• How to tan properly. Tips that will save you from premature aging and skin cancer. How to properly tan in the sun What to do for a better tan


    You need to be able to sunbathe. IN otherwise the sun can ruin your entire vacation. To quickly get an even chocolate shade without burning your skin, use the following tips.

    For whom is it harmful to sunbathe?

    Sunbathing is harmful for those people who have very fair skin and hair, who have a lot of moles on their body and age spots, who have very large moles, more than 1.5 cm. Such people are prone to sunburn, in addition, ultraviolet rays can cause a number of serious diseases in them. The best way out for you - self-tanning cream.

    If you are sure that tanning will benefit you, take note of the following rules.

    Golden rules for a beautiful tan

    A few weeks before your trip to the beach, you can prepare your skin for an intense tan by using a solarium. Five-minute solarium sessions twice a week will give your skin golden hue and natural protection against aggressive influences ultraviolet rays.

    During the first few days of sun exposure, you should use sunscreen. Remember that the most vulnerable places for sunburn- this is the nose, chest and shoulders. They need to be lubricated with cream every half hour of being on the beach.

    If you are vacationing in hot countries (Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Africa), in the first days do not sunbathe in the open sun for more than 5 minutes. Then gradually increase your time in the sun. In this case, the tanning effect will please you. Remember that sunbathing for more than an hour is not recommended.

    During the period from 12 to 14 o'clock in the afternoon the sun is especially hot, so it is best to spend this time in the shade. Optimal time sunbathing with health benefits - until 11 am.

    Before swimming, it is also necessary to lubricate the skin with a protective cream, since ultraviolet rays penetrate into the water to a depth of one and a half meters.

    If you sweat a lot, lubricate your skin with protective cream as often as possible, as sweat reduces its effectiveness.

    How to get a beautiful tan without burns?

    Don't go to the beach without sunglasses and a Panama hat. Remember that bright sun can cause fine lines and wrinkles to appear, and your hair without a hat in the sun can become dull and brittle.

    While sunbathing, try to change your position every 5-10 minutes, exposing your back and tummy alternately to the sun. If you are on the beach for more than an hour, you need to hide from direct sunlight under a canopy or umbrella.

    Let's go to the sea for a beautiful chocolate tan!

    How to tan quickly? It's no secret that the fastest and beautiful tan It turns out on the beach near a pond. Thanks to unique property water reflects the sun's rays, their effect is greatly enhanced. Your skin instantly tans even while swimming, since ultraviolet light works even in water.

    To enhance your tan, after swimming, do not pat your skin dry with a towel, but let it dry in the sun. Only in this case do you have an increased chance of getting sunburned, since water droplets in the sun have the properties of optical lenses.

    Sunbathing near water is more beneficial for the skin, as moist air softens the skin and prevents it from drying out. To avoid sunburn, use special tanning creams.

    How to speed up tanning. Tanning enhancers

    Fastest chocolate tan can be obtained if, during the beach season, you eat freshly squeezed juices from carrots or apricots every day.

    The safest way to speed up tanning is to use creams with special tanning additives. Such products can be used even on completely white skin in the first days of the beach season. The tanning stimulator cream increases the production of melanin, and also prevents sunburn, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. As a result, you get an even, beautiful and healthy tan.

    Another way to speed up your tan is to use tanning creams with a tingle effect. Such creams increase blood circulation in the skin, as a result, the melanin pigment is produced faster and the tan becomes more intense. After applying tingle cream, the skin may turn red, and there is also a high likelihood of allergies. Therefore, before using a new product, it is better to test it on a small area of ​​skin. It is better not to use Tingle cream on completely white, untanned skin; in addition, it is not recommended to apply it to the face at all.

    Creams for a beautiful tan

    To protect your skin from burns, you must use special tanning products with SPF (Sun Protection Factor). They will help retain moisture in the skin, prevent its premature aging, and also provide protection from ultraviolet rays. The SPF index in a cream can vary from 3 to 50, so choose the sun protective agent necessary in accordance with your skin phototype. The lighter and more sensitive your skin, the higher the SPF factor should be.

