks and scrubs using a contrast system.

    Often, after the age of 50, we talk about radical methods - surgical plastic surgery. IN in this case the choice is yours, the main thing is to consult with a specialist and find out whether you really need plastic surgery.

    Eyelid skin care after tattooing

    Today, technology has reached the point where you can visually increase the size of your eyes and give them expressiveness with the help of eyelid tattooing. By using permanent makeup arrows are applied to the upper or lower eyelid, or to both at the same time.

    In addition, you can resort to tattooing the inter-eyelash space. You may also be offered art tattooing, that is, applying shadows to the eyelid.

    If you are planning to get a tattoo on your eyelids, then keep in mind that after that you will definitely have to buy eyelid care products. It can be a regenerating or moisturizing cream.

    After tattooing, the eyelids need additional care

    In the first days, you can’t wash your face with regular soap, so you need to choose some kind of gentle makeup remover. Important daily eyelid cotton swab, soaked in chlorhexidine.

    As with or eyebrows, in the first week, or even two, you should not take sunbathing, swim in open water, visit a sauna or, and it is advisable to give up makeup altogether. Skin care around the eyelids in the period after the procedure should be as gentle and easy as possible.

    Finally, let’s consolidate the main points that you need to rely on when caring for the skin of your eyelids:

    - starting from the age of 20, try to devote time to the skin of your eyelids, and care should become a daily habit;

    - use creams and other cosmetics taking into account your age category;

    - don’t forget about the recipes traditional medicine;

    - do not use eyelid cream that was originally intended for hands or other parts of the body;

    - V mature age do not forget about a comprehensive approach to facial care;

    - use surgery only after serious consultation with specialists and with a confident decision.

    Take care of your beauty and health!

    The skin of the eyelids is a very sensitive area. And her care must be special. First of all, these should be delicate products that are gentle on thin skin.

    There is virtually no fat or muscle in the eyelid area. Therefore, the first facial wrinkles are especially visible here. In addition, the area around the eyes is very mobile throughout the day. When we blink, smile, or frown, there is constant stretching and contraction of sensitive areas.

    Cosmetologists say that to prevent or delay as much as possible the appearance of “ crow's feet"is much easier than fighting them. There are many ways to care for the skin of your eyelids. This is both a folk remedy and professional cosmetics, and hardware procedures.

    Stages of eyelid skin care

    The care program consists of several stages:


    Must be performed daily, regardless of the presence or absence of makeup. During the day, a lot of dust and dirt particles get on the skin.

    Cleansing with special lotions, milk or micellar water will prepare the skin for further care and open clogged pores.


    Considered the most important action. One of the main reasons for sagging eyelid skin and the appearance of wrinkles is dry skin. Maintenance water balance will help avoid stretch marks, swelling and dark circles.

    To moisturize, you can use creams, serums for the area around the eyes, and make various masks. Like cleansing, this stage is mandatory in the daily program.


    It is carried out 1-2 times a week. People will come to the rescue professional masks, nutritious cream. All products should be applied only to thoroughly cleansed skin.

    Hardware procedures

    The need for them may arise mainly after 40 years. But it is not recommended to use them often, since after several sessions an addictive effect occurs.

    Folk remedies for eyelid skin care

    Folk recipes are very simple; at home you can always find a remedy that will be useful for restoring the skin of the eyelids. Here are some of the most common methods:

    Tea bags. Tannin, which is contained in tea leaves, moisturizes the skin, relieves redness and swelling. It is enough to apply one sachet to closed eyelids and hold for 10-15 minutes. Instead of tea bags, you can use regular tea leaves by soaking cotton pads in it.

    Oil. Natural oils have a simply amazing effect. They are rich in vitamins that nourish and moisturize the skin. Almond, grape, and coconut oils are best suited for the area around the eyes.

    You can also use good butter. It is recommended to use in the evening, you can even leave it on the skin overnight.

    Vegetables and fruits. In addition to the well-known cucumber circles for home care For centuries, potatoes, bananas, and strawberries have strong moisturizing and nutritional properties.

