• How to make your facial skin healthy. Ideally healthy skin, or your own cosmetologist


    Radiant, healthy skin for any person is rarely an exclusively luxurious gift from Mother Nature, because, every day, faced with unfavorable environmental factors: negative impact external environment, constant stressful situations, unbalanced nutrition, lack of sleep and other “charms” of modern civilization, our cover begins to show the first signs of withering. Only careful daily care can rejuvenate “tired” skin, make it matte and velvety. youth.

    In addition, ideal healthy skin is unthinkable without rational, balanced nutrition. All effective strict mono-diets deplete the dermis, deprive it of nutrients and sufficient hydration, which leads to its premature aging. No less harmful are baked goods and sweets, fried and spicy foods, leading to disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, constipation and rashes on the epidermis. Only normalization of the diet, inclusion of the entire spectrum useful vitamins and minerals for the whole body, including the skin, will help give you healthy color good look. And this, as you know, is one of the main reasons for a successful career, personal life and life in society.

    Many problems are created for the skin: violations of the normal work and rest regime, chronic stress, lack of sleep and bad habits. Eight hours of sleep, solving problems as they come, will help reduce our skin's susceptibility to early wrinkles, dryness and redness. At night, as is known, active restoration of cells of all layers of the integument occurs, so ignoring rest leads to the formation of early age-related changes.

    Healthy skin requires both superficial daily care and regular deep cleansing, moisturizing, toning, nutrition. Depending on its type: oily, dry or combination (mixed), suitable procedures are selected.

    By caring for the epidermis - the uppermost, visible layer of our skin, it is cleansed, moisturized, toned, nourished and protected. The face especially needs all these “magic” procedures. Healthy facial skin is “ business card" any person. You need to wash your face with soft water every day. If our grandmothers used melt or rain water for this, then in the conditions of urban civilization, if you cannot find a clean natural source, you can soften it with boiled water. To do this, we’ll buy some borax at the pharmacy and add a teaspoon of the substance to two liters of liquid.

    Instead of water, ice cubes will cleanse the skin while toning collagen and elastin fibers. Store-bought cosmetics from well-known manufacturers with properties to slow down the aging process, restore healthy color, or prepared independently from soft water, herbal decoctions, are used to wipe the face and collar area.

    Healthy skin, after cleansing, gratefully accepts alcohol-free tonics or lotions based on medicinal herbs, with a suitable acidic or alkaline pH. These products not only continue to cleanse our dermis, but also soothe it, disinfect, soften and tone it.

    Deep cleansing of oily skin is carried out with a scrub once every 7 days, dry skin - once every 30 days, normal skin - once every 14 days. Natural is suitable for all dermis types and is a favorite abrasive for exfoliation. After drinking a cup of divine aromatic drink, add sour cream or cottage cheese, banana pulp or honey, and olive oil to the thick mixture. Apply to the T-zone, cheekbones and cheeks, lightly work them in with circular massaging movements and wash off after 15 minutes.

    Skin health will noticeably improve if you pamper it with steam baths once a week. Ancient beauties often resorted to them, considering them a miraculous method of rejuvenation. Today, steam compresses and baths are very popular among women. They are done in order to open and cleanse the pores, improve blood microcirculation and oxygen supply to cells, restore and release toxins and dirt onto the surface of the cover. This magical method of imparting youth is used with pleasure by beauties. Add a few drops of aromatic oils to the decoction of herbs: chamomile and calendula, lavender and cloves.

    After cleansing, moisturizing and toning, calmed skin needs to be nourished. Healthy dermis will gladly accept daytime nutritious cream, suitable for her type if you are in a hurry. In the evening, you can apply a night cream; it is designed to restore cells, so it will always nourish the outer and inner layers. If you want to pamper yourself longer, apply your own prepared nourishing mask. At home, you can prepare any mask from products that will create an effect no worse than overseas miracle potions.

    The change of seasons should always be accompanied by a change in cosmetics. protective equipment. If in winter temperature changes, frost and cold wind create the need to use richer nourishing creams, then in summer it is better to give preference to moisturizing gels and creams with a light texture and appropriate SPF (Sun Protection Factor), which effectively protects against scorching sun rays.