    In case of strong solar activity (from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.), it is recommended to use sunscreen with an SPF index of at least 20 - 30. For dark complexions skin will suit cream with protection factor 10.

    The cream should be applied to the skin in a thin layer with massage movements every 30 minutes of exposure to the sun. If you leave a thick layer of cream on the skin, you will get the opposite result: the cream will heat up in the sun and damage the skin.

    There are also tanning products that enhance the effect of the sun's rays, resulting in an intense, even, and beautiful tan.

    When buying tanning cream, pay attention to the label: it may be intended for tanning not in the open sun, but for a solarium. This cream does not contain protective components against UV rays, so using this cream on the beach can cause you to get sunburned.

    Oil for a beautiful tan

    The use of natural cosmetic oils is one of the quick ways get an even, beautiful and healthy tan without harm to the skin. It is convenient to buy a ready-made bottle of oil designed specifically for tanning from well-known manufacturers - AVON, NIVEA, GARNIER. They usually contain wheat, coconut, cocoa butter, avocado, palm, beta-carotene, vitamins, antioxidants, and SPF factors protecting against UV rays. The oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin, enhances the production of melanin, which promotes a quick chocolate tan, creates a thin protective film on the skin, smoothes it, and prevents premature aging. Apply oil to clean skin immediately after a shower or before going to the beach. After swimming in the sea, the oil is washed off, so a new coat must be applied. Be careful when using chemical, synthetic oils, as they often cause allergies. Attention: normal cosmetic oil without UV protection factors, it is recommended to use on prepared, tanned skin, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned. The only disadvantage of using tanning oils is that the beach sand will stick to your skin.

    Diet for a beautiful tan

    1. A beautiful chocolate tan largely depends on what foods we eat. The most powerful natural tanning activator is beta-carotene. It enhances the production of melanin pigment, which gives the skin beautiful shade. Many women have noticed that with daily consumption of orange and red fruits - carrots, apricots, peaches, the tan becomes brighter. Beta-carotene is also found in melon, pumpkin, watermelon, red peppers, apples and pears.

    2. The amino acid tyrosine also plays a large role in the production of melanin. A large number of Tyrosine is found in products of animal origin - liver, red meat, fish - tuna, cod, and it is also found in beans, almonds, avocados.

    3. Excipients in the production of melanin are also vitamin C, E, selenium and lycopene. Therefore, if you want to achieve an intense chocolate shade for a short time vacation, take a complex with mineral supplements a few weeks before your trip to the sea.

    Every beautiful lady wants to become the happy owner of smooth and tanned skin. This can be achieved in a solarium or while sunbathing. We are interested in the second option, so it makes sense to consider it in more detail. When thinking about how to tan quickly in the sun, you should take into account some nuances. It is necessary to prepare the body and skin for the procedure in advance.