    Vegetables and fruits can simply be cut into slices and applied to the eyelids or mashed into a homogeneous paste and wrapped in pieces of gauze.

    Oatmeal. Smoothes out wrinkles well, gives matte shade, removes a tired look. A tablespoon of crushed flakes is poured with hot milk or cream. When the mass swells and cools, apply it to the eyelids for 20 minutes.

    Cosmetics for eyelid skin

    Among the variety of products presented in stores and salons, it is important to individually select a complex.

    Below is a short review with photos of eyelid care products that will help you make a choice:

    Cosmetic milk. Suitable for cleansing eyelid skin and removing makeup. Plant extracts will help restore vitamin balance at the initial stage of care.

    Tonics. Applicable for deep cleaning pores, moisturizing the skin. When choosing, you need to focus on the age indicated on the package. Products for different categories contain different components.

    Lotions. The products have a light, gentle structure. Suitable for sensitive skin, are quickly absorbed.

    Creams. When choosing a cream, the main parameter is skin type. Nourish the area around the eyes, smooth out wrinkles.

    Gels. Suitable for any skin type. Are considered very useful means, because in addition to a complex of vitamins, they contain valuable collagen and elastin.

    The most important rule for eyelid care is regularity of procedures. Only in this case can you achieve the lasting desired result.

    Photo of the eyelid care process

    The eyelids are the main protection of our eyes from pollution and sunlight. The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. Every day she is exposed to a lot of stress due to the enormous amount of blinking, laughing, squinting, etc. In addition, lack of sleep chronic fatigue, poor nutrition negatively affects, first of all, appearance and the condition of the skin around the eyes, resulting in dark circles under the eyes, swelling, and wrinkles. Regular eyelid care perfectly fights the signs of skin aging and keeps it in excellent condition.

    Caring for the skin of the eyelids requires special attention, so it is recommended to use only special products intended for “Care for the skin of the eyelids”. Besides, important has the correct application of the care product. The cream should be applied in the directions of least stretch of the skin. For example, along the upper eyelids - from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, along the lower eyelids - vice versa, from the outer to the inner.

    In order for the condition of the skin around the eyes not to worsen, it is necessary to have adequate and healthy sleep, proper nutrition, adherence to the drinking regime, as well as regular and proper care. Remember that eye makeup must be removed before going to bed. The best way to do this is with special means for removing eye makeup that does not contain various fragrances. Such products, as a rule, act very gently and effectively remove remnants of makeup from the eyes, without requiring any effort or rubbing the eyes. For those with sensitive skin, it is necessary to use eye makeup removers labeled “for sensitive skin.” As a rule, such products have a neutral pH value, so they do not irritate the skin.

    At the age of 25, the first signs of aging appear, so from this time on it is necessary to regularly use eye cream. Even the most effective cream For facial skin care, not suitable for the skin around the eyes. Each cream contains its own percentage of fats and oils. When applying such a cream to the area around the eyes, the oils will definitely get into the eyes and cause redness and burning. Special non-spreading oils are added to special cosmetics for the skin around the eyes. When choosing a cream for eyelid skin care, you need to pay special attention to its composition; it is better if it contains biologically active substances such as liposomes, collagen and elastin. A cream containing these substances soothes and smoothes the skin.

    Apply eye cream with light patting movements using only your fingertips, being careful not to stretch thin skin. Such creams, as a rule, are easily and quickly absorbed, perfectly moisturizing and nourishing. delicate skin. Those with sensitive eyes, as well as those who wear contact lenses, should use eye care products with caution so that the cream or gel does not get into the eyes. It is best to moisturize the skin of the eyelids only once, preferably in the morning, since evening moisturizing can cause morning swelling.

    To relieve eyelid puffiness, apply a cooling eyelid gel based on plant extracts to the upper and lower eyelids in the morning instead of washing. It not only effectively relieves swelling, but also smoothes out fine wrinkles. To others effective means To combat swelling of the eyelids, “ice masks” are used, which are externally a plastic mask filled with gel. This mask should be stored in the refrigerator and applied to the eyelids for a few minutes in the morning.