    Then this article is exactly what you need. After all, your face is your “business card”, it is an indicator of your health and your attitude towards yourself. So now everyone wants to have healthy skin.

    This topic was once very relevant for me. It is still important to me now, but before I had considerable problems with my facial skin. My skin type is oily and therefore acne is a problem ( acne) and acne is very familiar to me!

    I started having these problems since childhood and eventually they became the cause of complexes and self-doubt.

    What I didn’t do to have healthy skin.

    I went to doctors, visited a dermatologist in an expensive private clinic. I was prescribed a lot of expensive creams, then they did peeling several times (a very unpleasant and painful procedure, after which my skin peeled off for several days and I walked around all red and applied panthenol for burns), but as I was then told that this was necessary to renew skin. What won't you do for beauty...

    When this did not give results, I was prescribed hormones. This was too much for me, and I refused such services. And I’m already silent about how much money I spent on all this.

    But, as they say, whoever seeks will always find.

    I began to develop in the topic of health, attended health schools, studied a lot useful information about nutrition and, on top of that, I met very good cosmetologist, whose services I still use.

    This is where all my skills areoSkin problems began to be solved one after another.

    Now I have completely gotten rid of these problems with the help of several simple steps, such as physical exercise, proper nutrition, cleansing the body and regular daily skin care.

    You can improve appearance your skin through good habits practiced on a daily basis!

    Most experts believe that the secret to beautiful, healthy skin lies in the overall healthy way life, sanity, and a simple skin care regimen that's easy to stick to.

    Let's take a closer look at this issue. So, what can you do to have perfect skin?

    Quit smoking

    Smoking negatively affects the skin both directly and indirectly. Studies have been conducted and they have proven that people who smoke and relax outdoors without sunscreen look much older than their peers. Their skin has more wrinkles and fine lines.

    Smoking contributes premature aging and at the same time negatively affects the entire body. And the first thing this affects is your skin!

    Therefore, if you smoke, then the best thing you can do for your skin and body as a whole is to quit smoking!

    Stick to a simple daily skin care routine

    Some people tend to think that the more creams and different drugs they use, the faster and better they will get results. However, any dermatologist will tell you that misuse cosmetic products– this is the main mistake of most people who want to have healthy and beautiful skin.

    Combining multiple ingredients may cause irritation or allergic reactions!

    All you need for healthy skin is a gentle cleanser, natural sunscreen, and moisturizer.

    Simple skin care routines like cleansing, protecting and moisturizing are easier to stick to every day. It is also advisable to use body scrubs once a week to eliminate dead cells on your skin and make it smooth and beautiful.

    be patient

    Most beauty products take time for you to notice their effects. You shouldn’t change the cream right away if you don’t see results on the second day. Follow the course to the end to see how it works.

    With seasonal changes, you also need to change your beauty products. When it's summer and hot you can use an oil-free moisturizer, and when it's cold use a heavier cream.

    For example, this is what I do: in the summer I have only one cream with a non-greasy texture, and in the winter I use another cream with a thicker consistency to moisturize and nourish the skin.

    However, you must always remember that if a particular cosmetic product causes you irritation or allergies, then discard it immediately!

    “Enrich” your skin before bed

    Many of us have a fairly busy work schedule and during the day we are so tired that in the evening we do not have enough time for our skin. And this is a big mistake!

    Always remove makeup before going to bed and cleanse your face of any impurities that have accumulated during the day. If you go to bed with makeup on and without basic cleansing, it clogs your pores even more, irritation begins, and acne becomes even more inflamed. As a result, the skin condition only worsens.

    Before going to bed after cleansing, always apply a moisturizer to nourish your skin.

    Your skin is a reflection of your lifestyle.

    There are several ways you can improve your lifestyle for the sake of your health and skin.

    Healthy skin and lifestyle:

    • Refusal bad habits(from excessive drinking and smoking);
    • Follow the rules of healthy sleep (sleep 7-8 hours);
    • Regular exercise, exercise, at least 2.5 hours a week;
    • Change your diet: reduce sweets (no more than 200 grams per day), include more vegetables and fruits in your diet and replace coffee with green tea;
    • Do yoga or meditation, as stress contributes to the rapid appearance of wrinkles and various disorders;
    • Avoid excessive sun exposure.