    Important features of tanning in the sun

    1. Taking vitamins. Before you go on vacation, buy a multivitamin. The drug should be aimed at improving the condition of the skin. Start taking the composition 1-2 months before your vacation. If you ignore the recommendation, after a long stay under scorching sun the skin will begin to dry out and become flabby. Choose drugs that contain tocopherol, ascorbic acid, retinol, riboflavin. The listed vitamins are necessary for the epidermis to fully form. Eventually you will get even tan no stains.
    2. Carrying out scrubbing. It is known that the skin is renewed at the cellular level. From here, the epidermis begins to peel off, lose moisture and look unsightly. You will achieve all this if you ignore advice. So, 7-10 hours before sunbathing, remove dead skin cells. This can be done using homemade or purchased scrubs, peelings with fruit acids. After the procedure, do hair removal (hair removal is prohibited if less than a day has passed before the start of tanning).
    3. Choosing a place and time. To tan faster, choose an area near salt or fresh water sources. This could be a river bank, sea, lake, or any body of water. Some people practice tanning by the pool, as long as the water is free of chlorine. This recommendation will allow you to tan quickly and evenly. To get a beautiful skin tone, you should choose the right time period. To avoid burns, go to the beach before 11:00 am and after 4:00 pm. The listed intervals are considered the safest for human health.
    4. Body position. A quick and even tan is obtained only if you lie strictly “in the sun.” Before spreading the blanket, stand with your back to the sun and look at your shadow. You should place the bed at the same angle. After this, you can start sunbathing. Try to lie down on an incline so that your head is down and your legs are slightly higher.
    5. Use of protective equipment. Any tanning should be done only after first applying a cream or lotion with ultraviolet protection. Choose a product labeled “tanning.” Considered effective special oil. It acts like a magnifying glass, allowing you to get a quick and beautiful tan. The use of protective equipment is mandatory, otherwise you risk burning or getting a spotty tan.

    Doctors prohibit pregnant girls from being in the sun and sunbathing. Ladies who are on breastfeeding, can accept sunbathing, but with extreme caution. Avoid burns or severe overheating of the body.

    New mothers should adhere to the following rules:

    • choose the right time for tanning (9.00-10.00 or 16.00-17.00 hours);
    • when choosing a cream, study the effect of the composition on the child’s body;
    • take water with lemon juice with you;
    • the first tanning session lasts 15 minutes, gradually increase the duration to 1 hour;
    • never sunbathe without special means protection;
    • try to stay in the shade more.

    There are a number of certain diseases, in the presence of which sunbathing should be limited or completely eliminated. These include:

    • eye diseases;
    • varicose veins, spider veins;
    • oncology;
    • the presence of moles measuring 1.4 cm or more;
    • age restrictions (less than 5 years);
    • dysfunction of the genital organs;
    • melanoma;
    • high blood pressure;
    • precancerous diseases;
    • mental disorders;
    • fever, elevated temperature bodies;
    • taking hard antibiotics;
    • a lot of birthmarks, moles and freckles on the body;
    • tuberculosis;
    • violations endocrine system, in particular the thyroid gland;
    • infection;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • albino people (white hair and skin);
    • diabetes;
    • polycystic ovarian disease, mastopathy.

    Many people are interested in the question of at what body temperature you can visit the beach. The answer is obvious: you should feel healthy. If the temperature has risen to 37, you should only limit the duration of stay to 20 minutes. If there are inflammatory processes, postpone sunbathing until you have recovered.

    In addition to the obvious contraindications listed above, there are several other restrictions. So, you should not sunbathe when:

    • peeling and scrubbing performed less than 5 hours ago;
    • cleansing the skin of the face and body, performed less than a day ago;
    • presence of Botox injections (consult a specialist);
    • tattoo ( Permanent makeup), tattoos - protect with sunscreen;
    • carrying out hair removal within 24 hours;
    • wraps based on essential oils;
    • recent removal of warts and moles.

    Foods for a quick tan

    It is known that a beautiful, even tan can be obtained only if the release of melanin is stimulated in sufficient quantities. To increase the effect of sunbathing, eat the TOP 7 foods.