    Bags under the eyes usually occur due to stagnation of lymph. Correct this deficiency using cosmetics impossible. And here special massage(lymphatic drainage), carried out by specialists in beauty salons, improves lymph flow, thereby helping to eliminate such a defect.

    Massage is an effective way to prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. You can do it yourself, being careful not to stretch the skin. Stroking must be done with the pads of four fingers, except the thumb, from the inner corner of the eye along the growth of the eyebrows to the temples and from the temples along the lower eyelid to the inner corner of the eye.

    In addition, if you regularly perform the following exercise, you can relax your eye muscles and significantly improve the condition of the skin around your eyes. You need to perform this exercise 5-7 times every day: press both palms to your temples, and now try to move the skin back with your muscles. This exercise is aimed at strengthening the temporoparietal muscles, which stretch the skin between the eye and ear.

    The skin of the eyelids must be protected from negative environmental factors. Permanent solar radiation, wind contribute to the appearance of early wrinkles, therefore, in order to protect the skin around the eyes in the summer, it is advisable to wear dark glasses with lenses that do not allow ultra-violet rays. In addition, be sure to use an eye cream with a UV protective factor. This product contains active ingredients that fight the signs of skin aging. When choosing a protective cream for the skin around the eyes, it is necessary that it contains the following components: hyaluronic acid and malt oil. These substances strengthen the protective properties of the skin and increase its elasticity.

    Eye masks.
    Helps effectively relieve edema and swelling of the eyelids green tea in bags. The bag is brewed with a glass of boiling water, left for 10 minutes, then cooled in the refrigerator and applied to the eyelids for two minutes.

    Prepare a mixture of cucumber juice(1 tsp) and milk powder (1 tsp). Apply the resulting mixture to the eyelids and leave for 10 minutes. After this, remove with a damp swab.

    An excellent mask that relieves swelling. In 2 tsp. add 2 tsp of grated fresh potatoes. wheat flour and boiled milk. Apply the resulting mixture to the eyelids and the area under the eyes and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off.

    Dill infusion is also good in the fight against puffiness of the eyelids. Pour 2 teaspoons of dry dill with half a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. After this, apply cotton swabs soaked in the infusion to the eyelids and leave for 20 minutes.

    Jojoba oil, castor oil and olive oil are excellent eye moisturizers.

    Parsley lotions also help effectively in the fight against puffiness. To do this, parsley is passed through a meat grinder and 1 tbsp is added. tea and 30 drops of vitamin A solution.

    To eliminate crow's feet, rub pure vitamin E into the skin around the eyes once a week.

    The thin skin around the eyes should be taken care of first. It is subjected to significant stress, but does not have the same self-healing ability as the skin on other parts of the face.

    Signs of fatigue and aging first appear around the eyes, and this area needs special attention and care. Unfortunately, many women forget about it, and at some points they don’t even know about it.

    What are the most common mistakes girls make when taking care of the skin around their eyes?

    The reasons may be different: extreme fatigue when you want to go to bed quickly, stressful situations in which any action is a burden. There are times when you have to spend the night in an unexpected place where there is no way to wash properly.

    What to do if you can’t remove makeup residue in the usual way?

    Whatever the reasons, you should find a way to remove makeup. The ideal option is to always have with you special wipes designed for removing makeup. They will help out in any situation.

    Why is it so important to remove makeup before bed?

    The fact is that the skin does not rest at night, it actively works. The processes of renewal, restoration, and getting rid of everything unnecessary take place in its cells, and the remnants of makeup make this work difficult. As a result, even a long sleep will not refresh the skin, and it will look dull and gray.

    The second mistake is using a cleanser that contains soap.

    Such cosmetics have long ceased to be popular, but still have their supporters. Soap is good only when there are no other ways to cleanse the face, but it is better to give preference to other cosmetic products.

    What to do if you still have to wash your face with soap?