    Make natural face masks at home

    For example, a mask to cleanse pores. Done once a week.

    For the mask you will need:

    ✓ 1-napkin;

    ✓ brush.

    Take two bowls and separate the white from the yolk. Knock them down well. Then take a special brush and carefully apply the protein all over your face. Remember that you do not need to apply it to the areas under your eyes.

    Then take a napkin (after making holes for the eyes and lips), place it carefully on your face and apply the protein on top of it again.

    Leave the napkin on your face until completely dry. Then carefully remove it.

    The skin becomes soft. But that is not all.

    Now take the yolk and apply it generously all over your face with a brush (also avoiding the area under the eyes). The yolk will soften your skin even more.

    As soon as the yolk dries, it should be washed off with cool water.

    Apply moisturizer at the end, as protein tightens the pores and thus tightens the skin.

    If you have a lot of blackheads on your face, then better effect you can add 1 tablespoon of sugar to the protein.

    This is one of the most affordable and simple masks that you can do at home.

    As for how to cleanse my skin, my cosmetologist advised me on the first day to simply wash my face with baby soap. And I will say that the effect is no worse than that of expensive foams and washing gels.

    And what is most important for those who want to have healthy skin is not to use foundations and powders, so as not to clog pores and, of course, not to squeeze out pimples!

    And another version of the mask that I often use myself is a mask based on the herb St. John's wort.

    Since I have oily skin, it helps me a lot.

    Take table 2. spoons of St. John's wort herb and pour 4 tablespoons of it. boiling water Stir and leave for 15-20 minutes. Apply the resulting paste onto your face, avoiding the areas around the eyes. You need to keep the mask on for about 15 minutes. Then wash off with cool water. Do the mask no more than 2 times a week.

    Or another option for using the herb St. John's wort.

    This decoction helps with acne.

    So, take 1 table. spoon of dried St. John's wort herb (chopped) and pour 1 cup. boiling water Let it sit for 20 minutes, and then wash your face with it before bed every night. You can wipe it generously with a cotton pad. It is important not to blot your face with a towel, but to let it dry.

    If your skin is not as healthy and beautiful as you would like, remember that there are many natural ways make her healthier by following simple recommendations for daily care for the skin.

    You don't have to use expensive cosmetics to improve the health of your skin. Simple homemade cosmetic procedures and lifestyle changes play an important role when it comes to the health of your body and skin.

    The worst thing you can do for your skin is to neglect regular care and not stick to it. simple rules which I described in this article.

    Have healthy skin everyone wants, but the question is what kind of lifestyle do you lead and what rules do you follow to keep your skin healthy?

    IN modern world when the atmosphere is very polluted, protect your facial skin from negative impact very difficult. Since it is the face that reflects our age, we need to start as early as possible and do it regularly. Negative factors affecting beauty are also constant stress, overwork and constant lack of sleep.

    To protect the skin and restore it former attractiveness You can use cosmetics from trusted manufacturers, which are available in large quantities on the shelves of women's stores.

    But really effective means made from natural ingredients are sometimes very expensive. But there is no need to be upset, because you can use regular fruits and vegetables to make your facial skin glow again.

    What can determine the condition of the skin?

    Make your face attractive with cosmetics and a variety of masks are possible. But the effect of such procedures will be short-lived and to prevent this from happening, you must definitely adjust your diet.

    It should be dominated by fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, while the consumption of flour, sweet and too fatty foods is better to limit or eliminate altogether. What skin problems do women usually face? This:

    • A rash that can appear if the skin is too oily and is not properly cared for.
    • Loose and aging skin, which usually begins to bother women.
    • Dull skin, the face looks stale.
    • Dry skin, which is also very flaky, also causes a lot of trouble for its owner.

    There are several skin types: dry, oily and combination. Each of them requires special care, so to always look attractive, you need to adhere to these simple rules.