    1. Apricot - contains beta-carotene, which enhances melanin production and allows you to achieve an even tan. Fruits also contain B vitamins, iron and phosphorus. All these enzymes will preserve the released hormone, thereby increasing the durability of the tan. To achieve the effect you need to eat at least 0.2 kg. apricots daily.
    2. Carrots are a vegetable that occupies a leading position among girls who want to tan quickly in the sun. You can eat carrots in pure form or prepare fresh squeezed juice from it. A huge amount of beta-carotene will promote the production of melanin, make the skin even and smooth, and reduce stretch marks (if any). It is enough to eat 2 grated carrots, seasoned with oil, before going to the beach. An alternative is a glass of freshly squeezed juice (at least 0.3 liters).
    3. Tomato - tomatoes are aromatic vegetables that will not only speed up tanning, but also improve activity digestive system. Again, you can eat a salad with tomatoes or drink freshly pressed tomato juice. Lycopene, which is part of the vegetable, will make your tan golden, even if you are on the beach for a short time. Before sunbathing, eat 3 tomatoes or drink 300 ml. juice based on them.
    4. Citrus fruits - oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes - freshly squeezed juices can be prepared from all of these citrus fruits. Add honey to enhance the effect. You will get a quick tan with minimal exposure to the sun. To do this, drink 150 ml. juice with honey in the morning and 200 ml. - before direct access to the beach.
    5. Spinach is a vegetable loved for its low calorie content and impressive chemical composition. Spinach gives the tan a bronze tint with a hint of gold. It is enough to take the vegetable with you to the beach and consume it during your vacation. Reception is limited to 300 g.
    6. Oil with coffee is an amazing composition of folk cosmetology, which has gained wide popularity among girls of all ages. To prepare the product, grind a handful of coffee beans and mix with 100 ml. nut butter. Place the mixture in a dark glass jar and leave for 7 days. Then filter, apply to the skin and after half an hour go sunbathing.
    7. Eggplant - vegetables take care of the skin, give it elasticity, and help to obtain an even tan without spots and dark stripes. Eat boiled or stewed eggplants, but do not fry them. You can eat as much as you can handle per day. As a result, the sun will cover the skin with an even and soft tan in a short time.

    What to do to make your legs tan too

    1. From year to year, girls wonder what to cover the skin of their legs with so that they also tan. The problem is that the legs take the longest to tan, making them look very different from the rest of the body.
    2. There are certain rules that must be followed to achieve the desired effect. Try to lie down so that your legs are higher than your head. In this case, the lower limbs should be exposed to the sun's rays more often than other parts of the body.
    3. Exfoliate your feet well before heading to the beach. After 7-12 hours, go sunbathe. It is advisable to use coffee grounds or scrub from apricot kernels. Some girls simply rub their skin with a washcloth.
    4. To tan quickly, after swimming in a sea or fresh water source, dry your body skin and leave your feet wet. Drops of water will resemble a magnifying glass, thanks to which the sun will begin to shine better.

    Cosmetics manufacturers supply tanning products to their shelves to suit every taste and budget. It is advisable to choose products in the form of oil, they are more effective. Lean on foods that promote melanin production. Choose correct watch, do not visit the beach during the highest solar activity.

    Video: 8 rules for a perfect tan

    With the onset of the summer season, the desire to look attractive increases, and a beautiful tan gives the skin a special attractiveness. It’s not difficult to get it if you start preparing your skin from the beginning of the season, or even better a month before.

    The tan goes on better on a flat surface, healthy skin, so it is important to take its cleansing and nutrition seriously. You can moisturize and cleanse the epidermis at home.


    One of effective means To cleanse and moisturize the skin in the summer, tonics and lotions are considered.

    Cucumber lotion

    Do it yourself cucumber lotion or just green tea. The product will cleanse the skin of impurities and refresh it.


    Finely chop the cucumber. Add 3 tablespoons of finely chopped cucumbers to a glass of milk and boil for 5 minutes. Remove the broth from the heat, chop the cucumbers and filter the mixture. The lotion improves complexion and moisturizes the skin. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

    Green tea lotion ingredients

    Before using green tea lotion, it is advisable to know your skin type. The lotion is prepared for dry and oily skin with minor changes.


    Mix two tablespoons of dry green tea and the same amount of 3% vinegar. Pour the mixture into a dark glass vessel.

    For oily skin, add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the lotion.

    For dry, the same amount of any vegetable oil, olive.

    Close the container tightly and shake thoroughly. Store green tea lotion in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.


    In order for the tan to lie evenly on the skin and look beautiful, dead skin cells are removed before sunbathing. Peeling and scrub do the job well.