    Immediately moisturize the skin with cream or gel. For unexpected business trips and other unplanned trips, it would be a good idea to have a small bottle of grapeseed oil in your purse. It won't take up much space, but it can help out in many situations. Grapeseed oil is light, absorbs quickly, does not clog pores and takes excellent care of the skin. It can replace cream for the face, eyelids and hands. Of course, only for a while.

    Why is it so important to avoid soap?

    The fact is that the areas around the eyes have practically no sebaceous glands, the secretion of which protects and moisturizes the skin. Soap degreases these vulnerable areas, stripping them of the thin film of fat, why skin becomes dry, thin and brittle. Constantly washing with soap will lead to the appearance of premature wrinkles, as the skin will be more sensitive to negative impacts environment.

    The third mistake is neglecting rest.

    This is especially true for young girls who are ready to sacrifice sleep for a party. Yes, you can hope to disguise the signs of fatigue with decorative cosmetics, but such an attitude towards your own appearance is not in vain.

    What to do if you still had to spend a sleepless night, or even more than one?

    Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world and no one is immune from lack of sleep. If there was no choice and you had to sacrifice rest, then in the morning bags under the eyes, dark circles, and swelling may appear.

    It is possible to hide traces of fatigue if it has not become chronic. To do this, you will need brewed black tea bags, which must be cooled and applied to the eyelids. The duration of the compress is from 15 minutes.

    Tea tones the skin, strengthens it, gets rid of bags and dark circles. Compresses made from dill, parsley or sage have a similar effect. The herb should be brewed with boiling water, let it brew for a while, and then soak cotton pads in the broth and apply to the eye area.

    Another good way To erase traces of fatigue from your face - massage with ice cubes. Instead of water, you can freeze tea or infusions of the mentioned herbs. When performing the procedure, there is no need to allow the skin to become hypothermic. This will cause its blood vessels to narrow, which will impede blood circulation.

    After compresses or ice massage, it is advisable to perform several physical exercise to increase blood circulation. This will help skin cells return to normal faster after a sleepless night.

    If the measures described are not enough, it will be the turn of cosmetics. A cream with a lifting effect will improve skin tone and smooth out fine wrinkles. To disguise dark circles, you will need a concealer, and powder with reflective particles will give your look freshness.

    Why is it so important to get enough sleep?

    Firstly, as mentioned above, at night the skin is restored and gets rid of toxins. And secondly, fatigue tends to accumulate. At the age of twenty, negative signs of fatigue are practically invisible, but by the age of thirty they can already make themselves felt.

    Skin exposed to lack of rest for a long time becomes more vulnerable, toxins accumulate in it, and blood circulation becomes difficult. This leads to premature wrinkles, distinct bags under the eyes and dark circles that are difficult to get rid of.

    The fourth mistake is saving money when choosing cosmetics, both skincare and decorative.

    There is a popular opinion that the results of using different categories of products are not as different as their prices.

    What to look for when choosing cosmetic products?

    Of course, you need to look at the price, but not first of all. The main attention should be paid to the composition. The less chemical fragrances, preservatives and dyes it contains, the better. As a rule, such ingredients are often used in inexpensive cosmetics due to their cheapness and availability.

    As for well-known expensive brands, the price of its products includes not only advertising and packaging, but also the cost of high-quality components, technological equipment and the work of qualified specialists. By the way, many of these companies have their own scientific laboratories, where they develop formulas for new substances that can make skin care even more effective.

    Why is it so important to use high-quality cosmetics?

    Firstly, she copes better with the responsibilities assigned to her. Secondly, it must have another important quality - it must be safe, since it is used near the eyes.

    The fifth mistake is the belief that ordinary face cosmetics are also suitable for the skin of the eyelids.

    There are women who believe that using special care for this area does not make sense, but for the eyelids the cream that is used for facial care is quite suitable.

    Why is it so important to use special cosmetics?

    The texture of the skin around the eyes is different from other areas. It is thinner, contains less collagen and elastin, recovers more slowly and does not protect itself as well from harmful external influences.

    Of course, its care must be special. Creams intended for the face can be too oily for the skin of the eyelids. Products that cannot be quickly absorbed often cause swelling and irritation, while sticky ones contribute to stretching.