    You need to understand that the skin will be negatively affected by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and an abundance of bad habits (including addiction to alcohol, smoking and caffeine-containing drinks).

    Also, skin problems can be caused by incorrectly selected decorative cosmetics (the age factor and woman’s skin type were not taken into account during the selection process).

    Therefore, you need to monitor your lifestyle and adhere to the following recommendations that will be useful at any age and will help improve your appearance:

    1. Diet. It should be dominated by fresh and natural products- this will invariably affect the condition of the skin and it will improve.
    2. Required amount of liquid. Scientists have proven that for the normal functioning of all body systems and health, it is necessary to consume at least 2 liters of clean, still water per day.
    3. Fresh air. Sitting at a computer for a long time is not only harmful to the skin, so you need to make it a rule to take short walks in the fresh air.
    4. Proper sleep. To feel great, get rid of dull eyes and circles under the eyes, you need to get a good night's sleep. You need to allocate at least 8 hours for sleep, but if attempts to sleep end in fiasco, try taking short walks before bed and drink some natural lemon balm tea at night.
    5. Cleansing and care. It is necessary to devote enough time not only to applying makeup, but also to removing it. Going to bed without washing off your makeup is very bad; it will only worsen your skin condition. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a special tonic and makeup remover lotion, which is applied to the skin before bed to give it time to rest.
    6. You need to understand what to achieve beautiful skin You can only take care of it regularly, so spend enough time on yourself and your appearance.

    How to improve your facial skin with proper nutrition?

    You can tell a lot about your health by the condition of your skin. If it peels too much or, on the contrary, the sebaceous glands secrete too much sebum, this is a reason to think about your health and go to the doctor.

    In this case, we can recommend a comprehensive examination and undergo several doctors at once. The main reason why skin can become problematic is problems with the digestive tract. Additionally, you need to check the condition of the liver and the level of blood hormones.

    How to restore facial skin healthy looking? It's usually enough to just start eating right. If you have oily skin, it is best to limit your intake of sugar and fatty foods. Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits, and flour and spicy foods with vegetables and fruits.

    You need to understand that problem skin may cause rashes and acne if your blood sugar rises sharply. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your diet and not rely solely on cosmetics.

    It often happens that with visible dehydration. In this case, you need to drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day (this does not include concentrated juices, sparkling water and sparkling mineral water). To further normalize metabolic processes and speed up metabolism, do not forget about fermented milk products.

    Dry skin can be eliminated by including more foods in your diet that are rich in vitamins C, A, and E. They will help remove free radicals from the body and the condition of the skin will noticeably improve.

    Don't forget about antioxidants - these are substances that remove toxins from the body. A large number of they are found in vegetables and green tea. Therefore, if you need to restore your skin's blooming appearance, several cups of green tea with lemon a day should become a new, healthy habit.

    How to make your skin healthier with cosmetics

    Cosmetology offers a lot of products that will help fight skin aging, wrinkles and other skin problems. All care should take place in several stages:

    1. Cleansing.
    2. Hydration.
    3. Nutrition.

    They need to be performed using only products that are suitable for your age category and your skin type. IN otherwise the condition can only get worse.

    Products intended for washing should not contain any aggressive substances that will... You can use a special lotion, soft water, or simply wipe your face with an ice cube. A herbal decoction or green tea that has been frozen in ice cube trays works well for this purpose.


    Often when washing oily skin becomes very dry, sebum begins to be released more actively and the opposite can be achieved desired result. Therefore, you need to devote enough time to moisturize it.

    A light moisturizer is perfect for this purpose; after using it, it will not clog your pores and result in pimples. Also, all ladies who by nature have problematic skin faces.

    Peeling and the use of scrubs containing abrasive particles are contraindicated for them. To thoroughly cleanse the skin and achieve its softness, it is better to use peeling with fruit acids from trusted manufacturers.

    The skin of the face is not only the “calling card” of every woman, it is also an organ of the excretory system, through which various harmful substances, such as salts and chemical compounds. If sweating does not work effectively, harmful substances enter the skin and cause point inflammation. Especially for this purpose, this article will present a unique 28-day skin care complex that will help it restore its functions and acquire a healthy appearance.