    • Peeling is the exfoliation of dead cells with fruit acids. It can be used for any skin type; there are practically no contraindications.
    • A scrub is a mechanical cleaning and contains small solid particles of fruit. Before using this product, ask your cosmetologist about your skin type.

    Dry or sensitive skin is easily damaged mechanical cleaning. For those with such epidermis, it is better to use peeling to exfoliate dead cells.

    Recipes for cleansing your skin

    • Squeeze lemon juice. Mix 2 tablespoons of juice with the same amount of sugar (preferably cane), add a teaspoon of sour cream to the mixture. The mass is applied to the face or body, trying to make as thick a layer as possible. After fifteen minutes, wash off.
    • Bred blue clay a small amount water to a paste, add a tablespoon sea ​​salt. The product is applied to the skin and massaged in circular movements. Wash off after 15 minutes.
    • Grind three aspirin tablets, add a teaspoon of water, and finally add 3 tsp. honey, stir. The product is applied to the face in a circular motion, lightly massaging the skin. Wash off the composition after 15 minutes.
    • Cut the grapes in half and massage your face and body. Wash off after 10 minutes.
    • Squeeze the juice out of a lemon, dip cotton wool in it and swipe massage lines, wash off after 10 minutes.

    After cleansing, you should not sunbathe immediately, so carry out the cleansing procedure a few days before the beach.

    Hydration and nutrition

    After the winter period, the skin requires nutrition and hydration, which manifests itself in flaking or dryness. The tan on such skin lies in an uneven layer with spots.

    When buying a cream in a store, they focus on its composition. Before the summer period, choose products that contain: white grapes, green tea, cucumber or tea tree extract.

    Recipes for a quick tan

    • Remove the skin from the tomato and rub the pulp through a sieve. Add 10 drops of vegetable oil and one teaspoon of starch to this puree and mix thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave for 20 minutes, rinse with water.
    • Mix the egg yolk with one finely grated carrot. Apply to skin. Wash off after half an hour.

    To, before summer season, the skin is accustomed to ultraviolet radiation, 3-4 times, visit the solarium (4 - 5 minutes each). Beta-carotene strengthens the tan, so after or before tanning, drink a glass of carrot juice.

    Purchase vitamins for tanning at the pharmacy. Drops with beta-carotene are called “Vetoron”; they contain vitamins C and E. Before use, consult a doctor.

    Skin protection

    The sun and other unfavorable environmental conditions do not affect in the best possible way on the skin, in order to avoid these consequences, use protective agents. For example: Nivea cosmetics contain a sunscreen for the face that helps avoid the appearance of wrinkles, while it moisturizes the skin and helps to get a beautiful tan.

    Purchase cream or lotion with sun protection factor at the pharmacy. Such products will protect the skin from unwanted burns and help it tan evenly. When choosing a protective agent against ultraviolet radiation, they are guided by the type of epidermis. With dark and normal skin Sunscreens with a USF filter of 20 - 35 are suitable; for pale skin, the USF filter should be above 50.

    When buying tanning oils in a store, pay attention to their protective factor. For example: Garnier Intensive Tanning Oil has a very low protective factor, it does not exceed SPF-2. People with fair skin should use oils with caution. Use them after the skin gets used to the sun. The oil is applied first to the feet, and after taking several sunbathings to the whole body. It is not advisable to use it on delicate facial skin.

    Summer is the season of relaxation, fun and a beautiful tan. Every girl dreams of getting a beautiful and even tan like on the cover of a magazine. But, in the end, tanning is not easy, without burnt skin, peeling, and pain.

    Many people ask the following questions: “What needs to be done to make the skin acquire a dark, golden hue?” "How to protect your skin from negative impact ultraviolet rays? “How to prevent accelerated skin aging?” AND main question: “How to achieve a beautiful and even tan?” There are several secrets on how to achieve this goal, I will tell you about them below.

    What is tanning?