    Eye creams are light, quickly absorbed, have a neutral pH and sun protection factor in the composition.

    The sixth mistake is ignoring your skin type when choosing skin care products for your eyelids.

    Yes, its structure is different from the rest of the skin, but it also has its own varieties.

    Why should you pay attention to your skin type?

    The areas around the eyes are not oily or combination, but may have normal skin, dry, sensitive, prone to swelling or dark circles. Each type requires special care.

    The seventh mistake is using anti-aging cosmetics too early.

    Some girls, seeing their first expression lines, in fear rush to resort to products that young skin does not yet need.

    Why shouldn't you rush into anti-aging cosmetics?

    The first wrinkles are, of course, a sign that the skin no longer has enough resources to recover from deformations, but it is still quite elastic, and with proper care, most wrinkles can disappear.

    They arise from fatigue, exposure to dry air, ultraviolet radiation, lack of hydration, and these problems can still be dealt with without the use of “heavy artillery.” Early use of such products will not bring any benefit, but the skin will begin to get used to them, and subsequently will no longer react to them.

    The eighth mistake is the opposite of the previous one.

    Women who are afraid of the addictive effect are afraid to start using products for their age, even if the need has already arisen.

    Why shouldn’t you delay using anti-aging cosmetics?

    Those who continue to use only moisturizers are depriving their skin of the support it needs.

    For example, at 30-35 years old, the skin needs products that enhance its regeneration processes, and skin creams after 40 contain substances that fight natural aging: antioxidants, vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin.

    If at the age of 35 you do not use cosmetics that can solve the problems of this age, then you can approach the next stage with fairly aged skin.

    By the way, not only the use of suitable cosmetics, but also visits to a cosmetologist should be timely. A specialist will help you choose the right care and, possibly, procedures that preserve beauty and youth. A consultation with a cosmetologist is not very expensive, but it will not be superfluous. Investing in beauty should not be considered a pointless waste of money.

    The ninth mistake is fear when using cosmetic oils.

    Sometimes there is advice not to use oils to care for the skin of the eyelids due to the fact that they are greasy, poorly absorbed and cause swelling.

    Why can oils be trusted with the delicate skin around the eyes?

    Most cosmetic oils are well absorbed by the skin even in pure form. Hard butter oils are absorbed a little worse than light stone fruit oils, but they certainly won’t lie on the skin like an impenetrable film. The skin reaction of different people may be different, but in general oils are not capable of causing harm, especially in small quantity in the cream. By the way, cosmetic oils Recommended for massaging the skin around the eyes. They prevent stretching and deformation, and during the massage the skin better absorbs their valuable components.

    The last, tenth mistake is incorrect application of cosmetics.

    Many women rub the cream, stretching the skin, and also do it against massage lines, resulting in more pronounced wrinkles and swelling.

    Why do skincare products need to be applied correctly?

    The skin of the eyelids is subject to significant stress during the day: several thousand blinks and facial movements. This contributes to its deformation, the resistance of which decreases as elasticity is lost.

    This is how wrinkles appear. Stretching the skin when applying cream is an additional deformation, so all touches should be smooth and careful. Second important point– the need to adhere to massage lines.

    It’s easy to remember them: on the upper eyelid, the cream is applied in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and on the lower eyelid, vice versa. Such movements smooth out wrinkles and remove excess fluid from the tissues.

    The mistakes discussed above in caring for the skin around the eyelids are the most common and typical. If you regularly do at least some of them, you can nullify all your efforts, so you should remember them and not repeat them.

    We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health.

    The skin located under the eyes has a too thin structure; there is a small layer of subcutaneous fat and muscle. That is why it stretches greatly, dries and instantly loses its elasticity. This area is a reflection of your physical condition: if you didn’t sleep well, are tired, don’t feel well - all this will become noticeable.

    Wrinkles around the eyes

    Wrinkles may well appear in a young girl if the skin is poorly moisturized. Because we blink frequently, our eyelids quickly dry out and lose elasticity. Skin nourishment various oils and creams will help solve the problem of wrinkles in early age.