    Why exactly 28 days, it would seem, is this long process, however, this can be explained simply: it is during this period that new epithelial cells are born on the surface of the skin.

    Day 1.

    So, without wasting time, from the very first day you need to start the procedure with cleansing manipulations, but first you need to decide on a complete cleaning mechanism that will correspond specifically to your individual structure of the skin tissue. Today in the arsenal modern woman and on supermarket shelves there are a large number of products: soap and gel cleansers, cream-based lotions, micellar water.

    Day 2.

    We begin actions to separate the stratum corneum from the dermis. In the morning, we clean the face, apply 1 teaspoon of bee products to the skin of the face in a single layer. We massage the face with rapid rhythmic tapping actions of the fingertips for 5 minutes. Then you need to rinse it with warm water and, using a cotton swab, roller, sponge or spray bottle, sprinkle your face with a tonic composition in accordance with your skin type. In the evening, you need to change your regular cream or cleansing milk to “Pineapple or Papaya Exfoliating Cream” or “Almond Exfoliating Cream.” Data natural remedies contain non-synthetic amino acids, promoting natural and harmless gentle peeling and cleansing of the skin.

    Almond Exfoliating Scrub:

    1 teaspoon of cosmetic cream (preferably higher fat content for the thickest consistency), 1 teaspoon of crushed almonds (the smaller the grind, the more deeply the nut will be able to seep into the pores of the skin). Mix. Gently rub the product into the skin for 2 – 5 minutes. (focus on the feeling of burning or redness on the face). The composition should be removed with a soft, clean towel or cloth soaked in room temperature water.

    Pineapple – papaya exfoliating scrub.

    1 teaspoon of sour cream + the same amount of freshly squeezed pineapple and papaya juice. When rubbing the medicine into the dermis, it is necessary to especially carefully massage the area of ​​the chin and nasal wings. Since these zones contain the greatest amount of subcutaneous fat and urgently require the deepest peeling. Leave the cream for a few minutes. – until you feel a slight tingling sensation on your face. After this, remove also with a soft linen item previously soaked in lukewarm water.

    After these operations, sprinkle your face with floral water. Water from dried rose petals, chamomile and calendula decoctions are suitable.

    Day 3. Cleansing with steam.

    Upon completion (depending on what suits you best) of facial cleansing, you need to perform steam bath for skin. This causes rich sweating and promotes the removal of harmful toxic organic compounds from the internal layers of the face and torso; the still hot evaporation of water forces the skin pores to increase in volume and, getting inside, breaks down subcutaneous sebum; after this manipulation, it most freely enters the skin plane, thereby preventing the origin and development of blackheads.

    Hydrothermal effects.

    Pour boiling water into a large vat or basin, bend over the dish so that your face is parallel to it, cover yourself with a clean, preferably terry cloth so that it covers the entire water cover and creates a hermetically sealed space. It takes 3 – 5 minutes. steam the skin. If desired, taking into account the structure of the dermis, it is allowed to add plant or essential components. After time has passed, wash your face with cold water; this action will remove toxic compounds that have come to the surface. The bath is indicated for variations in skin structure; it is certainly relevant for acne-prone skin that secretes excess oil. An absolute contraindication is only those who are completely susceptible to external factor with increased sensitivity, skin prone to breaking blood vessels, allergic rashes and dermatitis, and even if acne pimples form at high atmospheric temperatures (more than 25 degrees) or hot climate.

    To achieve a well-deserved result of deeper cleansing, you can add rosemary or chamomile into the water.

    An excellent result can be achieved with this cleansing method: you need to take a rectangularly cut piece of 100% cotton material or a wide two-layer bandage according to the volume of your face, and soak it in onion juice that has been pre-settled for 3 days in a dark place (to remove the effect of a sharp aroma and burning sensation). After carefully getting rid of excess onion infusion, apply the cloth on your face like a lotion for 10 minutes. In this case, you need to take a horizontal position and try to completely relax your whole body. At the end of this procedure, irrigate your face with a refreshing floral infusion of any dried flowers.

    Day 4. Hydrothermal exposure.