    A tan- This is a change in skin color (darkening) under the influence of sunlight. The skin acquires a dark shade due to accelerated melanin production, this is a kind of protective reaction of the body to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Melanin absorbs ultraviolet radiation and protects tissue in the deep layers of the skin from radiation.

    5 golden rules for an attractive tan:

    Before you start tanning, you must first prepare your body. For the very first time, before sunbathing, take a shower, or better yet, exfoliate dead cells skin), this will help the tan apply evenly.

    Do not rush directly into the sun's rays, as you may get a burn or other health problems. After clothing, the skin should get used to and adapt to intense sunbathing; on the first day, start with 10 - 20 min with a gradual increase in the amount of time spent under the sun.

    According to medicine, melanin is produced in the skin in about 50 minutes, i.e. Spending more time in the sun is not recommended. It is advisable to stretch adaptation from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the frequency of sunbathing.

    In the process of tanning and generally being under the sun, whether it is traveling to work or other concerns that require your presence under the sun, it is mandatory to use sunscreen. Before going outside, apply a thick layer of sunscreen to exposed skin.

    It is important when choosing a sunscreen to pay attention to the factor SPF ( Sun Protection factor ).

    Its level varies from 2 to 50. Depending on the marking, you can determine the degree of protection against ultraviolet radiation. SPF marked 2 - indicates the lowest level of protection and, accordingly, SPF marked 50 - the most high level patronage.

    As is known, than lighter skin, the more it requires protection, especially for children and fair-haired people, with bright eyes. IN in this case use a cream with SPF 50 - it will intensely protect your skin and prevent it from burning under the sun. When a tan appears, you can gradually reduce the SPF to 30, 20, etc. It should be noted that fairly tanned people also need to use sunscreen, since solar radiation is merciless to all people.

    Please note that the cream must be applied every 20 minutes. Proper use of the cream will not only provide you with an even tan, but will also protect you from dry skin and premature wrinkles.

    Sunbathing should be taken when the sun's rays are at an oblique angle to the ground; they are not as dangerous due to their greater scattering, in contrast to the incidence of the rays at a right angle. That is, most the right time for a soft and even tan, in the morning before 11.00 and in the evening after 16.00. In the period between 11.00 - 16.00, it is not recommended to be under the sun at its zenith; it is dangerous both for your skin and for your overall health. During this period of time, try to stay indoors or in the shade, and wear light, covering clothing to prevent your skin from getting burned.

    To speed up the tanning process, you need to take into your diet special foods, the substances of which accumulate under the skin and under the sun tend to produce melanin. These include: carrots, peaches, apricots, melons, watermelon, pumpkin, grapes, mango, coconut- these products will help you quickly get a beautiful and even tan.

    One of the most effective ways is to drink a glass carrot juice in front of the beach.

    Tomatoes and tomato paste - these products contain an antioxidant such as lycopene, which enhances skin protection and increases the level of procolagen, which, in turn, prevents skin aging, makes it more protected from burns and stronger. Drink 50 g of tomato juice a day, along with olive oil, it will help you get a safe and gentle tan.

    Vitamin C. Before the beach, consuming products with this vitamin will relieve you of excessive skin pigmentation. Great to drink before the beach green tea with lemon.

    To avoid burns and get an even tan, you just need to follow a few simple rules behavior on the sea beach.

    Beautiful summer, bright sun, endless sea, beautiful sandy beach - how long have we been waiting for this and dreaming about it! And, of course, any vacation on the coast is accompanied by a beautiful golden tan. Ideally. In fact, it often ends in sunburned skin, sleepless nights, and sometimes a fever that quickly rises as a result of sunburn. How to sunbathe properly at sea?

    Ultraviolet radiation has an extremely Negative influence on skin covering, drying it. Therefore, you should first prepare for contact with the sun. And moisturizing and nourishing creams will help with this, which you need to use liberally some time before your trip to the sea.