    Rules for caring for the skin around the eyes:

    • From the age of thirty, it is advisable to use collagen masks.
    • Do not apply regular store-bought face cream to the eye area. The skin of this area requires more delicate and gentle care. Regular cream can be harmful and cause even more wrinkles.
    • When applying makeup every day, try not to squint your eyes too much. When applying shadows or strokes, try to relax your eyelids.
    • Don't forget at home Sunglasses in hot weather. It is very harmful to squint in the sun.
    • Emotions are also dangerous for our eyes; strong facial expressions lead to wrinkles even in young girls.
    • Avoid stress and poor nutrition. The body must not only receive useful material from food, but also to assimilate them. Nerves and grief slow down normal processes.
    Sticking to simple rules and by moisturizing your eye area daily, you can avoid early manifestation signs of aging.

    Dark circles under the eyes

    Fatigue is hard to hide from others, because dark circles treacherously let everyone know that you didn’t get enough sleep. There are other causes of dark circles under the eyes:
    1. Diseases of internal organs;
    2. Heredity;
    3. Lack of vitamin C;
    4. Chronic fatigue;
    5. The proximity of blood vessels to the skin, due to which they give a blue color to this area;
    6. Smoking;
    7. Spending a long time in front of a computer monitor;
    8. Allergy;
    9. Age.
    Smoking has a negative effect, because vasoconstriction occurs, and oxygen is poorly supplied to the skin. When we lack sleep, our face becomes pale, and against its background the blood vessels under the eyes are very noticeable. Stress slows down the release of toxins from the body, the skin does not receive proper hydration and nutrition.

    Thin skin structure is the main problem and cause of dark circles. Over the years, the skin becomes thinner, but there are people who have this problem from birth. Collagen-based masks and creams will help them.

    Bags under the eyes

    The presence of bags gives the face a painful and tired appearance. The cause of such swelling is excess fluid in the body. There are other causes of bags under the eyes:
    • Changes in subcutaneous fat with age;
    • Diseases of internal organs such as kidneys, heart, intestines and stomach;
    • Drink plenty of fluids before bedtime;
    • Drinking alcoholic beverages;
    • Eating junk food;
    • Allergic reaction;
    • Prolonged tears.
    To eliminate the causes of the appearance of bags, you should first of all undergo an examination and make sure that everything internal organs in order. Having ruled out diseases, bags under the eyes will not be difficult to eliminate. It is necessary to normalize your diet, monitor the amount of fluid consumed and carry out home procedures.

    What skin care products to use around the eyes

    The results of using homemade cosmetics are immediately noticeable: wrinkles are smoothed out, dark circles under the eyes disappear, bags disappear, the look becomes beautiful and attractive.

    Oils for the skin around the eyes

    Oil - good helper in the fight against wrinkles and is suitable for any age. Due to the fact that it is liquid and has an oily texture, the oil well moisturizes, smoothes and softens the skin. Remember, it is not recommended to use such products in the summer!

    Recipes for caring for the skin around the eyes using oils:

    1. Butter. Apply it to the area around the eyes using patting movements and leave overnight.
    2. Vitamin recipe. Take one tablespoon of olive oil, add three drops of vitamin A and E. Apply the oil twice a day with gentle movements to the skin around the eyes. To avoid excessive shine, blot with a napkin half an hour after application.
    3. Oil mixture. Take olive, peach, apricot oil in equal quantities. Add aevit to this mixture.
    4. Against crow's feet. Pour two tablespoons into a bowl olive oil, add two drops of rosemary, verbena, geranium. Moisturize the skin around your eyes with the mixture.
    5. Avocado oil. As a base, you need to take one tablespoon of avocado oil and add two drops essential oil fennel, orange and mint. Apply to the under eye area every evening.
    6. Corn oil. Place half a tablespoon of mint, calendula and burdock in a container. Add a quarter cup of corn oil, cover tightly and place in a dark place for a week. Apply this product to the skin under your eyes to get rid of wrinkles.
    Natural oils help improve the effectiveness of lifting eye creams. You can safely add them to jars and tubes. For these purposes, choose the following oils: mint, pine or rose. Mint perfectly refreshes, pine smoothes, and rose rejuvenates and gives elasticity to the skin.