    After the skin cleansing process, it is necessary to apply clay mask. There are no fundamental indicators, the main thing is that the composition of the clay matches your skin type (read on the packaging of the product). After 15 - 25 minutes. Rinse off the clay with water and refresh the skin with a floral remedy.

    Day 5. Active hydration.

    You need to prepare a moisturizing base at home. With this particular manufacturing method, you can achieve a proportion of water and oil that is most structurally identical to your dermis composition.

    Recipes for moisturizing compositions.

    Neroli-based moisturizer.

    1 teaspoon of snow-white hard wax

    1 teaspoon cocoa bean butter

    1 teaspoon lard

    1 tbsp. spoon of clary sage

    1 tablespoon rose water

    1 tbsp. spoon of herbal infusion

    10 drops tocopherol acetate

    fresh cucumber, grated

    1 teaspoon of pharmaceutical glycerol

    1 tbsp. spoon of agave

    10 drops rose petal concentrate

    Melt ingredients containing animal fat by heating: lard, chocolate tree oil, beeswax using steam. To avoid overdose, add essential oil, neroli and herbal infusion one drop at a time, stirring continuously with a non-metallic object. Remove from flame. Open the capsule of tocopherol acetate (E) by squeezing and pour into the liquid, then add ethnotera oil and glycerin of animal etiology. Cool the finished product. Having reached a slightly warm temperature (10-15 degrees), add liquid aloe and essential oil to the product. It is necessary to transfer the composition to a container wrapped in foil or dark paper and store the contents of the container in a cool place. Shelf life – months.

    Jasmine tincture

    2h. chocolate tree spoons

    2h. spoons of white beeswax bee pollen

    1 teaspoon fat

    3 tablespoons olive oil

    5 tablespoons boiled or distilled water

    2 tbsp. spoons of liquid aloe

    2 drops vitamin A

    2 drops jasmine essential oil

    2 drops of burdock oil

    Melt the cocoa butter in a water bath, along with wax and cosmetic animal fat. Add olive oil drop by drop, pouring in little by little and stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon. The result of the process should be a whitish liquid. Remove pan from heat source. Squeeze axerophthol (A) into the mixture and cool the composition. When the mixture reaches a temperature of 15 degrees, pour in aloe juice and essential oil. Pour the mixture into a container or jar and store at a temperature of 18-22 degrees for 1 month.

    It is allowed to be transferred to the face either in the form of a gauze-based mask or by wiping the face with a cotton swab soaked in a moisturizing solution.

    Day 6. Hydrotherapy

    When you get up in the morning, before applying a moisturizer to your face, wash it off. mineral water without gas, or with water from a source. And if possible, you should not use it on this day decorative cosmetics, it is better to repeat the washing procedure as often as possible.

    Day 7. Store water and soften the skin

    You need to make a healing mask: 1 teaspoon of squeezed aloe, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 drop of bergamot or geranium essential oil. Leave on face for 15 minutes. Later, rinse with lukewarm water, dry your face with a clean towel or napkin and apply a moisturizing composition (see above).

    Day 8. Renewal of the natural protective layer of the dermis.

    In the evening, you need to cleanse your face with the cleansing composition you have selected, steam the skin pores - either in a water bath or by taking a hot shower and massage Nourishing Restorative Oil into the skin. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of almond oil, 10 drops of coconut oil, 1 teaspoon of wheat germ extract, 3 drops of patchouli oil, 3 drops of grapefruit oil. Mix all ingredients, apply to skin for 20-25 minutes, after excess oil, blot with a napkin, sprinkle your face with a refreshing product and moisturize.

    Day 9. Nutrient supply

    At night, you need to do the cleansing process, apply a thin layer of a refreshing agent to the dermis, and then rub 2 teaspoons of “Calorie Mass” into the skin: 3 tbsp. spoons aloe, 4 tbsp. spoons of wild rose fruits, 10 drops of carrot juice seeds, 1 teaspoon of vitamin A, 5 drops of pacioli oil, 4 drops of eucalyptus, 2 drops of orange. Mix all the ingredients and store in the refrigerator, but not for more than a month.