    • This is interesting:

    If you have a lot sensitive skin, It’s better to visit a solarium 2–3 weeks before your vacation. Two or three times for 5 minutes will be enough for the cells to get used to ultraviolet radiation and more easily endure the encounter with the scorching sun. So, by the time you start resting, your body will have a light golden hue - the likelihood of getting sunburned will be significantly reduced, and the tan will apply quickly and evenly. And you will look beautiful from the very first day on the beach.

    How to protect yourself from sunburn

    At the beginning of your vacation, use a cream with a high content of SPF and/or UVA components. After a few days, it would be correct to change it to a weaker level of protection. The most sensitive places that burn the fastest are the nose, shoulders, chest, they need to be lubricated with special care.

    There are 2 types of sunscreens: blocking or screening harmful radiation. Thus, products that shield the rays of the sun, upon contact with the skin, form a special film that absorbs ultraviolet radiation.

    • Read also:

    Most types of such cream protect only from 1 type of UV rays: A or B. And the other is passed through. This is their disadvantage. Blocking creams reflect the sun's rays. They are effective for both type A and type B radiation. There are also products with a water-repellent effect - they will protect you even after contact with water.

    How to sunbathe on the beach

    1. When is the best time to sunbathe at sea? From sunrise until noon at most, then from 4 pm until sunset. At lunchtime, the sun is most aggressive, and staying under it at this time is fraught with rapid burns and sunstroke. No matter how convenient it may be to sunbathe on the beach at this time, resist the temptation.

    2. You should start with 5–10 minutes, daily increasing the time spent in the open sun. Spend the rest of the time under an umbrella or in the shade of trees. This way you will get an even, beautiful tan, and your skin will not start to peel off after a few days.

    3. You should not use it before sunbathing. eau de toilette, essential oils, creams based on mineral fats.

    4. Lie down on the beach so that the sun warms your feet, i.e. its light fell along the entire body. Raise your head a little - this way the light will not hit your eyes, but your neck, on the contrary, will open up and sunbathe.

    5. Every 10 minutes, change your position, turning the other side of your body towards the sun.

    6. Every 20 minutes, swim in the sea, river, pool or take a shower, depending on the place where you sunbathe.

    7. There is an opinion that a wet body gets a tan faster. This is correct, but in order for it to lie evenly, it is necessary to blot the body with a towel so that no large drops of water remain. The drops act as lenses and attract ultraviolet light. Thus, in places where droplets accumulate, the darkening will appear more clearly, and the body will seem to be covered with spots - this can be seen quite clearly against a light background.

    8. It is best to sunbathe on the beach 1-2 hours after eating, this is how the body can most easily tolerate the stress of encountering ultraviolet radiation.

    9. To avoid sunstroke, be sure to wear a headdress when going to sea: a cap, a hat, a Panama hat, etc.

    10. Be careful with sunglasses, do not sunbathe in them, otherwise there will be unsightly marks on your eyes.

    11. You will tan faster on the beach than by the pool. Sea water attracts the sun's rays more strongly.

    12. In order to get a beautiful, even and rich tan, you need to spend at least 2 weeks at sea. And people with light shade– up to 1 month.

    As already mentioned, ultraviolet radiation dries out the skin, so it is necessary to nourish and moisturize it with creams. Also, use a scrub a couple of times a week to remove dead skin cells. If you have sensitive skin, reduce the use of the scrub to once a week.

    How to maintain a tan after the sea for a long time

    Getting a beautiful and even tan is only half the battle. After all, literally in a week it will already begin to “climb off.” To prolong his life, drink carrot juice, eat yellow and orange fruits. Don't forget to use nourishing cream, moisturize your body. Spray yourself thermal water. Use special cosmetics, which help preserve the chocolate shade.

    • Do not miss:

    Knowing how to sunbathe properly at sea, you can quickly get a beautiful tan and significantly reduce the risk of getting sunburned. Gentle and affectionate sun to you! Let your holiday on the beach give you the best impressions!

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