    Eye cream

    The cream best eliminates dry skin due to its rich and dense structure. The advantage is that it can be used all year round. The only thing worth remembering is that for the summer you need to choose water-based products, and for the winter - fat-based ones.

    Recipes for homemade skin creams for the eye area:

    • Nutritious. Take one teaspoon of liquid honey and mix with a spoon of glycerin. Add also one spoon of gelatin (food powder) and five spoons of boiled water. Place the bowl with the mixture in a water bath and remove after ten minutes. Cool the mixture and apply to your eyelids every day.
    • Herbal cream. Pour boiling water over half a tablespoon of chamomile and linden flowers. The broth must be infused for fifteen minutes under a tightly closed lid, then strain. Next, take the butter; there is no need to melt it. You only need one tablespoon. Add two tablespoons of the broth to the oil and grind the resulting mixture to the consistency of a cream. Apply the product to your eyelids before going to bed.
    • Against dark circles. Chop the parsley and add two teaspoons of melted butter to one tablespoon of greens.
    • Eye cream. To prepare this cosmetic product at home, you will need solid cocoa butter. Place one teaspoon of this ingredient in a mug and dip it into another container of hot water. When the cocoa has melted, add a couple of drops of Santal and fennel essential oils and stir. After removing the mixture from the water bath, wait until it hardens.
    • Pork fat cream. Before using interior unsalted pork fat, it must be melted in a water bath. You only need one tablespoon. Add two tablespoons of any vegetable oil to the fat. The cream can be applied to the eyelid area no more than three times a week.
    • Anti-wrinkle. Take one tablespoon of margarine and rub it with one egg yolk. Add to this mixture the crushed flowers that still have pollen on them. You can choose rose petals, lily of the valley, jasmine or rose hips.
    Creams are the most convenient means of care. They are easy and simple to apply, they are quickly absorbed and do not require further rinsing.

    Masks for the skin around the eyes

    Everyone knows that facial skin needs to be taken care of: cleansing, moisturizing, making masks. There is a huge amount special masks and for the eye area. They help quickly deal with wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles. You can prepare the product at home using ordinary products.

    Mask recipes:

    1. Cucumber. The most famous and beloved cucumber mask is distinguished by its simplicity and effectiveness. Cut a fresh cucumber into rounds and place them on your eyes. Keep it for about twenty minutes.
    2. Curd. Set aside some regular cottage cheese from a pack and place it on the eye area. You can wash it off after twenty minutes.
    3. Potato anti-wrinkle mask. Pour one spoon of finely chopped parsley with half a glass of boiling water. Close tightly and wait fifteen minutes. Peel one potato and grate finely, one tablespoon is enough. Add two tablespoons of parsley decoction, after straining it. Pour one tablespoon of the vegetable oil you have at home into the resulting mixture. Place the vegetable grounds on gauze, wrap it well and apply it to your eyes for fifteen minutes. It is advisable not to wash your face after the mask.
    4. Egg mask. Take a raw egg yolk and gently apply it to the skin around your eyes. Rinse off after fifteen minutes.
    5. Bread mask. You will need a crumb of white bread. Soak it in warm vegetable oil and place under your eyes. Rinse off the paste with water after twenty-five minutes.
    6. Banana. Grind a spoonful of banana pulp with a spoonful of melted butter.
    7. Oatmeal. Take a tablespoon of small oat flakes and add to hot milk. Apply the porridge to the skin of the eyelids when the flakes swell. Keep the mask on for twenty minutes.
    8. Apricot mask. Mash the apricot pulp and add a teaspoon of rich sour cream. Before rinsing, keep the mixture under your eyes for fifteen minutes.
    9. Flax seed mask. You will need to pour cold water over a spoonful of seeds. Then bring the mixture to a boil and keep on fire until thick. Next, strain and apply the resulting product to the skin around the eyes for twenty-five minutes.
    Masks should not be left on the skin for more than thirty minutes. In addition, do not forget to rinse off the product with warm water or a herbal decoction.