    Day 10. Additional accumulation of nutrients

    After the cleaning procedure using tapping movements, you need to apply one of the high-calorie masks to the skin.

    Calorie mass.

    1 dessert spoon aloe, 2 tbsp. l Leuzea oil, 15 drops. carrot juice, 1 tsp vitamin A, 5 drops rosemary, 4 drops rose hip decoction, 3 drops ylang-ylang oil. Pour aloe juice into a glass container, stirring in the rose hips. Add carrot and leuzea extract drop by drop, crush a vitamin A capsule, then add an unrivaled scent to the mixture with rosemary or ylang-ylang oils. Store in a cool place for no more than 4 weeks.

    Calorie elixir

    1 dessert spoon of almond flakes, 2 tbsp. spoons of low-fat curdled milk, a couple of cherries, lingonberries or strawberries, or apricots without pits. 5 drops carrot juice, drops of bergamot. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until a thick mixture is formed. Protect as for serum.

    Keep the products on your face for 20 minutes. and rinse with cool water. After the specified time has elapsed, a moisturizing composition is applied to the dermis.

    Day 11. Lotion procedures.

    The same as on day 9.

    Day 12. Increased nutrition.

    In the morning, cleanse the skin, make a high-calorie mask: soften a banana, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yogurt and 1 teaspoon of sprouted wheat oil. Carefully beat all the ingredients with a blender until a sauce-like consistency and beat into the layers of the epidermis in a dense layer. After 20 minutes, rinse with slightly warm water and wipe the surface of your face dry with a cloth. But during the evening procedure you should change this composition for "Calorie whey"

    Day 13: Stress relief.

    Getting up in the morning after sleep, drink a glass of water or tea with a few drops of this remedy: chamomile, peach, diwala, holly, filarea, banksia, arnica, seedless or primrose.

    Then, taking a small drop, about the size of a pea, into a handful of moisturizer, add 1 drop of the flower product and mix them. Treat your face with the result obtained.

    These rituals must be done over the next 3 days.

    Day 14. Relaxation procedures

    After the cleansing procedure in the morning or at night, rub your face with a massage smoothie: 3 drops of nerol elixir, 3 drops. chamomile infusion, 3 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil, 3 drops of your preferred flower remedy, 30 ml of sandalwood oil. Mix the oils with the elixir and pour into an opaque glass vessel. Store for no more than 6 months. It is necessary to massage the point at the base of the eyebrows with circular pressing movements to relieve skin tension. Then remove any remaining oil with a dry cloth.

    Day 15. Tension reversal.

    In the evening, you need to take a hot bath with a tablespoon of milk and 8 drops of lavender essential oil. In this case, the oil plays the role of a tranquilizer.

    Day 16. Acquiring perfect peace.

    Confirm the exercises of the 9th day. Use aromatherapy with frankincense or lavender essential oil throughout the day.

    Day 17. Liberation from stagnant elements.

    Rub the skin with tonic soufflé: 2 drops lemon juice, 4 drops rose essential oil, 2 drops lavender, 3 dessert spoons olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon of jojoba oil. The application procedure must be carried out with stroking actions along the massage features of the face.

    Day 18. Cheer up

    The same instructions as for day 13.

    Day 19. Consolidation of the tonic effect.

    Same as day 13.

    Day 20. Problematic areas.

    After the facial cleansing process, use massage oil for the face, however, now, in addition to the main massage, it is necessary to apply quick circular movements with your fingertips and the “Fingers - Scissors” technique.

    Day 21. Recharging with energy

    It's like day 16.

    Day 22. Exfoliating treatments and facial baths using sea salt.

    Grind sea salt using a coffee grinder or blender, slightly wet your face and hands, apply as a scrub for 5 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water and apply a moisturizer. When using salt in the form of a bath, you need to liquefy 10 tablespoons of salt in 3 liters of warm water and, with an interval of 1 minute, irrigate your face, after closing your eyes. Repeat the process for 5 – 10 minutes.

    Day 23. Intensive moisturizing activities.

    Watch the same days as 5 and 7.

    Day 24.

    Steam baths over dishes using a towel, or evening hot baths to steam the pores and remove accumulated harmful skin waste products from them.

    Day 25.

    Hydrotherapy bath using herbal infusions or essential oils. You can and should choose the means yourself, in accordance with the effect you want to achieve: a calming or invigorating effect on the body. It depends on your mood and well-being.

    Day 26.

    Stroking facial massage along contour lines, in the evening you should use a more pressing technique in order to achieve lymphatic drainage.

    Day 27.

    It is necessary to create and apply a “Sea Lettuce Mask”. 150 grams of seaweed fibers, 2 drops of camphor or rosemary essential oil, 30 ml of fir extract or gooseberry fruit contents.

    Add to sea fiber powder insignificant amount water at room temperature, then pour in the oil - the result is a rich, porridge-like mixture. It should be diluted with liquid to obtain a more comfortable thickness for application to the skin. If possible, cover your face with foil or plastic bag– this will enhance thermoregulation and prevent the mask from drying out quickly. It is recommended and necessary to lie in a horizontal position, relaxed, and not move in any way for 20-30 minutes. Then, after the time has passed, rinse off the mask with warm water and dry your face.

    Day 28. Saturation of the dermis with high-calorie preparations.

    It is necessary to use either a high-calorie whey or a high-calorie cream based on almonds and biokefir.

    Having completed this complex, you will be noticeably renewed and give a second life to your skin, because it should serve us for a long time. long years without losing its elasticity and attractiveness.

    In contact with

    Healthy body skin – what is it like? Firstly, healthy on the outside: beautiful, well-groomed, smooth, clean, even. Secondly, healthy inside: without acne, damaged cells and inflammatory processes. Unfortunately, modern conditions life too negatively affect the health of the skin, as a result of which it becomes capricious and problematic. All kinds of changes in the condition of the skin of the body can also signal various problems of the body as a whole. To learn to understand all the hints from your body, you need to take a closer look at your skin.

    So, quite often women are faced with such a problem as peeling skin, and it can be observed everywhere: on the head, on the face, on the elbows, legs, back, etc. This problem may occur due to a lack of vitamins or fluid. In this case, you should review your diet, adding more foods rich in vitamins A, B2, PP, drinking more fluids and using moisturizing body skin care products.

    Another of the most popular problems is redness, itching and irritation, which most likely can be caused by improper use of cosmetics, the use of low-quality cosmetics, allergies or friction with clothing, especially if it does not allow air to pass through well. In this case, it is necessary to accurately determine the source that caused the problem, and then take measures to eliminate it: change cosmetics or carefully read the recommendations for their use, give preference to clothes made from natural fabrics and not get carried away with products or cosmetics that cause allergies; You can also, with the permission of your doctor, take special medications to combat allergies.

    Acne and pimples- a problem typical not only for adolescence. It may be caused various factors: this may be a reaction to pollution, when the skin of the body is not cleansed well enough, as a result of which the pores become clogged, and the skin may also not cope with the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which again leads to clogged pores.

    Plus, in women, the appearance of acne on the skin may be associated with the production of hormones during the premenstrual period, stress, weakened immune system or using low-quality cosmetics. Moreover, by squeezing out existing pimples, women contribute to the spread of new colonies of acne and rashes. To combat these problems, various methods and means are used: more thorough care, taking special medications, getting rid of bad habits.

    Many women are oppressed dark spots , which become especially noticeable in the summer. The reasons for their appearance may be skin aging, pregnancy, improper care skin, the amount of melanin it contains, the intensity of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, etc. If, for example, you just need to wait out pregnancy, and pigment spots can go away on their own, and the melanin content in the skin cannot be adjusted on your own, then other problems can be dealt with with the help of various means. These include all kinds of modern salon procedures and homemade masks, you should also control the duration of exposure to the sun and avoid going outside during peak solar activity - from 12 to 16 hours.

    There are many other skin problems that millions of women face, and for many of them, fortunately, there are simple solutions.

    Often we ourselves harm our skin by not properly caring for it, so it is extremely important to develop the right strategy to combat problems, the first step of which will be to determine the cause of changes in the condition of the skin of the body. Women should not forget that our main strength is beauty, and its preservation largely depends on ourselves.

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