    Aevit for the skin around the eyes

    Aevit is a vitamin complex sold in pharmacies. This drug appeared not so long ago, but has already become popular in cosmetology. It contains vitamin A (retinol), which moisturizes the skin around the eyes, treats eyelid diseases, fights dry skin, as well as vitamin E (tocopherol), which has a tightening effect, removes wrinkles, and rejuvenates.

    Aevit can be purchased in capsules containing an oily liquid. The drug is intended for oral administration, but it is also suitable for external use. The capsules are pierced and the contents are poured into a pre-prepared bottle. The medicine must be stored in a dark and dry place.

    Aevit can be applied, without diluting, to problem areas. But it is more effective to add it to creams and masks prepared by yourself.

    Recipes for cosmetics with Aevit:

    • Potato firming mask. Prepare mashed potatoes without adding butter or milk. Take a teaspoon of potatoes and combine with one Aevita capsule.
    • Refreshing mask. Take some parsley and chop until juice appears. You will only need two teaspoons of gruel and two capsules of the vitamin complex. Mix all ingredients and apply immediately after sleep. This will help you combat dull, tired eyes and relieve redness.
    • Cream mask. Mix three teaspoons of dairy products with three capsules of Aevit. This mask is good for those who experience dry eyelids.
    • Banana mask against dark circles. You will need two teaspoons of banana puree and two Aevit capsules.

    The drug combines well with oils, fruits and vegetables, which makes it universal for preparing various home cosmetics.

    Vitamin E for the skin around the eyes

    The vitamin of youth and beauty is very much loved by both manufacturers of cosmetic companies and ordinary customers. Vitamin E has another name - tocopherol.

    This dietary supplement has a lot of useful properties:

    1. Restorative. Helps cells renew and produces elastin and collagen in them.
    2. Anti-aging. Thanks to vitamin E, the aging process in cells slows down.
    3. Lifting effect. The skin tightens, becomes elastic and firm.
    4. Tonic. Vitamin E makes cell membranes strong and resistant to harmful effects of the external environment.
    5. Antioxidant. Free radicals tend to slow down the production of elastin and collagen, vitamin E protects tissues from such destruction.
    6. Moisturizing. Tocopherol prevents moisture from evaporating from cells.
    7. Medicinal. Protects against various diseases, and red blood cells from destruction.
    Tocopherol is sold in pharmacies in the form of capsules with oily contents. In addition, you can purchase vitamin E in the form of oil.

    To achieve maximum efficiency drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of use:

    • Make sure that tocopherol will not cause you an allergy. Apply a little product to your wrist and wait fifteen minutes. Individual intolerance will manifest itself in the form of burning, redness or itching. If these symptoms are not detected, you can start immediately cosmetic procedures.
    • Follow the time frame when applying masks with tocopherol. You cannot keep the product for more than twenty minutes.
    • Remove masks from the eyelid area with a warm herbal infusion.
    • Carry out cosmetic procedures with vitamin E every three days.
    • Be sure to remove any residue before applying the mask. decorative cosmetics.
    • After a month of treatment with tocopherol, you need to take a break to avoid hypervitaminosis.
    Vitamin E can be added to any mask a few drops. The cost of tocopherol is low, which makes this drug the most favorite among women of any age.

    Applying folk recipes, do not forget about the four steps of skin care: cleansing - removing makeup by delicate means; moisturizing - using oils; nutrition - applying creams, masks; eye protection from sun rays, frost and wind. Following these simple rules, your eyes will truly become a reflection of your pure and beautiful soul.

    How to care for the skin around the eyes - watch the video:

    Men love to look girls in the eyes, so it is so important to protect the skin of this area. Oils, creams, masks, vitamins are the main tools for caring for sensitive areas. For every problem related to eye fatigue or age, there is a solution.
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